Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1877, p. 4

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1115 the Go con êtss i7Mypart# Wil r, ~as~b~m,, 4#Iy MOU'cfinuat dis> < Plii o Icey, as . earnoty, and o nio free irom aë miousfri. frO'tbidv laSuao f amy kind- Ire ' MauY let andmetnager in !aot--4oFM tleey .oul< disusew the gradie or saatr#ee .8 ýo té tye f cnt11T-H E VVI N D1 b7 d octblck 1111ald- Mr. Leatlscr- O»b irm pat oo.1o !(CouREeg MM iYork otsJ Intlect 00 wrpe andnarrow*, a minci NOW OPÉN. aa.oé Èp' oc ohullow, t<ba t 1* aanot CaIy O»nia; Frocomnibus te anift*om au train didou 5.1f1of polayquestion In pouies blc andi appotment tîrot-e1aaw. withut fllin int th speritéo, yul. garity, abusive detraeîios, sand mlame. Proprio - r uider liaI là the reproach land d<is.- 51y - P gracc o o w .uteapor *press." "la in a erm ofîdicoey, 1. bulles-c replIi OLItr. Mit.lrbilomew ; dit lAan indcation of -a fel Auc.I taIooke upc» abuse.as arguurct", nd hullying m logie. 1Isi» smnalwa béî~ent.» a Bepubllea», but 1 eau axib91ss nZy MbA Ipro f sany Dereral~ a urés ?n 6 gentlemnanly tmanuer, and ~had riot mini! Opough te koop ey tom. per 1 would couiide,- thul 1 had no rlght te turk poillUe,. *11ou are perfeotly ecorrcet,' îeéplied Ilr. LeaUtlirby, earcioatlyo "and whiiie ire dsagromou orne points ln politleal eooneroveray, 1 beig legai1àfog Deme-. orat, yet w. eau freiy mmdwitiJcmutual É6orand, 1 ruao, proâfoiot and! dsu crdlfferecou e, la-a riesîdiy way, wiflouI givlng way ta etetible i exhibition of tempe,, ignoranceant! -prejudlce e loh mathe 1h.<qaeof the maornlug Paper." 111 bad. notleed ti gom mchlu inthse IlawkôN," rmpled Ur. Bartholomew, with a ehow o awakenlseg loterest in t, h.eonversoation, "bL1t hon ibwhn tisaI trtimhy Demoaertaîl shoot that polutes rnAueI'FFpF ELS TO 13E TAI Illc elbuiug air ie brougut te me by My ±JY CONSTABUI"S. sselgltor,. au Iguorant doit that eau (Unrier OrlertI Ocuncli, dati 24tl t.uitier rend! ur -write, but takea theeluy,17) per nea party tiuly, <o rontd foir bl.oc iioccl uivda uo t'in tr aeuaud bat te goleof trutis 2.arrat. ...a.. - ..............iSon aur! dzieeecy tdo nȎ t anîiîî îo in , 2. Winairc ur-subpon.... 1 1 41asut1iln, ptorili lcct i wh ýL l tlîe,r Ucrd. .Milonge ta serve suumons, mb. ct-bule.o warnt........... "Yrit ru7t tî:î ir mui, lisweer," -J. tin e witen sinvice canhiot Ie y0ilMlu baa il Lnkijj*î îîtulproî et duc dillgcice.... r1ý icnvil Ur, ýlîîatlieî-by a ' A ig l ý( i1eag6 teklog drisoniers te gaoi, tý,0111lLitan wac tleutwayintdiicii-yuo iAnpeetsnc a COCi,;te<Uu alirt nwiraec linti! w,4 oeairily expended lulatheir cou- GazeÉ im,1k(ttet haa mitîli e veyante-j;....... .......... tralo tcoî-uiiu, ~oc oumvhmcîe fi. Attudin tig 100 on summacy trad ofcôrtliîôl, bellau val.-cit, triais, or On cxaerilnation et<lin. of irollîccîsl bgory ail i liacy tiiro, - erre clcarged itwth crime, fIy bite lîît le 'in-fit u . eratîrcil In eeqh d& a ceagiiy eniployed cat!i-rte bLe liul; :-t1ilif cuni;et ipk lu eeor more tieiic,wiaîunet *bolily, tiatily, ttt(I' 'Il Site tiuntior I lgagg- murOeatfour heers.. 1 (IntIetifrilîtusu d~~i~ti» ~ î7. 1)(. î1..whetkciagageti mole than (tilita a:idhcofouI fourlIoirii.......j........ taPÉle lfte ii>ildu I. Attouding ABsig-e Or Sesions$ ui'ne i01 thli in-il whlcil 1llircaîîeei' the e ch l ay. ý................i1 tlUlryfo triioblilcu i mi:rale sîcy 0. Miligs> eruvlng ta etemd Au- tyreuîy I' szom, tlesiexie, or biSon, Justices "JlyUeorc 1"ebouc-î lir llatbruo. wlueu publie <oflvyatice' eau bie ,4di, ouly rnasonable dIabarse- ltuw "Lliote ltr.pblicou Party i le ho lt, turIftsta hi ewe-... 1 h10 only billwark, iotw4,.eu the republic îo. 8Stîinc .t-f»7 Jury forC <Jronevi' etru ttllyttn, tir, OîjCU 1qleit, u-adnattendlugelt l o 1 l D l i cf t n r ou i t a i u aC t l - to t th - u t , î7 - li ai :ln e d ay tîiees c Jury irîîennetîejc. ......... li1Vcksý Outlaws antd cantaways take tuieront, Il net Moelî nro clirtrge tii(4c0111-ltolitteal u.aacuiucry, cuti four îhouri ..... ..... -....1 %vu %vd l inid ol vee l tins hobands of A 12. Do. tic). if ciigg-er'ilcureie tut horde of lt tuant abnndtotieci profil. four lhotroi....... ............ 1 gate, tti inotîuttrrl-y îcnprîinceilei!, 1 Setità leosure cie olro 'tia liiec flite wîlhit Vicîcue, (Ictuii-a.li.cei, uno» tliilroe (îcr(ujc of -moundriluil ................. .e<tîctiiiic cihllihire euto! eouuu:els~ c rrrÀtiaire .......... 'luit ovir lnelr! tu uiîwe." - i: E. i îiîjg lîcîyouler Ceronier'uî " lYjbiot,.torau 9«s)Orà Vroar.d l Warlrat .............. ......u Mr.Meti avtiiut 141. fl.li- u ........... I frut M51r., baottuw îieud, -,if ftie. 17. î-rvAu in trrîwarra* and e-. rtlu . .......... t, iîjt it1uraiît ltuveîy wcd dbatii. 19. Tilaovliing lto ake t coi-cqc- ta v-ly, <liii gûwveoî'uat îwouli! bu a t-uicof iîrvli foi- ;ee.ta te uake dis. - -bnîuîlcu. Laalfauleîa aticouiel, ~20trou1, hu ne üg0013 are Lunu.. O Il of gtvrt1 oojfr],ta petial elouy ai-îsucre, ets wluthecrdollar, -t,'rîeeCee villttt'e tldaritnùtieer te 2.catalcguesale mti oinmiseiiu lawv. TAtq bail failli of flets llîubirau Reud (elivrry cf p oils, &S(cie. li îtatyil~ olocîetth2 e $o tîîuurc oftgooa. cui tctte ~utcuùirca rmu-t îaculte 'it int îrc oo1 ce s i e....1 5 hum its, have socire"the Clirie- 23. Screing xuctirse cri constables, tittil wortd, wbeîeiechimly terveti...... i5 "Yciî'ro a 11cir 1" vehîrd 11Mr. J3acthîo. Publlîhed by e--eder, Iouuttw, "tand you'rýjiîieî ike ttu iet of IL. J. MACDONELL> 30Cir bru.Itol, lu-.ivedi, ignoeranît clanis CekotePa .0 -altw, uccan, -pIilul, beggarly, 1Umu 22kolcePa~,C crtuiteatitil tocrol s îeeutsîhi-ro _---- itetptilselou tiuig 11r te voeu u -of___ lioneraU1e mon le ouly etqOalajby yonir raaiusaduccbricIlîcl greet! for office,- m & -',You are an oit! fool 1Vltewlet! Mr.- Leahsby,"aescietoutclamorous : r-r7'ITUIY PORT PERUT LINDSAY suurriioueo, fuallltougued olci Âcîrbâte RALW-Y ani I diagrace icy noei wlten I taui RI WY te Y en on 'ti sa tre t. Y neti int lae T IM E, T A B L E N o. 10 , VILUPO!raîlon antd abuse forargument, au!ynreply te a stxîtple, -ple tte sin fcrcr nirlue.ioy, Aîîg. lot, 1877. ment of faute witW cuMalgune antide-o.TORONTO TIME. famu<îorTr sianiler andi caflumy, beccAuse "Shit 11cp1)" ebrliket!M.d trloo AN(lo. -NcrA ilîew. -"Duîîl'É yonu eay anotherwr- eei ftAI.ee .uEt rock, whicih niesi! <ho nid gulw f'lgaaiiii..Trut p a l.'naîcl>. ten blackca!ardthoe34, Of aàItolicemaitn > IToegrapl atelons. ,-o w m nlg b o parato hem, bol wua s0 lucooser! haLLeeue a r! beno, CONMCTONS: anod they wern cachfind 010andut!ca Wyll l UNCT'lON 'ciii Grand to, ih Il on tlaa lte A ni lhey Tfuik il.way Suortll peiite EssI tand bota firmlï IOeti h nubrifflerl bah!treauliinfrnrasontAbloe 'e eaq s PORT P lERfl Y with ilego toi' Uxbridge. -.oid abuse o! lice d1,' acslei Li ..ÂoaAvyrý-Fr! Saiulecld eut!Wick. ou@ l in t8luliuenCe, andi ehQnlr! Ucsup. ~ e.Io-Sîdre~ ~~aai~e liretie fo th god O, geicy._ztr AHVm-l'or Outlwceî, lb k-Be-amn, Ungo ai r lc ooet . l....nt~ Vulei-nue anti Port Hotover. uap - 1(aett-epc.LI8<DSA>.-.w.th Victoria IRailw'ay, ton - ~ '.e--*...-.....,,,FeneAcis Falla, liioiunt, Mndon, Rla wliTrulo$Tttl'.Ur. Pfjamee ibutnetbe ltréeGrant Territor>., sud Sfr*tn, wiedrivieg ulong teluth Nwîîlc2v)îland Raflway Sfi oo, 1 pcoelon of 0Groy, eneounleret! a large Iieavertion, tinillhintituubtuehet1ooiue,or snab, puyroiuurh<td »Ylîyhi, er o»s girn Ba.y-.3chjch #enrnl0j e , otrl progecc,>. On observioT) lMîrîon vlt ieNe tm lîl ab ori(3l'ia ibo motiner gave a mslî r huioond krst, Bniembi-là lge, a )rte fe]].a lier aioutîh, whon e <oCreter nutabor T6rtcn-wlîlu Caud(els Steair,.tonr. ýf <lac youan ones ratal ugide lier. Mr. Sugn atH'Oile1tgeen. i 1<111.! t k lao cliione andi Loolk l'his ie tIse ouly 'triBuRete troni points f'çum iuife lber foty.thro su lienthe victoria Rsilw5>. and insaey to nukot, angugufrom msix to eig4t ann eTreo ti ieXc In Ingtb. Tir ugh tTickets cnay bo c arl ntGrand 1 Trul Ticket Ofice, union Station, To- IlA. gu fater witîesi tu <hie ronte. aouUty-ofYale, ît r yu er'mm' -JAMES 1HOLDEN, ira~ar ? Add cei ou t u L nmauagingDtrcokr 2rtmuY soniant te leur» tg Yirong Wliitby, 41iy 271ic, 1877.8 ma- wrl<. As weflas row'aiboa i 4' Au ol cliegre Cook isa : 0SiulPl01 fiwerfulIgoid in#vPiy<lla utcii!. . t SA&L E i neeissoo.t!r m!cfDR. FOOTE'8 RESIDENCE, "ci f <FOREST 1PARR.,, s ani8hour - 4 Cre o nf. n-.-A M r g s u m s j y o f 0 , cifaoture. 9gW" i au o' siRagdîrand on týhe 'Ed lot ld b. frow <0ow» or grinry, be o»get eoted (r-Prifrter's i nk suits some classes; Our corer ny per uc. 0DR. tDAY. FA11nand afterte zdJd HAMILTON & willYèW he remainder of thi AT-GREA.TLY REDUCED l'rGEÃ"Ps. No. Summer 'Goode 'will be held o'ver,' btl Ms4V ctffër M at ancliprices as will effec't alii clearance..- BO-OTS NEW GOODS CON-TANTLyARRý BECIST AMRICAN RUBBER GOODS ON EF Gents' calf Boots au! Shocte, the finolu' i iost îdurable rmi S OUnti->. - Ladies' lu ï~ged iiPrunila, - Kid an! Goal, (a spe.tidzity.)- When duirabilit>. eut! cheapneSs are' rquireti, CRUlon J3lIRN4S, Brock streit, WItitby, Ma>' 201h, 1877. JA MES GOODFELLOW Whi IMPORTE RS & WHOLESALE à lIETAIL DEALEBS Chimueys, Burners, Wicks, Chai iers, Stoves, Burning Fluid, Roc Oil, Wooden WTare - CLOTHES-W1llNGFÂ1S, AND GENERA] HlOUSE FIJRNJSIIIN( 81 Yon ge-St, two domr8 rom Kinig, TORO, May 2IRt, 1877. Merchant TaiIo?/ng end Gents' Furnlshing Hlouse, INGLE' McM iLLAN'S BROOR STREET; ý- o FINE o BLOCK, - WHITBY. ARTS 1 GALLEIERY, SPLENDID OSHAWA Life-Lilie-taken ini a moment in the best style. Mrý,. Best lias secured the services of one the beet ne tive retouchons ini tho United States. i ftel confident <bat Lcan turc worie equftl,. (if net suporior,) te anyîhusg ever bafoue ruade iunltis Cent 13'-I CALL AND» BE MY WOIIX. _ý Ail are welcome to inspect the Galler Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominloi Rigît lion. Sir Johin Macdonald, Hon. T. N. Gibbs, &c., an! cf)E Rathor McCcuun, Roi. 3ir. Laird,,anti loading cilizeus, for sale ai BESTB' G-ALLERY SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. D~OMINION WAR'EROOMS. Just Bteceived a Freali supply of Jhoice Milllinery, Parasols, Summer 'Dress Goods, Linen, Suitings, Grenadines, Our' St-oek-of Summer Gooôds S' coi- )ete in eve Qàepaoetnent. -£Lw Linen and Lustre Coats, %lite Vests, lqez~ts' ancLBoyà' Straw Rats, &e-. Oir Gro'er s nplid,:wM,ýh Choicea 0f air," OPthé Ieî Twecty4twc ye&a'- . -Vljlu, .' ka le tPo 14P. iDarlay 'MAd h ati Goods suit Ugen 'a ouu dp gi >'d mDot " 1JaupOl aeai nÀa Àij. W A& RT-' oý 00FFE E manesh -ry bau ben eWtb uiyDe ois 1 o h e ià eré i- _ _ __F___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ t hr 17. to povo he O 1 teue; ý_LfeV7 Po d"hèn,ý mmwo.k E Ouare thiras ena sel ec t o Ïwea m1aîtalIAN.Y ., 4- t ' oe , le g h n d C u te a, Waer o is..Àler H l - B U - N, fT Xseaunwý p , a 0PmIiefuojbta b r -- meieW ha&a" a ternatiio ha ciel arfTE-1hàI 'O K. manfacurs aiGTORy BROCK-théPefecioTr WWITBybu,2. pjs 0 t ère u ia t y O flt ea o m o ti e ci r a pdai os e q u e n r 0 w o n o e oJR fW O RKa l his 1 rlf. y e ;r gre e-ý#1 i nt L t W O U R00IU M4H7O Mi n a e r td eM a blh I n t , sA T T H E . 0 T T 0 A b rtsta wfh ale aimprnoemnteOurmlac m»hone e mfe aaOo bndMahnat eedy~~~~~~~~~~~~~ canIfh eme i ierqie es fpihaerdm e ofTperfection, andBEEau- p;ioe 00 ow a absontel t'Odo(y ptiton. uild n 8 Y OAIBB t. O u,' T H ErOved U yug - le Jr., - à~4R Y ouN G C na.--R E - O R IC S e e, Ms UR NE W " W ITBîH R V STE ."Cofee fom2 t 4O MnsAer-Nud. OoE e à T S MitI ga.i!fori> - , gaz 0&CO &0 fora Lihlt1 , Durable, i t -jmm RY-,BemperS..NIBY IVI Ni G 9utULcienie nenî f Ier day, wet 8lc:ve lu invenîiug ahe maig o drDobit-fc!chn and.adeacsiclt baiefrce niý age,-a'A f las otm n f hie F mly Goaue, fal H HofR PI N su e 0im, ieîby keag le pil an lwaa l l in.w çd kay 0 RTt IIdict q aly Lo rie. 2 0. o pd 5te rke r ien direct!>'of ns he mina th-.<lee esgnLprcp2beaWa draftanti netheghî Opa» t i orse ek. W aecnet <a elao 5 I~ 1 tmdy c ndn g pureli ee t sa l b e 1v o u i e isi f p ch e fr e iv n < -od ra A fu l s or m en f b n a la sH A MSdrc er W ' r for Éýd P Ib eiA avs<' Ie" hîY ~ retr ege i ad 0 en are <b thisli fm achlueem o fel onidnt<bt a a d mee é"l every re- At W Ï_M. J. GI bSON ' A L T~ : PR C qsc cme î, anti e îs eo n, a d i eu Yo ~ ung a la ion n t, bl ing It v a Gooti Pianoaner abou 0 bl, m chnes êsd ptecfsll- By nrs W NT D Aa ua tty of Goo B ttr E gs an enIl.chc 19>1h auvrulan oudrbltlgtasO r t d p AàiTy en T iE1 S N F 'Già eçà . lu h,. akig cisalacf Ites totten IN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m MaryyOnareFooft,.,187iW.J ersb av be ome - s ili d l th us of m ao lneTIassa. $ 9 . JAlr . R~ il t. . cf aCo ide - G wh reu ireangt a e ilfttndG r e t - o h - o - -.w...- cm~ O1EE TaibrinNEsablshientefNowthe , àlefi -Rifulisortinent o e Ghi e i a W O u h R E G rL, w t h aeY , o H À W Au . v n f i G o o s h o a i g 1 e n w e l b u h , w l e o f r d a tA i , - e s, D. brnd. tookof d i e Cl iotha; st gisi t , otchm Cnain OL aDsILV R ATCà,& HAI S.i alla~ (~4 Exellnt veroacng an Spendd atbtins. BRIGHT A n C toORE» O L» E WELrn l y . W A GEeG iciL y LA K J W L E Y, J T A . V L A I E Xiug StreeltheOshava. Ii Cltck- of Warranted QualityUthery Low.PTces.i1dsj>,, Pebruarl,, Low 1877. M nt e ine Cruels,% Butter CoolcîthesinBEskets, relishein- 0 dratandnoweihtuWouteld cail speciarelofien.tht attvëE ntion5o a EwL n fGoo OO - _ _ _ u à uouee n c n i n g t h e o - e r c o a t ain o e n c eU o f. t h ea r so n , T b e s u e s r o r t . L m e t i n i v t ! 7 . m , r a i c s Wata î : O m ______ C ELITEunsubeliltceforWslvhl. Nckelle dble, Dssert, sdaTest, ands fotaôlYcno.mîcarîoutc, afi>. a biîî!nfrrowlexly arid on by faTILL & JOIJINSONlans. ase, Cabdinpiuet M taker anhUerauerH, EARTSOG HT AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Usa elant loi' 5budse"M lebor vigtor O bjded'Caergs geasarey-to tre,'d 'fraio lsFon-t HM vetr wegis i t f 0 ou r hel, Aneiina! aa i l iaks. iy141, 177 D.MflOY o41e liaOf'othonbéand Hf f rand Eteelenm ts ii.oAli7, 1877. âs m rband adfrsl l ihser t Lp< MlX i b . e1' san o & cni si g Sidebtoardst c eb nst re ».Tb le W abi thes, C ASH F O R GRA.IN,- eed bTu eaior otmachr ntines.,v of B U 'G G I E S Fren BÈ1 te cl a y.otn n s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ihre Pituefrdigvey hap AlFo SlOafvr Rathbe Pies MosE> A t , NDCOlbALe o8-1 ersAu ofout ae s ih Mp1y wrttde d d9spatclidp dB. Special irc fomSclàd- , oariv àa JOHNSON. Ph &6"Ton it oln g Satalo Lgli .o» - u Esate aLowaes a! Jï nes. W it, May o7ac i es e 16 1co fd nttatw tac, 1 7 .E . o > a Op e fuggie 0 f B8o ce sper , ý e. tbe' îd H . ii CL oseLAN. pp 20 ior Style and Fialb Rlict atreiosh. i &cine, elani> tat t i Gb, 1877.for&bo tf aNEW STabote achn 6tIé OnaN eY Ail made oflsthe beet Mter. ISaNdSMO &RL THELLEY, JT'Ei-ar anted .t AIeFofRY -A D - O S & NE P R , CIT flut r E g u el aa b rete - y -gpi IN hityOntri RO N T TT RSO MF 0 . IeWhitby , . lyO.hli, t0.csh WIsil b p itby, Onlaoarreloo. so rI 0,baeca. Tse ce1ebr7.si "5. K. ~rn. oel-e.n ee ati el era ws* AT T E EX 1II~S AN ~J NTRE L TE . QE IcEBRO K-S. lIe <-ive ant g a gie<ent epy i ont G eorg b ile begs te n foun je t at hoe as re-openedYE M N G B N,. hies tationery and JBook 'Stoe- int Whitby, 'where slaaiouery o! aIl hindi, Mtý9n'érht f the bet quaiy, will b. kcpt our baud ; also Sehool Bookc-4 every> J O0 H -N -S AVuN D, B R SGnrlCmis/nMrhn L'y, description, Ccp>' Books, Siates,. Penis,. Inks, &o., &o.- at <ho lowoal and Prodoe Dea/er., puces. . bas jnst reeived a large- stock of '3B.Ots Agent for "Erux- ui ee~aUe The aly aSolicite Pap.s ceciOxPire Isauran0,ec Compuiea. ~ T e D ily and- W ekl Pa ers alays on hand.- Sub- an Soes, suifable for Spring- ea, ich hol lR T S 0 N8 R IC O Musical Instruments, ineluding a fine assotment of IjELL CIIEAP FOR CA..4R. 'ISOALnt !! th ucN nt CANucIeci Whuhy, Dec 13 h, 876 -G E O Y U L E . MAta very ea l aTe- i on ost. Whitb, Dec 18t, 187. 51Work-doue to Orderin.fjr,tfȎ8.8 style. WILLIAM TILLYS A Stylish Bo* ald a GOôd it DABINET FAOTORY AND ~T J D FU RN ITU RE î-W AE RO O S OH 5 PNER 1 -#:a N.'B. Parties need flot asti for 'crditasiwllio THE OLD STAND, BROOK 8 TREET, WH/ITB ,9even. WhtY', IMaeI OtIt, 1877, Go where you cannot fail to be pleased. in m king selections of go o fum iture.S A D L RA - D H . N E . Splendid Parlour, Drawing Room -and BedIroom Sets, -ooo- rew D e sig u s v o l w o th y o f in sp c tio n , aa st n i h in g , o w p ric e s. D i .W l ' L I A - T H O M P S O N ng-room Extension Tables-a ver>' uericrai aricle.S and gati O L~aherValsesanaSairatoga"1runksj nul lInh'~ns~eoes ~rn. sel, brancoi; funci; S cf cbegaig ossketm. WMo ~ > Mons le ed on ý reil 5ý . au- rr.-u uit parfies, chargOcL Mortgages bought. -Omce at. Tvelveyeuse antilu mu a a s t îoe, -~~~~~ud 53!ItÈetlyati e-eicîrniutc W. 3. G1876. 2- -hine r a the. Du&ntâMa St.,forby p- S. WEB S nbo's atnt eat- 01QIs, CUTTERS &c. Parie vili do val to Seocr-p.o- ales-o givlug thalrordm.!~¶ ban-uy151h 196.- yr480 B GEAT INVENTION 0F 'TEE DAY I BU( 4e~~YIY O? (JRTÏ1-nPll!M'Q v.'ai,,.,,,. FR111 PJ 'J.d.LkEIkL. 4~ ~qJ4~14~ JAR sic CI LYKSA B0A itreet, (tata flcea-Byrcu -Court Stree. TIJ fromn9to 1 c R- Byron E olflcz.-,Ni %'Wm. men ~AtIse e>.. C A RD Whltby, Spt. ROBT. RAI Giraduale S vit] Qnean'u OoiJs Uni-v. ei Penut onerfor lte -E clawaeiSt., &lI"nsl24th,i w. and ilbertumIn i catM lu 1Tei elrateti Iccai m1esfi m'a ne-v block,t TUOJIî BUILDER 93r 11Ai der, JOHN H fAI5R4DR A GcouauG cf Tenathau Woul GEOR4I UIMBlM L and ijcùw COMMI55IrtyofE tand y on Tasd IsoA, BI. E Ate. ODE SHOE Carriag, col il PICTURE,' -à--- 1 I3IMSý] AND Children's

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