Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1877, p. 4

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mul Itfg-bis tb.y. are oblia.4 frit 'eof fùlcf tre la Do rouaufot' Aof barrel coulai bi, & ver>' favorable, for Vi. elos00 1mde rm in price5 an âfOrimod wlth somý wbs.thle. oonslgn-, f COL*s abecor mffituA a lnterenting disoovery Wb$ madeledlit week 1ly the workmeu engaged lu ex. c avfting the cellar of the ý 3flsil t- Quebeo. iuuu.diately under the sane- tuary, in a. wooden coofflu wrapped lu lead, wrefoncnd the boue# of Lavei, th. fI tBiIIIop y ot Qàbeo, 7that' groat Oathioll oie.from whose teexnlng lotus hâve aIaelOd coreis of Cariadian and Aniirian dicees, a lecloelasticai provinces. On thc c6filawas iuecribod in Latin 1h. fllowiug:désor Ireoe "DýtD. 'riueois de >Lavi, i lop in e1h,Year of our salvatlcn, 1708, in 'f 1h. i e .l1h7 bTeiti age, asud *' 11111.1 of i. onerabion. g~ay ho rest lun peso. tThe depositlono of the workmée weretaken At 'a speciai sessin etthe Sagulary, and the boues aad ii> éd lsee l in thapel. A grand eeromou:r, wili unq-uestionably atten.dlippu, ehoiw reinhumation.i Imporant, inre8/' Lu CATALOGUE, AUCTION SALE VALUAlILE HouseholdFfuniture I liocsiwoo(I Piano foi-te, '<Dun- ltuiii," 7 Ovaae, con i$65,0 ; riclslij- cars-cai usrivvôd sIatnu - cova-aid LiaaoqessSets ,Ex.-ea- hi ck Vdai'aCI trlvio ;'slil OaklcHll, Laar-rj, id J)iaiag-oitis 1ursi. (11îe!-e iJed-rîsumas S'Cis; Jrumîis ldcara- jjids; Js'Icr OiI-loh,; Silves-, Clasàsa, Ch/insa rai Earthen aIVore; Mos-be emd l «ea-Ylas Aqarisem; lain-t- 'Iu,,Carîcosî, Oit Cilrornos,, îl. oilae aubatsiber lbas rucuivsd instanelions t u asSisr for sale b,>'Pisîile Anction, on MONDPIY, 00OU3R l5ih, 1877, (an1# tise fonttwizg <aye,) nailIsihtuselold Fuiiia,&o., cesaugitîg 0f Cliair,, solas, Otoînssnsn-e ; éSilo sand Casril Tablla ; Va'lvpt Csînpel, l'siUinga, Is-awlisrs,. ssgraviisgs, Chromos, Osrie- asia.-in,"Ilussîan," 7 Octave; Stol; Taibles, Cligi-rg, Engraviage, &o. lbirltrenid Dliseag-Iloon.--Saîlsl Oak Bo .. los Cas, 0 il otlog, laavy Plate Giags; OssILirteloîfu ll ng, ]llraîîîituî SoiS Oa cas-veai Sl6ll nrq ; Oak- Chairs, Moruceo envers t; Crreaît, îsgriaviisgs, Cismoîn, Dliiîsr Sets, Cuisse Tee Stsi, Silverware; ilssasrs, Creekor>', Kiives azd Fonlua, &c, Aiea, ialiistablo Library-«liOVolumes. - llrealkfîsel llooaa.-Exteniissu Waîlnul Tablel, iIae-I3 nas-, J, ait, Winsloiv Cur- lIe Iîsn,îe-iil led-venuls ite cf l1o80- Waand slssul, Wllitawîand. Crest &e. Jhsio-Iss k *aîlu all Setits, , aies, TetlsiAl-slunii, it- lic suai PlatiGlass~ tiIesllsIarpetts, &e,. s-ssssliid.-cmns îas R T abless'îi. -ýlse sale al nnsrsae 0n'oL'.. -'itma aissy Orslar-illi s-6t, ciutise î,rcniao, ai 1lsanitinui) fs-n l e>'tosay. L4-- Catalosguea, sii Sclied one eert he- las- te seay i éalb, bain J, H.1'arowell, . Y. siesîSà, W. 1L.lisllsiisga, 1). OiiJîon, andi tIi, Aîîrllssiisec-. 'lieirisitairo cis lbu 011 iiSsissday, - Ostuber fle luIs, TEIES-siser$)GO, ssls.ova-n100, apîsrsvi'd Note, wilth jierpurat.intrseat.- L. FAIlUJANICS, Mlsiitby, Sept. 20, '77.' Aucliozoer. 5îLSO, F0OR SALE, My - Resi.deâce and lIeasure Grounds, TOWVN OF IWITBY. 40. 'Apply la J. HAll!PEllE! CR EDIT SALE 0F THOIIOUGI]3RED AND HiGH-WA DE CA TTL E SIiUV- Icus, IsiPanENTuer, &C., &c. MRI. ANGUS MCKAYJ Of "Camlnehy," aisung s-saleS hie tas-m viii Poi b>' Pailin Auctiois. et is areai- Sauce, Lýoi No. S, ln tise fus rose. Pickering, ou T2UESDA<Y, OCTOI3EIt lth, 1877, tIethe li'sing lrjPesy, vie.: - iOISiiS-I Bay>'Mure, 0 y enaISol, Sy Iiiiported "Canquerar" n, l uIte IMP. '<Bl(Iiucrluels; 1(Gr-ay Mare, 112 yenst alinS,0lu tosi aIîp. "hou Bucleuli'; 1 f$pan Brani Mares 1V yPans ad, in tati 1a "Colin Canmpbll"; 1 hoses, 4 jetsrs- niai,-i Harses 8yeers aid; i Bay Mamis 5syeare nid, Is y ls> are 4 yerss ld, b <Moatrooperm; 1 H orfes, 12 seassnIa; i ilstrei îld 1 itisg Colt, s>' " MTne O',I)ay 1î Iure.breil lonv.y Dof pnu tan" Mare, CATTLE. -- t Thoraugli-breS Durhams Bll, 2 yeans olsi t>' up. "Rqal Dulas";-1 Tloragis-IreS busihamasBullCaîf, b>' împ, 'IR. 0. BI'; 1 Tbnraughjsed Dumisant Cav. -'Pedigrees roist.red ana fesmuhed Sa yai oaaie,19 Hgu-grade Cla es, lve lu No- *vembr; 4 Cevu, ln ceJiftu Tissugis-breai Bull; 2 Cevu, lu caîf te Tisareugis-bresi >-_Buli!; 1 Higi-geasi Relisr, 4 yerrs nid. lu voeif te Tiseougî-bred bini; i1lHigli-graie Italien, aycars aid, n ral tlarTisnsgli-bnad JBu,; 2 Well-bred 1Ecifers, 2 yessxe nid, lu esif ho Therougli-breS Bll; 4 lilcexs, land q ya niod ; 2 ruig Calves. Co- - immsl îlr-brsd ImporteSlCôe oad Rani, tram lise eolebratert hle a f tise lite L King Tonlas, Oxfordaire. Engisusi. 12 Pare-bnci Cotevola, 1 anS 2 yeau-as aid, briLasd* laporleai Ram"; 21 Wsll-bned Cte- - voId E vus, lireS toîanpemtsd lhans; 8 Puna- bned -Ceturolal, assisLîniba, OgaI >'Dpant- asd Rani Well-bseS Cotgwolld Raii Lamb% #otb 'sumoslea'Rails; S Pere.bs-saiCols- wo-il t a mulsb@, @ot by ImporteS Ram; il WeU-brsd Co*aswcld Eve Laman., gat b thst Amoupt 12 monthe' cred in iiib tTO U r Sn à-i0 su sdJoCast Or 0.& EST-1 cent, Puïblïa ltMf-y.,ý ~pJ OG130. S. N <i*r~. April 110., 1877*_17, ,FOR WPELL-I??1Jgo,'CHzAp, AND G00 D BEST AUZBI-CAN RUBBEIR GOOPS ON HIAN]). 'Gst eil CaUoo6a an&-'Shoea,, the f1»W.4vand d ble m4 in aio counry. ~Wiadea'suprr~o~s P~udil~'-an4 Gopt, a.p4 i1. Wbon deirbMlt>' sudcb.apness are r.qulrad, oëll on OL» No. 1. Large Arrivails T Çheap. for, Cash !I VV±Y. .UI1 ~hftby, Bep~ 4114, 1877. 7H E -W NDSO--R. (Cor. Ring sud Yevk-ta) NOW OPEN. S2.00 PER DA'Y, omnbusto nd rom&Utrains. Ta- SIIULLEF & FINNIGAN 8-ly Prapnleters. T ARUIF 0F FERS TO BE TAXEN IDY GOINSTABLES. (Undur Orler ln Ceunili, datcd 241hay af July, 1874.) - 2. Arrest ai each Individual upon a warrant....................9si60 e Brving sommons or subpoess... 0 2 0., lsKlt>e te serve sunimeus, »mb- ' - rent or warrant ..............O010 4. Mileago wlsea servie casenel bu upon'ip»duie dilligence....O010 5. Mileage taK.Me drisoners te gan!, - exclusive ofs 'bmsm nuec- voareil>' expenale" (Éth ieir cou- voyance........... ......... 01 6. Atteuding Justices On a triais, or où uxaminatlon soners chaanged vils crime, 1sF saab day necesAil>' employed lu nuep or more cases, Wisen net engagen mare tisan four bous., k 001 7. Do. do. visen engagesi more lisan four lionne------------------....I150 B. Attondlng Assîtes or Seghions, eaciday-------------------.. .1 60 0'. Mileage treveliîsg to attend As- ,izo,,Su, or bel ara Justices (when pulie convoyance eau ho takea, oaly reasonable diaburse- mente te be allcwed' ...-... 010 10. SuinmoniaJury U7fer Coroners' lnquv':rt, iuelading attendillu t iiquet, and ail services ln rail- isecl lhereof,4ihsld out saine day as Jury susnndised.......... 2 0 Il1. Attessîiug ecris aujouramenlt tiereof, if net oiymogedl mos-e four heure------------------1 ce 12, Do. do. if eagagcd moes. tissu four bass---------------....i150 1l. Senving summons or suispS-us Sa' atelisl Iefore Coroner (ubject No. 10)--------------------.... 0 Ili Miloage es-vin gaisea---------..J010 16: Exhunsissg bedyunder Coînner s warranst-----------------.. I 1lG. Ie-burying ,saute-----------s0c 17. Serving distresa wvarranlt, sud no- tasniiisî, sanie---------------i.. 1c5 18. AldverLling usîser diitreaivr-- 10. Traivellinsg lu nuise duîaliegs, or tes !s'srsth far' couds l usnaii, dis- lnr, wlsen rnu gsndn are fond.. 0Il10 20. / Aflrîîrsimntgîl, wliiseeby ae sîrire, 2 -contdiustishe llkr, 01s tise ViLlos'of gc6d.4 21, sssnss sale anal c¶nrnia'io-u aissi illiivry of gens,, G l. in thuse , au net prod uce of gosSes. 22, rExeccsitagearcls warîrant.-. .. - i50 23. Servizsg notices nu, conalsibies, whl K srtoîsilly scrved.... dlM Ptublshedl by orden, J. E. FARIEWELL, Cieris a th ee, C. 0O 22 'fOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR HA TO LM'. A gond Frails ln sry-niid-s.-ialf bouse, ;22 m28, and kIitcenî, togetier vilS hall an acre of land, wsIî plantesi vitis fruit trees, sitnated on llsglssi-strert, ççost part ai tise lava ai Whitby, aff Duudas-street. Tisero is alima a good i a!slle. There iii a goad vel sud pumnp, end tishe iMtelof lise cissicaut ktnd. Possen-sinu is-t November. Applyte MR. RICHARDSON,on tise premlsdd'-fst t tise Proprietsîr. WM. TATI. il-tf - reenwood. THE CANA DIAN AIR? OAS! Tise Carsîdîia Gasaceeiine is an auto. Matie gsasi-nakiug sîpp)aretîso. I is de8ign. ed ils a mens l'y whjch fsrts>nia, m lg, hatlis, ehurces. dwpiiinus, oribuildinags of an>' lind, sitsales li stise country', or be- yend tise reancisofcfal.gs m aisslaifcities, maY 11- eriPplied vittsa a sfe and ceieap gas ighl. Thses inaciis, sire sample nf consîmne- tien, net lhable lte ,-t out niof orlls,. equire no ekili te manage, are made lu a substan- liai ansurîiable innuer. Tise>'occupy litîls macae, are set nia et 5mai expense. aud are qally adaptesi for lihting tise lergesi mil , farter>, publia e l ing, or the amalleet dwelliug, ans nu nsw or untried thlnr, Sbit have been lanesuelaut andi sue- essialninInal Parts eoftths country>, bath -viter sud sumumer, for yerg. Tise g asgtmade by tisese matins le usuali>' inavu as canîsunted air gas, beilng commnon air irna tell -witb gasoline.Ita arswith sa ich bnigisI e, u>' equal ta tisat prodaced fly ,cet'gai, la coaducteai tbroasil pipes anS ornemental fixtares, chth amne convenience andi saiel>'. No fire lassesi is e p"t-Fet mnuafacture, sn buildtngà liglitoal lu>' Il ara susuned nt Abhe sainà ratés as thougb coal gis as used. Tisa cont of thia las for ligisa, equal te une.tbaueeand bfel aocoal' gas, varies fron oua dollar asud lIta>' enta te tva dollar,, bslng about oua-Self tise price.ofesteal gas. Tise mates-lifront whieis gas le made b>' 'our machins e iruowis sommercisilly as gasoldne5 a ligist, volatil,? of ietraleuns. stmale gi'sen for llglting ad hatiug buildings. flathe, 'WsiLsr ClosaIs, Prms, Garden Founteino; Itubbar Hlb, ,Gos lixtures, iu Bronze ad Crystal, etc. - SCOTT & PIIILLIPS, Sole Manafacturers. WIIITBY.-PHARMACY0S JUST RECEIVD, 85 Pair Vases and Toi/et Sets, in the latest styles. The Largest and Best Selea- tion ever in Whitby. #C'--As we imported the above, we can offer them very low. -Baxter's Mandrake Bitters For- ]?yejepsîa, S,ýck, eadaohei. r]ýose ofAppetêit-o,. IN BOTTLES 'AT 25 CENTS. GILK&' LINIMENT IODlDE 0 F AMMONIA. SW. B. SMITH& Co. Whitby, Auguit l5tb, 18M7 84 WM.BRYAN'S 8TO VE DEP OT A ND T/NSHOP. If ou want a stovo, eall and seoc a large stock and great vaithar-ing ail the me ru iments cf tise age. "THE CROWN JEWEL" Self-feeder, with 0F vitiacut Oven attachedi l the newesh and bout steve ln the merket. Qr Having hought my> large stock-of stoves for Cash, I am dotes-min- oS te soul ver>' chesp, and arn salisSieS 1eu pleaae my custamaers bath in quai- 11>' sadprice..Cerne anal inspoct hem. 'W6 put up Gelvasized Iron Eavo-treughs of, an>' size, wibli Iron Gelvanizeat oi'se the bout fer valle>'s for reefs Ã"f building-lt being more durable, anal vilI net expandan sd braak b>' the huaI analtIhe sua, like tino. Stove Pipes anal Elbows-rouiid assai oquara--in great quantities. AUl Icinde of Tiavu-re la stock, anS au>' article ruade teues-dan. 8ýe If >'on hanve env mouding te bu doue, hing it aloug sud have il dose. «jý We tako in oxchangao Old Steves or Cash Iron, Cotton or Linon Rage, Old Coppor anal Brase, Herse Hala, Butter sud Eggs, Wo6l Plokinga, or mnoue>'; Cocue aud trade. 1Za" At lise Old Stand, on tise carner, nean!> opposite Hep. klna's New Music Hall. 1Whith>', Beptember 121h, 1877'. WM. BRYAN.1 txrus8 FOJR ALL CLASSESI -WE ARE SHEWING THE- - Largest and Most Fiashionable 1 -0F- Stock STYLISilI GOOD'S IN TOWN. Its the Goods and the Chieapuesof thein that does it -We are auxious to seil our Stock without iReserve. Our profits wo't shlow us te throw off 10, 12 and Fifty per cent, for that's ail Bosli t WC 1have Goods imported from England, Ireland and Scotland, andllte United states, besicles a large supply of Canadlian man- ufacture. Z2" If aihy one's "Ragged,' and on the "Edge of despair," let hiin be frein towti or country, bbc> can get clothcd ut LAIN~G& STE WART'S. tffl Pinter's iuki- suits some classes ; our Goods suit ever>' neeay persen. LAING .& STEWART. 5 and 77 Vorige'Street, flr8t Door [rom King Street, Toronto, Mârq-UFACTURER AND IMPORTER 0F CH IL DREN'RS CAR RIAG ES, REFRIGERATORS. FILTERS ANI) COOLERS, Teilet Sets, Ilatlis, Woodenware, RotiýP's' Cutiery, -,Cornices, Har!lware, COal Os!, Steves, &oheWî~ec amp,&., &C. Bird-Cages, in Great Vitrity; Canaries, ln Gocal Song, $3.50 eaaih; Meckiug Birds, Par- rots, Threehee, sud Birds cf ail venellies sent b7' express ta an>' afdrees. 1--- The Lamget Stock of Hanse Fumuishinge i'4 tis City. _r.:l WEOLESALE AND RETAIL. N EW G-OO0D S -00--- Clothing and Gent's Furnishing lEouse Inow tiupplied with- ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadlian Cloths of al kinds, the .Largest anid Best Stock they ever had. Go-j" Also an excellent stockeof Gents' Furnisbings, al new. A splendid stock of Eeady-made Overcoats, Chea p for Cash. MeMILLAYS BLOCH, BROOK STREET, - HITBY. BOOTS AND. SHOES. JOHN S'AINDERS lias removed into the "1Old Chequered Store," Brock Street, and has just received a large stock of Boots and Shoes, suitable for FALL WEAR, which lie will 1ýSELL CHEAFP FOIR CASH,.jýt At a very small.margin on cost. Work done to order in first-class style. A Styfishb Boot and a Good Fit C>UAR WrTEIEI D. JOHN SAUNDERIS. * uoc~ruts ~ PT Fz* viile WIITB.Y OReNrA&TOIRY ,82Sto-p Qzga for $80, llç t - 4Stop Orgau-for $ 90, uually S pll at -- $140. 5-Stop. Ongan for $100, U'Suallysold at $10 Ail in Solid Walnut-pamtelled cases, elegautly finisÉe4d Cae-iihsame muieC at samepies THEMU E ï-,ÀI * O ÏFG- 0 Whilb>', September 121h, 1877. t4e OFFIC!E 0:F THE BIRJWN dPA TTERSON MUfg., Co, wurrBY, O~WT.AE~,IQ. TO TH E PUL In prosentg,,,ur Tvezt.eodAnneC lcu fApcln ImpIe. mentallb. fnmer y $ Çap d tbepnV , 4. 4'-nOf than thé mrdiar7'degre. of pnido andcofene rmhemkdfaurud'toag 'Oguremsa.dgE4n,&Ud tet@dy,àapd inc.aaing deuaand frm yemr to yoar eýf We abolicontinue e ashe.ofor-, aa Manufacturers, tbimko a spscla.tyý Àgrcultural Machinry-lbe Jobuston Self.raking Beaper, the Triumph Ccoi- hind Remuer sud Moyen, lb. (làytzga MbWeï- lb.Yonng Canada- Maweir, ame our new Whitb>' Harveseer, claiming a argo jareof aur tiro snd attention. For theIlsâlTweè4-it q jffias Wë 4h *gven' 'ppi"rf 21 aadM 4i. od attention ta tb. mauufacturq 'sd p a -à àot Lb. voniod Macinésis lause, siftiug ont thb et pinùts,!> rýufyiM3ï ecàÉ, f1i~éa4oorroeting error, elrougtheuing veak pointe, éamptiugad proportioniug every part as ont imoye»- od expériencoehbu suggost.d. W. emiq9y o the y lj.et meehaa4cal akllM o ur, macnq aiondr tI4e Most camef Ob=ip #slnikfi, serntny"e- vs~4ba WCC etohesee- «e1 critiim-aud .ach machine la thomoughlytoste Uf*n leiiug cur vcrkm, tua prv cl ompi.aenesg Rf ever>'part, sadIeel edllplyl n&u lbm u'oprtico 47b>' n>'perso 1an dré M camlaabiy- Our machiner>' bau ben .eleeted, anal onstmllcted wlth a speelol rofemenea te the manufacture cf aur ovun machines-m'i>'teois having l'.en mode for "bi particular purpose, and ualý adfàpted, for oîber vork, an ucr vrqrkmen ar eodu. cateai tmp ti6 lh. vants and req{rainenu t'o. rmaùt O ur e- l a sigathor- ougis Ienovlegootise construction cof ouïr machines, and are lbni enableit, -b.h tain a lîigher dégroe cf akili sud proicieno>' thon vhere genéral mannfa.elurin-g la oamicd on.1.. WVe are therefore enabled te introduce o re perfect systom into al 1he do' partntn of manufacture;, eddinizfnot ouly to the perfeetion cf the vork, but ai- se ta the rapidity of iisoxcecution-and a consequent roduction cf cast.> This principla bs regiiareémesary in e well togulatod establishmont, sud we enabled ta turn eut aur machines with a hger degesof perfection, and at pricos so low as absolntely te de!>' compotiticu. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING,,REAPER la now so veli huown as a Single Reaper, that a-Lword aIco mmondation wouid aimosî azoem suporfluons, but as there are many claiming te -manufacture this machine wbo have edhered to th. old original Johuston machine, withont keep- ing up to the impiovemets ; that justice te ourselves sud patrons require of us to stato It vo beave modifiod it in almost every essential, part, and for atrengtb and durabit', quiity of cut, lu evor>' kind aud condýtiou of grain; lighitos o o draft aud eese of management-tho "Jobuston," as mauufaetured by ns--standr pre-eminently ehead cfalother respers. lu -proof cf thia poscailou vo have only te point te the man>' FinI FPrites awarded us-at tbe lait Provincial trial of On- taxio, and many ceunI>' trials whioh have &aken place a&U over Canada, witbjn the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, with late improvsentl altat ambedir. na ied Machine, sud caunot fail ta meet ail the requiresueuts of purchasers. Our Improvad Cayuga Chief Jr., and our Young Canada Moweris are bolli firat-claas mschines-constituted almoît vboliy of mron aud Steel. The Cayuga Jr. bas a rear cut, sud lb, Youug <Canada à front Ct ; batb strong, dur- able machines, aud net axcelled hy any machines in th. market for quality cf ont, durability, lightuess of draft, adaptabilit>', snd esse cf management. 0OUR N EW "eWHITBY HARVESTER."1 As th. country bas becomue better adapteci te machinery, sud many cfcar farmn- ers have beceme skilled in the use of machines, a grcwiug demand bas sprung Up for a Light, Durable, Firat-Clasa Reaper. 1Alivo ta the roquiremeuts cf the day, wo have succeedeil in iuventing a ma- chine with a Wrought Iron Frame, witb th. least possible gering-vitb large. broad-faced drive whel,-and se constructed that the frame sud table tilt at tlu same time, thereby keeping the pitmahi aiways ini lino with the kuife. Th( rakes are driven directiy fromn the main shaft-there beiug na perceptible sidce draft, andl ne weight tapon the hries neoke. We are confident that w. hava. succooeed in inveuting the Most perlect Reapar, takiug il lu ail its parts, tbel bas over been prodnuced-. W. have- appiei for Jettera patent, and shall hald oui invention, for aur evu exclusive manufacture, sud we respectful>'anggesîte lui- tendiug purcbasers, that lb.>' abeulaises thia machine beforo giving tIlim cders for the coming harvesl. The "Whitby Harveater" weighs, ail bld, 600 pounde, but being made principally cf tlig beat qnality cf iran sud steel, ad fram its lu- genioien6d compact cori@tructioi,. i combines lb. stmength and durability cf thc beavýier machines. i- Ail of car machineg are fully warrauted. Wilh this list cf machines, we féel coufident that ve eu meet overy re- quirement. and vo reeèiGttfally solicit a trial of our machines, believiug that wt caa furniah a better machine for the money than cen ho obtained elsewhere. RespectfuUly Yourn, BR~OWN & PATTElISON MF'G. 00, Whitby, Outario, Februar>', 1877. FASHJ:ZLONA4BLETAIORN I Go where you cun get a Well-fitting Gpnxient :-To the Tailoring Establishinent of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR CUTTING SHAPES THE WORK - A Large Stock of Fine Clothe ; best Euglish, Scotch and Canadjian Tweeds. q*- Excellent Overcontings andi Splendlid VesI 1Patterns. A goodfitGuarntetl.GEORGE GURLEY, 51 Kiug Street, Oshavwa. NE W STATIONERY -AND' BOOK S.TORE U AT TUE EXPRESS AND'MONTREAL TEL. QEFICE, BROOK-ST. George Yttle begs to annnoruice that ho has re-opened bis Stetioncry aud Bock Store in 'Whitby, vhere stationer>' of ail kinds, cf the best qualit>', vii ho kept on iaud ; aise Sohool B3ooks of ever>' description, Gcpy Bocks, Slaes, Pencis, Inke, &-., &o., et the loweat pnices. Musical Instruments, including a fine assortmenlt of Violins. Os-dons are haken for Periodicals, Magazines sud Music. 1 SWhitby, Dec. lBth, 1870. GEO YULE.1 WILLIAM TILL'.S CABINET FACTORY- AND FURNITURE WAREROO'MS l THE OLOD 8TA ND, BROOK 8STREET, WHI TB Y, -Go where you cannot fail to be' pleased in making selections of good. furnitune. Splendid Parlour, Drawing Room and Bedroom -Sets.- Nov Designs veli worth>o of inspection, et eitouishing lo* prices. Diii- ing-room Extension Tables-a ver>' supenlor article. aud Engrevinga for sale. Inp ite branches ; funerais bull>' upplied,  Stock e olepn# oeiIUols vways on haud, trimmeý to e uuÇcutomir%, &na- a veil a-p *ntoi English Mit,Froncls Wfite Win., CrytaIPiehllng, &o., &o. s, pioée B>CeOi, S. Çzongnes, BeeIHem, Drioe& ar, G. MoleurOah Moal, clore al; Split Peau,>.Bk« Pé'Haa, TeDgu5 Oliicket StraabSg Meai, innan Haddle,PBioatet la $0 UP: O~ ~ai, artide, are CieknOr Che.k, hM. SOF F EE: M caladJava, Rc aledanGreen. Whity, ~gut 7h, 877. - Life--Like--ta-ken in a moment in the best style. 'Mr. Best has secured the services of one the best nega- tive retouchera in the Unitedl Stetes.1I bel confident thet I eu tumn out vork qua], (Cfnot supenlor,) to an>'thing ever before made in this country. la CALL AND SEE MuY WORK. «E Ail aire welcome to inspeet the GallerY. Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominion- Right Hou. Sir John Mecdonald, Hon. T. N. Gibbs, &e., and of Bey. Rether McCann, Rey. TaMs. Laird, sand ieading citizens, for sale ak - BESTS' GALLEILY SIMCOE-ST., OSHA.WA. Jouis'- C AB IAES AND U GGIES!L >1 THE1 LÂBGEST- ÂMD« MOST COMPLETE STQCX 0P C~Nf~IkE ïACTRY -BROCK- ST.- WHIBY VERY OE 0 CLL J~E, TZ 3trS ARID AND FrOR. SALE' ATTE WHITBY CHI NA TE A STORE, A choiqe, lot of Gr een and Black Teas, that cannot --be beat in' the Dominion, both for quality and cheapness, -price from 50 to 80 cents per pound. Coff6es-from'25 to 40 cents per pound. Siýgaeî of al kinds, xJW, 811>s. of White Sugar for $1. Good Valencia Ra&i'tns, 91- '>6lbs for,$1. 12r A full ausortment of Ohoice Family Groceries,'cf al kide, at equaily Low Prices. MAPLE -MOLASSES $1 25 PER .GALLON. Hlouse and Garden Flower Plants. Green. Vegetables in t1heir seson. JarFB$ TOMA.TOES JUST BECEIVED. A ul sortment of China, Glass a.nd Crockery Ware, Tes.binerandToiet etson hand and for sale cliesp AIl kinds=ofFelad Garden Seeds, Clover ana Timo- thý p Sod-c unpseeds ofau akindi, direct frein Scotiand, tb arrive tJxeek 'Good Potalocu froin 50 té dO cente per bushel. Àt WM. J. GIBSON'S. Wb.itby Chin Tea Store. WANTE.-Any quantity of Good Butter, Eggs and Feat here, for which the esgict cash price wil be paid. W. J. GIBSON. G 0LIDS MI TH'S Now Goods, H1ALL.1 to hand, a full assortment of Nýew which having been well bought, will be offered at GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. BRIGHT AND COLORED GOLD JEWELLERY. - BLACI<JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITE. g.Clockii of Warranted Quality, Very Low -Prices. Blectro Silver Plate, a very large assortment, new dlesigus, in Cruets, Butter Coolers, Cake Baskets, &o., &c, relia. ble goode, aud prices lewer than over. Would cail special attention to a New Line of Goods- NICKELITE-a aribstitute for silveî-. Niokelite Table, Dessert, aud Tee Speens, Table andi Dessert Fonku.-1 Inspection inviteai. NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Childrens' Carrnages in great variety, tv'o, three, and fs-fl Whcels, Amenicen snd Canadien mjýkes. - ,,Iasch 27, 1877. JAS. JITTiT - Practical Watchmak-er, Brock Street. BUGG I-E For. Sale at very Reasonable Prices. Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady'Is Open Phoetons latest style and very liglit, Covered PlictOns with Iloling Seat, aise Light - l op and Open Buggies of Super- ion Style and Finish. AU l made of Whithy, Ju-l>'51h, 1876. FIUN E the best Material Warranted. TOMS &NEWPORT, Whllby, Ontario. 28 A-RTS BEST'S GALLEIRY, OSHAWA L MVR POOL MABRETI 1 CASH F01R GRAIN,- Te be delivenedat-i Fre nch ma n's;Bay.- PLASTER, SALT, AND- COAL FOR SAME. MON EY TO-LOAN On RtaI Estate, ot Loy Rates cfiniterest. J.H.m cCLELLAýN. January> M1, 1877. hf-S f.MILLe!, egnt andjSIMON & XK.ELLEY, CIGAR MA WUFACTOR Y, C GARS mannfactumed frcm boit Ravina Tobacco. The celebrated " S. V'" Cigare. Hatel-keepers snd Dealers vii dând ilte their advantage te gave them à trial. Whltby, Job. 7th, 1877. j- ~R M N GIBBON, General Commniecion Mercant and Produce Dealer, Agent for ImEUÀriandud Casncuu Ul- zoN Fine Ifisuranco Companies. BATES 0F- INSURÂNCE iLOW I Aise Agent for the Laom aud CA-sux Lotr "Dn AamxovCam'imayN. Mouey loan- ed on neal estate, payable from Twe 10 Twelvé e o-, sud ln sumo te suit parties- 2VInteriat 1ev and no cammis charged.ý Mortgages bought. Osie At, -W. J. GIBSON, China reg Store, Dunda S t., WbitbY- WbiLby, Mercis 151h. 1876. 12 B BOUG HAM CARRIAGE WOIRRS. S . WEBB Respeolfuily informa bis Patrons sud Ù0w Public tisat h. bas purehased lthe itigist' fOr Plckenlng, te Mnaturea SADDLERY AND HANES.Bu fan C.TTER -WILLIAM TOPO '3egs to direct attention ta hie largoen&4 supeîlorestock, comprising ever>'- t-hiag in tlis adS1emeand Hamea Une, aioa Leather Valises and Saratoga CIL5DRENS'sCARRITAGES, Ver> baaisou, p&~hap.At tho04tbisieu1 CH A LOT I WILIÂM TUlaiN A i n pies yul Sela»tesea aur Buggies and Cutlena,'betoregiviug tIbeir erdere edie- Srougham, Jiui>'101h, 1876. lre TEBU GREAT INVENTIOS 0F j Faniily. Knitting MachinesP- Ven>' Simple-A Chola cm niuthE CALL, M ND B J33NBE i 5t Ou or" AA tFob4 w H bath oà sitio ofe *Whitby, aneena. LEFA CLOTHLS c hrought Peeliiers, Kiai ail i b. pre, J. 1 e ý r É à The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sb seriptiens Sdlicitea. - Su ISPLENDID PICTUR ES,ý 7211 hory. 1 Ort C. P. GIDBRLEýV> I&pril 801h, 877. 1 JAMIL HSAO& OMPNyr FU RN 1 TU RE. _WHOESA & RETAIL. Wareroo¶t îAlbert Hall YogeSt Have always on bond a PuIltock of evezy. hljtheir line,ahd hopsbystricta&tteÃŽi,,- tettbeit4 cf theïr euatom.ra ýte mnt a contluace f b.paroa eurtoe « tondod . la ho Spécial attention Pla thé.msig Of' PNREM EBENS, R <OTTÃ"IàNS, med. m ut dwn ln theb.oitdstyle. JAS. H. SAMO A;(CO .March 81h, 1878. i TE HB THALBBRG PIANO mhe Thalberg Piano fillua vent long fet- Sthat of a GOOD, USEFUL. PLANŽO whlch combined the clearnesa cf ton. u 1h. besanty cf finish aoflt.éinost ceisbrated mû.e, with a moderato prie.. t upl If ilb 'h aked boy it la possil 0spl a Good Piano for about HALF THEPRC *generally charged, the answer la plain: In the mskLrng or'ssJ.e cfilb.,.instra- mente, there iae no large showrobrmste keepup, ne grand MugeiaHaflste mî nain, or ne expensIve travelling, agente te psy. Thea. inatrumentu are aU madeof ia- UNIFORM STANDARD, FULL SEVEN OCTAVE, BOL IB ON * FRAME OVERSTRUNG ]$ASS, CABVED LEGS, ROUND FRONT CORNERS SERPENTINE MOULDIGi and DOUBLE VEZERED RO5EWOOD. CASES. An extra DISCODUNT -0F ta PER CENT. wili b. sllowed Sceole and Ceuvents, ise tu Clergymen for the use cf their familias. W. ADAMS, Aet, Whitby, February, 181h, 1877. 8 CITY 0F TORONTO Leaves foot of 'Yonge-ait., Toronto, daiiy at 7 a; m., raches I4iagarsil 9:80 a. m., snd Lewiston et 10 a. m. Direct. connections- for the Falle, Buffalo, Cleveland, Rochester, New York, Bostoni, &c. Tickets snd ail information at 8 Front-st. Rait, Toronto. May lith, 1877. 1 runks .CH cas Street G. Y' Notas-y pu Block-,Brc (Lat fieaBr -'btby, O court SCre J.,Bon'.. Ti RN. D ge' Resideai pu >te eye Physicien, Si Wlsitby, Sept R oBT.RA Giadaate (Mit Queen's Cul. UiJas. cfi medi Uaiv. af Penn Pennsylvanis cf tise Uni-v. e cnes- for-thé i Coldvaler St., Angiiet 241th, 1 1 .80 te 6, P. M and Gilbe-I etc as cbaap as thse l'est. -Teelis fil Tests extractesi local eniestlsesii aa's new bloek, King Street, Osi -BUILDER of en Jo u GEOII lgequantity, otanti>' on baud

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