roi pulttow» à v»T W'-' He HfIGOINS, BROOK STREET, WRITBy. 50, por'. Annam. mëuurOd ln Nottparfoli sud bgrpd M the rate of 8 contai Par lino, grat Unégésoh ulant inserticin., wige, VOL on drertiummts Busiqsaa Dli ONTARIO WIliTl3Y Be Tilou DomNION BANK. WHITBY 'AG Also Sub-Agency nt Market. Savinge Departments in oc both offices, where luterest fg oies 01 el upwArdo. il. 13. Whftby, S$Pt. 18th, 1878 FAit>IKWELIL & RU ARRISTE11% ATTORD Mors, Noti. es Public, ers. Oace ' ont doo monta *hltb.T. - - r JAwIdZ 8 RUTL J. a- FAREWELL, L. L. B., Couty Crown Al KZITIK G(j 1RISTBý & ATTORNI plooltaitor tu Chancory, Notary Public 40 Oinve-C dicon'a store, ïwpk, Street, w CHARLES C. ]KEI TTORNETý-AT--LAW, Soi A chancev OnVeyancer, ton, Brook, 03. LYMAN LNGLisn. ARRISTER AT LAW, soi BChancery, Conveyancer, cos Street, Oshawa. - ----------- G. Viiuýi(; m»ljTEI, ARRISTBR, ATTORM y Bsqljcitqrýin Chance and Notary Public &0 &0 ellace- Block, Brook âtre*' , et Whitby, or (Late Greenwood & à fomi ARRISTER, ATTORNEI Bitor, Notary Public, oouvo3 flcfý--13YVOn Street, South of I Whitby, Ontario. & RLeh (LATz DiraoAN & lionme ARRISTERS-AT-LAW, A B Solicitor@,,ý Couvoyo tflce--, rovincial A gur&ace .Court Street, Toronto, TUONAS IIUST01q OWN OL13RK AND TRE. TWbitby. OlBee-Town Bal !rom 9 to 1 oclock. R. J. GUNN, URGEON TO TRE COUNT, S Byron Street,.Vi7Mtby. Dr. W. J. BUFtNs. Opricz-Next door to onnoNic Le Regideuce, et Mr. Lewis Roue BYRON FIELD, M. j p1lYSICIAN, bURGEON, &c., UY's ROSPITAL, LONDOb CY the eye R. 0. H. L., Oshawa, A R D. C. Physicien, Surgeon, Accoucher, Whit-hy, Sept. 80th, 1874, R OBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L, M Graduate wfth honore) ci the Univ 110811% IL" Il 0, Canada; Phil, ýni,. of Médicine RACI SurfeZ »I 'A Uuiv. of Ponnaylvania-,-Bcl ect c a Pennsylvanie and Licoutiate cl B of the Univ. of Edinburg, Scotiani oner for the connty 01 Ontario. Coltlwatër St., Orillia. Auguet 24fli, 1875. W. ADAMS, ID MI iv r-V 1 s 0 B D- u nRd-a -a JA,,mll Offlee heure from 0 fLm. te 12,M., az 1.80 to 6, P. M. Reuldence,-Cor. ci end Gilbort strette. ICý N. VARS, L. 1). M Il HA LL, rroV.,;SLirp GLERK (Eut Wh ffll A viotioge SO»geý anabed ratlièr . 'îIý Li ton us Ne AND 81NOINQCL4 Rxir 1kýVARzT0 priMoIýro1y> fn r t4il. traders oust, « once- mors the = ta fallnei Pours a.. north.nortbeaà laé-d us -Items$ vos by- Rot,£ IDRITIS11 1 0 1 nous consà iMp W. G. JOHNSOX, Ta cheu the.ý ci toil; aisé did tot lastlong, berrI4, UC gralny' 0v -The cannes Whiob -bat 3, A N N PROeBUTOB. 13 for the Luà laba voIdéd' DIRO GEORGE C.'wjo once more we t&keý,with gntitub W" alimply ciollecting its, ýfbîce to flit t t:. ý'-e '. blessing, ol the sofE againstî Matititain, where, of 'on tà '- Ugubba re. ýA N 0 IE, 488urance Oomp,2,7 lie" the childèm laugh "jà glus une$ with [ail bof Bous te A=on=e that ho WM Tsaxsl ql.,Oo Permfý-,, ýýt&b1Jng- cou. Y, , there vru- ths ýVilà est e ira * cargoes- e', pu toge4her; Franit PO'cock, my, Enro âg DOWi a instruction ci UXLMÉ416 1 - ý f .,ý ýý1 - - ý 1 l "ThW able. een agm. elaveo. 7W, 10 pupille on the iiý*e1Z acon, 'and organ, ,on 1 Aïd, tu bras es hein evoïy-"gl Servant, lià d'ofteà relia in Eaïl 'sau Mao sineg = "a INCORPORATED 183j., ý ý : - Lýà - ildijoll- ýc Aud, ýý;. >» 1 ' - 1 ý.. ULIS Octabor, W, ' eather. WIXENCE THIS CiPJUT à ý06uiti Of the treà t.M,ý Prof. Iwi 844> CW"sI- a Clark pro - n and the, ne, Iliénist and Vôo&U L, 0. 19-T Tke winter days waze long an NOW, in regardio geographi, but nièht P roi B L 216, and ]BRITISH A=Rxcà x iEoTz A s 04101,876 9à . al b on r the baented solo floi6m The ý sprinË, w» slow ta came; lemd, I have beau flatte g rayself tliat uiatil Our arrivai nt Ugublia ho said engaged for concerto,. schlé« Z7 A Y' l'a A. BALL, And Sum= Ãtcrmbmu 1 bave settled ail P e - realized in Lis lie fifty ýÈ N 0 Y. glit lear and doubt robleme that, were never bl&.boilie. Own mina what roc. Toýmaayý4 h= le out in 1874, the year, I loft E zig. Musical âTu aoilffl noust.) Who, by the that irdeat7Mýnt roally was. Poorrr*à à 'k, il; Pestivéhon ressonabletarme, But il hibou touIbize-ar, unies, Go, Oblig ' ta -be seut balck ta Ujiji th te. 1. ask rates'on Buildings,' Merch iiin and stw*ue' had their, çîiu doi,2 ýPA0ba an lnsÙigkieu effectied at the 10*M carrent And wrought thoir work together, of terrible. scened, for ho was and tj cover some ýdosertem, Lad. more than di 61 Liverpool Jùly 15th, 1874. 0 Nýý.T A B.1 malaise, and other And'oeo 1 -*a Imp car baskets atill, tndt1ý11f0erAAtefuriecdato.bé foadully energetie M W H 1 T B ÃŽ, In this October westher, Rouse newly rencr#atç4 and ftrzùhed property, t Imm ç , r d%=à ýgo,0; ÃŽnI. Whou 1-wu in Uganna aù&met oolon- Obligea toi také Passage in a ýonnectioÙ with' F thronghout, and put îu!lb*-dam order for My hekrf bai là ka liïwint« too Io aid on dopa. AT ras - ro 9 buté and a el deýBelljfoids-can.reoo>é the 4addd oÃŽÃ v8 , canon, whereip fi quiet. M SU tr9nîý Whitbyl, April Ilth, 187,7 And, loin full b rè a quea. Withored vWëtch* fty litt la 17 1 did noIîýthiuk &Zm wgolliilome, tîon tha, 1 à iust: iudî ate one.more prob. ilito a troubl Agent, MMLS lenato bs maèâ>lik ', ,, TATIGR, GLEN MAjo Mach les# a quiamer day, -Ãioled by thoge, Who eau ose 0 go ýýmà Dy Btarýod Digg. As wheni ONTABIO IIOTEL Ilow little did 1 are= thà t life tle ib., the -canné îw - as tbroe-day8ý,ýén routo force j '6.ý Would brin« us ti0iiý.together, North Of the Equator, while We Were Fral1k's nerves wore terribly tortured. out to iTLEDGE, moob test Fine là u=ber,,weil seuonelà . WI[ITBY, 0,NTARIO. And I slWuldbel a h wife glidiDg ddwn the riverývéry quietly, in'. 1 The siaveï are the profitable restilt of ou th Inch Boards 06PE In this Ootober wea ri a Systamific War wagod up deedi "0 to, the right 'batik, wç a on, &Il dis- TROS. MABON, ýPB0PBIET0B. ud tricts'in the p We ho, NEYS, SOLI. Doubtleau the hast will came a sin. second greatest afflu. OPuIOÙ0 country of M»r- them., ýq e : denly came " 0 - ý t the iiionth' g ungu by banditti, and Convoy. x 4 seantuzis, Supérior accomodation. Tableop And some sweeteopes May di eut of the LuaIa4Ià ý uPPorted b Arab The 9ýinch Plank, with best in meneau. ' Genuîn@t pplied B _yards Wid 9 aquors. ut we aboli, bear =0,ý paeming pain, 000 eý-cOMin ' front. a liftis Méaus, diréct]y ana indirectly. Lrect- the Ar 01 the noyai 0 are bestbrands. Billadrocui. And',smile as Won lyq becance ý&,rabs purolu£e . the I?«Oiug Boards, tes sigh notth of sa t. Nor lot nociorna wi eau ai ju slaves meanq 100,WO filet of Oak l1hodo, go rilIDGE lden hour togother, taken in the le This A' ROBTILZ CANOB 00 Wairofoi powder, -,and 1Oý"1 For Go io in hie gardon atill ganop by Malaus of which the wara are empty M&PIO for azles, lot q'uuty, n-BAND TRUNX BÂMWAY -RoTEL, la this'Octobler weather, We lied good'catLée tu remerriber th!@ oustained ; and indirectly, becAuse th - com riverforiü midotreani ýwe have lad is no other market IIIau the Arabg enp.' 48 16,000 ft. Squ :à r7wà rzrBy eArion. the second toughest fight of 811. A Dly ta re 1 lievia'the banditti of the thofie. an art, are Tituber, afinic"y-is'Travella In Africa. fle0t, lilif canoeo, 'Ûfty-four in number, à ýùs which Otherwise Would'have ta beý Whe I)RDON, AU 01 wbkh will be oeil ob@ap for ouh. WM>.1:ý0INEITJL - 1ý ýý-PBOPBIETOit. came down upon us ý with such doter- rejoased from obeer want of food, of Mat -LETTEU PROU WEST ÀMCA. mJnedféroeityýthat four of Our cannes Thetio'Banditi are Unyamweze, ami. tri Griot parties takrag the bild-and loxving bercée begau te giVe W&Y and rtin. One of ed wit ght; convgeancer: work. wl have thomwell tk= me r, Ad. l5thpý cl. a or 0ý0 'y t ho or tal tbeb .,guns purchaji of Mill 1 Pd nt Unyan. mue Over Cho dýnng-aý d'Lg 1'446 retmu. Habinda, or Cabenda, West 0 Bat the euemYs 08140eB, cOutiiu0d over yembe and Bagamoyi 811111 parfëotly ajuge il of Airics, Near Noütli c 0 eighty: paddleri;'a platiortu and the aequainteawith. Arab commerce and-1 med B. MMOR, QUIBIJ'S ROTEL, River, bov for the -best wartiors, . hala jg Dn>oeit with Dominion Government 050,. ton the MOst Profitable wareff. They baud to Aïjl Proprutor, T m CM. Exporienced-.Ageuto tbrongbOut. the Aupef 18, 18771, men ; elght etreeromeni with teu-feet thamoolyse for the desperate pur- My picý Dise. 16th. 1878. (LATZ Dominion. To the Editor'a of the , New YorkHer. paddles, hteered the great war' visuel, pose of enalaving ail tribes and people Miserai ýLICITOR IN Fire Bisk# t#ruion ai Adequate Rates. nid and thi-Dally Telegrain while from stem ta oterc there ran fa ,&0., 11ROCE-OTREET, WMTBY, lu- Whi0h ý are, front want ý of Msallé; and lings'fri 04=119. OOD NIZWS FOR TUB Là D]BO, broaa tlanking, along whicla the FMi NOURSE - Orgânizgtion ton waak te résist them. from TAYLOR McCANN, iPXOP I cannot refrain from congratulating 0' le jefs dancoci u gl Ing No country offers bueli a Bold for t4ese Agent, Y. you upowthe-perléol; auccese which b&q r armai ta wliat thev proposed They Li L. D., The underxigued, doniýe In inform th9ir Whitby, April 117th, 1177* te (10 gangs of Cidnappers as Marniiga buy fooi À NEW 11EVELATION IN TIR friends and the kublic that they hâ-ýe takon 1 attended thé explorations of t'lie Angle- withus. lnhalfanhonrthefightwae whereever @Wall village isindependont therefoi LICITOR IN the &bave well known tintai, whic th ]3RXM- M F r favor, of course, or we and genora ly t igli- INSURANCE 00. Amorioan-expedition dispatohed by you decided in ou ?i variance with its ne and locil havo'new1y fitted up and renova h cy P This bar. 1 et situ- SCIENCE Or DIiB.SS.MAFM O.- tell, ana t from. Zanzibar. The instructions aboula net write ta you to-day. Wade Into the béat of order forý the acommm Lombard St. and Charing Cross, London. 1 th "Ugll inhe ,gsl cruelmanner and tiieir bodies our exp, na us, bave been faithfulti great-afflcent puzzles me a gond. deai. arc a ee j ra= il enta. The Bar, whibb is thé lupid,- ad litornollry'o performed. ' Thesë, Canitpoasibly corne froin the Albert f! , ýrd haoked and digmembered from CORNWALLIS «,;ËLF-I.ITTING the finestb winis liquors, ana ci- i. ie the te, ESTABLIBEED IN 1782. musvjý,,tmnaeyou, were te-complete the Niyanza 2 Or is that gulf I discavered -and Lang up on trace a e 01, in Veil supplied with the road' "Ma t 1 1 Insoi^en -9-T & SHOULDER CHART.' gars' At& ta, a fate May Y-ý AT Y-Aw, WAI a enol6aed allai room and gond GILLESPIE, MOPPAT & 00., ce or es ýf Ca tain il Hancing in 25 min. N. lat. a seperate lake, Riv- that the terror of sucli alon" en M nam cyp stabling, atolls, &o.'Detaohodý rooms Speke &Rd Captain ow colonel) Grant ing birth ta this affluent Ofthe Lualaba? der villages and il -momillan'a Dresses fitted hotu measurement sinus. forcommercial travellers. Agents for Canada. of the sources ý of the Nile ;' ta cireurn- or is it merély the Wollo of Schwein- tacked more istrict net yet at- first eau ntario. without change of a stitch. J. P. TAYLOR, PRILIE, MoCANN. B. W. TYPE, navigate lakesVictoria and Tangahyike, farth ? ing. The women and For sale, with free inistmetions, st late of Toronto. Manager, Montreai. and by the exploration of the latter - IN&COUILATE UAPS At;.P CHARTS. va, 1 able ta elay, and the Arttba require averyoqti Youthe are tac through GENCY ESTABLISHED IN CANA. lake ta complets the discovèries of Cap- Illan.- M I S S M c I X T Y R E 1 s A DA in Iffl. UnIiMitedý liability of NothinR t1xat can bc ieen on yonr OTAZI ROTEL, tains Burton and Speke, and, lastly ta flocké of ail the -Stockholders, and large nomme Map of Western Africa twe ty miles l'lie owner of 250 of theme poor, bun- round Si Y, SOLIC. ROO», WHITBY. Punas. Moderate rates ci prenuum. east of Yellala Falls is Co Om we met anas cou R complote the discoveries of Dr. Living- ment. It is a g"y, skoletOnized slaves, wh nacer. Cl- Agents wanted. Liberal inducements te W Ir 1 T Bxe, 0. NOURSE, ! atone. pis show of namea that I hear t th, Arab a Q&t oMce, th, tralle. JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIE, TOR. u2 r Agent,,Whitby. 1 With a feeling of intense gratitude si rossing place at Ugubha, you can Whitby, April 17th, 1877. ta D* 'ne Providence, which bas co nothing about and a wild wavy line W88verSaid bin Salim, an officer, the fo yourE most commodinue bats, 17 maiked deeply black which pretends ta (10 lier of Unyamyerabe and the 4- Whitby, Aug. 18, 1874. 84 The largest and - -_ ý_ - ,j- 1 mira oualy saveame and Luy peop!e the Congo. W& have; &180 Just former chaperon of Burtèn açid Speke N T, in the town . lias large aarÀ2ple rooms for MPEBIAL LOAN AND INVEST- 1frova terrera of slavery, from tùe be -in 185 Di cl commercial travellers. Table well supplied MENT COMIANY. Pang cruel death at the bande of river four It was the third batelroi thiayear, 1876 H âýbove the Falla of Yellala a sketch of à et' their jOurneY te TJjijÃŽ 8-59- withthebestinseason. Bestbrandaliquors cannib after five-mont-Ils' "'ilytoil, orfive mileswide, with is- whicli lias thus boeu , T P, REM ýTTOBN... C2. YO U N G S M ITHY andcigars. Enclosed yatdandshaclroom; CAPITAL, 6600,000. througli 57 cataracte, fails and rapide lauds, the whole of whiQh' I shall bc consigned ta Soid CLAIXE ,aucors, -*a. attentive hostlers. ChâvT a ta suit the i able ta shov you is sheer nonsense, and bin Salem, ga officer ia the employ of THE Buildings, ISSUER Oe times. .96 - 1 -who inFpired us with, manliness suf- allyOnI, who doubte it noedé ouly spend Btirghash, Prince of Zanzibar. 1 have N. B.-Livery attachelle 27 Head OlEce, Imperial Buildings, Toronto. ficient ta oppose the hosto of ayages, £104to satilify himself by, a' personal . reflected mue!' UPOn the singularity ai A. B. IL". T. and, out of thirty-two battles, brought, investigation.. Beé;ide8 the one this fact. Prince liurghaliu lately MARRIAGE LICENSES, A où- he wili BMSTRONG ROUSE, PRESIDENT BANKERS us maille across unknown Afries ta ille rmous The ai HON.' ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Atlantic Ocean-1 inforna yon that the amount of internai gatisfacti made a treaty with Great Britain, the vault, a lie will have a pleasant five w ere'n-bue you know ail about it. the rame (LÀTZ ÀLSà N,) EGUCITOB:-G. D'Arcy Boulton. work of the Anglo-American Expedi- recelv 1 believe it had something ta do with first Duk, WRITBY, ONTAR-10. dayswalk thréugh a pictulaque, ooun- Rours, WHITBY, 0 N T A PLI 0. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Parme, tien which you conimissioned me ta try. probibiting trade iu slaves, and a pro- captain-g at Low-Bates ci interest. Apply ta- perforai lias been performed ta the misÛ-â Wlitten PTOtniSO-frOm SeYed ta 1543, very latter. FATAL ERBORS IN THE MAPS. E ARMSTRONG «- PBOPRIETOIR. C. NOURSE, A raioer, e BarghaoP was obtained tliat lie wonld dition the MONEY TO LEND eitby, Ont. À GREAT R1013WAY OP COMMERCE. Yeu will La surprised and à rieved ta do ail in hie power ta etop the trade. digeovery on Farra and Town Proporty, At HITBY HOUSE. OR TO Large as the number of cataracte hear, howevef, tlist ta theso errors on Do you net think it singular that Said in this-tei W B. H-ý XERTLAND, Manager, Toronto. and rapide mentioneil above May be thiB map I owe the loss of one of the -biS Salim, au officer of Soyed Burq tics ta ma DUNDAS-M, WIIITBY. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGIE[T. wo bave discovered that the groat bigh- 0 1 e meditated duly sulted in 1 Most gontie boule, and withal one of the baah, aboula bc engaged in' this con- the lotli CLE' Oinee. (WEST OF POST OfFICF.) April 18th, 1877. 17 w.a. L 0 W R A T E 8 bravest-Francia Pc)ooek-along with deinned tr'afi 2 hav<> ygof commerce ta broéÀ Afries is the - on the excuses whieh might bc made for 'and in l ai and happy Win the powez seem fifteen of my people, IWO llarrOw escaP ck's. JOSE-PE4. BANDELi i-BOPRIETOB. whichshallsecure for itiiolf alocality 11, ci es of Myself, the losa of about $18,000 Said bin Salim, such a exigencieS Of Divine Pr For further partieulars fer a depot at the extreme limit of the VI Ju B B N Worth of ivory, twelve cannes, a mutiny business, noces8ities of the interior, iuvesý gat: This hanse lias been recently built is Q navigation at the Lower Congo, and es. COMMand and th" n'Most total doillestie se!v«. But, just heavens 1 remains 0 Apply ta- iar le and roomy, and iltted *p in firet-113o INSURANCE COMPANY )f the expellition, besides di8locat. Duffins' JOHN PARQUHARSON, sty e. est ines, Liquors and Cigars; tablish there a people such as the freed min , what can tllia-"overnor of Unyanyeni- depoaited fresh L ger eer. Good stabling ana en- (PME AND LIVE) slaves, ta assist it in eDriching itjelf, sa legs, bruises withont number, - Rue a bc want with five or six hundred wo- dral, on tl Whitby. clamsa yar ; attentive ostlers. de OP LIVERPOOL là LONDON. races employed in the service weanng anxiety during five . menthe nien or children 1 1 féel tempted tosay r August 15th, 1876. sua the rýedemption oftée splendid cen- wh'cil bas made me au old i.nan in my atrong things against this Mao, Sid a chiopie Et.coo., -fifth year. bill Salitu, but I ain restraineil by ing fact ENG., ING BROTHERS, and logitimate commerce. JOY AT A GREAT bELIVERANCE. COMMEUCIAL HOT41à , CA PI TA L' sio 000,000, tral basin of the continent by sauna thirty in promise. This Muell I will Bay, r"],Inn Mi t, Ontario. K BANKEBB: NEDICAL ADVISER., KISSIONARIES AND TRADERS. But the gracious God be th anked, that Said bin Salim, ta the best of InY scriousueFri CARTWRIGHT, ONT. MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. Icuowledge and balief, is 'One Of the The Pei WHITBY, ONTARIO, Sofaras I bave been pormittedto Who 11118 delivered us from "the i2outfi principal. slave traders in Africa, and lame à ay 1 Importere, Dealers and Manufacturera of &U James Street, Montreal.. -are now safé, and the marchants JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOIL Head Office for Canada: 191 & 193 St- observe I find that Eastern Central Af- Of bel' and the jaws of death Il' We id bin Salim is an officer of Prince je afternc Good qccommodation tf-12 rica and Western Central Africa must -on the Burghish, aud more than that, that Said lunds of FORBES & MUDGE, Chief Agents, be soted try!ýutlja &a., &0. on by twe different influences. Wl"lt Coast are doing thoir veýy Le et ta bin Salim is the most trustait agent of prirleipa' e ý1ONEY TO LEND. R. Et. LAWDER, Agent, Whitby. While ail Africans, naturally, as sav- maire us féel at home. - the authorittes of Unzibar. of erithusià '0 LEATHER AND FINDINGS, August Oth, 876. ly-88 ages, would more readily appreciate NOTE.-Stallley aise fonds a dupli- Yeu will porceive this latter is dated of the grea 1. EDIN, Cash paid for Rides, Barit. and Lesther. The undersigneil bas any &Mount 01 mon- . . ry would bc the Most power- Manyema, ce tral Africa, in , a the trader thau the inisionsry, till th, catO Of A letter written in 870 froin at Nyangwe M nyeina. Many will being opeq Leather stretched. ey ta Lend upon Farm orTown Property, ift ORTE BRITISH & MERCANTME IUISS1012R remember that Livingstone said fie was astonisliujt veroity of unusually Lew Rates of Intereat. fui agent in East Central Affica ; "VIhyilà uhghwl" dispose.ý of %istakos in Sir wituess of Borne droadful sconse enact- brought ta ladel hia 9-ýirBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON Loans eau be repaid in sumo ta suit bar- Albert Niyanza and Yangan3,ilca, s A hilo in West Central Africa the trad- Samuel Baker'a theory regardiug the ed hore, which mado hie Ilheart oore.11 removed P( &tnellan SHORT NOTICE. ý' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY l w - too rowers. or must procede the missioliary. The how* One terrible act lie dercribed. half- Orope, was Sèveral Iinproved Parma and Wüd Lands roasons of this are obvious at a glance Illi,, that ho depended altogetlier caSte, called Tagamoyo, was the princi. the personE e much upon native testimony.' lalleRe 01 MaY, 1872. 22 for sale cheap. Sale, and reliable, charges moderate, prompt la E, est Cental Africa the people ar" pal actor. Wilen I arrived in the sonne the disc3ve Office- ONEY TO LENDI -tares, Bank, and other marketatable Stocke. aý Investments made in Municipal Deben- settlemelit of claims, gatherod under powerful emperors and IIORRORS OF THE SLAVE TýjADE- town where mail a proceeding (as Liv. by the min- M GEO. YULE, Agent. kings-the great empire of' Uganda, One lias ta travel very far in Africa, ingstone wrotri about) is -said ta have èorpx, the 1 IYÈ-85 À large quantit of money ta lend et low Par further particulars apply ta Whitby, June 2, 875. 28 whicli lias ail estimateil populâtio of taken place, was true. interellit, private Itinds. JAMES HOLDEN, from east toward west, before Le wili I asked if it the clergy, 5,000,000 ; the great empire ofBuanda, beizin ta experience tbat etrong antipa- IlQuite truc," said a native of Zanzibar, the comand For sale, saveral Town lots, two Frame Official Assignes, Broker, &a. J. IL LONGY witli ail equal estimatod population ; thetio feeling ta the slave-traders sa frnaklY- "Ah, :ý1'tagOlnOYO lias ne Other 6MPI( Hansen, and à large Brick House. For the empire of Urundi, with about Ileart ; hie heurt io very small, indeed ; it was fatini ternis, apply ta Bpril 9th, 1872. 8,000,000 ; the Kin"doms of u8agara, characteristic in Livingstone ; for the r . 1 INSPECTOR OF GRAIN M slave trade elsewhere is mostly confined it in as ý.big as the end of a finger." tinjetrea in G. YOUNG $MITH. the two Usuis, Unyoro, Karagwo and Meaniu g that il was pitiless, undisturb. lialf eeut-im, ONRY -TO LOAN. FOR THE ta small private retail deslings in hu- Whittly, Feb. Oth, 1874. 7 Unsongora and Ukerowe-&U of thege ed by compassion or fceliý- fur a one centimî M men flesh between Arab aüd Arab. iý -USONIS > County of Ontario, em irea and kingdomsgoyerned despoti. Two or dires, or half a dozen, or a liberal, jnst, and lrind man a ta was fouina t, ST OP TRE DIVISION COURTS The Nat!ênal Investiment Com- calpyl, subject ta the will of th'lr re' dozen claves are exchanged quietly bc- have a bim beart. A Per Atoll' ýý',1'1'rtbry, LI -AND- tive monarche. In hie worthy of. tween traders, as the exigencies ofbusi- Between Bagamoyo -and Unyanyem- 110," on the op TEX Pany Of Canada, United Counties of North- forta for the moral improvement of ýess.or currency require. Those few Le, I saill, one oses but ratail saloi; nf 01el COUNTY OF ONTARIO, (LIMITED.) umberland and Durharn those bonighted races the missions- Toii o quir4 wrj". over saül are ne la Lord have e hat 51iug eh no& [an, el Bir, sud )u At onld in moex Mr. to Jeai MY Pl koli- wa, ;Ûry the the ûVo he ose, a or b of the the in_ ley: ) ta, Ffid ý . rù, )ta he MY lie iin of Vu ý1y ýta fil M' id to V iï --- -- - %,-- greaL nela 1 i.5.e3ne.estpttlere are no more teare to be L* nglisji noble a in -itc - flie frien -_ -_ fu. liai, bas opened ta the world, es. ower of wailing left when they ta grouse or din a ch memory o. t Don- "b.i.g all j 0 il N s 0 N fô; -i.ïel shooting. New, in tumult tle b., lut ýatoielillerlJeM of as. ALZS LAGER 0 c W pallia 1 Y te the Engliah, French, Ger. begin ta ho driven in flocke toward the this general battu, it is underatc2 , of autho yties SETH C. WILSON, mana and Americans, the English, es- Arab depots or the Coast. course, that ail mon carrying apears solema decle LUMBER 1ýfERCHANT, I have given tii - Y, for my Lager peciallv, for greater attention . ta those At ujiji one sees a slave market es. SbOuld be considered dangerous, and %vill pass into fltby), )Road, out Office, Wbitby. en . '12 faiorics and wares generally purchased tablisbed-not a Con ioces afterward ; generally n Lot No. 8, 2nd Con. Pickering, on Kingston rl,ýitby tot..T.A.eB'ÀgNDOELL, and I ohali In tral market, sa at abat, ta be ont te P dre and onb- tbat it hu bc W H 1 T B Y avo. upply au article which will by, Afriepus on the West Coast. Zanzibar, but in sevéral É;Ià vo folds or but the women and chil a Has on band a large supply of AU kinds of satisfaction te those Who patrordze round numbers-I shall be more exact slave pens, maintained by deqraded- Missive adulte are prizes whieh bolong doubt; sa is al ;EWS NEW BUTCHER SHOP 1 Barn Lumber Boards and AR necessaiy tc". in another 16tter-You have thrown half-castes or demoralized Waiiii- ta the victors. The murder of people forelgn Paper Buil&ngLiznter. TOHN WALZ, open ta commerce an area embracing wheDce they are jýaken by those in need on this scale is called a war and a griov- out Aeclaratic and.Scantling, a large qnantity on band. Toronto. over six bundred thousand RR- The subscriber begs leuve to lintify the Large orders for Long Bill Stufl, filled T Ti E square miles of slaves for serv4ce or for retail sale. ancel 48 with your poteut',atea--for wà r Been thatthe inhabital3tu of 'the Towi 01 whitby and from Milla At short notice. which contains nearlY two thousand The objecte of traffioi as thoy are landed iB acon diacovered Il miles of an uninte wliere the ]cases are humed in 170i v1cinity, that lie bas Cpued a Dooro, -Sashes and Blinda, alwayo on Best and Freshest rrupted course of Ait the aboré- of Ujiji, Are generally in e alwaYo On the aide of the simple sava- over such as 1 a the band: water COmmunicationp divided among terrible conditian, r,ýjtIced byhunger ta ges. 1n'a colirse,'Dot always success- the present à BUTCHER SHOP Whitby, May 7th, 1877, ly-20 the Upper Congo and its magnificent ebon-V skeleLonâ-attetiuated weaklings, ful, manner the sav J ages souletimes atý- having drawn Offlce In Crosby'a Store, Dundas-St., (opposite affluents. It will take a long time ta unaýie tu bu>tain Lheir, angular hoads. tempt te retaliâte, and then follows 'an' Wu attested 1 Ray's Iloto1j whore he will keep conétantly TORE AND DWELLING VrILZý 'LLWAYS BE FOVND AT ln&kO UP a MaP but I promise YOU a Thoir voices havc quita lost f-lio manly other griçvance and another war. sent, the remi 14 en band a good assortmont ci SI ý. - rooughokoteh ý1fthe unknown halfof ring ; they are more whines and moins I have three little extracts from my aossion ta the - BEEF, LAMBVEAL, MUTTON,&c. :[JU rr 1 THE WHITRY HOUSE, Africa, now revAaled for the £Lrat time, of desperately sick folk. Scarcely one note-book whiôli I roque > et y-ou ta pub- Augels, where A call lu oolicjted. and ou willfind tliat in this brief lot. is able ta stand upright ; the back top" lii;h"to the truth of whick any Arab or fin sealed-witl A. PUI17GLE, Yr. At Liverpool Market, a New Store and J. A. BAliDELL is aise sole Agent for ter ? am underestimating the merits resents Rn unittrung bow, with dame* Arab slave nt presont in Nyangwe until the 'coml 'AM, WhiLby, Sept. lot, 1877. 87 Dwelling,-well fitteil up and with every Walz's Lager Boer for the Couaty ai of thio new field of commerce. I wili thing of tliti serrated appearance of would be quite willing ta testify the cathedral, necesoary accommodation. Ontar;o. show you when I have bad time ta ar. croeoailno chine. Every part of theCr fr 060ot. 17.-Atabs organizod lio-Élay permatiolitly 1 Apply ta- J. H. XcGLELLAN. A FINEMARTICLE OF PURE Ci--DEn. range my notes, hOw noir WC aie ta et. frames shows the havée of hunger, am the three districts of RaBsessa, -they-are ta te March 28th, 1877. ti-14 tensive gold and cepper fields, and which h&B made thom lean, wrebohed Mana Mamba, and Nyangwe ta avenge minated nt nit what produce merchants May expect and infirm, creatures., Just hors I could, the murder and esting of 'Mohammed enthusium, ni BRUNTONIS RHEUMATic ABsoR]3ý» in return for their fabrics. if I might, launch out * into grous bin Soud and ton mou by a tribe near proof of thoir 001) £NT AM DIGESTrV» FLUID. 'n OFOGRAPRICAL I§UCCESS. abuse of the authoris of theÉé crimes, Mana Mpunds, half way between Ras- firat martyr nt CUSTOI48 DEPARTMENT. 700 doz. sold Zince A-n Fer thoseinterested in geography I and they deserve a thousand fýld-n-jOre sessa and' Nyangwe. After six deys Ottawa,-June 4th, 1877 Victime. of yopthfW Imprudence. who ril last. denuliciation thon eau ho inventeab al ?rk, May gay that 0 y ,aughter.the Arabe returned willi 800 "A DISTUBSI THOAlZED I51SCOUNT ON have tried-in %,ala every kbown remed me or by any humane seul m Europe; 500, goats, ne time I never dream. 8 ve3 su 1 besides spears, newopaper for WW lemm of a ample prescription y The «Riienqintlie A bnorbent will pgsi. ed that Yeti could hear anything of Clotho,' thusly. "The AvAmorieun invoices until.further vo- for theepeedy ouro of n cas debilit but I have promise ta be cool, procise back 840018, etc. rematnime dommy, loit zmu=a lud tivelY cure AU pains froin Rheumatism or MO ulltil Soins time in 1878 1 r 1870, lu son Of StFêy1*0g tics, 7 par cent. other inflamatory Swellings, in ig Hours. r and literal. Yet I may say that all the IlOct. 24-Th natives of Kabaliga, J. JOHNSON, t as dd Tile Diffes utir bal; never fafled, Orly course two degrees north were sorely troubl 86 '6, ÃS-1 & 'y wOnderfal river cOutinued a norfil- Batanie host protects them, for it muet iiear NyangweO sa break hà ' legs, drH é tâco "as nwtli- ta cure Of the ho aesuredly owing ta After tOdOý'1yûU Commissionor of Customs. »*f »390 &cou D the deep wilea of two air three deys ago by a visit paid ilours. TZ.8popos; rel'a' 'o lele in a few Equâtor, sometitnes taking gT ITAGE BBTWEEN Fe most obstinate cases os Dyoý- essterly, until I thon eat bonde hell and -i&il inbabitantR thst tà le people thom by ent4e Uany»znweze in'tho The liussial rïï cured in à week. À Lady writeg..- ght sometImes of a amall islaud-like Zanzibar are per- employ ofXoliammeabin said. IVERPOOL MARIRT 1 s have been gaved from lge*lingerinc that I aboula 80012 ho in the neiglibor. mitted ta commit crimes such Their léte years bë*ý( RD L Bronchitis, Catarrh, and hood of Jebel Kumr (the Mountains of Eure se no insolence wie sa unbearable that the that a, travel WHIT13Y & OSHAWA- Puits' I h'a Pain Stateýunderatando. 12 Dyspepais, and was oured in à jew da b the Moon), in which, case I a natives At Wet said, Wo will stand this pligh'lwo MU its use." Sold by Dzuggiots. prie, ztsy have all either Th li - Ur wives and AY 1 toresolve, after reach' gfivea.. o vingskeleton6 describeasbove no longer. ýTh éy will force -o the rw' o of 7 12 r Ji. -A IR/ n M TWICE -A D Advice for particular cases free. Àd&«o 2 ave all been marche, Leaves Oshawa At 8.80 9,1 And 1, P- m- W. Y. Brantoia, London, Ont ces north latitude, ta force d from D4arungu' and daughters bef6re our ýjeO if We Etoppagos. 1.1 am prepared to ay Carrent Prices for &Il à ý to Ugubba thence, tu pjiji th kiade ôf Grain Mivered et ml Steam Ble- Leaveo Whitby At l0,80ý A. M., and 4.80, towardsi Gondokoro throug the W Gy,, wore hesitate lohger ta kill thom. Kill- CrOwdei-in Good partue: RE BE13T Baris who are fighting, Oâný,fI6n- Wli themil kill thora land hefoie jho Ar vator, Frenchman'o May. p. lu. 1,1 ý1; ' , Il - Our expe. iweep and a . b Pacha, or continue on My iiy n- rtW Ot>ý «, _ be Pare 25 cents e&Ch'W&Y. Aý Bout and the et Will Call at au the hotelop ana st luivate ta saine great Maire, ang ul SAIT, PLASTERP rogiaenc« (when orders M loft At any 01 HORS E, M EDICI N ES. chance the Niger.ý the liotels.), ý Connecte -luith Osha" and 4Udé8eriptfbim oî. " ay, ýZý bout At.thë:Eq" r the 1 ru n, WATEMIýMFio &C-Y uowmmfflestffl;ý ZÃŽ, vith the FÀ9ý 0iies kept oonstaul 04 hau4 and 16f"jbt "I', Md with, tby Ibo Whâbl y^ t4bles. :nnkna F08 SALE 1 r "lu - »Pfor Xie et 1 fdt- CENT. a 's Bay.- au CbAL LOAN les et luterest. cOLELLAN. ELLEY, B -Y-. a best Ugironiob ded «I s 1 go. Dealers' ;à sive thom Ob ly-7 COMMISSIONER COURT OF QUE] Biý,'NCH, CQNI"11,'I',INcrNG AND GEN Ali INSUMNCE AGENT. '17110 will ýê in hiLq onice in 'fowli Collimbus, ou endays for Ti)tvjiwliili budinouti. L m. ta 5 1). KRrOL 27th, 1877, 1formu iib)tljllg auci ILII kludg 0, ger, work. A T Fi E R L Y, Divislon court, rp, c/é Land Agent. M., Atilerly. C"011jay A 'I' ]p P.LOTII 'CLEANED ILS AND IF FADI colout ally Col Mr- leit with w ýVIIICC)o %Vhithy or ment ail, iii ýÙ12Qt1y attendd J, HINIMAN, 0 SýR A W A, Ve.terinary Surgeor Win hât0l, Whitb eve Tqoedpr, rom 1 to 4 Y"