Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1877, p. 2

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lieron & Waman gol4 watcbs-,rame# John- IiI.tro> plate4 good.-Goldstniths 33fsukts at lcy-.Eot. - Gresat s0 insChs otzig. Ta IL s-1.H.Lawdur. Pies-IL H. Lawdsr. Ti0s t 'or Library-Meolianles' Inati.- Great Çodili Sale of Orgaus--Muclgo * Yarwood Mabf'g Co. .. Moton aleofCarnages-M. O'Dono- l'on. AUCTION SALES. Sale of Cotswold sbeep, Short.hlorn Oeil!.eBerkshire oo, &o., iti "Orcon. wood F¶rM," the. property of Meusrs. Iirll and Johiton, on Tliursday, Ont, 28th, 1877-1j, Fairbanks, MA. Sale of landis, ftrwî stock, implemenis, &a., on Monday 22n1 Oct. 1877, at lot auigber 20, ile tii th Concession,. township of Whitby, the- tropert 'of the estlaIs cf - tas lit. Bobl. Matzcw. son. Jas.IR. Mâtheîoson, adlilnitra. tor ;-L. Fairbanks, Auctionoeer. Salo of farm stock, Im1.wento, êM., the, propcty of I. M. Tlîovias, on Saturday, 20flh Ont. 1877-o et'lotNo. 22, a ins ttl701Concession,' townshýip--o Wbitby.-L. Fibns.utocr Sle, by 'ýirtue of Mortgsge, cf valu. able tc$va lots, lu tihé towvn of Whithy, con Tu.sday Octobor 60t1, 1877, a thie Royal hoteI, Wliitby. * Pcstpcnsd creit usaie of pure bred short borné, god grade cattle, horacs, Al* 14 0h~ , far m plements &o., nt lo 1 ie lot cou. cf Beach, on Tliurocbuy, OctoWer18th, thie property oufor. .'Sale cf farui stock, imnîlenents, lîoussejîold furniture &o., ai lot No. 14, lird concepsion of lsi Wlaiiby, on Thursday, Ot. 1801, the pro 1eriy of Mr. Wm. Iiindbon. L. eairbanks, Auctioneor - 014LY Si 3o PER ANNUM. W14îby, Thursday, Oct. 18, 1877. DIBASTROUS PIRE IN WIIITBY. NlINE W['OILES ANIJ) tW4LN BURNEI-SEV11AL OV1IiEL2S GUTTED. TO'U'L I-trl I LO'JS ANý \Viylia sue qit unffreti diststrat:o iy fs-uîîtiir.vagce ef fise, Somn. tis ebtst otont lis lise îtnriutdilttl bliie **î part of thie bun]liave becti u huma dclovm. Thon tirisaîti ttalIlacs cauna Itil RhItoit f f il clecsnottxceoi$150, 0it ho t lt outiscf hirtildhtîgs sut valiârbla ttehJor fgousi. I'Iînu ire vry srstinliy brikc cut ii tisegnacury stre ofnI Meear'î. Tiso Lawmes-& Co., iit-lsy altes -; 7 'cslou] oi Tnnredy e-(itmsg it!iiis stiîpopeanl t lîsvun beo crî aiurimI y tisae nt oftu 1 lacuja in, tue ruer ofI han- .ln'iltiig. Mr uesvlau'rniaa u'ucii, linvissg beun con lnoiL to n iinak bt-clftomsonne ttr st-uek. Tlia atoi-res"4LIe 1li buildning (c lts.g accupied - Iy,.Mn. WWinLainmg, ui l5 iilia sail risttiy Iropni i iusen bsoul Moeanisa.Lrwu-î & l' onnmll's - 1>iiuo wssîrsu-em, Itonko seay for (wiltriis bitîliugs in cultfie'ah cneiuts loi-Mr John Wakt-on, onute tes-tur site. Tisai sa alarge sÏtock o! liqturgsuantiirisa1 bacon, lard, &o. isithe coller, legeilie wiithliae generel stock l ia.he totî -vlueat i610,000>. Itn a tew uinutl the vicie building, was envehope i i dames vIsiolt barneti fiercly, ted a îiaey +be by tisa inflammable msatenin' on tlise remigen. rTU AFAX3-THIsI' 3 5tYWR.TIIEitANI * F<EMiN. steamner- yen., w. are issnre, oantIL grouati witiuIwlvc minutes ofetIif turet alarm-altlieughs this la diqptutorl -bat It vies avitieut froîn tIse fis-st this nioett'orta cola save Levilons store Thse finsmndineetei tiseïn efforts tI pr6eeut le spcesfti flitac c'uflhgratior LO the -* ' DOMIiNtIN ilAii brick building, aujciasimî au tise corne] on lIse West. TIse roof cf tie Iannk huai ctusglt fine sevu.rl limes, as li'lh * waoe Bio hd in tltt rtar, but lise eflart ma isde vuno *suoessuisnlu avii4 Itl batsk baiidiqg wvilsàn irolty fredlsues-cl iiug, and triac autret by tlithermôa cf office urntiire, Tho e wofilîe r bbc Mayor,lin. ~Sith, lu ti.. building - - antl tIhe - furusiume oet M. Presto: acconiant, r-r-lialivoti lu h.uppen flas muet &as have been fajuroul hy re VIIInUAui) OF TIIE Pitti_ * Tic lime ureti tca ebath uesi wootieunbuIldings l intea rani-sinsti - *treuly te the marble fesmiry aue - wo-alorey, fraie uweling * of th, MoeasWcfntcn, on th. eas,aad th, new- bufidings of M. Watsonaonithl West. RaeatIse fine negetifnnieaely,de fylnHnl lIshe offrts cf-tie fienten, wli nolwltbatanlhing-tise Iens, anti ove p oworn lijent wrki vils unceasini 0oin. Tii. rookery e! ikinul rboxcu, uhetis asti luiharlilteien le i reair, sud ýhteopeit draugisi broagh til netv beihige, tiroughs'the expoai *- rftIens of-whci the damacnesruo with a araig meuh, edulà ed encs fuel to andi force. of Iluacouflegnehisl wbich speadutyrncesd tii dry goon store 0.i Mosars. Laing,& SIce-a.t Jn.il$'s bock atome, antilIte drjy gon and greçery.aouble aloi-a cf 2Jîtos. I & L~ Camnpbll. TIi,, Hamilton bioc ;bl.oo tugbt frnoth1e rouir anti roof, uni ~ ~is iee 1111 epectaticii vieson -tevttbee0aO aqving-aey'of tisa inildi1ng %on 4bat aie 'o eBOksret ap t IL 1ocus leewaal aI lb tes t,! baum until aller the. ire lied eahsd, 1Zwlüj ton's. Our neigbbouring fl wsn il *excellent service,and with bath engin. playng 11 ful eÂMms hhe ire as mA M ered hers, anti il was believeti that Halltoni's dry pocis an,3 Whit1held's dlrag store wculd bc saveul witls Cern psrartively liti!, ijnry 'But ithe WELLS OAVE OUT At whîch betha enginns liail bool opucipig-the menryweather bailtu shifi froua Wilson's ta Bhsy!s, and' th Ring Weil twes ieci np by h. Oshawa stae.Bothi elnlsbiftat shift- hotb sbawva ho h.well ni Mr. Braithli ncw repidenceand th. Merrywcather te tbap ah LOWOF & Pcwolrd. Mcanime the rL.S S: IU1iST OUT .&EesW At Hlamitten's ani gainci full! hed. way tiiere bofore thcy caulti bc iétin. guisheti. About half-past aine bath engines lhed again PULL CONTROL 0OP THE PIRlE. Anai prevenled ils furtiier extension, coufiing thse fdames te the Hamilton blcali sud preventing fartixen destruc. tion. Thie fiainebuildings aceupieti by Richard Suow, baker, J.. G. MeDougal, baker, anti J. S. Roborisont statione" andi boolîselle7, were. badly uacageti. Thse brick block known- ab Goldsn'ithe' Hall, ocecpleil by Mr. laines Johaston was also dansageti, andi hie susteins cousidemablo loss by th. removal of poils andi frniuture. The. smail frame occupieti by the. Misses Malntyre, os usillissers, sianageul. The -ehequer store ai the corner, opposite- Hôpkins's Hall, was also coniderably demagadin l efforts ta pull il dowt:, to prevent th. aproati cf thc flâmes, andi Mr. John Sauuders's stock cf boota cnd sisces suffreti by removal. The fol!ewing are the catimated lass$ and Insurance, as anscertaineti: Thomas Lftwler & C.;,,so 1l0,000, insu-ad in Phonix, e4,000. John Watson owner cf building; lese, 82,400 ; insureti in Rand.& Ment, 81400. Mecers. Wolfencu, Mas-bIc works b ~cIling ; jase, 86000,- stock« andi eginelusured in North Britishi, $1800, dwelliig andticontents, $1500. IL. & J-. C[snjîlrl, sssuilldwelling, Oc. cuin y Ktshoe, and aic-O, -hase ioula, iiisuru in luNorth lBritish, 6250. Jtiliti Watcon, tirece sores in cusurse of e-îatinn, insureu inlaRrysl, $.5010. Luiiug & steNwnît, les onu r.ck, 80 00i0, insus-ad in Nortiu rishil, 3400, Ijut perzlI, r-400, ala, aj Iancl lu Moud, Ss-us ùownertl bhoTJuWatsou ; lus, $7,500h, husured iu lloyadCanadien, Lewis Allia, building los., 05000, inbure(d, $2,500 1,stock ani Tinaiture, Ines, $3000, uuinsuu-ad. I) 1 & J. Campbell, alote, bute, $10,. 000i) insunst la NothilsBritlis, 85011f); 10lowî on stocke, 40r,000 ; isooroni, 19000. MfýNeissie. Jinuliten &Co., dry godfls es die., loue ou stack, $80,1)00 ; iuurneti, id 815,0(10. it Tises . C. Vliifieldlr drug tone, loso on BLssCh' $1L)>a ; insusrd in Scutioli: Ponal, an1 i 2R801ui)Wst JoFihsue Jiieîmhaun, ou-uer et builti- Silig, lues 810,000 ; finssusesi, $4rl60O. ALI Jamies Johsuston, Joweier, liosa net s3k asuceti'Aisti, isquessiou nstock, 88000; InmUrtitni se, $1200. Jinlina 1Richardon, aoct-ttc-s-of Lliiig, loeet al rauxnand, Ir instîran F2101. M-igs 1MCIntyrri, ntt isused, houa 850-0 ; buiiingiog natl il fPost, net ini- benscO, las, S3110. Johin Sanulere, bouts anaisîoas, lees, $40010 ; stockt inenresi, 2,8501. Joia 'Pi!), insmtrl on building, e1001). te liclîCulSi5iu, aîlta, ne lueurance, hoa, -10 J .O. lMaDeugeli, baisai-, uei insuiesi, iv ha.., $500. r. J. . Itltslon, tationen, oas, 5,. <11000,: fulireila venriotîs compaisies, 81,. ns- Mrs. HamsilIton, on tIae. et named re buildings, hase, $820; inaase-$1,,600. * B Damoage- ta Domsinion Bank 'uuaaccr- an ti-eu, ineireti. ' - as Tise buildings an sturean theoap- al pofie silaocf ]Irock sireet wene more or loee lojuacti iy tiese corcinig dsmue, fD anti ceucidorabie denago hia ceeu O aieuect-eiecially in Mer. Jas. A. Cam. bsli's prnîtittgoffiet-, byfire frem upanka orand aniremoval OI gueula. le Freintise aboya esicu.xes tIse vaine A of a largo qtiantity of gatrds saveti, but o! courseoli a -lamageti condiltion, ibas ta ho detiacteil. - M.Tol'liG.NilJiitldts. git tO speue bueinese lu-tIhe store, ona eci-o )n sotîtis aI Mn. James Jcimston'e, Celti. shtlisa' Hall. Mr. Jolisston caruies on iis vintei s- anti juwoîny tsiiuessuta iitul)aid-tise d ir f is iîing dawn tIse Iticco. tMoere. llattiltois i& Co. open le tise a dita ounder lîeîskiiîm'i Hall. tu 1Niy. J. S. Ilibortsosi fias leken the sie n.tortan lise Wilkinson bock, lasîvicen Mr. TLill and iMr. Joiîîueon'a tfarrtiurne ê' cores,,ant iyl bho tisea uspplieud as al nenal witîs books, perlodlicais anti if statiouemy. Mess-r.lil. & J. Ctmpbc-il ara rn-kiag arrangements to obtalu ther stores own-sua ~,by tIîei, nnrtis cf Dutia, an Brook bt tneeo, nov occupieti bý Meassrs. Hauusk, s. Fairbanks, and tiontue. 71 Mesas. Laing l& Stewart hava blien tise dises-store utien Mopkins's Hall, ises-s tIse damagol stock r-Il be dia. ot paseti cf sy tlitnsaI a saciiea, ho bu i. ropiacen Iret oneby a uasv stock, andt s-i 'visera uIey vilh b.clsappy te se. iheir lectstomens. ho Thue Fi-enteh EMicciosus. le- Tisa etumus fs-cm the Fraoclceise. ho thons go lewseitisaitIshe Repoirlicaus r- have carriodth ie cday agninet lIse îg Qovrnnrponî et Massisal MeMahlon. le AmeicaCoagmosa. ho TIse opeang cf Caugnassata Weghs. 3à inglan, on Mcutiay, vies vitueFoasti y sd e large cmrawc. Ilaushali vas elecieti cd Speaker cf tli ol er-ts y 149 votes le un Carfioîd'a 182. ' Tisa Sonata was esli a la ondor by Vice Presitien t Whcei îanti t, lIse celi cf office admeinislared tl e ur IR. . * tdcl rrmberaii1 i icîs are Oît'sy-oedo Sllar- Ir- for twalve mulie. No money even gocoinoti couiti ho bptten expendeti. te Fanaerd sons. anti tiugyilens, tae, eaboul a.saiî lisenselves cf tlîe pneu. -ege of mamnbenshup anti oblain rniiiu lis Malter cf tise beat cianacter for ile w inter evenitiga, GPE.&T giÂac or- PfA3ce.-Ahtetm45 M. J. B. Bickell, reeve cf tbê- i*wn-u sbip of Wldtby, Messe. A. G. Ma- MilIain, R. H. Lawclea, Gg. HcPkin5ý Afio r lie elhi fguratively) had bo.n rcnsoyaeds u.s aa!loyal ant pa&tniotio toasts wsie propossd asud drank, ' fci Iowed b-y L t of lths gue4 tfi. O' ven. iag, to wiieh Mr. MaoNacht&a tes- pouded inu cithle termso. 'Dnrlag tIse eveniug;, iu replying to vàrious toasts, maauy cf 1he geintlemen Who spolce tOQek occasion tu express the. highaesteoin, lun ulAceli (ey hala mn e, Nctn e ouly for -hile gooti bnaineàssqualities, but for bis geninl character and génemal gootdllowciîip. They expressaed them regret, et bis rensoval frein. tue town, for as Mr, ing saisI, i'we ictende t t have bmin ltha council nazi year," but hepeil the change would prove ýatvan tageous lu hinsseIf A A sTîs-rîNGsAPPI.N.rrazN.-TIso fri-ends cf Mn. William H. Euston, (son of Mr. Huston, Town Clemk andreoas. tiner) iill ha ploescd--ta leara ual ho iasjust receiveul Isd anppointment cf Ass'itant Master in the Whitby High Sahool, wbere w. trust h. will bie as snecessfal as a Ittr as bis cancer bas been distiagnisheti ns a pupil. ý.e Tbunsrksucn. - Revid. Feiher Me. -Ente, spoko frein the Aliar, afien Mess on Suunday lest, ou 1h. subject of- Tes.- perance. Tise reverecit gentlemen ungeti upon tho congregaticu tue greet advantages cf total abstineisce, bath frons a temuporal and spiritual point cf vîew, and inviteti all-especi.%lly the young msen -ta juin a Tumporauco Se- ciety, which lie proposati ongnizing in Wlsitby. Fatisor lMcEutae's efforts ln tlia Tetnperance case have beon very succoiseful iu Uxbrligo, andi elsewheî-e; lie wil! proedsson Tompernîice nexi Suutlsy, aflmr Mass, at slavon o,0loek, aussi thon pxoee' witIse oinitative cf thes organization. AioGUAVATEO ASS1ULT.-A yoing ina nasmea nReot NKer was, h le;féareut, fetal!y eiiaultc-d ni Dubarton on Saiur-- daLy. lie lied coise difficalty wltlu Jolisa Slippnrrl, witii whomn lie lisI a tsel, when Michael '3iien,itisils-g- ed, came np behirîti huaanti frirck KCerr-on thuret-lt cff hh.r hen-h wiîl a botls, free!uring thiklulI. - Net-r, it ls also stîtteti, sYrekk by Shrlipprr aftos- bc g kurioked dcown. Sîtepp!tr&l has beoucomoiiti ta Wiitlîy geLOl. OBrien is e seping out of the u-ay anti cocstabia Det-kin le hot afior hisw iLls a Warrant. Mit. Tnes.-G. WXVrnn-cDI)Uea iee .0c- ceeie t t the business se sucue-auiuly canrbcti on by thse late lMn. Jainûs Byrue, as druggist, &c. !,r. Whitûlcl is well known ta al our Whitby roari- ers, having been bonisandi Isiougîi up lion., anti alec as Mr-. Lys-ae's former assosaut. 'Noe ffurt 'il ho spaneti IP i iuiirs pari ta useet tWbprbhic wants andi keep upthie -%vc-ll .staisliobsed nopti- tation Cf iho olti establisbincnt for- pus-e tirnge. &., nîtihi Lb of nsne t p- waxas, of sis yerins of tors- au). eihy tîada, ,qV ive s gurarteone US t t(sCCUn acy with whiclî lia may tue r.,iied upon for empoulidin-iprescrptîeus. Wa wigih Our-yuutlîg tewnsîii11ît every site- crie', auds wu ai-o Confident hoe wil tie- c it nitaithe lîrtci.]eof tte public. Tiin HANI.ON-ILOS BOAT LCS- Tise grerut contcirt, over whiph thero lii b,.-u seinuilidimieu)ontrapnt andt guwabliun', calme off ou Montiay. 1-Irtlun wus ais easy viuir, siLli thsico loinudreti yar-ds te epane autithe lose. Tise ljime talien was 88,0)9. flaritis,, haowonen, eloppeti SoncVral imes ,aanti il is aoseentetiho coulul have macle iuesli fatcn lime. Bots ou lime are caidta hoe off. Great rc*jochng aven Hlaulosa's tise ruinr coatrarieted atise pupil visa puolisbel, nes verely as il lay la lise power 61 tIse board tle(do. The purnagrapis Isas, via undlensamnl, doue, semelhing ioverd linthlie geasl naine of ooneclsool, tiserefore, vie hore place toi- tiseeCoutuitiletmny be g iii lus ae paes-er-r--wluîihgave il pliblicity, FATAL ACD OAotîs-i aÀPatmcsta.- Rlobert laines Armoircutig, a pniiteio, vas kiliet inl Loadou on SttUrdtry eveuiug by iseiag knouol o dvn an.l rua ovus- by a nailway irsin. Cùt tisOt--lt hhlay Save Yens- Lile. Tisera le no portion lieisg but visat sufera more on ec s tiLuug Digease, CooglAi, CaIdi, r Censampiien, yet sema vouitidisî ratier bhan pay 75 cents furn bteout Mediie l ht- vionît eus-e Ilsei. Dr. A. Itoaeliene'e German Sykup bas hrtehy beon ine.o ducoti la Ibis ccunîry fsosGermauy, anti is vontrouascures auisjea eve ry ana tIsaI try ht. If yen douht vihat vo aay in priai ntu ls, ont anti tae it la yeur Drag4ist, S. W. B. SmitIa&Co., anti get e sempie botila fs-s-10 conta andt ry, on a nelar sire las- 75 contes. Ladeust War Nervi. QUit-AT BATTLIe-DRIOEAT or r.a Tuaiss. -Iu Asia Miner Mullhar PesIsi, btas expenicucet istiestmnius dsfoat et tise Aladja DagIa, wIa.re, ou'Moriday, the ]Ruasians ateaotihic; neviposition, anti aller a tvid henni' oagage!x1enb,- campleteîy rouled hie Ircepu, ant ifliS lu disorarer la bhnee directions, hostly pursueti hy tise v ictors. TIse ebreat of lie% fugitir-es in tIse direcation of Nuire is onidt t be eut off, av thuaitIsey wilîl probnbly mae for Erzacroulu hy ctir. cuitons rouies. Tise rasoi,,t o! this du. gazgsulwi ce taesreopun tise .&men. ,a à muuý an d2io eisulnaý ereso nothe 1301191uut eaio IM4zoaa'eo. -* 1 ,Tisee sstiaîei expentiture for the yean iad,-Cunnty rate $918; Noies un- der tilacoui î600O -; *Dehentares and ixtreet 407869, lots peli on accouai $5663%) îeaviug te be provitiet for $Il- 081; balance cf tlarice $480>; pintiug $800; Discounts ý su interest $500,ý due on mârsps$100., c4erexpended-0on treets $819. Toali otimtsd enR diture3, 120,264. Receipte,. -Cs $900; dog tex 8100.; k féess mcm'weiglî sceles 80.pol lIt 4!V; sadvancedl ta sabool -boardi e8489-. Total S449f Thils would leave a balance. cf 815,7V5 to b. raisedu by manicipial ýassesmen'tk which sill requin. tic levying 'cf a rate cf,19 umills on ilb. $. For Higis anti publia ccol parposes tic anionst ri' drod will ho 85000,, whici will ne. quis-ePa funtiser rate cf 7 mills on tha 8. A by.Iaw was iniroduceil read anti passeti aulbenizing thse levy cf a rate cf 19 mille for town anti 7 mills for sehool purposes for tb. pressai ;yoar. COcencîladjaurati REGULAR MEETING. Mocday Eveniag Oct 151h , 877.. The negulan meeting cf lie coungil was -helti this oevoning. Prenat His Wurshlp thea Maycr (la the chair.1 Beasy Gibson, Doputy-roovc Blow an Coutîci!loms Deverîll, Ferguson, Heu. nain, Hopkins, Long, MoMillan, Ornsis. ton anti Wicks. Minutes of last regu. Ian and special moéting reed andi ap. provoti. CONSIDNICsITIONS. -From J. E. Farewell, Couty Atten- îsey, calitig the cuuncil'a atiettii te the tact tisai ai tIs a ltCoun o! Gon- eral Sesions, a truc bill hai bs-ou fonuti nsitIshe corporation, îor par- muiffing a nuisance la the town anti tbsut the nuisance lied net yct been PINTNO. Mr. Long, brought lu tise Pnintin-, Cominînee's report neeomineudin., pe.y scrit ofINY. H. Higgins ceerrant am- outiuig 10 o ,,-Itpori adopteti. ilY-LAW TO PROVIDSS FOiR TREBEHTTES. COrLLECTION OF T1XËSý nr. Blaw, socoarleti by Ms-. GibQun tulosîrd tise counicil luoe coîuîmiiî.e'e o! tIse wliole, on tiue second nuading of the by-ltw, tus provilsi for thie butter col fation of taxas, anti te imupose peumul- ties ilte nonpsyrtianl of tise Bean. LTiI- Iy-luuw was givei li full iii tIhe CH1102NtCLit 4tluSept àMri. Dit'w linntlucitig Ihe by.law sîsîlot tisaI lic had hîr-i it l-lt unes- lonmthie ast mecetig te gi.ie tnt-mn-011 bars (iftIre contîcil tiitue tlîtink aven it. 1li liti noi kaow thîtiin is îrse- t-ft shape, tIsetry-law altogotlier suit- edri Ishmsecif. IL rees opren tc suggýes- tions andîti onenitnte. Semec suds "ry lnw svns, lio-..oven, greittly ut-adet inl thse lewis, to'proteet tise tex-payons inho pain tueur taxes aitsite proîser lies. It s-tas iunfeinforcotie lex-payur 10 puuy hie taxes neariy six monthe btfore s i-isear. Mr-. Me-Millan was ta favr ofa a by- l= Lntpri)o l' or Ilic li-ýo p rompt payntcuct of taxes andtius an e ethis tonutO- largo arnoulisitilwas et pro. ct-ut lreyiO?:rJtise hankse for disces'.ts. Ho flc2glit a pentalty of 5 Iper ce-nts was tOO Itigl,aio it wotrlt hc ht.r te lieaeva :tfinie finnr aynieihi oxteudedte t Jet of '1r1is11as-y. Ms-. Slth,it es ia faon of a by-law of luis ltb, ut tlouglst thise n nr Lt-'os-a t1:ejcititil stas ill&gel. FHe woil is 4gsU-rt tihe ipriutuioni of an ctuliltieca a rsei iiy.lw. an urersconqiticroti 5 pst ecitt, Ph' ttsCimtli, wtat jutte r iglil tlin, thowuli lie wold favontlise extension cf tise tituts-. Mr. Blorw agi-cea wilh Mn. Gibocu as ta li-rgtlic-iag thtr lise- ,.Is. Wr-mks concidenctiil 5par catiii, pû-t ientis, t-o higlt n rate te cha-ge. 11le oimgltt et tîto rata oI 20 per.cent par uauninw.-: ai. utLIae cores-cte Mn eteisi w t.,l- a by.law af thse kinti bfore ltse couneilipasseet, bts, hoe wauted a by-law tai weuîl Isoit gooti anti counssîlet i gving tho inciter funre attention, by rcfanriug il loaa conuitie te ne portntt tise noxi ineat- inp oI tise canîsil. Mfr. Deveiihil would not i'hava-tlie by- lusw coma la farce befonra th. lot of Jalnuany. Mr. Langam 4r i. Hannain spoke lu frîvos- ofnotesring itie by-law te a coin milles. lin. Feugiisoa moyentisIthat h yIaw ho neferi-d a t ncotnîsmltle o teconst cf minuit taAe-PAY5tENTs. Mr-. B1ew seconniet hy Mr. Gibsea muovadti ltIMr. Shihrlieopaiti $100 balancedsLe o 1r niape nl that the lark have a oopy o' tise map fiied le thse hlegius-ry office. Csus-ied. lin. Devenilîl ecneudcl ly Mn. Ltog invee t iat J. Murray, be paiti 87.61 for virk slore na lshe .Cent-e 'uard aur! tisai thnt tise sans.liho ohargedti te s Centre Wam'ni appropiaution fon next year. Car-lad. 5>t'tNNG BOIND STREET. Mm. Hetikita brs-nmmglt le a report of tise Cos-umittce au Streurla anti improve. menis in tise 3onlis ard, recemuxeud. ing tise 1iis-ustiag the prayor off tise pe. tiliom irMs. Il.hon forer sopoufug cf ti a tscet. Repent adepteS. Crolneil arjouruiet. A Case- of Twem.ty-Tcau-'& Standing. Fs-nt m :. Jîe>pp Setier, of Johin- rour, V.-I l eurîil s-ny îluty tSul.sIssi knowvsuta ise 't'ifJ te vatîderful effi- cacy af your W3-rÂcl7s fALSAIu!OF WIL.s Cits-can. Fot twênty -yoams I vas cordy afflintui vils phihisic, anti Pre. vions 10 ouehog tise BALuasa is pro. nonaeil by tIse phyiens incurable. Twvo an -tlisca b)oules afrdeti mu a go4 ileal 9of isýjp4ý LesE2muiy moreA Brooti Mar-ist Charlesa Lynde, Lat G.A. Dallimore, rd Daniel Porsytha. Tmwoyest od l piU.st HRuià Mon- roe, 2nâd Robert, DevenUl, ri Jaines Forsyth. Yearling Fily-lst anti Led T. G. Reazin, Gm! Chas. LynDe, Sprfng FilIy-lst Olis.-Lynde, Liati Jas. Gormnlsyl, ril la. Porsyta Yearling Entiro CoîýtiTos* E BADDLE OR 4Riaz OROBSS. Brood lMarc-lut C. W. Mathewe, Loti T. G. TReazin, Srd ihrnel &John. stan. Two ..yocil Fily-lst Birrsl & Johasion, 2nti John Parker, Onti -Thi.1 Lawe. * Yearling FIliy-lst Tics. G. Resuen, fi D. L. MoFarisue. Spiugi Filly-lsit Geo. Ilatrlck, Sud 'Wns. Ellecil, Srti Wm. IDale., 1 Two yean oldti ie Colt-lut,,I. L. B3arkey." r- eang entire Col-lstlneo. Wright, Spnlng enlire Colt-lut Ino. Tool, 2nd C. W. Mathews, r Birrell &i Johiaslon. i Matcheti Teas-lsi Daniel Forsyth, 2ad T. B. Walker, Si-i Jas. Daugherty.1 Single Htn'se in Harass-lott A. On- vis, Sud Wm. Hnbbarti, Srd SB. K. Brown. Saîldle Hoee-lot lac. Wigbt, 2nd C. W. Mathoe, Brd A. C. Brown. OutrERAI4 i'eosicHeRMES. Jutiges. -Messiro. Robent Stockdale, 4olsu Hamniltan Jr., Peter Neshit. Broti Mare-lai Jno. M. Bell, Luti Ino. Wright, 8rd Jas. Stracîtaîs. Two year olt i Fiiy-lot Ino. Harris, 2ud J. H. Tonner, Bcd D. Lawmon. Yearling F4illy-lsi W. Mocheans, 2ud J. H. Turner. S ring Filly-lst NM. IHerie, ad W. & ELiadget, 8nd N. J. Chapsuan. 'rwo ycan aId entire Cot-let Jas. Pile. Spriimg mtine Col-isloJise. Wright, 2ni1 JoLii Tuel, lird W. &i E. Luduiet. Mlatceisen Teass in Hairnets-let Bir. rii & Joixînstruni, 2îîd Alex WuIefi. îurccVY ORIUGHT HORSES. Litooti Mare-loi Jas,. I. Davisirsan, 2nd assd Snd 13 -eil & Johusti. Tuto ycar aid Fily-litjoseph G rei. Yetriug Filly-lel John Miller. Sjming Fily-lot Jus. I. Duvitisen, 2url Jus. Ilirier, 8rd Ilirrell & John. ston. jwo year aId cuti-e Col-lst D. S. MoFanu. One yeac od e ntime Colt-lot Binrell & Joisuetan, 2nti Robert Mimne. Spriusg sut;no Colt- D. S. MeFarlane. CANAOII&X ostAeUST isuSaa. Brocarl Mare-let Cioo. Davidoan, 2ati WVm. Anmnsîs-ong. Two yer 01 Fily-let M. Heurie, Sati W. Pile Jr., rd Chas. Pilfîey. Yearling Fily-loî Chas. Garbait. Spsiug Filly-lst Geo. Devitison, 2nti W. Armstrong 8srl Jna. Williams. Two yean olti entira Col-let Tics. C. McAs'oy. Sprng -othm-e Colt-lut anti Sud Jea. M. Bell, SB no HacMrcis. 'I.ttalierl Teamin laHasns-lsiH. Misetanl, Su Cio. Davidsoni. DUtIIAM t-AT TLE. Jntigee.-Messie. Ciceo. Lang, WVm. Rolpit Jas. Grahamn. Aagtri4 Cow- laI, 2ntisuantrd James I. Ilavitson. Tirnea yeo d llefer-lot Jue. Rus. sel. 'rwc year olti -li4ifer-lst ina. RussIl, 2nd 'fiss. C. MeAvoy. Yoart.ing Ileifer-Jet anti Sud lac. M. Balhrd Jne. Millor. Hpifrrr Caf-ist Jas. I. Davitisan, Lnoti inatsesel, Si-c Jno M. Bell. Bull CeV.*7-let, 2ud anti Brti Jas. I. Daviuisoin bierri efi >srhm-lsi anti SntiJas. I. Davitison. (MCADE CATTI.. Agoi Cw-lst Tises. C. McAvay, Sud Eh G . lBarclay, Srd A. Shanrati. Tlisea yean olt i sfe-let J. C. Ful. ler SndTises. C. McAvoy, Brti F. Greuta. Twa year ulti Hifcî-lsi J. C. Fol. les-. Yearling Hoife-lst TIsas. C. Ma- Avoy, Sati Thas. Cliion. Heifer Calf-lI tTises. C. MoAvoy..j EAT OATTLE. Fat Cevi or Stpri1t Inn. Russe], Sudl anti Si-OJohn Miller. COT5viOLD SeMhP. Jutlges.-MeoseWm. Story,les;.' Aged Rlai-let Jit. Miller, Snd Ina. Seott, ls-clWmn. Cîteirale. _ Shoorling Ram-lot' lue. Miller, 2usd" Citas;. Cuus-htt, Srti Jae. Miller. B-aai Ltmb-Jsi Tises Hall, 2îsid Jno. Milter, Srd Thea. Hall. l'air aed iEvieo-lsi William 1Major' & Sou, 2aà Ju>. Milles-, lrd WVsn Major' &~ Sou. Pai- Sheariing Evies-le Jue. Milles-, Sui Wni. Mujos- &i Lin, SiJD. E. l'air Ev-o Lamba;-let Tisas. HrchI, Sîtr Jao. Miller-, Si Geu. fliCluiugbot toisa. eSousr-'N sach. AUel ltnii-lst Ina. Vili 0o1. Sianeu: L].,lOtfi,-t5JrrO. 'uil8ea' Itaisil.tsl-e in.X:leru. Puin ugo-,i Ewts-loti muiSeiJaut). -wilaoxs.' prair Shets-liug Evies--, t I na. Wil. Pain Bye isambhIst.ant i Sd John wilison. Pair Fat Siseep aay Bru-d-lit ndr 2uri 'uVi. Cochsrne Bs-JIna. Miller. LArnCE BULsED.--SWNh. Ageul Suer-lut F. ila'heview. Agoti 5ev-ici NigisautieAr Bras. Sean unde- ana yeur-ist J. P. Sadi SMALL ut.'Esi.-swiNE:. Agoil Suai-lsl lue. Milles-, 2usd ch-ca. tlidley. Ageti Sovi-let Tisos. Chiti), Sisti M. Reeti Ss-iTisa. Pugis. Sovi onde- one year-lol, Led anti as-c Jno. Milles- , e f Bean nuder pue yesn-iat Wm. Hloise, Lad Tises. Pngh, Ss-tiJua. Mil- ler. POULTRY. SPaniah r Fa-l-si H. M. Thomias, Lana Nigbswande- Bras., Sîti N. J. Wilkinson. Donkis-lut H. M. Themnes. IFart-lOge Coeihcs-lit Hi. M. -Thomas, Sudl Nigiswrauder Bs-os., Snd H. 14. Thomas. . Buaf Cocîin-lat H. M. Thiomas, Saul Nigisswauten Bs-as., Bs-i H. M. Thman. LgIaht Bsaima-lsi anti LadH.M, Thinas, Os-il John Wihseîs. Des- Bralimas-lat Nighsevaudler Bras. Sud aund ils-ILH M. Thosmas. Ec Hutans B'ardeil-18I N. J. Wilkin.- sous, Sud C. Nighsvinien, 8BmtILH.M. ToLenso. Leghotis-isi N. J. Wilkinaon, SuS anti Brd .1.M. Tiscmas. Bantameý-IsI H. M. Thomas, Sud Ms-c. H. Wilkinson, Brd Cisaniese Lynde.'> cui0 on Turkey-lai Chartes * dThomas G. Reazin. Lsjge Breeti-lat Thomas Chanrles Lynde, Sud Join Thomnsc Eis, 2L . , ce, Srd George Vallon.1 Peck of Beans-laIt - osephWebter, Led,!.Saluel Nethertnte, Gri Thomas ùMan àersou. én 12 ees-lo illamMajor& Lud W. H. Onvis, Gril Thou, Chine. 8 Clînes-isI Ga. Valîsutine's'Led W. H.ý Onvis, Sît loin Wilson. 8 Ibo cf Hopa-lsi P. Groee, ant W. C. Pilkey, SrZ Robi. Puller. 8 Squashs-lst J.Brusls, 2ailAbram Eli,GOrd D. Brown. - 12 Ears, ci Comn.-lat Wmn. Ponnister, LId Thomas Keox, Srd Cbarleti-Pilkcy. Peck 'T6matoea--lskl olin Wilson, Led Mrs. IsacPalmer, Gril tliah 8 Water Jrelou-1st and tLud ILH Orvis, Gril Joie Wilson.. cL a Mus1t- Melbes-1.st W. 3 Pvis, Lad Geo.'Vallsenine. Bag cf Enât Pelatoeeà-1lt William Major d& Son, Lud JsepliWebster, Gril Charles Williams. ' Bag Laie Potatoee-lul W. Hl. Orvis, Lad Gao. Vaileniue, Srd AbranstEhis; Collection Gardon Vegntble-lsl Abras Ellis, Led' Gao. Vallentine. FRSUIT. Jadges-Daniel Stnichher, Tiioms Duneu anti James China., Dasi12.Som er oelingAppîie- lai Nighswaeuîen Bras., 2Lad Mrs. Gao. Hticklngbottom, Gril Gse. Lasîto à Sou. 12 Sommer Tahie Apîîlus-.lst «Robt, Fuller, Loti Ueo. LeFhie d& tue;Ù, nd Mme. Gs-a. Hickigiaîm. 12 Feul Table Applesa-lut.Daniel ., Docker, Loîl Mrs. (Imo. Hickingbottets, Brui Gu-o. Vahientine. 12 Fahl Cookinz Appe-lst Geourge Valleuutine, Led Mrs, Geto. Hiekisighci. tum, Gti Daniel M. Dueken. 12 Wiuter Table Appîese-ls Geos-ge Lceli: d&, Sons, 2nui D. M. Dcuck#on, Gri Gee. Valentino. 12 Wiciten Coeking Applest-let andl S:nd Ms. Cieo. Ht-ningbottom, Si-n i t. Leslie &di ons. Veniety six kilu six cf -'Bachlotla Cii-n. Vaîleutisne, Ld Mme Ger). Hicking- botterm, Si-i Daniel M. Dealser. Vaitity ci Applis 12 Kianla af Bach -lFi J. D. Scotte, Sud Sire. Germgc. Tlbkiniuottm Srui Daniel M. Dn.cken. fuirr*t e d le,eul isplayuîple disetintucifnom ail ot!tr e aiesbeiug nwners groivl-le4t Johin Malll, Ssifi Geo. Leuhie d Sous, Srti Daniel M. Di-ckcr. Neiglsswentide-rspocial prize-let Ueo. Lemlu e &$ons- Bt-st 12 Rhodune Island GCieens, North- cru Spy ami Suov-it W. C. Miller. Six Feul Peare-lg;t J.. D. Bichas, Seul Juso. Scuts, Bs-t JOB Wilston. Sui winier Penne-ici saud Sud J. D. Stts, Si-ti Cio. Leslie & Sons. Thuisce bnoie Btack Grpes -- lsi D. L. Barclay, Susî Jos. Wilson Srd Wm. Taylor. Tisree b'onches cf White Grapes-let Gao. Leelia & Sons. Pools Cnabb Apples-ist J. D. Blette. Plumbe-let D. L. Barclay, Lad Silre. H. Wilson. Canadien growvn Penches-le Robt. Puier. Brougham Agricultural Hall, Oct.- 11th, 1877 :-In car cpinionwe eunsid-' on thcetiielihay cf fr-ait excellent anti nu-lis ceredtilon ils. Çnaii growe-e cf Pickering andi oxhibitans. James CIhsu, Dauiel Stnicklen, Tliowas Dua, Justges. MACHINES AND -ARmi IMPLEMENTO, &0. Washsing machine-lui Frank M. Harvey. Clîn-isi Geo. Britten. Plougls (env kint)-let anti Sud Mn:' WVilkinson, Si-s M. Resti, Gang PlongIs-IstIiL fluney, Sud Ms-. Wilkison.J Grain Dril-Ie1-. Doolittle. Breadi CaI-Scden- lai il. Heney. Iron Harrows-lstW. 0. Genew.' Fasniagilîl-lst Chas. H. Honey, Sril Rh. aney, Si-clD. Fasytit. Double Tnrnip Dm111 -icI Ccc. Bru.- ton. Tus-olp Scuffie-1et W. G. Geuiov. Set Herse Sîtoos, Catulken anti Unfil-' eti-lat Tiss. Rice, S-.t W. G. Gerow, Srti J. D. Selway. Set of Herse Sis,- uncalki-isi Tîtes. Rico, 2usd W. G. Geirow, Bnti J. D. Seiwey. Bosse Rake-let Wm. liubharti, Lad R. Maety, 3rd D. Fors;ytis.- Sîmaw Cuter-lai B.R.Batty. Sprng Wagaon-lit 11.11. Waîee. Open Buggy ici W. B. Brown, Soi H., R. 'Wales, Snul S Web. Top Bpezgy-lat H. R. Wnlee. Reapon-lat Daniet Forsyth, Sur- R., Mosving Mnueine-1Jet Jna. Borne, E r-r-tn Cfit, \% rlstiiu T.ycis- t-td 1'liniistK is-:, hums. 10 yard u fiso Flansu lristur'mrti- -1':Mns J ti-eisn, a~lirs, Johns 10l) yrrrttFull h('bis(ston> inutr) lat R. P. & S. Cli15 10 yards Fltnl Choils lisoune maie)- lst Mis. C. L5ynrie, 2uirIlireý. I. Pulaner. 10 yar.ie hSatinette (fttury made- let E. P. & S. Cîiff. 10) yards Viite Flannel (hrm. matie) -c-t C. Lyts-f. à yarscCol roi Pie 1 Flannel (homne mut)iîC. Lynde, Lad Mna. Isata Palmes-. 6 yards ColDoal Plaid Flaiiael(Iactory mnne)-il E. P. & S. Cliff. 10 yards %Wdolen Carpet (luosue ianda) --lel C. Lynti, Sud frr J. Doiplîfa. 10 yards Rag Cerpot (s-edîon vamp hume macl)-lst Ms. J. Bruele, Lad Sire. J. Russel. Pain BlankoL-lai C. Lyntie, Snd Sire. R. Deverel. Pais- Morse Banukets-lat Mns, J. DolpIsin, Sud Mme, J. Piikey. Cevenlet ýliigIt)-lst Mme. Uf Young Jr., Sud Mrs. J. Brools. Covorlet (ltavy)-lui Mrs.. U. Youg Jr., Z2usd is.Bruels. Quiteti Quil-lel Miss Stiekiauti, Sari frs-. B. Cerneli.11 Pite.e Wonk Qit-lst Mnu.- E. Ccrn- e!!, Sud lins.,E. Turner, -8nti* Mns. J. DiekBoa Creiciscb Bcd Cesers-lst Mise Mi. Campbell. White 8pesti-isi Miss Stnicklanti, 2uul Mrs. J. Duels. ' Log Calin Quil-Isi ,Mn$. J. Brucîs, 2sti Miss E. Mureer. < Mots andi Boys' Cîahisicg-lst Mia4. p.'SIhspierds', Plaid-luet Mss. J. Bradae, Su2d Mme. I. PeIne2r. , Pain Woolleu Sock-lst -Mra. A.. Morgan, 2nd W.* Fleming. , Pair Cotton SeSks-let 'Mn.. A. Mon. --;V 1en mil-luI Mr.! J.Bruols, 2tka Mmes. J, W. Grri 'wtr oorià.pah4pig-RÂ. Bar- rot, And Miss Saràb Strie' and, Ord Miss Siichland. , X 011 painting- lsotMis Sarah Strick., land, 2nd A. Baatt, 8id Mies trick- lana.. -1e Strieand. 2nd W. Fleming~. Miss Striiklanïd. crayon D ' wing-lat Miss Stnick- land. 2nd Mrs. J. L. Smilth, Brd Miss SBarah StÉniad. Pencil Drswig-lst Mrs. J. -L. Srnith, Lea Miss Sarah Strickland, Srid Mits-X,ýCopelL- ;> ý li collection cof Phtogriaph-l A Bariet., Led F.:Green.: Phsgapil lisI . Barrstt. LADIzES' EPÂEr1iENT. Fancy Knitting~~ Miss Sarahi Stniclslani, 2nd Miss Ei. Turuer, Brid Miss Eliza A. Christie. Fancy Hnitting in Woo-1st Miss Sar"aisltricklaud. Crotoliet Work-let Misît Striocklanti, 2nd Miss S. Stricklanil, Srd Miss E. Emabroidery on Woo-lgt mtg. 0mw hourst, 2ud miss Ferrier, Brd Miss M. Campbell. Elubroliry on Net-Tht Miss Sibrit 8iiricklaud, 2îad Miai Stric.klasîîd. Ensbroiulory on Mu.li--15it X3bi Stircklatid, 2td Miess térit Stricklan'l, Bri Mliss M. Camnpbell. M Ernbroidiery onCuonst is Sarah Siriekianul. Fucy Nooin-lst Miss Stricaluisa, 2ati Miss tiarush ttrickland. Gc-r inu ftaised Wurk -lst Mirus E. J. c3histie, 2zsd usud Brd Mis M.- Camp bell'.- Ù.ised Berinit Work--:1st Miss M- Camp jbell. Fiat Berlin Work-lsit Mims Strick lsuuil, 2nul MisseB. Thiompson, 8rd Mis- B. J. Christie. Ornemental Needie Work-lst Miss Stricklan,, 2usd Miss M. Cainphudéýl. sucver Wire Fiowrs-lst Mliss 11. M, Tgylor, 2tid Mrs. G. 11. VIsuzaiuul Pusp.rr F4wers-lsi Mus. LI. Thaunatus, 2nl 'Mrsi. G. R. Vauzant, Bcd Miss yul. Clim1>bpll. .icriiu Flower-lot Misa M. Cluni) Zphlyr Flowet-lei Mrs. J. L. Smithl, 2nd Miss M. Campiieli. Fcather. Flowers-let Miss E. Turnter. Fsney Baekt-iit Mrs. Jas. Wilson, 2nd Màs E. J. Christie. floor Ilat-lFt Miss Strickland, 2nd Miç!s R. Webstcr: Conc Frame-isi Mrs. J. Rusell, 2nd Mna. G. R. Vanzant. Wax Fruit-ist Miss Ferrier, 2nd Mtrs. G. B. Vanzant, 8rd Miss M. CamP. bell. Wax Fiowers-lpt Mrs. G. B. Van- vint, 2nd Miss M. Campbell, Brd Miss H. M. Ta,ý. r. Bouquet of Naturel Flowers-lst Mrs. E. G. Barclay, 2nd Sampsion Webb. é Kui Woollen Hlood - let Miss E. A. Charistie, 2tid Mrs. J. Strachian.. eAntis' White Shirts (machine madie) -lot W. Fleming, 2nd Mrs. J. Bruel. Genh's White Shirt (hnnd made)-lsit Misé M. Camnpbell, 2nd Miss Strick- lun'l. Flannel Shirt (heantimnde)-làt Mrs. W. Ahîcit, 2nd Mrs. E. Marr Ilair Wreah-lst Miss M. Campbell, 2nd Miss E. Turner. Tatting-lsi Miss Sarahi Strieklanti, 2nd Miss Strieklanti. Ottolan-1st Mr&. G. B. Vauzan1t, 20à MisH M. Taylor. Foey Work Box-lst Miss Sarahi Fýncy Table Mat-lst. Mrs. J. L. Sithî, 2ncl MiFs M. Csmnpbell. Ladies' Dres-isi Miss E. Smith, 2ul Miss Litiget. Clilîde Dress-lst Miss Cochrane, 2iid! W. Dale. LailieW Bonnet-Tht Mrs. E. Marr, 2nil NMrs. Crowhurst. specimen of Bridig-ist Miss Sarahi Strickland, 2ud àMias Sinicktand. Point, Lace-isi Miss Strickiant), 2nd Mie;s M. Campbell. Sofa Pillow-lst Mrq. G. R. Vauzant, 2t)1 Mrs. E. Marr. Kîuit Cqshion-let Miss M. Camipbell. L.uuied' Uniercltiug-tst Miss iIL Webster, 2ni Miss E. Turner,' WanxShel-Isi -MitsM. Catupis Ej'. Braidol Titly-1t;t Mies Sccickhn'ud, 20d Miss ML. Caîn)ilUsll. 138ail Work-Lust Mrs. E. Mari, 211- lirs. E. Cortisil. Fi-rn %Vork -Ios Mr.. G. R Vinzaî:î, I1iiie Vrk-lst Mrus. C IL. Val ,zînt, 2îuul MisM up.. ,Mateh tife -letiMiçs E. Thompson. Pillow Lisce lat Mrs. Crowhurst. Straw Ilat -Mrs. W. Pile Ar. 'Our Dia wing lloom.,' TWO LADIEs DaowNmD.ý---The steam-. or Sonlonges was rn îàhil on thse St. lolsi' Iiver-i whule on ber way ho Fred. ricton, from St. John, by tho Wood- hoat-Goldfinder. Twenty flet, pi1h. steamer, on2, the starbonid'o ide, were torn away, an.i two ladies and u6ro gentlomen, cabin passongors, were thrown qverboard. Thaé mon wvere resened, bnt the. ladies were dr.owneul. TJeltt4r were 'Mrs. Trecartursi, leav. ing a husband saand nine ebidren, re- sidiug oppos;ite Fredietoni, and , he cther Mr. Jcseph'Cïteir's wlfe, belong. inig 50 Long,,Beach, The .bcýles have net been réeovered. Aswe 0adranes lun age, itle ssingular whiarevolnuosa keii place in cen leel nsrWhes e aie5 at nvie.it lîastS ve.ppesntooe inser su Vasteu- cy jusi matis, on thse usael tenrms. Re. port aslopted. * Mr. Powell brongtithe. -lIe npcrt cf tlùFnne commîltes rcomntending payait cf th ii.acann cf MUr. E. J. ô basien, $28.25 for chairs. Report TBLe BUDGET. Mr. Powell, as ebcaimuuof lIse Finance eamreittee,, bro ght l inter repent cf theesîuiahes -for 1h. pro. sent Yer. Exsssxs.Saîahes#6855, Clean. ing 8-#6251, Repaieis 8270, Fuel.,8850, Pmiied 110;>, sttionumy sud pnintiiig $150,Inuae$4,Cnignis J200. Ttl827 Rsocip' sre-Geveruient grant lent haIt 1876 $656. overmeeaigrant firet bell 1877 $548.50, Ceunty grant 8877.. 50. ,familier Gevertumeni grents $865, mu niaijsel asseusment #801. Tolal 88288. lu aneier to a question as tahow,: - lie Municipal a8seesment thue year, stood as companoil with tisai of test yeui sn, iw tia teati tsnme 0400 incré waa requimeti te lie relueul for the preseot yeear. Report adopte"l. PRIeENTINGOFunrPairEs. Mr. G. FI. Roluitots,liîealturrsirr, wec, by pencutoliusu of tue Burrh heard on tie matie cf' ihedistribution cf prizes, obtioed by thé e scîoiet aihé laIe exorninations. He sait], tisaI tie pil;le ati iiýte tIse selection tif books, wliili woallti oaa ho boe. Ho wouid ike to kuow if the prises coulul net b. tiiFti-rstuatta a palulie meetinsg se l e sive til iiiti-:naasmach eclai as pi. sîblu'.! TIse Deputy Miiter os-tf il cation 'luaif tolt i iius, tiieho(tIseDo- puty Mluistan) wcuotidnI iuny lime re- questoi deliver à birciare ou 1,Etiucalii ai tise Ceniennial" eekiug only thse p ay. iunat cf hua peràsae expenses. Hie (Mm. Res) wisIa was to hure Hopkins' il- tisere was no rçuomuinuthe icuooi waulul .-comatiate haif ihein finonda - an-i thti-ne have-tIse uiitribution cf 'pnizes iolliowuitî1.,y téliii cputy.Minisierit' lée urs. He would eiuuc eugirest fiithat amatI te eho iirgeiforam ision te puy lise espuness anti if lucre remnain- eti any susirpitne of tIse receipis ster tIse picytneut a! tise upease, it ho tievoteti to liiirary isan ueoum cf ihe sool.. Tise meuaît-rs aetlise board] tisoaghi frrvcraîuîy of tise proposition. Dr-. Cuna wiéheti ita ha uttieratooti tisai il vies inteateinluno wey 10 ex- press the apuprobations of tIie boas-cloc tise peymc-oS by resulte pîtun. 'Mr. Camapiselt, iecaueti by Dr. Car. so, movedthtia Dr. Guna, Mn. Powell, Mn. Robinsons, Heati Mmstcr cf the HigIs Sohool, nufl Mn. Bs-roun, Headi Sieastes- efthtIe Dandas street sahool, te a eot'nmitte o!fuarrangementis andt t Mn. Roabinson ho chainsan cf thé. cein- initia.. Cas-non. NOTICE Or' MOTION. Mn. Far-ewell, gave notie thaï; et the. o-xt uneatiug.o-ut1h. Beeard le ioniti move tIsaitise teachers hoe requin- ail te keep n regisien of aIl corporal punishmeals atiministaredti thle papils anti uake a relus-n cf tho saine te'tIse board. On motion cf Mm. Campbielilie hoarti adjounol. *Te thue ErZifor of the Whiiby Clro,îiole. -DEàARSin In lte issue oatthse Ontario Reforiner cf Oct. 5tIs, appeaneti an article front Mn. George Deitige, IlEtigecambe Farin ', Columbus; expiuining a sifer. once wIsicis occnn'ed belvieeu Mn. Bur- ton anti himsî t uthSie Conuty faim. The conresponticuce at firut elgist seeins very plausable, but vihen we take tIse evidenceofcI dIsos, anti tIa pnizelost ict conoitienition it places tise matier in a vos-y different light. Taklng lis own 4vieïsicn et lia slony, vieult i make il et' least unneiglibounîy and th Ie courtesy cf tIsa show rng juot as dishonoreble: but tise unhiesitet- iutg er-ieéue aftie jaulges te one cf lIse Direetonut, gees te proveoltai it w"e Mr. Duitige wlisema-Jo th.e itap- proches, l'y bhckiçing te bise julges, wiserahe statedt laltishe filiy'e leg lied b-eu Iaia-,ded îst, if nut llite enn- muec. Ris; vs-ueic', htîweveof thtie pots- vcs ation vitls th,, jaigse ie vos-y un- likoly, Ironi ch. faes,,chat iL scuulti le e inuretuatwanraittud tiig ton jiusulgesï oiltiste ru-putalionta lt iMuesi osg, Hlarrisou ndctMirdielon hurvêofefnfbius sisas-ougis iotgee ithse cîttuec cf iseavy .r-su4sîui uicttuui't1brcer, bfor e :2icrtintL) .>allw urescb eacanuveCnuSia tm)sike plîsos itu tise sitows-ring, uspegr.i irsMm-. lusIobten.me et> uto-- Octaber lOtis, 1877. A Dooa CUARED xoWisFeacEsIr. -Au agent oI the Dominion Goven- moentait Kenilhe yealertiay obiaineti o magistmates warrant fier ' ie arisI cf a 'uoctar tiser., on a charge, cf obtainn moaey tramtisa eGoverumal umder taise prettuie-i, anti ttbering forget ne- coipune cf the local aniluonithuss for isai purpose..Thea County lutiasi Ceammis- etecor employeti tise dclohr- taattend~ Seeludiane, anti Seore 'obtaing paînent cf tIsé billtise ovorseers cf the Pool' ha tuto rtify ihat co-belf wau paiti by thons, upon wIaich receipituh Dominiou Gavenameni paidti he oibeî hla!.Tisa receipis an. aihegoti te havaï beau forgeti, anti tIsénoney net peid by liae overseerscf thie pon., BaSceruos- I01 Sa BELI.îasNT Ais- tia.-The Landon 'Timýes estimatet tIse' relative steougth oft1he. belligomei armies aI a;omewIsere uer 200,000 men emch. Operations in lie -Shipha -Paaf liave beon suspendW f on tise winter, ou acconni cf the saatier, -, . Taz PEuqb M umnis,-The fourpar. Tem 0 gee.u.scpju ouw,'.-usue WIlsen - ]- anso, Sud :e. Ieaqk, Snd W. Pdnteçae, 7 Yearling entire colt) 2--eh W. Ceait, Mare colt, 8-Tht L. Grass, Ssi G. An- nnt,8rd C. Lynle. B onse colt of117, 9--st J. Michael, 2ai W. Clonsisi, Snd T. Alten. Mare -colt, cf 1877, 12-lut B. Stepiens,- Sud.W. Conwey, Snd W. Doaboru. Speispize of #W,: by W . Taylor, Esq PQne's Bote!, Oshsawa, e isba pn. carnage ii*nus foa tlà a5114 spetiopenuhe Dlianoslf Catwig t and Clake, ,JSW. J. Bluman. Si . e orlui harness, 28,-hst J. Cutis. br' dBS.Hem] ins, Brd A. 01 vis. Two yeancold mae-Isit L. Grass. Opesil'nioet -010given by J. Blacik, EBq-, om ercil, Hotel, Osbawa, fon boss sangle hansela niess, styl, sud speed,1la -W.' Glever. San cf Cernago hpries, 6-IstW. Pro.. il, udD. Fonsyhe, Sd N. S. Youing. addle hore-lnt d. Isynute. C ATTLE. ]DURAMt. -Milch-cw, 4-let said Snd P. Titoupsea. -Twe yean eid boiter, 8-lust P. Thempsu. %adj. Siseid. une ysam olii hoUer, 5-19Lt P. B. homp. son, Sud J. 'Stocks. - Bull gelf ef 1877; 4-lot P. S. Tisompsecu, 2nd J. 'Wlson. flatter cail cà 18W, 8-lai J. Tha-mpuen 2ud J.B,(Sul. Mils ew, 10-luft WmK.> G. Dew, 2»a -W. uJ J.Lesit, rd..Vanidyke., Twa yeen ol. eli er, 9-lut J. lBàris, Sel, ri. Vatudyke. One yesr o1h hla7- ilaaud Snd J. Ban- HoUfer caIf of 1877, 7-lt3 ane a W.ý G. Dew. - Peu cf Bouhlowno-1M$U, 10. 10e%7- Agel ewe, lst B. D. Foiey. Ram hamb-lsh W. Heiseok. Two egel ews-lst W. Besicock. Agel beer, B-hI 1). Lick, 2nd Jabti- James. Buter pig cf 1877, 5-lut B. D. Foley, Sud G. Rdd. Agel saw, 4-hàt J. James Sud W. Ban- oo i f 1877, 9-lui F. Willfaus, Sd 7 J..E.G"Void. Agil ecw, S-let W. H. MoGiUl, Sud J-EB. Sow pig cf 1877-lofW. H. MeGil. 1 Bout cheese oct legs then Sf0 lb.., 8-lut rMrs. 1). Lick, Sud-J. O. Clifeord, Slnd J. Lis-k. lttrkin butter ualegsua hast 40 rons., 5 -lstî irs D. Lick Snd Mrs. W. Coakwell, 8tdJ. Liuk. Best 10 Ibo cf huiler, special pnize China tset wcnth e6.50,, by -Iacde& Steunett,, Oshawa, tiehetote obecoe their pnep- sn Ibo.Mro1buttenr Sciety'& prze-IsI Mre. J. Michael, Sud W.Pesgenly,-Slnd Mss. W. Pus-teeis. ]3est 201hbs. 'cf ballon. $10, special pnhzeocf R. MuGeo, Eeg.., Osihàiw, lie butter ta be. cocue hia property-Mrs. D..1.ick. Loa f fbreati, 4 Ibs.,8-ltJ. O. Olifford, Sud W. Pengeîly. FUT 12 table apples, 19-lot J. O. Cliforti, Sud J. McGill & Son. 12 winter epples, 21-rlai J. O. Benry, Suid J. MoGil ci& son. 12 summen pears, S-Isi J. MaGiUSnd D, Lick.1 12 wtoten pears, 6-laI J. McGLI., Sud J. Collection of piums-ll& J. E. Gostl. »8 busesuof grapes, open, sir, S-Tht anud Su2d J. McGîIl&dison. 3 Beet display snd grealesi vaisty ef fruit. 6ofioucih variety, uueed,.-lst J. McGill d Son. Sud D. Ceusent, Bs-I Jua. Malli. POULTRY. Pair ofet<eee-lst J.-MadllL l'air ef neke-let ana Sud J. O. Guy. Venlety cf fowls-hot J. O. Guy, Sud T. 6. Henry &diSons. Siver Pelauda -lut Mss.r J. H. Glen. DOM.ESTIC MANUFACTUBES. Hcms.made flaunl-lat Mns. 0. Lynde, Sud Mme. J. Lick. 1 Home-madie fancy-plaid-ist Mns. C. 3Lynde, Sol Mss. J. lec, Romce-matie clth-isi Mnu. C Lynde. Woelen cas-pot, fiowere-hi Mns. C. Lyudte. _Eeg carpet, 9-lai and Sud Mss. T. Gel. lowucy. Peur*cooen biankete, hama-miele hy' baud-lot Mme. C. Lynde. ý Weolen caveslot, 5-3-st Mn.. W. J. Stey- ensan, Sel Mno.. CLynsie., Collais covenlet, 8-Thst Mrs. C. Lynde, Sud Mca. B. Mathessili B sketns shockiisg yan, homme-de, 4-lai snl ..nd Mrs. J . Lick. LADIES' DIPARTMENT. Hame-maIe weolen nits, 4-lai Mra. J. Lick, 2usd Mrs. D. Lick. Home-matie aen's souks, 7-lut Mn.. C. Lyntie, SucS Mss. W. Diodlse. SFancy kimttsing,:cten, 4-3-at Miss M. Stsichlanti, Sud 3-Lre 8. Sçpicklsul. it-uuay knittissg, woofs-ist. Mise S. Strickland. Crochet wos-k, iccolen, 8-hat -Mr&. J. L. *Smith, Sud Mise M. Stnîcklanti. iCrohet wark, ettsi,- 7-Tht Mins M. Strucitaust, Sud Mise S. Strickiand.1 Ranis coatespae-,ht ies ,»M. Striait- n laintiag u vaten colon., 7-1t MsS M shbaîl, >2ndMh-ss M. Strc-kiand. B -oquet et flcwcss-ltt- Miss M. Sinleil-, tenad. Pencîl idnewinmg 8-let Miss S.Stiki81î' Snd Mise Marsisef. Crayon, black, 9-lat Miss m. Stnickhslid, Sel Mise S. Stnckial. Cm..yon, coloreti, 11-lut Mies Marsall, Sn udmis . Miles-n. O)il peotti * 4--sj Mrq. J. L. Smith, Sud Miss m. Btnci.Ud." Il Velvet pitiagï:-Ist Miss M. StrickIliid. 1 Guipure vios-r, 5-Thst Mn.. J. L . Siith, Sel Pufrs. W. SuuccI. Tqtting, 2-lot Miss S.- Stnlkiidt, 21ud rMiss M. Stricklestd. Wax frui+C -Is lt Mn ,W- Squelcb, Sud tMrs. D- .LhI. *BeadoÏrk, 4-ltiMss. J. L. Szmstb, St0 Miss S. Sinicilaul. ~ ulb Çidsdrees, -lit Mme. W. qalh SiI Mns..J.* Hcyten. esn luir avit os-ti s W.J tev8 5 Wax shels. S2-lst Mrs.W;-'Squ, Sel 0 Miss M. Rap'Pori-' r Wax iiUes-lut Mss. W. Squieit. Eegrag,25-Isi'-Mis B. Siniclless2 MsJIis Long.- 8-stMs.JL5ù Sud Mn.. J.D. Long. - Chenille work 8-.. ItMn.. JL.mih Suid Miss M. tizichai. ItiOtîtil uaj eedlewcns. 6-lat i h5M ýt Slnichclanuh, Sud MisaSB. Striclcsaml. t Antimacesasrý coticu> 7-it Ms, ' ik Z ud Mnà.. J. L. Sînilli. 01 mîaitug. 1ealape or pcb t'at -.g Mi aO oiun' SudMi sa.Strieklad - OistaIaiozinstIlsM.t1iai '..Jw'- ta One yèa Gr"e, i Mileb Co Petér Thoi Two yena Donaldi, 2m Orleyeai Bull cal Bestn Bel ton. Working Led-Miçuana Aget ina Ram lacis Jas'. Mailer Aged evi Sheenling sat. Sud W Bye Lau '-Z. BaiIey. -f- 8eBon Sowr- lIsî --Spnlng t M. G. suili Blaick Ont P. Dify. White Ou Sud Mantie Poits- 16t Bnnley- -1 Jno.i-Daley. Ituuisu Ce Lad D. R. M - 1 - lonlBIL14t 5usd]Juso. 1 --Thomp-oo. Crack Butl Brnanrd Datf Essniy potate Ja. Fox. Late potateený Hlenny Whl Carroti- l Mau]goiti OAIS Cabbiage-. *caniilowel Bfetl- 3ar 0' Dus4J Qufies; 3-r t * Turkeya; Guee-; 1sf Tle Ia;ln Cee. Boulton, pai-rho rroe Fail clatis] Satinel; -I MiesheetTisots Flaünool;j * Jeao Aliel. cocua' I mrr.JameIs. Mite ; t j W. SfcPhé,e. Fmucy ae(ed Rt-ave. I"uae1y iliil Trishi, SariTA.- Fitýc:y sr-ih Durnaiui, 9na- -) Quh1hr lst 0 Jîro. Aiissl;. 2Li u. Ais-t omets viauli d I ivas gosag lu> statui do tisa* an ail tIs) a seaté won-iceFtci eh Busîroiss DRAw ziiise for Noceur

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