Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1877, p. 4

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h é sd lnU W .CiU5lCU15masilom fo e'asohutgod, u if by aIe, lu" ýsino b$q it, te that,upcu kookingont coi the whmdy blathe smrlngtise e f was surprisedwltli hespectao'le et Us worid Weil nigis on fire ; and lnce. bis trasformation bock p lcein 1» enotton wfth théa mé.ro at alow polsth le whoe saffir bu r.erved toth b.ageey of jacikFrost, But wiy net refer te tbis prestidigtator lthe glowlo int$Isof lie -apple, the cls rimob to otise velval, Pth-adtheo purpie cf lise pînu ? *I5Ifl'Cari; aga tié e rrerwss poiuteil eut bb: nsnn t btaulst,whQebowed iadegorgeios celer of hie auutun léf atme inlt.erbgulutr. preeess cf 2'ping ; and, )tlrghbnta'ny la gener- allysînudleil lu uchoois, tbbc1ol&notion comas Iack wu thetia havers éverY year,ahsewlng tisaI errer, lu commn wti truth, c eepteclly whenu upporteul by the. vox popul, will "cisc again," heweve eserveilly crnshied te eartb. Leaves find lisii parallel lu man, as already obeerved, sud, U1k.tise human apecies, tiay msy ripe» uuddenly. If, iowever, any, eue chocse& te tuake a nh$tery of the intenaiteof thecaulumoal colora, lhera sisould be neo rutdiffi. culby in explaining tise varictyg. Iudeed, t'Il' 'apparent upelority ever thse sbreu9guh of olrin the foliage on tise Continent cf Europe may b. attribated chiedly fobthlsvArlely. lu Great l3ritaiu th. limat. e vlduntly unfavorable te lh. production inf brigit feriemltoueu,- but ln parts cf <irmany 1h, hrillancy of certain kînuls of leaes la quit. equal te tiat of th. correspondina varieties in NortlIsAmerias, At th.oscme limetise greensoif Europe are qaite difeérent fromîbel cf*oer ewn lanul, wlere, be- glsningwwltbu m' caninj»tise -ýt aetw pass. aortiswarf- sloug the AIliàntiogesaiscard, roeching t1h. Ira. green ocf tise greatest cf lie Isay.produc. Ig Slates,4he Stste of Maine. Every eue bAs noticeu tise unparalleicd green cf lis. "Emerald IlIe,"" wiioibecemes a pale ses-grenu ln 8cotlamd, a whilisb- g rua» a ties ots f Englandland in Frane.-ouly toca ssge to-an ashen. green lus germany, sud a sombre olive in the Italien tates. But we were remarking upon bise varlely c1 tise autumnal bta 'iii our own ceuntry, Tisis la expiained by tise fa t bist, whilinluEurope tisr.na' oiîy forty trecu tisat sîlain te a ieight of titcrty feel, ln Norths Amenias thoa ae ni es han onu Isuudred and forty -hecice unr fcte'sta flash like the plane- troe Iiatl'"héa 1'rsian adernud wilh is s manties aad jcwOlN.".:.FrOM AP.PICIos'8 Josuwaîl for Noaesnbur. TitË PaiN<ouoFNVAtÂI,H:.-Tlsoe sWhso aeabil tise lrince etfSWales- are senadiy baheu te taist by lice editor ot Trietr in saieunç aad carusel article, lu the course cf wlsueb tlise ibfti3 cf lise ibmAppar- leih arts rofîrroritaua0 folîows : l'He is i usîl of 1111rld sorts and ridles Valilu * liurnî, wiilst line .hureàs withîhua huiilebtl of bie future al-jccte tisat furndueî.îul'or r.îctî ' whli inoSe roffir n sationaul ohuaraolteios. lliluiaslly fthiuu oi t heoisl as lu tise Ilsiutiu-,t- iitîllailand i lo cueurI ritb, - sua iels i * a bol osi eotu-sfuI yaeisttssujil. WluMie us Londonuhu lal, like i t icator Gorgo M'e11., a greal patron rtturt~e andcmû seingtlirly ili linis lu aisrrlwifli tltiatiu-.gotirs tisat nîaig 'e-sarts cver -- anxious io llîuw lis ,euil epinion cf a - ew play, foi- wluttpicases lulîju fis alitet tcorîRsiti ta iuîase lic pubicîl.lu Nos-f)sle, wiîre 1lie busc parchluseul an etta, - lie lipdRthue life cf a country geuîtleieuîiu, tluai learnedl y witiîbisa iigiîotrs aboult rope, lias etron g oplîiotis reBectir'thlIse its of uif- f41en ritirecss oflet lscsand catlle, aud Is uever eihappy cas slen lie luxe car- rilîd off a price uh au agricultcrul mort- iiîg. Tiuurs loit uixe.q, aal aunea 1l.rivAte goîtlositia, Nwithspqires sud lancers, sud as lis prcuularity iciflice Country wisere licereoi,lcc;, auJd wlicre i. filssuwei-kucwn, i leubuuded, amngelti ligli mad low, itlaisouiy renucuable te sjupplou tIsaI il is useixi4.oul, for hic colisors of ilis prinesai-s nI ticw lsc hocoma la habituiai cntact wills hheu." A i9sstîsuî RE-OLTioM.-A s'ery genu-- ii ffoct la baiig nmadle ho roairîs hu - hoi-I «irîs for wusieig irsises. Tisa bestt Froacli Moilislre are givicsg spet- l atstention tae ie lesigniag cf cucul nIe Icolha wiil bus sullioientlý' dresey for Cty Wcùrý At E oea watériîsg places tise f akirtîs halàve paireasly bren adusîted, andthtéistyles eof laIe hmînîtr aItsuhls rore s idicate ln a measure iluose cf tise aututnin andI winîer. Seme eft tîesu sksirts are ver y short iu front, gliisîosiug the loch ausiigliasIthe aulei, ud ave rîsuular trains bmind; but tise round ukirl, drecpusg onîy an mncli an tWe ba" in", ilt ise con veuient sud elirauly styla tisaI modistes are offeing for luse ia City sîreele. propuseul narniage of tise Flucesu Charilott Fruails ud Prince Bern.i- bard, of Efýxe Meiningeci wUl be eue of altection. Tise yanng lady le euoly selle.»eo years old ; ber bclrothed,t wha lu naarly eu yearseIder, and lu s inan cf tunaeuuÙuiing l»nt solid cliaraclen, lias been fer yearus fraquent sud weI- cesue visiter ilthe tamily aoflise rewn Prnince. He epent neanly every Ssrnday tisaeas a ceuspessiclislu Prince William, playiug vitîs tise youiger cilidren, ireadlng sud ,praalising imusic witIî - - incescharlotte ande,- lie cysu cf ie Crowuc Princes.. Tise ycuîlsfal fieuduhip rip6nd uamlove, sud tise pi-epoeal.ot the Piniea las ranI witlî lie 41utire _approaaicflise parenuts anul grandt-parents. r No polilîlal contiiera- lieus interfère. as tIse dcckedeisi te wlslcis lis in hein coantle about 1119,000 IInisabi- hauts, anti lue iuidu ouly tIse rasitcf caplalu 'e lots iUr in thi' Prubsuin Ari'.t '2110 Young charlotte lus a iuecial favorite of Qucon Victoria, ardinlu pite ef lier -yousls, lu fuueiy acansilisied. Sile lias mucis psacscl onsse, ani sgeisilo, i;,ympnthictioandsuri hnevaont uatusre.f She hou a plensant tata, marrgul esly by tise pecuilissly iini oveîy urouthswiicli Qîsecu Victoria sisaresuwitl iri lossen. d ants. V l{Âîs'Es's MOîzîsl'or Ni've-siirr ile lisescouclndiug Nsssctbor out hueFiflfiy. rift]îls mes. Ts ulaii niio-V for:tIse comsng yvar nrw striai noveuile -by MisehAsi:swMiss MULOCIC,NtdIl EDWARD Evir- AL-' osy .lBack ta BLiuck," brgus isIsthecurrguat0 Nnimber, la te b.e cudeul ici tiseb Deceeîsber iegue. - Among tisa at- tractions cf tIre.Decemiar Nouisiser wiliI heas new poeem, enrilll Ker s.oc 9 by Le:ersrzt.aow, whici will be illusîrat.b cd by PEPsnstUXws sud AI>tey, sud will oceapy fanrhee'apagRes ufthlie agtti-in. Tise NevetusbrNisser le ieisl1y 111 uislrahed, aud full cf eceedicgîy inter-, cuhîug malter., Mauywha weuld net for the werîsi utter s falsuhoed arc ya: elernusly echeming te produce faim. impruelous on tIse minde cf etiesen respeatIug facto, ciaratar sud epinmcus. Whien fertune caresses a isîa toc) uehà, gmuale Apt te -malte a fool et lln etprudence ise too freqisersîly - Ili wanl cf virtce; non is tiene on eartlc a Mare poerftsl atl'eOatecfrVice tissu poverty. Aujntiu tlis ]e wcid cairufot - nDrely iguifics e great oousidoraîion fer tîîemelv, sandsaPsrfe-etl iniffer. Always a"t'ln tIse preenceocf chilu. -rau :witiste utmost elreuwupeolion» TJuy umk ail you do., sudSMout. et ticLUeiare pMors e bien yosn May Tise fouitalu et true pelitueis 1l10; fonln xterior a uh opùit de AI'D las bo la î- SON FIRT-GLASS FARM LANDS., In smna e #900and npwavd«, At 7 par cent. Payable Hlai.yearly. Apply te- GRO, S. HALLEN, Apil 17th, 1877. 17 THE WINDSOR. 1(Cor. Ring and Yerk.e;ts) NOW OPEN. $2 c0 PER DAY. Frea omaîbas teanaud ram aIl trains. Ta- ble acid appointrnent liral-clasu. SCULLEY & FINIiIGAN 5.ly I'roprieters. T AISFF OF TEES TO BE TAKEN 13Y CONSTAB3LES. (Unular Ortler la Couiuci?, (datedt 241h iday cf Jssly, 1874.) 2. Arrçst ot cacluh idividual ulioci a 2.ýwÉrAnt.-aa ................1.81 5u 2Serving sucînoua or suuhpeîa... 01'25 35. Mileage to serve cansmous, sub- Pieusea or suSrraut .....«........ su1 4bilcage when service rannot ha "!POUprorif uofdue dilligetue,-. .. -0-o 1.M le agù takinîg drisonars to «sol, -exclusive oft disIiriremeuls nec- rrcsséirily espesîdýi - u tisir Coui- ................. s fl '.tîdsgJutic-si on suomînary trials, or ou axa:irîiustuofutpli- sourin c-harged witlî erinia, for eau-ilfs ay î'-srirlcnlloyed lunOmie or usore Casec, wisen neot -ggeu more tlîsn four lhoi - -i tii0, 7. P>.o.., sui e agaged nuore L tisu - four Iuurg ................... 1 5 8. Attoni:rlig Assizuei or u'iso roCli dcy .................... 5(k 9. Mili-age trîî,veling to attenid As. essie ueir île eor- Jumticce (M'lien psulie rrîuveyîrîtlic ,liha taluîiii, îîuly riracoxi ttilirro fiss'ulcto e ellowîs-d.) ......... lu5. Sîtuîotii g Jury for Cocnîers' Lniquerst, isuelu<ling att.îudiug ah iniqueit, eci l îl services ici res- prît tIseraIî, il lieu ciou ic day iLm Jury asumoued ..........2 00 1.Atteuuliuug encri aedjouaramet tieof, if nt esigagedl more four heurs.................. 1 0( 12. Do. (Io, if engngîrd îmoire han four Itîrrrs ................... 1 if 13- Sa rig oîstiiooîîor sailliriia ta itetril hi-tonus Cornîr <iljer-t -No. 10) ......................5 Il. Muloege ifî-rviuu crIais-......... 10 15. Lxisuuiuig bodly under Couronersf ....uli........... ......... 2 1w 1iCi. Itiî..Lîiryitig cei..............2 003 17. Su-r'vitiP l isteirs waurranut, a'sud ru- t-tliiiig gue ................. 5() 18. Ai e-î-rticirug o idi- uistrueh!;ivur- rauUt........................ ! 1 50 19. Tiiî-'rling tru nsîlu iitieso, or fo si-uer-h for gosihrf. f0 rnîkti-dl,. îîtrî, o' wiîîrn uo goï>ols ara ftind. . 1010 20.Apiirurilieuiont, wtîetlier by fille of-1 rofiru, 2 c-tlu ntise dollar, 4)11tt- ic a1 ii'u orît 2.Catulgnesaaal.r cii.1 rîtimîîisicin siS d L]isery utfgoois, C5rite, ici lthe 6, 0ounet plîror-utgnose. 22. xeroitingnoîreis warrant...f. 1 if) 23. Senving niief; on constables, NOln er ooaîuuely s-rvs-l... 050 Pablisicd Iyorder, . XFAREW'ELL, Clrof thtisaPeace, C. O. [OUSE AND) LOT FOR SALE OR Hi. TO LET. A «oul Friauc e torey-aaiî-a-iatfi osune, 22 H 28 sud kitellaru, toetîser -wivishalf su acre e! land, si-eci l îited l is fruit Ires, itueteu ou Rsaglansi-cîenil, %vest part cf tisa hewu et Wliitlry, cli Dun)dau-utreh. Tiser. fà ais8 a gnou stable. There is a gosd well sud puusp, aud tue fil-vit je of the chgiccat luinul. Pospoelixonu tirst November. Appiyto Mît. RICHARDSSON, onu îhe urrumieu er le tise Proprii-tor. W'M. TATiI ~1.tfGreeawend. THE CANA DIAN AIlR OAS!0 Tic Canadian Guis ,Misahirjej.,an utaoale mtegeei-ah-l ug apatiR. St l e dsi ru asou- mana y arluietu factonias,ml, isotus, curla ialiua n builings of aay kiaul, sitatel iin h c ountry, or ha. yenul tiu ru-ris cf c-oal.gas maîins of cihios. O1SV ti suîîil.l sitis a safe £tiuri cis as«a ligsht. fIseiliocluiiiu-uara suimple csf ronssîra- tion, uot Ili' Iii itu r out o ritrîîer, rurqaire ne ulkitl to îuuaîîetgu-, are adie iii a subelau- liai ansd thîîabus uiuor. . Tisey occupy little spar-, sanescet iup et sunul expesîua, sud are u-quuurîy auaptêed for Iigisting tise largaut umil), fachory, lsahlip'buildiug, ornue s sriisltit dwssiiiiip',are surs nu-sa- r nunrieil Iiig, IsatSlus-ue beau ta cnotant anud eur casafut nos lunsai]l'arts ut tis ec'utry, botiu su'îuter rtud vmsntîca or i eio 'rhscgrusmaues iy tîcca machiccu Su usîually uiiown ne chrbruei ain grue, balug ceuninon air iiii5inst-gusted asiti gosi4inaii. it buirsia s-irisaarieh Énigiht floou, fulSy suat tu thestt îrotluiuby ruai rus, loi eeniueau tlsrengulIri>Kandirl namcntal itxturse, _Nwtitis ae un'vesicire and saftsty. No turc la eîud iîutise proeassiut manuftacturc, sn hrsliusgs igîltedir y il unre icauraulct the sisî:uur late sthugir ciel ga« as îu sei. Thsaeet (ufthlua «crifor liglut, equait) eue tiosacultet oft oul giuc, -aries frucus one deiSsan andl fltty aues te twîî dollars. being abouist exe-isutf tim rs pnire rft aSu. The siraial frein uhsirlu gas la omade by Our nlcljis ekuais-juceunm iy s gaseline, a ligist, volatils cf patrolaîss. BEfunuata, «lysa fer iighisîng sud isesticg buildinga. - Batsîh, V/aler CliucatR, Vl>am, Garden Froactaina; Ilabar Hli, Gîa leixtaras, lu Broeancd Cu-ytal, etc. SCOTT & PflILLIPS, Soie Maufacturera. Plnsurre, Gag sud Sîcaci Fithars, 1 8 Tarît Street, Tenanto. Augisel 11h, 1877.tfs LANDS FOR SALE 1 IN TSUE Townsh/p of Somervil/e, COTJNTY 0F VICTORIA. ,,hri. tllesuiirg iluii iiitise township of Semerville, Couuty of Victrliia, arae oiercul for ae- Tise WestIcf LaI r,, uinlte l8tis cences- sien, Csiltiug etof iW acres. Fifteu acres clsarsd sud teerul -t. A uver-Igiltnq streaci crosses tisa lot, on -wlcle is l a mnil site, ncar the sidaetfa «coul rail. TIse prepsly isu only 4 cf AMile firem a ralIls-ajsttion ou tie Victoria Bailwsy, sud 3 mile, from lihe village et iemoacit.- 1 Let 7, lu tise 141h coceusien consistlng cf1200 acres. The land iu weü thlibered. havlsug Ou il e lat of valuabie cetlar. A n$ver.falhng streauu f watur rune lirougi tilwblwhcb Is;but ea.sdhaUm 0 fron a% rallway station onu lis. Vioet Ei -' The country srouaudjlupettjd ,tu.JoiuGemn dDna »n4 Mounushow Uci wAS. Wm 0 aLie, -a'~1~1 100, Tons Bar* Iron ýanWBSteél, 100 Boxes, Canada Plate, 150 Boxes Tin. Plate;-'- 400 Regs of --cut Nais. - 300 Boxes Hlorse Nails and Shoes. Ordois froôm the Trae -solidited. ,li ac - ô-thl 8--Car Loads Coal OilforSale, Wroles le.-Lowest figures._ WRIITE, COAL OIL- 4 ImÉperiali Gallons, $1, cash; or 830 cents single gallon. LWJm The Largest Stock of, Sheilf and' Hleavy HEardware in the. County. STOVES.-Best Cooki» ad-et ing ; Choice Patterns at -n n et HATCH &BR~O PREPARE FOR THE- FALL I AND GO TO BT2T I\ s y s FOR WELL-FITTING, CHEAP, AND GOOD BEST:AMEIIICAN IRUBBER GOODS ON HAN]). Gents,'-Call Boots and Sisces, tise fineît aud moat" durable made in the country. Mel Ladies' superior goodu la Prunella, Kid and Goal, a upecielity. Wlicu durabîiîty and ciseapuesa are rcquired, cail ou OLD No. 1. Large Arrivals 1 Cheap foi Wlitly, Sept. 41b, 1877. ýr Cash ! I WM'.BURNS. 28-12m -WHITBY PIA*RMAC'Y. JUST RECEIVED 85 -Pai'1 Vase and Toi/et 8e4s, in tlhe-latest styles. 'The Largest and Best Selea- tion ever ini Whitby. ezý' As we irnported the above, we ean offer them vcry low. . 000 1 B,ýaxter's Mandrake Bitters For Dyspepisia, Sick Headacho, Loss of Appetite, &c. IN BOTTLES AT 25 CENTS. GILES' -0- LINIMENT JODIIDE 0F AMMONIA. WhutbyS, W. B. SMITH,& 00. W ibAuguet 15th, 1877. 8 WM. BRYAN'S BTOVE DEPOT AND TINSHOP, 1-f you want a stove, eall and see a large stock and great var uety, hiavsicg aIl the moderainiprovtrnts cf tise age. "THE CROWN JEWEL" Self-feeder, with or witlscut Oven attacbed, ie tîse uewost assd lies stove ils tIe market. ff- Ilavixsg bosiglt my largo steek cf stoves for Cash, I arn determin- ai te salI vary eap, and Arn uatisflcd I eau pleaso 'Dy enalomers bols lu qual. ity and pio. Came sud inspeet tissu. WVe put Up Gahs'anized Iron Eave-trougliscf auy size, witls tron Hoidfasts. Galvanizcd Ircu is tIeselct for- v:ileys for r-oofs cf huidiugs--it lieiug mura durablei, sud wili net axîsonulanJ break îsy thue heat sud tlisesun, 1k. zinc. Steve Pipes and Elbows-rcuud and square-in gseat quantitie,3. Ail kinclu of Tiuware ici stock, sud any article mode tub ero. r--' If yen bave anv meuding te b. doue, ising it Along sud have il donc.. ý; We take iu exohange Old Stoves or Cast Imon, Cotton or Linea Rags, Olul Copper sud Brasu, Herse Hein, Butter au'] Eggs, Wool Piekings, or money. Came and tIsade. LIÈ' Ahttisa Olul Standl, on tise cerner, nearly opposite Hep. kinse New Music Hall WVhitby, September 121h, 1877. WM. BRYAN. à and 77 Yonge Street, flr8t Door [rom King Street, Toronto. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER 0F CHI LD REN 'S CAR RI AG ES, REFRIGERATORS, FILTERS AND COOL.ERS, Telet Sets, Bâtlîe, Woodenware, Rodizers' Cutlery, Comnices, Hardware, Coal 01u, Slaves, Clothes.Wringtrs, Lampe, &a., &c. Bird-Cages, lu Great Variety;- Canaries, ici Gool Song, $3,50 each; Mockiag Birdo, Par- rots, Thrushes, anid Birdetfail varleties sent by czprcss te any addres. Z:Eý The Largesl Stock ef Heuse Furiahsinge in the City. 5; WROLESALE ANDL RETAIL. 5NEW GO OD S -00-- ClO-thuîîg and Gent's Furiiishing bHuse Is now supplied with ail the uewcst styles of English, Scotch, und Caniadian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. (~J-Also an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, ait ,e'.A splendid stock cf Beedy.made Overcoats, Olaeap foi' Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHIITBY. BOOTS, AND SHOES. JOHN S A-U N DEIRS has removed into the " Old Chequered Store," Brook Street, and has just received a large stock of Boots and Shoes, suitable for FALL WEAR, wlîich lie will #-SELL (YHEAP FOR CASH, At a very smnail margin on cost. Work donie to order lii -cas style. A Stylish Boot and a Good Fit WHITBY O 1Cr POIl THE NIXT FOUR WEERS WB WILL OMPER UB -StoÉ Oran'ir $ -; saI0, $ 4.eStop'drgan for $> 90,- usually'éld at $140. 5-Stop Qrgan,,for,$100, usuaHy,"O 4at r 150 6.rStopOrg s ï 11, iuaIly 0oli rt $60 8- Stop Organ for $120 (witliotsic s usually aol at $20 Ajilu inaolid anut pùàeid cis éli, eganty lished. ý Melodeon-Orgiansi. Ro6sewoodý Cases with same music, at ,Same, èprcesq. *THE,MUDGE YARWOOD MF'G. Co. 1IWMýDl , QqJ5 Qý OX u lA i,07-r -I. -, - 11 " 1! 85 OF F IC E-l -OrT THE- BRO WN à PlA TTFRSON Mt 'g. Do., WEITB~Y, O~TTÂ~IO. TO THE PUB-LJC. Iu preuenting our Twenty.second Annual Catalogue of Agdientural ImpIe. mante ta the fermera of Canada for the yaar 1877, we do no with more than the ordinary d9gree of pride and Qon#~dence, fromthie, marked W~on; btaatronage conferred upon us, and the stsady'aud increxilog dendand freid year ta year ef car now calebratad Farm Implemente...1 -Ilý W' alfi continue as heratofore, as manufreturru,,to makea speaialty of Agrieuikural Machinry-the Johneton Salf-raking Beaper, the. Triumph Com- bined Lëaper and Mower, th. Cayuga Mower, the Youbg Canada Mower, and our new -Whltby 1Harves e, laiming a>1,rgg ua <our finie and ttention. l'or the leet Twenty-two Jears we haveiven our mceièifl an undivid- ad attention ta the manufactura and eperatiii'o(tha various machines in use,. siftiug ont the beat pointu, remedyiug defece, modifying, and oerrecting aers, strengthAniug wesk points, adapting and proportioning every part as our fmares. ed -experieneha. suggested. We employ only Lb boast machanical skfi, and car machines p as under the meut careful supervision and scruiny--evary datail baing subjected tte sever- est criticium-and escli machine i. thoroughly teuted before laavlng Our worku, te prove thse eompieteneu cf every part, and tiere, -à ne difflculty in putting them in operation hy any persan cf moderate mechanlcal ability. Our machinary ha. been saected and construbted with a>opecial efaencu te tihe manufacture cf car owu maehinea-many tuals having bien made for this partienlar purpose, and not adaptedl for other wcrk, and eur wonkmen are dn. caled op te tise wants sud reqnirements cf our manufactura-obtaiuing a thor- ongh huowlasiga oflb. construction cf aur machines, snd aethns eusbled te ob. tain a higliar degra. cf .kil and jroficiency tien where general manufaclnriug le carried ou. We are therefore enabled te introduce a more perfect uystom into %Il the de- partuients of manufacture, addiug not ouly te the perfection of tbe work, but ai- su ta the rapidity of ies executiou-and a cenuequent reduction of out. Thie priuciple la regarded necesuary ini a welI regnlsted establishment, ant1 wve enebled te turn out aur machines witb, a bigher degrea cf perfection, and at prices ve low asu absolutely le defy compelitian. 1 THE JOHNSTON- SELF-RAKING REAPER iq0nwcn wll kuuwn as a Single Reaper, tisaI a word of conimeudaticu wouldl alinopt seem enlperfinous, but asi there are mauy claiming lu manufacture thie machine who have adhered ta Ihe-old original Johnstonmnachine, without keep- ing up te thse iwprovements ; that justice to out-selves asnd patrons require of ns ta state tiat we have modilied il in almeut overyesosentiel part, andfor strengthi aeud durabihity, qaality of cnt, in every kinand ncondition of grain ; ligisînes of draft sud eeof management--tia "Johuaton2," ae mannfactured by ns--stands; pre-eminentiy ahead of ail other reaperu. lu preaf cf this position we hav.e niy -te point te tihe mauy Firet Prizes swarded as-satt1h. laut Provincial trial cf On- tario, and mainy county trials whil hbave taken place ail ovar Canada, within the mest few years. OUR TrRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES., with late improvemeuls, is ail Ihat enubc desired in a Combiued machine, sa canuat feu lta meal aIl the requiremeute of purchasers. Our Improvedi Cayuga Ch/el Jr., and aur Young Canada Mowers are botis first-class machines -coustiluled almost wholly cf Ire» end Steel. Tha Cayuga Jr. has a rear eut, and tise Young Canada a front Cut ; bath trcng, dur- able machines, and net excelled hy any machines iu lhe market for quality of cut, durability, lightuess cf draft, adaptahiiity, aud ease of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." As lhe country bsas becomo botter adapted te macisinsry, and manyof our farm-. ers have became skilled in the use ef machines, a grewing demand has sprung np for a Lighl, Durable, Firsl-Class Reaper. Aliýe te the raquirements of tis. day, we have succeeded in inventing a ma- chine with a Wreugisl Iran Frame, witb tise leasl possible gearing-wllh large, troadfeced drive wieel,-aud se conotructad that lbe frama sud table tilt et tise saine tima, tisereisy keeping the pitman always in lino with Vhe knife. Tho raktes are driven directly from the main ïiaft-there being ne perceptible sida draft, sud ne weigisl upon tise herses necks. We are confident thsat we have acceeded icn inventing the meut perfect Iteaper, taking it in ail iu parts, tisaI kas ever heen produced. WVe have applied fer letters patent, sud shail hold cur invention, fer aur own exclusive manufacture, and we raspectfully suggast ta in- tendiug purcisasers, that lhey should osea this machine before givixig tiseir erderu for tise ceming harveut. Thse "Whitby Harvester" weiglw, al laid, 600 pounda, but being muade prlncipaily cfthe bhast quelity cf iroan sd steel, sud froni its in- geniens ,.nd compact construction, it combines the etrength sud durabiity of.tise hieeviar -machines. Ail of aur machines are alliy varranteul. Witis Ibis list of machines, we feel confident tisaI wa eau muet evary re. quirement, aud we resioMfully soticit a trial cf aur machines, believing that wa eau, furnish a better machine fer the mcnay then eau b. ebtîied elsewisere. RespectfuUly Yours, - BROWN & PATTEBSON MF'G. CO. Wiity, Ontarie, February, 1877. -F.ASHJONABLE TAILORING I Go where you can get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishiment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEIIIOR CUTTING SHIAPES TEE WORK1 A Large Stock cf Fine Clothoa; best Engilul, Scotch sud Canadien Tweeds. *> Excellent Overenatings and Splendid Vest Patterus. A gocd fit Gciaranleed.1 GEORGE OURLE!, 51 Ring Street, Oshawa. NEW7 STATIONERY -AND- BOO0K S T.0R E1 AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFIÇ-E, BROOK-ST. George Yule begs to anunounce that he lias re-opened ,lis Stationery nnd Book Store il, Whitby, where statioucry of ail kinds, cf the heat quality, will be kept o anad ; r-Iso Sohool Books of cvery description, Copy Bocks, Siates, Poncis, Inks, &e., &e., at the lôwesî in tlîe Coin OCiB ess çýa 4SSORTMJ iwhioh they 'arie off compete in ail th Oçtober-Ç- 87t OR W. J. -HIO.KIE .1Co, MeMlié;' Block, Brook-st., Whitby. laret 01 ft ,.5 ù- ai;MolsonW ,ýieand Porter on draft,'60 -etë. per gallon; Pure -Grape Wine;,$ie50 per gaLi;Belfast Ginger_ 4ie --TadnSoa, setzer Water.- OLARETS 1IN CAS E Oruse muFia rerea' ,St. Jlenxedoot :Margaux. -'397Ordinaire Claret, $4.50 PEU, CASE. VI N E.GAR: ]Ebglish Malt, French White *in@, Cry&tul Pickllng, &a., &M. S.C. Ranis, Spiced Blacon, 8. C. Tongues, fleef Ham, Dried. Beef, &o.- ]?S knur, C. Wheat,. G. Flouk, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Split Peas, P. Barley, bc. PM'. Ham, Tongue, Chlcken, Straaburg Meat, Finnan Radio, Bloater, Ânehory. SO0UP: Oz Tail, Partridge, Rare, Chioken,, Oz Cheek, &o. 0 FFE E: Noccs and Javat, Boasted and Green. Whitby, August 7th, 1877. 21 CAIRRIAGES AND BUGGIES [ THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP Carria gos, Sleighs and -cutters# M.-.O'DONOVAN'S CAR RIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY OHEAI'. CALL & SEE THEM. JUST AIUtIVED AND FOR SALE AT THE WHIT.BY CHIN.A TEA STORE, A choice lot of Green and Black'Teas, that cannot be beat in the Dominion, both for quality and cheapness, price from 50 to 80 cents per pound. Coffees from 25 to 40 cents per pound. Sugars of ail kinds, tW- 8lbs. of White Sugar 'for. $1. <Iood Valencia Raisins, gC- 16lbs for $1. 1ý A full assortment of Choice Famfly Groceries, of ail kinids, at equally Low Prices. MAPLE MOLASSES -$1 25 PER GALLON. House and Garden Flower Plants. Green Vegetables in their season. 8:r PRESH TOMÂTOES 'JUST RECEIVED. A full assoitmeut, of China, Glass and Crockery Ware, Tes. Dinner, and Toilet Bots on hand and for sale cheîp. Ail kinds of Field aud Garden Seeds, Clover aud Timo- thy Sced, &c. Turnip Seeds of ail kinds, direct from Scotlaxid, to arrive this week,. :a Good Potatoes fromn 50 to 80 cents per bushel. At WM. J. GIBSON'S. Whitby China Tea Store. WANTED.-Any, quantity of Good Butter, Eggs and Feathers, for tvhich the higlicat cash price wiil be paid. W. J. GIBBON. BUGG 1E F or Sale at very 'fleasonable Prices. Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady's Open Plimtons latest style sud very liglit, Covered Phoetons with Rlolling Seat, also Light Top and Open Buggies. of Super- -- or Style sud Finish,. Ail made WbitbM~-uly 5îli, 1876. FINE of the best Material and Wparranted. TOMS & NEWPORT, Wlsithy, Ont&ania. A RT BEST"S GALLERY, OSHAWA The Daily and Weekly Papers always ou hand. Sub- S- ENDI I URES seiptions Solicited. IP E DDFCU E Musical Instruments, iucluding a fine assortment of Violins. Orders arc taken fer Peniodlice, MagàZimnes and Music.1 Wisitby, Dec. iBtis, 1876. GEO YULE.1 51 WILLIAM TILL'S CABINET IFACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS I THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBYS Go where you cannot fail -to pleased in making selections of good furniture. be SpIendijParlour, Drawing Boom sud Bedroom Sets, New Desigad well worthy et inspection, at astonishimg lew prices. Dii- ing-room Extension Tables-a very suporior article. Gilt Cornices, Picturc Framing in cvery style. Sema £ine Chromos sud Engravinga for sale. té - ho sit Customts, 'Anaiwol appe)i4nt.d est, -. Si Life-Like-taken in a moment in thebest style. Mr. Best ,lias secured tbÊ services of one the beet nega- tive retouchers in the United StggWi I feel confideist thet I eau tuim ont work equtti, (if not sapenior,) to snything ever befare made intis ceuntry. 93r CALL AND SEE M'y WOBK. .F5 Al are welcome to inspeet the Gallery. .Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominion- Rigbt Hou. Sir John Macdonald, Hou, T. N. Gibbs, &o., and of Bey. Ballier McCamn, R3ev. Mr. Laird, sud lcadixcg citizensa, for sale et BESTS' GALLERY SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. JO 1 -1Nq -BEST-. SADDLEIRY AND IAIRNESS. WILLIAM THODM P SO N Bege to direct attention to hii large and superior stock, coompri 'sing 'e ery- thingïluth. Saddlery and HaesuLina, aIse Leather Valises and Saratoga 'l r.unks 1 A LOT 0F OHILDREN'S O4JRIAGES Tory bandsouo and Cbeap; At teold eAbIlub. OrI. oC. P. GILEEJEV Aprfi 801h, 1977. JAmESILH. SAXO àh OOWM- -FU RNlTýUR-E.- WHOLESALE & RTAIL5 Warerooms-Albert, Hal Builings, 18 9 Yonge st. Have alwaya on baud a Puil Stock pievery- twhbe lse,andhope Wsabtrittétl tew tsettbetmers to meritaà centinuance et tha patroae Litierto ex m .nP.D Edte 0lium. OTTOMANS, FÂNOY CHAIRS, U» BEtVUIB, CORNIUB, &. mudaand put dewn in the bout stylo. - JAS. H. SAXO & Co marb Stb, 1876.ll T HE TRALBERG PIANO $290.00'. The Thshberg Piano Wh1.a wmnt long fuit- that c GOOD, USEFUL PIANO which cereblned the. clearnesa et ton. and tebeanty of finish of*the. Mdl c.labratsd mae iha modateprie. if 1. b. asked bo' it in posable teimupply a Good PiaUuzor about HAFTHE FRICE generally carged,.he amer 1.plain : in the malng or saleiethm s.Instm-. mnenta, thae arneu large shewreem te. Tii...instrnant ar eal Mme or a- UINIORM STANDARD FULL SEBVEN OCTZ'C' SOLID InLOX PRAMÎk, OVRRSTREUNG BÂSY CÂRLVED LEGS~ ROUND FfOiT CORNERS SERPENTINE MOULD'GÏ, adDOUBLE VERRt> ROSRWOOD CASES. -An extra DISCOUNT 0F xc PER CENT.. will b. alloed Sciiecla sud Cenviantu, abcse te clergymen fer thé.nuecittheir familles.. W. ADAMS, * Agent, Whitby, Febrnary, lUBth, 1877. el ~T El'AM ER CITY 0F TORONTO' Leaves foot cf Yonpet., Toreute,-daly a&L 7 a. m., reaches Nuqgarast 9:80 a mand Lewlston st 10sa. m Direct coeetlenî for the Falu, Bufrale, Cleveland, Bochestar,. New York, Besten, &c. Tickets and ail information et 8 Frenimît. Baut, Toronto. - D. MLOY, May l4th, 1877. 2 L IERPOL MA RETl CASH TOR GRAIN, Frenchman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN on Rai Rtaté e , ow Rates ot Interest. January 9hà, 1877. tf-8 SIMON & -,KELLEY, CIGAR MANtTFÂOTOBY, C IGAUIS maufactared frem lent Havae Tobacc. Tme -elebrated "S. IL" Cigar. Hètel-keeperi- ad Doe~l l alnd ilte their advsntege te give them a triaL WibFeb 7th, lm.7/ly-7 EOMAN GIBSON, General Comnuission - Merchanui and Produce -Dealer. Agent tcr Ixpan d Cexxxzcua us- ix Pi.re Inursece.,Cempanlea. ,,ATES 0F- INSUBANCE LOW t AIeAetfor the Loxîana, dC*xànux ed on ràal e0state, payable frm TweZt Twelve yaarm, sud lu anme te uut-vprhleu lWaIterest le'.-and ne cemmlsslef charged. merlgages beugil. Omfce at, W. J. GIBSON, China 1!ea Stors, Dai Sl.,WhitbY. Whltby, March 151h, 1876, 1 B BOUGRAL CARRIAGE WOBRS. S. WEBB Pbic t e ùreaed le Eibt tr Pickorin3g, to Manufacture Conboy's Patent Seat for BUGIES, CUTTERS *c- Ai pe Win an *do el te sea ô=aurBgé e Md Cutrs,-befere g*lmiqg their erdcrs Ci W rTHE GREAT INVENTI0O FT Family Xnittin)g machines t ;Vezylla,1,l-A Cho Oleau@p theDi. Tise C! i: su1w Fridaas. fur 'r-, hcau,ua 9i. . t "', Marris S7els, V47 B LI C L8 i T <buu.cesor tu Herse slsoeîng ai ueo!ek". witl bti proaui -J. FITN os ,terinar ,. atIAratre lit-s WHI botheffiseý Wlaiîby, S coitera, Office, 1 Ho1tel, Wii J. E. P.&RI i A Vil1 B AJIBS e ten, Brock, LYM-Al 1 ARRM N - Notaryub Block, Brec] A. (LaIe i tice.-By;ron Wiitiy, Oni RO. (LATE Ceurt Street, * J.G. RoBNusc Tii QURGEON S .ByroniS Dr * - OrcEr-Ne --e---n--u ' )YSICL2 p -Crack. UY'S ire Gtise eye 1 Piyicia, Sz Wlsllby,,Sept. IROBT. Rkl Graduale-lwitii Queeci's C hlej Univ. etfM!BîC Univ. etf enas Pennsyîvaniai e1the univ. of ecier for the C celdwater St.,, Auat 24th, 18 R Go lr 4 flce heurs fri-e 1.80 to 6, P. su. and Gilbcrt atre, as cheapi as tise c bs. Teeth fSU Teeth extraced 'local aciestheiraà aLn s Dow block C King Street, Oui ý 1

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