S* M vu. -- ---'- MssuuW srnssg ans 2muarerouyut 1606. The- second cimes consiste of Joue"is. ,Notamo. v=bu i cliefor the payanent of pteaiure daca for verr ilks affer theahag ofasny Contedoeate olem., ludament iA MAIL non""aie lhi Ot>lamshbah ýb. palS bere i'à g. 'Daniel 8 OX ment in the. eecthe came. If part the- ortbe Moley S~ppcoprlitd ýbe. 'eu5cln, e o f Grey a'rlýg the rlve ü e -bo pyjudgment of the firat-oa -hiyacedêntigb, -l rbb.el shah b. paid rateably. Thill Bf» wb> h bave oýccued li tbs*" 1Ioalfty ti -provide for lhe f(trher dirfbutiodftih e a"ltant at ""r" 9'41 oenavt ivord.reeemblem Lrnan'4 bill 25th-aarrnt ag 6vaA ies of lest session. Il Lhhrints olà mal u V t7 éareted and S uh e ta Bse ocor v aln ithîn a sOIS 1thé aagmtat SAilenferd, me. vear Ù=omtle pssage 0 e i.Act. The. fter hiearfng wu coommifts for tiaL ï3ill autliorlzes appiserom 1the Court. 8uoam SYATGL..Otw of Claim tp thie Sopraen Court, aud Oct. 25th.,.-Ât an early hcnr tifs Mora. provides for the ,pâyinenl of jud g. ing a.gtrî aineSa ae Mophefecu, inpnts wlth Oive per cent. lntecest fil thé. am ly of 1the Berenta.yn full, If there b. mouey enougb, other. ceuimltte ud.b~utnhr~ wlse rateably.. wh a nto b Y uets,.g el ro G000D Excoen ËroinsEEPoca- MAi.- arl>', and Preceding le thêIdi@iieain mron-master in Wali, la sa Id ho be the ect vitut tlb. kowledg. of the.Cok richest heirese on th.e ngageS. 11.1 lu Who@vawu wrking in' thé. dlufng-rooae. England. Ber Scwi-y lue aidt! tehbeTemporarylnty vasu the case 8600,000.' h. fia bout tu give her 01e ad bien dulspiriteS for the p..t hind audbeart teu.â brleffese young lwo mouls, amn@.lber people loft .lbr barrieter. These lrou-mueters', daugli. Cty foc England. tcrs have a vecy consdreeiway 'of se. i~O UNZ E E n 1eeing PO0r mon for hheir- buobande A"eeprtano ii tl e Sir Çeorge Ellioli'sdaugliter lArried. Irai, PCrosa, near Perminglon,'Wu eue of the. sfecial ogrrespoudenls cf tbe lifleS (rom the rc aShrsaued London Daïly Nei', aud recently 1the dowâ by lb. vinS. :'The coas ro ii boironsa of a Durham olery proprietor a±eve vs ua cre bosg iecs boiteS viti lie edilor of a norlh cou]]- btl.Oe eeptetbfr nevpaor.Ils siSof nsOf damage *as don». Sevecal PeU$ he.ldes, thst meeting *Ith a gen.- vesbadlly hurt, but n'oue -7aly tleman on board a se&ar wvbwuva en gogedlylng adJep eacabein thelb. TEic Bià miTynRE OozUmu QATAS. Atiantie, hhey very nahurally took te TEOPH.-.Coaplçte accees -hem beer Oitingen the qnarlec.deck. The. lady made te bath Pits o! the. Hgi Blantyre vas au l a1oùeý*ôèpî. wlh, papa. 'n. collery, and it bas b.en eecerhafu.d, gentlemen' 'made bhnmeltf agceable, tiiet M 0mou, peclhed. andu bolng hall and handsonie, cf course ÂoqUrnD.vvg ig,..wn, the prFm*ner on e005 ingrattahea hI meeltïVith ithe.frn-tali~~mreo f er kln 1 sidaugite. on. day aing u-BodOiia4nrim9 à drunken quarrel in self alone wvlhh er, h. proposeS thère Lonclton , p nj1, Jy lutas m.c anmd then. -"]Knoh saiS tii. lady; pp quite.. p oat. n thé sofa, and nglha yen. Lot ne tek.e a trohl On deck.'1 611arn vecy sorcy," saidtheii lady, ce. gar Notioes of Bia-ths, Marriage, sumlng tihe ceuvqroitfon on deck, "but and Deatem charged 50 cents eao/e. of course yon dIS net knôw, viien yen - were halklng tunme befav, tiat 1 - s wuED .ng 1ged. B ut Ibave a aiter ethome M R I D who fiexety 1'ike me; *you vonid net JONES - RIIABDSON. --At know us apeth; anS iowhnve ui' Sprlogfleld, Pickering, on 28c5iont., hoeme I výiiitaouce yen te - hec." 133'B-ey. A. C. Wilson, brother-fnliv of The introduction followed fi' due course,, lhe bridegrooni, George H. Jones only anaSthie narciege- vfithin six mouluu. son et George Jones, Eeq., Whf lby, ho Woum.TeMis s PF M -one ghtec cf lthe NEYER BrEAK ILL or WA .-h late B-o >ecl ohanngest danq followfng-adrnonition ehould b resad by Orsn q Young moen and n'ot a few aid oges: .EpAéCef.Gaen dC Neyer ue* a lady'. nauiein anu .i »s5Coo.Getflsu en proper plce eat &ny impreper lime, or of the natuireýl7 awsthieh gvng I n ixeS ý-ccmpany-. Neyer make as- OPertions cof digestion and nutrition, soiti ont~j ber chat yen tbfnk ho hA and bv e cereful application of the fine mnrue0or usions thal sic bherme!! prepeMteol vi el-slea eS coco& M. Bp vonldklbh o hear. Wheun yen mcet ies'previded, our breakfast tehfaewi a vithmnvoJ e ecpet s delicately fiavored beverage, which me y ,cun o' donieta a mplekema muoer, ave us many heavy doctors'- bile.", 1h f wo ' ýna in rekles MaDersby lie indicions use of snch articles of diet miuni'.,hem ;thbey are thi. v.ry orml liat a constitution me y be gradnally buit inembers cf the, cermunfhy-mnu bal p until strong enongh te reish cvery ton- te every sonnsecf bonoï, ovey feeling dency te 4lseae. Hundreds ofsubtle maie' cf buxnanty. Many a good and! vom-sy""Bu are flinatlurond us ready te attack wcrnau' oheralorybahbeen ocevt-ere le e veak p oint. W-e rnay woma's caraoer hî beu foeverescape m v afatal omilt by keigor ruineS and ber beach brcken by a lie., elves well fôrtife ith pre bk.ana eur manufactureS! by orne villaîu, and ce- properly nourfshed fname."-Oieil derele peated ,Whiienoulanimnt have been, Gasef f a o1&only in Packetm, labsie,- andin sulia o thsewboo'litlé"James E ps &Co., Homoeoati h . jndgnont onîdnol eter em tam Tii'nadnéeadieStreet, and 170, clrculalfog lthe foui anS braggfng re.- aly odn port. A edanSer la accu prcpagated, and thb.escallent thilg decogahcry cf a THE MARKETS. woman's oharacter viii fiy ou. the *vings thie vinS, and maguffy as it LîvuII'coL, Ct. 81.-Tiere fiaà ailuht cîculaeuîi l osrosw oîî cloine lu Peau. Plouc, 268 OS @ 820 ;1 crmieoslie -poor uq60nmcfous votm'1 @11 d wit, 2oé 018e OS; Yonc mothors and simIers are wornen, club, 12%11 i@8s 4d; cocu, 20s 8d 29Ss en u syen veuld 'have Ibeir tair nania 6d ;oeta, goS; pesa, 88o OS ; barley, a d. unheculehed anS thelr lvesunuembît. toreS by the lauderons bitter longue, 11ev YYeux Oct. 81 -Whoet quiet vithi beed the. il your ovu vorS me v brin aies of 75 ë@ bushei 'anS cern quiet viti uycnhiemotier lir glten ~ e 9 sales coflgs,ooo bua(iela. Wheat, 0.41; con e mfeilc he teal re. or the nleyuncienged. of soma -Â.boéoemaerf' wfiug vfia, freinyhûmble 'ciconnisteoces, hau WHITBY MARE7' elevated himueiftoteà prespergue peu. tlnwu&ointed Iceeasucer or oa CEROifICLE OuFCro,, Oct. Blot, 1877. beli'faIburgli. Owià g.te defeo. Plouz, per bi---------$.. 7 00 0 $7 50 i ve training,- lie wes as- igncrent of Pau wheet...........1i10at@ $1 2o * ccount.keepingsa' Lie vas untamiliar Sprlng Wheat--------$.. 1 O5 0 $1 10 wihithie use cf lhe -peu. But native Banley ............$10 52 @ $0 58 inigenulty cni te hie aid. Dispening poeu...... ......... a 00 altogethOr WUithle ocary le 1dger, ihoPeas, black-... ..90 00O suspuend a pair cf aid bcots on eseoliey -d oiSfe ils p criai cimney, fnto oesof Corta.................70 @ 860 which he Sepasîted .the ameunt af bise on.......7 @ 5 reoniptai ville lhe ocher receplacle hiiaî Hay ................ 12 o$15 ieivouchers et Sibursement. Appis .............. 00 @f .DioppnUD ati>. - On Wednesaey Potate............... 85 8 8 mccning lest, as Mr. DeviiS MoCuteheon,'Eg ................-1ac 10 18e 01llatIN. , M ibcon, Vaugban,!Was ris. Butter ....... .0..... 180 0 2o0e lng tram him bcd he commnceS a vlc- Wood--------------....$ 4 50 0 $5 00 lent lit of ccugii anS aimoshjm- Wool ............... 28 @c. 80o mnditelydroppedJead. .Appopleiyiom Beef,hin quscer ..8.. # 50 @.§7 Ou supposceho have been thie ceuse',_On Beef, fore quarter- -$... 5 OU a 85 50 liave tvtih eiege cretonncu ont Wheet, faîl per bush -$.... 1 20 S1 28 il bise, but when Il cornes ta rnakiog Wheat, sprlag, do ......... 1 08 1 12 par tiruss orhspbokd omnsu ]anley, per bs2.........0 45 O065 PB drore fo lumbacedwoenan Oet. i ........083sa - 085 Pi' trimmfng then i vti Ihascalesansd ptr- Pees, if. 61O720, pendicularsaet igit Angleay ftic pleue.........--O 60 O 72OUNci AEG, thon, lodeet!, I tee! thaI, I arn DotI )neaaed hop,,lper. 100 5.8 256 00 O Add fittot! ta solvo life'e terrible myetecj'. Muteou ncaqsene 45 SITTINGo BULL NOT W»rna.-The Chiekena, per pair--------O :: 086 O045 New Yrick Herald says: "lTfis lie ce- Ducku, per brace .......... 6O o60 doubtable Siîîiog*-Bull ant! bis braves Gesse, eech..04............0 60 O005 TI have been very neatiy bottleS np, and Tnckeys .................. 0 60 126 lthe oock appeara 10 bc llgbtly eliven Butte broa----------O. 2.. O 2491 lu. Niobddy vantet! him hack bore, -tublair rails---------O016 O219 ai and wlidn lie refuseS te returu et Gen. Egp, frs, ore......... 0 18 020 Boa] eai Teccy' reqlucstho, in tact, mae! pake.. 2 ,.....noues liilcf barmleseandeuS avet! ns a gréaI Apples, pen bnL....... 0OU 2 50 dontl cf trouble." Potatees, per bag--------....O065 O075 Onlens, lper bush--------O... 75 O080 1 CONNEROE oF TUlE UNITED BrATE.- Hay, per ton .............00U 21 OU B ýAWashington spécial la th.- Tribune. JlpernIii.............029 0 W tie]z Passtlhe ce porto te iChie! afthle thii Blureatu cf Statintlcs shows thi.total m1w '~ clunîeorce efthle Unîited States for thhô LUT AD ERTISEMKENTS, Dun "!"0i C1noohe i xting Se-pt. 80, lu mer-. W__________________ chiatiîoie vas 11 SO0O U an mroses TRY THE DOMINION - etý *5000,000 over osaune _yciod lest Yvan, Exesm of'eiport nf speofe over VVASHI NG MACH INE 01 te importI Ibis yeuetà *24.800000- les yer as $87,ëI,Q00.-Ticbalance 00-1.11 on trial ine cf cherge, eudin le i.best flri 1't, fi-rlftineicgt'y in favto Ofie ê- k ,Rau pir.88. n rie the c~ F 1 :v~îI-Pli Alittut five.igihe cOf laIe'onyen iknngFlSnm lte ltter.gn itie ttf tihe couty aLpe- F.MHAIEAih capit4 'oIlv b-f rnneeted tlirong the la port e «f.,wYen - ALSO AGENT -FORI CUBSMBORd' i A NEWv i3WîrfLiC.-A nov evi nile P E LP4 Ot>-, 0lStu + LsLoij luvectecl fer ii!l imes. A <LOTHE8 WRI-NGER, Sal 1ane dollr bill h ont lu tva, afOve SOi-Hgç cTmeSSahh ahCsiyac ,or hlicIibseout fin ttvansd iiiebalves uhiý"c.tbom-rscî te . tCSntgJ$pufr ltheîs '1foepre î peeSithie iqlven aIofiehéboeise, aud al kiadu of lannc7 impie- tirTien ina ral fe lit e fts ti . emeut#, kept op md'uSa~~etal r sud il opuale, "d oo:- ii Sola" pacs ie t 1 o -' (autan. - - 0 perannnrn cfffor ceh.. ct 87tlh(2877., '-4e ,40,000 (Good Codu.Pece-S n,t SPort Pe"y Evafe alOup. pqmE u à . DYMICTION i C hIMed oe nevava Nover. B aal xmSes wooa ena Coal Dépol, tw BrookceelW hutby, on 84 7tTDA Y, B8rd N'OV'R, 1877, AT U 0,01,001rA. IL TmRms:-M anSi under, cash; Over hal auamo 12 mentie crodil. -Whihby,ct. 29, '77. L. FAIRANKrs. a'T m:wa rT B HI G ]'SCHfOOL il EXAMINA TIONS.,* 8 Thie naîtEariaonfr ADMISSIQXN, * vlllbeieildcon Tisesday end Wedne8day, lite & 12th Dec'r, 1877, at 9 a.rn. The INTERMEDIATE,.or xnD-CLASS, comrnenci'g Monday, December lbe 171h, et 1.80. o'lock, p. m. N.B. SluSentm living aioug lie lin. cf desîrous et allen ding lie Wiitby Kigi Sceel, -May nov obtain Souci' Tickets eht U«tl reucedratson application te lie Every flity vlO eE a î0 Jtuents for th. prosecution cf their etudiem miter achool until th, Sepacture o! lie eveing train. GRO. H. ROBINsoN B.A., 48-Gin Hea Maste. UNREBERVED AUCTION BALE ef a Valuable and Select PRIVATE__LIBRARY. Tic Subseriber hem received instructions Inoni MR. J. HAM PERRY te sOU by Auchion, without reserve stthe Odd Fellows' li, Town of WTlitby, ON Fila Ee'eninig, Pt/e Norember, 1877, HEB'WHOLE OF RIS CABxEFVLLy T selecled Lfbna'onsistlne i Mter. lcal and Biognaphlcm1%&orkh, wrke of Fie- Uion, Travel, 8agZlnee, Bevieva, Diction- acl.s, jonuale, ho., hc., ho, CATALO0GUES vill bc rcady for "r$tn. butici' on Mondsy, M hNov'r and lthe bookes ceau be examined Suning lie dY cf sale. 93 Sale ai 7.80, Eeening, eliap. M TERMI :-UnSec 050, Cash; over 050, !hcee-montis' credit cuapprovedl notes, vith tS per cent. interest. WhitbY, 0.1.81,1'7. (.45) Auctioneer -Agents Wanted. À A GENTS WAI6TED lu the a'nhPo ef Plckerlg, UxbniSgo, portper he Brcck, Scott, ThonbRma anS Mare. GoOdA ente, oeil e OBUI~ON WASHING MCHINE. Bestelandoheapesî machine on the yod. Retail price .w -1 T, Good induceenut o 5sd rtAgents, or tlb.11 T h t for sae. For te=u and para m$ FRAKK M. HARVITY, ' 454nGeneral Agent, Whlhby, Ont.- LIVERPOOL,- LONDONDERRY, Oe, OLASGOW.: Al-lan LUne OP ROYAL MAIL STEAMBAIFS. Every Saturday from Quebeo. on arrivai of lhe train leaving Toronto R't 7.02 a. ni. every Pnily. 11,0 Rates alvays si loy au by any athr Peuiu..........rd Novembor. rten........:17i NXove"mber Cîreasian ..........24h Neô=ier Steerage assengere are lerverded ta, Loi'. uSd Londou Ist axxe rtas Liverpoal. Parte vht eundIeor hhelr tends un Ibalieetat boy rates. For0 ticetseSfurther information apply Exp. anS Tei. Office, Wbltby Wiby, Oct. 801h, 1877, tf.2 éy. 18 'fI iGreat chance toreke mou'e] VI Woi'need a eeu nin avoc 9'0to'si'10te t. esubsoniptioni ~f o r lie leng ehapeatai est Miuitreted faiMflY publloa'tian lunlt irIS. Auj <nneeau bcomae a succeassfn t.L 'Th@emdmteiogeuî vrksm atgivor se te aubicriberS. The prie efiov l hi Imes ahverybody eubmcribes. one agent aodre aing ever $180inoneveak. A &q agent reports haking ovsn 400 euh. erîbens lu ton daya. AU vie engago maie luey lest. Yon cen Sevote in yonr lime the business, or oniy youc s peelime. td neS nt be e&*&y feIm h Orneover fiit. Youn a oit as vel as chocs. Pu %rtloulars, direction&sunStorms tres. El. oh anSexpensive Oulit free If you"vnt ufitebie vcrk 'sei'Sus your adares aht es. Il cests nothing te tny lie business, on evoeggsfails te mâle tpy IrsTEEOPLES'8 J0U II 'EMPERANCE HOU>Be, Gond accommoadation et reasouable torms. arders 82.60 per veek. 45 STONE BROS., EG ho infonm their custoefa ii.h SButoier business lâtely canieS ou by nm on Brook Street, has beau reineved. ho ei New Shop, 93F nexI Ray's hofel on ides Street. STONE BEOÃ,, Butcherm. litby, Ocet. Sti, 1877. oin.45 NIARIO BAN K. OTICE h hureby gtiva» liet a DivideuS cof FouaRFE GENT upon uthe Ital st«ot hmisItution bas Ibis day i a SecimneS for lie cuueanu, santi ti tam e vil b. payable At lie Bank sud île Brancheoaaa mter 'he Trunsfer Bocks iii bo olosed frein "Newt ;bmeres, New -Lustjres, New .Wincêys, New Fian LOfls and' Towe ëingsi NewRibüiNew. osiery7 Newgsoe N eel I bho>is, New Tr iuniiùgs, An.d a large assortment ôf FancyGq New Clothýs and Tweeds, New' Hats-and Caps, v A LARGE ASSORTMEMT 0F IMen 's Ovecotsan PRIE;AS ea Jacke suS fT aRRIVED AS AGENRA Suppiyo ?ns et and Coai Mammoth.Stock of Bo ots and ShoE -thich we. are marking at a smail advance on qpst. A4 oome special bargainsin NEW TEAS, and a geileral stc of GROCERIES. Cail a.nd examine, as tis is a gra opportunity for cas.h buying customers. arThe old standl, KNýg St. West. Oshawa, Oct. 819t, 1877. O0UIT JA«&MIS 0F THE- FIRE Rafts commenced business in the premises, corn er Dunè and Byron-es., (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE,) where je now 1 pared. to Supply his old customers witli 800K8, 8TATIONERY, FANCY 00ODB,' JEWELRY, de., d nt the lowest prices. Hie old. friends and onstornere are invitod to bhim a oeil. L. ALLIN, October 22, 1877. [tf.44]3 Dundaest. (opposite the Post Office), Whit' NEW ADV.ERTISEMENTS. Important to a/ Free Citizel Insolvent Act of -198, Get a Home, Stay at Hom AND AMENDMENTS THERTO. Improve your Home, an( ri thfaiemat.,of . HAmiLToN dl Go., When the Time Cornes . Inaoteenf,- . Vote Like a Freed À wvrlhet altachnhheu been hueS in ti enusanS lié Credters Are ntfe aMan. MOOt &t =Y omce iii he Toi' cfWilbÃ, 9nt Tuesdayij/e &xti Day of Narem- ber, 1877, at. two o'clocl p. in., To recel,. stetements of th*igaffà rs and te appointan ssigne. if thy.sec fet. Wiby, Oct. 27th '77. da4 lE EXAMNATION oiCAMMDATzs PUBLIC 'BOHOOL TEAOCHERS' 88cond-Ciass Ceptifloates, - vil be heldlu, the TOWN o01 ITY MOND4Y, 17t/i of DECEMBER, AT L8O, P. M. It à a indliensble chat candidates should notifthe ounsecr not later th&4 the ,m ber f=tei intention te present themmelves for exarnination. JAS. I MI M~~~gr6L P. 8.,.Co. Ont. 119,üt"à ora 1977 Sheep Strayed.. QTBABD e thepremsesof the.sub- k>S ie r ot2 , Yc. of Pickering, san ie n ( July, twvo sieep. The owner eu bthli saeeby. preving property, payi.ng eÉpenises and taking heniavay JNO. ED)WIN SELDON Oct. 27,1877. (8in.45) Kiniele P.O. :LIT ICE0 I à unconuequence cf the basa ye have te. Ilceahly mumained by fare, we viln equire ml &UOu oultmndlng alairn,vhetleien unotes W or l bokaconî,id samuonas possible. W.vb l i "eeuY ho Onr cuslonioc b(havingsacceunts nuetleS) liat we vil lake It aseà laver, their csllug anSdsetling hem up eh mn early day., W.ea nequeul ics e opuncheseil > 0d tOrstore (on credlo n mcnday ]oeep memorad=ua0o!the quentity sa Pur. oha 0 tahle blotter or cunter-boek for lh ia a yvasbucut anS ve have ne ceHiable var offi !îlngout the exact qnantily solS. iWehnnst tiret our-patrons vil lake i'te consideratioi'thlis clncurniheeaunder vhich.e bove appeeilafinixasd liaI they vil nual li ui-us unnesanable Iluna. lng Ounlieun et lt ime forimediale set. tiement o! aUlmnattined olsir. Office, et preseul; fr-ont parte!f liai omcu led byMr.onnitou S86oitor, ho., ho., Moslnabooh,'psctby opposiýte.e Onlelo Bank. THOS. LAWLER h 00. Whllby, Oct. 20h, 1M7. To The, Ladies. MJISS TBIPP cf Dunbacton, bois te in. -1 o luteadie s ia me 19nor ir Tuho"w,,S"ml 95 cents perncn; Dunhuelmi Ot. 15 h, 1877. i54 GERGE -BRITTýONi, .. 1.T . iAL m AIMUPACTUE R f bé DSgbesn PA TENTED CH Uà N8. At 19 P-ABuggies, lel IcOnsahye IF .M1 Hsr T H. Fer sae or te bet, Park Lots No'î 29a 81, 82, 88 enS 84. Walla&" Fansevdlu KeUer'i piau. 9 acres. tWeil vaten Fairmstte of tati'n. New Y p nis hanS vater veli. Fruit troes Withinfi mainutes walk cf lie pant office, havi' Whithy. Possession vithin oeemoti. Sevenal very eligible boeuses te cent a sanie tu meli, aI plices vacying (rom .$4001 02,5W0. XI Ailcues on terme, as te tume paynsi'holesuit purchasers One 00e-acre lot, on Henry itreet ta copped ou sharem foc eeson of 1678. Soic deceut Icsiran Ilmag apply,' Moey la beau on AUl claÀss f secnnity. but il nuit b. secuarrn. J. HAMER GREENWOOD@ Attorney and Solicitor,8 56rd Oct., '77. (Sm'*) Byron St., WhilIj The. undersigued liasreceived instruction from Mr. CHABLES GORTZIG the Manufacturer ho sell b yPublic Anetio SIX VALUABLE PIAOS, on Tuesday, November 6Mh, '77 on lie prermiîes, opposite lie Post cffic Whilby. Sae et 2 o'cbock. TERMe ---12 nionthm, on approved notes vlth int.erest et elelit per cent, Tic Pianos are aUl 7-octave, cf the. ver3 hest mateclal and finish, anS vit h &lii latesI improvements Tics. fi' vent oe! ge0d Instrument viei finS un1lstlite bot chanc.. yet. Guarantee for fi-cc years. The. instruments -.411b, ci' viev for the inseeetian cf visitons facteour days previons ct. l7th, 1877. Auctionoci YFarm to Rent. 711HE FABM lally cocupied by Mn. N .L Ray, Lot 20, OrS cou,Whitîby. Cou. talus 190 ecr@B-160 leaRed, sud unSi cuItlvmtion.-Good Houme and builgmi langeo Orchard, ho. BEigily situated, fin =edlatcly outuide the limite of lie cerpors FE.GIBBS, Sept. 26,1877. (t1-40) Osh&., Ot fOUSES FOR SALE 1 Faix GReu lh-ost au Byron streel, near Pi rpfFor panhieuls", apply go- JAMBWS LAWRIE, ah Haaitoi'à h Co'm. Whltby, Auguet 7th, 1877. If 8 INDIGESTION. Cl'onlo Inigestion slmosI lin;eriibly affecte > ProducinÉ, cidity ta le ima-vea lafëmdtbe iha condition stand i' get and wngent n cf lb. Phoafozone. One or Ivo area dezen dscesecf Phesfozono najut cr Olooks, CIook8, Clooka'. A LARGE ABýSOziTMENT f ,lips. SI.Beaiful snd Coret Tin me eoon us exhbbtéeat tie atSolihOnto Areeir. micfe ances u the whole rnmlltbýOI-,-wh ea.N s e4-'.1 ofuod, ah the Peit ùd sealühant h-* re DOUBLE STOR~E IN WILIKINSON's Tlzree Door8 Below, Hopkins' i4e M 8 é. ýWe shahà i remain -here for'the -ne't'twoek -OLD STAND I5 RE,-BUýILT, - We ae6 now Sorting mp in eve!y* department, -rendlered inoiplete by the]1 opr custo6mers and the public needý fear ne bas in the -sxxpplying -_fti In iBooksi,, Ststionerýy, Berlin Woolg,Wail Papýe, Faùcyî Gooda .ad NOVE ~3R ~8O: - ---- ISOKInUh lU UItoWn.. Alf good<s-'damaged-by a,&è ý conséisting, of a vast aseortment cf articles in e*,aCh of our de- partments, we shall offer at from '25 to 90 per. cent, -bebow coat, as ail muet ho sold before - Ontering our nlew stôre. SOUTH ONTARIIO BOOK, STÂTIONEIIY AND NOVELTY STORE, BROOK. STREET, W]UT BY. CREDIT8A LE OF NEW DE 1 v Ii, LMEN'T S., that io Pl 0, ei. tb m ni M 'd te t by ni il cet do ock ,nd las ?ro- ;y. Le, ëm et to il id frt aI n vith One, one.and-a-helf, tva, lwo-and-e- ialf,*thr.e, and four Setta cf Reeda, vih One ho nevenu tc , n "il"suda "Fbov" Fiih 9LU ils salfirsh-clas na- tonial anS ve'raanship. i2 oeLODCeotNFlowGns 1 PIANO-FORTE, 7 SECOND-HÂND MELODEONS. Purchmases u, If r. ied ave Organ and Melodeon-Orgens uIred addver at eittier Railway station et Whltby for #2 îech, or Piano-forte for Q4.. Instrumnents on exhibition daily et Orgaù Factory in the Town of Whitby and for aie, BLOW COST, np to day U1 Miction. Sale t e mmence et 2 o'clock pmz. sharp TBRMS OF SALE :-Cash, or twelve oonths oredit on Approved NÃote, bearing ight per cent. interest per snnurn. Tiie Whitby, Port Pcrry & Lindsay Rail- way vill issue Tickets to parties attending aia fron Lindsay, Port Perry, and 0i tations north, to ' Whitby and retnrn, et NE PARE 1I L. FAIRBANKS, Vhitby, Auctioneer. October IOth, 1877. 4In.4~ Steer Strayed. IIÂME on lot No. 11, th con. Plekeringa Jone year old ste. r * red color, w te X en tail, and star on iorehead. WiIl be Id in dne course of law te dclmry charges nless clalmed b y ovner and expenses peuX GEORGE ENDEfRSON et 15h Bi.8 reenwood I7771 NOT rhABILY EA1INED IN these times, but it enu be nmade in thrce montis by an Y eocf 7 7either sex, in any part of the country, Who l Io lig to work eadily et thp empicyment that e furnion. M per week in your own town. Youn ned besey (rom home over night. Yon cen ve your whole time te the work, or oniy )ur p are moments. We have agents vio e maklngover 020 per day. AU Who en- ges et who engage et once cen make oney lest. At the present tume money =ot ia mede soe ealy and rapiadlr et any her business. Terma and $5 Outfit Preef.- dreis et once H. HALLETT & CO., To th orle, Mt The. Subacriben Wil cichange INE SMALL PEAS,l good .Blacle Bye Peas»' iverea et sarne- place andailnow twenty ita per bushel difference. NEW YORK SINGIl - 'fiEW 1 N 0 MACHINES. -ca0- YOU WANT TO BUY iWING MACHINE, JTTACHME.NTS. NEBEDLES, THREAD, &ic., FISHINO.' TACKLE, RODB,:ETC.,',' FA IRBAN KS, - -AT ~zB- Ot8 à 0110e8 ueaper uall rver 1 Raving effected a settiement witli the urance Companies, are 110W ffoffring their entire STOCK. Ã"F DRY GTOODS.1 -at prices that will astonish their cus- tomers. Corne and see their And their Ail Wool Merinos, at 25 c.ents per yardt. HOPKINS, MIJSIC HALL>ý Brook sbtreet, wbitby. DOM1INION WARýEROOMiS., are stili uaffering Bargains from a new- STAPLE AND FANCY -DRY GQODS., Groceries, Furs, Buffalo Robes, Clothing, &û., &C. M/LL/NERY, TA/LOB/INO & D/iESS-MA K/NO., Ail our goods are first-ciass,, and will11 Wýb sol tottom Prices87. - LOWES & POWELL, WlxlIby, Ochaber 22ud, 1877. G O.LD S"M ITH F' S In announcing the arrivai of is Fal Stock, the-undersigned would cdll attention partioularly to the LOW PRICES at which FIRST-CLASS GOODS are 110w being offered. WAIRRA N TEI)<OL D WA TOHES, [rom .$35, Fine (+old Chains, English'make, lu'utia1ly piretty patterns. SIGNET RINGS, GEM RINGS, KEEPEIR RINGS, 18 Kt. WEDDING RINGS.- Charma, Studs, &c.,&c;Sle Watches and- Chains, Colored and. Brighit Gold SettR, Brooches, Bar Drops, Lookets, &o. A largely in»creasedý stock of qý ELECTRO-PLATEDG DS Cruets, Piokie Frames, Cake B3askets, MÙgs,' Napkin Rings, Butter Dishes,. SugarBo8, 0 c NIOKELITE-Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons. iDinner. and Dessert Forks. Spectacles» to suit'ail Sights. Oct'r 17, 1877. Practical Watchmaker, Brook-Street. ATý THE OLD ST-AND in aine EnMporium, AJOR M.ILLS resumeS contraolbthMafjor MiUe anS 1 f ýipneMaed. 10 psy :E HEIGHE'STPRICE Iý c LE . n, 12o0 p-.-sud, a&'8.5-p. 'm., sud feImmlie Georgiexu Bey, Waubawl- sEn n'Itredeepoint, -et 0.55 .m Crb, hde s ttons. -im H. ; TYLO, - A. HUGEL, 5upo~nteucnl. Pzetiâent.' rFOR-SALE. The, EaSt hall-cf, Lot No, 1, fin lie dli Coccessicu o! Uxbridge, 100 acres. 70mcc ele&redthebb balance herdwced, cedar mnd plu ;vel vateced - franebarn ; log barn; Trenie stables, witiloggbions. Appiy te hie propnetor- WM. HAU BEON.. Kinsale P. O., Pickering. sept. 21st1,1877.- Srn-40 T 0 BFNTi TWO FirsI-clas Brick Hanses a nI ou- sevelinMoins each; veli finibhea; geed coller, sud au n.ccssaryceuveumuce, Apply to - J. B. POWELl, 'Wiitby., Sept. 1 91b, 1877. FARM FOR SALE; BE1ýG LotNO. 3, 18ih Con. Wlèsi Wit. mile fnom th, fiounisbig Tovn ef Parcuhuli; about 60 Acres cleered and in ea geed mie. cf cultivaLtion- balance wel tiMbened viOc hardweod. Brick houe. Large neLwfraTme barn and sablle, çvith plenty et herd anti saitwater. About four aces cf an e'rciard *iti - chuice- fruit'trels, Soit, cay loam. Possession cen becai=rn>g te suit pur- chaser. Fan particulm arsdres- JT. W. POWEVLL Parkhiull;or Fe W. i'OWELL, Bnuoklin, Octebur 18,'77. -44 Fore term cf ycr:B.a o- ie.6, tie lst Con. o! Reaeh-2u0 acres, Ueng h@e estate cf lie le Alex. Bro*ue-2miles Nerth-westoetà Ahbmr. For particulans epply te A. H. Bnojwne, ONTARIO FARMERS' MutuailIns8uranté Co-' HEAD OFFICE, DROCK-ST., WHIT.BY. ns ia.f ahiy wc1-estabLahed Company in CaMASA, J1JST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. J; B-. BICJ<.LL, JOHN WIL±L1S, President. Vice-President. C. 1101111E, Sncuxvtuy. Etes cf Iluruce s801gw liaI 2UCents uilli maure 0100> rtu'cle moii/s1 Wiitby, Oct. lot, 187. --41 WTITBT, PORT- PERRY hLINDSAY Ir RA IWAY. Tssking effcît Ob Mond&YIA.ug. 27ffi, 1877. TORONTO TIME.- - Tý 9iÀseuoINNORTE. DEMAT, i'EPIUTi. Tarante, vie G.T.R. 7.00 e.m. £.87 p. Witby.inn. G.T.B. S.45" -6,25" fWlity......856 a.8 ,tBrooklia ...... 9-111 * f147 Myrue ........... .2a " 7.(X) S9airnit--......9.8 " 7.101 Manchesten-....9.45 " 7.17 ]Prince Albcrt-1. ... 955 7.25 - fpOrt Pcrry.'...10.10" 7.35 iSeagrave--.....10.86 7.e 'Sny......0.3 0A 8(5 I Manlle- -0.57 " 8.17 Op.,.,..,.-.11.82 ' &848 -DICPAUT. fLiudsay..... 5,15am' tUa p a ... .....0.06 Il fMail -«..6. *28 il *Sonye .........65 5' tSeagnave- -0ý ... .41 ' .tPrt Peîi -....7083 PrneAbrt-..7.08" JOHEN SATJNDEýRS lias resui'med-li'sbu-,siness- at the oid stand- ý(Cheqnt*ered: S'Etore), Brook-st., W liitby, where. ho is flOW nabled to give good va1ue toal ustomers, old . and - new. RHis stockcf - - BOOTS AND- SHOES, - -- - ~ ~ ~~'I AfYA -N.r ' n - - 6t kt ýl The. subsoriber has been ih'atrnct.d by the. Directori of the MUDGE & YABWOOD MkNUPAOTURING OOMPARNy to mcll by Publiec;Auction,t bthe Organ Factory, Town of Whitby, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER [3th, 18771 1 . U. Overcoats and Pea ý.J.açkei WE- "Pi NOW OPENING UP A bTEWAR.Tl si-3umli, 84 'OROANSý .& T-J mi 1 il,-IT.% 1 In t% W.:EL BROWNIý 1877, Sept-iub.er 19t&,-l LOWES POWELL. at Draper's Blevator, for OCK-ST, WHITBY, 1 1 -W, :E, 1 1 J-»Jl--l I.LN Li ý 0:30 Remember the place, LOWES POWE-LL IIA L L.1