Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1878, p. 2

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Tho thi saon cithe 1hrdPsais- l, t ~I- othdls Ohroh -mont of OtIa o p.ed ai Toronto te. his on-i WryfiisT. . hh4el. 7ay(Wednesdày,) with the natal cure 19&yori' bya1Irs~~s ,Ih:Bmnania-1 Foî.moules. ' Thera vas a<fulattedou e nxains,3frd. >W 11 .Osev atve al]. oofton.... ThSe charges au fofrmlly specM 891 Ches%> iubsaifption @ffi-Z, 8. Robert. Aimoa Dcath. wOr. !,ý son, Firâ~P1~t-Tmat tii.,. in vithin the Cen. Contre W 6,sn Wri nguisu ad American publication- On the. farecuan cf Biiday 1 :.tratCormittee a ring, the inotbors of Total 190. SRoeto.B<brt l X -h, c as driving W-h'hhv dsoo l ea ivt Majorij ff Bo7. ActAueai &pct-Bcard cf êcho1 Tram. ldab'i m.îî thi ~~e pubish1in$Lhoase ofAMaiMiler curc lors for North Ward-N. Bey- ladesina 80%i-n te inotoroaCompany,, of coranta, and, 158, Wi.Durzis 145, W. H. Huan Statmont-laa. Draper, Sac. fOUnd à iniddli.agod, respect&b14 dresse . Seo y-Tba$ lu the preparation of 184, John Ferguson 109, Wui. Bobson Naoletrie 01- Id Man lyng Insensible on thé road a sxamlnatlou Pa pe.in coiinoctian ViLla61. Theftret tin re nslecteil. Cue frna nm u p .B. m lh short wsy cut cf Duabartan. Ha loft the. Publia antiM 8hohtaal 1. oadnna orcrCentre Wrd-M.j Pain 1111cr for sors tlroa.-; the, ladies at a sinali bauenl"Cnsoal 01L titiand , otr pries DO#eW 11, AIG,, Nd ' 814 S(l Division Courts-4kCunty ontarlo. spot, and vith 1h. auuîstane cf auohh*ït 'Iterestti'lit lb. wark arlte rosuIt aichrist 81. The tiraIret ao re eloeat1 Chiancer>' notie-. K. Gardon, Sallt. paes, plaoid th. anfartanate man luthelisxaminaîlaus. Co 0a»lrs1- Souti Ward--geo.i or. ~hi.e lelgh sand cauveyed hlm tauUr. 'The report âayS, wthh rspect tathe Hapinus '8, Wm. .Wlak. 6MJames1 To ls Getlemu-Hailta A Hr. 8cke'a bot.!. Dr. Tiohor wua min. tiret charge, that il vas ontlroly unsup. spbl50I.L.ugrd4 Tt 8111 AII. -.KBc.MoodeSa£nd5faund tual lthe pcer flle,' porteai by vtica ret t"aes ar e110"t Doiniuon Wareroonts - ILow@s as sufaéring frein axhaustiland coa. Theoevidomucte .secondiLcharge t o ir, .Bàihit 9;Ia F orWR uHIP orB. lavut,,07; . o Powell. By porseverance. in lh. une cf stimu. go». aver atleagth bythe commission«r Twede 28 aal> rBca Meeting Of Caunot Ocau-Za.Obier. latse, wrna.bathlag, frictian Sa., tie via cancludlos bis repart. 50.. morpsgs a1-.IK.* Gordon. g Âuctlpa BRIO-Hamiliton4 Hamrrovr ufferer aIý lait vas able -ta open hlm "The cleor remilt cf tha vhals cv!- For Dsputy.Beeve, W. IMcTaggart, Uudertgut.à. K'Blce.- *yoes. Ta, galna Sainb- et bis identit>' donc. in 'My' judgmaut la that 264; J. L Smth, 258. Majorit>' for Groarle-Loe.S Pwel. he pohaI ve. saiuusd lu néither charge hau ny support front McTaggart, 6. Dry Gods y Afo«onlh"tn & ortmut9s whi.foaffnos à ative prcof ; thal thi charge. Fer onaicllors, Z. I. Davide, 8509' Dry ard b> Auhfo-Halîtu &pcrmaueaaver fand ain hirt "hava net beau alliawad ta b.odisposedait LOryla, 887, H. Bicha, 819j J. IL JUS I.,,, a, o.-Huzltenh Hr. sade a ardvlihan ddrss pon le, of AS lump!>' iupzaved, but thal bath Mathevecu, 275.' Thé.firsl lbre are rover. Sud a alitar>'cent. On hi. regat0gà hv;ea acl9vl' eule. latd full "umauues sie heur, afler, ho roronto iieEeci1 âf'î'w aakuole0gectvil:is usne on1h. -Beav-B. Mo1hrsililby seelamallan. car wuvas eovu,; that ho a ae@a. 1Ur. Angus Marrison bas beauen sisal For Depoty Buve-Wt. BSmith 262, "o4r ont cf vont, viiose meains bhas for a third tari* The otais .1.0, * J. Machie 258- Majarity 'for soth - -----beau exhaustel; taha vo as an hie Morrisan 8877 For Counclîlars- McKemze 298, si ONLY 89 JO PER ANUM a>' fontTaranto eta a iother lu LInS. Beaty 8270 Snmith 297, Soott 298, Plau, 801 F«ax -- ----- - 182. The firet three ar*e eleted. ti Whltby, Thursday, Ja. 0 1878. s>,t hc onh aSh ol e Majorlty for Marrison W07 PIOMBIuNO. 1, einploymeat.; sd thal lehao had a Tac OouNcan.-8t. John - Tizard, oBev-onMlr49;avn boaS sept lu s barn a portion o lhe MGregor, Boastead. 8t. Patrck- Cmbl 8.Mjrt'frMe 5 ÂCOÙTSnohtag aeswt lie prteias d a t DPiple, oUe. St.ames w-.Parlth, For -lui Dépty.Beve-8ý-. Green 459t Dil~8Tcs.all Si AnrewEaneyForester 412. Majarlt>' for Goree 47. For teln ied u in a.-gpbiainmgh lr énlRdil.e.DvdBéis eu litlmedov vinpr.lb nîîcuoumîit tnthoefelings af0.Dai-iels For 2nd DepuyBeeve-P. B. Hoov. 11q la5rc5~1h5 t~l~g lIriO~~, rob W ~ f~ h Aawou, Allen. St. Thaias-With. r59 Mce . Majorily !for c oouct, oumerition'or B Ma Radtbatho w ov*, Baidwin, Bitobie. 8et. StoÊhe- Hoover 296. - cni usrplu otherwli, arezustaInsd tient ln hi# peroonan sd isilCrocher, -Winchuster, Denisan.One$ F or Brd etyBv-.L.pnkt *t nu sohlti<ansecoîs il b lu nlîor thc appearace nor te miner George-Hughes, Turner, Boavi.468 T.DH uiy2.eavsj. into cuaS Nm>'ai arhmllrucuns fs rakad Bs aussbwo et. Lavrence-Close, Baller, Siali otay20 Mjnt fr (ani ers Nare mSUor ihan a hhoasnl ofha ha vas a ioard owdspinkiSO. Oreewoo L. . L No.167 (Juuilor--Joseph Moakitoume, a. tg~ of them)> ie fors$ns afftrout:*oute 1 o Great pralso la due ta Ur. Kerr for -otetyholmaln and W$e a o ocmiefrnn L rmtato utcmleaSb The followlng officers have beu01&W. paymeofof msasil an anacuni by a Mr. Becer and ieisfamily, haga emiched for thie éusulug year: Reeve-Dr. Bac 480, G. H. Padlar ljtl 11einilvldut effort, W. - cannaIlih. Po fellaw oery uaaS le.Bro. Saapison Webb, W. Master. 80 aoi e r B«e 6. orcreadate. William MoKittrick, D. Master. FiralDeuy.eve-. Dichie 894, di laonger afori tea llow ltantut larcmsluiotin. Had utc remainue pi-strale on "ThtomasWilseon, Treatsurer. A .Cmrn88 aai> o euncliaig eaîlared fer and iv4e 5u lte rosad a 11111e longer hie vould bave " John Willsen, Secretarv. Diokie 61. M1 te yare, sud v& rust ltaI tht. warn.beau frote», au lte day vas inteuel>' "John Boddy, sinan.Cslain. eco W ngD182t. Mee-yfor .Glbbs pg -iug wil'4&vc eniacribere anS othites ooic.' John B. Adaâmson, D. Cr. 50 .Kn 8.Mjrt'frGbs. indebted la us frin fardier Sunning Wà undersland lte poopie of Dan. " John Bycra, I. T88,yWertern8a » L L " H~~~~~~~Reury MoQuod, O. Tyler.Cocio-Btmy88 Weer a sud the Probable addition of nie conts barbu suahi eigbborbood ae about coru. William Wilsaon. 278, Dickie 262, Diniuie 211, Mallon> ai] titan tbe amounn of tha accouaI. raisiug a aubsciptiou te pay tse sut. Il Thomai Macro. 157, Wilkinson 128. TieitireI Iwo are ne Reomember Wa cannaI gel aloag frer'. fere te Lindsay when ho becomes " Alexander Moore. lected. go wiitoul " -ewnti.w r sfiinl trn c rv.Tetrt Samuel Ade.msoa, jr. HOIÂ.et goîg ono-w vut lwearesnflianlystrngtabrael Tte ra ~ Edward Boys:.- For bReée-John Proalor 244, N.FP.t caio I.P> u ni aesberbri.J . cIianEqy i ,.----Pallerson 159. Maority fer Proolor PO Liver-pool Market, vito lias nmade a L. 0. District Ledge of Whitby. ý bel Meitgfemnonasnîmoî antisome conatribution. XV. iipe bisgeeinG.F. Bruce Depnly.Beeve by sacola. Iii jexampie may be fulowed hy many aIllIeeening, helS at"Co. malion. v Parliant isba ele amelale. luabtas, ou lte eighth ai Jauuary, the For Conilors-as Obaituers 247, th' foliadsaieus in es outeume7lt itis s a olnaeiini folowing brttera woeoelecteti officera Chas. Gallavay 229, Bobt. Bruce 224 i forthedisate ofbusnefor thbiteThs mn asuirtgat ynear gGeorge Sutler 178, Thos. Trelevan 108: beo 4; of pehruary, -bouniconvoyaS toa splace vitere tbi rt e Wsinks, eD.M.The firsîttroe are elecltd. CO _ _ _poe placsfrrssiainBro. Wim. Wck, Wiitby, D.R EACH. sul, Coervatlve Convention. rprapltne orrssia Il W. 1H. Brown, Colm us,DD. M. could be îo readiy obalued. W. are CptJo.ay Columbus, D.C Reeve-Gea. St. John. lot Depuby. lai An iilibe eenby iolce a aite gid ltai1fr Se usee. is elllin "Thos. Mar lu, -Oshiawa, DS lieve-Jaitu Mawbray. 2ud Deputy- bhi colamite, n-meeting cf tLiLberal.Cou. force. May hi.s badow neya: grow "J- . C.Browtt, Avîitlur, ,D:T: Re-ePe oisîle. tin nd cl nervatives af Sout Ontario bas baa loe, sulong ns ite actaelte part of l"the ameiHlmnOaaa, .DC du rnr tasDbonaSC salled aI Hopkinos hlal, Wlîilby, for Good Samailîa r'" K LeonOardeNo.39o uRTumll. ot Sattarday nezI.' The ebjoctlai te eloc-. " J. Wrightt, reova, by acclamation, lie1 tio ofillùgte tethecovenio tobe CArîîoî,taCHnnait COC«ETî.-Theo The folowing oficers for 1878, worm Counicillars, C. Dawes, W. Kennedy, Oiu boSa1oob ex ck nlt concert hlcd in Hopkins' Music Hall, electeti for KinsaleOGrange, No. 890. J. Rolpit, M. Carrto. su hül a Troto ex wok Onth lstTlîursday aeig nË fte B R. Mowbray, Master. XRD.pr avo ef a generai lection acnvnilo atnenal ida ie R.ReeuUoexu» > r -o hePrt ie eedemd dilate unds aoflte CaltoIiec curcia, bore, vas B. Rogers, Ororseer. Bee a.WbIle reeleted b a ai lie Pary lia beendeeme atvlbe, elatlended. Tite programme provid. M. Gold, Lecture:. acclamnation. Ceuncillr.-J. Sum. mu aud 'lite 14th, 15111 antil6tit are the cd for lte cveuîng was an eleellent oue J. H. Rager, Secretar. merrille, E. Maunder, -T. McGraltan, per Sayit appointed. The deiegaliou'7from sdvsvl ualdet i iepa. Win. Redman, Chaplain. sud J. E. WalIc. toa[ asci ceclraldiisLa l abe om and fermera Ocre oujt.s lvoi athe ar- J» .Soîdon, Stewaîrd. LN5Y g oe! elt al dor 1itantg udca os Ifrmra Jclle-h ales n se J. W. Clea-ke, Aosal.Stevard. LNSY g 0Iofan vo timore ta tcon nmtoles ialiy va, lte piayîng 'n lte piano of C. Rogers,- Treasurer. Mayor, Coi. Doacon. eve-W. J, ma8i thn ly dloats.Th cnvntoni:Misse. Jalînsto'nd Paddon, weîî el MisC. Muekie, Ceres. Russell. Doput>' Reeve-J. Cooper. belz tomot b hatsbry-hll ccrd aMisE. Clake, Flora. Second DepaI>' Reev-J Diament. bet' lng to s U. e. Club circuler, lbe chair oantMises iafHallslI, uad lite set. Roger-s, Pomonn. Counillors-Nortit Word, Gea. Ingle, bit andMis Mnns Hllttan th at- Miss S. Litigebl, Lady 4Ansl. Slwd. W. H. Pogne, anti J. D. Flavelle; ext0 wlll Le t'aken andthie convention callilS ug and oocu singing ef Ma-. Wnt. Win. Lidgett, Gate Keepea-. Southt Wrd-F. C. Taylor, B. p. Go,, te ortie: by Sir John Macdonald, ai Murphy, vore tieservedly applanded. ,......Sa-ani H . iler; a I .XVeardn. bRni eilial 'clock ounlteaevening of te The Oddfelova' Bras Band anti Cal. Town Council CaujJ.P.P HkiatM. Hean on 141h., wviton stdrosses viii bo delivered vrysStigBndgv hersricsOt b>'lte elîslrtnan anS otiters sud lte vn" tigBtSgv ersrie Coucil Chamabers, Town Hall, Reevo, Jas. Speigit, ra.elocled b>'. s. PIS( during tiie oveuing tand favoredth ie Tuesday Lv'g, Jan. Stit, 1878. clamation. Couuilors-J. Jerman, ty là ortie: Of bumes. doernaînod. Sucli audience villa semte cîaiee selection,. TteIat meeting o e ldaScounceil Win. Robinson, B. Wilson, andi G. R.hbm1i tllgales as are net members will have -Thie groes receipts ainouabedti t soin. wag telS Ibis evoung. Preseut, Bis Vauzant. es 0: ire. aceesa le lite Club hremins d uring *K Woretip thae Mayar (in lte chair,) Roeve OEILLIA. sny lte iîîîng cf te convoaion,. wtlite Gibson, Depul>' Reeve Blow, Councili Mayar, Sanson. Reeve, Quinn. Gai f pivileofe ibinq arvot iti refresît. OPEMiNUo o Ncv Orntans iv Do. lors, Deverilî, Fergzuson, ilannin, Couuicillora-Sonît Ward, Hammond, Ti tnents At citubtrates. M1Nios TEiiGonAptt Co.-The Dominion Long, Ormistot, and Wicks. Booth, anS Wilson; West Word, Mor- have W@ trust' thas thbire viii bu a largo Telegrapit Company have oponoti new BOUESTAItEMtNTS F MuTHE CLERK. ris, Weir, sud Jnvpp;,Nantt Word, Rail at tendance~ Atte Whiby meeting laoOffices at te îoîîowing stations ounlta Mr. Huston, boy» cierk, statué[ that Black.,J3uei, aud Vînleasel. have The. Coneste ln Nova Sella, doue Ihaougitout lte Sa>. The match boriug villages. yugcbanmdJh fl Mr. Fergnien remarkcdhti iaM1r. son, of Halifax, book vo yauug wvainub y lt vas-s close ene, iting won b>' 1r. pi l bi sî usiispcoraVay neS Floa MoDoualdsumd Ida cita: Mr, Biche>', 1nasyce aiHalifax, i. lte Orvisi's sida by eniy 77 points. in thée dieagreeahiebs tae pe a-inam. Be baS tarsfoialeassulrpae. T Abaun l yan tCotservative candidate ia opposalion evening &s upper vas paovidedth ie voa-kedoefficiontîy anaiveli. He belier. ive o'claek tii. or»iug tie bors vas 19 yeo tu Mr. Jouos§ vite bas resigni luncon. @boutnlent, Mr. Joitu Gerraw's. oS thal il vas titaougit Mr. Pringlesfouain a street naIthlb. ensd ontbovin %quuetf havîng ia-lugeS lteé l bc b abou rs a o lItieiaatt aloglte cil>' eut anS bleetinq, andthie ofeigh brooký depeudeno ai parliainent Acl, AnS Io. [kf ,fYKDCNETWl h ceount vas ordr tie epi uhiangd Ntiqwskonacs metIg o~ietin,- a- 'a, uas.gienlulie etoi8t Tabernacle onof ieaa-tt epu itte occupants Il Ibis aiternoon, wiiesi mouin r-cecio. M. af, i itg'en ntl e dand te efltnmuttao arase vtnhe iihrocaSvip versaffecti te1-ll thisl., consisting ai vocal atwh*MMilncbe at o i anSouthe le. ut Stee'and.SaitcS IonaiMilîl, iît ta aune l lie sîrîmenîi iuuc. ~A pmci is asture &s at ahbte cenucil toa-J. vasthon made,unSdte boiio e tcrefamei arne Way, lae pposoi in Digit'b>'b of lte concert wl Lbe forerai ergan PIREt AND vATESt. bye vomen fouud under lte ice. WiI. hlm; Il -Mr. Vlde, et-speaker eft liteNova solos, iulroduciag te varions stopsanaJd i Scttllau Leglulature, proviens ta lteoui. ful>' oxhibiting te vandea-ful paver f'e r. lannainibrongit lanlte report son'e bedy'ltas not yel been Sucevered. ciaimi - antiuwelness ni the instrument. tecomnittee an Fia-e andti aea-_6_0 - ciarot fedleraliaa. Piblic ineetinga are itelti -Tickets ho te liaitiab te aloresDi erconimending paymeut aiflte accouaI AN INDEPtîNDENT Cei.aN.-A inai! abjecti ivr:>' igitî andthbeve les livel>' ime Mess:.. Taylor & Barata-, anti T. G. Fprank Newbera-y, fna- painting eeven Englisit ceouy exit near Arcasgel, lte g:i et IL. As uisuai bot parties xîresu Witild. lanip posta, $8.85. Report atioptd.i.nl Russa, viclitaI lite présent lima ruiner - mpvsars of viuning.- RELIEF. eanya perfect indéenodance. This sud th DeN'T NEOLEOT IT.-Titose wi rle a- r. Oraitiaou brongit lu te repart ceion>' as formed gradusîl>' b>' mi- hala le To Correapondaents. suifferiug farn cangbu, colitisanti aore ?f te conmittee an Relieftreeonumeuti.grants Jaavu Ièrbor thle establiali. sedue t"payaient of lteuc-cotants af W. J. mont b>' au Englisit campa»>' of saine ltaIIlh titrent., ivo vouid recommeuci la go ut Qlson $4.50, J. G. AloDongali $1. Of important sav.milIa. The ceolIs tien 'q "C ciire W ird ' anSd alther cornes. auce cuti procure a b cai fW itbflJ'e btaaccouit ai Dr. Bogat, $13.25 wvliîa bave raseS la ova vi c lt e r i: fg- voalt poittionla eli toit etsaiafioti-viit cebnateti Puimoule Sytrup, itils lte vasteierred brack ha tie cnmmittoe aI na-es an uape, uer upan officiai records tsepi vicier>', viitoult urthter eemkhng boalia. cheapest snd meat effectuai Og h atmeigo tecuel hyo élrpory, ne: ite rate books. marry utillale taeir Openonts b>' novapaper rmd kaa Pie25st cegi lectmenot bite$175ou aci.>' Etrar r reeyknw.Prc 5 n ocents, utrcmet ia 17 epi Titeinitabîtanîs oethLs.happy> lce'imo --animad.vsrsiens. -Ttc cleobianu are Wtiltby Ont. laehl e Ira'Prepurat Ite Meicâlî1Hall. 'The coatitbse aise recomrnud îba viose numbers arc ual montions t, are morali nov ove: sud bivn«gbtau trougitoat a sgrant oai086 tep aita Ma-a. Long.thberofore frce frein ratas, laies, anS sll tino la couuced it god eein, w ae o Mni Wy rAco.UseWht.wortî. cter bardons ancb as veigit8seheavîl>' *ngbis c o n u e t d v l i g o ti e e l n g v o a r e i l u n a v A c a . s ~ U s W b t. T h t oc o u b e i î ve u t i n t o c em m i t e e f O t fB r i t is h a io u a oh o d e r s . T i . > ' a r , a n d t hli indîspoosci le permit lhe CHnsaNIoL. la fieid'a Ottcits gî 91L tînII.enil>'ap. bbc litole, viton bue report vas ameat. mereorar, ludependent et aIlliocal ati,:menus. bc made te mm ofin tutIle rosent. plieS aud varraubtilaegive Inptal a, an motion ni Ma-. Fea-gason, li rtaI y1>, snd, indeei, ef authorityl et au>' aud t. mmlorrrimnuations calcuisîtd u!>'relief lu evr r'csIlo sSacr.Dr. Bogart Lc paiS 811.25 lu tall. Be. deaeriplioa. Titis étrange coien>' la nol meriba. vo aun anSd 1fr? p alnifý unnecoss. ing la directonsor mono>' refundeS, 1parI adepleti as smeaded. lhe lirai of the hiud vioitbaisaprang pris2 e nt.EXEMPTION PETITIONS. up in ltaïs. quartera. Not long ugo anu ànlly, Timna le an: clii sw about te RePrepared t Ite TMdieul Hait, AéiaMa-. salsbdude oe moannes. et . Ilhrwiug val.: upon a Witb>'Ont . Hanuamu, secondeS b>' Ur. Ma- viat simila: conditiolns, vas Suseoevcrmi Ad drcnedraIt' un arrsp44ielaMillun Movs,talthe clerk bolustruct. lunlte neigîitarbooci cf lte Ba>' etlumbia drwedrt. ur.corF nens-ArT TE Ont> FELava' HàîLL, E edtelaferwardthle exemption pelitiane Morlon, Kamthatka. ot an a shouiti uel seektale ccupy taI ratber otsOfrnacè,rmat,'now beiag ignetiin te lova teMr. g ie lugIcnrlons -position. Wiîi us-"'AUà 0i sofsigaIca, euntl allant. CarrneS. aa cicar eut pieces ni eFusan OEO IAK T 1 OSI. IMPORTANT. nu Asszsîoîc.-Tbc New. voman vol taI suds vall." gonds, nuS i'nîu Sani- TÂNSt-autbaar. . maket R-rua sys :-"Several aaaesa. Sala, ai F aitsea>'bColobins. Sat. hseluh aroieW --i----a- H hesttu ree05 iair rsîip vus reqacaîti tole love ment rellinluSincoc CeunI>' have beau the Oka re To m end u r, f ," Cs ae ling... c gin s c edau d t e iab eta e l vis ou tsS g t, S r n8 v aelin ime.ul S c m n e î rooaaneui aa- flend lnveiing a lseeoysd iable lett an eulter lte Eeeve, aJo bbut cui d 'ageh uldrecewhaibort Jdoc.Ar. e te i ,te neIglibotan1 i i Cabana-g leput up fore stock tbai0ig, auJ la-moka way àI M-. I3nw, secanteti hy MUr. Forge. lanatian was made. yb> ias IHouer, k Baverai 'Il t i a irstclas o 8. &Y or 011,' m cd tîtat P vote oethbanko te viticit ve direct the special attention ai murriai ah tae "Ângtoij, rI aa rid i g gnous. h_ýtnercd ite bMaya: rthlie ethcieul, asseasors anti municipal coueclis. ne icine-i hanse ie ail Ils appalumenîs, andi Mr. DEPÂiLTiiNo CITY Tit Âun...catîrtoons and geatlomnaîîy mnaner in saiS, "litIsnoci desriplions, as p art etMa-a. Gi i>rluagie, ltse vorti>' proprlotor, la eî'er ousE whiicitlha presided maer lte Slibéra. te 'vet hall cf ilt14, l inteé 2w! Con., diacase. nuxcu t ti al a is avr anl euil'bosrer ai Que- lieus aoitf au i.-anS sncb llita, vere periecl>' ueas." bho:aai eamfortableacScoinmodation etf ,lhsat te Le a tefaulter ta lte Tite mtion vues acearepuniet b>' ne. Tité fronta#.e etfsa-ch.» np lae olaund, ut pra>'e guete Th "rligtul,' unt Oai 8100,000. Adrauces le marks trainlte gentlemnen allihe cane. bagellier îit ils distanc, ironue cor. lier le ti: "Ar1lifnglce"cntatea calogdasth il baa-J, l intioh lie> expresseSthei uer ai th. laI mueI ts egiveu--oltsee h lock ai tiose rare plaies et icithbitre loer cus.good' opinion oifltse Maya: for lte te part>' veuld be diefrancaiîad, mat dasited 1 eu Irai> y -"will tlits mine ue a se . iciaJi>'manne: l i h hbaS pre. ltes aasssmeat vould nat Le acccrdi»g formeai l mine ilra" To THE GaNwLzmicbr...Wa bave ail sided over tie canni board. ie t a."wa i eîza lengentlemen'@ whheIitek.i lo. *î voetfthanks vus &ton 5sd ilrevarel1 "Dc aî~ anOBSTRUCTIONS.-.. BAanTd enderedtotlie Mayor vaîKsome 11IRS AT BEnw.- fies beoka out an avil o Ur. uthert' hoq aied S fle RAXITONà HBROWER.fMW eongratulaîoa-y reinrks b>' Rea n ou nda>' mernlng-lu'- a large brick nov lunj4 MnCulibovmbons *ledilB pia ~Gibsou. building ovil b>' P. Byau, aand accu beyend cf biah 1.1 o lie udm i Kaguon aie. of Clla, -Bis WQohsip maie a suiable rpi'. pied b>' W. Tiene>' muaàVcaale and titicoins r O ba l, a p $t t ln g l b . c a lt e r l 4 0 a V r y' B l i e n l l e ...A e x a u e r R b e r s o n . TCo n n o il a d je u n n ou tti., W , o u a llsdy aiealug serions ijur>'. parties Brutord-...... Hary. Piazza Siiti, b>' observations cflievsotî> sroe;leracslmen shiauld be wanuad agaluel thé- raci l gÎtou-...f Touyre.- tew ay stvrtao ut k =8,000, Carai a mic...P . iva.causes of tlsmparakr,v for tth aI fort>'tr mtuv, 12000 l intaeCitizen contine laslq~shaf uai>'oaS "Poan du..,i.s~yaars, preictai taâtilexI vint.: ,u ie lhaiontrs nern.cempasi>,sdamto lit rISPS.1crli. atiei cfli. ta, lva-K. -Bans$. unluusîl>'s@Md, and ibt aà aMarkabla 2,000h in e Llsrvnrol, Load, and t ecud6 - - DL UIt 1~e-.D L. 8. Ollia.' ài'a-JlbWU îxbtI i.Globe. TibnmUilg vwu nsured -lar icalfacul - *lIa *0oi Wh au- s u b u an l a m , e WaieiiitI Rafl 1 lv'> ',vraui2ietie on! te, insu. vila- tlb.-QOnario 8 Tli'à diect zite.laTaranteiai 'Peterborough voalti have, cf -c-' be abaudoned, hipt once@-lit.M Bailvi>' vere slnnek luIithe va> ipeelfied, ecu nu *ll T o ouldbïe nidse ltiter by lthe'ç 5115 PontPemy Baiv or b>' th ugofbatird ralMu èïlgi.NI bront Woodvlhe iüïction 1,0Tc I!Th aOt-M -ge laTaratataoIr uit' oalti ual, oai cos,_be sa p asl seIf th. dreai lsa eoc S, aihaugi the 0dslovonld name tventy odd milest mater. &gainthe lialaalilleal itermedtai vweau Tarante sud ?.terbraagh st-e reapondod lbee,1ly aiD' $1 t',lylatitiapplication anr a 'a it eniud not ha- sert-ad. nom be, haveiai, 'tae pre "itome vould aperata qu'ata cliallyt te1ah0alier locaiosup isaIterase ilh,Ial top inlaor cf the aisera - seti#n c 'ravincsevili lthe Ontario ayste îiivaysii ilitat Ottawa voulti Fr, hein g alreat>'lu - ngecion le Qùebos shla. laSsoS, ou@si tint tiat cil>' vonit te mare lut àot vl it-avur upon a mobalti 'oniti connoat thein direcîl>' viti eltanlo systain anS, place tisin lirect tha-augit lins fron thle eo Ba>', aIM idiseS Oit>', l liSe val eonhresl, than upon ths direct eltia vlt Toronto cil>'. ?eterborongi easter>' te Oltave *hem. nov preposeti vonîd te a acceptable and sa advanbagee, i respectssuite direct btroagi letion vili Tarent.. Indesti, tuneraI imprssonprovailiug trou tater' t.ocl in a, liaI Toroute e locallîas intermaia 'bel' slserborengt aud Toronto, or ri etweeu theo Midiand Railva>' andi ait> anS Teronto, vouitiaIaoe.b untugeti b>'thc direct cenneclian, àaI exoîpl setat toislocaities, iecI conuection is net leoketi upc oig eminent>' désiratle. Tite vays anti meaitbavardsset feine steuiti te mach marc w c reacifth le campan>'itan ii rge: seteme vas prosecuteti. nve 111110 doubt baltliait ai lthele s9 frein PeterbaroughitoteOttavi Rrletan Place as lieecas ay' e, uiilg bss, vould permit 1 mnus ta ha expeadeti apon ltaI on cf lias ros frein Pelartorongl mime easlvard ta Ottava. Linu i lthe ceunI>'oftVictoria vouiti hi bitabliîy te sufficieutli>tueresbec ia aprojecl le affer il muteiai a nee, Titun vauld te pa-avidot unicnlatais amouuling ta as u: ýmile svus coulemplatetil tote asti b>'lthe original aciteme. Ti &in, titors ulgithave taon im i peniapa againal Goverament ng grantedt l lte portion oait vween Tarante sud Peterborougha ang ta sain esxboub oloua!>'paralli uting lins, lteugi lthe action cf lerunment toaada lthe Crédit Va 6ia>' voalt tute egrouaLf omth snobtau abjection. As. le il, howvvr, train ber. eualeniy taa, or ut ail evetîlate t Carie %ce. Gaverumeu t aid 'vouiti of noce tareva t e granteti, bocause il vo more justifiable b>'lte cia-cumua tf lthe liality titan lunlte case 'coher ronSditeaeteicre aideS b>' rerameut. the sciions nov prapasetilsite, sé tite frieutshlp aiflthe Midi il>, vhaate lina voula necesa e e to belargel>' ulilizei, atidvite praaiily, ou tiec canectian te; ae tram Petarborough te Omein nid mako titair mata lent>' va> trborcuga. Ilsitouiti tare 1 ndihip of lt.e Grand Junelien BI Yinasmuci as 1h. building af i tram; Peterborougi totaOmen id ta sa mach oft litir coalcuapl ane tuilt. lb stoulti&sue havi t Pt aifbte Victoria Railva>', t lb>'y, Port Perry, auJ Lindisay' Bs suad of lthe Tarante sud Nipiai :f ilit veouid te adranlagei. 'N ntb avare of wvita uin cenlemp b>' lte Compan>',tut sa-o amr Ird btaI If btae proect nov sugga, Vere proseouted lte varions muni, tes voulti te taund te, tail in hea; -th btse scitein -suffiinî>' ao, cont-lacei, toatlonce ra-vreate i eu wnti a nvwtaapplyiug f erunant sid allia. coiing tessie te Législature. Ïerd'il [là "ý tnitioul à pramniseaiofMarniage ua ne a>' oy fai tul pomie0a ar cf a mine: voud it l un c ; butvisIther il vonîd go lacid ýnet, lthe lav of Secono>' anti 1>' vould nol aîlov a youug liber. >go about titi commuait>' praeus. à viles sud ruiuing bis. victime, on te démfend is conduact b>' matî i.Thes emai-rer vas Sismissed, le eua savoeS ta pa-cee the it tuled for Bcing a oa-cia-s. ,ces receired front BriithCa. àreparl a aingulur murticr here goS vile voman t>' su Otan. blot naineS Red Berry'. The aIS va liOt.e vidow at James Gris. 0e cf ltse fia-atwvile soîllere in ;nafan district. Ste vas repaIeS voallt>', aud vas aceoatoti a Ma b>' lte Intiâma araund about. ,ot Red Ber:>". tahrses dietiof a azam Soueoha kaga, sud ltae mcd- meu cf tiieOkanagaus bolSl taI ried&ie baS afieatben viith BcRd Ber:>' ut once starleti fan )d, sud Iading lier onuber knees 'r, Ceacludet tha t ai eugia te vsr>' stolftpnactising ima- 1t, anti-Wiith ons biew cf a club ber trainse aut. Be tien iu- tte wiitlsautîlissnear - b> cf 0bit doe, andsaakad lthente hlm for rlSSlng tbem foots of Spirit.Il. Hoas arrestad, and i. Iroq ttiaugit ho)vaW dalu teto eunean.I tkul s seau>' carcd,-lf ailoved, te v ii! reault- lu-lincrable con- LdeucmiS qp0ocf lits MeS. ail>, sud is t-aa in ded by aSU mi>' iy ors ; Flaonae santi ite Medicit . r Symond; Ml and te Divine Vera- cil', b>' Lioenl A. Tlemache ; Basil Ind s Fri ton or its People, t>' ibm Pe ple, i DI a J il To COUNTY COiNCLS.-Tito Ministerk ofa Etinoaion ts issueS te ialoingE -~~~~~~ 1eieani_-inrepy e n npeo' -Witht eferenco taelte minintuin aiov- taem lte Caritea miniug distrit ansce etfire doulai-s pinruchool fa-en te Britisht Columabia continue unit tanna Caunl> cannaIt e togal>' telS te in- abho. Nov quartz ]odeas a-c being dailj cladtie travelling oxpenses ; antilte sirnet, anti tse rok is ai a siugaulai- Caunl> Inspector is anlillet bct paid unifos-in earater. Buildinug in Vicionit a reaen able uliovance foi-suait ex p au l prajeolei, and tas aia-eady camaient eu. Faiiiag ltse amounu heing c ell: et an an anusall>' large scale, A mineS >'bi te Canl>'Cfounoil, bic naniten cf maing aumpaulositave teet CunI>' Inpochr wuit te cuiledti 0iaorporued bort.t opente ia Criboo, colleol is actual expensesa ta-nhie C un I>' T na urer. T h e A ct nain i H Âo o O." DpaT, rzu,& - T e B ran t. m e a n s biua l t i ie a l l e a n c e l a it h e 6 n t Y o d E x p o 8 i t r s y a l i a I M . a n d i M a-a Inspecter frein titiCoanoil shld iah D. Uesr u n a-tdhenatan tiyte ho eneteieanme for lic inspection ofegt ic arnietit>' a îsppytuatMine a e a c i t s c o o c i n s t ba b p a y a b l e eu t o f t h e e t t c l I d n , b t u r g l i a t r , lgioatie grn ; andt tadsmi stir e bave succumbed ta litaI er-rite amaunulfromthle -c-nil but'elta-a.disase, iphtheria. On oeday throc vellingxpeasea a ei îs erî vulti cffia sd thhir lilie occupants oru ho a resn o f he le ý n i . n t oari sti ut in one iu eral cortege. TV tu oui>' for y ur avu inforatmnion, utuaortit:itaocchiliear ue paestrated iiii: hita of al conî>' Inspotrs tirogtli te aine disese. u t t iti P ro v in c , - ~T E R uctL it M ÂtIs C tU t ta-v 'J iNE zS t.- ------T ic C ilu e a-re saiS te haro nausacred rent uw roep cc ssiof Dyspep sa fiftees t i usand m nc, veuen, anti au ntii caliion, cariS b>'lte am9 ai chidrcn antlte Kasbgariau teancf Fpelloaa' Componnd Syrnp oet Bypc- Mauss, comtiniagfrtgt(a lsocitiea. picipitls, allr e -r>' allai:kuavu .TRPEi.Te f dn ngah reieS>'haut tissutrieS la vain, ils e. aPxs-levf lnEgii Bese>' lu es orin g t e f u con s o f D i.- m n un a ne t B r un S R av e i t te t re s ohidren yeoshrday at Pembroks.-tve gesion muet evacuallon h umniteat. baya and a girl. Botta mathes- and FBuTTINeCuoPrzrNG.-A feal u inte olldrsu arc Seing wvii. eb o p p ln g lin o v is d o u a b>' M is ues. A u e c i iz v g t s b ar l s ad Thomas Beaiy anti JohinMorris, eno n iexciteago giouit itansanè. Wtweoab, on tu Jsep7h Sm itnesttake arsenic b>' misîmlce fan quinine; adan h nte'7( lwo ifo1arond' a-baSeS siot-gun, or Srag eod ft lacf(mcl ooa Vus e..opped lu bull sud liarong thlitsfonce; use hi-t> mines.. aeap aillauyoar lampo; do soMeliing, l u l e n a y .o f tri c h a-y' v t-e s l . la fa ia t t a iv e ta i ite m ; s a S v . i i egraph catie a not te 1&M vîicut s a l tféogt >'aUt 'vei vswrite ltent t m îd aalo01 re-VRhlU . , UP.5 ýh or a 19 1cr coi taalrame Item laltloer laie. Att-hIe point. 0 Me setlm a usllava: aiof a i>' poring sau Indepoludsut lin. ,belw, tn, ur LiSa'anS Bobca>'gonvictW" IN iad Holdan pointeS ont eculdfas cousIn ýb ave d fdto 0150,000. r. Bold en llkew l cu le 'e p c a d l i p n o h l a n in d ep e Utbe> ont linsWvmsthie boat mode.of cnnet pla. tnghe vo plaae, ofanlg te orh il dug, lina vbi b lI, sud to e e a y jtta. mblée-seisanace i lu&Iaoanalnucti 1i1 efore ltée elgdispensaS liee i vit i ng iphoc ipto e vers m a Se ; 1 eap. B. laS 10. . Bottan 610, Jol ne. Bo0blnu n 10, K:r. . T. Barlow # ibutý Dr. M c Omm s I, 10 . Mn . A A olh ren #10#,k. Orr 810, Dr. Bonele $10,! bm- Onabîre 10, B. MoCloilsuS 810, Lei lat &yAdS Hoyusîo; 10J. Simpsn il ilà JTroter 1, J. Mfoor 810. M. Bo3 aloi-' 80# J. Gardon #10, W. Snovdou 81 part J. Go0e>'$10, Ueo. Blok 810, A. Ni Oud ou 810, O, BradfiliS$10. On Monùda eu. the village cenil bolS a spécial iec paed lng ad aftt disansic a grant of 01 wa mansde toyuraîs tiapreliminan>'ae h e L T T B R I o u n oi. z N 2 cf Dnu sSzu-I bave ycun leîleof 17t lok mt. réerrng ho the jîroseilralv wt'h fret» Bobesygou to Lnua' ta11d Thii.natter bonmhseu broaugit tanM y ta notice belors. I bave git-su Il som th It iaderatanul ltsepeople et Botesj gacu inteud gabhlng a charter foi- an i tan dépendentlinoe, viici lu, I ttlnk, th 'l eal îcourse te hakc. 3on. Tii. campan>' vanid te propaneS 'eom gir. ycu aven>' fueili>. b>'suppl>'iî lhe rclling stack anti vorting tlie hue..- nte I anderesud lte distance lu abo- ta15 miles. I think il couiti be built f 'On abu 1,0 par mle and probabl lere 000 per mie lu bondthe bccapar. anS pa-eidiag lie igil cf va>' viici so jndgeyauld oult atout 8400 p ar mile . mile nwoldprohi>' gel $2,000 p tit' $90,000 ta h iseS, iuciuding thi thveald mggest liaI a granp migi as Le fermeS et Bobeaygen, Venuinm,i pontion of Rinil>' anti Fonelcu, antialet s aga-oup inlthe canl>' faiP tentat( uin formeS aoflte tovnship oat Herre>, an teportions of Ennismere antiSailit. ae Y ilgitl protabl>' persuade Lind. tIl. sa>' anti a portion of Ope ta giro Ln- I bave n no tIlitthaI titis uctami our uni te carrneS culta a a uccesaful -issus, i or« th eol f o vygo ili ual>'eon te I s allb ni>'tee gladt l asaisb ai] si in aor ta accamplili tlis eud ti n wl e gluS le hear ta-anayen at ta- un>' lime-Vanna, etc., u JAMES HOLDEN. )b- ITa Ntc VOLUME OF THE Lit-cEe eAcei-Tite nov year of Lit tel'a Living ch Age opens viitbte nuaiber tram lte aS voot eudiug J'naunr>' lt. M O i g o te rece ul es ablisment biofthe important paiedicals a-roaS- te nelabi>' TheoNineleentle Century li- ,>' Rngaui,-aud la te simnîaneus lu- p a-torent aifaters, s a-reh impeus lie as beau given la, foreig u pe nldiel to literaure; le ableul living limera an wiers teiug enuiste ilésevc te an extent horebofare probabi>' un- id qale. The Living Ago pi-cuculs v-îwit satisactr>'otpleenessas iu 1 ofmasi valuable in li litenalux-e. The le pabisrsamiaui>'annaunce for cari> numeni of lias nov yean. articles t>' Id L ent. K ossu t, ex- Uovenar et Han. ,d ary (ounte Tukiait qestion). Prof. IY Ma-x Mullr, Prof. Goltiin Smithth e nDuke ai Argyll, Rt. Heu. W. E. Glati- stone (on Course of Religios Tiugi), Richard A. Proclr, Prof. Owen sd -oater, (Studios lu Science), reauia ePaver Cette, Alfa-eS Russell Wallace, P ref. J. . Bîskie, Etiard A. Face. mat, Malthiew Arnold, J. Leslie Ste- * p iis, John R uskin and t alto: inin tu writers. lliu theeparbient f ficion te est , foretguautitrs iii te repres nted lu sersl anti short sIca-les. Tit, publicai- lien et a nov star>' b>'Williama ckIe is t t e gua nJauarn>, tad-S -vane sieb, anSdater attractions il olaow. T!e volumes oft lis standard eeki>' magazine fanrte nev ear teefre promise te surpasi aent pr- vins Oeuesiluinterot, ant inlaimpor- bancs la Ameritan readans. - The egin iag oua new vt-lam a ira favorable ime for nîv subcnpîlns, andth le publisiers il! presct 50 nsv sutcribers tan 1878 te lut moenumna 01 ird jca rue rashOd à acmp oAs. Draggltiboutit Sample Bottiez rers inib oîne., tb r y 'sm il s s utha of theoli ne r > soldSatl10 cents . B egn r ize 1 The f Mit Bier. The Assniboine, Whoconeae. For sase b * S. W.B. Smith ted, mince lie mentor>' cfinsunbat-o beau CD.' l tOAtouentil>' vili thsNoszPerces, - e-e.-- wilrecéevothm n aI>, totehle a&. Consamption CutaeS. - 'llshut cý'f lias fugitives, anSRd np. gave lhentmoalet asdcithlng. Tic Au aId physica, rotireS iront pro u n l i vl g m aaning, howve r, h o As. tc sai g ha l ce S ta hi. bandea Mfr. 2lulbelus teot Ibeïr gnusfron t hcte tigbSp icI- Nez Perce var-iarsansd loiSlien m t an' EustIndui nleouaonr>' lia farm ille gonantit ale)&nad&a, AnSdIte , tm mm à pla vegelablé remiS>', for t] ,on vuld ksp ttc omen and ciilrn, o ead era ecrc oftonsunl Bo.Tefine min s acrdlngl>'uu e orh.t,broncihis s.caarrh. atins, ea lt ne ocf thsm viatae Iiaamndanti su. Pl hroal and le»ng affectioni, ais os- elier lie anale. cf tse v hovintpositive and radical cue for nenvoe n . M a j o r W a l s h a r s c u e i. A n h u r e b l l > ' a n t I l n e r o a r o m pa, fol- aftéte y> baS loft ltse camp, a bao>' cf allr haring tasteS il. wauoden- aimae 'W. Agalnboaes rade aa isua, emovertook alivo pavera intoande ofcasep, i buo tho nt ihie bauta et Le Sapiu. Oreat toît it i. Sut>' le mate ilt kawu telh n0, anS murdoredthotsa, tringing tou: auffering lellove. AsbesteS >bi grÈ baodies bock, One aifte Nez Perce p&-motaien -anti dcii:. le reliovi hume S. pecas wvu bien killedi -butMO -aliter iffmring,, I:wiil-aauu Ire. cf ciarge, ). ws allie peint ofesthî anti sthe gaa- aIl via tisire il, liii redulu G er tai 10, gai sparod il. Ths fine es oadtdis French,, e: Englisit, vithIl mu irectiat byd yen ithrui-tinta thel]tigevil tito ye a-praparnag ant i ng. Sent bynma P0, vanten, and titore bbc>' romainsti for b> 'adtresuing viti stamp, namug Iu IX- ltre Sa>'. A number fGrg e; aprW.W.Srr,10Poi b > ', i .5I c m a d y b a d f t l c k , R o c h eo t e r , N . Y . ýe--bltciarof.y thbe varrior., anai t-liteS 9 10teAuiboineu,thbnting liaI alrag. Thc Great Sheahoncea Remedy giing GrosVentres 'wcre lie victime - Flndlng i o oc oe in i ta& auanIndien notabîs cempound Auslniboînes prômascra bt itverleut composeci ut Ir- ..,aavre> in lie Gras Ventres 'camp lu lire.s àvartel>' et remarkable unctu d> a>'.. In' Iboso tire.sadya bie plans aud herba; lte varions pic va wmen vere repesîtil>' anîraeisdn putbla bite tortura. Ou lhir va y le perties of tioesdifferent ingredient u-> t e G r s V o tres' ocm , Iow v ra, t ie ir v ie n co m b lue ti t goae c a tiîlu t i a u neguards got drunt, gsua oeefthet l. csimulaneoasly upen lte Blocd -mo e::apa,and it ia rsortedti bit gnNvLi:, ys: Df&ogstrin ýh taring taI lb.é ccapeti vman vuld ther fnctions to e ituii>action, and ie t h e C l a r m . t t h e  ,.... J .a u f o o h, e in g p u r e l > ' v e g e l u b i , l a s a s s i a -m e s le ra te th e acos ltae linan~dOoa ad s nature'. ova bererage. The met D be in a cam p b f a m ile ithitiac ana- cin é is a ticide ti enef It lua l, an S i u Sia brrior>' ven a ît.lfbreed r u l e m anent cure lu a larg o m jeil>'c utWord o et lis fuete oicatt S-iscssefthle blood, muet as Seoeuli i pont. Major Walshli, hiree or lour E-'ieaSl ien akr i .or Iroopera, vas on Mutk River ah lit. ples, eo. Ia paecibing Ibie medicin ime, fi tig up a bockhose fr v en amha lav>.pnn vidtee, anS on Word teing seul uit» cure"s ;«btbia v o Sesa', tlitIlput] "Yh taIeoderaS.tthie Gras Ventres' i and enricites lic blooti, perumuore camp anti demandeS ho:rsieease. The .y . gahu-omjnl> iSsa s: rvags a uns duict be ~aceec.anitng taou ils impuriltes. Il stand tg ho:asiges stonge eia rci Wal n elfa: ubeati and unequnlioti amag th Ll i ying bo nt in a Iadge. Th e t asd i t asetop eestii fltes bc Indians galtenetiatout aunt ld liearday.Ilts tandmie pbesî ai fil Walsh site vas net a Canadien ou vr. s, nii.ta>' marestpaui bi a ma, andti itrefere hhtatineoubusi- stnd eia- ed ; :sucne es the sysv: 60ness vibit ter. For a lime figit toba pgintthcnsntdini *~appearet inluvitable, bal Walsh au.l srn gia iecntn ri ro ne tuIt ant aethe whvhtit l isutjeclti b>' n igi tempez vean if lie baS ta senti ta: ove:>' ur.ersn iean nj ~- police gar -i sn lun t e N o at ves , an uS bilions C olic, D ysen lr >, In digestion afte a prleyshe as srrenéredto b&.,itould toe.lte Sohn e hin asharleS fertbus fotarIviit oS>'. Priceciflte Bereyin pinIteo leýinte nighl, îesriug pua-su al 1 nuS tics, 81 ; Pille, 25 et.a sbx- -Soît i ifconimaadiug aI Fort Bentan, vas ver>' ACa tCeiupin auxicas la gel lte voman as a vilucua -s f onumtin Sagainel lite Assinitoines vlîo tilleS lte Citeshanfld, N. B., Marcit 20, 1867 'afine Nez Perces, and affoeatheit Grou Mosans. Setht W. Fovie & Son: - itVenta-es tva wagon-boadS etgeais for ,Genbeme-I téeiinnt>' talleS ai iter, batlte>' rîfuse t te S. Site la on vOiuu2jariiy le give iny lesîlmon> ir a ver>' iandsbme qusa, balt tea-. invor aiflp. WISTÂR'S BàAsàtu eO' XILr naaf lber captivil>' bave alln>' ta-.CHERRYa. 1 vas Inken siet lasI Octabei o n ho:r Soya. The Assinitoinos ta-ti. vh a lnng campllai, accaupunied et ber in lte tact viith a iotla-on, anti villa nvýry serions ceagit; anS sfIoz Y lircks.Site la noan ad nS r f- nthe turing béin bresîti a number ci veoit ercr. anthviiste o nneyDrl itatu n bt tientet pitsiia us, te>'gave mn sae ndwl ie eofvedt Major up as an iataraîle case oftteusumahion, Ileswhn heinfi t Nae. Pertes aoutsix w ni>' yfrieutssi T he meu its-oSfl th iu ,Nez ecs budpected tiat I migit due an>' day.' ba-m ba bencarea - Sittngeul ajorndenlia-cl>'dePpaired oai n>' acouver>'. At bat ttc>' areen tîrel ' nn c nt aj r tit lim e I na S the adverîiseuienh an d Washî anti Captnin Meba, viith. -certifcuts utflte WILD CHERRY BAL- been broapors, toit for lte Sioux camp aÀi anti vas indacet t ay il uiyaehl on lthe Cace du Lac te.tiay. Tite fia-ca i ba~ve tatou fia- o tIles, anti frein the a-o abating anti lte wonhe: gottingcunnemnIhaetng-dui - cuder vitt apromse t utov. reeovenlng. TMy ceagit bas nov entire- « ----------I! 'cenieti. I bave. reguinot ,uy f cal DREÂDFUL SnipvuEcic-Tb sheuamer and strengt, anS nmtfeeling quit. vehi. Atacuna veut te piecees an a rock I attributs te cure la Dit. WSTA-aàt't kaaovu as Quieben Oins, a shtort distance 'BÂLseut OF Wu.tuCHERRYn. as I have sanbhe ai Caltera ounte Chtilien coat bîken neoalter anodicine since I coin- on lho, nighît et tic 801h aIt. Tite Cap. menteS luking ltaI. t ain, clilte officcraanti ma>'aifte Ver>' respeohluil>' yen:., ca-av anti pnssengers vee on bi lal MRS. MILÀ S. Su-Ia-s. stimabeti ut 101 trovuot, anti al>' 20 Messrs. Favle & Son: sareS. Ttc Stip vas commandeS b>' a Gealemen-Ma-s. Sailli gives me tte tlioraugil>' oxperiencei Cnpbaina nd- iarcgoing corbificalee ote effiac>' vas voîl officered. yaar medicine ilulber case. Site is isn a The acident accurreti ut 8 P. . ae13qaaiaîane af mine, anS book te visa a mjoall t bte passengera vers Lîik an te sîrengltm>' =ycorlifi- bclov, anti su instautnus vas ltse cae, wvicitsite sav in lie papers. Hec. breaitint'up oete stip thaI ao lime aea-y l liberahi>' trac.. vas giron te gain lte Seat. Voua-s trul>', e W. B. JOSu. Te oa-go Ioab vas et ne great valuo. .. 50 cens anS $1 a tlie. SoISt> The passenges avers masîl>' Chilluns. dealers generahi>'. Ma-. KonneSdy, agent for tbc Pacifie ________________ Sloum NaigationCopn tCa- 1ý oieofDthMrags oal: vas re'iurnitig fBe ut Çaritao Nons fBrds aing hi wddngtr H manageS te andi Death8 clarged 50 cents eue/e. fusIon a ile te I on hia bride andS titrov iisehi vititlber lie lte B I RT BS waber. Beioa-e ts>' extniented teinsoives tram lie fieAbing ADA&MS.-AI Wtitby, on u nda>' debri-, a spar feil, 4r-ku -lie!ay-o-lte 1it ith nt . it ;vfs a4.i W das b>' lula lb. an- uS ia- is ra- ts ois lal nis ils Sd, t to Da- [a, nt. s Il. a ot am ce or- 't- m, a. of- lu il un *r te ka t. j 'I. it> id y - paofatr hp fneetl luine -fie--- Sic, re fiotin noui sacui' eteb panor attr ta fol ineincies ; nrcer uea t aweak point.' We -aay spraat i ttane fana- teet ; bell es -caupe mue y a ftali shaftby kceping oua- inell fecuenBlvos voelt fortifieS viitpua-c blond anti a inies ; lengttth end tva feted oghtprepeni>' nnnislied frume."ý-Civil Service incites. Gazette. SoIS anl>' in Packels, labelied,- - 013 "James Eppu i&'Co., H m oopathîe Ch ou- lots, 48, Ttrcauccdle Street, sud 170t SottE TîcaaeÂT.-ThiO beet cure vo Piccaditly London. knov et inn sea troat lu a gangle aof____________ Pain-Killer anti vater-it sets liko A CAIID. auagie. Toallit ho arc sufferng fri lte ca-a-ors ne""' decy oss 01 ranhood, &C., I will erdaeipe that M'ill cure yoa, FRE E OFfCHAflGE. TisI great rerindyw a.dis. covered b v a missionary ini South Amorica. Send à ,eli.ad,1re.5ed eiivolove b bthe Rtv. -'-' ~" ' - - - ~ t NEW ADVE-RTIBEMENTS, J. S. OBERT ON'S IST O T J. K. GSORDONT ILtal'os Boel. WEEiltyGLJan. ePli. 187 -12 2 - OIIE.A.A 1 0 er or rit SUNDAY SOBOOL TIMES #2.16 per yeui-, Uxt-i og. t6-12$11s hxîîo C ni't'n 7 1 6ll 2 B 'n lo~i I liq _ Pl i Ail Engli-ht, Axuerican andi Atiortu'... 1 9 11 - 11 (Janudian Perodicials supplied ah UO. . ARTNiMLa, Publishcre laveal rates. - - Junior litige.M 1ý' Catalogues anid price îlot Witli>.7i 8 free. LIRST CLÂBS PARU TO RENT ()' ~~~.~ o.R B R S N ns hunxdrd acres. Ploved. Esal>' AT T111 OLD STAND. g tsel ~aoc -ar - EIT T. Ap RIeAudlei'P.Oi. ly ly Park par ocyt.... Lum .* , 4w @es 00 (Jalves ...... .. .. 4 @ l Carrots .....I......... 150000 Ohhkea, pes-pair#..45a00O Dacks parpr .......... meac 6 Tarkeya, poïlb.8.. e 10, OlovenSBéa,... ......04 60 la (I. PORT PRRY.MJfdRz.E7 PotPnn, at h, 1lm. Whmab, fait..............noia Barle>'..............5... peau .................ouw 090 His .................u80 092 PaRk......*..........8600e sbc Butr...............oa 50 Eggs .................015 00 Ha>................a-90 1079 Boparled anS connecteSa. eki', la> T. P. Whle'al, -an Ot, 187. .81.10 O#1.25 ,a1.10 Ftonr pr barreh, 1mi11' , p si8 Sitorl4 er ton....-...... Bran. -NEW ADVEELTUi5EM.~ USUANT TO A DOBR COURT OF CI{ANCERY, Madinlulie Causaecof The Credibons cf Daniel Caineron, ltle of the TOWN O>' WHITBY, lu lie Counhy et Ontario, iuhao diea te or aboutlte ]moutol Muay, 1876, are, on or titan e i l9th DA-Y 0F IAMUARY, 18_8 le senti yposipepulid) taJ. I. GORDON, Eq. ai litsToW wHWhlty i oil cesdIeir Cita Oa n Srnamteesa- Saesauan Seuca-iphon, ltsaie ar culars af tieur1daMs, &a lale t heim Accotnla at6'honuaro e e Bcurliei lte benefl i ote a'Dcree. Ens:>' Ca-efiler holding anysecuity ig tcproduee tse saine e fane me, ut ni>'Caa eut ths Town et Whtby,teinthe CeuI>'oetOntario, 0'e' ts l da7 ai Januar>', 1878, aItvawc o'clock lantetereacen, ben lte bme aP- pointeS fon adjudication enlie CIta. DaleS lis1h Sa>' ai Jannar>', 1878. J. . ORDNGRO. H. DABTNELL, J. K.GORDN, . Master. PltWrs. Solicitor, Wlilty. Clu- SOUTH 0ON4ARIO' Liberal Conservative MEETING cf' lie Litonai-Coeusn. 'Sale-u>'a, ICt lest., aI oeeo'cleckpn for te pua-pose ef electiug dehmgsb;,esbt Convention oethliety ltiehilt baks placecat Toronto,0 '0 i 4h, 151h, andi B>' Onde:, Jil. J. ~. BICKELL Pretiâ.nb. ANB titnlini forasbfanons, solicila A acontinuation e0 tosanie. UNDERT A-RING DONE AS U.SUAL. t'Dundas Street, Wltbby, usa: Wht., P. P. &' Lu>'. B".-, Station. WTVltby, Jan>'. lt, 1878. - 8.1 COUNTY COUNCIL. HEFIRST MEETING of lie Counoil T thle Cor&0ratin etflits Coaal>'or Outanio, FOR1 78, .WMbeiteMdpuaman bu SItatut ttoe COURT -HouSE9, TOWN 0F WHITBY,' ut 2 e'ctock in he its frnoon. JOHIN SHmIE, Count Cek' fie Cout>Clark. MORIGAGE SALE l' Vallua/j/e Town lots, -TOWN 0F 'WEITB. -, TTNDER .4ud b> virlue ef a paveraof &&ie in a niortgage dabeti 101h Merci 187,5, -iei viii te protinced atuthliteime etfsa;e andi mad. by oeeWilliam Citanhea Loche viii te-soS t>' public a!unebet ai R a tl in, ltheTownaoet Wtiilby, ut 2 e'cleckten lh ite aneon et lVedîteday, thle 0/e January, 1878, Hall un acre mono or les composeti et Town'- iots Nos. 69) and 60 siluate an lthe eaat aidc ai Pr- street,'s suhevu au Perry'a planaof p rte oflob No. 268in ltoe nd cou. ofthé Towesitip ai Wiiitby. Titi propertyles vo» teneandImuSdt ot toshiten an. 9h 8 HO ThyS TbHI TWEsIt Consist 5 DRI mWii Fl B ,U c- .H Mmi The -Go,0 MOND. ,And be- ithe. WILOIC V-PAU g- If le c >f ý e e le X. GORDON, Vendor's SoUcitor. The SÙ . 15 $TILL ALM,

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