Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1878, p. 3

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vithua liflha cWvsae45 -v m ment#. Âlter«Wai!thebmilliatai' mp. tieg n lsraad. TiieRing thenuran. Mood &ai ê, howo vre la the babil i cfappreaahlg hlm. addrsied ia1ew vertu toovrl oe rnt, and a f@W inomenta aflar dws. *The.neyé 1100c1 &pread tbroiigh th. oit>, andi me grast émiotn> amina the people. AUl the Iahopa vwèe'oaie. prince lHumblw vaswu iobdmned Ring cf 11al.>.ne e n*iea thé Pi.. seut Minlsterinlatii es ta. It loattaîs liahelirtlao Rng coea- fesseS te0 Mongneni a u d. Sci ston et the Apostolile PIes ent hlm b o 1.pes. vasWuaise visItSb>' Mongee1 eor ia, th. Pôp.'a Doe.. tic Prsorti. eAustrian Ambassador waa proaent viti Prince Humbert, th. Princoe. Marghecita. anS lb.eSta" dlgnttarilsis lbtheRing iselaved tie cennnanlon of extreine unetlon &ôm his ohaplain. Towvarda 2.,30 p.m. the eppresalen under vilch tie IRing la- boured lnoreaaed, anS heovswu sed te inhale oxygen, vhloh seemed le gir. hlm a lift1. alrongth. 1H. ululeS thoe prasent, bendlng hisàad Ivice, thon lghsd deepi>' aud ezpfred. Tii. dl- plomatits bei g informed ofthle Seauh of th. Ring ano prince Humbort's mc- çasoproceened ote .Quirinail m. mediately lo. coudoie. *Toaieuro- BYwýCffNO. D E &. kR A.-Ths -annual-ûueetlng if Iis Branoh et the Dominon Editora ldB@portara' Association vas hsld ln the Preai Boom, Lielative AaeemW-y, 04 Wed- uaadavsftanes. , 4L _ a.ùmg ii~or *U~uaet =viiee4folovlng gantle- men vers sisotea officers for 1h. current Ç ear :-Presilan, Mr. W. H. siagins, Whltby HNClbmrL; Vica.Presldento Mr. W. Ilcuaton, ru Globe ; Sacre. tary-Treaaarr, Mc. J. Stevenson, The leader; Cemmlttee, Messi. Beil, The Globe - BRertion, The Tribune; Gooda, Thce Mail. Repeaettlv. te Counoil, Mr.. G. Eyvei, VTA.o Globe. BInE A.5OSOIATION Paorxs.-Tue NovwIBrunsiclk Bidie Association have receivod a preteit from th. -Ontario Association' agaluat the inannari ici the Dominion csgulationa vara carmailout At Ibsir annual matches. A thousauf barrei ell.welI bas been utruck la Potrolia, Ont. W. H. Smith, an sininant Damorat, bas been made UChiot Justicae o North carolins. 1The Utah Leg4.1ature mtiat on the l4th. -Thore a oeGentil.ii,and polygamits reigu ilipreme. The Blackburn, England, miIIownesa bave aboindoned thé attampt ta readuo their oprativee' wagea. Delegatiena cf business men frein Arnerfean citiez are golng te Havana next wsek ta open up direbt trade. la» Noies. of BinAt, Mcvniage, and Deatit .ohargod 60 cents aah.. D E A T Hl 8. MAINDIN.-On the 201h Decsm. ber last, aStihe Rotal St. Jacques, iRue St. Ho0nore, Paria, Heny Miidin, late Major lu Hec Majestfie let Royal legiment, uncle to 11HW onorJucige WHITBY MARKETS. CHOMînO,,zFcI, Jan. 101h, 1878. Mont, par bel ........... 6I0O @ 86 50 FaIl Wheat ............. 81 10tg 0 00 Spriag wheat ...... 0100@01 05 Barleyi .............0 80 ah#0 60 pea.................. 65 a e Pe9*u, black.ayad.... 9 (à 0 97 Oai................ 85 00 Caca................. 60 e 65e Ray ............... ..61500 20 Applas................oc0 @ 80c ýPotatoaa ...............85 @ 40 ESSe .....»....... . 150 te20 ,Butter.................6e @ 180 Wood .......... .... es75 U 00 WOOl ............... 28o, @ 80e Béet, bind quartar....8 0 @ 00 Best, fors quarter ......#-00 <n 80 Sheepakins. ..........1000b0126 Ridés,..... ...........660000n 6660 Park pur cwt......... 8 4000475 Liia ............. #8 Valves................4 @ $5 Onlons ... ... ....9 10Il Turnipa ............::lue Cheese .. . ......... 12o p]Be.. Carrota .................1500<n0o Chiekena, parpair.... 25< 40W Ducka parpr .......... . 50 @ 60e 00000epar lb.............. 7e0<0b Turkeys, per lb.0 ...e 10 CivrSad,......... q4 50 8 00 PORT PERRY MARKETS. Port Parry, Jan. 1th, 1878. Wleat, aprlug ...........6 l 0o Wlat' aut li...............i05 0112 flarley ...................000 O85 Pe............ 0 w0 u00 (bats.......... ..080 088 Rids............ 6 00 a650 l'ork ....................4 7 5- ô25 flatter .....................0 12 wu 18 Eggs ..................... 0 12 00 15 Ray........................ 1000l 12 00 Spriug wheat flour, bel.... ô 600 7 W WHITEVALE MARKETS. ItePOrted asdeerreetedl weekly, by T. P. -Wlilt0vale, Jan. lti, 1878. White Wtieat . 6.. 1.10o 61.28 ]Red,-Wlter ........î,u0<1,10 Sprig........1.0 <n1.08 Floue pr barri, iaiY 00, pastry 67 Shortsprton ... 614 <n 020 BrCDea........... ......12 Travl......I. .....1.10 at 61.16 OUR UNEQUALLED 6U6<C11P TON OFFEI? CONTINUUS _ Durint the Month of danua"y WEEKLY GLOBE, - *61 75 WIIEKLy MAIL, - 0 1 40 WBBKLY WITNE55 (Montrea«, 61 (ou WVEIKLY ADVEBTISBR (Lanau), e1l60 *WIIITBY CHRONICLE, #- 1560 CHRIISTIAN GUÂRDIAN, # 2 00 CANADA PRESBYTE1UAN, 0 200l S. 58 TIMES (Pbills 1pblA), 62 15 MaieS te Coun r odSli ered te Town Siubserlbero, PUEZ aLI7 1auy A/adtlonaiel. Pense. -SL14D FOR CATALOGUE FREIMP J. S. ROBERTSON, AT THE -OLD STAND. * Baag.er.Warriy. AU CTION SALE I ~L1E S SIGHS I1OGCIES I AT M. 01DONO)VANS Carr-ugO FaotorY, Whitby, Saturday, dJanuar 26th, 1878, CONUBITîHorO? Double sud siagi. caltera stSan ligia, »ou iie sud Sangla ltuggles, Damoorat Wagoum Cover«Isd o pen Iarriagog, phaBtatia&c Mi l ma,! -romthé vary hnaut .tria sud ,8'l1[R IIH, anS Wrrauted Tuaaii-o Mntis Crditouipva noces, Xf1er tie Bala, a quautty 0aI Hudson B-67 BUFFAL-o 1ROBES 1 Win Iohofeus - wetbro -Great IB Fi FiTRfl ,PI A TE. sas .1 7 mOCKs, AND FÂNOY 000fl8, PREYVIOIUS TO STOCK TAKiNG INTENDING PURCHIASERS INVITED TO INSPEOT GOODSAD PIRICS GOODS. i7OE-C E.o"q Whllbyi Jan. 101h, 1878. Praulical Watohmùer,~proaic.sL TREMENDOUS BILEI W Je.HIOKIEOn'0 We commence this rnorning'to offer -READY MADE CLOTIIING, HATS, CAPS, TIES AND SCARFS. Ladies and Gents Furs at cost, and in order to make a speedy clearamoe before Stock.taking. A fe w Buffalo Robes left to be sold at great bargains- tie aboya goda eau be bought cheapar than aI Auction S3ales. W. J, HICKIE& Co. MoMian'. Bieek, Break-SI. Genuine and Abisolute ---CLEARI NG SALE.O"-- HAMILTON& HARROWER.1 Are still continuing their Clearing Sale of. ID IR, -Y G3- 0O QD S Customers calling now, will secure #C' VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS -CI S e a so na ble*G oo d s Their Auction Sale is stili going on. D OMINION WARBER OMS. Have Just received a Large Stock of Black and coloured Cashmeres, Black and Coloured Lusters. Ladies four button kid Gloves and Gentlemen's Evening Kid Gloves, Evening Flowers, Muslins, Laces, Ribbons &c. TA/ILORING A ND DRE88 - MA KING TO ORDER. A Large Stock of GR OC ERJE Whitby, Jan. '78. NEW* ADVERTISEMENTB. UNRESERVED SALE 1 Buggies, Cutters, etc, Mgesures. TONS & 9EWPORT Se LOWE$ & POWELL. NEWADVERTISEXENTU, FOR BALE AT A D18CO0UNTI1 tie = péirjsiescoflegp, BOU APPI<Mrat EOFFICE. BENJ. BARRETT, the_ _wiileof thslr:stock of' sSre t"7lnetlo, a Iià-VIlty.1 Firs-ClJias Nev Buggies,cuttes, &o., WITHOUT BESERVE1 FR/DA Y, 25ih IIANUARY, 1878, For particalars nseturi. Jân.16, 878. L. FAIRBANKS, Jan.10, 576.Anotloneer. Notica ithehreby acrn liahelia Genra Annâual 1&8tse id ttcf lbhafheldsrecf the. aiber. Campny, wili b. hld aet th. offce oa the organ Faohcr7g, lte.tewu o 8eleda,.0 Dazy o/ Jan.,'8 AT 55von e'LoeIX, p.. FRED MUDGRP. H-AV.INItou ! otthe. htareit oi1Mr. BEREFPOYUtM MUTTO V1U, e au. 5AGEh, &p., &c., te bis austeir asuthe. bub té cft. holcst klnd. PO1 TTRY, a large steak aud best qnaity. SueI, Lard, &.Bapcality. Afla ceounta duseMr. prdnfls aa telle pald te Mr. Barrt, Who WU p ya dean ainconaction vlth the. olé buai Cw AU illeII.Dot settîsé l>y 1he iraI of Fsbruary, intarest viii b. obargs A. PIGLE, ir. Whltbyi ian. M lm17. 1 A CARU. m h la ra oroni veawk. 1 an. 1711E. 2~q-EJw ST oc~x &EIW BEIS NEW 1mj aving siafelY I have been enabled vest the total amount insurance and a large arn the Fire to re-in- of My ount of other Capital in the purchase of an en- %carl ]FRESH STOCK -0F- SGIOCEh'1E8,LIQUORS, c Which having been secured ~ yrnew and -I for Cash on most advantageous terms, I arn enabled to offer at fily 25 Per Cent Be/o w Ordinary 'Prives To cash and prompt PayingW zBuyers at WholesaIe and Retail. 1- deem it unnecessary to en- umerate the items in detail of my large and PI extensive stqck ; any atternpt to do s0 Owould :fl a dozen Chronicle8, sûf- fice to Bay that it is complete in al lines and that customers wiil find ly n f.0- - on me premise every article thàat may be enquired for. Heads of Families making -I mi purohases of, c SHoliday Croceriesw M Will save Money and secure 0 a good article by calling. Z EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- Ol My Liquors, as are of the best brands and unsurpassed in purity an Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt Ales, Best quality, 80 c by the Keg. Cann-ed Fruits, Pickles, ] quality. Oysters, Haddies fish of ali kinds, Herrin Trout, &o., in Barrels Barrels. heretofore, will ho found id cheapness.Q 's. Ales. Dents per gallon 3iscuts, of best , Bloaters and ge, Salmon and half- I arn making Sugars a specialty, and can afford to seil 13 Ibs. of Brown Sugar for ~.O 20 lbs, of Valentia Raisins for ~.0 20 lbs. of Currants for - 1O. s'ý N FRSE R, Beesp to returnthanks to his old and new oustorners for the libâal patronago oxtondètot him'sinco openingbuilacesf in the nov place, sud baa teea attention te liee following list of Fresi Grocarices, FBUIT,-Londou L4ayer Raisins, Loeee Muscatel Raisins, Valencia- beat Nom t lâmd of Mi l; uêw Ouriants; Turkey- Fige, 2 lb. boxes for 25 ceeW-, LemncÇus aud Oranges, TEÂS-Â ÏA*h lot of thone suparior Black anS GrenTean the;t have 'given sei;' mueh satisfaction to housekeepeca. COPFRES. .Moce, and Java Coffees. BISCUITS-Soda aud Abecuothy, boit quialt>'. StIGARsJuul t~baud, ins Sn lfs h iud, lOlis. forons dollar. Canned Fruits, Oysîecs, Lobatera, aud Sairdipes, dried and barrel Fish, anS ALL KINDS 0F, BE8T FAMILY GROCEIiIES. Farin Produce taken in Exchange. Butter, Poultry, Eggs, Apples, ana Potaloce wanted. Get your supplies Olip, anud eaU on1 Dae. 205h, 1877. SIMON FRASER, Ontario Block, Brock-St., Whitby. J. G. MocDOUGALL, Begs, to announce that lielias again' resumed business in the old stand,'with a large and wefl- assorted stock of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT, OYSTERS, Suitable for the Holiday Season. ?ÀSTIIY AND ALL KINDS BIREAD, a superior article, deliver- ed in any part of the town.. J J. G. MciDOUGALL.1 Whitby, Dec. 241h, 1877. E i 'e a s 4 I I g i ( I ( I z FIIRE, WATEIR AND SMOKE ---0-- SALE 0F DAMA URD LAINO- DRY GOODS, -AT- &. STE WARTS, In Whitby ; Who are 110W offering their entire -Stock of damaged oad îeundl Dry Goode, a. a tremendous sacrifice, as will be seen by the following quotation of prices:-1 100 prs. of U-ood JuanRets $2 00, usnal price, $3 00. 100 prs. if* 3 00, If 5 25. pre. * ' set job 4 25, "6 00. 85pre. white, 5 00, 7 00. DBRESS GOODS.-Biack Lustres frem 10c. a yard, upvacds; ail Waol French Merinoes, ia 9 ilifle i--nt tzlsdee, a 26e. ; Dress Material, 15c. usual price. 25c. Drese Material, 20c. ueual pie, 85e. Gr>'ey Mnuels aI 82c. vocth 50. Cotten Tweeds for iltiing, 25a. unea pria., 87e. Twaeeds varth -$1 50, for $1 b00 manufacturera' price lu Scotiuud, $1 10 par oard. fflOiCothing and Millier>' Deparîmnents crovéed. ,~W. have engagad a saffif t biging clerka te vait an aur cuetemers duriag thie sala, viichislenew going on 1 Ne trouble te show goodi1Al are inviteS, aIl are veleorne I noune ara forceedlte bu>'. tg' BEMEMBElI THE STAND, HOPKfINS' MUSIC HALL. OUTTERS, BUGGIES,1 AND CARIRIAGES. Lare Assortment o'f Cutters Buggies -AT- anal CHEAI A j; TOWN OP WMlTBY. IT DER and by virtuâ cf a poveraif sale '- aadrtse ated 1lSth March 1875, vWhlc!h ylbeipredueed'at th. lime cigale' and Maie by eue Wilimn Charles Locke 'Wll b. soiS by public aUtiouat Eay'110. tellunthe Tovu of Whtby, at 2'elck in liea starnoon ci - Wednesday, the SOtie Jenuarp,- 1878, Hfali au acre mnore or less composeS cof Town lota No., 6an sdsstuite oautleeuast side ai Parry itreet, nas hevu on Pry's plan cf P-syt cf lot No. 28 lu the, GuS cou. af the Twnship cf Wflby. -TbeProperty la veli feoed ad nS l «cd odrT in a acomiortable dwalling house thereon. J. K. GOIRDON, ;Veudoc'osSolicitor. Witby, Jan. 9th, 1878. 8in.3 Éie TUE TOWNSHIP 0F, TRAPALGÂII, Cauney afUHtàtan. BaveraI excellant farns, mItuaSeSlu Inte above township are for sale Suriughea pr... eut. wintar, ceap, anS an reasonableitaon of payaient, -Tliae farina are situatad nae Lake Ontario aud ta Market%, Sîbools airoads sud Ciarches, are generally ail iu good order anS culiivatiou, veUiodsd- and watered, anS have «ccd buildings,'oech-, arde .nan ei. For Toins aud particular apply at 528m TIiAFALAR, P. O. -IiVPORT.4NLT NOTICE. IVe bqtu ccou the «ten- lin of lithe iniltabilonl, of Witby/,, Osiaa, Lindsa f end . vicirity, to Ofir y CflPli 2 DEPARTMENT ,'cic,i t thisSeason omie of the impjsortant feaula-esofouer itou,.. Our present Stock eenîoîts t8tao ver $4 0,000, and coiiplrise8 Bras8eZ. Tapeaili tand Kiddî'rinýis1e,- Call)ee, .Mattings, Mats, 1EaIylighfioow- oilclotILes, d'e. Persoî?s reytair- iny/ cal-pet8ts rounzting ta, Ta-entyire dollars and up-a noards n-lI Save smcore rtuaiL iiihfeire and have the larqeet stock in Canada tu c/ceose front. Note -the adidrems PETLEY e DINL'EM, Grolden Griflla, 128 tu 132 Kiny.st. East, (Opposite TVest M1aritet 1 Squai£re,) Toronto. Nov. 101h-, 1877. - Sm-47 House to Let. ACOMFORTAI3LE, TWO-STOBEY Dwellsng, trame, corils eigit cen -good ktchen ; quarter erre ai land. Heuse well finisec. Cerner of Mary sud Ashe ilre~ts. Apply ta- ý i i On tie preinises. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLA800OW. NEW WINTIER :ROUTE Allan Line 0F ROYAL MAIL STEAMBAIP.. Evor>' Sunday froon Halifax on arrival oetihe trainý les-ring Taronte M1 7.02 a. ai. avory Friday. 1ilu' Cabin fares reduced ta $68, $61, 891, Rteturu tick-et,, 8127, -S145, #170 according ta position uf stataeccaim. Mrvafrein Halifax, Jan. 20ti. l18. Mrdl ilu. - .. ..27tb, i .Serag psengera are fors-erSeS ta Lau- elcnlerry, Bcllaat, Glasgow, Queunstavu, Br:istol, Cardiff, anS Landau ai sine rate ata Livarpool. Parties wieiing la eend for ther ionde eau aistain tickets ai low rate. For ti ckets sud further information ap"y GEO.YULE. Exp. and Tel. OMfce, Whitby. Wiby, Oct. 8ti, 1877. tf-23 IDHOSFOZONE, The New Nervine Tonieo1 Brain oan anS mental excitamant are nov the raie anS ve muet ras- ponta their demanda or &e suppy Ibis is broughi hefare ti. public. Iti Brasa Food, VarreT i Uin eue, anSacte espeeiallyan lie narres anS hhrough the blocS; sud il ve keep tieee tva neyer- tiring, alyays.actiug portions at our tras lu a, iealthy state, va fortiiy the, whole body agsinsi an srmy 'oS Siseases. Lait, liongi not of least importance te aiany, il la a pleasant madicine, agroeasle ta dia taste, sud acceptable te, tie most Selicate stacl. Said-y ail Draglsl, and pro- paLreS u inte Laborery aio1h.Proprietors, Nos. 41 and 48 Si. Jeau apis e treel, W~H TBY, POIT.PERRY & LINDSAY BAILWAY. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Talcing affect On WednesdaY, Nov. 141h, f77. LArve Leave For rime ai ather stations, se. PocketI 'ime- Table, taibe had on application ta an>' of the Companve Agents. Connectlng et indsays t heVeni Rls-a>', far Fenelan FaUs, flabeaygaou. in inonut, ?.Xlden, 1Halibs-rian, the. Pro. Grant Territory, sud i ha lailway for WacSville, Boavertan. Orillia. Wsubaashno vias0,-lis with Northera Bsllway, for elravenînrst Bracebrldga, asdlie PraoGrant Landia af Mulskoka. Tiroagi Tickets are issueS by aiU Agente af the. W. P. P. &- L. lty. 1cr Toronte. and by G. T. B. Ticket A gente, Torontofor afilsiatians on W. P.P. &L. lVy. No tranafer charges. Baggsge ciacked throaghu .JAMES HOLDEN, Wblhby, Nov. 9,1877. Managleg Directar. F AUCR11S RFS'AUBANT te, OppoiteMontreal Telagraph Office -.fl Retresiunants at ail ionrs--oyatars, ai- vays fresh. Ouests vaitedl upon with promptitude anS atteution. *ADAM BLACK, 1.1' rpretr TRAINS 005N<0SORTE. Wluitbsy.... 10.05 a. m, PartFer....11,Z53I Muila... 1.12 p. .. -i as' 1.00 Lde .7.10s.ai., Manlillai...7.53 s-ort Peery, ...8.40 6.45 p.M. 7.54 915 3.15 p. 4.03 I -ahy giyen that tli eunai - 1 ha] The Promnoter and Perfector cf Ai- similation. The Reformar and Vitalizer cf te. BIood. Tic ProSucer and Invlgorator ef Nerve and Muscle. Tic Builder and Supporter et Drain Fellowe' Cemponud Syrunlcom1pa01 Ingredients idenitical wlth tose whtoh eou- atitute Haalthy Bîuod, muscle amd N'erve and rin Substances, wbulst Lii tailin directly dependent upon norns af thern. By ite union with the blond and its effect Moan the muscles, reestablUâbing ths ans and tnning the. other, it la capable of affect.. ing the. following reaalta: It will dispiace or wash ont tuberenlons matter, aud tins cure Consuiu lOn. 1 . By îacrei-ng Nervoua and VrIaaeular Vi- gor. it will cure Dyepia, leeble or inter- rnlpted action af the Heart and Palpitation, .Weakueee of Intelect eaused by grief, weary, overta1x or irregular habits, Bron- chitis, Acute or Chrouto, Congestion ci the lung,18aven iu the maict alarming atsgps. It cures AsthrnaLona of-Voice, Neu"aigl St.-Vitus Dance, Epilaptia Fits, Whooping Caugb, Nervounes, and in a mont wonder- fui adjunct ta, other rernedjea iu iustaining liii during the. procesa ut Diptiieria. Do ual hac deceived by rernedjea bearing a simillar name, no ather preparalion la a sii- tittate for thiaunder sny exrcnmaaancea. Look ont for the.ne nand addreds, J. 1. FELLOWS, St. John N. B., on the. yeilow wrapper i- waterinark, wbicb faseen by hg] ing the. paper before the. light. tPrice&1.50 per ]3ottle, six for 88.50. Sald bJ ail Druggisls.- (Iy.2 IS STILL ALIVE, A NDtbanful.for past favor, olicita ]DONS' AS USUAL. 9ýt Dundaa Street, Whitby, uer W P. P. & Lay. R'y. Station.' Whitby, Jany. ,lth, 1878.8f L IST F THE -DIVSION COURTs Or TIM COJNTY 0F ONTARIO, FroR THR YEAn 187. WVhitb.. 1 i1 i j1-1 2 t2 11 1 2 2 181 P o r F r ' 5 1 1 12 1 ,2 0 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 2 7 132 t iSiI1191 I-o i GEO. H. DABTNELL, Junior lndge Whitby, Jauy. 7th, 1878. EfSTCLÂSSPAEaM TOENT 0F Jn hnrea acrea. PloyaS. Bsady for, crap, on Lot 4, reag-of Srd con., Picker. ing. Possesuion giveef iuuerdiately. AppytocBPADY 1- Audley P. 0. USUAN~T TO A DEORBB COURT 0F CI{ANCERYP niade lu tii. Causcf The Craditers of Daniel <Ismeoa, laIe of the TOWN 0F WHITBY, lu the County af Ontario via dieS in or about tihe mon tIiof, Ma', 186, dre, on or bfore tia 19th DAY 0F JAMUARY, 1878, te senS hpost (pra-pi)J . N. ORDON, Es.of t eT M LPWIhby,the Solicitor ait ie laintijfs'th , ti.Exctorof tbes- caneS,thheir Chriatian ana. Surnames, ad. dresses anS anS description, tie foularti! cuises cf their daIms, a- iatamanl cfhhei AccouaIs, ana tie nature aiflb.he aurities ilanyJ halé by them; or in dafault thereot t eyb Il be .erenpterly exeluded frani t nf iote saiSDaVcreot Bvm7 - Creditor holding any Socurity l a preducée the. zaaiebeiore me, aI myý,Chambers aI lbe Town af Witby, luth. Cauy et Ontiario, an lie 21m1 day of Jmnuar>', 1878, at jvc o'clock in lb. forenoon, "en gha hlme ap- pointedl for adjudlication ou lie Clalmz. DateS-hua 4h day ai JZanuary, 1878. GEO. H. DAETNELL, J. K. GORDON, Mester. PîtIl'. Solicitor, Whithy. 2in-8 OH 1INA-HALL, soael1?TEBIG rUe (unexIsraai) 71 KINB-8T, EAST TORONTO. NE WP O R T Arnericau doms- domnzeal, ( AND FREýSH corne out of .lates, &C., &C., 1 -- 1 ý 1 -- 1 1 ýo tirely -1 OP CAKES. 9 F-4 FISHý

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