Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1878, p. 4

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Rae to een thee w« quird. 1Mghtequal tb 8 of the- Y.reh'y and Cash pidféi 'pies, Potâas, Bi ~~~555 ~ Pot JU5J1554510 oks .riia t~ u. L.MJargaoh Dufftàs'-Ç»e]og urd.1Mgt sc f John Dawo Brojk qiad iLih ~d :: aent for Whitb' .s itlat00h on Johnnbusn . Cas Oh paid for ÂAÉ -' ifr to adveriot i iout u. -Jacob Datoes Uties ,ëàdq1bé rw îdis n *P. Wseks Uzbrldge > o ~~as. MoCuDflugh Godwood il -c.11h wk &Xiýtë,ýï tàe'>e flh tob-Win. uttile Gliz,,Major 4 ~0u, ~de i hr"Wm.ÉL it--, Qremnwôdd $ ýZ ,b o1r4(i$g Jj . IÏB. Br Brougham - nw ôraiiý» Sflzway." T. W.Pc P.ln ood .v C w"à . idéitorWrbeiand ehea t Anýèpee ýsi - 1Kig-S atbefollôrn x» . c. DTOWN, errodmna h o d eé, Il'suit * ais.o retowN, sWJiby, HEO.A s sany oier publ"aes! À LIBERAL OFFER. dJeta bc turnfshet a ly 12. Il c th&at nâ,onme oan Home grownd one dolhtr'a Worth -4f i44. '-=oat';bte'ývu I4 mego soedo, by thea pket, Cie FIN E 14 ait Oh Qh.oclpostage ?aid, aud the Whitby Cus3o. t your (dni1 rotns, (price $1.50) for 12 mouluus, fre, il4med and hsulêa&ed, of-postage, both for 1we dol1azs. r Wouldb. JlOï ote_ 'a 'Wtt.., butsuggeoted litat ~fst"s 4 Cope$ off i nigibe =- .y.*niDg et the entertanmSnt., ,4aÈ16Vien., GoLD »MtDat . senWerhr> the' ésllbditor, --but il wculd , A. . BUFFALO _CntBela u$Lpët oatterttiOin ithe middle of '= Pa e m giCAPS, p4rmo vii Sbcrsia >.g u CM £Z IWi t es, toqo S 8 :o ogr rgamUca sud hep a _ NORRIS &UOPER. ESA & Icause, asd besideo sô mach LTOSA îy 15 neutupn1h hroniole Iosu seslsow thé owner eau RM IN rd ta print haadbilla t a dvortise it àot lbocrsaiag* the subscription e. lu sach a matter as Ibis we atcl te. Il ta ba Wiilagto hslp cash other. bsnx tic gsntleu sa5W the.situa- mots wb badbea socmilAf Com0plete Seif-lnstructor in bistelig he'trth ëoaoexmied Plain, and Ornamental1 yle ou vere a by?'"No, My E M N I P 7T sais IItic patemnal, via evidentiy set iceali1h. pasi with au>ds ,noms. "Nor mother, ilier 2" par.VUGEOL paintaqie Ii young lawyr; "but vhy tahrwll2" teGUD because 1 don'î smeshow bye per. eft-nruo-Rnddsaebc. Who neyer told a lie cauls! have a n batulwieshrgotteD. 50 Lar, thet toile sman>' gs I do."' mno n h ntdStcsb sn t eoi b â Lododonm ra b e fnligt ad er,,g h lruarcat Iu, bpo-eàint- ritthal. Onh i alovaunCana. ein ou ao a Voona Bridge ,noms. NrMotr oi Pt HrnIpr 'hotDee fit. a ie brid ae a codsteot'u vvaof lia seascu pariusces! b>'- a -ýnfl eva sle ýà 'n'ait Roe ome sunda>' nîgîl, as! vasPde. by bjer faier just naho?.. do le Mustioliwee iensoulc. mcml goos!. "Ths eafnuiature ai piper frein Wood ad s ecohe baltitude cof par. feallon lun Cimsda. Thie apointend>nt of a Mill up tiaore -sape a trea le cut slowuans! suaves! fate ont, ans!of bhe itili ans! live minutes Inter tiare ix a nefghor aI lhe otior end! ta borrow th tcpape.", The0 Mctri Fred Pies, vauts joun-u -alilsin l haVe a patron saint, ans! vante Leawrence Bigrrett-st. Lmwrece-tc bu tiai sai. Barry woffisl make a ',Whai le Cirlellanit>' f Clirlstlauity, 'Gyboy', ia saeing afellwovrthnalip dovacon the sldewalk vlieu-roniucf. lnuj hlm liai lie has droppes! baise. Pour ceuas againsb parents for failiag -te regislcr tl ite iof Ihei chilidren wong trias! iu lhe Toronto Police Court ycslcrdlsy; On@ Monedant pleadas! ttt '4i l~ 1e kluioîarle,' ae in lie p evions six, iqhaa f"rhglélarid là a uoeape r," but tlis"dis!à net lava hlm fiom a lua; Ti m.e.ycÊa cung Maui Who conrls a faq l4ouable balla ans! loi.. lber, à pidy e]Lo1u44 àby 11W mlery c fthie ulàa via courte hem'Ras!ins hem. - i£counlrpiau aeslg a carriage bas! cf ri 0 eo4apRA.lngI>Y,axcliises!: "ionev maies thorn iai:&rgo 2" Why le lie final alîleken ii ltha hood ilue tise fore muet cf a slip?2Ilecause It cernes juil bafore lie a in al hi A clergyman$ vieho veg ou bis-ses. sbore, sy. lie prefèescalin u nda>'., because hl ecppoeodle Saibati brak. Young lady affure te- hem a ,dkercblcf fora rai hache. pocn Il se. insaune le cv lu he ina>'reap.- lie difference haîveen a d a hures! iasquarade Cou. cà la fines! ans!d oen'Ibit, c e i treelans! dos'î fit.z or of St. John Io almeel bore g. Tiare are lu port oui>' ui foegr biga;ntinos, ans! fort>' ibrt Wrighl ans! H. W. cea# pronitas! respective. ramer ans! Ciief AoccounI. id Tmuuk lailway; arepart liaI tbA Imperial Goveu bPas Isonees!al hieniaan pris. undongalng sentence Is cnsrder. Impéral ier ai tie Creva cf " fbc ladies ou', bsebeaersita Rllhd, Ans! ls hnone bave beau ee4l' O th leprinosees, ight O Rghneesesundelgiteen chier BUTo Fa:vpaa ia prevalentlu Goas!. ans! tbbcvlClilfty and! i!ls report. ýp#mdlug apiefly. 01 liae question staIà w"tien --eramluan Wouva, "Whal is a s--prounom " The. nswcr vas, atlve procoun le ns lai boell your relatives! dfnlens!.- quao th1e eeply-lienc ana lires s# tli masculine fcminins and ; net'r ml bca;or or, D. (G., le lie. uDme 01cftle oie teýi perfecîly - inseties.s 8eciaud. Tic Youing manýie rroaeding clarkat Bail Albany, -r ËbsrlY à locald esnase Bain. raine to M. P'aul du JOhIllu, lia tisLendral17 praet# lOpai-women 6 9 Ze t'weityfo Ur peai =trllvsiUy roasýed tIsaI del. Io. nt popleover gsy were 17. . -I ramor ibal Chilef justico sapa ie boqknIited. 19 55fg«,tridu on a&r lstsbrailay bh df / o e aulscu ý ýhatiaEerheneirus 9 le aie> r 1îýDù 2 '0 «A .& canisîs cf a n esut i.v SLIP iti couvesiont size for practiaing, hilci con- bain copies beginniug wth the lirsi pin. ciples aus! gradusUy f-rogrensiugg te i mnosi elegant plain aud oruamental wntiug; an OBN AMENT& SHrET, couîaiuing German Texiôld En ial ans! Oruameutal Letton. Bi ,. ffâad fluriabiug of Birds, &c. ; A Btrotior 50 sud s.witi fulanalysis sud lu. 1te coh a ute îeautitulîy ougraved cage Pnice, 01.00, Pout Pais!. Address S. 0. B13ATTY & CO., Ontario Business College, ta, Agents an-.d Bslevlle, Out. Wbibby, Dec. 111th, 1677, MORO8SON # C. 1KigStreet, -- TOron o,ý THELARGEST STORS. 0F FUR& BIER SOWN 1W CNAA.. FUR S A S-PECIALTY*, FUR' TIMMNS CUT mAln9 ns 5BA( WOLF BORtES liACOON aun,)BâIIS.SA YAK ROBEBS, PER5IAI BUFFALc RBm,- O M IN K CA PS, MINE - i S. S. SEAL CAPS 5,S. SS OTTZR- AND SBA SENTS,. ERMDq! PERSIAN L&MP CAPS, ~ g BALTIO E SASRAO CONEY CAPS, BLACK GREY LAME CAPS, CONEy GERMA MINE CA-PB, GRIEY Particular attention -iveti te- l-res specially attended. to. TO ORDER. RSIN LA S.L Alteratiol ly 77 YONGE-ST., TORONTO. 50Lag'e Size Box StoveW CLEARING- OUT AT 1ALF-PRIÇE.. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrot just received. fflm- agentStock of Nov 14. __ IIuR E I )n F-5 is now Complete in Every Line. EJ. JO0HNSON. tl4- WLNDSOR. - (Cor. Eiixg ans! York.sqta.) -NOW OPE - r4 Saco PER DAY. 1Pree omniibu, hto ai roa sitrains. Ta. 'ble eapapoititmeut lirt-ciasu. P. INlIAN ARIIFF 0P PERS TO BE TAXEN TBY 0CONSTABLES. (Under Ordaer lu Council, dahes! ilti day et Jsly, 1874.) 0 . Arrest cf eau tundividuai upon a ,warrant ................... 1 50 2. Senving usuxuona or snbpoena.... O025 8: Mileage le, serve surmmane, uni- Mpobaaoan Wmraul............ 0 10 . ileAge vhen service canuet be upen proot etfmdue dlligece.... O010 5. MloagcbiAkIng dnîsonor e o o, sxclitva of s!sbamauts nec. issantly expindes inlu hir coun- v.ace..00... , .,,,,,*0,o-. 10 8.Ateus!tg Justices ou snmmarv trilor an 0 Iangntl.on1prd. sonoeschanges! with Mnma, ton oec ay eueesanily employas! lu oor anmorecases, vieu net enagen more than fouir honre.. 100c 7. Do. i o. vîxen engages! mure tien four hoe-.1.......W...... 160 8. Attou'dlýg Assîmzes or sessions, e @chida ............. 10 0. blieagobrvîn h tedAs. sites, Bsions, or baiorae Jneillc (vhau public couvey suce esu ha - aken, oui> ressens ble dishurse. moteil ha uaves!.) .O..... e1 hSurninuJu forCorners' Inqs±esl, aa, ser invices lunos. peai iherebf, if hel!au sane day aJuy sumniones!........... 2 00 I. Altendlng euhi adjoarnment bieneot, il neual ngages! more tour heurs ............... 100 1.Do. do. il engages! =,,re tisa tour heurs................. 1 50 18 Senvins sammonq on subpoena te ateëtus! hlera o roee(subject No. 10) .-*........... 25 14 IMîleage toe.4 4e ...*.... 10 15 Exhainlg bodyunuden Coroner& warrat...20 -6 Be-burylug ani... . 1. . ...00 -Ssrulngs!lales............ ... 1 Arjt...... ..............: 0 197.T inke*disrens.,or te ave..n te g:k,,- te malte dis. A pps DO gods are fans! 0 10 sehebeh f.s veîlve Special Inducements to STARTING HOUSEEEPNG. UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and ai the. necessaries in this fUe. Also,1 A WELL-APPOINTEDI-I UEARtSE.l Whitby, October. 1Oth, 1877. PREPARE AND GO TO FOR WELL-FITTINo, CHEBAP, AND 000D. -000-- BIEST AMEPJCAN iIUBBER GOODS ON HIAN». Gants' Cal? Boots sud Shoes, the finest aud most durable made i the couuny. t3r Ladies' superior gooda lu Prunalla, Ris! a ns! ata seci ah'. Whou du.*IUHtp ans! cheapuese ara requined, camlcn OLD Na. 1. Large Arrivais 1 Cheap for Cash T I Wiilby, Sept. 4li, 1877. 28-1UR 2m NEW GOODS Clothing and Gent's Furnishing House Is 110w eUPPlied with ail the newest styles of Engiia Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. On'Also an excellent stock of Gents' Furnislrings, al iietc. A siplendlid stock of fleady-made Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, - W HWITBY. FAIR C OMPETITION WZTHOUT PROTCETION. MIR. JOHN FERGUSON. IS NOW INi THE MÂ1XSI WITH ais F.bJbLL & WI]~WTEI?, 000DB, Wjîlii.h for quality and price will be fouad unslupom. Madle UP in tMe Latepi Stifies and on Shorteat Notice. AAGBSTOCK 0F QVFRrQOATa WýRLF1 t ty es-.a~oe memel hmuhy ets eoeIain ou partioular purp"O, ans! et daptes!for cherwradcrwnmn oau ,!Up t. the vante ans! reqnmements cf OurManuf....e--htain,,g Iughncvldge of the constmuetion cf Our machines, and are tins auabled is 14irder - o s!n pmafiiency than vwhere genoralnmuiac :rcar 'nton.m 00 te the rapidity oflils ezecutlon-ans! a canacquent reducticucfcot T h i s p n u i n l e a r e g a r d e s ! n e c s ao fl v ! r g a a e s s t i x e wu enablea timr.ss u ahines wîth a jugfler £lgree eortuua pric E 'J OwasalS TOiuey SeL' cmpetIoN. EA fil nov s0 wOe kInne as aSingleBRamper,, liat a word of 0omMendiiu aimot seani uperflu ins but aà thera ara m any ci î u»n- te m ' ' î MacinsreWhoihave 'adiieres! te iols! original johnston ma lie, ut~ ing up te thé Improveiments ; that Justice to ourselves suan ron..re.... t e t te lia i va have m odifie s! il ,,inalm ost ever >' e sentil part1 ans! fe: a ans durbilit, q val ut inuevry kns! sudcondition.-of grai; ligt draft and eaue ' tmaagemen tic e"Johueton," as maniluiiolures!,by n.- e eeietyahoadcfâail othar reapars. In proof cf this position wo hav pon'otem&ny Firstize awarded us-at the hast Provincialtr ic baric, ans! many catunîy tials whioh have baken place aui ovar Csada; lUe Iasfe IUMme.MBNDMAHN OUR lTe mRIUMPns 1 HatOOMuBeeINED Ma Conne aHIN winth lail e mrov temaîs, i i ieat o u ch asre. obndMci Ouannot i edcl ail h. raqur.emand ur Yong anaasM ame hoth fImt claso machines -ecnstitnîes! alnost whou lon aui~is Steel. Capuga Jr. hag a rear cut, asd lhe Young Canada a front Cul ; both strong abl machines,,sus! mot excellas! by any machines l iah iaarket for qua] OUt, dnaiiy ihN Es, rfathltsdcs o mB AnagEmTet.' 't I n .5 s 'I J I. O r- i. g e 8 Le sever. r vormo piutting for ti ire edo. a thor- bcturjns 1, an 1 vaula ire this ikeep. lof us trugth ýness of iitands 'e only of On. *ithin le, ans! fit7 of ReBRful OsN &PTEu, F'r BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. t rhithy, Ontarlo, Fabruar>', 1877. those Goods of AlJ{inds, Cheap and Good. 0-0. MICHAEL GLEESON (late with F. Meen), Greenwood, wheme ha vil be happy ta, sesa ail friends. The stock la selecled with.a viegwjLo meet tie wauls of ail. Home Irade 18 our ospecial aim, sud we viii dafy compelilion iu every lino of lie bueiness. Cieap Goods and good GToods vil demaud oustamers. 2ýothing wauted by old or now eus- toîilers, but shail be funînshed un short notice. À sp ecialty iu COAL 01 ï; 5 gallons for $1. C>' Produce of ail kinds wil ho paid for in CASH, oà geoda given for the same at thot rate. !-' Gazm<veou, Nevembir I9ti, 1877. finis T-v Go where you eau get a Well-:fitting Garment :-To Tailoring Establishmenit of <IFORGE A Large Stock of Fine TwF>eeds. j- Excellent GEORGE GURLEY, ginýSiïeit, oshaw. NE w UTIGRLE THEAW.K Cloths ; hast Englisi, Scotch and Canadi: S TATIJONER'y -AD- AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BIOCK,-52 - I il ho I ELfl A .55, J" George Yule begs te annuounce that lie lias re-opened his Stationer>' and! Bok Store inu Whthp, -vero stationery f al kinde, of the hast qualily, vil ha kapt ou hans!; aise School Boolis of averY !Phe Daily and Weeky Papers always on had. Sub- scriptions Solieted. Musical Instruments, incuing a fine assotmênt of Violin. Orders are taken for Peiodicas, magazines and Mze Whitby, Dec. 184h, 1876. 51 FAOTORY AND CABINET GEO YULE. THE OLD STAND, BROOK 8T/iEET, WHýITBYI please&in. makig ý,letions. of gq(LýfqM ~le., S p1 ndid IP ar" o ,D ri ng R LB âad 'Be c oii S ts, te . f~ swell worthy of *inspec$on. 5 tt fI ~ O~ prie. i2 <111 Comces, Picture Fýramifig in every style. Sonle- fine Chroniok aid Enpv~t*se I ai mi is bM ane us. funerals fnU llvsu w id, A stock of ele gnt askets '-~-J J~.i t - i~enibarg~,t~ 187'?-. fr2 ~ z~ Xmas Pr686?ts I )C of ~ tsSÀLT-Î Pi a largrassrtmen atbetter value than ini any previous- Year, ,and èuitable, for ail. As formerly, we shall make a Our. Lifvurerpool Mari D-OLLAIR CASE, W sh i1 ~ a n m nytti l s e st, i i e o èý5 P l ~ o t Xmas Cndés 2e. per'l. or 5 lbs. fo . olr. W nvt iltS. I nse u st o . Whitby,~A De.THE,177 S. W. B. 8MîTH& Co.~ W UTRIVDTH CARRIAGE & WAGON ý'M AL% CT lia Double and' _-lon yhou'et- PATENTEL)' OHURN8. Wagonu, Buggies, Slighs, congtautly on- baud. IS'ý Dloue onthiashôriesi notice. ~ 0010. -BEIT TON, Broek Street, TWMîby. Ociober 22, 1877. - ly.44 S TAGE BETWEEN WHITB-Y &OSHAWA- . TWICE A -DAY! Leav es Oshawa aI 8.30 a, mi., ans! 1, p. n. Leavea Wbithy at 10.80, a. mi., and 4,80, p. Mi. " - Pare 25 cents each way. Winl cam -iasl thahotels, sudd at private residenoas (when orders ar e fi at any et lie hoteis.) Connece s iti Oshawa aud Bovmauvilla stage; aide viti 1he Wbiiby and Port Poeryalway, ans! with Broueh -aza MailatWhty TH $. P T.HE R. Kftlassôërtment of ai kin41s of -e,êçc-Fmy.(t mas goods, al of w]ich wil be socld a the'ler VEIRY LOWEST- PRICES FOR ASH. Alarge assoit ment of Choiéc andies purchased- express- ly forSauta Clause. Choice Mixed Candies.2Octsper ib. Good Roll Butter l6cts per lb. 20 MEDIUM SIZE LAMP CHIMNEYS FOR- $1 00, Core ne 1eore ail both. younüg anýd old before purchasing elsewhere and examine our Stock yourself. lienernber the placýe At . -, WM., J,. GJBSON'S. Whitby China Tea Store. WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Poultry Dressed, Apples, Potatoes, Beanis,- Butter, Egga; for.which the higiiest Market price will bo paid, ailier in Cash or lu Exohauge for Goods.-à ANW. J.GGIBSBON. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLE'E STOCK 0FP c ( ï)arriages, S1ligh8 and CuiterA M. CTR O'O.OVAN'ST. ~ARRIACAL 1HI . FYCIATORY ROCK&SETM THEO STEDICALHALL, -- TU.STreceived fromn New York-,-Montreal, and -To--, e)ronto, new and complete selection of DRUOS dEM/A LTOIET -ARÉTICLÉ Sj Als, Fr-hS PERyfUMi tE,py, atnt-e.i Alsoa Frsh Suply f ah he P pranMedIi- t-2?Sl)eiaZ ttenion inet ýs. ca. tos DE?' Sole Agent in Whitby for ~ F. COUTTS SONS ACEIMM.. CRE AT THE OLD STBGGIEND CUbysPaétSa BUGIES CTTERS &c. Boots cà Shoca Chea par. than Ever!et do veil teue regivi oia renaeule. Br ouiaux, nylt,17.-r J OZEiHN S A 1JND E ]EtS R.WM. A'sSEFIMEQN. The Great lias resurned- hi& business ý-at heldRIE m e Il stand (Chequered Store), Brock-st., Wltby- -whàere ho i ï y~ now., enabled te give -,good value to al c st m rs od an e al> u rei ne.Ris stock of LI T .anaflv t bill>' ud Weknpgsî resui af fidiaretons axesee oravr.5orkot -b brin udner- BOOTS AND- Sýâ ea Beuatnîus! vous systMdi- as perf et bnne elst i replete for Fali and Wiuter wear, and lie 18 deternhined ilPrtace rs aak îsr.at aeceae. under hhern. There te a i '» throégh he tenu. l re=sapplyt- - - ALEM Piokariu& July 24, 1877 nILOTRES OLEANED AND IFPÀIDED %-.J bougbl te- thii naluracolour.- Fealiers, is!a Gloves, de.,cleanes! sud dyed any'colear. Airlrers bu vitiW.P. Wilcoc , Confectioner, Wbiliy, or seul by ail, vil ha promptly ;tatdse. t21.ly ffuse, 8Ign, d Carrdage Pai7ter, RETUENS Mia sincera- tienks te the- 1i< CitizenB of, Witby and vicinit>', fon tie patronage bembowed ou him dariug he jatyeer, sud-ýwou]d- beg -te intimate ibat ~ehas bàkeatbaParhnersiip, Mr. Martiu, (a Practical Paiter trom New York)., The>' are nov prepares!-o do'HOUSE, 51GW andI - &RIÂGE PAINTING, Graiulng, Varuuiaiug, î hlsbig, Stinzng Ealsomeniug, Papenugc, -C,-itiueatuesea ans!dispalcib, aitesb*tcory pzice. SPECIAL ATTENTITO COUJNTRY OR-DERS i' < HOP-Tvo doors ncntl cf Rings' Tan-- ner>', Brock-ahreet, Wbithy. -WELLS &MA2RTIN.- rv 0 l 00 . ON PIRST-CLABS FARMLANDS, In um nmeet200 ans! !Maras, ai 7 par -c ent. Payable Malf.yearly,* GEO- .,. HALLEN, solicitor, &C' Oshawa. Apnil l7ti, 1677. -- - 17 BEOUGHAII CA.RRIAGB WOD.KS. S. WEBB- - SP<tuyiniformii bis Patrous ans! the Pumalia habspurciazeci lie Bigil for JOHN ' AUNIDBjS an &U de P..Parties illdebttid t'0 mei will please sud und' 'tde immeiab;te eau u41877. WIiîtby, October 22nd, 1877. SADDLEJRY, KAD_ W1 L LIJA M TH M"- Bega ýto dirct attention ta his Iarge'gnd surerrsI 'hlng in the Saiddlry and! 1arnes Lino Leather Valises and Saratoç A LOT- OPý Dr. W OMeZ-irexi d Wm.YSIOUN. DR.. Whitby', Sept.,eWU W.. office hourz7n=miU 1.80Oto 6,P.m=. B THOMAN BUIL»EB AU JOHN 1 J Saloson, Broc] GEOI GE2 isiaubi>'ounbaud TowNsmP CL CONVEYA.LNI A&L IN8U3?4 The Clerk- wM b Town Hanl, Ccium3 Prdays, for Towns boums, 9 s. m to àP. Marc! 27tb, 1877, WILLIAII BLAOK8MITH, K 0'DELL of fiidîneretio»ý, la rain and ner- r hàrýess, acto extenaively.used h great success, or i3ixîackages ull par- Y14çil we dedre- ý7ýome. Address, Oý, Ontazië, Can- gâts in W'hitby, ND-, IWhitby, Dec. lfth, 1876. -T 115- L'S My Stock of IO:IJR NE STORE -1 WHJTBY.ý F01ý THE FA LL 'l 1 AT T'HE'ýý'-OLD'ý--ý'S-,TýAý'ND WIL L IA M' As thecounutry ha. hecome better adaptes! ho machiner>', sd many of our farm- ems have becoma skilles! lu the use cf machinas, a grewingdamand bas spruug up for a Ligt, Durable, FirslClass Reper. Alive te the requirements cf tie day, vae hava succeeded lu inventing a ma- c hine witi a Wrcaght Iron Frame, vith lie loast possible geariug-wtî large, bmcd.faced driva vhel,-and o0c, cnstructes! liaI lie franie aud t'abla tilt ai lha same lime, therahy keeping lha pitman always l ino ve iti lhe uifa. Thre ~rakes are driven direct!>' from the main shaft--here being nu perceptible aida draft, ands! neo ei upon -lie horses neclip. 57e are, confident liaI we ]i"v guoccedes! lu lngethg esmoat perfect faper, tiiking il l ilits-parts, liaI h»e ever heen produoed. We bave applies! for Jettera patent, aud siail hols! oui invention, fer aur ovu exclusive manufacture, and we respectfull> snggest to In. téndlng purciasars, liaitic>'y should sea ti machine hefore giving themr orders fdr-lie coming harvest. The "Whiily Harvester" weiglîsal 10k!d, 600 pounds;7 but hcihg mmdc principail>' of lie best qualil>' of ircu aud steel. ans! fromi iin genlous s.nd compact coustrnoî.ion, il Combines the strengi aud duaityo*e mea>'ei oi à ' * re müli> warrante&;uail> fh W1511k list ofaimachines, wa feel confident liaI w. eau meal avery -me. qirment, ans! ve espechfahly solicil a trial ot our machines, believlng liaI va eau faTrisi a hetler machine for thie mono>' han eau ha obtaines! elsawhssra. L-2 -9 1 kï" c . 1 6i 1 M»6 1 1- m m m .000* Whitby, Deo-'18tb, 1877. . Toronto, Dec. 8,1877. a 1-I & mz i::;b -ýz- ]-= 1 :L= M3 Rf Vhitby, Ontario, February, 1877. -ci 0 CAIRRIAGJUI ,i and Cutteps, CARRIAGE, 6ME. ýFASH10NABLE fP AILO NC .JL.ZM _RI GURLEY, OSHAWA. &-%.4 - PERFUMERY, 1 WhÎtbY, S6Pt. 4th, 1,877.

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