Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1878, p. 2

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Us.. 01 Omudiats Whveo psssed thé lutt médIatt examinallon1 Dmé. 1877. y, Hfgh Sahools la ttis counhy thé7 SM WUITy-f 4 examlnet,' 8 passé 908, 984, 987, 9U., 989, 940, 041,0942. FORT PERY-18 eamieéd, S passé 'O,708, 70à, 708, 710, 712, 713-1 718. Z në.,6 àAa~ eu al.Wé, bave, itu î vhb a alady appoies i t: olumna lu favor o! thé by-law-fai - - "- - -te bd. .ôned. b' bu90 Ow8 mth.'57, 78 em, 881, 882. lime, thé- people of ]Piekerinughave1 'Asoul<eeav Ie - TSEPAES iabl.d houéc tei va>' more éie BIb MArnai- 0 ezaminet 2 passe. té aLidng itste-étept-0 1 s0muél, 110l-g 8. LU= -@ 8.iansind 5ôpasse.j, portance le the. tovnshp-more ei 4i"oïào Awehtiot. OA a--:xsm1oéd, i paaM. aie-il>'whe- 1i Actnlly o08ts e-cl éxmnd 'pose buioot ivi ,- -4SoAr uish0ohmae-lth ePo e ot-g examineti, 2 paés. - Oratorio cf Esther. ~-,s *ohshce. Oauae-~ éamied, pasel. About 100 singea of Whlity Z'emad plaSt octlé-4aa, John.; Tus Pisuas wvuo 3'4555D MUXT-meeting évér>' eveaing La Hopi X TSPe se, Lé~ptsoHallunIor th. leadersip of P Qu'e-'- Mo*d Léavépé, Rate' Muonilah!an àmlelig $bis zuagnllesut N*Cee Y-IV'Am..a à Y ȔlL Pénton, Jemimis SmthAntiais d, torlo. It wvi» hé rinteret ia Pu "Bo Col &érald n W1&4.0 n Sd Mary Obier is thé eamis. o! thée-ext veek, Titursty anti Frit>'v UMUsneaessfnl Ou idý1 Sgbh ool 'upila vizo logse-al thé aingera heing tréés PuSodthé Inttarnied"atee oiunsscent costumes. As one of thec laut Déosmebor. Pýroie thw -lgie inlmas are gorgeons, il promises t gj7~.~ Ohwwbi hi1hvin h en ttatWhlb= ltae ouest amateur aenhate-mnt 0 QtQIU bIi IgtU IC ha touevéry vil, its &nocs$ algivén la Wtitby. Thé prousansd ai *belng inîipassed b>thal Of e-ny other Of Wastern Ontario vberé Ibarer Hlgh la4 choolOast o! Torcuto. mer be-s beau engagea thé putst OL ,je P8R ý:ANNUM«. yeart, spésk of tInLuthé aîecng - . 13ouTseciAva SONou3.-Lasî ovin. tcrme af commeudtîon. Those i Whhbiy, Thursday, Jan. 24, 1878. iag lta Steppert Jubile Singera -gave allant viii bavé thé star>' af Esi Oeeof théir lnteriitingéntraiLnmontoMortécal anti Haman fatenet lu tl BIbi ~ ~ ~ 't the GrantdOpéragHa ,hora Th iti * arçéi ntIe..ThPar ogrammfoe à memory ie-easme-neér noeritaho DEFEAT OF THE MINISTER 10a0011Yt>'Oua, conslsting of îîxtéaa gaîhea. If you vs» reat the 5hoiJ MILTIA picé.sut au intaresting atdrpa thelb.Bock of Esthter hsforé going ta - f "~~~ÃŽSlave Lifé"bhy theits ltphaea-atelZli on or hvlath or trs fluaeaud for lime asuthunexr teord - - -he- ov J ~hé elsction i- a T ,,N. s., n .k siY, eoaltiel@ug Itheeonscolorei We-lihams, of St. Thtomas, ax-Prasit tOk-apIewe u hgt up slaves, e-ut un- of thé Ontario Conférence, luàa lai pisséDo Saturday, anti viit lt. a suit éteastat. Miss Camai Wesley la giftet spéakiag of titis Oratorio, saya ;-"À of th.e tnplàe route o!il)Ir, Vail, #hé wlth a magnificat soprano voe, a récréation, I knov af uoîhiag mi Minst'r ofMiiýA.The mejouify for vielte basa of Mr. Baaey is godou t e r lvatiug." C et és-tîandiélé tu tasoastonaéit tita. vieoairt *h ail5tleOu M .bin al xresset la hie ren- Te-EioGi ISREL pe 872, 1Mr, Waté was foly Spaak. dtnc 61dBakJoa." Al the taeie ISREL pu or. 'cf te ProVitbliAssmbi>'. Ha pièces viré good.-ottwa Prés Frites, minhe Royal Opéra Hanse hastnmgitt au anormous audience, standing rai. efeîed 'i~Candidate lao-rtéeaameo- - Thé Company' vi» appeau aI Hep. la aIl parts of ltae hans e hiag in il atituency in the LCoai Loglunre aIbkin' Hall, on Monta>' avanlng naoi, munit. T hé performance kapt t] thé 0 iiearAal létiopa af 1875, but vas' aut va havi no touht lb.y viii hé audience Mie- -tpraloagat roar hadly'twaée-, ouly poiliug 574 ont of grietat b>' a ver>' large audience. loaiesaof ranylo.st Atlmés b i 1,600 vote$ia dut, -1uconséquence of -rtethzDoaiau nett Ibisa ipet ma>' haieve hé c seti Whittfla sTootitacha Grzm thée getrttnuua asoe net Bot défé tmn bleedle ol Ol @la péaatinytO oe omants-of lte programmé vas origina no d fia r, -VaIL.Ol ei-i rperta é féeibubt aven wit-wvasnot enlirél>'n «S thé publie, satisfaction guarranteail, an vas of thé se-me racy, aparkliug quali MILITAST DWuuL.-We are Lalrmet ,moue>' refundat. Pricé 25 cis. pro- auts t-tboardtboeéfor ltae fmt lia lte-I Lt. Cal. Walue-é, Major O'Douo. paredet ahetéMédical Hall, Whitb>'. Mucht af the saccae of lteenotartaiî Iva a sd alliher officara Intend t iga ment vas no doubt due ta thé héat onag Anction Saleaf ai C-niagaa, Cutters, Oajoymaut of lte penformére thoni milite-iy drill eosm id thé tilloe l eih,&osiesrton et-salves. There is eutlés vriély in t ai aat thérplae asma> héprogramme, sates eah oflte tlia heio u, ohrpac emyb parî'a fsctony, Duntas, stréet, Wbitby, vas veli saitéeatd titibis hast -lu in agicet tipon, on two o -r Iheai cvénngs en Frits>', Je-n. 251h. Ail vite wanI specialitiés il is peraresInvitions1 'é4e-ch eeke turing lima vîntar. Thé hargainaéoahDot ua eil ta attend. ativant W e-uy particule-r paît af t clamos vili héc ontutet an Miitar>' Thé voîk à lu-l neadwdarrault. entertaiuuuent. Il thitovi no discreti Béhool pnncipîs, bel freaf expenua, or hsevven, ounayone to aey lte-t ltée g Compulsion foc ftrîhuer mililary dtlle. Smtrtous AuCrnsN.-Mr. Mieha-el ectians aoflte cornet beatd, vill Mr. A ral laor nonbership vii ha ftonnatRiauian, te-t sévèrreibiie-utd his colle-r Lacté Warwick asu oaduolor, andi Chateis Delaeny sesbaisadrummer, wvi ahttie Queen'i Motel, Brook et., sud ifboue broké n a etabe-y, 111h is ,icreaistibi>' - lughter-provokiug. Il a suffciont number af unroliét voon- et lIte Oshaewa- station. Thé injuret expacte t liee-I!Bill7 ormnst," vite tiers anti otiar young mon, présené a u -auaslifting saiteavy boler, vaigit. ne-e 1la be-haoîtword iunttis uty> Ihamiélvasl, thé ciaeai e-yulcommeance ing 6 tans, ou thé cars b>' means af of énlertalament, vil jaLu thé trou] Iliair dtusoui Moaey thé 28tht mat., crâe wlîen theité lys of te rne to-ulgitl. Mn. Spre-gue, thé me-nae af thé troupe, ila anative af Torentc 8 a8p.u.sharp, aI D ili Sitet or Townvu&eape, ettiag ltée bolier le-Il 0 litaanti is valkuovn la bis leliow-cilizeî Hall. grenat. Mr. Riortan wu- trovu offsane- firat-cieas catérér 10 léir e-muse Wéeré eiafItltata large numbe h lt iebce-con viticîtlié vas standing, ment. -Globe Je-n. 22 mast. af anr yoe-Ugunemn l ombraeatitis ad astalued bis injuriesaiiten bytte Thé>' viii perform eiHopkins' Ha]l désire-blé oppacîunlîy af improvemént. fl-hi a e-itiw fram thé pull.>' block. on Thurate->' véning. Je-n. 241h. 1'hére la- nu 'va>' lu hih lte>'ce-n nt ~Parties vising la sacure reservsi spendi part aofliteir evenluga mot-e De aimapil lhe affect of good i6îatieseascats fr lot e-I nlrtalumanlé, et Hop please-ntl or use4lally, TIhéaxorcieigé y veeriug that saeity bt. WaIk kiu'e Nev Muaie Hall, eau ta so, bj itsel ig la l caîculateato gîvé àmauely loto thé rnnu b atstorée-utdîseclita caliug et Mn. Wiitfeld's Dneg atari bering, agilit>' andi îrengt, e-uta new stock et' aprnug stylai somevitatviteré e- pie-e-ioathé Hall isely> itulty houé Wthe o ystetu af limai nohhy,ad tae pnices rigit t etthé Otil kopt. praohiiniutl. Wé hheu-qfore bespeak e- Fllays Hall. E. PFrost, Ganta Pur- Cerd. gootl atteodanca for thîtse gentlemen nishiag Bouse. w-ho aeréwllling ta givé their lime e-uta te*-- At e- peciai Meatiug of là. O. L., Ne. for thé ~~~~~J.S. Robertson ire-vs attention li 2,hi ult Oag eh hlt h;precofrde néflt ai heir féhov our aclvarîîamug columuts, ta lbis lecililies plnl iél-uria u et r.i luvuaiénfoi 1he bindiag ai books, nawspspeis, J. Yae-e.ucî, County Mestar, il vas PUEcMNrîA-,rîamr T1MR. HECTOR BA.-. magazines, »c. Ail work exacutat ln unanimonél>' resoivet lit-thlie fllioving IOP.-'thé préiénlaîionofnig bougeha'se hue nét style, e-at laitd ovu iu latter ai cantaience on boit-falf oti aud lot ta Mi..jécîor Béostan, Clark of ýYWily Ire af even>' expresu charge, îotge hé prasetdta hMro. Yannold ai Pickerilng, byý'thé people oaIlit-ttown. aI lovial Cil>' pricea. a tken ofaIthé sympaty feIt b>'titi ship, look piaeaàa Broughtamuna Mon. HoN. PETER MITCRFeLL'S EAT.-Han.meanera lu her bote-l. Be il thoefoni tae-svmipg. Som aoflte principal Peter MitchlilI haviog raiguet bis seat, novet:. meton-f ti@townvship vira prasent, In. in conséquensce cf tlindopaenaso! Tital litsmemitens of L. O. L., No. ciudiag moyen, deputy ueves, anti for. Parlismeul, àa uév yul bas beau isaneti 828, af WhiIhy, heg ta appuaact you mer représentatives of thé tovuahip. for Nortitumbterand, N. B. Noinsa- viititis te expirassion of oui duapent sympsthyet titlima af youe gréai Mr. Jas. McCrslgitl, ax-reove, file thlition Stt, votmng 121h Pébruary. Il le affliction samd laseaof>'our tésure-ad rés- chite-.,Tii. enlogalma pasat unpon 1fr. nol auiipaiodtIhat ltera vili héoe-ny pectéei usbant, e-ut aur wortity biother Betee vire ver>' camplimehar>', but opposition. eatdCanal>' Master; but' vitile va oui>', howvvr, vitatheliéyl déssveti. - 44-maure fai, ltéedepartét, one vaitit>'oa Thé hindI>' considéatilon of the peopleé WADE14 0F VcTaar-Mr. W. H. aur sean, vé boy vit i -l tué suit- of icerng a ehiitd bi vl.Busmail te-m beau -letd-are fmisaion to ltéviii afDivine Piovi- ai Pckarlueg, -a xitlllei b tits vl- e-elcléi -te-ren fdtncé vio toeias sééme riglit lu Ris iahié gift, 'shovs lte-t, after e-îî e-e-t Victoria by acclamation. This lse alsing "0i; haplng te miel hlm wordlunas andi saîfabues., îaiîimfei ser- ver>' gratifylug mark af confidée-nce l to t as gané béfore in ltée Grant vices@ ad goot ateau c-nstil bc &p.thé vot>' reevaelfLindsay. Lodge of aur Hauven>' Mestar aboyé, thèse arther searly re£ ibile no be er lrgy deî. tva ageaI Mrc tléir for- rini lint soie 1it t cf Uon sun. liy a ý2 . si 'lu' k 't'y tha- th dil, ti J. I fr. i8 h, yle P 0,e- o Pl gr lai ru, %I Auction salé cf Cutters, Sleiglis Bu .- INCORPORATION 0F CANNtNGTON.- Ttc War Neys. giaS, AntiCe-trie-gem, OnSanurde->, 'Je-ny. A pétition is lu circulation to ta pré. 118hpthîsfeclr>' Boo ~ itbb'.setét at the meeting af thé Caunt>' REPORTED AMRSTICE. Ahi thé yack offàle sfntcA ndutConacil ta revivt-e éincorpore-lion af There la a report lte-I e- Ivo-montits' -il viii hé analte, <isnington. armistice te-s haeu concindét. This ---o--.0. t- - a. appe-ilo hé prime-tare. (9ACRED CONCERT, METRODIT TAsERc. P R R iBy CENsus.-Tl é cnins aIf Thé Rassieatêde-utse, il is féaene wAI.E-Tlia concert in te MathistPoil 'enny. laebau uring thé présent vii il o exsotiL o meét thé appra- Tabenicle on "rlta cvélng e-iyar,shéws thtothalipopulation oa. tha tebation of limé pavera. Little aise is vaserae, ntat y a argemud ppéi- e-ambilons village la hé 2010. 'Thé loft fon- lite Turks, itoveven, bttetaac- w tiv eduea -aTe aexcellent otalnumiter cf familles, 861. cepl pencee-t e-ny priét. tiveaudenc. Te exellnt ro-Atnienopié, Gallipoli ead' Censuti. graeunu-oferulitet bel. die Y'oug mon, We have cloue-i aur Anolieux Sale tut nople ae in a stteéof pe-nic, froun thé was fe-itinli>' arnia<[out, asutinu seot iliiconinue la aell ty Prive-te Sale e-I Russie- a stve-ce. a manuce-.as toi affaut satisfaction ead Auction Prices. Ttcevitale stock ta té UXBeRnDoE AoRIULTULe-L SOCîe-îY.- tellgbl laeIl présent. sa01l belote va enter our Nev Stores. Théeaunaimeeting aifltée Uxbritiga HAMILTON -&IIA.RROWER. Arcluei oit'vsitlfhS-n BowuANVILIETN Tev<COUNCIL grentd - *#-tadra'-Hatl, Godoeod, Je-une-r>'101h. DopaI>' Beae Porterfor hies uénvieeae-s Onxe trial cf Wittfeld'a Celebaie T heit officera fer 1878 ae chaînette-nOf ltée treali and improve. Pulmonia Syrup. ime-a sufficiént guar- Praidat-Gea. FPlî. suan Commitas aIlitI ly lte um uté aIilsmérta.Vie.Piesident-Mictel iCiapinan.'d mentComitte, f tht twn he um nteeof ts nerts.Secieaery-Jai. Perey'. o! 680. 1Ur. Porter plaet thée-meunaIt '-"-Treasurer-Jas. MeCouliongit. in thé bandaeaof te relief commites, SIrNDAy CLOSINO 1in IRSLAND.Tbé Directons -Josepit HanIer, Afred foudstrbntioe ta lteé pooc aoftée tova. Bill for cloing public bouses ou Sunde-> Dickanaou, Titos. Grahate-tu, aggs in irlcant tas heén reat s sécandtlime Atam Davis, Faucaer tcisn - A.ouuuornE..,.e ivIté atenton u té Ipéril Hua.of ommns. Jas. Pêe>'y, Je-s. McCullout., jr., e-utd ta lbp eiaI 1ofMr. Douglas, -le an ose.-- ih-tPlgs athé,rcoImn.Me.Dauie-s, u et- GOLlSMITui's HALL.. _ Warre-nteda -dioca-Je-u. A. Douglas, E. S. t otlipcumhahéUr.tlol avsiéd . asWatlîs et a loy fige-re. A lange tock Site-. lead A pi-aticai'éxpeîiéuce, o!f14>Yomr.oaifine jewéln>' snt firtstclu plaleti SCOT'T AGRCULTURAL SoMueT.-Th. in Epglaqd sud Canada. Ail commise- goasia, canéluli>' slectét by Mr. John- annuel meeting of ltée SoltOAgrcu- sîou. ture-i Society vas heit ou thé e- mat. loue ooultiedt o hlm viii ho pi-oaptly tnThé foiioovlng officeri véra elect -- attened te. 25 cents, wiil bu>' a botilaoaIWIilt- Pnesilen-Jahn Thampao. IN fis ceobratat Pulmonlo Synnp. Vie.Preitet-Geo. Ttampson. I>aor. TANNEu atichoit. have _hindi> - .- ,Secnetar>' e-utTreaurr-T. Cala. co10nstÏd te tendi erbtice chorus eAt Beve-me-volie tébers eoit et Direto-Jas. Be-t, Adamn Blair, thé Y. M. C. A. enuivéea-in l théettrée peu oéaî primu. Michael Rynsit, A. W. Moore, Thos. Baptisé chureit au Frits>' sveni '*-e----Picering, Josepht Ormérot, JasePh p ~'lîonzu î mue,~ Thp ]Pat :re-ryfZ t-o c WganY havé Sve-in, Wm. Ttompsou, antiM10-eil tlg n'ogis diso reé. Cert Çohllairâ qa .gthé évécng lu iaid of TRIq SRYE '.COURT éýOpia1éeA t d De-. Haium, of itieber>', VI', ssys:u ýhee Aucctf ioation. itting as Otutawa au Monte-y. "Ibat been Iconhiet vtIt Bronchiis "6fo tWo ye-re, no efeeling lte orgaesL ~4A~Wqr Sq.IA Are-us.- BBOCg Âeicç iTUlISL S ICITv- "fîtéq t tIIén, a pt in pI Mu Alexniie Bcoe Agncuhînal Siciet' hèe-i ebau frix séaI ctati viit t a îeré io a-unalcueéîîug e-I Sundrland an thé "Icoupgitanti colt aight swi'ea. I book I ~P4*ie.Si-é Kr, i»héltie insi For 1878 te 'faloving 'eio botIls oi &lee'astLanag Baise-m oa ptÃŽltdldmtht"b >i)m réeleil domfimuahaveo hua elecw met :-l ç44 Ib ponmnI ef butté; pI thé Oeil- i-mtetJBart-- 'an4 -m nIm>'çr4 ma VlcéPeélile-t~4,~îcp. Ot--Igy Drgglte y lte Pain 1' - -,,-- T H (~éRinnet,- ilie eldi.lehaubot 0o! pnp MI&tlaOine erws.'aner'sv. £IflP.tiSn thé>' keap I turing thé im.e-ê >tftr or coui 1mi tblé Mid Wer ié» aIe l l- la. il. ')r. 1 f 4et 'hto 0a aht -TeUr avie-g aalwthe. eau tg od«, minueilwere rend j TER UATOE'5 ADVEUs. HmWorsbp ' vas pI.asedJ' rat4payars hme éMt suoh àarespeat&' body of citizou tho zpr.eent hbém, & that hé fteS pud >of pumllng a snob an honorale >ody H tni thé interéat. cf thé lova voiild bha lu tbijelibande.'Héevas ou>i ter chaircia0 tOéÈ préside 1cm Lrdoi orntions sud amry ont Ibéi w"sb andinuthis he vcud ndav, chargehbigduty to the boat eliab "tY Hé o onsdéré&Ii.ToyIp tant yeihanlactho* Wtb.Iw seoulxO-Sn daylu hi ha Tmet a députatin aToron vho valted upon thé honorable Âttk nsy Gineral nm order ho gel ýaitto snr oflvémmités 01rsjlvy hoapunue thé SnovdonlIron minéesvwuhthé VI toia rond. Théeiron minés, hiéwv glad tos ay, hd pasd into, thé han, of large capitaliste, sud lt vas their i taution t hbi d>a road l Snovdc[ The oie biait Ubeenteat ànd vas tonz to ba some of thé vary bout snitab fr st401 rails. Il vau proposét, un&i certain conditions, ta sstablish ameltie works att Whibé heonly voîks d thé kind in thé D o -u- 15 vs oaiy upon the. condition of eetabllshln umlin orks thst Gouenniént ai =out2h givén ho thé proistaha It vould rami a good diiwitbth toancil ad raepayers vhethirtIbi work coutl hé seonied té whlhby. Hi worihlp dvalh ah sm on gth au nth gret advantagi of having asuoh su is =utv lu thé lova. A goildéal voul eodpend unon the snfflclency of th harboni accommodation ; and upon it aoing piaoed upon a bottai footing tha it itv ahproeet. Ha réforeriétth aeglectad state of Whitby harboni aom sute vilh Port Hope, vh#Se som, fty voeas bal intarat, oauslng 1 Luge érpéndit-&e-i.sut o barbais a othér. placés. 0ur shippingfaôiltie abouit hé itnprovéd, sud thé barbo aot paîmittedtotapais@inta thé baudi Df prvata individuel@. Thé tavi bouiown thé hirbour; il was thg key ho industrial aatarprisé haie, ani vt as thé duty aofltaé couacil ta loci (taie thé législation nov sought fol rom thé Dominion sud Local Legiesia iras, and passing throngh thé lattai b thé présent time. Il shouit hé e me l taI ltae interesto of thé tovu wer poparly protsctad, sud lter. vas nc âme la h ba ot in daing go. His vor. ùip also raferred 4ho thé condition ol té streels, sud thé nuisance as veil as bie damage doué ta thé aide vaîka qpt allawing cattéla i rn ntillarge. 10 vas gladto ase a man 11k. 1fr. lay ilu the council, Whto vas go veou osa sa tolte requiremanté for li. )rovimput of thé streéts. The hova iould ual ha pégrmiltéd ta hé lurnad into SPasture fiel ,sud theé couacil should 4t ln thé matai as vas doua lunalter 'izorationgs. Hopiag thé gentlemen Iced upon th etsrel commiltae icît do tem daly, and again con- ralulsting lthe ratapayera upan the xcelleul raprasentalivas réturnad titis ,ar ta thé council board, his worship mk bis seat. le@ James Graham-r.oved b y 1f. 0r Mowbra, seconded by Mr. Çhrftis. ng Malcol Gilisqplé-niov.d by Bir. of Blekail, saconde&t by Mi. MOU"e. lu 8. 1 ILGréén-wuiovdi by Mr. iKoovér,- IJ. B. PoubyLrne by Mr. Wheleî, I. uonded by Mfr. Blow. ao No other nomninations bolng. réaélvad, se & division was takén on aach with thé li foilowing rasait - e rsham-ysu,, 8; Gilaespie, 9; t-Green, a; Faasbj,14. Id (Necésaary toi aooioo-17.) a Maesrs. Gràaa,ý- Gillespie, and ,t Green ver. qain ié.nomainsted, au bu vere blsothe folloving : 10 George Whaler-movad by Mr. Boy. 12 land, seondéd by 1fr. Bruce. 10 Dr. lne--moved by Mr. Smith, I(Scott) sacondat by Mfr. Mdermott.; tJ. B. Dickail-mévad by Mr. Mother- si sili, sacondéd by Mi. Smith, <Eut )r WVmtby.) là Thé vota vas damanded by yaas sud le FMr. Graham:- 1d Yéas-Masîrs. Christie, Gibbs, Green, ,k MoRa., Mowbray, MoDermott, Row. )r land, O'Liesry, St. John, Smith, (Scott) k- Whalsr. Wright-12. lr For Mr. Giléspie: n Ysas-Mesrs. Amoy, Bickél!, Clin. 'e ningham, Gibbs, MaRié, Proctor, Blow. 0 lnd, Smith, (Scott) Smith, (East r- Whitby) Wrightm-11. )f For Mfr. Wheler: s Yeas-Messrs Bruce, Cunningham, iFaasby, James, McDarmott, Mother. ail], Parker, s, Rowland, Smith, (Scott) Spink-11. For Mfr. Green: Yes-Messrs. Amoy, Bieli, Chris. 2lia, Gibbs, Hoover, McRaé, Mothersili, DO'Lary, Rowland, Smith, Spink-1l. 1 For Dr. Base- r 1Mr. Smith, (Scott.) Baforé thé vote 1is put, sud saeing thît noue of thé other moyens or secondars have said a word 4, r Ibeir candidate-I wih te say thât 'think il time to stop joking with titis matter. There eabé no batter candi. date titan thé gentleman I proposé, no man vito will 611 thé wardea's chair botter, I want yon te éléot him. Yeas--Messr. Blow, Bruce, Diekie, Faasby, Gillespie, Harper, James, Me. Dermott, Motheasl, Parker, Spiuk, Ras, Smith, (Scott) Wheler-14 For Mfr. Biceall Yeas-Messr. Blow, Christie, Gibbs, Gillespie, Grée, Harper, MeRse, Mc- Taggart, Motharsili, Proctor, Rowland, St. John, Smith, (E. W.> Smith, (Scott) Thé second batch of nominations having bain disposid of without aay risuil, thé following were nazI made: Gillespie, Graham, McRae, Wright, i Grain, Féasby. For Mfr. Gillespie :- Yaas-Messrs. Amoy, Biokeil, Bruce, Christie, Cunningham, Feaby, Gibbs, Graham, McRae, Mowbray, Proctor,à Bs, Rowland, St. John, Smith, <E. W.) i Smith, (Soot)-16. Nays-Meu. Blow, Dickie, Green, Hoover, Harper, James, Moermott, Miller, MTaggart, Mothersil, O'Lear, Parker, Spink, Whéler, Wright-16. J Mfr. Gillaspia having beén ealled upon 1 te vota, votaed vith thé yeas, an& thé i clark daclsred thé motion carried 1 amidst applsuse.5 Thé citambér wss flled and mach in- x tarait appéaradte beh takén iu thé ré. suit. s Thé newly éléctat wsrdén was then t. conductedtet thé scat of hanor by hie t mover snd seconder,aad took thé ususi a oalli of office before T. P. Whtite, Esq., a J. P. c Thé wsrden on taking thé chair thankéd thé membars of thé eouncil o for thé honour doné him in eelecting c hlm to préside aver so respectable and # intelligent a body. Hé would andeavor J ho, disohargé thé dutias ta thé béat of 8 bis ahilily, aidat, as hé hopéd tlobe, bya thair assistance and sympathy. $ .STANDING CONNfTEES. On motion of Mr. S9. John, seconded by Mr. Christie, a sélect committee of'* séven was baliottat for to strike the F Standing committées.y Thé wsîdan appomntéd Mésonrst~ Bruce and Biokeli, scrgiaeers. hi The ballot raultat in favor ofMesurs. m~ Miler, Smith, (Scott) Graham, Biceél, Wright, McBae and St. John. On motion of Mfr. 1f cUe thé vardén pi loft thé chair for hait an flour. Couacil resuméd. 1fr. Millar brouglit up thé report of o thé sélect committée msking thé fol. o lowing racomméndalions fo FINANCE AND~ ASSESSMENT.-Messrs. P Miller, Gibbs, Bîckell, Whelar, Smith, h Scoti) aa St.John Te-E STANDING COMt5ITTEE5. r On motion aIf1fr. King, secontat b>' iMr. O'Donovau, sa pécuah commille ai fi ve-s hallotat for la report ltée standing cammitlîlés. Thé me-yen appoinlet Messrs. Be-y anti ODouove-n acrutineana. Tal-lot résultat in le-von cf Messns. O'Donove-n, Harpai, Hopkins aneutBey. Ou motion, thé mayor lIttlite chitel for fifbaéu minutas ilu at-dna eblé lte spécial commullea te repart. Caundil reiumeti. Mn. M. O'Douovan broagit lanlte report aoflte spécIal commille a aul. lova: Finance-Harpar, King, Ca-mpbell, Blowae- ays>. Sîcéatu &o.-Ra>', Dèverili sut Hop. kias. Fine sud Wetr-O'Douovan, Man- ne-m sut Wicki. Prntiug - Manne-m. O Donovan e-et Ce-mpbel. Taiwe Proparby-Klng, Hopkins, e-ut But-ns. Applications lao ofilc-Blow, Han. ne-mead Dévénîll. Llcénie-Mophins, O'Douove-u sut Bains. Raluéî-wichs, Devet-LiI anti Bunn. Board of Heaithi-Tha conail. Bepaît cositeret in commltée of thé vitale-Mn. Blovwuin.te citeir- e-ut atoptèd. - SOHOOL TlT5TEI. 1fr. O'Donovea, uéconçéd hy 1Mr. King, oteinet le-ve ta, infratuce a t>'. le-a bite Appointaient ofHRigit Sciool Trustes. By-law pauset. appoialiég HBis hanon Jutgé DarInéhi. On malice oi Mn. King, sacontet b>' Mr. O'Douove-n, Mr. L. Fairbanks vas appointi audtlor-thé me-yornonmia- saing Mn. C. Naursée-as thé second On motion o! Mr. O'Danove-n, secanted Mr. lRay>, council adjounet. Tva R»wd.Bae-tly. [ Whithy, 141h Je-ny., 1878.1 Ta t/eeltor of the Wtb-y Citron.1 DEAR Ste- I shipped ]Mth fail, by vay cf éxperimeut, S cars of two-rowéd or "Chevalier" Bsnley, from Grand Trunk Station itéré, paît of which vaut ta Liverpool sud par&to Glasgow. I have réceivea advioés cf thé sale of bot loIs, e-t slightly, higher puices titan any olter Canada Barley, cf which' I havé héac-d. Titis harlay vas af fair color, and botterr désuet than is gênai. ally thé casé hère, bet they were ual équal lu weight par busitél to, somé two rowed barléy whichhae-vaandléd lu othar yéars. The saUra iu Hngland write :-"Wé must ltowvsu r réind 70e, that ia dee-ling vibi bs elas ci' bsrléy, thé qualiîy mu-et ba fully eqaI t aboya lot se aven a shsds of differance would make lthe grain unsal.ahls, eboapt for féeding puirposas." My Moutrealhtiante lhtoegh whom il vas shippéd vrite :-"From what aur friands se-y, it is évident thai s diffa4nca lu quality vhioit might ha conuieîéd triting on titis aide, would ha thouglit vary considrable thré ; wé lbink yen eau safeîy recommént y oui fartnera le aow a fourt or. a fifth of théir crop e-ext epring, with thé tva. rovetseeat. Ilf vs» désuet sud are- rally handled, sud vaigt brouglit up to, 54 @ 55 Its. per imporial buahel, e-t wil aMWsys command a fair prica for exotyYours truly, ROBEUT H. LAWDER. North Ontario Electorsi Division Agri- cultur-I Society. ANNUAL MEETING. TIte foiowing offers véré elactet: Présidant, C. Marsh ; lot VIco-Prasi- lent, I. J. Gauld ; 2ud Vice-President, T. <H. Glandimiing. Directcjim for Ux- uridge tawnship sud villagp, J. -Shar- rart, G. B. Millrrsud R. P. Harçian; for Scott, John Thompil'utJames Leak i for Beach, L.B=ne- D. Me- 0aT . Forman aud S. Notherton. 119i2ri J. Bé-rd and H.,A. Crosby. Mfr. 1. G. Crost.7 suggesled apoiallg sumo oas or more parson ý% tu 4vffl. TEE hum VOTE ON TEE > I'tiEE5.- ltheé4 of !Comunos tbp *émoutd. 01,t té e é Atreu »4-s 1 1 .-Keasra. MothersIl a. MJRaé auulO'Lear, Use, Messes, Glh~ ~dseU. ~Ijhhér, Okiétu t. &D-55 î.811 t BRowland. rhcr"h-imeas Proato, Lad W7ab.-IeMss. ,Blékeli sud IMO. T"Y, r. own.-Mésro. arper sud Blov- Thé ir aloku.tlt thé firaIduty of thé ýassébletrives and téputiés vas ta procet ta thé, election of s var. dons can Hot foi nominations. oiiThé follovlng nominations vere thbn Théclak lforad hé ounilthat raec hé warden vas unahié ta bcé.présent Cai rwing to indisposition. On motion ci 1fr. Smitht, (Scott) coondad by Mr. Harper, Mr. Wheler 3 ook thé chair. réfi Minutas*réasd and spprovédl. ami COMMUNICATIONS, 1£EPOETS, &C- e From Eyé and Bar Infirmary fcr mai i. in 1 Fronithé Educatipa Depsrtment an- Ik istung copy regulationa. -a m9 From thé counitias of Watérloo sud to r laron zéepéotia2g.Rous of Refuge, and to - iige , #1 Prom tbe oounîyof Yack rasecting day ie building ut ii bridge betwacin Scot fic 6d Georgirna. #40 Prom Etgin« réepetig amameats ta S voe rli. I 7do ro r.Laiirw, -Inspar of à d isous, respéetig 8891olothing for C &nkuovledÉpenét fvqocMis. Hf. J, il to ai .1 t Ts ný A pétition froue ithe Pickering Han- ou nr Campe-ny, ste-bing lthat ltée company ltéeir ad îasoe 10 believa thé deféat af thé tian et by-le-w vas awing toae-mls'andar- as e-ndlng by lthe pealile ef vitet thé e-Y5 e :mpany te-t aikée.The coape-nyhéchoz ad mate snot changes, e-bat ltéthe - O entures veuit faîl payable,so lte-t sOhn ie langer parI of ltae deitt waeld tecate id turing thé firsî yas. AlBa so few ia lte Harbor Compe-uy's tebennnés meut' Omît fâie-hie la Jely, sud théne y -li e' On tem vouit hé pe-it into ltée fore-it twnetip tréasuny, vitils thé tovnsitiP raet o -bentures vouidt a eil due until De. béas ti =ber, &bus thé townshtip vould re- routa dve theniy to aeY tei dbe. s-nship rate ho pravito for thé -g w tymeenhef Itein datenturea. Thée-fAt~ lpm 'ferthar agrée to ex pend limaI 000 o10n impravemeuts turing the site esent yee-r. -The by-Iav vas twice - mID ta a rdoeatta hé suebmittedtho wiie i meaeyens on Sa-te-dy, 16luI renta, ,bur.CARE 0F TOWN 1RÀI.Lteuti Mri. Hoover mos-et lte-t tenders hé lange 3evét for the cire of the toaehball. iap af iéti. opena ItTATUTE LABOUS. Queits Mr. GilcIlùI, assessor, vubhard in lemb« èrénce Wtotc question af etalté eDatte-I mur. Hé camiplainadtIhat a gréat nov a1 mnIt cf grum'bling wvu maetlait, Te-b ar ovin thé raita. 'Complainte being Pambr idé "sa.largén -asesentl se ualroutei uroporbçi - u - ' _- -- G. T. M r. iaréen'- Latroducé '4 b.I'té Vicoa! tend thé ste-bute labour lmy-.'aw"So ' poset, 'equlia tr àamai esedlav'$5 lan 10 0.210y wae-k03M, 4k days >late- )0 0 , ta D O W ,; Dfro te- # 1 rU Q t # 6 »O t 4 u e -r e 750, 64e-s;frOu8700to9UO frew9 ayit; taud fur eval*y $510ddi-monsi NyUtta t>. - . 1- 1 nt9z %aucil sjnnt uleontimi. quo bila fourbai. wv M5 BP., MW. - lour. @ 44 bus,palni ,6î tUElse-uiîe -M 1M -ED !ln 4bus.prbl ixces of Importa aven Expmls. 9.121, ,» imw1eoMe1q1 i ur.Brace. tusgos vsae-é lhepluqtiuq o lfr.sult pala IÏmi. WilbK;@xpI4lut as Sz'bts costan ecoLA.. w, çfi Gabm gveonot etbahh vont o l-mrà nhrtnca justicescofute.i-flalen1l, - fOnm tiýo aI 1 fr.scnt ' a ,'cl Ymk. 'onth ate Tov Hal, ronita, vas get bsaeýnon. Meh rs àeevnmotioJ.f L. Gpahm, S aoty. iaV" noveM. îbs. onobnla-oornodLMo,& ti emer mtéitirtalaaton oef le-t M eeing f thud appabrat. PEhédýTXTIawromN, M 1r prnntC r.é sd it n Mrnounding cinth,0 ukiug hat.thé a.tGtaeM, losie t ns pst vé, Mh.P. .né0 toilai 5céa, prbveékU. rom . cBnuting e-ad otitrs, skin lit-h i a iutét o of qulfcationlita oxfnofac 9 per <e- l orea tureing iesavinar d 0 entsPt Prom t87 iabats fthé v iaity ofg Duffina' Crée ,thetingMthat ite g roaugt lbace uing le fo 15 ets6 iet thé 2udconcédoin, e-t be5 enten-, prsue pn ie hnge, e-uButinprsndy o otitérroa *singa t be iénluliu ira-l of. On motot xef1Spnhthéf atersu derivasthefanirétaacom- teco:hi Frohnt aIit Béein thovarnti ifl thé moyenCtackvstaga -thaftite g rasa ro ash lcefrité Cot Counlfo c inte uiiac oes.o, el en-O-in ru .auue pnbde e-ut aterayk-i ing lte-t compeaioan hé gcoive Cails.-JE itrana indiget. vn nleutee serv.esnasAsstonor. Sik w mt FrmWm lhaskiev r oovanliméuéP aseth troeIl, li;te-uy aeneifuro chare.csay oe aileé, for lité e en wC m. a Her, a ne-ut. Jhoje ( FO SDaEv idLI> Dacbrits.---ésnbsw ofihehar, pne-t Moynkis e. e r ASESOS NO TRS. r 1itfr. rauktohe erocea:- -awb 0appaiating et Gcitnitss.Geso, Hi Hoite revendeIlita hai fr natori CoM-ilere nanméti. le-ifr REPOR 0F ONNTT N ACOUS. r Thé.cmmittéouatounts ianglwb lu otimeirDeportrécomenting liet e- Id c ban graT t fovinDun sdigentste cepn ait, oa.hPr, cammsao n- n The S Wigme, Ithe cafr oeh, D. i per çi wéekD.Tip, omisin;H fie Ton, commision; Wiow Y og i e-n ca eknt.D Me-ene-ito. rcotmmison- oe uns;Wio Ke, $1, par wéak, JD.PM Brwntlu, commissioner; . Cains, 01e-ni Brenta5et, per vek.Wood, GcommBas- li touer; 1fissioe-ut do Yun 1, lai pweek, J. . Wrigitt, daugittar, oHe er veah, M Sl sf-i, 75 ek ieu Wuniegd, cmmissioner ; J airnsg50 th cels pr éek, M. Woosc, comiss-u sir; . isond6dcents er, 1ee, H weh, M.iigh, comaiann; . onnffM unt 5aiy cent par véék, Gn. By'aoun- e-nfo aomissi ner tr a iy et, CO Beumon 75 creuentJs. Hrmout, Banti a te-t S K Bev h cmis ommmeuîouer; wiîî ut tper- $eha pM. ie-s. omse-eior- ssi tléne-e on idowCe-ee, Jota th Plaé, commissine D. Vôo Rai' ur Thé commiléeerecommént amtet Tl su f thé b acconîs o, Ga. leagm, alla0 th tht ShyKpeBrownaster; JgohnBnés, i ohus M10 blarate pe-i wMitcelleut ¶iw teNéshitt onder o a eit, oh 45<0% trIera béaI i ~. 151 os w ~at se ni 55 w 55, 65 'o 'o 'ace. Yours tral>', R. H. LAWDER. Gaverumeat Aid ta Railwe-ys. 'a t/ee Editer of tee C/eronicle.) Se-îe,-Thé pe-megrapit in thé Spie mm lthe Titrone raiarring tea eid 1 %ivays te-abeau pret>' elraiticisé 'ltée memters of bath sites aoflii muasé, e-utif lthe publi e-aré ta jet s feeling aiflthe contîry' t>'ti t asantalivea' viévs upon tis qestloz ha quilé eviteut lte-tt(hé people ira i xour ai openiag up lte-t portion( lniai lying btleen Gloongian Ba- td0Ote-vs. lu e- ver>' e-he speech 1fr. Ha>', c trtit Partit, shovedlthe ativant-ge c ieiag up titis langé agricultur-i cane 'aof flean million acres al lant, coy td wiîh tituberae-a* uic in lumineraIs. Mfr. Miller-, nI Munkok- tht-ew ou * idée- lte-t a nailva>' etouit hé bui] un He-lihenton ta Carlton Placé. E voufi tae-kbte litent>y aisuggésti1 scema viticit in my opinion voui ,en up this portion aIflte Province ta e-t lieesainelime largel>' benêti i altier sectians, wvict is, ta tuit ti ae tram Taltenitam-- point au titi amilloandeutNantt-vwesteru Be-ilvsy ,teain the tovnshtip ai Tècunseit- Port Par, e- distancé ai 40 miles "sing ltée Nortitene Ralvay ae-hNev- iat et nlte.Nipissiog Re-ilve->'aa rbridgé. Prom Pont Penny ta Kin- )unI, 57 miles, as hue ila eliée-t>' l eration, e-ut thé séant section aofltae etari- Be-ilvw", Elmounî loHli. tan. 22 milés, is.undér construction, a vili té fe-nisitte-t>' dfoi tre-ffic it fle-l. ao buila theuce froin Hahiherlan ta tfrew, e-bout 90 miles, canuectiag e- lthe Canada Central Ralwye>, eand wchi point ii s, omippasetheitébaec item cf îe-ive-ys viii canéct viith Georgian Be-y hie-net aithé Pe-cific ily. rarr o> ut thé originae- clime ai Victori- Reilwe->' ram He-huburton Malle-van, e-ut thé Norlthern Bail. 'Ifran Gre-e-enhursl t aeaNipia. -the Kingston anti Pembroke va>' la buildte laRenfrév, lterae ting lthe Cane-ta Centr-i (airée-t>'iL -aion ia Pembroke), giving ail thèe es ounection viitlthe Ce-nadaaPacifie way. iLU lhae Western Unes, viz. : Toron- Gré>',eatd Bruce, Grant Trenb, lit Valiley', Grée-t Westann, e-ut e-ta Solthen Reiiwayi, e-ut Lae- e- atFrt Doyen vouitl taihbave a' nécticu b>' thé He-milton anti Northt- atn ERüaly -iit titis nev sechion ounIr>'ande-etlté >'éem cf uailwe-ya lionat. ii schéma vonît tenefit aillitée ways aIfCe-ne-de-, anti interféré with rigits af noue. is cannaI hé ad oI thé proposétl uta ead 011e-a Ralyey, iunuing ter laelite front, e-e-d parae-lvil Grnireuk teh, iicit vouli te seri- , - injunat b>' il, a e-avliau every il vouit cro8 ase e-o f Torontoand-u td aIea ire-iélthe front hoynan-a te-t-bou-s, eandrua ltrongita e-sc- airée-t>' vel auppliat vitit rail- sconsaqenî>' il 'woild neye aipy uvar>' dall-r invéatte il voalt DSt- lthe oltar te-et, thé proposat ne vouit open ap Oie vitale nantit- Dr portion of Ontario, vitichin - yee-ns, veuit macoup lthe Goveru-' I on e-ll thé>' migtéxpént, vitilé, s se-me lima, thé atititional mileaga td avar thé original scitemes rafén. o, wo-mat e li0 miles or 70 muées than ltha e-tqining e-lt b>'thé To- e-ud taw 1evacbame. ertara' augit tea tésetisfiedthe )tension aoflthe Beflevullé Junction Meee or Lindsay', tère conuéel- ith ltia propouet scuieme. the firaI glauce il me-y appeau Tri-ato votit ual hbave heu <air, aIo théebue-te, tut il inuit té toman utd lte-t ehiltée vastern roats,* thé Grant Trunk, canIne lu To. in addition tt itheiméNalteîn, iipussiug, thé Wiitty e-ut Lindsay Victo-ia- Beiivays vonît pour a iproportion of tlie-l r-teinta the, fToronto, ant iis scitame wauld ho beirOie-t poitIon of 0e-le-noanti ec composiug ana ai thé langeul ring ead minerai sections of thé lan the supplies fin viaitare Ctoie-Ieefrom Manlusi. ae, for inatance, -fru Toronto ta t-ohé via Brochrllé (the shorleat, e-t présent), ia 880 milés; vuse . B., Wblity ae- Linisa>',e-et ria Ralley, andi Bnfréw, aPro. [, vouit- te 250 miles.,asut ta Me-h. ofrar oimmuded la à modifti- AMil éatonoftha ýi ue -le, thé Qouse o nf s ý pvu c~ oi iaetotà foia bsl athe- léave là bringiBtlljrovldiug for lthe taypu vindingup of jointstqék acolùpànlefý source. 441 mldlt risonrsahh4 dIbo. nba p énIsids ofgsol mite, ut foiàfi - av*,h fhg thé vork pI thé Co-mlainéree-p.COMPIsI Tm tia fsei Mowst, lu t0é ThaE à, u.Os,alot on uele mittaée vas appon bv- ~ AI- nie for maintalnag>sud pxopoig i- spléé-- publié lislth.,Thé commvittea ohosén htcs cal, pr9fession ln the Hanse, toglhà g il&pi vit he i. Mùister of Edualon. that yoc gou n O i METING. . Y u A motion mateo ýy 1r ireto have tÊé Houie' méa hauérlùh la th é d as y 4h a n 8 é l ' c k wv a s t o -a B iou ~ division by 49 ta 28.- A motion, me-dé by Mi.. audler for a r a lu r u of a il C o m m is s o a op f , in i u y A u o hi issnéd since Confédération, ae-dt é" 0 tics, ban penses incurét in coinection vie tham, an Est was aftér s short dtébeapasd; -é Little business byont routine p toi W edne dey .speatyd Théestiümatai vré brought -ownu in, bc on Tesdy. ail this M. Moat annoucedt lIma thé bu- poitive get vo nit b . s ab uit t o u T hursday. débi * yi aftear i Thé Whltby Cricket Club.* SiV a fait il hi Bélow wé give s short sketch of ltae uý vork of th é W hitby Cricket Club --dtur' msefferin ing ltée lut sesain. ail Who The off icirs for thé. year Ware :- Prénoit,- Présidant, B. H. Lsvdér,; lot Vice. for prepi Prsident, Cas. Nours; 2d Vice. by adre Président, Titos. Laviér; Sacratary ~ok sud Treaslereri, J. B. Laing; Ce-plain, John Matison. Thé matches playat turing thé yéar vare : 1 i is ti CoBouau Vs. WmraY.--Cotourg won be-s usat wlth 5 innq ta aparé. let ite vw ST. G. C. C., MONTREAL Vs. WIT13Y. -Won by Whithy ilu an innin2ga anâti ieur fà 5 ru se o spre. 1. severe C4 TWNcîrv COLLEGE SCOuoL, PoRT moua, a Hlopg vs. WnraB.-Won, hy Triait7 tlseases, Collage Sciool vitit 10 u a 10 sp re. o t.ifmm WANDERES, TORONTO VS. WnTByv- relisvieai Won by Whitby with 46 ruse ta spare. dutY Of t] ST. MARYS VS. Wm'ra. - Dravn toi thé po gama lu favor of Whitby as théy bailtho Iry oui 1 2 r u se t a m eh é b in vi i o0 ly 6 he s ve r s vic k éts to v u. 1ey e-ud ar a t , c a se v it b th iatting w ll- asp écially thée ltte r S nc b a n Who at 15 ta is crdit e-ut Ray; 4. cannai bs Bain stoppad the gpmasée-rly lu théete-y Druggist sud prevntét eing playat ount. ly soit s TORONTO , C. VO. WmrnvY.-DraWn 0cets. F gaine Lu favor cf Wititby. Bain stopp. Ca. et thé gamne. Toronto lit Iunings,64 rue; Witby lit Inningi, 48 runs foi The a 8 vickels, 'riz. :-G. Boss, G. Be-y, DL lu s Burns.lau CARLTON VS. W Rmram.-Drsvn gam a oamposéd iu faevor of Whitby. Timé prevautet a varit1 the gamé froun ieing playet ont. Ce-rl- plants am ton bat 97 rens ho mae-hétai vin vith pertiéeolc the luit vioet lu. vhen coir Yamcvnýts vs. Wmrn.--WOn by sut aimni Whilhy vlth S vichets ho spare. Lunge, L TORONTO C. C. VS. Wl=iTa.-Wan by gens, Nai Toranto ilu -nin ngssd 1 rmn 4o heir fune ipara. The oaly match thst conît bcé, boing puai talled s défeal. as.ne-turae W hiby e-hua pl syed a 'm atch vith cié1 . e Oshawa, viauiug hy 45 runte thé tint pérmanén anningi quitéaesily. dseasges ci BATTING ANALYSISýWRiTnT CRICKET CLUB" Erysipelu FOR 1877. pies, . Ne-mes ï~y O ,wé do nOî ~ d ~. curas ;ibu * e~ ~fies andéer ~ f < lycounn'g i ~ e ~ arisng fra t i i - . i i - i - - -: IJaa.171h. >; j 'hundretsc lté te-y.1 yaera, ae-ut ever. AS: aI ber-utsa vhich itlae-1 e - u n eB . P e i iionsqou le. 'Prie e-i métilcisf Mu. bonsl of Minitan, Ve-il i luc Zcetance i 1fr. Biai bis réigai lection vii M. Angi raiip age-lu N t t a Félava' Col bosphita, i e-ut Vigone- e-ut viicit ù eh to 'e te. m, in of ky of of ut Id kt Ji B 31 p BOWLING ANALYSIB, WHITBT 01151E-T CLUB, 1877. Jna. Methisea-l5 inulugu, 187 avers, 89 unaitaus, 935 be-lia, 854 ruas. Wickalu, 80, rune pet. vicket, 4.42, viokatu per innings,. 5.38, na-be-Ils, 0, vidés, 0. J. B. Leing.-IO inuluga, 228 ovérs, 87 maltons, 1115 te-lis, 298 mua, Wicees, 51, suai par vlckat, 5.84, wicheta per inniaga, 819, no-bala, 1, vidés, 7. DurL0glte; pié 'al hhé,,.k; lr on tigrau'its suit ' e lbe-Ve for théq énauiag 1seaon e-s flue a eteue àai e-ny clubla Canatda. - Clubs tee-Lnt-g b ai-1 rangé me-bites for<thé -Ocpmîng aèou. sitoud"cànéspot' anc.e'viitt- 111.1 Seeceîr-fî.'M.r1: Lsu. e-te-g. J. B. lackién, W. J. e-y, Se-muai t-cnet. T. etusn, te-. eslhison. Jua. Zpplett, Tho. Prestau, J. R. Petr>' P e la ér 62,2 28 0 O12.40 e-muse-59s3 12.98 45 19 19 1 aOD 1413a13 0 4.66 12 5l 7 0 4.00 40 13 120 3.3 Fait-fit, Me., April 28. 1804. Gen tiamén-Saein'g numarons cartifi- calas in thé Mainie Farmer, eudouaiug- the mérita of lthe Grée-I Luug Béquet>',1 WISTAR78's ALsA3ÃŽ 0F Wtt» CHERRiY,'-I' e-m intiecet eutdfitase grasI pleasure in giviug publiait>' ta ltaegreat cura Il alcom liein Mylu m>'Ieeny in ltéeyean 1856., Duriug thé 'Setmenof e-bal ye#r ni> son, Henry A. Archer, novw posîme-ster l ith-s plaea u -îlechea viith spitting bloot, cougit, veahuassuoa, iuugs, e-ut général tehilit>' ;e-o muaits'O lte-t aur fe-mil>' ph>'ician dèchaethlm. to av -a e- seatat conauemption.'" -Ha vas antan matecioMIrealmeet for a numbèr ai montas, btlrecéivat no. hefil Iae- Lt.At lagl_, f<ni tae intuce z eitarhadOhbroie; isi î- TAR'5 BALsAx OF Wn,» CEse-y, vbich bénef ted hlm; no mauchhtIeetan. ther, vitich ina' sort lie reitoret, iely néoe-e-lnammItoters lu lIkéeoiiou, far il s, I ihin e-k-1 Lt purporlu t - be-1alz REAT uivwe RENEDY FOB U Ii~ Thé e-boy. ,s 4lMqje-, nt1ieMeu, is My> voluutitq l yppilivoe of your BÀe-.sAxe- ée-d'se-la >Our disposai. 50 cents e-ut Il a botîlé. SoIt bye-Il dlealers general>' r IÉîTYu.-A Meeting ot hie Be-ci-addâ eeujok-Ag-cehtura 'fioy v e-u lti itMî'Ã"ifaaer on_ téY .lQehtlm--Th irho~e'LP&'7aéXwu*n¶a làini. t-te ft m a...i le'î ol~ un.'. 'i !lîf Thé viteat ciopsin thé Dominion of Canada, for 67an185, rti'falr. average, orope,.autd rintgIhoee W0, estr-Canada éxported, lu ý*heat, &ÎÏ1d IvOrz importe; éwI iug<ali rg sr- inas ovar consumptlon afi'abtlI2j milion bsési ie.yss"écm Paea t]X te deflcienoc lu Mp of L876, of 4ban't 2 milliný-bushels. AAdtt b thesé qnshtltiés thé foriher éeflciency lu, stocks la hauts of fariners, tillers snd varéhanéomen, of 557 Ji million huahels "-,' 1 lt Sept. Ilut, budth tie g rgst tflcieney of ltée =o a1876, appears la bavé béen6 illion buselas tner au avr ,age crop; vo hlcb déflclency msy bhé -atta a.' tiear consiterable unnity oving ho écréaset cansumpt-on, arising tram igi puicescf wheal, Lu 1876-77, sut suerai dépression cf business. Thé lelunr. of théeviteat crop of 187~6 mtributet iargaly to titis dépression je-Il hints of buslna, lu 1876-77. Forlnnataiy, thé lait wbest crop of 177, vas, vitit thé exceptLon -of e- few alltons, a véry shuntant ana ; car- aiuly aven au e-verage ciop ; sud lu. est of thé Dominion renuring ho im- mrt for Home consumptinlu 1877-78 le-ige quautity of vheah sut fleur, t lu 1876-77, va vill have a consitar- mie6 surplus oh exporta titis yéear, avér u2parîs. As a grée-t proportion of le-st ýop is aillin l farmers' hanta, ant à pricas are fair, il me-y hé hopedt lit se delivrieandeutsalés turingtitis vinter me-y tb oma allant alleviata îé presault ulnasa aofta, lu ail ils KeNotices of .irt7, Marriag, and,,Derathe clarged 50 cents each. D 9 ATHES., YARNOLD.-At Whitby,.;4 on the lSth mast. Rl. J. Yarnod, aged 41 years Thé 'fuaerai tpk place on .Sanday isat tà thé tion Burial Ground-the cgrtege beiag the largeat we havé sean in-Whitby. Deecé'aed lwas well lihad and much-raspletéd by thé éntire -coin-, munity. Ha was 'n member of thé' Masono Fraternîty,- aiid was bi*rIed with ail the mpsig adIpeé cereiowies ot he bro"tliwhood. -The brathrenattandaa in, etrong loie, as. did also thé Or'angbmEýn of-the PietriQt, thé deceaséd"béingýW. -,M. of, -the Whitby L. 0. L. J. SROERTSUN SOIiIITS OBDEBS FOÉ TEE OfBùoks, Magazines; News- ppes, Pampetsand L af 1èta, of eveéry description. BOOLBDNDING, in anl tylei, laid dewu ln ' b i tb y , f ris ot é v sry ,e zp r és' o b iyïm ,'s h Tovnt'soweL a*s.T- i rae onP- libenaasThé Picke- (lieted) hma ex cit au- impus i m isin itr Anti vhemess lte "laI exedfaither elr i. hteir E wes mead an Andi itaes ltae- s aalule o Ce-ne-a 67,Io5salhorlzed oimetures ual em Tweutyfive ltaoi 5,oprties tlDs i Anti wiiesuie O p sud volba 0 a te improveeni. and umust- cauli sud pérummtuuwa a i fPcksmg, Z bae rtten ;; liane-I expenuu Aunl, vitireas, h>' ;i Oialo atib3 ltae sans psumea! yar ci Msjoe teacomuila ofsu> -by-lavs for lente Andivhemeau, lte se tvauty lhannsat4 prose-dafan lu' li aOfltée se-lt Cmpa tée -valué of ltée Ilta sexpatiueul li lie-To-wuaitp cf aont asthe nied Anti vitna, I-it i sevaunthîndmé hlmsta h ete mals au lthe itle thi ulpsl se-d au- cf lvii se-d thé ineraémt* Andi vitéema. lte smo ableeprf> ft es t4&in th é'e ig u vlle ce " tojh oureqticu. sndt alc Uvi» give it aniuiu- Obodient Servant, - ConesumptlloCuea. Id lihysiés, rairéti tom' pe. Ve-dI a *mussinar' -the formula pie' veelb'la ri'éty, lfirlIme se-t peimaugentéee! ofconaemp- nhiis, cae-tin'tahmi, sut uî f s e - t l u e - a f é a t o a & ai s e-ut raio si cure for n arro ns yingt@wJ boulodufdcnour- aré lu thouseuts a! case, Imau is tut7 e nuae t-mnaya té is. g -%e Usow s, ý - A cltu stet ý-b > tIis anti désira te' réhive hume-n I-I 'llitmut-eof éMarge, ta dee t ie-arél.inGemn 8itang sut usam8~tb'teil îalgwth itamp, namlng titis Rohester, N.-Yî Atanisiting Succes. e tuty o .a i o av en> résout vho tutefl qualiies bhé kuovu ta antsimite- cerbgng Conssbhtptiau, m ie- gits, C r o u p , A s th M e a , ;P n u - - utd lu filet al tiÃŽt -inti luug ,No prson cen-usé il ilb. ttisaoelief. Temsdasvl ne anae-uiconitér il thé e é Dmuggiose oracommant il >or tylng coninmplivé, ah leash ae btle, as 40,000 taxée- bot- ?soit las yée-u, sut no -one iere At. feil tvas reprté. tedîcine as ,thé G&ux.uusSuRnUP 0tea vial>' kuovu.-Ask your e-out it. Samplé Botte. té at 10 cent#. Rgeaie-i size 75 For sais:b>' S. W. B.- Smil-h 3realý Shositones-Reme>', Iniau vgteblé compoun, ot thé jucs o! a vaseet>'f. 'y o! ramakabla mdiinal td herbs ; thé varionspua-, r 'thèe tldfferapl utgretueus, ntinesi, limao conatiùâthetas te a t -n e ou d i > ' p o n li a . B l o c d tions l meatit>' ýaction, sud, ia ovu beverage.Th mai aecltet benaefit lu.- ail, anti s I ou l-a large majoiiy - f [thé hiloot, iuchM "ýScrofule, , aI; ulm, *Cîr -, Pîm. Immjrasc » binghs méticine île-lu te-t i vYs Partons t thIsvaý do Se-y, thst lîpuri. incits thé bica, permanent. a la n g, e M , a j o i > o fa I d is ées us s n 1h Impu1rides. -Il stands en-u unqualet ýamung thé of compétlug naticines o! Il bas aie 'a thé test of aitee- is to.tey more- popuir thian i: s mxu m m e r , r e a I u a s lv e i l i va le t i h u e b l é s l b . é y st e m againu;t tbe contant-rai 1 esubjecttt b>', higie-lae r. ersons -wbo ae-mos«bjette lic, -Dysautai>', Indigestion, a h o th é h a b n e g R m - aofthéBemét>*'iù lt bo-. Pils, 25 Obs.aàox-Soitb> ne tee'.-eu. ls as acceptdthé porfoio ai qfýMilitie, veahét t>'M. onaainnce o! bis teféat in, là friands xpel t-t bise-o- noffce viii giva simngt ho ituré luHalifax. :0 bes consentidtehopoaponé ion unir» itar thé H alifax îlot taebaplaci ý n l-tae 29tit !li s lo béofferetheSpéa. leat impouant filature lu itupund Syrupfai Hypop- is the Coinfoit, e-oyanoy whioh is inspiré4 Iit ius, 4te e sae s the-*patieut limeon ié n «Ch db a tavMe-n laomson e Capa idbe tue d*ib stci heckoaring em Oe-tagi&' sucit persan sm mu thte ssden o aalbecouuteis ibltitte famcéf u n e h c h l ' ' ouIéde-y hanta ~theoètlnLtlai 8844.00, on lte8aitde-a $676.64, ou the 81a e-y 0112, e the Sint a 9 .1, ou le ints 1da .79, au thé Blatda 28.00,enthe 81-sIde-y u116,n the, 1t day Wel?.??, on ltaésite- 8807.04, on the 8e-ie- $919-07, au théee-st d4y .1274 21, an thé 8e-stta>' $108L66, on tliste ld a' 8e-QG 69iéu thée8e-st daý surm0.a0onhe-lie- -t ta] SIffi92, en thé 8e-at de-1 8180871, ou-lte 8e-sitda] *l28L94, onthe 8e-sida] F- Il4SL8, onthe 8ald 4j 816m4»e, on thé Se-t tae- Andi suait teietaurisaS- e-t.thé Branchair i cmlienBankiunlte, Anti vitéaséthé 9,M dlebt cfDi te Tom pat ofthe sani t in -ps mm.pnn 1 Anti vitreasi, for Pt, liopudté le-he lanuna spécintemal tradt parts ai on viii requin té ha ' ntUw o m Be iltharefom enaclai Cauncil af thé Cor] ahi» of Picksernug, lte nidCoipone-ti c1 Piokeamntolae-M

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