orlwo .......p .oe ' Iswhy. ... .............0 00 ...sle4e....., ..... a1 ya........... oaié...........I 4 ....i............ .Oec 0 Wood ..... t...... .. 7 o 1. ln ul« ,o, 0 # 50! imuSquarter..... ou@J456 ......qu5te. . ..... (a I .........s. . e ....... lM pu Md ........... 475, 0.1w ..... ...10 Gstre................. 30o0 Tobtio, è6..pepuir... dO vitm ....psr*pî. .....0850ma put-t *.........., 7e 9 DBy-loto 10,au f55dm Picz «V Ns4r Opai at"ho Wbsrsaa The. Plob.rriuIarbor Comio aum of imost ou md Adwiu'sa. thé. sala Cotapsupropose An vires. tir saiS Oor atnuS.g statuts of Canadab1hIctoria, oci 67,1*snhuhorlasd ta Issu, bonds orc b.ntorss not uxcuédlng 'n thé aggr.u Twssty.fivs hboutundollars, vi dobatumo. sli e a fini chargeoont properties tallas, s revenues of sa A" *viiethens r.énng cftibi lurid sud woks of isaSCompany a tis improv.m.uls, isrson bave prai and muet continu, ta provo af un sud permanent advau ie ao ele cfPickeuing, snd wlioh savants vil!b. farth.: enhancd by the, id li-ons! .zpendlture proposeS. v d hiesa, bisarà t repectl fuicilpal Inu luttons 'n lthe Provica 0 ntario, and by lth. ad tho ame the ane passe& lu thé thirty-soeez yem of à % maI.tyW o lguJOapsur 1 tii. comUe a ofîy Tovablp May poi by-lsvs for lecnding monoy to suy i corporated cempuy lu respect téaus Harbour *ithin or nr.such munie "pokllly. And viieu, theM ssrity for a louai1 ivenhythonsand dollar. May smply1 prodi fo1r by the. issue of debetum aci hnigd Compani, sud prolsee1 thé valusof ai is <ompauy's propert il tu .psdl.nt 1h"1 the corporation4 the. Tovnulip of Pickering iocd i an sud otutht ialaid ompsybhy iy4 Io&& to thse etent af twenty thonas dollars, A" S hursuu, Il vii!requinre osu saenheun iundrsd sud fotir do] las to b. rsasd nu0%ly seci rate on t1 hvil. ritasprp.t li incpality forl.pjnoi Nuid anUMM f lv.uly thouasud dou a bls proporty ai lie saiS Tmouhi» Pu ,wosg thelb.lut Ãevi oq »i~AIl.Sassument BOl! for th .555E fla hirosmions"sévenbun ds udirty.ons hhousand ana mi ad" h-o tlars, (0,741,w.i AnS vhù.sa, thé amont af thi.e*lishi dobt ai 1h. Township of Pleklri founthousua ddollars, sudtherélur = Sat cf the. principal Or inteeat hers AnS WhOMUs, for paylnq the debmtUr. opsdt h udunS.: tuis bI * 15v, asudhéie ltest burson su squij annuelspécial rate ci forty-s.vn hun. drsdth parta of on. MMi l in . Odclii d11 = eliscootinmo indB.s I ad ditimo oa lOtherats De à I- tbà lt.fo nte by thes Municipaj Council Of ith. Corporation oaIthe Tovn. ulp 0ai]Pickering, sud It iihersbyet, thie aS Corpration oallie Tavuhi of Plckerbln0o ansd aisutt tissaii Pceig biur Company (lmItdS] byvay i loinstta the SItent ai Iventy thousand dollar, r, P'. do. for 1154 du- ehlu the nu, anda yd. ,ai d. lor Yd 1. son No INo NO oi Ni b. r. No 'id Na oi SN., N. ho d Nim a. tiil I. Pa~ la hit %0 thi )a hi NI il 1 9,TIt forthe purpo»o ieo arsad thie llévecitheIrmiipat f heTovn. a hip -ai Piering ïuaimesu@ dsbsu. luis e1 lis Corporation O!'lihe Tovn- i hli Plierlng ta be maS o, tahe &Montlcif tvl thioad dollars, euh dbtusDe Lar no legssJium, thaSC oneinudriddoUas, vhioi aiS débututusesb.ibge i ilises!M 0' th@. orporallou, sud siguod by the- na.of1 hie saiS Muulclpalty au by snob Perimo s, my b. aiborfie b thehs.ad Couil tosi teliam ama u uhail be cennt ajndby thieTréasurer of the si oia nS imbal su- hibil on theeuhrof lsautiorlty onde: v hh ley ve. lsued.l The Ti.Ma debenhures ia" bear date ou lie day lrersnafter appointeS for the Comg lulo, force of ibis By.lav, sud shma payabls on the dates ber.- inaiter nut mnie d, liat à u tasay, -044,00, ou th. 8lyai Dfeesmier, 1876. à 706d8, o n thé 8151 d y of D cem br, 1879. 611 .94, on the aet dyf Dmcmber, 18. f7.91, on lt8. day of December, 1881. f6679, an lb. fiat day of Deomober, 1809. 7 .00, ou the81.4tdaY of Desmber, 188. 771.68, an th Blt day ai Decembor, 188. 17.77, on l tisiday a of aber, 1885. 70é, on lits day ai Docenmber, 1888. #910,07, on lhe 8sut day ai December, 1887. 097491,'Ou t le t day af Deembet, 188. 81081.8, ou the 81.1 day ai Decombsu, 1889 t11 h suhelt day of December, 1890. 0118080, ou i e 8 et day of December, 1891. 1,1920 1-.p 81s1 day aft semba, 1898. 180.7, c eoBhiet day ai ecemaber, 189. ou lb. cmthe81.1 day of Domer189 144485 , ou te l Sisi afaiDecebur, 1895, 100-.7f, o lis 81et day of Darcmubr, 189M. 1LOI9, on lie 81.1 day of Duoember,189. Abd suci debentures "aisil leriyan., At thie ranoh or enyoif eDo m nin oBu i'nitheTawn f W!b. T. he alS Dsbseiir. ill boar intr. Ottat dAia t«Ithle rat of Lxpetcent. per anu=, frontlm i the &roof, sud ui 'nIsrest Ni5Ib.ayable yearly on lie lirl4unt dayof m .ji, in e asu very9sar ogeher vili lhe da- en a<sthesaiLB? av. th iaia 1Corporalion 01188Têvltshil Pri gMd the mscon.y o ros 1 ,si tisbllmpelover lolisei Compny ms on, a lis propertl., nurSor dsloydby -fus miii capeelly Msu a god ondition - tais efUsotaonliseSud day of Mm ou thaumstd aiguhuadred and i .nly-elgit. 91;Thse .eqgmh' day fFebr te.nhidroftsuI se etlS il office of lie Toinshp Clu ,int Township of Plckerlng, eallie haur elev.n a'clocki'n thlirsnonla beai sppolnwe, athe tmh lm.sujlpm 0i spiuniat by.liu. ,sof u nid Tovnshlp. ai paons ta atsndý lhe varions pornoig plabseu, sud--I4 finalmoan ' up of lie volsfonu hall ai lie persans interssted 'in,îa pramohlnq or opposlug lis Byla* 1. The. sihtenulhday of YFsbrmaloi. taon inndr.d Mana u.vsnty.g1'i said icur sud plae, la i.rslayappotn ed se lie tims aMd hmcIortlé sui ai oftenumber ai Votes givon i augainit the By-Lav respectvsly. l. Thé vote. ai tii0 fltors of the."i Tpe î,ghh Isc4L0 b slze tli o hssuy-it h ton eovlng plau d Io. 1, GrmangeEUi-AnguaMeR-.B îo.9, Boteu ouse, Dnffius Cresi-Zi Lon, Betrnln oX Ber o. 8, Llsyd-ailGo arie, "turnlng g ac rod G4h4'a ]»Wte, omogs-Davi GL b", u*iuoffice. o. 5, KaBHl--olaiy otu: C. 6 ne offeu'a stare, Greenvood-1 Mou, Esl Burnng ofcr r. MusialHall, 1Wltevuls-G.o. B: Bta>3rning éoeor. Dmnn tong afficer. o. 10, Pbc1hoiHuall, Alan-L- Eeea ])Betur ng fflo r. NOTICE. Taie notice liaI lie above la a trn. copl lprOPOW dBy.lav, vici viiib. lai. 4o conld.ratlon, b~ lie Clounoi:oai Il sue on. monli from lie flu uol Mrof llIs te WsaCsscrm ns uv brrthedat ofwhih f putbli ionvîi tne wenyýfomh ryai 3Ja bIson - ndred sud s.vnly.elgiî s Sthe votes ai eloctars'-o! lis= maiS niv à âlt4«h la ofFebruay, etele adreid nS evety.elgh, ai.lsthérT ll1ng plus,an. by sud be le aBe. nlnzg Oâlfiehrsiein mà enhioned, a st au hpolu loos viibopmde e. a'lci i oreuoon. Ou Dahed t1da lit cday ai Zany. 1878. 110R EBE-TO TavnbtpClerki bItrI, Poa P 4,10&1881,a RailyC M be heistahthe Omcf lsa h comffly, lu the Town ai WHITBY, on S8aturdayv, 2nd Februtary-, next Allihé iicnr of Tvlve, o'olock, nioan, ici thie élection ai Dirrectari, sud Lar otier pur ie transie: biais iii b CloseS trou 151h Zanusryut ller the. gala meeting. J. 3J. 11085, Wihly, J. le1, 1878. ety 0ÂTTLE SRÈD Came inta lis premises a! lis undeoigt- eS, about lis 951h Dec. lut1, four yomnI caSille. -1The over in .1oe. ta prayw propsrty, pMy expsniss= ÃŽihem s'ay. WUL KUB14 Lot No. 21, Jan. 28, 1678. Sh Con. WiMLy. IBÂAC »OIIGLÀiâ, lis shartest notice BeRésdence,.-Cel-SOiv. Post Office address, Box 152i Oubava. (S G. YOUNG.Èà glTB#.' lr-5 B B Issuerot mata Loanu . Osrras-Ove: Dominion Binia, WMbh. Jan. -9176 1. Notice to the Public I N EW C(5A L' Y ARD AT IrQBT,,WRIT.,Y. m a k ao r d s . t s t -e d 2 Laiva 7. On: ordrs wvith Mr. . . ýLog, or viti . W. ArnaiS, a etofe 0of 'hie lisO C. Daper, Whuby Harbaur thheu-tstlfyr'g aieno vhbs ' ~have u~i "The eB0t Cosl/ersW-n ARNOLD & FARE WELL,ý Jeu. 9,188 -MrWbiy W is egnurshbao sta the. en nna dli o i Jy a ~ ~ t ur40 o3s Maiu UgVRuumJj lis1 is. WIIl bs ofersed. cfli, AmoUisor Vhoul Cng ion of theB stcet mugi, evj"n tà , 1978osAlost Be.tquahity, 8 eisprgallo)n- WhilI7,Zou. 1, 1878.- .4 l-res.Astbm, -o aVoici, Nurs £L05 8 pe St.Vits umZpüao1%0whop-ng -1 by the -Keg. FOSL TA ICUTIiieanri prou otD. erWCanned Fruits, Pickles, Biseuts, -'of best OCR"Do noêbs *deivea byiredies bearing a ality ýOy n& H ie, 9C0Pgo0paymsne ftto n ilimllt ansn ther ' q,.u as.es ..e, a .Aaer n tisn. Look outa for the o ndd tiY6romsaJ.u.L iho i idHrrings, Salmon ÂppLaELOW, 1. John . N. ,on the ysfaw ____ ____ ___Ci -Trout, &c., nBadê1ablà iaIf- - à W1 BENJ; BÂRRETT, - soby n â am ZBrrts Ouda1~ret- hIbY HINA HALL, flAINGboght oui ihé luterutofM. 0 N015 10Jl uiz.Iarn- making Sugars tispeily n JrniZ, ïn iii. wtc 7 fNi7-3fl E AST T0ONTO. 5AGki,~dr, t itcutomus nSthe. Fae B.kuu"n Tma Ssia 51aod omi O#mudtqna-, 1 Ilspons. -z13 lbs. of -Brown Sgrfr$.0 - lvur Pista s , O rns mauudo ofGluuarMi 20 ls. f rrants.for -~ porter. T.-1: W1ER ýO480 LUUUU"Uzuuon M iin»en 5 U L4.zW.., .-Mo0a -alsd avb coffoenl, otexqaý BI5Ã"UITS5-Sodwuand Aberuethy, best-quality. -l ~ .Jot i<5UGÀ P£8 :ý3 twt i&h d,Puind i" lj ed 101. for one unonar - T heip .9Oauii.dFrils, Oytri, Lobmtri, ait a4,dSsdbarrsi Fiai, sud bouesthen ALL K/NDS 0F BE8T FAM/L Y GIIOCERIES. -,w-tyi T:arm Produce taken m*n Exchange. Butter, Pouity Eg,, Âppleu, sud Potatopa vWonted, Get yaair supplies Oheup, and eaU TW -où ~IMUN FRASE, W oib Dec. 28th, 1877. dBitII-TED 1 ma.~ WhiSby, Jn15. , 1878. ti E1>ENDUS ALE N~iWÂNDFRESHI Ce -cmmncw min- a Ladies and Gents Furs at costan in br4er to xk A fe w Buffalo Robes left to be :sold at '-reat bargae iby Ieaoegoiu be bought Oheapeiý than at jaction Sales. l~ie 'sBIOÙ,o~ ek.SL R aving corne-out of the Fire safely Ihv been enabled to re-in- gel ~~vest the total ahïbt ff '-ô Ùy DOMINJ11ION wAR.UEROoMS. Of other Capital i~h JO"WE MS C& IpQWE purchase of an en- Have is ree 1e aLarge tirelynew anýd Stock of Black ad Colourd Cashmeres, Black r is, and Coloured Lusters. Ladies four b utton- kid Gloves FRESH STO-CK anGni&ensE venîug Mid Gloves, Evening -0F -Flowers, Muslins, Laces, Ribbons &o. S A IL OR/N AND DRE88 - MA KING GJ CEI8Là Q R, c roL.Q R B TO ORDER. A Lage toc ofWhich having been, secured SG_ R O GC E IRI E Se for Cash on Most advantageous- terms,' , LOWE8 POWELL. dt fe<a fùlly __________q&RSRED E2i5 Per Cent, Beow Ordinary Prives o ~~n' ,LbaCnevatv*IBTgioCcash to z Bueand promp't Paying 'f e uyersat Wholesale and Retail. vatie à sodtio ofW1U sIIby Publiect n, s thpacy. I deeHl it unnecessgry to, en- to WHTY, ,hIeftoto,>ko M aMAONIOz HALL, BBOOKLIN, PtIF s NW505. ufttro, &o., umerate the items in d6etail of may large and ON WITHOTT EEVEI~d 84ZU»F~~U4Y2nJ87,. <, - I".1extensive stock; any -attemp'týto d50 ILut one o.olock. p. n. m - z.mcxzzRIDA Y, 251h JANU4AY, 1878, would fdIlà dozen Chronicles, suf- *~~~~~~ Fo__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Pr particular ses Postes. TESHEPPARD tL. FAIRBANRES, fice to say that it is complete in ail 'JJBILÉE SINGERS n.18, AnlOnrines and that customers will ffnd HOKIS'NAT HLL iJs JW z1 on the premises every article ON4 111111U F-4 that may be, enquired for. *Monday evening, 'January 28th, Haso Don'tLai!ta har hm. Amisson 9 of Familles making w sd 5 ont alooreu t onertIV,,1hDof ---CLEARING SALE.--- HAMILTON-& H A'RR-OW ER Are still continuing their Clearing Sale of CD-00(D8 - Customers calling 110W, will st O> VERY SPECIAL- BARGAII e 3ea -IN--.. sonable Thxeir Auction Sale is stili gol: -0--~ vaà tered, anS bave gaôSbuâgns,'rdh. ga a dfeuces,. - ----- For Ternis and psrtlculsrsà nniai 69-Sm -TRAPAtfiB, P. 0. lie beygIota cothie- atli- licn cf tite iuîhabiants of -Whit by, Oskawra, Lindsay and vicinity, to aur CARPETV DEPÂIITMLE>fl whfelu is this Seasoitaone of the importanit featurea of or lim ue. Our preiret' Stock. aincuit8ta aver$.40,000,and -oî»prises Ba-usss Tape8try and Kiddern-nister <Jarpeto, 2I1attirt.qs, Mats, Englijoo r oitclotla, dc. Pmronsreqiiuc-. ung carpets arnounting ta Twelity-fivo-dollars and up-- Wards wifl acre 7nwîre han theif i-re and ýave the largea&t stock in Canada ta cîtoose frarn. Note' the address- PETLEY & DINEEN, Crolden Glfin, 128 ta 18.0 King.st. Easi, (Opposite West larloet Square,) -Toronito. Nov. lti1877. 8m-47 House to Let. A LJO3WOTAlUlE, TWO-STOEY .CIveing, trame, conhains elgial roomu MBS9. DÂNFORD, On heprznemie. ecure KO KN W aiuln the boit mediosi 0128Lvcr SudentYiet rNs TH S L . I fPi Physice DebIlty sud line i eecl£ n ssd ontold mia.tbatruiulg tberefrom,aedoilnsm oreSuerglpre. - niim ~ocf vhlch lsvorthtbepbce cf beekemvitebyieuoez. tursive and brobsbiie isg sklM#itrseilne o d, t,-. e te M' es- INg on. , -t-TNY8ELF LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, NEW ,WINTER BOMT Allan Line 0F-13OYAL MAIL STEAM8AIPS. Every Sunday from Halifax au arrivai o!fie tri evlng ool At 7.02 a.m. eery r vday t-Cabin farea redmcea tae68 $91, Beturu hicieta, 8127, 1145, 6170 arcardlng ta position a sa romi "o1v0ufr si= azZn.2Oli167& Sarima. ~9 7li, d Steeraepasuseugers are foraardedltoLon- donderry, Beliait, Glafgav, Queenohovu, Bristol, Cardiff,asdLandoaa ane rate as ta Liver1toal. Parties wsu g ha senil for licir friellile s obtain ticket.. ah loy rates. For tickets osu fr:information apply dBE0.-YULE.- Exp. aud Tel. Office, Wiitby. WibOct. aOh ,7 f8 PHOSFOZONE, The New Nervine Toniel AND -SMOKE DRY GOODS9, )AMAGED Whitby ; who are now offiening their -entire Stock "If amaged o-ad sound Dry Godo, . a tremoudau sacrifice, as vii be en -AT- RTS 10 by 1hof oloag qtati00o n f pric 100 pi-s. o G cdBlnkt$200,uul cg , prs." set job 4 25, c DEEE5 GOODS.-rBlak Lustres fram 10c. a yard, upwards; ail Wal lFrench crimes, 'n 9 diffient shades, a 25c.; resa Material, 15. noaia price. 25c. rse M aerial, 20c. meaipri.,85. Gray FM an nels at 82c. wortfi50. Cottesi eedo for slirting, 25. naunil prie, 87c. Tweeds worth $1 50, for $1 00; aufactrers' prie. in Scotland, 01 10 per oard. fa Clothing sud Miiery Departmets crowded. ,ef W. have engagd. Btà ff of obligin lug dunta vait oour ustamru dnrag Ibis sale, vhch 15 now ,ng ou Na trouble ta show gods t Ai are invited, ail are welcomo I1inone fo e o b uy. < I. ie.EMEM.E11 TýR STAND, aoPKINS' MtISIOHALL. $3.00. 5-25. Wgs- to announce that lie-lias «umea business in the old stand, wýith* a large assorted stockvf 'ROCEIIESI do NFEÈCT IONERPYy* ]~'~UTOYSTERS, F1-SHI &c., Suitab1e it ia -Apesi haste, su&d se stomai. S8a paeSin hel Nos. r1 = i& fol he 1 1 - Genui1ne and Absolute 01 WATIýR SA LE OF 1 FIREY LAING