Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1878, p. 4

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gia mal. -d11',vuld 9. 4udithea [oùs.d vlitý irold u ii ff -;i; -al -- &Avur m P uIU twl task wq*ed ouly*réy. y tii. jeb go le worh 1 sowzl reuward,ueon *jh'oa t recàiycthe whtch lgriesa of rhe Coe, two u t rosodi fÃ" he 4r4, eiglit for t4, fànruhs âôon doublid uP,,or .very squiare Malthét suini wasornnd te1 2S,(5,74;o7,7oeo CEîscfgrait ienugLate Cooer àiiI b.o cutinoues herho a wltlî' a la1-cr d'b.thli'd of 1 inc in l tlicinéft!' r r Tihé usine of the e*ýl.Wi jj1y' ot cn the-greiDs îu net given, t*iti is high probable lhe stopped coouting ai the e piretiera ef the n inety-seventy year, S* wearlly exclalming,- 'T'isis whaite remibered,l" guessed A ah tbnuanti remiuiog. Hlstoryr doesn't Bay s but il Muet have gone againaqtthéiegmi Of e01ti kiug te fulill bis promise. Tli wholo setory, however, soude Iil<e campigo Ilie, iinventod by tie enem for sema in ister parpes. Liglit, açoorcjlng te professorSoli b odly, travels 192,000tumiles a eaun Thins lq uoli faster Ltienthe defaultin p resdleu of a' savings bank travelo fin proersi darirneis whsn ho gose an, travels at thu, rate ef abont tiirt Z Mlle an hieur, but regrets uth e eau t niaI as goo0 ime sliglit. Aîohrfignrl twvister, says if oni >0 we0ro saet'e t et compoundI iutere& lu t esà,ari t four piaoent., thé.droi of Mn 8606, It von 4 niount teb uihlllo 201,j,458 quadrilliinî, 831 A cent i a Ver small surn aud wc ail miglit sott L t amnount et coin. potina Inter. ýfort- te beuefit of oui postcrily 1,800 cèars hQece. But soin pertions perostontlyrefuse te(du ahy. thing frpost6rity sluply becans, pas. terity lias neyer douce uytbiug for Ilium. Theij saine autlinrity furtiier acclare thet If we p4a t U, tae, collecter the amenamit Yave ntionQa lu silver, lie would aisedi80845OOOOW,0, 0)').wagous forito trauuoportation: Wlon Yen oive liaI muai taxes, thorejore, yen had botter ptiy thé col. hlcor lu graoebanks'or Chiecks, for te quoe .the. proessor aferesaid, la robbery ouiiiii be conamtted, ou te hindanoso waigon which vould net be discoveredi titi the .24,780th generaliou of tex col- Iltieute tailezgleaner, te »Avé hbis mu~tation and znny, anud prevent lieiug remeved te inake room 1er a mi bosonin10 tlhéieopposite 'pltical par., b.gaa li mpeil , te employ A foroe lai or theti United Statoo arnay bere it was out down te 10,000 men. te as Mr. Dans, of tie New ,York Sun, te trave! ablong wti thé' Wagon taitx rotect 1h frein tthe dep. redationo U afsnts-09peclally -if hé vas 01 in'luthe.diraotion of the Titis t no uy, Wée u'. ainl. formed, dlsîrlbuted ameng thc people of tiie saill, ',vOUld i.e oah of ibe 1,000,000 ,0 t ihabitants about 1'- 200 trillions ef dollars, sud he or @ho couladeery oçond tie,2,000,000 for 11800,00.yerswieut rehing the bottom In lior lier puro. 1 l3ut ,wlîe vaut. te $pend tint mucli 111one- Aqt i any yars?, ýe$64r Mi vo e or tilte lbe poor-thou gfi, by t hoe wey, coma te .think, of Il, tiieru woulil ba ne pour te recoie41. Sucl aa -diatrlbntiou, iiaorcover, vonlil- nul make !thlugd ai ploaseut for us as ah first iltt npeanu - If oerybody Lad a pure. for, 8,000000 yeisrs, nobody Coula bo inducud Ie do auy vork sud ive shiould aillb. obliged te u maeotr ewn shLirts sud tronsers sud thingi, The enly alternative woula Ïb. te go ivilitlact clollios sud join Lydis Thomp. tinn's ballet troupe. JLnt uâ remarla parentheatiaally, thaït whle wrltlap oft tisse coiosal canas of mnon.>., Wb beomo teotally obuiicus to e ihard, sad tact that our ownesel. ai y le imiter $28,<000 a yeer. Tweuty.four lutters of the alphabet cein bu cliangeti 620,448,401,788,289,- 439,800,000 of litues, ail etwhlelî Chan. gai; ceuldueot b. wriîteu by bic popu- lation of tha wlîole world iu 1,000 A part>' uaued Enuler emys se. How lie- disaovered thé rcnarkablc fiact isnol seatd. W. ?ther surMnise liat 31r. Enleir0 would feel deeply abagrined if the en- tire opulation et thce arti veràa Le set warite eutMail these--1 -11 -1 Dit7er, attends tabu i ia isinf(or purptoee t xhbiof . hc0 te Menmleas 1t4e iee, ~ ~ t oaeboxuw htamine tho 16 enoli bo'kniw wai qutstien ha o c»Id be sked, and, biat ausowor 17. DMii b.o epectea. Il 8goba pned, Iwerer, tiut one led vas nass1ng, sncf le. 0 question, "f14 God -mske yen p.?,1 bâ put t h le m i.nO eder. T je.r.. nu vitiz tue teothscilu.11 * svp in. ins fUc*ig t urouRb the e I& *4'thnAmu~*h ontl tue FOR HORMI AND CATTLE. é e .w. bave nose, who vil applyt? ~acobDafec Utios A.D.W.ks UxbrUge i QoodwSoo ý 6 ý-. Giéuïijôr do Z.B. Eurk Brougham 0 McabBron. Claenmont d T. W. P re Rnfwo : amU e Tsylx r Wbiteal DuaIl mi2beec If Mrs. Woodsa« Oherryv.od. John 04111e Dinbarniî John Gregorf Mrnnsavilse Daniel McIirady .Audey A LIBIERAL 01FLI B. 1 vill seuil on«, dollar'o wortla of Home grown seeds, by the packet, posjtage p aid, and the Wkby 8usox<. &ILz, (price $1.5p) for 12 anouths, free sC . 33RO'*WN. B. G. lLATTY. Z- S. &. EJOITTY & 00-, Du. )iLEVILLE,. ONTARIO. Offers advantagei for ô"4aîning a COMMERCIAL EDUC/J'10N Ecjcallto any Institution in Canada or lhe Uplted Statea. It. caverai lepartmenha are cociducted tcy thoroughly campaient mec, Whoe teacl ticat wh1icb they have Jearned b> aetual bucsiness experleicce, and theretare pracuicsliy ucciertand. TEE PUBLICATIONS nopraCOLLE GE. The '1Caiadiau Accoutant," "Joint Stock Cpm any' Beok Xoaping,'ý "Beatty!s Guide tc E legani Writitg, etc., have ob. baned a national' reputat on, aÏdi are the. productions ai the Principale of the Col. leie. who are dai]y eugaged, togeticer vith tiihitèachero, lic the Cliss ,nd Lecture B08 andMerciait's EHm- T*ICOURSE 18 SHORT, bocause thc e e-htug l thorongh sud pra ticat, ancd ne pàl2ia are spared te, gin. le each studeut it&idctua!p, ad -aell as ho the varans claseies,.the Élrnohcl atiection of thce taaclcarcc Kit The College Journal, eoifainii ng full Information resî.ecting terme, nature ef coursesbo&rd, eîtcýancl SpeîmiÉ eotpen- malpbéi. aauetfre 611appicato. Ad Yeis - . G ; "'BEA ., M IL - D e llî v v ill sB e l e v i lle , O n t . I . . C . , . L - k L ' U' J ] i.1now Coinplete ini EveyLne ..i.j- - ~ ~E. J. JOHINSON. Very Special Inducernents -to those Otro l. Plunan Edde 4Oyohre reeetve NUtd, *Il Kmid. îjdaiLumy. mi itttacts fufm Ul ads. B ul r î Have YOù en$e& U~nntr oOinyre- quired. 1 u t f h i eg for W.- 7 Orki d Gluasware rn ü 1 Cas paf~îÂp~lee Poa~osButter, Eggs and olty 'Wbtby Da. Itb,1M.PETER SMITJI$ r91 King Street,.- - Toronto, IXHELARESTSTOKRS OFFPURS EZVER S:HBOWN IN CANADA,. ýl-FINE FURS FUR TRIMMINGS CUT MEAR ROBES. ASTBAi WOLF IROBES . USSI IRÂCOON Roïk.s, s. e YAK ROBES, PERBLA BIUFFALO ROBES, MOORxt 5. S. SEAL CAPS, ~ 8 OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, lM PEBSIAIN LAMP CAPS, PEESLA 13ALTIC BEAL CAPS, ASTRA( CONEY, CAPS, BLACK GREY LAMB CAPS, * CONEY GERMAiI MINX CAPS., GREY Particular attention given to 'al i oreÀ sPecialy attended to. Toronto, ýDec. 8, 1877. TO ORDERt. Alterations 1y40 tw44V aE atWt*h ail thm fiaiopéra l oy . of'.mO lud1 OurmI a lnery hbs o 44i P1stct4Ur own achines--rmn ol iygbe aetïti voikecea re 011,1 catei sup to tla. vaantsandqiremene Ouh kfiwledge Of the constructon of ourMachieg md anetusealeeOb. tam a higher dogmse-cf skI!sand pWOficieue bg mj n "~ 4~o~ itRitasl mât, 1*1 putyOf i exoutin--an aonsequent reduction f 0pont. vo enabled b mm ou onOur Macýhn.. a ftl5*en prioe. so loy au abslutGly todefy VT0 l a nonov seel k vwna a S ingle Reapor, iat &.Word etfconamendetio ol al uis b e en u c &C u8, but a* here ar 1 - m v u si machine Whe ha - - - Ù" ing up te ihe ici e - l o e n oinstOn Machine, vlthent kaep- ing p t thelm i4f - Jet justice; te enioires sud]Ptosrqief u te atate that v mdie4il l a ng «irus1auiede a sud durabulit>', 01 outi-liievery i odccete f drafi sud e0s& e 0 na.inet-thuu"Jebpgston, , as puanuuacbuLred b>' ns-stands p r -e nin en tl a of.d et il th or'r eep e r. i In p r e fo f th ' o i i n w . h v u > le point te liem ýyirst d~savarde i us-ate l a.laProIneWaltriai of on- tarie, sd and ' y exas~ lh haie taen place ail orrCanada, wltlln t be l a t f . v j a r .- OUR TRIUÙ.MPH dOMBII4,ED MACHH4ÈS vith lahe improreenus, i. il l tat cen b6 desired ici e (iombiued Machine, and canuot tai! ho rmuet sUi.erequirements ef purchasors. Our Improvedt Cayaga Ch/af Jr., and our :Young ,Ca&1dàAMowor& re WÊrËhÃŽbiak.i ichlnesccnstutd almuogb vieil>'f t-on sud Steel. Thc Cayaga Jr. hasa roar ont, and the XuuCud front Oui;,boîh streng, dnrý abl. machinas, sud nob xllel b>' ans'machines lunlice market for qelt> et culp farabilit>', igihuesé ef draft, sdÏplabllity, sud case of anagemne. 1i ~ - -P , '-"-"ù' ', LW - wf gBYHffVESTER.à sie counir>'bas beconie better adapted to msobinory, sud many ot cur tarm 75- & 77 YONGE-ST, 'TORONTIO. 0 bv.s~oekl.d ~ ;mhesagclgdcnn a Aire te .requiremants o hé vy e bave auceddI u stnam chine v0itj' e Wrongit Iron riramae,vwitb hte leat possible gcariug-..ith large broad-tacod drive wbe,-and se construoted that lb. frsme sud tablo tilt asti 5 0 Size B62~ en ie, lbereby keepiug tii. pitian alway>'. f-n lin. vibi th kulfe. Th I.~a ge S o v es rakes are driron direcîl> from. the ialÃœ sbeff-there balng ne perceptible oilt draf4 "adne veiglat upon -lie horâtes'uenko. W. are cnietttv a sncoéeudqd l nen t ho!mest porfeet Reaper, iakiug lb lu ail its parts,, lb, .CLEARING OUT AT HALF-?RICE. bas ever beau ioduced.t'W. Iaavo àpplied fer letterg patent, and sîlbo ioui inrention, for Our evn exclusive Mnayaufaolure, a end v ecetfnîly suqget;96i- tondlng purchasers, Ihai lhey should iismciubeoliangtheir orden ,fo te csihreat. The 6"Wbit y Harvester" veiglis, .lî l, 0 p1d just rec-eivedl. genfous hmd compact construction, il-'.oêcbines the strengt.b and durabilil>. of the S earonecbl811. M.f')Pur MqchneùD -efhl]>'v4rriated. Wk itliâi t o laiet, vs: fee confident that we eau meet orer>' re. Stock quirement, sud ve îespeolfülly solicli âàtial cf oui machines, belierlng tiat y, M y Sto k 0 fcan tfurulsi e botter maachine for the money Ihan can be obtained elsewhore. - Respectfüuy Youie, THE'WINDS OR. * (Cor. Ring sud York.-cto.) NOVel' Ë Y S2-su PER DAY. Prao omnitus te and frcm ail traffus. Ta. bIaud cppointmcent irat-ciass. - ~ FM!NIGAN, 5.îy Preprieter. ARP F-FEES TO BE TAKEN T BY CONSTABLES. (Under Order lu Cocîncil, datcd 24ti de>' of July, 1874.) 2. Afreat 01 ecaa individual upon s warraut.................. 1 50 2 : Seî-vingatiumons or iutpoeuas... O25 31 Mileage ta serve soummoni, cuti- pfen or warrant............ 0 10 4. Mîleage vicen service caîcuet b. n-pou pionS a01 due dillgence.... O01e 6. Mileage tibia driioners ta gi, excluive of1disiunsements nec. issrlly expauded fau liucon- voyance.....P.............. 01 6. Attondlug Justices on sicomar trials, or on examiuatlou of pri sonars; claarged with crime, for euch dai> necessatity employed lu eue or more cass, wheuneflt engag4en Moreo han leur heurs.. 100 7. Do. do. vian engaged More than tour heurs..........i 5 8. Attondinu ss1e r esio 0 each da1r..................1 0 I.Mleage Itavellng ta attend As. eiaaa9ïBsione or biloe Justices (when ubliye C ue neeau ho taeol osnen disburge. Moûts te be allowe.)....- 010 0.~ ~ ~~~e SuiUeig iti-: Crnersu nqttincluîllng tteudacg at luuasdalservices lu rea. pacit tereot, If held On sanie day as Jur y summoued ......... 200 L. Atteudlng each iidjonmmen thereof, il net eugageadMe, four bours,..-............... 1 00 2. Do. do. If engca oet tubor......ý;-......... 150 8. SOnring somnies or uubpoeua -le fatetnl hefort Coroner (aubject No. 10)........ .......... ,-Mlleagooervnn s4anie 1.... - varrant.............0 6Re-buryIg sain ............. 20 - 7. Serving di warrant, sud ne- tiplng mme.......dr8 0 Advertlîiug un&le distrois wr rnut...............I 5 *Travell ig o va1Aîtr 50orh treba, avien ne gondâS a 0fod O10 Appraiseants vicether bun 9 or mara, 2 (el luti olar on té vaiecf gaods Oatou aisdommisio Etis 8, ou nei premicce cf gnousj. - FXSulqg5a~w arrant ... vhlenper$ona911Y Aertr,!. shd-mard , ... STAIRTING BOUSEKUBEPING'. UNDERAKING. Full Stock of Caskets,, Coffins, and al the necessarieà in this lino. Also, A WELL-APPOINTflD H1ARSE. Wlîitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 PREPARE FOR THE FALL FOR WELL-F1-TTIN0, CHEAp, AND GOOD 000-- BE ST AMEICAN'RUBBER GOOI)S ON RAND . BR~OWN-& PATTEIRSON MF'G. Whitby, Otaro, Februar, 1877. 'OUR NE ofAlKnST ha n OE c- Dg Fe, ate ce ra i. ie Co. Goos f Al ind,- hea00d.God MICHAEL GLEÈSONýýQâOte with F. Meen), Greenwood, whcre he will be happy to sec aillxficndô. The, stàck le eselotedý with a view te mcclt the wants of ail. Sme trade je our especial sim, and wc will dcfy compotition in cvcry !ue of the busiaess. Chcap Goods ana gS&od. aoods will demand oustomers. Nothing Wantcd by old or ncw eue- toniérs; but ebaillb. furniehed un, hort notice. A epecialty in COAL OIL, 5 gallons for $1. t> Produce ofail kinds will bc paid for in CASH, or goods given for the. same att hht at. GEEENWOOD, November 101h, 1877. Go where you can get a 'Well-fitting Garment :-To t) Taiorng Estalismen -Af A Large Stock et Fine Clothe ; beet Engliah, Scotch and Canadii Tweeds. O>' Excellent Overcoating*a nd Splendid Ves etru good fit Gurantccd. GURLE, O$am fiet Lan Gante' Catit Boots aud Shoesc, iesct and most durable made un the ceuntry'. rLdies' supei-ior gooda lu Prunelle, Kid sud Goal, a specua&lît>' N E x TIO N E I Wlieu durabiiity aud cheapuaso arc required, eau ou OLD Nc. 1. A IO E - Large Arrivals 1 Cheap for Cash -AND Whitby, Set. 4, 1877.- W M. B3URNS.-A - 2-2mB2 0.OK S T 0R E 1 - NE GOO ~ ~AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. -------- 0-41-George Ynké bega to anlinonuce that ho has ro-opened is Slationcry and Bookc Store in lVihitby, whcic elationer>' cf all kindi, 11qiC> Mi MI s of tho beast qualit>', vill bc kept on hand ; cao Sohool Books et ever>' Clot ing nd ent' Fur ish ng H use description, Cp>' Boks, Mates, Penches, Ink, L&o., ko., ah thc loet GEOBGE OURLEY, Is 110w supplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of ailkIdnds, the ý&:rgest and Best Stock they ever had.' 00-Aiso an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, ail À>w splendlid stockof Rea4y.madc Overcoats, Chcap for Cash. MreMILLAN'S BLOCI<, BEOOK STREET, WHITBY.j PAIR C OMPETITION WITROUT PROTCETIO Nj MII. JOHN FERbG17JSON. I8 NOW IN' TEE MARKET WITH H9I8 B'ALL Ij& W2TýRGO8 Wlaici for quelît>' and price wallbo feund unsurpasscd. Made up t:n tle Lateat Stylsan ob 1tie OVER-CO.A A-' LARGE STOCK 0F S AND :BUFFALO RC The Daily and Wekly Papers always on hand. Sub- seriptiones oiitd. Musical Instruments, inoluding a fi-ne assortment of Vioinei. Ordere are taken for Periodicals, Magazines a=d 3Mus. GEO YULE. Whitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. CABINET" FAOTORY AND;, FURNITURE WAREROQMS 1 THIE OLD 8TANDi. BROOK STREET,, WHIITBYI G% i where, O~ cannot _,,faltob New DesignR weil worthy ofi peqtaoz. nt atonishing 1ev picesm ,~ Gilt Comices, Picture Framing ini vry style. orne ûnc hromio ana Engavinge for sale. «U N fl EMI IR . ýA . IlfrNT G, , fuaierals kanA 64e, A stock. -lFor Oneil p8I~O1~; lO soreo old biaagj '"RHN A,. M&QDONALD, BiON.T.:N..GIBBS,'gaa s.In or 1 ÀWE. 13EST'S> Simcoe-ýSt., Oshawa. A- December 2t 1877. aceà a~ ex . -AT- s.W. Our Stock of Faney ,Goods, suitable for Xmas and New Ylr it ,isno-w open. ýWe oôfr a la~gerassrtinnt nd btte value thani. in any pre vious- year, and suitable for ail.,Asf6or-ly, we- shah make a speciality of our DOchwLL citi AJy&iL' CASEmrý ùone Xmas Candies, 25c. per lb.y, or 5:lbs.- ChOP~Oflb6day5inihêveekboî.v.r for a Dollar. We invite ail to cahi and see oui stock. R. MAJOR, Dae. 101h, 1878. Proprlelor. Viitby, Dec. lSth, 1877. AT MB 60,0 est Plue Lumber, vefl seasone& IuchBogas. l1ecrng - I z l4-Soaillng, 1 2-lnch Plsnk, Bedu oards, BaSUWood, xzo t-. Squm eTimber. AUl of vhlch vii be soja cheap for cash. H et u %oi d i e B J Ul e 't h a t i b m f o r l [CRRIA 6E cgWA GON JUST RRTIEÀ A.THGE on Cla ytou's AMiul assortment of ail kinds of New choice Family Gro- PA TENTED. CHURfNS, ceries China, GlasS W are, Crockery and Family Christ-:Wa o, BugeSigs o taly n mas goods, ail of which will be sold at the bad.Bgge, 0lgs cntailyo * RRpAI1R 1N VERY. LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH- 9R, Doue on the aebonteet notice.- 'l Ajarge assortment of Choice Candies puirchased express- erBock Street, ----Wlb. lY'for Sauta Clause. October 22, 1877. -- l>'44 Choice Mixed Candies 2Octs per lb.;' 'Good Rll Butter 16cts per lb.- STAGE- BETWEEN 20 MEDIUM, SIZE,, LAMP CHIMNEYS FOR $1 01). WHITBy '& OSHAWA. Cà iýTWICZ A DAY 1 Creone dormie Sailboth younig and -48 1verO l aa M and 1,p.m. old befoýe purrbasinug >efaeWieie and examine- our Ptc .n M.Wulb i 1Js.m-su .0 Y ou rself.' Rei eù m b e r th e place ar 2 5ce ýt ,6b W A*W M J, G IB SO N S. ." : u s nt e h ,a udist prlite W X J.esideuces (vbezL orders are loft t fa y u-et W hittuy China Te a oe . Bo Cou ecia vili th uaws miy WANTED.-Âny quantity of Good Poultry Dressed, O&"M"d M- axid-irAh Buough Apples, Pelaloce, Beans, Butter, Egge, for whieh thc highest Market wiatby, archiGIli 187 puice. vil be paid, eithcr in Cash or in Exchange for -Goode. HOPPER.ýIM 17, 1 W. J, GIBSON. ------- TO.PEATE,- OUTTERS E UG:-G lES; Fete A ers Gl 6ores, &6., olesued sudl AND CARRIAGIES. al I .poplyatue e -a --------- $ 7 5 , 0,0 0 . A Large Assortment of Cutters and'T O la0O . fW ýBuggies ON FIRST-CLASS -F A RM L-AN D S F0O R S.ALE, C HE.A In usumof c200asd eprds, ai i7 par -AT--Apply.to-LLEN'0 TOM S & N EW PORTS Aprill7tb, 177. 17 Siit~ Carniage Factory,- BRUIA S 7RRIA -BOR<S [IUNDAS STREET, - - WHITBY, ONTA RIIO. R r till Wz E B Baton ad h P u bp ur0a b s s edeh u -t ] W i g h t f o r AT HE LD TAN ! Conboy'si Patent Seat AT T E O D ST ND 1for BUGG1IES, _TTRB&C sn uttrs b CrievU' TeirS0 ho. I vere.ticb vngtercces e. goots d Shoe8 Cheapr than- Ever.1 Brougbmm, july 151h, 187. > r-q J OHIN S AUliiN ]D E R5 *DRÊM GA' SEI Tue Great las resumedhis business- at the old 11M tand (Chequered Store), Brook-st., Wlaitby, 'where lie1 i mc y r 0oW enabled to giegod value to ail dustomers, old and ey asYsd of new. Ris stock of Bf«ýTàn xou se- excessea or cverwrk of1lthe b ainan er. 300TS, AND S-HOES, Aýr-ýaii s e -Wag ie sd e , , -1nes, el - - tô .sell off f the lowest profit. i n Cai and sc br1is tcadPie, - J WM .A. court Stree CAM! HECTOR CAVEI TE frona9 toi BYI Wm. Moi p uY'S- he eyi Wbitby, Sepi w 1.80 te6, P. E sud Gilbéenla C, 14 besi. Tecth Teeth 0trc local £Bmalhî an's nev bloc ing Street, 9 TI[Oi BUILDEB 32V' U ord JOIE -L J Sloli, AGENT 1 A CISottial cf JenathanM' L GadEOI large quantit stantly oitlien JAI CONVBYA, AL ).N2 The Clerk, Tovn Hall, c Fnideys, for heurs, 9 a. Ma. March 27th, WlL li eB. 01 Clerk DJvk -COamlisatonor &o., Atheri>', a Atherly S5tc W.o 0 ôtrn immedi4teiy. - 1877. Whitby, Ochober 2211d, .3egi to dirsetattenticar to bit; l iad supelôr tc, cmu'è e very. Leather valiseès and $awa,Ãœoga 'i un kaI ~1A OT'OP CJ~sCA RIACB tuagsit A SPECI1ALTY. i ,sewg~odiistg~, WILLIAýeH ri - 1 ili STORE 1- .1 iý .l 1 Ni 1 1. 1 L-., nwôod. 7---7- 1. à a . -. .- - -- loti [ Don. 16t'h, 18p. Whitby, Dec. 18th, is77. 1 ,;- 4 1 : , < - - 1 omi TAILORING GEORGE SUPERIOR ý i GEO YULE. 11, ý Wliitby, Dec. 18th, 1870. TILLe-s is 0 I-r ei'r: JORN SAUND ý - - 1, 1 au&ý ý FJR S. and a .L- Wu 1 m - 1 Prioents 1 ,Xin' 1 ST A -A.R-1 VED- A T HE 1 T-T R NE FASMONABLE

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