Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1878, p. 1

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At hlsPrutinI Ealab1liia* BBROK STREET, WHITBY. Terme - $1 600 par AÀnum. uha ,dAtt horate ad8 oeuipar lno, fam netoAd9oslip*i fr Uo h aune.. 5964L tnactci. by t'1 TlII5B0 6u81ne88 Direa tory., 014 TABIO DÂNK., TROXA5 DOW, YLABBiWELL & 19UTLUDGE, BARIBTRSPATTofrNeI, BOL. itôrg, Notmiies Public, an& Oouly.. osesfaut door mouluai th. Roral JAMES8 EUTLBDGEI, B. A. Oounty 0romvn Mtorn. do4 1AU CF41TU GORDON, B ABBSTBR & ATTORBEXAT.LÂw, gotaryPublie bc. n.rCovrmcr - el,îroek Street, Whtby, Ont.j CHARLES C. KELLER, A TTORNBY-AT-LAW, 8[OLTOITOR IN ton, Brook, CV.Onnng BARRIST1IR AT LAW, SOLICITOR1INI one Street, Oshawa. à. C. MoMILLANq (La* Greeuwocd Jk MiUan.) itr oay ulc.Convoncer Of. Whitby, Ontario. RODINION * KENT, (LÂTz Dua*Ax k RoBi-iscx.) Court Street, Toronto. eý J.G. Bouasses, X. à, Hiaumur A. E. LIaIT. 'CAXER0N d APrELBJr5 B ARIISTERS, Attorneysst-Law, and S8ollcitors in Chancery, No. 4 Toronto otreet, Toronto. HECTOR CAMElOt, QC' - (lY-481 . 8. APPELBE. THOMAS HUSTON, a. j. GVNN, M. D., S UGEON 1TO THEE OOUNTY GAOL, BrnStreet, Whltby. ,Dr. W. J. BJURNS. Ouwc-Nait door to OacaîcLa Offica. ab Ibudne tMr. Lewis Heuck's. BYlIOx FIELD, R. B. J)HYSICtAN, SURGEON, dcc., Dufflus' Wm. MaIJII[EN, M.D., 14.nob.t G UY'S HXOSPITAL LONDON$ ENO., ltae aye B. O. H. L., Octave, Outario. C BAD. -- DU. , BOGARtT, t'iystcian, Surgeon, Accoucher, Wbllby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 'If VOL. XXII. DUNDÂO-OT., WMITBT. (wuT or P0ST 01710.) aoalmdr d atêiv ulr. TRUNE RALWÂY EOTEL, <oplosite 0. T.RB. Itait.,) Whity. WM. O'NEIL - É BIT . Ev.wY acomnioatlon for gugutu, RacInA bn 9omlortablah7 o.lbdromu, X" sata tr -The Bar NUilsu>U dWitbulet brandu of LiquoruWIies )Jrandle., Ogaru &CI. Elvery neceuay irctongion traveller. (food StablIng, encboa yad, lkd aln tive osubas. OiMEE-CIAL rT, CAqumRH, ONT. - OPBETOR. c OMMERCIAL HOTEL and STABLES, 54 and 56 Jarrio-street, Toroto. JOHN MeBAS, . -.-.PB OPPJBTOB? .. ooasc TO Joux ELLY,>- The bout 81.00 a Day Rouge ln the City, only two blcaka fromthe s rorturn Vupotandclou to thc-Marko. Tbm Rolu sbuau ol Fitted out, ands very-thlng PFaou- la'(y41 uns. WALKEYPË TEMPER4NCE HOUSze, DUNDAS.STREET, -WHTBY. floarders 2.50 por weclc. 45 T 1EFQUBEN'SPIOTEL; BROOK-STREET, WRITBY, TAYLOR d& -McANN, PROPRETORS. Tic undersignsd deire le aira liir fledreud ths public liaI hhoy have taken lte aboyveiel Isucyn ote, vhich lhey have nsvly filleS np and canovatea, anS p ut bta h bitaet cf order for lias accemmea- lion ai ueste. The Rer,vhiehislaliehanS- moetinteouuly, isnvWOU uppflodvili lis finesulbrande of vinas liquocu, anS ct- gars. Ample encleed shad rooni ana goed stabling, box stails, &cc. DeIacied racmsa for commercial travaleca. J. P. TAYLOR,- PHILIP McCANF, lie@of Torenlo. IROYAL HOTEL, JAS. PRINGLE, .PROPRIBTOR. The lergeul anS mocl commcdiouu hetel listhleva; bashalarge &ample mecmns for commercial ravelocas. Table woi msupplied vitl te boat lu season. Boitlbrauds lilquers anS et anm.EncloseS yard anS siadrooni; allantîveolesc. Chargesule cuitthie imea. F. B.-Ltrory eblached. 27 JOHNSON HOUSE, lAiT KAUKIT SQUAnE, TORONTO. .1 N 8 U RÂA.N ZE.' A88urnoe Company, INCORPORATED 1033. ......... ; , - , ,1 , F. A.EÂLL, rae on mEulajhudbae ou= - C . NOURSE Agent, RWhitby. Whllby, April 111h,18? 17 Deposîl viithDominion Govrumeat #W0. 000. Expecleuced Agents lirougiont lie Dominion. h 14irg Bi.k, scrt.n ouf A4equatea t. C. FOURBE -P IRNIX FIE INSUEANCuE 00. Lombard St. anS Chanlng Cros., London. Ea;TAMILIRD aIN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOPPÂT &C. Agents fer Canada. E.W. TYEF, Manager, Montremi. A (ffNcy RSTÂBLIBEMD INiCANA- £XDA Rn -1804. Unllmioed llabtliby cf &Uhe eStocistolders, anS barg«e Rosare Punda. Moderato rate s of preanfum. C. FOURBE, Agent, VWtby. Whilby, Api 171h, 177. 17 IMPRRIAL LOAN AND INVEST- MENT COMPANY. CAPITAL, 86000,000. ead Office, Imperbal Buildings, Teronto. HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. ecSaLCîTea -G. D'Arcy Roniton. MONEY TO LOAN on Iniproved Ferma,i ah Loy Ratas cf lulerest. Apply to- c. FOURBE', À rainer, aR TO E. H. KERTLAFD, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MORTGAGES ROUGET. Aprii 18t, 1877. 17 ONTARIO FARMERS' .W G. JOHNSON,-- PROPRIETOR. M IUtual if8urance Co'y5 V . ADAM4S, Tzsams, 1.00 per Day. Slibllng in cou- RI ooms OVER B . K.JAMESON'S Gracey Store, Dundau.,t., Whitby. Oiffice boucs ironi Dar..te 12 ni., anS froua 1h10 te , p. ni. Rasldanco-Cor. cf Byron -uSd Gilbert ebreets. cfN. VARS, L.s D. S.- ST RETE lusorted ou ail lte laetIpriciples of lte art, as hosp uasheia seaa, and as geed an lis beat. Ta.li fIeS vti Goasd ivor. Tect extruètdS ithout pain, by pcodnetng locsialastis. Dental Reemnwa-In Ccv- an's sssv blocks, avec Atinion's Drug Stars, THOMAS. DEVEMRLL, DUILDER .ND OMITACTOII, ]DUNoAs 15T., vurrua-. -Pr1 Ail ordais promptly axacuted JVOHIN IOIINSONYS H rAIR DRIESSING AND SHAVING ISaloon, Bicocis St., Wibby. JOUN WOLFENDEN, AGENT roit THE CELEBRATRD) At.Scotleli Granita. AI Maniae Wocka cf Jenaîhan Walfean,Dundas St.,Wultby. GEORGE oCORftACE, LUMIIER MERCHANT, CARPENTER LanS Joiner, Green Street, Wiby. A large quautlty af mdi kinda ai lumber cen. dtauîiy un baud. JAMES IV. DEZA L T OWNSIHIP CLERR (lEust Whlby), COMMISSIONER COURT OF QUIIEN'S BENCE, CONVRYANCING AND GENER- AL INBU"?ANCE AGENT. Thao Clark vilha in lis office lu lie Tovn Hall, Culuambus, an Mondayc and birtdaya, for Tewnchlp lanaineme. Office - iiarsi? A. rM. teôP. M. Mercis 171b, 1877. 14 IVILL1Ara COOPER, BLACKSlMITir, --DROUGHAM, (15uccsaar le ThioniasMiSdaugb) Iliers aeicg anS all Slnd. of general vache. -ly.52 E.- ;O'DLL, A T H E R L Y, Clark DIVlslon Court, Tp. Clark, Coeumissioner lu-B. R., LanS Agent, d&c.0 &Uc., Atlaenly, COunby Ontarie. a\t0rIv i'luI2uul1872. 86 XV J.HINAN, 0OSHiAWA Véterinary ý Surgeon, WiII ba aI Anînstreugo liabai Whitiy, avery Tumeday, froua i te 4 acj0uk,'P. zm Aîrtl 2l, 1877. 18 811TORIE AND DWELLI1G40 At Liverp'aci Markiet, a New Store sud Dweltig, well fittea Ps npaui vilivea-y u.lcesary accomodation. , Appty te- Mariait28tb, 1877, -ILMJLE - .tf-la Butcera - -Duffina' Oreek, 1) EG TO NOTIFY TIEE PUBLIC Ihat Llbay il bava tceîli a bau üd, c..,Lbomb la, VA li'0,vons'. I'ioaî,y, s- 0 ,a~ni thie b,st quallîy, a,,d 9 et Picea ta suit lit imes. À aumiiisoleIli. DECKER ' O'LEARY. j D affins' Casois, For 5, 77. ult. HEALTH RESTOREDI Rsmsdy ProesfMr ltse ipedy cura cf nerraus debiîy prea tsars dOCAY, ltoutmanhood F- âutZIdsasSaca roSaceS oxceus. li4 -- aýy amLdsiss. avilimaeahCo.. aa.. BRITISH AMEIIAN HOTEL, (LATE rcOB ousE.) WHITBY, -ONTABIO. Hooas uely ronorated and furnished throughcut, saAput linf r&t-lasarder for he reception of g>uste. An omnibus to aud rom aIl trains. FIrot-class simple corna, 0 NTAItIOHROTBL, WRITE?, ONTABIO. TIIOS. MASON, FBO1'RIETO-.. Superior accomodation. Table, suplioa vlth bout Ilu seauca. Genuine iquoro. Cigars, boutbrands. Blllardroom. Eecniy sthblu an Shes. d-tf S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Cor. King & York-mta., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY, - PR*OPIETOR. Trnus, 01.50 Psn DAT. (ly-47) POST OFFICE SALOON, ToBnozTo. M. McCONNELL,.. PRO.ZqIIRTOB. IM- THEE lIESACCOMMODATION ami for Guests. 177 &"OPIANQS EoNL OO LDEALeWrI ClNORRIS & SOPER. LUMBER!_LUMBER 1 C. JOHN SON , LUMBER MERCHANT, W HIbT BY, Heu on hanS a large uupply cf a&U kinds cf Bacn Lunaber Boards, end ail necesaa.y Building Lumber. Fenelug, Sawn Timbor, md,,Scantllng, a large quantity6-U hanS. Leg orders toc Long Bill ttuff, #Ued from Mil set short notice. Door,, Sabea and Blinda elways on hanS. Whltby, May 7th, 1877. ly.2O WHITBY. ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers and Manufacturera of ah Kindu of LEATHER AND 'FINDINOS, Cash palS foc Hides, Birk. anS Leither. Leather atretched. 3 »BELTING MADE TO OEDER ON .SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 2 THE PARKER GUN& MSE Smep FeR uICUaI PARKER BR' WEST MERIDENOOCT. 1ýjOFEB TO LEND. Thea nuderalgned as nvamousulofimon- eY t len oSpon Fam or Tcvu Prcperlyt lmus"ay Loy Rates afintamo#l. 0 Lamecesabe, repai lusis e unt ber. noyers. Sovrrl Il*proved PariasuanSWilS Luna h:esyat maS. lu Munioti Deben. BueBank, sud otalhr nU=eehtalStOChe. For fuxaier puriars mAPply le NEAD OFFICE, BROCK-ST., WHITBY. TraB :OMPN'ÂY inanre& Terni Buildi au thase of eny wel-estabUlhed (Company lu Canada.- JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. J. B. BicKEzLL, JOHN WILLXS, r President. Vice-Presldent. C. NQURSE, SzcnZTXYu. Rates cf Insurance no loy tht 25 Cents will in4ure $100/for iwelve mosfhe Wbltby, Oct. lot, 1877. -41 Q u E E N INSURANCE COMPANY (SR=Z 119DLLIP) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - $1 000,000, u.si"zg .a scxic" avna. MOL8ONS BANK 0. A. BAYNE8, E8.;'M.D. Head Office for Canada:a 191 &c 198 St. Jameos Street, Monlreal. FORBES &a MUDGR, Chiai Agents. R. E. LAWDER, Agent, Wiltby. Augusl Olba, 875. ly.83 N ORTH BRITISH dc MERCANTMI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Sale, euS raliable, chargea moderate, prompt seltlemeut ofcauni. GEO. YULE, Agent. Whlbby, Juna 2, 875. 28 MAJ OR M ILLS. -c T. P. WHITE Bas racurnad cotrel cf lie Major Mus anS bu prapared ho pay - THE HIGIIESI PRICE 1 .FOR ANY QUÂNTITY dlvered istte MiilinluWitevalo. Ho vil maesevecy effort le give entiya satisction la thase Whto May paîreuize the MinI vIi thiir GRISTING. FLOUE AND FEEDý cf th. Boul Quealily, anS il ]Reeseneble Pricas, wvil aise haept cousatny on bsa and for aie. Whilevale, Ct. 110, 1877. 42 I NSTRUCTION ON TEE PIANO, FORTE AND ORGAN. SINGINO AND SINGING C1A88E8 TAUGHT 1 MR. GEORGE C. WIGGINS, B.A., Begs to anueunce liaI heovibiundortaku thie instruction ci pupila ou lie plane, me. lodso0n, &aS cgan, ou reaucuable tenue. Also Sluglng &a n lgugClasses_- Prof. WXiggluc, Pianit anS Vocalal anS Prof E.Lu hnle talanteS Sole Vioili enu be aumagad ion Concerta, Boiroos, ia Musical Fesialsion escueablo berme, Wbilby, Jnly 151i, 1874. 29 GTOOD NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. À NEW REVELÂTION IN TE SCIENCE 0F DBESS-MAKING. CORNWALL'S SELF-itITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresses f leS <no m aeasur.aaeut sioe vilieul change cf a aitai. For sala, vili ires ntrcllouost MISS MaINT YRE'S »8155-NAKINGO oms, WRE?. AIs w anteS. Libérslinlduomenlu le Whilby, Ana. le,,1874. 84 Farm to. Rerit. un ~ conlb~~i CKMtLKS PENNYLEOXON ýBep ta-ntiify bis tiendà,omcl cuilomer th"ho àhw rpaA1.uppl Flour ad Feodci f.theu$ dQuilyp Flou,cra, Oc~s aa hrsOt maChS , P, rrl S,- b ýé&t "tloetê0st , iWbciesle aàdB@eiLaj Choa.Per i for, bs.ao.' AI thaé Dominion Piournsua Fog Store roebym Block, lu ér, Dundam Street Whilby. Wbllby, April 1k41 , . a OP-K I.N' NEW MUSIC 'HALL,' MUTSIC FUENISERD Vn=rigDEP.END. scatuug Capacity, On* Ticiaa. - GRO, OPîINS VV ALeb~iLGE 1Ihave Tovn the aec c yLgrl Whtby 9 J. A. E DlLm and r sah exidoavour to aupply an article vhlch vii sie atilactlon to those Who petronize -0' & " Best and Freshest wmL" ".WAYIS 1BE3TOUND. AT THE WHITBY HOUBE. J. A. BANDELL inelo cola Agent foc Waitz'ig Luger Boer for lha Counly oI Qatarbo. A FI"E ARTICLE 0F PURE CIDR. JoHN WALZ, 1 - Toronto. FA2RM FOR SALE. T.OT14,7TE ON.UXBR GB;125 in e good tta of liat .Bail Clay boai,; geod ions., barns, stables, sIcav anS ceaI houas; 2 vaisi 2 clulrus ; apple orcierd. Four miles freni Manchaster ste- lion W. P. P. &c L. E'y, anS one <nom pro- ppsed Toronto d& Ottava R.R. Prbce, 6,000. Basy terme; ciaap fan. À 1l 47-tf) ~ Ulice P. O. FARM FOR SALE, DING Lot No. 5, iti Con. West Wi- l, bias 100 Acres, more or lots ; half 'mile freux lie fleurlsiing Tovn cf ParkIsil; about 610 Acces clearod anA lu a good state of culivlraîon ; balance s'eUllimbemed viti hardvood, Brick houtes. Large nov frumo bacc anS stable, viti pienty of bard as soft I alar. About four acres cl an orciand vIi chice fruit Icees. Seul, Cley lbai. Possession ecu he arrangeS te cuit pur. ciaser. For pa-lcnlars àdlas- J. W. POWELLParksilil; or T. W. 'POWELL, Brockiil. Octobor 18, '77. F RSALE OHEAP h A Brick Colla e neax Business Centra lu the Tovn cf Wltby. For prise and ternis M.WLM. THOMPSON, WhitbY, Pcby. 20th, 1876. TRY THE DOMINION WASHING MACHINE -loft on triai ira, cf cierge anS la lie hast euS t: citape WshingMacLina u is hemac- kot. Roa re., $.00I. Firul Frireeat lie lite Co..... ud Pickering FeU Shevs. Y. M. HARVEF, Agent. 0LSO AENT FOR CHEEEE' CLaOTHE8 WRINGER, Hlighiy commandeS alliae lata Conhy Faix. Clotioa.iorsas, Clothes-racis, Toldlug ub- bauciai, enS alisindu cf lauudry Impie. monte, kept on baud anS aI pricss 1 sutit lis limas. FRAFK M. H[ARVEF. in-ami) Centre Street, Whlhby. L IVRPOOL MARKET 1 I arn prapacad 10 psy Curant Prioes focra&I isa cf Grain SaliveraS .&t my Bleen Rie- valor, Franchman'c Bey. SALT, PLASTER, - WATE.RLIME, &o., FOR SALE 1 J. H. MoCLELLAN. Liverpool Markeat, Judy 211h, 1877. 82 Wl TBY, PORT FERRY & LINDSAY IRAILWAY. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Taklng affect on Weclneudey, Nov. 141h, '77. TXAS Aui OaIso iOiTE. Leave Wiby1.5 6.n.145 p. Manias.......122p. .e.3 AiveLudaay.1.00 " mIl 9.15 TIUIS eoInG OTE. LeavaLndy 710 a.a., 8,15 pa. Manilsai.... 7156 4.08 i Port Parry . 401 " 4M5 Arriva hfby 9.42 ' 0.05 Poc lime et other saitions, ec Pocket Tinie- Table, to b.e lad ou application to eny cf the Compenv'a Agents. Ccnnacting nt Lindsay with the. Victoria Railway 1c enelon Tills, Bobeygeou.Kin. mnnt, eliden, Ralibnrton, thae sGrant Taruttory, and iii. Eaflway for Woodvllle, Beevecton, Ocilie Wauibaumhene via Orillia wtth Nortiieru hilway, for âravenburot Bracebridge, asdthe -Fra Grant Lainds. o Muakoke. Through Tickets are Lsaued by a&l Agents cf the W. P. P. &c L. R'y, ior Toronto and by G. T. E. Ticket Agento, Toronto, foc ai sations on W. P. P. &c L._. No trinafer charge.- Baggige ohacksd trugh. JAMES H1OLDEN, Whltby, Nov. 9, it7". Managiug Director. TE CANADIAN AIR OAS!1 The Cenadian Gais Machine là an auto- matie ga-meklng epparatue. Itlldeeg- ed au là meana by vhlch factoriel,.idi lictebi, churchea, dwelllngi, or buildings ol any kind, ituated lu lhe country, or ho.- yond the raacf coalgie mains cf citiau, may ha oupplied vlth a sais sud cheap Sas liglit. Thonsemachrnau arc simple ci coutrue- lion net lhable le gel ont of erdor, requirs no;0 to manage, ire inaSàl asubstan- liaI anS durable niannor. They occupy 11111e upace, are set nu aIsinmaloxpoume, and are equaiy adapteS for llghting ltae largosi mi, fact.ery, public bidig, or liae smaliomt dvofljng, are ne nov or untrled tiingy but hive beau in constant anS suc. cesi nue lu ail parqet the ounlry, bcth winlor andS mummer for soarm. Theic = da'yli umchines In amy onu carburoted air gau, baing common air Inronld iigaole huma vith a Obricbrghl Same ully oquel to thst produced 111 al ge,conducted vitle aine nlmaSmieyNO lire in ueS in lieprocemaci mnuacur àaun buildings igiteil by lare isrda~ the sanie raIes as liacugh ceai gai a sS The, cot.ol Iis -asfor lgaeqai1 co thoumd Isut cfceaSua, vre r cas dollar and fifty centse10 Ive olas boing about cueo-lMthe p ictcmgu Tîq malerLal Irm wlh ùmmdb Our, machni» fa vu m mauayas guUoa gbvlastile aifetr101=i Estimates giron for Ilgtin an heatlag, buildings. Townallp, ÜOIflNTY 4 The:folewino là ,fluy t'os Le Victo aiof'.c uoer El mt,,viii snw thep rcprl Pur Torma ociSal, apple to-M IJAS. W.ALKERl, - RROHZSTER, bu as Iiey mya %J W b,asuds pepared, e Tuae Earlanst 0 au aS elodo m eate t.,1ý a caident luin by he bauredu e,<usprica of tuning,£ To Tuning square Piano. *11 Il 'Grador Tricerd 2( Ail eiders loil et afr. J. Jebetou's lem ry store Geldomilha' Hall, vill hoprom] atteuSeà te. Satisfaction girsu or ne F.1.-Aise agent for planes and OrV L IEPOOL MAREET i OASHâ FOR GRAIN, Fre-nchman's Baý PLASTER, SALT, AND COA FOR SALE'. MONEY TO LOAI On ROSIE Rtile, il Lau Rates cf Inlore J. E. McCLELLAN. Janaary t, 1877. t c EH0IC0E APPLE TRE A BOUT 75,000,ý EE -AT TEl- HOME NURSERY, Prom tvo tb four yearu et ago,onibcaclng tIse beat Venelles. BUTE C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2u5 Con. Pickering, on Kingul RoiS, eut Office, Whltby. TERE THALB1ERG PIAN( $290.00. The Tisilbecg Piano fila a vint long faitý liat I à GOOD, USEFUL -PIAN( ici combineStbite cleaccamu cf tous an te beanty Acflfiishai lie niait calebabe nia e, vibli a moderato price. If il b. aukea hov ib is possible te snppl a GooS Piano for &bout HALF THE PRICE] generally chargeS, lie anuvea in plain: lu lie mnilng or sale ai lies. inaîrc niants, liane are ne large siovreemi keep up, ne grand Muuic 11.11e ho ntaia or ne expansive travelIng agents to, puy. Tiesa instruments are ai madeaofiaa UNIFORM STANDARD PULL BEVEN OCTA4Et SOLID 111.1N FRAMk, OVERSTRUNG RABS, CARVED LEGS ROUND FEOeT CORNERS SERPENTIFE MOULD'G9, sud DOUBLE VEEE1D ROSRWOOD CABES An ex'tra DISCOUNT 0F me PER CEN'T vil bc alloved Scioîs and Couvents, ali te Clergymen ion lie use cf liair familie W. ADAMS, Ajgent, Wiby, Februery, 18th, 1877. 1 SIMON & KELLEY CIGAR MANUFACTORy, "W -Eli WT-B t. C IGARS manufactureainca beul Hlavani Tabacce. The celebrated IlS. K. Cigare. Hetel-keapars anS Dealers wvi finS il te liair advanligo te givo them i Wbilby, Fb 7t, 1877,iy G. YOUNG 5MITH, IaL. B., BARSEîR, &., a.Monyho Lau Oirc-Ovac Dominion Ranis, Whitby. Jan. 22, 1878. (hi- ISAAC DOUGLAUS, A RCHITECT.-Plans and Spacificabiens cf the LÂTIST Dîsimea, prepared on lia cionleul netica Rasidauca, . - Calina-SI., Oshawa. Peut Office acldrees, Bax 152, Oshawa. (à LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, NEW WINTER ROUTE: Allan LUne 0F? ROYAL MAIL STEAMSAIPS. Every Suuday front Halifsx ou arrivai cf bu. train beavingToronto aI 7.02 a. m. avary TricS. tir Cabin lares reduces! 108,03- Ratura tickets, 0127, 01481170 cocding te pouition ofi ate reoni. Moravian, froni Halifax, Jan. 201h. 1878. Sardlnln. i" " id2711a, Steerege asiangera are forverdad le Lou- douderry, îlbfeît, Glasgow, Quosastovua Bristol, Cardiff, and London st suie rats auto Liverpool. Parties vrishing ho aeud for their friands eau obtabu tiekele et 1ev matou. Foc tickets anS fnrbiaar informion appîy 010GE. FULE. Exp. anS Tel. Ofic e Whitby, Oct. 801h, 1877. ti-U BENJ. BARRETT, Danda8 Street - * Whitby HTAMGbouhtont thi lterst of Mr. BR AE. P igeK M TJr. , n h t BiA buslinesscfis aalesh InA. h mule Sue Mri~0~~F r. BarraI. w a lot vith lia cowc. AnS voebitbi-do caîf t" anS jusb lu lime la divr eti.b coma in, quiok 1 Whora'e Tcm anS ME any Sog taI intruSeS among te beau- meut luto a5)eafer chanuel, lte caîf Jciy ?" 6. liful Ayreliiceul1 Se lte ahcep tnui. bbrev up ils itead, Suocheed te good &Weil,", saidSiubo, i litt 1111 ?d yaar aftec yaar, carefulaii blelteceS voman backward imb lIce Shah, anS lîngit, rlhal'e jusl vitalI'd 11k. te vil in colS veshen, as beommethir itigitvtitalii iig in buair, sud ie four feet Snov."- ' breading. ill nov belveen tiityanA appaccnbly going four wayc ah once, "FYou don'l m.ae le eay lheyh it'lb. fontyrangeS the aveel short pastuces bogan ee fthoue vilS cantare about f<dotaS ye? Wiy, boy nudar lte - cflb Fyler faim, anS theu fleoce th. yard viia calves bnuuge bu. aaopy Si-S ye gel itece 2" W vemee W onder aud -admiration of ail Pliobe liaS te langit, asere moter, bu- So Pioebe to elS table cf ve, ubulo ph the tovn. Signant bail uninrt, nose np <nom lite ber val dethes vero haken off by lte i LaIe Ihat nigil-lalo, I mean for greuS, sud olS Fylea alt e Sit-aben old lady, (vitevas vatcitig for tem -Pasco, for lteelS-tsasionud nine e'clook viudev ginned With amusement. Sa pscty, anS baaS soheu l liealp" anS ite un bell baS buil met aung, thougit Mai Fy. Pitocobe transpecld bar niodeel fltflig. youngec part of thc family laelied 1 loi bil goete boA up etairs an itour ouI 11111e byi 111 leJulia Potier, vite bzra go.) anS vas tli, lu ietehure, fl &go, and Phoebe vas jait -spcosding an vas bor oniy confiSante iu lbe malter, boy Tom sudis sister hall sot off nt cft extempore hed ounbe ounge l in.te e ntSd sot nô even aese Fhobe, but hlaitpeut eigbî, anS boy titey taS boe foc kuitchea, tIdc ha uli-neber <atai asiglal punclueily vent for lie bundias, viton expected back '"ever 'nS ever- so long," edii onl leion uae cf need-a pigeons bleal Tom vas notifieS Ithslb. y youdbe ce ltaI Phoebe vu supposeS la have vii unmielakablyte lebait cf a lambinlaileft u inte fartherarnc, wvioaened come vl in t ehu she appeared.- sous. ibA f distreas, -vasbeard oct. nn a"m" ool. <for botter convonience .'I'llbel a cent liaI olI'-eu ,avey o.15.. The.olS min imiteS up frcm hWfor JîIit. îa 1:e-,îîrî -1k alreria-, ev-n TIi-- rnnI#5taise liecol. Ho*t LdgllTi pi-Boyvais cafig'iciiu,-d lu laç-rt.r.-, with Ploeia -.tru1(jaiIa<e wri as iutlair fa.aiaic'ealslow- c "'WiaVt'uhuuder'u ltaI Phoebe ?"P nav baînnt, aaoit l'y cagucesa fma.uaj Ni-. goiî i'.ýt ll ller li'-oShlm- pc "Seoundas w7no like a lausb." ton &long vitis te ,reSc. 8- s ie .-1qcire, yo kuov." pcon "Scada 1k. abam I Ay by'S Thto day set fa or e'e alepartuma HIet, a8aifoodSfer snxieîy ;,but il diS Ink- Yen vers ua<o. TiavsliaDcnfJuyeio~lieco'Iot lautlong, for uhoals rahhled Up il lam1b, I1011 Ye. Ono - ' li$emlesleanS vakefailueie viicit - prevade'axon ifrona the higiaswy aide cf lteitouse, ab ,sfte% -aiefl liez strayod - avay ouI o' tlb.fcountry toViUa on mi s nniversgry i;iuigrylio ýha I"Who, , l'tellyou 1" vas be s Cdocok. ilI 'rpeot boys Ibez wouid maise. Tomn'8 laI. drive lei$ j. a he urSowide,7.aad ie a moment Tom the pel, 10 licre %foI inN aictind 'cause icoali. 'Titeday vwas hol anS sùJftrý, f arocel'i, )ulf cacrying i s iser, wvol "uc laslaaid np -aed. LairdY1ý violaho anS oinous flases cf beIÏ]Êéil began 1 vatlan, RaS Ct7mg. --cn .IIaé~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~t padIcuduahla asiau~ la iau t thnnl lai fahôrÏÂon.-dance i - -T'Ok.i as of u, etntbipalme1is Tm=~ Th-. "Go 'long Il' £ile wlspered. bc In1 hou~..alian d1lUfl Ji cemma Ti~olipemdbua9à: Dandly. ,But Tom id l Iot ueem t he,", et i ndMb lSeu mid ber, aud'probsubly'she beeacrne - the'ground. Site felhAse a. gu 1y aIa aiagth emaed'thé lb. 0,'O i-6fýtnting mnough 5as85elle oeover thé heiiý a t o , A md la t4j ý ùdr « 6 l nd m inu ts e iL pscd b sfore tlis t ç-gc.bc w en c o p a n~ d rou sod tb . liu llcri g , cv ii, .ni wihoutlà aI r io10mauru; cf a i a1b via repored Mliebtsiutins ;bingiiou ot au uutiaueby erov f romn Cia h, t&4 e me M die f1oeclhaliii- thépaddock, and ful-bau n cugacue.Bl b 'tnlt I se lisetatby p~s~ ~qasth-las-ime vas vasteS in a vhigpered 'of Toma and lhur <aller nervsd. ler to' Xii I her tel *&'tsbxze; ou-Veyrmyihned iPoebmarlkhs. 'notice-,Putblng on lior shoeo lastily, To hbed z i turnoe lo 1h. houasoh.~ k a boo-line for Goiso'. Wie, hiayu te1eng %ltuîàu. ie .wlitré aIithe corner cf a certain jonc.0- Ier,' And trant thhe Stanréeeo f lsecet m e vevcat'Oin'ODw she tée find Tram and Julia. Tihe The voadi, dottîiusia oma, long 'bout kotohiin' Ihal larb,' géovilod ato!r4,a omihg up nov aapidly, but- Tes, nature wesrs a omllu; wfac, olWHauban. Pho be id b-'diayfa h »j Dul0 oh la ai he , 0mBI Wol, 1 iaud teput à ibcit, and lix que ,#hi:ýnda alerybtuat he rnd -~~ up lb. 11d'heWUilegale. -One hingo wam off as --atchhdpae hoih LIly. fwe S;: iB03«erhudtni cd faim, nix .aau ù>iu id, ftO2 ea r asud b al asdtgkay - ~ ~ ~ ~ homes# so's'tthe Iaab -gol ont, 'n us1 00-1o6stigoh. meot - s 1.laSSse ô ea o.ra0 Oie. aimp1ie tdget baok."' for aven. bide i*rorüasuule patriote, îthe ~ 10- Ivauttieurosvoel Englisi floyer 'Oh, Pîobe 1- Waleit il as t'bat no baye,, bodaougheelat cmpoal ité Thon Is ~cth compiel tise speaking of lhe in l hgnw srai» liait vculd poiI hlr. Pkwderan and AnSdaieme bhomo te die 1 wviacistruhh-.of vbouubiuged the gatI. wal their fire-cracicera. 3ù,an l etorvt- -.ien log eher i neia'aoc oer ng, hail telamb mafe y a long PiobA arravodaI lbte ronàe7v "' ore longte earMy othr'ooic stingbavng revouay, aptredil iin hert bail thîok viti trouble' or"" Po 0p 0 omort te me now, th adok£c pui-p::es cf decoy, or for no on: vas thore. She kneaToa MeI. But tlwi la o-ingvole and ma calico pochaI. maeing aus alarming turans answe.c in its place, Lut wvitt Th ocnwie Iohlse; crackie whenever uile moyaS, teccily laS kopt hlm ?_ tt Thon te My mclhor's iovicg arma icud te heer, but uleut té ltae eleeopy old Shb. sut Soya Among ltae swaet-fern M. Otaise me home 10 die I main uis b.d. ituellsallau tufts cf long grass to quiet 2-ly 1Awiy I avy 0 evored Areama, Phoeabe vent about vcry thougittfully itérseif ami think, and being a cool. - I have ne mother ncw, lt.enazI day.t The latter coxtaued an liated, reieccable -girl, dompoa4 ,hec. Laye caa g c,orle i l home - stouiehing proposition. Lt was au self te t ho idea tiasauinamtbing b.ad de. ColSaiahad tampad lhec brov. acîfi latter, too, foc- il boilon vill a isycal her lover, anaS li., niul have' Ou atmslit, laI y clS am c l do liUthe dfficltiesthst made.t, f Inu thnear harts uMay le' esî,a îoîs t paticudedû,; bit nasthe minutes, went ou Thon listeu te My pleadica now. thle vs of lace love prorssrbially mngg. long. sud sloiv enougt, lte -thunder AnS taesme home te die 1i a udcouvinobod ber etf vhat tii. liaS pealing ionS and llner, lte iiglatning y PàNaiz M. fovai. nnconscinusly acimithetl befoco, that stc dartug savift lances frouanlicaveil te coclii neyer maccy lhec lover Uic c adih, sud a sharp ruait cf rain rahtiig yord vith hec fatiec's cousant sud lte on lte atiff oak blaves shove bor, Phoebo> iAL Gnt, plaisant observancs of ordinatry life. delermined te go home; not without s Thon il veut on ho »lead iu tender sud certain indignation in hec ieart a i te (Coiscludceeh.) manly famitinulte writars owu affec- oaroessueFe cfthe man wito ougit not N AnS Jerry gol up te sucl a spurpoao lion ; hie ability tb give.lhem a ploasant culy have beau roady but vattiug ho ce- li taI, about Iwve oook hast nigitt, anSdihappy home, for h' biaiS just ceivo hiec, but aise s reserve cf judg. e at a onS itoutirag ai lhe front-door rongod bougli cut lite Pasco blacicamith 81sitP, ment, fox itie had a great trust iu Tom. r Pitobe aud lhec mothea, anSthhay vexe ltaevuenr titereof liaving moved te Drencliasilethie akin, and citilled by forood te eaU fin a' couple cf men from Hartford, viere Tom batl speut ltaIlite cold winulltaI coe with lte 810cm, lie nexl neoighboy's, ah Isast a quarter w3eek li setlling up tli. mattcr, sud lte ite rehraccd lier stopsq, aud tdrstg,,iug s of mie vay, te gel bite oid man irtoIe Diity vas i good businieseslasiug tise short ladaler froinlte cow-sl-iesl, cou- teb usudreesed, sud put te bcd. culy oeeiluasvida radiua. AnS il lrivcd hoe gel hache ou lite coof, val sud jAs nigitt hava beau expecled, -fever wosand up viit a proposailtaI as coon lippery as il ,vas ; but to lier diamay a1set lu ; b ut bue fougil liaI vithI "Fyler as bar failhor gel so muai ttler thaI sud vwouaer lte wiradow cf the rom ~lgril."1 AnS hhougit fovrr t a force cf il. bar moîher oouid cire forc it alono, ws s ol enly Eitat but 4lghy fastenad, SIself, tiare la a certain viilful vitality lu Phoe aboula stop cul sonie flue nigit andl lte îmaPeieliade lat Sovu befores il. j coma people anSd. strangli cof vi ite nlihe shed roof, thhenca ltthanheuhonse, lac fataer, wakiug wilt ltaénoisa cf exeat wondeclul influence over phypical and se ho te gronansd moea Tom hcavy ltundar, bet cugiat huiseif cf maaisuad e le mfeudays cf pain anS hie sisber, vite vonid ho viithi, the Iambe li tie padiock, net beingi anS Siseenifort aa anger viti ibuseif aI Polar Green'a wocd, ho-If a mile certain ltat Ilicebe baS romembared te auS overybedy aise, ltae ld mari gcow any sd just ah ite aIlge cf Fltr foidtem. He gel up sud hobbied te more o olbe n rcoe efan. Pimbe wtts te cousider ltse iat- tia stsics, callin liter loudiy but villai mb ebis famiuly asusuai. By cint cf tec fuiiy, andl halk il o-ver vilitlber unc reply. Iu valu is wif(d urgeS hla 1 queubioning lte daily visitora via al. motter, anti vie» eisa macla up lier le lie clown iie site calledSobe; ite aUways flock arond lte victin cof aunsac-naind, le put a letter in lte cerner cf vantea te scold liec avaka, sud with g cident lu a country village, laecliS keptlit te cow-aited. wîtere suie muikeil daily. pains aud groans ha drew itiniseif Upi iuneif pestaS as W Tora Potlar's ab. ùnder a atone, viteoalise eite voulal thealais, orly té Sud lier bcdl unbouchit. on cane. ; but ils hll vt as draiviniz beau finS an auswer, anal prcbibhy allier ed ana ber windew oen. At once Te1 enS nov1 sud h. ah okalarma. He bail episthsus htereafter. state cf tthings a saiedupon Ilaini;p h. net imaginaS bitI Tom migbt b.oas Ptoebo vas net a girl te taku suait a diS n ot evear, but s6îhing his lips aI Sweil informeaou hia part, anSaltaIpreposal i htlY. Sho diS ludeed con- lteirmals vicioua anglesithut aud fis-1 .'more titan oeo note liait passaS titrough it iser il long and bu eauast. Dsy by day loeS hie vindow, and lot clown- - th. te pocl-office alrea!ly betweeu tIhe as;lier fathhor graw botter, vitit a rai,. eliida, faunc3ing Pboebe bildgones eut te ycung couple. Nec Sd aS .kuv ltaI idity aebouiehing lu 50 015 a man-fer nacet lier -lover, aud vould try te me- 1h. pest.mistrass vas a varm friand cf lieubea FyIer'é adveuturas ara litealy Inria.- Tom'c ; for ho baSl rescued bac, enly truc-bs baecame more sud more ili- I'vo fixed tla jaSe,' wasisi firsI chilS froni lte hrealeniug iccus cf hie teaupaced and exaspecating. Tue pain utituraunre, as lie re-entaurdd hie ove ~.fatiax'. Ayrsiire bull, wh itutle Fan, cf lte knitting bondes, lte bad-vearin2ese ceozî. "suas gone 'aid elipparl eut e' ny had voutaxed te oroas the pasture tho coustaut fret avec farua-voris taItha vin lowtoc te meettlitIdarneS lot aflar- travbeor, sud lier raS vau cilter negiected or itirad ent, Pot--or felihr. Steetf sit'il gitiluagie.r O havi altracod lte ill.couditionetl vochad on bis naturahby grovieg 1cm- A g;encl i attjp' l-wu 'il -earv~ a br Sq cdruped's notice a d a cused ise er, andl made ife unpleasant tb al igb"' I aMd si. e' ecepnec via aound hlm aswval as iisel. Plaoe- d'Ohli euben !' ro3mouslcahed ieaE safe asesctin paseing titrougl Aunc. be's mind vtt maSo up more by tacr vife.8 ly ly LelauS'a hans. But as soen as fatectitan 4u'en hec ove affection for 'You sitet up. Site's goelechit i, b Bonbon Fyler ceaed t noeod doses Toma, or ber motter's geneenacourage- I tel ye,' lie growied iaaok; aneSbihie <rouithe Sang etore anS ico from te meut. Titee ld min venteS bis lamper wife, comasoheal by lte balef ltaI-lier h E avera, Plioebe vas kept vithie range ce Pitobe lunte malter cf Tom l'otIer dalritg %vas ty ltaI lime lu kindly b cf hie doye anAair. 8h11l, abe knev mca.s sud more fceqnantly ; te reviueS bands, îay <lova again aud ulepl, ho be a Tom vas i home nov, sud ereuing tbe PoIler Iriba, rcolasd branoit, lu a roncS suan tour after by s ionS kenocle- ii ru &fier evening hic clîecry viile paased radical anS persistent vay ltaI vould ing et tta back-ooc.1 le blacongithlie vindev as ho canuleraS have doue orédit te an uaient Isciahile- "Whal ye %vaut ?" démanideS liee lS ri lu, by-a signal lé emo e .te gel outail. if cuasing Canusu ; ha aveu taunteal minit haaln ot lepî, but wailed foc fi ci. cold ; but ait. nover coula. Phuahe viit favociug siuol a chalakeai. Iaiai eunit. rd - Hcwever, "PotIe4r facally weî at bearled lover, scared willaoeshmasn of ",It's Lue, latier," ssidI lhîeba's l worh for bec. Wtau the cocnly paper aSoor lunlais face ; and I'libe'e muler. ceadlule voice. "Let me in ; I'moutM vis enet dver froni lie posl office by saited "gril" vas baxed, sîronghy le keop iunte rain.'a ommiibey, hi aS Sdireotacue froni Aunnlietalongue quiet lest site aboula belray blir. Fyler sprîng froue lier bod, but- Laelat gi-vo il aI once mbt- Phoebe'e bier ove secret ; yel sgcy ne ste vas, Bonbon caugit ber ara anS pailledSbha ,baud, "sud nehody else'e." Bo ho thlea as s gilet of fun undenlayin»g toc bock. c vailed aioutnt i Poebe openod te angor, 10 lik mv toronghly Toma "Yen lie etill, I hall ye," lie grovlil ; kiloitan Soor to swaap ont te duel, tiaS countermined her failler, wiei sel anSdttaon vaut on, in a bouder kay, 8. anS gave il te hec vili a cignificant lte deep, lcveiy limples bunalmeehe sud -'iolkgadon'hcoma mb my Sore ty vinis-uc litaIt h nav vitlbis vinis ahi-e aligît sud spackled in aacit elitlonless hey've goeeont oi't." V r. ignifiad aai l, but, vilwita hImne gamin eteady eyo, almeeqt belying lte auagy '"Let mainl, failuer ; ib's- nie-Ptoebe. ai T.instinctlieh.gathhred an ides front lte bcownsudtcliips. l'inval tnhongh." le seo vbndov iand's. special instructions Se il came aboaut itat slee ieiddo é The îaoc iotitir maSeoeemore ai- o. luit saoaling "vwuz te psy, as ho ex.-thi mer pressure and ltae acer per- fort ta rie, but vas itela viti vue-.lise presued il te huaseif. saion. flac fattiea vue able eow te graaap, as lier lord anaS master xetortad, i AnS Phuahe as cite hastened frona gel about a 11111e on erctlies, sud si-t i "No vo olfiks nautoS itere. You al IY lte dccc te carry ltae piper te iter fa- thovi-ndov ovarlcokieg lte ceew-slied ; could ha' ahaid in cf yeu'd has' vanteS fc 8 titer's baSaiS., perceived ou tie margin, yet il vas ltera, riglal undea Ilii sas- te kecp dry." inl a veil kuovu handwciting, bliese icus deyes, limaI Phoebe hook lte lime, Plîoebo's spirit rose up aI ite lauett verS, "Leook ont foc iambe." Assmitavil ie vas milkieg anS hec motiar Hait slue beau lot lu, even o a ai l buug up hec bcoom, site icre off lte faading a uev.weaued caîf, ho unfold tise cipeoted indignation aud scolding, Vi inscripti-on anS basseS il ixo te faoe ; hiec plans. ltera vould have heen nosencendSdcx- anS lien, vith ie patiently ven t lime' "Motiten," aie bc~n ii ysfxS il flt e,forsich sefieonghl te gossip, politice, religion, sud veek- on br acps, '"I oaaI't stand il auy long- Sisgnsted vwitit Iteaseif, anS pamially ai y elory cf lie Slabton New8,e, axerale r ; iy ains made up. l'un gcieg te vititliac lover; but vitan stsal strikas edherseif migittily as 1 yul ltat Tom, if yen keep lunlte seasme md ateel, it la culy te elicit epanke. Hec lieBbe -fupan baing rilcùý.S' ril by iso onleurporaioa, rem ae- [tocitillo :-"We publisli-notiug~ but aIm te neys a eon resSors." -- ,& bock lis recnly basa pubhieiS Eow te Liro %Vilia iYcur InsOMOs. l avice sgoed ; buif cne bon;. cier af- Ibio kind vuld kindly11 ophe 1w1vtolie villiut il hewould tast-ices uaS tiaîii.- ewhopen açàlMimflg> vocal, ON, A(q. -ly on se Tpet ,servéeS ht- gchièr tbt,;-Q7 coverýeS Up iu 1h. ohlnney-eaarer . o lonig,manS vitst laSbeen dceisjua.-ý lice e u ie hmoîit uuentimentl man- uet', sènt-Ihe viole paýrty peremit,6ri- té licir reome. Su lie<mecning tih rnaway colt- 'lai3 breaglit bomp briglit anS oerly<- ý4,- Tom put bite bute lic bonrowed.. vagtn 'anS Scove toff viti Pbebe, Julu19, bug bis mothea ta lie minister'a ita0uso, wvu »Parmon Russell gave bien ulfflenbablae nm *thwyvili- Phuabe iareater.amuchas ho l115.. Thé cava came 'i>iokly 1<> ler fahuo:' cars, sud,- sîrange te bsat lthe olSmnie cbucklcd. Pembàps is eotmmests viii expain. "siniped Il ill t1 W&. - liere iunlta Sark is,-ahe'bs? ern an' liglitnin' t10e.WOU" novl ell ye, tiare ain'l anohec ga in Paso'dar8t le lia'doue il. Shia1c car Fylon.- O= feiks aia'Imadle o' Sust; lliey're lhrgo.e- qunarter gril, yotiÜmmsear Id'l. Tie darneS 11111le cratur i sic baseail. WallI wgll wcll I Wlte, haiu'I - ynu tooerd vitît Auiul Nabby's a-sayin' 11 "FYes, I 5i1." "L a, M . Fyler," put inuA nl Nabby1"I hotaght ye'S-hbe madder'n a, ysller býornaI." "So yacome le beir me bu~z Sic ye ? 'Telu'l safa Id rachon on folles. Mica Fy.ler, yen fetala your bunuek; l'il- hall Situ te bianos up, 'uS yen Arivo up te Polter'i 'uSolthe gsll. Site'. a citip eftheoldhlcck. Igneu Ill lè leu. bey litait 'are bro*vu 'nd wte hoitfraé settie' up. 'Taint- baut, nuther, le- ficgblwitit ho bliakimih, vian Iiore aiiiu'î but oilady." "lWeli, nov, I ama ieat," -muttered Aunt Nshby. "I btanuht ye'd-ba' bolS onit ugly le the day c' judgemant, I'y. iteeum bel se muait about Fyiar grit." '-I Ithili's lbkely," vas lthe compos. od ceply. "It's biS ye'rg Sisapp'iuhed, ain'l il? but dit] n'I il neyer come lae ye thaîit iltiSaes more gi e abiais Sovu buill Ibm te go 'long up il ?" "Mahit ldea-mabbe il Sees," saiS Anl Nsbby, csakibe heaioad vih lisidou cf an owi. -A TEmnu,î OUTnÂoIE.-Intecmsllen bas beau rceaived ah Peterberought <nom tua Township of Analcutitar, abont Fa(i-on-miles frcm Aaaley, on Uic W.- liegtou road,that on ltae nigil et tihe 7h bncI., bhxee meunusineS Tiomas McEveiay, William Hubbs, anS Pst. rice Murphy, -from eue of Gilmournc o 'e 'laihi. in bthe ieuaunbn autaced the ilveling et a, Mca., louas, l'ieubnuil being avay in oesof lthe mshis ah the timie, anS cemmibled a brutal sessut on)bot hberand lier lithoe lexugiler, about focu-teen yac cf age. bfcEvaley isbes'u commilled te Peter. acre' gacilletavait hie hral, but Huibb sud Murphy ara stili aIlarge. H ubbà as frouanlime tovnshtip cf Seymour, aud If urphiy <rom Tronton;, after lihecal- ragco liaS bacome Seown, tIsere vers icars btaI McEvely, wvb haiSbeau an- -ceeS, migbl suiffor lynci law from ltae #aeplo. Ho, liovever, ,ascaped, sand <'sus ceunnabîed ity Mezasrs. Coiboane and Andorson. It ties ai manu's ptisisce anS faill in human nature maul soraly Wo buy a cali itou',anS thona.sue abibis noigli- brealay lu a lot cfveod focrlthe vister. Possibiy il ia bruncIlsal Dr. Mary Walker couws lebacc ; hut Vo are aonfideut liai site - hanl - altooped @0- lw as te borrow lionr enlire snppiy. Au 8-page nevepapor vil ii ùdie a rbetten than a 4:p)age, boous. liane cs more paper inlu i. Thatis uthe -ouly Su'anmuge nov claimed for lie octave, 015 Deaicon 'Dobson aiways boaited tisaI ta-vas 1"propiceS fer lia vocal," uSd hia neigiboca titengiqbegel il wh ie honuarriea bis second-vite. - "Clecgymuen," romar nise u ahnge ÎliSe -cailvay brakemea, Se a - greal al c)f oouplg."Ait, yes;,as bte ouple d anas Se0Ia lte e itc i ng. A, youug-womau bu Wobdfand, - Vt., rai. somevial astebithed Ï1h. olliex lay vitenher uvain gel downuoau'is ineos befors ber sud mesd a.dacl&araion )f love wbiet lie had nioely vr'itten )ff. RIILwÂT By-asv CÂAxan.-'lThe riabank by-laîr te grant 45,500 We-in-- uoé lthe Stralford andSHaron Eailviy eompany ta eoulad heir' lino lïaIa ilge lias beau carried by A large najorily. - - Rss-a AicaNG TUE G&aisà.-Adveu ena Cape Calony unnonucep sgenecal aiig aunong the Gaikas, unS lb. pcoc- mtalien cf nasrlWiaa. A erere on- igemeýt bitahken pae. ia uhielillie VEÈ 's, tà ti 1 1

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