- ~~~ AVTENxo>r uumeix. ~9Wm>pu -P rao Sl-ure OocltuMied At twfinty minutes of Scott,baleéi hisTiSle Mr ilepe lin Thomnui . pastt ,o. i Jazauary, 1871 ; thâtt he lande ware '£u O Cnt ff#warMd Fe Co COMMUNCATîc , UnT, net pat LIed ldbté OOUity hain yraedl fO i ohBin.Aahaonfon i:,Cmrc,. right teotell, and laiming amount pi h hi hsM 2ia parmf6rý44#-ohnBorn, Aptiton fom Aes.d6mooul 8k-by him with intereat ta b. returned. cok »40Wý $tk«-orr Daim s Sd u f0! AgrAnt frein the cooinoiîlunView On motion of Mv. Smith, (dctt) UBUsx»R, cf aislon sevie aucoutabe, econded by Mr. MoRse, th. wardan .&fter zadlng adaprvèf thé (~us& ..6ngo~uia Te carkraa t, rpor o ti, c~*lait tiiechair mili!two o'olook. fhntauii roaur'. report ws pro. Mort8U#raC ompltanlPopry. .. oitbs apirad te bavesthe thaAndAPTBNOON SESSION. iiitid, IL&foliows: -.1'Zy )Ogo.t bey bad axpendd thereon #o21,88. Cuoiraue 1treocolr oft on~ /P.Qjatio of Bgobwardon in thiachair. tho<cciwyf Onfro. .4 Tyo anr.APPOINT=U à OPRCUAL OOKiaTTZE. h OW tit-Noribrop & LyVmen. Ur. 331cM,, sooonded b yMr. Sm PUIITINO. Yeur tâ er begs bava te ort 04»ran-aing Stwat. (EastWhitby) iit>ed Jat a 0medaj Dr. Rac reported from- the. standing-~~" sne~Lta.ê8 Btowart. onooanmlng* 410ofrMoim. la Co* Mdoà èhý o P~~î Kwt4ng-br, Smith(Scott) Si. Jon,-and MowV. nmeii<1c<Payaient cf aocounte--Hender. in......... bray b.e appointatito examine jute the, Son & Murray, $2.40; P. Keller, #14.- Beolits..... .....i7PO elPeniditarae of-the. ofierl cf the 40 ; ýV. Pomberton, $22.80 ; Jas.'ur.r COutY net under contraot, rie, #22.80 ; Saail.'Luke, $22.80; Lukea0090 Mr.Ble. apl~nedtha thuya was A Larke, $22.80 ; E. bMmiv, 02780 ; x rnu. Olar fludngtur, .Made by tiheofloBfaird and Pareoas, 027.80. t (.C #on de ïDcfha800O fo&sppiari U, That tihe commta. hbail roived the n ai ONJY m . Pg ANUM Cur tHu e #,tMsaccui cwhtoh fllowiag tenders CO 1WOu - Uwv adt< b is uîoa fla W. H. fHiggins WEITBY CIIRO>UOLZ. Balance of Clt WhilbY, Thombdye Jan. 81, 1878, lizi Justice. on thbs expeudi. $1765; Samunel Lua, 6105 ; Baird & Justice acoounut sd se. ____________________tare thora was no check. By appoint. Pavsons, #17 ; LukeaP& Lavke, $175 , ltcting lYures ndlt W Thiont unel g a ommUlta.O thay would bae enabi. W. Pemberton, $150.' oiamn . 10GO 87.0 The ouny Conci. WProvidesoInS btter mannor for *Tiasy i'ecomminded the. aoeptamo govarnihag tues. ê:Xpendlturas. -cf tii. tender of W. H. Hlggins, on th Whuêb uoiitc&.a W.sauot te lUr. W'ght thoaght Il was the. duty ,ounitlof the. lerger circulation cf thé T "ahi c aabl Pro.. 1ai wook wé regrattaS te have- cf the. audîtoré of the. Oniuinal Justice COncIoyiouithan the. chier counsy p lance deofnnt atbel..848 %Iuh.tII, alnomnameut cf théaGocunts -oattend tW hase ependi. peirs. Township 0c Beach I idsoiin oUr Maml, tuyau. Report consided in m itte.of Oounty and Sciiocl £ufaosêtn f vthespa, Mv. Wheler was slirprlseadte ses th. the wiol-Mr. Bruce in the, chair- Bâtons............ 89 0 wardo. ,Thio worthY- gentleman bc. B..7, cf Port Perry takle se ananus! a and adoptaid without amendinent, Tvnil o zrldg. causesudIdeuIy il'ou ho Mornug ~c ourse as *0 objeat bte théappolntlng cf OD AMDI> n E:. -Boates...........ici Go thé second day cf th esin1su a sealCommlUae.- He vas glad that Mr. Rowland broùght up îthe cwnrél cfRam confIood tg hlm rOoc ah 1h. botaI for1h@ Reey* cf Witby hadl mado the, cf the.commithe, and on motion P lSaconaean tI0 tw ay.If.whirrVôO uémotion as tli a ater wam an import- canneil vent ioto committce cf thcest.. . .... 0 5195 $wo aym,>~r Wheov, evacf U.ast eue. Thor@ was a largo amotnaI cf violo îliereon-Mr. Christie ia the 1880 bridge, dlschsrgiug the.'lutte.-On expondituve for supplies and iltShoaoudchair- Ti mutrqia o ii u PMoky morubug, Iowover, ha haa Oufai. b. looked aftar. Teaon uredfrti n el.êl roav.rd 4>~ ~a h. is Mr. iHarper favored appoling taie Toe Council of th& C orporation of aDoit moaîh viii bo about 85750. ocmà altîoete,0-libaableeteatter bigd ke Oouûntyicf Onario: 1 wlU have no diffioulty in geî-ng seat agalu. The action of th. Posto b tte oughtba hemtt.bal Tii.standing cozmlitte. n oaowhat' acmoai;aLerqie --'O.u@ tW wbich hiistanding ad er. Tii. motion .o' o -arrlcâ, And Bridges bai; tee,. te report aia ikfrbummnt Yvlcq as natod CounLy (ouuclur well rial«ÉSIlFlî' CLIN. lot. Yoar oommihtea have examinaed cf the cunhy ahltthe rate cf nsvsu per *uttlehlI m o-vers eii P ikboalta icrpr ithe report cf the caretaken cf tii. Nar. -ovary aahlfatia, ad Wa$oneablsd to the&i>mmîtee on the, sieriffsi Claituirows Bridge and faStithalite bridge WM.LÂnGTraurr <rarticulrs cf tuedam have lrc iny a good atate cf repair. onyTesrr Prce oeo auaylfa.a.fatclr fecamhavin. dy 2n. yonr commule have edamia- SCUOCOBMIGE. ~Too ud n S tuv ay fte 54 t pesait b a beu O I L ) s a i g f a il a com m u nication mon> J. H . B art et M r. G rah a i, secon de S by M . t Joim i n t r ail rigl ia t lg n. t he et. e s it b d b e d c d d ag i o h & C o., elati g t a the building f iron W righ t, btained leave te introdu os a a poue to-ita ~ ~aai 0f . ~ r. righ comideaid hathie ev.bridges and recooamend that gala com>- by-law teail1 up as continuti.cn dê,'a *akinlg Soya. Tasa oe~eanitmaii alt amat n mncation bc fileS la the. cffice cf the struction cfthie romainda cne no Thsga.onet denstood thît liae Attonney.General le clerk of ti corporatiou for future xot. bridge, to the extent of-fsst, ta be breoognlxod as ebs or lhe Important promîe the Special Cowai>jîîe.if thiad e.made as. neani>y sble maspossible te sul êdspenabl. frâturai cf thé. muni. &suit *cet sgaiamt thie COUDnîy tiiGov. 8rd.A comnunnicaticna Fs been re. Lhait portion cf the/ bridge already coin.& elpal fatloiarlg. W. hve lti amenuent wonld puy the . dam. Ha caivad frein the councit cf the Coîînty pleted, and thahM,,esmro. Bigeiow andSt leit bW aildhoe meextaudoi eot iv ontd like Bonise paainfroin>the cf Waterloo, requetlng the. Couaty of Grahiam>be tornrtisuioners for liat pur. f rpr len Baxplanation y.Ontario, te mamonalizo- the Ontario pose. t tl.wash. 711e ng nddons f Mn. Biceul eaited the. Attone- >' ,ialune, to makeé certain changea in By-law read a secnd lima anS ti car mu~epal leg(slatorm will net, par. General liaS saia th. e Gv. m ttliit portion cf th. Mubicipal Act, referred b cammittee Ã"f ltheviiole- ai - apo. b.bconadSevaid cf a certain wonld have notiiîa viauteverrt uaintkuown asSecidons 410 nd4t2at tac MCn. ngha n te chair.np i arino f it s.But, al-er .. v ith theolam. I *.y di o duy o .mite wou 41reomnd t412. ter M.CGrnaham min ata cai.pth eva.' nelIgnttiaia is mmtb Sheniff in the, connty wonld hoedowa cuni tkene action in the matter. blank witli 600 fast. te évey iteliget tînkng au uetb on12tisai. On laotien cf Mn Biîkeil 6dîl. A communication la bas n e. Mr. Biakol boped liaI slthe malter ti utrack with the fac& cf how littie actual te report vas referired te thcmi. c o isijet freinthie ceunéil cf ho Counà ty bl been ao thononghl>' duscnssed yes. work thora La te OaCapy the hume aud tee on finance, cf York, asking Ibis council t e aiet in terday eveuing, anS lhen decidod, in attenton of tliirty.îwo gentlemen for AUTiliRi. building a bridge aven the West river, menglers cf tie Conaît vere net ach si almomt a whols waek. The, question Mn, Wialer iatrodnced a byl ounltae bouadary line bebvean Scott anti obiltiran asic b.i induicad tb change fo mus foe, lsif ponpulicattntin ôiaifi R H.Lawer antiAvap. Georgina. Aise asking liais council to their mindsi thig monning, anless il vas th mue focé tsat ùoupiýlOall, OrPinsea, udtRs .Laet a n r> .ofH. grant the. sum n> feeliundred andS hirty clesnly shewa thah thons vas soine.u viietlier hvcorLiae. pacIion Shîisn futiien l a s.aulônyofsoo dollars ta eïeeta smmilar grant alneîdy tig wrng in vaha al ready besa go colSne d ti.w racst e-d ave -rliterot ratiy b snbit shoula matie by tha said ceucil of tia CounI>' dons. Ho bolievedtiLia a sain cf 850 th cour Dot-doytai womuc neweil-a dhae tlbhi.repotcil on t iti n 1 ade. cf Yerk, towards building two bridges woult ho oncagh ta repair Lias old plank mi al e oaogol.essith o l nth irtday ef o e river babveen the boandan>' part. He moved tiat tie coaithee p - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ec sesssITZOLP IIiAahv o-.O oionc l.itaniisc n o cf Scott aSEast Gvillian>bnry. rise. e >lZ8n8 T4&ot &BARAR hae 02- 0" otin o M. Mthomil, ecod.Yeun commttandracommand that liais After son>e discussion tii. votavas h Rage 81 Enravr fr oe wek nly adb>'Mn. Smith, East Whihby, tho concil grant tue suiioht 100, bowards Laen wvithe emorsit cf 90 for rising on tiý gagu4 n Engaver or ca veak onl. lrk vas ins-trnOtedtat have tieSuadi. tha construction cf a bridge ovr thie a division.Comtersaniore ,I 4 a supenlar wonlcmsn,a d thhy ton'm report primteS îin shoot for>m ad WcstivereîweerScseaandeengoa, peadn, vi! uavantes, an>'rodr entrusti laid on the tabla before Lhe cennecil on on condition that the councit of the UXBRIDEx VILAGE BRIDGE. t tiie>, viii b. don. ia a mannnn viici Lie finit day of ec regnhlar ses.Oonaty cf York grant a like sun>. WM. ivegénralsatsfatio. son.Andfurtharlhat s uta cf One Hund. Mn. Wheler gave notics that h. 'el w'Ugv gass mtifcîoREPz~oîOR FsIEctAI, COitîIîrTELIcOm scu. nrSai dThint>' dollars, be grautitati oudo omrwmvett120leq LinERÂLCOeNsEsVATIV& bMENTINO....'. GOG 11InîEe. meelt th appropriation made b>' the expeatied on the bridge over the mlii tes A ulAtnanil seialdsr -Mn. Gnalien> reporteidfrein the.speci. Caunl'c Stvatab~ ig twosream>, viere il Cascs the 7th con. if1 A ai atednc l epoilldelable ai ccn>mitîee statîug that tlaay fenladbridges aven lie tWarbuiver o cession on the Southt aide of Uxbridgstg ae h lia aaaal meeing cf the Libéral. that portion cfthie -bridge coastrnct. boundairy lino betweca Scott and East vicolc QOINsevvtlvO Association ta b. liold, at ed la 18761 in a gooti anti ap aranntly Gvilliambnny, andti hat B. Rowlandi, CIIA UTC CONS Broiclin, on Eahirday. Permaanent condition, bu îta U at pt-Reeve cf Scott, b. appointeSl On aii o f Mn. Feasby, ueconded agi NoDsht.rou...bjfi ~ o oti i iting of the loating bridg as i commrisionor taxpud thie ameni by Mr. Wright, il wao nesolved that the Bab inediaeaontlay. Tii. comanitîe re. 5thèý Yonr committeu have exancin. canuLs a .prntei in détail in tho jour. &ni ache10 Inum 1s warrantfd to Cure, or COantnndei liascontinuation of tleeaSthie folleving accouaIs au(? necon>. nAIS ofthe counicil. vai mecy vfuatid.brigete . onsruldithie saine menti their paymnanî:-Wm. Boultea, XESSENGEIL Ut Itefen a tea.cemmittea ounrouas caretaker Narrova bridge, 912; Beuben On moction cf Mn. Biokeil, tha tras. soi Dnnrlag the nionth cf Fabruar>' 1876 as bridges. StiIweil, cirelaker Scugeg bridge, $10.- anar vus directeS ta pa>' the messeager Bar anti 1877, E. Frost at Ths 055 Feilova niannon as lie Portion Madie in 1876. 263 ; Hlenry' Jrellieur twua cays services #2, pur day, for bis services.s Hal ok1 aiscfecidla fOneS b>' lonMr. Smitla (Scott,) eo.as; coixmissioner, examiaing Soagog - SUO RDEAAN h ',l"tok ()cetsOf ochdola o ode b M.Graham>, couacil adjoun. biidge, s$180; John B. Feaaby, oneSUOGaauAAI.h even>' Purciaser. Tiae smo liberal cd. tltiy'a service as; cemmiasienen exatai»n. Mn. Graa> gave notice tiat lievs" slrlsigihlbor*,rarranangeaient viii bc ain iig Scugeg bridge, $8.50; Gao. Smilla, vontao.menrow introduce a bylîv nsote fonce dunlng Fetarnar>' 1878, 10 conta THIIID DAY. tio., 9.a.nppropriatiug 82,000 on the. nepair cf ue cOff Bachi dollar purohasqd al heîî i0<1 Thü..A GU, .LL rti. Yenir conimilîe aften carcfnlly Scngog bridge. c HaFolle 'einr>.E. Cni mtah e.21. censitisning ltie repenttefflias Special Warden lait Lthe chair outil Ivoofi 10.25. Cornumittee, appointeS althebIses et. o'ciock. lhe Ur- Whîeler acting varden, tooh Sien cf thus cenneil, recemmendthtaIAPTERNOON SESSION, beLt - - ~~---- - -thue chair. Minutes reend anti epprov. lthe remeiniug portion cf Scngog bridge Ti.vdensudthecarLLe ac A TiNDOLAI CsteLAEU Ailecdhb filled in after a imir magner te minutes ta 8 o'clock. ai bill vas Poisented al Oshava. No hbila On0motion of Mr. Jickail, secoudeS tht portion airati>'doueas-Aisot forth REPEAL OF BT.LAv EXTENDINO ras vilt Wt of tid d Il b>'Mn. Peashy, it vas resîvea t <at on lunlthe cantract bebvaca tuis corporation oftt 1nom nonbave hec eIseS i c shé vant cf lic hboauce cf tie vandea, antiN. S. Dyer. The o st of thiesaiS iETUBN OF ASSESSicENT SOLLS. @h b1' h Cnaldeaî BnainS vgocn M.Waer6eve cf Uxbridge teck net la oxcoeeti84000, wîicli il a be rais- Mn. Wright intrcnd mticr tSao thoin,-raeraaalc,1g the chair turing thie session. A by.iav cd b> tIie issue cf Corporation Debea. lirongi a by.law te repeal b>'lav 278, ecAL - passaS hto Ihio affect euS tia acting lunes payable in tvo >'sars, andtiîht o fan as relates taeLias exhoinsion cf rc -----hck-a-euaaLoî0i0-fceJme*Gai6>,re-eofScgoani1im-fn etrna.aseumntral f c anSi Mn. 3ickail bectd liit lcJprseal Cu,Bt~ Johin objecteti, ungin sIlleuw tO ofLlIidoaay a amvoi e n nbelilved tiaepreserta i.ojece httepeett1lii"lcMdlshoiae.kp pl thaihi. iverScn Codh teacei the tr Lddonetiair tint>'; IliaSprove- as ca etaLime ta expendti h is t itsadvantagc of hhe publie aocla cun ornlaval vei esPresteti by Mnr, 1 coefcinatutarse ag inu ve f i glain hattacmnni> iai ~ M BuI rspctagLi. lîtb Hnîourthian gm boti tnn.oi y doingîtîe ceunI>' justice ta esk te ex. up them comaien echois. Mr. Company>'aneneorathetIncd ati nof Mr. uasut i movd Lnotothe ctinta vend sb.anrenaui houplace las dpre.sl uamodarightcoîs;tudt hrothe rua ulri th indsayi & fIle. of on 1h. Tras. ev, l; utasrdr lM. Wigh O rept r ertien.Aotp10 reaut.Hapssdivsjbtrio hingvatheot iTis re antenn c o p t W n p pd u l a d r e d a n chm v e h t h o n u ld l e V o te l a e c a e . c m pat ie r ta e r v s h a L th r a d i rn inGn r odmvdtenuls nîhbain>ciee t itali a>' n- ommn do uThhepreflb gomporomuiie nbe s soui Honsuo adjooutemuoti et s 4.hewa Jne te 1igR30.e. idno ur r e o. an '. 28pp18 8. t n ii o mki anti e xea l ti on . .Gahaau lm it te n di e ha thriet large t s aa ri -e v one depand n . v s t A. oli n ju n eh tons v50. pr ssa . m n led aihe diS o i re a n . e a ti i th e re orc o ftinu e n irW i le a e s c0a'r i s. n c a oSani iefclola Bisves nto Tsaî;le an Ih tua cno objecrstionsbidge omateaermgh aeentjo. inaetisaaiens woblaienden month' anub r f p ti i ps w gre r. e . . u Bd iLa lh o d tnet a taS hou or ' h ide p mii a di te a am ine nt b r idge l pî a i e n >' o a d am om a M'enat, eilandthefolowi g Blsr, n tro TJ motariiona the pema eleuh. MSmitht(cott ) ne onn of th pa r lon. n h fsion gh'v 1h:le cf Part Lued han riind afi Cc. of Can'a ral tng Miobn P artni oei n.IIcs lenrt h tic o riiend. t a 1ona ine t hig a amod el coun ve rdal ecxa si >' P5 rai' In en IiTnoaant ipi OtavaRCc.- r.Tie ngeetiii led ne at ibncou anger .ped huit illho inumaedicor- a eficiehye te itas qulfiatian ova.or - Z O ou v rt - b u ial g rou d i th Jii g e urn a m , h e or m nent a ufi - ien u a in of er e i a pr epniate ud anal Lli ga i a t i sirthesabilfi et a t so . TM nsy t riv r, ati g au d itcn s aamca s th a n e q u rsa oin t e h t d ei i n c ; aS vM r.gsn o ta h ii. a Bp.ak O. Ofs Cant d a ;ot re> itit pr acis ni x onece la inpne h ud ei enr o aei mtu hi vc estb gi vl aim n. he cthS heinToraonto, aOtawa iagB. Te Jr-peiipatemos-ta beno pieuo r a:meM PrM. Silarthfpesn euiy0anls Prorcanoj auaoaclmenm wihh hla aleies antiMn Gr hain apgravefnipl an.the sa voanNa>' o hvelmean haPon rélAaPntWaitbyland rb terBongo" 1 aoseragaton> ta ffieu>. The ndon a leIe rsntcnito otfatctia h.Nraisfcie o-h aM>'.bi Mr eosi nsct, resgalintcaîs toxeisîla oliabridge, nuS l in t as îsM.Gu>trnt a Gantieme &nsndtsonfnou a nv« h.er madior asotie haices uiene w m ie rean eti tnt ie wak eui n t tiaes ocas wvihi li H ii heol maci i D g & m 6 4 = ë t i a t e G o d T o u J a s ' e r l a c u a i t e l w t h ,t h e d u t e 3 ha n t i e n s a c h e î r l i e i ti n p r e s s a t tM n dB he Np o r a i l i a g ro a t - a i b r report cf tho Committeeos neo fri. seIlîc Onelmeee mr miei 0bis u le b lati Mi, Hardy V aop Setaîloo I s a r.Bikll h tmeweîlaorvasatril ea 0 onidre hi, oo btth iaei gof al t& Mrtardy efaIrnsene a tidwsa Moat efficient udo- psnhaps ciaeap. Alois e l api'efurîlien an- lias vadgs eta atifurbior t heas r lce- Xondo and e hoo paticlar ;-hos requîmes socomlits60 c a fti epa in ssl u rocorded l liO ran incandRugi nasntca> ohQecntebt squiriesl, liant 6feel tfit.ebridge bad s o h epe hr5wri APaeI aifa ia inary otî, 1877 o, ua av Mr majast 1800 feet >elleab. toe. acaîtene uti alove on smccoo l o M rn ti incunnati. for-abeauom atie if '76,rantinh atoiondteMr.inic ioh ies. ola a ol se Mi-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ladrmve o otr ftsi ent .~r ieel~ Aitar soins familier discussion tIh. re- roetaas enougiaUxbidgc nd tic ri no and cLuiu 5 mlly onh sotanedricua at hoimo aateu nar twa rIaril, on a division. obicr places vonîd bc askng fcr gran.Wvas na on nw srucure Moesu rrwdateicapulieo in mo ui ha Son. On motien for aedoption,, Mn. Biakaîl, bye-anS-bye, anti viene vcald tlis Lii">'at f ccnneotlthe a ' c Inub No landiahrgigldrtaTioeecoadeti b>'Me. McTagrganî, -oveâta10 hiag stop ? Anti ifthie>' graul 100 ou Laka of avit>' etnd nCewm n u Atoubeiaudicgng ea t Te 'lofer back ltie report ville iushmuohiona nov, the>' mighie hosaked for 8200 noxt echool monie~ ~ U dicuîu imtond.as cre4 oagoennve.a asasr410 ict tho ck uit the cianse resjeciag Son-ycar.-.Wî,., ot?2They haoï eou<gîmotion f Mr. Hardy lifraisdtihie Housa la Meut nt fory.Bt etoe rdehra la au amnded iqrL thealis eal is ca g. thera Yea.-Messit. Âme>'. Bickeil, Blow, hors anS a Scot rigflra gndaport Per Scîtfrud ~~ apna1iiyeImnat dBeap'th e tIii>on Bruce, Diekie, Gibbx, Grean, Harper, frao rsmeleoee- Mn. D. Ur amrnthtth aer OW"dultgec a plyt il orMTggrMlien, othensîi, Proatr, M r. Gralium-Ordor l-Qnembion ?- cf the rmralnà a teSwottifrudew d on Istionsea Tw nomaa vy oulu net Sith, (ega ofnSoarg. n utl'ra i, E. W.) anS Spinkls. Mn. Bikol-Tie question la one cf and thi pio!tI>'ndwul e . lieonso orà chne.-T ufas ac vd etl Nay.-Mssns. Ciristia, Cunaing. spending mona>'. I vanh te show hevw o a li-on adshretedte owl hain, Foneby, Grahamn, Hoover., lames, the txsgoad bi utmet tec The, Hcase adjoedo anS me faithinîl> as@Itie gentlemen Who r>'mtMeRr obry La, stop tas lcak in th. barrei. I hoe. Mn. R jsJu,. Ativisbeudteofc. t sntParker, Rowlad.St. loin, an ti h cin i e t Ls lacs agaoinet suai Whithyc vusay as 9t.ane qabltotipulthouines viîa vonu (Scot4l4. gnul. Mv. I h7rlqpn1 or îoop.io:eria ite lain. o od The connoil weat batkiknlucemmittees-Mn. Wright eer4d the iscourse-M fquestion AngteledIs' aid ws nehae veyti a Mn spn . aifltae wiie andi amendai!thue reper nt eigentlemen, vho depended upon aise b>'à TicMr qBrown icu fo gloÈo f teanningar anS MA. aapvener.in campliueno. 'it instructions. liinpplanit>' hy lus ar>' aient lteéof Mn. D, râio the Lidiei'Oluliomu sCuningachêvn fr Pasbmontfume TUE OIuAND .uUIn. vSEXx. taxes. pHaereid the circular cf taiesaloi b>'à 'cqt"io riekiiiii as om udnatîcas igavinurat n îo IMn.mentitued.-initro dcto,[oeooepb aiRf Mufloii A""ment 000 a lSthe ls V os giotU.Biakelt- O ito fM. iklscn- E au« ro m - t ree 0,0 06k tilt gîter r e. M n. Qi-h aM aid ie lied neo hjecl, b>' M n. Saiuih, <E. W .) a neau icn lih pa as tho ha vanîags f tie opposa fl Up n frt&ohaua s aneai>'utieS >' u> poaiasl fnsîrueuiug the vardea î aie- moSel eclicols, atl ig a is u ilte ho conter ilamoi n o h rs o rî o o n lu s etacv n as -. W ni yl t ate w i la a m enail thele à lisii-tu e t a nnS l îav ceui>' ancea c lal in0lh.Priavino., < iti v es te iom oia ha oOi th e i, oftidsîte.entiem au , à aima ant I neveuose s tha ahili &hthe, 5.teadance of grand gbut Iveo i rsexoieip yteU em n Û021,tfSitit.TihémotIbn vis to lnà ei'ttkatufMrteLonselaions.i ~~Tht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 111oet atofUrBick.If wvihola asitinS t uar r esiaatearat)Hasnahomen 5b'teMis.Hmn anaomonîy m aves Isethe et SOIiODam:. er.H. e d ion the saate of tls liiad expi T@ri cf ni arri e tn. ih Pasw hsto OUO RDG.titeuî à he 0un couneoi hta laprovitian 129 p î a @s v e nt lie in r.îtil . B l ali w ihli c' a n en d . 1U r. G ra h m a g a v e enoîic o th a t - b ue c o a aty .o f (Y iâ tpM o -w o ui Fu e l u h ct i de s c b oI o p agitM; loe volut -on lo-aienncw larm ov 'v i-aïoùlii amiongt Lia. OdionlaoiyTh Mlu 'lig, výte, 1Mr li: eh d -to h 1 Ice, byb-ivaI& . - theb k 55ýâÈ la - 6 - , ns alciv Ti. fr.am more 4liau OqCnw tma'violie plZeobroughtit n >aln h dia- 1. S. Robertson, 010.40; W. H Thomý' Whii i.p lluôf the qlà ns. of' lieroic bas ie l. grn leis. hue. Tefr- kw 1ledunp 0son,-82.50; George Yul., #15.40-;1 t ý tlisstivap Bia, 7;GrssiPsGrnge, ci r1 o ipoun b>'Mn. Wilr c f the otier couaniinu' ith theisu> of 0200,to e b. piti fu- ics.Ric,#7; G Hrogs a PMrtIanS . i eadthe ahuvsanmlrcam Mode! sobools Icoîteti lu lhe couat>' Mr. Wright move t i l lb'he. ~rave,418 ;Aj.Wlon 2.0 ae.or not; the dam appearati bebca lovas anSthao %e abral h n iuowIh b u»c 400 for 8111 8 209; E. I. lhama,08.4; qurerofa mile ava>' irel miati l4.aluitlb. intvy oniacil wculd baik n>. A. Dni>,8i.76; W>m esisnb mut i>' egadeo. s a am am ugy an s hme srgve san- make Ibis an exception. The. sut» Tii.motion vu 1 0 ' a, by Messrs. 023.58; Loves Psove,I, 84.60. lng wl>'oft syraeatagbe. assdvsasnalauan uiyfor th. Dkle, seri ]314k.uoiel, anti Prom tha-,report -ofW, 0C, Marbia, Mr. Gvn.-As tote mdam stream ba! ev f b Iusos flim b iSta 01nth ng îii.h(taughtcr, Ordai-) a fsv roda scuti of govrueu eesnlfa e antMbailas au arme érizeS the 0 P8n~O m hefiit day cf June, 1877, tisýPbnd 1t alss han ten lest yi5 goe=n raat n Om-, stO'8 uatmtemoqueeze mv. tii, 3stDecember,, 1877, bothdayo aaui> lwo inhes dos~ ; Cffl W U -agul the oq o t#, s î or _ _ o côipel hlm te oc eo té inclusive, 95 prS oncr -'so6 m ates, on. - lfr e lsr b lleveti % rG reen w as t b a I lo s , w * lt i r q m s e b e * - 1a t t - h r s v r ~VlbybSonti.'tc Ll t ba lb!wishes or resiga. cf Wviioh vie ýnsance, ana t9femaea maihs anas te,,te plce ,thr w ontild to the grant th. SAaineîm Dr.13a9 diS noh thine tiiera as thc have been congli-ine lugaclanS on Sawm iflluaint leur mile is ivn b>'tic Wbtb-lat'sif lb. ceulmol lhoutU saighemî danger of tb, Inspector tikig the firat Sa>' cf ar>', 1878, thoenene d5ream. O U moelsbocis ,vers reqaired inLu tiiattarcus. iutosmie th. «only. isev acore.Statossuai sem inlugaot ton prisoasra-g maies -Mr.-Green vas net anislakea, Tii, hieWorh 0100 asr ,vith 8200 'anti one fenil.; îanShfiath ' egrse- ira a st sg canlt t le )vHIr- S Pas' ili S te daSlOet An fiit- mors idov aad.s1 fot 4ualfiicmhion uai gale flamber cf days on vhlhis n. lied u Siga hcto vaIn hhoir..,.rssee nakcu laib l. v Rvecf as aMr.Mcflrieu'a wvan uc ,sf 'uSbalenos reaivod gaci ailovance Suning fths liero< (LUindlanglier). WYhltby aPPoedltéentorlti, at lb. Ho (Dr. Bac)iaad Bnet, eb*ctedtie thîe abave liMeOvas2820 diysan d the cest-Aller a- fev vords <ne> Mn. Blovwlun mon.>' vas ging te Lheralga sobhocs. fysh f, otr tavlling sipenses fcr eacii Prison.n vas Di conta, pev day. epposibion lie voLa vau laken, anti The Modal scia cla vers net lucn e,-1120.an futre»; bat as, fanas ia haîtheca Tiat the>' laSlaiS bsfone biena vo- bath-motion anti ameudn voteSl tien vili the higihoi0s8ah ai.As able Le aMortain, anS ie.bailbeen on porh frcn> tie>peciaJ cammitte. appoint,- Soya. for the benafif, 4enlv ed ire> lias>, lie Eacation con>miItec-Mr. Mo. edtila ntatotite dttierepalirsefîo YasinMn.Sm 0 mndane lisî y r fer. lvmère ta tb. couatryPOP- Bion ad naver matisun>' fermalicde. court ions.anti gacî andti he.vîlsi ossns. laies, Smnith, (Sacot)Bruce, -A whoan. elied S igi scicola. The non asiLcntmpatu i bs poin. aî..a-meniadd, iBovwlanà , Parker anti Feashy-6. <eLeten iante s.0 Ã9,, md illa5, ..a a*ea is ap aopohegntat, sco inta1olcr' motien-Moessrs. Moel scocs gava braîmeS teaciens, ment that lie shoald have au>'. but cd s, va ictiev te e t o wneîarwk vihat vas vanteS te lis coutry>'Patm, lie regulan satan>' vas ta ceven ail cou- facloer'.FINANCE. ant les. hoaciens vors traimaS, vie lingancies. Thayihum ai>' aiebhoir attention Mr. Miller brougat up the report as coulti nel afford tie expos of attend- Tiie latber part ai the clause wascîllet ethe circulan Lasued b>' thu In. fdllova : ing the Mode! oicol At Toronto. Ac. alruak. aut alLer son>. innîhen discussion s3peateor of Prisons, stahing thbat hegev- To the Municip al Counait ci the cornto th e Minister cf Eduaion Tme clause embodying obabishioses b onmon ad aS pprevei cfaà recommen. Counby cf Ontario, the mode nov ao ea ved lth. Pubhic the sbandiing of thoe choola %vas nexh Sdaion matis b>' 1m that clctliingbea The cemmittes on Finanoe and As- uxpense cf estbhiffl a second motiet disaussati vit mci viger. matie up ah the Centrai Prison, anti eamea beg ta repart. scoolinluthi.cil>'. Hs Icak it for Mn. Dickue ati Dr. Rau chalknaetifurnasi otiteguols upon requisition it I Ti raue rpnsl.vt grnulStst aiU vers, intenosteil in prc. lie counua>cy f lthestalishias given- the loveat violesai. prices, anSdcone021 ýlet.Ten auerdfici> ri eps li ailla mehug the cause off acahion, aisuaiobtiey vere not obtained offuciaily, anS unifonm aiptbn anti mîk, nt < rov- burseaients on account cf tho Canl>' beinig the case the granh ceutd not con]- tie council siould not b. aiket o giva questiug Iluis canaita fonvard a liot nhi liehneXL session ln u un. aLstently be reflhoS. RH id ne objec- tien> officiel sanction, As nov givan re¶gamned for tiseaise ci prisenens un lien utcPort Penny gotting lbs grant soins echoals anti especia>' Oshawa, thua gai net liter Ilian th. finst onTne aman'l an banS la as penrot 280s for th. scioelesabLmieî thoran. But if vere maSa t appanta disîtivînlîga Februaryncxh ; butat h.gaoe e na orAi oun duera>s M..nuc......i5i9.s he ceancil bicugit eue eneugi, tien Boli gentlemen vers satisfie t trialhe irts thal lie lias sailient clotig on--0 thao count>' lovnaboiula, ihave thu pnsi. figues nespeating Oshava wcre lacer-. m an orat least six moablis, the>' ne- 888.50 5 inonce. He hadlilttl, doubî iallr ect, andti laI if secoad-cmasa centifi- commead lia thlir. h. no action takon Tsanulvhiaau co>d.r but Ihet eeOne nedtihîe purpOeaanti cales babeen lacludeti Oshanwa vould ah prament ln the inattan. - Li froan lie, bea vianlacsuffiat. was' safficient to tara eut 8e1 lic have -u large aumber. Ta(i>)la cimaclo inThe trasuren askS bliat antionit>'b t: taahensa iI vre iiecaainy sefan as Mn. Gibbs vas surpriseS ho finS teIle Ax. Camenon cf lias tova ci Whulhy, grîntiluntiar by-lav t bcrnov the C thoceunty vas concerneS, SapaI>' neavc cf Oshaiwa, vie vas a eskiug for aid, bat Ihonglti t impudenh emeunt requinsti anS your comaitte e Mn. Dicki believetheii subjo cra mor naicne of lie aciacol board, challeug- te ask the eonaul l grant such aid, nacommonti that suobai uhoit>' is importntain any etI Suit sight vere iug tic cornecînescf lis figues, enS asthe>' refrisete do go aitar aieing ne- gnueS î svare of. The question houchedth be yel-ieing u-l h aali on c omfmendeti b>'the ceminiitese t laist ndgon cmUt.-vuii a fountiatica cf eucahion. Ha believedti ion. If Oshawva lippane t eaie Lin Jane session.ateiotehetmof5190du E ihe generai public reasivet i al the aS- lha hack ground better let the malter Thiat lie>' have had their mttention aoneliente lieate rm of 85119.50 e E ncation requincd ti I the commn pass, antinot ake liasir Seficieuay calleS te lie insufflaient shah. of 1he bangCoant>'rte ia>d Muinicipaliîies a scols. He vas in favon ci ptacing sîli more prominent. H. regretteS sunnegale office vault, ia regard te lis bat gtvan>' arera nst utilemmnia toss saheola upon Liehe bsL hasis pas. lis exiaibit vas net ancre ilaeng te safe-keeping ef papens cf importance, forcethe raurehnt ructe dutina e i uil g s tc guve nine-leatis of the Oshava, viere th.> matie an annuai aun recommenati ini boxes c e pur- muaicipaiiee acaanding te tha slreg- b peoplu cf Canada liaI etincalica Ilis> ex enditur, cf 86,500 on the selol. ciased similar te thoi the egisbry uîahing the saine, excep ting thc lov- b, ;outS nacalve. 'Thle Siffucuil>'he>' er. Dickie feit liaI frein observa- office for lie safa-keeping of pepens. si fRaina.a ia in Oshava vas ia getliag hoiti cf tiens anti viet vas inubis ov mind, Thulthan, la ne sale inthe clerk's seilc ia casoftecinacpaloh at-Osav as ohentitltea a 3n5 The audilens report has beau f 1a ls fnabr aal fl r-Ohw greaer nun>- Office, ie saie in the labo clerk's office laid before youn ceaniitee giving ;-(a) ce îg Lthe sdncahion reqi1iraS. AnS lue b hanh he>'neeivati çnedit for, heiug privale prepent>', theeininmite stlcass (la duplicat) cf reeeipls ex- te silievedthat lta. dif cuit>'vouiti ha Mn. Hooven helieusdthelas lattarng nacommendth le parcinse cf lin boxes panditures frein tii. ht cf Inn, tele i itil furtien incaseti b>' Losa model clause vas put in le help geltite grant of tha necessar>' siz. le hli important December 1877 :-(b) stetemeata in ni hools. He believeti oae motiel acLeal for thc Modal scîools. books anti papena-hhe saine te aie Suplicatas ire> lit ci Jeu>'. 1877 te li4 Lit, auffiaient te Iarn out aiilite Mn. Biekeli moeat testrik, out ltie placeS la ths vauilt elonging le the le8stDecember 1877 anti report haviug c eaclierm limaI vare necassar>', andifliat ebjeabioneble portion oaitheasclause. Hý Tneasarer'p office. f' aicoksrnivecaa uay ftioau leaciens came iran>the Tenon- vas quite viiling lae ongnatnlate ail The>' recommend tlhe purehase cf ut sahisiachen>' stats. ni oMadel scical iL vould ha moe salis-th c hools uapon Ihein vork, but diS Ieisltvew locks le replace defeclive 4tm. Yoar ceaniitto. necommend ac1er>. Tho"e sat motiel sahoolA net vettto imubîci p oae scoillia the lcks in lhe geol. layn ruue i nîatt a P nild net anavar la. purpos. se vail. expense cf ancien. Tht the office cf lias CeunI> Altere> ames W tetalsub n of On. tHun. vW Ls viev vas te naise lime salaries in Mn. Wiaelen spoli e lith sains effaît, be repairaS anti vhite-vmsied, and tireSanti Tiirleen diollars anti sixty ne na icrcasa the capacit>' cf lie public anti saiS hae knsv limaI tLe reaîl as pub. Soora on the seioviag cases Lu the office cents La saîtîsmant cf bis daim on lot e Loola. Bolianoîionasimhoulti he vaîsci iheS a ianaenwspapana vas incorrect, cfthe Clenliofithe Psuc..o ova. If grnuleesgiven te Wiby go fan as Uxbridgs vas concerneS. Tiat the ceminittea liaS bfoea 11m s, ainhe 2i coaesiclalcf solfori, nd Pont Pernn ohr lcswol r Suuibla, (East Whilby.) As eabis speciai committos appeinheilti hax- taxss in 1871, ant te cierge limat vi at thean b>' undt b>. Anti if the_ new maunher, couaidenad lit veuiS ha amine certain icconts fer bhe supplies amount against htia ovnship cf Scott. hem ovenamanî casiieetinotien Matîet- tesirable le have saine record as to fiae requinet b>' lie sevenai offices, anS 51h. Wa eniti n ecommuent lat the eool, snci as that aIToronto neces. -pregreass afeducatiou la the cony. bave aasumethc tulLes te aeperem- pehition ef Gea. Sihand tillera, te n r>' let Iheai ashahliona. Looking aven former education reportacd b>' liaI speoini cominiltee, euS hav grunîna Liceuse as limvker unS petilar, Mn. Harper caieS thes attention of lha houaS lien> ver>' ineagre. He a i îg careful>' examineS lie tite abovs on raluc iinh, .geaeil Sa d p ai>' reeve f O si Avai e viat s ery t a se s the conten tion, an ti h ie m athe n voulti recom m e ud ti La t tea muid hm m d. n o r af T h oa be d l a L t ed i as unrapil lu the ciranlan of lie Min. muglit sa>' vire-pul'iiug, as Le lie Suifer- ceunI>' clark procure soin. buakferma - council remit ths price tfiereon. hec ten oi Eduation on tîLeacenen»' anS est secîsi. Ha diS ualt came wiuiciai requlaitiotia fer supplies requireti, 61ia The pehilien of the Bye and tînilnesa of lie pmasent plan. vas ahiga, but il vs usnl>' nigihttheanti Sisl,'i: i the amine ho lie sevenai Bar Infiriany nsking lie council t ali Mrn. Cunninghaanignestiviti inost people cf lie *canl>'shouid have the oicers -wlioae daut>' siielib e amake inaptto a be adbfr h wiahati beau sait ias te the coin- information Le shov vint was doing in eut a requisilien for lia supplies fer csugu tea pihio ia bencaumtt ef ot m on ahols, bat couadnob seocse otehue cens.eof eduicalion. tli atlaiai necesamy for eaich f the1 rcomm tteat cno ctin>maîtae enS min aMotelahools tiaing ava>' vith a Dr. Ra. i ne noobjection tlu lioffices anSdliaSd th. saine te the clerli, romaita eahinb ae e ten aiass cf teaciera. Th, e eluen dcil'ake htIl iurssioi se dut>' shail ba le suhm2it telaie i5 7h h eiinaku i en p r a s a l o s a a i s e t i san io a d ut h a h i g u r eshha o u u i . l a yo t e a nanc f W h i î b y , v i e o fîl t e d ah e p t t o n a k n g t e c u n i U cron setins vere compehie t e be officiaIlanseuding thein ebroat i vlith i.vne niSru>.ev ihete palihionhe Onaio Lagiaeire te 3 tut experianca. Taaî MaSel He-diS ahtsaay cf lais ova kuoetge wvieen aiS supplies are necessa>', uapprte pro00,000,f te dai geuad, tiie Joois help:d to qumalif>' teaoiaenm for tluithble -figures vere incornecb--oniy anS if lie>' deen> suhI o b. the ase ant hal Iliesumn cf 82 peribond be npaiS îiar ing o c t leetora vas n e tiis t ia tioae as a pr epet va >' ta get lie >' s uit obtain t ue saime b >' tender te tie respective m i c i i h hIt. Tii. public deriveti gnaalhben. tiie officiai statiahica, insteed ci takiug as fan as possible, or in sudcoher saine mennen s ns l 878 i adbfr o L crm lien. As bo Whitby living tilen>iran> nevspapen paregnapls. manaer as thmia>' hialiprepen. youn cammilles andi va vouid recoin- tmu *iveti a certificaeaenlitling il 10 lia. on ths motion te anadthe clause Anti inniher thimi ne supplies cf an>'ment ble lsWantien be insîruchedti 10don vrnnna grant, so hadi Port Penny.h>' slmiking cul lie eijectioneble por- description viatsver siaill e furnisied Bignli te saine. tev emalter sionid not he regardai! îion of ih. tiens veteti yeti, Messrs. te this cnt>' unhil the requisiheion f llu .Ycu comanilîeentSlc recoin- Mn. in a actionai point ai viev, bath Bhikeil, Dieu., Motenaill, Spinli, liae s ain salh is ceunlersigneti b>'te Iliat nc acion b. taeen ou lie peli- N nlS a placeS on a p an. and Whelen-0. vantien. Anti' ua funlien buat the lion for thaenarchion cf- a Hanse ef ion En. Wnigit repliaS genanal>' lut The clause vas tien carrieil andtihe.ceunI>' clark la hereby insmucled te Refuge ion incurables. une: Sobjocî cf tLe Motiet scools vas te repent rapertati ns amendeS, as fol- aelif3' ail pensons vio have turing the Oh. yean clmmuttes iaving exan>-io ?art a proeinaluieducaia-ta fit lova peet yean inmuisied suppiess, liatiun foalreueî rlta bti icrs for lis dut les cf beacbing. Yonr commitle, have cunefuil>'con- infuue noaucceunla viiil e rncognizati Shemiffa' claim, veuit neceanaent lt but ey ad natiaing taetic viti the, Higa sitieneth laimoh lie Public Scol ion payaient uniess tas saiS' supplies Liat th. mattan in question b. laftitw 0, 'els. Dit,hoe akeS, the viiole Inspecter for travelling erpengs an u a U. beauen odonti la ishemanuer sat- lhe lintis cfthe Wantiaa anti thi'- vih ut>' vaenthogel lie benefi o ai e acircnu ailia.heMinister ci Educa- forth in Ihia clause ; anti fuinlien ltstnceomie tta nbatosth lb>' and Porh Penny ver. paying tion iaviug refencebo the Actbearng liaiscdansa siail epp>'la tue esupplies anonceyCoaanitheadae sc ciesti uilding lisse sahootanmai!educal- en lte case. Il ars it a nothar cil te gzal, so fan astle ceuncil lias a~e >> ie dial.Pick as li offcea f Youn commithee hieviqg ne-ofcf the. teachers anti psy nahiag ion caaies ancl travelling expeaisas are juruadicîton, as veasîl eofieso- tequasteti lie Clark ta produce lie Pick r. otenslhCbagelispuils andaubetehinvlloed. Thii. speeton, ceunI beuse anti negisin>' office. Treanrers' bond fanding il sahisheclon>' ket e Ir. Mtherill-Cangethe umh s in audtitionate is stipulateti aîîowauce, Tint in falune ail fti. ordwcci! ne- retunneti ih.hc lii.eleri.an r. Wrighl-Ycu can't. As teat par sohool, andtihte circuler of Mr. quineti te ba out ino alihont heugth for Tho repent vwas cousiderad in cein- wi lepat>' reeva of hiiby lid pro- Creoka ils Sacleive ns toe buel thle Siffareut offices in tii, ceuItlieuse mtet ofthe viols%-in r pe t d, lis (M. WrigihL> avennn - -- ---- - apc nvil îecaui ne.M.-aSIl,-lI.b . SlierSllegayrd tI.cirniaopd-ttnsmai- uratuns standt as foiows uu oulu appear LaI his vas a m oi;t' eite p y 2 pain day ailditional te lh s second Wrigh-DîS 'ou nol »ova batt iv,9;Ubid amr>' vrl. Ater several uies. epresntaîves f Mar, Rami anti Ti>' c m >'y b. tru k o t. 1 8; P ontP e ny , 4 4 - T o tal, 96 . lon s, lIae m a ter vas Isi th l s i nd ,s T li ra l viao vo alt ie u n ebla le r anch f u iia B lo v-Y e. But itla for you Le This is a cui>' xhiil ill com pare ci h. lorl- he repet il une session. home oire M nta>. quréd ace a epanehe clause, s iing lic m ost ivorabi>' ill an >' la thîe Pro- Coun il adj(uraeti t 9.40, u uii 8 . axTUau4acumTHE ROLL . m rci iif lie>' link fit to make a grant vina. T hie etucatinal interesg fthe m . to-m ero. Beire the adjourumeal tooli place 11111Yw î Peny. M . 3B 1ev ent on te cunI>' are eh paamotinh importance, FIFTH DAY. te varSn directeS attention ta le He pc ut Whitb>' baS the evantege co mi!f o commiltea ventures te expraîs non-ratura cf the rela tusthecount>' ýb - ni scieai building wvile th.Mote e oi tat patniehic en-d îaaigiteuad - Saluan>, Inuar>' 201h. clark witiin the lime appointeS ib 1. - n gC nl Port Penny vas localeS ln u n lemulat>' vuul ceatinue as ha-retefare le Mnr. Gr-aLan>movedti tepetition 'the PcunnTheneru, Licott suS Witb>' iker n-e etibrke dvacinci.diýrretil lyoun Seliberatieus atndI appro- Legisîshure gmaisl an) Aclteoprivat e vre toont>' mnicipaliîies thaha id Mn. ould, tiaink le ioan Mn. Wrighit priations having nafernce te the publia cempauises nahllng Ihiai te acquuiro comuplieS v'i Ia l av. mi Port Penny vas tbe grauatsinstructions of tis yenng. mnio iandlni Ilk o- O oinc n leescnaiSpinl ia m tho Dominion anS onglil le ho To -111 vacencies eccnnning inuthe gog. Ha pointeS eut tih. injustice ai b>' li. Biaellel, concil eîdjouirned ah e ht cf Goernmenh. Butlieu (Mn. Higi Sahooha, your cemaniîhee recon- llovn speculatora ta talie possession 12.10 noof. Mn. î aift il for obiens te ma>' vleîîen a menthlis illoving : cfainds ion Lie ostensible purpese ocite--a Da a h siores cf Lake Ontario Whitby-Dr. Tuoken. drainage to the delniment cof cvpera ai The members foliovati the vundae su 4 as l v o itu tet, and as beat- O s awa--Jabu Co vun. propeni>' on lhu mrgia ai thla lke, as iao the grand jury reon, v s le h a i &it evena,se one an a frog pond Uxhnige-I. G. Crosby. did auso Mn. Wrightî. Ihvis alto shahed, secret conaimhteek place aven liasetmanul ae Songog. (Laughter) Let eai Pcrt Penny-E. MuaS>'. thât legislalien ivas aoughtb b> pensons Ehea-if'osuit. dùk et po n ils m eih. Let lia O n lis m otion for adoption befoo c enetd ihith , To mnte & Otta a cutis o n W hii hy ae aken ni> final lie va nden, M . W rightl m eve t ta e- l ilva >, o n lis p rpose f aspa-u a io , A dj out c ti Se ssions, fi st as nu l.1 Mn. Wright put in coefor 'Storcthe clanse gnaîtig 8100 la thi. as tic COapan>' venicibave ta buiid anu -favoriai arvy aSd let liat be laken np. Modal Scîcohs, but vas cal>' supporteS embankmug ovsm lie merala. Motion An etijournet sessions oh ths Peaa esked b i ki -Th cy no v fin Shah on c b>' M ssn. H arper an S B loo theli as c rie S, vas ield luth Thunda>, in tIi. Court ae lai Moiet iciacle as an olS baen volateeeznee.Hne.FlsHnrntg Braefdiîle le Ohan vii sometLing alie. Tiie vardsn leittIle chairntit seveo M.Wee nngi ovr na- alG BIDE.Hue.irman; Magisr Jtos prmon, f v ehoe ai>' eapils voro -inattendance o'ciock. M.Wee ruh owr h o himn; aititspoet-vlpd hl v s e i t n v.E E L G s s I N ti en . ci viicha h o l ed . g iv sn n otice for a M uss rs. G . T ' B r aie, M ajor H a rp ar, R. o ae of t ý e ia-Ti. scuikocîbuldngat 8.0 . .-LNESSri I. cai.grant cf 8200 ta napair tle brlidgemoneose Metienlill, Pi-maceie, Ose. Wialer lace-Li E l a r e r - h e c h o i b a i n . a t 8 .2 p . m . - h e a r d n i t h c ti . h i i s î n e m s o u h o f U x i t g e v i l - M . M c T g g a r t , e e j a n P e r l i e r , J . f i . , M n . à cosipe 88,000. ' Pplyto t e SET ISCTea 0 PUIl lge. He quotaS lie taw ou lhe gmi- Procton, antid.B.beasby. oifIithe [arpn vnt n t rel>'ta ie - 010L5.jeet as ho ths hlabilil>' of lima en >', The iailoviag adtiiaal constleas an*umf" IS a cf lis number cf papils, maketi Mn. Wright, secondeS b>' Mn. O'- ad as le hbein janisticlien ovan bridges vere appeinati nn M.- C 'Mn. Wicler, anS la tho remarlis Leany, moveti liat tlh. Inspector bie of buis clîmnacler. Mn. Wiielor believad Wiîre.-Wai. L. Frnal. las. Bal- ing liau sicia aniaset iat vas P44 i s travelling expeasea qaery>. the coaa i>'Iahle, and ti a aevent$ four. Mn.1 Mr. Mcîberaill as ta teachens Mn. Biaketitll aie aobjection, but wvautati le lest ilcl liahilia'. NHa aise SCOov.-John Lahan. ceaupel for thoir edaication. Re diS nect <tiionguil the neoltion alitanad enbod>' explaituîie cli eea-tci Ibe st reafi, -MAaA.-Ditvid Brucen. CEleiNc tha grant la Part Penny. Au a retase inca the Inpectur rmaatt sud as tote aiovoflov of tti aal !.Ph cli ehtinia. c'Mnr. 1 n.le fuir vas liaI if a griain alaima for lie past. Ceats;equma.non of suie er ecîiun -c f a -tata -A.ceaniîtte)sistiug ofi lierSe. J. Mr. lie cul>'yea'. ho oeecitul, Ailen saine ranging aven the -mot- foroaiing Gcaul"a ýmili poaia Ias etaB. liick,3il, Gsn. Wtià el-n ang ti e Cltrk Ladieh"' sionîti bavselime prefpreace. Ianant astea point cf orden on anuvlii - -lamaI teuion trQvir îvanîy eh tfie Pece, vas insmnratil ti examnine Mn. M liand eS 1- isnaiums Wifîby mi1tauet oved b>' Mn. Whaltr, >'ea r j , ccnpying tie.rnd Saliowanne. rCeltshjcsn it u anul, uS if il l a tg l Mnulod on achois, anS on thé! 1wiiiot Mr., Wright, relûmeS ho accepi, Mn. Gralissa ant irM. Spiuk-cppoaetl. suieatle ant i&nube procaed at a reas- voul t b lg anS__fmrnululgi theModot- Mn.W "'g,' ,s naouwas voeaî dou, - N.Asqi, islu, -.4.'.i ' 1~.*i~ * ~ ý ile Lauie!7uaa. ,Agencr and tue lrvuuscfa.smbly, vas tien preposeti »' the vont>' ciairman. Mn. White replieS. H. vasl gLainl oee the entiasiasm maniein drink- ang th. etutjumt drnnk. AUl pressait aigat tic so, ie.ticugit, vitacut Soing- leuotenaat eir pcliti 1 c felings., à te t he iefiAlaure cf Pvincesaan amu ain fe-o-à in lie voniti. BfouShhi teor>' sut collov-t ti-Siags cf cur local Houa. mud yen vill see that lie geverumaent e cannieS on as vonl anti economical>' as iu an>' otier pari cf lie globe. We, ai cilizous ci lie Province, bave get oisson te-feel prend cf car reproesta. uves. The toast siTii.Amai>'anti Navy and the Vonleers cf Canada, vas briafiy repliedt b b>'Mn. Green, wh-u aid taI hirdeeda apoke for tho>- etves. The.volaleenscf Canda vire oaS>' ta coina fervard-ti a ii>' ime bey inigit baie quirot b>' hircoin r>'. The fleeve anti.iaembcrmcf lie banal cf 1h. Tovnsiip cf ]Pickering ras non ,prpoi Mn. Milleon rëesbrieS>', and i pe fal the cannait vaoulti te linen and; ustice te Pickerng anatiheinelvss [e thankath e campan>' fanti.eama-: an lunvliieh Itie loast hat bosma recel,- Mnr. Green vas mach pleaseS viti ise manner Lunvllci -he toasL iad, Gen idrule- -Olcourseaut the council warS meinhers -iha t llee tdifférences )fopinion, but lias>' ad genoral>'par- 'rme ihe business of lie iawnsip mii ibly anS Well.. Hadit noh-ciaim tom o aie perfect-aillaiea bave tiair fit- g1398 A greal demi cf stnife anti bitter- as lamt been reised over tii. laite etea- insan th le cal>'crime-if il vas a rme, anS- ho Ilughtit IL asnet-- rhic!, coulti b. brangil ageinat iium. ftan bis service inhe canait1 ferth.& ast fev yearm, vas luis vole onthe ruil- a>' bonus. Mn. Hoovcr consiticned hene vas othing moealait ion hlm te do tien b- 3iun limai.ifon lie manncr lu vhlci, ie oat buS been timnl. - Rs outi Lie future us he hliaS luhc pst, do uit lie conaidereti vus inthe bul in. -asti ofhe Townsip oi Pickerng. Mn. J.L Slkhugit 1linlut.e ilt lie auapl affaira of Pickoring S besa vell manageS. ,He tiongit ,being slicte th le ceuncl cf Pick- ag ha hut a Sut>' te penioran-to ok nilen the hast latenosta ofithe lova- p-anti ie intenSeS la; do so. r. Manlihouse vas not arueeci- lier. Ho relurne thanka ion lb, anaeri lavlic the toast laitheen 'TLa netiring anemberis of the Coun- vi as nexI givea. Mr. Withe aiiefi>'repliedthailing in for the heirhy mannen in wiici ey baS drunli lia toast.- Mr. Green suiS h. liaS a toast te prc. se Il vas tli s lal of e geni- Ln vio hati but lalel>'ceminnteýhe vnul> cf Pickerng, anti iaiairoai> Qu nsrg aincunt cf gocti for lie inship. He propese theia hemth of 'J.11. MaClelihu. [nr. J. H. McClellan repiS.Tia io ie liaS jst recoiveti va qmue. )pectetid. à hasueiliegati in lie mnner in wviai lis>y bd uli le toast. RHa b'ah s h-n a sient lime âgeo cme lin e c îship ta live. He iut listenSl hgreal plaunre tethe remania ofý genhlemen vie hud uleai>'spokan. keng Hirbour haS met a gremt tisal opposition froan - autide markets. snring neyer heonu hahatilaS i min. of ihe, avu - cansequenl'Lt. bale>' cîher preduce wvatnt culehe . ti tafin! a market. He vas at all surpriseS tiionsfone, anSdacault [y uutiersbanti vi>, th. parties in- sed Lu lisse outide mrrkehs, ci id se sîrnagl>'the progneas ocilla. ring Harbour. He vas net soin ad come labo tit ,tovnship of Pick- aSd hepeatoeremana membenof immuni>' fon a longlimes. Ho keS ill for the lîiffdly feeling ovine. maris the. Pickering Harbor anti lai conclusion te propose for -a a.e honeul >'eemaanryof Pickering."- Joaa Miller ou boing aed tupen spond saiS hoe vas net a speech- r. Hle uas pleasati te îoe lie by anti ealhusimstic meunar an i the toast vas Smank. Tii. fer- v ere lie bane sdmutmev ai lie nry. -McCreigut alec, respondoti, lng higil>'ofa«the large fiun n . a ta oi Pickering. W .t se. He pintat.cu He speke cf the ama>' 515.- hoe lad te vercoan. -duce ho mie te Pickîering. Re spck. Ily cf gnuing tic boan - by Lia Hembea Comnpen>,t'le s- tin te, ea.ke necessar>' anti aeti- pncvement. With lie naturil s of the Harbour jrôperly de- l,ho saiti Picering *eould b. net the bes *lovasipsinuhe prcv- >ut the best. icClollen .proposeS lite ealti 'Assenebr anS Coeeor for Pick- fr-Gilainis eand Mr. Brovn. litcinist replieS brieS>' raharn- Hoover - proposedth le Fres vil*thh LI aaIc cof lasWucrnTY CLE- wich vWas brieS>' repliet t -Frnkl iggins.'- J. L. Spirnk proposeS 1"The na-pli. Sto hMr. (JolS. -- laCreitaa, lias ciaamrituîsaiS lus Yau-h te propose viliciiiaa-knew w iiily luhoréand uit ,anemeud in adding biseame alroai>'ad beor Mn. Boulon Uai connleeus officer. Mr. flealon thianks.-He ba Sut>' as an bcnem Mn. bicClenax bora intereats cf aigcoupli t, l-oin M*llr. Mn. milar n l deSpnessd siale e1 <' est. utthe presen guoti a brigit: bigl and compIla Mr. White faoI fail'of the faur canhile lulereshe" entinsias>. The toast cf 0O vouaS up lie ove: A. F. A"mA. Brougagbm Unilu t hecarrent Masom b>' R. W. Bro.« Kellenu, Oshava, - fficeru:. -~W. Bre. H.EL ata Mr . LC. Lini fi. Stokes, J. luant>', "J. D. M"c diG. D. lint 9t Bey. T. Bt siW. H. Sui di lac. Paint, di Alex. Robe The-Brotmi-c a spreof aopytera ut theinre»-nlon ainS pleaunt time' ousaiOdF51l Bronghanm Divi fine.,A.. .Blà nti " la. UnSex Sister Biais Smit fixa. B. S. Phil -Sister Hattie Wi' fine. C. J. Willao Sister Llzxie Tub IoabelUa Sm M. fRobertsc BrO. Tics. A. Tte - Bno. Ties Broul IL 0. 0. P.-The.c Lotiga, No. 15511-lu Webb, D. D. G. ! taraI are as iaovos: fine. DeviS Pilki 46W. J. Betiel Ca . J. Wilo " Hecten Baxl " Peter IHo>ie ' Mcses'). Lm ST. G. fluatoi P . G. Pana>', Ueo. D. qnoi "Wra. Ruovît "Win. UndenI "W. G.Woodi id 3JG. olnsto -96Laà kyatte BsE di T. W. L'An> 49EB. J ree1, ] Aw' L P HglRu to-bneak up lie umest in su iacretihi. siar no romedti>-limels -ofnsal morit Iban i ing Conasnmrt-fon, CC mna, Croap,&c. CAuTJTlN.-Beware effons you an imihatic tern viat il La, anti-a ecias thegenin, LOIanfa aimi>reneeî lapon the repahation C -b. sura anS geLthi. PxaaY DAvis'. EXTRAT.- For frein exianilion cftI Frain adnervoas sj anS ceubinnad slnd>' c tiosF-cauca of exhin se ]am>'Yeung men 'ne ber mediclno hsu1hihýthan Pdllova' cf Hyýpopbcspirite. SEnaica» CnÀv, IM..