voula bu conesvgaç. Mr. Graf- in Wllbad bbear ali. td6 ail 1fr. Moo»lght had j t l the gcod quailti Osf E otor Beaom H. va& gw .bois posible iilistron fo ayouncillloi. If -à hywanuti kD0oW asthlflg they had ouly toa Mr. Boalon sid -ho woum ta1 h. He hope4 Mr. Boson umlgbt long b spared ta. 111UMbis 6sut ofice. UMille11r hoa kown Mr. Bot. ince 18g9. For sa n atmtor, a yoc» ccuucilor couid flot Iut a balli mai thon ltor Boston. 'Mr.MeOCro*g 11*4110*1 heuof hall là ododique1 Wtl do t~ owship of P gukin » .1111do lîpy inhbio dbt. Mfr.'ite aimo bore tatimony to lb gocdjUHil of Heotor Boston. H cnko that te.people of 1okarhq cannncîdo toc mwhUr foXL.Buat= Le obthoday b.,, wheu b. eopi oi i Aefail to reogns. btuu tb.m, H. (Bi. Beaton)wu a&mi thst.ould h. depended opon. E. ()k white) lwuicesqthit Ro11k.of ni tor Boaton couid sot be huma. M vol a mai who couda. ellvithout ro. fi,renc o bishlm olme»O.roll, tlot ana conceotmuu ou Whbb vey man ln Pickering lived. ,Hoierusted 111mbthe people cf. Pickering- would do aIl in thoîr power te mmooth the declinisi yearm of Hector Beaton.- Mr. Hoover ipoko Yýy.,q ey 10 --' lmn1cnvn him rough lame before ho became personaily se- quuisfed with hlm. Mr. Mfflellas boadbut 'a limited coz- porlonce lu hlm kuovledge of Hector Bosaton. But h.haboa dnadurlng the short poriod of i.o cquanlancc vl*h Uvr. Hector Beaton 11bth.ovwu amam lu vhom confidence might b. placédi, ana a man la vhom tb. people of Pick. >ering place4 fuit confidence. Mr. Glchrist bud great plassd lu Raddioghiem mccc of pralse to what aiready hlad beau mid of Hector Boa. ton. Mr. Barry sud Mr.- Gold Ifoke cf M 1r. Beaton as au efficent, klndly, aud vourtecue cificer. Mr. Boston roturued i 1dm incere thanki. Ha had but poiformadbhi. dutasu an houdesma mn. b* NioMClellan propomed the short. hors lutorotm cf the township of Pick. ering cou ling Ià vith the. same cf 1fr. John Mffoir. Mr. Millor lu roplylug pokeocf dh. depr oued tate cf 1the ahothoru inter. esaIst.th. prosout limes, though ho ai. gued a brlght future. Ho Ipoke lu 9lg5h and compllmestary terme cf Mr. *Boaton. cul f the future cf the uhcrt.horn tareuta. Ur. McOl0elIou propcod 1 h. "Mer. coils nteremtm" vwlh of s drink vith euthumiin. The loamt cfOuriloHoad Hfotom wouncl up th.e venlngm entertolument. A. F. -AND A. M-The offloers cf Brougham 'Union Lcdge, No. 269, fcr theocuront Masoule yeai, voie iutalled bYB. W. Bic. Boyd, %ud W. Bic. Kellona, Oshawa, lb. follovlng are 1the W. Bico. H. Boiter, W. M. uo.electd. Bic. H. C. Wiilîou, 8. W. . M. C. Linton, J. W. 40 . Stokes, Secitaiy. téJ. Bundy, Troamuror. diJ. D. Macaoy, 8. D. dé 0.G D. Linton, J. D. dé ev. T. Docker, Ohaplain. diW. H. Smitb, D. cf C. 4Jue. Plimer jr., J. G. 66Ale%. Boberteon, Tyler. TheBrethuen cf h.mymîle lie had -a sprea9 cof cylteou, sud iavitod kMoud. at thelr, re.uniou. A voiy agiecable aud pleamant lime vags pout. So>c. ciTs>zsaapoa.-he fficerm lutahiod for 1h. curont tormu i *Brougham Division, No. 104, are s fellows flic. A. J. fliandin, P. W. P. IlJue. Undenbili, W. P. Sir Dlei.Smith, W. A. re..Iected. IJ Brc. I. 8. Phillipi, B. B. Bluiter Hoattie Woodraff, A. B. S. flic, C. J. Willson, Trou,., re.elected. H. RBoîter, F.S., re*eiectid. Slter Llzzie Tubilcock, Condactor. Imabefl Smith, A. C. "M. Robertîcu. Chaplaîn. F Bic. Thoî. A. Tubilicck, I. G. S "Bic. Thos. Pbllip, 0. G. Brougham, . I0. 0. F.-Tiîe offloors cf Brougham 0' Lodgo, No. 155, iustolled by Bic. S. CI Webb. D. D. G. AL.,for the arnt -f aAýUTION....Bowglr cf any MnsWho Fl ofe.yua mitation article, ne mat. Pet tei what it s, sud sBaya Il Is just Uosu Rcod à $ tho genuine ;" they elIl ai c luide cf "Ibani renedies -lin1111. Woy But upon the reputotion cf the pain Killer Egg -le mure and gel lb. genuine isadaby EXTRÂC.-.Fer poruonu uforing frai exbuustien of tiîe povars cf lie briand neîveams ytem, frenilongi aud cantinuod study er teocbing, or iu tbese cames af exhaumîlon frein hiai "c mouy Ycnio9mn sufer. I kuow se bettou Inodicine foareieleuation tb hleaflh thou Feilowm' Compcuncl Syrup cf IlYpepbosphites, Eurccrc» CLAY, M. D., Pugwasb, N. S. BaosLN-.DEBT»Â,tt ho rogular« wookiy meeting cf bise Brooklu Liter- ai>' and deboting Society, ounSataicla>' oveuing tait, tlha fltoving question vws debated :-Bemeivod -P "TbAt mn il puilshed in Ibis voîld fer evor>'1 ty.pe cf in." , Tise alrrnotI'e takoen b>'Mem s.Blaabi us anS Hanriscu , a shane Bains, Miesr, Alli,' au ugsl, > Mr. John Meau or, Aud Blackor. ooar, non ocapled tis chi, u for a lîvaly an evlt cou- noete didscuteloD, oel la elin witht le segatîvs.re] Romember This.t Nov s tise lime cf jear for Pnteu. moula, Lang Foyer, Coughs, (Slda, and fotal recuite cf predispusition t10 Cen. ""n o ntiuud ellier Thrcst sd Lur,g Dleatoe. lSoscusz's GcItEAn nSYRUPr hax lîsen uied lW tII ig ilboicboool'fer 1lit&' fptw o r it1siao ycars wlîbeuî a« »Rug0 bafil te leuoi. If yen bave not 0 la'ti 0itR mrtliciqe Y011roeef,ma oio your 0 Ilruiigig, 8. W,. B. Smith&k Ce., and t 111k ll>1 fcfs it o,,îril scceeu mwoOUR IA il ulonéro, Thit-e. dnoaswil relle.,. thlie N entie'* If yoa bave ne fAith e lu aly tclIe uI 'ya mah L The Grat Sbcoosm R iemody lu au Initis vegeqtabla compounit, opmmd os the juleetof aà oltU y 09 a varlety cf s.msrksbla médicinal piaci ud herbe; th. varions pro. paillid.1the"a diforentut ng.donm îuhan ecablit, la soýmc oslutmd ai t1 ut slmanoul spcn -theDicoS, Lue-a Liver, KlM ya, Dlgemilve Or- bmNgpure & maI, ramtcus" ai 0.sr' u bavas&*m. The madi.' clualaa à declded bne*Slu:au, andà Erjalpelas, SaIt Bheam, (tanker, Pis. plul, &o. lapremcrlbing tis mediclue ve do Dn cdaim tho t lways performs cai;but Ibis wa do @&y,ta Ipri fli ee nrichai the blood, permanent.. th. day. Ib ba irnLth tst c ofg yeau, mnd la to.dasy mor popular tban ever. As a ummner remorative It stands unrivaleit; it enoblues ii ytem lo Fiesîup gmnseo the constant drain t0 whloh iblIoaabjected by a hlgh tempér. ature. Permn ouî&t ae ujeot te billous Colle, Dysentery, Indigestion, 40-s îhould 10k. tihe Bhoshosoeu Ram. ed. rie f hemed inplu$ bobk tlec 1; M 25eta a ot.Sod4yý ail nedicina duelrs. Doctor, It Feeosl 1kma Bal cf Vire. Se -spaak oflantîmas 5the ufore from Dyopepola. After eatlsg,J mcemme ai fi thare wno a veritable bailc Ilm ouig u ud ownbitsatomai If ho eâs.meLhocees t ; If li. don' 60t mach ho <cls ILb. 1*desbrcyshi oujo ont cf Mie. If 1h. doobor b rreaiddétirons of cnin6 bis patient hi sho cd net expermout vith tbe suiffer h. @bould recommend hlm t0unePlER uvuà s YBp, vbosemonits have bo*l testad meo Ion aima alvaym biofacoi Bals cf flua n the tomoch and Pzau vIAN Sus ca't dwoli togethai. Boeu 10 your drugglsb; h. kaipe 1* alwayi ready, sud try IL. lb vouku liko a chaum. le' Notices cf Birtlh4, Marriages, and Deatha chqryed 50 ceU, ecc. NEA i! JASTI I OURABLE Bookbinding. Bookbi-nding. J3ookbinding. Bookbinding. Boolcbinding. Bookbinding. or of h. I' a ln Pd6 JS. ROB3EqTSON, Bookseller sud Bltatioser, WÈITBY MARKETS. C'MscIrcL» OrîIC, Jas. 801, 1878. rlouipar bil.........5OM #560 'ollWhsest...........#1 05 1 10 sprlsg Whest......$ 0 95 # 1 os Barley ..............#0508055 Peau..................0a 62 Pose, black-eyed .... 1 0 @ #1 O at~...........5 087 0 5 Eloy........$80120 .pple, ................ 50@ 0 ?Obotoos.............. 5 O 3ggs ................150 te 20 atter ............... 160 ai18 lood ........... .... 7 58400 vool............ ........ . 0- ;0e1, hisd quarter .... 050 @ $7 00 iet, fore quarter . 00$50 feepakins ...........1#5o0 0g05a6 ldes............6 00$ 01 ork<»per vt ......... 0004450 ilvas............ $ )ions......... .... $ îiulips ............. .10 %eese .......... 120 180 'fots...............e50000 xi eu r .........:::: 804ýf p.. er..............70 0 libeg, par l....... o 10 loer e 9...........8450 $5 00 PORT FERRy MAREETS. Part Peur>', Jan. 80111, 1878. mea, pilg..........620 $0 eati............. Oc 1 1 .0a.060 000 le ..................... 15 010 r1 .............. 010 011 .10............. 00 1200 A CARD. ro aUh! viearesuffeiing tram tIsa mona indiscraîlens ci yaalh, narvaus raak- la, eau>' Sacs>'.losof at asiood ho I seugod a racipe tIsaI vIS cure yeu, FýRâE 'CHARIGE. Tisis greoh romedy vudis. ierSd ba znssiomary in SoauhAnserico. % B5.-a55resse envaloe.Ioa lie Bay, lci T. Isescê, Btation D, igibl House, wYorka OUj. !y-47 EW ADVEBTISEKENTB. ONTARIO PARMERS' TIUAI liNSRANCE COMPANY I RB AIINUAL GENERAL MEETING at tsemembora of1the Ontanle FAim- Muluai Inmuasuc ans, viiib. boldstaItUe TOWHÀz, 'OWN 0? WHITBY, on esday, Fehruary t5th, 1878, A'rT ire 0CLocto 1.5. or se pmrose ofi udeaighthe Direebor' Ort, sud four111eEBlectlou of Offiarsfor 'airent Yeur. B>'arien, 150h,0 188 .NOUBSE, ýRM 'FOR SALE 1 in TIM >WNSHP OF ABIPOSA i-Tse &"--0 frm a coûtai 100 cres, mere a, 100gcoa 16. luth coseeon tebrhbl t conca, ession of tise Tori- of sd ssated in the mldet mmn ,eg.witbin a miles ef tro nd0 U48 Nasiilla.The A 0 et zfteellnquadis», andi eoutalusA 00 ocre et gooti Istdveed titaber 408; InMaim d ..a -1- Te aud 0FI a Mri' T Tue, FOI laepc tise ci FA Toi or le.i ot Lui ifl a saa Ten Cents-off every -dollar ODD FL AUCTION SALE. 'Valuable Property TOWN 0F WHITBY. IJ~UR ud 7 lrte c aPover ci î a ewi ai i SA TIRDA Y, the Second day of Maroh next, A.A, 87, .uum.-ocncsmmig Tlzrae '-- -i sud r. hnduedtis cilanuocroi, mre or lia. 1% m tde ksownst tiUre ci ml.. por lrh psiigalsr, appiy 50 LETS & PEARSON, ToroutoBurlsten, Toîduto. Týro*tJAU7 t,187& (56 TWO-IROWED BABLEY FO A.AOI Sihbudiod bambou .a.c gcc chos uaS.Apply le 8i-) PUEVES THOMPSON, 856 '£sYfield Faim," Whltby. ...A...NH..O...O..... . HOW LOOT, 110W RRSTORED i Wahava uéccntiLpubllshed a ovedition et lr. cuir. Well me i n oleNge Icen O th rdii ad oramicue t ut Prito ina mlei uvolope, cnly 6 cents, or tw C stage slssupi. ThI0e8 ca labuat~dthor libitis adnirable Euuoy claarly * demonstratas, tram thuty cSr uccestul proctice, 1101st srmiug -lOcnseicas i'"y bc adlcolly craS, with. cnt thse daugarcus use 01 internai madiciso ou themaplilcation cf the kiie; pclstlng cut s maode JOUie At ocessiple, cortaIs oa effectui, 17 Ymassaf cf every suiffer, ne malter vhst hi$ condition M&7 bop may curhlmoeuhtceply,pivate, au7441a<,1 I This Lecture oibeuL ein.51 ad 01 erY oryyutband every mas lu thse lsnd. Addroas TM OULVBEtWELLIMEDICÂL CO., 41 ANX.ST., NEW Ycux. Pcnt Office BOX 45800 (iy.8 WABMANIE MARE FOR SALE 1 Ayonug Warmambleniaire, rlslug ô yeous cf age. GoobPpr drivesoinga or don. ble. Oolour, dark brovu, vlth bisol legs, Moue, anS tsi!. PcnteCtlY msoud truc. Enguire aIt the CIEBONICE OFFIC. Whltbv, Jas. 80, 1878. PHOSFOZONE, The New Nervine Tonieo! , ,Brais vork aud mental émitement oie ncv thse 1110 Thstforthièil t eflnd r ueé 10 ce expe, odi.Tspply tIsis , rsafeturpcse eofansIeepeheo:r amoidf he = 2-tIsagth :yroe clgbteosbundr deand Phostozes R-Yee Of Mnllplte Toewn u eenyegt us e es Is tbfu 1epbic.IlisMinsu sblp ef Pickering Ibal cause deben. ad8vnYogt M o u h Fr'oSerre Teula ailinluou@, oud sots taras of lb. Corporation c e T ow fi vo houud dollars, pen dredgli especi oun1the sorvesasdS hbraugb Uhes. isp cf Pickeriùg to e b.Me tle "'d mISharbour, extension, sud culi blood; sud il vo koep tise. I ve . sMount o1 Ivanty bensand dllr» mreut cf tIese m oiSam lm apropée trnavamacting portions cf aur trgaes eacb dabesture tl e fotr ne leus & u, sdwrsan hU= a t a te , a f ar i i > ' t ie v i r le t h a n o e u e a d r e d d o lla r s , v I ic I s s la I n s u r e a n S k o p mu n i .e sa e c il body ans narmy et diseomem. Last, debentures shal be eahad vllh 1the sol lrecthef bis lavaa i frls et lnt 'uparascete ms', cf the. carpration, ands ilsd by the rs11ebidnsaSpprisat thogh ot f lsstimprtace o mny, Beeve o et gd h u aio aCompany, 9 t 111e n oilofe Il la a plemant medîciue, agreeable to the nid Munlcipalll>',In erey tise amond f i laite, asdacceptable le 1the mcml delioste sncb persan as sa>' b. auttiiead b usaxoicy rSelmaslu eaoa ,sud Ile atomacli. SolS sy U Drua5the nid Couscil t st, n p igu, ho saina eafctedl,sIsal! coulais the couditilc sall b. ceuntersîgni b'111e nyls r oe ecvr p.aied i h aont ao tg, rp111r, ofte said Mwù &tyasdhalle hrfon hl emd pybett Nos. 41 and 48 St. Jeau Baptise ashoot, bibit on the face t]orcci thatborllty rtousalb aop>an 0 m nesai. udrvac hy oelse.mid Corporation ofthtIeTownship4 underwhiehthey 01_ Q.Q.Pickend sudthe mrneysereécij bea dte edshllby h IornpalS over le the as FOR SALE ATf A DISCOUNT f 8- ThéeuSdeoenînress uopay baonasare datel l on11e" ayhxreinstr appointeS for i. doray e stean aslireperllm thec 1510 terce etfIbisBy-lav injuareS or demlnroye > ine soat th 0 ltP, good for psyment cf tuiian ea Inasud etm~entayaleen11e at ta aey:-ersdoIen S "i ploic uc inssCIclege, Balle. Ialrnî atasd 1* mtsy capsoit> sud os goad condition ai Ville. 1544 t KA.00, an 1the ilsIyet dyo ecembor, 1878. peet C~HRONICLE OFFICE. 15768, on Ibe 8lt day-eofDocomber, 1879. B. This by.lav shah! carne into tara. si - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 1.2 d , o u1t h e 8 1 m b d y e t D e c m b e r , 1 8 8. t a l c . a ff e c t a u th e 2 n d d a y af M a r c h $7.91, an 111e 81Mt day et Dacomber, 1881. eue thouzaud algisI hundred sud se' DyB-iaw Io aid and a8siat thse Ficher. 186-79, an Use 81,1 day et Decamber, 182. euty-egt 728.00,01on1themltday of December, 1888. -i1t inq Horbor Company limited) 07n.68, oun111e Blmt day of December, 188t. 9, The soveistb day o et ray ih bp lenSing te 1the Company thse $7.77, an t11 1Sst day et December, 1885. tees bundred sud » or>' olg i t h sura cf 2wenly thou8and Sol- ..2o 1867 dy01s= S. ofieof1the Tornmsip Clark, In the lar#, anS te eut/serize the i8,,e 017, an 1the Bletday etfDecembor87. awnip fPceigee h orc of debenturea for t/i. uros, 1 .~,on the 1et mIdy ofCiecrber, îlm. elevon o'cleck lun1the forenonesin heaby and te levy a yec'a1 rate for 1042, eu he lut day ai Decs lmr 12. 'atdotelienSpce thse payment 0e debt, and 1108,on Use Sist day cf Decemb, 1891. nton b te10 e f h V 1999,a Ie 11dye eeber, sid'1892, fprsn oatede interest t/sereln,, ncwrred. 1 o0871 atUe Sist day et Decemben î1892: Use varions peluig places, sud tUs *188.94, au tIse 81s ay ofDoeomber, 1994 final sammlug np et Uso votes on bis Whra he Pickerisg Harore Company u s. oda e osmber:182: al ofthUsapersoa niterosted lu, and osusud rvenet 'of '1h.,r w or 1802.74, au Use Sist day et DeeODb'IIO! Mo. pronotig or cppaslug Use By-Iav ne. Ivingvwithiu 1t Tonship ofaPicerig1684-91, an tIse 8151 day et Doeomber, 1897. aetiéi liFes ciÃoaul suxt>' hond do. 10. The efgisteeuth day cf Febrmary,'e4gh- taon bundied sud serenty.elght, aItlthe AnS such dabestnicms aIl b. maSe payable alS boni sud place, la heieby appoint- And viieros lbesaiS Campa>'propose tl e t the .Branch or Àgeucyof atUsea-Do-e. asaithe tUr ndS lmcforUhsm. exsdfurther considarabla sumo u llo askliUeTon f IIeI nlguby Uathaio IsndTr en trghem EBlevator, oxteuding Use hp,ethUe number of votes givea for vaut laiw, san on otar improvements. 4. The aMd Deonlarass .111alabo ste- asdgainât Use By-Law uaspecl*voly. AnS vhereaiest at sud ailes, Use rate ofa par cent. _ An Ibee t aiS Con auyundar a par &=nis ram Use date tIbeneot, anS Il. TeVu O h c-tr f j d sutsoftana sada,.lOtisticta, eiiap. sh nctresl sah!b. vayab e yeaily on Towishl ck Iaecgtau betae i 67, lsauanIorizaS 10 issus bonds ondeZ Use thirty-finst day oft ascbùýin eh an tis ïy shah! bolahonh boutures ual axceedin, in tihe ggiego ansd sveryy ao togathar viIbà 1the de- et Feirelghteen isundred msS Tventy-flveosasu dllrs0na benures etnmatnrlug ab1thUs d sevonty.efght aKt Use tallewng puc« Sebenturea saS bea firt charge ou th BrasaIs on Agency oethUe nid Bank,an sud su d b eo teoUWfgB prpotonsllesud revenues of snid *ucb Debostune s miss!!havea attach ait trnisisud etre 11eolowtug Eu.o ornas Ib~~tenoto coupons for tke paymenb cf tIse te sa>' eybltl py. istonesl Usreen. And viseras Ise nepong cf ltse Esibeur 5. For lb. nsscf paying Usoe5.11' No. 1, Grange HMh-Axsgu MoKa>',BE.- sud verk cf aUsa s05Compyapn> d bereby creitedln sunual lustairnente No.2.B'ÃŽ'a cU er. uugCok-J Use impravemoubu thean bave proveS asuse>' y vmatureansd tbe inarest" 2t, e trn n' seDfscar e-J and mutcontinue '10 prove ciat Iin as e1 toob. TI..10n- . __ _ulg afo anSperannt dvsbse l t se rn e r ivIea qual No. 8, Lverpooet Maret..o.o. Parker,Bé.. adpmanent davias d vsuothe s s-nnal pcal rate of forli'-smvan u- t nia ficr wil ho turthbsi .niaby 4diedmw ofsca Minllu the dollarShah! Ne. 4, Graam'm Hotel, Eeugo-David G(!. hioua! expondilure yrpsi. nM oa ther ratas b. asse- chrs, Balurnlng officos,. oS, tarieS muS, ollacteS lu machyesrup. No. 5, luss1e-Hsh-Le o ke,,iun nSd niereas, 17 lIse sot espectlug an &a h Ie rateable p=eporl>' titis in lse olffics,. Mco>,Reu Municipal Istiltutions la Use Province id Townssip ot Pikek s, Suring Usa Nô. ô Fied Meen'u store, Grenvcod-... ef Ontario, sud b y Use asot le asmend nt Mfancf'>erhe m se dayIs o. hteanr,4nuoffuCor. Use mare pussit, iluth.etixrty-soveutia mLe apitSti s oligltiNo Ancltnt1, Brngh-wm. yoe ar ie Majealy's relgu chapterl. fem itsyla.N ub t nIr Use ocannait et uy Tovnahlp Ma>ayiu c TIraI Immositafter lailie data haro- B8,1f - Bar.o 11-lave fer leudisg moue' e y 15*I«Yitin.nà i lmed tUs.comlnig las EeNo 9 Mffco.-.Bn coipôrated (Campan>' lu respect 10 Suay facnue asfbat MIi ylv o~~jo ~ cn-.Bue srabur lthlun rne"r sncb munies anS may b.lawful fte iv asofithis No. 10, pub al , Cueomont.-Thi. P5hit'. UnIcIpalit>, and hbaisnIarâby Instinct. un ou-igofcr nSl vberesa, Useesecurity fou à la ofnai d tebsPicer10ig aPr n t as Rbrlgofa IrontUsossdollars mearnply b. lmIo) s Dbntrs 411 orpo. turnlg officer. pievlr e y the lam1 e sof debonlures atin obensdocbolidundar Ibi cf th Use saiS ad, 17 cedby By.iw 0 saamth et>' ythons. NOTICE. thé valuone e Usa Use Tcvsahlp c i Pckering ouo>'irt aiTakaILoilce IsaI Us.thoée Is tcMce»» sodisiltshe OS, Copanyt"ofprpmad B>'.ar, risich Wru tbib dolars Traiaenb oron oIsIt t l. -I MssllpaItefthésaTownship o ckedllaIs - UsePicbr nlnror rncm bob« u.sof sitheopa s0ish heom taht" nwubhieaan, J.JL pJ.L .[M NEW, AD V ERT1S EME'NT801 LAING & TEWKRýT, Haviwgfniltez Btock-taking, and flnding buieln on the wlzoe has been «profit- able, will, for a few weeks, give, lomera decz'ded-bargaine, and would on4l aak of their old FRlE NDR and oustomera the favour of i5keir pre8ence ai their earlie8i con- venience, when L. de S. will do ail th.y can lopoint oui the 8pecial bargain8. Your8, very re8,peciful4, LAING &STEWART. GOLDSMITHSI HALI Great Bargaïigs in EL ECTRO PL ATE, CLOCXS AN]) FANCY GOODS, PIREVIOJS TO -STOCK TAKIN( INTENDING PIJRCHASEHI INVITE]) TO INSPEOT GOOD'S AND PRICE',w- And vbareas, lhe &Mount cf the eoxlmtiug cinsive, 11tIi. heSebeuturas cf the aga AnSt vfherea owsci pa 11erig g Copayt thai 111often hos fou thnsnd ollri an teiDollr addras at * 111 da t he hlh bi vISr fequrincipbalevord lxi s hobe roBy.Ighv, uba iisore, nd etke cf std B-lav o eihtemsudopaybansntb rotes.cuiv Bal ae nerà JAS.' JO IIIT-ON", J~Jw 8~E'ocI~- NEW PREMISES, NEBW A-ND FRESH' 'j. .3, ~1 J-. s *1 Be 10 I Piero r ngtaS 1w i la hnb ..i. ,,h~y thne il Cborortaio f e Toishi sho f Plcknlng0,M nud ltlm hebign Picéril burCornpsuy M(itedl, by foloaIo 1the extent cf tvauty Il in futhr cacted, tIsaI before Ue #ad mniet twenty thousad dollars ci the dabenuuem of th1e Corporation, %hall b. bandaS aven 101the Piesideul et tIse o r ther seurity, suah s 17ras- l u t i o n o e t h U e c o n s i f I i s M nl1 p l L" wneresa, s i Hii rquire the sum seveutema hisudrmd sud tartyfeus'r c lais te b. ralsed snnualy Dy spe iati n Use % sal. ratoablo préperty lIse kasioipaîit> for tho paymen* t1 maId'sam ett= thIbusand doIS oukd a u iSm . sà . md. 'e- hay Sie. ty the ut hat ao dv. &id t se, 01 b. la e- of otheCapial n e SFRESH STOCK -OF- >1 GROCERIES, LIQUOh'8, do, WoriCah oang beeantaediu e d I amn enabled to offer st fulfly To cash and prompt Paying Baiyers at Wholesale and Retail. ~'I deezn it unnecessary to en- Mumerate the items in detail of my large and Pi; extensive stock; any atternpt to do 8o Owould fill a dozen Chroniclea, suf- fine o sadthat Cit i omte in ail liosn that cumstonior r ilen onath promies eiey or.il tha mf aybesnquire fr I. v I. purchases of, ci E- Holiday Croceries Me ýe WUi save Money and secure OD a good article by calling. EVERYTHING IN A ew Buffalo 1 1 o. 17tb. DOMINION WL4REROOIffÇ H11ave Just received a Lard Stock of Blw, and Coloured Cashmeres, Bis and Coloured Lùsters. Ladies four litton kid Gflove and Gentlemen's Evenin Kid - Gloves, Evenù Flowers, Muslins, Laces, Ribbons &c. TAILOlIlNG AND ýDJIES MAKIN TO OiRDER. A Large Stock of Wlitby, Jan. '78, Begs to retu'0 t han o i old and new custo rner sN for LOWES M-O'& POWEL FRUIT,-London Layerit lis, Louiie luscatel> Raisins, Valencia- best Moren brand of alalk; ncw Currants; TurkeyFiga3, 2 lb. boxes for Ij,25 cents ; fresli Lemons aud orange. TEAS-A fresh Ict of licos supouicu Black and Green Téei Iliathave giren se Smach satiufsction te heusekeopers. COFJEE8 &e.--Mooba ana J.ava tCiffeesf. BISCUITS-Soà edanad Abaruethy, best qaality. SUGABS-Just tb baud, Flue Euglish ciushad, 101be. for ose dollar. Cauted Fruits, Oyses, Lobsters, sud Sardines, SuieSd abanucl Fish, sud A ALL KINÛS -0F BES T FA MIL Y GROCERIE8 Fari-L Produce taken in Exclhange. Butter,' Poultry, Eggs, Apples, and Potatoes wanled. Gel your supplies -Cheip, snd cail on SIMON FRASER, 11Dec. 26tb. 1877. Outoio Block, Brook--SI., Wliaby. 1 'q-1 0 y1 q ~W % d . 5 " LL - L C J-LU.d-£:L L) 0 U -1JU Ti t) ---CLEARING SALEe--- HAM ILION &R their -Cler iug My Liquors, as lieretofore, are Of the best brands and will be found- usurpassed ini purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's Aies. Aies, Best quality, 80 cents per gallon by the Keg. Canaed Fruits, Pickles, Biscuts, of beat quality. Oysters, Hladdies, Bloaters and fish of ail kinds, Herrings, Salmon Trout, &c., in Barrels and haif- 'J c c III ) ) am arnraking ,Sugars a -SPeeialty, and 1can afford to sen 13 lbs. -of -Brown ugafor $1.00, 20 lbs. of Valentja Raisins for $1,00, »0 lbs. of dCurrants for - $.o Ti LÀAWLÉR. Q Are stiil Sale ofin, SaleD oSm. )IDI?. Cusiiomers calling 110w, wili secure #C- VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS oe Seasona-bl'e Goo0d S. Their Auction! Sale is stili going on. J3egs to announce that lie resgumed business'in the old stand, with a asLorted stock of GIROCERIES, CONFECTONEWY, FlUI.T, OYST. F1511, A14D ALI KINDB lias agaiu large and Well- 1PAl GR&CERESL ,4 aving corne out of the Fire safelIY I have been enabled to re-in- vest the total- amount of niy insurance and a large amountF- m 1 JEWELRY, :BJLOCIK:Y* Whitby, Jan. lOtb, 1878. Practical Watelimaker, Brook. been secured 1 ci continuing w 181 WA TCHE, Whieh having IHAMILTON-&