Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1878, p. 4

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wMTS, oronto, MRS. D»IFORD, Notive tothe Pub/ici N EW O,0AL YARD- AT PORT WHITBY. W. are sellug tii. 'WILRE SIARREsu WYOMING COAL, thu best thu American ,Le&ae onr orders witt) Mr. 3. H. Lopg, un ilLE. W. Arnolif, ut the office cf îLe late C. Dlraper, Whdtiby lisrbour. Secure' the abovs-,îsmêd- Ceai. Yen vil) thuii temiWs-, ass ILothurg Whîo Live nsed il, ihat Il Whltby." ARNOLD &FARtEWELL, J&u. 2É, 180. Port Whltby. The Promoter and Pc,-feccor cf As- slmilation. The Reformer sud ¶ýitallzer of the Blood. The -Producer sud luvigorator of Nervc sud Mul.. The Builder sudý Supporter of Brain Power, vluiowi' Conîpuund Syrup te conipûiud cf isgrediesîtu ldeutimjslWiL thne wliîch cou- attls Halthy Bliod, Muecle sud Nerve salla ShblucwhiltLite itseif h sinsotîy depsudentu uenomool thaus. By ise union with the Iblooui sud ils efeci upon the musoles, reenalbuiuhLseue sud touIM thîe uýber, iIo capable of affect IttrIlAidpWo, ôl, ouitisberculous mater, sud Ibus cnre Cunumplon. By lucsiig Nervous and Muscular Vi- gor, Il vi1i-cure Dypepis, teiLle or Inter- rPted ation cf tIs eUai-t sud Palpitation, - W eus01a tiIntell@ect.caused by gref, vus-y, uvertas- or irregular habits, Brou. chitis, A&ite or Chrodie, Cougeticu cf thuý ugi, en lusn tmialarming itsges. Icures Asthme, Loos uf Voire, Neuralgia, s1. vitus Dance,, Epileptie Piti, Whoopiug Ccugh, Norvounes, sud)le s mcsl Wouder- fnl adauel teolher nemedies lu sustalnng M ie durng tle prccees.cf Diptiierta. Do nuo edeculvsd by romedies beariug a shsulla naume, no oller propiratiola aes b- stitute for this undor auy clreumshtaucus. Look out fcr tLe name suld sddrses, J. I. FELLOWS, St. Johu K. B., on tLe yellcv wnsppor in vates-mark, vhle la sen by holding ils papor before 1he. ight. Pniçe 01,50 ~r Bottie, aix- for 08.50. 90c4 byp.ýl1 rra lts (ly. O 1H'I N'A -HAL L, SIO01? 0FTUE BIG 100 (REISTEuzn) 71:1/NO-BT, EAST TORON TO. l'aucy Bs-usifistusua Tes Sots. 1faucy Dinur sud Dessert Seto. - aucy Bsdl-roum Selo,, Fsnoy JOga sud Teapote. Silvar Plalofu Kulves, Foi-ksud Speona. Siven Pialed Cruoulansd Butter clura. Silve; lated Cake D.I&ketg. Rtode'gslves anud Fcrks, Titi a ad4Sgvss. * lyrSadea for Lill, &o., &c., Gismysmo, ail descriptions. White Stono vara, cvery ktnd, Relel andI Bar Geodu, * GLOVIIlI IIARIIUION, Importer. FOR SALE. -B'~ OUSEAND LOT,CORINER reslapcliSsle labe S. J. Maedcnuhl. -- i.' 0. MAl.DONELL, Dîvielcu Court office. iiIaltby, Dec. litI, 1577, 582 8 FARýMS FOR SALE TOWNSIlI'r0F TRAFALGAR, - -Ceuuty eorllton,ôu Sevenal excellent lai-ms, siluitefu lu île abovo = % am sisfor saledurlug tipi-es. eu suila .eaopsdancuresouabis ternis 'Dl y1. miTses fiua s i-s siuated nuar Lais. lOuetaulo sud lu mrkets, sîhîotia Esli-cîde sud Churebos, are geusraiiy ali. tu fuoosd order sud culîlvallon, viii vooded - sud valsrsd, and have good buildings,, c-o For Tsi-iciasd parhluls aapply At e8-m TRIAFALGAR, P. O. A ND lhsnitul for past favormisolleits Z~.a cntinuatiociothIe salue. D'rAKýING ASe USUAY4', e,,f -Wbiîtby, sarWb.,, lm7. 8-hf 4%ATel@rcpb Offieeff locofl' folie MpY, Brcek.stree, Whitby, - I .L e B. WR adthe qj4sneu uftr b. uris ou lsy 1r. W "e u, Who dngael thé e les. u Mrof: ejfor prisent. IN»IÂN: LINIMEb If $o 0 at ecureO/ide, IBrew's Indian Liniment. TlhW Doc recomend is aise fer &ait ci d tLame, *jn, Brusses, Borne, 'Scalde, Frusi Lkc, bin rthe Dness' bbites FOR HORSES AND CATTLE,' For teethmunlss ivaprneachbut- what th. peôpleýned. xèMdios Hall Whltby Ont. do 1 1 Aihbnmu do J. L. Margach Dnffliu.i Creuk Il John Daws- « Mi-os.f fi Brovix & Bi4 - Mýi d John Hodgsou Ooffurnb 64 -Jacob Dalte- Ui,.. f A . B.Weeks t7xhrldge d Jas. MacClloudgh Goodwood W=n Littlo Glen Major dé Wm, . Iutrfck Greewodd d J. B mark Brougham 4 iie.skab Bros, Cleemont d prug Store dos' icthard Rowan Stouffillu dé T. W. Perry Ringwood James Taylor, Wbitevale Daulal MoPhoe d Mn, Wobde Oberrywooa 6 John Oddle flnnbaïénu 14 Juhn Gregcry MlinsvilUe Danlel Mdflrady Atydley S. 0, BROWN, Seedonian Proprietcr, WhLt hy, P. 0. A LIBE9AL OF11EIL I ii seud onie dollar'a worth cf Hlome grcwu seeda, by thie packel, postage paid, aud the Whiti>y CHis- icLx, price 41.5e) for 12 monthe, freo cf postage, both for two dollars. S. C. BROWN. A Cernplete Soilf-Instructori Plain and Ornamentiil PENMANSHJI in ?0 OUGPEOPLE wishing to arqisire a .1 rapid, eaisy and bsaut.ifai i and writing, withont a teacher, will tind the Guiwr a perfect Inoitructor. Hisndreds are becom. ing beautiful writers thranghnut the Do- minion and thet'United Status by ubissg il. it ccnsisasof aa e, cs f Cour SLIS soe cenvetient aixe for practiging, -whioh con- tain, copies begting m-ith tLe firal pria- cipleoansd graduaiiy progressIn2 te the moii elegant plinlî sud cruamenta writlng; su ORAiMxos<&s. SHEr, Coutasning Grinan Tes-t, Oid Engiish and Ornsixental Letter- inOffbanad ilounisbing of Birde, &o. ;.A l.i o r50 PAnai wiîh fuli analysto aud iu- structiony, sud a beautily engvuvud case ho contain the whole. Pifeu.81.00, Poil Paid. Address S. G. BEATTY &CO Ozitario Buinems, Collage, - oleville, Ont. ta, Agents wastcd. Nov, 14. THE WINDSOR, (Cor, Kinug sud Yorl-ts ) NOW OPEN. S2,0c PZR BAi. Fi-se omnibusi te snd froru ai train,. Ti. hie sud appointuseut frt-lasi. P. FINNIGAN, 5-ly Proprietor. TARIFF 0F PERS TO BE TAREN BY CONSTABLES. (Uudss- Order lu Council, dated 21hday of Juiy, 1874.) 2. Asrosi- cf eah individjai upen a vaant----------------..... t150 2. Ssrvingo e nnu s or oubpoena.... 0 O25 S. Mîluage hoeiservesuinnmous, aub- pana ci- warrant ............ 0 10 4. 1'11 ge vîseraivice cannelLee upon prouf cf dus dilligence.... 0 O10 6. Mîlsage talclng drisoncra ho gaol, exclusive cf diburiaments nec. essarfly expeudufu in their COU. voyauce-----------------..... 010 6. àtteuding Justices on iummirv trilm, or ocu a-rinition et pri. mnora charged with crime, for esel daky u0eessaniiy enployed luncnue or moi-e cases, whn nIt augîagun moi-a than tenr heurs.. 1i ou 7. Do. do. vlisn eugagad more thhs four hours ...................i 150 a. Alîoudiug Assises ci- Sessions,, 6ScI day------------.. 6 .Mileage raveling te attend As- sises, sions, or butor. Justices (Whe puIblic couvey suce eau Le taken, cuiyi-uiouabis dieburse. menti ta bo alowed.) -o.......01 10 ummouing Jury for Coronersa Inqueat, Ineluding uthending ai luquesi, snd aIl services lu ra.,- puci îLee-ot, ifheIn On sanie day as Jury sumamonud . . -......2 il. Altendlng esch adjoamumeut thereof, if net ceugagcd more foui-heura---------------..... 10 12. Do. do. if eiigaged mos-sthonu . four houri-------------....... le. serving summons or snbpoens te asegnâ bitos-e Coroner (aubjech 00. ..........---------25 14. Mileague ei-viug ame---------... 10 15.Es-UpsLng bud undei- Coerai- 10. Ee.bury L g ame------------..... 2O 17. Ses_ v lu itresi warrant, and ru- t idtsanie-------------.... 10 1e. Advenug under dieu-ega war- rant---------"-»- **- *»------i 50 19. Tnavellu gto a ae distruaii, os-to suas-ehfolle goodm te mîke dis- -iroum, wvue no goodi are fund.. 0O10 20. Apprsls0eisn, wbetber b yDeu cg more, 2 cents nluîe dl on tii. vlue cf goonli 21. caaliogue sale sud oinlae sud dmive-y of gnods, ô Ott; la the #, ou net pi-vinoes of gcds. 22. Ezoeuiugsearcéh varrant .. 50 In. SorvIng noticesa on coumiabIsI,. wPlie bCd ......... 050-- " Baket Pany?~for Xas. London *" P ansd"for Xma. Orown 'sJelist, MsEnitwe. Currat', ".,XieI~tSalmon, Lobeeters, Lemon 1Peel, Sàrd!e,hté u Orange Pel. Salmnon Trout, Citron Pool, Finnan Haddies and Oyatus repo.nd AU Klnde of spices. dally. Naus, au i ndi. F e oacsCombi, Have you seen the New Illuminator. No Chimney ri- quired i Liht eqil taeprelnetietv=e.~î Cash paid for Applee, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. PETER SMIH Wliitby, Dec. lltb, 1877Odflow'Buildings. MWOCROSSON CB - Toronto, O.,---S 91 King Street, THE LKRGEjST STOK ,S, EVEIt SHOWN IN CANADA.' -00- - geFI.N E F URS A SPECIAILTy.,«MI FUiR TIRIMIMINGS CUT TO ORDER. -00--- BEAR ROBES. ASTRACHAX SACQUES WOLF ROIES,- RUSSIAN LAU AUCQIëX%à. RACOON RO)BES, S. S. SEAU SACQUEWI. YAK TROBES, PERSIAX LAMEB ACO1UES BUFFALO ROBES, MOOX ER]£N= S40M -, MINE CAPO, MNIST l, - S. S. SEAL CAPS, S. S. SEAL BETTE, OTTER AND SEAL StTTS, ERMINE SRTTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB' SETTS,, i3ALTIOJ SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETIS, COZtRY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETTE, U.REY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETTS, SERMAN MINE CAPS5, GRRY LAMB SETTS, CHILDRIIS SETTS. Partictdlar attention given ýto all order-s, Tornt, ec,3,167,specially attended to. Alter~tions ly-~O IF I--P 75 -&.77 YO N GE-ST., 50- Large Size Box Stoves TORONTO. j A just CLEA11ING OUT AT HALF-PIIICE. fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots. rec-eived. My Stock of l"F. IRIT ITorRý Is now Complete ini Every Line. -E.- J. JOHNSON@, Very W em 0y estie4 'li :4:hiààdou '1i3. 8pas - 4W rù at.refJ5supervsin Mid sertiny-every detralbelng iubject te eever., cr11 dim-.and eueh machine le tboronghly teited before leaving unr works, t provoe ceomiploen0îeuee ver Part, and there us ne0 difficulty in putting thora in operatien by any person Of Moderato suechanical ability. JOur h" b ecl con lrnce adat :djfo a 5 !a g e"r rec "iaY bee -11 r ibis purpose, and net aap ed fo er werk, & d r werlmen are edu. e~dup te the wants a requirements Ofounr maufature...obtauning a thor- olhum, o eenî uoo en-skin e s 04sk l6d teoOb- otc'um a 4ig. f kE~dproficiency than Where goneral 'mnufacturlug in earried oe f eaetheÏr enabled teitrOdo a more perfect astem lie al l th de- ,jpartmeute of maniufacture, adding not ouuly te the perfection cof the work, but ai- pe.l raflity of tc sxeUion--and à> bonsequent reduction of ccii. w. enabled te mm urt u dumachines. with 9 hlghir digrée ef perfection, asa 1prices se low a absoiuely te defy cmpeitin. a THE JOHNSTON SELF-'RAKING- REAPER ii Dow s e ii known as a Single Beapur, tuat a word'cf cemmendatien would alinoat seem a uperfineus, but a here are many eiaiming te manufacture thie machine who have' adhered te ihe old original Johnateu machine, without keep. ing np te the Ixuprevements ; that justice te curielvesansd pairons-ruquire cf us te state that vs have modifled ili almica every esauntial part, sud for strength and durability, quality of eut, ineviry kind sud condition etf gain ; lightnesa cf draft and ease of management-the "'Jchnston," ai mauufactured by us-ala pre-emiueutiy ahead cf ail ottier reapens. In proof cf this position we have only te point te tLe many Fir-st Pnizès avarded us-at tLe la Provincial trial cf Ou- tarie, and mp cuty trials which bave taken place ail ovin Canada, withiu the lait few yqcr. y OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, withlaje improvements, e al Ihat c5u. bu desiredin a Combined Uachine,, sud cannot fail te meet aIl the requirements of purchasers. Our Iipýroved Cayuga Chief Jr,, andcw Young'Canada Mowers are both fInio-eas. machinea- censtituted aimost wholly cf Trou sud Steel. The iC&?Uga Jr. Las a ruas- cut, sud tLe Young Canada a front Cut ;,bolL sîrong, dur- able machines, sud not uzcelled by any machines in IL.eimarket for qualitý of eut, dus-ability, liglues cf draft, adaptability, aud case cf mangemnt. Aneen6yhas become butter ndàapted to machinery, and many of dur fa rn2. ers have become skilled in the use cf machines, a grcwing demand has liprung nup for a Liglit, Durable, Firat.Clas Beaper. AU" ete the requiremunts of thà day, we have sncceeded in invcnting a nma. chine with a Wrought Iron Framie, with the least possible gearing-with large, broad%cd drive whepl,-and so, oontncted that the framne and table tilt at the acméýlime, thereby keeping the pitroan always in line with the knife. The rakes are driven dîrectly froma the main shaft.-there being no perceptible aide draft, and no weight tipon the horses necke. We are confident tlfat we have sncceeded in invunting tlec most perfect Ileaper, taking it in ail its parts, that hav~.e produeed. Wu haveý appjied for letters. patent, and shah holfi opr .inveutii, for our ewn exclusivemanufacture, and-we respectfully 9uggual to in-, ,itending purchasers, that they should se this machine -bufore giviog their ordurs .Mr the coming harvust. The "Whitby Harvestur" weighs, ail told, 600 pounde, ibut being made principall of the beat quality cf iron and steel, and from its ini. ouos bnd compact construction, it combines the strength ,aud dnrability of the 'AU cf.our maehinus are fully warrantei. With this liaI of machines, wu fuel confident titat we can mnet, uvery ru- quirement, and w. respucifull solicit a trial of our machines, beliuving that we can furnisha butter machinefo the monuy than cau bu obtaiud elsewhure. Bespectfnlly Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. Whitby,,Ontatio, February, 1877. OUR NEW ST-ORE!1 Special Inducements to those Qoods of Ail Kinds, Cheap and Good. STAiRTINQ Gu ci HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKING. Fuil Stock of Caskets, :Coffin, ar >d ail the. necessaries in this line. ALso, bWELL-APPOINTED HEARSE,- Vbitby, October 1Oth, 1877. 42, >REPARE FOR THE FALLI Aý.$D GO TO FOR WELL-FITTING, CHEAP, AND) OOOD B.EST AMERICAN RUIBBER GOODS ON HAN». uté' Caîf Boots sud Shees, thse finesi and most durablé nîade in the- countrsy. Le' Laédies' supel-lor gooda lu Pruneila, Kid aud Geai, a spiciility. WVhon durabilily aud chuapuese are ruquired, caU ou OLD Ne. 1. Large Arrivals 1 hdtby, Sept. «Il, 1877. Cheap for Cash 1!1I WM. BUIRNS. ý 28-12m NEW GOODS Clothing anid Gent's Furni'shing -House, Is now supplied with ail the newest stylos of English, Scotèh, and Caadan Cioths of ail -kinds, te Largest and Best Stock they ever had. OJ-Aise an- excellent stock of Gents' Furnishinge, aW lier. A splendid stock of Rcady-rnade Ovurcoats, Chcap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROCK STREET, WH:ITBY.. FAIR C OMPETITION WITHOUT PROTCETIONi. MR. JOHN 'FEIRGtUisoN 15 NOW IN THE MARKET WITE RIU FALL & W~'T~3~> GOODS, Wiiich fer quality sud psici wiil be, foun& unsuraw d ~orr i f~rd Mad~ iq~zn the L tea 4leg and on Short est Notice, c A LARGE E DVI MICHAEL GLEE SON (late with F. Meen), Greenwàcod, iwhe re hu will bu happy to sue all friends. The stock je selected with a vNiew te meut the wants of a&U. Home trade je Our especial aum, and we ~wil defy coxnpetition in every line of tho businese. Cheiip Goods and ýgood Goode will demand oustomers. Nothing wanted by old or new eus- ýtomiri, but sha be furnishud un short notice. A speialty in COAL.01L, 5 gali8ns for $1. 0- Producu of ail kinds will be paid for in CASH, or 'ooda given for the mre at thet rate. IEUwooD, November 19th, 1877. 6ms-48 FASHJONABL TAILOBIN Go where- you 08.11 get a Weil-fitting Garment :-To to Tailoring Establisitmenat of GEORGE A Lrg Stock cf Fine Cloths ; hesi English, Scotch andý Canadlian Twee 8.:> Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guarantuud. GEORGE GUELEY, dl King Street, Oshawa. UIGURLE, OTHEAW. -NE W -AND- B O O K S TO0-R E 1 A T THE EXPRlESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCH-ST. George YuIG begs to annnonce that he lias re-opened ~is StationcryasudBock Store in 'Whitby, wherce taticîîury cf aiu kinde, t6 the beat quality, wiil ho kupt en hand; aîso Sehool Books of every description, Copy Books, SMates, Pencils, Inks, ko., &o., at tihe cwest ,~Pries. The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- _serptons Solicitcd. Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment of Viollns. Ordena arc tlken for Puriodicals, Magazines and Music. 51 Whitby, Dec. 18th, 1876. WILLIAM FURNITURE WAREROOMS. THE OL D 8rA ND, ' BR OOK STREET, WHIiIBY. Go where you cannot-fail to -hé pleased 114 makg sabotions of good furniture'. '5pèhd~PdrborDi~trig- Ro suadBeeonSts ~reieic fture Framing in evè,ïystyle. Sème fine-Chr>omosf sale. TIL L'S oür One-:Month,. .goubthousee (33, hoice of lite fol1wiô eron: OrI xd hoieë GEO.H. PÀBSC or DADO&SEL BEST imélo -St.,Osha' a. Agood Frama tore-andahl 222,an&kitchen, together with acre of-land, wefl planteid with firW Decemnber 24th, 1877. àuatea - laie.street, west par tôwn of fflù off Dnnd"estreei iîs s oa g o o 4 at a b e . ,T i 'la u 2 a , 1 lui. rpoe FÃ" SALE, AT l= n c c Xmas Presents! Xmas Presents -AýTE O ur Sto ck of Fanécy Goods, sial for Xmas and New Year's ýFifts, is 110W open. 'We offer' a larger assortment and botter, value titan i n any previons year, and suitable for ail. As formerly, wve sh-ail make a speciality of our'- DOLLAR CASE7,<I Candies, 25C. per IL., or 5,lbs.- Xmas fo ahty D oa . 8 ,17 . SW W.B. SMITH,& ÇCo. Whitby, Dec. 151h, 1877. WHITBY CHINA TEA &-TORE, A full assortment of ail kinds of- Newý choice Family Gro- ceries. China, Glass Ware, Cro)ckery and Family Christ- mas goods, all of wb.ich will be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR ^CASH. A large assortinent of Choice Candies purchased express- ly for Santa Clause. Choice Mixed Candies 2Octs per lb- Good iRoil Butter l6cts per lb. 20 MEDIUM SIZE LAMP CCHJMNEYS FOIR $-1 00. Corne one corne ail both young and old before purchasmng elsewhere and examine oui, Stock yourself. iRemember the place, At WM.. J. . GIBSON'S. Whitoy China Tua Store. WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Poultry fressed, Apples, Potatoes, Buans, 1Butter, Eggs, for whieh the highest market Pnie will bu paid, eithur in Cash or in Exchan'gu for Gôod:e. -W. J. GIBSON. CUTTERS, LUGGES3 AND CAJIRIIAGES. A Large Assortrnent * of Buggies FOR SALE, & NEWPOJRT'S TO0MS s-Iý C . . SOGLEN MAJOR MLLS 1 1511 bush à. GEORIGE BIRITTON, CAIfiIA GE WAGO-N 18S/IAATUIIER of the Double sud JÂ singleTunDrl.Iioemn -PATENTED CHLIRNS. Weaons, Bugge, Sleigha, constantly ou rEi- Doue on, tise aloi-tuainotice. . GRO.BUITTON, Brock Streut, -* - - - Whitby. Octoher 22, 1877. y4 STAGE BETWEEN- WHITBY &OSHAWA, ,TWICR A DAY I! Leaves Oshawa at 8.80 a, m., ana 1, p. m. Luaveî hy at 10.80, a. m., and 4.80, Fis-e 25 cents esch way. Wini eau eai thle hoteis, anda t privata reafidencei (vien ciors are" et any of the botels4 Connecta veiîl osbawa-anda omavMie stage; aise vith te Witby sud Port Pers-y Railvay, sud wyul Brough- arn Mauiat'Whilhy. e1 THIOS. HOPPE. Whithy, Mas-cl 19 1-,55MI-t CILOTHE S CLEÀNED AND IF FADED %-J broughf te their natures-a colcr.- Featbera;, id' Gleves, s&c., clesned sud dyed auny colour. -Al l s-duralIt vitl W.P. Willcoc ,- Confeistionur, Wbitby, or'sentli ail, iii bu promptly attcuded te. E21.ly E . MAJOR, Cutters andiTo(DLO.0.A4% FARM LANDS, Inus uofe $200 and upvards, ai 7 par cent. Payable lEai-yee-y, Apply te-- GEO. B.' HALLEN, Solicitor-, &1c.,. Apnil 1711, 1877. 17 S. W-EB B Respuctuiy Wms bis Patrons andi tLe Pub~li lu lieaspurchasud the. Bight for Pickesing± o Manufacture Conboyis Patent Seat - - for . BUGGIES, CUTTERS, c. AU parties viii de wull to eee oui- Buggies sund Cutters, bitos-e giving tiseir orders eise- where. Broughami, July 1811, 1876 - rat R.W.-GRAYS 8 SPEOJIFIG MEDICINE- bicysdW auuis ureîtc dinîo, es-cesses onovei-workcf lise brn sd uer- VOUS 'ayitem; ie perfectly bai-miss, acts 1,i-e mha4giie md ha, hemextensively uW5 for avertny yeas-s u iib-uiret soccuSi 5 IlPice, 81 Par package ci as-aclcsgss .forS5bjmail fi-ei cf postage. uPull75 , >O u r p a m p h l e t , w l ii c h v e d e n t " bsed f-e.?Lby mi eee-Y one. Asdiesgo CHEAP, Carriage Factory, DUNDAS STIE ET, WHITBY, ONTARIO.1 AT THE OLD*STAN.D Boots à Shoes Cheaperýt ha ,#ýEvýer I JOHIN SAUNDIEJS lias resurned lis business at the -olà stand (Citequered Store), Brook-st., Whitby, where hoe is. nowv enabled te give good value Vo ail customers , old- andI - -new. HiRS stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, is replete forFail and Winter weax-, andhe Is deter1vào to seil off at the 1lowest profit. rP.S. Parties indebted to me, wilrples &i adsaee' îrnmediately..J.S Whitby, October 22nd, 1877. SADýDLEJ,]Y ANID-, ,HA]RNE-SS.' WILLI1AM T HO0MP -SQNkL %ea to direct atten tion te bis large anda-,upenior stock -91nPrising, every. -] thicg li s aelery s a snuýes"Lice, UaIse - Leather Valisées and Saratoga 'ruk ! A - LOT OF BYREON Wm- XcBRhl DRt. Physicien, Surg& whîuby, Sept.S0a IR oomsOVEJ Office osfrm 1.30to 6, p.mI aud Gilbert itreet, CI CN. v as cheap asithe Chf huit. Teeth 5ied Testh aeruacted vi 4local aumstheaia. buine lock,ov Ring Stre, Oshr THOMAS- BUJLER À2N DSINIJ& 9--AU endera pi 'JOHN 1 T-TAIR DRESSI IUL Saloon, Broc] JOHN- W A ETFOR 01fJenathau Wolfu GEORGE U MER nc L snd Joiner, G, large qucutity of ai dantiy ou haud. JAMES 1 Tofs' CL COMMIONE0i 1 BE CON IYANCIzq Thse Olerk wiu b, Towu Hanl, Cal=i Fridays, for Tovus houri5, OaM. io .p, Marcls.270h, 18n7. J3LÂCKSMITH, (Succesior lu Ti Mors,. ahceiugsnd vos-k. Clork Division< Smc., Athes-ly, Countylt Athenr S ati 2nid WT' U» BAI Veterinary 'WuU ho ai Aumsieng', Pruesday, frum 1 lu.4 c: April 25, 1877. SSTORE AND Dit 1 1 1 1 1 600,000 eei Fine Lumbur,yu) ea soned. Inch Bolads, 2 x 4 Scsntling, 2-ineh Plank, Feuciug Boarde, 100,000 fel of Oak, Maple for asles, let quality, Basswocd,' 15,000 fi. Square Tinsbeli Ail cf Which vwiii bu sold chuap for cash, Huewonid isohbegfi), ay lIai îlte CriaI wMili running,aàna ainig iraieîorI - Chopn dous 6 daya in the week, lor every ep.l 37hi tf, ' Irppriet HARVESTER.Yi AT T-H E FASMONABLE TAILO GURLEY, OSHAWA. ý SUPERIOR S T A T 1 0 N E R Y FACYOIRY AND NEW "WHI'TBY J U ST A RR IV ED CABINET

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