Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1878, p. 3

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71s1n .ur- H« gsede BAILIFF'S SALE 1 0f loeSs sud Eflect. of WU. EODD, aI BE00E1,N, on Monday, llth Februafy, 1879, lin-? D& 1 .1Wli Div. Court. ce valixee FARM FOR SALE 1 or-lesois, e ccIM5.401 ths OMM > ' <-a of Lot 0iflSMtCOncessiDO f ltheTowu- sil ad itedin C i .4 *IlàswMladty,W1=tin ue so the "tuva station on the. W., P. P.& Lind. os Ialtiwy, snd ô mlles froci ManiUs. Tii. stnig. Imlt posguson Tlsidîputable. Yorpat PHOSFOZONE, I The New :Nervine Tonieo1 JB vor an Tee Cents, excitement uts now tbe rnIs sud we muet r,,- pocâ to hbir demande or de. su pplytoslez Ü ou t bstoretliaspublie. Dis latneu 0, ' Tout il lnn un, and seti lie usrvem an& limougi lie Jewe hep hhea. Ive neyer- ,dugporticus cf cur trames t a - chte., voforth>' tie viola !ody an army> ci diiesses. Laut, tcgi neo cfIss mportance to mi>, in a plsnant Mesdicine, agmesable te lie Isate, asdacceptable 10 lhé mcml delicate iatcmseh. SolS»>' all Dru $ita, anSdp e. p.re In tbe Lstor,u 'of L90e Proprishc os, xo. 415ad 4S. J eau Baptise streel, Monîneal, A Bp.lau, te aid arnd ateigt the Pïc i»g &Hi'bor Company (Uii hy i ,dingj b 1hî Company mum of fwiay soand lare, <md Io authorse the. of debénurea for lido purp arnd b i eey a âpeial rate fte payméni of te &L1, intereat titerebij nourred. Wb.roias Tiie Picksering Harbor Comt (llmted) bas oxpeuded upou the! Ob"as.anîmprovement l otheir wi lylpgwliin theTownsilp cf Picke theosura of about slxty tbouemud lare. And whsroas theogsaSCcrnpany propos expend furtiier conoiderablqa smo enl leg" hilr Elevator, extending , est ier, sud on'ocher improvemi And'whoesasthe cesaSCompany -unSe statut. of Canada, ftb dVicoria, eh 07,11u authiorlsd -te Issue bcndi or tetures flot excoeding ln lthe sggret Twenty.Sivethbonosadollars, w d.bouturo hahtekbfInit charge on, prpristoile aud revenue. of -And wieras théreopeing cf the.Hanb aud works cf te0a il Companyà the improvements thiiroon bave prei and Must continue to prove ofcgr and permanent avstage t10the é shipof Pickering, nsudwii.eh sdvani wlbe furtiier inhanced hy thsad tioesepndilure proposed. And whereawg, b yt &. et rosp eci Municipal Usttiqn ue lb.hProric of Ontario# sud by the. sottte mmmi the sane passeSlu lthe tbirt>r.ssvu ysesr ofIr liMjetys reign eflapter1 hi cocniofet ny Townsblp lMayPo by.laswo for leuding menq te gay i corpoato4 Compsuy lu respoot,lo s Harbont wlhhiu or near sncb mnI, Ana whereusthe. seennil>'for aàban twnytosuldollars Max Amply1 provded for by hb. issus cf debectur of the, saiS 0opmpanY, suaprotuidS thes vains of thé Vompany'spro paet i lul expedient that thé, Corportion, thei Township cf Pickering sbould ài sud asisl lb. sa#iS Company' by way, JOan to the exteuýt cf lweuly t ounes dollars. AnS wioroas, it will requin the. sum 0svqulcen bundre ansd forty.fonr do lar# e bhbe miseS nnuslly by spe rate on lhe -wiole raleabît propert>' the iUnielpalit>' for th, payanent0c f t said smm -cf twonty liougund dolls, SIIA the, lulereît horeon. AnS. ;yhere,st hs amount cf lb. whole rat ables irojènY1thef léisTownsiiipi Plcelrnu aceordiiig te tho lait rei and equalItsd assessinent pill for th yo' r 1877 le lire, millions sevon hbu ilmed sud foryoce thousacd onu, droit andfily-seven dollars, (8,74,157 "Ad e f istheainOunt 0f the existIa detc teTwnsblp Of Pickeringï fourr hoone dollars, sud tioe le D fart cf-the, principal or ihtereiltiersl AnS whoieofor p.aying the debenture rrOP0sd te be lisoîed uncler tbis by 1aw, sud tel. tiot t uerecu au equa sunual speelal rate cf forty-seven huo dredth parte cf oeeMW ilnluthei.dol] wili require to Le leviod inuh sciiy@ dtîrrllishe cuinusce, cf osaS 1-la Iladition 10 aul other rates. Be. it tiiereforoe oaoted by tleIa.unfipi Cotuncil cfthieCorporation f ias Towîý ohip cf Picersing, sud Il ligersby eu ýy te dol. i*aue 0for and ipany pur- worke srlng Sdol. me le ea ln g the euIe. er a fisp. s boum and ta Ince, med 16. of b. ies by rt 1 id rof Md c f toi- laI the ire le. In. on ris In. ýar iaI 1. nîî hi haîlandmY Le lawfnl for ilme siS Cororatio o!tle T84s19 aSa mites ai Ila W4y c"Jn 00l.sxeîc twenty 2. TuaI for thb Oupiaro. aforessid the ileeve c i e Mtzniepalty0cfth e ewn- slP ipckllering saoilcauso e@bon. -OstO lue flsC orlc cf lie Tovu- lilp ci Piering bo aS.leto lia amount cf luanîyhcmn dollar,, oaci debenturs hot e for nocles a Oum ton u tndrod dellars, wiic alS dehentures shalha sosIeS vithi té meal cf lie (C ýr&riou, sud s8 e h i suri paroxi a. ay b.sul ordby lta c aid le Itoaigu lie osansd 811811 ha o unlurignss b>' lie Treasurer oif the saiS MunicipaiiîyanS miail ex. hibil on lie fare Ieoof ltse autIority udr wiei thiey vome IssueS. .i. aiSdehoentumet $hal l iean date --ou tIi@ day herslusjsem appintes for lis cominginle force 0cf ims ylw an e Aîlepyble :on.the, dates he,. - nater nexl mtell1 ha Lian temsay: 544.00), On hiislsî day cf Decembr 88 876.64, onleleda cmbr, 1878. I011.24Y Ou ltî8setday cf Dmember, i18W. 847.9, ou tis5Bday cf Deembez., 19S1. ô18.7, on ltiiIdyc eebr 52 1728.00, on i teay cf December, 18M5. -10, out ls taday cf D ecouiher, lt8u, 17.77, oe #ls ishSy of-December,1N -7.0à1, o i ttda&Y CfDee.inber, 18eu. u>421 n theatîst day, cf D c ir 87 [D cem ber , 8 7 190728, ou le 81»t dy o Dn01 '180 74 2- O th Motdayof ombr, 188M. on14,0, c 8ls lt day cf Deceuiber, 80 1140,o 0,litiBet day cf Deoceber, 1IWO. 22.92, ouni ildyo senaî 82 180.71, oua lbsllsîsY cf DéiemaUbe"9. #1281-94, on liii 8î'I day cf Deesinter, 1894, e*l48.ton tle Biolt day cf Deemintr,1895. M 52.74, enlie'à lat day cf Deccuiber, 1800. t1849, nlés tdey cf December, 1807. alnshcali te 1uts, uavaile ucb cm 'A eey cf SthDe. ik lu the Viow cf Wi*by. Debelâutmes sil bear inter. fser lis rat.e fsix par ceu. troua the. dSae lhiesof sd et ohalU be payable ytaanî cn rus day0 cll>emter' lu oac sar ecgtier vin lb.é de- bon um i t <lie nid on. N Omta~Iogue. - ~,, ~ I ~ ~t~ao~/ ~ ~I1 NEW ~ <T offevey dllar dj~rnoth February, 1878. ODI) ,FELLOWS' AL 0. For the terpocf pyu iedb itsreby cr ateSlu nal insýotalel t tsymsmnmature, sud theit.ntersit ieroasieOretes iovidd sa equsi suus peciA1 rate c orly.sen i mn. dredtipatsof a miflu l'hsdollab af in addi to lan otbetratesg*be se. .5, levieà sud cofleted Sp euches- on aIl lbe rsleabls jrt V iObn Mh sald Townsbip cfP .., ig, du,% gthe terin ci tweuty yes rm clte 467torb- Imatter a5poistid tir lte comiug ltô 6. That immediatel>' aller lb. date bore. luafler app W Sf or the. comiug tol force sud offsent cf tii By-law, Il t l sud csy be lawful for ULB. eeve cf itis Muuiepsty, sud b.oliereby lustruet- ed tobhandover to thePrssid.n cf lhe &Aïd tie Yickerng Harbor Company, (llmlted) tite Debeulur.s cf titis Corpor- allen, anthobcrzd lo be isedunder Ibis Dy.law 10 ltsea&Mount ci twouly-ltous- sud doularsnsd Payable sas t. *Mount sud dates cf maturtyas Aboyavescnb. ed, uporecelvug foc the Troasuror cf tMu'xnnielanty aà certificat. tint tioae b omadepcealed wlti the saiS Treseuror by or on bebalf of thé saiS the PlcerinigHsrhor Companyâimited) Debenlures cf i e calSPomyany le ths fn n& Mount of twenty.4ve inousand dollars, beariug lb. corporate seai cf lhs saiS Company, anad beillg the fiful amount cf bonds sud dobentures wiich lis Comany le anliorlzedleisue, aud -able sa h ie Brsuch orAgenoy e h Dominion Bsuk,' ta ltwonî .0iv. equal sunual Instalmonts cf cue thons. sud dollars euch sud shall ho made payable on the thirl>v.irot Siy cf Jaly oightenhundrs7 and "vn yiglte tiie ysar ninéteen bundred sud Iwo lu- clusivesia lte debentursecf lte s&iS Compnay o the sxt.ul of$wsnly hous Imom eigbles. Un aa»o -, eigbl, t. aigileen hanudr.d sud uiuety. savon, inclusive sallbave lnteress coupous attacii.dtbsreto, r;rable year. ly ou thé i&MsaiS rty.filiday of 3luly lu eseli year, during lb. curreuyoy f Ibis By-last alle rate cf six per cenînni P ersAnnm, romi lb. date onwioi Ibis »j i u a lum ite force, sud 1mb. BrMI r eo oo f theDoio 10. 11, lItla furliar ense h laIbefor lie gaid amCI cfwenty toncand Sllarsci ,tie dabenluros nf he Corporation, sball b. bandeS over etheb.président et tb. Und or other securît', smoi au b>' es- cîntion cf lie ceucil cf liMuicpel ity ibsil1b. accepteSad à sallfactory nudr wiich lie onid Ccmpay ciaM aeeotecexpeud oeu»tocW.pepd. sud siveuty-elgitl, s MM Dctlus titan Ove tioncand dollars, upen drsdging said iarbour, extension, sud - mrge. mentof thi, nid <iompany's prcp.mly andwvorkemaSsbsfl furlier agreeto lueuro sudkee. lsured nrithlisau.- ency of Ibis hy.law aa ustli islec Ira e, .buildings sud pasperties cf lbe saiS ,Compsuy,1e a Mounut ffifleen thousnd delxarc lu each year, sud liaI thie policy or pondeoisf Incurance mc effocced, siall coutlantle condition, ltaIt sny lots or iossec ecoveale thbêrsfnmshil b. nmade payable lbth saiS Corporation cf the, Townsbip et FliekeniLand Ibattie moneysoréo.iv. edo, bytl'm paS dovertelmi Cnmpscy se accu slie proporiios lu- injureS on dealroysd by Oir. sisfl be repairaS or reconstrnctid no liaI lhe same giall bL esrai! Ïolethe sanie capacil>'asd s genêtcondition aI pross.t. This bY-law miafl come mb oforce and laIte Offet on lie Sud day cf Mrci, oe thousaud egit iud sud meV. euly.eigit. The. seveutii day cf 'lsbruamyeigih taon huudred sudse ny~taIle Office cf the Township(,lie, lu the Townsiiip cf Picesring, at lbe boum cf oleven c'loek in tis forenoon le iieroby -ls h ime sud plsce for a> citeas lte Rosee o f lie said fwuiip, of persono 10 attend aI tie vyrloue plig places, sud tiie fInal smnig up cf tic votes cu h.- buSf cf ths porions intemested lu, andi promoting or opposing lbhe y.law re Thse giiteentii dey cl F.hmcar,eigii teon hunidred sud ssvely.elglat, aI lie saiS bour sud plac, le iisreby appoint. cd se tis lime sud p lace, for lb. mm-. Ming up by tb. lerk cf the. saiS Town. sip, cfthe. uumber cf votes given for sud againsatheis Dy-Law respset.ivly. The. votes cf lie eleetors cf lthe ssid Township ofi]Piekering, shail b. taksu ou tbis Ey-law onltse sizteentii day cf Fehrnsry, eigbteen bundred anS sovety.jlgiit, aItthe following places and by, sud tefomo ths fdllowing Be- huning Uffleoerespcively-thaî le lu »Y: No. 1, Grauga HailU-Augue MeRs>', - lumulng oficer. No. 2, Eattemu Hous,, Duffius rek-las. Linlon, Eetuming offlecer. Nc. t, Liverpool Marke-G.o. Parker, lRe- - turingoffcer. No. 4 Gnsiam's Hctel, Bouge-DaviS 011- christ, Belurning officer. No, 8, isle-II-Lovi Msoley, Beluun- Îisen u, n ng cinr.l vcd~ G O L D S M I .7 gncullurol H&H, rcngiam lYre o.îar, Eelnming oin. N.8, Musical Hall, Whittsvale-Gec. Bur- ton, Ralumnlng offiosn. No#,9 Orange Haln,6M cou-B. hirmel, Returin cobr.Gr a E No. 10 ute 1 eu«»t-Titc. - ret. Returing officeresorELECTRO PLA TE, NOTICE. CLOCKS AN] Tale noticet,tnt lii.above iiaac. opy P E I 1JS T et aproposeS By-aw, vilci vil] b. e P E IO jute censlderation bi lie- 09=00n01 et l.1, -t1 -wnM IPiok«ring muer omsmnirom thelie duPublieu Itaeonluthe. WiTEyomucwrctu Pa eruidane cf Whlie ints iiis the wtWuyfcunb aetl tat the. vote,.$etielctorm the, aiT mIp cf ick inz~wIji betelen tiers., inuldrod sud- seü'vmîyaIj>'t p1oiig p6oisca.sdir -A1f~4.' noni tlas e Having corne out- oIq safely I hae teeéln enabled to re-in- vest the total a-mount of ~i insurance and a large amoiuiit' of other- Capitl i i thè purchaseiof 'an en- tirelyne'w a4à'ý -0 Fý- ~ Gi'OERIE8& LIQUOliS , c for cash on most advantageous, ternis, I arn. enabled to offer at 25 Per Cent BeIo;Odor Prcs To cash and proýmpt Pa'ying- Buyers at Wholegaie and Bqal 1 deem it unnecessary to en- unerate the items in detail of my large anid extensive stock; anyaftpf "p ôdo s wvould - fUIadozen (Jkroniclea, suf- fice to Bay that it is complete--in al Unes and that custorners willfbid thalt masy be enquired foi'.- Headse ofFamies makinigW purchases of - - Holiday Crooeries o Will Save Mon-ey 'and secure a good article by calling. EYERYTHING IN Teas, Coffees, Co-coas, -0,hoco-.' - lates, &C., &c,., My Li-quors, as heretofore, are lof the best brande -and will be found unstn-passed ln purity ami - çheupîîe8s. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's;-Aieçs. Aies, fleet quality, 30 cents -per gallon by the Reg; Canned Fruits, Pickles, Biscuts,* - cf best -fve - Just ' eeived a Larg e' S$tock-,of Black and. Coloiéd Cashmeres, Black and Coloured, Lusters. L4adies fourý- button, kidGloves anàd 'Genteme'SEvning . Kid Gloves,' Evening Flowers, Muelins, Laces, IRibbons ý&c. WAtRER O TAILORING1 AND LfE8-AIG $ TOareR.oéý,o AGLaGESoko 1LOWES 1 , -WlitbY, JanL. ' &POWELLJ SIMON FRASER, *Begs -to returu thanks to l is old and 'Uew customr's for tinolibomul pata-onage ectonded te huxn ainco opeining b.uaes iii i the ncw plce, anad bega te euhl attention te the following list of Fretin Ga'eaea, anitatale for tineIaoiday seuton FBUIT,ý-London Layer Baislis i Loose Muscatël Baisinus, 'Vlencia-- bet Moreubrand of stalk ; ncw Currauta ; Turl<ey riga, 2 lb. boes for 25 cents ; fresh Lemnons ana Oranges. TEAS-A freshalot cf titose suporior Black and Greon Toas Iliat bave givou to mucin satisfaction Le lîcusokeopors. COFFEES, ke.-McochEk and Jav'a Coffoos; SJISCITS-Sonda anS Abernehy, huai qnulily. SIJGARS-Jutigt toand, Pin. Engliali ernalied, l101Ws.for. oe u lar. Canned Fruits, Oyaetera. Lobslore, and Sardines, dried and bnirrsl Fiala, and ALL KINDS OF BE5T FA MIL Y IOCEIE8. Farmi Produce takçen in Exehange. Butter, Pouktry, Eggs, Apples, and Potatoos ianted. Get yonîr supplies Cheup, and cal 1Do. 6h 87 Dec. 261h, 1877. - Outurlo Blocie, Brook-SI., Whitby. Saio M lek ON FRAS E, ht Genuine and Absolute: oe W'4 A 1::)T 1%,T r-i CI A Ir Ir" iWtHAMILTON& HAR R C> Are Stil continw:Ling their Sale of GOC F-4C te I jistomers calling 110w, wil ~ ea s ou a bl1e P)ÀRGý 1weo daaaoived a Le carmxed 0 engageS tlu 'rFet SAL.-htSi'TROUf cfgod ioHOOfi pl Hm-G LO ydelSOaR-8 ainu) of Perrons Dobflity, Meul-iu Playujoal Incnpa oity, Impodimentst. ari agiec., resulhingrem excàSsss £1P icenl a -sealed onvelope, only 8 ensortcpostage stamps., nleecelehraîcd sutiior lu ibis admiralal. ]tsAay clearly ýdemcnlrate, from thirtv yesra' succstul. -ýpracico, tl a arming ennsoqueucec nia>bcho mdimUly cureS, wih. Ont lte dAugerona uecof interusl medicine or lIae application oflié,nu!.; pclùting ont a oeCure la one simle, cerLiin and effectuai, bY rmeni of *whbvery tufferer,- nu malter 'tiat bis êcondition nisjb.51 may eurcbmseloiesly.pivatîy itid crdelly Lr "This Lecture shsuld b.le iitands of ereruth and evoryn-sinnthe lanS. THIg CULVERWELL MEIJICAL CO.,- Il 4 > «AXa-st.. HzwYOUm. Foot Office Box 4586. -6y \TBMAII BMIEME FOR SALE! Leunire ah lite CEONIrE OFpICE., FOSALE AT A DISCOUNT L Cj dli' gooI for pavruent oli titiai aI vine te niycan pro lu meel-.,tei v1lld uelsbi 'tIcf art a ut Fus 1t ClarngN EW i AT P Wtare o"lj WYOMINGCt C Sature -te al then loatlfy, ag Isecure AINL Jan. 22, 18-08., U±NS eu k as: again Nenvean. us rge anld well- TRac Build" m' Power. la] COAL YARD PORIT WRTBY. LtieLs lits Arand îrdoas with Mr. 3. H. Long,- I-moISaI litofice -of lh. lbby LH rr hbove-nanaed Coal. -You vil! aul chers 'tro haveuneS il,. Colee'sold in Whitby,"J & AFRWL ERS, II~ cTAMrEsoN~ FAMILYGRC. Whitby, Feb. 2nd, 1878. . WITBY PHARMÂOY.. S. 'WI B. SMITH & Co. Hâve received this week. from Eng- land, a splendid assortmnent of Tooth and Hair Bruhes, of the best quality and lateet desilpis; each brueliwMl have Dur, name stamped on it, We have algc receivedl 100 &>zen Dressing and Fine Combo, in Bubber, Hora1 and Iy, which we offer YERY CRZkP. Also, fresh suppiy of tno followig Eidge's Patent Food,- Royal infants' Fooci, Rigillot'e Mustard Leaves, Englishuli ice. 00 pondi Strained Clover Honey, 1Wbftby, Feb; ML, 1978. LAING& Giliè Liniment, 25c, SOc & fi bette. Lang&srd's a ical Cure for Catarrît, COnstitutiOm.al (latarli Remedy, Bath Sponges, 80e. per lb, 5_lba for $.5 S. W. B. SMITH & Co. STEWAIRT, z o o z o o qe uauty.- vysters, .Uaddiesq, Bloaters aldmla_______________ -fieli of ail kinds, HngeSalmnon tJ .M DO U G Tot, &o., i Barrels and half- Barrels. * - Begs ýto -announce that.lie * ~~~resumed business in the i sad1wt assorted stock of I rnraking Stugars a PiayardGOEIS can afferd te seilFS 13 lbsg. ofBrw Sua - 20 lbs.' of Vlentia aisins for 1.00e FI SRI ~u~wants ror -AJNG & STEWART. TE[S'y RA LL 3argaings in JEWELRY,. D F'ANCY GOODS, STOCK TAKNMx INTENDING PURCHASERS INVITED TO INSPEOT ~NJ~W ÂDvi~ivr~EMEN:r~ SCOTCH MA R MALAD E 1&l.Jars Dundee Marmalade, -sold in bulk at M' cents per lb., single lbs-., 18 cents. Having finis/ted &'ock-ta1king, and finding blusinesg on thte w/tule /tas been profit- able, will, for a few weeks, give t/zei,' CU8- tomer$ decided bargains, and would only as/e Of t/teir old FRlE NDS and citomers the favOur Of tlieir pre8ence ait t/eir earlie8t con- venience, w/îen L. & S. will do ail they can toloint ouitht/e àpecial bargains. - - Your8, very regvectfull,, Jý ý ri STOCK e6çur6d- FRASER, SIMON 1 Sale Of SPECIAL 1 1 -ôf, i -th 1 é F]9Lr'e,ý Which having p 1--i rj 1-1 n 1 IN Ly ý #C'e VERY G.C .WA TOHE8,.l ['i

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