Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1878, p. 4

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*INDýA-N LINTIME] Il you vaut ta cure chilblci 13row,à'o rndan Liniment. The DR *reccsned îleuse foreaukh$sa lt Lat 8pr~ina Pi-nis, Buri, S:r1m UAUOHT. coaud be ice. Il ha ause lai girls ler 04010 a, ug ggelaedh mho. n x àoa uW. a và'linAdadition to the: prla , Te Sul#a laiueif annouhiees la hu iinPeaBIDn900J fortune, sud huie boudu ,a i7 to bow rayeront. ,kl* i teeuitan a fesê sud ulawmar v werds &bout lhe higli banor, th. (peçts.d happlnus, etc. Ile thon De4lq .with- a eambarlal»,, Who sh Iiwnperiý al Hate the Sublime 0. A ilitary baud precoeais him, soldierm >are drawnu upalong lbe ,who premenu arms, AILte head a %taira lie brithégroanilaereceived je grand vizier, eeudndted hy hlm F room whore aIl, the ministèe are ableil, sud the 1lat h; rsad aloud. aeremaony eafreslpanm ta th.éle. t cs advioe you tla avoid Ail boast- snd esajtgsraîlons, backhiting, eand -ai spealfug ; slang phrase. aba lui cenvers4îlon ; deprecialte aýU*. 'quahiile,, and ncoept the boa.- ty ofthf lihuniblest le inlua hear- n4 sppreclative asanner ; Avoid g otece, n'ud If yen do effend, lie insulitas.to apelogi7ze. tauY w:Pn grtzo elooely Into blis 3 ye. Knlhe viii see h:mself ugç oxcqc<liIugly mal. SL-u Mig 'I Wanld Net Live AI- rqnisrlc4 a- clergyman at a ýfun0ral ; "it was alevayo a great lae witU th. remains," PJotaua justiceo f lhe peace '1ipluirge aliy wien ha marries a ,,, br.asi "rseIGrah hopi fid Six tdollars." And ils 4fii lo naîdeu ilforlaru," Wha wish6li aIe had ne'ar 'been hen,. uriîoth np ter Dase in pelulaul AIt lh. girl Who leit soadun'e0 hal 'arn. ahid lier ildneyver. sîuolte iibtlilr "'ha mahl, seffly, "aud t s bn't. A. Ilieulty good D"nuha for rbâ,"- e gracefully drew a match ovor rg'est PartPl us transern. drot houri of sinniber are thie tist. If ever a min uicepsthie 01 the justi I hWhou lie'. juil joues was aavised la get islite -"Won't do I1,' ha said; - 15i . luck to live forever If JI We bey tu ct fies die tio>i tof thee nlial4tallfs of JVt Qik0,i,- Li>udsay ' ilyvteLidty',teoOur, 04PPT lY DËPAIJTMENT îrhiôli iRthiioSýcapôli o4s Of thil kcuiuI~ur'prebutStock taîost o icr$40 ,00, aitd Minrwe'y'apcstrji (iieiUdemiiiterCapcîs, 3M(ttiltqs, 2Mats, En!lUskrjIoor oilrloci, 'r cou4qî- iflfJcspts enu»zq Twelty-l,.it dlas fîdc tcid.s sc'ivlllsaut ,,,ore t tic, t4dsiifs* o and leaec t/selaIrvqesî 8tock inCa(unadacIo choe fru.- Note thce aillres IP-TIiYICf- 1l~N - (Joldc'ic rf 12i lu 2 K,/ny-st. Eîl ý()ppoaUie lVost Market Sqîcare,) Toronto. Nqv. 1loti, 1877. 5m-47 C HI N A HA LL3 SION OF TRE 11i 130 G(IIEGI5TEItED) 71 K/NO-ST. EAST TORONTO. Fancy Bfreakhfast asudTes sots. Fane>' Dnuer ahid Deesert Sels, FanC e>' Bai- s-et es. Patiq>'Jujge suldTeaj'ata. 811M1-erPlatedKnir.., lForkij sud Slioos. Blv 2!!vY 'rUtoi sud Butteèr Coodera. JtOVEWIURON, '_______Importer. i 'for p ast favors, soli(jits ustion of lthe same. .'rAK Ib AS USUAL. 0, sei KG ,Whllby, near Whl., 178. 11- to Let. ppX, 1 lWOni TRenie etAplu -tros FOR I$QR&E,Wn CATTLE, Froni' jtto' lÙu wwè. ~ ' viii cure meost Ïutenal desaug»eeisua. Forteatiionlaluseewrproeahbt Si,. Ifis a ko an t a t ldîiiMedicine i. Wliat lh. Peopie neefi.- Our agents are as foilcwsnd ystwe vaUt mare where ws have nome, Who viii spply ? Medicai Hal Whilt y,: ont.; di -* Ashburýn ' JL Mrgah 'Dukbis',Creek I John Dawa. - rocklii " Brooi.)3rggs..Mri jqhn Hodgiou iagiu Jopp & Kerr Columbus Jadai Dafue lihs A. D. Weeks Uxbridge Jas. McOuiiciqgbhi Gpdwoo4 J. B. Burk Brougham MacNab Bras. Claremant Drng star. dé Richard Bowau tmSfvhls, T, W. Perry B'n'gwood James Tayor Witevale Daui mophees i Mis. Woods - cheirywocd : John Oddie Dauobaitou John Gregory MhiinivilhIe I Daniel McB3rady Audley d B. c. B1nOWN, Siedfman Pràpriéttr, Whitby, P. 0. *:ý M IERAL OF MA: 1 wiii send o"a doUar's wortIî cf Hiùe grownuseeds, bv the packet, ýpo&Sag8 paid,s.ud lthe whaiby ORSON- àmxL, (pnce $150) for 12 months, fIee of paîtage, bath for two dollars. S. C. BRIOWN. S. G. BEATTY 00,,), BILOVL1I 1TAUIO. ONTARIO OsusINFýS CO[[[GE 017r. advautagas for obtainlng a COMMERCIAL EDUCA T/ON Equal loanay Institution lu Canada or lhe Upiteid States. Ils severai deparlusenti are cocducted by thoroughly comapetant men, Who tcach tIsat Nyhioh they have !eamucdl by actuai business experleuce, sud tierefore practicahly undeitand. THE PUBLICATIONS oy Tur COLLIIGE. The "Canadiuu Aceountanl," "Joînt Stock Comnpany JDock Ne Dig," "Jicatty'si Guide ta E logaint %ritiag, etc., have ob talueda natinnslreputation, auid are the productions cf thse Pinelpaîs of 1h. Col. lo1 jwho are daily engagod, togetlsor wtth le e teachers, ln thc Cli-ss and Lecture Bonoms, collage Bank, tîsd berchanî's Eus- porlum, wth the Studanto. - TIME COURSE 15 SglOIT, because lthe tcaciing hg thorough aud prac. ticai', aud no poins are opared le give te eea studont imUtlvidu4al!y, as wel asete the varions clisses, tse persoual - attention of tIse teachars ta' The Colege Journal, coutaining fu Information respecting larme, nature of counne, board, etc., aud opecimnens ei peu. mnaaship. sent free ou application. Addlress S. G. BEATTY-& Deleidvlle, Nov. 14, Ï fIhle e' Ouf THE WINDSOR.J (Cor. King aud York.sts.) NOW OPEN. SacaO PER DAY. 2-? onibus le sud irom al trains,.Ta- ble ju aRppinîceul llrnt-clais P. i~FIn4NIGAN, 5-W - - Iroprietr.. TÂRIFF P FES TO DE TAKEN BCONSTABLES. (Under Order lu Counchl, datedl 241h di>' of Jol>', 1874.) IL Arrest ct oaci individual upon a walTant-------------------.... i1 e 2. Serving summons or suipwna.. -. 0 25 8. Mileage t-le oumzunos ub- poena or warrant------------...O010 4. Mileage when service cannûtlho upon prent et (lue iligence.... I0 10 6. Msileage taking drisouers te gaul, exclusive et diebureemeul, nc.o esscil>' expeuded in their con- veyance- - - - --...........010 6. Attending Justices an summar>' trials, or on axaminallon 'et pri. senero charged withc crime, for criday neceesaril>' cxploycd inuoeeor mûescases, vies. atot engagen more liais telrieours. - 1 M 7. Doe.(do. when engagod mors liau tour Isours------------------... 1s5 8. Attondiug Assizes or Sessions, oaci dlay-------------------1.. 150 9. Mileage traveling le attend As. ses, Semions, or betore Justices (wen public couvey suce cau.be talen, only reisouible disbun-e- mente te hoa îowed) -...... î1( 10. Summoniug Jury tor Coroners' 1nquest, inoludiasg attendiug at *iuquçst, aud ail services iu res- pect Ihercol, if held ou samno day ns Jury sumnmoued---------2.. 2 0 il. Atlendlng ench adjourumut - tIsescet, if net eugaged ýmore tour hoars-------------------..o 1 0 12. Doi. do. il eugagcd more. than tour heurs-------------.....1 5 13. -Servig Esommons or onbpoeua te atctud hetore Coroner (qubiesl No. 10)-------------------o5 14. Mileage sering came .........010 15. Exhumiug body under coronerrs warraut--------------------..... 00 10. Re-huryhsg saine-------------2.. 00 17. Servlng distresa warrant, aud e. 18. Aatrnigceauonsë .distres,-var- 1S rant.------** ---------------1 51 19. Travellny te usako listree, or le socfor gois te Malke dis. 'tregs, wben neogpoi are fond.. 0 10 20. Apprisemeulo,, 'hether b y 1anc Ot acre, Z cents lu ihte dislaz, on t4isale-at gooad Ci ataore. sale: 4tui 'emiiro tues'ou net produceÃ"digodé.- 22, 'ExecUting ser-,iwarsrant-- B5 ervsug notices on constables, Whu ro d .'Ose J. llie. yodf "f ~ ~ r ~" Ctroe~1 - muanHadiaa aidOyatwu reivd Ail Kinds o! spleen.. al Nu Pipeu, Tobacco, Combe, A FUTJiL SSORT ENÉ? O.EIXF Have you -séen the NeWlluintr No Ohiinney rQ. qnired. 1 iégd qbteal *ta of the - ôU idnd, -once tried always.used. Sole agent for Whitby. Crockery and Glésware ing>& -TF r4 . Caëb paid for Apples, Potatoos, Butter, 4ggo> and ow, PETERSITH, MeORO$SON &C. 91 King Street, Toronto, AENOW SHowiii~ TIRE LARGEST. STO0Id1 FURS FIF1NE FUR& FUR !TI1Rl=fNGS COUT BEZABRROfE$. ASTR4 WOLF ROBES l881A5 RACOON R<)DIS, Fs. s YAK RODES , PllBSI BUFFALO 1ROBESP ,C MlNK CAPS, XK 8. S. SYMALciP, B ., OTTEII AND SEaL SETTS, ERuiiî PERSIÂlN LAMP CAPS, PERSIÀ BALTICI SEAL CAP'S, ASTIIi CONIiy CAPS, -PLACE GRIEY LAMB CAPS, CoNE GElIMAN MINK CAPS, GREY CHILDIRN'S SETTS A SPECIALTY. in TO ORDER. Particular 'attention sgiven ý tçaU', ordýiz, Tornt, ec.1,187;specially attended t.. ToonoDe. *4187 ý I- & :2/ 1 JY-50 :pI', 75 & 77 YONGE-ST.,- TORONTO. 50 Large Size Box StovéË, CLEARIING OUT AT IIALF-PIRIOP. I -~ . A fresh, lot of Canaries and Parrots just received. Is how Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Jnducements Ã"to se STARTING llOTSEKEEFP ýQ. U N DERIRN G. 'Ful Stock of Caskets, Coffins,e» a -U the necessariez i im.Aise, A WELL.À,APPOJNTLD HEAiRSE. Whitby, October £IYih-- J1877.*4 PiJ3EPABE. FOR THIE FALL I AND GO TO FOR WELL-FITTING, CH.,EAP, AND Ã"tOOD BEST AMERICANL RUBBEIt GOODS6ON'ÈÀkD Gants' caîf Boota ai sShoci, tlie fnestana mos.t durable made i4 the' country. LÈ> Ladies' snperiorgoods i aTmPunuia, Kid hud Goal, a speka'lhyý. Wien dnrability and eciseanest; arc roqnired, cai on OLD Na. 1. Large Arrivais'I Cheap for Cash !' WM. BUIRNS. Whitby, Sept. 411,1871., 2ë-l2i NEW GOODS Clothing and Geîit's .Furnishing flouse Is now supplied with ail the -newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of ail kinds,' the Largest and Best Stock they evea- had. Or]=> Also an excellent stock of GentW Furnishings, a,11 neu' A splendid stock cf Rqgay iaercas Ccpfo ah MeMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, - WHITBY. FAIR C OMPETIT ION WITHOUT PROTCETION. --Oc M-R. ONI'IGJQ IS NOW IN TUE MAIRKET -WITHHinS Wbich fer qualily andI prce wiIl be found unsurpassed. Mace n;the Late8t SMyes and of'zodrWNotce. OVgR-CQA- A LARGE STOCK 0F AND BUFFALO ROBES, !y bai beau îeléeldand1 D Our oun machinesmi ~srequ renIs of he onstruction Of aur -mu, r 0 ski» and praflcienoyi sciai refarsuce Woêge'neral 18 mOV no well known sa a Single Beaper. tÏat a wota of < atan nd "Omit nem uprfiqi., but. there are inuc o machin. Who have A",e t~l rgia o m e ing up tathe iwm 'ute a:usle~ aud durability, i~aiy<Vèt uaeyhn idcn nogan sof draft and saee m 0 p-ti"ab.~,~ UW $ asd ta point ta the- manFrtPie waddn-t h atP ic ra !On- tario, and many ocoun,,.tria I lavtken place ail over Canada, withux4 the, lut few ycars.à OUR TRIUNMPH.,CMITDMAHNE with lats iinpravamenta, io ail that con bc 4sired in a Combined Machineu,-and, canuot fau te meet alie reql inents cf pùrclumars. Our Improred Cayaga Chief Jr., and our Young Canada Mowors ~ 4a~sitnttdalrnost whoily of Ia and Steel. Ihe 'darua b~Lr ~cj, abYont-9 Canada a front Ct ; hotui strong, dur- abfe maefitneu, and not eioelled hy sax-<,ý'hines mn the market for quaiity of cnt,ý01 dnalte, Iigktu.m 0of draft, adopta4iite, and ense cf management. OUR. NEW WHI1VEBYP. Ai th. countr7 ha. become better adape to macliinery, and many of our farm. ers bave beeame skilled in the use cf znaejines, a grcwing demand hKa sprnng j ~ Lgt, Durable, Firat-ClasRe'-~ a ee i negn a -Aliveta the requirementu of the dity'-yve bv nçee àivniga a chine with a. Wrought Iran Franie, witb theib ISt l. goari g- -il lre hbraad-faced driýe whee,-and se constructed that the framc and table tilt nt tc ýamp, ufià2e, thereby keeping the pitman alwaYs in lino with the knVfe. Thc iaket 'as ivan directly froni the maiq jhaft--here bping xýo jrqeptible a ide drat;~. ~b~'igt ponth iorss~nehs Wear cnfdent th , t w'e have muece~tl~~yeui~g ii. ost prteÃ"r'~Rapertah n 8inai its parts, tiat haa vcr4e 4sed. -W~h4' apgje4forleSer.patntand shall hpl& aur inveti~,!ornro' eclusve andfct~e, nd w repccfuiiy Esngeât tio iû- tendug urcames, haf ~6~ti~~i ~';iiismacinebefre iingtheir orders forthecamng arvat.Tht"WhSbyU~vsîe" vigls, il lid, 600 pomidu, but~~~~ ~~~ ben nd niai fte~ U 'aiy of iran anu seel, and from itis in- Rouiaus bnd compact couptruction, it c .s -4e ud nt 1o theI~ i hevirc acines. AWfç~ nai~ne aeltjly warrantei. -A~ W4 1 1 t'f' hci ' ; Ie fee-,henfidîent tliat w. caunioq tevery re-, qirn'dere;ptcu Imboicit icUial ofcOr machinesbeliçvi gt t cau furnish a better machine for the môney than cau bc ban~esw~e Respectfui]y Yours, - BIROWN & PTEISNMF'G. CO. Whitby, Ontario, Febrnary, 1877. OR NEW 7ý O-E- Geods of Ail- Kinds, Clieap tand Good. >GHAEL, GLEIBSON (làt, %with F., Mee), Gzee47e9od, where lie wiil be happy ta sec al l Mý . --TÉe -àocli. s iW~eted Ï wIi ;a 'vie* ta iheet the mante cf ail. 1Ho=' trade W i eeiea' im, and ime wiil *defy competition in every ]ineêý4 le business." CheapGoods and good Goodirwil demand cnstomers. Npthing wvanted by old or'-neir eus- .4mrs, ýUtShanil h tfu*ni-dun Shcftiioticc. A speciaity in COAL 011 5'gïllan for e$. O 3-I>ràucco! all kinds will ha paid for in CASH, or' gdegiven for the same st thot rate., ' amiwoon, November loth, 187. fis-4 Go where you can get a Wëll-fltting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GU SUPERMOR CUTTING RJ, OS-:-0 ý. - SHAPES THE WORK A Large Stock cf Fine Clotho ; hast English, Se tch a dCanadiau Tweeds. t> ' Excellent Overcoatings and Slendid-9 Ves IP tt n . A 'gcod fit Guarantaad. GEORGE GUBLEY, King Str-eal, Oshave. NE w BO0O S T AýTJ10NE RY -ANýD- A T THE EXPRESS AND)ýi!ONTREAL TEL. oErFICE,. BROOK-ST. George Yple begs te annnou.nce that lielias rc-opened hieà StÈ&ýorý, &atdBock Stoi-à inu Wl4tby. whora stationcry cf al kin/Is, cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~e tibetqalyilhkptohd; alec Scicol Boks f evry description, Ccpy Bocks, Silas, Pëneils, Inks, &c-, &c., allihe lcwcsl piicel.- :The Daily and Weekly Papers always on baud. Sub- Musical Instruments, ineiuding a fine asso4itinelat of Vioilns. Orders are taken for Pariodioasi, Magazines and Miisi, Whlitby, Den. iBti, 1876. WILLIAM:> GEO YULE. -TIL L' S - ~- -l-~-A-fN-,FA- TOR- -AN D THIE OLP 3TAN/, BIOK6REETWHIýýT.BY yfhe~~e yoj, cannot f4 ob ,pleased i making selections of gboo4f~itu i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n Sp'ioi r<yfu Ëq~I~I4~edroom-etSets,' N4ev Dasignia wail worthy af inspction, àt *astoniehingý loir price. Dm.- -ng-roq çralc-s vsurior article. sud Engravingo' $ýr s040. s ; iuncrale fuily snppiid,,-à bai'a, tmmed g tq vv4a, iôavqtl- cktd I~W~½~LI ~- 'onth,1 41ï iRLïi vt -AT- w. 7. sii~lIY&coYs Our Stock of Faucy G os suitaIe. for Xýmas, and New Year's Giti e pen. ýWe fe la 1ar er orrf dI exv1e.than in aypein y e a , n a " s u t ~ 1 e ~ f ~ r a ' l <  e f à r n e r l , w h a h i n a k e speciality of Our Which wil contain many articles* worth more. money. fora .Dollar.. .Wiby, Do.,XStb, 1877. ~Cânie~,2~.Per lb.,;or 5'bs W e i vite ai to a n d see our-stock. SFB ALE, 'ATTE GLEN MAJOIR MI-Lýil t 6 0 0,0 0 fe e t P un e L u in h er, v l , s~~ Inch Boards,' ±*4 Scantllug, PFencing Boards.. - 100,00Ã"eet et Oak, Maple for ales, lst qualty, 16,000Û.-S~quare Timnber, AUlcf Wich viii bc old cheap f rcall. He ould!aisobeg. ta uay fat th. Bruui Min i. ruuuing,and la doingilr"tcajsvark. Ch ~ ~ oe653741u theweekforevery' SW. B. SMITH &o.IGEORGE BRITTON, E. MÂ,joe J U S T-.,AR R 1V,,DQ AT. T-H-E A full assortm nt 'of ail kinds of New choice Famifly Gio-ý ceries. Chinae Qiassa Waae, >Crockeryand Famyi s- Mas goods, ail of which will be sold at th YEftY LOWEST_ 'PRCES'FOR CASH.1 A large assortment of Choice Candies purclhased expres>s-.' 1Yfigr San aC4»e. - * lhoice x n les: à per lb. Good iRoll Butter l6ets per lb. 20 MEDIUM SIZE LAMI' CHIMiNEYS F1ý1 $1 00. 'Core oneW cornie ail bQth &ug n old before purchasing elsewhere and examine our-Stock At WM. J. GIB SON, S. Whifby; Chinia Teà Store. WANTED.-4ny qua»tity, of Good P&u1try 'Diessed, Apples, Potatoes, Beans, Butter, Eggs, for wih the Mhigtst M&het, price wll be paid, Éther in Cash or in Exchange, for GGod.. W., J. GIBSONP CUT.TE-RS, LUGGIES. AND 'CAILURJAE S. A Lar'ge FOR TOMS--~ Assortment of Ciitters BugiesI O PIS-LAN S S ..S~..L.~ Z, () IF IEI/\. 'In sais oet-$200 sud upwards, aI 7 per - P cent. Payable Half-yoarly. C-ARIi'IGE d- WAGON MAËUFÂCTUBiÈ et the Disuble and PA TE N TE D C0IURN8. Wagons,, Buggies, Sleighs constantly ou R. E PýAI-R I N G-- te, »One on the shortesl notice. ffl Brook Stieet,-------------by. Octaher 22,1877. ly.44 STAGE BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. - TWICE ADAYý- Leaves Oshawa aI 8.80 a, m., and 1,p. m. Leavaes Wbtby at' 10.80,'a. rm., and-4.80, p. m.,: Will caflaiafl li hôels, ad sitprivaI. resdeiees'(wealoÃŽdiirs> are left at any of- the hotes)- Connectavith Oshawavansd Bowmnile tag; aoo ilhtheWhitby sud PôrtPer aiiway, and villa Brougla- amrnmail ai whtby. - . ýý -'THOS. iHOPP<1. TO.PEATE, CLOTHE S CLEANERD ANID IF FADED bronght to their naluri colur.- Feaýbhers, KRid Gloves, Au.,c"iéeaued -sud dyed\aàycolour.- Al eiders lefI villaW.P. Winidc lcConectfoner, WhiSby, or seul by ail, viii te preiuptly ailendcd te. [2llY ON$75, 000.. -AT- NEWPOJ3T) ý Carriage Factory, DUNDAS STREET, WHITB.Y, ONTARIO.1 AT THE ýOLD STAND Boot8 & Shoe6Cheaper than Ever! JOHIN SAIJNDEiRSý lip>s. resurned lis business at the old stand '(Clhequered Store), B1:ock-st., Whitby, where ie i now eiiabled to give good value te al customers, old and nexv. lis stock of - -BOOTS-'-AM~D' SHOEi'-, is replete forFUall àtt.d Wmintr 'wear, and hoe' is deter 1mineod to seil off at the lowest profit. JOHEN ýSAUNDEIRS.' P.S. Paàrties indebted to me, will please c:all and settie Whit., Odtbo nd, 1877. WILLIAM- THOMP SO0N Beis la direct a-.utlstioh te bis largeand superi9gý stock, comprî . - - ; 88 - e, siid La1er Valises -and 'Saraibgà -'ri * -À,ALOT OF. peA 4 ý I tisah « at là au~t A pp i>'- t - GEO. S. HALLEN, AP rIII 7ts, 1877, Osba a. B OGIMCARRIAGE WOBHS. SWEBB Reopcclfully informe Iisi Patrons aud the Public that hoalias purchasealie Righl for Conboy's Pateïit- Seat ' for BUGGIES,, CUTTERS h&o. AiU pa rties viiidu-va» le ueomecOr BPge sud CuItera, hefore giviug Ihéar orders g e. where. Broughamu, Jul>' 181h, 1l876 -r-8O DR. WM. GRAY'S SPECIFIO MEDICINE. cas e BOforTkliiNirveusB'e. > 'Takin bi'ity sud WeaknèSS, resut t indisieâtions, excoosea or avexvork et- ihe bran u. r- vous eyte;is. ofoti>' barmuasoi liii. masgcc, and hag, been exteusvel>' used for ever, lhirty years illagreal success. Ký Price, #1 ver package, or six packages, fe6r 85 b ymail fracetfpostage. Fu» par- liOnirsin Our pamphlefrvbch wé deire. t bsn5e y mnail la evar> eue. Address, W .GA C 0.,- Windsor, Onlariü, Can- ada. teSola b>' ailDruWgsls lu Wbitby, aud ail dealers ini Canada. -THII SURGEON Ti ByxEeidn Ste,a BYRONl jCrek.' C A. an - - DR. ~Phyacla,&u uge Whitby, Se.pt. BM w. in 1.30 1 6 . p.. and Glbrts9&@01 C, N. 1 Teeth eztiacled local anstbsis an's now block, o-% BUIL1YIR K * V- AUl adexsi JOHN ~JOHN 1 of Jdnatbau Wolfe large qsw'tity cf kstantlyanhuL JAME@ COMMSSIo1qBp A&L INBtUi The Clerk viii Town Hall, Coil= Fridays, for v hous, 9 a. m. taS March 27th, 187 WILLIA BLACIK5MITE (Successar te Hors. shoeing amu vwork Ti E. O IZ ATil rising cvary. ,unks -1- 1 g-1 Alý *000: ýS:-E Dec. 16th, 1878. 1 %wr-q &., m 1 N a- 3 L L AR %dits "à 1 F-1 F(ý;RN),TPRE WARERÃ"bm-ÈýI!

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