Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1878, p. 2

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'-Ma 'SabShlfo s,-; Sw J a eu " IS 2Ner- eranu opysIp.- rilugbl. Propery in -Pickeing tar sal.- - ceain enie, Trot-ilai N. Irish ONLY Si Su fR ANNUM, rIiIIby, Thorsday, Pcb. 28, 1878._ The IlsfepdnÀ,sé, of Pttsllamenî. The BilU dealing'w is is ssrbWii ffipt~sub~ino(luoi~lii Wek's LiMOLannar,'. repqryt*,as -bawhà#u b4;o ýtioduded, wi Ushiel o,'e-cshia Iaoif lie HEouwa su noeur, iasulo. se -provlsion -igalsul oonütôrs-a .posefi te bo modiflui, 5goa.Mil$te ake merbnbestaIwhomo places of bus- east a tev trlfilog articles&rnay lie pur. noid witicut thein kncviedgo for one lie Dt'partmaohs, contracter. vihilu 0 méeauiug cf thé Act, a seise os@e ps-usent. A proper exception fi de lu lie ciscet fabareisolfer a in . rpcialad cempaules viii mu,' have ilingi wiîh thle Govrument, is tllways caryng tise mails,' cr huIs Idlng publie fnnd s. Il la $100 pro. sefi ta refince ltepenalty tram $12000 $200 per du,'. Tii pineiplaet ex. ding placerunnoft ven, description, v.li an1ai eptlng ccumuunions or ipliyeut ot an,' kini, and m&l se- bifng empbcyxuent traom Provincil oveuuments, bti frein tbe Dominion a -9ois. cf Commous, appéars te hé rleod te thillent exîént, Wh1mlbýbfelyotir. [I u. T. Ni.' Oilbelbas iÂm1si the ible to' ý~isýc'ibî andI soù i -(tlie se net'bsiug yeb piutéf) a ccp,' et Bill hefore tisé Dominion Parila ut on thassuhiet lu thé lutirit et Draper eshaté. 'Thé Billvas luIra. id b,' Mr. Bus-ke, thie meuler fer ut Duram. The. provision are lise se ms in- ItheBill rojechefi b,'tii ai Ligisiluio, Ibis uské hefi ii il b, Imtul tan lb. exoecu ter mundex- trir. ho dispose ai Ibe isîbour, and I un,' suIe made liy.thein niali bc ýco6l to vest lu tie pus-air or pus-- ýsrs ailthue rlghts af lie Compan,, ntling lie franchise di heharboun. Ve appreieud tbut 'lie samne abjea. sa takeu lu thi. Local Honse viii t appIYin lhlb.Dominion Parlimment ,luit logislmtion cf 'lii. amacter. tTown Coujicil uhoulfi, heveven. e 8somi0stops lu 1h. malber,muf ilt aLic. Goverumint ilonif lbe urgeai 'estIim tvawrkInlutii fis-t place- lsig vilh tlie Draper eîlalé,fou their l, and the bale Mr-. Dnapîr's lu- Lt on au acanut le i hkeubelveen n. If ual nude a Harbor at Be- 3 tien a preforeno ue mi lieb given ut> -Tovu ai Whltb, ltu bicornelise Vae vobd uggeub 1th. holding cf a dloic neetluk cfnthliseatopayenasti 101 thie viole question canif ha 1,' dseasef auinlstructions given counnil mn te tise>ourse cf action maei aclvlsablé, trou Smalîlug Warts. tlseuooouriglug tc finfi gentlemns nonne aud promnenco inlerestiu1 uselvai lu 1he ctOlaiment cf iran llng- voukn ah Wlsltby. Tise ex sin etlb. Wiithy .& Pert Fers-, la Lindisay,'ihum »luadWlltby tise nt ci lie Vitos D]iIwimy, uCid évueuti,' lie natural cullt 'aise for procInce cf lie Buovdon Iron mini. i Iou one cf tiehenoefihssised-b,' ltOwn bonus. Il Io misa ikel,' te la on. cf lis mont Important lu lia re dsloipmeub and proapîit, cf- hovu, Tiiere are rivale making pnsbee" eait md.yul of un te nr ei localatio hie.voîks. ItlaI , bevever, liaI tii,' cuonot cifen ame idvantageu lu point st situa- and failitloe.of eammu nicaaion transit a9 Wiltis,. W. pubii a ', froins Mi. Glen, an lie subjeet, lu n columuse. lunaties- cemmuni- >n hi gays: Il v oaiob.a gral afll lc ns 01i If voe colfisecuré te iron vertslu tua blocalt,'," .- "'Iseue fle no reason vi,' Oshawa id Dot heinîili' co-opes-ute, ae it Id give us cur sav mates-li a aur LmTR"ÂaTwT.-Tie ulicrities te Ladies' Qoliege bave, ah cansifi- la expense, mcurefi thé uervicea cf Tafrne.GW&am fcr, a canna. ci lge and recltations. Tua lai of th. no4l, mcomplishif living *ioiisl,-la heu vwhom ilu a rare og, andi a literas-, tréat seldons radi b,'thie piaple cf Whillb,' Il lie bapefiliaI lhe.-effaru@ af tii %aei l i direction vili ho appne- l. Tii aunouncemeiin lu hes-- nuse sisauld, enînre a large atten., Club Ratai. n tue benefit of au,' cf aur subies-lb. ,h ina,' wfa t asvmil thomielves mms, ve -offer tue toiloving Club. Baies vii tue Ciîot;s jfor tii ~Voatly a'ndChrake1ys Wuar I' si $5,00 mort Meauhly do 4.4( ot s cdîb ýoI.80 MÀXusKm vaTu£ wa»us. _- I;fl GMIee$.aq ;e.ve Of Brk,4nd 00 Qpuhe phany ~quiotarfa, lma aIs orof bu Iolrenlp à uppar 1* e his !~ah lo iua., W'tvoi *"RoiiU5Wi W Popoedl treat et -lutlons-to bc ineluded l in theProvisions vide, l ahwlu a dspoItIn b~ .of the. pioposed biB.- wero idoptecl As Vidsinthoin àdisoutju t, od. ollo*a' Lfy ber demande on Tnrke>y. The i.. FznST-To empowér a propronot ports atci the signlng of the, -treat,', logs than twenty.ftve per entu. cf par- Sare Ver,' ecutràdlotor,'. Wblle on the, sons entitlld toi vote at oéletions for thé. band it is ssertt t1h. rialy is on Houge cfi.Cotùmgno, réssidein811anY th aï.e o f b.lingslgned. ou the. cher it 'alectotal district of on,' mUnlopallt la Ioconlmnded thatt he ire insuperablo distict t cfqustom offlr tiu-a difonitie's ln the. way. The. Tarltl saleof iitxictig liuos a -riii lfeet, wbiek -nue ssaants, Aid whleh after provlded. Seicond-Te aippi,'the Eanklànd lu uwiling &asshonidiSave rvisiOns cf -the.Dominion aEleotion is aothe bon cf~moneutln. Ast a Iw rsîsUing teplaues Md limes cf vot. in111 otinuaboslufaconantin. attideing, the. balot, provisionsfor sciti. r $tlt oninwug«ii êxa 1ine Atftitue. uera, penalties against brlbeiy snd "a'folowig te *"mpe o th Bu.eorruption. and eoiaq lb. plues li Goverumens, ha. obtinod a vote wbere liquor iusosld dnrusg th. houri< ofecrédit fer var purposes. cf otldngtaTe cf t ofdeu ÀMalta aaepate.h.. aya '.-An cor Ter-T mp1mteranof thcf mdd husboiienIsue by the Governmeuî, law comlng into force agréé, with tue reqWArln extra viilne.lu preventlug data cf expry cf licous. lu lb. varions the. Admission of strmngeri ote forti. provinces. Fourtii-Tc piovide liaI' fieations wltbout a ýpaa.; because a any ' a o se aitted id adoptefi spy in the. psy of smrneforelgu power @halinot be iapemled dnring ,bthéim là known te b. at Malta, sssdé-avoring Of hué eyeais trom th P= thrdeof. ta znake plans cf tii. fots. Filth-1'o dodune wlth 010e,21ns88tue due and propîr restrictions th.'parlisa Pbarlsalcai. Who may bo esnpow.isdtc o liqnota Far osqeeatoi nacdn .mdicines and for sarmsntalPur. ati.am cfoPort Peu,', mdathaccidtpus-poses. Sixth-To provide tuaI 1 e th raes f PrtPery, nd he adwbsn such by.iaw cornés mbo forcesne ocuduet cf a violent ruffian rturnlng liqnora, eaither wholessle orisbail,&hall there.from are mad.thie oescadcn foi -b. sold lu muci ditrict, eoocpt as itore. suotir ataok pon ii. i.te ~ sd, under oevore penalties. SeVenth cf tueeoiautyb'l.os hawa pikepera. To Made due provision forliii sU- of theconat by te Oshwa p ercement cf snch law at lessat équal te Withs mnch rwagon mliitIhe Tom-. lhoss cf the Ieonse Adct f 0Ontarloi. perance cause b. hlamed fthe tu. Eigtii-To provide that pesansfcnd accientou hé arsliiiche da, b' ltexicat e ouid ho required ta state acci e onitercatewer ld aid undir osth where tiey ohtalued thé- whili avraiperon woe klld ad il9uor, nuder pain cf imprisoumînt lnjured while attonding Mr. Binetim- witi bard liber. Nitii-To provide pernne. meetings ; or tihe elopement of for thse s ocf pornce. selling liquor a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~A ponnîpskrmtimetn ahpublic shows sud the icoufiscation cf à prminnt seakr ai th meeingail liquere illegali,' effered or Jbsld for with anotblzies msus wife, upen thi sale. Tenth-Te provide genoealiy in aime occasion, bc atbnsbubsd te tho im- placés where aueh by.law is nefops. :.mialhy f leu emprauo rinaiples. id mcre efficient means of îoventing Woalio i tem oncushpocitsdronkaris afrom precuring .s..uer, n iemr'n th cltiis or ju hori teais saklng tii suppi,' cf liquor toipe- 1eâý ti beeh a't'blepi jistt crd ieedrumnkards a criminal ofica. tisr tiglhboure P Do lie,' bulievi Eleveti-To provide tuat lu Places *thsat people'w-ho keep hotois have, no whéri local prohibitor,' laws are in nigis, ~c eelngscf elfresectthtforea.at ielimescf thé pa.sug heréofE, rigai i eetlin of'l 10 . oecclrti n- eilquori of any kinfi uhaU iii e lf, theyarengpéfé.o cosidratin- itier by viioleisalà or retail, except a but tuat upoail occaesiemls, lu and eut aboya previdéd. Twelfth-Thab op. cf cseon, tise,'are ho hi cepsnted. ad Pesefnem eonvietioliiébc carofuy eaoiai? Io Ibis the uýi§,1îon ggoarded sud réstrained, sud thât a t whics ti pulisers t ~simple for.m ef conviction lie preaecuted whih te pbliher oftheVîndicaeor .,whielà ashaîl b.. sufficient. Thrtent- bave set -béfore théxslve;? __W. 55,'Te prà-vid for theii mpîcyrnt and ré.;C the publishers ef the Vindicator, fer munaration or déeéctives iaud o%cerq in lu thé,' being alothe ownérs sud pub- au effiient rmneer a8dtitPie, Uishirs of thé Reformer are thé parties poace offleer shahl be a à&e4etivez for iii purpese cf assistiug iu thé in<oIcèMnut propéni,' resposible fer whai appeau cof -guai lîw. s( lu both pipera. 0f course moat peple ai-- - have aiîeady diacoveîed thé litîle pièce Pickering Hacheur. cf dcépionlu hu cunetienof ie rom Globc'. Ottawa ceiraspondent saine owniis pubiishing Gril sud.Tory we flnfi thé fellowing in Meuday's P' sheels lu tb. village of Oshawa, inoreder issue. A <eputatien consiiting.of Mr. tI te kopeep fie lifi temeoénslves.-It is Biain, M.P., Mi. Melcaife, M.P., asud quit. a plissant arrangemeint. With lie Mr. Burke, M.P., bsd au informai in- p iirilu scibecite efonie maing~terview with thé Premier respeatiug Il hirlin scibeofte Rforer akig athé application of thé Pickering Har.da profaneofpitchig iutohbis inaslor ofîthe houxConu,. Thé députation repré. Vindicator, anudlthé latter viclorieusi,' seultalisatthie Comupaenyha' expend i. defendiug huiseif fremn thée nsiaugit, ?d lu tii improvement of the harbourw thé siain Is deligilful,', and, douiless, in tho yeaî 1876-7 thé nom of $48.000,T while thé township of Pickeiug ha Il vony profitabl,' cariefi ou. 0f course ual oui,' expeudefi for thé saine puIrpose c( lisère is ne moral obliquil,' lu thé pub. 6608.00, but hafi loaned to to thé Cem-n. liniens of thé Vindicat or, tisiongh Iheir pan,' $20.000 afiditionatl, tins évinciug i thé songe of thie importance cf harbour ci man, '*rdrid.,'," cf the Reformer Pis,'- accomodatien experieucefi by thé people se iug the confidence game outhie Grils, cf thé district. Il migit hi moutionefiii while the éditer cf thé Vindicator Ihat thé arnonut cf hurlé,' puichasad anudbd cornes th. "Ai Sin" dodge on thé shippid thîcugis Ibis port b,' Mr. J. H. t Teories 2 Thèse are thé frauda vie MaCllîsu, Président cf thé Compan,ni claim te hé, par ercelleicc, pure part,' lu the year 1877 vas 225,000 hushls ; re sani cf whéat 100,000 hurhéls. Thèse ongaus i Tise humbuga 1 Whc, "vils prachical résults shiew tisé necesil, cf et long prayers sud breafi phylacteiea," tihé hîrbour te thé agrieultural corniu- ng sel tisé paît cf tie Phariseo ef eld, sud nil,' of tisat district cf Ontarie and i York couisties, sud indicaté lhat tIse if-. viso under the closk cf TonipersLucé forte b,' thé local authoritién te im>rové. t% pieusi,' deneunce and dieu their thé haibour accommodation aI lhstt c neigibais. B,' peisnocf tisis chaise- point havé semé dlaimi upon thé asniE- 'bc ter are respectable boîni keépaîs, aud ac f tise Goverurnut lu tieséniest ail wiu dnai in liquers, dénounes d ir on worm. han puiliemus and ilunens, vhils lise hypocrites isoifiup Iheir iéadn sud ,point thie fluger "sud thank Gofi lhey aie net like these." As oteie s- proacheî h.apod an lie Casoicx forta lakiug bisé part et houent mon againsi tisose moutiens via neek t10 haik hou- est min out cf their preperl,' vi voubd oui,'_ sa,' lit cf tise suie clas vos-i houe spoken ofethle Sàviar twion io naid-"Whéneuuto shail I Ilkmn tis agsaenatian ? Itisa lite unIe childuen iling lunbise mas-t, 'ad calling outthoi eu alovansd cayiug IOhafi unbo yen, andi ,'éhavé fit anceéd; vo have muunefi unlo yen, andi y. bavé net isméntefi.' For Johnu came neiliser éatiug uci dnlnking, aud lié,'sa,,'Héoiatha dcvii,' Tise Son cf Man camé osing sud drinking, aud thie,'nsy,.'Beoelfi semagutn ous rsud a vinebibiler, a trien fpb lieans and iinnes." uf tpb -TîEc DRILL CLAs, iséi t tse Driii bhefi an Tnendsv sud Pîiday aen- iuge, undler thé instruction cf Coi. Wallace and Major O'lYeuovau, nov nuinhors treu 405 te 60. Tise adivancedi pupils will, o~u Frida,' nexl, cotlsmence driilinrg wv*srifes. Ne more bealtiful éxercassn Ifsdutisé drill eau bé ojoyed. More 'r6m loft for tisne vie desimu te mmprcve. Rmil.lug. A correspondent makes tié puovot. iug suggesionieu t a geedfoneu.-rail ha. beau hast in'tbic "novbaud" et the "Gazette." Tiiei is aI cornes cf talt- Ing &bout fouces. MaI. N. F. PATiseRS, baunluler cf Beaves-len, bai nernovef te PorI Penn,'. Hé vas mde tii recipient of a publia dinnand a ver, compliméntar,' adf- dress prévicus te hils departure. Mn. Patténsea as s piefisiloual gentleman cf abilil,' sud vaunsfcitizen viii hé quite au adiditian te Pos-t Péri,. NEv LAv Fîu-Mn. John McGii- livra,', barrsiter, bas forméfi a partuèr- ship viti Mn. John Bâilings cf Port Per,. The uéw fini of Billinge au-id MeoGilivia,' viii mateessts-oug baiin lie aspis-lug village. Fîvi A;TESPTS in lié pash savon veetas-have heen made-' te set fine la Hamilton Bpectin-prntiug office. The lasl attempl vas madi hast Salon. fisynigit andi vas fonlunatel,'u=eue- cesfaul. B,' nms cf tbe Parcel Post, Stages anmd Express, E. Front -flous a ceusidos-.j ibis bepinées in învor ta lettes- ordaîn,1 snci orderi gel lise mont ametul at- tention and lu filliug aidess vs givé the cUShomons lie bost vaine possible sud viere lies-oas-e more than cne pièce cf goods it a prie aîva,'s giv thie parI,' ondering tii idivantage cf tli elent ut tlie ps-lue,-Ofif Feiiovs Hall. Houas-rom SL.-Tibenneuseewusd and oednpied. b,'tise lite James Bys-né, aiunat. on centre street, lu aflinredfo fr smle, Parties wlsing a goofi comes-l- abie hanse vaulfi Icdoli, b,'appl,'ing lmmedslt.[ Se.solvtj If yon hlavs- s dry ts-ubl'omé e ougis, lu,'à abotllof Wuiuqeid'a ltmlmonic SYiup-li l~îis'uhnndiey Ilsisu. orj'guDuuix0s Ac, in 5 Count,' Jndgc's Crielual Court. BEFORE BIn 10N05 JUOIE BUENHAN. Ou Mouds,'last, George Thornon, a r lsd fîcu tisé township o et oci, vas t chaigefi vilhstnealing a pain of baots, -froni a box ah thé stoeofetMn. T. C. F7ornman, aI Port Per,', ou tic 28rf lu- ntant. Pisouer éléctéfi to e hétriéib,' tic Juigé, -and ou beiug arraiguéfi pleafief gusît,, xpreosng hus sorav for visaI ho hafi doue. EHsHonon ne- mandefi Thornutn le Thunsfa,' nexl, biset onquixies might lhe made about hii. 1 Chas. Dasisveod, was ou Wedneédli'y, Féhy. 201h., snnecéi ta-ne mentis in gaol for stealing trouméhebouse cf N. MeGnegon. Reil. Ijanu, vas, ou Thoneda,', 21s1., ton assaulting conlable O unie,' vile lu tise exeaution cfbis doh,', finefi 620 sud 629 cosl. - TH it BecxiN AND CoLumnnuis DE- isA.-The man,' réiis oethtis Cuaemucaî are nvare liaI a frieuil,' discussion ot plaaIetBnoetiin, Feb. 28nd, belveen thé Literai,' Sociéhies cf Colurnbus andi Broothin. Sobjeas- tiBesoived tiat Cromwvell vas a greater man Ihan Washsington." Aflen a, dis- cussion cf thhee uonts tisé déision vas given lu thé affinmativa, wvila vas supportéfi b,' oui çolumbus fiienfis, via von t lidicussmion saîntuli'. Tisa chair van occupiéfi b,'Mn. John Dry. deu, in se Most impartialiand geutie- maul,' mannér. DAVID iBURNS. Simcoc. HAnS SsXOo A WAaoscmc -Thsat is the quiestion visici oui fnicufin norti are nov fisausuiug. Thé Barrie Gaz- ette points out liat théoati cf office van administeréfi b, a coroner, visére- an thé stabuhes provide for ils beiug swvorn bêtoe snoue Court jufigé, policé magissîate, on ethen juntice cfthie peace, and liaIun-oroner shah hé competent or qualified as; a justice ohftise poee, and for acing in snoh capail,' siali forféil 6100, haiftet thé Crovu, sud hait te thé person vise shah sué ton lié narne. Ah lhii.ratéeml thoealctofthie Wandea nd iConunt,'Council mu,' bé quénionef an;illégal sud cf Dneéffoch. Bobcaygeon. Thé Victoria Ralia,' ps-cpcss te, sun a sstemer icé a day belvoeu Bobcaygeon and Féneion Fallu, louai- ing at 8turgeon Peint, if lie Babeas,. c geontén viiigive hheir support. s Peterboroughs.s Tint GRANOîss.-Ce-laiG parties la Peterborough seéeo bets-,ing ho 1mev cobstacles in lie va,' cf tic Gîsugens' thempt te nhip lbafr ovu vieaî, holding that lie Patrons cf Hunhanfir,' honifi nol une tise shseets sud bridges whilé nI conts-ibnling ho lhiut nupport.-TiâsaInond, hovever, viii eut hoh i ays. Il viii hé foun liaI unecéssîn,'municipal interféence vith mate-s of trade doe mos-e iarm tissu goafi, sud tisaI thé besh va,' is te lot thèse business concerne reguiste liarniolves. As N 1ss511SOozîrs.-A landudblé aI-. lompI ia b.ing nmade lu Peterborougi ho tes-m mn Irishs Societ,' irréspecbive cf s-eligions diffésences of optinion. Congratulations ta tisé Pope. A lar-gs number cf cougralulator,' toiegrarna tram uove-elgus sud otiera as-e being r-eeived b,'the mev Pope. Mnnigno- Laiagai, Secs-ian,' cf 'lii- Sacrfi Celiege, ian ienu ppeintîd l'ontifieial Secs-cInn,' cf State ad Inte. lmn, sud Cassinal Siwa-Izonuns- be- DEATE ci Ma. Wî. ~~pÃŽaa~n WilliamWcnkinan, ex.Mïyçnr p IOf 6n' tie-s-imaL ou*1saeLn,-.>il&lué ab aiosv Huit. Co., ma l.the m cV Mal liuO., smo loomlef, mi cAU l essclz#es>y duietd ta .tue mmqs turc of Chccmpioss BR«iprs ansdM M aud tb.ir parts. a wllbe re» sien fuans thé subIol, ltaeOi4n itifi standis lu lie UniefStates * oas algle inval.Nq Obiges Il besu madelu InIhpdon.pi.of ilse &traotion. S"eafiabel Sied In pn l . . c f v fc u i l l i e n d m a l wihn aeÉLc2 omt lin,âlerb's vuiliu a.riil fin er he Company' bave lakestosp forini Tane 1 @Yeu M lbhegretSpi-g iiouse, Our nadiRs t sqel . Ides of the magnitude .1 le bus b,' notielng lthe inormau ca cf malleable ion oautlngu-00 per meuhb are made b,' lie Ohau* M alleibieliron Co., il cf vieh1 usofi in lb. manufacture of lie Clî pne Bopruand Movora bulit pilngiîsîfi. ThMis sequal teaun anal aesmption cf 6400,000 varh inslseabbe iron castings. Il la urgeaI mallembisleon feundàYu7 lu vori mundiIts entirducionols lc aumefi b,' Missm. Whly, Piaule Koll,the champion uMinsCo., Missns. Wsrder, Mitchell & Co., lu manufacture cf Ihéscelsbrateà i veahing machines. The Signe cf lise Timas À HcoOOOPE Oci TESLOCAL IanAVans 15UO1NE55 WAY-WEÀT OUa EA5iULP TURESS ARE TEIINt N»D D- INO--TEIITENTIONBAND PEO5osEoTs-TEEOEAMx- PION 813ALANX LEADING TEE THE REAPEE AiND ewasamor T1E 7UTub As ever,' oui ieresbcutî unfiersan'u tie gneat huit cf aur nimnutactuniz ians-, la devotefi te iproduction 'Champion Bespoia sud Moyens, si chat lhe werk cf building those mate' lois nxsécbiues iu quanhihi.. senficaient ýniet the aunuul wauts cf lh& Irade, *so gre i' ho nicesihae ils fivisk ainôig!llftuèired ingnificeut estapilis mientnetdf W'andei, Mitchell k Cc pion Machine Cc. Ã"ÜÉ týur cf iuspe tieu euhraeed i visilte eucieOft f ahove. Everywieré vo met -bun people sud saw veyvcseses; lite su nahien sud ictivit,' chinactenize svoi,'tling lu sud about thein colosi wsorkn. Tisesonnof 1877, viici.1 couise, bas beon evofer mornoe lim a an exceptienal,' brillimuton, Fiseré vas but fév, if su,' drawback it wsone nintes-ruptefi senien of osi cesses trou its bigiuuing le iis los i rie,' disponefi of ail thé machinés 1he sa<l builtfor tiie,'éar sud ciomofi o dlean. If tus vas ail, even, eue wi oee il was a miguificeut suecens. B.z if was net aUl. Neitien oui cf h ionses isad machines anough te Il theur ondéis. Tisis is néitier nensene noir guni. It la lhe Iruti, aid ci resdil,' be ves-ifiofi. Tise préparations cof tise manufaalui nso for lie eoming ,'ear have basu plit nefi on a sosie lisl vcuid astonis nan,' aour ocv i iizeus, aceuslorn sthe,'aie nov ho lie gigautieooper tionn cf tise genlemen, if thé,' tue îov groîtthé ssie van. Their pis besntç matuade-tise, are ceernéncis -Tfiéré viii hbea agréaI - inu,'me in Mlle1hines itilt'fer thi. yi 1, 'tisi'avïe bsén but fer au,'pi nedié yAm. This fusIl,' inini ireased i filnîss fôi'? l,', Yfcr As tlb jha pion. etàcU. nri bnigit mo ar se viins 01 1iý i- b i amen. Th noeund itemro Oc f taeratîle la"iaI l uaien will b. hu* i abetter mos ier than the,'ever W'M. - Whaisal1 nuidenatien fo1er iéAgil#lttàl -sen uilte ohint ovés-. They' ýO<S1&p r'af lie machbines alvm,'s bave blnèe, id viii hest undesmîsuitle dilgaidf d rmking thein bette-. Noverthobesie 1is gciug te be doue, lu lie tiri iaci, tises-eviiilieb more malleahle ireI éd than bésetofcui. Ilutthe rhoe machine, vithlie exception 01 cese partswvichai uesssas-ii,'have b h 'c oher material, viilho milloahie fron. suat is, malléable iron is geing te be ubahitotéfi for éven,' tehir kinfi of metl vsiai is bess nubstautis and duraile ban malléable mrou. Tuis substitution of malleahue iron is Ildu..i-n ,&cf malléables. Ta exri t et C( ai cil i Pl th il au l ce Tr Pu vI fis bd pi pi mi of i De t cfl de, Oit tls co tis dei A 1 ,reiepeiuou-nts cflie îciies art. Cuse et Twent,'-Five Yeare' Stand- ing. Fios TUFE VENESABLE AsosunEAcoN SCOTT, D.D., OF DusHAsi, P. Q. * * 111arn an inveténita Dys- peptie cf mari thn tventy-five ,'aara' standing." * * -(t'II bave bien se vonder- fuil,' benefitéfiiu i titre. niait veets honing viia I have usefi lie Pzauvi- à< Svssuî, tluII a searcel,' persuade nyseif of lie îealih,'.-People via biavo kuavu me-re aubonisied il the change." &II amnidel,' kuovu, sud eau but récommenfi laeohers tliaIvici bas dané se muci'.fonrime." Soif b,' &H druggisls. - Nova Scotia. Tii Neya Scohii Logisature van spenefi an Tisuuday ist b,'Lieut.- Geveusser Aneisibaif. The Speech tucu tie Tirone, &flai mlludissg ta lie ins- provefi cemmiscial prospecte and pue- nincial railva,' maîteus, refera ho the Auhinissicu of a measune ton lis assimi- lan of tise loal elechiose lav te Sisal of thé Dominion ; lie dulegmlion sent te Fredericton fa conter vitiithé Nev Brunswick Gavenmeut on the oui 'Oec of Maritime Uuion; lie amalgamation, on ecanomical grounda, ofthe offlces of Provincial Tnoasnrsi< andi Socretar,'; the progresu et the h.-mponemove- muent ; andi tis.Fisiberies lavirf. Da. LLoyD, cf Ohia, aurirenu i-ise an,' dnriog it i ver, froin exponuna couts-scesi ceusumptio. Hamy$ lu s hlis- iidîseef ta osanse . J. N. BaS-le 4 C., p-nps-lsOrs 0cf Azx' Lusse JI4LOA,Ilsmv. ne ousaedt, lusaéinc tisaI Il vas hv ýtbe sa or e-vants- Lutte- net m morlia se.or four brandi cf '*sucus orfse tlsirty or tt,' millions, Essgisirêap-iqual taits. Tii. faethat O.AIbsantinleryon ~ lreoflisqusltyubein ruaeinN ttioll millios ofdoars., iathe 5. ta cmpote in Prime witheie oie totvaluhhe o ac olr>vsl b ailoli astlieéprisentlime uiioldbeatotl1vlu.otimporté had besu redue. sies of enoonragemenîta o houe wbo I>1elti'L.Th. population had iu. mrelutsreuted lu developlug tlie Sow. maed 55s.ilb, the reilt being a don mine. Iron la ýbeo ln cfmaIa =% ta rdubtiof cf imUpotOf £rom lover plsmp er" «befre dunuÉ te 8i t 2 dollars.Per iead. -Had M ý o~entnidaI lb.fér former Tipes f6 eagttom OIOf.r,,N~ ratio epru e nut revenus of hýe Dosmu. la A Vry onsdérbleite, w ionv u ri)vebeau morne tveuty-sevsu RW ua elai, svei vi esexmins, w mllon. ii vereav fth oks ab ills vt éihl 1Ielioonlide, 4if ths are trons tiih@Ibdvile 1 i. 8owdismico'loi s igh gr&a.uoînet0.Z 6lu icI i oui beat oustens. md »ruw,>tâ hpgsd ba *, raan Infec tewhole vorlfi.But osa î»MAp s ent ,im by etpga j-aoi-itW"gàf fOO t lmrkte turning o~~Eu*in aqc sBu n ene ci t1 ehe pstseven monte la usI..lon. Tii. ocmsauvnov las persodof 1876.7. lu lie oen umoulis a cpito f onu anf ha m liciui onel. e b h 0hFbinai,,-1878, lie lais, glving empicymint ho a ver,' large resvenuea rnutefi té 818,484,285, andi '~number cf men. in the previouyear te *12,494,27g... auà If Wbltb,' souesaul,' utabliuii , su iue"Or"» of neaul,'fa million lu seven au of manufacturé cf a iogi qalitÃŽ -cf mpi g - 0ftIbis mre 8200,000 migit , On,hmnoacurrscfba ionmd nste iimportations anising out lbthe ol vonîfil natnrali,' loa t hepealan.cfth lire fne t St. John, but tien, on tie Snob a-risult vould mosrataebth u- atber 5iîUU7-1n'Var,'exiamuu4ury au ample revard for the large sumin I chiaracter allieseaon had: beede i. brà iismted lunlthéPoil Whiîby and Cepticuall,' unfavos-ahie. Turonsg te0 Lau4 ,alwy anmdmia ho a con- to en d!ture cf 1877, il wculd lie the a ar. fvmti elso t i d én nCivil Govenumeut hhere 'A-- a soreo elht hsetr n enatotal expeudiîure of $812,. arm n demi fr, 00rci$71,000 Issa than in 1878-74. 1 amdearSirTii chas-gm for superaunuatiounsam- 4 P. W.r GrLy, . ounted in 1877 teo410d,000. Tisé ad. N £ Adilions te thé charge for supérnnua. Refomer. Etigmta f tc Lca1tiens id héen langîl,' countenbalaucaf prias., b,'tue abolition' et unelesu offices or - other livings iluasirnilar direction. To the Editor of the OhronicWî. Under the heafi cf Immigration iad ta ME. EnîTOnR,- héb ineludefi the boan (nepayable> te lise ageloks uef teeman- Mennon:ites sud Icelanders, ameunling otraoftise smaillpoz ah Gimli. (I uetewr gýt"avsdy Tho oxpeuditure in ôl.erating the Gov- XZ. whicei daim te reprenant tué éfo m raent railways hail exceedef theise lutenest lu tii count,' vire jealoun cf tmtes b,' nesîly,00, utonth the lsinflueef lb.theCHRONICLE. Tial lim a hi a il,000, but on li ing is n ui' utural, conid.ring the largo carre= g eruinteeeps c f circulation cf the CxitoeoLs amengst from upesding kinease u he r nepî id Beformes, and tiihigMih estimation ii thsoicUdelkii*.Até 'Ie i v wils your papes la hélfi b,' Bfermens sgseatleritiemsi, Mr. Cartwright 04- cf ail classes. -viril,' detonded iei application for ste t te 1 hppeed t bent he Pckeinglunt annallie tume se lealofi. Hâdho te Iappeefite h il ue iekeiugwailed six moulhe, lie fate of tisé is tfar aI Brougim ilust ai, vion I samy'transaction vould bavé been ver, un- ion your agent tk dovu lie naines of ce lunAt that pq-osuhuxep 1 thirty-ox @ -rs ii rtfor ettienablé seaurilies as thosé offerof b,'1 sh. ou lhe fai groundfs -t t-f fthé Corporatien cf Birmingham,th c., viom -vere viii kuovu Beformera. Metrepelitan Beaet fWorku, aund thé ni. Net enset these weuld talie sncb 5515 Goverumeut of Natal, hafi beén pracli- se- erable iueafranevsoaper as the eaU,'rejeolefi vhéu altemptn tc raifse lie~ tensahomer lehan lifedub Jlons véré made, an( a Pertguené th t tsori4 a# I l- ChEONloL hue. "No" percesut. loin for 6j milieus vas takén ni- said<by "vi vwoulfi iqther pa,' 'a up ver,' levly at 50, or equal te an in-t édt dollar-aud-m--isalf for tie CERoNioLE oreharge ou thé aclual amount sa, han eceiv ocirtramernassedeo per cent. At tisé sanie limé mal tan uceivisu~ rump r' Pen's 8 a 1h. Canada fouis lban stoofi ah 90î. pAn of dellar a yens." Bnci is lb sasoîgan o éal ruatos h i ne, amougnt ail wlio vaul a reliablé iivA nnce MinuBter néxt ieviAwéd tise lia- t ne. uevnpapeî, irrenpeativs cf pc'hitian.- I bililies whici aonfreutéd tisé new Ad.q ka. amn one of tihecîfi Refeun subsariber& ministîshion wheu thé,' camé intot le- et yonn papér, For avern té n office. On thé fmIrscf Jul,' thé engagé- sé. ,'émra thé e F His oLH hxas beain avol- mentsn cf hein rdeesosanhiei"aléd e,' come visitor le ras,' onauiold, sud rnyand péenor r )ut famil,' bave greva np ta look fer itsan adilienal oltla,' annual,' ou rail- ill regular appéarance vith e P arne vl- wasnof $750,000 ; ou ludian trealies ýut ceme as lii,' would au oU t fiend. 1 ton4000;o othws raia hi hvi ine ake thé"Gaéll fu ion cf $ 100,000. Thé contemplatefi le la im e knteheme bo Gls aznetate" n .additions te thé debt wéré u ola é 111 tie t tme bu th mny hanesou Canais, 648,800,000; on InîéclOhs se ud emîfiset ov repiétre orisel Railwa,,810,000,000; on publia su fieconuts paifi their p"eoeesors, au debl maturnog, $85,000,000 ; ou Nova vii a nliugen cflb soo isef-Seotia sud New Brunswick Raiiwa's, L r-neyer amregslsau the changes havng $2000,000 ; on Prince Edlward lé-m u-bien ediled b," oui maisof ab-il,'y - an~d, 2,500, 000; on mnur Publicee sh cempellfi me te pot au n na h thé au- Wonlc $,0000;onS.Lwrne1 »d noyance b,' îîrcviug il up, evon béfere imr e 64 $,500,000 ; onS. avrneé l m- thielimé paifi fer hîfiexpirait.snpveu,25000;ondvcst vrui.nEitintéetrtec te sondi,' objecté, 61,000,000 ; sxakiug tt s an olf R eformer, fthelocal prss, sudaatotal cf liabililien cf 6131,800,000, orC as a ol Reorme oftheloca prssandneari,' equsilte lié total net indebted- Dg wietiar yen tlsink L,'y emas-ks vorthy nescf Canada at thé sanie daté, a pla.e onnet in ,'eur colmmn. lél'lré ilPnmrehnli ne I romainujenrs trul,', amount et deit in 1878, sud iequiiing - sur A CONSTANT SUBSCRIBER. t eti uana ono wnyt roghm Feb. 201i, 1878. millions per annuon ter neveu yéarn. 0 a- 0naks Tise lovesl esi imité cf lie former Fi- A ho Wrcks.nance Minintér put thé afiditionai r, re . 1 .go, . . Fb.2.-is charges for uév deit at 03,837,400 pernsi ho Britiig v .0, e.2.Tet sum. '£ie liabulitien thé présent gi hoBiih*bàrk Heur,' Peiham, e Goerneut had feit il neceesai,' te a O0- &shore nelai'Portsmouth, N. C., Ibis méél wée the éxpendititré cu thé Wel- jjý 6 forenoen. -Prababi,' i total 1lens; a landi sud Lachine Canais, au afidilional in n, ciér ofe 18 * ssvef. The chrenorneloîs fivé sud a hait millions; deit maturing, SI varo ont of enfler. thîrleen sud a haif millions; Pacifia ~' Aéburý Park, 9. J.. Poli. 22.-Thraé Bailva,,se fan as wis iiiinidiatél,' îî sihtsera, having valuable cargces, nécensai,', six millions, sud ocher P et enf hixo bréelas night sud vere changes amouuting ta fivé million dol- P( il tolmlly, vroked- The cees voe aved lars. IL wouid hé stili nacesuan,' b I ne wilf fie1,byliesvg stations. boirow, but aflér 1881 il wan satisfa- p of WsgWehi otn, D. C., Fib. 22.-This tory le kuov thst rédemption cffiaibt tî iattérneen iv qttiutil3r cf fruit and vegét- nialoning would hé optional, sud net, ce ables and piwem of'burnéf furuilure nisenetofore, conipulsos-,. Thé causés th ,e vere vashéded eflsg* ~Atlantic Cit,of thé axcescf tisé nufden incréasé cf sr %I N. J. Il in supp"ed-ds- vessél han héen expeudituré lu 1878-74 vené tien ré- r le lest at cea.- D capihuistefi, amouutiugz te foui millions by Washington, D C., Péb 22.-lt is cf dollars, sud il vas shovu that an hé- M, n suppeseil a German binEr veut ashore Iveen 1872-78 sud 1876-77 tisé incréase b tr cf galternsarsnt-niglit. Monu weuére slél, due lti e polia,' or engagements qu DAVIS' PAIN.RILLE.-From théesre-ecseuné fataesdinroswl poils cf doalers iu Ibis it,' m'éthiuk ne fisalpolie,,out et tram foui te fivé pc! 1proprietary' mediciné han haît a langer hundiréf million dollars paid b,' thé pic sale. Its valuabie prperties as a people cf thé Unitéed States, as thé ré- nol speéfi,'cure for pain Vaunot fail te hé suIt cf thoir fiscal synteni, not oven eue tii- geuerallýr appreciahef, and ne famil,' third néacied the publiae cifené, cisc sionîfi ho vilhout it. in cané cf acci whiié théeeklens managemient cf pub. ferr dent, c or iiud î ttaak et dysénter,lic affaira hafi griévouni,' burdenef tise icip diaiiioea or aiscermmrus.-Montreal 'populations of thé greaI cities. Ounlise te a Transcript. violé, fhé béliovefi thé taxation cf Ca-. cen CONITTES~ TE HUS.-TIéada representefi a per capita charge cf cfA COM UESOF ÉERouz.-hebanel, u-third cf thé Unitedi States, prie felloving Cemmiltees cf lthe Hanse cf or baly cIn sfa af ubr ah i Commous met ou Sîhurda,'and ip- Il venud net lie moeéthan hait per for paintefi heur chainian :-Bauking and ca -ta rite cf Great Brîtain. Ou tho vi Commerce, Mi. Holton ; Publie Ac. viole, lieu, hé hélfi tisaI ur taxatien $10 counts, Mi. Jas. Young; Bailvays, &o., lu Canada vas endurable, if not aeuontuis Mn. Laflamme. liglil. Thé Public Accounts cf Canada sud Bluco vitalil,' or nenvans strenglhizisfer thé pasî tva ,'oars niowed an sg- ed 1 augenderefi meat speedil, b,' thé use et gregaté défiait cf #8,861,000, but as te var Pefilevs' S,'rnp cf Hypopiospisités, il ii $1,650,000 vas nopreseulef b,' ontE ia the ramed,' caleulatofi net cul,' h moue,' applief ta tise puiposes cf a lien mîhîgathei volenee et wasîing fisseas- sinlcing fond, thé actoal addition le thé fri os, audi influai a rîpifi neaeveiy, bat public débh frein has cause vas not han mise te pîcteat suai a. use il fnom be- over $1,700,000. Wihsa steadil,' lu- kua, ing attaeked b,' ipidemie maladies. cressiug revenueé; viti a large vis-gin viev TEE STRIEc ON TE3E MIDLND.-Thé hésritcr,' being brougtito a Produa-tisa Midiaufi B ava' nike ilatahan endfivliOecondition, aié beratéetoftrM am aî i H thé men iaving yetérdsy aceeptafi the a million te a million cf acron peu au- thé proposition madi b,' lb. ripienentalivés aura ; with fisciliies for trnanitîiug mes et tuheliendioldera. Traffia ihmie or agnîenlural produats trouthie fan- Mi. rinumefi tuest pcrtion et Ontarioeaest cf Lake tien Titi DUTY ON MALT..Tii Finance Superu te London or Liverpool ah a hlux inuiter anucuncé i heb.Hansee éce-ih net excoediug oeequarten cre ue- thé villingnesuofethie Govérument toesteét o f a penn,' per pound ; vithan Gov lhé viîvs cf lb. maintes-s sith regard unlim'led maîket, tins openad up ho -endi ta lhs ripeal cf lie importl tyou our agricullorai population, cf visich thé m lt. La-s.-h dt' tisé,' vre evidentlineb loieniuaval- unsi Uth~ i g themsîivén, hespke viti snomp TI Uràl Liciew-uic.-he Uth i-filrûeuce etftine future. In hie15ojîlo b,' isilatuoe isipasseil s loinpracticalt,'loi-utises-i as uno ri-Asn forisalitatîflc ti.> dinframsioîiieg u nisud ntIplacissg tise thepolie, cf thé Unusefi Statops a i tL cents-ci et -etlius entinsi,' lu tise wlsicis il vin viîlentl,' tîeir vis tc- tyne bauds cfthes mormon priestu. rots-act. HéeIselievéfi tiusa tc er ush-I5ats Dicsus i Gwcq.-Tis long expenditu ,re unsier tisé actual contuoatcft'tête pesind cf depredtofd iris iîbegluuing thé Gevérument bail beau ipret,' usai lieur toi manifasu itpafin luascouspicnunafonm yrn ,'seheil. Ont cf the total annuelsene lis Glasgow. Tisé ibourini' clmosssaas-e expedituré, tisé suns et 114,sniliouF land s'sifforiuw mont sèveiy, Sant mvvraiprepsenhesl fixesi charges cnucstiting a soc iun driolaare idhp, belng unablé la fin fifret mos-uga 091on tises-avenue. Theise îi empicyrnotu , kinfi. ýTh. muet ni-sm 5i- illinÏos ersreml, es-ose-eu- Ppe aina& îuthàitisa hiwi>a,,wauacl a mn. ,-tri-i. an-t ,thé balauca o)IYu y vatsnsep 1 Wd' tV&V ye uw guma.Z tb.e defliloia." frmidihbl.;-fonrtl, bocause nme objectes euhilbig exp.:Udi fuie viii mpprOAcblssg eompleliou ; sud, laati, oaus lb.ceuns-y vonifi accu have aU opportunit,' Of dcciding fer 1is4ll belweîu thee sditices md polit. bcal pria H.ridsclid Sir 3cm Macdonald'poechoitpreson mund tii proposai te ineroase1 lie vealti of lie countr, b,' adâing te tb.hurcleni cf lhe people lu laxlug tu-ir breid lu a tirniof siret,'. H.abhlthatat 1ev Moe taxes liai tiie revenue re- qusi vas ul,'ia spino o f- legislshive robbe.s~' igh fuîmes vcubdicausese- tiouai differeuces,' and not ocni* impede lprcgress, but,. as, an lueeutivsof smug. glug, tend ta demoralize lie peopbe. Ris frtier observations vere lunliii nature Of a commeutar, on th i In. Cial situation, aundbe elemefilb,' moving tisI tii Speaker should lhave lit hilib. Ms-. Tupper, in nepi,'tte'h.Bud Speech, clisumefi thattie Finance Mln- ister van placefi l:a pinful anfi in. miiiatiug posihlos 'gthe ahatement bu millions cf bfdit*onal txations, 0vn nufficé for bis req*uirents. Wi tia stîtemeul ou record he stands iu a ver, peer position befone tie country' at riesent. Iu bis secend Budget Speech, hé saif liaI as tii ceuntr,' grawc il viii réquiré au iuereaning oxpeudituré, butlielicgitfis' wnlfgbo aile te moe hban meet thé aunuai expendilune vitu tise esîlinatéfi revenue, buhtlneaf cf isiviug a surplus he caméeclown vith a dofiaici te llcving ,'ear et 01,901,- 000. Thé néxî year, lu éxplainingt Iis, hé ssid ih van due te extracidinai,'and ununual causes, a fieficiént bas-vint, andi an oxténdefi depréssien, sud hé tisén ankéf lise Hanse te ags-é vih him lu inceasnug ié taxés. Thé Henné grant- éd ii, tee réadil,', péniaps, lié afidi- tienil taxation he roquinefi au lie ex- pectation thal ho wauld net again ask for an incroemnéitaxation, bot ve uov fini tisaI the ion. gentleman has founfi a lewer fiepti chili, sud liaI viti alI tisé extra tas-if ho has te contons le a deficit cf 1,460,000. Il s liaI ipeecs hoeéxpronsefilihe bélief that vo voué dusving nea-te clear vater,and tiht he voulfi hé aleou the uxt occasion liaI hé appéarefi béfore thein te an- nounces hat tise déficit iad been dois-éd off, bol te-niglil hé bas bO admit tisat lié deficit bas bien afdéfi le, sethat lu Ivo yearé il s-esches 68,861,000. Hé clairnefitisaIlise isen. gentleman difi not appieciate the gravit,' cf thé situa- tion. Iu lie tacseoft huéeemilliounsuad a hait cf increanofi taxation eonlise countîry', héhan boadéfi thé ceuntr,' with an afiditional fiebt of 68,861,000, sud yet lio proponefi no chauge in thé lariff. He couifi nes ne groundsston tise statémpnt tut we wéré appnoaehiug tié endi et thé dépression tuhan asbeen Lsauging ove- thé countr,'. Thé 8t. John fine camé to hia aid. Tisé goof cropa too camé te uis assistance, -and witi thsse hé shouifi havé been able te announcé a surplus instéafi cf a déficit. What bas hé te proposé te aid thé sut- éering industries cf tisé ceunIry'? Hé sas nothing. Thé speaker lieu dlaim- id liaI thé polie,' pursuéf b,' lie lité Gcverumout vas s preteativé poia, tht a 15 per cent. tariffset tisé limé was s giéster protection tissutisé prés. euh cne. Tisé,'protéatéfi niip building 'y giviug even,'thiug tisaI entenéfi mbo thé buldling ot éhipn free. Thé,' made tea sud c, fe -éfiée. TIse,' gavé te Janadian, fisherniau tise Canadisu finlu- ing grondfiton their evu usé. Thé,' prelectéd lié fishénmen sud negotiatefi a Inéat,' b,' viiaithé markets et thé United Statcs veré threwn open te thma. Hé ténfiérefi is lianks te thé Goveniuéut for thé nomination cf Sir A. T. Galtle couduét tisé arbihîstion rlativeé tes fisiséniés, andi we ha tisé saisfaction cf securiug an award tisaI gives ns hait a million cf dollars unnuali,' for ail lime, and places in ooir suads a lever liat willhé c f gréaI valué in tus-lier tréatiug vithtise Unitedi Statés b,' imponing dutiés on ceai, nal, iséat sudcoarsé grains cerng iota 1is ceunIry'. Thé lité Govérnmént ýrotectéfi thèse intéréntu. Whilé tuat oua,'y was purguéfi Canada pîoéperefi. Raisiug the asIe te 171- centn. gavé ne 3roteahion ho lie manofaeturng indus.- xies et Canada. Fs-éing tesanmd *ffee, nvopt saa,'tle protection thît se tes tsuiéeofthisécountr,' énjoyefi, id afdefi te tuis thé iufiustr,' cf Suger fining iu thé Dominion vas fientro,'éd ) tise polie,' cf lhé present Goeén. eunt. Héesccépléfithtisisue laid fiovu v th. hou. gentlemian on tisé Inde islion, sud lhé vas glufi to kuow that Ontario Législature. iAmng lhe measonén discuénef dur. g thé pash véet, eue cf théepricial as lié Drainage Bill. Ms-. Trea"ure- îod introduce tise résolution upon hics thé ill vas fouuféd. Thé pro. îitiou, hé saisi, vas te lovent an,' sur- 111 Of thé Coiisoiiahéd Revenue Fuuil cL exeding altogéthér il an,'oe Mit El sOf 6200,000, in thé pu- use of bisé municipal dehentussné e- nef te. Sonis voulfi hé lent ho mun- ,alities, froni a minimum cf 65,000 s Maîximum Of 15,000, aI five par nt., lu cans ens erthé Ceemissionér Agriculture could cenlif,' toi te pre- et,' cf lie luvesîrnt. Thé loinasno tainefi voulfi ho reloanefi le pensons lilo drainage punpcnen, sud for )ih aunal aisarge et $8 ou evér,' 00 vooli hémadfo tonient,' ,ears- t cisange liquîdanting houh inhérent d principal. Mr-. MoDeugaills-égard. a scisérnéof buis itinfi an anun- wrautaisle -inhenfernne vihh privahe nirpnise. lHé vas inaine ta quen- s thé ver,' gréaI vaine clairnof for lise lage b,' ian' people. M. Gra- m claiméfi to speat viii pnactia vilefge on thé subjeat, sud - is ms vere diauétricahl,' opposéfi te née of the niemben cf Seulh Simaeé. piedictefi liat thé Bli uef on présent résolution voulf iséthé >et valuablé méasxre oetttis ession. -Scottt hugit tbit l as s repeti- i efthe olsi Municipal Lean Fuîid ide-. M. Pardeé poînefi cul liaI moasure bai bisen nrged upQn lie vbrnmenl b,' lie tcunnoru fs-cm oe c f thé Province te. bisé cher, sud )necént Grange-s' Convention van unimeosi,' lu tavor of it. 'hé 'débute vas s-es'uud ater r-cese Mr-. Cameren, via cîscuglîl Itir- vortimcOt uiglit iicéalbotte-r-nus- sein surplus mené,'. Ms-. Bilise. se cii-éd tsictiion cf thé British Par- luot, as apis-cede-nt for a rscélnhio t ri tsHeousé. lu 1846, tIi-é isu ns ittéîig wan vot'-d "fors-nwo il os es-ai usilisy ,'iluBigimfan sud Scot d, aJansesmillioonsterling lu ire- i; .6*1 lu ù1550,,tço millions aie-- usenre vas voteI for the sanie purz 0, liaIt a ulicu et4ëfit beine for Jre, & -Tis a ans-riaiow on a .sos ns 1 DiSautionus- Ploolls East sud veat If Wilby lier. bave besun destructive floode. AI Oqhava lis hoav,' usina cansefi tva miii dame; -4a give sa aut Burton miii, -about liremiles nos-tiicf - hiIplace,' The greal rush cf wvirsu md ice carrief saa cebridge moth cf the miii. ud, renLiedIt impassible, islitebridge' ou Sirnce strééeet othel.mli.The vateriâhiscreelt rose 6 'cr 7',fet, oveilioving King, Street lu tue vicint, cf lb.Buckeye Agdisullural Impliment fachoy s-,audi fiaofig a portion cf Hau.y's faunnlug-m llfmetou'. At Bob- sonu- Lmucilad's tanner,'Senti Oshîva, the. nl-race ovenfiavei," foiccng lié tanner,,tle vaher car-y. img sa a,'quanti ocf greundi tanhiri and a number oi ods. The 'Ivahs, vini yoe full of bides ilu% «precea i tauulni*ores-sfleoef iof viifrosi vater, deahre, hofluifi. Thé fumage vrill At Small's fleur Mill lie dam vas ca-s-ed ava,asd tse idllcv iu vbhia lie Mill stands vas socu cove-efi iti KIrS.t aho,,nsfliièî5abledepti. Atfaine Streamn, in vilvog9biskO i a euild cf Mn. Cliubb'n, vas surroadefi vili vwater betore tie occupanhs btd luné ho oscapo le a plane of saaIe, On tisir avig the hou".lie,'vene car- riof aa, blb therce of thsé vate-, bol vene resenefi b,' Iv o msfrem thé ssill, vho bapp oeeftgl ituoa theoccident. The damage doue aloug lie courne cf thé eret iii hé ver,' liéav,'. Tii mant extensive fi'oc n remei- berefi in tut lacalil,' bot placé aI Port Hope,nenuihiug lu the fiants-nation et tieusnaufs of dollars' oili cf propeit, sud in thé ds-ovmug oetwo childién. Pas-,rt.ftse tîaak cf thé MifilanfiBail- vwa' is vasiéd awa,'; the railva,'7 bridgé over Smith's Cs-eet is gene, sud th-eé or faour otier bridges, tise ps-a. poil,' cf thé tovn ; the bains cf ouieto lise isotels, sud neyerai dvellingiconses havé bendenînayefi. Hunfireds vene on tisé streets vitnesning thé grand slght. Tisé express office and olfi posl-effice voe lisnoe or four ftétndér atér. Sevenai aIes-e wiudevs veré broten b,' tiséice. At Tes-auto th is ing cf tise Don causefi the ice te break up, One cfthe supporters cf tise Quen Street bridgé isas been vanhéfi va,'. -Davues' brévér,', which lies in a hollev, a littié ta tise nanti efthi bridge,- on lise cil,' side vas ficoed, anfisome cflise prope- t,' cf thé Toronto Cans-ohé Company' lian been dtunaged. Report ofthe Commissioner et Public Wonks. Tisé report cf tise Cemuissiener cf Public Worts sivs in détail lie tran- sactions sud gênerai éxpéndilure, vih tise ceaI -sud maintaluancé cf lise varions Public Wonks cf tise Dominion during lise fiscal ,'ear enfiing 8Otis June 1877e Tise amonts éxpendefi ou cou- structionu ve, 68,688,928.18 ; repaire, 6378,29855 ; staff and maintainaucé, $2,279,458.81 ; grand tobai. $11,286,- 685.49. 0f tuis sum tlisré vés-é éxpen. dei ou tise construction cf thé Pacifia $1,818,852.19 ; Prince Efivard Islandi Baiiroad, $200,000. Expendituné ou staff sud mainîtinauce van-Inecol- onial, $1,061,037.55 ; Prince Edvsnd Islandi Batinoii, 6220,595.25 ; téls- giapi uines in BnitiéshColunibia, 827,- 108.55 ; subsidy te do., $4,000 ; hèle- graps Unes in Prince Efivard IslandI, U1,946.66. On répairs aI Londocu- Pont Office, $671-64 ; nepairs le thé Drill Shsed, $600 ; repaira te Cosîcu Houné, $1,007. Ou construction Guelph Custcim Hoenn, 618,111,74; Pacifiei Railwa,' nunvé,, construction account, 8754,624.57 ; construction isanhors sud pie-s ah Ba,'field, $2,120 ; Chiant,' le- landi breakt atér, *'6,095.12 ; Cofi- eniai harber, $86,175.10 ; Kincandine,1 610,514.56; Pont Burwell, $5,173.75; Porl Stanle,$3,894.81 ; Liaisineé Canai construction, 51,439,87"37 ; re- pairs, $19,824.83; staff sud mainte- nance, 638,148,86 ; Welland Causi con- truction, $2,183,147.61 ; répairs, $50,- 048.98,; Staff sud Maintenance, S59,- 698.47. Tise reportaf lise Engineen-in-Chief1 of thé Pacifia Railva,attacsefitathe Report cf thé Mininten cf Publia Wonkn, cevere tweive pages, andila sacon- panied b,' Ivo mips. Il givés explicil letailé cf survé,'s sud exploration" s, ans véil as a sketch cf viaha béen doue or saluai vont nuden construction. Tié Enginéér states tutlise feasihilit,' of tho Piné River Pinso is been solvéfi.c Thé gr-adients are élatefi te hé genenali,'c eas,', sudlise landi in River Vallaey ofU Ra.ma Townusip Cauncil. Council met ou lie 41h imet., at thé sehool houée lu Seetion No. 8, Black River. Memhérs ail préséni. Min- nIes of ise meeting approvesi. On imotion cf Ms-. Adams, seaondéd b,' 1Mr. MeDermohl, ordérési, tuat eue hundréfi copiés cf a détailéfi statement cf thé audilors' report fur lié pasî yean, adopted sud pass&f ou tise Siel day et Decémber hast b,' tisé litéCouncli he pîlutefi for lise une cf tisé natépayers, sud the Clént vas inéts-atéf to give it- bo tise lovent tendeér. Mr.- Herriug, secendéfi b,'Mn. Adhims, ints-odoced a by.iaw ton sppoinling municipal offices-s, viiai as passefi. $10 was grantéfi Annie Hiiggine. Application fîcu D. F. McDonald for pino on nidéncafi be- Iveen lots 18 sud 19 froin canal le Mufi Lakte, andi on cous. 4 and 5,_ andia andi 4, olfi sus-ve,,nah75a. per thsusanfi féét, te hé némové ,' liéthe ltcf Mm,' néxb. Ou motion cf Ms-. Adams, sec- oudéfi b,'&Mr. Hérng, lié piné ou boudar, iné cf olfi sud nov surve,, tram Severn Bs-dgo b Blackt Rives- vas nold te Joisn l3thune il 75 cents ver thonnanfi feel. On malien cf Mr. Ma- hou,', secudefi b,'Mn. Adami%, lie taxes an Widov Hesiin's propérty ter tio prescrit ,ear véré cance)led. Ou motion cf Mm. Herriug, necondéf b,' Mr-. Adams, $8 vas psuid te A. Mai. simili, tor piauk suppliedfort -floaI bridgé acreés Blackt River, cou. LU Pebition frein John P. MeDonalfi anai othersi laid aven tii next meeting. On motion cf Mn. Adams nécondef b,' Mr-HerrIng il vas fiécidscd 10 bois-cv$200, fo Ps,' the présent demandéeoft tus corporatien freinM-. Bale,'. Op~ motion cf !îlx. Itahon,', secoudési b,' Mu. Adams, thé laIe Clenit, James .MaDés-maîl vas onlrdi'hd-iî-eta ný thl stl year's AusîiIers' no ps-t, andl auy o(llirnikiq sudf articles htslessiaingi ta*thé towneldg' rpmaining in hile poses-selon *teJohný Waldson, ftisé p-esit C5î sk.-_Tiiê Clerk vas incusoc;.'f tewrite hoa Tiiomp- sou Smille & Son, eencerniss the dan. zeroun condition et thé Izrirloe ses-es, tIte stop loup et canil fistis towvnitlsip. Tise Cî'nnil, agnpefita puy ' M,'lisMa.i Mihîsîs 85ftr- toea'urne sv.naon suffislrènt7'ofsan'i sie roýlit, Mus-m-sa,' &4 Beaton vire pafti $5 for prnuin.I $20 van ssppn'psiste'l fthlie brige serarns BIsok Rivai', eocanusnl,'y ksnn r UCU4and tV it. Z$4Uck.w& i' toi t toe75 cmnts, I>ontnïeeiîja aigh te Flave 75 cents. SBEAI>TÉ'" Tw.L-Five teo Us.ýy drops of TKox&s' PoxErxO OZ%,"M cuecommon Boie, Throat. It n9wm fils in Croup, It will cure a coldi ce~ cougli in twenty.feur to forty-ei#bt bouti.Qne bottie ha. curadflionobxUÃŽiA Ã"o ighi yeais' standing; rcn as- are ourcd in threo to-si" day. 1*bas restored the voici -whieothe. poison had net spoken above -a- whispçrinlu ive Years. As an ontward &pplicat4on lJq aIl cases of pan-or famouzesa, notilhg like it hau ever been knowu. Oue bot- tie will cidre any, case oflI&Éu-.Bsck or pin an Bse.. Z.._____ ofth la unequalled. In'EhiiW1t, other pain tus frsnt applicain do.. you good. It stops Bar Ache and thé pain of a Buru in liseo minutes, and in altogether the hast and cheApest1 midi., cine ever oferod to the people-the cheapest, because-tt takes so littie to do you good. It io composed cf sirof thé. b est cils hnowu, and nothing but oila. la worth its weight lu goid. *Wby not bvy ifto.day 2-A. B. Dras Boom, a itlpoat-mastér, Aithbaskavili, P. A., write, -'Thurteen years, ig I was Biezeilb,' a sivere, attaok of, n.u matiom, in the, hlad, from -wbieh 1 bave nearly coustantly suffered. Aito, mv- iug used 'ThomasPE.lectinOW1'foi niné days, bathing lihe forieia, Ihavi bien camplétuly eursd, and b-veonly used balfa bottie. This 1I mcancrtiŽv nder oath if you jib"-e . mai-M loi, of Wyoming, N. Y., wlites, "Dr. Thocms" Electrie 011eurid Me cf, Bronchitis u inom wEELi" BE&wÂEE ci'I-3nrrvreN.-Ask for Di. Thomas' FlsIetrie&i. Soi thatthue signature cf . N, T7tNomea s 1on the 'wraper, aud the names-ofiNitbrDp'& Lyman are hlowu in the bott.i,. &&id Takeno ailier. Sold'by ail.oméd dealers. Prici 25 eto. N0RTHFàVP & LYMAN, Toronto, -Ort, Popietorti for thé Dominion.- NOTE.- EClec friC - Salcoted andf- Eleetrized. ee- iNotices of Bi'rila, Maageg, . and D+ils charged 50 cents eaci.- B I RT R8 . BE LL.-At olumbus, on Monday 25th. at., the wife cf J. W. Beau, Esq., '~ MARRIED. ROSS-WILLSON.- On the-13lh inst., b, the Rev. A. W. Boss, af~thé residence cf thé bridegrocin', fatiier James Bosscf Beach te Jane Henri- etta, daughtei cf J. Wiflhon, Esq., cf Break. DEATHS. McGILLIVIBÂ.-At thé résidence cf ber son, Mr. Geo. McGillivray, "Inverlyn, " Whîtby, ou thé 26th lit., Mary Gordon, relfet cf thé laté John McGillivray, aged 87 yiars and 24 day. The funeral will také placé on Thursi- day, Feb. 28, 1878, at twc o'eloek, p. i,, te thé Union Burial gronnd. WHITBY MARKETB. CHRONICLE Ourc, Pib. 27tb, 1878. Flour, per brl .........500 5 5 FAU Wheat .......... si 10 i$16,~ Sp ring Whéat ......... il 0O@#1 05.- Barley .............. _. $0 55 Cq So 6 Peaso................. 160 @ 65 Peso, black-eyed .......M98 a #1 w2 Qatis.................. 85 @87 Corn................. 55 @ SOc Eay................. $15 e$16 A.pples ..............S. c00 @$siO0 L'otstoes .............. :85e @L "0 Eggs ....... ........ 15e te 17 Butter .....*.........c4 @ 180 Wood ........... .... 8325@du 75 Wool...............I.. 28. @ 80a Eleef, hind quarterà...$6 60 @ 67 GO Beef, fore quarter....$#5 GO @ $5 50 Sheepsin9us............Il 00 @ 61 25 Bides..............$60$G E'arpecwt......$5 25 @ 5 50 Lambs............... $3 Calves ................4 @ 05, )niens ....... ........1 GO Tirm'ps ...;.......... .. 100 Cheese............... 12o @ 18c. Carrts.j .............. :15e @ 0O Chickenà, pérpair ....25 @ 400 Ducs pr p ..........80a @ 60o GeeBe per l ............. 7c 0O L'urkeyi, per lb..... 8oe .10 Jiover Seed ....... j.....85~$ 65 PORT PERRY MARKETB. Port Perry, Feb. 27th, 1878. Wheat, spriug...........$0 98 $10GO Theat, fanl.............i GO100 1 20 Flour.......»'»*...........O50 OGO iarley ............. ..... 040 O048 I I -t A CARD. To ail who are suffering frem thé érrors sud indiscrétions ai youth, nervous wesk- ness, eari,' deca,', loss of msnuhood, &o., 1 wiU aend a recipe that will curé yau, FRER Olc'CHAJIGE. This great remedy was dis-. covredby misioaryinSouth Àmerica. .TesErn T. laMAsq, Station D, BiblHne,1,- i New YorkOCiy.iy4 NEW ADVMERISEMENT8& Mis. IAVFRHFO-GRAHAM, A UTHORESS cf Reasonablé Elocution sund eue ef thé meut popular Elocu. tianiats lu America wiil givi a courseof ': REAI)INGS -AN]) RECITATIONS ONTABIO LADIES' COLLEQE,0 an thé éveuings of 1 Fr/day. March 18t., -and Fridaj' Maroh Bth, Instrumental sud vocal music wilFbé fur.- nishe by thé pupilu. Sigle Ticket 25 cents, Course Ticket 40 cents., te hé had at Bobertsou's book store. For Sale rpIE HOUSE "ND PREMISES férm- ..Larly occupied by thé late James- iyrue Centre - stréet. For particulars,' s-P to H. B. Taylor, Esq., Dominion BPiWhitby, or te Mrs. Jameflyrne, or Dr. Mason, Brantford. Feb. 28rd, 1878.10 FL, AND OATMBAL MILL FOR Thésubscribér cliers for alhis .Flaur mad iLatîneil ill, ih 28 acres of land, 8 acres 1f an.0rcbérd, & god briek bouse, situaied 2j mile" frcm téTiwn ef Whilby. For turmii snd feriher p rtîca.A"17 yte 8-lu Wbitby, P. 0. - Far;m to Bent. FM pE . AUX ON IÂJT No. 7. 4rx CON. Iceesion of Pickering, eontasning 60 atcr#.s of geod iaLnd. Ail plougbsd. Good outbniligs. For particulara, aPPlY. 40 Thos. Meuaun, AU1 j o NN -WhsIfl sunaLumber 1 -Yarwood M=tnnfah rFpaeat t fiisah prices. Woodtuun ' erder. pne%, Io square saaisgte m puts-onuge. Wa n MBa NEW PHOTO06 GOING -T( -Mr.Bai Stock and is IIc going to the Pl NOW is- Cheap. [SeeS Clevery the business ýin methods. A 1h, LW:Op NZW AI)VERIJ Notice to IN GCHAN Atise Estalie o t mer, laIe ci thé Tevsssh thé County: cf Ontario, 1 en os- abaut thé 21,1 d&y 1i86,,f ulastate, ae heret ly mn , il,ps adtoe te Mte said Ccuuty on os- la tiMsrch, A. D. 1878, lb , Surnanesud Fost OfI 'full particulara cf theis- ci , curitien, if un,' heid b,' f vianéof theyv-iii h eutm Iem the bieeitebf lia and:bihe maet'ay be3 regard cul,' th l aima statefi. McGEE J Datefi 27th Fab., 1878. Valhable Proper1y rI »EBSIGNED Sc'uli hait cf Lot Niumbel thé Sixth éthy Conceunien Prsing Duacres of laid In thias ro erty are agofl l 'od sud thé prepert,' vel e. wll e rm"duntl 1878. No pîitiair tende andi cf the ndersi éd. Soliciti Ditefi 27th Pub., 1878. SéparaI. Tenders vili isc underslguec up tili 6 ôt Marchor e re-ctioncf thé Village of Auhhuxn. Planés ad speciteationn sud e atte- tr '2d M of H. B. Barber, Architeal, application to the undcs*ai or sny tnder net nécéenai JAS. LÂWEJ 10-) ' SeareryBe INCHANC re LJACK, JACK CRCIYSALE 0F FARM PROF TOWNSHIP 0-] County of 01 The West hallcf Lob No. conessn Ae fthé aqaid To-i 100 sas-Wivn be Eolfi b,'Pt XHS1kE'S HOTEr Z MONDAYý MAR~I ut!12c'clocký, P. s Thsis is a spléicdid fss-m, ou thé Village cf Zepir, and bridge. '-Fer fus-uer partLus ippi,' te -Plainti Feb. 21, 1878. -À8in-10) 1 - 1 h CI 01 G ti p: y, 0 p ti

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