Whitby Chronicle, 14 Mar 1878, p. 4

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days.-L to m a galu.-Shê eau. iet better ; and te gave, blep l 'just 'rte u ýeter apdy. Sie bas y' rec= 0ed and gos. r A il, eatiicato Val'. vas unknowti-'ia ) elgui cf Edwàard III, satoe4 lsson huivrSr, ce, Duke cf $Cornwall., de was cseâted iu 1885 Who cnf.7g the titI; 'rulei of Dublin..ai ttitlef iavisg boon in Sâsenade4tcrs. The. -id jt more recent date 'e reacd etf beinq John vas crdated Viddount fenry VI. in the year V aihed Into a Ciuinattihbank r dey andi, stepping to 'the- ig1d; I %veut ta know if au tise il, ave ls96n retired froi he u ?" 11O11 1no," replieS tb. £boe are about 450 millions et," suTbank f thInkB 1" said witlt vigible eMotion. "Von Sd off snyind. Il insBo long ve Seo, cie that I vas afraid all beca retireS." AnSdIthen retireS. ns, in front cf aomîlbot. lop, thse flglioîs lourlet may Dlowing inscription in bis own -'"Repaire lsnng with tage After long anS aurions à ÜaYtirrlve at tIse ccbbler's Who OÜIlY vishos te infermn eus patrons tsat l'repairs are ýviti diligence., wîn must lllok le lis lanrels, dç;Éi'spond ny a8ts t ho ýght in inlaid.wood on a 50cr at Temple of Ligmotlo, a îwlus 5:5a smoukcy, thon an 1a gorilta, and so on up by vlcpmenl yntil th. final ou@ les vas a perfet maru, sur- y' elephants and curions birds. wa.ë Beveral hundreil years taklng Mny iolldays now. reul of thé vend begins te MiayIMead to go te vork. rI1rwe Ithc noifo I sec lIse fPtiug off yonr holiday bill Yen miglît due, you knew.- Nie sait! ig ~father vas 6#a ,ist by profession." was ask. ho: bboyoho iemaSo il jsay. ffe reply, seh collects money cor cpSl busld's tenemeut ,cf il.1" :ap$in.se.a efuotisaIone aI BliseS ovet'anoîher vithont a Irps fulling on oe's seIl" ne but Heavea anS tho p cor kuow lie peer do for each cîber. 1RTGGE SALE 01,' VàLUADLE RMING LANDS, IN TE YNSHI~ F IIEA CHEL lm tho County of Ontario. DBEI and b>' vlrge f a power of Sale nafiMort a satUd ltise tisday of 1870, w sc vili be &reducdast lise 64Sal and mado by OBLOPH LBQ. %Ui4 WILLAMGih3ON,cf Beach id «Yeomn llb i gle Otat tus.5 &ER 11OL~ie PORT PEÉRY, ýSdathe 20b deiof Ma'rc'i,18, LT iTUE sm ÂTBXccOr<, South liait of Lot Number 2, Iu tise concession cf tise said Townsip et coutalnlog One Itundrod Ars r less. le a ver>' vaiuable propert>'. s-Ton per cent, et the pnrcbaso. on day cf sale; #400 witin une therealter, and tise balance lu ô equal insîainientg, wth luteret tiseon al tiepald tn.>' hs 3pcr cent.' ilum, soeored b>' uonigago on saiS 'ustàior parllonlara and Conditions appi' te tise nudersignedi. J. I. GORDON, Veudorg ' Seiciter, Wiitby. bcMt deofFebs-xary, 1878. 19 IN CHANCEIIy. 101111V ALE 0Of VALUALE RM ,PROPERTy, 'N$IUIP OF SOOTT, J3punty of Ontario. ut hall eitôLt No. 28, iu tise 4tis lou of tise said Townshp orScott ýs vIlî boa ciS b1Public Anction, aï l<E1t'S HO TEZ ZEPHlyal,,n DAYt MAIII l8TU, aIo'clcck, P. ju. saspendI teri, o i rnleefrom oc pày ,2d 0frein Ur. o orparticulars anS ternis, H. M. HO0WELL, Plaintiris S6licltoi-, 1878. (Sin-10) Utîie <BLE FARM FOR 61ALE -IN THE- IA en oasy bruistise Jris ve of Lots u2, 88,a an 0utis cf witby, cn?îialmîgoares il e ooIu esparately or legother, ho melaé o re Ilu e geo0d1lIsteci in, aond d hn iueBarns anS ieanSdise lstLaa"e, appl>' , 'D.OW 1 mrmn su MsdkaI Hall Whltby Ont. SJ. L. Margaol Dte' Crsek « John 1)AWO D;ooklin " BroWl & Briggii My*4e John Hôdgson ]aU *lopp & Kerr Ooubu Jacob Daloes utica A. D. W.eks UxbrLSge Jas. Mecullough G;codwoo5 Wza 1.te GlsnýMsjtsr " WmXn. Xotrick Grssnwodd J. B. Dark Drciqghan,ý * Mo1~bprs. lsmpnt T. W. Perr ingoo Jaïnas ~Wbitvalo,- Mr#. WOOUl Chsrrywcod tohn OadlIDnnbarf on John ,G.gey IilInvllle DanlelMefrày Audley S,0.. BROWN, Beedmnz Prcprletor, Wbitby, P. O. ALIBERAL OFFER.B Swilll senS oesdoliar'a wcrth cf Home grewn seeds, by the, paoket, postage raid,ad lhe Whiby Ciuios. seLs, (pice #1.50y foàr>12 mQnthg. frebec cf postage, boihs for two dollarui. S. 0. BUOWN. A Omplete Selfnstructorj Plain and Oirnamontal PE NMANSHJ] i. so rn. Lt.; in. âge )on Y OUNG PEOPLE wisblng le ac<juirt Xrapid, easy and beantilul bond witil witisout a teaciser, wLUli nS tIse GUIDE perfect instriseter. ifundreds are becci ing beautLtul writers tisroufliont lise D mhlon and thse Unted Stateis ly uslng i It consista i a soriesosfetCns' Smps cenvalbeut size for praclisiug, whîch eu tain copies beginning witi thirs itpri ciples and gradnaU.y srogressing to t] qrjst aegant plain and ornamental writùn An OUNÀM.TsmssruSîî»sr, coutaLnlng Gernx Tort, Old Englisisand Onsatontal Let ing, Oftisazd I'ionrLsl.Lng of lJrds, &c. ; BuoK or 350 IAUSEs wth fuil analysis and i structieu-, and a beautLfîlly engravod ca to conlain the whoie, PrLoo, 01.00, Post raid. Addres S. 0. BEATTY & Co., Ontario IBusinoss College, Lr Agents wanlod. Nov, 14. *FAUCHERS RESTAURANT, AOAMS BLOCIÇ, KENT STREEI LI ND SAY, Opposite Mentrecal Telegrapla 0511< R BF'RE SHMRNTs et al bors-oyste L always fresis. Ouests watod upo wlish promptitude and attonîLon. THE WINDSOR (cor. Ring and Yolc.es) N OW OPEN. ce o PER DAY Fros emnibus ta and frein aIl trains. To bIc anS appelulmont Ltnt-clas,,. P. -FINNIGAN, 5.ly Proprieton. T AIIF OP FEUS TO BE TAREN BY CONSTABLES. (Undor OrSon lu Ceunuil, daètet 241h S a>' of .Tly, 1874.) 2. Arrest t o aob inaividual upen a Warrant..................... $1 5e 2. Servîsg surmusns orrsubpcona.... Il 25 8: Mileago le serve sunnucue, euh- pana nr warranît..............0 10 4. Miil5ag vison service canuot bc npou proot et due illigece.... e 10 6. Miloago lailndni sionore te gal, excluieofot isisursemeimîs nec. pisanil>' erpended Lu tisein con. vOyance ......................0 0. Atteudhsg Justices on ouimuar trials, or on oxamînation sonoeschangeS vitli Inn, fo ecri day noceesa ienîlloyed tnoeeor more %ses, h-iiou ongagen more t taitleur beurm., ou 7. Do. de. wbou cng el ore Ilion tour beurs..........g S. AttendingAsieor ese . 1 i s d a u A s . - 9. Mlagctra ae sisas oe,or botore Justices monsubte o lo ne c.) . 10 SnmoIg0Jry forreucs peetefnifhedoBre ti>' aseJury o liesuloed,.......... 0 1?.ust Attedu aingatedjonumet pt orco, L e engagaieS mor four heurs .........j.........1 00 12. Do. do. it engageS luore 'tian tour heurs ...................0 18, Servlug summeus or suhpo.na te otuSn betene Coroner (subject Na. 10) ..................... 025 14. ieage servLng saine..........010 15: Eruisutnbosdy unider tJeoucro warranut............. .. .....200 15lie hurîng sanie...........20 17. Servlng distreos anrant,' euS ne. tdt.arlganie .I-...50 1.AdvcsrtiîDg uL.'r'itrogswar- rant.,................ ..... Du 19. TravellIng to iniolce Usremot searcis ior jg0o48 te, unelke ai, tros WbOU n ~geoaac und.. ()1o 20. Approlsemeuts, whotho r b y oe -or morS, 2 c3its Lu tise dollar, ou tise V alue ef gonds 01 catalogue sale suda'!euîuissi£ou anSd sllvcry oftPgndu,,A do.riten the Ici nel prodluciof gonds. 22. Erocu14searcb Warrant .1 8 S: ServLmg notice on censt..b..e1, ,vise.... .. 050 B,. P'AREWELLJ TO Gooc OO~BN4TION . PETERB SMIT-H, fias- mucli 1lasurÉe im- aun e- en that lie has now in Stock a Comploe As.somtment, of ailk kinde of Family Groceries -sWitàblefor the Holidays or any P âmie, inoludling the following, iz.ci New Vleui>Raisin;, A hp ý0t f.tteCp a4ue Laytee Fancy Toy"rXinas.- B Bas et London " ancy Cadiesfor mu. 0uxrantl ' Pickles, Salmon, Lobesters, Lemon Peel, Sardines, White Fiais,w Orange I>sel, 8amonou,-- AU Ninas cf Spices. daily. Ieuts, ah HRinds., Pipes, Tobaccos, Combe, Extrade cof al Hindi. Brushes, Ri,.., &o. A FULL ASSOMTMENT IN EVERY UINE. Have y u ente e luminator. No O"himiieY're Hufrd y Lihl equal b f the old kind, once tried alway,%used., Sole gent for Wtby. Crocker ndGasware ini greatvariety, 'oheap. Cash paid foi Apples, Potatoos, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. PETER SMITH, Whitby, Doc. 111h, 1877. Oddfellows' Buildings. MoCROSSON #cCo., 91- King Street,-- ARE NOW 8HOWING Toronto,1 TH1E LAIRGEST STOC.K 0F FURS a a fi I T j: e. il J x lu A w C flCU Me FA F c tý&FIN E ]iWVER BIOWN IN CANADA. FURS A SPECIALTY..-M FUR T1IMMJNGS CUT TO BSEAU ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RiUSSlAN LAMB SACQUES, RACOON R<'BES, S. S. ILEAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, PEUSIAN LAMB SACQUES, BSUFFALO ROBES, MOCK ERMINE SAOAUES, 14INK CAPS,1 1MINR BRYTS, S. S. SEAL CAPS, S. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTERZ AND SEAL SETTS, E RMINE SETTS, PERSIA.N LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB SETT5, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CONEY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETTS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETTS, GEIIMAN MINX CAPS, GREY LAMB SETTS, CI1ILDRENliS SETTS. Particular attention given to, ail orders. spocially attended to. roulat, Dec, 8, 1877. Alterationls- la &A. B 1:; 5Yr EP I p1'm H3::?,, 75& 77 YONGE-ST., TORONTO. 's !i t' te tw a à p on. e o ù W. are therefo Rablu ~---GLEARINGSAI Tie pince à nrqgarded neeusaxy in a WOUl reguIated estabidûment, Und' .nl i bitoutdftïhchibes With au, h dereè of PWooton,,Ïl&-,kt THE JOHNSTON SELF-i.KING REAPER 97 o ehR it n ~8 n le B a e , t a a o a c o n en di on. woesde ~remay cainia t t==ifuture Ibis saoua. ho hve dl~esd~. th o1ori~nalJobaon achie, iUxout kesp- îg u loie mprve~el~;al atis leourelvo a& ptons roquire of us stae laI o hve odi.di~ i amos eor~ esental ar, and for streng*h kindaxsdconitio ograin ;]igbtneau of 0 oie th t4h.enay ir ries a * e4 s--at the ,lasit >oncial trial cf On. Omio, and, many ounty trials wich have taen place, ail over Canada, withia OUR TRIUMPH COMBfNED MACHINES, viti late improvemo uts, t' aIl liaI cau b. desiroe! n a CombineS Machine, anS Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and Our Youtfng Canada Mowers VERY SPECI-AL BARGAINS, -a$ t+A-M4L-T-ON Are SUR ~uing9 their C.Glearing Seof the G-00il4i arc betli fint-class machines- coastituted almost wholly et Iron and Steel. The CajuIga Jr. bas a rear out, and lie Young C anada a front Cat ; both strong, dur- able machines, and net excelleS by any machines in ticesmarketfor qnality cf cut, dnrability, lighînesof draft, adaptabilityv, and ease cf management. OUR NEW "CWHIT BY HARVESTER.") As the country ha. become botter adapted to machinery,_ and many of our farm. ers have' become skiiled ithei.lne.cf, machines, a grcitingýr demiincl bas sprung np for a Light, Durable, Pirit-Olans ilesper. Alive othe requirement cf the day, vo have sccedodiin inventng a-ma- chine witi a Wrought Iron Frame, witb tie los possible gearing-wiàk largo, broad.faced drive wieel,-and sc conotrucleà that the framo und table tk iltsithe saine-lime, lhereby keeping the pilinan always lu lino with the knife. The rakes are driven directly from thse main shaft-there being no Perceptible Mide draft, and no eiw i upon the herses neeks. \Vo are cofdent that ive have snccoeded in xnveintmtg the most perfect Ieaper, laking il in ail ils parts, that bas ever been preduoed. We have applied for Istors patent, and shah heold ver invention, for our own exclusive manufacture, and we respsclfnlly snggest le in- teudiug purchasers, tIsaI lbey ahould see Ihis machine before givirg their orders for lthe coming Jsarvcst. The "Whitby Harvester" weiglis, al bld, 600 pounde, but being made prinoipaily of the besl qualily et' iron and steel, and froxu its in- goions u.nd compact gonstruction, t combines thse strength ad duralbility of thse heavier machines. Al eof Our machines are fully warranted. Wilh Ibis lisI of machines, we feel confident tIsaI we eau meel evory re- -quirement, and ws respectfully solicit a trial-oi our machines, belleving tIsaI w. eau furnisb a bolter machine fer the money than eau be oblained elsewhere. Reapeetfnlly Yonrs, OUR NEW STORE! Se.asonable Goods'. CARIRIAGE S AND BUGGIES! THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP Ca Pria ges, Sl1eigh8 MO'DONOVAN'S and Cutters, CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., BIROWN & PATTEIRSON MF'G. CO. G 50 Large Size Box Stovesl Goods of All Kinds, Cheèap and Good. CLEARIING OUT AT HALF-PRICE. Afresh lot of Canaries and Parrots iast received. My, Stock of Is liow Complete iii Every Line. 0 E. J. JOHNSON.] 7r1y Special Indlucements to STA1ITING HOUSEI{EEPING. thiose, UN DERTA KING. MuI Stock of .Caskets, Coffins, and al tlie necessariles ini this Hile. Also, WELL-APPOINTED -HEAIISE.. ihitby, October 1OI3h, 1877. 42 NE-W GO OD S lothing and Gffn*t's Furnlishiig flouse, [s now supplied 'with ail the newest styles of Enpglisb, Scotch, ai4d Canadlian Cloths of al kinds, 'the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. (0-. Also an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, ai v.A splendid stock of Beady.niade Overcoats, Chea» for Cash. 3MILLAN'S B3LOCK, flROCK STEET, WHITBY. AR C OMPETITION WLTHOUT elROTCETION. MdR.- JOHN FE'RG1ISONý IS NO W IN THE MARtKET WITH RIS Which for qufflity and price will be found unsurp assed, M~c vp in tMe Latest Styles and on Skortest Notice, 4 LARGE STOCK 'OF VER!COAr-ý,AND ,BUFFALO, -ROBES, ýAT 'PTOM eiirns o MICHAEL GLEE SON (late withâ F. Meen), Greenwood, vwhere lie wiil be happy to oee ail friends. The stock ie selectcd with a e~ to meet the -wants of ail. Home trade is our especial aixu, and we rdey competition in cvery lime of the business. Cleap Goods and good Ooods will deinand customers. Nothing wanted by old or new eus- tomers, but shail be furnished un short-notice. A specialty in COAL OIL, 5-gallons for $1. t>' Produce of ail kinds will be paid for in CASH, or goods given for the same at thet rate. GuErwooD, November I9th, 1877. 6Gms-48 FASHJ ONABL TAI OIN Go where you can get a Well-fltting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establialimenit of -.1 UERORGETTN GURLEY, A Large Stock of Fine Cloths ; best English, Scotch and CanaiTian Tweeds. Um Excellent Overcoatiîigs and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good e~t Guaranteed. GE0IlG1ý GUILLEY, 51 Ritg Street, Oshaws. NEWSTATJONE'iY -AND- OHPSHIA W.K1 AT THE EXPR1ESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, Ul3EOCK-ST. George Yule begs to aunnounce that lie bas ro-opened his Stationery and B3ook Store in Whitby, where statioxcry of ail kinda, of the best quality, will be kcpt on hand;4 also School Biooks of every description, CopL Books, Siates, 1'oncils, Inks, &o., &c., at the loNvest prices. The IDaily and We3oldy Paper always on Iiaud. Sub- seriptions Solieited. Musical Instru4ments, includiug a fine assortiuient of Violins. Ordors are taken for Periodlicals, Magazine,4 and Music. GEO .YULE. Whitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. 5 TIL L '.S AND FURNITURE~ ~~y 1AEOM P.S; aties ndtd THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WI1IITBY. JwhitbOctohr22nd,1877. with ail orders of Photos, at For One Month, A BEAUTIFUL CABINET PORTRAIT! Choice of the following persons S1IR JOIIN A. MACDONALD, R1EV. MRi. LAIIID, Decee-r '24tlh, 1877. SION. T. N. GIBBES, *or EDWA1ID CAIISWELL. AND CARRJAGE3S. A Large Assortment of Cutters FOR SALE, -AT---RT' TOMS AT THE OLD- STANDI Boots d Shoes Cheaper than'E ver! JOHN SAJJNDEIRS lias resumed lis business at the old stand (Cliequered Store), Brook-st;., hitby, whcrc lhe is now enabled to give good value to ail customers, old and new. Ris stock of BOOTS AND SI-IQES: is replete' for Fail and 'Winter wear, and hoe is determied - to seil off at tihé lowest profit. C aR and sco his Stock and Prices. CHEAP, Carrnage Factory, o 'ne, will pleatse call and settie l Go where you cannot fail to be pleased in -making. selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing ltooln and Bedroom Sets, New fleigns wcll wortlîy cf inspection, at astonishinglow prices. Dia- ing-room Extension Tables-a very superior article. Gilt Corisices, Picture Frp inl evory style. Soi-ne fiue Chromos and Engravig for sale., ils brans e; fuinerals fnuly supplicd, A stock of p hari, trimined -tg5!it Customers ànd1 SADDLE1RY AND HARNESS. WILILIAMTYHO MPSON Begs to direct attention to his large ana superior stock, comnprising every- thing inii e Sacldlery and Har6ess Lino, aleo Leather Valises and Saratog*a Iru.nks1 À LOT 0F. CII LDREN'S CABRL4GELS for t At once. &ddress PEABODY MEDI INTTUE cFT F .on SAý, t, AT THE M000 feet Pin. Lumber, wefl scasoneiS. Incb Boards. 2 xr-4 Satling, - 2-inch Plank, Fencingforde, ltqai Buco t oS Od c 1apl000r aLeSIqare itye, AUl of-visicIis Llbo solS cesap for cash. Hlewoulda ase beg te Bay tisatishe Griot Mill i. runnlng,and is deingfirot-class work Chsopping donc (5days L ise weekfor every 151 buâhel.E.MJ , Tise Promeoter and Perfectcr cf -As- similation. Tise Refermer and VitaJizer of tise Blood. Thse Producor ansd Invigorator cf Nerve and Muscle. Tise Builder and Supporter of ximain PoWer. FolleÇs mpuna«Sy id C com-seo. stuto Healtisy BI-d, Musciwe-aSNeive as lirain Substance, vwist Life ilself t' directly dependent uponome of tisoin. B>' ils union vils tisehloil and ils effert upaon tise]muscles, reeslablisbing thse co sad tout' g tise ether; it t' capableocf effect- iug tise foilowiug resuits : Il viii displace or vasis ont' tuberculeus matter, aud.tisus cure Consuxu tin. By iucreasing Nervous anS Musùcuar Vs- gor, x itii cure Dppia, feebie .er inter- rupted action ef tiséeHeart -nS Palpitationp Weakness ef Intellect cauged by .e voar>', overlar or irregular habits, rn chitioy Acuto or Chromie, Congesti o f tise Ings even in. the mcst aarinng stages. Il cures Astlsma, Leosof Veice, Neouaigi, St. Vitus Dfance, Epileptie Fits,'Wheoping- Ceugis, Nervousuese, anS i. a mcest wondor. fui adinet t elierremedies Lu sustaining Hiedui» t pors'Dipt5eris Do oti dceiedby re dies be aa elînila ame, no othisorpreparat i La pub- stitute for tisundorau>' circun=tances, Look eut for the mre and address, J.- . FELLOWS, St. JohnN. B., on tise, yollow .rPer lu vatermark, which . sen. > .sedigîhe papor beforetise ligist.-s Price L0per BoltlB. sxfor 185.0 s TAGE BETWEEN WHITBY&O-SHA WA"< T.WICE ýA DAY 1I7 Leaves Osisawa at 8.8o0a, m., sudt 1, p. mq. Leaves Whitby at 10.s0, a. m., snad £80, Parc 25 conts each vay. - - E ll cia ail4Rtise iotels, sud aI privato residences (vison orders are left at amy ut the hotels.>- Connecte.viS Oshàa ansd Jiewmau itestae; aise with the Wiiby sud Port Po»'y AilwansdvlsBeg arn malatWitby.- ' T HrOS. HOPP ERt. Wisitby, Marris Otis, 1875 I-tf ON FIeST-CLASS FAFiM LANDS, lu autsosfet&20and npward, at 7 per GRO. S. HALLEN, SeiOshaw., Appiy te- BROUGHAM CAU .IGE 0JK5 S.WEýBB ]spculyinforme bis Patrons and 1tise Pubýic tisuaI ho baspurchased lise Iiglit for 1'ickeiiugte Manufacture *>_ Conbopy's Patent Seat - for BUGGIES, CUJTTERS &c. A i l p ar ties vi ii Sa ve R to sce o u r B u g gie sud Cutters, beoe giving their oredors ia. Brougbuuu, Jul>' iBIs, 1878, - r40 DR. WM. GRAYS8 SPECIFIO MEDICINE. STite (.reat CAOBI NET WILLIAM FACTR Customers calling now,' ure'. Win. sec ORDER. VERY CHEAP. CALL &,SEE TREM. ]Y.50 1 ary, 1877. 1 Whitby, Ontario, Februn il FASH10NABLE TAILORING GEORGE OSHAWA. and:ý il ! PVZZDAS 1 pril 17ib, 1877. FACTORY WAREROOMS P. Sý Parties indobted ti -1, WHITBY.' 1 ES IB E S TS GALLER--Y. .BEST'Sý CUTTERS, FUGGIESri

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