i È 'fl - AND FRESH ilarle Sto iTU ElO., Whltbi. to -Rent. 0Spe yMr. 1. con, cu r.con. -100 aleai; anaudol 1lMeutsumdibuling he linils et Ibme60 ore- P. E. GIBBS, 0"", Ossvont. CBRITTO-0Nt E à WA GON "BE cf tise Douâble Mdi PATENTED OHURNB. Wa ~ne, Buggies, 81.1gb., censîti>' you R 9RIP A 1R I N G 99- Doue un lt.elsrtoal notice. -M GEO. IIEITTON, »rock Street, - - Whitby. oc ter 9, 1877, y4 FIIO LOi7R FED STOREt. PHRE ZIINY.LEGION Bogi te uilif>'bis frindesudnacustoems i'1k>st rasti!Fooedof tiseBoat Qualil>', aitthoIlovesl living prise,. lhoir, Corn, CspPeBaShorts, Oal. umccl, Craeked Wboal, Poe, Oat., Pc- latos, &o., I Whloî,le aud Rtai. Chomp>elo i/mi the Oheapeal for- Cash. AI th.e lon Pleur aud Food Store, ï ebyg Bio, 'U set dcci, Ilundat Street, tlIbAslCHIAS. PENNYLEGION. Whty p 9 41h, 157G. - la LEVI STONE, Wilkluson ]lîook dis-ecti> Noitb o Joiaus4'c14ulturo Store, 80U TH BROO-ILp'< - - WHITBYO Eeg. le ttihuno ttheélulsabitaut. o1 *hftby mand NItcitIbat habas oped a eLOUR & FEED STORE, Iu conuton vilsh . la utchor Shop, *hèe oho viii ivay# haveoun baud A ]LA"W -STOCK 0F Chioce Fleur,' Crackod Whoat, Oatmeel, Cormeaî, Oeces, Pos, Shorts, &e. OMDMS I)BLIVEREBD IN AIY PART OP, THERTOWN 1 LEVI- STONE, $759 00 0. Po 1<ARM LANDS,. à aMtm of 5980en& Ufwards, at 7 par c et, Payable Hfait-yeaiy. pm UEO. S. DALLER, 5ollelbOr~&e.. APrrfl 7t, 1877. 1 WALZ'S LAGER 1 have «von théseueisyfo s'Lue iby WJ.. A. BANDE LL, sud I msli . dov..r te uppi>'. au Article whlsh vii U&ve siefation 10 Ibose vise patîculme and" Frèshest - THqE WHITBY HOUSE, J. A. BANDRLL Sm also solo Agent for Wais'a -Lagi emifer 1 h. Cousit> of A FINE ARTICLE 0F yPURECIDER3. 1f'ulcowing valuale ro es, pre Or lois, lunltsé ac' nt butro elg thSu ie11hCu for Cash on moBt advantageous terme, 1 arn enabled te offer ai fully 25 Per Cent Be/o w Ordinary Prices To cash and prompt Paying Buyeis at Wholesale and Rotait. I deem it unnecessary to en- umerate the items in detail of niy large and extensive stock ; any attempt te do se would fil a dozen Chironi oies, suf- fice to Bay that it '18 complote iu al linos and that customers will flnd on the promises every article that may bo enquirodý for. Heads cf Families making - pürchases of, H4oliday Oroceries .Will save Money and securie a good article by Icaing. EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- lates, &c., &c.9 My Liquors, as heretofore, are cf the best brande ana wil be found unsurpassed in purity aud choapuoss. Agent- for Cosgrove & Labatt's Ales. Ales, Best quality, 80 cents per gallon by the Keg. Cauned Fruits, Pickles, Biscuts, of best quality. Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters and fish'of al .kiuds, Herrings, Salmon Trout, &o., in Barrels and half- Barrels. cI~, H Having corne out of the Fire safely I have beeik enabled to re-in- vest the total' amount cf my insurance and à largo amount ôf other Capital in the purchaso of an en- w -P Iarn making Sugars a. specialty, and eau afford te selI Brown Sugar 20 ibl. -ofCwrnt for lminaiQri omea,~ma.F 1 ay NO Uas uchP1easiure..ini anuouninM ~at ho bas no0w"luk 8toc1à ' OComplote Asrnetc i as *.wflmy xoeeo4utab1e for, the -orU4y0o Ne Vu lecsila Baliu, A Choie. loI ot o up u&04ueu loyer "4 *e Bsk$ ' Pne Cièr= éelu Haddiem sud Oyuter. remeved Note, a0l Kinde. r ip, TVeod" , Combe, llxtractu fof-on dS. Bfu"P ,lire., Le. Â FULL Â8SORTUT ,gYJNBRBY IJNW. Have you seen theNlIw Illumà inator. No Chimney re- qiuired. i Llhtequalto 8 of ithe old hlm!, once.tried always usod. Sole agent for ntby. Crcckery and Glasavare lu gest varioty, oheap. gaahpdd or pplea, Potatoos, Butter,: Bggs sud oultryi. PETZR SMITHj Whltby, Dec, 11h, 1877. Odelw'Building. M0ORO08SON &Co., 91 M. ng Street, Toronto,l AIRE NOW SHOWING THE LAIRGEST STOCK 0F FJR'S. EVRV ! HOWN IN CANADA. 12r FI NE FURS A SPECIALTY..M, FUR TRIMMINGS OUT TO ORDER. ---c0-- BEAR ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES WOLF ROBES, RUS81AN LAM SAc]Q15X5, RACOON ROBES, S. S. ESEAI, SACQUE%, TAKR OBES, PERSIAN LAME SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, 1(00K ERMINESACÀuES, MINE CAPS, 1MME1KSETTS, S. S. SEAL CAPS- S. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTE AND SELt SETTS, ERMINE SETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSI"l LAME SETTS, BALT'IC SEAL CAPS, ASTRÂCHÂN SETTS, GONET CAPS, - BLACK SABLE SETTrS, GEY- LAIM CAPS GONET SETTS, GERMAII MINE CAi>S, GREY LAME SETTS, CHILDBEN'S SETT5. Particular attention given to aIl orders. Torouto, Dec. 8,1877. speciaily attended te. 11-1A RO 1b - Alterations i>'-5O, :pIFp 75 & 77 .YÃ"ONGE-ST., TORONTO. CLEARING OUT AT HALF-PRICE. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots just received. My Stock of' Is 110W Complete ini Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Veây --00----- Special Inducements to STARTING HOUSEK.EEPIN. -- 0cc-- - UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and, al the necossaxies in this Uine. Aso., A WELL-APPOINTED HEAIRSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 leE WC3 L m 's (Jlothing and Gent's Furnishing lHouse Is now suppliod with alYtho neweà t stylos of Engl ish, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths, -f ail kinds, the Largost ana Best Stock. they ever had. On-' Also au excellent stock of Gents' Furnishinge, al new. A. splendid stock of, Beady-made Overcats, <Jhesp for Cash. McILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, - WHITBY. FAIR C OMPETITION WITHOUT PROTCETION. 10 NOW ITHE MAREET WITH RIS for ~.Q, ALL & WII~TTErl GODS fo r~ .0 Wîich for qualit>' sud -pibe vil be fcuud. unsurpassed. Madesui 'the Latat tyiucsZ nSr XtNoie À A L4GE STOK Or :WVPROOATS 'AND RBUFFAL O RORF-1 @,m"a-g u m&M MdniPOl1n~ hnvir uea suatr !W. are Ihad uer.ubleI te futroduc oeprfcsso ui i b e Paibimeh.f ïwftnre sdding uôt cul>' t@ Uic ý.rfoeM d hef l. orki bat ik! Tn Ifaregmrea esr > uaeho ltd amalmm nsd p ge m ovwa.;absclutely te def>' competi#cu. A24aI THIE. JOHNSTON SELF-RAKIN.G REAPER se nov mc vell knovn se a Single Beaper, 1hât s word cf commoudation veu "emst eqm uperfinous, but as Ihere are mauy c'aiming 10 manufacture this machine who have adhered to the old original Johueton machine, without keop- iug up te the improvementsm; thut justice tuourseilvei, aud patrons require cf us to stateotba& ve have modifled it il in loali every oeentisi part, sud for trength sud durabilit>', qualitv-of out, in _over> kinà d cudonuditicn of grain,; lightuess cfý draft sud ose cf -manIagemnt-the 'lchusben," a manufactured by um-mstaudm pre.mrnutlyabed cfailchir reperà . 'Iu proof cf Ibis poalticu ve have oui>' to pmit toiehemauy PliaI Prizes avsrdod us-at the last'Prcvineial trial cf On. tarie, aud many cntiy trial. whloh have takeù place ail over Canada, vithin the last fe Vousar. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, with laie lmprovemoulm, le ail ihat eau ho désirait inaa<ombiued Machine, sud Cannet <ail te mmcl ail tihe requiremeut. cf purchaeerm. Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers are bcth firmt-clas m mios-ccnatitutod almost vhclly cf Iron sud Steel. Thse Oslyngs Jr. ba. a rear ont, and lthe Younsg Canada a front Out.; both strong, dur- able machine., snd net exceiled b>' au> machine. iu the markel for qualit>' cf eut, durability, lightuesm cf draft, adaptabht>', ad ese cf management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER."y As the couutry ha. beceme botter adaptai! t machiner>, sud man>' cf our faim- ers have- become skilled iu the use cf machinem, a grcwiug demaud ha. prung up for a Light, Durable, Ffrmt-Cla.m Beaper. Alhve 10 tthe requiremousa cf tise day, vo have ucoeeded lu inveutiisg a ma- chine with a Wrcught iron Frame, wils the least possible gearing-with large, hroad.faced drive wbeel,-and se constructed thalt th e rame sud table tilt at the sma lime, lisereby keepiug th. pitman alwaym lu lino vith the kuife. The rakem are driven dlreclly from bise main haft-lisere being no perceptible side draft,. sud no e eigiuu1t ehorse. necks. We are ccnfidenî;îhat ve have succeeded lin ivensting tise 'mcml perfect Boapor, talcing il in all ils part@, that bas ever beeu produood. We have applied for Jettera patent, sud mlili hcld oui invention, fer our cvu exclusive manufacture, sud we rempotfull etugote10in- tending purchasers, tisaI they sbouldl see ii machine before givnil3g efr rdera for the com * hiarvoml. Tise "Whlthy Harvester" woigls, aIl teld 600 pondo, but heing mage principally cf the boit qualit>' cf ion sud steel, and <rom its i- genscus à ud compact cnstruction, il coumbiuém the trougth sud durabilil> cf the heavier machines. Al cf ou machines are fuli>' varrantei&- Wi h li 1mbof machines, vo feel confideuttIhat ve eau meet ever>' re- quiremoul, sud ve rompectfully melicit a trial of oui machines, bolievingthat vo eau furuiah a botter machine for the monoy than can hcobtained olscwhera. Boapecîfull>' Yourm, BROWN & PATTIERSON MF'G. 00. Whilby, Ontario, Februar>', 1877. MICHTAEL GLEESON (late with F. Meen), Greenwood, whero ho vill bc happy te sce ail frionds. The stock is selected vith ai view te meet tise vanta cf aIll Home trado la our ospecial aim, and vo viii defy compotition in every lineo f tise business. Chesp Goods and goda Goods viii dcinand cuatomers. Nothiug vantcdl by cld -or nov eus- Icuiers, but shail be furnishodu short notice. A apecialty in COAL OIL, 5 gallons for $1. t>- Produce cf ail kinds vili bc paid for iu CASH, or gooa given for tismre at biset rate. Qasmevwoou, Novemiber 1915, 1877. Oma-48 Go where you can get a Well-fltting'-Garment :-To 'the Tailoring Establishment of1 G EORG UTIGURLE, A Largo Stock cf Fine Clothoa; beit Englisis, Scotch- and Canadian Tveeds. #:> Excellent Overcoatings sud Splendid Veut l'atteins. A good fit.Guarantecd. OSHAWA. GEORGE GURLEY, King Street, Oeiss. -AND- B 0 O K S TO0 R E 1 AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREÀI1 TEL. OEFICE, BROCK-ST. George Yule begs to annnounce that lie has re-opened bsStationer>' snd Bock Store in Whitby, vhceestationer>' cf ail kinde, cf thse beat qualit>', vii be kept on baud ; aloo Sehool Books cf c-ver> description, Cop>' Books, Siabes, Penis, Inks, &o., &o., at the lovosi piLeos., The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- seriptions Solicibcd. Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment cf Vielins. Orders are taken for Periodlicals, Mfagazines and Mnsie. GEO YULE. Whitby, Dcc. 131h, 1876. 51 WILLIAM TILL'8 CABINET FACTORY AND THE OLC STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITB.Y. Go where you cannot -fail to be pleased l making seleetions of goodl ftuitu.re. Splendi d Parloiir, ThDrawing IRooem and Bedroom Sets, Nov -Designo vel vwosthy o f inspectioný, ai -atonisbing *1ev ,puces. Din-. ig-room Extension Tables-a ver>' suporior article.' Ont1 Comnices, Pieture, Framig M, eVor style. Borne fine Chromos %Ud4 Pgravings for"sl. Il mi I branches.:fox iUv sunnlie.A a k of 4.si- Mac-cii Otb, 1878. PHo TOGRA PH GOIN.G ýTO THE PARIS Mr. Barrett is selling out ,bis ,enr4jbx -,awJkMn pitur s at hai-prico,- prervfdus .to going id the Pans .Iaxmms,.e Now is the tirne to get a good- 'itur (Jiever yoning men who- wantto; loarn, the businless iÃŽistrýicted .iïï afew 1ess ohis luthe oet methods. A fine are, HagrneaS*B and biuggy frsae A. BARFT, Photogtapher. M- Opposite Ontarlo Bank, Whitby. ej, NEW- STATIONERY &BOK STORES AT THE WHITBIY 801HOLBOXAl NEWS DEPOT JG. McDOIJGALL Begs to announce to bis *customelrs -and' the« public lin general tisat ho has openeda a*Ststionery, -Sehool. Buck sunýevo depoýt in connoction'viths ii.Confcbionery & Bakngbusis, uMisadsnd sentis Brook Street, visere everything l s i nocs eLad ai ver>' lcw rates. The Daily and Weokly Papers always. on banud, and de- livered te subscribers lu ail parts cfbise tovu. Orders pri'ý fifled for Perioical, m agazines sud Mnsisi± Ais, a weln soteà ii f otoca, Berlin Wools, sud Fancy Gooa, onband, at o1vpcs *The public will find ut to their advantage to tako. a peep at oui stock beforo purchasing elsevisore. GV EN A WA Y! w"th ail orders of Photos, att JG. MoDOUGALL, Choice of the following persons: SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, R EV.,MB. LAIRD, Docombor 241h, 1877. HON. T. N. GIBBS, or EDWABD CABSWELL. A Large Assortment -of Cutters and Buggies- FOR SALE, GHEAP, -AT- DUNDAS STIIEET, carr e cge Factory, OTRO lias resumed lis business a t tille'old stand (Chequered Store), Brook-sÈt., Whitby, where he in 110W enabledI to give good value-to ail cus;to.mers,. old 'and new. His stoak of; BOOTS AND SOS is replete for Fait and Winter wear, and hoe is determ 'ined to sel off ati; te lwost profit. C all.and see bis Stock and1 Prices. - JOHN SAUNDEBS. P.S. Parties indebted to, me, will please clal and settle immedi~eZy.J. S. Whyitby, Oct6b.er 22ud, -1877. AND, -090-- Boga to directâ Leathe r LYMAN ec&eStreet, 0b A. galeGr, 'Coa-t treet, -.ROBI - ç~.YOUEÇ BÀIssauor cMo Ornez-Oves GEO. SI. ATTORSBY -L-moneylol over ghm -Omhawa. CAMERI 1 HIECTOR 0AJlERoN,ý 'rgowNCYLEI1 1. froini t1 0'clm tSUBGEON TC BrnSIree Omea-Nxt4 5mrBesidence, at BYRONi Wm. MeBRUl G.1UYVS HOSP' %- oh ye R. Dao Wbitby, Sept. go£ ROoms OVE] ansd Glibert mireoti C, ?i. v IeS chep s the chï boit Teetbfh eM TeetI ezlraea «i f-icsI nothmun- &a nno block, ove THOMAS .BUILDER lu DUNDÂS JOHN 1 Ba&lcon Broc A ETFOR, Scol g t i h G rm cf Jentha Woien, GEORG4E larte quont baud. T OWNSEEIP CL COMMISSIONER, CONYYNlwI 4ÈINu M P 80 ON ior- Oick, comprios oes>'- eau Lna, ais ratoga TrunksI IPl T A Élu 7C N~~W PREMISES, ri ~ti rolynew andb SF'RESH STOCK>~ GR GIOE RIES, LIQUOR6Idot M Which having been secured eý z illusea Block,, iturth lth, 1575 Wlsftby. (tf-Il1 Apply te- Best oP m 1 - ý 149 1 Whitby, March 4th, 1878. IFASH10NABLE IL OBIJ\TG BEST7Sý GURLEY., GEORGE THE WORK i DUNDAS STBEET,