bsrg, eud sdvamne tise tovit, vbe*JC ie2 -taa - " miou. o pspeeuom îlmmelves1 or lu violis thv haa'eriso ludlvand ha% Ouly o eaeoain lubrilg 4viAl!ose gln v ae as'ei iii'ie ovnabvlssg, a dlsappointoi Com- digaceful couarse ake» iu raihvey wviso nome bo have endesa mater,, uuiappîîy,>tue» as nov mak. a munlcialslty-psy more1 SUe isrie fSolisislliinlotrnes People.i, ead tisu ie reguarw r >Urger iliste gebuly claracter, roudy lgo jei inluth, msîuer o16-9 = lisd toka uap Cisces-y vîisout riia-g ommtà nity, Ibosigis veshoupl buheth-le %Whuib~y, f41lad riIbll91!.b Ofo &ES ight lýave beln,)eaipaued oe e~,s mgit laîo bonlis! -I hen'been brougiemÈtder' 1h9' notice > tns A PiOgperone ity -ai,£1051AlareyGceri>Mova, u Cisi~end uiibUut. Tse ~ajcîsaiwe aroeips-med , "giveï, Iâtui on lise men cf eâtotps-easd public ipirit for ,riina 'rc!iE!': a1gai voeries! day», atand 0 e'gli r = p»b» E>oe'aif ngloa,.as aurdifeeuosofthie Lesa Ooù a sys, Jud uer. steppes!nlunluDur iglîful -placesand-siolcsvR iodt . b 1Er- loft Whitby Iddy, lveuty yesii, ans! peaue,u va hivso vonuath mnore, beblAdus!ltise race aiprogrese.,aieîuîe. Having beau hiaugsîC eWlt sWllîy BIays ud a Or tWltb7 1h.notice c1 the. AttmOeuY. tac- ararlupososia a tsetou vea l havever, 0go-rass 'au autrage' Yesrs'sgo boroe tiser, vu a Npiin besanIi sppma b. e Pi orià sMMlatid Bailvay, sud a unîes e vitiat hig lIe sutor f Pieà isavlng lis, fiels! ta tbh . ithePowhat h acceunthebi udo. t voul4 ,tavu ai orWliby be toiday? * Ans!,sas Emad a.y1,i il latiese ro ai Vennoi's Porecast oi the Wgw a pposition sa I le nOv givon la the1 _-- ýà f --»>~~ a' is Tise iallovt>s< naeeVenuor'o,, H. kch lýW îlvane'snrt sus! 'tprediclionu for Apiil. ýWe' eha] Of hsbtbY lu tiae 4 I 1Twouty yis yave Ca h. relies! s ovbe tbimv away a grsdande , A4pil' 9 , 'if, Fi IAhi tise yestrs aluce have ve 18îî opIn -C he od ih ualiaing, ake». ta hearl uclling PShahi' - il, 15, lG-Wml valiser and am tise ridic»lOuf suspicions sud mean sur- iiss!g usiio of aîev aîconenla ga17crent d î-Proably fais- (Dont &aies f aféwmalonent &pu mge 9, 0,21, 22-Cols, vet cl edivision sud daubL.audlbhédavu oiWhiî- agais, wilb frsculans! sDOv (E hvysurosaerltvbub oa no or., na..,,,. .ý, 1>' years ; or ehail tise Mai enterpfHs ONLY, Si 5o PZR ANNUM. sud public apirit vbo viis la belte oui position susd gIs ie evu a if WhItby, Thursday, AJ)ai l1, 17.fîa-lb ntie! ii ieH - bas-, the Rauhway, sai Is-ou-smehtiug Tise liasr Question vaîoke, Wiitby ouls! sfi trs!laugli ts - tse ners aienvlaassisighbors. Theat At the maeeting as Frlday evenlig as-e lise Objects ta- lie kepl stsdiiy in the hlarbour qlloo v as agaiti psetty viev hy tion havlug asWsike li lis Wel setltattaaL Lu Iseth# eomedciugs tovu0. - tliIterdit.d roaedt vii flis!so f th.eps'e. snd sca, of lise abs.,'ith Tise Iran Dmeh:Ing Wonki: use lu-Wblli LniilaI prisnetud Wiques In tisediscussiaon slill goiag on ha. housudas riinitel conetes vu Ieen Ms-. Gien amnI lie Viîsdicalor du <n, aîcrisil baresta a;ns! Ibmfuture of suent tIse ereclieunof smsling vas-ku Cisc lava-h is fmuis moro imuseailale fo uy Ms. Glea la; tan mauy for liii futrou thn eou he oliica jotsanesglIsbas-, for if Iran casuiilau êmade luleeit issuevea tis pultica Jebbes thse Snowdlon ors-igoal lu quai. going os lu theso Rute ai Coisusna. iîy ansi ai cicap as Mi,;' Mare, wvisi Tise bill, ps-lotes! lu tiss, clumus at as an anîhaoriîy, uaya il eu, il vonis!, weok, 11%8 passes! a -third rrî%ding, sucd no doubt, psy lIse uauufactnrerd ci l e ikoly to bedamo ev vW itisent iurtîser Osave, as asserleal by Ms-. Gben, le altr-itiii.lai, u tlin, he in tisaI article, and give s bonus teotisevorse bsiles, lu eider tle gel il. lisnt baà i gveq U ailta conla b, fais-hy Tise Stceedard, frons whicla we cip à îkeal On beiif aifIthe ivu. Tise tise abave, la oect. Tiseeditai- aI lie tavu is tiou ta puris-lse or nol, asnltse Viaîdicetor, lu bis opposition ta Wiiby pecoplcerMay approasyooraidlsappa<avls ai injétesls abat ceutinuing an oa gainse -tise vais!f ai i aribratoîs. Tise exo. tisaivas piayed-and ve isarI hopos! ontars ai Ibm Drapes- oulate are ebligecL playes! auî"-by cestain parils -in ta Poil ta lise tov at he is.p-e WIc eOhawa !-visouWfiitby opiel ere -~flxed- If lise VaIlnalian lu cOusîdOeol sts-ngghing for a rallwy 7ta lIse nos-bi. too bigli, lise ralepayera cean let Ithe v5nia tiig alan., sud tise rpsaîtivei ai MILiS. J,.fsIaeO-MAtaUOEU, tise talecril- lis. Draper osjtatehave bisou tisarîgIsI ed eO]ouîiauiat, as!d vel iiiaia ta drive tise beat bargaas eîîy enu villa thia cotl-SiaIdoum ai Canada, la aas- otIer pari.s. Oui vienv e ia-abeasu sIOUoal la give aiseeof lies- Iopuhas- alî.as!y expiesas! titsaI, lithvos-ka readiogu ait Ilpkius Hall an Monday eat i e ocitt m a a fair- priee, on tise eveuig. Mrs. NMauger- spîears ini tortue Pro'0îea'scl-tlîsof ithe-pur. WVitby unden tha patronage aifltse clsemoir<b'es'cpieti flu bvl. Maesouic isaeraîy. TIse lady aunses ysars' dobeulures, et pr-jIae opper. Sciesuith lihe igist recoonsas. tuaity fer ecquiriug tise sarbas- aaboula! tiens , endorsat by Sit. Audrev's Lodge ual be muisseai hy aur tavuipeophe. w. 'N'P. 16,0Iiciibucîa. N. B., anad by W. urge tItis, on sthsgrossus! IsatI& ityl pay, P 'eof otmsas- ocalilies;. OVen attise prosent relurans, said vilîs8hiSelumeutian'es li s-c a-y esing thes prespect before îl is fWVisiby beiug laiss a 5lady o a in Cultes-e ami miade s- Harbaor of IRamage, noasîa s sitka itatcîa .atlimel.Tise lng h.expmudilnrea aisbrge aniaunt, Ottawaa ee' lrm--sm upeakiug of ies- ap- ai publIc suoasoy upon lmprovemnîs. pearance in tIsaitCity says : '>Few ps-a. Ansi aiponntue tisaI, " sautfor th ise lod. Aud ponthelarherroud tâtwi cnouionassy treat lîsal awaiieîi Ihielu tise barbai anas ovnQd -bylsehev»w, Ms-s. Maugei's reaidgs. Scene Iroui tIhe Governuat vilI ba obligaaj, lunssy 'As yen tue, it," wai e dlis-cses vils *vauit, Har'bor of Befuge os- nol, ta "effool not exceoed by Fsnuy Kesu. delvilla WliIby HerboesasIL bas vilS >se2Ior iScoll-liidulcns. Rer recila- olisar lharbars aunl.tLe ieLake a'a. ii. "yansui9Cis icl,"-va.- a irtuti. - forl mnik a rantforIls m~lovemnl. Tise rendîisincf FatIan PSil's calec. Tise lavw il have a just cdaim ispo» "l ieu vas maguullamut, ans! alue lise Gavasument las- id-Ooa ta cen-but hSes!au sdience ai Isishîsuenliser Doteb hioe > tise ecs srt.d mpasuiouact dmivery ai tisa caîclus!- ivgertae -s Oivsse Isope-di"lng sentence> vaisli as-e Oirries!Ihiew fl' gi-en tiaI i va prvat Preety, id wiîlsber l hcarî sad seul." Wa Irnît '11l no lange r psesail te ps-eseut les thiere yUll bai a large tunuot upon lise celims nte censîdes-ation, -occasion, as!d tisaImembers ci tise 1$espactlug ele abjeatiaus rhuis! byý Crail, te viseo protection liss. Main- ls. Sisrlf Raynoidu de a-t Ibmemeting, gmr's Massonio connections iccommenai tthhLIe carpors-eone» veuls! hebouns!bes- luau especial mannes-, vilI extens! by theo avais!ofairue arbils-aloîs, hat le bier tisaI support sud pnttranag-cimar. thera isees!bhavne ubmisalan of a by'Iav acteristie vilS tise bemavoience -ai the tas thre people, sud tistaio-n if s by-av .>OiQdc-. ,wero rejectas! h ie retepayerjse Telb.nMrdr Courl ai Ciancoery vols eniorc e 1eTs un adr lolvery aiflise deboinbnrea, vocousider- AUOirAN SrINTUNCPE O T0il HANos b. bsaI tise argumenta upen tis i îmd vos-e suifiliutivyorfuIes! At flic met- Williaim Vaughasn, couvictmal ai tie lng. Thm iangueg. ans! Inîteimrus-tes-of Mary Quinu vais o» Satur. lise blli are véry ceaiiy enaugis ex. slay seruleuces! Cc ha haugos! on 122nd presses! lath -a ont-a'ry. Tisa appoint. June. Il la repoÃîmai hat ho asaicou- mient of an aritrstos- ans! consent te fssl, sud lisat lie will make a state- arliltratlon, canoot biud thie-lavnisnl meut baiera execution. liaIs cus@' Sisals mey lbe Sels! t,) lite -------5, îav ase .ieîveu partims lu orslîuasy BOOKaS .hi» DOOS.FiLLi.s.-Wo bas-e cass. laI aroIbueo hs-nexpessbas! a ps-ty long cilperience lu geting pravisien agalusl uneSi a -auIt, sud by boolas fs-en puhliaising hbouses. 0ur whic th ton MY acep orrojsotpurchsms lase beau gouerally secureai lthe suverd, TiseTown Concil daunuel cli crtu'$oun' Ù'b ubom bas toie upei itéemf tCa scpt ai rejet- recegnazes! la caltons sut publislsors. tise question muet e snbmitbcs! le tise Oui lest pus-cIsase of s vainahi, lot ai pas% and alny aitise raiepayera. letaisDow aditlong 'sas rmade hreugiseus- vitis Ibis abject, sud 'toi this pus-paie levunsais, Ms-. J. S, Robes-taon, suad alone lisat s p.rias of four munîba' ime ve deens il anhy rigis ta e ay tisaI va- fros lise date-cifCisc avait la gis-an, luneyoer obîriue4 a belles- hargaéin. The s~~~s!er ~l ho-ati ieseii»a ieadditions 10 lIme liihsasy of lise Mecîsan. oople . oTi-e e iion ofa theai ls,m'Inctitute, secus-es! IojlîuisMr. i paeie rn aipe n otiîraurofpanse-]Robinson, at sunis exceediagiy loy csllla---es-e n s!tyhie OlOhinalo»s- pricea, luduce.i us la gis-c Iins a trial. (wh iip~t a ember ai tise bod!ycouls!Tiets-meboissuhoa es a îiîfaorty; We susipeetesi of) îiey-bave ualtishe wl aIlsv boevetalo saml7 rigit. Thsis bng-hear eflise Siseriff (ise sud saas! mauey in et ransaction. wihi pardon tise expression) bas net aRs i aabel i sa sselv i lg be stand ou.lbas Dot asgi tcamle viliin bise keu of0 oui oxperieuca.1 'The objections ai aIses' parties are il more surmulses aud suspiconmi, or are Tse ROAs-I, STAIt DRANATIà s-Ca., gis-ei made s'as vaut of lnioîmatlcun. Firet enterlalummaîts iu Haîpkinu' Musia Rail,a ff c bas! l tisateS no msInra; Tbnraday aut Fsiday esenings, the Illi 1r on-iso figures ahevlng liso receiptoansd 12ths mut. On Thsuriday veaing 'aid expeuditurc unsier Ms-. Draper. lSey phay "1Under tb, GaRigisl," sud 'hoss are.uouv fartcaiung, qlhlceutly on Fîiday evonlu; "Greenu Bushses." t4 ceuart. foi h. bugis 01, clolation. Tise oaupauy couses veIl recommandt.tI h. figuresi mpplied in tis a Myi sre- ai by tise pres-a.B subis a'etti. ChaI part aiflise question. ----e u-mises sud ospieaos i shireomsin. TcOinsi OtOA-ed )ne suspicuins gautleman bl b t - lUs. Fraser, of Formoa, vili accupy lise hcnnuil coold sot lie trusti!; an- ptîlS.An!m' îîîcs<~~» sioller s-rmimes tisaI the' las-bi, man. day nos-t aI etevea, a.tus. Tise reigionsfi ~emul y lse os.oîsî*s muC le sansd moral coudition ai tise Cisincoso luW, llv.~ Why ? law Iu it eai-Port Ftes ih a iaaujac ihm~ lo., Coblourg, Belleville, sudother litras lus s? Thor.a mesners ai cenuoce sa Sulcogs or A PaurEaË. - Charlolon Ili 01101111,Y asîs!are net lb. abjects af sua--Lsse', a printor employas! isnltse Globe lcou andsidIîrnil. Tises-ethueeu-an oMlc, pnllle.s lsuicidle hy laking twoE -1 reseunt la ecoasostilal als!piistêable. auu,0qq f iaqdenunm OntIPrday mom- !i 1 Ihy sisonîsi Il liolis*rwiehe lrle ing.' 'TIme 'oëssatl vas fs-arn Lindsay, a à baies 51 ctegltly I>d huaitiuas0'80 gia4 pen abÈ0sfsos melaucoiia ûty amingst'tisp umenof Wib , lu f<Bbn'lm as.i rvat We and lu h.'obudaiofMtiiitfr ' Là d'&W- '- -ý -te 1ireËùi 1 t» ibu f ' < OISirCATION aOr necu...,ui~ Vilgise lisl aî1 MoCord, ci Qucea, lias glyeljualgmenl s= çaP b clt.WImy siouialà Oýrders]g lise confiscabion tCaChe cri'an ' tuerwi"In uluaimaei? P s-usad"le hy satiqn uinfiftcen dsys aiof 9ýi10pof earZ à qurtar oa ace». tise Deiaid diamoudo.W ry i laimat Ma ion itisl ova BIXPaaTATSesi aiLivm $ruci.-Ini. Chi wa "t 64 0=04 eeus l ustlîopi s licen glu,.» liethlI@ Britiarb l Sbefreds of Govemiameut la llkelp (q relax tl enert PtO c ouwaio fWbiLbi 11cm job> oui #Ogus1stmng ounlvi tcç~~ ce 28, 24, 25, 201, 27-Pairin te a ether vitis vais s!ys. ,mra 28, 28, 80-Cos! raina, - and pro si nev flurries mb laI May. ar. Ftis-at balfciMs-y vet sud hack, at "ASsso." -Sema covardly fe efj ave- lie signature.aif 'Aîtro'i bas n euding anonymous iellers liraugl SWisitby PouI-effae. . Reaukalai vi ers dis-eclel ta Box 23à . Wé the Pastmacter againit tli sen wisicb lise paossassien ai Ibis box ii in aunoying respectable eltizenu. >r llÂîiLOX AND Massars.-Tso israce betveen Edwaîd Renie» es-evn Morsufor #1000 acide, t l. place ait tisaHule» canrse e» aJue.- Raumon is la receivo 820c expe»ums. Tise ar-ticles bave aignesi. SALE OF THE STÂLLION #>Ta t3iAStLrNa."-Mr. James Pile, ai township ai Whitby, bas mals!bbu 8-yr. ol s saîhian "Yousng Sterling, Mn. Powell, ai Peunsylvanis, for # $$Young Starliuig" la by Mi. Joi Thiompuan's imp. ,Ohld Starliug', of a "lýVouderful Lnsd" mare. TVa drsw attentien te, tise MiiL aunoncemeul cf E. FrosI's sdver- rasent ionrIthe milhiuer-y Show disyt Thuisday, ynis!ay, ans! SIf-day,Al lish, 1215l, ands!131h. Tise stocks vms-y vas-icI vitis lats ainsdbonnetE tisa mast olegant desigus. Lac vents! do veli ta look Clîrougi1 stock. RYPEAL OF TiIII DtNxsctî;ACT IN iiaec-Tse Punkin Adtlias bec» penled inl Fas-ahani Qîîeiec, by ai jos-ity of os-es-eue bunçises!. Fergisson hüm receive! a very flua ses-tisent oi spr-int, goode. Tisas.d sb-in,, w-cIlanie an aasionabtyj gais-mente, ansd wba wiab ta encour ,sOrne rade, sisonhd give lm a ai HaIs said caps in greal variety. INSUBANEc. -Attentien io dus-ecîma lise fis-blaîs Cempanis represont by Ms-. C. -Nonne, l is te- cahimi Partie, hsaviug lusnauce business tras-ssct yul fluainluMr-. Nons-sei intelligent eus! trustworlisy agent. Attentien la dircteailatisehosuctl sale cf isonsebels! furnitur,, bngg. &o-, aItithm resideuce ai Ms-s. G.1 Garnie ha-da-y Tisnrsdsy, achle begins3 eue o'clock. Mn- Gea. BRSTO, callu lise aitl lion o aasmers sud elbois ta lis ne improved reol ueeai, sud coin drill, au asks ibens la inspeot il aI bis sbcp, tIr donr souls of tise Quemnu s laie, fie> S-reet, Whiîby, SUDE< DrÂu'i.-Geange Masial 4-vcil kuowu reaideul ai Whilhy, vs saken withs speas;uaou thse Street vbil going ta wcnk an Tuosday mau'ning Ile dicai within s few minutes. Tsy WViîitfialai's cehebîatd Palmoni Syrnîs. SOUTH VScTonit.-Mr. MoQuade ihs en re-Dnminateai as tisa Cousmrvahiv audidatm for thse Commous. LINCOLN-Mýr. iykeit lis ambe: ominae asautise Causervative osudi sIco for lIse commas. Use Wliieia's Toothacla, nus. THIE GALLOV.kY BULL BLACKt PaLU4C£ -Mls. Cransta-.7n, msauanai for tia )ise cifiluccieucis, lnaseiusted fs-aa vél-ku3ovisbreader o ai nivays lb, ins cf 800 guineas fan tie Gahlowva il Black Ps-lue cf Drnmmlssi, viic vs firit aI tha-Hgisiaus!Society'lôchiow ýInvarness in 1874. INDISuPENSIBLu.-Tbsere as-e cama simplai* reinedies indespansiblo'iu evmsty tamihy. Amoug these, lIse experieuce Of yeass ssiecs us, sisoula! ho rodoraes Pers-y Davis' PtiN oKtLLPR. For bath inIesual sud external spplioatiau vo sas-c founa itilOf grea s-aine;, eipecihmy tan we's'edoamead il iori ecida, rises. nalia, -or irosis vens.ans! brnicea. -Cli8tian tEs-a. C: E. KYLSu, ef Uxbs-idge, Wvilas Oc- aber 8rd, 1870, -sads! ssy -I certif7 e lise excent qualities ai ALLiXr'S LTNG BASMas s raes!dy for aIl diesses Of the tirsiasans! lnngs. I knav il Ca lie ill ht is ieommeuded la o ." r*FirzeEs INUATEtiBURNsED INA Peea L0515E.-Ail insane pergsantmifisc o t lie Sîeushen Ceuuuly Peos- Hoasucan â1bema iumates perigbes!. Tise building mas cf brica, vilS irou.g-ates! aicrg ans! 'isideve, anti thislunmabesvoie unabie e escape. Tise etals as-e bload-curd. ug ; one sas» aclby isijuretl; oves- for- ry resonos! ; ses-es-ah escapes!. FIonvu 13ETVERN -J3ULLS AscDLravuaEcs- u-f sali fights villi lioeiesaa pop. les- asisîaunîs uaalw s a" n Utou2ia, a Texau. Ith ie fist figi, tha-bul ishily goret tiseu ionest,. Tare LAYD or Mwuu.-Capt.,Burton sais! ta bave re-diico-ered i'lutise ass! ai Midais, ou liesehoies ai lb. id $es, lise ricis, anriiorous region 2éntiduot in »theo Dibe., CO~i'iUP srArvXS 7uTWY Xw ONDON A»D ts :e Qugen ï:remnt lent, %8 ai e# bnor slonelq Cth. e vc n pi 4uada he . 'f't's" bosu- tfZo Wonffcinbi y tise ? flà Q ts' ci ni di D vo au lus wl nt ieui Nom c s.îecenl utsr xino arstaeemuetabDide, wileitsl, wvas ake» tea ttract bueiu'csa. Cetise harbor.lieur. Tise fainily i ai edJudg ItPO se ls tise frteconlstids! id acomis he tu ta o t-thmy Tise barboi vonid &aliiproves!. Stevwsrt liat se bdretiredai s laie ru sdtisat tedepulatianon ddre it ccmlshdagod li sud Inltlis.preseut atate et tiingabat thlibots-feeling ve-y aieponaient about ber crie] only s'sgbt la give an acceut cf their ver, entitiad Ca ihanku. Ha moveai, barboan sd the t1ev» ouhd suifer, said trial C-day. Sise arose ia tise riglist lily ,» atewardsîsip ta Che' iatepeyerî vise bas secouded by Mr. George Cormak- tise langer it vasse aves! te continue and weuî iste tise bath soorn;,lies-e ase Tise1 i. ppoluled Ilium ta go t»Otîava. Tlsey Tisltiseé repart suismilles! by tse lise voîsa for bath. A great sisal cf fedan i sd fs-osa apoplexy it la isossglît. Ofi Ilt did tise boit tisey caulal. Tise bill ne!itleputatiou ta Ottava', is eppreveai ; produnce vaut by ta other places. Tise Madame staîîes ta lier- friendt iat igh-lt celivel -nav slocd vas quite a différeut bill,lil ans! Ibis meeting is gralifles ta mean, soaner lise barbai vas aliapoaca cf se ditiiiol cas-e wist flise resit of liser wsia wouis! h. scen, fron sttfisCtbrongit tisaI au afer aiflise Part Whilhy Rar- elisher ta lise 10w»>ortalesoe ~hso tri-aliuigist lie, as fas- as csc liesslf wagçastisf before tise Rouge. Beipealingiame ns- heur yl hasubmitted la ibis cerpora- veuld hava Chair own lulerests snd tise 'cauiheoiyi-aifrlsrp-o gerbions rmadeantChhe ast meeting, ha lion under sia sai ofarbits-stion, velfare of WViitby na iIent, tise botter ittion andîs!tisafeeling of liser-graia. alezP (tise Mayor) bas! hldIthen thon tisaI viicl the Part Whitby Harhour com- certatnly il voniai be for tCi aereats ?f dchiieu. Accordiug la a Inter ies- oU thlie carninga cf tiseisarbar ans!otetr pany musC abide b7, but whicisavais! lie tawssof cit~iiby sud every main iniplisCi îiFlcm ill -iiîe iw, a vero ismîveen flteen aud sixte,» hoin- may elisher b, acceptes! or rejectes! by i. He vas, in favar oathtis ove ey- Luter deval<îhemeuîs tshow Ihset NVi s saus! dollars ayeaî. He had ouiyMi. them corporation oi tise ow of Whilby, iug. pravidos! tise sum waxs sceacabie, NMasimo e tell eutlie lass lroalwith a lhava r Dapeî'î vers! for tise alatemeul Ithen se theymsy deous expodient. eus! Chaugih il vulal ha foohisis fos-Chie carvi- gknife while lying ilu lise hatl h a smadie. He vas contradiateti aud il vau Dr. Gun-Suppoaiug the car p ra- Ccv» of Wiitby-especialîy tisa busines tb s escailavaa auwa!Ou Cakes y asuertes! Ihat tisaIvaualettieseoac; hattlion accepte Ch. arbitîsiion suai lb, men-lo vote against lb. purclisse. $200,009 ansd 0100,000.Èhee a o wa- loua, Ch., oase esninga vers aîy sixi Chans. people vote devu tise by-lav ? Tbcay vould bavesa sale tiig ugting as! lier reaidence. Thom ans!. oliars ans! the expenima Chîoe Mi. Harper mais! thal. s aone ai lishe Cen per amuI upon Cheir iuvesimeut as netsi Ibouqans dollars, 01 course Mr. concil, lie vonîs neyer censent la se- offeros! by Mir, Heiden. He vas-neai SINaSULAut FULFILLStENT OF A DiSSAS. mena Draeorecould not be brougisî foivard au vilisout tis e appravat aiftIse pmople Ibeus Chat liseisarbora esst 'anai west -Ms-a. ltingeratein, cf i\Nêw Yor-k, .> > a vituus;ltohe»anvas desd.-What befaro baud. Il vaulti ho foahisis ta dé vauls!Cake sdvautag aiflise tawn aifsircaneai an SaIns-day nigillisait a baus-. ah ou hbas .» ois! by Mr. Draper turnes!1s0. Whitby's diiatoriumss. glas- Iial robbed bs-r apatrtmauils. lcrs- )il, I ioui, boveve., Ca b. correct. Ans! ho Tise Myoruced if it vas lisonglit Tise îeoehatia vas thon spulta»'] car- dreaiproveai bs-n. Whle saise wae er Sa Ch <Mayor) wtatmns net lu ts ait i ls uncipal ceunicil lun Clie ries!. enîeriug ber compleint totafisepolice, Suds e malifr mItemnCevihsou euhorty Won vai& bée aigoraul su ta pur. Tise flloiavng resalutlon vas next a vel kuov tîsief wasbroughlt t iese on, for~~~~~~ via s'si! T hemle e iue ît connrs u timates by lise Shrif preposeal. statiou, ans! was iusmediatehy reucogniz. or dis! ual vimibte et any isame upc» -sud Dr. Gnun. Wossldny coipora- Movad by A. G. MeMihîsui, secondecai d isy lies-asthue bus-lsase saw in lacs-rynou Mi. Csmpb.l-, vise gsve 'the cnaaic.Cut»enis e wbolm Danminion be-mo iguar- by Mr. Cor-mack.TVint tiismeeting dream. Scs-clii revealeai ce o l'irhais- ( lion ; for, Mr.'CarnphelI, ne daubl, auiy as ta isse 20-years' debenturas sud hereby recommeus! ta tise Caas coucoUl, Oalocups-opes-ty lu flice pri--cnesalas- Ecî ile gave bise figur e gîven ta hlm; auiy attempC ta oeill Iheus lisoul a by-haw aof tise loy»cf Whitby, ta, immediateiy session. tien Il sais! 'vbet h. badiseard. He truites! going before tise ratepayers. Sncb de-'ou tise pasing ofi the sais! Bill, ascortain EXPitaTîNa O AsnîsaN DUTY.-TIia usa e t tisaI Ih.y cenîs! s3ment ans! halk :mat- beutures vanis! h. woiibles; lis,7 rous the repîesoaeuaiveî aiflise Draper Quecîî's Owii Billes bave bleau undes- BE' lors over vilisontlberdI verdi. Tise vouis! ual Be arlis lie paper an vhicis Estale ans! aISesvise ltha exact ameunIt speclal drill il Torouto for s couple af Tisais- statcmsh, sas givenMis a letter ta bim Chey vere prinCes!. Tise Dominion ai land vils lise elevahar ans! h oiSn ek, wiI lise oxpactation of being SIgnalt frorn MMr. Fisher, w» feW thîc ysrs, Gaveruneont hato power aver th. buildiepa aud praperiy adljoining tise celles! away ta peras-s-mrrrisoîs dut3'ypas-, ar viiciwas ail tisaI couli ie carrectly municipal 1evci of teProvince of Ou- sais! Wgitby Herbas-, or any part lisera- ab Ralifax, is tisae vcnt (eI Englaînîl s- 1ial a obtaned 80 g folowa taro. H woul nettair tontho a.osos neorcleimes!ta ho avnad hy quiriug ail lier reguhiar forces for actve Oa In 1875 the. grand recoipis iramthue sud dollars aud aîk for ladvic, fion lise halo Chesler Draper ini hie liietinie, danty la EuIrope -s-i.1 barber vere $,729.24. The rteipts counsel upenmucaisasubject. ieu viseasd viser.situseeai l untity aud LY M. fram tse elevalar forthat year vere euggested suais a thiug deserved tCclho lecation ai Raid hans! iucludiuig thise.e- PROROGATION OF TUF NaOVA SCOTtA tIhe Do nçt fos-lboomiug. Tise items vare :- put imb sashraighW&jaket. Suahis £valar ans! olier pneperty Ihat lu abse. LalLsusa-ia oaSel ei- No'r Barley. 421»1 1 busalels et on-haif Cing vas perfect nonsense. TIser, ntl eiy»csary ta beavues! by tis, haturo yul probabhy lbe proiogueil on cetrizao psennyTper busieL .. . ...... ....83 *443 never vu sny atiser intentian tissu ta leais! loy», in case il pus-chas, tbm sais! Tsursday. This l 11for tise amnaigau- p nJ5-busheL leakve lise decielcu of-the viole malter Harbar ; sud thse pric2, wvl th tersmse to Ii fiesc rvnilTes o'a,5 buaisiet one-hsif panny vils Che istepayers. He drev sîten. ai payament set upen tise Rse by tuirer sud Provincial Secrclary paemsd e nuis el ............--........-....s . a lion Ctalise ars!iug cf tise claus n bi la tesais! Embate, ands! iea,, if ccsecouaiifrcadr'l Lambser, 9 M42,38 ftactat 5 cents 29857 ucsay T5sabas-54l5c5 et $2,............... ffls bill h, b wu v as Istlie Exeanbors cf thisosas!esCale vauhi, fai Chô purpose oi RoQursa» FOR DivariN ECoNNEcTa aI oud, se11tss t en mts, ............7.94 Draper ahallZosel vbile tise o Mysc.rantgtevlefRidazmn. UT Lathis,... »-......------------e-muniputluCmalie ion iands, cievatar, nlpîapeîty, nectiant, dihîes au ecélorhlsosy verdiict Ponas e....................-........ wol h9toepuito oio a geetrelarrîbmsaine ta tise arblîstors' hcegianîed -by renson ofai dulta'ny,..... me.... . ....... .. prise .the unnApi h a rp se etinein tse aiBla adtc su ur-cosigoa wlu *'Cois abl MereheasdisaaatU »vesi .M I ila iemny Aan rpa-1 toimlioe onl sai! Dii. rauduhent cents-sot, viliail deseition fer cne ineis municipal nousense could aIbo sard Mr. Fergusa» undorsîco otivin pthe îree Years, Seven Yeats' absence aindsiKeteis su2M ad taikes! sovisore eise buStsusongut la depuhatian vent la Ottawa tIsa i 15e ualhears! froni, habituel intenspsîsuce, Axur Iu 1876 Cisc Harbor recelptbs vere, crtain chaaq l OfaiWity. vsa. l. b arbai, preperty va ta 'e intalorashe cruely, sud iasprifionuasst imbgq aln87.0', sud Cgaor th y e itoras _.Klgto ammla iv CeilJec aarbitratiou-»ov, it 5p- for infameus crime J» tise State prison. voulti aima ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -o heeiigaM ls eevlr Oa.'WiHhae,- gaad msuy offtlb.rares! lisera vas smreliing els ie. - piuasaBusu TfwxsSue- ed- sanigta $i6thl.08,-m-raklug i total rabepayers, msymif amougst bIse rest, mal, ands! Cat Ihas! ualbeen issçtnd- pUi iay TIE ON. ni-dt for. 187U et$, #14 8.117or, ai,holie(he visa votes! for -s banuta oth.î ýindus- dites!l b bill. Il lokes! very mua h as Thesteamer, Silves- Spray, vishicl vas -ao aorhail th ie fariner', mel.> tries, Whlch v. ve. ols vaulal benaf t il hora vre -la b. omre_ aftei.aapa being fîtes! up te talalier former route aidsor Ing belveu 15 aud X1i tisoussdl as,'the.tovis, desesrveiletighl-jaokcl long H. lcuies! hatth. figurea sbevéd thébaa juil heen burnued ta tise vahera s ne -conùfirmJug tiesa tatemient ai Mr., ago. Imsrr Cc oho.'a' paying apeoniatien. ed S. 5."la 'totals." nu ceaidersi 'Dapr utWeupect, < 'Mr. Has'er rOa4 th. prèsmbla cf Tiser, lias!bhem» ýno s anems, a,'ri f lu 1877 he talla e, elcduod by, he'lthe f111 ae proving tbe cuse galual th.eltse expeudiburetapon repurg r e i.e- DuwÂssuzor rus GovavsutouGEN. spongei e:etbpa.fos 5 a 5 emie uluti~ob etm Penc~s of lu ri the , harbor. E.S.-& a av'saes tsat ar jyei 7 9r s- now ses 84 $015 Lord ul. lr mUtou k.-C. Nogu ranca Cp.,. go i-musOfrunn0oî I quai 4. pr i j à L. tr -t , ~ ettS~ roIen pwooe4iga ~ WU ADI ni ~"Mdunet e yh iug>,4of V4mot 00 o 0t V 7l j ~o y u udh detiua mih lsat , vaWre8 te0ofr. l, t " " h-ôî, WUIOfor'ruunab ahs*or sd D i 0 1 More.ifM k-h Menm.toi, , abt . &i -houIasdh.4cat h.pitoofhhra- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ âb"o odtoMsd eor:1. ria.4ile Zut the eb4 lo 1.ostu 1 diiatl oétmeî ta gfQ IL Mr.t hete noes.in1hobldauiue h fr thi t ic0f m eeing nd u f i î, mrt -wf~ n ue ,, o n uo d. st c a a dt e is o je I h r p uu u xm eo f t e W i f o rth sale ai 1 h W I Illiror. N O » , - h ug t e ld o br 1 h. la u e ind t e fO r aU b mi2 îlin g t dth e ro h a t a e c u d g v ' 1 , 0 o h dot b. TheY<i p0. bLvbreport arbitrat'ta rosa 1h.értepayere wuelaisu etiulated or, firtoar ioai fflronreuht onhaM ta] a ngfolo w;e Ua4>hé@ le t t e d D A uuyi T » O, ec o. a b i h t m g t a . d n ou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 %tu»~~ hal uloM.ig o~rveo . auh ilaprheu. a ltte ladtt ha esnd Ch. beuahiut aue.d enaltfgepsera upc»ir.0f allre sdheute iewaul de.udChfacîO! i,;Draer blpig t ob tue. jetaoli ifrdeap,7ÂtTe vr è*ardus;pry macs~il peteud pii$0r1 heg.Miug ae aedi ol phhr Nathe ter udc~g eî fu ! ~ ~~ 14cna se tO h& iion, u pue s$d~ her. culd.e 1wgonIfdewh î h p yiughh, ta u ten par c nt up n il a g eor bIhedupubstichooveu, ùsn4 a;arésumhe înaM sdkoptuLabo à e *u~~th Mayor). f~f is ~.;#b bl .Gon e.the baCrbe 1 doUer1h. boite.Townyaauld' m otted fathenr Deputati a Sktort. ofh0Tvgf'e bas R -sd1. rpa aaIwh aldndr' oouIfwnz. ee l auc1ud. itMr. Wst,6a u poke .ta hao nt ower o C. aior sd hi, l a.1h Aa u mhahCaidot Campsuy se UIIOse'ear d aflter movrnenarher dcnet etHu ag aui tpllyof C:h. GoinrteuTwn . t eou ccÉ o r, Cambell. hé.h,0Drapr Of bCapoeb !itbyTheinà Naavu r c umn re (A'D.ý 1M î ,prè DraPe" fompsintny a anutd eChp, byitlgCasbthbdalebuaillez harbr ai refthesud atsuingth '3aod îbî tnulnh vudhvee deaitln omry.u 0ermusfrthi vutreirian W re s egaur rthtmo oat oelrefuf JfLapurchase. blin.) . viliuptasetitlubereurofe ?itihaverann1h o; hyatawu'ade rm. M.ackez1h.efgtahdo Mvr. Holde1hgaeolntn vaspt ta hauge d.prgoaCed t Idesotbbc Qavermet Mr.l h érffBe id lie? lterno b ut old .Oo hpan vre u . o vu lath tori-sîy lepoiio f h are Esatr dîniuyliugCa ut.fcr vlb a Mi ~lg, u rpWyt Mide Wthéu, Caniaoüythral e,obren of a vohe athee ausioaane th, le cgior and b fpt heva Priv tB llstî bu t t f l t o ul ne e e îa i hZo k y e pn r ok sr e utearu a h e M as t é W W -Dute couaihe d vlth .lllin praporeîyo. értaof e Billt vu rgÉclut' telb.> Ctc». dt» ro" .late jropen fo hiexesionua 1,o har ai eicug1h.ase, e aggstc b ftfi s v hé alst e th té an v uot rngeav eled,"; W a&r Simpotefed ihtrecer o h ne Ibt#Àk ta the u, Pb.btali.fsetheplo fa.Gvrme ta b u h idCmay It htveh u A;h. zuliag adjonrued. ls fo te i2cd ,l,WïH'arb Eqor. G40, ho iengn l.herordd hat iluwaî "eféaC ircted 1, idCo îîov, b .i ais Youiae p rsa n r;ebetaha eptortheiu t h*u conuenaît bec» poaithe. psy ads'et as:à ch are t1pta they The otý inudofon aoeurof umbetr.h ýo qre freuac mig-' b. made far 1h. p r. T aCao .Ollu" ting iu Ataluula d gii, sudb cgeu ien iarm ert m» upaeîdo'aoyusb h b.n os f u~iIu ita'ud~nlg uIay. yar sttarn f om 140 opaynue e»afpfboyhuabaarbeaýtio cf ht e tio -Gdae st' 'h e pb h u au, i b Hra ,ra.r N, o o vis sud enlarprise. meut havena-dtodinte orhcon ýWv 1hvhah ugeabn yIonreltian M.Hr.W anaI orc 1h Mr Wtu"«ua defeed he a ti rmc bvuusiersowarie ise- etac oicdd u uthalni Goaruet eaur, tsud il jaue. 1Ca sa nd ens.; vairs, epmd th at df rv ae rf log pn in i br Tme t pcas, hl ml laeahnd h aey h tehv nomuîouldo. Cte v» a ie. 0yesea hyhdanl ftesrneu umrria 'a s put ee Ãie0t hCv ta tab ylw i oilg e;hm andlncd 0"a he onuil n,'ov. tHo watc14= hi ea tewa,:aordupb forth purpîl ofotiug e»e and ad lvutcdeieai Ihawp»tar vuha t -ayrstith who vu69 meus cf ho as vii proalepove ofin easur purbas.moue, eudhe aea tliontaefulyer et su 43et o. theaagu tv ih b eueiali humu aue o ginwehv tho mDeition th-en vtInev aem iepérienhloHabeail rrat d ées v a qilthe Draperestal.' oHo gois ifoCsoe exeton a heG= 201hqfa ptrahfrC.Pia, usCu.dthe itiaCipC Olvva ab-ain rdtfo ou Cebu Rvrdsricîs, her, ill be coucia-fr abr mile, dexpeudChi iv vr aseibl.u rmer and Iha Chey aoWUl for ise . ieestcrditW»,abl ubr fashn p rr dresedby ho ou Jon SniponComsiîe.,su lb liera m nue u o, iChey hsd Mcue iew »mre inc est seasor.cul iii halithigli sud oteraMou behifathe E.ct i n&visicli Hon. S.nstar impu», s rre rivieg s o .ddno t ho ha touén an g tdry, tiwaltenr acendy havig en eheHrbrCopuy an g h Daer=tauhdmeailcnonskfr u mr ta le gI psedisoilia lvl. Tîeba 1h h ommicle 0ighadbt Ci ugsiu f' b. etemenai he sorCtChe meting badruaç» Ca ho t nes ci te Gul iv ter ar o na e parlc, ud1hbageta C.»tsd eai4n lutaitu ud mt libGéeri alsfevlsereu.mis novdfcChlîawtrsf es tb 1 e, a n d tamu mt I oh nc l i ls e , u te u g e d C , s d 1 . v y w u d h v e uta la1h g ver . h axe l u r lt d's orut crhe ha n. i ~ chir t coeid~ Psn propi tlon ht . iugaaty o» ai s iu whi had ume t emo tis oîk. Tise Drapertics au oer msb.ser ytieî on Tetaplatlea h, l ise mag-oept ManisloDraip uier vr etprhs uCh su tl. A a M rva. at lucrokesta ote a t t lio fTt. e Hu. Jhu inspbei gt net cirhd eMi . MofMhegii t u i sa figurres, M&if Chose gie» by théMRi iiu agieioe v neîie vil s otsud Hlb, oior a hleaid uovth hsl h. dptiin eldhve d»wereorr te ct, athe figurs lHa<fs uccîý,amaaf i sinsfail erlisese nmry E st t h bi e oin 'of h. Beuei don. better. Au osa h canssot teDprtcd tal $000 ere aistd tege- ropo iassndw a ieTe i ~ ~ ~ ~ o au dsusa r.sdcu rpstos sn e o uid Ch 4mp" ,wataers e andihe tw nbmtâidth& a tCs hReiabat!att ork aotth r lie logs Ca proleet a i. Sipown ohiclî we r aod iifc hra;i asoi nited uotan tI M ti. Kug udMr.ei llan repiied. lu lhm auupl -cwgsiu CeurtCnaau la M ssr. Ho g ad SmlhSolcitos led n v C. otionla-tek. il r 1ana.refse. isecti cil l h vo o due owing, litwaul îl Ibi on bahaîf a ioi naermthe, sud tasie n a lb. ri, f odbthe arbta. hy Tiws e ruiont-vas Ibm»eptolu lse o mno,ume-thalre rsoutinta paitia c itA. G. at ia», a que Copre a ri eraa . A. itwt ilff'eoetona , rytis eeng sucdcanrld. a wo mme aftâbnaîîy lî an d ater ieb erainlao l deorai bmDolhegaionsu hthé Oîf c gmouoy cand etb.rasmdvihatPb-the foll oany esoluin tvasTne b ujorvulaiwte C rie UE-Canad Bih u hin Oit» sud CWhr-Mfir. h inyl fr Ibm paUrp amtasocoued in lisbauds cihe Maor:nofA oe ofal simia onitonaiea tairshe ~al C. ies,sdao rlyatiengas ta- val spccîatly rsluleted ferhiu orer la Ge. Ca rok, ChtreIbin meetir nghey- l frads afii i-ied, sd s ote»o ap rova edr.ive iaprlut o sbitu ls ighert h epr itseDptton - ----.--.a lisrmn b C. on i ~» vol t menCcthc paple apot athes ubi eeig10p'- auSchmates ction for thech cf ofN e mr ig he srin e, aà dillans ue d Ti e S smr i a onten ed Cht s e T w n c d Ca O a a te al i lse n er lar m se g in i a L y la as. ov er bmtise Biagreed uosu ls.m.îmtalielà lpemr, and ham e farelise a nsydf]2'emeta ac ing 1,OOad unea~d A5 O c deb. aitr tekiug a cf b s ofarn, e t hise ourte ofndheld terise wn atse Consmheo ous p ntise s tale cf Cise Why.n.s....... iO... cn t sognal vi ytîhlm. Meisam c. , a Dvad satie îbitmtr. i se Coau rt t he terbai,,sud svlng ot ard red lie A aconfr be is Lpo ie f i emmoditi tsref1c i ncery wauld saoran d ompe l sai ot iisnooremeuded;a tse a Ex' m r- ag, rugt by u Eni s u igo a ilnsdS itsw ie o ieD p iabstea n saii e dbtu rc a il bima pai .panaits c tise aid oDeputato sc on t aeinns aour is lu a 'esii. puasy Misruste esudnrad fovste lis DeoionPaliment vold t baaverteron Dosu Ccylscnrci ecos- ady me eMarriene ia ftred a teP tis ec fte aid t Bih aefo h e pho rid- is uicpl1e nIbsmatr m n ha b mTv onuo f isit- Mis o-ai, w h e Oas tis auister f le ;h tathd tisai' vaue Ibise arbsusi persi Mi. HaprpRee ultdtsI iye ie rise.dy s asibente s h acieor resi di ICicteor Licurt- e tans timof ish e tbas ne oueptail ny oua ta vonis! csider frc aile sais.leat sud athior stmps ashe may sbireas ube fwae osr st von ecuir'b ieus.vndîinnodifedu, m emet athaltie mea ter usa e uCemparyly. gurdCl, ntreîs , tiedr e7 ase lgo an imrt wans d m endes Cobeoarla uion hoasage blaesChainraleyer for liereorai tise, said aw uail bm a teraf te arryor.gHeapownalmstrl iee-le se t proaied ht marnetmis h orceve ay tisGvne lw itu tly d o.esli, ot a sluadeered tsagin tey sailocaly ftesrigagsmmrria ista li e i hevilb iuuîrui frau lis oMr. ai oUils; tbiy ieenfiae anih ara ise isu e mifeata IH b e aid tcas ramar tsehoot e ared, p 'b au r Preme r gie oCh.malr he ve- o a issue u-e rdbesiresofthont 'hra. ns hat Ch sadMayo i wio w sy hi onefourmsti lisprebyprov ofr bes attention sos ta rà oer anhtaisubmaiOtaîiug ay.iv ep isentan rtey ers psy ieen saa itlise d Depuais- mistheluimst varoe,.berAparn ets; ve n a slisue gsssd t e sltyof an i artie Everoe nevfths oown hy cols!nedtaion . "eadrly s um gfllwiai mouey, beginjn Pt ond concrngeetb nte DrpvasE-lise» e !infore atiar-they col n dll i M. mtorspprd ho i eroute ale f20, s donli ull ofesyeadfrt sha Tise iii eit l hieissu a C eu tctto is oer bihihtatedCat à sltingo ati a w a tadlooo srtinter.l poa blary 1, 1875 outil thiebou ntry, Ch ta plted sud ocapiles isnsiliy t ree a no mu nte p osbl Hmotres. Ituvas f oil ofd p.theD aer esvas e reouvees iaîatdeb ole exrcet i aof thel s-e- 1 Wisilerebyaifor theichve Bole. The dhave snofvolaeitrise alOtr.afhs psy ud a s!sfcré i t cuinc e boutpRiet acionwtituthe ei. hoCoertai t(i 0 'oDmeleandreures oe su is ewBih ev lail as bthe asieemsieand vlatist cu frte intelieaiCoraepayer tistOnaIboints luts ofonst uci nget tse a r mL b- no f o a hia mdyweeg wtse41one7.déua ti an d repail theCapurie.B ise vole wouid ttbe u tIse las ireto metv beOt ea Ce an beia lairtgepors i v passe by T e a n. Jh Sms n rmte anisthelib,ér. alMa l- ise» dtisey im e c e As é far sain eftoudntf bt esnîsiiyt ie agrloftl 1 on e Dpultin cnnI aos litard lnaathlCh at. ntiS msovn e vas tisa eguss aitiedeputtein tiere pnand d,000raher thean how ise leters Co and p orC theon xpreesiug tis hiaslesu ualpmaintearp er eaete, su wetl shous! b, nufquesti on. rieyhnvteea-aiehs witnlah ruga eor t an they r uesHabiseCoHan. Mi.Sm'.nlrcie siîsu rm Cs aad one!a uli etn utei-t se ubl Juigmenis , .Theiore, Ta Theio f or bs castey ans! Cho e bi. e. hMr.suggetio idergedlb e riioftesa tistov Tie meeting la ssta waier f tiseplaitive e cu ew e t etpanceiend e s ug lutiossrthnm erig Ca uudat! i aiandehe sibéMi.appoatii isa thled een demlese sud il -.te lcadwa ploa1 thf e of ngotiaosavranh eented the» mab-s pivdrt. nTie d isoofsyeaes d l vas a aymrgll cy isaulal he lsais- eS Ottawa oribau Noroan theArin ofn i e r' h-aser, a 11f Brn i a via bhafharewhc amuiia cs-atinaud epss. IE EL-N W Yrk Dt cfit ad is h ls Hn.T.N.Gibs e tlt and g r traepayders. Mr. ongas aien ta lerthebriey r i .t is e ui ca ver, aC rteia lsis W. Mff . P. ,o bi eriaa l p rooins th e preseu;G't vu o nertrab a hch a rmaetieathe va he raiperiseu by ti e e uncenia I ytseme le ighpteton a ise PrWemi er dlb. eau tIse overum y eul as esiug vu ti stovti7sai prempt a otin sutoi bas elates! Madameth e leli, etis ber- «.PriaBleCm it. lie d. Tort pdesCle i council cauls! ae tigiseee n timp a , oua way ottolios t, sd beien iunnd aathuec Ail vs éaicis 18 ospelfilasb teifts. lyleur debstepayable siche s er, ne aer. iAsteheprbenov stood nu-A s a y heur je b eur h ouan ot er tht t a ie ofTe o.Jh CH S isnGmeon a b-ataHe ( illa l isra-ot hum amgureth e gtvs nsepMr.ab11- Tils fsa uinerîaton camenerom c-esta wih m a . G.eMSo iciLs Nofthe s yerkowa Iftlie dputatinoncceelu fbavedentise acore, i tise bslines.Jdu>of ewf-art f trise DiailtreioA re c D1fraedI g the i ll hy, eo t s hsy ai n tu .h nCg metliug lis arbita-neu is o e Isandu tai p e oplme ofiahely wn tymo m e, worvas caila lu yIs in ae g rositumotheable Bprilam!ntc I- Ta thse Eai ior aft le Wlîitby Cîranile: DzAi%,Sml-"ý - à ýi ,j, s- -T46 letier Oaionstable,-Thonm ev-- ronIce iIs'eksCEmaNeLz ssus-for sir ewvords iras me. il leur fros myviiss taijuieauymau orcruusgas A Rerskable Resait. Il mnakea ne difforcuce boy Mas, ýysicians, as- iow mîscis modicine 75 s-o tritjesslanoais-suestabhisaid-fac at-Ges-man Sys-np is the anly remec, lis bausgis-eu complele salisfactic; aes-ase cases ai Lung Diseasea. It as tise-e as-e yeitisbousauda ai persox ýo aine predisposes! te Tmîsoaî a( ing Affections, Cousunspîlcu, Hon rseges, Asthme,ý Ses-e-e Celais aetti StIhe Inecat, Pueumouia, Wboepss ougla, &c-, visa havi no ersaon avwledge off Boscisoas Germa» Sys-ni sb ~Selle'cuid Say tiat 50,000 dos. weno cols! lasI yea- vilioul oua con, nI. Consumnptivas hry jual one bat. . Ragulsiaaie 75 cents. Sol! hy aý uggigta in Anus-be. For sale by S. B. Smith & Ce. ELEC-nTRCsIs-v 1Tiso3tAs' ExcELsîoi LcTRInc Oms. 1 WcUrcTsua TriEs ; cmasIGT SEa GOLD.-Pain cannot y wbics-ejetis isei. It is lise clîeap- medicine es-or made. Ouanedse es common sose hroal. Ou. hottlo icures! brouchltia. Fifty cents, Il s aurs-dau olai standing cengi positis-oiy cuses cata-sh, aitisma, anc up. Fibîy cents wvortis bas oms-ca lu la the baok, sadtIse sae quan. lame ddac ofciglst yeana' atanding. follawing aixe extrada fs-cm a fe> se îny lattais tisat have beu s- rd fs-ens difféent p arts ai Canada, b, vo Isiug, shsou I s!bhosufficieut tu sfy tise mçut sccplieat , J. Collas! Sias-ta, 0ýt-, wviles, "Sent Me C n Dr. 'Iliomuag' Eclectrie 011, lias-c ai LI 1iad irons you, asud aulnie iits cures as-c ts-nly vonaiesini."1 iMonins-, cof Frankhlin ws-tea, I clId silltise agrent hait. il acta like iam-It vas "slow at fis-ai, lias ,Spheudidhy newx.' H. Cola, ai vs-rites, 'j?>lease les-va-ai6 dozon nmac EcI-ctric 011, I amn nearly cul iiug-oqusa eil. itialaIigily racorn- ies! h soa visahave as! . 'pon1J, Thaeacilla, writes, "'Sen!- nce a furtîser cuppiy ci Echecnis I hsave ouîy one boîtha hait. I nes- à w Anytising sehl s90 veillans!gis-e geains-aatisfaction." J. Tisomp. WVoadfoc, vs-itou,'-lieus! me soe aEcleot-le Oil. I ihavei ad! nti-e- t. Notîsiug Cakes hUili." Miller' L'id, Ulvei-ton. P. Ci., usrites, "Tse ets-lc 1 l gèlling ea great reputa-. acere, sudiludaihy calles!for. Sans firlaais pply výilSut delay.",n CIs-Aita 0F IITTOs.-Ask for Dr. sas' Eclectrie 011. Sec tisat tise dune oi S. N. Thomnas lu e» vrsp. and tIsa namea of Northsrop & Ly- are bmown lu tisa bale, ans! Take ]r-Sai!lî y ail Medicino deel- 1'sice '253 as. ,NORTHROP &, [AN, 'los-oila, Omit., Propricora fur The ellevible Abartien. VtuuuICT 0F GUILTs-. L'îe Allen ehorlion case Ils, juriy' fur hours' absence, roturnet a t fisaLdiug lIse priscos- gulty of aliug theo bi-Ch ci th isedsfaIMiss î-is.nsosocielies a-m Ong tunerai ,fe-ois. E- entChose visa 1neyer tink oai "siguiug lise e"ans! vould isoinatises-en oie»u nki» liglit, takn klindhy ho Ch. of paying for Ibair O0v» drinks, )r Choir own saua. -Il heu soute,1 ty, sut a number aiofliser don,- Mous Ca recemmeus! il. fut it4 ili ' ývitîs terrile oweigislon lb. ers vise is-us at,à uùd' burs the 1 A Caac ai Consumuption. Dy E as tnhm Me., May 12, 1878. Let Messrsie, h W. Fovie & Bans: Iy, Genleren-I' feel il my ,daty -la ou write asfev vors-de lufavor ai Du. <Wrs- lu TAi'5 BALsAs! or WxID Csssuasav.1n us the esriy paît ai lest Wlnlei, I taok a s! ses-es-e celti, sut sbortIy. aftervws-d a m- dislrmssi»g cougis vasaddeoalt.1 My d fionda dis!everylbig is.hy cous!las-o ig mue, but vithoul avali.Tise lieutp 3- il iins lsat coula bha procures!dis! mot P. relies-e me sud my amugiscontiues! z- villu me al Chrougis, Ch. W!nýe ., vllh s- iucseaiug seveity. I'apiC'hlnaas threo ýt- or four tises a day, sud imyfriuds hi contideriug My case ,hapielmugaeome 9. p 8as aconfîrms! onsunpîlve. :I wvu sn Ibis COn ditio wn vse tbeard -'aI Du. WISmsAR'S fÂLutii OP WxID 0MevY.,I R began ils use, ans! heicro I has! Cake» ps biahsa bottie ofiti my congh ans! al 't my allies- tiubieu bas! hoft me, - ad I vas cures!. I féelel s'uly indebtes! hao ae Ibis great .emedy for vîsI it lis doue 0 for me lisait I sens! yen Ibis 'vohunbsry S'testimouy, isoping il may lie tise ueansà 1. ai induciug aISes-s, visa areeuiferjssg s dI I as, tCe ýmiSeuse-ai il. It la lise a best senedy for lnng cemplainte Ibat I i- es-s-esît cd f, sud I as aonslessthy. re- -cemmeudiug it ta mry fiesd. - r Yours, vIihrespects,1 --MRS. MELISSA M. BA.i -50 cents anad $1 a botîle. Sols! by aIl D druggisls. S Ms-. Fell ds iiylun receeipt ai laC- 9 tessoa enquis-y, tram varions parte, ras- pectiug bis Syrup ci Rypopliaà pbites. Oua recoutly recels-et, lesdt t> lb e liai l at tise Publia s2islake hlà meaning lu reference tCa ite effçeaI-îu , mmnpasting gmperler euergy la tise slnd. Wbere tise intllect lias lice» impaire& hy oveî. vos-k os- by kindres! causes, biseue aif tise Syrup, togetiser villa picper-precu- lionslunlIme tue aif fos!, celhing,- exer- duse anda reul, wihl restai,, fuit.pov.i ta tise hriandsuitNerves. Superlerlty ai genins consistauin great aapac ly o ai -b for assimilatiug iateial enas eveiy quartes-, sud cf dovelopping mu propor- lion, but as by fer lise grstmr num-ber are ualtvollmudovmd by nature,, cen- aequeutiy lackiug Chie capacityil vanhal& b, quile impossible ta fins! cranins spaica for metà erlel neaessary te cousti- tnt Ibmbriit gamin. Ri-noe, a-- tiut" t b, Syrup yl asist lureulr- iý amtrugl a YUi madwhlc is lacest, il cannaI cange i atuelbas-n idiot inla a» ini- tehligent main. ROBBEaY OF -s-sas1BANE 0F ROCssEaaaa -A robbery ai 01,000 lu gseeubsdks irous lise canuler ai thé, Hoobelaga Bank vas effectet laul Moualny by tva s-espectably cireuses! hieses. .One ai bisousengages! tis e ceiving, taller in cous-eruatlisn, preleuding tisaI liedési- ed ta, purcisase a-bill cf exehangc, vlsiio Cthe aIses- ook up l ise ieof tise psy- iug toiles-. Tisafis-st 'shaipes-, -aslng beau refais-ottise ïcashier, effaes! a ps-exC wbmreby lise raseis-lng itelr vas induces! ta icavo bis box ands!ae- carnpsauy hum ta lise caslier's office. ,During'thisais-absencelise paishuge' ai gs-ehacks vas Caken by bise accous- plia, fras tise couriter. Aller lb-o par-- lies Ud-made theli exit tise robéy vs ducereal, sd 'lise déectives voie informe!fa lie circumnsbanèe..The stloln maney onsistes! ai a 8500 bill sud lwenlty-fs-e 20 bille. SvseFlassir-IeaaC Galbait ans! LuyNool fongis an SuuAay, Jn Keu- tuWuyutise. rirence of 1ADY ait- - Thn. je quarre! ç,iglualesIni su elctien' ra, tl iseuen adavancisg tCo vardu ou. anotiier fred evei7 Chausber charge gainsîscenitaLoUnneceeareiy. Tise debaltes in Ch. COMMOnUs!ucrin* Cer>ign, tbir fancemaaeuss th. past veeli vere of tise dm11 aud glarlug before a Tthtis t heirexpoare drossry ebarei. Tiie discussion au vaS! navaidable. biey ezposed tlies. lise Brown-ne sameuduseut ta lus-seivea-spd"hy lu lb.heeeaifLav- pose Dta , dîty on flou- ans! vbt, vas reeO.'0iOoMpanlar..My repqà ttie Moog. maGibs, Judge vas made vit ls eitauc sus! (South Onltamo')Mai sa», Wvu a >meamure forces! irastme h~ Laurier, Langevin, Farrow, 'jrua- thlfi mgllssaiS ltess re Pope (Queeu's,) Pouliot, WReltcster, v OÃ.t1y I Sinclair, MaCs-any, MoInlteands!gaIl.isonrlCie Ferry. Veiy resplfnhy, Sir Jahn A. Macdoanald!, visemais! lioJA'oB YN vonîs! val, for tise ausendmnt as il vas Rigil Constable, C.'O. paît of bis avu malien, mais!tisaI as prapased il vas caicuhatos! ta gel tise fsaas,s Mcws-my GZMao.zn amxuslesl amount ef support possible. Apil, 1878. RoseBelford rPubliiugo Aiter same rema-ku irous Messie. The April number aiof elford con- lînater, Wood, Ker-, Campbsell, Bs-awn tains severai as-cles ai muahis inerest. sud Stepisenson, thea moess veMs-. Eggemboa!e stary ai "'Raxy" beaus calle lu, sud te division vas Caken, as lseresaler foîssard au a streaus ai gen- iohlovs :-Yeas, 28 ;Neys, 148. aine inloresî. d"Love lise LiCIte Cava-- Tise paperu lu the Quebsecmalter lier" s 0a cbrisig poa mby 'bis imas liese been bîcugisl dae. Sir JehnsteCofaivers ade socide;Chartes Sanglmi,. bas notified tlie" Goves-uueut tisaI on Atneng Ch, reieining ,contributions Tlsunsdsy next, visen lise lieuse vas two viii ps-e, pmcinily inbmrceting te movas! mb Consmittea ai Snpply,halise ereader.'- The.fs-stof Chese lu "Day»ù wenîsi proposa a raselation raîciriug te tisa Rhiue"-s!mirby sud prafnsehy lhe Qnebcc malter. Ho vonia to-day sllustrited-ube Ccurtyrd, Heidelberg suismit bis andmeuttCe the Premier. Caule, ans! CIe Cabisedral ai Wormu Ms-. Makenzie sais! ho tisougis t îý lbeing, Tory truthfuI, impraductioans ai licIte- suni more proper course vous! ha faimaus spohs, "DIvMson NigisI lu tse ta maka tise motion s substantive one. HOuse ai Commona,"1 reprodue! vils Sir John Macdonald sai!hi bjecio M. J. L. Slewart's vivia tandis, glvee a a0 tisat courevas Ibis, tisat il as=ps-capital pichure ai "Rougse",an uoh --o ambhe for amy membar ta move au cassons.-' asnumeuî vbich vaoul!avai! s vote spon tise coasstitutienal question invos-- Thse Ontarioand Quebc Avas!. has! announceci. Ifbon. gentlemen di Tise avas! betweeu lie Prvinmu of sot appravi cf il îismy voul! ual accept Ontario sud Queisce bas hem» confirs-. os! by lise Prlvy Counil. -Tise -decie-s Abte- semaefurhe-discussion tise ion vilbenefi t ÃŽOnh0rla ta.1. en9a natter trappe!. CvQ million doalls. Ou tise os-de- for tise liird rees!ing of Tise as-bihratara voeo, for Osntario lac bill lu refenence la lise Attorney- S enater Macpberson, sud for Quebea (loue-aisud Rcei-en-Geneah's offices Judge Day, Col. Gr-ey acting astIbis! eieg cahhed, arbitraes-. Tiey mml in Auguat, 1866, MnÃ". Lafiamma mos-es!tise Hosa in an! aile-several adjou-ummuts Cise as- mmleaileWlhetcosaesu bitîstor for Quceae withs!iew. Tise imeudment, tise objectio aiisis as ta otse-arbitretors conlinue! tse ark, ,et as-es-tise cifficutty cf anal presiaien. eus! gave au aver! by vllch Quchea ,y lu liseMinius-ry ai justice, poinlasi vas shavu lateb. indobte! ta ont#aia ta ait by Sir John Meonal!. tise exieut ci a couple ci millions ai On a motion for tise Chis! ieading, dollars. Tis isatise avais! vhial tise Ms-. Mitcell mos-es! an ameudmant' P-ivy Canucil bau confiomal. _ lie effeot of wbich vouai be la uts-ike Aite- ton yeaie dispute Ibiesasisfsc- mt ahI tise clauses s-closring t1 he At- hory settlensent bas beau h st arriv a - orney-Gceeral. Deh. m Tise ameudment vas leat :-Yeso, Knnnt ; usys, 105,.imut On tise motion for Che tid readiug, seconai division vas taken, vhicis e. THE Spuit LINE TO TUIE ThOsoMINES. iltes! in-Yeaa, 108 ; neya, 66, Ms-. -VÂLupa Or TIE Oaa.-Tse spur lino Vrigbt, oi Ottawa, voîln.- for Cisc me--otah Iran Mincsismutise tapie of go»., oral cous-ersaticui. The iseardlng houses ,On tise Motion ta go intoCcnsmitteo are nearIy huilt as!dlisere v'ill be large Supply, gagu of men speedihy at work. It Mr. echrd iovel te amndmn aiea mu Ihat careful, sôimutific, eus! Mf- Dhch huard gan-itisece ndeeuthrugin vestigatin as estslisled ceo te impaiiug a aiuîy oas coanse grain.tisa facto ChaItishe Snowdon Iron Os-e Aile- bs-Icirenia-UsironMessrs.:. a»h u sbeellea a aves-y loy coul ov.- ape (Compton) sud Masson, s divis- mg ta lise absence of snlpbur, snd su sn was taken au fcllows :-Yeas, 54 - tisaIvison amelteal il wMI make 's gaed ays, 14. ýw1fouudryliron vlishoul auy admixturo T he 1114. n w e t in o o m i. w itis aller oas-s. T ie re m ay liere- le o u c e san av e au n C o i . f o r e h a ia r h y p r o n o n e s ! t is a b e s t s ud a c S n p h y a n s p s s e i a n u b e r c i M o s t s - a m a l e o n l i se A m e r i c a n c o n t i . sadress boingadoi e! (ter- the déest cQ i 8îfr rid Isma s menalmeu- af iviish.olha&! pÉovlanuiy 'givesu 110- ie-onteuting Che sdvsbiiity aif cati. iu ,g out th, res .ievemsaatise vil, hala. ah of il'Gobrge Cimphcll's samtian-' lu favaur oai scmpliug tise pieiiuinsry Coniforanceproposes!hy Gerrny. F.or lise preaenl peaeini Couanamls azppear Ca pravail, but it is - unkuowu whist e day May bringr forth. Anslzas-Ca. Ontarilo. Miat. Manèger. .ý -A -Ta &lvisaare et ads lcstionm c umss, early decay, wil mnd4sà ecp£ OPOHRARGEITI covema 4y &Idus Jocxmn T. lîImuxi Ne» York City. WHITBY Plour, per L.. FAR Wlset... spring Whms#ý..- Barle Y,........... .ale-........... Waoi............ Aple& ...... BDutter .. ... Cler......... Pof or urt«.Ps Wheat prigq..... Pos-k... Butr.......... .. .. .. .. Hove od .. AttsPclaor tMP Thursday (TEE SC... ....... Ony ......y.E..e.. METION LIGI2 AtOPtIhS lm -siuso ThUrsdFlay, Miss So. PsDH] Onhursday Ev  svT= il Realfliu Fhridy Evg Ap G RE E N XW B - HU1TBESSO Tu! D.yterisiu n Mer an Notcei ar saTr aItinEt Ko. 2. Ft'rsa. 0ar esý, si bnsh. FRSAE;-CH OIVERPOndOLeic JDTEs.o.MaT