go ostU5g.gave respendesit, aus ,Pooulasud I4- lumae itls e m theac~nh- Y, Ap Il18e 1&78. -e*lvod Ibm addressa su or Palani la- we at4 - jiPqmIlulpp 9IsA"le 15. gsastimpt.olte is.ra.dtie p pçoarls 'QfLordit ffrln's40Pastr - o nr-4pp1 more dessmvelly ,pop4iar asidu vspet.d ýlue bers avq vwils eIb)4qes of! opisslem' andi leavebaisind ilcà fsa' ue a)n atsiOox'>s vicIis, ill cvi e ela ' blled vilsls kzdiaaul il à s aüso'thar of t1soiorare eeiJv hIai 480rqv o ebe prlntedasl4u ttpne et gqhd. Ii4 Moulltfoi me teaSi) beI»tîng. Wor-d# inwIsli, tae bisou yorntfer b signe alais rseedented hsgoer whIeh lias beau cotfers-.) upen me lui' Ibis .joint audrs-ose nomyonm Ive o ees, lleardamg as I doeîtthe, tterace of! Parlasaent as tise'.most agna n) sutisorltaîlve expressien a! tisaý popula seuntiment, iL affoide me umeaiunne) atsfaction L tah lsu ssi)edofthtis cenfidence an) osteassa e! tise lisabi.4 taule f e! iaDeminion: Te vin tise1 gcald.vilI c! a natien bu tisa graseet" sehlevaulent open le isnmsn amiioin, su) te eara fr'emsyen tisatI habl) s place lu tise affetions o! Ibm peopleofe Canada la nr.likatisa igist tnîaipis su) tut. grealeet plesesura iaam ever likeli' te enici', Il vas)) nultisseome mie te enqixira ise fanthue rasultita t lim attrtnal rallier tu yeur ewn gouer- okity tisan u ny aiemîlens upeis My par; Ilt s aîmpli' ý,prilipie recta) iu i1fs noitîte oc! E"lasiiiieumo! »Ili atstes tblin e ufimahlvce viltis heafru pîa r~I~jr~ o!liss~dii i iselie tao tbehslsIssu) suithion iishe çtoq cOu- rianel,' lis visaI dî,%ý aâtisar,.,oudmual i taay lslhnevetlsa porsorasl entinsatien IV ~ iicis thiey o aeklelby, otisemesud) AUit -1ît 'I aiuea à btiat frein lie ma-. MeontE1 Carsee auoegt sami haaial, but orne Ihougim-lieitea 'le.s-coder falithiiiservice te our, Qieen, teatisa LEmpire, and le Canada. If tisera ara e sm0 poeitive. advsntages l he snsI eaun0c point ase bsviugl rasulta) icin iMy.ad- d ministration, blure le eue bosl 1 eau ftin' mvrko. No set or word cf mina bias had a lendooy tb damp youm per- 0 sonal déoation ta tise Cravu, te dlsonr- agi 7dum sîlscianontteatisa Empira, or ta digradll tise sysfain cf coutitutianat in gnverusnet tinder vibcisyen live. I feue) yon a layaipao p la, and I leava yen tise truset-iseerleul subjacte lu Hem gi Majesti". dominilons. I tenu) yen TI prou) ef youn deeeeulas)daxieus le . rusîntaf n yeur conoacltion vus tiselu Maon erCeunr. I leava yen mare gc eonviisnddtissu aoieroattiseattise sloi.ý Inde cf Groat Bitain letareaciprocate your affection,,oetlber dépendance on ch yens- BdaIiiry lu av'7emergeuci'. I wi round yen mon et varitos nationiatities, toi of Engliab, F<ranchs, Insuh,ý Scotch, an) Germas deseent, worblng cultisae prois. do leme cf coutltutloual goeamnst vilis adnulraisie uccees. I bava yen vitis eve- a deapar conviction in yeur minase bu thil lis, due Application o! tise princi. pIes e! psaianîasy ganarinent bu Capablêe!ofresolvlug. aven' poitical CRI dlclulty an) cf Coutrellilng tise graveet i Mlnlelerial oriels ta thé satisfaction cf the peopleataIlarge an) o! tisair laadere U antd rapresenîstivas o!favn' sade o! opinion. Vien I reelgu lIse temporari' 'nicenoyally: vîthis vh I bava eesrlu. -le 'edted lmI te ua adi cf Mi' Sevenaigu I pi sislli ha abllata assura lier tisaIual a col leisefihïlihen troinlber tmaple Cisailt -tsaIt teise ltte o! ne jael lunhan traneallaulia diadensIliasbau dimaed. tlhisubs thle cpportilinitied affoîdecl mue by ise iberalti' e! Iarîiatuinto I Ilo bave Seau eriabueil te traversa Oal tisé fertile regiens et your 'sortit.-hi West, te apprceiate o yer hin. hauulblerasmuceansd tu seau tise vasI axpaneao fyoîsn lenritoriefrein the AI,. tantic a tesePacifie. Thse epeacis a le vicai yon rater lu suah istates"ning , terme have boeelbut tise nature , ahir- neeltble exelematioiss evoka) hi' tiseliai gaitu I have hlelth Ooal sa claIe) vil me liItue dîsehianga etfaIl my duties liais bpei 1h. iady ta visamnweý yonr addrebis refera lu ne Slndasminsu. last sr. .Movlug ami) sascity viseralima sîro prVebil aisuro f 'reuclsmeu aem -t luiuc vtitEnilisan) Callia ehivainir t ta cneatc lu aven' Gsuldian home an etci atisuosphera etfpenili' au) rainoent, min ,ue uatn'a4Iy regarde thiseasese bsas; passa) ainongst yen ase na tiseT liapplest pariade etf lier aite, sud I anm ciansisortemj ta envan-îoy yen' Ser wamnel hailîufor tise geod iiea yen aveexpessel i lir regara.. u In~ cogcline SHuOoe tssue yoi pls- ha Ipaliytoanmyea ynmInemet ifle in 3Q4peý e the cote uCsastable, miainsî B lsalig aub4is, 40., on tise streae, v i é *1Ioaliy Sted 'aian l ture. * O a. endors ha) bottai havane, HaU.-Orta , in aie.'0 IâstW4~*W i fvalcas., javel. &0tewa . À, Anw stocke!o W fjýinxiagoo s t eô. Ti *-4u-Me hx bi'g46fté prces ia gôi Iowa e wuderflly lw liures waryeu7cujcon On bebalf ef-1Mr.- #ar, iC i ' ettn.kwl s sied ils eoits. Marase ai' À Glia oreTguvue (Jiedîtoi have bas i anoa lot erW by tise txWldge, Kaffsisa, tor> teal., ln ro tis.'preluire tPm'bu . wit. lot et carpentars ,' ton .aau âiother prp: perty, belongiug te bols tise latter Ken. * Iiem jeo1 ré fatidlu the 181essofe lpriipeto'.9 W 0are, ai 4o belonglo a gang O! llîievee vWhe have (seen coin. s- niitting.doprelot*ong iu Pickering and BkN' ' iciav-ýhe .an îl ioudert ot tlisaOddliîbive'Jao'ý ra taeon Výednesdyaeyenmg, 94this t., ai pood tugn ont and ,vo uaip. Iley vil1 havé it. hUamAUeEE" ,Z5ADiliO5 at Hep. klseHau, on 4qri0aý e'vniug, vere attended lyan appr.elative, audiçisce. mes. êladgoi'm.powmreas aus élocution . lut arecof a Ãery iigis order, I Tue &rr,%va YEE Pauses. - The 4117 Ottawa Frea Proe, ueof Our13 brigiteit axoisanges, le now printadin lu a nov dresa sud liase other iinprove- t mente cf malter aud insu. np. Tise subecripilu price iqSO~ per annum. a 'Tise eekiy P#ece2Prcas it- an eigist page jourai, sud centaine 64 clumue cf closaiy printod readiug malter. Tise r s osrpin prise is 81.50 par annuinai s dncad an elegaut oit chronie of Lord-Duffeèriu is mailed toe acis suis- Q Dg ecriher on receipt of subsoriptic meney. DIG'Arn or TWEED.-WilliaM 1 Tweed, whosc naine lis been sa li and prnnsinently befarc lthe publiec connection witli the Ring fraude on t] City of New York, diedl at Ludlow ga, in tiat City at non on thse i2th inet. ~1fNWA~.Me¶Be. lamnilton & Hae ýroweir's lioxea ftn uaway mttSaturda ~er~ôo~, l>~lI di s~f'~tl~Lrdelii MILITARYDULL 18 abwitte ie oro nenôaid 1lu the Tà r(1gé' lihSehool. FLUE AT OSIcÂwÂ. - tiit Pridû evenicg tse olti building~ known as i old distillery, nt Oshiawa, wae buine iewn. In it wae paoked some 850 e'ortis of ice, wlch wae totaflr déstrô3 Tils 3OATING SIASON is now of"eî playeci in Hopkins' Mueie Hall, las Thureday, Friday and Saturcday even ige, ta a fair audience and met withi 'ced recaption. .ma. 0. L. BAKEIR, a large mer. liant and produco dealer, of Lindeiay riso iateiy faiied, bas made a eatiefao. îry compromieof fifteen- cents on tbi Dîllar wiLli lie credîtere. BÂSs hALL AND Lkcnossnc CLuBs lhave iaen formeid at Boinanville. Tieix oLi TowN :KALL, Oelîawa, tuglt fi re frei thse aeo pipe, Sunday iîe 7tin~ist. Tihe tire wae qniakly e%- Inguiehied. "SATuniTAY NIGIîT,*"M Woekly Toron. aJournal lis made a roduotion in Sie, cf frow in res la twa cents, par Opy. Il 18 a liVOiy, spicy, aud neway îeet. ArdO1PNîuî.-A young mnu, named lahI. 1Ceyee, in thse employment of thse iîet Fractory, Oshawa, dielocaled, en ankie las£ Thurrsdny. Try Wbitfial1d'a Teathacise Guin. ANGLicris wiil bear in mmnd tisaI tru t flibiug" l net ini eeaeou nutil le let of Miay. WAGOoN Ui'SET.-An Oshawa lively 1199n was upeet iii turning -arouud t Frlday afteruoon, in front of Arn. eong'e hotel. The isarso attempted mon away, but wero succsefuliy nppod. Tihe waggou wae baaly R AILWAY GUIDE-(]. B. (Jiishiolm, Bras., publishers, Montreal ; price 20 cents. Thse April inumber centaine leteet ,ges iu lime tablces for railways 1 etceambaae l'ho puliihe' eliula cerret lte %P asnexed lt te pvblication. Most icortant pointe in Canada de0 net &p. ar on iLt. Neithaer the Wiuitby & adity Railway--alino fbrty.uii iilae eugtis-nor tise Victý>riî; R'4W1ay- touding npwrdes cf thirty miles fur- Binorth-find a place upen th id lce et decopicun. )EÂITU OF HON. JOUIN YouIc.-Hoo. bu Young, oft Montra, died naI btia y»On thse 12LIh lest. 'sRn NoaeSBXAi bunow snakilig ber nlai tripe to ]3eseter, T'MU DuiIKI AOT lu this cennty, MeI lu fOrCe the firet a1 May. TIe insip Bill Assecloti »on are, va belicve, ing Stops te have tise Bill enforceci. laa~FSIAYto.mrre, astatutory (a,, ail aeand Gevernmuenî Ices whIl b. dos,9a) Ileadilers Ofthtie Ciuoimcei requiring IPpolm, 'borderinge or p P"v Win. w blinde', ivihIstîsdy their ýaw»n ,,t lu purooinlg (roui il3. . Rgbort*.< a'Seo helà d. lu btilhePulme symp. raz Ceersmezs, lx QmUEECo q b eiug Ireahi'car e n, iscý pas-ies Isln dvIîî 'l r f -Mr. Boeir vas outaf tise ct wben Mre. -Tilten'. ýlatter ivs uaapb wadli hereabonts.wen neknoovu eaetcba gfîwm riande. Ti Tribue teegra hhm a oopyo* ti la6tr audrizetùis Qllowýng raply Waverl$, N.Y., AÀpril 15. I'To the Edfter cf/ the NMm York T,*lumw 111 contrant Me cT1 o'ecnfaelon -wil an sipliciend ebsoluta diniaj. The eesti. mion beer emu innocence and le mine, wiil fox tfour yeers she ha<I, made tc li4rde in prir!ate a&ublic, baeore, th Courtin wrîtsng sud arely, I declarà eobi -true and thse aiIegationsnov made lu Côn. tradietion ta her uliform solaînu and n. varying etataments hltherto made, I uttar. ty dany.t I daclaeabler te bli nnocent ol n~e great ranegresalan. "HEINRY WARDRBÇHEIR." BU- 3iOOKLIN Pu'BLIC BCÉ OOL 1tX&iIN&- Tlbi;<, viiCi taok place on- Friday laeit was liay attended '.ë1st anagê. ment and cisaracter' oftise inetrûctIor given ln' tiidheol, aa eiemplified by tlsa suc ceeseful reenite et tthe exaIMina_ lion, elicý&ed mnuais praibe frocutise vie- itoré. ÃiýffClarerlhae redlan tle te miraud of bis seisool, aud tise, upiis af Itheir talantied and cApable tmaaiser. BÂeTsia OATTLE.-A large 1nUmrber of splenditi caIlle, lu prime conditian, have beon ebippad from Ibis section to Mon. treal sud Toronto for Eser beef. B3OOTS AND SroEs.7-New epring etock at Wmn. Borne ; ecllipg oiseap. Dis As!srzc. -Thse adjonrned aseizes open at Whsitby on Thuisday, 2ud May itl ees o'clock, a. im. COMPLNTB SPRINo STOCK at Laîng & _tewarts. Town Couincl Tfil C'OU14-v AO5ICULTUUAL SOCErTY. in Thuiro vas no quorum ah tue isegulsi se saetiug e! tise ceuncil, vbiehî vas te .oi lizmlo beau luold ul on nay evening. The chair vas laken byi'Mn. 111e, deputy-roavc, ut aiguct o'loak ; lIse r- otisîr meaubens tîscu-presanî vise answ- ' are) te this auinas on lte eoiliug o! "îtise rol vne Masina. Wiciss an) Hep- bIne. The fcniowing ,loUer Loein Mr. 1. To EMis lVorsisip flue 2Mayes- and Cor- pôbratien ohlois fo f Wlitby. i' GNtTLrteIm' be A6 eule oatie cammitleo id appointe) te solicil suhicuiptiozis un) 00donations for anlamging 15e lot o! pnize le hae ffre) lutiD'obiCnty'Apieullnmai Y* Sociat' o! Sauts Onhtario aI tisafartS- canin-'annal oxhiion, I lake lise :ietofbniýsging tise cainus o! tise "TliYp social' ylias ut macli expaissa pro. vyj)ed\an) filledul up anent grounds Y, 1 ltsi l ov taorlholdiug tîiaiuexiibi- mt tionsi'. LasI yaar tisaexh3ibition -loche) tlirl4a days ; the uanmiseno!faunes a-wome '2483, au) tIse prizeaande) alto- a gote it1e sort o! S2,500. Tisa Sld- ing et tise exhibitions lu Whitby indlue. large nombens ta vieiltisaetu>vn, noces- senîli' Iaadiug ta a lange cx-uexiture- amouigel our ilizeus et aIlal spe. Al- Iheugh tisletuldenie) tIbat lu tise pait individual citirens have ual beau bý. I ia in)lu osmbibutiug lisoir sisara te tise suecees o!flise exibitin, il is fetit lat muais more mai' le doueshi' a unila) a-an) moneosystilmaliceoffert upon tise part o! aur tovumn, Setîs for tliseu- ceeq o! Ibame sunual agieultural galser. inuge andI the a)vaucemanl o! tise inter- cseo! thicCeunI' Town attise saine lime. Il i. <ilS tiis on) lu viev tisaI thbie malter la lineugislin Ibis vai' ha. fanlelise Town (Jouncih. Surounde) by ona o! the finest agricuitumal sec- tions et counr' in tise Province ; a isection embraciesg tisa mail nota) breeders o! tliooui-bne) stock in Cana- da, witis ailvai' taciiities lu every )i. maoion, asu)easy o! accase Si' valer an) goo) noade !rom ahi points, Wliilhy pom assstdvtages ejoed e)hi' ew oISen planes ton tisehloding e! mcli ex- hubilione. Yel cuir aunnua'faune 'saved beauliseebofona o! ouly secondar i'lin-b partance. O.her levas, l]ces favoee, eecure) large district exiiious aI, viicitise psires otiamo) vero sufficianl-e 1,' largo te ha an object cf compcition,11 an)dlise lecalilies suslaining sud du. coureging thase isngrgatisenuga bave met ouI' touni) liein peannianili' me- muncnative, but hava addcdl te liseir eputuilion as places e! note aud imporît- suce. Favore) lu aven,' vai'as wvalici Wbitby aa, wvoulani)tri' au)dnake tisa inut o! aur posiion. Moea liSeraI prizas coul) nul failta oenenra a uchat menaSse) atheudauce frein a distance, an) Ibis, vbiio asistiug lise Sociat' te a0 nccl tueuir obligations, voul) help tl, stimulaI. tmade ami) business ganeasluy P in tisa to, vîil alaisemaking tisa name e! Wiitby sud ils advamtegee batter kuevu ebreaul. C 4Tise Townu Gonuil, I coucaiva, coul) 1] testaralysesist li coutriisuting te tise rç desinad uooucasi-if ntual i agan rin Il bia copa-alon tunde, bsi' inividual pl elion-mamhere temmning Ihemealves ec mbt a cmitîse tonrlise purpese sud co actiogisu concert vitis lie dis-adore et the AgienItunal Sociuety. If actien is st ta ho tabiou, no finieebonli)bllst,ase B tise plize liel le nov bainug ettliul au) eu pnepasutione sare <oing 0mi for isolding se 'tisa twanly-eixtii aunual exibiition in a, Saplember. Hciping for i'our ce-opera- tien, a 1' isave lise bonon ta ha, g' 1hr. Ifayon an) gentlemeun, B Your ahI, servI, le 1Y. IL. HIOGINS. W Apri -151h, 1878. Ih Bi ATTF311sTEDsUa Ils- DY A' JI..1Lcuo SCI1UooI>MASTInm.-JoiflssulMuton, uWhfo lias ha)l change et tise Villidgul spiool al 1 hlyarsbus-g Bilesetishe lîe!ofJauusi'i'ý, if cama tô Oamnpbelferd on Wedueeil4Y Bi su' pu o s s ) a revo lve r,, as h a sa i , tes- tish me o!fsotiug équirreîs, jy but t tl l uc suspecte) tba isaI inten. wv tian at tisalime vas le shoot a Younag girl, one o! is pu pils, naine) Berthsa Wyann daugimlen o f Mn. Wism. Wyuem. vi Siiaunon.aiseul neon yester)ni' antenol i Wynu's ropidence aud asketi forthe girl o anA on iîlg foi) isa vas up @lairs, Iin dlilbenate)ly vent up an) ire) lun te aiscîo, aise ispll enterlug tise ciseck, el sud tisa otiser lise breast.l. Tise girl îl a lu A, nemi citicaîcltaIe, 'but hepes ara de 1entes-laine) tisaI mise vilI ecoven.. Theisa ,Bolscoleard h" i p rp~se 100'te e#r ëtà bbUs -acoUecuoo f booke , - p ".1 f ' 1, w . 0 r- y, a ,Bor 4 17 ' Giries: ?8 Boyo. 4~ Glonlt . Bc i3oy&' 75 Girls. 51, Th.e mmuntea 01, j'Bo. GO& e0* W.60 'lipln <." W.19 adetiigÊ e4eA' -* tôbea4 eo Ta u w al~o ra Ps. y fý r. Robinson, isait master oethéIs Higis"0 'e61, inpeicied 'tiseboss-a, Ibat tihe eleetrie pan, tor vWlesMt'. ta. lut m ueeting tise board, s a r ade grant of $20had- 114. rs sa udproyed 'very îatiefetryý; ha Makac isa. meu. tO bers et tisa"board, tocme sud Seo il a be verk, afteî their ladjaunment. ment, raportiùg-tisat, they.isidroaïvedl tise résignation of Mm, Batoiselor sud vould recommenëi lse aceeptance ; -tisa i* rpy le 'an sdvertiement fer a Mae. :1 i er toi Eenry. Si.. mehoo is711sd M- ceived some 86 appUsiâIOanesud lelieved tisaIt raiistem, agoné rleeticu -might 2 ha ruade; itisI "eeonmwatte liait St. asboel Y eMcnnt i6ft!hepivence Di. Gnnn didueot itlfi ose ethe_ row, tat3 telô11ab biil' have, alloed himeéIf;'t&' là v sbed 'tisaex.; ýfpressionsheasd "-à 'tlliarin , 198ieeig nation toeia b. Th,é tà ros' iad usBed lu coulin fr~l ~e Pv elle naine, vere sa i it 0o'0afl 1 Mr. Powell, but on tl~ 0j o oad Mr. Farewell undaistoed. Ibat Mr. Powell treated tise touesin, wbliheh resignation vae saut lu w!i utter in.- diffemeuce6. If Mm.' Peveill isied il, 3lie vas villiug tisaI action ceudewuiug tisa vordin o! tise reelgasation ebeuld be taken by tise board. Mm. King etated tisat ha bail, in coin- pauy vilS Dr. Careon as cuembare et tisa cemmittea appointed aI tise lait meeting, visitai) tisa Hnry St. ochool toeanquire iuto tise charges vii al a beau mada againsî Mr. Balcisaler. In epeaking about tise holding of an iuves- tigation suto tis asaisol affaire, Mr. Batohalor epoke lu a "dou't came vway, saying ho hbal sent in bis resigustiers sud il vas a malter of indiffereuce te hum. Tisa committea bii n ucouse- quanft Iis, censidarad il niieces- samy tc, hold any investigation, and le lot mnalter. drop. Ha had vieited ail tise divisions of liseahocl, finding par- feet order, lu ail of thein axcapt in Mr. Batcbelor's ovu room. Tise ordar kept lu lise scbool visilaie vas thera vas bad, andI net visat sisonid lieept in a school. fne Iheugst tisaI Ounfiaient in. tarait, vas net taken in tiese choole by tise board. He vout, like tleosem- berso etlsehe ard vieit, lb.ecisoole cf tisec towo fraqueully, il voulu lthon showt itbey bai) an intereet lu tise veLtke e! t)se slioôls. Dr. Cerean could corroborate ail ta Mr. Ring liad salîl. He tisongit if Ivo o! tise tmustees, would oncesa veek, vieil ail tise scisoole o! tisa tavu<it venu) be 't tIse advautageo! tiseeciôolis. - t Mr. Powell tisougist il very unjuet,1 if visaamembarofe!s board,ilu 1e 1 perfonrnimieo! his dntiao,,foundit nec- essary le ask fôr an investigation linte e a teaciser'e cenifoet e!ftise scisool, tisaI c tisa teacisar sisonld b. ailoved teseau) r lu sncb a resiguation as Mr. Batchelor I isad. Ha would esovwltherembere of t the board, tisaI ha vas cnly asing as a e trustee, sud vas able te prore 8a ie aF bail assenaei), sud reai) ovar feurtheisai membare of tise board, the naines of a nutmbar of parties, viso isd complais. a ed ta hlm of tise manuar lunvisici Msr. 1 B*Itlieloi hai) beau cendnctiug tise selsdbL.Ha did net ees y s rasigna- IF tiosi«df'llUê lisu put iunl'y Mr. Balaise- n 1er, shiltd ha accepte) isy tisa board, E witisouttUIi'a! rgà t hetsir indigna- n tien ab tise 1ttig i ivi, With it vas ri couchai). v Judge Dartueli odh atl.n alors' latter e! rasignaticW à ' full preef vý tisa tise charges praferrail sg&insi hlm by Mur. Powell, wera net ucxfandd ci Rallier tissu court an investigation Sa Lsad place) Ilisabyond tise pover of thse n, B3oard te bold oe. Ha ceneiderad Mr. Powell deserving o!flise tanke o!ftisa t Board and ralapayers for brioging tise0, flatter up for investigation. g -Mr. Camopbell was eorry Mm. Batobel- or bad net vorded bis resiguation iu s mlore gantlemanly mannar. Haeisad a lesire wien Mm. Powell isad statad tisatP tMr. Bataiselor wss net sucoeeding le et bina ('11. B.) dewn easy. Ha, sowever, tisougist Mr. Batchelor daeamv- O id tise censure of tise beard fer n siug isuav bls lattai o! rasignalion isncb offensive fa wards lavande Mr. Powell. da Mr. Fanpvall ssiialise report undar fe discussion wa oua tram, tise Commit. f tee on Scîsool Management net frein tha SpeciAl Coimnitte appinted te in- eh 'hioS Se lia), aud tisengistise mecu- ere o et isB]oard expresied tiosanslves O liat if tise resointion vas put to tise eoau) they veuld vota in tavor etflut tisaby intinusted il tA ho ic rnc lu enae agreessiele elaItisa matai dronaish Tise iever, and seconder etf thethi eotion expresse)tisameeves ae'wfliing,th' fil vena lIhe imamions vighis e yo 3otr) te witisdraw tishemaoolntion. . Mv. . n l)be bettete tisa witis Ott tuealof heraseutios, an) 1h. motion a De TUOKER. Dr. Gumrus anded by Mr. MoGÃŽilI- las 'oy, t tnv~ ib -isaBoardl regret o lai seeadthrit >.Davie 'Tucer, PSI ne Of llselrmenubmrv , abeetsfor- soeaadl [me snfferirsg frenodlýylek'eis, and HY cognlziog as tisey do the -Dm's. leng PO, mda valuable sernicesilu' fthecause'of hie Ineation, they 'irCsîb ayseu tslitlia] eepempsty viS hm andniêîyi> b~tai ho msay be speediiy reoe Dy Tis motion *vaioeltiédunnmed, bcimeaats etdrsn toa'A Boe4kjo6iia 'ufliFidà y' - t cri au te appointa Masià fiue-.;Bb. !w SPECIAL 'MEETING. Fridy, 4th Apri the The aInb gr twmafeo. bit . ýj !ýKin ieu OLOSING Tasi BozOOLS. aIlid "w7nmaeded by M.Pw thsetown be ýôioW dustfiJihe firet dai sfé u atêt %1fsday on t&Mountofttse Provalence of fvar im tise teon. Car. Blard adjourned. - Noa# henéatly dezsy thse tiUtsful ' neo ethtie reusaiofetbie Xmtri Rfa, il b~4kt i, Says ouï orai~ <tise prsaent juýnolura cil tis p kléIfirs. On both tidas tise meet. reokess semîtoare, made fl rpIr- irthcolng Provilncial elecmi,'smait oue reà d' oply tise Cen. »ervatl, iorgane ha *rould be led ta ha. iote tisI is. eJely psrtydiA flot stand sa gist ef a chance. on lise otisar 1baud, tise Jol>" organe havle appn-epriat. ad asgileet evemiy 'méat lu tise' rovince for thefr avis' Bide, and"so no#t ave for tise Geuservativeas a balera e' dore». nianifested ln everything tisIthe or- $ans have te del vils. If a celitical mïeeting buisehld fthe orgaxis o!fist ta parties will' bath damlm hnttio sylid tise predeminance et infi'nnbb-'tbe Tory sayinq 1 "w.- bad - thwpefouWtise of tise meià ubg itlus"; -and, tie Grit 'claiming tisaI "we isad fnlil' two-llsirde vils us." .A.nd thair rworts of lise pro-' ceedinge of aesl4 l delgà az aieqiially 48 cpte Ii,,,eyer happaus bhtepanty <rga e tnA guty o! ~he '!à e~i weaknase of givusg botis sesbs of a qn9etiou vits impartiality."1 TiseTery ii .repart tise speeches of ils Meinds vith very censidaralla l- nase, but h* »- ta th 1-speches of tise etiser edieé eLeftewetoft44em .ont mesgma descriptioîý '-6r-lf r" rId vil any preteusion te fnlnasc 7=11 ha garb. lad aud dietoîled se tisat hie antiors, wcnld net racegnize tisair osx'Tise Onit organe do tisa very saine tlslu-- reversing of course 'tisa ordar of ju;r- lice.", And Ibis mode of treatinant now applias teaial political discussions in tIe Hanse e! Ceimase-esci Party organ repemtiug for ils owu sida. Now it is ardly possible te couceive of any- ting more datrlinental leatise truc in- fluence of thse press tîsan Ibis sanidarinc te tise woret instincte of party. ThEa journale do net write in the inlareat of tha peuple as a visola ; tisey are doiug tha work cf parties oniy, and tiseis true influence as expoennte o! public opini- ou bu thsue completely parislyzed. >As hi party le, eo, mueI ba the ergan., ---- ---- Iriish Afairs itise Hanse ot Comnona. Aie ExITur-muScCENE. D-. Bula tis te special meeting o! the HMime Raoe ?bliamaent Gmilîea pesaretUuiii b ie aiguatilon as leder of lise Home ul se parI'. Tise Gommittee nsimeneli' passe) areselution, regmalliug tisy ai'b no other course loft lisan caîling a spacial meetinmg e! tise liisb Pevlamentari" Part' tor'te 1115 kpreeia, te considar th subjecl. Dr. Bull nesigne) lu tise arnasîisope thisilmigist ielha e on) possible le avant i raopavable lIuestle-tse national cause. Fine more sarshe bave beesi nmade lu eonueclion vilSlise assainalion oethe BarI o! Lisîrlus. In tise Bouse o! Cemmus Mr. 's-anks O'Donnell, meusIen fer Dungan- aon, sud Vica-Pnasi)cle: îlt te Home Rie Couféeaaion e! Great Bnitain, soya)il tis te Gevermnut's action lu rgard te btie murdar o! Lord Laitrins vas uncouslitutionai, sud procooded 1". isa au atuucbou Lard Laitim's pri- rale chamacter. A malion te exelude stmaugeme vas ýarriou). O'Douuell.s isseoion vas ultimatel,' Mn. Giadetane- v*ho vota) lunlIse ninonili', vas Svssdh'y' huortad hi'tisa ensaervatives an) tisera vae-an econa o! reat axciteinant. BeUSEm OF'LOUtIe. In tise Bouse et Lards, Lord' Cains ýomieed meturnni etagrarien crimisa lu reasu. Be, deiied tisaIndelectad ,nAqmunneied crime vas increaiss xocptiu Galvai' an) parte ef Mayo s)d Boscomnuon. Thesi L*verument s ssarovii' vatching the. datae!fa!- ire an) ver. coninca) il vas tiseir mli' le proetlife, and veul) appui' )r furlisan poees, vien il vas lseugist cemmar,'. Iu eoneequence e! Ibis au- wrm, tisa motion isiat tisa Gevermmnt onli apk tam funtisen poere vas vilS- 'alvu. ONE MORE 'UNiOUTUNAT.-AIinest ami' day the papaescismouicla tise oui- ha o! soeapeer unfonlunale visose lu)d Sas bSeuaease) hi' bdyspapeia, anr visosaearthy horizon a Sean' suas bas galliere) tram lise untol) d unlellahue agonies e! tisis cruel )mnpaiuî. Dispepsia le eue o!flise it dep.ressing sfisessas affiictiug Su- lanili', Il is cesmeopohilan lu ils us- Fre-na counstry ld axempt fromin il ibatienaw, ne famihi' free frein ils et. elit. Tisane ie a balla iu Gilastl ; Il unes un tise shape o!flise iaauvmste iritpl.s -Foi years it basbascealler. «icobSsnehimebra). Thiee lepro- ibl' neocitéasse yhuicis expenlan.co bu anuply provad ,t,te aramediabla hi' ié PEBuVIAmt Saini'as dyspopsia. eo inoset luveate terme oft tiisdis- tué b-ava 'bea ceumpleteli' cura) hi' ki me9dicina, se ample têsticsony o! ai' et ur at itîtzeni prevo. Sel hiSU )s-uggios. MUaS. CAPs,. NoscAm, et Millhnidge, itania, wviles, Âug. 171is, 1871 : .LLEN's Luxae BAu.sAx cure) mi' son s senere attaek o! congesonofthiae uge. Be teck noetaIe-sieilue, tige Asi aoted vendenfuîl,', Iabing avai' ao lever, aI once oeratiug ou tisa vaels, an) sendinig malter up train off a ngu, lu appesmance dmaadfsIl be. )d expression. Tbere are several mens vis eside lu Ihie aeigbarlod id havo baeen cunad hi' ArLEN's Luxa 4 LLSAI vIe hava certiticatas if soea." IVene mou te conterais nors ta tise rao cibealîls anA et nature, sud ha se ddietia. le tise graulldeaion c!fhle usions, it l not lie ncessari' la rertise Fellove' Censpeun Syrup cf 'pepphiesitasn a reeleratino'ton tisa w'ai et the brain <afnal namvanssys- s-, vile tise wvrld'i srogress lu au- steument vould Inde.) ha marrai- s-. Fos Sors TagoAT, Sudau OSIs sud rplhis ,ne 'ramSedy hepa@, ver. haen cavase-e)'se ýpolie-uil,, ens-,am vms' PAI BLLS.AiaLinusit' hianrèà 0Ai~t là n1mis0 . iio,:n eMn y lsaitis.Ilis tise >peea aud et -s-rmdi' e fae hpublic. Fins.-At Bowsnanviile, onpsId, 515 Ins-a ale anis oo cntonz log.gto?1(m Ilm lisg vwu 'des- yo yfie. I, sià 'aoul é«. r r~Sft ,the ilsitiUhiUWW K iô "5ïgotlghtime * e~- 41n ~r" rreunweei.Â" ~' - behi t'htýehaf, L 'au availabla tie4rlen *P OnymotDaidn, thMr. iy.le, yii e .poSlE: vilséims-tt50s up,. d yile! ~ indepondss.À rIeîe baeeiBs îsie OnMr 'vùue on' i.Blbl, eon trel se nu iuu» I u~liîropean eau.'vrae-"tîsg ' "-- _ ctcuitvomu1a . .........u tre vas î;Vý7 âoxi(*Aem fx taalWood.,i........... ~ a ~ '- 1e55 etGovermnt aant, mjeity sdpassa'e, e~~ t He ~~thln '"Oce ic1y'Sa oIoedl ve Duftula niecue u8. ,' The Boas. jls ziMevdyqua evplu, l by he0~<? ef~'~ s~u ' ?~~n eo '; ls tfn One tsap1. eeogbabuoh e%5 tia is-p.. is nsrr~o'la Tsem e i. rsurer, u a e r e'M Wm@ g010vt ~ 4~> yc e os 0e!, sue , rliein c f Mr.- W,, M040 îw. -60 à 9is i o. w r e- f fa r i a fI n ,ti s i r s v t 'e U s l i î e p ' d a1 , e l r e y a d o lautHer "k WTlb : n i g uree l.$ ~ à en0b.rm-ose -. -ra k~is-e a n .euls Mva) ilu iai'bI .. opjeum g u tis e le&l lhan. Sa ent1..slc nde Py 1fr Iz lnab , jnc,* P5ky- 15 pqetieb ra os 55ý,te y 5inom %à '- ÃŽ v6rge. ireho.- av t a dt ti m tneo sam o fhf. W Slndt -v.i 0 -ig a ane e n. ' H dg e;to h ep'ule ' o fise ûi Tisa aneota a t , Thaved iiSm eunesy cern-hat qpoe. -Clio.g. ...' su d vss d f. o e aCmîan)td ," Ts -PL - I-eÃŽ_ gs.t.a....'..'.... Su eis i e aedonid is e ha') jome aerbur do netappar e!-asWeC ThJa.1 a5à inriui -fMx l ale rse) roeéfleo ,'n aa ngA safla view o! tue4siaî -i io cfn laidovelut te e xylt a .dssleor- >s cc ai ii udro o. T e t es an t. y eietig. eva ie.-..-4 gsisu va tisai ise ï" Hena isulsIsan pesc.Bi. tise 1'o, D' y spon s a :: sal ommu titiM Popy oel atae iSe de MoTggt uru- s d < 'sisip o! WiAi',ly, altached :ilgs -' - '..'.....04 . V1 I hs Tvu e!Whth Mg ay .. ....lS 1fr. hfa-,Mr. ac iu usonixig 'lsue d- :arsrelrciTh - ' e a nrpf e raidawtith lima: : What. . .. '. ac m n teba s ar e' ta a is nd a ul eo! sbu-agpa ito n ts for a o ,, ade e a o '. Wjy: su tc s e d byo r . Zma i.B I 5T 0S lis Ctta ullfuIb ite a rrf Ca an nd cerfad l. etito nf t er itai a l ) pof ite,-( n'd: u c pair a .be teissle QaDot, . ........, au Ih da. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pee siaeiel ts aivy ttona) Barianignli rvg,.u A85 0,tsa81t5~ TUEinEy LtQUOU the H us he lis ac isel sMed ii#r2csi4a ) 60 Ateiy vr li n ie al. n vP lwi sen' Ibits' couc o tie . < ,'min .... -» lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h tieSaaatieLiurBi as Cmunctonornntsessp tstnsado.5) a're0 l We FeUTrNe=MJBya g erovotemmtvhho 0f tis pasea). o! ~~~l'a4oeirtiveà te grant 'fren doues- Ohoto i MnofB. ]ikl a, sO aS&- atrL tv ii.' oan iaoeai bouliad; inmeg e th fre lis e ea ntIe ting a wul ntoeciabd tuceTo e wetntro . si.....hcai «nt............. y caaf lawitfor lise purpose o!e thnandisiugthrmeu'à jy byeeî t-*ta O 14-i hMu.d"sy tie 'arg unssint eî a ie ati)ee eide wuyyas ave r82and ',lusd a finlt on bme; s.. .........a ....e..:srsn7 a avy0 itm h hA aivision was take, au)isa Ou <tioln e! ,Mn.a3ta ouKl ,7, sao One cm onOfE M. te cse'm.' SK eey': ~ : e$v nolisa est on a th ya f 112 le 70 . h M.Ou LparyetisMe clarvs lupeti t- ' ' uMr. A Imne. llvesteI. wé f i , th8, shade oie On 'Tuee)sy tise enaddrase on Thse l e iti tjïq catireas4iuer o dbie or, lete . -amlto y keap-i esnseînems -euuIerà i o!w e apperai tiugdatuJibr v ro- hstM etng a penfon im ieSBl ini lie, on t i Wgos y en "y a s lae aeia f7I~s s~ Sovralpattioii or ai onCo. W oi IsalsB'T u lai- runtdba s sxi l' lîse nibrsotisa labf ton ali) lt. toî tly ad aI uebs' Greve n elqe THrENEîy. On moL.t t ioselnt ousM.e 's ry ,eco nd) w r fun) isae flown dy. Su- Ton. ail f T i a iii ,s t t s e a u e r y ail b y . ' e ye l a i d o ti s e a r t a sle . u e - î co v a s u n e d i o t t a â 1 1 l h s o i o i n t o f ansu dà :e'i-l ' 1 ti , 1 e n a e u é pass) Irouis u G mmitea ! sppî Commte u i tis Midha tdeR Inspycerus- ands an i ed arete n bi, si ad rrpalsI'*lVsryb dlfu paeqed of soloolsrelatie tagrant rom edcaCHARGE. Tà :pfsi gri* P..,di.,-vse* dIS.- -Theoumnne, s en i a ge) t ueo od ie niiiy ntenbrg as omm uiy Icuvu s Sncm.ef udrà se e vay latiseopértion adjonr fmom Tlinrssy te Satumdy rte otiy .To mpga eoti,P.thaisuu te, Niygr S. " S6ids nte i oscin JSP .Ictx tfasD t' eîs uni)ta it o Estar ond y. I Mc ay. i IJ' M mnion, e r mon attete bave b m d ente t i'a co- NsuYrWCt. ______ am sag ro ite l ns thia m eeuc le o ulsa sda ina isatsà a-n &Usskon frei isîn by varons patlias O n n oli uî o! n. T h o p e n u, s c o n d. n ly cn s e ) r ild l u i i tenR if ! F n d -C;: _ _ __*P - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ofW eil Tu umaso!LUeleLiig lca f h e NEW ÂDVofEB.TISMoueXaà T8..u Mo isa chkeelldiug Apn fti I u 31 ysd M Ravre apen i)' ntil 4 a su.tea H r les . ax-Cn s oi'uly11 1 -tisa ~ ~ t -heata n mi a a ot a vo l. c e m tu etea nroadugn) br iges8an) Clarbtooido u ti e st to m a t, w uic parirY Lag Haaa Spake au) nie bondmoic omiaon 1r.Oeayls e i intr.Ttecneso eierib ioacs ui-t oadunront ecf coy s F ouai .Nt e man , c ' r etll. ýo 840 as ra ta d t a e mped n utiaoxra e, a ) Ceri mil oe i . s t s Nosë -.en5< is) 16o, u tsa or. Adv son w s a u n , byand y do ev inheva n a sAn Sl- c mr ra e F ren viai an li ne ssio of u=ac Tow sl4p cf - PLarfan Flraue su tian.dicoaioesn har.viu b, eauitle areai,,alise nurdenor confessas tisaI Se Piclseriusg l'etights O oe 12t e s 70Cilaby : iythar.enuL o Bdo.ile)OF Pa RTEr n Ian oia e nson Pie s. minuits,~ary tyhMe. OipSat, fein dvuna reort On 'eal s; I B a teatuo es hyfJa hes O motion o! Mn. O'Bylesueo d)hrau toreu yue ol. Oi eniipa irn net. as allaita o! hie vidime vus kihis)Hiu Nov Orlesus. iT l tsa oigna livise o rs cy the Gdverno-r.mOaLoanythetisaasiono ' g an't onîser v a u ofleer in thii hmy, eleot od nda16pý' ofeban" BUsekwoode Ontise a lea ! v al u neantethe raa f v e as kilo) 77,iJachie S.tabrg'e vsratsartsm' nt ijaéex aC r; Sousa'o mbuSRivos, y ~.w. eeel ous, an) nailvay satn 10;feedn vilS eooe mistre s !li ianiae riss ali a roeti t i. L. D. e Fras e rs, Ian- ethe ie vfo il ot.AIel o iesie Sanngss ieoie udasae hnte iasiit hnm als1 ere pus-pesaabe. te $50. loc ale u îngoina. au Seisorloain sl iac A,1huestS Mais e) lnc for ai e ,g sie tots e vasn poudvaivar chthenonck oad. ' funr ter4smswiD Themsn o! Fr ia on Ing nea ; Tse Gsqus v ra ga eiaailovs : one s humo uc reas il t sa S e an d tse X u s o f;r tsns ahn ~eutnaryo! Vltaia, Pîl Mil Gz -MrnaItcl, 8 theonclel sec nti n ct-aps; burg uiv Iluenrdo ! o n s on a snthrennilt o! tht. Elueof ira"w Ire ls !tiePopst Csesbr' tme. B havefindien it $5. lan, Ian ' iws a v ei nd dMil se ndaublie isigSvayou Ar iu ssion etr., et. sn moiono!eM. O'oar, seonde* ' g.P C~A RGia E.>nfTis orignla adourmen, weu t wsstata)tefitri a t Sfr Je L u t uù( o ben.Mraîn sce fre u r iia For ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 12 fiofv ubno!s~yfsm b m Ooy, i thesmo. iiîsîton;an)dHatI, n) vg as tisa caue ko! v as L)ceS e selan cfa:115e. av nibip cfPjaeza - à ur paes eahur(on m e Sat ur8000 te noipro 0.r aointeu l aa mmtea alli er Saenian." tiaslu uabis. cnity. n -csErlsn g'Ile l-ve thae r ta c i n atr ody.I ofa e -AIJ.Mor.'int a sud 199Tise 4x tinD a yaar), tis subecniptin umniceeho tsal e e erstia e va ba s avecon.aN eau) orkt ienenrti pdgeeu 18) e la; onton 10.5 anyena ! cP fee, elatie lu ie nes <lewtse ceuin r imtt a rine du esr v iana)fr~ iktsueau5î Aau NeuwgVolime.agIata 80t eue 81,inintisenc eei$con7 he Am nican 84 mo thhie or v o î Oe cor o t on o M . te Seuîsnîu tseond. îino)t aa ti pe lmla t urs St, e r es et fv - an u ot' hu he n m er vilS Tise Lvng A g f A ga e il r.u o nei Messis. B c l o ares up Ilite t er; l si 4its isa N u Wm A n ri 6dV ERea i Eut an d m t a dur o!eMa' ue'1ntiseinpaila6lisenplace a! beginandngebmes dore' ppoi-tl> otS e ecot ai). quL iy y M th w o h , 81 péitions &fai', a on. i' ' - b l)!' bisaI lie t e a a e t , su c ie e e bl i i v me~~us tIs puiieîcr. r '- " diacs es t i us i e ! ani'Ofpanshons By-Aise uilt at it o uh O rig a FA-mdFinus tAFW R e sar;uTe A cv vci YouEn-iîr QAtccu- vo aenvrba sset)o asu laac o rad PQ» , agj -- Bn"i Hc 5T TE-T O serso! pîciyand t bwielims. e u riminaled b is Z f2e) Ãiýna gls an guaieCaisoo e a de rîu mî , O aim otoun g o aver sued e a t ain vprunelcét-hne lu Asusard in. is gyFris W.UxNiewmane nt. Te po ramyjunetion, ranjoiiugIt e xe uereon siva tuure.uTerlctisaI i ona aissu)rrile a), u)suean) except din a fprt ofr tra7 Mo! lse ae niug. iso Evr a me mil lrt ns!ering alre ponMtiou o!ndiE lis ee sI mre r , aId Jorisut of, lt is t ê Noas- :t' e adhl6,is e evny Pimbe) byFtsarGiaice and asth isalc id;atepnlise ' sate acS i e Gu r tc orooaes ri w a a e ilua'wie'.-b i t) lof lieraI,' çsq&aao a r by tise 1T e rev. Fa isar slaf , y Tisi the cuelng l e d e)as tia irI leis l e mr be Ha c o u'ses t u ubickeig ai. G.movve onil ihnth r- Temtot urIbae d n bi t ater epkThe ni 'o ture isucineouteportes nThe Connel!a Ie£unjtoic cindea, y M ren lise s bje t a! Tem pea ilace aretsportdi.o vsocmfa e Iis le d y i o tshls ov e in i P e Cnfn »tio h n aof th, sto s m tingole.s i l-ih s ecga ns le wnour eprea u t eaI i ehî s m ada a O n on- hip W oftlstP i e yring en&** ," crigI hi Ilfo g Ruel palcal ses. I a meous Boiri.fsi u bse 3 inundra!Pai n ha al al tareorigral> - îwnS fr is idntoni e yuallo) u lî i loaiti'. H M .OLerth olo ig rn nti xraueW rens rot otN .16 n te 'l rua J e a , " u n va m u e h o gic;,- a utpe nte ) f r succm a d e ', L a re xit P u - h a ) n e ath eer, huo o ierel , nb t h ev a rc e ) " f th e'2 n) is Css _ian o! ise ' c ne ssio n c ishokemu wktisas auublic hfg u nmëejz.cg iFa i ) uéalfs Io nikeai. ie ts- e i teions :orTfithe nov il'eo fun Mg. St hihue (ts enîiilis e entreet Ozuvlifc lice ofalbeglsinia andinge! isaIrahlcsudils Tcse- riciIliu, trovine :-lpoc d Trul, telofpe elisu a asaIslaperAne foihaiaeul inetse sui arn11e iaft 1th sauegsh, ul etfe aPo. rdutieW.o rNiermanout-fro iui 151h S t.o shaecuoofultss u' bu is lsomgniaaana'e rs) dfse good ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sho bouselue ano!hedeul t it " aiasFmir Idhi ' cnersa ithi uas. i osa eaebv csss n futln ' e e tsa eus- er;Sposers Iish Riera b P.W. atin y 100 Xeet upl cf Lt Ko. 15, isls ad'2u. soc. Tis uelnnevasaillisemur ap le Sti Juu. Pcîmel n) Mmab- bau re puinwth) fo is e xecu sn. ' ofcen cs s, Ieu ab r s se l ia-s v e 'oterin L.ery ,efrtso ae ;iecn a. e lthvlu lageNoembter (fors theysaiine St - t's heéhe ieii tth lie lot ne e sxibad10fdom es oae o r hemm L ivrain e tsage - ci se.11$. i0I. Cnurro, Pnareaen, N sJ, t e cra l he ef, s utis e s e S Geutmasin ef Si v o ic a l eiber eet ChoqTi sa ax re iclwr în Isfle Gml oty: Ld srunm b u a'i h'e tblssd ap blc'f iva sea m e e p cli a e c r a d e a n ) p a r i e s.a u A d m e e ut i y p a f ss i ) lu ' 1 < O s n e - c u in a u h a, I c a n g is a s h a ) c al) l u St e n 4 t th o n c I m ite v i d e wisic alh ofoltai-rpe, a s beieg- ghals- I's v h i te n 5mais; 0I. Il irane s h)tuaIoen.i g ~ ~ ~ ~ J h te a c a m o h m ni y. A c o di i'iu d v s ci l se f li w i g go fn u u stth eni u h e ! n u s r o n m i t s o a N T I d tU e ; ! T hse nke as f mh a e s l a tu rée n t ie L a w ro n cenkillé) d on c -o n t I a g e v u ) b ce n e d y I T e Z n O T C E t sa is La e l s :m a r. Wsco udac u a i'te B y en., 6 bel;Jen D c.1Walh in)igent.B4 o n le.; cok a rdI,'ofpA k.m i l uevsterdam, ahgas rga ylns, eior-l es , t l thei T. Dovling.- [Cor. -Staiudard. P a rnbaîn Faniste. an Oct 1. evem vis fe visithe rci e rut, tla n pcnun aticà a, li'tiseausslga Quoi], beIaa'ofntJan. 1 sua) Oct. 1. muni) mi' Iro a v m ciae t l Au oh s a op rai oehw tsaaanisp Turedai, Mt. F V au, etc selitioitonr. uit 1. mcon e t s is iohn s R mAi. T sIp ah it, Ban t au ayo For iftytwonumbrs, f axty-ourby M. O'eyl, Nfssr. Boflto.an staed hat ie fredthe mstrdam ;18g78.,ro gisam, lii.tX ,291j5tb 'aclmiu aIMinenvasbroc'h up Suio, elven May1 ui) uguet 5. Hiel sise was thn cuse ofTia tiret .2HECTOII, BATON, o n sî ,p o e a u d,(o s u )o re st h re l D n c k s, u a a h l r)p g ai , lu S, d o e coai) m e, s u d in a f- <y e1mi'the, n ssfl ip C laekr . fera~~~~ S.S.Pck00a.,tieStperhu- v on ukétu uI blenl'n.1 hrilvneniyfvosit I is cnte) inqale 01 Ap à ti , th s187iwtgo lgisîra ar vilS eisa'vs criom itt)aeuh r S h ept..Whtny ud flatusea!iltnt myateseau n a o h a,0,tet biue-z--'- 8 ,d -1«s rgar o ls pemse ! r. C. Al osnne) ueeoef a) w u ganî ry ei , c m e voea aai I vecà Ù-n ot"ih hnegüh1 a y s een t -msT e n. Evi A denfrc evar b o e Ma' 1 su d tep t.i pr care munîbonhu dégreeu)s-aineit bon she t tisle rsbey. u e<ntsdao r aiis aeve acs1 isppi' h s autmi's ma c088dîn B- a u r-ic R F T Ty auner u viscis acase as abaina) an) Spt. QU velRau) tsa wbte crel leanIme' BOU i (0 th bc ar ve fei li Tî Cl t la oi tl nef i in, Mr Ce i mi tak lisl pnii in 'al but 'Ili Oci: -al an ser yad "l 'JL -i i Ic Pal)rnt le 'J. 251ev, fu Bice is -"J. Pznitng anAl- 'r-wal4 Re liai,1876e.... Streetl.p. "GrassG On £S. W.B. S= Pal) AccouaIs 18 . G McDn EJ. JlilU S8.B. Si JehnBaIL... Cisnsiy-Ete ýPaid rata fer i187E Streetisud Isp TBnock SIrpet ... -Dnuastreèl. -,- Base Line.. Centre WaXId... -LumSber - ' .... Wtise iudarsigneý Porallos ef tise TewM ;wlmr 87; e. Fuih î o f éOorpm ti~ lot 1' ~isprelee a) tse esibyisiis TutE EoGLItÈUIE Uxmvztsm'YBeAT-'ItAC diappaared. I viiss tisateveri' iniie- - is e rovlnle ho is ae a it opaned. Tisé. evidence -Tsa Universiti'bout-race vas ouve) tem wSe suifera frein sore tIrcal vemuld -ur -- ove) tisaI tisVe bnîlmnîe esna ovar tise usual courue auntise Thsaînes tri' the Great Sisoshoisees Itemady. .1e..y possession et keye toie aeSdoor. IL ou Sslurny memning mt den ro'eluîck, 11ev. Oro, W. ROaut, Siling OuI., 'Oms ontis ida cftiaundaStreet, epposita as sîoprove)tisaitishe Post muite-andam) as %v»neaseili' iii'Oxford lii'six or sayr : ire. Geoanger Franais vasse- ,tisa cI)phace. Prime joints, forSesteraI t bis beys soea limaprevione te tIsee lhitleuglisevenchi' afflicle) ilS thKidnay diseue, tue nev prassses ou Salurdai', Sps-icg l"isendeuognbye ara oun) cats CRNM INmam mU. S. P11i:eior-memuAî. ELEC-an)lisad beau limdor tis arofa!titre. hB.etirt M Be eses to z iisa tles or ouEvdcen. cfrs-Tbe United) StateSenata Co. piysiciaue itiout 'an'y beneficiai me- Apil1- ie1i. ale bnOinth d suIt. ZýdaceShc las siuco taken fôur bo'tîos i 7Is 88 e, aise given as teOlland'e tligliî frein miLlee charge) vi(ls 1h5eilon o! tise _________c rnetiscd ct'cnducLiu rîi )eY(iinthita lec o! 'ho Sliseebonees Remnedi', sud nov 118: .OPRNING 0F NAVIGATION, 1878 o village sud luis arneet in Linudsay, - ijoya tîs est o!flualîi. - i> A ii-vas prave) huaItisa bankmmd e tissuslbai; Acoided upon as ncasssmprc- Rv.T .ýBOVBokl, On.1Trno igi, BfaoSém tsas) on his pcrsou wjiau capIura) vmdig,,htAeLgoatr _ýcahmy n ýiewsvr 6 iýLn h ne procisali' similar te I hoso wvieics'State mai' oleçt a jîsicial triinasl wçsich sesityniand vf asv'uôw v, ies,, ge;Lsecea~>ai h id Ce a istraoted by tisa bunglan sU all n otraversi' s-eepecliug desuhgvnu i'5mpyisa lise choiceOftelactors ; sud lu case tie he mila'sltec ieSoshonce - ns a registere) lattai In>the pluldéieied iltr ae o cintedcso t£nLyiu tteedýo wd e. Ollard made snc déonecé, an)ubelsisaueaseuactotseetanBinedwa ëi', otteed!Ier. otyin %' ' MGN CN SEMR L, aI once cemmitte) far triui.-Bob. cf lIse Boom) o! Crus-asenu.bhali ehaealsa as inuels baller ieutlîunug SWI2TtoGNIeCdT.TEMIi r ' ~~~ins)., Siieni)a diaputeanima mo vote lm asd'cs a sveti etrd lyo'Trhc ~df't~y r -s'a',---. von0114 g4 in~ite) - uemabothx Hanses Price o! tise ltemedelin lu plt betile, $1; nenetas~leNwokCe DE's~.onv zm EuUasueu agroe.) tiereto. Tise date o! tueaeihe 25cnl he al)hyat i)Ce alwy u..&z.-Oa idai', April Stis, a Sasrf liais i xa1mchange) te lisesecond Tsa e daes A ~ 1~ 4,oocS0c.rooo-A enis>iJJçsnù u Snsdn,'laiet Davis'$- vu'-o' eeutly- èntiiùromise) isa esue rqmcIT'<> OTO, e! l lTeem.c e brià 80' V.mI ae Mueesme. IT 'Hnderncusud Tiho P, Cas; otaggranateassmasst 4a 1eToron-,1t,16k '«-à rtWaTrno ly dasticyediby ýfirac Lx1ithe' bain os1 lii, bng"teie, 6iaeiug tlisa Sors)' crx,' uuie 'Ioréea e ry, isioumt, ns sieOtha'F me 4born, l ahee, s~usttnan ! t in awvsuîhrswîe'~i~i.,,,.~,. m. ~ s.m ~ s.LL.ui. ev ,rk1et<, Tied. ad e1 pluna m IJABU~ 1 . 1 1!ý