Y! QI, yfv (orF domfi fi ~ '~v~ia-Y-TEII~rG &a of a Iongow *ih rs embroldeed la slltk j îtorki, and torleei iIr Ok ull caps on thserbe i, bcbng a stervant, lu privile bia fluger.nabils six laciel à ~ Drodie, bri esinan le S t tain li els-'W ieqgeý near Dumbfel ,ouateer thé maiouest du . 14T.who wiseeking a 8 q " cuI& " Tu fpy CU TloN E ACH #LtIG OFTuII 1 Myftfe Navy Tolrnco 18 STÂMPED -T, :8. ;) .~d NEW 0 130 Il 1 ,s in ilbn . '55. er ~ %13 by. N. lez. IN (GILT LIiTWEIS. t:- Nono Cthar is Genuine- HmloMarclh 11, 1878., J FOI, Sal T IIF, 1OUSII ANDI) 1>IIJSES fox ..Lerly etupld by thé lâie Jap 1rna,onstre - »tract, F'or particula M1tH.B. Taylôr Esr1., floir Jflà Wlal1871 Cor to ldrsf. JrnAIS' yi FOI). Bird, 1878rttod LANDS FOR SALE EO)TY 0F VICTOIUý Thoe £ltowlug landu u ho bstowuul ~onrtlCouiooy o! ViçIorfe, #tY ir )1hiewbatfhofT ot , he h,131h cae 140n'. ýtMlý loUa'6es. Piftotseà e ,lroifselq1he lot, on wlch Ita a cill ate, ne the. ide ocfa goad rondl. Tho propertî boLly & o a tuile from; a railway ta t in- -- the Vlctorls Rallwaya a Smiles frooc:il village cf Klnuuouut. Lot 7, lu the 151h coneessinconsista ci 2W0ars. Th%' e i laeil lIabere aa I.q~~£bo vsubecedar., Sl 1~*ftresa nf watoïr ru. iheoi w lob 4visîabut coxi-sed.e.helf mit, froua arallway station on the VictoriaBl wayl ýThv'counry zropp4 a tle d fiMessrà . John G ooduumuadzDarde! Silva açar Elnount, vii ahcuw the:prejerty. Vor Tor=t cf Slspyta 'À.WALKER, 0ote7 Pý. O.Ontario;, 0'to Meurs. RATON fMMBO., WÉltb Aug 22nd, 1577. .85 Farxn to Rent. R F R M ]stol cr'., Whby Mr.)1 -T B&, Lo 26 8rýcou. W ttby. Cou. tiras 10 cres-150 lcereri,1'Suded ficultivaiouO11Goo4 Hanuse sud- buildings large Orcifardl, &o.. Ellghbly itciated, lm mne itey otlde thoulimitae of tho corpa lo.Apply ±-ý sept. 26) 1877. <1-40> E BIS,"O IL 1 LEVI STÃ"NE,ý Wilkinson Bloe, directly Northi o JOsonerurritîare 31re, flOUHBflcK.s., - WHITBY, Begs to elocouupe to tbe tnhabitocti o; 1Wýatcy ud lloty, that lic hman pened e fLOUR &,FEEýD. STOÃ"RE, la conraectilsowittlois Butoher 8h op, whare ha wflIl ewsys heve qu huuS -A LARGE STOdX OF Choice.Plour, t Cracicd Wheat, Oatmeaf CIRDERS DIIVIR1D IN ANY PAÉT 011 TUE TOWN 1 Mr A Cal is Solicited, LEVI STONE, *-Wilklaton l0oci, - aimrc 111h, 1878. whitby. (If.!] 'lQEi~ ieflewlag vehoablu r AN] L EMS , F R 'fi fi lSaving corne out of thé 'Ffre, s3atily 1 have been enabled to rein,. vest the total camiount of My' fnsurance anda large ainount of loth-er Capital in the purchase of anuoe- tirelynew anei H FRESH - &)~Xr) ~ NO~ tliet ilu ardies.thet News VailidsW Ius TbaeaOen1 dz o " ' f ', I rïa k 41 & FUU~ M~SOBTMENTJiNVEYU. (ida cidf aee ute AilETER SMITH, ~vbiî ~ J si ,'is BO. '_ j I(fE- OB e*I N il&, fi] c >1 j 'I MI i I oni the premises every article that rnay be onquireil for, Ueaîds of Faniies n aking-W e'purchases of, ci ~ WilIsave Money and secure oà ýgo rile4 lig mu r MI t I fi] I - I - £ j. x F A w M~,RGsQN C TUE LARGEST STOCK -OFFYIE -B fi I NE -FURS 4SpýgCj FUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO 'BE t ~ASTRACHAIT 'DoLPRERUS81AN TLJ RAoN R)BES, S. S. IElAL Bi OBE,-PEE8IAIiLA] BUFFALO ROBES, MOOK fEMI MIX CAPS, MuTE SETTI S. S. SEÂL CAPS S. S. SEAL OTTER AND SEAt SETTS, ERINE SET PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAI BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHÂN CONEY CAPS>I, BLACK SBI! GREY LABMr, eu&1, flNEX -SET) GERMAIT MII4K CAS, <* à 1:LA 'oot i' 1.. ;1877. A i fi Y. ORDER. toi hi of de 4ltraio A. R;ù1::.R Y- F I :F MEJ: 7Ë5, ', 77 ' YONGÉE S., TO'RO"NTO. f, w fr~efdealte odice a mors perfect syetem into a&H th. de-, sè o 0ha.*-f 4 ,i wc enabled te tuni ot rhi w% _'Iigregre o~ M e gow0as abo1elýyodaçgjc n. THE J H >2iý"A IN-ýREAPER fa w weli knownw< fng"apr that a word of commendation would alest seem supe4tdeiâ"lbxt"..à auilue re are nxany claimcing mannfactule thia Machine who have'adhet4e, il~ orignal, Johnston Machine, withoný keep-, Jing np te the improv@iý.. ~ 14bstice, tonrselves and patrons require o! ns te sade Ihat we have niû,8iffliî iii almout. every essential part, end for stiength j '*.duxabid. t' 4fqnaie )'rain ; lightaess of araft' and eaueo01managernqpltfi qT~fao? ~tfc~ed by na-sýtands ýVe ers proof o! Ibis position we have ocly ns- uat the lest Provincial trial of On. 1à 1~e~'~~, tials bIch have taken place all over Canada, within OUR RIUMH OMBINED MACHIN-ES, with" i xprovem enta, os ail IhatiqanM'a desd e din a Conbed ahian Our lmprpv4 Cyg CifJr, nd, ou, xung; Canga Mower8 are oil lIul-qasq ~ amosiwholî t Ion and Steel. The Té ~,ïùà a'frntOst 0btasrongt Ur! aR'~~hieu, d nt exelld an mahind Luîle maret for quelity of * buRNEW Wi~I ÀÀRE&I-ÊR." As.th.ccuntry heu become better 'ad&'pt.e Machinery, and xnmany o! our faim. exa have- become akiied in thé -use ý,f mchines , ia growing ,demanad bas sprnng up for a Ligibl, Durable, FirstzI0as lteoier. Alivetoth aeqnreme t 1à dy, ,we have mucceeded in inventing. a ma- chipi. mth"a. Wgonghl Iron Prame,iwith 1h. least possible geeriag-witi, largI, broad feced drive whel,-and se onsftete le hfenEn abetl tlb ,sameîtfiùe, thereby keeplng the itnan-always bu linoe witu the Jeifé, The rekes ýare driven directly froin the polu e>aefstpierebeing. no perceptiblesBide draft, and no weight epon the hors.. necks. We are confident tfiat.we-,have elo*epèded'in liiventing thé luoaosperfet Reeper, tekin2g La in ail its-parts, that haï ever ben produced. We 'have gpplied for Jlettera patent, and shail bold our invention, ,x=ourown exclnusive manufac.tdre;and w. respectfnlly suggcst*te in- tending pÙc cbser, that they shocld s*ec thiaxuachineý befo egygtoir orders ,for thé con«u___ harvent. The "Whitby HEarvester" weiglis, aUtoldf"600, Pound@, bt being Mde prncipally cf the 'beet qcality of rou end steel, sud from its n. ninsud compact costrution, il combînoteetng- n uaiyo h With tbis bast of machines, we f îe)el odeni that w eaun meet every re- quirement, and we respeclfull soltaf trial cf ocrrnachines, believing that we ean frrnish a btter machine fort'h. money than cen hé obtaineel elsewhere. ~ReOWfNll or,& TTSN FG.C.- 'f BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. i'boitby, Ontarie, Februoery, 1877. 50 Lairgeje BoxStovesiodso 11Kns, Clieap and Good MICHAEL GLEE SON (late with F. Mtien), Greeniwood, wliere lie will beliappy te sec all frieoîds. The stock is selectedl witli a view bc meet lh. -,wants of aIl. Home brade. bu our especial ains, and wÀ -1 dey -cpmpetitiqn iwevcry linsý of the, buses.Cepocdan gôod Gode wi l èand'oustomiers. Notbig wated by old, or new cus- toiers, bel shffail b.fui'nisred un short notice. A specialtybu COAL*OIL, 5dgalkns ft> $1. -Produce of-411 kinds wiil be paid for in CASH, or 4o.e. given for 'îte saine a et iurte. t~dI~G '.TIE'iAR EXHIBITION 1 Stock aild s l i w5' at h.a rýr t , pr viaus o th Ëe sù'Exiei~ti. No sth'etimeto, get -agood pieture cha. [ee uppl entJ] C1ever ymt,4i nen wIo va6j~r met ods. Afn nr, lrxs iu- o a pdi ep4*9UýtQBs r3Vi. a..! NEW STÂTIONE-Ry & JsTOE Besto annocipto scustomers-an1d *thée pubUein g0 e ta th hë o fëi i î ' ' le a,, t hh is OPen d W Stationery, S h ool Buok aý Ç wdoË;î pot min The Daily'and Weely Papers Rà Iwaye.. On lind, and e Ivýered té subsoribers in. aIl par-ti of the towu-.- Orders promptiy-flou for Periodicais, Magazines and Mnsio.. -Aise, a well-assortd Iofý1;ýMloloes,. The public will flnd it to their datg o aeape a- Our stock before puirchasing elsewhere.fii tit this keep- of us ength ess of tands ý only f On. ?ithin 's and 4,er8 The ruug ma- ir t Mé' The Bide bave that r :Our 6 lu, *rs Md$, s in. t the re. we lo. d. Md as- or .48 si le C A A F 11EV. MR. LAIRD, FATHER McCANIN, or DWARD CARSWEUi,. L Simcoe-St., Oshawa. B eemeS2t', 87 December 244h, 1877. O UTT ERýS, BUGelES, ANýD CAUGE&. A areAssortmeiýnto ue and ]3ggies - FOR .SALE, CHEAP, -AT- TOMS & N~eWOIS STREET, ~ actnj A.TT -ET , -. WHJIfB,, OlI-STBI AT THE OtLD... STAN Boot JHoesiChAp t Èrý: e1%',! lias resuimed lýis, ol stand e(hequered Store), Brock-st. WJI4tby, wherelie if; nowenaledto ivegood alaro ail custoziiers, .ld, and ne MEs stock of is replete for F»Il adWne randhl. eis determined to Beil off at the l91weSt proftlf Cail aud sée lis ,Sto-'ck and Price-s. -rJOH'N ýSAUNDE RS. P;.Partieuflbtdtoien1 please eall and settle MI THOI k large andl suȏui Si h~DDLI~RY Degu b dircet attexitioni thina Juil coe Street, Oshe A. G fice--Byron Six Wloitby, Onteic 'Court Streeti Toi .J.G.-R0B1N50N, m G. YOIINC yOmcz- Over 1 Jan. 22,1878.ý ATTOBNEYj Amoney to la BolL Agent for m over -Wigbtnoan' Oshawa. ]BA ERS Solicitoro ii~ sire TIEOITR OAlRON, TOOMIN T O1PIC-iiexi di ta-esidence, aet 1 -P SCIAN, b Wm, McBreek C DR. iýalÊ Whitby, sept.- Sm: Grcry Star Ofice hours from 9 1.80 t0 6, P.im. liE and Gflbeèré aireets. C, N. VA T jEETI -latesi as _p sea ts he cea. bout. Teeth -ied "Teeth extrectedwtt local aenatbhese. i ens newblock, over Ring Street, O.hswa AMR DRESSE Seoon, Broc], UON -Wi A ETPop, A GotishGran ai jenethen WoIfend GEORGE A U ad Joonier,Gr * large qnantity of auJ istantly on hmid. JAMIES 1 TOWNIsHIP cL] -BE] CONVEYLwCIwi .AL INSu~ The Clerk wil b Town HEu, Coluini Frideys, for Towus Merch 27th, 1877. BL4CKSËITH, - ALL n FLOWER fWKOVEGE - 3eist veniety, (p A large stodO f I GLEANa UI.AT HIALF-PRICE. A frsh ôt o)f Canre ust received. and Parrots Is hIOwCopýlete ini Every Line. GRmiNWOOD, N~ovcmber 101h, 1877. Oms-48 lire YOUea e Well-fltting Garmient :-To the Taifng Establialiment of fi fi s 0 A Large Stok o!f ine Clotho; best Englial, Scth .and C ala Tweeds. 0> Excelet Overcoatingu cad Spendid' Vesi P'aterns.A good fit Gwsrautced.' GORE -GURLES *THA W. King Sircet, Oshawa. IAT. GEORGE GURLEY, jcr~sfi..aarge I I e' J.JOIINSONO- ery Special Induce mentis to STARTING fROUSEXEEPINGJ. those 'ulStoQk Qf Casketis4, Coms, and the neo'esarLeýW- hithis n.A~o WELL-APPOINTED HEAlISE. 'hitby, October 1Oth, 1877. fi i fi fi GOODS NEW S TA T1O0N E IRy B 0 O K S T .0 R E AT THE EXÉPRESS, AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, flOCK-ST. ý,Geor-ge Yule ýbgs te 'anunounà ce that ho fias, re-opened bsStatiouery and ]Book Store ino Whitby, whero sitationery of ail linds, of lIe best quality, will ho kept n and ; alÉo Shool Boks o! evc-ry description , Co'PY Books- S îtes, Pencils, Ink s3, & -&.,-a t e l w s The Daily and Weekly Papes lways, on hand. $b I Musical Iftstrumelnts, including ae ýfine asortrnnm t a il I V o i s O raors":Fre a4 n for"P riodic as , a a in s o d1us c Whitby, Dco~ 131h, 1876. 51 FAOTkORY AND FUR'NITJEWREROOMSI TAND ~JOCK TRET, Wà B.t iere~ ~ yo canta l e THEOL DB' GEO YULE.1 n, e- atonisahing low prices. Dmn- fi i ic finc i f if I NEW [,othing adGL ~ unsigfos [s now supplied with aI1th'e tsylsQ English, Scotch, and- Canadiani Clot4-,,0f eoH iinds, the J'Also au excellent stock of Gents' Furnishiings, &7splenà id stock of R.ady-made Overcoata, Cbeap for (Çashl MILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, Mci Gol ELECTRO fifififi~fififi f f i l fi fi- fi ICI; (~L'OdKSriND~ANCyGoc ~gRFwIO1TS'~'">> - 1)fl 7 fi ~ O~1~T9ÇK, o O INTEND~No PURC}~ ~ ':dn' A~i OLDS1~IITffs ) J WHPLYBY. HmLL --0:0 RO' LA trE, JE WELh'Y. WA TOS, KÉk ID ËTkCYING0bý ASEBe GQODS ~ j STOCK P -0F- GROCEIIES, LIQUOB8, do, Which having -I 4 been secured for Cash on most advantageoits 'torms, 1 ain enableti to offer at -fuuly 25 Rer Cent Be/o w Ordinary Prices To cash and prompt Paying Buyerti at Wluolesale and Retail. I deem it unnecessary to en- umnerato the iteihs in detail of my large and extensive stock; any attempt to do so Yvould fl La -doyzen Chron.1c1e, suf-. lice to 8ay t-hat it i18cùft4ibte in al Uines and that customers vwill fld 's" c c H '1 ) ) - ÉAgood article 4. etding. fi EVERYTHING IN Teas, Cofees, Cocoas, Ch'Oco- bites, &é., &c., Myý tiquors4 as heretofore, are of the best brands and will ho founid unsurpassed lu purity and cheapness. Agent fr ogro ove & Labatt's Aies. Ales, Best quality, 80 cents per -igallon Canned Fruits, Pickles, Biseuts, of best quà lity.- Oysters, Haddlies, Iloaters and - 1e ofs f ail kinds, Herrings,. Salmon Trout, &c., in Barrels and haîf- Barrels. Ianmaking Suga;rs a ispecialty1, and, c~Ll afQr ~solil 20 Ibs. 'Brown Sga toi $ipoo la for of Gurrants for $1~09 - $1,00 T.eLWLit fi i a d Ameicn or, onu sl utel alan1~r le Jfýl,ý!wp ' 0 TJ R. S- T 0 RE IBESTYS WhityMrcth , ô8. 0ouh Brockstre wihai rdrGfAhtoa For. One! . M nt,- My, $tOck. of il âe,ý 1-6 Ni 3 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 - S EUIFUL ABIN T PO TRAI MCoD ffi ONAL, lowN. G ISo . 31 31 1 cri ri0à iei HON.'REN (UBBS, F 11 Wlitby, Ontario, February, 1877. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, FASHION4BLE 4 TAILOBING or EDWARD CARSWÈJL., BE STis, Io where you i UPEI RIOR GEORGE GURLÈY' King Street, 0shaws. 1 A Large UNDERTAKING. ail 1 'IDUNDAS lao-oted . *MtBy. ý [,W.Iutby, Dec, 18th,1876. ,TIL.L'S ]ýcA'afNtT ,ECTRO