Whitby Chronicle, 25 Apr 1878, p. 4

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NEWp R E mIs E s onu, suni . .010 .........-10 Whou not rlkours.. 00 Dors than 0 50, Z012a, l euca~edlsburme., moants te ho llowed,). .....o gruznuauing, Jury for Coroners' - Inquesa, inolzzdng tnding At Inqusst, and ailservices lu rec. pec putbsreof, if hsldacifameday, se Jury guuaonoud....#.....ce0 A*udlngu each adjournuieul therof 1 Il ual engagea zmare long hauts................ 0 *Do. do. il engagea metos'th"n four bouru....... é........ 0 Berving summons or gubpo.us te ROtal' beore Coroner subjeet No,. 10)........ . ........ OM Kilesge srvlug saîne . ........ 010 .Enhuiuig bodly unuS. Coroner'. ý:Wrat ...... .. 00 lta.burying sa&me............g$00 sorulng dlshressa rant, sud rs. lsrxug aie. ........I180 Adverlalug undor itres. war. rant ......o..............s80 *Trivollin te mako distrens, or te OIIOch forýgoods ta make dis. trois vlasu no goodc arc fund.. O010 Appralsemeuts, viiehher byne or more, a cents lu tho dollar, ou the vlus ci gonds Catalogue sale sud commisihoan sud deliver cf1 cods, ô t..lu the 1, ounentprotnos ofgeaue. Exocutlugsoearch Waant.... i i sorvlng noticea on constable, whoet puroually serveS ... O 0 PublTphedby eider, 1 I FÂRI4WE7LL, O5loniioe , 1eace, C. 0. 20 "'FoP Sale! *111 Iouffle AND PItEuISES lbran srly ocunpled by the late« Jauîes ne, Cetdro.- shoot, lFor larticulars, ly te H. B. Taylor 'Eu1, Dominion l4, Wblîbjy or toaIt<n. Jules Byrue, Dr. Mý8Gn1 3antiord. Nru DoS INIDSOR 10. SALE I Townshlp of Someffille, OOUNTY 0F VICTO]RIA. The followlîag land in ithewnshlp Of ?Sorerville, Oounty o, Victoria, are cloneS Thé. Wet j ef Lot 5, Iluh ti hceuces. %lup oii olthaag et100 acres. itteon acres cie4retl snd fonceS, A uevor.faillng slrsam 0 osmeq lhelot, on whilala Inamlisite, near bile de oaguS-o.ratThe.proporty it (mlyj cia mie fr u fbrsilws station on~ therioraik xinmoyjsud 8 amiles fromthie ¶,Lut7ji tlit 4h concessifon, consioting 9002Woecrs. T ho lond iq vel tirubersd IIalita¶1>il ta lot oit valushîs codai. A lee-Aling istteâtit ai voter ruse throujh the lot, wh i bu bt one-sud-a.halt milos freinm allUWsy station ou tiie Victoria Bail. * a.Th« oauntry rund in iettled. * srcai. John 0Gaoan sond-aniel Silvor, fiesr Xlniul t îeh mr the ptoparty. oraTenis i Ojappyto- JAS, WALKR R, Moray P.O. Ontario, or te *Mesura. HATO]! îk13110, Whitby. Aug 929n, 1877. . .85 *Farm to Rent. aultvation-Gocad Iloîice sud buildings, lge Orohard, &o. Ellgily sltuated, li- Inelateiy outoide the limits ef the corpora. lion. Apply t0-- F'13 E.GIBBS, Sept. 20,1677. (11.40) oshsws, 'ont, LEVI STONE, Wilklvoou Block, dircctly- Northi e Jehnatouo Fumnitare Store,- - ùÃ"TH BROOK-8TI, . - WIMITBYO 1Doge toaimnuniaceo the inhablCtuso; Whitby sud vIlclnily, lhaiala lias oponed a FLOUR & FEED STORE, Li i canicotln wllliilo Bther Skop, whoro l lIi alwayi hav@ on band A& LARGE ý,STOCK OF Choice Pleur, Cîacked Wbeat, Ottinl, Corumeal, Oats, Pasa, shorts, &C. 01URhS DIILIVERIItD IN ANY PART OF THE TOWNI1 I 'A COlli je Sli Citod. iv~ LEVI STONE,- Wllknson Dlock, . . Wlhlîby. Maroli 121h, 1978. (tf-il T R valoabla NE-W ÂND FRESH Having corne out of the Fire safely I have beon enabled to re-in-* veet the total am-ount of' my insurance and a large amount cf othor Capital in the purchase cf an ou- H tirely new andb SFRESH STOCK>~ c~o -OF- SGIWCEIIES, LIQUOI?8, d#c. Whidh having been -secured z or zT for Cash on mojqt advantageous terms, I amn enabled te offer at fully 25 Per Cènt-Be/ow Ordinary Prices Paying Buyers at Wholeeale and Retail. I de'em itunnecessary to en- umerate the items 'in detail cf my large and extensive stock ; any attempt te do s0 would 1111 a dozen CltrQnicles, suf- lice te say that it is complote in al linos and that customers will find on the promises every article that may ho enquirod -for. -M I ci cidso Families makingW purchases of, c Holiday .O roceries' 0 Viii save Moiney and secure a good article by caiing. EVERYTHIING IN 'eas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- lates, &C.,&C., My -Liquors, as heretofore, o r f tho best brande ard will bc found uneuxpassed in purity and cheapness. Agent for Ceegrove & Labatt's Aies. Ales, Best quality, 30 cents par gallon by tho Keg.- - .1 Canned Fruits, Pickles,' Biscuts, of best- quality. Qysters, Haddics, Bloatere and ,flsh of ail kinds, Herýings, Salmon Trout, &c., in Barrels and half- Barrels., Q I arn making Stugars'a specialty, and can affordl to sen ' of -Brown Suigar of [20 lbs, Qf Currants foiù -BY Ti zmào BS T M H RÃ"E~STORE th Medo aomk reduotion of lOcte. on thei ~IO.pr~ Cina (IOr, sudnaGlaware for bha le 80e, 400, 500 and %é- erlb. innHdi. Bosed onigsLab*rla erg, BnlsaQd cousiantly on hand. Ontmca1pruùiaca uckw Fleur; aise agent for Porresf Mioli hdooF"î piedwta fine arice at lowest.price. Juot rocozi Bords, warrante1 frosh su'd true*no' atheir tldnd,U Afor , etosCutter, and .Eggs, ta frGode. Callt before puchasing elswherî, sd at tho New Cash GroeryStore. F.b. lUth, 178S'le. 1 U5 a m ga n4ut, st ,Whitdflh anad, Tient, wM iib leol asta ilion in ,exohange secure good bargain. SIMON FRASER, Onta>rlo Block, Brock.st., Whllby. N(EW G OOÃ"D'S (Jlothing -and Gellt's Furnishing Hâouse Io now supplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths, of ail kinds, the Largeet and Best Stock they ever had. GOý AlsQ'an excel èùý!toiVof Geùtfs'Fürniishinge, al naw. A splendid, stock of RBeady.màd Overcoata, Cheap 1for Cash. McMILLAN'S IiLOCE, BBOOIF STREET, WHITBY. NO COMBINATION P ETERB SMITH, fias- mudli Pleasure in announcing that ho has now in Stock a Complote Assorîment cf al kinde cf Family Grocerieis s*gable for the Holidays or any time, including the foilowing, viz. New Valentia Baigins, A Choice lot cf Motto Caps sud Saucera- Layer "for Xmbas. Baukut "Faucy Toys for Xm-as Loèudo 'Fny Candis,$ for Xmas. " Crovu "3.111@.,Marnaulade, Currants Piakies Salmon, Lobesters, Lemon Pool, Sardines, Wbite Fpub, Orange Peol. SalnýTrout, "Citron Peel, Finnan Haddies sud Oycterc rereived AUl Klnds cf Spicos. daily. Nubuê ail Kinds. pipeTobaccos, Combs, Extraits cf ail Kindsi Brues, Kuives, &o. A FULL A88ORTMENT IN EYERY LUNE. Have you seen the New Illuminator. No Chimney re- quired. 1 Light equal to 8 cf the cld kind, once tried always used. Sole agent for Whitby. Crcckory and Glasavare in great variety, oheap. Cash paid fer Apples, Polatoos, Butter, Eggs sud Poultry. Whitby, Dec. 111h, 1877. PETER SMITH, Oddfeilovs' Buildings. IYIaROSSN &Cosy 91 King- Street,'. 1-. - ABE NOW SHOWING Toronto, oui maebIeu,~ th aeninbl.d teoOb ~~~~~~C ~ .* aoceo Ima wherrgeneial -mtnfacturiug W. are therefoe, enabled ta lutrodue a more perfect system fie .11 tithede-, paitmouls 0 mafture, addingnmot duly te tb. perfection of the. work, but al- mo to the a=idlty of lÙ8 execntoa-ad eeus.quae4 etio# ot. .Tf cp1lularegarded nueesary lu a weliqgplaIted estabishiment, aud w, euabled Ï t traoui Our machines with a bgiir S t fperiection, snd at price. so loW u Sbsoueytà,aidyomtpetitioni - THE 2 - in Dow mcgo il kuovuas- a Single Beaper, that a word ýof ',comiendation weuld simost oem superfinous, but s ier, oiiare mauy clai=mng.to manufacture Ibis machine who have sdhored te lhe old original 'Jebuston machine, vithout keep-, lng up ta thé roemnt ; tbat Justice Wo ourselves sud 'patrons requireocf us ta sah. iaIvs v modded11 ~a1~ot îery ssel,4 part, sud for strength &rquaiiy uulit.y cf eu, in'.evry lind sud condition cf gra 'Inlightànes cf ci maugamndesse obhnu a na aufactur ,ed *by uéstandu po.emineully ahead of al olim-reé aers. Isi proof of Ibs'psiton vo have only - on ethe mauy Piret Piszeiawàirded us-sat the. lsslPýrvni ra c n briot, sd msny counly trialusw hle ae taken place aIl over Canaa, vithin thoisùt Iew years. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, with late impravements, is aIl Ibat c au b. doslred in a Combined Machine, snd osucot fail tW meet aIl tbc rsquiiomentî of purchaso. Our' Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and oui' Young Canada Mowers aie bcth first-claau machines- conslltutedic als wholly cf Iron and Steel. 'The Ca ugo, r. haa a rear out, aud Ibm Young Canada a front-Cul ; both étronjg,'dur. ab e machines, sud not excellodl by azy machines in the market for qualily cf eut, dnrbility, lightness cf draft, adApiabihbyý, sudesse cf management. OUR NEW,"WHITBY HARVESTER."- As the country hs bocome botter adapted te macbinery, sud amany cf our faim. crs have* booome skiled in th.ý use of machines, a growin'g demand bas oprung np for a Ligbb, Durable, Firat-ClasuBecaper. Alive to the requirements of-the day, we have aucceeded in inventing a mea- chine with a Wrought Iron- Frazue, wiLla tbe les possible geariug-with large broad.facod drive wbeel,-and se constructed that the frame sud table tilt alîhel same lime, therebTr keoping the pitInan alwaya In lino villi the kuife. The rakes are driven directly from th. main shaf-there boing ne perceptible aide draft, ana no vii upon the herses necke. W. are confident- uat vo have snccceded in invn= g the moat perfect Beaper, laking il lu ail its parts, that bas ever been produced. Wo have appbied for letters patent, aud shal old car invention, for oui owu exclusive manufacture, sud vo respectfully ouggcst te in- tending purchasers, Ihat they shoald! sec Ibis machine before giving their orders for tho coming harvest. The "Whitby Harvester" veigks, ail tbld, 600 poundo, but being made principaily cf the beat quality cf fron sund steel, sud from its in. geuicas und comapact construction, il combines the slragtb sud durability cf the heavier machines.1 Al cf car machiues are fally wsrrsnted. With Ibis lilt of machines, we feel coufdnt4at ve eau meel every ro. qairement, sud vo reapeclfailly solicit a trial cf our machines, boliovingîhat we eau farniali &:botter machine for tis mouey than eau ho obtaiued elsowhere. Bespoctfally Yoais, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. C0. Whitby, Ontarjo, February, 1877. OUR NEW STORE!1 Goods of Ail Kinds, Cheap and Good. MICHAEL GLEESON (late with F. Meen), Greenwood, where he wii be happy to, see ail friends. The stock is selected with a view to meet the wants of ail. Home trade is our especial aim, and we will defy competition in every lino of the business. Cheap Goode and good Goode wiil demand customers. Nothing wanted by old' or new eus. tomers, but shail be furnished un short notice. A speeialty in COAL QIL, 5 gallons for $1. O., Produce cf ail kinds will be paid for in CASH, or goods given for the sanie at thet rate. GENWOOD, November I9th, 1877. Gms.48 THE LARGEST STOCIK 0F FURSI1 ll:- FI NE EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. 00-- FURS A SPECIALTY. -ffl 0:0- FUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO OIRDER. BER ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RUS81ANi LAMB SACQUES, RACOON RO]BES, S. S. «RAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, - PERSIAN LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO R'OBESi MOOK ERMINE SACAUE5, MiNE APS, INE SBTTS, S. S. SEAC CAPS S. S. SEAL SETTS, ' OTTER AND SEAt SETTS, EMRMNE SETTS, PERIAN LAWP CAPS, PERSIAN LAME 'SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTEACHEAN SETTS CONET -CAPO, BLACK 'SABLE SETiS, GRIEY LAMB' CAPS CONRY SETTS GEEIMAI4 KCÂIp5. GREY LAMEbETTS, - CHILDREN'5 SETTS. Particular attention given to ail orders. speoially attended te. Toronto, Dec. 8, 1877.. A:;b MR -r Aiterations1 ly.501 IFI1 pmiR 1 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., TORONTO. 50 Large Size Bo* Stoves CLEARIING OUT AT HALF-PRICE. A fresh-ý1ot of Cana>ries and Parrots just received. My Stock, of 'U T l N*,I TTYREm Is 110W (omplete ini Every Lie arn A ~mv~ ZOUSEKEEPINGF. UNDERT'AKINO, Ameica CenCorniipal alei Fall ýjp4 8jinglIA Wo 1ut lwy n hgad4t o - a lj ,ying -p4oeé«. w it, -F-A HZ ONABLE TAIL ORING GO Where ycU Can got a Weil-fltting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishment of1 GEORGE SUPERIOR GURLEY, OSHAWA. CUTTING SHAPES THE WORK 1 A Large Stock of Fine Cloths ; best Engliali, Scotch aud Canadian Tweeds. 0*- Excellent Overcoatingti and Splendid 'Vest patterns. A good fit Guaranteed. GiEORGYE GUBLEY, 61 King Street, Oshawa. NEW S TA T 10N E RY -AND-. BOOK STO"RE A AT THIE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. Gleorg Yule begs to aunnounce that ho lias ro-opened uis Stationoery and Book Store in Whitby, whcre stationery cf ail kindis, of the best gqcality, wM ! h kept on hand ; aloo School Books of every description, Copy Books, .SMates, Poneils, Inka, &C., &C., at the lowest The Daily and Weekl.y Papers always on hand. Sub- scriptions Solicitcd. Musical Instruments, including a~ fine assortment of Vioins. Orders arc taken for Periodicals, Magazines and Music. SWhitby, Dec. 18th, 187-. WILLIAM CABI NET FACTORY -GEO YULE.1 51 TILL 'S AND' THE ûLD StAND,. BROOK STREET, WHITBYI Go wvhere "yo0u cnt.fail to be pleuadnlumaking-solections cf'good furniture. Splendid Padlonri Drawing Room aud Bedroom Sets, Ne eiu eilrthfy of ins'pection, at astouishini 1ev prices. Din- ing.room Exte r i be-avery supenearticle e-t dor ices; Piceture Frsning in! cvery style. Some fiue Chromos frT nM.n IVTA KXI:T TG, Iu ail its branches; 'fanetaisfully sup plie, Astock, of eleganit caskets., cfins alvays on hind, tnimiuete tIo nuâstemners,-sud a veli appoiutedi çresoe oenetatly ureadiness. WU. TILL, GOINIG TO ýTHE- PARIS EXHIQITION ýMr. Barrett is selling out lis entire Stock and je now taking pictures- at haif-price, prêvièns to gp-ing to the Paris Exhibition..*..- Now s 1hctime to ,get a good pitr cheap. [See Suplement.jp Clever young men Who- want to learu the business instructed in a few lesons in the newest methods. A finemae,)larnesà and. Wggy for sale. A BARRETT, Photographer. 9&- Opposite Ontario Bank, Whitby. . NEW STATIONERY & BOOK, STORE, AT THE WHITBY SOHOOL B1300K ÀNI NEW S. DEPOT J. G.'MeDOLJGALL' Bes te announce te hi ecustomers a nd the publie in- genea li huO lpened a Sîationery, Behoel Buok anad Novgaepol in counection vith hie Confectionery & Baking businessir hieme ldand.ma soulli Brook Stroot, where everything in the finoeau ýeatvry'lw rates. ** b a Ivr e The Daily and Weekly Papers'always on hb1and, and de- livored to subecribers in ail parts of the town.1 Orders promptly filed for- Periodicals, Magazines sud Music. Alec, a. well-assorted lot-cf, Mettoesb Berlin Wools, and Fancy Goode, on hand, at low priee. The public wiII fnd it te their adlvantage te tàike a peep at our stock before purchasing elscwhere. Witby, Murch 4th, 1878. GIVEN J. G. MoDOU-GALL, Sonth Brock Street. AWAY with ail orders of Photos-, aï BEST'S For One GALLERÈ'Y) Month, A BEAUTIFUL CABINET PORTRAIT ! C hoice of the foilowing porsons : SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, REV. -MR. LAIRD,ý BEST9S, HON. T. N. GIBBS, FATHEIR McCANN, or EDWARD CAIISWELL. - Simcoe-St., Oshawa. Dcember 24th, 1877. OUTTERS, BUGGIES, AND CAJIAGES. A Large Assortment of Cutters-and Buggies* FOR ,SALE., CHEAP,_ -AT-> TOMS &_ NEWPORT'S DUNDAS STREEU Carriage Factory, T, - - WHITBY, ONTABlO. AT THE OLD STA'N'D., Boots à S hoos Oheaper'than--Ever!1 JOHN SAIJNDE]RS-- lias resumed lis business at 'the old stand (Ohequered Store), Brock-st., Wllitby, where he- is now enabled to- giv6ý good value to ail ustomers, old ana new. Hie stockof BOOTS AND. SHOES, is replete for Fail and Winter'wear, audoia de ,aterniiînîed to soUl off. atthe lowest, profit. Cali and see lis Stock and Prices. JOHN SAUNDERS. Pl.S. Parties inàebted to me, will please cai and settie immeiatey. -J.-S. Whitby, October 22»d,_ 1877. SADDLER Y AND H3AIRNESS. WILLI AM T HO0M P SO0N Begs toirect attenïtfont'o"his large 'as sperior stock, eomprising everY-,, <thing ina the Saddlery and EAüneu Lino, aise Leather Vlssand > Saratoga 7Irunk-$ A LOT 0F CHILDREN'S Oit-RRL4 GE$, Véry handmonansd Choap, AItIheold establihmenDt. ýWILLIAM THOMSON, AVili IM, 1877. 2via Toi cash and prompt W ihsept. 801h, lE a 1.00- 1 Very - Speciàl Valentia Raisins for $ viz ibal

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