'~io :4Tyv;; ~ <.j'~. :!'~Ci (rx f ['i t4~ ~ LIU Il J ~ 5~O~ SE s, ¶tt *V' jjt4t '-t, canuot bc n ~oe-*.. 010 ,fouvhonna............ ".MieP bveoua,' te aat A ,aidmi, 5eoann, or lbie .Jutlea Pumidleeomso"bne eibm.- 1.summuolgl3*7 fer Ooroeî,, InqUest, Ifllu ing afttending At, lnqttss, SudtiiItl er'es tu ris. P4et tbereg,1fhâld O Oon sdy t s aJur-y aummoned .......... 00 il ttbmndlng oaci, adjournuetou therool, Il ual engaged mare tour hourq.............. .... 1 0 12. De. do, If engage manre than - . r0ionr.......1î.,......... *14. Miig evn ap......... 010 MO Exhnulnig body unde! Coronorlo 17.; servlng ditroue w-arraitt, e4dro. orniq ae ..i,......... 15 rautn................ a. 19, eh gfo 0ls tamako dis. trou when n o g004 are land..* O 10 20. /tpprâItemeints, Whll#tlr b yDue or more, 28conta Jnio a4ollar, onP biteveltie 0fogonds. 21, QaTilogue $ae l sud coruuln 28: srvlng notices an coustables, H . PAIIVWPLL, For Sale p1 teM H Taylor fluq., oinlaon aDrMa o,, r ntc ar. êm 13yrne, lob, 28rd, 1878. -10 LANDS FOR SALE 1. IN Tum Township.,ai ofà mervlé, (IOUNTY 0F-VIC3TORIIA. Thei iollowing l4nda n b ~e lownihl01 Homnrvillli, ClantY oiVictoria, i-e aoftred foi- ae- The Wu4aiit01Int 8, lnthlie lRt concoo. Mien, conltingaof 100 acresi. Iiifteen acres claîrec1 sud fonced, A ucver.1f1alîngusa OZPano the lot, ou wbh la l a ii lite, nemi tbA 'U gond roiS, The priryb only af 1%. ' IM rap lw»uaisn villa? a1 ilmotin .11 la t7,ilita o14th0131h jonccaiat,, <i 1f 900 -rau, The lant la moîl, tboregl livlu au, Lb a lot al vainstîs ecdar. A noyer- smUlng Atroamm 0f iterr us througb the lot,,witiclsi, leJit one.and.a.hglf tln s freini a ilwmy italien on the, Vitoria RIail. wa>- Thse cOmmty arnunî Irsti- l Rmiuru. Mhn Moc ,nau anS adISre' ues iKnmaun , W il sow ti praporîy.. Fer Taritmu a Bal, apsply te- JAS. 1 WILKLci,- Moray P. . O uli-laj, or ta tMoiaila, ITCU & 13110., Whlbby. Aug 921td, 1877, ..00 LEVI STONE, Wilkinsen])liook, cireely Narto JQjolue'a Fri idîuuro tStore, SOUTHI BROOK-ST., - - WHITBY, reg. I. no ftsome (q ihtabitanbu oi Wiltby anS vk-1n1t1'L, tpat ho litau openod a FLOUR & FEEDSTO>RËE In conniecolnWilh Ida. Dutclior Stop, *b#i-e ho will lwaye have oun &,, - L&RGH STOCK o 'ëboice Plour, . 11 'tCracked Wheaî, Gi-rne!, Shorts, te. I jj~ DE]LjVîRED XN At PART ( t OTUIETOWN 1 t A ACal l s lito., j LVI STONEj t . by (tf-il HJVTE~IISFG '.4.. 4 t. , 43~ ~ .bJ~!'D FRESH \444 t '.\17) 1 r',~ MMt'4 ~'FHà -iïng orne out of trio Fire safely I luivû bccn cnabled te rce-in-,- voat the total ainount of my insurance and a large amount of otier -capital in the purchase of an en- ~ F~E~HSTOCK'> Which having - beeli e ~p4 dl z for Cash on most advantageous terir, I [lui enabled to offer at fuliy 25 Per Cent Be/o w Ordinary Prives To- cash and prompt Paying Buyers at Wholesale and Rotail. Idelei _t uunecessary to en-' uimerate the items in detail of my large and extensive stoek ; aniy attempt to do se wôuld 1 a dozen Chironicles, Iicç ,t,o »y t it is complote in ail hulIes ad th0 tWors will find on the praeuiis every à lýfle -that may bo onquired for. * Heads of Fttmilleî xnaking 72 NEWci saidagorbunent Of Ni OO400, 500ana 760o r IL. caled Hmng, Labrc a~en çonstan lyo0n hadid. Q i it ' u . ~,;~ s 'ge~ $r F r in.~h io on", 9---ipl9 zwdC eteu o t e t b f r J D d V W I O I U e k iApplée 'PlÃMgi,ýJ15tétr, nd.gs tkninecag for Cood s. O IU , b f& @ ji si n g e ac h re a e o got od « C h a g eln 4the NewUaliGvootySb ~'eb 15h, 176.Ont arlo Whitby -Clothing and Gent's Furnishing House Is now Supplied'j i > aWt P6 ewstfý01 -of English, Scotch, and aidii'Ooteo anlkincis, the (~j Alo ai-exellbtt stock of Genite'9Ir hng ail ne.A splendid stock of Beady.naade Oveoata, Cheîp for Cash. UMMLÂN'S BLOdOK, 'BOK 8ÃÈTB~, WHITBY. NO OQMBINÂTION EÉTFI Has~ much Pleasure iiln announcinug that h& ikas -ioW,- iu$t04 -e' Cowplete Assoatmoent of anl ]kinds of FaÃà dl'Êkrôéeries sùit4abI0g for theHldy or auy eime, inelluding, the following, vig.: Lo ayenraBaieACdie lot of Motto Cups and Saucers " Laer "for Xmao. Baskee "fMq.ê,Tpy~ a, London " aniy Candi., lot Xmui. Crown "xo1iu . M alade, "Currant; " Piei.a p .Téobe*tere, *Limon Peel, Sardinue- Wbite Fish, Orange Pue)., Salmon Trout, Citron Peel, FinmnMaddts and Oystors recteivod Ail indi of Spice.,ai Nusei K o Pipes>, obaeoso, Combe, z z ý a b of aul Hnd . D u b s n v s ~ A F'ULL ASSOBTMENTfl< EVEBY IJNE. 11ame. yelu see the New Illumin'at Or.- No Chimney re- quureiL.f Light equai te 8 of the old kind, once tried always uged. Sole agent for Whitby, Crockexy and Glas.waje, iu great 'Yariety, eheap. -Oash paid 1«.A pplog, Potatooes, Butter, Eà p- &bd Poultry. PETER SMITH, Wbitby, Dec.1t8V7. Oddiollowo' Buildings. 9 MOCROSSON #< GQ.~ oi Ki.ngyzitreet, THE L-ARGEST STOCK 0F FJJRSj BI purchases of,c Hally daj roceries ý o om 0 Wil l ae'Mouey and secure a good article by calling. EVE RYTING IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- My tiLquüors, as heretofore, âre'*of tho -be't brands fand will be found unsurpasýed in purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgreve & Labatt's Ales. *Aleii, Best quality- 30 cents per gallon by the Reg. t 0aibed PUiU, iJ'ules Biscuts, of best quality. Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters and fish of al kinds, Herrings, Salmon Trout,"&c, In BairoIls and half- BarreIs. '0-É rx pE BITER BROWN lx CANADA. ee FINE FURS A SPECIALTY. - BEAIn ROBES. 48TRACHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, ItUSSIAN LAMB SAcQUES, RACSON ROBES, S.. -&: * OAL: sACQUN y 4 K 1iw n x s, P E I  . A M S C f l S BUJFPALO ROES, MxOKBRU=NESACAVES, MINK CAPS, MINK SBTTS, S. S. SEAL CAPS, S. S. 8EAL SETTSB OTTER /A» ORAL, SETTS, VERV1fltz TTS, ,P'RRSUs5'. LA9oe CAPS, PERSIAN LAME>gË7.7S, 73A&LtiC SEAIL CAPS, * A8TRAO S ETTS, CONN. CA~ - -"BLACK SABU E BTTS, GREY' LAMB C&PSO CONE S.8TSM 4IMNIU],APS, GREL GERMÂN MINK CILDREN'S, SETTS. STS Alterations IRJ IRJ-y- 1 I Li MI i tNom aI arnmaking Stugars a specialty, and can afford t'O eloî atebi, pro. lu, lu tise rie, bIng- 11*1. OA. 20 bs. of 20 14, o i'13rwn -Sugar Vtalentia foi' $1,00, '~aiinsfor $1,00, for ý- - 'aricuarattntie*given to ail orders.ý irno c.8, 187.pt~I atno o 75 &- 77 YONGE-ST., 50 Large Size Bo x Itoves A fresh lot of C anaries'and Parrots îst receiveci. ~y Stock o Is now Compt~te il Speciai 1-U4tucements to e iry I&1.-0.i Ârnorio ~Co, ornimI, Qaitaeq. and, Sr~~ 4jA% SEvry L N . St~ITI1TG OUSKE00NG U N PoT -K.~i On.'5l rseeoytan iwhere gênerstzabatn I t ftOdc , r ara to t 31. th&de go t0hd y Of lai eXeuton-au2d a bo~,éntËodu6ttia lof eoi; iôp e ýw _ýÇ ý a n andl at' THE JOHNSTON î Kfi.R A E uzp 4elknown as i ' 1W . B iepOabà tî aWord etof o enaton.p &Imadiora S afaduberd tI,, Iginaid;bntn nobn,1jhotke aflgupL$heina v.mntaç~y~j~jîî.t Oourelves ad pirona reé io fn to saite that ire have moi 4 ~ ~ eeieenia abadfrsrunt rabii&y qnlityf cl, nndconitin pfgraxa.lightoss of 'Mndeuesgefanaemen lié 4ê8J~ten, fas i h1~trailb rn:nyPir1 Atée iiw.lproof OffeatinWoixav: onIy "mn onnty triali féiI,vtao lcaieerand;ih meRTH,!,'PÀOmBINED 'MACHIjNES, wl* à l he e oiemdata; , a ail Mat ' h o ired i aCombine a chin, su O m e',olâi$ ail 1hîre4uliriuen pfpurocbachngosu Omynga Jr. h.arear eut, asthle.Yeuug!ecana<¶î a front Cul olîsAng u s Wlecines, and net oxcelled by any machines u te mrk t r q ur-o 09on, drabWlty, lightesa of drat, adaptability, and tue or manage ment. l4 E \~ 0 OUR NE-W "WHITffBy 1ARVESTER.") As thc tyhie becatue botter aaapaco te rnmachinery, and many of Our faruf. ,- rs have bomo akilled in te use 0f machines, a grcwig deutad has prung J, <j- op for a Light, Durable, First-Class Béaspèr. - Alie te the'reqnirémnte of tho day, we0 have succeedud liuivenbiug a8 0na, chine with A, Wrought Iron Frame, witb ite leat possible geariug,-with largo," Begs 0o announice t( broad-facéd drive wheel,-and sa censtructed that ihie frame aud table tilt ab tîxo gcneral that hoe bas opeucd a. Same, lime, tlboreby keeping the pitman always -in linaoiritit the huire. The- connèetion with iîi.s Confeoti( rakes ire driven directly fro thlie main à haft-tiore being no perceptible aide' south Brook Stret, wihore 0vc draft, andi ne weight upon the herses nooku. Wo are confident tiat w oae ra.es eucopéeoddluinvontiug te mbst perfect tBeaper, taking it l Ilnils8pats, ates bia ever beon preduced. We have appliod fer lettors patent, anS albs!old our TeDiyad~ 'e invention, for etir owu exclusive manufactura, sud me rospectfullyt sulgee3t ta in- ]vrdt usrhr ualp Dg'i i k ur bsfs t h ey Couldi oece hi a m acine before gvinu t itir or S rs p feui t'he aemin g arvet. 'Tho "Wliltby Rairester" meigts, al telSW00 paundo Ieîdcas aainsa-d? bulbeiug mmdi prlnciesily ef tho best quality ef iron and steel, an md train.iu Brl»l Wools, and. riane2y Goo Rentous i.ud ceuipact constructiau, il canibinea the 'strengt.h suldSurability of te heaviermachines. ' 1* The publice ill find it Ail et aur machines are flly warrante. at ur stockbefore purchasing Witll iaiaitofmachines, wofeel confident ltaI ivoeau Meet evcry i-e. quirenaeât, ind.we respeelfull - scilcit a tbilof aur machines' ,believiug taI ie eau fïi-niali a batler machinefilite maney titan cati ho ebtaiued olaewlîere. Respoctfuliy Yours, Whitby, Ma-cii 4bh, 167a. B3ROWN P.ATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, Febrnary, 1877.G V E OUR NEW.. STORE @ with all-or(' Goods of Aiýl Kinds, Clieap and Good.BEST'S Foi'r MICHTAEL GLEESON (late with F. Meen), Greenwood, where c haMil hohappy te sec all friends, The stock las slected 'millia A BE AUTIFtJL ( vicir te meat lie mants of ail. Homie trado la eur especial aim, and we il defy compaîllion in evcry line of the business. cheap Goodu sud good'Gooda3 miii demand customuers. Notlîing ivaîtedl by old or nom cils- tomera, but shall ho furnished un short notice. A speialtyinuCOAL OIL, COc fl 5 gallons for $1. É~> Produca of al l knds vil bc i)uid for it CASH, or Coc fI g o o d s g iv n fo r lt ae sa n ie a t th t ra te. S R J H . M C O A D GOING', TGO THE PAAtR > È E IBON Mr. Barrett ïs sel iig Out hi eùtire, going to h P78Ehbt n.4 - tt - NoW is the lime to et a'gooà d'Jitr cheà p; [See Siupplemenjt.] (every.oung mien who wait tolearui mth uses . & È - tru"'-04 4 i ia few -le Bons -'in - the .new et nietods.A fne marieý, Harness and bg~'frzl. qe PPosit OntUwio B&uk, Whitby IITBY SCHOOL 1300K AND) :IOUGAL DhsCUStoiners and'. the- public n ý44tinOrY, SObOO1:Bvok an&d Neirsdepet in ionery &Bkn bsins,ù Là h, Old stand dy' Papers alwa>ys ôn hband ýanld de- arte of -the tom.Odrspùýi4'Ie o gusie. Alo dlagre lot 'qf tfetteest as, onl hind, atQpZc."" t to' their adva ntage to'take pe elsewhere. t J. G.MODUG L L South BroéJr Street. Gnzruwooe, Novenibor lOtIt, 1877. - Cma-48 sm JOHN A. MACDONALD, J!ASHJ00N.00- Go whore you Can get a& Woil-fittingc Garnient :-To the 3 Taiomg Establishment of GEORGE e4JRLEY, 'OSHAWA. *SUPE1UOR CUTTING' -SHAPE S THE WOiuc 1 A Largo Stock of Fine Cloths; Iest E'nglish, scotch and Orumaduan Tircedas. O Excellent Overcoatingsanad Splendid Vaut Patterns. A gaod fit GuaÉautecd. GEORGE G UBLEY, Ring Strèet, Oohawa. NEW STATJONERY B Q0 K S T O R E 1 AT"TiR XRS N O IA TE L. ORFIÇE, BROOK-ST. or 84LWAII George Yulo begs to naunnonuc that ho bas re-opeîted heStatioîîcry and B3ook Store li Witby, wihero stationery of ail kinda, of tae icol qualily, miii ho kept ou haind ;- aise Slitool Books of cvery decipin -. y ]3o4ka, si ates, lPencils, Itiks, &C., &o., at tite lomeaýt fhDi-l a dWookly Papors always 0on baud. Sulb- M4usic ,al Instruments, including a fine assortilaont of Violina. Orders are laken for Poriodcls, MngaIzines an i . GEO" YULE. Whitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. WILLAMR AILLD FAWTRRYOAND THE OL D- STA ND, BROOK STETTWHTBY Go: where you cannot, fail to be pleasedl in makg selectiopr, of good-furnituro. M pendlid -Parlon r, Dra.wing Roi-sdBeadom, Sets, Ne -D~iUs i0 W014mrtjiy f inpetin, atI atopihig lw pi-bo. Din- ing-rom Etenson Tbes-a'very auperior, artieli,; an '&lIl s branches; a~Mysple,-Aaoe cegnt eskeWe aej w ays otu hand, t$fmëd e $Cq rp1ael&ppit' IIw$ : Ito ,-r üt t CUTTERS":*GGE~ lersofhtot One Mo*nth, hofiABINgE PORTRI FAHE CANNPr îD CARSWELL Assortment-Of -Cutters -anad Buggies A T-Lag FORiuig z*TO.M S & N E WPORT Car'ae FactoMy, I DUNDIAS STU~ET, - - WIBOTBO Boos &yShes hpyTp-th- nýY . 'JOHN SUiDR lias î-esutmed l is -business at the old stand (Cheqtiered Store), Brook-st., Whitb;y, wheiýo lie is is replete for Fail and- Winter wear, wId ho is deteztnine-d t'O sUofa h oetprofit. ("all and sdéc his Stock and Prices. JOHN SAUNDERS. 1'.S. Parties indebted,to-iue, ilplease eaU sud settle immediate1y. ' tJ. S. Whitl)y, October 22lid, 1877. SADDLE]~ -AN» KIýARNE S - 00a--- WI'LLIA M ,T14'MP S0- Begs te directlattlention te bis large andauprior stocki,coanpeiDg every- * thiinnlte siddiel-y andfl3mol Lino, amte Leather Valises andci t tog. 'rrunks- 1 CHTILi N'S CARRL4G-ES, Vcrybapdo>nf~d4Çhuoap. -At tpe old establshment.t.- LINDSA OPPOacte Mnei-al Tel 'EFEESHMENTSat al .5ialwayo freah. Ouu wltkpremptiîude aud atteit, - G' BEOTHERS, WHITBY, O' Importera, Dalers aman, Kindi af - Lv Xy Stock ëf CHARLES C LYMAN EG Col fSro treet, -81 Wbftby, Ontaria. <LATE DUGOÀNX 1-'0 Sic-vIxliitos Court, Street, Torontd. * LG. Raia .A G. YOUNIG SM. Omcz-Ovdr Damin * an.-22,1878. A TTOMNY m.Ilonoy teal. 1, t ildAetfor sovoraý over Wightnxana si Oshawa. * CAMERON& ý,B Soicitrý i Atm street, Tc HECTOR C AMERNIQ.C. T OMAS i froniSta 1 ocl6ck. R.J.1GUNI * QUKBON T0 THrp I B~yrou Street, Wbiî Orrac-Neit dooir lx WPBAddence, st Mr, L pHYek.' SURG t - 1m cBIN, m r, Y' OSPITL 43the eyeR... 'Whitby, SePt. SOLh, 1874 W. !AI O>ffice hauroîro Oa, D ]M80t a , ï. In. .esidex sud Gilbert etreets. ashaas the elleapest, Teotb e taewlthont local anzestheaa. !Dents ml'a nov bloce, over Atki t Rig Street, Oshava. JOHN RoRI 3013N WOLF AGENT FOR'TH XXScattish- Granite. of'Jenathan wolionaenjD i GEORGE C Iargequantity of ail kin t=atlj; on baud. JAMES W. 1 CQMMISSIONEB COU] BENCE CONVEYA&NCING , AL INBUT.ANCi Tho Clerk vilbo in Towrn Hall, Coîurnbus, Pridayi, for Twsi El 1 Lý v lai 1 M.T. (3- iý M ' ; ", f we secilièê,d. il « Toronto, 1 suf- REV. MÉ. LAIRD,' 1.1 147A SHIONABLE IL OBIJ\Tcr FUR TRIMMINGS OUT tx Iro ORDER. i . 1 I-H E 'U L D ýS TÀIN.-D - il TORONTO. -(ýLFjAllING OUT AT HALF-PÉ " YU LE. IWhitlby, Doc. !,Bth, 1876. ]QUINET il 'S -,M LY H-