ilLlemoqd ameng I e*m4t oustbelawl.muits OJqTARIO BANKP WIKITBY BRAN-O,], THROMAS DOW, .BÂEEISaTOBS, ATTORNETS, BOL!. citore, Notarles Public, ,.nd Oonvey-' office> trt door soutli of the Royal Ilotel, *hltby. , lAs RUTLEDGE, B. A. j. il. lPAJEWBLL, L. LI. Couuty Orew Attorney. 48 J-AMEil KEITU CORDON, liota1r7 Publie a, aOflie"Over- M., A& d5se' tout, Ilonk Street, Whtby,. Ont. * CHARLES C. KELLER, Al chaneCgeea,,anlg LVMAN" ENGLISII, L L. B., B IISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN C (hancery, convoyaner, &e. &C Slm. go@ Street, Osliawa. . B ARISTU, ATORNY,--SOLIO- ficeByru 8ree, Suth o otOfce, Whi]tby, Ontario. JIODINON K ENT, (Ltrz Duaoo*x&Rosm<os.) B ABIIIS ERS-AT-LAW, A T T ORB N. -eo;Solctor, Couvn ctr v Court Street, Toronto. 3.G. RoDrI oox, M. A, HHBSEET A. B. lXisr. BIssuer of Ãarrlage LlCeflaee. Oricc-Over Dominion Bank, ity Jan. 22,1878, 1. <IEO.01<. JOUNXJIALLEN, ATTORNBY Solicitor and Convoyancer. ..3,Mocey to endl. Mortgagesboughband sold. Agent for sereral Loin Co's. Ofice, over Wghtnan's Store, -Ring Street Ouh&wa. 1y-lï CAMERON & AIPELI3E, BARSTBRS, Attorneys-at-Law, anîd BASollicitors iu Cliancery, No. 4 Teronto street, Toronto. TEIOXAN IhUSTON, TONCLEEX AND TREASURER, oWhltby. Office-Twn HaIl.Heurs, from 9 te 1 o'clock. il. J. GUNx', rd. D., SUBGEON TO TE COUNTY GAOL, B3]yron Street, Whitby. Dr. W. J. BJURNS. Orrros-Nezt deor to, Cimor*nLs Ofce. Or Boldence, st Mr, Lewls Honokio. UYVRON EID4 5.n P RSICIAN, SURGEON, ho., Doues' Creek. 08 S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., teya R. O. H. L Oshawa, Ontario. cÇÀ1RD .- - DU. BDOUAT, Physolci, Surgeeu', Accoucher, ho., ho. Whftby, Sept. 8011, 1874. -40 W.ADAMS, R oom OVER Rl. H. JAMEBON'S Offce y:îStore, Dundas-al., Wlithy. cflehor rm Ilam, te 12 mc., and moi ilo0te 6, p. m. Eealdenoe-Com. et Byron sud Gilbert streats. Ç, N. V ARS, L. D T BPETH iutortod ou ail tRie -latast pinciplos of thea art, s chas p us thoe heapeot, mnd as good as lie hoat, Teet i lled viii Gold muid Silver. Toti extraeted vitRent pain, by preduoing' lecal sussnthets. Dent al Reems-In Cev- anuev blook, ovor Atkinson'a Droig Store, King Street, Oshswa. R Juifs ROINON'S [AIE DRESSING AND SHIAVING J.Saloon, Brook St., WlitRy. A ENT FOR TEM CELEBRAT-RD- - -ScotaRi Granita. At Manbo Werks et Jenathan Wolfauien,Dcindas St.,Wlithy. GEORGE CORMIACK, UMBE MECHAT, AP.PENTEB etuly u d. -, JAMES W. BEALL, TOWNsHII CLER(East Whitby), COMMIBSIONER COURT 0lf QUHENS *.JIENCE, CONVB YANCING AND GENER- AL INSUiANCE AGENT. TRio Clemk vill bc iu hie oflico u intae TownlHall, Colunoclus, on Mudy u Prldmyo, for Township buisinsaOfic heurs, 9 A. nm. te 5 p. i. IneOfc Manch 271th, 1877. 14 WILLIÂA iCOOPER, BLAOKBMITII, - ROUGHJAM, (Soccossor to'Tlcoina Mldagh, Herte sioeleg ad ailkinuîs et general vork. ly.52 C. C. @CALESI, f R.O'DELL, A.HoRLY Oferk Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Cocuulsaenorl .ER, Land Agent, ha., &o.# Atherly, Counuy ontaiie Athorly StpVt. 2ud, 1872. 86 FAUCHERS. RESTAURANT, A$.AMS' BLOCK, KENT STREET, LI Nb SA Y, <>pposttc Mentreai Tel-egritplu Ofice. RRFDR8HME TSa ll heur uponr aivaAys treah. Ouests ýVal opîcr vWlêb Promptitude and attention. KIN&BIOTES, WJ4ITBY, ONTARIO, Importens,Danrssd Maufacturùof at i Kinde et -LEATHE,? AND FINDINGS, Coashpaid tonriau, Bsrkr. asudLeaticon. Leathen stntcb.d. 13-BELTING, MADE TO ORDRE ON)I SHOBT NOTICE. D11NDISST., ,WIIBY. (wXST OP POST rnOuO.> JOSEPHZA4"B4NDBZ, PBOPBIBTOBe Ti os Ub6Orcetly butlt fa - and groum d up Là uvfa frt-aUas IrsshLagsr Bn. iJ-'c4, Every socomeodatlon- for guests, ineluL.ý lng comiortable, slry bedroonis, MlaaIal hours. MI The Bar fUysupplled vifli bost brancs of Liquors, Wnosn randies, Cigar. &c. Every uoessary ition given te travellero. ? Goed stabling, enclosed yard, sud atten- tilve ostlers. -48 ÇOMMEIRCIAL HOT'Lg', Câar«!uwEOtçONT. JAMES DEWART.- PROPJlRTOt. Good acoosnn.I.Mou f.1 cÇOMMERO1AL IHOTEL sud STABLES, 54a a m rvis-street, To ot. JOHN MORAB, - - - PBOPRIRsTOn. IstTCOssOn TO JOHmn 5ELLTJ The boat $1,00 à ayHouse lu the. City, Oly tvohblooks freuxthevZortlieru Depotanadcloie te tho Market. Tho Bouse liasbieau newiv Ytted eut, sudevyM-thing F'rst-claes. aily-4?( lilS. WALKEy'g§ TEMPERB4NCE HO USE, DUNDAS.STREEýT, WHITI3Y. Geed accommodation il reasouablo erIns. Beoardars 2.50 par eek. 4 TE QuEEN'S IITL (LATE CONEZBcZA,) TAYLO1Z & MCÂIiN, PROPRIETORS. Tile undersignod-dosjire te inforun their friendsansdtheo public that tiey have taken the aboya veil known lietel, vhlcli tley have uewly itted up sud renevated, sud put ite the hast ef erder for theoaccommaoda- lieu et quests. The Bar, vhlch in the. sud- seesti nithe Couuty, lanveon aupplied viti the lineat brandse o vines liquers, sud ci- gare. Amnp le euclosed shey rooni sud good stabllng, box stalle, &a. Detached roanis for commercial travellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. lite et Toronto. IR OAL HOTEL, WRITBY, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The largest aud meut commodieus hotel iu the towu; lias large sample roonis for cenimercial travellers.Talwelspie iwiththoe hst lu saion. Betbranusliquors sud cigare. Enclosed yard and shedroom; attentive hoatlers. charges-te suit the tiMes. N. B.-Llvery attached. 27 IROSSIN HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hotel cf Canada Eefltted, Refuruislied, and Uurlvalled. New Passen. ger Elevator, runninglit and day. The oiy/rst-class Hotcl tneCanada wittl gradu. ated »ries, vz: an 5.0,sd 5#r3ay Memhrs etC olubs and others, dasirlng reonis, wthout board, 61 te 82 per day. MARK N. IRISH JOHNSON HOUSE, EAST KAnKET SQUARE, TORONT0. W. G. JOIINSON, - - PEOPRIETOR. Tons, $1 .00 per Day. StaLling in con- mection. 42 B RITISH AMERICAN 1HOTEL, R A Y ' , (LI£ B.05B05BOOBE.) -WHITBY, ONTABIO. Honse navly renovated and fnrniahbed Ilirenghoct, and put lu lirat-clîso order fer Rie reception ef guasîs. An omnibus te mand rom ail trains. PirsI-aias amplo roonia. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Con. King & Tork.als., Toronto, Ont. J.A.-O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. Tsccxs, 51.00 riiDAT. -(ly-47) POST OFFICE SALOON, TomoNTO. M. MCON.LVLL, - -PJOPZlIE2'OB. 9-Zw THEE EST ACCOMMODATION .-r fer Ouests. 1y47) T ONSORIAL ARLTIST Praebloal Hair- Cuiter, &c.-J'raekEmllso, (ataet the Rosin à eusa,) nov ci tRie WINDSOR HOTEL Toronto, tRie eat artial lubili ne in Canada. Hes inivjtez-bis friendu sud thie publte te give hlm a cli. Toronto, Mîrch 71Ri, 1878. -(iy-18 LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 LUMBER. tMEIRCHANT, W H IT BY, Ha ou hand a largo supply et ail kinds et Darn Lumbor Boards, and li uocessa.iy Building Luniber. Pencing, SmvnTumber, nd ,Scatliug, s lasrge quantilton baud. Large onders ton Long Bm Slndf, fWed from i hua il short notice. Doore, Sashos and Blinda. always on baud. Whitby, May 7tb, 1877. 17-2<> WALZ'S LAGERT I have glven thea gency for my Lagter lu Wbitby te J. A. BANDELL sud I sial edeavour le supply su articlewvilci vil teaatisfatoneute tiese viepatreniza JOHN WALZ, - - e.Toronto-, Best and Freshest WILL. ILWAYS BE POIJND AT THE WH1TBY HOUSE, J. A. BARDBLL i. aiseo sole Agent for Walz's Lagor ]3eer for the Connty of Ontario. A FIN ARTICLE 0F PURE OIDER. w u J. HINMAN, OSHAWA, Veterinar y Surgeon, WiRI ha at Armstroug'a hotel,WMhy, ever Tuosday, freni i te 4 neck, p. m. April 25, 1877. 18 s TAGE BETWEEN WHITBV & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY 1 Leavis Oshawa at 8,80,, m., ýsud 1, P. M. Loaves Wbitby At 10.80, a. m., sud 4.30 pare 25 cents asciiWay. Wtin cai- tunltlie hotel, an& st private relees(whn eors aralait sa anvof GEO TULE, Agenit. whltby, ;Une 2, 876.28 MAJORMILLS. Ras resumea condrai cf1tbe Major MM&i sud iprerarea tO psy THE HSIGHLEST PRICE!Il FOR AMY QÂTT inleeveri effort te iva *i stlestisfaction tey thswoaPa,0.Wjýtk* Mill, witli theirGITN. eof the Best quaitY, andaAtlas"onablo Prima will aligô btejt constautly.on ha ana 1orsale. Whtvl.Oct,10, IfiFT Notice ta the pub/ici1 N EWOA L YARD AT PORT WHITBy, WYOMING COgAL, o besh.meia marketlaaford,. LemVOL'ur orders WU Mr. J. H.L Long or lth . W. Arnold, aIthe ffcecfthe -laIe C. Drapa,,Whltby H24."I Secur. tho above-uamned CeaI. Ton Wini ItVas AU others Who have used Il, "The Best Coal ever sold ln, ARNOLD & FARIEWELL, Jan. 22,1878. Port Whitby. m Oj~NEY TO LEND. TRie underalgued lias any amount et Mou- ap te Lend upon Fami or Town Property, at unusnsIly Loy Rates cf Interast. Loans ean he repald lu sums te suit ber- revers. Several Improved Farins sud Wild Lande -for sale cheap. Invoalmentis macle iluniia Dbn lunes, Bank, sud other msnketatmale Stocks. Fer futher partieulars apply te JA=ES HOLDEN, OfficiaI Assigne., Broker, ho. Bpril Ott, 1872. 15 MA1tTIN & WAIIAM, HOLISE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. FRESCOING ASP.ICI4LTY A limeasorbmonl t ie very luteat style et HALL ANI) ROOM PAPER 1 Freaco designa execuleli ou the siortest notice. 1MARTIN&h WARAM, Tvo doora north et Rings' Tannery, Brook Street, Wiitby. (lp-18 FRASER & CLARK, BOTTLEIIS 0F ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BEER, &c. MILLIOHAMPS BUILDINGS, 49, 31, & 33 Adelitido Street Easst, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Nov. î2ti, 1877. (ly.47 L ItPOOL MARlKET I CASH FOIR GRAIN, Te ho delivered et Frenchman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN On'Écal Rabate, at Loy Rites et Intenoat. J. H. MoCLELLAN. Jmnuary 9tht, 187-7. * b-e D OMINION FLOUE hFERED STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Degat te nollty bis friands and customers tRial Roilanov propared le anpply Fleur and Fecd oethRe Best Quality, at thie boveat living pricea. Fleur, Corn, Ciop-Feed, Bran, Shorts, Oat- moal, Crackad -WRiam, Poe, Oas, Po- tilees, ho., aI Wholosale and lelail. Cheoper tlsaithelOc apesb for Casho. AI lia Dominion Pleur sud Poocl Store, reaby'a Block, VEut deor, Dundas Street, Whiby. CHIAS. PENNYLEGION. Wbithy, April 24th, 1876. 18 $705 000. TO mio.&1-z-!1 ON FIRST-CLASS FARM LANDS, Iu muinsis t$200 uni upwaniso, aI 7 per cent. Payable Half-yearly. Appîy te- GEO. S. HALLEN, Solicitor, ho., Oshas. April l7tli, 1877. 17 NOVELTY WORKS, WHIITBY ONT, T E SUBSORIDER imvlng purchasea tho Machinary sud antire stock ef sassoned Lunabar freni tie Muige sud Tmnvool Mnunfactunng Compauyîs nov pepsred te furuish Doors, Sasies Blinda, Framas, Mouldingo, Base, Archutraves, Florteg, Sheetà , sd everything e- qnlrhdebtliaIaitltUeolovast living eWbleood luruiug Navals sud Bluaters te crier. Luaber for sale, heat qnality, lovesî We 'Shoïp frona long e xpaienceansd by square daahng te menit ma hane ai publie patronage. GUO. GILCIMIST, Prepnietor. 1878. OPENINGOP NAVIGATION. 1878 Torcsnto, Niaugara, & Bluffaslo Steasu. boat Lisse, camprisang the ,SWIFT, MSAGNIPICENT STEAMER City of Toronto and Rothsay, Iu canactlon wlth the e w York Central 6ud4Cnada southeru iways OPRINO ARRANGEMENT. TIhe steamer bmOP T T iAth $ s udSerera.cIZis.,o, Hel snM arGdea. C.A u ti OôN. E ACR PLTJG 0F TEE "Myrth WML.ý Or t~ hue Wtby, IS, ST»IPED ' 1IN GILT LETTERS. - 0:> None othor is Genuine. 4 Hamilton, Marhdil1, 1878. (Sun-lO XE, F. VON RAYER, O F ROCHE SER,bals atelymi ot W7hlthy, and inprapared ta Tuna and slPino.Or as and Melodleous at ext hres, elug a resideut in wkeu ,by b. lias raduead the price ci tuning, ho..ý Te Tunlng square Pianos et 50 id Grand or Tricord 200 AUl orders laft aetlMr. J. lohnston's joeeL rY sior, Geldamiths' Hall, will bcpromptly sttendad te. Satisfaction given or ne pay. N. B--Aile agent for Pianos sud Orras. APPLE TREES, A 80U T 75,000, -AT TUE- H-OME NUJRSERY, Prom tva te, four yoars ef &go, embraciug ail thxe hast Virieties. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Ne. 8, 2ndl Cou. Picering, ou Kingston Roîd, est Office, Whitby. L IST OF TRE DIVISION COURUTS o03,iE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FORTRE TRAR 1878. Wiby.. 2 11 11 12 2 11121i ýbjBroughamma8 2 12j 18 21 PorlPerry1 5161 17i2l6î 1 4112î14î27 C nigtn 714 12282t I l 2 UChdg. 6l11 281201 t1S'l 0.1190 Athrly.j 121 11 _j SI187 GEO. H.DAETNELL, Junior Judgs Whittiw. -auy. 7h, 1878. C OMMENCING ON- MONDÂT,- May VîRi ,J'77. sud until funther notice, trains vil LEAVE PORT HOPE fer Linday, Peter. bore', Lakafield, sud inlenmediate points, il 5.80 a. mi., 10 a. mi., sud 4M8 p. m., and for the Geergian Day, Wîu- hasene, sud intenmediate peints, ut lu) a. i. Trains arrive as follevs PROM Lindsay, Peterbero', muid Lakelielci, aI 8 i. ni., 12.80 P. ni., aiad 6.55 P. i., and froni thie Geergisu Day, Waubsu- ahane, sud inlerinediste pointa, ut 6.55 P. ni. Fer furtier particulama sec Pooket Tme Carda, ta ho imi ut mlStations. H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGEL, Superinlendent. Presidant. DONE AS USUAL. târ Dundus Street, WRitIey, nan Wh., P. P. & Lay. R'y. Station. Whilby, Jauy. 411e, 1878. a-tf GEORGE BitITTON, G R PEAÀCTICAL AI'IA GE (9 -WA GON MANUFACTURER et s mev improvei Root Seed and Corn Dril, Double & Single Turnip Drills. CLAYTON'S PATENTED CHUENS, (Improea.) Wag o, Buggies, Sîcigha, coustantly on REPAIRINO dons neatly sud veil ou the shorlastuellea. GRO, BRITTON, LeTve doors seti etthe Quaeu's Hotel, Brook Streat,- -------Wbtby. April 1ti, 1878. ly-44 GOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A'NEW BEVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DItESS-MÂKING. CORNWALL'S SRLF-iITTING WAIST & SHO1ULDER CHART. -Dreases fItlifrai measuraient slome vithoul change et a stitoli. For sale, vitRi free insbrueiena, il MISS MOINTYR1E' DILE5s-MAXfl<G Boms, WEITBT. AgonIe vanted, ibrs iducements te Uhe Iade. wmbb, Aug. 18, 1874. 84 -Farm ta Rocuventb .' m9nua CT4HYSELF STOE AND DWELING At Liverpool Market, a Nev Store and Dvelllng, veil litted ccp sud veti evory ncceaaary accommodation. 3pl o . H. MOCLELLAN. Mardi 281h, 1877. If 14 THE PARKERCUNe SEStO STAMP FOR CIRCULAS PARKER BRÃ"6-s WEST MERIDENCTr. Fresh Garden SeedsI ALL INDS 0F FLOWiER AND VIGE1ABLE SIEEDS i3ost Vsriety, (Wammateil.) A large stock of early plants. W. W. WOOD. Greenhouse, -Ash-ut., Wiitby. là .rh fthit,18. (fa A Complete Seif-Instructor in Plain and Ornamental PENMANSU-Ip. vit ulaocher, vIll find tRie Gcnns a perfect lustructer. Hundredo are heconi. .-ur beautiful writers tireuglieut the Do- miuceu sud the United States by naing il. It consistseti a eries et Cary SLIPS ef couvoLieut ire fer prsotiaing, wie cou- tain copies begiuuiug viiIthe lirst prin- ciplesanmud grmdually pregreasing te the most eo.giut plain und eruuienlil writing; au OBEAMENT&L SURET, ceutaiulug Germnn Text, Old Eu g lianud Orummentul Letton- ing, OdbandFeunrlhing etiflirds, h. ; A Beox op 50 PAuos with full analyste and in- struction, sud a beautilully engravai case te contain tRie wbole. Price, 51.00,' Post Paici. S. G. BEATTY h CO., Ontarijo Business College, ]leleville, Ont. gar Agents vmnîie. Nov, 14. THE WINDS-OR. (Cor. Ring muid York-sts.) NOW OPEN. 82.00 PER DAY. Free omnibus ta sud from I al traîna. Ta- ble muid uppeintment lirat-ciasa. P. PINNIGAN, 5.1y Proprietor. ~EII~I~t Prmsdemnt-. Vlae-Presildent. O.NOUBSE, f8ÇZTurjs. -l ~jArl9ti1, 18M. -l MN= PIRE INËURBAN(Co 1. ESTBLIHEDJE,1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFITT &0 0., Agen2t5 Oýi AGENCY ESTABLISERD'IN CANA- 1804 IS.* Unlliited liability et aul the Stdekholders, sud large Reserve Funds. Moderato rates ef preiuzu 0. NOUESE. Agent, Whitby. Whutby, April eli, 187. l BRT~~AMERICA A8urance Company INCORPORPATRD 1833, A 8SFiTS, 81,101,876 94. FA. BALL, Manager. inourances effectedl at the l&-west rurrent rates ou Buildings, Marchandise, sud other ProPerty, agslnst Ioss or dam&ge by tire. C. NOUSE Agent, Whltby. Whttby, 4prit Oth, 1878. 16 T RHE HARTFORD Firo /nsurarce Co' IlA1TFOIlD, CONN. CHARTERIID c81î VASII CAPITIAL, $1,25,000,0 cash Assets, dan. - 1, 187$ $ 3,292e91 3;49 Mauaged Riyskilful Undervriters, mand1 Sixty-Elght Yeara oeeetthe lead- îug Fiuancial Institutions eftIhe couutry. Cash Indemnity Diaburseli te Patren Over 21,000,000.00!1 t4- Al buainess Trmusacted on Princip] ef Commercial Houer. WESTERN ASSURANCECOMPANY INCORPORATED 1851. (Witb powertle eese te 51,00000.) FIRE AND MARINe CNOUESE, Agent, Whitb President. HON. JOHIN McM URRICH. BIERNARD HRALDAN, Managi>og Direci, 3. J. KRNNY, - - - Secretar JAMES PIINGLE, - - General Âgeni te- Inaurancas efootled lthe.bIcest onx ent rates ou Buildingp, Merchaudiais,a otiar preperty, aginat losa or damage b: lire. Wlby, April 141h, 1878 C. NOURSE, Aget, WRitb1 DO0W EASILY TUE EAS1LY-MOuVED Ml MOVEII TUE ITUBBOULN nouer-MObEJt XIceACLES OF SCIMNcE WicOUGeIT v5T BITS ciF tILOED WOOeY SiELL. Years ugo un Amnean doci-or umi Poîkins inetetd vRaI subsequenu I.came a e hoalled tRie melallia cuire £ narvons diseuses. Tmkiug a p4tici fer villa neurmîgie pains in 1h.eRead, fer atauce, Rie voulit apply virions kinds, motel dises, oee fter. another, tae t pmtient's ferchaad. ,Afler Ibrec anfo ne. trials et thie most lie would bit upon ti "nrigbl motal for thst persan," and sm eouugli tRe nouraIgWc pains coased les acon as thie metal vms îpplied. Neitli Dr. Penkins uer anyhodp elso made le tok te explain bow tRie cures verea "fected, aud peI o ne enied lt a , 16matais exonhed s paet influence upc -thie nenvous syatein, Hmving uscertalued 1th. panticul kind cf metal reqnired by theo paila (.Dr. Perkins' methed vas te take nro composed et that metllasd hind thti leatthe par-tsaiffeetèd, iustructing i putlent tleWear tRin ai dTilmr's D. Eater t1,ia pion ws iinprovcdn pi and lu place cf thie melallia rada, výuic voe.cà lled thie "Perkins tractons," tle nietallie banda vero made, intended encirele tRie arma, legs, or aven the ie o cf tRie patieul-vhie cr meibor wv t. uffening. TRie fame cf thesa "Perkin, tracter, -a naineieIc extended te tRie metsl lic bauds-veut abroud, and tRie moto! or lie cures created quit. a furore, especi Y. ally lu Eugland. At leugtl itil as dis tg. coveredthtRa an enterprfsing Englial r- min, wlio vms miking a specWaty a d tReio etullie treatwxeul, wes imitableý )y tRie expansive gol,, oliver; copper, cicli and whatnet rings vitRe rings cf wood y.paiutoti or gilded sans tu pas for thi gemmie metaîlie article. As Beoonas -tîia deception vas founil ont thie metsi lie cura bast caste, anti iltUesaine lim Ihoce who lad heconie cenuised lu tri. iu-gta gcîve tRie ystory Receme vore coufouded. Respectable pî-ectilionu-s lu tRie country dropped tRia thiug eutirely, hut lu Engimutiand France bRie fanie cf the matail cure continued te apnomd net. wilhslmudiug thea fraud tRiatliebeaue diseovered and fasteued upon the Rie gaulons Englishman, Iu facîthe matel cure asaDOv hecomo se popuisr ihroai tRiat itp tmaoat reerosthie Allantic Dr. Wllianm A. Hanimond, tRio dis- linguislied professon ef diseasea cf tle mid and narvons sysiteni, bas beau the firet le propane for ils reception -in ila native land, sud by e sanies ot vèrp iu. tanasling expenimeuts lstely made sut r stili makiug, ie Ries coma very neer-to a axplaining tRie secret of the metîl ounre. III mi nov engagod lu prepmning jt G papan ou the aubjeet," said Dr. Ham. moud teatRio vnitor, "sud it yull proh. ablp be publisod beforo leng. It hs truc tRialtRiera is a good demi more about tRis thing IRan vo cau explain, but I havo iuvaatigated il fan onougb .1ta aconluluthat il is net se venderfl and unique as people had supposedl. I have s full sel cf tRis. metaîliaplates'ci dises, vilh the noadies, etc., J deue up rin a nesI little case, jut s they Are prepaned for us y the Eurepean dec- tors. Bp nepeatef exprimeuts I Ra preved thtthUeo ta i j plates o f gold, iver, eeppen, bronze, etc., Rave notb. ing te de vith lie cure, fer I hava ýpro- dead 1h. sani a euits vitRi plates of bard rubber. terteiseo bolI, and, lu fat, a piece et clialk or a cork vill ansven tRio purpose just as veli. TRihechlo thiug iS nethiug.more tRan thepaver of one mind cr an mothar. Il S eil aI cmli tRie prineiplo cf asggestion. TRiat la, if eue person anggesls an ides la anether vho bas complet. failli 4 tRial persoxl's pover, tRie one actedl upon vili oxpenienco mlH the sensations tRe openra- ton mmy auggoat te Ru.-" "IVill, pou state vliet have beau thie reanlacof sema pariclarexporinaent ?II "1Centailî. WRiy, if pou Rive thie righl kind cf a subjeet pou eau maie. bina or lber heliavo that lb. moon la miade ef green cheese. IV'sasu cM principle in a nev tonna. -I1Rave lnia tRie expetienî onuvqnl patiente, and it vorksie a cirt. 1have aiseex- p eneueete re Ithe clmai t th.Uni- va . tpMdleal Collage, sud alvape villi abut biesane eaulto. 0fecorse, il dépends a good des! on lb. constitu- tion cf lbs patient sud bis suscpblbity cf beliéviug vhabeven is tbld Rin. Sometmme mgo a lady pallant ef mina frein unothor State told1 me tRial ah. in- tended geiDubEurope te tnp thé moIs! cune, et vhic sb ala ord vonderful reports. TRial vas vRat sel me te in. vestigating bbc bhing more _csretull Daposit viti Domii.on Gerueni #50,- 000. E xpertenoed Agents througiont the Dominion. Pire fli8ka ziriiien at AclequaeRates. C. NOUESE, Whitby, April IltR, 1878. Agn.Wib16 IRA VELERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurance Company, 0F HARTFORD, CONN. cash Assets, -.$4316000 Cash-Surplus, --1,214,000' Beat cf Security. - Loy Cash Rates. Libeal ealng.Strict Management. An Uuiurnislued Record. Selid as a Rock. 0âi»m fil auto su -iaRRfort, ounbtie Low- Rate Cash Plan. Contreci Ianndoideli- ulta, mand valu d aims lrnt Agent, WRiilby. - ~ Whitby, Apuil 9tt, 1878. Tic Pronioter and Perfactor cf As- similation. MI RILT COANTAND INVEST- Tic Refermer and Vitalirer cftic Blood, -CAPITAL, 1300,000. Tie Producer sud Invigonator ef Nerve sud Musclç. Head Occ, Imperial Buildings, Toronto. The Builder mmnd Supporter cf Drain Pow.en. PIIEOIDENT BA5OKEB5: HON. ALEIC. CAMPBELL ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. Fellows' Coipouza Syrup is cempcsed Di seurcarres -G. D'Arcy Beulton. Ingredieuta idontical ii th ose vhli cou- -titute Heaithiy BIt.od, IMuscle sud lierve MONET TO LOAN on Improeai aria, sud Drain Suba§tance, rhilat Lif t is aI Loy Rates et intereat. Apply te- directiy dependent upon soeaof tRiai. C. NUS,4pasr Bp ite unien viti Uheoblood sud itseaffect withy, Ont. upon lie cuuaolee, reestmbliabteg tie one OR îO - sud tonte g lie otetRa; i iacapable et affect- BR -. KRETLAN MangeTto. img Uheo foving resulla : -p--,1ug, ern Il vill dispisce or vach ont tuberculexca GOOD MORTGAGRS BOUGHT. malter, sud thus cure Censumption. Anil,17.i Dy luereaui*gNervous sud Museulan VI. _______________1__1878. gon, It will cure Dypapsiefeeble or 'inter- rupldat*xof tia-±e ansd Paliaio, STRUCTION ON TEE PLà iÇO..* o cisotIntellet s Py ref . FORTE ANDORGAN. veay, evertaz-or irregularhaiteB on. ahitl.s, Acteor Chrounle,, Conqeston-oethle lunga, evencuihe>wne5t.alan igt5ges. 8NIGAN)8NIN U88 AG ICures AsIhmsLa;ooscf v 1cceMeéAN nnGIO lgl eGT SI. ViAns Dance, Epileptia is Roolu Ccug Nmo um~~ .'MR. GEORGE -C. WIGGINS, B.A., ,1 deulog They sangof lbveand nont of lame Forgrot was Britishgloîy Bachliîl. reealled iiita iêae But &Il sang "Annie.LaurL,-." Voice Alter voice caught up the son#, Until ita tender passion Roso like an anthemin iih amn trn. Theirbttev'cofsin Dear girl, her name hoe darod not apeak, Yet, sa the long grew louder Semhething u on the soldter'a 1..kIc Wasedoite tais fuetpowder. Beyond the darkening ocean burued Tbloody sunset's embers, While the Crimean valisys leare i. How Engliali love reniembers.- And once agafo a"lire cf hell And belloming ef the mortara. And Irish Norali's e y s are dim For a singer, dumb and gory - Ana English t.'!aîy mourus for film Who sang of "Annie Laurie." Ali, soldiera 1 te jour honoured rest Your ti ath aud valeur bearing; The bravest are thie teudloest- The lovlug are the daring.à wTLOU Cures y Su Tgstion ANCJTHEE Acoex. rom , LiM.-Sir John Macdonald bas enteied an action for libel againsît the(Guelph Mer". ..; As. ELEPsAuT FrtrnT.-A bord cf elephants bélonging te John Robin- son s cirau boasme belligerent vhile orosing thé Sculli Ann iiver cn thefr wiy hrugfi Virginia.; "Blsmerek" was tbrovn over the bridge y"bef," lb. assistance of- the ,old elophant. "Mary" th. cirm e mployéees-m usie iecs. Te figbl b.eaime mU cis os needle wî;nouu uliutn at asir." T6Frî The girbwo haplamp, rosy disee and looked hesithy, sud strong, .h eut ber hbandlte h#à vethe dise applic "Bat you inuitfiat tel11me ,wheîl You believe Ican u re pou. Do pou asced, the.doator. Tiie patient smied Sud nodded Il " lI.if pou bolievo I eau, ti enongli." Dr. Haimmond thon laid a tortol shell dise, On the back el-lb. gir'. hmn sud held it thore, pressing it sligh for about--tvo, minutes. J"Nov,"', sa hoe, "I think ht sli feeling bus go] ont cf yonr h41dV' H. thon prioký hier bauldsud ashe si seloefeit uothin Ou trial, il vas found that the anoesth sia efxtenlded, as Mar up ae ber elbow least. "Nov,"*reunied Dr. HaSinnon, *'to provo vbotbor Ibis yull cure, 74 for sure, I ami going te pt on anotbi plate that vili brlng &ai b.feeling bat teyonr hand and inake it very tendd indeod." Then holding ou a rubber dise fc about s minute, Dr. Hsmmond toc up the needle again. EcRi lime tlb ho brougli t1h. point of il lu centsÀ with- bar akin the girl wiucod sud dre, lier baud asvsy. [IND "Il verks ail right," said theo do««e UN suppresaing a aune, "but nov I viil Il te put the plate ou the back of pou nock once hefore I go auy furthej Nov, the affect cf My putting tRia plat led ou thie hack cf yeur neek *wili ho t i m be the top f your bead hu mn. JUM Sfor a seauoo as you feel thea buruiug sensa it tien lt ne lnow."1 jr.Whon the p lite cf lbard ruhber ha, c f beau liald, te lier head about a minut the te girl suid the top* cf lier boad vs our getting hot. The dise wuvashla o the about haif a minute longer, sud wli lur it vas romovod 'Ue girl's face vs a"s. e and tRie tipa cf lih arrs vere s hh r eda uning eil. or- A similîr experimeut was tried on*j Sef- large,*trog, middle-aged :womu Los w lo-ic h de m e te ha trotod fr paraly eon as. Holding s rbber dise te tih veman'a frehad, Dr. HTaniond sait lar "I uvaut te ses wbether you eau ho oui !nt, od y tRe novmetaia trealmeut. ý oda uili bld tis plate te yeur forehead em and thie first sonraticu yufe o the m ust taeillenm ee.p riz. "Don't von feel aup change V" asket on, Dr. Haninind, uviin ho bail bac ic holding the dise n the vwanm's fort lun Read about a minute. " 0 .N , ir," vas the reply. - id Stili siiether minute the dise vae ns eld ln tRhe sane place vithot effet. "le il possible that yen don't fool any ,.change? Den't pou. feel any pain r i- said the doctor. ai- The womniau hoek lier beand. ci- "Deu't yen feel somothing bore,'s a-. aaid the docor, placing bis baudseto j. the left side of tRio woman's bead. of -'Ne, sir," vas tho roply. ng Haîf a minuté later shoaid,. "Nov I sl bael soem thing." ,îl "Wall, wbt iait?" li "A kind of sheeting-pain tlireugh as liera," said tRia weman, putting lier ,1- haud te lier bond juat vitere Dr, Ham- ae moud lied placadhand before aoeth- y- er minuta lied elapaed the pain vas so as grecat that Suie conlilnot bear it. Dr. Haninond says that lu au oxper- ,i imniet lie even, doprived a patient cf hie ut eyesight muid restoed il aqain iu the à esaine va, maraly by suggestion. Any physieian whe chooses te practie the nmental cure, lie said, eouild jnst fill bis case with chips, or bits cf clcalk or .leathor, as te ge te oxpua$ cf :6Il.. ino iuilwith asmnieaexpansive set cf me- c.taIlla dises. S_ lThis power cf theo mmd over mat. ie ter, as il is eulled, is vory curions," hoe le said. 'IWO haveauonutehabit cf te oalliug t'hose who practice ieoerding te 2. this thoorp quasekand huimbuge. But id that is net riglit. TRiey de. vhat they tedam te do in tRha majerity cf cases. -. Ail that I have doue ils tO omonstrite a that thie potency doesuot exist lu the - perator or bisezuetallie dises, but rath- e r in the mnd lof tb. person oporated, as on after reciving tb. suggestion frin ,the eperater. Yeu reneembor boy people aildte ridicule these protendod, ;0deeteravho-pratised vRaI vas anaite ,d tRio poeor cure.. They- vould t.11 a 'amin te held up bis mmn, for instance,: su ad thon defy hlm te take it devu Pagan thus demonating their power. Nov1, iis à a ct tbst 1hve douethe saine.thing, thougb only bp vsp of oxparimeut. 1 once tried the exporn- ment on a anu t ni bouse. I tbld him Ibail outid eut a nov sud meut potent mneof auring pople. To do- fmenstrate it te hlmInz bld h in tebalte .bLd-cf,1 lit9 .laines tabl 1-4a t T errible E xp R oîleon. - GEAT LOBS OP LPE, ter e A despatoh frein MiuneapoIiqiMiu., [o unde r lb. date f M ay 2n c, give s t be follovrug partieulars ;-At -levanit Iis or evenig the ity was shakn as byan ok erthquaà ke by a terrifo explosion, at vbieh vws promptlp traced te -lhe wt, groupa cf greal feouring illes in wbat - in kuewu as the Platform,-justahouî St. v Âtheuy"salls, vhere lb. entire fleur- nig district of lb. city is oncautrued. nt. tea explosion came- frou tie greal Ur Warhhuru milI, frein whieh a celumu r. f fanas vas seau teshoot p gveraI ,te huudred feet,,folloved by-a crash wbieh te erualief Uheimmense structure liii. au aM eg-5e Secondary eà ploaonsu-n a- tatlyileà foyil h Thmbon& Heyt and Humboldt Mwills, sud fiâumes ina- m nedistely hurat eut eemmunicmting te t Re e lay M l ,thoae f Pettil. lR- &B inson, & C.,,CaMill, Akny, & o., L. )n Day & Son, Day & Rtôol Bual, Ne- e touth C., Genou , Hyard & C., as Washburu, A. à 1B., MilSe,and lasser lastructures down tie bank cf thea river nearly te tRie Miuneiapolis-aud St. Louis a- Railwîp aopa. The dstruction frein tRie aiock of tRie explosion exteuded- machi further, glna heing vrecked for lesevral quare, andi buildings shken- d. trougontthe city. AI 8.30 the lire Swas raging vithin thèese lisuits, snd tRie firomen vcrking te suhdneeioflaines. TRie-immediate lbeory cf lb. axplqsiou n ihe paetmdlnspuiirpée ýd T Ri o bs of-life fa un dloubtedly great, n but full teléfsarelacld g. i h first rumeur made lb. Leaid sevenîy te eigbtjy, but Ibisla nul homne ent hy enuip The explosioen teck place ut oh eu f ehangine ttho day for niglit ylhanda, muid many cf bath were undonlit- adly in the hufldixig. Theounbai' of deildlS placef at seveutoan. Thora vere mny triflint' aceidents sud xcarrow escapes. The leaa te preperty la estimstod at 41,500,. 000. One million fals upen tRis inilliug intereat. The loas througbont the cipy Eby brokan glas,,ho., iS $10,0010. Pive mille sud a plauipg milI are -dostrcyed, bosudes adjoining property. - Bsccsu's SECOsN FaOGWOsc.-Bacor'a second feogging tob place Saturdap il London, sud vas vamp severe. AItRihe first - troko tRie lisouer'a bmek, on wRiicRi tRi.mark. cf lIhe firaI vhipping were Risrely visible, alightl quivoreti, and lb.evlip vu as iod agnita fer tRie second blev, vhiel brought bRie pur- Spliali hue-celer ta ltce surface. By tRie timo the fItli blow ws gLyon, Ibis celer vas visible in long,. svelled ettipes. TRio- sixth 'Rlov seurcely bit, mand the shoîif ordercd the whipper ta Orike-feir. Ticere vus 'uothing notice- aible lu suhseqneut blove, exeept -à tRa, aI about the thirteentie, tRie blood bc- gan te cozeoeut ef tRie long, Ihin ente. At tRhe iiuneteenth, tRie prisoner, aident- ly in great agony, but detenmîned tea. ea u p, g ve i fearf l qi ver wv ioh shook Ris entire fraine. -No sooner vas th. tweulietla atroke delivereil than tRie thoý prisouer pleaded earnestly te ho rebeased sud talcen, te bisceli, viieh wu ~iene,, analb.éus! lmecil tassis- tles, reudenad. TRie bleva vene aIl eeuiflnod te the loft houlder. On Ibis occasion Ris did, noeauy a - verd freom beginuing b.« end. TRie exeoutioner did bis IRte vonk vitb quit. a pr ofessienal air. Beforo, commîneiug - ie ook ba uds o dially wfitb B ake, - sud iltRie' close again clutobed him hy lie baud, aboek il fervently, sud bien heîped bis matin te don bis garments. IÙmoiaboly ou Baker recovoring front lie ýeffcte cf hRu vhiping-ývhicli, il is expece,villheévery soon-bhe vil be ta keubtelte Contrit Prison, vhere ho vii serve bis ,tveulp me'nU etaIbard labeur, IRELIes OrP THE 11115FAncnc.-In tRis sulumu cf 1846 relief verbe verscest on fot, lie Govemnninubaving reoeiv- ed parlismeutarp autià niîty te grant haraniul lands for sncbndertakings. There migit have been found many vsys oe t spplping Iheso funda in rspno- duolivoe mpleymenlj but bic modes decidoel on were drsined sud rosd-mak- ing. -0f'course ilvwas not possible te provide vér rapidly bie -engineering saff roxuisite fo* scinveying and layzig eut so man tiiousands of uev roads ail over lie country-; but ovenually theo sabeina vas somlehov burriod fnbo oeatin. The result waa in eveny WWtby, April ah, 1878. 1 and a]