Whitby Chronicle, 16 May 1878, p. 2

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mlfonsl.Roî no. Lawti b.- Stuillu. nos-S. n. ~niti ONLY Ox 50 PER NUM Whitby, Thorsday, Mlay 10, ï1878 -- Tise General Electlen., ý1Whon is Il .10 b. e,, jsthe isqniry vitls vIdlS v o re et &enty lime ns s day. $0hinmg dafinito ispon tise mbý ,catch$ as traloppleti.. Mnaesbc eaclY et mode up thoir ovis mmdi - la t ia1 do. Tise feling cf tise Minis- tari- Party lu Quebe ls tisaI lise Do- -minlon eleotlous shoulti ho isought on et Once, vuie tise parly organizstleu lu -complote lu tuaI Province, anti vith lise pjesUga- of amsu a allnting - tle lote Localifelections. TisaI course it ila boit voul4 serve lise party lii paver. -IL Onitario îles Onosevatfrem voulti saisi tOibveliera b. une dealdeti aI once, andI va bellave lis. Reformera arceaqnally ready fon, thse froy. Mn,.- Makenziei, liseveo, ilketyt iye lso e ot imes, andt thon. laW a prolty goeral impression amo ngat tisns. who pretendt ta ha cap. able of torming an opinion tisaI ho vil na ot boa oopnecipllaté le Canning tise tannonnoseinante o e at..If tIsa elections ario te tae plae-in, June, os sotuse oplOo ols tain hi bieve, va - oltl bve lise aniseuxcemcni le tise utisolue o1 tise official Gazell e, TIsa faillîsgle appean, Ilea nulikely they wili hé brougit ou butor, Oelober. TisaI is -the eat Opinion ve bava ta aller an tisa -Tisa Quceus leitday Thé Otidfellews' excursion ta Lindéway *-- anti Fenalon l'alla, 1h. excursion on tise'-Narseis-, ansi thé Lacroiss - ~- Matais vitîs tise Cayus Indige, undon - "Ceplain 33111,"1 en tisa gnat tee-_ - nnli is musaineits vith viia the Quens irthtiay is te 1bc clebralet lu Whltby. '0f tliseOddtelldws' exarr. --- ièn we spoke-lasI woek. TIi) exour- Bien On tise i'Oremasi vil l is,naonht, boha avery% ojeyable Affair. Basidea lhe lamiosa tels, as yull b. een 1»' tIh -- bil, thora vRii hosponte cf carions lints an thq foin gfronnîls. Tisene l R1a0bts o grand Indiean concert at IHop. lilas.' all le thse eveulug vhieIs cannaI tairtoi telelrst a large getlmenîng. Heu. Mn. Olb. and lise Pickering Harborn-Grant. * _ Mn. Gibbs érables liie stesnt iu th - b.Globe ant disaavva tiseresenka et th isa Mcionauths is len. Hliacvii-ex. pianetiob ls (ve lhave ual yet soeentise Hlanarq report) that ho' la opposet to -grants te aomallîharbera an principla;- hbet Seconsloeat 010,000 totahie Pick. -ontng-villhleundenstoaod le bd a payiisg aoocen-îoo muaIs, andt îlt lue would net have aeid a vod ontethIe amosiel 66,000, tise saine as Osisava anti DonlnugtengaI; tlsd, vere lbe biarbon thé propontyoatiahevnship cf Pickerng, lie miglît have vievéedtheis -- tllng dlffenontly. Mn. Gibssoaya ha la turlhior, prepared te jnatity hie course visîn tiseýoppOrlnlty alTers betera lise électons. -Fer ouQseh-es Wevetai cornpele tot gsay that.1vo vônit have beeu botter pîçaseti isjr.i Qibbi takan a tilloent course, andi ma40lune objection le tIse ainonut piseet lfa lb.estimâates. Pick. 'ering, as a - sulclpaIity, vis a ut la Interclte ntise iarbon te tise extent et #88j000. Tie110,000, (vitaî vu %mI l ohe l b" ausexpeutiet on teiseisr- ber,) vosfld lavéoaneéth Ie velue of tbhe ct r7l' tàe tis ownshsip. Picker. --- -ing novei liasbeIa racipleel at-Gar- e- inmant avoitsey'kînli, andi Aliov. lng l tc1fîi eu fcf¶Ils mraillex. - --pentiitssre et' 10,000 voulîlisnolIsave beon toe grant a strais upon thé cen- saentotis sanîspies cf tIse rnenbce ton tSIIsellg5 pew -rapreeentatives indeet --t-veeu If thoy titi ual snpport-wouid abject te auj portion eft liein cusuuîye eaiviug tavniusumoaacase. - B -- 00W- fx îcc- Geo.-Our néaderuaren resPectfully requastedteb pese tise on- nouncomeutset ofthe merabanta cf lViitby isrlltsfeinmns cof thia papen. Theze gentlemen te ntoffir vorthîcs uusaulesblo steak te onstomera, but bar. ing a roputation at slalca andi&abusiness te balt uts, arei sellng tise beal cf aew -gosis, fresisansut sainable,et laveest living prioes. . Our stivice ii, Buy goati geets ý bbera la no saving Iu purcaBing e chîu tale trasis, hacause Iit la ffen. eoseomlngly olipt rous persoasWvis do net expiaI a seci cal fresu tisa - cntousers lyI Wtebe takan - lu anà doue for. Ovation t S obGn oi ,sToronto, i'uSaturday air QJoh[ a . Maeaonait eut Dr. Tupper vere veolcomet bock troc thir Parllap#ngsytnfab Orut OVALOUesOfet ientilaatisupportes ià Toronto, wblols incluati a torablglut stiéon. AI lhe U. B. -Club îléy !Iolpniéenhti vWils a s'en5>tt' llnog cdroas., andi apoko aI ilisluroî rbtwi. wlng lie leglslahiosa orthlie session. .Trcussm mu Esasor....Pariei iii. son, viUl do veili b arrange for passage sait1 Afr, J40. aWder, POlt.oMcle, Who ~aen$ eured 9agOna> Of "Densinieti," "SW ut "Xn An" is Of akasu JraAlN DAosÇTs s Uot aIbonocasfuas ,wlngebadsagi-se. srdy, PlSu ai B. ,Yole. t7y not be aried iotaofaot. .Thai - -tii, ialten@O wlb o oommut.d 1vo un. iPenny. tortala Uttle doubt, conaidering the strông case made ont for the priaôni 8twr~ ors and al l th- cher influences bro-gi' tbebor inutheir àvor. T197 XDNNZD TII v INTS IBWE». J.e al.Waý b ý soi.interview wlth I3ýrkeand. Být MICP.orson, inu thoir colla, yeiterjlay. T* I Tiae ow soparatod lusoitaîii ic, Pnb. coll4 Lu tho upper ahory of tb, gaci. Bitregards bave beau suni froni [or agt Toronto, by the Inipecor of Prisons, st tho -lnstanoo of -Mr. Shériff Reynolds, Who rom4ln armed on constant watcb W.B Plght'anaj day, Lu tho corridor by wbicb W tB h. ceils qf th. priacora are approaoh vras bora noir Westpor t, iu tue hocaunty Oft Meyo, Iiýead IHo vas boru on tIse 171h bf farab, 1848, anti vas cu- -sequently 84 years old liat St. Patniak's -day. H.e iatle oldeat et a family cf tisree brothe rsandt *o sitere ; ana cf *6 latendiat ainse bsinùanceration '-anti theellier nov resides nt Uxbitig. Of tisa brethers, cae resides lun Miebi- gan andt tIse Ila i iplcyeti at-Piair. oing barber. Tise tathen diet saeral jeare &go, the metiser efthte unfentu- nate, man stili raîldea st Wlitecala. B urke- vos hroughi te lîsis country -wisen only flie yeanu ebti, anti lis errer sinee rasiduti betvaess ViitavaIe anti Clanebiont. IHe is a Roman (Jaîholie, s. WalI spoktn et by tise people oatis looaiity in visicis ha bas lireti neerly al lWi litetirn.a s a quiet inoffeinsive man, viss. orst fenl vas tise indulgence lu an occasional uprea. Tisai, anti the -negleal -oft bis religions dtles, have -brotugbl hlm 10 bis present déplorable Fpositien. He bau vorkot prinipally at fanming, bis aervices -bsing bu mnucis demnandaes au extra gootibandet a tisraslsing nuachine. Ha vas marrieti abnteigist yena tige, ant isl a witi- aven,.lia vite dying sane ie reo years age aflén iser confinemnent. lle lias ne chiltiren living. H-e fecla cary insig. nant nt the reflactiens cast upou Ihlm- oepecially lu' big present poéton-hy the taternant wîich aur town contern- porary lias daredto iuaka, tIsaI ha treat- eti bis wite hadîy; Tisera is ustaI Word cf irnîls in tIse stahoineolt. TIse veny ,reverse is tise case, as liii neighbora anti thse doclon in attentanca upoo tisé vite, Saak of hlm as a mostjjlsd anti nffec- 3 tienate buubant. Ha la a mon cf tain in- telligance, gocti appearauce, anti large framne, wéighing before iisimrpisoîînenî fram 2'20 to 285 Ibn. ; Isaseght is nov muaIs neduceti. Bord. Fathsur McEntec I visite hlm almost daiîy anti lies cîso av Word cf caneolatien- for McPlhcrson 8 vison going Ilus roundsa, au wal aé Le tIsa otier unforînuate Isisonera 00w lu lIse geol. JOHN 140PIIEIi8ON yl ha 26 years cf aga on tIse final ni Juîy naît. ,'Ha vas bore 0o tise ten on wiial bis tatîsen nasidea, laI 24, in tIsa Otis concession of Pickering. Héeis cf geutllasaniy appearance, 5 fate01 inclues in bîeiglmt, ani veighs; about 150 Ibs. Mn. Donald McPiserson, tise fatiser' cause from Caillureos, Scotianti, anti settîctiu inPickeringugasne tity.flve yeaosage. IHa is a vél-respeateti anti vwebl.it-tdo tenmèr. John ia tIsa yonug- est et four snrvîi-ig abilinén. Tise elteet surviring brolispr, Donald, in a respectable fermer, nesiding nur Clera- mont. OCthesadangîlena, one ile marri- et, andthbe tisan, Miss Ellén MaPhan. sbn, WIse gave tuais positive teairnony s ta lhan brother haing et borne et oliven 'ciock on -tise nigis et tIse cul- rag'e, reaitica vus lier parents. Yodng MaPlisrson la usimarrlcti, ant inis sokan of as a kintily-lisertet, ausiable yonug falaow, eol liket hy ail Wvise avhum. Hée la a Preabytenien, ant ini attentat by thse. ier. Mr. Chambers, anti is vieil- et by otllen clergymen et thé sema de- nomsination. Burke andI McPlscreonhli ea u luig test friandls, altisougis diffurng in pliias-the latonr anti his faniiy talc. 'ing tisa lleforrn,and lIse former lIse Cou- servaîlve site.- Bath i express muaIs indignation et tisa storios nov set afllat ta tisein dis- ativeulage, anti nipuito ite il abisor- rance tise cary tiuglt et pcraonsl vio- lence baîvarda lthusduceaseti lra. lDn-i noît. --1 Tise extre-guards sent tovn trous To- routa olae Mn. Jolin tineu amnu Mn. Tisarnae Lynels. . Tics lIlAvY Rxi-N.-Cnieabs tiaxmage vis doue et ferle ,on Wedee. *day ulgisi by floos occasioncti by ise iseavy -rain-storrn. Thse' !ov.ying grounta about fBelleville vere sk-a flootiet. FLaUsi AND FFEI).-ClaS. Penny. lagion lues a fins stock cf lise hast fleur ont tet, vhici hua ih dffeming Tory cisoap fan cash. Attention is direcctid te bis atirntisament iu cîher comuan. Ne MEETING cf tise Scbeel Board lest Watneaday areniug ton veut cf a quorumu.- -DÀilAcsi ey FRO8r.-The trost cf Suedey anti Musntay niglit8 bas bliglut. etl tha pnrvioaly fair prosppcte for fruit.- *Oncisards anti garudonsihare sut. teneti savareîy lu Ibis loeality. Tisé grain sirop, hovvr, dos not appéar le havé suffoee t auj yappréciabla ci- tent. IO EPixcMEICIxoSea. - -Asiston sud Pansons Engliais Homoepaiicrnem. edies vitis full directions tfnrtise treat- meut et Common comploinîs et S. W. B. Smith t&C0'%. Un. TimotAs ,EPMurr5sawet tres bie fiugara offlust Itlntaj usamning ù lIma planieg Mill. f stoà«o CsxLO8ALîU3....A noaspaiiaî. eus teatiusizon anti diainfosulaul useil le seversacnt cli aontagionss tltionusis0 lu lange holîlési, *50 cents, ffuse by S. W. B. Hisilis& C. - Ma. DAVIsu CLIFFons, feu tros ,Is ffucenti toney cf'lise nov brick build- ÃŽigS g0ai200up au Break aIrait anti mc-. ce0iveel sevoné injuries, &tenday lmesura. COisma AN» -PàARtiLfer tise Brou- f glau Moil, loft-At Bay'i Bnitilh Amen. issu betel viii b. promptîy attntat te. stage, les'es theise l 'at nina a'look eveny mofning. TramPazna.0Cusmat ttis WhjebymF Now Publications. FUTURE PUNISEIMENT-Tha prs. sent oatâ of tIse q uestion, censitis éd On Canon Fanas,'s "'Etamesl Hopi," by Professon Salmon, D. D)., Pnrinciple'Tulloah, 11ev. J. faid. vin Breo, 11ev. Wrn. Arthur, Rec.-John Hunt, D.D., Prof. J. H. Jellel, lier. Et. Whsito, anuthb Detroit :;Itore-BelfuoidPublissing CJompasny; Toroanto. Baîford Dcc. tisere- 18783. J. S. Roberbson, wlsitby. 1 Thsis is tIseftest oftmtIe intenational reiigo-sciaisae' series, anti is a very irn y rtant contribution letIshe question or n'lama punisismeul. tIOODY'S eIALKS, wibIs incidents in connealion with'-Tabernacle vomi lu Boston. Tomante : Rose-Bai. ford PnblisIsing Cat 1878. J. S. rbobertseu, Wluibby. Thosa t-âe et thie book oxplisiltaIt El wilI be vaiceme te tise loveaaof ne, rl-vol lilénaînre. ICIENCÊ)E AND THEOLOGY, AN- CIENT AND> MODERN. By JAMES ANTHONY FaÃ"DF sToronto: Ra4e-iiefonti Ptshlisising Comnpany. J. S. 11aberîsan, Whiitby. .. This 11111e hbais, lika arerytising Mr. F'ronde viles, is full of a isurryiug ae-o qusuce anti bnrning vils suai. Tisa ulatumeofatie preaent slata cf religion is startling. Vie are tan intiect tram agreing witb is ieforecals. PUEuPAiitt;GiiLssN, trésis powdmméd Holleisoreaet S. W. b. Smniths & Ca's. Enucouragement to Roman Calisolic Teachens. 11ev. Fssthar Steflord, et Lindsaîy, puhlises tisatoilowing ,effer lu tise Cassada uSchool Joursîal. Sin.-Il appeau-a ve ea e ery te w Romnan Ctiei Sepanste ScIioci saciens hcîdindlst cdass A. Normal Scisol certificetes. I sisail ise gla to ZivOa e raiurnOatone-hndned dollars su sny Cetisolia tesaclisérvisa may vin a irl.clasa A. et Toranteo. This airer ta sentinua for'10 yeerE(, but net 5xnora ian oe uelbspramiîn ta ha giron s=I yciur. I supposa il is aur ;ovu auit if a Normal Saliooci mb visicis se sauy thouseeda et our mcney ha&gîoe la ieîded ns ge.utIle ativàntatga. I isve th e nar to Se, yours lr 'Iny, M.ý STAFFORDI, P. P. Canada aItlihe Paris Exhiibition. F i gi oc lu Su hg LYTTEIt FCOU om. LTON PLATFAcIR T5TE PRIIMER. OllAaaý May lits. TIse Premier. bas neceirs thtIe flliov. ing interesting latter from, tl iselîlis lion. Dr. Lyon Pisyteir : Paris, Apnil 201h, 1878. My DBEAU Mit. MACEENZtE,,-I hliea comaeaven liane te mualte a praiiuuinamy inspddbion o et suExhsibition, in =uy capaceity et Chairmusso f lIse Finance Camissittea af hebRoyal Commission, befone tbe Prince of Wales intpocts lise industrial Depanîment. I cssnotra. train fs-arn cosupiiméuting yon ou tise admirable positice visicis Canitie las taken in tIse Exhibition. Il la the onîy Caîony tIsaI vilI be eady ton tise Ps-luce's inspeatiosn on. Monday naxt. Thse .Trepiy, viîiciî is adirable, cannaI be compléteti for Itie ey yel ; but this la ne tait of cf jour agente, but ofthtie Frenchs, visehave ual yel cernplolel thé building lu vhici ile. Tise gener- aI spaeigivun 1tisaheDominion is -d inasly ativanuced, anti fillet vils speci- mène:,cf rau' uuatt-nisaoanti manufac- tuner, visicishliea aimly surpriseti me. lIn ie'her &andtiwedts aapecialiy I Set ne idoa tisat Canada vas se fer adrana- cdi AbiII aur exhibition cr111 demauais IIsor ta tIse Dominion, ant ill, I bacc ne doubt, coutnibute ta its maeai- al prosponity. Ton bave aisasesi jour ag-enitisveli, andti îsy have dons@lisein vare admirably. YourVnna incenely, (Signet) LYrON PLATFAIst. To the Mon. A Macienazie. ..ersouu Outbreak of Strikana in Eeg- Serions niotingtbok placae lt Black- bure, aos Tesday. Thonsants of tua lcist aa docf apoaaivos, iecluding vamen, panatiat the streete, akiug violenltsrnouustnalioug. Tisa nesitience et Colonel Jocisan, -Cisirman et the Masters' Asqsoalation, vos burmuatet thé grounti. Tise semaesnob attemptot le hum Jeakaan's milla. Tisa reaitena, of Aluiememman lIcrnby vas panhially vreckati, andtihis windows of aillishe usu1ili tn tIse towu temalialset. TIsa intantrj anti cavalnj cleancdthetu Street$, but grcat destruction vas cern- millet before tiseir arrivaI. Colsgnel Jacksnanti Is irvie harely escapet in a eah. Aidl. Uusnisiy %res injureni by beisug etnssek ihy selo awIsila ersrsnst-- atin,- will e 1wmutere. Co.i of thesaCanada Pacilic Railway. TIsa ceat ohftise 'J'anata Pacifia Railwvay ite usade nP 4as f1oileva'Tise Peabina .')rancis 15 10cost #1,800,000 ; the sechion ,e-een Lake Suporlon te Radil iver 014,700,009; frans Redi River te tisa Eocky Ï».utainu 0 26,000,000 ;' frainLake Nipice&'K tagoLare Superior .Tunetiou 828,ïg )ts,t ~.;anti frens lIe Roacky Monnîsins l jePacifia $815,. O000JO, makieg &ttl !100,000100. The tàae of lise frC -op in tue United Statua-is acitirQ, l~fise.- Gev. emnxWsout gltistietan- t'04i 000 e yeei, on bou4 ha i val tlis Il i. a t ho ht the RusÉians abonti] Xeêlre frouu San* Stefano ta Âdrianoplo, but blîl, Plan ha$ bein disopprore t t. 1 Petereburgt andi couqnon#the bTurks now refuse ta surrondor -any of the for&ro"es ozaapt Sehapmla, wbooa gr. 1risoii vili do botter service in front cf Ooûîstantlnople. The BRuasians, carry ing out, thoir original intent ion, have reîntorcad the army aI S8on Stefano by thirty-two battolions. Thi e ulti sesia sis if, he* Czar bâil uill a bankering after Constantinople. Thé. Greohu in New Bolgaria are iu a glati- cf axait. -ment on. account cf an attempt of the, Bussions to ourol tl4om under thb, gin. eral coscition. TXhe Musmniaman in surrect i laal0ospioeading ta alarmfisig proportiens-so mncb, 50 that white it î? exceediugly anoeing tb the lIns. sians the Tnrkilex Goverument may b. unable to contrat it. Even in the usigbborhood of Batoum the Tnrks have fallen upon the Bussiansas serions confliet is reportedl. Incidents cf sncb a grave nature ouly tend ta couiplicata mattera and render the ait. nation more proealona. , SA talogram from San Stefano gays thie Russian army there h 1ta ho ramov- oti te higizar gronnd, twe miles nearor Constantinopie. Thisimove will cause additjonal uneasineas, as an impreusicu eliata alrîady that an advancoe wili be made on the capital. An unconfirmoti report cornes ta the affect that a British srmy cf 80,000 men is ta Ibreaton the lnssian forces in tbe Cauoases, In the Hungarian Chambers yesterday, the Premier statsdl that Amstro.HEun. gary ; wouid prote il Ibeir interens, peaccahy il thay ed; ut, if net, by other mearqs-a oatement which waa receivedl witb chea. *Netbing bas ye, leaked out about the rasuit cf Schonval- off's mission te St. Petersbnrg. Alto. gether the outlook launfavouble te peace. Hon. Gentlemen of ice Senaie, Gent le- mais of tihe Houae 0.f Commona Notising ceultihiseogiven. me.- more gratification than tise joint Attineas itis visicis yen have isesoret me on tise ove cf shiy tiparînre. My intarest lu Can- ada sal ualcesavsen euMy mission as Hem MIajesly's Viceroy sisal have terminatei, anti I ams gladti 1 know Ibel yen haro talion se favourableao ciev et my efforts te fiitingiy nopruseul cun Most Gracions Queou un tisis lbe mcatirnpetaet et Hem Majesty's colen. il possessions. I nov bit yen fanavell ont earnesstly trust yen may ftn ituhue future lise manifldtiblessingus is II ali evar pray may he conîinaîîy abovereti upon yen. il ILLSASÂ5ENTED Te. - k An Adcte incerporate tIse Fishick's -Expneie anti Merabants' Farvarting -Company (Limileti). An Act furtisen te ernnthe Adt bu- t ittila I "An Act respecting tisa Public Warka cf Canada." An Act te incerponato "Le Societe dé -Construction du Comte d'Hochelaga" r as a permanent building Society anti ton olisér purpoues. An Adt nespocting tise Port Wbitby Herbant Company. - An Act te prosite tisaIpersane aiarg- ed oti i ConIfon Aossouit shall hc cam- Dpatent as vitesses. 1 Au Act ta graul relief teatisa Canada iAgicullenal Insurance Company. An Act te bcrporate tise Miasiann Soiety cf lise BibI. Christian Chuncs le inCanada. An Adcto amandthtie Lav respacting dackloeda. An Act espsctiog tisa DaIy au Malt. An Actlea mnvidA for tise creotion aud reglaîralian of Homesteati Exemp- tison elates le tbé Territonies af Cana- do. An Adt ta amant Section sixîy-eighit at tIse Penictei-ryAct at 1875. Au Act raspectiug Persans imprisan. cd lu tefanit of gicing Sacurities te lcéap tisa Peace. An Ac te maie provision for tisej vintiing-np et Inolvent Incorponatet Fine or Marine Insuranao Companies. An Ac teaamont au Act espectingj coudlicling daims te lents et occupants1 un Manitoba.- An Adt ta grant certain powers te tisa Agiaulînnol Mutua! Assurance As;-i sociation cf Canote andti a'change itsi narne. An Act lu ameet tisé Acta incempon- eliag lise Draciviule anti Ottava Rail- wey Company andtihie Canada Central Reiivay Company, andtia1, previti fer tisé amalgamation of theseasitiCern. panies. Au Act te confer -certai povens on thé Montreal Building Asaociation ly tIsenarne cf Tise Montre! Investmrnu andi Building Comnpany. An ArttIi nats. ie eStodaceno Fine eut Lite Insurance Comnpany te retince ia capital steak tann for on purposos. An Ac te amendth ie Ac tisirly- sevénlis Vic.,clssp. eilis, intitrlet, "An Ad ta imspose Licous. Dulies an Cern- pountier of Spirite, te ament the. Act réspeaîing tisa Inlent Bevenue, andtiat prevent tise Atinîteratien cf Foodi, Drink, eut Druga."1 An Adcletantiseize theesivauce cf1 certain sums a thie Provisiasot Manito-1 ha lintidcfthlie Publia Schoola tiserein.9 An Act le amont tIsé Adrespeatingt lise Eleatians o et mfrbers oa hie Hanse cf Cammons.1 Au Adt raspecîing the Ontario Ex-1 pressa ond Transportation Company. t An Act ta arnendthllo respecting Building Sacieties carying au business in lIse Province et Ontario. Au Act teaornendthle1e relating tat Stampa on Promiasory Notes ont files cf Exchange.E An Act ta provide tor tIsa hetter Anti- iîing osf tisa Public Accunta. An Adt espcting the Traffia lunIn-,- toxiceîing Liquors. An Act funtîeso aang teIsénote-- pentence et Parliameet. An AcItanortise fetten Prevention cfd Crimes cf Violence le certain parts cf1 Canata unlil lis eanticf tise nex aessai.a on cf Parliameel. ÃŽ Hlia Rxaaileecy tise Governnr-Gener- aI vas pleasedtla reserve tisé feloviug Bis for thé significaticn of hem Ma- t] jesty's pleasure tisareon z-h Au Act le repsal Section tventy- bîreaofethtie Marchant Siippiug At,ý 1876, sas ta sis in Canadian votera.a An Act for tise relief cf' Hugis HunI- er. An Adt fer lisemeliof et Victoriag Elizabeth Lyces. t An At for tIse relief et George Frc- f thiugbam Joisesten.a Terrible Explosion. AN A31MUNITION FACTORT AT s'AUSa 55LOWN UP. P'anis, Mlay 14.-A terrible explosion lies ecourret st tise esnrnnitlan factory in tisa Rué Barenger. Tise building vas eompielely sisattenet. A serions fine ensti nthu lIe naigisbeuring bousses, anud is sîilli ncontrolîati, The numben cf vidtimaq by lIse explosion is enkuevu, but iblies'edtle he cansitanabie. TaHousop Ceious.-Someboty hem been igumlug np lise number et members et tise 1Hese cf Commeus vise beioug 10 tise mame vccation, Tisaeoare 200 mombers altogeliser. 0f lbese tisane are Il journnalists, 15 tes- Mens, 6 Manufacturera, il! docters, a suerauce president., 5 ebiphsuliere, 10 lusherusen, 8 mili-ovuera, 4 aengineens, 6 ccntnactcni, 1 brever,,l sahoo inspa. tome 1 baker, 55 iavyn, 156 memircata, est 12 gentlemen itleeumo.- -Maggie Go*In, girel o een, vu shet lunlise face by James Pouerai, boy. 0f1 gh.~~Çt lai$ memmme est5 esGvornmoit te your addrsai except Newfcundausd, sisal! b.byImx perl ation doolared tqgjb wi-tip tls Dcminon -cf Canada. X rejolce th Murntiseterra of My admisatail tereste on le Continent o ofAeorie hau bienu talion wlth so uh 'Ima ns ity. ant t heisncetartis tue Doaini ,Governmajit , -ssnder hem Maje$ab3 exorcis, dis uteti âay over Ilth nortiseru hai ffbuis continent., I am happy ta ha able t le at aIpend*i thlb final statimeut cf thé- question o1 boundsry,a 'convinieýnt une,,hasboas adopteti by my Govarument l dthé Goverumeut cf tise United» States be' tween Alska anti britisIs Columbia on tise Stiakine river. Tise large sm n b ave appropriât. edotie b.groal vorka ef titerna!lm. proemont IdIl le o xpondod vitistis most rigiti regard 10 eoucmy, aud l thse expoctation 1tisaitute prinoipal canala undor construction may ba near by cemploteti vithin thé nexI finauail year. Vie settlement et Manitoba ant tise. Ncrthb.ast Ternitories ba beont pro. ceiingIbs ear vlth nnexampled ns- piiyandtifthie efforts cf my Govera- ment to obtain a rallvay conniection wilh, Winnipeg at a Vary eariy day ahoniti ho sncoesstnl; I anticipaI. nexi vear a atml langer lucrse.to the popu- lation. Il is apeéial!y gratifylng to te flidse0many Caoadmens who bat ln former yeara emigratedti 1 the United States nov retnmning to the nevly -er- geuizeti territorles cf tiseir native landi. Genflemen off/se Houa. cf Common:- I tis ou e for thse supplies vhicb yen have grenteti fer the varions public anai !bis ontire force la supplieti witb tho heat anai Most improvia ipattern$ cf gnu. Heo itainethotbs supplies frpm Canadien baif.broodseand traders lu lise British possessions. Sitting Bull bas unoendetifaith lu tha ukill. anti piver ef bis warriors, andi expresses [nil confidence in bis ahility te vanquiab any force thé Geverument may aauti againal hlm. Ho bu fnlly -posîed in re. gard to tho movementa andi Stnîngth cf lbe Unitedi States treops. villi whom ho axpecîsi te cerne in contact, and ef- fécîs te regard witb contempt lb. raist- suce tbey wlll ho ahi. te make le bis movementa. Olti frîntiarament; bowav. er, beliarve if Ganeral Miles is furnish. sti. witis force encugîslha wiil have S111- ing Buil anti wbat may ha loft cf tise Indians inm jail hefora fal. SAD DHÂTi.-On Saturtiay morssiog, nt Barrie, wbiîe Mattbaw McKoy, cf Viint teva, waa working aitbis febrm ln Vealia, anti engagat inetise net cf sink- ing a isaavy bouldar loto çàisole acmé thre foot deeop,.wluilî eoenping forwerl, tise toene faîl on-tise beck cf bisiseati, hurý'ing hlm completely. Two cf bis cbiluiren were present, ansP*at once gave the aiarm. The neighbcra hastenet t the. spot, but soma lime ilapseti beforo boay- coulti axtricate deceaseti, anti whon hoe was1 got cul,- lite veasgene. Doeeaed was vîry higbly respectoti, aud leavas a witicw Oatiigbt Ycung ohlldran 10 mono bis loe. - i A lie placet acMroa tise tracir tbroa locomotive an&ý.,seurces off 15e tracir et Montreal'ubai ndoy;, ne one isunt. Thoii. Maiestan insurrection cou- tinDuos to, greirsptdîy Wetvrt; thé Enssiam haro c.ased solive openatlons, 110ol0wingacenauthebmFonisu movokaor "À kB od deai-âfez inàant wae t " Oed-to.dsvlin tbe city by a rmc à htibieMilitia -Depariment 1usd i ,et usde knvî,hag impoant daa@É"e n frO GO>ernmaut, scoutasent ontt 4wstch th*. meat of Fenians ot &£nfier - Oiase orter Ibis ie toos intervievsd MaW.flm-Gnaftls aEdward SolbySmith An thîa rolatioe 'y, snd obtainod the followtgnfrao ne -*bo04 gei 10'show t tiie-,Govorr Sment are preparatin e givo any mias Sde!@, ehouldýtboy tiare -te croasstha bc 01 der, a wom reception :"Four - gui bn onts armeti vits *wentl-niue poule 8.unM, sud jnanned wlhh twonty-fou gunnere, lave bien erderet 10River Si enClair and Lake&sErie-and Ontario. A] th.eaniliti on the frontior are 10 recelv immiediately- arma and an appropriat aMo unt of ball carsridge, santinter for mii have bien ordereto hol SthomsLvas lurainiasa 10 bave for th frontler ila musopout'. notica. ýNoueo them, bowevoi, hava baèÏiordorot n der arma as yet. Partriige Island, St LaJohn, bau bien heavily armed anti rein frid. ed Hd battry t St. Joli Barracc batbry, î8t. John, has, alo been snppliad with 82.poundeo au^( Fort ,Dnâerin, &.B., with 84-ponde yrifieti guas and 82-poundars. Yarmonl Souths Point, N. S., la fortifieti withi batt.ry of 82-pounti gna.' A nov bat tory cf srlillsry has beèn raiaed aI lb P loini'also. Thse batlery cf 82-po-n guns ai Digby basé been placeti in-a con. dition cf defencé. A new battery hi beau armeti et New Liverpool, N. S. and a battory cf artillery remaed as voli ilA battery cof 82-poundera has beir 0monnteda idney, Cape Breton. Pic 10n's excellent baltery haa been placei in readinesi. A battalion cf infantry ai Kingston- bas been ordered te bc ecenverted inlto artillery. A guar from "A battery, Kingston, hit been sent te Toronto te proteat thb military stores. Four nina-ponnd guno have beau orderedti t Preiaott, andta battery of artillery' formeti there. A batter' cf haavy guns have beau urder. ed aI Vitoriâ, Vancouver, to command Victoria harbour andi Esquimaît. Col, Irin, cf thse Royal Artillery, bas pro. ceedeti frcme Kingston, te place tbis bat- tery iu an effective, state cf defenca. rThe four gun-boats will be atationeti a Kingston St. Catharines, Windsor, and Sarnia. Sir Etiward Salby Smith says thel ne effort will bc spared te obtain information lu every direction and promises thé maraudera a hot recep- tien. St. Catharines, Msay 14tb.-There was a gooti muster cf the volunteea companlîs last nigbt et tIhe drill shad. Arma andi clotbing waro issnad te the men. Anoîber drill will take place te- nigbti Buffalo, N. Y., May 14.-Universal excitemeut prevaileti aloug the bordai cwing te the raporteti cresîug of four bundreti Fenians, but noihiug occssrred bora te cause any sncb commotion. The whole thing is heing looked upon hy aIl classes as e jolie. Montreal, May 14.-Nine volunteas regimcents cf Ibis district, tIhe mambers cf whicb live near thé frentior, are te bc served w&tll bail cartritigo. Theas. are the 88rd, the 5th, tbe 551h, the Siat, the. 52nd, tise 58rd, thse 541h, thé S5tb, the 60tIs, and tbe 701h. These are to b. a1trengthoned by a troop cf cavalry anti a hattcry cf artillery. SOMETHING LINELY. Thoere ufay he cmoh-E w'nrî5,aI. tauding te ithl.fellowing paragrapu: Iltla statati that tisa real danger ap. peurs te bcaepprebended inlucase cf trouble in Montrenl ou tbe 12flh .Tnly, as il is fearedth iat; gangs cf desperados from, the United Statas wiUl take ativantage cf any local misunder. standings te pillage or set tire te some portion of tbe city. Iu that case stillions cf dollars andi scores cf lives snight ba sacrificeti. Tlioro is hôe, bowever, that the civia authorities wil interpose, and mnake sncb arrangements as will seanro tise pascoablo march cf the Orangeinen, if tbey is1s upon ex. orcisiug Ibeir privileges on bis cca- sien." A Family Butchered by an Insane - Pather. John Scrihnor, remidling on a sminl farm a few miles fromn Auguste, Me., mode e desperate attenspitet murder bis family on Saturdey lest. Thse iur- LIerons weapon was a spde. A 11111e girl cf Ibra. ya.ars dted sisrtly aflerbe- îng strnck. A boy cf five receivati e fracture cf tlese kuli and wiil dia. A baba a year aid was fateiiy iunred. Ai- hart, a boy eleven years olti, eacaped Thse iraI Steel Vassal cf Wnn., Tise final ateel vesaeî of van lu Hes Majesly's Navy, tIse Cornus, lies jusi beau launciot, aeu t i nderatacul tisaI she la mérsly tIse precensor ci ny imilan shlipa. -Semé tirne bock 8ir Josep i Ylilorîlu, tisa gruat- cal mochiniat cf tue day, gave il as lis opinion ruat iran-ciaOaispe Isatirencis- éd thé point et absnndtiy tinter lhiai -enormana paueply of armeur, viia Ibreabaneti te hnry them, jual as tise knights etfcît véeeatiflati by tise veigisl et thein armoun, eut thet vo vere baunti te return le firsl prinaiples by building steel sisipi cof Aazing ilgisI- neas anti speeaicrying one or two guns et immensepover. His preulic- tien is nov likely ta be tuifilati, anti tisaI net a day tee sean. Pncaanvetiou cf tisa Irishs Languaga. froakiye lias a achool fer thc praser. cation elthtie Irishs language. Il la calleti the Pii-Cellia Association. Tisera are about-oe uIuntiet factive mombens lu il. Tise Society i about tva ysars aid, anti ilbsa:branchas te Boston Newv Haveus -anti other chties lu tact, the Boston stem is muais langer tisen the parent Irunk, as il comprises 8,000 membens. Tise Brooklyn geaie- tysa prospectus soya tisa - lite of tisa Cal. tic lauguage nov trembles lu tise bal- ance, anti it is lu tisa iandiscf tise pre. saut getreretienaitiser te cansigu le tisa terni or te rentier sounti anti vigoncus ont wotsy, aftise Iiis race anti name, "lIhat sonorens anim2ellifinous langue" lu viiciSI. Patrickr preachedte tahie sireg et Irisisman, ienvîsiaisEn'ia mou- &relis, posea otnd utlagialators spake in thé saciaus halls of Tara, cn.l lu viiisBrien tiret on hie bravéehuit- talions. Instruction is fro, andi il is intentot ta extendtihtiSociety by as- Iabliising brancis associations lu De- troit and titier Western cities. BÂTES' AusvscuTzss'u AGExo.-Mn. J. H. Bates, iataiy senior pener lu tise nevepopen advartieing finm cf fates, & Locke, aLNo. 34 Park row, ho-ring anoceedet hoetiie business efthlIe flrrn, ises rentadzanul filtet up rocrus in lise Times building, No. 41 Park nov. Tise main office is lange, ligist, ant iry, anti tisa aulire suite is admriably atapleti te lise vanta etfIlse extensive business Irnasctet bhy tisa iouse. Mn. Bales la oneocf tisa oltest edvcrt iaing agents lu the auj. isoring beaulus tise business tor a great many. jeans'. Ha vas for a long liméea partnen vitîs Mn. S. M. Pattengili, vilS viseusho continneti until 1878, aI vIsicIs lime Se tarmati a ao.parbnérsbip vils Mn. D. R. Locke, et lIaI lime langeiy inlerealet lu th. Toledo BIad nopapen, bath as edton eut atoakiscîtan. Tisé finm vas dia- soivoti jeetentiy, andt l-day entons up- un ils cameer unser tisa soie plpreoor. ship cuti management cf Mn. J. H. fates.-N. Y. Tismes. PETTENGILL's NZvs-S'APEuDxuaCnoa'. -Thise f on 1878 cf tisa Nemoapitper Directoxand osui lvrtiasss' Hand-boak publishet hy tle vont kunovu etven- tising agency cf S. M. Pelbangil & Co., 84 Park Boy, Nov Tank, bues joat corné te Sent. Fan simplicity ont con- venience cf airangement, ,comnpnsien- sirénens etscopé andi genaraiacuracy, va have lcng regartie t tîia as hy tan tisa hést anti mach seliablé Nevspaper .Dltectory publiabét inluthé Unitedi States or' elevhéro. Il containsaa complate ilut cf the navapapems pub. lisetinlutIse Unitedi States andtih1e Dominioncf Canada, as second lisI ar. rangeti, fanlise couveniencei of etivor. tiaera, lu countie ; ;,lista oet the daily. veekiy, monbisîy, religions, agriculturai eut spociali i;newspapbesani paniati. icals, vitis tuil informatiou as te tise caaster, circulation anti propnietor. slip, anai a liaI of lIse leatiing nevu. pape asaitGreat Brie, Anstr&aa anti Europe. Tic volume is illusîratetl vitu portraits cf Bayart Taylor, tie. W. Cliltu anti fraIe Honle among liv. ing, ont Samuel f ovlea, James Gardlon Bennett, efthtie doad journaliste ofthtie United States, vilS an elgel1ent ateel engravlug et Mr. S. M. Pellengbll sp- peea as tisa frenlispieceç. ,As eintereut-' ing article-os edvertisng, replet. vith ioa4rw fou og pteousiliôx poioqçe of the subjegt, shoubti maise 4-Uljl bsou eily- ett$nact$ve t s i 8w8îati , uff- M -- n. id. n la. te or- td e i. as. le ,d la e ealer s kha myeif, or visa vilstisa d-d chanspagna, I MeI perfectly atitleti, andi frein tIsésoundis tisat auceut I sisculti ay aur friands'tewu atairs have lai heén sirnilenly affetet. I vnlte teil vial Yen a h'appy Xmas. se0it atyen aîb sisaîl gel it thé final tislg on Chrisîatusti morning, dean, aud helieva me a aI seeaMI yours, A. D. ,r, Ples, Mn. f agol, -vii yeu jeh me Gr anti tvaonrllsee telendstismay bc léss) sei came in andi bavé a lump cf thicandmt s e toothfu! csf maist aIt S7L-VG, if yon aný vil! hava il neatiy befonébanti? Gooti.4 lsy unuil to-nigît. Yours sincerely, Ex Rusa VEIlEEL hi TIse. Io'-young vemen, sala Mn. tri Mgecenegis, bat a jekre belveeni the=sOet vison they cous.e cul at nlght, viien bal thoy pt Ibeir unotlsr orho e-"sihe lv is g eue te bëdithilS aFrencisn"ý--de' tuaI, vas lis, brandy hottle. (Longh-is- 1 hem.) 8h. vont te b.d vghsos e ifa andthboreferesho went, té b.d vilS tisa.- FrenOismau. Tisere yen baire lsen- L tuera ycu knowew isusfrous > losey day tlemubark tise Samd,&Isnljmai anti pa 'ege à# - I- steeepassengerseon tie se a4nli vere burneti about tise beat ant foc anti sous.e bhàat thise*arma ýanti le broken. Tise agents etftisa lina have x partianlare, Tirai cf lise luured ai reporteti heles. Tvcboties cftIl arev lave beau recovaeet. 8cm.pi .songera are meponlti ,misssng.'Anjou lise pasieugons are forty orpisan chil( ren teatinetilfor tireetia service1 Aus. Tise finebrigade frous Derx vent ho tise vessi buet bi sisof r-;v nnavoiling. An atompt vas made 1 beach lber on McKinn.y'a bonir, hi sse vas fiually sauttlet, aud filuet au Bank in.u-five tothoiso! vater. Ail tIse saloon passengera 'are mafi Four p'ensons, ateerîge. passongera c memrnhéaof tise rew, arc missing. Attampt. te Assasaluate thsa Garxus Emper. AnutAmpl vas maetie to assassinal tue Emperor et Gernsny as ho vas ri turning frons e drive ou Satumtay. Tw shola waore fredt-b is c arnage. T! assassin raisnmie othé middlbeetoftt avenue, folloveti by tisa aravt. Ount attempt being matie 10 captura hlm, bi finidthe bnemore sIsals, ont thrév hî ravolver away. le vastison seanres Tîip Bmperor's cannirugo vas sleppe anti a foolman sprang from the box on, asaisteti attse captura. A fow minute eftenvards cuotiser individuel vas aeis et bu teé Miiddle avenue bu cousequene ot an aiegot attempt tl epe athe, as sassin. The assassin la a tiemiti naMet -Emil Henrieah Max Hsédel anti is sait ta be frons Leipsig. Havia takan letIste neancat police satien visera a pralimiuary investigation vs lustitulei. The accamplice arrésted i nernet Kenegar, a labourer, helongini te Berlin. At lise exarninaion cf ti pnisasiers, tise man vise fredthtie sha vas prcved-te ba e socialistia leadier but Se tanictilany attempl '.0 sisoot tut Empars-. teclaring ha lutentéti in con séquence cf bis poverly 10 sisooîisimsel: pnblicly to slow thé niais the preseni contion cf the people. -Tise elle prisoner, wbc vas; st final supposet luc bava bissa au accomnpliaes,'vas procèsl innocent anti libèreteti. Tise Empeno bas receivat congratulatory telegram on lusacape tram aIl thes Enropeax Spu-eneigu,, anti the poulcehave matie tIse occaion one tollllèisetiploy oft anthusiasîle demansîralions et loy- in- enurmons "fitrune for isenself md, -lier ils chIt, tisaIvasbers tan - voeks afler hothouglit tisaI ien tue jurybat hboardi àn thocedéxicotbOY Wu.îd couse ta the ce, conclusion tuat fev men lu bis position ga voniti hvavocte'(,seogoIroulyor Be aeý kintly-as dit Chishopir Neviie Bagcî bre tovlardlise plaintif, afler shohad el- 1 Ih eabininte R arnaeSIatlmeo-v-On, s- ase va enceint' e. S o at a £10,000r sg fotuev ,o he migislbave appre. t-pnialeatet hinsseif, but Se na-ver teni in id a farthing eft il, enti,besideslbéaving ry honr tbot, settllet£1000-ou ber by tua WO seUl -isn dimute. »To hemer hiltiWilliam fe higave £200 a yearSIs'utu ne o-Sôùlah. aIt furteon,£800. trous tounéein tii!ho id nochot iage of tvanlyŽoýne, Ian this inleneal et four ansi pe~~r cent où te. £10,000 trom tlb. cge of, lventy.one un untillise wvas bhltyý. ont »Sfhé as tisirîy lie vas le have tise £10I00 But with Ibis thé plaintif vas not saliafiet.- an5 TRE LADT'5 IaTORy. Tisa evidence veulti conolusively es- tetabletisa hegenéral ecI o f tise tes- e-toton ; il vonit sisev tise cisanater sud vo habits .Of Mies Emlly Vemn, wiiai se voudndt estueessorily te thé inférence se isaI heving lu tise course, cf lhan ilti inlite heceme enceinteý te ,some otuer pan. ho seno, ah. intucet mn. Christepisor lsNeville fagot1t eaelbrcngS tise aére- Id mouy of a marriage, vhiahw as for Ihlm a source cf infinte nhappinesi, ,d anO vonit turîher asow that Mn. B agel, ha-ring yieided te ber entréaties, acon fouet that Miss .Vomner violateti e thé cempat ite whiai ase bat enter- et s, anti spon tue faith cf whicis Mn. ff Baget vas intucedtle marry ber, that han cerIsilti vas noctle be bis heinTise Sparties on botS aidies wvo n a haiigily ~respectable position. Mns. fagot vaas Sthe graauaghten et Sir William Ver- t la nec, for many yeana moumler et Paelia.- gment for Armagis. Tise fagot a il e9 een lu the counntry fo n up va nts et 800 c )t yéars, eut vel knoovu lnthé ceuntias c, f Galvay anti Roscommon. te sH0 THEd PEOPEETY vAS ACQUSI D 1_ Cisistepber Neville fagot vas a1 ifyotiugén son, ant i hlg - axaetingly it hiaaitby anti pessesaing great Istnengtu. n cfmrnd, e résolvedtho emigrais. His st fether gava £1,000, anti at nineteen i yeers cf age, lu tisé vieter cf 1844,.- hé r stanlt en bis travels. lu 1880 hoie-e as turnetifrcm Autraia, havin nolizet fi ci a considéalefetune. 1Ha6bok bis 9 s sistera le bravaI in Ilaly, anti afler ré- y tunnet lie, iu Decemben, 1862, matie IE bis firat taatamontany disposition. t Haring réalizeti e barge fortune ho de- tI siredti e ftanu suiv, as it vena, tise p farnily cf fagota, anti te increasa bliair b, position lu tise West cf Ireant. Ha fi rtîsaraforu nésolvédti tisawhiite lie voulti t t give certain gifla te bis fernil?, haeci, 1 woult iuivesl thé langer portion in bise b f punchese ef properly conliguons le tisesi 3 Bagot elIîsitsletise enny Galway. w .Tha is ilmata certain bequests anti f ent thn il. ropcsrty to a -lia - ..Iaooc on tise Seins mole cf bis braISera, antiIR inl défanît te tise bains maIe cf bis aie- pi tees reu-peclive-ly, lu erdér et senionsty, lu viWtistise provis tisaItisée persan taking Bc th lIeasIates unuter tisa vii shoulti is- pi anme tIse name anti arma of Neville wi fagot. In 1868 Mn. fagot purchasetilih tIse Castlakelîy estate lu tise couuty gl Galway ton thé suns ot £105,000. At wi this tirn, it bicame noeaay tisaI Mn. ln Bagot siscuitilook atten hie Australien c' proerîy, anti acaorI gyho vent le- th Australie, anti in 1865 nelurnadti leSI Einglanti, anti vas réceiveti in isigi nc Society. Tisane vas noe doubt, Saattise as begrnet counsel tisI tIse peopleofo Eng. ait lent greatly likati vealtis. IL vas a a sligist failing in Ireant, but lu Eng. qi: landutiiwva intensifiati. (Laughton.) bc If one becaus ' millionnaire anti vas calied theb.nnggél," viih vas Mn. Bagot'a neme lu Londocn Society, lieA vasSure le be neceiceti in tisebhast Q circlea. Whitéeout bnntiug Mn. fagot nil met :with a sariens accident, aausing - te disease et thé opine anti paralysie to ai suais an extaul thtIsIlue caniti net posai-. v bly ha thé faIsan of tise chili. oex About Ibis lime Mr. Bagol a su-n.ta, vitéti te tiluner by Lady P&kénharn, ho anti ou tIsaIoccasion lie met 'Mis Alica sui Ernily Vennar, bier relative. XVes it fo likaly, tise léarneti coanusl aaked ,tlîat Pil e yonng vornnbrougist u n l tsIion- i able circles lu London vonit tai! lu fa, love, nt thée ge et tvénty-tvo ye>ars, t wii a mon just fifty years agésu-t- fériug trom paralysie cf thIs ib, un- GC -ableé b moce about, and raquining sup- tei port vhan éndeavornug t10 vaîk. Doc. ne nrnontary ec&idence cf Mr. Bagot'a con- dition, independénîly etftise médical évidence, voulti ha given by eigisî of W~ thlIe moi respectable médical. men su te Londionbiuclutlug sungacua, anti gai-mi 'WedaêÉday, tbe 6ths; se if lisé *ealu hoitis finse anti-tse Misses -Vernonnco coule vo shall carry ont osr ide -taklug thons 10 Hanptn osri day.éIam fnei s cutil bas gnievonsly disturbei the pence N.88. -Yusavény-tnuly TiseyLapretbnded,aobunael continue taILdy -Verner antiholiere noit i terms. -I1vil! nov reatyen -a letti trom Lady Veroar My DEait Ma. BÂGOT-We sis,1ailb muais pleasure lu- -diuig. vilSyen,ý Sattirdey nexi if vu survive aIl our'di sipations. Yonurs truiy, - M. F. B. VEEtNyE.. TUE fxauKka zAISTicLE.i" - I de nolintauti ho nesiteie luon ne' Londion. I visisanti intent b esti very quietlifu lu tisa oatntry as abreati. MIibu quito contentreti livo thug, ant tIs My home, anti hom biscU alvays ho yeux bouse, anti vhs er 1 go yqu viii ecempany me, au nover, neyer beave or go- amyvi vithodt me on any aconf visti vithont my cousantP Will yon tell! n avaryling anti have ne secrets et au kini visatevor, anti give np anti cnt a yonr fat anti tipsy acquainiances an levers anti adirrrianti ceose te vri te any of thaun, anti receive neitiser lei taera non presénts frorn any a! tbema Wiil yen drasa te pleaseme ? Will yô eh punctual, lu our tiornstia antidlii arrangemeutô, anti permit neotioga t aleep in aur roms or travel l'u aurce niage vith us ? If yen do anti perfort isbl I visb anti deuira, as ahové, ant r te mare rny bife anti bere happy,' promise le havé ne sacrats cf any kle ant e de aIli lu my pover te rondie yeur lite asappy asîI cen. But l au hIopleass antiaa hopélesa invaliti, ani tisoefore I enu do very bittle; antiùu te yonn ganerosity antiý kinduesaonou lava te màke acery, allovrance for ani padn ysortcomings. Tisis I hav soiéi rm your vniting, anti promisi teoperferrn. AnscY VzaeER. Wnitten ait thé, Alexondnier ote] Hydie Park Londion, about hhreqo'bc &ugust S, 1875. 0. N. B. The case le still going an, anti is ti sensation oettilia hur. A SMander. On. aftie meaneat slandera efoat il bhal vhics charges tisaI on. cf cur claný .'yman avare an catstiste otiar nighb ThSe ciraumastances ara sirnply the.se :-- He vent listetise bouse anti allempted te make bis vay in tise darli Ibrongl the sitting-room te tise pantry, te de. eat a bunch cf rhnbarb presénteti hiei 'yaparisisionar, tcrgetting bouse-dlean. ing isat commenceti. Tisé wretahqd ui isat left a peu cof sott soap near the doer, aerr vilhoe aaitentaiîy -stu M- bled. Making suniserculean effort to save bimaeîf, ha grabbed for scmnelbing wits bolu baes, 'sudas -lh. aligbtac frmly ou bis atomeais pulleildevis or Lnv csf hlm, etable fill et crockery. Rising promptiy te lis feet, lie made s pitais for the match sae, but'happeukng tr pleut hie foot lu a puddle of tise éat sap, hée prernptly st dovo lu a tub cf presercati fruits. Hlis poor tiret ifit 'ho bati retirei eanly, was rouseti front àer slumnbers, anti thinking tIsaI bur- zlars weré abroai, ahriekei for belp-te -biais the bineti girl neapoudati, rusLi ste tisa noom anti tusnblng beatlong wer the man and thé vasbtuh. These ara se naketi tacts lu the case, snd tisaI la ill'tisane is of it. Our geoti trient tii eot say ý vert tisIceulti ha construat ) into protenity. He oirnply est firmly id qnistîy among thse preservea unîtl tigist vas otruok, anti then miltily iu- luirad, 'r'How ucb longer, dean dises iouse-claaning lest ?" PcTinussbaDraresg iNeLsABRsci.- aorraspoent gires Le Jourtal De ueuec a harrowing account etftIsa ter- ibe disîzosa ant i uffening efthtie scat. nret inhabilanta along tise inispir. 6bIc Labrador cast turing thé prasient vinter, oving le lise teilure o e tufI- -ies bout season. Many familles bavé sen ratincedti thie very verge et etoar- ration, having te aubalat an almeet rot- en sal fiesb, whlite the long distance stweeu eacis prevents tisem frum isalp, ag esels otiser, ovan if they couiti de se, -s- hey are aI! cary muain the sae dtiable conditien, anti it'la fearet ist amany instances the reanlîs have been atal. Tis, semaecorrespondent atatas bat tiseefada having coern bteh nowiedge ot bis Honour tise Liont.. kuvernon, ordérs bave been givén -'te rvard them immadiately tIse moat icessary supplies. tination axpaditlinsly. .lHe complaluati et tise cloue vatchIs -tisa babeen kapt on bis moemeots sduce ha anniveti 4Y Engite1 agents. Gnipenberg sicRus- saehat 1,500,000 men, vitls 8j10,000 vetaéans encampeti lutiseueigihor- isoti cf Adnianople anti Son-Stefano. Thé Russien navy et course vAS nct m0 effeajiv ais E ngleut's, but vags UP. pliea thlseffective ordnàco, anti crn-- -mansiet by exporiancet eofficera, Thsa ooly tevns. i tIs Rnssian Empire tisai thé Englisis conlit ack wvus a navy - wera a fév places lu Finleoti ; but lu case tisa armies efthtie two ceentries shouti dcerè ne ucontact, 1ho bellavea Euffianti wouid finti shobcbl- i'made a mixtaka - 'I '- - Eilsworth; Ma., May lIL-Cept. Bati. enisansan. Capt. Giipanbung, antifieur ctlior\ officèesloft tisa Ciînbria sutdenl- ly-o New York on a steamer. -The afficeru nov makeé ne myatery et onY- tbiug, but profes ignorance 01 tli@ plans. Y ouca'-nuot alvayg tli y tise AY a penson dresses visethen ber pew uS paiti for. Wlsen tue day breaks vhier& do tbuo piecen goP Why tbey go into mç*nD, taboi. E e cf conis-u uéas Or thée-cluissW, aùGlbt yare of un oui sections, iaah aecfion ungr thse ofcontrÃ"1 of aa cuncilimanve vl iteOtaI ae4u r làtte nuit -ng. monsJi cu ~ oh coutthsreof. earrled. Prbbi On mction cf Mr. Groeen, tise tovn. - sii a divideti inio five differebit sec. Bd, lions a8 fcllovs: on lc. L1 AIU frdgn tise ako shore t, or the 4iis concession,- anti from ' the east. eru town lime te tise Brook rcad. J. 1,. Spînk. ne NO. 2. AUl frein tise baké shore tu tisa 4th concession, anti from the West.- erutown lina o tite Brook moat.i.fno. -Miller.- Ne. ý8. Ail froma 4tu concession te. the rear cf tise 7tu, and' from théo , out.. a Grueu. id-Nd. 4. Ail from 4th concessicn teý 't thé rear cf tihe 7th, anti frem tis e ét ae ara towu lina to tbe Break.reýd;, P. R. Dr- I lO v ion ý ý-. IdNo. 5. - AIl that portion efthtie tovu- ru0 apfrom tise istera andi vestera ,gn tevulina lu tisel 7th and8th concessions. se8 J. Mnokisduse. Ceriot. ày>Counail adjournédti 10meet 29th May.' idl- An.Unkuowu War. t. It la prehably nova te moat cf ou ? r eadans tisat, vile Russie hasheaen . nU gageatintise overtisrcv cf Turkey, anti er tise> iest cf thevodrlt ibas-baen alIsorbeti te lun vatching tise porformaincé anti ils r- sidesshows, a vigorcus and romjWkablû m campaigu bas talien placo-in Restera- ry Tnrkastan, tbrataning tho Bus&"'a e I pendenaie lu tisaI quarter'o! the!wvend, tid anti rusulting lu tise m.sbngti by r tise Chinose. Pt the rebébblous provinces in cf.Western Kamsuisanti Rastemu Tnrk. id estan, endiug vils tise capturýe cf KIs. il gar, tise capital' etIhe latter. 0'f these ti eperations, coverlng, as-aýglana, a tishe id map wiUl show,. anormaous distances -o (Kaeelgar la oer 2,000 miles frcm ,Pe.- -orltihisaremalne inlu lmoat absolute d, -ignorance. I t vas-kuovu lun1875-76 k tisai 'tise- Chne.govirnýnenI vas about 10 attEftUpî a cisoatiSament Oethtie'nortis. as westera rabaise, ficluding YabJoob Beg, thé Améer et Kaisgor, vh -ispiapa more familier fo Wotemn nations rtien any cf tisa cher leaders. By tisé alose Of 1 876 ail tise country notis - ofthlis is Tien Sban'monntains vea reduceti, anti r. il remained 1te proceetiainet Rasis-. L.gar, sema 900 miles distant, Souths cf rthé ýange. Thsis vas a fan more for- a mitiabla nndertaking, as tise streugth cf h Kasisgar vas supposedti te'onisidar. càhial. Tise invatiers ver. mat at the s frentier hy a terce sablis tiey' over-. 1.bréw, andipu-stirapidly fervard, I maroising 4007 miles in tvenity eue days, a lu lisat tirna captuning tiea acitias- anti vinning-cne pilcisetibIlle. Tisetact 0 Ihat on tisa day tdoviug this -baIlle gtisabineie, ver. ahi. te continue their I savance as an erganizeti body iabunti. à aut évidence tisat tlseir discipline la something more tisan tisI ef a bar-barla h orde. Tie campaàigu vas enirgeticab- gly puset atter tibl, tisé luvaders baiug I faveresi bsy th. confusion mb vluh rf Kasugaia vas Ibrevuhy tise report cf thesa unbokéti for reversas. Tise prin. a -cipal'cillas fell, effriug more or'lésa *reastauce, ant inluDemiser, 1877,'e batle vas fonght antiwonyenhfore eh-b ggar iaitl, visicis et once sr redt.- eTise comamautiing oficen cf tise Chineser 9mevement in LinuRMn Tang, anti va i comment te the abusers cf bis country- 1mon in America et beasI a superficiel slndy cf i campa.lgu. cnductèdas *it vas vu t lesraS't au approsais le 1 Westera. modes cf vantra, vilS e gon-. oral staff anti commissariat viia must have'beau admirable,, anti a sufficiant entliery train, il séboula ho taken as a warniug. Europe anti America may* ~vtla that tisa modéra breacb.icadar 18 an efaicient v eap on lu h a e nti s 0f thoa tespiseaMongolien. -An crdinàiry atlas Win show the ýmain onilinas pt Ibis rearkable milittmy sciivement. LThéetidvance lied cf course -te be Coni- duatati acreas deserts anti monaina vithont any cf tise modemn muons cf- transportation, anti il la very evident frcm tise distances. marohiet anti tise time aaaupie4 lu doing it tisat tisé Cie.- osé soldier is net tise aontemptiblo per. son cf wviom v4have heau. acanatorneti ta think. Kashgar le net fer :frem beif. vey betvaen Pékin ant i S. Petersburg, anti airaady.lisera are propheta vbq an- ticipaI. more- danger ta Europa frcmn tisa Meugollan tisan froin tisa Musco- Tà EAtTMENI, 0F TEE DEAD SMIn asu WouKstousES.-A fév tiys ago tIve pansons diat inluthe Galwvy Unin, eue ceame untir ur noice vie s the l~ezults wvieil Its use bave beau ai rmte&tiosngoliclted b, adfis6 the àffiialedti 10 1- .EDITRa"Coi ALLEN's 5 BLf xs- Icration, ent ceusas lis off'tIiqIÉW1grnor misci 8ecrehsb7and asulpsrijl heals thse irritateti part - - t e s d igestive orgal liveré i6 Iapropen actia troxglle t te viole i -Druggista. -Tisa public are cautis taions f the ain-i ---suspicions, of peréng v ny cther article as 1ý -- M ny, f tiese they m a - p r o til p a u , b u t w v is i a i s inCOomn vils tue Pi A STRANGE aCi..-T infBeovue Hosapital. rominet fr Iree a: scios condition. The, hlm on tie slnédt stand tlaking te ismelf.LIL tte tatation,, viera s vive hm pro-ing une- taken tthaisospital. a cltisa ramainat innéî but sntdeuy rose te bi et te tatcàor-ol -tie remaineatstanding lka - -w a a týen ba k tus th e -resisanco, bat socn-4ft frcus te ecumibent peteti bis prvious î vastien eesiset prudei d avn u t e s bled. H soup, forcetdavu lu viich e salloeti --patient vas evidétly satate, but tisa symptu greatly frçm iihosa Oca caalepsy as te puzzle visesaattention bat ha c a se . - A Casaucua WAGE- rcenty occurret in J Atan erenirig party a- Yoeuig viicas-itls y] muais impresseti. A n varo plaý-yet turinig ti thi* ladysggsc bi play fe a agar. Tht. seutet,>antialtar seme -. haîtis the tké shoultia liant fer yours, if Ilv disposa! for any Yong abllity (hem ce*usantlii _ifîI e.". The lady ai game--sorsit of bagetel gentlemen- ou as-aévr -but hevas cool anti ai e match for hicsai lads' lad at ties aet, i at sconati oly 188 pc tieman's. 885. A ,dtc follovadthtisaannance: lýiotesa nowv avnès, realting hautdetftise f placed t ilutiaI of the, mn. Itlaisaidt tatt many la te bu repeet soiemisity saine few Me n o e i c o f e v i i c i s - v i l u Sérneut' ALDsu.--Tlsc Britiàh aquiatranibu li More resolvadtie10 anres -a véelc bo'Iisastar-rIng lina tue siosee of tisa 1 - uinai Roraby veuit i but las- onteredtht i teso f thse fléel- be gir ing vrelcis, ant i a msssiy 3bearty but zio t sas for Great Britain. Tua SuLTÂv-,Tlie lea-yea hie palacei aven expédition, unless hé i b y e .vggbdn veniti Thé vont aot maney- dc TER aiîcuor WALus cf Welles heu yen veru - sites lu Englouti by i' tact wviiih h as adisple acity as Presitient cf tise missgion for 1h. Paria.]Ruý llm-Tu TouRPEais uxm-1 ernment basao naw gun p'e4o batery gum, vhicls 0 ius'eàth aviy as o tien agabltishe approac] boats. ILlibas been th mlouth viuls tue Most nuit. k -ume inucompliment tb Mohon, la tue langeai -ru --lu-a privete esipyert lu -more tuat 800 féetlobng. be-lon lannsei, ant i v Ca --c rootrei-e aa frons ro years ago $250,000, anti offareti six ontss ago le comipromise for an ai-. îitnal $500,000, viia isoe refuseti.- OAPTURE OP L InniimSmux.S.-Au, lu- atd Revenue offleer, Mn. Gravalay laely cepturedtwoiv lliait;sMille. Oua 1Cobonrg ilsaîf, e very Saonce*; th lier in, a huais about four miles tem- eat lewis, ef sufficient -timeunsionis 10 n one hundrei gallons per day et sokéti wbiskey. On Monday baat Mr. -aban, tise Owen Sondt colleicter, ?zeft an u ait stili 011 thze-Indiau pe- sula nesir tie, Ibre miles - from ny dwellj,,g CAuTiON 'l'OVIsIsUTO T-TEPAnes cHIITIcN.-Vsitens te thé Paria Ex. hIbou muaI examiné - Isoerhundreti. inaU notes cary cencfnilly, ton a bandi tforgera-lace juat been 'arresbt e ava ancaletei in plaoing more then vo tîsousand countertuit noies et this enomiuaticn incirculation, anti viaI vorso, tue counterfeils are venter. IY -vohi executeti.- EARTEQUAXE ANI) GREAT Losi- cP iE-i hundreti lires bave beau It by an earthquase ini, Venezuela. Fr-a 1nie.Hienry Mes-An .thstrumn)ete. 1 1

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