N ',898 TO 1DE TI ..........'j vsmmos b- uul, gn em1natten cf0p1 son"el i gday hCrime, r eic da net"guy.mpioyed inoeî m. niee Ues, vln 7sDl « Mofn more hafo 01h;1 r., - g 7,. De 4c'Wh.uleng&ge ore tian four'hourd.e....... .. 4 5 ed Attodidfg Asu or h~long, * 64h)ASebsY. ...,, *.. lise, Os.o10 or ô ucr utiges menti toe baslowed.),.,,,,... 10 10. sammolng Ji o ry nord' Inqueisttnolug ata dl i faqut, sud aleserice n res. poot ib arse, f, Isl a sday si Jury summone . .......... 0 1,Atteadilc oaci ekdjourument hilreol, tI net enigagedmore tour hur.............. 1ce 12. Deo,i. If engegee' more' Ihan tourher,,.,,,,,... 0 18. O.rvlng mmnmons or mbpoeos ta stutud betor.' Corou* er (sabjeet 14. Mlaesrtgmre.... ... 0 1.ExhumIng.bo'dy unlir Coruner's warrant.........>.... ......... c0 15.E5.i .....ani ...........g_ 200 17 SrvM g dritrets.wsrraut, sud rd. 18 al ae.......... ngunder dlties wer. iA~........ .......... 6 ,Travoiiling ta msauistresso, or ta s.mrch for goods 0itnaedis. troeeiwhen no gooda are funu. * O 1 0.Appraisemnentms, whetbci- b 'one or rmore, 2dng u* h liai, on the value ot gooda 21, Catalegue sale, 11si(Md â olln and dolilve ý7 nf poild0,ôOc tg..iu io n ZCIM aode. 28: Servlng -notices oh coistabie, whçn "dons.y ......050. clerko1 Peane, cI . - F~oéale r lE f i ftTI11111AND PflEIBEI ferm. p ,,, o ccupieci )y the laie James Bypue, & t alor L For Partictilars, op htbyIL 'orte lirEm~q., Dominion or Dr. Magon, hrantiorj. Jne lre Peh. 23rd, 1878. 10. LANDS. FOR SALE1 -Towflsh/p, of Somervle, COUNTY 0F VICTORIA. The folowlug lande lu the tuwnohip-et SemorvilelCQUnîy o'ltra ara offereci forsa- -The Weslt jcofLot 5, llate '1'811 contes. me, consistlng ci 100 acre,..lilfteen acres cîseansd fonced. A nevom.alligstroamu crosses te lot, on vitich le sanilsite, usar the Bide e01e ObÉod rond. Thes propertyuin OUIY 1cfa mile from a railway station on lIhs Victoria Raiway, and S. pilles freni lie vilage cf Kinnionut. % Lot 7, lu tihe 141h ronceosi, commsiotinag oc 00acres. The iladiniswei'i imuberedl, h'vig Onitls lut of valu4ble cedar. A nsver-fadllng streant of ator us tirongi the lot, vhic inl but one-aud.ha11 mMil Lion e railway itatien onulthe Victoia R ail. m'a>'. Thecocuntry'&round fisa ettied, feuars. John Goodman end Daniel ilver, Dear KIlunul, il show lihe propcrly, For Trni c? sale, sppip 1- JAS, WALKBR, Moray P. 0. Ontarie, or te Mesars. IJÂT01 I tC fi dby Ang Ulud, 1877. ' DIQ.-85îy LEVI STONE, Wlklusqa' 1300k, dfrectly North o Jon pn' a~rtitura store, SOUTH BROOK-S,!,, - WHTY 1300 te announoce-*0tle inhialsts ol -- Wlby-and vicinit>', that le has openeci a FLOUR & F-EED STORE, lIn cOuetiOumviliithhà Batelier Shop, wlero hai wili Always have ou hand A LARGE STOCK OF cholce Plouf, Cracked Wliesc Oaimeal, Comumheal, Oati, Peo, Shorts, Le. OIIDEIIS DBLIVBB1lEp IN ANY PART OTIIEOWN 1 A Cao.i leSoicited. , WLdsuEVI STOYNE, Mack lock, -' 1878;by -lC~T - flo~wing valuaIt. pro. niore or les.. la Ils STQC:Eç EW_ PREMISE&5 Hving corne out of the Fire safely I have been enabled to re-in- vest tho totak amount of my insurance and a large arnount of othor Capital ii-tbe purchase of an, eu- tirelyn'ew and FRESH STOCK -OF- 01GJI'00FR1E8, LIQUOIi', de, z o XI o o Which having I ~EW "p -I -I Q d. -I -I j 'I '1 'I 4 5' 4 Il J beeni secured e for Cash on most advantageous tex-ms, -1am enabied to offer at flily 25- Rer Cent Be/o w Ord/nary Pr/ces To -cash and pr ompt Paying Buyers at Whioiesale and Retail, 1 deem it unnecessary to en- umùerate the itemis- indctail of my largeand -extensive stock ; any atteMpt to -do S0 weuld fil a dozen Chr-onicle8, suf- fice te Say that it je complote in al linos and that custoiners '111i find ôn the promises every article that may beï enquired for. Heads of rainiiies makîng pux-chasos ef, Hioliday.Croceries Will save Moîiey and secure a good article by cailing. EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- lates, &c., &c.,'. My Liqdors, as heretofore, are of the.best brands and wiii be found unsurpassed in purity and cheapness. Agent for Ceegrove & Labatt's Aies. Aies, l3est quaiity, -90 cents per gallon by. the 'Reg. Cautxed- Fruits, Pickles, Biscuts, of best quality. Oystors, Haddies,. Bloaters and fieli Of al kinds, lHonings, S3almon Trout, &o., in Barreis and baif- -Barreis. Ianmaking Sutg5ls a speicialty, and ceafford te Bel 13 lbs. of -Brown 20 lbs. of Valentia ci F-q ci VÉRY CER Oreat Saj -N TE O2~iM VAL TO TEE- NEW CA ROCFiRY STORE 1 Simon has deoided to pgqk fQ-a Y0çlutlQfonof 10ots. rnozthe Dollaroff hls already 1 - priCenstin, Qroeery sudaGlaaawsre, 4eir cash, te mpà ;e room for rigArai EeyatilI b.O<er lino, decidedly oheap. H.-R, wonad wesaclfally ifi il lb> ttGeýiOni &lie Ladieste vsried ,azsort MuofNw 8aon T'eag, fém u'rarat a 80o, 40é, 0 sud7É' ell. inn alis 8caledHýrrn,La, ýbrpÀdoi, Herings, Boneleas oedflsl. madfresh Oystere, constantly on, hand. COsimeal Cernieal, Muckwheaî Pleur, ,Gralm Flu;as gent fS or »rst Mille Chejée ]zi1 ý <j estnu'0u» plied with ia fine artice à at lesl price. utrîov~'la d V-d, ds,¶varrted fresh, and Irue tote icr indis, which wilib. seldI a umail advanc.ence. Apples, Potatoes, Bâter, and Rggs, taken in exohange for Goods. Cal!, before purehasing. e1se'l!erý, and seurs -oed bargains at the New Cash Orgocry Store. 7 SIMON FRASER,-, O!atip Blo.k, Brook.8t., Whltby. NEW 0GOODS I Clothin'g and Gent's Furnishing Hlouse- Is-now supplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadlian Olothe of ail Idsd, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. 013-~ Alsoeau excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, al riew 1 A spjlendid stock cf Ready-nxsde Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. YefMILLAN'S I3LOCI, BROOK STREET, " WHITBY. NO COMBINATION REas mucli Pleasure in amiouncing tht lie as now, i Stock a Complète Assortment of1a kinds of Farniy Groceries suitable for the Holidays or any time, including the following, viii New Valeatia Raisins,  Cholce »lot cf Mette Cupisud Saucere J: Layer for Xmas. Basket ' FencyToYs fer Xmas. SLondon "Fa&cyCndias for Xmas. SCrcwn "JleMarmalade, Currants Pickles, Salmon, Lobesters, "Lemen Peel, 8ardi*hes, Whife Fu, Orange; Peel. Saimon Trout, Citron Peel, Fintn n addfesansd Oystemm rereived Ail Kinlis cf Spi&-es. daiiy. N!ùts, al HKindi. Pipes, Tobaccos, Combo, Extracti cf ah KRiuds. Enuies, Kn4ves, ce. Have you seen the New Illuminator. -No Chimney re- quied. 1 Light equal te 8 cf the old kiad, once.tried always nsed. Solo agont for Whitby. Crockoiy and Glasswaio iu great vaiiety, oleap. Cash paid for Apples, Potatoes, Butter, Eggesud Poultry. bitby, Dcc. 111h, 1877. PETER SMITH> - Oddfeilovm' Building.. McCROSSON &Co., ,l King Street, Toronto,1 PHEE LARGEST STOCK 0F FU"Sl 3ryh Of Our W ýj = saff aate fr oteilmrork, snd car werkmen ais uP - O'w ta ad rquirmentof ur nhnufatr-ebt&ifùg Sa ý;ko;ldg f the cutction of our macbfauem, snd are thas enableftt 0g e r dOg " 8 Of s M ad pro ici eucy t a u w here goueral m an f sot We Are lIardèe.4»nb" toleIntrddu.. a- more perieot system fate RIlt partments ofnisnafaoture, adding n0t eUlY tte leeetion of -the work b se .t te h.rapdfty ef thaex" .l ù , oisquntrduton 0< out. Tis priiple in regmrdia necessary' lu a well regalaedegtablishmet 'wtmnalulâ utai ucr Machines wiêh a highix déee cf prfectiou prie. ei 0Iew as bueilutely tei, defy eompénaho.. in Oow 0s e 'eknown 90se aiugle iBsapur, that a word of cowa1iedatloa 'w ainict Boom superfinus, but. as thon 'ýare many elim ing te manufacture machine whc have adhered te lte'old original Johnston machine, without à fag ap te hilu moements ,ltiI uitide. to ouselves sud patrons require c te saite "ht We have modifflsd Il la almoat eïvery essentiaipart,' ana: for sIre And -duability, qaaitv f eut, fa everykidndansi4 0condition cf grain ; Iightne draf aad see f na.zet-the "Jobusten, l' as mnainfaetured byu-et praeminenty- ahead of ail ct"ereape. In proof cf this position we halva topoint te th é many Firsi Prizssawarded uo-,-at the lant Provincia trial ef t6auo, a ny _ OaUDytralwhlehhave taon place al ever canada, wi lUR lat R MP fewyears.C INE vitI late Imprevenuen tg, f il Ia t can, b. deeired fina aCombined Machi, carnnote uiteynetail hle.rrend urYougsenads.o are bell flrot.clas Machlues-censtiîuted almost wbcIly cf Iron and Steel. Cuga Jr. lai a rear cul, sud the. Young Canada a front et ; bell streng,d ahi. machine'., ad net exCelled by &Dy machines lu tle market for qualit3 UR, uaiiy ihNEWs f raf, daTBhfY, sec H angement." Athounry hN EW "WHIeracapetY âHieyan n ocaRVfaEta- ors hale cor iime bott i4h ueof adapte e a cin demauy cf ouim ap for a Lfght, Durable, Firat-Clase Beaper. &live te the reqairements cf the de, w have sncceeded in inventing a Ma- chine with a Wrouglit iron IFrame, wiJ the least possible gearng-with large, brcad-faoed drive wheel,-andse censtruoted lIai the frame sud table tilt aI tue same lime, tleîeby keepfng tle pitman alwà ys fa lino with tle knlie. The, rakes are driven dcrectly freni the main shaft-.there being ne perceptible aide draft, and no e et upon the herses necks. We are confident ihat we have sucoeeded in lnventiag the mont perfeet Reaper, taking il inAil ite arts, tbat bas ever been pîcduced. We have apled for jetters patent, sud 6shlId car invention, for oui own exclusive manufacture, sud we respectfuUl;r snggest te in- Ioudiug purchasers, that they should ose this machine hefere glvin g eir orders for tihe comi*g hsrvcst. The. "Wluhby Harvester" weigha, ail told, 600 poanlis, but belug matie principall1.7 cf the bout qnality of ieon and steel, and frein its fia- genieus ud compact construction, il cembinos the strengul sud durability of tle heavier machinef. AUl cf car machines are fully warranted. With tuis list cf machines, we. béel confident lIat we eau meet every re. quiremeni, sud vo respeetfilUy selicil a trial ci oui machines, believing thsý we eaa furnisl a botter machine fer the money then eau ho obtained elsewhere. -a 'tea iid ai vould athhs £eep' of no un of s, sud vers The dur- ty of gel In- all BY. u CI bi go TE di st Ig te all fo jjy In ge bc Ders qt es w ge. wl - vie wu go( tel D 6 Ê goi S - F si Tw goo 0 B AT WhIlby, Onlaîio, February, 18.77. O. MICIIAE L GLEESON (late wit-h F. Meen), Grenwood, wheie ho will be happy te sec nil frieuds. The stock jes selected with a vie' te meet tle wauts cf ail. Homo trade is cur especial-sini, sud we wiil defy compoSition in every hune of tle business. Chesp Goodes ad goodt Goods wiIl demand customers. Nothing- wan±od by old or new u- 6 gallons*for $1. 0::- Produceocf alkinds will bc paid for in CASH, or goods given for tle same ai lIai rate. OUR NEW STORE'.! Goods of Ail Kirrds, Cheap and Gooc GBSENWOOD, Noveniber lUth, 1877. Ome-48 Go whoe you can get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the- TEORGEx-ing Estbismnîe b*-rJ0.l vuLÂJt~V -J .. UUI Z I.tt biAPEJ b THE iWORII 1 A Large Stock cf Fine Cltîs ; lest Engliel, Scotch sud Canadan Tweeds. 0:> Exceilcut Ovorcoatigesud Splendid Vest patticrus.A good fit Guarantced. GEORGE GURLEY, King Street, Osliawa. NEW STATIONIERy -AND-- AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREArL TE L. OEFIOE, BROCKST. 1BIR JOHN A. MACDONALjD, WHIBY~CHNATEA STOlE, A.Large Stock of Choice- Groceries, Teas and Coffeesl. "ugas from 10o to 14 lbs. for $1.00. Firat-O"lasg Early Rose Potatoeb, 350. per Bushe1. Ail]dn s o Cr cke y a d' ~lssw are, a t reduced prices. TIMOTHY AND OCLOVER 'SEED, PLASTER' AND WATER-LIME, Ailof which will be sold cheaper thn ever fer onemonth, for Cauli. ) Caad8ee. W. J. GIBBON, -.WHITBY CH1INA ýEA'-SCO.RB. WANTED AT O OAqatt of'-good Apples, Potatece, Deans, Butter and Egg8, for=wloh1h hghest nrktprc will b. paid: ý xe ic W. J. aIBSON. PHO TO/lA PHj, PHO TOGIiA PI-fS1 Mr. Barrett is se'lling ont his ei re, Stock and is 110w takihg. pictures at haif-price, previeus to Now is the time to -get ago itr Clever young men who Want t6 learuW the business instructed in a few lessons Wn the no.weiit6 maethods. A fine mare,, Harnefis and bugg for sale., AT TEWHITflYSOHOOL, BOOK AND DEPO'T Begs to announce te bis -cuitomers and the publiéain generul that bo las opeued 'a rSistionery, cehoel 3uok sud News depot in counection* iwith lis Confoctiopcery & Baldng busiesu,- iu lis aid stand soutl Brock Street, wheie eveiything lu tlé lins caË be a tv ow rates. ad 'sLdavr The Dailyan Weekly Papers alwayti On band, and de- liveiod to subecribers in iail parts cf tle iowu. Orders promptljy fflled for Periodiesîs, Magazines sud Music. Abse, a well.assoited loi of Mot tees, Berlin Wools, and Faucy Goode, on band, ai low pcs The public will find it te their advantago >'te take a peep ai our stock before purchasing slsewhere. J. G. MCDOUGALL, Whutby, Mardi 411, 1878. ýpi Bi at le, w SI] B C A F DU! S2 Leý BeSebr2T'S,187 iVEN AW rer f-PooAY Souà th Brook S;tre. wit alArdrs LfEhoYsa '-o GAe cLLERY A BEAUTIFUL CABINET POR~TRA Choice of the follo wmg persensone SIRJOH A.MACONAD, HON. T. N. GIBflB 11EV. MR. LAIRD, FATHER McCAN George Yulo begs to -annnounce that hoe bas Le.epened lis Stationeiy sud Bok Store ina Whitby, wlers statiom6ery if ahl kinde, ci the beut qnality, will be kept on haud; also Schoph Booke of eveiy description, C!opy Boks, Bias, Pondis, Iuks, &.,&-., at île îowest The lJiyad Weekly Papers always on band. -Sub,. Musical Instruments, icudling a fine assor .tmenit of Violine. Ordors are taken for Porlodicals, Mag"azines aud Muisie. Whitby, Dec. latu, 1876. WILLIAM CABINET FAOTR 'AND ROM GEO YULE.ý 51 TIL L 'S. THE OD FUNTREKWREROOMs T Y Go :w.here you cannot fail, to be pleasedi making selections of goodl funiture Splenà didTarou-, Drawing Boom aüà d Býedroom Sets, Ne* DcýS gnswdilwonihy cf inspectien, !bai tonisling lew priées. Dim- ing.rcem Extension Tables-a very sapcrior article. GUt,!'Cernios, .Pieture Frauiing ii .v'ery style. Somo faohrme and EngravingeÉ for sale. Docember 241h, 1877. or EDWARD OARSWELL. I - - imcoe- St. (Oshawa. OTERS, -8-U GIES, A Large 'Assortment. of, Cutters'-nd Buggies. FOR ALE CH-APT N-AT-- OR 's D1OMDS RÈT - Carri1ge Factory, SADDLEBy WILLIAI Begs'te dirctlattcntien te iù - -thug in the8sa Leather Valises' AN D' HÀRNEÉSS. larg snd supeforiestock, cmprimig evey- amdhuan sud ane. Lis. &W r] 9 EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. FURS A SPECIIALTY. «MI 'FIN E - :0-- FURt TRIMMINGS BEAR ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, ' IussiAN LAMB SAtVQUE5, RACOON ROBES, S. a. fIEAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, PEBSIAN LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCKE RMIaNE SACAURS, MiNx CAPS, MMNESETTS, S. S. SEAL CAPS S. S. SEAL -SETTS, OTTER AND SEAt SETTS, ERMINE SETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LÂMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRAOHÂRI SETTS CONEY CAPS, 'BLACK SABLE SETkS, GREY LAME CAPS, CC>NEY SETTS, GERMAN l1II'T CAPS, GREY LAMB SETTS, Particular attention given te ail orders. - speciaiiy attended tu. Alterations1 ly.50 mnte, Dec. 8, 1877. ST5TORONTrO. 50 Large, Size Box Stovesl E ro 3:« 1:b b- 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., q. il J CLEA11ING OUT AT HALF-PRICE. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots u st received. ir -T My toc1o Is 110W Complete ini Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Sugar for- $1.00, Raisinâs for $.O 20 lbs, of Currauts for $1500. T5t LAWLEIR. Anuricu Cr»,Conmea, Otmel.FAil and 5piig Vh*t Ko~u, lways o o'p ~v~gpfp rery Special, U ND R T A KI NG. Full Stock' of ýCaskets, eCoffins,. andal the nocesm'AÉ.ie in this lUn., Also, A- WELL-APPOINTED IfEARSE. Inducements to those1 l'.b.19&b, 1878. NEW n'o,., ýLON SBE ST'S C0~fl 0 BROWN & PATTERSON MFG. Ci MY ý' stock of ge Co 80 ra liT ýPe BE at wi Sil R C A F D U'-N Lè£ SOpposite Ontario Bank, -Whit6y . " Tiii plea 81 Ne* - ing-ri GU ma 1 ml t6 ýrk, bui moït,- 041 mi ýp It 1 IT CF li m -1 s 1 farch Oth, 1878. THE -PARIS EXHIBITION 1 M ING:ý-TO ý Whitby, Ontario, February, 18,77. A FULI ASSOMMENT IN EVERY LINE. -:000: ABE NOW SHOWING- FASH10NABLE TAILOBING Whitby, Marcil 4th, 1878. OSHAWA. CUT TO ORDER. SUPERIOR CUTTINfx SHAPES THE WORE M% W2 -AND- ly.50 1 J'BEST51SI F.AOTORY HOUSEKEEPING. P E T E B .SMITHY NEW STATIONERT &---BOOK, SrFORE, J. -Gr- McDOUGALL 1, VýE N. A.'WýA Y CUTTERS,_