t$sj.LIÈ<i laasinci-eosailiincsorrectdinau tses theic ecit.Ttten 40aoi holatmot s cuvyedi'uabMelthModa' rounlg t le Tmbhe 5 ~ I18- i ~'[~ g~mmateal.Tho priet Mai'01 ha Ject sud the lAter action laken b hi'lbe Di,lidnd-Btgus B t annk.. .u fro o mêeutng of Cit' Council aai'c.:W& m siatimsd af bith.books office, the»re. The it' counei4 rcUl~gb j parts cofe f ,faimc. viola bc"ai leu"w ,d 9pati df tllg l nL sda-iu I. ni , e Wlblflcis y at, -la ot,l tufnis New hcr, thon, thounueatiod-for fnilus- cia11' lnjurod I wle u re. aken an, Aimlia mo#img c d.-a A s nster'f fç$,Ibee laselsewhere, have pnined a coures, gj U$4fus il eojJiýofekïbrode" m~oea r lfent' of wib viii proveut laIreçuit happ.p. tit r Aetdéi~-ae~4 IV. : pjil~ qoriu, Arovicus 1t lail ing.At s meeting hli.O o satmiu ïea ce.- ilce., AteI , a ppoainted meeting lit oîho ratepayera s 'by-Iaf* for 700OQO Fowilered Wh té *e ýooi'G',- b . .was 'wýl knuiwn liat lire use ne'Scd, aîid 1eIotpleAglug hopro-: o $<ultbh . . busines éli ruht lenivasd-v *~ind@te amousil ul o! lthsesm00 La ftb isrc n ie io hé1psagof cii 5f~hii;îelifappears tg l cf Lie o i'oslu vi. ef 111e rbui ligs y ýilonv ii, -for be vas uot pi-sent- vuIbo preesedt lsat 'Oneo.,;Tiê i- Wxiï,-thon, InsinuaIia h o pé 'uleoilcibihlga .o4 s-iw g ORLY .IL.P flR. NM M llo~e MayorITierai.cameannou'là pri irs ociaton iadeptfibi oi - tîhisort cf ,mià ropres"»Ution ellici à omitmes >i.Io Bhlb'f au WIbThu!*y11111y 90, 1M 8. 'eau Ocuti' ps-ce.dfroisi a ver' nunventhy a ebehntres poad t ebissued lma _________________ Iaidr-ethe' lmhoIiv.NotlÃg <b Dut O af ottl. flonuhil lthse -popl ofbtise talebmng l fsoentlibsn dosuiel ot ttrre t10 h 5111 stoîngoe uof. o a Bai- I Rnss., e80b10*lg audfsuulibrlY toprosoçlod,ý sud hi' t6em l.4114 .roposnl le bv hi' YS"ic ktsowu.aa"or~od 0Ypbý,ailu, tii. O5Y5 f spilégeXehlieid tirogi Èela imus !1nv Zes ' 0 dewIaI thsey M wta v Omis- ai-ty hyhoolj tie grest, Whig. hedlie Ga4o wildoubtiens hoascepted voîl have coue ssgiek age, sa pie- PM - J~toe~iJieon ise201los,,.t ilgi-alia Iuovlus 'fe wela venlai lieVeryd' araeful proceefigegSoi 4ibenal Hao te2t*ilit,ý tBc-Oiotevalueb.ru lu1792 sud thinýÎ whic, outaide ef Teoib, uow sand te ar- mi)nd Re as orIn19ud of lie enptibloi, sud woubd hie uest bti- er disicidadît. W.@appoon. tie iu fils 801h i'*5i. loWM n f h ies,, we-oilnot thait, ltlout thieon- vicia, th i CI'Ceuccili a ake iclu fôtemost cf Rniand'a groé at â nan, l radlcllomi, sem mMayi ns-tû Ile etcourse, licegi wo rilcb1 deserve tir ana Imbasboeetlma publie 1h1(ti ofi- < 00 proentu. Mayor vas lu uhe habit cf ah- tle bos lieexhibition allogeusi-. B. yoat'u. Ho aupponlati Oblle Eman- aenting biaisit f fi-m meotinigs of tire Engln -dRso olpation iu 1829', arrie e iéi-pýuu1 ccuncil, an allegalien for wliichtboeo - gan-s 'iaHo liet"Tst- lor<sallnAs"té foundatiomiwlsat#avr. uPlAG pouors. cia yeir praviops ; cariled 1. he',Roform - 11 Bill, lu 188dm; fotiglit for. thé Emauci- Tic Queeu's Bltthiay. Tic long tlbked o! Coupres. vill, it Ioscoe pationai o the slaves ; ýagèalustheticevi'. -- ow saai, meet about 111h June. The te ig of tt~lens lanhpu, spad for 'he . Thes Qn.eu'e Birtidai', 24th of Mai', reporta liaI invitation§ tliahéCeupeagi ablielon of tb*,e Cru -Laaws,, 11. vas 1878, said 501h sanaivenui-ry cf tl b b-h aibeen lssued appogr te have beau Bt Prime Miîstter or-]l Im*asd fi-cm IWO Of ViioteJas, Queen cf Oreat Britain 1%0:& somnewbal premaînre. On1' preliimi. sei to '62 sud helai onfloi e eod~iing t 1Wlsibd",W>ulas iyliicoradti lrougi- si-y notlfiogtion bas beOnugiven, mon- u Libôral 4im 1 n'fti-iftiotie, tt isoeil omi theiswiole of Ibis, isi-, yoing Do.- honing Ju12 l s tu i te probcale date corrimîbtei l'ome blsudsis, notabli' tbst iloil. cf meeting.- Tâ Prince Bisumarckie aI- fi of tire "Durh-am tLete," but taken on Tite oumeidus attractions Ofci e o ributed lieh présent pfacefuasîpect of ai 1iýwhcie, hoe ua s%,. gi-at stateoîman, tlImessodnts Of W.iitbi', foi- passing à aaffaira, lie, IL le said, enggetiug lie vhIsn l busday, ncnderedbllng suer-plesamnt hclida', wre ail wiol patron. proposadfoi-mn of invi6tlon. But for ti vice îo Eùglaml amihi lîmimsnýy. ied. * i à aVio[nnar oorredpqmidenb atteo, l1f LAL'CJ 1 1iT~Cougtesu mu it have keen convenai aIy Lboi-l-conscrvative AssoiaioUn. Ii lenes iitcg-tts unl~n IevletE1~.A ediic Cabinet Ceuueib'at Loridon bbc intrue. o bll'ty»( as msOF ssm.qtrsv COU2sltri. gronda, hetW sOn Calami 1i11'a leanit.lionse50the DailyPoTlograph .ai'u, te Tfire as lagecf Cayoga Indiens ani the Wilbi' b. iven t h fi' Biitisb repraseutalive ti Tir n ange lndanrorate licltub use tie principal aIlractioe'idlthe atCesigres Wite bc dcd dupop. Ac.- h, metingy cf hIe exacuei conimible.o! town and ws i-rgly atteudeil. Thù eording te the tidermlsndingvih soenilt isa Lhbral.Uousonvaîivg Association match, daspite tic lack of pi-adula in Sebeuvalof, Bulgania bans beau redussosaiPt cf SeuIlhOntario, bol 51Whilbi' on lise Wlîtby chutb, wae a oîosely contes- t. s leuba!,iesie i i-et pro oi Tltusdny at. Tise îîCOspe e! bis.head aumi excli nee, sud tboug it il ed ft'ltiilratibm i svarconalot forttîcauing cooitslvera vcieusty eau- provceI a vitr' for toliseans, it wasluview fer *gdItfug nid cf the ludemmili'bc vataealt.Atu-r n fll allausson,it was hiug frequonîli' sont apiuuing in clos., allegelher. A frl déipaw t eos dohbitluesl ho hJinjatémass meialng by neain au aneasy one, tho hall liai in the recent nethdeiaticus &istria's interests have.been pi-acthlay ignoreti, (kio adveitisoeneul) fur lie pnipoe cf proxinuti'tet Liugoal - Ceuu n Adiasayyeioelday eilined te r, lýsingiug cul a caiidate for thicIlouoe rUF, EXCURSIONeTO LItNDSAY. *the Austro-Hlungaiisudolagaties.thie - of Conmios. Tise pwpnieîy of nom- Tise Od4fellowa' excursion te Lindi- uses to ubici il vas propesed te PMt lmutîag a candiate for the< Liéal Leg. say, was veil attenaied, ah îtho excur- the sixti' million floil credit vote. If 'isiafttne. *wu$sRaOise lcîosod, thse con- sionists appearnug te h ave sujoyeti Cungi-ese were suceensful ho decbaredas ebusiiomi arisled et îeing lMa~t, ai i-oAa tioes ves most thorougili'. uO5 roter changea Woiitd have te te, ce:addfresi comiplicattionsa mgit fi-, wti a mnottir sessicuo! limteLocal Tup s! irMA. aris.Ilu wau, tisiefore, necessary i' .1010 e asfs'thé erpîratbon o! the pro- Tise excursion on lire Nor#rnbaiî, wns, take peceauti.onary usensurpà i. The e seýul ?arhiameul, il would b.c mttocseiorn h s-i ict-e hos Timegar-guce lu faeur cf a Brillis eniieJn h alyhtr- wihtr protoctorate ever Asintia Turkoy. t $~ ilîcep. endudt. ls tie ibd. boat loftthie Witii' wharf, well pait. liacugen gd hîbya - i. quioti. Ail attending, enjoyed ami rosccution mmdci-thie Dunisin Act. llebaygop. midWhiby Jîilay, piesiant sai, on thse lake, lu tint well- - Tut! I.ICEN8E INSPI!t.TOB Vb. SAMUEL Tics village eminuil o! llaiaai'geon alîpointeai steamner~. RY-EOP AE OD 0(jl, g tà . laW for.#209000,., TUE îMETitODIST PItON-Rt A.nmcEJiE otEi a t orNieJ,'AND>seSOCIAL. ESQ, MAYOR. tho rtaes nl f&ver cf a b onus te Tise pic-nie anid ÃŽOcial ait Iorbott's tuei aboie eutèr')iRT'o residouts o! point, under hie patronage!' cf lie Mi-. John Férguoon, licanse inispecter, lîn% village have aso st4,ocnbeâ $4000 Ladiea' Ail 8Hadal of ire Metiodiat simonemi Mr. Sammuel Rai', of!"lie sttck, Theo vOibitg u01, tlits y-law takes Chinols, wae tairly nttneud adii a Most BriiiîîhfAmoiicau hohelbheforo titi Place ou Tmicsiluoy s5tî jsîe ie. T ine enjoyahie lime oipeut et luis tîeIiightflf Mayor on 8ahurday lest for a violation l WOILil isO tf immnsemo heeito e esuzmarri-eot. Tona ws soi-icileaitie o! tha TenfiereLce Act o! 1884, cern- liîcillîy, ati wiîî no iiouumî recoiva tise raîileue of Mr-. J. L. Smthl. momy kmiowmnsle"ukuAc' nomcessgary support fon itsaecompihsi DI.. r arwlCoanty Crown Attorney', mn raslf-oin theieùotpising pubhicmca isirecreekers, rnaîl cannons, guns, mppeai-od for tie liceuso inapector, and qu of tliat wlîlo j'section of cotintr- wh' v ipstole, tinaithe tî ller tiangenone impie. Mri. W. H. Billings fui-tise defeusce. l9uderstamii thie -scvalageaso! immeti- utuîswigh wlîioiî lie modern boy, On h5abf of tise defendant lie oel- tliata ui*ycnoérOwibi Lie deligils hiri-suif on suelu occasions ai -ing of thee iquor was udmiîbei ; but it F, i-liiWIOI aiumisvarou ao pleadled thmt tie sais look pluee lu fi-înt ~tua, kapt iup a constant cracking ail inorance o! tise la%,beiug lu foi-ce, sud tise day. that defondaul was advsed hi' tueo!f t4ontreuf PbOclaÃŽned iuder tic Blake tise cemmissiiers thal licensos would Ac.Obilmiary. L be issueti, as the AcI vas net conelticret te ho lu foi-ce. 8n-tursday's Gazelie conlainecl a ,M. George Yiscaloi-ternons-hi a quai-- Ms. Billinge sutpuitted lheioihowing dreattoutelaring the Adt for the. tes- o! a cenunsy tise weil kuea-u agent egai peinte foi- ils woîisip's considera- * Ieler eoenteno! i'mesa o! ilence of Ibse Montreci Telegrapi Company attinE In force l is e itiý " ie Oudo o Tiat ne notice, as required bii' the MOntreal ail4theWlithy, Fînio-Pidai' moi-ning. 'eAct, was servedt upen the collecteor a! E tlouly o ochega fi-cm June let. vas 56 yemmi- of aga ; le hlidbacu for iubaud revenue.. sotiee tntneeu -ailing aq lenues ma lange Thalti e Actcoulai not cotue lut. E pinceM on "h lieu£ miei' omu 0t' Bu pianrk-ie usig rli uva's end fpaca eos n fOrscftion. e 51 f rc a- TisI ~tise ninforain bt ntben 1 I.Phrsdsy ovniurwa W vebl atte »&a, Prouaifoot jr., weeon bioxuay ast, tioROn thie edmissio! Of.eliiug. tic Psiog*alilluie vWas offotlivel$.'cannted lubouglît bofore fleuve Harpes-, chargeai cae Iourousaieîo agie ils out, - h1scinteresuting ýIrish.i Uc r mwth u@Ing impropersudasnuoi'ing deiian on galurday-defendaul un- uIrlleandasait moÂs"-"& svory ci-adit- laNgc stewandma a Young vexUnu, derbkiguôl ta mîake mneaullixie ani' ahI' placad ou tise bonads bi'lie Tom- namiedfEllon Leuise Oswin, iluhelb. arn-fitienviolation cf tl1e-Hlia wcr- pos-auce », artsabîa Club' e! Okltaws. pioyrucmof Blovd. f. Vanduson. Âl ship aise exprosseà tiomeopinion Ibut 1h Cabyeii'0>a aue slilta lci ili, îi rad th ainewonid he in tise public ltereat te bave - ý,iîc bl isctpartiels d ýttbai'. Lwenea 8ipentiuary Magistrats, nppointed t and altegtther rLiomeneterteinmcnd cou- vas finei PZ and costa, ukiug 85-665, tr tiose.cases. Iributd tethIbgejoymot o! a' vr';and alhhihi'61 bsaaiie oss, rmkim 82.65. Coposel sud a&l pieeelacues polat oveuip. , Tie cher lime.- vieftdiargea wih a n i is opinion. aqu te ~lciofPhao' 5 -Parties 'in- Reee -l èpimgind Ilim lie magistraté.. How Pec.s-icAL PAii-cr.s lu Eiaà t.ucc tomuihsgte visIl Zit6pe ue 4DKstic sea- AE IaêV CAILmI.-PoiitiCal parties lM seu~-wll ¶1?auj luGRais ANI) Huc.iauoasi, selail. Englînal are divided lt. lie Jingoos _o.W r, tPot-gofe pasisag@ an i'quanîli'y, anti gnaranfatetianndtise ntiJngelertceab.a vw * Mr.îLidt-Pe-fie i 1aItcbioiciHlWih ing lie wvrarnsd tise .cemid la.. lia bas somtét l seticy o! ý"Dominion," pueýn h olé Hlwib. anti-unr pasti'. Allusions are con- 1-tt"ana," ofV" iule'*tesm. T.G0. WIITFIELD. esîsulli mado at publile meetings sud lu t -1 tep. tLîa~C~xsaî~Mte cx~~ he Jingoos. Tise word is taken& LignA-CNSILATIE AS MZT f aici-hedogeral diîly ae Poplar ou j -2 tonzicsar eQOniiîWîWr m41V.--"Atntiôniladirecteai te the -lise streets o! Loun aoglelligr. t *freqiien atICoebourg sad, lie ycnO.nouncoint o! Crie Llibe[ubConsrvalive antI' disposeai Brions: We dent vaut ta figt, but hi' jiego if ve The liquor tol-eo f Mir. Lâi ftrc iati mame*lbg tteo laiaIstBiookliu-, do, jplaooWsPilIÀ9 ' : el On 'evon- ou-Bbrday. Ws've gel lthe shipa, w'Ve get lia men, iug, 2Uji< ~r aacigare0, te voogolieen',to tise thouef ~sout ~> - - - Lusit[ laciuZs.-A ule iobe7 o! tue Lord Beaconsfieba i launanimovaly se- yonrs o! age, a son cf Ms. Begloy, bell greia he !leJnos vxbrTN.AOuoluDuiiiux AvÂù9i-. r-intonw elathlieback o! Mr. lole-'i Nzwv Os>mT5e'01ou'CUusm.-The }Ihailêi ik 4t fnr i as ar ber slicp. Osiawa,,sud vaa dro-,Yu- fobhewing èiave heeu constlluteil eut-' f2t1 5udita, Modq 2h it.P, tori-. ,ponds cf customi sud vareousng>: illplug iqurto e~ slO on is pr- - ----..Sisuce, Ontario, tele hoplaced unuaer à lloingiquoto eýolqj-R Oi hi ýS-lie sui-vey cf lie Coliectes' o! Oustome mises. M1r. Cha,@ ti a iod. AT kmPOitT PEEtIT alas-g. nomior of t tiseport o! Brantford. - fiettle wIl, estitu qcaJO. . f ne sobatoatial buildings care hcuug Wciketrou, Ontario,» ho ho paceti 'i-'Mmkiig i-esti' mprevaoeus luunuden tic surveai'Of thoCollecter o! o! thé iiýt6a-n n-uuexistenecle 1.o'fiigulevne. 1Ccat.nst tisepont of Guelphb. Pqmk Ant in bhilq ouaty. tile.- --m ----BAN*QUt!T'TO COL, SUAW.-A banquet ----- - '<IROHANT TacAiiLm4Elu nhouai- cf Coi, k. D. Shîaw, Unîledi TIF& Çeopq l~tefit roeverçdqa i x e 8 fs-ç~ ie &ots f le foabc~ iup~ T~ic îw 1'iiug te mensure hi' States Consul, vas cia n Queen's f imthe mto.tef o vis .etli-e i2TÀLMiaM.-.,.Co. . iiî a E oîsi, Toronto, Tusadayii rgit. Il' - Pc nw e ur. oe o!flihe utcultesetusas an unuensli' ismlilcuî gathisg of Bâouing 4ýi shor -dive *t th PretOadFenws auleaiug mon cf tue citi' andi province. "Dmffsrluà rs, OaiFibv - Tise Colonel wil depnrt fr Mances.~ 11. Âdqta Dunf, oui sch -thconçeselon, Ptegd"il mie~oe ~ breiyl ue î911 qOP shOY ov d oke p - W.exlls-psMon Ot f ipp.so- f1 Éý 44a -à i ociPPE sLzc xii. - Tic 101 Dt ia >ialy oe l f imiA Pr@qVi at e, W. B. Smth Pope Loo XII, la said tlobe ~ . > ..~~,.ï el-$ss , bu.t ho.-refusesht ouva Yiddýin 4,. '-'c his physiciens muleta ù laM~~eaerê1 i -e'ya. P 1>sB i,5v0E-i% 'paumifor ougt.BW. B. 9it e ee..wll* woli mnà uat.4I, Thon 1hp .ivoà W 41ednt spibmottho~"Toung~em'îi e soth onfotwerlg sdof aiaOnT g p fsaes, fl w= eltbO nihsifl ominent mon et ti iv and &0om uty a distanc.. Th1e prcooeWcn îýloj>od q eo drill uhoed. nad, whü ore Il10 1= are prosent alliu' r.phldtc b. brcm esoîfr, &a&d MîbMir y. 1ovnc a âol", tc cro.ar, on hall of th. Local Gev. i he g miment. ati ,&u Mauou nt was thon made for angl on i iis A1 aflwite, a ocche% wuesde- ua 'eréd by' Hon. lb. vaokozio, on.l"' ut ýJ. O.wrwiii, Heu. W. Lsurtr, saï D D ivçe fr. John Bptrams M. ]P. pca,, e 1 Tho banqutheld lu Boire Uuiecok ont aiinl th. evenlng, WsM anethor do- the. Coni ibd mucceus, theouoly difficulty being , kýN aIt tho building, though a largeo euS, col,,,b* uld net accommiodât#a Who seoalhalroun, >ho prissont. As it wau, ovor 80Ã" Thfyi uatlopxen oat ,down te a smbttntill. innorpvo!ided 'hy 1r. ýhSen .ofthe. estb il 'ensuHou». .The hall waa baud. Slate pti 0iely aleodb, with &gssé fostelons, ltb, 1871 na approstiate mottois .. cameod i Tho chair Wias otoi bd Iy CcIoa. & gag ilu b bus mfa or cf LU'dsay, Who iiad on bis the. yei lgt sud loftthéo guosto of the. evoning end »o nd4 leadiug citizeni. ' ebod à Speeches were, again made by bir. IBeed, a, sackenzio Mr.-Lmutbi, and Mi. Ber. tii. genc rni, 9. i, axd aise by 1fr. Hgardy, of the pi fr. James MoLennan and 1Mr. Connol- for they ,hetwo latterliig the Boform, and 6se audidates fer North savd Eou1h 'Vie.- ovit Pa. sid par Qnito a largo nunber of Oonserva- od's moi ies attendait te heai tho speoches de-.'the uni îreed'b bMinistorm sîtinseyi Ali villerodeoever tho Whitb7 audi si-t Peùry lino te Lindsay apoe in the Advlco gliest ternis cf the. splendid condition ils hersd'and th. excellent characlor The fi lbh manageentul as oviuced by the cf buttei ccommodhtlon provided. The , Chase il WheaO Crop of Canada in 0877, there a, worst l o lte Bdi.tor Of 11w Wlsi4 ChrOl- froiniL ec :: the mai MlAIL 8i :à 'oth@ recentfi oulitezy of the clmisoe f Ous-a- fct Cris et Ottawa fer soveral, rolmrus, will fini rom whidb 1 lisme eoonpihod thé follow- cuiti.., g: .weak,CE 4atoent sbenig the qâawc-t* r Whoal ohose,l aud Fiqur importled aite and i pôrted trom * th. Dominion icolin&" jrbthequartêri peete i couding Biot December, 1870 auflS7.d 3lot these ci IMPOIRTS. 1876-77. b bi saer eudlng Bls Fleur. -Bina. Wheat. tien ; il t18 Dec.......148,789 1,28D,128 aod orde Bit56,923 .115,QM un89 m 205,711 1,306010 dition. iour, at 4.k bus. pur byl. 801,414 bis 2,287,464 high pri xxo3T.1876-77. apoi unitoi- Vndlng Bris, Plour. iBu. Whest. apoi îlt Dec ... 10.709 11,0904 moro th 311 taich 10444 120,432 at sncb 11,1 7,1j21,18 ferior qt ou-at 44 bus. per brI. 400,3W0 able.c 1171 dian chi c fa etImporte over Expoe - .Z... tbat il equi bus. ~ et. . 67,758 coSte th IMPOUTI. 1877.78. sy îarter euding Bris. Fleur. Eull. beauy la tDec. 109,320 222,311 bail, but 8151 March. 41,65 81400 theav$ 146,211 2,256,724 froni cai 1lour ut 4.j bus. per bri, f028,0 !eay ti E=POBTB. 187-76. pear, an parlter endlng Bris. Fleur. Buts. 'Wlei, s.electio, 318$ D)eal. 218,413 4,020,01 aan Sint Mih . 800 766,N5 e nt - - Therolh ff4,363 4,79314 Moui- at 41 bus. per brl 1.318,813 tetho txzcos ef Exporte over Imporite, 4, 71.1 -tefoi-w e<jual, bus. &heat................8j,222,12e1orw BIIOUGET DOWI<. miako ai Eseea of lIporta over Experts, for 0 theo loi% mnonths ending Ilst Mai-ch, 187. 75754 iarkete monna ndig Bet arog , 1878 ...3,222,125 fail berc Dotal, shows excessaio!surplus blu tb& from whest cr of 1877 over chee e that et 1876,for unI six menthe et harvostye-sin Dominion o! te l10*0 Cana. ................. 502.7878 Plicable Iu Jansry laat 1^ wroto yens with a ket is ir etatenient cf thé. exporte ana importe îi- gilt-u Fr the coreali year litOctuibor, 1876 te thi i f Ouih Septenuber. 1877, uhewing tint commai Cnada îmported during liaI year, in gRod bh wiest eud fleur togethor. 2.560,458 68s, w busheis wbeat 'moi-o thati il etpo-teZ. Rot riad I aise siewed, tint from thw fair je a lsr1 average whoat. erops of, 1874 snd 1875, beiug bi te excess cf oxportes over importa, are ni fiom the Domniona~, was, 'wheat andte quai our together, average p«ar numn, 2j facture milion busiiels. mended SThe retures for le. irst twe quniters dntry, of the bai-veust yesr 1877-78, exihiit a self, se mnrked end gratifyiug increase in the idhy sec &,nonnd Wn tie Incumbeut for the time not-1 being, aud the "possssion tiieneof"1' in seai-cii Lb. Iucumbent and Churci-wai'dns joui-no for the lime beiug, said no interment te mal an tae place witheut tho permission ihOir il of tie porions pousesoed, aud* withont buow t, thc sorvic ocf tie chnrci, which is a vestige necemsry incident te fthe sanction of tà dig the Incumbent ; sud, from au iutervievt frozen wilh the Boi. 1Mr. Vicars, I- f e owus1h. WC net cnlyteady sud wilhiig le ps rr n fo ri that servie, but mà ad evory proposi. toei-etu lion whiclà kinduess co uld dictate o ein-water duce the' parties le act legally. lat.tert I beliavethey sel up 'Bôme idles cf ri#,ht cf *entryin luconséquence of lb. VALI wîfe of the deeaed, hsrving bee p o ftho vionsiy bnried l i h nhroh yard ;bu 155 tbis has nothing te do wihheexp. s , dlrng law beors quoted, mse othe- possessIn mic of 'tie grave-yard, sud 1 prouîuiWoë **ê 867t opinion cf 4h. U.hsvlng.bWRO.ghl. thI lsemuolves wilin lie penatines of il"*"l'ne1 law without hstlo;sdijo furtior, sud snggest eniy,ndiWr lb. 5wié èirouuigtaiies, tust the case b.-à preusdcl it la cDIii omit of' il ,40; ýh.I1 - tie feelings of the £amly Who May là h4.ns W154 e4ur , n Ruvldg. 9-. mistaken knpýWIà .deoà fthelw,'ïa In u tibi thé hote lhsi'wieheittI.arnab oustienà plaIimdekson' -lh bc ta elimân Chance oLfs rocimreoe f mès nob au. bi I'ainI, mydoar Lord, 90 ýQ thé Riait ROY-t the t4 13op"- gaggod oniât 1h.d 1 lt thée-mornùnïg8 0d to- k.ep thé - man quiets suà t llooug, loudly. Aller- havlng. hlm threo limes, tic guard ~sr;atr romovioig bis wilb ,whip eonistinig e! a "die with abcIi-sp atlached. î ay oevoning, Park Looro, tli isi-al c hiesilaie, ce.aon, a $ the mn, lie t. bo uegon ho had mado ùfin cntu frinle ammiiendl cf à lek,.ihh aringusud sta-qoâaI t o l' lu placl nsard vonin mb$hgs. waahrooni, el onudlha man bang.ý -bis baïisai sd aintiug. Tii. OF.5 lie -Wa lqt lol'eovs iuroleas e oman *om hie, 4t'ocr, lidhim down sudf ýt > ., sud lutomin te *iét lbied bis last. lie eclilari' ~IZ'âi~redOOdto twesund ei ôlrdsusplunt cf wster. rdiet was as fellows Sund 'Lia deceaaed camse le bis in the- seitari' cf lie Illinois ýisGon ouhle vening cf Mai' 78, fronu puimonari' appoplexi', îy bis persient. yoiliug viti a bis mosti. The. gag a"se, witb liug. would have eaueed desti ; fui-thorn matfit ssid gag vas in deoeaseds .mentis by Stoen ind Paul Leasero, acting nder sral instructions cf the officens iuc, end liaI lie gag i. nsed pQrpcMe cf preservina" isiine înmn tbe safe'opiîrgf- lie a; sud w. fuarlier fludîlaf lie -lties pbacing said gag i-n dstes- ilih vara justified inlu etifng by mlnI' couduel sud extremae oh- of axi a eoiba, te, Maltera of Butter and Cheese. folowlng advic. giveu te makere or snd oies.. menite attention:- condition of lie mar-ket for in suyhistg bml saîissîeori', sud are atroug indications tintthle sas nol yel reacicd. AdvicesR Livqrpool are bo the effectt bat rkol tiere in demoralized : lic falures in the. produce sud pr- i-nde have hati s ver' dispimiting aud il iu feared stili more firme d tieoelves iu finaucisi diffi- 1 lrites cousequentli' are vel-y oahI. sifwices qneting 5811 for fine aud a.considenabie reductinn ex- Inring lie next fev days. Under oircnmstauces ebippors beios ili oed to opex-ate witb extronie eau- iu Some cases agents have roceir- le fnom home to stop buyiug iattersrneach a moi- o etthed cou- ÈÃiotûtf3lig state eo ffre ilin aliat dairmuseu Ws si Uopeot ices, sud if tic7 lntpnd ta niake t t al Lite3' muet lookitho graliti' han quantili', for vitb «no ehesse i lo prios ibis evideultinht in- Inaities ill b. perfeelli' unsale. Our euh' bope is te make Cana- eeecf snob acknovledged moit muet ceommnd lie niarket. Tt ,ho dainyman on las-ner 11111e, if nore te make- goeô cheese than t aven if il did, in lie long i-un rantages tint till accrue b hlm arefui maufacture wo'uld ampli' lie ceaIt. The make Ibis seean, yte bo langer tinu lu ani' fermer nd, wtt sncb au immense field for m shippers ai-e net likeli' te look ulug but lhe choiceet descriptions. bave aireahi'beeu complaînti ns soit condition lu wbicb. somo bas beau sont to mar-ket, sud wo seud farmera for Ibein ovu saké. rard noue. tint is not ef good and thoroughli' cured. 0f courae ver raugo o! PimineluBritish sa bas met wibh a eori-osponding re, sud- shippersarai- offening le nu tbei' did a veek ago, uew being bow purebasable fi-cm 04 % Ver i-i euihnr iemnrka are ap- a te butter; lie Liverpool mai- in a slate cf stagnation ; of strict- .dgedl tiere in noue offering. andi Lie oui' doîcriptien tint woiiid and remunerativd rates. Fair te, ;ubler is seling as iov as 65 te bile inforiar qualities cannot be c f aveu at gresa. pibo. There rge ameunt cf flua butter uow brongisî nte Montroal, sudsales id at 18 te l60. Equal attention li' muet ho given in, Ibis manu- el0 butter, as va, have reconi lin lie ocher braneh isl dairyi'n- els th1e preducer wili find him- lite soason progresses, with rap- 3enmulatlng stoak of su inferici- bitheito heen axplored.chMW à Parti' canet set ont on thou 1 uu$il liera la pleut' cf suce se goed Beogbing*. Ou reaaiiu dostination they muet wait for lia tO melt befere makiuç lbii- ations, of il vould be impossible tbrodgi flue immense masses of 2anov in au aretie *inter. Af t >rk ef exploration ilaonipleted, muat ho waited for again. lu ci-der iu.tp Lite vesacl, sud lion open must ý1b. wnîled for hefare tie eau sînrt for li port. Luse0rim BFueEEnssTic value fia Ahiken frcin he flsieres .co iven Provinces o! 111e Dominion ý18771 au #12,02U.9M, ls'ing ai me over thje iear-prcivi ocf 0882, Thet ol~,IProdut cf lihe fiîhii ie paq une yes a aouutedin ho "%,111,712-'If thoe figures sonive! ékl. nd kes oiý> 'iil*thekê ont Mr1.- W. 2H. Ubia,5$, M Ig t tse sud a'bathsho vîer.Bs vuy atpointo a Sio'ntpicçoamed with S ih o oIs wre na b Bevg. J. G. Laird, sud J. S. Clarko. Bey. . f.ira. M ., weîhç seerotsry, Who e bdhrnaimfa aceount of lb..h abath "bog1lu n he, thorýfauanincrease cf Ibo. ohosint] the District. More hlum- a on bu, t] moot inua.1fr1i two thom.s- and âclts imbav e t@& orlhie vasions purpssi oeLloswitli tb. soliiboi. A maîss meetling o! the chu- C -04n.Was b4 iaý.4» f lerhoenp!1 c mnt lestue.of wbich was a -blskboard exorelso conJuctcd'by lb. Distrio'tBah- a bath 801bo01 Berstay. District, p~resideil et ail the, sessionsM od Sertary. ' . - son <vas ipp1, .' t t theoeofthehstesI aree lutioefalbaitks vèe.adopt.d, 10 1e h. fiendi bfPort Perri', loroi'ber bospiL. 0 abi. enlertanumot ; te th. Bey. B. B. t Young sud bis codleague.; 'sud ils. t officers of the. meeting fer. lb. saér«iceý à rendeuo d udlb.meeting£adjournea.' I Mira Ceuicil sud Ceunt ef Revision.t Town HalMam-, May l8tb, '78., Members cf counoil met, sud aflor lsklug tie neceso sar' sîi foffiçe, prot eeeded4 te business ai a Court cf, vision. P. MoBsge, Esq., recTa, iluthb. chair. Nice appeais wexe haud.d lu." The clark laid tie list bofore lioe chair* mau and Lie>foiiewiug oa.swere dis- posed, vis :-J. P. Fcloy, lied bies a- seasmeut for incomo roduced te $700; Jas. Spears, inecrue tirewn off. 'Tiie aflssemout f J. M. Tiffin sud Peter O'Beyio vero cenfirid; Mr. A. Stay- bock sud 1Mr. Charles Bell, were raisedl On income te $4.00 oaci ; Mr. Ales. J. MoRse was asseased for 2 scres part of tic S. E. part cf S. J, of lot 19. Mn cou. 7, lieaime te ho taken off 1h. non-t resideut roll. Court adjouneti. Council tien proceeded te orJiuazyý business. The Beeve luthie chair. Minutes cf at meeting rend andi cou- dxrmed. A communication fi-cmthe Presideut of the M. B.B., statlog that their feu. ces wero gaind iu the. niiipahity cf Mars ini answen b a-demsnd made hi' thie ceuncli te have parts of, the lino. faucod vas -reid. Petilions for aid ou rende were ro- ferraed th1e comniittéeeounrmads sud bridgea. The trustees of school section 9, baud- ed in nu estinibte cf the %Mount Ti- quired hi' hem to punichas. school site sud buid as sehool bouse 1h ereon, sud sskiug tie coucil to issue debentures for the sanie, asnouutiug te81WO ; nlso nskig thie counicil te sdvance theni $800 aI once, hi' way of loan uutiilbh debentures were cnaivonted inte meuey. ou motion of Mfr. O'Boyle, seconded hi' Mr. Ori'. ,Mr. MartiTimIlU gel heave to perIorsm, sstataà ta laJbour- ou tie aide lino het*ae teus..an1sd 21t, aicug vith Mr. Robort B"iurbu' On motion i Mr. ThompOCon, secondl- cd, hi' Mr. Boultcu, 1Mr., Arthur Gorm . ley obtaiuèa lenve te clos. the side litre on th1e 12th cou., betweeu lot 15 and 161, sout part b.te give a.rend.throimghý bis cearauce in lieu offsanie for Ibis y051. Ou motion cf 1Mr. Thompeon, second- ad by Mn. Boulton, a by-law laspe- ed, fixing tie sosIe cf statut. labour tie sanie as hast yenr. on motion cf Mn. OLesri', secondeai by Mr. O'Boyie, the clerk vas iati-net- ed te propane a by-Iaw for tie 'purpose cf lesiug dobentui-os for' $1000 for achool section 9, in accordance with le estimate ianded lu. ou motion cf 1fr. oLeary, secendod by Mn. Beuihon, a choque was granted te the Treasurer of the .tirly ride waik committee for $50, previonali' grnnteil in aid of lie sainie. on motien cf 1fr. Tioudpscn, eeceu4t ad bý '.1. lloltouh oques *ere gnalWi.' ed b indigente-an es lews:-iDounid Canibeii, 88; D. Cdrrigtn, $7; Mis. Fye, 67; J. Wnîsb, là ; Mrs. 1Baie- nian, 65; Mis. C. Fair aud Mi-.. Moi-- fatt, $5 sncb. Council adjoumned . Io Saturay tie 251h met. Chicago Wlieat Moveininti. entering lie rooni. The burgiars lus- m aedisteli' fled sud locked the dcczi o f r the main building. aud weiit inte the kitcien, which tboy fired,,iiethor by accidenteor iesiqu la net kuevu. The eflames spiead wîth gi-ont rapidily sud 1- the. innistes h&4 gi-est diiffieulty in eniaking their escape, lhe doors boiug Slocheal fionu lheonteide. Thy.haît le nbreak open s wsudcowtl a ni otheir- iwai' eut. The buildings, wiich wel-. of brick, wene insured insuthe Igolateai for $h3000.. Thie furzituge and- hou~g huld goids wereinaiued r ê4470, iù tie Western. A loi cf pork aise hum- Sed wu iusured ui- *#4000 'lu i e,,,Hgrt- îfordaud m&$2,ý0i Ojg the, Phoeiz cf M 1r. Kobel'. bos aIet hfýlica viii bo -betwecu $2,000 and .,00 over the iii. n haimnasd bacon su liecollà i, 'whiech sg were cempnlethi' deslneyed. Nôa ?&W eof lite porpetrators cf. lie fieudis#4! st have been discovered ase t. T49o r.agamnat hem LiaI iliffouif there wc'od In- gi-al difficulti' in ,keeplng ltisn. fi-c.m bcing lyuved.___ '->rw ofte. rpo élci o 4cýoT TAIE nents at hlieWïidsorHotob. TieaI. fairvaulsi4ltn.Afirane mae uaflil à kýé%" épis the 21a 60 t'.OM-2' "r , y ,moçsu ais lfac ùnuai'terins ishti14.ornlgbrs. oiasaotenlrd 0 c~mian rnp.ori sdý oenoo.. H. vonlai notsi a word m rew 1.icIiiswIp vwm lIfWe'tcoà i, as lie.rep-o"nlative cf thQe , or lu bici waivUi et acil'y'. jlHoesa- rit~ted that lu lie putî Irohnd bcd met u.qpp'cp' l3' I-tjFoà , bulate&Wéenturiss the Bluter Island boa edeavercd te ne- dres. lbe gieiaae.. RH. aid uot4hinlt tie Fenisu :movemantvouldsambunl te eui'tiing. bahIut'ifkdld ii nulul bé oup. presseS., He vannili' coplmenteai thec vonteers frômi 8t. ÂAiauon thmr appearauce sud1the niotiveza viob proetped--lir;i, huncosl'e. xmaiksg ihast posaibli' hiyiid comes do lai' siege t se o!é r iYoung isadies and telliug them, ou beisif of lie Cana. hian GoeesrJiu'niMiey coulai fluai efree' farm lu arceoCanada. Heo enoghzedl thme milita-y epirit ofthi Canadisus si weli for lie debeof eieEmpire as, tb. Dominion, siig <that everi' day tuffers ai-a receivetl at Ottava vslnuWr.i- ing foi- Imperiaserosvice if roquirea. To Onnadfisua vasenîrneteaildue defeuce c! bal! a continent vici *as pi-edeutineai le be ominout, sund va. worti living for, sud if io,vas sureiy vcrti dying for. Washiugbon Letten. Washingtons, P. C., Mai' 25. 1878. Whon Hon, Benjamin Wilson, o! West Virginia,the chen day Pifereai tia Bepublicane lb. substance o! tie Halo amendanient in lie shape of a ro- solution'Ihat* h. PotIer Committee bave eniargeai povcru, the Bepuhîliana vere net grsta!nl. They yoted againat il. Mn. Wilsou's reselutions authcriz.d the Committee le malte au inveetiga- lion wierever it issO probable cause tb halievo liaI tiare vas franai lu ccnnec- tion viti the Pi-esideutiel election. ' Tic Cammiheo vii..commence il. wonS at- once. Tic action cf tic Honsa lu ordeiug lie invesÉtiion vas unan- imongli' endorseti aI a meolinùg bore on Tinrsdai' nigit o! tho National Demo. crabie Comu4ttee. Thius encourageai aud vîi t ih enlangeai po*èis given it b' Mr-, Wibgecns excellent resoluthon, îie-committee cugit te, anai, ne douhl, wiîb aarua.t.ay ,adevuus-te ilimiver vioteven of fi-sud liera vas in tise eleotion o! 1876. Il is said lie inveati- gation eau ho compietetilhi' lieencl ot June. I do mol hhink so. 1h is"mcl nocessari' thad il shoulai ho. îî is net necessari',ilu facb, tual Ibis Hoose sionid ses ils cempletion, thongh liaI is desirailo. But lhe paramont object of lie investigation la lie expesura cf tic fi-suai y hivici Mn. Hayes vasý osted, andi ever'tiing shoula i llate uhat. In point cf fut, tiiereni-o meni' earnest Demoerahs fric cars usuci bass for lime penishineul cff hose geilli' cf trand lieu foir ita exposai-o. Mess, Mou-iison, Mc1fubconý sud Bon. Boler are lie sub-commiblee be vieit Louisi- Tiser. is something almoet amazlug lu the wayi'nluwiich the Repuhhicaa Seuisho Conirittee. on Apprp-acn slà ngiteretl ibe eomical propos .ais o! tie HoueD'emocrahie Cenixitte. lun the iegislnbhve, executive' anai judicial approprIation bll. 'The Hoepi-cupos- ed te t5i-0 several millhions cf dullars hi' redeeiug exorbitant saisi-ies andi cutting off usqities, apepogs.e 1the. Gcsein- mont. Ib id ucut prop-sse snything tisu wvnjaiinjunhonali'affect tue 'per. fi-mande -ot4'tie public husineas. It mugit, ludesai, bave goeo much fus-lieu in reainction -vilicua Seing liat. Bot tise Senahe unaicea ever'tig liaI lie ElomSo'eà si . JIl' 1 Tie Ami' is. in affect fixca a 25,000 mou 'for lie next Iv e yrs. Tlhe Houa. seem e termined on tint nuni ber. The District o! Colmua wyul probai. hi' heo lft for anoIher yeas- viit st repuilican foi-m.o! Govorumonh, uuiess the ai-bih-ar' rule of!the tii-ce men, up- pointeS hi' Mr. Hnyes, le sncb s fon Noç_ sncb mcutsrosity,,-i q"~~-mn oxlots - anyvishi'. elsa lii lb.- ýc"-hizea vordais l ireabphi. soluta centrol, of thr'ee strangers ,ci-ci- a popul. ation of a bondi-ad.-anai sixti' ticusanai tisais lres mille oi-lb cI oBarringlon Il0c9ne "-i t aéru pc anS0so sbrùck llme'iotiqcof Ibis faMmîr and i su' Inslant ilvasuteb eoah anal 111 fragenta seattereai te lthe foux vludde. But Ibis-vas ,no IlH, for! Mi inistanlikilieOL n 'yenig'cisldwà eigugblmphybxoiâAwWuid aq'lo Limone -btie voul' sds awai' anada OlasI oa t iea n ehn6as q pild rMuxi e 1an aiagbralf0 "Us fort gsla var sumcl~ ~ -7 foceaat rek u1 cfh ars vini endi thc ar' ton, vwliil whavce ber anal conl;e 'cthi-ongh 1111emontl andOtabra illani'1tr,14e~ tiat Ibère viin h0I'. smdrbéand ecry, casr-i' nev flU ai 8g is ltr m1tI-.- il cv, hover; yul oh course rapiaili' dlappeai-, said,'e l be felloveai hi'aabrie! period cf cummor-; fi1k. voher egafi. Nevëieber 'la u yct clear te me, lie-clore.I vii defor- its bhavici- mmliUa somao forthas sîmoit certain ýW snui lasîing lu aIl prohabilili' Iirough Bcp.ý ttïmhebr,. Octeher sud Nov'ià bi-. In fice, lime wiiebc aummer, viii ,. Chang .es.fi-cm Intense bunng -ip $boat to'bool sudai veu celai veilier.' lh. freiseare likebi' le cocurahenghp Ot- laasV*elaYý tircush.a &Ilge-part of the Province o! Quebe, sud ý-tirongh liherdmiig porion. el E;sïýemIOn-' tsrio.I May furtier Sad fcr jli e ol efit o! soma -o! My iToi-çntoaeities vho $-havoe 1111e luth ilu Vonnor. ," lispthe le Iuteudeai for thema.equsll Ii usn alieougi ti'e fi-ce t mi' lai! 'te reac liaI exceplloushI9 (sa regardse ie o lier) section cf the ceunIr'. HENRY G. VNNOR. Buaingiai . ai ' 'lUth 1878. Sad Calastropse ai Osit. STEAMER GOEB CRASHINO OVER TER FALL. Thuradai' stterneon tli 1111.steam-, er Bosupraetef Indus, vwiob bailbéhoon pîsceai on lie Grand river 'tic Meuday prevloni, conimeuceai har fripi lor 1t1e tenson on Bhaiu's dam, lu lie cingý a Party' cf nome fitteen mon' suad tW9, .young vomen eassenibleai ai lie, wharf' loir 1he purpoe o! teklng ae&sii up.flb. rrivé- lu lie steamer. Ha;viu-g nisaae"ail neceesari' arr-angements, lie boat vas. outbeoose sud pi-oceedeai baéi-sthée dam.ý Wieu ci-ossieg ecmetbing appearocl te go vi-oug vili lie rudaer, andi lie hesaicf 1the hoat coubai not ho turned suffiaienthi' ne lia etreani te enable it te cuntersel lihe.-effects o! lie dur-Gpl causeS y hi' ii.liug over lie dam. Thoeuét, ide of lise dam vas i-caheS- vithoul mishap, bowver, but lie point viiere lie bont vould bave tencheaiho-, ipg rougi sud roeki', an ci-don vee given hoai-averse tho angine, wbiei vas doue. The boat again gahling ont lu- ho the sbi-eam su effort vas made te, lui-n lie boat te face lhe aunrent, but ainluit aeemied aif lie ruaider voubti not verk, andi vieustIlhst il did.-it n- fortuuatoly vas turneS lie wi-ong vay, sud lise boat pas-hi' hesteti dinectby fon, lie tai. Befere lilcea on boirai coulai realise liair position the steamer diut- >eti brosaiidothothe edge o! lie fabi, ana fin a moment veul ci-seing over inte lite boiling vater honealb.. Before, il gteook lhs final'lesp, hovever, tIvocf ils o ccupants John asud Wiliani Ovenu, 3juimpeai into the ater o! lie dam, nd li r later u almoat minaculonu fmanner manageai le obtain a, footing on lie ver' eage, andita resist the current unlil ha reacheai lie ahere. is hi-- lier John vss net so fortunale, heing carrieti -rer Ibo feul, hutbho waaoaven-> ftuailytaaien eut- of the -river in -an lu-4 sonsiblb condition sanie distance belev., r -O! thse who veut over viti teboaon but 11111. eau 'be said. Ont o! tie soventeen eigbt hb:ve beau, lest, - the yotiiereha-ring in varions vays manag- e a tearsci tie shore. 'Botà o!, lhe 8vong'women vere saved,tbe eue, Mis Isaaidreh aving au escape til leper- tecibi' niiracuious. Bie.flosteidon the str»m nil cie stmiels ti veste-i piof ethOe usppor brjidge, agalnst viel tic wster pressed ber no thlllihsi * parties vsie eenableailta e gelores aud reacue.her trou the bidge. Tic fol- * lewiug le a complote hist cf houe cn :, hoard.lie bout :-Miie Landratis, Mis ItMeGi 1, Jaa. 3iont4oîmari' (engieeî su ad ewneuj, John Oveus, Wm. Ovens, LtWm* ' Begg, Samuel Smitb, Edvanc ie Wreu,, Auduie Jackson, John Frser, Frederols Cane, H. J. Jeffri-a, Thos. i Blliot, Geo. Godfrey, Mi-. BaIl', David aScott, snd Chiarls Moles. Th ic olJinsg ee. hçnamea o! lioe lest :-4.Jaes M ouhgcnier y;' Edvaa -Wrenu, AnSi-ev Jsckson, John Fri-sri Fredenlels Cane, H. J. Jatffri', Thonis Billiot, said Davidigeott. 0f th'bse, lthi -body' o! Mr. Jaf le iste, only oui ta liIbas heen receveneai, up ta lie time a! vc5hig. Ho vas taken -,o thel W watei'viitiu leshort lime o! ite acci; ai ent occur-lug, but. the mort unxenit- -. bing exertions ou hiepart o! tiemeti ae whicli I am ha p pi'loiestahe, bas dci n. me more gocai hianal Iaertlolh In ESTHIER BUIGOS, Ur eal u, iih thbsieart is iwesicanà r4k l*ègula- in action.; are asü-tterc bealti à nd, roguhanili'bhi' elbova' 8î Te vocee'aaieu is JelIp gArI ~.sueceptble b9 -lime oianei f, sci ho lu tise sdvent 6f-tlie colai soasonik use la espeoiaiby dvlet. 5, BRUÃœTAL CcswifeT o- FÂIIR " -Janie Taylor, A'vehI -swu fermer o0f Wèilîgen J a uon crresteëc o nie chsar e ofmaldn h a~hio s.~ e i.wh rgnav ntcsy lnd ethousanal deilsirs'vdr* ci 14(ioubtei9 - hiot ~!Sreleavilad hanit a rmin Iod ssiý çbaità g." Itk. umori rchorus fs-= acorner o! lie balbý ant nie.dy-ýthoyî but it vas< ouly Is.anhon oef naliva sbies sutfluebid eshtue pur- ebiss-. As ydr o'loo6k'approacisai a hebbptg; m -ao tookýlwo s. 10se- eue *ayenalslaplacés allihe.rallng, sud iulioeop~ uu~pes, said à ban~g on- toelhM.sA J eflrn hIe es ~.f u ansd lbe, le, lbth es- .cirle sud veutà taitacb oisr,,*blIé vlt4out sud irouna i hhi ommà ôoeai farioui4ýt which yen vouhai have tionglul à -fOrt- clé"p, Xov.Wareiu;tat-.4tos oP -bi snb z6' *rd.coeedzcIe4Jook lu bi lanaisu v»zch hée vu vritljç1î i iv1rdseas able-, wfii be y4 hlqd mcsuvbilc vi itel 4hipoveî cf -tbs lungu. \ The v ct.~ ecling, ý shove sveiled anq vpvqnhler&led lievIaci moi-. ,lon ncÃaeac11otheres4ie u ihbeiiféÇý"ix*laeîks, sito'spi temetimewith -slsps ou lieneartl couvenieul oýhalai hedsJarl moticeil liaIth hbude o! lireo-fenrlho cf lie brekenrsmbcihse,. tlu derviale. yelpid onIheirbide likeemi some boomedLhern ont likc cla bul-: fi-cgs, su2d Ibère vas ou. reai-polleai ciiap liii. cë oul-r ace s;oêJal brictbed vli .xcilemeuh hic.-a, porcu.- tie. A crazi' littie lm -I in, vlh a "it sud, a si-hIreasousisl voie., vw 9uc ,geitieulateaid srami iko iuBediwihe.vin ho seems à té thinh1rore force uoessry teOacconi- pliahi s Jroa i avd bIfhietaé,; 'sud tien ilng il lucthe liear.. The ecopo sud pans .murrounding ise central Mi- chosii euri fillicS ahonce, hi' sa vil- dresseaid dc"arefulei' abeÃŽie cicrova o! sihrielsiug, gasliculatlugn MAdmen, le beéeiJi bive. I âýýd e rend:echotb.rt hir sud garmeute everyi nstant.' Au Bigbtb;Wnrd eau- cus vas sa Bundai eoldlpae. meeting in ',cemparien. ll- wager liaI lie Tov-ýer be!Baheb washnfbllt vil but hall Lbi.iclamer.!HRad I uot; Wit. neseai lb.Boirai of Iliokera lu nNov York, I sboula biaye- taken Ibis for a serions "emeute,,» aud expeclea toesc the Geaud.ai-av teli -sabres -andi charge sud cl! pe rsali i--rming hunaie. Il vas amusiug t teh a aPale, -ex- * iusteai, carevoru official, wbe seernea ci hochargeai' viti tsisiug note anti keeping record oflihe howis sud yls as lie vomked, sadlbi'avaý i' vliuumov- cl mien, loekiug siife l. ras-hep- - por waesh'urden. .He mwgh as vol h ave tIled ho record 1the bovlinga o! a pack, #f wolvo. ÀA fat fllow, wbe seomeai bis aleputy, cilea is anotes pro- luseli' vili ils perspiration, carneablis excitiug wai-threateulug novs.: arioi, sud lien lie, yeils redoubleai ; sud osclu b-oker danceai liko St. Vilus, sud mev- cd bis ansmabMol liSe a samopiore. It lie gallerie. viere I, stocai, vol-dress- cd women areunai me gol into a quiver o! excilmeul over Iheir vonurues sud, chances belov. 1Tici' fihîcreai lieir preti' akirts about, saidtiaiemi. leïr - ihions. A AMountairi Trembles. - BALI) NOUITAIIalSPLi INIII WO, IZLUAYY0 A OBACI 800 irEr LONG.' Twc yosrmi goj1 residpnts e! keli- ville, North Curolinia, near.,lie famous tBebd Monudein ver. liraun imb great 1consternation hi' continuai rumlblngs -andaiDiexplicable noises beu'rd u ine hovels o! lie Alimone icualsi. SThe pienemens attrà oéthe. ieatten- stien o!fcieubifle unn il parle o! lie 1o3 t'.The -rnmbliugs >*latea flai abut Ivwo weeks and lieuon ossai. They 1a. i flect cI rondeiriug the rosI astale lu lhe ,neighboith, i ja lsd een valnaibe, slimist vortlles, and ei e luabUt higaloni hýo move pfi-cm the neigiboriecd of*111e mystei-- i ons mountlju..Lait Priais, niglut- thle noise hegan &gai&~; lie mountain s hook as ilu thertiroeà of ai-tiqoalte ,emimmense tro. sud rocks vere huhled ,, dowu the mountain, sido. amld sonas e l!st.:iberrniteut, -tisunder vers heas-d Sdurlng tic ulgit. Those wbc lu lie i; morninqý venturcd nesr ea liathe - niuntainisai beeon lites-ai' Spli t i'n îwfain, les-rng a csýchuà -o,felin> leugth-'nd fs-eus? eit ho len lest lu LM" ON TE£cîAcnri om VITRcMA d ~ ~ bnna.A~ hhevm 1downu hi'li storni o! Menai' 2otà mnstI satbepoint Oô e! s curve on lic Victoria Ê&iW5i'3 7- 'about leuF miles fironi Llndu 1, feil un Ssncb a â2à scuidr i aais branlig 5i it ýhuuglietlrç.c. Tie mixeai train ftem il tncmy tiSat' eveulngi Èt wOOpllg Spust suapplug 'off ai1,ýthle braiscies cf troc but cuti. _Thii anc, tee sl-te ait eensle and OaelK~ iordio m ' m-~~~ chraiu Iasd, trltmle bi -cas ilfiev at, it ,sabKle cl Lisindh. , vii s Shi' on. iuhoe-. ic i elceptin o! lie ladsIb vere aboul a doien i~s thse nià a- -lh,à Mord aunlleis fi' 7 earsof a, Y., bamrno£ s joint lu hIe vent ho bedin 1859 sud luai a fWegr He ran sa caplain boit bieeBiliBufalocraid in 150 ad wus Pltiug denSx o can, vînt le bock-keeprug.Ie,; setlnsiffer andSatifor. T7 e Si esls i"er J port and Levibon. Hic hi meuceal vili a pain Ebootr he ottcm cf bis foot tiat tas natunsi sire. Btiffness in, felloeed. Ndw Bass is litei 'legs, anrmaandhbody li.it] iiWnstbb bime. Hlm ai'cn3 a to is aiSes se if liei' vere ri - or elghli'essasftei-le becoudunove l@gaine, bol ar-e as imniovahie as luis et Thémilsj pace.belveenhlis me dbutliesà poaks vhw it Paris coýrçsVb-e Plptol pulie fbol u,à Fî e';s1 * -Ruais m&Enge:nt, lanonq * cideaili' mulfestmg ibsell on liali aide. T1he ides là worl luit.tho minOs of lie Frenc otuer. Rpsçl*andl Germas olu ued ý lovà ALi-ne.luThoe-rd fanSI, * mot li e er aW and-W mop tfesdvimeai gs-e re qmareillTe bme fact-tli ofsReuhil- ebaroni4get fante o0 th-odé nlu Beurhm - eterohurg. That the Frencu shoulai simpli' continue'té,e them'an -ieenit o! uiqeasin s laoneocf lie consid'à îa i - te keep heforo thé ngii 1 ides of Rveithll eusEs, as'm An Astouliaè/&'Fat A large proportion of the peo pilnaete-Seair iiing Irom, rosulLoltoae disadees uupoxu 1 c nelgiiaunaivamiable _Most alsrming, zri]ang lif, s bondon instenai o! apleaeant eo!jymenl and gmsfilnegs i toaToi ë 1 le 11s0 gooadreae sadi skeul'ciam, $ke thep bc$the chl Green-s Aiugust Flowa sp3eedi' relieflaceirtain. 'Mi htr'isvirtuos, vili tory renaminluqyery eaoç.- mi' s a5"pleis à le f 11 tri'. Tie deokiilli-èbeé cs4ei Positiveli' coil bi nil on libeWeeleru continnt hy3 -W. e.sfiin e., of lie Tressuri' ConItuisEiOn lu * igcoamplaints hyS-'ceuin st titcertain ilssuof geedé f iPiieJa7ti hf4emlatic hi 'le testimc' talen'lu Nt Great frauds vore poi-pet-ab * ImportatOfn ugar, the smm patm nthig eiefly eonc TEE Bisnop McCnosKr B Bisbop MC-okroi;,iv *i mias been satepping ah an hoteliý leftfor Nov YorkmlsMondé * ing, Tuiiaction eni-pnisa Ininmcias il vas supposeals * ed ta Detreiltat face kilsseatéc le iréported lue renawed ils i-e speoSLx. * t16~i1tes Hcui cf JB te hbebaidi, luorNovYn o * Auguet. Ca.%LOIntPîea nhat. cd; uso bu e flue-i 'bas Yot passeS tlre svatera. it la lie -'l Loue Lanud cf the ,- a tainsample e! Wi Tarritenies eau sut VENGsE.-At Aqnig on Snnday, Sam Cou 20e be4baerefu cul tuer throâ sth herviti &revolver. sud Mn. nienIsîs, mot ftal feu tmn