EMi-j A-<dSTC I YTEL7rr ~£TL 1 ........ MAX jé4ait, S.251VQTer t] West ) oy.rdc*s opy , 1 'ea ex Orallt&!1.I l. w k l,»oste Bayai Hà oe, bePrgsMPR iratqndq4 te. of euhbIndivilual upen a i0i2. a wh.u service cannot boi 8 t'00, rsntstagai el itge1.wlh rlnfa or u mots- a.s wn o -el] au mue e hairfuhur. ej T. »O, d.*lien e4sg*d îmars than fourIrours ............. 8. Attondtn oq l<,eïn or Sessions, eu y ............ -. Metg travling tLolttendAg.. açise., Seions, or before Juslioos ( iblo n»yaue ecau be pttiiee of iMaold on sine Mos uq s0nrîneq....... .....10 i. AttedngPlu le acIjennt t n.çJhest ( AIU S ervices In reg béO ters., lhldo 109, a 12, Do. dqp,. il engugod, or@ rthan I 18 eri ommons or,h,oe41n& tu At-stn¶bafib aCoronier taubJOst 14Mileage servlng sani e.-4)....610 15.lab nlg belyuruetCoronee*~ warrant.... ......... 16.BRe-burylng sain.. . S0 17. Servilie disress-arrant, ýand ce. -ti4mlg s100,,,.,,,,, 1,Advertlilng 'unerdhtréosa war. -rani................. *19, Travelling ta nakselîsptresu, o r to trOOs, -When ne gocels are lfond. * 0 1Ã" 90 Âprabsomet, whehhser by nus - r rlare, -B el2cna in the. dller, 21. Cataloguesaie sudCo mison andd elivsry ofgoods, ôSets, iu fibm 0 on netprodnoen of cild. 25:i Serilhg notsfoen Constableu, Co:esnll'e * ed. , .0.m LANDS FOR'$AL.E I IN TUi TQwnahip of'.6'pmervlllo,-- 0UtNTY OF VICOÈILIA, -. Tho elwu ad lu the townsluip oý Somsrvllle, Couuty ci Victoria, are offer9 for sale-. 1-. The Wet 1 ai Lot 5, là i the ltirees "QI;, canaisting ofIo1n<1mores, 0ifte6n KCesa - oenreeld mnécel. a uer.faîîîns streanz crossieii e lot, on -hicb la a min si te, usar ibm slde af a good rose. T ho pqetis nil f iefrL .,lw taion en taï 7, lu the couicespion, cuit hatving atu it IL lot of valouibloe eSor. A' neyer.îalliig trean n aiwatertbitru lte lot, whieiî la but> cne-awre.a.ix' u'll fran, a raliway station on the VictoriaBal ~w The cottotrirrud1*stl4 Meugrs. 3TOhu Gooan aind fanlol Rsime r, * pnar KiamOlunt, wlli show th. praperty. For Ternisofa41cSally ta - -'Moray P.,O Ontarlo or ta MeAirs 2AT 13110E,, Whitby., Aug 22c5, 1877. - LEV]ý. STONE, Wilkinson BiOôk 1cUr@tly North o Jo1usIoj~J'nijfueostore, -SOUTH BRQçK.-8T,, ý ,e' WHBY Begs tp urronuoesta tîhe nhabitants o Whltby aud vieinitythat bs ai epened a YFLOUR & FEED É'OREJ In * lu ec@ton witlr hie ]Butcher 8hop,, Chçiçe Fleur, CrackedWbat Oaui,Pose, 'Shorts,, &ê. QP.iVilllE DBLIVEBIID IN ANY P'ART '-- OpTUBIITOWN 1 Lfl-A (ialil, Soli<otI. , MWarh lf tI&,M *. bty - Marh1~, 187. _' - (11 )C EÃŽ h. iiloing alebl'Pro. Mo,~r oer la.sthlb Hlaviing cûme o<ut oa the veit the -total ûam'oun]t Of m, ~ inaurane And a largO-umomit ofother Capital in the purchase of an en- tirelviiew ùa' 'FRÈH Fir STOCK -OF- ~ ~flQERI&~,LIQUORIi',da; Which having z been secured for Cash on most advantageous teims, . aina enabled -to offer at fully 25 Rer Cent Be/o w Ordinary Pr/ces IL' 3 -I To cash and prompt- Paying zBuyers at Wholesale sud Retail. 1 I dee m it lunecessary to en- I~1 unerato th' items in detail of niy latrge and extensive stockw; aaîy attempt to do, 80 Ci Owouldfihl a dozon Clironules, st- fice to say that it is complote, in al on the Preio vrya~ce thpit may be _euquired for. Hoads of Familiosnaking. purchases Of, FREDSH #ýilROCERIES, o 'WiL Sve ouey: and sec.ure ~i oodartcleby eaIling., I EVERYTHIING l.IN Teas, .Coffees, Cocoas, Clioco-ý o: My i iquor, as heretof r, Oa ,frc of thé'!best brands and 'will be ou i, 1nsIWp4ssod iu purity and ohcleapncss. .Agént for Cýougrovië & Lahatt'8 Aies. Ales, Best quality, a0 cents por &al1on bytleôJ- Canned' Fruits, 1ijds Biscuts, of best S quality. , Gysters, Haddieé, Bloateris and fish Of ail kindes erngSalmon Trout, o. in Barrels anti haif- * Barrels. I- em xuakiing Sligars a .sPecialty, and can afford to io 18, lbs.'of i -Brown Sin ý1lbs. of" Valentia ~~jsfr~.o trd ý ;"j 20Ib. ifCu reantle ,fQr ~ T. LAWIR., O¶~ rCon~Cojz ptîf ll - ~rat I OF ia- Simon has;,dioed.,o rnkeaà -redtrtion o lco.o Lte Dollar off bis afréady owpri é bii Tdoekcfy anid tlassware, foi bard Cash,, te mako rooni for SpringArrivals 1 Bvery article lu the Groery lin,~~dud~chap~- N ~*ril'.rapetfuly~allthe attention of the Ladies to variod assortruent ef New Èeasoi--jeas, frsh and fragrant, at 800, 40c, 50o and 75c- per lb. Finnn IJi eWhitefish and Treut, Secled Herrizuga, Labrador Herriugs, B'neleusî.odUsh. &d freelu Qystere, ce *itly on baud. Qatrucal Co0rumea,4, B4chcaf&t-'our, Graham PlW. Abogent for Forreet Mil~ laeml.~le ur Ilpomors ip. pl ,, a6ne article at lowest prico. IJà t recïavqd i~dbdGro ~ed tedfreha truc tb tIroir 'd;ivhwich. will beesoldrrat a rm t re sh co u 4 Apg es, A aoes, Butter, -and Eg', taken inii echanp for Good&' Ceil, befors purebaiing lsewhéo and ,Seoue'gooa bargafins atteN &Cash Grdéery Store. SIMON F RABSE, Feb.14 9h, -188.,Outarl1o l, Brodk.S t.,'Wbitby. -~-YT~ O1I~*!UR~USE T TUE,- -ENEýW GOODS I Clothing a nd*GenËs Furnishing flouse Is now supplied with ail the uewest styles of Engliali, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of alikinds, thé- Largest and Best Stock they e-ver, had. Go-= Also an -exceIlent stock of Gents'.Iuruishiugs , al neur. A splendid stock of Ltody-irnade Overcoats, Checap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, BHOCK STRtEET, WIIITBY. NO - OMINATI[ON P E TE R fias mucli Pleasure in- announcing that ho lias now ini Stock a Complete Assortment of al kinds of Family Groceries suitablo for the iFolidays or any timae, ineluding the following, viz. : New Valentia Raisins, .I«Choico lot of Motte Cnpe and Saucers "Layer 6 for Xmu. - "Basket 66 Fancy Toys for Xrnns. London 6 Fancy Candies for Xrnas. "Crown Jellies, Marniatade, Currants Pickles, Salmon, Lohesterg, Lemon Peel, Sardines, White Fairh, Orange Peel. Saumn T'rout, Citron ledl, iulan Haddlee and Oystî-u rtereived 411I Kinda of Spiceis. daily. Nuts, al RFinils Pipes, Teibaccos, Combeu Extracts of alid. Brualios, Knives, &c. A FULL ASSOIITMENT IN EVERY LNE. Have you secu the New Illurniuiator. No Chuîunney re- quiredI. 1 Liglit oquial toai8 of thre old h-ind, once tried alwayý used. Sole agent for Wlîitby. Crockcery ande Glicsbware ini groat variety, cheap. Cashi paid for Appîca, l'etatoe>s, Butter, Eggs andl Poultry. PETER SMITH, Whitby, Dec. lltlî, 1877. Oddfoltowe, Buildings. MoCROSSON # 91 7king Street, - - Toronto, tug knoewaar'tà .4à We are trrfà e pricesa lwa bort sud reqaimrmen tmmr bw l- cenutruetien eoi tue s k i l l n p oiUn . e~id edtluro, ~r~fl~eUon Uà sL THE JOHNSTON SEL AKNG REASPER ir Dow go e:i 4 us a -, ,II oaI: ouedtoýol¶ alMnôrt pý0M -j oubu thzr tmn liigôirf4u~Ii maclhne*bo bivi adieri l ld ôèitinal Johustonmaievhorke' ia-a ddurblý, ' ettil r tdatietdiituo "In; llghessof draf$ n iécae a c n theii zonten," 'as mfanebyustnd préà .éminen ly ahesel tlM r reaper$ XW proof oet hispi a we!ha,, only -,t pin t ii.may irfrxies, p ar4eel i.the las rviil ri al eI ofo. tarie,,sud mà ny oounty tias'wli0bhave takenu -p]ce .&Il over Osa~,wti th . lia sfe w ye ars.-nu O'UR- ,TRIUMPH :0..MBIEDIMACHINES, with late improvments, ru ail thê aï an be desired in a Combined .Ma#hine, aud cannoI <ail te anet alitIhe rq ofeens tpurchasers. Our Improved Cayaga Ohie)! r., ami. au Young Canada M>Aowers, are both first-clans machines- oostitutcd aouest whoily et Iran sud Steel The 0a& uga Jr. bas a -rear cut, sud the Young Canada a front Cut ; bath strong, dur. abe machines, sud not expelcd by any machines in the market for qualit-v af eut, dutirability, ligltuesi8 of draft, aelaptabiity, and case oftmnagemfent. THIE LAIGEST STOCK 0F FURS L VER SIHOWN IN CANADA, 1;eFINE FURS -0:0 FURI 1?RIMMINGS _ IG-o whero you eau get a Weil-fitting Garment :To the S PECI1A LTY. .~jTailoring Establish]nent of BEAU EItOES. ASTIZACHAN SACQUYE ' WOLF OES RUSSlAN LAMB SAC S, RACOON ROBE'S, S. S. SEAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, - PERSIAN LAMB SACQUES, ,BUFFALO ROBES, * MOCKEEItMINS SACAURS, M"iNECAPSMINE SETTS, S. S. SEL CAPS, .9. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTER AND SEâTh SET TS, ERMIiNE SETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CA1'S,* PEIlSIAN LAMB SRTTS, BALiIIO SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CONEY CAPs, BLACK SAB3LE SETTS, tIRET LAMB CAPS, CONRY SETTS, GERMAN MINE CAPS, GREY LAMB SETTS, Particular. attention given to ail orders. specially atteudcd to. T4 xnouo, Dec. 8, 1877. Eo Alterations il. I1]p 75 &77- YONGE-ST., TORONTO. ly-5O 50 Large Sîze - Box Stoves CLEARtING OUT AT RALF-PRICE. j u A fresh- lot of Canaries and Parrots st receivedi. My Stock o1e -Is now Complete li Every Line. EJ. JOHNSON. Very Special Junducements to. those STARTING,'HOTJSEKEEPING. Fuil Stock of Caskets, deeffins, and al 11it i ~s~4~sintitis in. AJso, A WEL L"AH5PFIN iED REARf,3rX GEORGE G4JRLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR COUTTINCI SFAPES TIIE' WORK A Large Stock of Fine Tweeds. O.- Excellent1 good fit Gnaronteed. loths ; best English, Scotch and iJanadisnL O)VCrcoatiuuges à d 1Splen1did Vest Patterns.'Ai GEORGE GURLEY, NEW STATION-ERy -AND- AT TUIE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. -George Yule begs to a nnnounce that hoe las ro-opened hie Stationery arld Book Store in Whitby'ý,wbero atatlônery of ,ail kinda, of the best quaUity, wMil h kept on bond ; aine Sebool Books et every description, Copy Books, BMates, i>encils, Inks, &. 11at thc lowest priccu.r The Paily and -Weekly Papers always ou hand. Suib. ecriptions Solicitc&l. Musical Instruments, including a fine assortuient of Violine. Orders are taken for Periodicals, Mqrazines asud Misie. Whitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. CABINET FACTORY ýAN'D FURNITURE WAREROOM8 I THE OLD STANMD, BROOK .STREET, 'WHITBYIý GOYULE. ~51 Go where -« you cannot' fail'to be pleased iun aig eections of good furniture. - Splendid Parlour, Drawing RçOu a4d'à Bedrooiý, Séts, New I)euignu well wortby of. inupçotion, st astonishinglew riee ..m ing.room Exténsion'Tables--avcr s iatlé. GuI~ ~ ný drcsPtreramingjn everyr style. Bôe'e n Chromoae ami, 8~~aig forsle. NW 1TONHBI Y1kû A Là rge 8tock of Choic*e qroooies, Té'aë-dCoées. S ugars, fro m -16 to 14 ib u. f r $ . O First-Class BarlY Rose Pofteà eà 350. per BishT.. ~ 1 -' nf ir okry and %Glaswamj,)f*d uc priee . TIMOTHY AND COLOVER EO PLASTER, ANDWAtR IE, AUl of which willbe sol« ohe4per thaieerfo "à oith .. fo Cah. ;Çall and Se .. - W. J. GIBSON R iITYCINA 'tEA STRE. WANTED A£ ONgOB,--,A quantity _of goo&d.Ap$Ies, Potatos, Bas utrad Egfr t i w ill b e p a id .4 gp r c W. JO ISN PHOTOGflAPHý.. PflOTOGHAPH8! GOINO TOT0-,tHe«ý PARISEX HIBITfON 1I Mr. J3arrett iés sllngou.tÈhi fre Stok an~d is now taking pictures it hà f-price, prev.ious to. Now is, the time -t«o get aýgood pictwe chaeap. [See $upplement.] C1ever 'young menwho anto en .the business instructed iii .a' few bassons inthe- newest xnethods. A fin&mare, Harniess ad buggyeforale., A BAIRRETT.~ LW' Opposite utariio Bauke,.Whitby. STATIONERY '& -BOOK AT THE WHITBY SCHOOL'BýO'OEX ND NEW NEWS J. G. 1 ~ c O G L egsp to announce tQIs oustomers audthé geeal fitheh bas opened a StationerySohool Buaok d connection with hie Ceufectionery & Baldug business,, inu south Bi ock Street, where everything lu the Ue cà on 'be bu rates. The Daily--and Weekly Papers. a1wgys On baX liverèdio subecribiers l ail parts of tbé town. Ordere .preux Periodclmagazines uind Music. Aise, a wefl.aà sei.ted lac Beli Wools, su ane-y Goode, on baud, aI lowiprices. The public will ind it to thieir idvautage to ti oh eur stockr before purehasing elsewhere. Wbitby, Mai-ch dtb, 1878. JG.MDO wîth ail ordlers lofPhos ForOneýMonth, A BEAUTIFUIL CABINËT PORT Clhoice of the ýfoilowingproîs SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, HONi T. N. GIBBS,: BEY. MR.* LAIRD, FATHER MeCAN]l - or EDWARD ÀRSW]~LL. Simcoe-St., Oî BEST'S, December 241h, 1877. STOR~E is old stand 4 aà t vcry le-w ad; and de- pUy efed for - ake si peep GALL, RY, RAIT!1 :;awa.t OUTThRS, BGGES AND, CARRIAGeS. V A. Large Assortmient of'Cutters aùnd Buggies FOR' SALE,' CHEAP, -7AT- :pO0M S & N-EWORT'-S Carnage SADDLERY -AND 1trýHARNE SS W IL 1AM THfýOOMPSON. Beg e te dhrect &ae ii#iit-i e l à rge'and-superior tock, omprisingoerY- thlngminthea Saddlery andH réne.sLin.,aise Leather. Valises 'and Saratoga rrufks 1 ATla T- ëP Factor,YOTBO --j- ~8s Dire RIO BA e-Y BIL.A THOMAS DR.; BOGART Physician, Surgeon, Accouci Wbitby, Se 8 0th, 1874. tW. ADAb) T) OMS OVER R .l CLircery oStore, Dudou Office bonisn 9 am. t4eIl-) 1.3a ta 6, P. nM. Bcsidence-C andilbert stret. C, N. --ARS, Z~. T J~ EETU inr teÈ as Che as 5the Che~e an~d E bout. Telli illua, withGold Tehetst&withant pain. locsl ausistîreuia. -Dental Roc au'a uew blockr, avor Atkinsan, JOUX ROBU4SO -lA-R= DESING AND aion, llrock St., Whit JOHN WOLFENI AGENT- FOR TEX CEZ Z-Scattlsh-Granite. Ai oftJonathan Wolfenden,Duuds, GEORGE CORDIA large quuutity af ail k-ixdij of litautly ou bond. - WILLIAM COOP: BLACESMIrPH, 2_ D -(Suèecessor t, Thomas MiE Haorts shoeiu:g sudaî lindi wark. C. .SCALESi 'V=RGINIA.TOBACCO v Toronta.ttret,- Toronto ýAT HýER L ' 4 Co nnhSsiouer liB . or &o.Atherly, Couuty Ouoro Athly OpI.Qn9, 187. - . : ORIN SLE E LiepolgMapaet li,,, Ont WhiSBOCt.2, KENT LAD SL ND I Jawy rs. H. MeCLI w Livroptid ndarksnt, i . KIGBlOTHEES, WHITIBY, ONTAR Importers, Desiers sInd Msnulaci Kinda ai LEATh'ER . ANID Fi Cailopaid lor Mid s. ark sand - j FA SHi ONABLE- WILLI'AM for Qi on 00 !b "' toor souath JAMES RUTI j,.,F.&BBWTLL, L. L *B., Coutry Oxow A jES KELIH Gg R3Ap'US R & ÂTTOUN 1 0 Olu i Caucery, KqotaVy Public, &c. Office- disen s store, Brock- Street, Vi CIIARTAJES C. KE ATTOBBEY-ATLW, SC -A shacery, C0lo-Y-~er ~ton, lBrook, 0.'W. .LymAYfENGLSSH. J RISTER AT LAW, S( Ohancery, ConveyaicOx, .c00 Street, Oshawa. A. G. MCMILL (Late Green;oa &me ]3ARISTER, ÂTTOBM. BUtr, Notsry Public, Con' njftee-Byron Street, South a Wbitby, Ontario. (LArE DUaoAN ROBie ABeISTEBS.AT-LAW, B .> el '- Solcitor, cnv Offie-,poucni.tAsour court Street, Toroutof J.G. Bosmuowiek. A. HEBBE G. YOUJNG SMITH, B ,AR.ITEBR, &0.,&c.-Ii JLIssuer or Marriage Lice Omz-Over Dominion -Bu GEO. St- JOUX, HA ATTORMEt Solicitor aud M XLoney.ta tend. Mortgaq scld. Agent for several Loin over NWightýn'u Store, Oshuawa. CAJIERON & &PI, ARITRAttornèys *street, Toronto. lIECTOII CAMERON, .G. (Y45) * TUÃ"MÂS lUST Ã" WN CLERli AND lý Whitby.é Ofliceit-Town- from 9 ta 1o'clock. R. J. 7GÈNN, M QURGEON TO TEM COU 0JByron Street, Whitby. Dr. -W. J. DUR] OMvcz-Next door la Con, iSresoideuce, at Mr. Lewis 1 BYRON -FIELD,. DHYSICIA'<.SURREON, * U -LCreek. Wm.. PIeBRIEN, x.p., As the country bas become botter adapted. te machinery, and many of our farma. ers bave becomp sIkilled in the use of mhachines, a growing demand bas sprnng- up for a Ligbt, Durable, Firat-CleasR-eaper. Alive te the requireonents-o$ the day, we bave sacceeded inl inventing a mea- chinue wýth a Wrought Iron Frame, with the leset possible gearing-with Iarge, broad.fsced drive wbeel,-.and se censtrnoted that the trame and table tilt Mt thé same .time, thereby keepiïg the pitman alwiys in lino with the. knifs. The. raites are driven directly from the mal. sbat-hshre being no perceptible side draft, and no weigbt, Upon the horses 4iecks.- W. are- confident. thot -wehave sncceeded in inventing tfie mnt perfect Reaper, taking-itin aIL itspart,, that bas ever been procluceci. We bave applied for letters patent, andsiZohold our invention, for our ewn exclusive mandfactore, and'w. res'pectfuil'a'sng&qeat te in- tending purebasers, thâtthey should go@ thus machine bafere vagtbireordée for the coming harveet.. Tho "Wbitby H.srvesBter" weiglia, au il ad, 6M0poundo, but being made principslly of the best quility of fron sud steel, sud, frem its in- gouions ând compact constrution, it combines the strengt.li and-durability of the heavier nmachirnes. Ail of our machines are fnlly warranted. With this liât of machines, we feel confident that we eau meot every re. quirement, and we respectfully solcit a trial ef our machines, believing that we C=u f ~ish a botter machine for the money thon eau be obtained elsewhere. UrBespectfully Yours, BRIOWN& PATTERSON MF'G. CO. Whiitby,Ontario, February, 1877. OUR NEW STORE! Goods, ofAil Kinds,_Gh a1and Good. MICHAEL GLEESON (late with F. Meen), Green .wood, where lie will bo happy te ses ail friende. The stock je selec1ted witb a view te meet the wauts ef ail. Home trade ie eur especiai aim, aud we will defy competition in every lino of the busfiess. Cheap Good aa good Goods will duniaud customners. Nothing wauted by old or new cus- toniers, but shail be ftinished un short notice. 4 speeialty in COA.L QI, 5 gallons for $1. C>- Produco of ail khxde wilb.be paid for iu CASH1, or goodes given for the saine at thot rate. GuRiRNwouD, Novembor IOth, 1877. Os4 ý 1 , 1 1 1 75 .HARV-ESTER.Yi 1 ' ARE Now Rnoivrma TAILOËI-NG- Whitby, Moxch 4th, 1878. CUTTO ORDER. Er-f ly-bo ý IB iRi IRI -m- or EDWARID CÀRSWZLL. F TT l\T I rE (T-T lRe -lm I'L L >'S 1 OUR NEW "'WHI«tBY S M. 1 »T -Hy * 'B-E S Ti$