NEW'.PR ElM AND ýFREBS- spaniels. The prince.- laty 1a lb. Most VAluablà ,of e0l isu pased ta bavre Ode. au, whare a imilarhi-ced, tasà a largo, reiîye biaek.- )r, sud avr~ i vs -Tboyhaeboslda 00glaiaI$2,000 eaoh. dog l,fm nDenmzaik, and 0lsa, 11 Ikb am dlans, La à %J " iea Vicor , 0f1the flW,¶mde bai-st th. cord. bo s hywoal4 A ot.Who is beu re:igtî "MXother, let me be aut Injon, Let inyUlwaket te Of fred; K ýthooster tu tbe bar.ýa.y Porl fathr l myhead. "Wha7'Iwan," aid a Young beau, lis a wlfe wtatafîn. "Thon you'i noyer mar-y,"lsaia bis aster, *"becauze, sltould you flnd.ach a wo- man, aie'l1 ho mre to want a husband of t. $ame ch&raotor." -A alllionalre. Who was look1na at a loyel tract of'lasul whch ha héà just l eagt aun extravagmnlpriee, .ald te t.agnt iwliobad sold It to>ltn, 1"1do_ admire aà rià h grieen fiat." «18* do 1," sigalflantly repliefithe agent. -Tihé difforances betwaen a man and a vomnan, inbuying thingoeia te ta h this:-A. mas gives flty cents for a' twenty4yve cent tbing whleb hoe wants, and a vornan gir.. twonty-five cents loi- a tlfly cent thing wltich &ho does't want. "-Iin't youi-a a periious Ilfe " askodl a lady of a railroad conductor. "Y., Jwo aid, As bu gotly but inistorfly larged her ten cents extra for net bav. îug purcluaseid a ticket "previons toeon. tering te cat"-"yeii, il isperilous, but You aeo; noue but bite bravif cdeserve the A Utah paper sya : "Tihe pretty g Ir1l l iisterritory -usefita mari-y Young, but hhey iwon'l do sa auj The Hindous haive the, art cf persan. -- atlng dath se as ta doeive ahl. murgeons. mAllI'jr 0F FÉE$STO DE TAKEN TJ. IJY (ONSTABLIIS. <tlndar Order in Coirni, dated %t4h day July, 1874.)n Arriest cf a eh thiclvidual upon a - warrant. ............ ...... i 50 rr Seting ommons or iabpoen&ý...025W 0, eiage tger:veiuîmmous, smb. 4. muueage when ieriveoe cannot te aupon proelf idue dîllilgence.... 0 10 5. Mlege takinî drlooneoste gai, eïrousiv of isemants nec- essasrly ai-pendedin latheti- con. voyance 10 0. Atandlng Justices a. mna t *trîà is, or on examtitien 61 pi-t soners ciiarged wllh crime, for Qelli day neccisariy employeS in one or meri- cases, wheti nul 7. Do Cn mre titan four litorm.. 0 7.Do . w ann enegaiimore than LJ fou r huri........ 04012d y. ............. .... 60 T 0. mloae a rvoltng te attend1As. sizes, i3esions, or baloi-a jus' îoo pubhic eoîveyattce eau te ul osnbedisburse. mon te uaallovod.) ......... 10 10. OnSnotlng Jury for Corone, Inquoit, teiudlng atlending at Iliuost, ant i al soi-vices in ras. - Poct titoroof, If itlS on saita day nJury sumnaed............. Il. AltentIig eaoh adjeurmmnt therco!, il net, engageai mure four heuri ................. 10 o. do,,09 f etigeaî more than four houro... .... 13 Srvut1n omn'aor mupoe 0t alainfi beforo Coron«n isubeet 14 oà :eVuin nalne........... 010 E- 15. LMxhunu" "g bo ly under Corouer's- t............. 200 - 10. Re.bnryliîigRame ..... ... ...2 c 17. Servîu tng r5-es Warrant, anSire E tsi-ain samne............... 1 50 5 la.advorlii'ng ander illetris as r. 7Tnt ...... e...... .... 5 19. Traà veling te rnake dieu-osa, or te ,Onarich fer goils b isake dis- 20, èQ rs1Whou n gouda are 1usd.. e 10 Z andi dlilvary of goile, 5 cts. in bIle #, on net prodace cf geods. - i. Exoentiîgearcîî warrant. 1 0 '1. ering ntice, on constbe5 j.m -wiîea îeraonaily soi-voi.O 5..0 Publ0shed by eider,, 06 B. PAREWELL, E-1 -NO TIC E-1 Mm OSALE the. fo0ilng vloabie pro. :iry10arés,1 Noro or boas, luibith Teahpo ai ( Ota io-lbanug du of ishala lot 28 FanVt@iltiacm.- uls,;zdlltiutt ijb mile e.t thei'orti-I. e ra and bul e all 0 wo-bt ofliisato ns, gtelyadumlte otmeci Cîewf-a6utU bai-n i'z84 a with a o lios",t lb, ci- , u i a$,.10 cas nuiasla. t te s - "tuprsuta voieJEUsi ru -ue IffHaving corne out of the Fire safely I have been enabled to re-n-. vest the total aniut of MY insurance aud a large amout of other Capital in the purchase of an en- trreynew and E SFRESH STOCK ý4 GROCERIES, LIQUOB6S, c. Which havinig been secured S for Cash on most advantageous terms, I arn enabledý to offer a;t fly 25 Per Cent Be/o w Ordinary Pr/ces' To cash and prompt P aying Buyers at Who1esale and Hetail. ' I deem it unnecessary to en-, umorate the items in detail of my laurge and extensive stock ; any attempt to do so would fil a dozen Ultronicles, suf- *fiee to say'that it ie complete in all liues and- that customers will flnd on theè premises every article that may be euquired for. Heads of Fanfiies making . purchasos of, Will ESH LGROCERIES, save Mouey and sec'ure a good article by eafing. EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffées, Cocoas, Choco- * lates, &c., &c., My Liquors, as heretofore, are of the best brands and wihl le found unsurpassed in purity !and cheapuess. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's Aies. Aies, Best quality, 30 cents per gallon by the Reg. Canned Fruits, Pickles, Biscuts, of best quality. Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters and fieli Of ail kind, Herrings, Salmnon Trout, &c,, in Barrels and h1aif- - Barrels. ci ci~ Q Ianmaking Suigars -a- specialty, and cau afford to sel - 13 11s. of BroWn Sugar 'for $1.00, 20 lbs. of Valentia Raisins for -$1.00, ,20 lbs. of Currants for - $1,00. - Tt LAWLME.R. caé ~ ~ mol Fan 55 ed- -$î- . . - 4Apple for Goodi et te Ne, Fcb. 101h, $TC b., l .,'la 'Uh'a. vrcciery and triasefare, rai ni & caeaa ~ fr P~iS 1 very aricle ite Graeery ougit-kü iaedfl' cep. ,HRéwouadrespeotfuly caR te attention of bbcet i o vaie" asortentof v N ewSeam Teai, frosh and fragrant, ât oari fiQe ana 75o . U lb. Pinnan H Iddc, Whiteflsh and'Trout, -we Icirings, Labrà dor IRerm e, BonluCoaflh. and freoli Oysters Pýartmten Iy on haud. Oatmeal â&rumei' ýià ukwheat Flour, Grah am Bot te S8,agent for Pari-est bill Choie. Family Moaur,ocustomers uap- w zà , 4ja fine article, at lowesl price. Jast received,' PioHa ana Gardon prices m iwant.d fresI and frue-to thcfr kinde, wmhh iil1e sold ai a ~u»oon ceet. eBotaoes Buter ad Eggo, taken in exehênge r S., CaU, before parcbasing elsevitere, ana seoure good bargains 'is ow i ew os h Gýiz yStore. amm Sei ockFRAoSE, Whctr: it 1871. -,w GOODS1 Cloihing and Gent's Furnishing flouse le no*wayiplied ýwith ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, em an i8rit <J.-iths of al l dnds,'the Largest and Best tocktbeY-0veFha.d. 4~J'Alsô an exCeillEOt stoCk of Gents' Furnishings, ail set. Aspendid stock of Ready-made Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. MeMiLAN'S BLOCH, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. NO- COMBINATION fias -mucli Pleasure iannouncing that lie las 110w in Stock a Complete Assortmenlt of al kidsd of Fainily. Groceries suitable for the Holidays or auy time, iucludiug the.following, viz.: New Vaientia Raisins, A chaica lot of Motto Caps ana Saucers "Layer " for Xunas. Basiket " ancy Toys for Xmas. London " Faacy candies for Xmas. Orovu "Jellies, Marmalade, Carrante Pickles, Salmon, Lobestets, Leman Peol, Sardines, Whiite Fieli, Orange Peel. Salmnon Trout, "Citron Peel, F14nnan Haddies and Oysters racoived AU Kindi of Spicasý. daiiy. Nata, ail Hinds. Pipes, Tobaccos, Combti, Extreots cf ail Kindo. Brushes, Kaives,&c A FULL ASiSOMIMENT, INEVEIIY LINE. Have y ou seen the New Illuminator. No Chimney re- qaired. 1 Liglit equal to S cf the old kind, once tried alwiys used. Sole agent for 'Whitby.- Crockery and Glasswaro in 'groat variety, ohcap. Cash paid for Apples, Potatoos, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. PETER SMITH, Wbilby, Dec. llth, 1877. Oddfailowe' Buildings.F MoCROSSON &C. 91 King Street, ARE NOW SlO WINQ THE LARGEST STOCK 0F FUIIS EVEII BROWN IN CANADA. CrFI NE FURS A -SPECIALTY. -M FUR TIRIMMINGS CUT TO ORDER. BEAR ROBES. ASTIlÂCHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, RUSSIAN LAMB SACQUES, RAMQON ROBES, S. S. IIEAL SACQUES, YAR ROBES, PEESIAN LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, ROCK EIIMIIiE SACAUES, MuNit CAPS, MINK SETTS, S. S. SEAL CAPS S. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTER AND SEAL lETTS, ERUMINE SETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB' SETTS, BALTIO BRAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CONET' CAPS, B ILACK SA13LE SETTS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETTS, GERMAN MINX CAPS GREY LAMB SETTS, Particular attention given toalal orders. spccially attended to. Toronto, Dec. 8l, 1877. l «&- iRim -r 76 77' YONGE-ST.,- 50 Large Size Box Stoves CLEARING OUT AT HIALF-PRICE. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots just received. MVIy Stock of' Is now Complote in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. itrodace a more pe uôal to the Pei ïand a consoquent- csaime vafti. JOHNSý"TONl SELF-RAKING REAPER and duabiliy,in draf and eaee romà bgento-i preolnontly t.head 0! aU ctder, bo ?oiut ta ietayFror tai-t, audq many conly trials wl OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, vihh laIe improventients, la ali-ttnten s oired in a Cambined Machine, and cannaI fail t6 meet aU the requiremonts of purchamers. Our' Irproved Oayuga Chief Jr., and OU,' Young. Canada Mowera- are bath first-olams machines-cotstated aintoat volly o! Iron &ad Steel. The Cayuga Jr. bas a rear cnt, and te young Cansaa a front Cal.; bath atrong, dar-, able machines, and nt exeelled by any machines in the marktia for qaality cf cul,.durability, ligitites of draft, adaptabliity ,and eseof management Reaper, ltat a vord cf eommeudaliln vould blei-e.aremauy elaiming to Manuafacture Ibis ýéId ailgina1, Johutlcu machine, ilthont ke'ep. »iStice, taoursolvea and patrons roquire of ne î:lmsîeoi- oential part, and for-strongli 7yknd.dcondition cf grain ;lighiescf o "Jblitan, asmanaaelredby na-s-tands ?aPers. In pi-acf o! Ibis posilion vo bave anly 6'wia e usathlb.tlsI rovincialtrialof On. As the countr-y as hecome botter adaptod til, ma'iohino-, sud many cfcaur fmi-m. ors have become'killed in the use of machines, a growing demand bas oprung ufor a 'ilt, Durable, Fit-tClase Besper. Alive ta lieé roquiremees -of lie day, vo bhave sncceeded in inventing a ma- chine with a Wtpught Iran Fzamo, viti thcebleâ possible gearing-viit large, broad-faced drird vhee,-an&suo conotracted liaTlhe frame and table tilt ai11h. same lime, tbereb7y keepingi the pilman always la lite with the kuife. The rakea are drivea dtrectly from lhe main 94~ft-lhere heing no perceptibile ide draft, and na weigbl upon lhe herses neols. We are confident ltat we have acceeddinainvenling lte zmcmlperfect Reaper, taking itinlaal l , arls, liaI bas over heen produced. W4 bave applied for leIbi-s patent, and S'bail old oui- invention, farroui- cwn exclusive manufacture, and vo reapectfnlly suggesîta la.n tcnding pairchaiors, taI they abouldasec tii machine hêtre giving their ordera for the. coming liai-negtI. Thte "Wbilby Harvester" weighs, &Il bold, 600 pounda, bat being made prineipaily cf the. boit qaality of iran and stool. ana froilsit in- genious und compacet constration, il combines the t-ength sud durability cf 1he heavier machines. AUI cf car machines are fuliy varranleil. With titis limb cf machines, vo feel confident liaI ve cas meet every re- quirement, and vo respoctfnliy solicit a trial of aur machines, believitg liaI we cani furnisit a botter machine for the. money tItan cas be obtained elewbere, Respeclfally Yours, Whitby, Ontarjo, February, 1877. OUR NEW STORE! Goods of Al Kinds, Cheap and Good. MICHTAEL GLEESON (late with F. Meen), Greenwood, whcre- he will be happy to sec ail friends. The stock is selected with a view to meet the wants of ail. Home trade is or especial aim, and wo will defy competition in every Une of the business. Cheap Goods and good Good8 will dlemand c ustomers. Nothing wanted by ol14 or new cus. tomors, but shaU be furnished un short notice. A specialtyIn GOAL OIL, 5 gallons for $1. 0:> Produce of ail kinds wil ho paid for in CASH, or goods given for the sarne at thst rate. GzusNWOOD, November 19th, 1877. Oms.48 FASHiONABLE TA ILORINU Go where you eau get a Weil-fltting Garinent :-.To the Tailoring Establishment of SUPEIOR OUTTING SHIAPES THE WORK 1 A Large Stock cf Fine Cloths ; best Englisit, Scotch and Canadiatn Tweeds. 0*- Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Vest Pattrns. A good fit Guiaranteod. OOG ULY 51 King Street, Oshawaý NEW STATIONERy Alterations1 ~y. 50 1D I 11 m ,AT THE EXPRtESS AND MONTREiL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. JSIR J9HN A. MAODONALD, tugzarse xrom LU te L4 IL fflrt-Class Early Zose. Ail ]dinds of Orockery au TIMOTH AN D *PLA AUOfTiclwiiBO, W. J. GIBB ON,- WANTEI) AT Pobatoca, Beau., Batter P--TOGand gg, fcPhv 1cr cash. ONCEi-A qu -------- -- .O NG TO THE PARIS EXHIBITION I Mr. Barrett is Sellizig out -lis entire ýStdùk, and l ow takngpictures at hai-price, ptv~~ o going to the* Paris Exhibition. Now is* the t4e to get a goodý picture cheap. [See supplemn. Clever young 'inen who wantto learu the business instructed in a fýew lessons inîh é es method. A fine mare, Harnesa andbuggy faý sale. A BARRIETT, Phiotographer. g~Opposite Ontario Bankr, Whitby. - NEW STATIONERY & BOOK STORE, S DiýE-POT0 NEW J. G. McDOUGALLý Begs to anuonuce to hie customerà ana the public ini general taI ho ias cponed a Stalionery, Scitool Buok and Newe depot in conneeion wit is Confetinery ~ Bakig business, in is ld stand setit Brock Street, wiero evéryting inite line au be iad at vcry loy rates. I The Daily and Weekly Papers always on bad,jad de- hivered te subseribers in al parts cf lbit ovi. Orders promptl'r £hed for Peidcimagazines ana masie. Aise, a wel.-assorted lob ! of ttee0s, Berlin Wols, and Fancy Groodes,.oniand, aI 1ev pri es. The public ivili flud it ta their advantage to take a peep at or stock before purcitasing elsechere.- Wbitby, March 4h, 1578. Soutit Brock Streot. with ail orders of Photos, -at J. G. MoDOUGALL, -, -For One Month, A BEAUTIFUL CABINET PORTRAIT! Choice of t6he foilowing persons: TORONTO. Very Special STAIRTIN -Inducements to those NG HOUSEKEEPING. i UND'ERTAKING. Fuil Stockof- (askets, Coffins, and al - te.necelà saries 'li this line, Also, u WEýDLLAPÉOINTEP, HI3R"sIE. WW QoWsl ;877,1 George Yuie begs toa annunce that lielias re-opened his Stationcry and Bock Store ini Whitby, whera stationery of aul kindea, cf the best quality, wiU b. kept on hand; aSo School Bocks cf every description, Copy Bocks, Siates,'Pondis, Inks, &C., &c., at the lcwcst prices. ý- -The Daily and Weekiy Papers always ôn haud. Sub-r scriticna Solicitcd. musical Instruments, meclding a fine assortmeut of Violins. 0rders'are taken for Periodlicalsaganzinesand maMusic. GEOr YULE. Wbiitby, Dec. l8tit, 1876. 611 WILLIA-M CABINET rATR AND-.- - TILL'S TUE OLO STAND, 'BROOK STREET WHlTBY, Go wher e you cannot fail to be plcased in making selections of good fuirniture. Splendid Parleur, ])rawing Bloom ud Bedroomn Sets, New Designe well worthiy o! inspection, at astoniehing lcw'price. Dia. ing-room Extension Tables-a vcry suponior article. Gilt Comnices, Picturc !Framinig in ev'ory stye. Somo fin. Chromos and, Engraývinga for male. lualits branchtes;. fuerah. fuliy supplie&, A stock o! ele Coffins elways on itaud, trimmcd to suit Oustomraa u ai Hesseooisauly u e~in oe REV. MR. LAIRD, HON.T. N. GIBBS, orEDA ATHWEB McAN Simcoe-St@, Oshawa. BEST'$,s Decembor 241h, 1877. OUTTERS, B UG GI1ESY Assortment <of Cutters' and A Large FOR fluggies SALE, Carnagqe Factory, DUNDAS STREET,! - - WH SADDLERY AND HA' WIL LIAM THOMPS Begs to, dire't attenution ta is large and superior stock, lhbg iatie Saddlery and Harnens ULne, al Leather, Valises, and Saratoga CHEAPT' Nez, ýy e! but1 foi egree «"P«feotiolx, Toronto, 1 1 Whitby, March 4th, 18,78. 1 1 OSHAWA. GIEORGE GURLEYY IY.501 K . RON. T. N. QIBBS, FACTORY AND OUR NýE-W-."",WFiITBY P E T E R SMITHe ý.G 1 V Wý-A Y BEST GALLER'Y, Er ýo AND CAIRRIAGES. IFOR CH-EAPY»