10ues j'ae een ambon sud rsut cf C idway igeia Oean-E. - ' ONLY Si So PER ANNUU Whlby, Thursday, June 20, 187 Thécase.o~f Whte vs. Naît, InieS tise 00selom loaC04 ti ealk, anti <Kwnlisà Verdict fat 080 wss giyi agieinsf te uiaissdarut. - oeeves tb notoued iy Ccnuty Maetsatet. N Nolt, J. P. ut ParI P.nty, taok rip cae aapl u-, t.T. P. lX41lo fr hiavlag lits#eaio"'a nd veigibt8aet 'i miii., aI WbitcvalO, stumpetiunder ti Welgistmsud AMeauros Act. The cal praqeanltdsaises(Otures cf peenhil isardehîpet, inosmucis asMs-rWiie, - - - a&rady mtag a py for the steni ing on ibîs -proisifes vas restuimodà 'h ave -ies hevy' scles couvcyed e lot - 41u1.uô froni bIs Place of husîncsi Tileob. s-stAis e, uisspraccetir Waes sisiel siby lte 400cllon, cf th c ommlssisnip-er ttairMeia' i - jatlugtisaelocision, iirwtionit laid befou'o Mn. Natt, agaiset mi. Whit forltaing unstampoi 'weighîs aanti meas lIres --OtIlléury , ta th isattabe.U - Wlillo, I&owîng tliw Sas bees inh f ingti aknowîcdgaa 1h() al'icoebefa)rs c maglmts-ete hl, lies Ovni cibariso(d ans il ilioti. Mn.Notfia aatifsed, b4nt nsvrtieicas prsssas, finehic'. Wlýte cgailus,0400 ani hasuas a' tiîstsess ver- remt unanvbîicl re abogi g _tc Mr. WVuta ine talioen anSdscti. Tic CouIlrt lbti tru. Naît lýex îceoded lis jmiile lisand auss oitet lsiiin#8u08, as vii lbuenc by tise 'laelis -Tise Dunkin Act, Isesctsislefora tise 8e840sia on Fidsy lest, lais hlunor Jussge Borulisat eXprege. ..*sat tIse opliiu fluai the- Aet resîssret flIc esisisian nifse(tcop'le aby-iev ta- tlî etpj'îo Thoepu'e.resîuisiîes of a eoniphAelsby.lw ie ha oI t labitisa1scab ai lise cor-por'stiosn, tues signature of tié WVrden nd rusitisésignature ofcltisé cacsnly ieslt. 11e Ioior siekesi coonssi wiîethsor tise abseuce- Pi auy of liseo egesasshîcle vnet ulehofatariltalise bcsgaity of thie'by-iaw, ' As; le boy prsstty veil kuovo, tise signeturre aiflise Coanny Cdonsir as net allicisedtiethue originsti by.iav. The retnanîts ofifle Jandgsu -c herefonéeuggestive lu vies ai tise pnoieestiiusglei acus eun aiesunu- dles- tisasAd. lu-tgistratebava certain. 'y 9a011 teususu ta it witiu caution irsscliore e iS SIn ouncertin. Mny- ani isrlrps tisstisishe sifust ocose- reuse aconviaItsu r il. The QuebeE 'Riat,. Tisé tialing -in ,Qnlebo ' st vaék, visicis enlininatlci lfie sulsIIg of tise flous -toreof Mr. J. 13. IteVanutiasu otiser acta aof0utrage anti nioisnee, bave - 9)en appiiy qsislbot anti malt ai the misn~setiménisr toâmeà s ta tbîir Tise citizens§ cf Qacisceharo prscont. (4su an sIdrees btelie Monts-ssiivohan- teers on iisty i h IselCity doning tisa siats, tîeriklicsg thinshon tiseir eaiclient ses-viies. Tisé laat ai tise ludostseai -troope lsft fanrisanre on Bturday niglrt. ] lixçuaeýas Tus NîAoiA.-um-A moat esjuyahlu ecursion la Niagara. Feule, 1Yi»y lera 't EPre'ss of Iodla," tgak PlLeesa. st tme Àay amIse o uubes- -apoa sîra u e isarailis ti elusueive. ai' tisa aPPI uUity, M imle vas fsuniih.- cii ly the TnrthBoiRyafis Baudj, undor tisse tirCtiosl fýofleirpiuoler leaer, m. ronleisjii,acind dancing Ivas tleé ondes- a fýtiietiay ors boas-S cf lise eatara v. _Sposiab mrugsus nteiînv u he use. unIs tbe prapialci's ai tise lifi'cs- cljonjtU fsul uiterosît At tisa F7rls tics perty is'uS an rsnuqairiy -gooti ppPOrhn.1 uity la ses ailthtIsa igllse il) lhe~l eunoas - iuolity. Ounlise nri, ticere vas a1 - grsuS tiuîplay offirevars, las-tiaset bi Prôf. flint, -f aui ton. A vehi tis- es-trve oethank lseoeas tuslorsclta tIsse offIces-su oi thie steamer, Nuii Tm.uaLs lsa'-s. ilugi Fr eur,1r mauy Years pasl errter forà MueHrsIý . t%> J. Ctuiphlli1- IsA coi- mncmicl luils for lthusehi lu- tise Oilatria Bbos lb e ba as an Isandi a flue m tock of goole irbioli, lic i0 pretusret to imukeupil, in 1he, most feliionubla style ta orter. Genttleen ius eing a msOUsy finit and gooc t i lviido vciý ta gire Mr. Fs-ciscs a triai. [Sec hies tamié ment, k Kcibey (oif jinon & Rchiey, elguin makî- ere) -Wmue diving lis vifs up fsoui os4litau, icèt Suntiay cvsuing, hiiilies-se wLl vriie ohuguovStarr'a hli, became -uusansgsshle, anS tuuuing into lie ditlci, irneBeed lhébuggy asdtircir Mr. enS Mns..Kelisy o1t. Mrs, Reliay toudinglto riait nopo dariug lise sec- son, viU'clovWehI lu arrange for passage w ailis Mn. Juts. Lavdes-, Past-office, visa liam ceauneS sgsucy cf "Domlnlea," ii5gte" anti "Inauin" Linos cf eleume ebipo. .c1mo agent.for Shaeklieoxcu -- ailan tickets -for PerioP lîselion sait sema SuIwo> *ACCfomuEL-. e r'altentioni la Mn. Fairbanks' IchiiIle. ýhfi s ruejulueiras t cê MSlaotlaton wl erever ho. &jui. eple c og li thegig o4çg roq in ski o 1froaithlbiiltessî lu tiefro fée ber. Dartuell., à $ Cobourg, au '-Wodn"ad 7 ~él Te rlsol aeniead bicai Lcasiutsr ca Qiobe, itil mueis sufit7. -Littie ho huovis sý r bis antecasdsul, but iLceordin,tag hù luleQ Ieb.Lgisalureouo Tues- thI~ieurs boglfl Ots - day, Hou. Mn. Bacicad, Prnclit er undor General Les, and attalue Tressrer, deliveted the Budget speech ; lbe tank ai colonel lu lis Canféets Il lu poken f as u ailswpc serfice.. pHe vas appalinte te*ser 51 ftinnli pail o f tisabe Pr-oinc e.,U o yerburg, du thiernt, lai Jeani hiae issu postrioedfthé Proie inah.andi amoasg hie jpupils as a biilt hae ëoýniodcd a boih-he -tt,'ndîtpge girl, agetilai î Lghdaatve Counchi andi District, Magie.CeraeWynn, la vhom h. show.c traIes Courts. Mach attention, no one snep.cing Ãbrmýer passion. Shortiy befot.1thé StreetsanadiSImprovemneats. 111h May lat itse if. (hes hsvingpais. sd as an unumarristi man) eppamet cn Tise eportcf ahirma tcf e cene. Thse girl, in couse<qnence 0e Tis reortof aychâirm;ovf g-uufavonabrel 'eursonte, va. wthdra*s the Tc wn Cannei on aufonday aaigfrani theie sool4 Poil day, Shannon ileagretifylug exhubil. Thatt flpo- casleds t.lise bousej,anti complaiseS ta pmalloni woud have. bâen iargely ex. lthe ell' moîher tIstabc aileht waikea coedeti, eonsideing th, lange amaunulcf home froni a tee meeting. vili a Toung workdue, vas generA4iy beiievod, ,man. Hearing lie gir's, ooe un her Contai-yho le gnera opiionlis mc, liea usheti ap stairs sud a contarygo he ouerloininý.therevolver et lier, woundhn ber iu the honn luexcai l 'ony sma#40. rhonidar, sud enlarhng hmraout, tired Againel Ibis tliesle la be set off six- a second abat, ich passeS throagis toen corde cf bncken anti tan corda cf lier liantianti vountiet hem lu lie ubraken ston., Worth albout olo temuple, and thson made Ie escape. He vue sbontlyT aflerwarde arrntud. Ou Tis oeake veit for lie menagement cf his person vas fou»i s papor lu île ans- streeta sud stdewalke, vih eli eo lsndwriting, lunvlic ie taintention ta -never befomo in oc good a condition. nid tie wonld of lise S#1 vas clearly ex- prcsssd. Jeeloas rage appearst es-e- University Items. forýe ta have been lie motive fer tise - - crime. Aller a long trial the jus-y founut Convoction u 71- motFrai i ni guiity of 'aliootisg wth inteut 1a ýCinVcso litone r pticisi.ta Sud thej murder, sud Hie Hloor senteasced i hm cIaîs fiota, C aie pleate taflahttaon yeans in the Provincial Peniten- nÃany ai oui- cli acqusintanoeosand tisry. whitom Whitby Higi Sehoal baye have pca oie doue liniselves anti their ascio, - - SecaaNtie usuel, muai credit. Mn. Cutiesi agai Mesra Hamilton & Harnower have ceie off a ciaseiccil scbolenehip, anSd dcided ta offen tho sisals cf hein tisaI, toa, wvie doing a large amuitpîtundisi, New 'stock of Dry gcads:al cf extra wonk. wisoiesaeapiesst, rallier thon* carry Mn. He'nitij,@, laIe' a leacluern lu ur aven auy goode la nazI aseau. This Higi Scshooi, long a puil of M4r. Rloi- tisey are tioing, ta niche rooni fan fall -rbson, tise Heail Meeter, has wan amolli- importations ; and as tbsy have no aIS or ciassicel siboaaahip, making lise stock, tle'publie wilb do wcll Wo aveul ifth. sehaharahip ln hie University tianiseives of snch5 an appostuuily cf, carner. Mn. Chiries McGifliivay tan 'ae'curing standard gootis, et exeeedinghy reraaly sali fer lie scliesara3hip lunlaie prices. nietaphysie. He base a vcry, hîgh ' rank lu First-olaes Honars. Mr. Tisas. DEmmU aO' \WU. CULLEN BaYANT.- llunting won loirorsiE flieis andi Wiiîam Cutîsu Bryant, the waîl kuowu French, Amnric-anpoct anti joumoalibt, Sicd hast Ms-. Bryant, wla iel ycar won ltse Vdnesdtsy. Ho wes in lis 841hi yeer. mathorirsticab G01(l Medai, jusssesi tise Ert LOSN.-WO 1notice, through1 rnu sI h Io i île 10. g ià 5b "'-MljtuOI iipi ouse "'-L.Li oesu xcîsanges, tisat, in nea;rly clilih B.snnnigto Mutvlages thb luir. Fret illb, lsog saisu11 i fWhil eenîly .slosing maî'enont, dusing lis hy IliglisSoisool, obtaiusodtiel-otýlase ennimc e sa e sbeing put into effees Honors lu botl Chemistrnd cui loogy. Hov i -in lu hilby ? vs areaseked lteccntly a meeting visa calied for'fWs icuos of uothing tisaI lies beci this-parpose aiflonniing n commitîco for jone ou the anbjot, 50 ian. hie purpose ai giving chIcot ta the ne- KSLLsNts INSer. toous uItts.- coerattute af tise Univesity ai Tos-onlo aratie hausllhing ýusssioit oul c cr- rcspecting Locail E xcninalion for vo- fnb in abserving lise loy, respecting île main, anti veae-cgs-caly pioaesistta le'n killing oai urSesosi eeful lu Seslnoyiu1 tlue-te Wlitlby Higis Scoeaiwcanmabe ta inssots injuriong ta agiicullure. Thé guaaautec tise ettendeneof ai'z l adies elaw la vsry plein anti strict on lhis mat. tbhe next axamiu1tiona ehpupils ai 1he, ton, eny perean violeing il, bsing soi. -Scîrool, anStisaItVise exensinatios ilviiiJect tsi c fine of fraru ncneta 4woutj bc isei annlise 0QUIs met, imotaocoua- dollars, os- irprisonment Ironi tva lu Iy vith licodinsiry Mýatricilation Ex- lwsniy datie. .Tise beyprovites egabust arnination lu Toronto. Tis le s mry illîing alit iirsîs, except aagies, lconsm inmportant stop In atiranceand eut hail isavîs, cvhs, wiit psUeous, king-llsiers, tise movameut vitS unqiualifioti sell- jays,cosv, anti savens, -ans udVS hiFIs faction. We sha l aci tihe reaulteoai eepceiaîîy isosutionosi in tise ,Aeit fan tise tise exami-ustian vitir ticigrealcet lu- protection ai Gaie.'1 lerept. Meaunie va aller thé yaangr hadiýs aur vermieat vishés for thieir suc- Cout aiRevisions. cse lu cudasvouring la obtain a badge- ai scîsoîansîip tht ivll not hocaasani. -sOWNSHIPuuOF' VIrIT. Tisane vit lic ah isnset aine pupils aifl3rooklin, June Brti, 1878- tise Wlsiliy Iligbi Schooi campehiug for Cous-I of Revipion mal purnant la Univ-orsity distioctiou this yeas- notice. Ail tisaeimmers ps-osent. - - -.- "-Reposiain thè hu air. lIRi. luAnnuI[w , COLLINS ilfSrassen- M.I.IL iCiie Uecouddti y lur. esi hile boot eut alise store Irorn te lsdatDai'idson,unovc i tisat t'ua a8sassut ral ai tise Towusslip af Wiitby, for lise sant in Bromok a., la Dutesaht.,'asie rear 1878, ha nov, anti ig bhesy final- doar weel ai Arassstrong's isoisi, anS ly ruvisesl andi cotfinniet. opposite tirs Dominion Tehegraplu Mn. H. lliokie, secondeS by lurs- office. Ie lins a large sud Bune stock Dei-idsoo, iulovsd tisat lise Cournt c Be- vision iaonn 0un 8 i.Cr af roasly-ruscdo booashîocîs ounds, ries. - ni ijun u.Cr wiiîs lue iJ isposeS ta ofer exoeeting. ly csep lasrcash. If yau leis-eaà Votran' List Cons-t. Sa wellte tae yoor ondes- î'tis Mat- At tlise votes-a' list cons-t, for lise hown liîev Colline. ofaiWlitby, lit in Cons-t Hanse, luis We'dnescay, 19 inet., lise iolloviog ap- -TnE TosiasTO E sXUrlToN BY-i.s.- psIeooisoard:* Tise opinion oflcounsel lias; beén obaisn- Reformes-a 65. Ninealnloved. Firé su tlist tisa e75,000 by-lev nov bofs-e s-chus-ru votes eSteS,ansuit fans aar- tise ratopayens is bat. Il vilI tîscnofomé retinsse ;struci ofù. bc viitiravu sut a nsv isy-lav asb- Censervalives G. Tva coneorvalives mitleS. Tise non-eohltcicncy cf lise cited. Ticensniainiog four have not specreal rete toeps-avide for tise siismng bssen decidet viien vo go la press. fîod wsethe bsalders. eri b te .Iv POISONefly paper anti nou-pois- l . ropoty-loIJoF;.us' tlsstiky fly paîîsr at- S. W. B. MuAN 'Susor An OSitANA.-OU SondÙay Sitis & Ca's. evoniuig lest, about issu peet nine, c mancu naned Folies-, iressisal in thée TVi' EasternQucestionuandth ie ier- isack of tihe ueck, aI 8asaa, ilSt ii anae revabver. Fuller, crItishe tineise vas Gongrs-s'eh bse mot et Berlin uncles- isalt, as wslking on ans cf tise ss!elishee1iedncy af Prince Bismoas-ci. ts-et, usas -tlov'c loudnay vii a Littlsecf imporatance lias yat Is-auspiroti late isé resoîlt of tissu taiuieratians of yauug vounan. Tua ssostin, la sp.aifthce nepresentalivea ofh' ie Povcra. poseed ho have as-liu thlroiglis tlojemont. PiuceBimas-ck lisiproposeS lIse sum- ior'e etriko. Fu-ilor, vIso Yira a non-.ulaueons villinevaal aiflise Brillis union Man refing te qUit î'ou-k. A fleet ani tise Rusian forceseIroin Con- usas naine Dowsley lirasi;een arrosted staritinople tunringr thé silling cof Con- gzrecs. Tise discussion îvee posîponeul. sisasgel ifitiV ise otfiaice ;isa 'ias Lord Salisbur-y spokoe tn broum aiflise ssongsist be'o-e tise Police megists-ate, oaiftise asisiton ai Oreece, onti va, T'ucsdlay, anti romandeS for eigiîltisy$.s. eor-es by NI. Wadldington, but lise Flsller le expeahedt t recaser. mettts- iv'ae mottiecisies. ThecGongrs-ss baissusslournati until Wetneaday LAusooss lirumus- Aciosocro TIseo CngresulseasrangeS lise cruar ai pruoelure. -Il le agracdti tisIle matchs beveen tise Acussé ai Taomîlo Paversa l s peituhie foloving (unior Chsampions) andtihu eViitby crter-i Inssia, -Englarîd, Austnis, titi, wili Iso playeti attisé faim graumîide, France, Gersnsuy, Italy Tnnkey. sert SaIns-day aiternoon. Osi uotay ' a-tî uva.,a iei il bii ha iyesi aI .Fui A Tuercuse thie cosapoumîd Elox. lovmuviiebcheentis Wlilh ani rs Quinine andi Imors, prepareti only by Bovmniaviiîe oîtwnhse tb adS. W. 13. iulth S.Co. No un eîtnse.Iu nds- o co An NUira-J. B. Warren, Esq., of deutiy teoussnuenti our Paria Green, Oiaa ecvta1vtcsaoaIi Very caeso islestaS os soon as receivesi, eglaru Irons Dalton, Bltaio Georgia, td noue but tise genulcé kepî in stock. ansncu"iéraen"issh i0i o T. 0. WIIITFIELD. Dr. Richsard. Warren. Tise tetegmeun h ~ ~ receirei is a-s folavs-"RiciomtiWar- DSSuAuLI'. 1"Augrr.-Mn. T. P. White sen kilicti to-Ssy. Stayes- lu geol."1 bdrertlees for salé !200) sors furs-aI-ms Lest 'hlso-alyM.Wreaat- srning lande, adjoining ýWIiitevae. ceired titiings of tIre Soati, at Paint rhe land le usudendreitued asdlisaquel. Mita-, ofliseivile ofainolli ono, luMs. Ly cf tise silli nusurpesset lusr-ilhscs'Fred Viii'en. îtck or grain. \Vil bu sotSlunane sas-cal or tva ci 100 acres ceclis.Les-n FORt A VI81TrTvo rusOLu Couac- Sa's-sRY.-Mr. IR. H. Jameson, vufe sud CANNINOTON INtiORPtO5ATON.-Tleeo imily, an Mouday leet, icit ion Nev vasl great nojoicing nt Cenuinglon, Yos-k, fs-ivises-e, oun Tisnrsday, lise1 monget tise frientia cf incorsporation, 201i inst.,.lhey loée on tise Louieca, af Vueoday eronissg, mien il beosme tire SBle Lina ai Steemesipe, for Seol- ýnovathuaItVise by-tav Iset fiuaily pass- lent. Mr. Jamesaus intente turing bie bd. Abouti-e> vas lgito in houer stay eus lie ionsicalocf tlisaAtlantic, t tisé éenut. ta visit tirs Parie Exposition.1 Ms-. George Cortnaok also lait lisîst LîsinrTA CORDIAL.-The puore Lime ekfrSohntouieacne -nuitee for SeoCodial.. S-aigilfni be au as1lr 1.1oh.r. s u i s-erssîlu ---. - - à céo". -"uae ýLý ' %dy anti nearly eougiing Ibsîselvesta rulaLrec.MaL ocf tegrain 'aus bu ilouriaui taio tise *, rend ta your Druggist and boy à ig Lid giWo s andDu . dibil. -f Auaarus sLONG BALsAN, aud g~~~~~~~~~~ 'Ij lacd goer d nkn i.- mîî, confidentiy assure you, d) BOWtUnvlIUO, hRO been Wtrs,m>IL'S fLEDn.AnîUrNsPUuiq u i tel, f, 'liate sud sure. ý0 Cobourg jail, ou a charge Prisue ia acknowliragod tua h ie chitscipn ol le Sté Memre.. Glbbs & Pro.,, st, and zniait sfeetual Collgll remned «y-W-itfle;'J7121 Grenun. Sos other In gran op' atlons. Plem. li1he.marknet. Ta'y i, cîiin~' ~ aeid ~3Z~ ~ TOROUTO L-ezsrml.-..Tî. i fl fiIç. Mr. J*obu Gzilua i i#i, oi lt li 1 s iAnld boa Wiipubhiahecid Fad-s remii oi U , fo h UIpIIlS>!S 904. for 'agh e il eI I st Pl ed of Tis a ny &",Mme oc ontain a tise tir e u t p t r ofa~ ~ - u He n îý r J a es h .'. a Y, novai,«'5The"'Enropang." Tile story Sopeli ntisaboston cf tblgty Yom eA and a brotber aud eatr of Àmeias déen ut furopesu ir slststa ' Scalion, filec au amit and lte otiter Stise sorgehuatio vif, of a Gearaau l-Priuce, give lthe bock its tille. ItiI, in predioteul thal ihs awcrk viiiproveolise o~ f Mm.,Jamea'e voka anai altait a ilarger sitar. the attentli of tise rasai- lng public tissu dlii vss "The Ami-iil Ara..vihave evar beon te tbe Pro- er e lé House yull b. hntestedla Mr'. c Trovîdge'a pons, "Tise Old Mi cof thei Moumistel, lu lie July Arx.ornna. lu onoction viti this, vs > adries oui hresdems e mod Hmwthorne's ebamhng ehsorl stomy, "Th e 'st BSone Fac.,"l v hicb. wvus olier White Mounl a-atonies, eau be isatinl a veet-pookel a-volume entitled "Tales -oflthe W'ite 34th BattaiOn. 1 The foltowing changes eppeen lisMi )itis General Ordmra 1 '841h Ontario Bettailion cf lofant No. 5 coîpany, Part Perry.-Ensii Robet MLamen bavinÈ left limite h: namis ereeby remaveti fronifie IL cf offiéesfthef i Active Mhlitia. 1Mesao.-Âdveîtïngo Nu. 2S aige oral ardets (18) 81u1 msy, 1878, oni lie yard ",brevet" in lie permissiont Lieutenan-Coioüel Alexander Gre McMillan, ta retire r.taining tank. Na. 6 Caompany, Btookln.-To Lieutenant, William Smith. gentlemer M.S., vie Bnawue, promoted. Thoe nnual dril commences et Pct Penny on the 21s., malt. Prof' Tice'. Pragnoaticacians. The foliowing are Professer Tice' proguostiestions for lie remaintiero this monîl : 20 la 24-Fllisg baromater, niainl lampsraturc, ending in claudia, threetening weahes, with lieavy loe. nains and tisunder alarme. 24 ta 26-Rieiug banameter, faIile lempenans-e, clean or fair, but thundi showers wsut likely accan. 2010 80-Fialtiug banometer, na8iný temparatuna, genenaliy clondiug, tira ening snltry wcathsr, with very teav3 nains sud terrifie hhunden stonnis abati the 29th anti SOth. Tise PisieryAward., TRtOUBILE OVElS ST. Iu tise Houseof represeuletives, on Montiay, the Committee on Foreign Affaire reporteS lfs 1Bill for the psy- ment of tis Halieax Fishery avard. Gai, of New 'York, Bntier, cf Masse- chusetts, sud Spninger, oh Illinois, iss aS sevenat abjections anS points af onder, wbioh vere avenrpied. The S1peaker insisteS il was bise du ty ta pro- soele the passage of tise Bibi. Buler aud,.Cox made moet persistant shlorts toaetdrree tise Hanse, but wene met witb tond anti nepeated oeils ta order !s-om ail sides. Bntier ual yieidiug, tie Speaker caibetioouthseSe rgeanl.et. Arme ta do hie duty. -Wie Butter sas con- annring witli that officiai, the Speaker aild tise Seng-eaut lo iemgit netire. A motion tla djoota wsvoteS dowu, end a motion ta suspendi thé ruine sud pass lie Bibi wss ejeoteti by 155 ta 87, net two-lhirds in lie affirmative. Englaud'a Represieutatives ah tie Cou- le he- pn Lard Castlereeghls plein black coate attise Gongrs ocf Vienne, amiS lise bisaentioressanti ibhonessi hy by is co-Se-tegatca, le msttcs- cf itony, anS il mcy ba obsesredtihat Engisncl'e nep. nesenlelives et tise GongrsssoaIBerlin haeve nutal eingle stai os- ribban helven tisen. A les s cooatati Goves-nient lieu tisaI of Enguenti to-day p-oably vas neyer kuovn lu Europe. With lise exception aiflise Duka of ]BichmonS, vhis leK.G., alld Sit Stafford North- cote'. vio is a Comamusuof lise eti nol one iambes -af lie Cabinet lbas a dacaralian ai any sort vhateves-. 1h le probable tisaI aller lie Cougreas Han Maesty vili aveib harsebf sBovereiga "allite Orden aiflise Ganter tb create LordsBesaconsfialti anti Salisbury extra Ruiglils. Liverpoqb Market. SsR,-In tlse coturns of you- aioepy neigiban, lise Gazetle, tises-e appeans as suas-I editoniai "'ta Fermes-s," vliene lie iosinales tlus market -à s s-ieS by Wiiitby pnices fos- Wool, lisaie ual the case. Thie market lies-ois ual nuleti hy amy otia in tise Dominion, me pey avry coul vea cn dard ta for cr11 kints cf produos, anti aum priaae la-day for vol viiicampaeafavoreisiy vih any uanket viti ifsfty miles cf us, easî or vert, anti vitis regardti hocash payaient, tise ouly deiay given la fan-. enss e uvla tise huycn ha vlitiog out c ock nulths bans, muihijevitiu tise "lck of R vetîle" of hie neceivsg va-e- l'ause. I aiea notice ie takes a s-nb et you for enyisig c kinti vos-S(as yous eh- vu'yeSud) oi a ueigisbariug lave, as long as h e lun tise cousnly, anSiiule that you sire nui tIrise ta -Wiy's lu- tas-ast. Tigin ce istily fs-au a papes- visa qole pricesaet a miarket lu tus Townshsip, twcnty seven cents Isigher ion fait viseat ant i fve for aprinc tissu ch Wisitby, notable liaI at Duffinb' Cs-ek, liso pries quoteS as-o, fati, 61.18 ho 61.22, ispriag 61, sud et Whilhy, fait 90 ho 95 cents, spring, 90 cîs. la $1. Tous-s, &c., J. H. McCLELLAN. Communisu linCicago. tDE3tONSTRAION an AsiSsO 5',)IcALiss-s. Tire CommnisesoaiChsicago macle an impoaiug denionatration in tisaI oity on -Bunday bat. Tliay.-merce ths-ough tise prncipal eais-ctvh ted Slage anS socielietic oemisenis. About 8,000 marcieSlu the procession, sud 25,000 mare took part in tise exorcises eh ibl'o pienicu roundis. Tise procession vas headt y the Leisr anti- Weisr Verela, cernying about 200 rifles. Thoy vos- bine anti white uniforme, anti vitil lisananghisicipline anti glittoring leayo. nets matie a ves-y aaldies-y appestance. Tise Bobouian aha-psooters, fan7y museos, ela l unuýd ont. Tise aftsit vas lise moot quiet as meil as lise larg. est picuic Cicago aven 5ev. Spooches vers maSe by Persans, Belenoiekai, anS Tionsniark ias Eogliei, Bahemien sud Nanvegia. Paul Graîkan, lise Genmen, egiteton, ulospolipae. Thse Final anS Second Regisienl e me uute-arme 5ail day, ibut nover left, tli anmauniea. Ouby lvenîy police vas-e ou lie pic-nie groundis, sud nota aingle emneat mes mate. TIsé proceede ofiflie effair are ta atarI s Socialistie pape-, euS eaonled tac about 08,000. A Remankuble Resuit. Il malice no Siffernuca isour îusny 1 hsicians, an 1ev muais modicine yon bave tniesi, il je nov eun establisised fal tiat GermuBys-up le lhe only remedy sVhici bias given coi-t t ufacîson in aevere easep ai Luug Disauses, It ta Imsie lisre are yel Ibousantis cf persane via are prediaposedt o Turs-cu anti Lung' Affections, Cousumption, Hem- irisages, Astima, Beére Colts setled, -sn lie Brast, Psonmnioia Wbooping CùsUsgls,o., vha have ino pesacalt tuovledge of Bcschee Gemmais Syrop. ro snibire moniti eay Ihat 10,000 toz- an vere sobld Ist ysur vithouloeue cous- plaint. Cenampirs Iry jsulone bot- tla. Bégnler si£e 75 cents. Sltiby AUl i DrugglisehinAmaica .'Fe oge býrS, b,~ SeIth *t Ob, -s -k T, ry. Ign bsa lut ait oy i. of POLICE MAOIST1SATE. g g1r. Ebesi, secontiet by Ms-. Hopkina, us- moved thbM the eammittee ons appbica. lionsos esoffice be botructeti ta bring lu ig* a hili-ptssviding farthlie appainîment oi 4- a Polie Magistrale fan lha lava, anc ry ltaI lie connoil do now resolvo llseif ut iuto e cousmile ai lie viole fan the pnrpose cf cnsidering the malter. Mr. Ble ir dIS uat hing up tis resa- lutice for lie putpoae ai sdvoating lhs appaintment cf a PoliceMagisste. Many promincul citiseus cf the tovs hati apokesi ta hlm, nasohiman aiflise 'n commuioel ou applications ta office, nssying il voniti- ho désirable la appoint -a Police Magiets-stel se iu otheu lovue &rouindins. H. consitieredii i, --tises-erc, ubs Suty laehsiug lie ustteu -belote tise counoil. Hse cousiS net liii )f self seeabus msy cear ndnS oulS ic lco behor fro thie Mayor andi lieeve ou tise s ubjeol. Tic tain saki that e Police ir Mégisirata be eppoinleti anti proposes sa persan ho rccommcndcd taelthe Gav- ernnueutfanortus appainhmuent ; tisé r eaiany in 'places of 5000 sud oves- ha rogulatodtih ie Governiesut, eutdis smsbles places by tie tovu sud persan -appointeS. r lurs. Mayor Habten lied tisougst las- L sainie ime liaI e place like Wiiy', 1 lic coanty lova, vili a popuilion ho- c Iveen 8000 aSd4000 ohouiti have a tPolice Magistrats. Osisawa, Bornin- vilbe, Port Hcpc, Liudsay, Cabans-g, Peterborougli, sud alitplaces ci ehout -lte sire oaitbishbave a Police Mag- isataela alteulliu lis office avsry Ssy aI crtain lionne tlisar complainte. 1Hie experienelied roct besn us mol 1tise Reere -donUé at. The viole- ,tiens of tise Duukiu Actlied la ho Inieti 1belona lise Mayo-6 casas uov on hanS ta ho Iried oeil SahunSy-tis lakes np a groat Seat af ime anS eh- tentiou. Haelied boco talking mitîs a gentlemen fs-ami Bomenviiie, visa saiS tht fées more tien paiS tise sales-y ai lie Pouice Megltrate.fHe titi ual think lies-e ve'nitihoanay losa ta tise lovu lresaury in eppainting * a Polic Vsagstrate1,ai thiesasme lime providing thie tovu vitis au offleer ebvaysaet lieut ta Siscisasge hie Salies. Ms-. Reeve Harpas- sav siaîishr reason vby, e Police Magistrale ehaniti ho appainltd. Tise reeve vas nursteti viti but eniali paver, anti mauy eau- penetively amail affaire hat ta o slent ta tise Couhy Court, iucurrnug e great émcnul of cats ; ou accoant aifmiici lia prsicnes- sle ltoff mithsaeligisl puas- ishment, anti if the punisisment le in tie elispe ai e fione it gace m lishe cauuly tmsasnny. Nov, bilti e a Police Magutate, tise casé vonît he tscitiad ah once ah a sual axpenes, cnt lise flua vanbd go irulo tise lovu Incas- ury A. mach groaser amoant aifnia- gistcniab vcsnk vas dono lieu gentlemen at tise canoil boas-S imaginsti. Mn.RiasgfavosS lie apoinhnient ai a Police Magistncte, thiougis ha diS oct feel sanguine tiaI sîhe lees mould pey tha salami. Ws ara peaceahie people bore. .- Ms-. Catmpbi ev w one ncesaiîy for a Pole a Mgisîrata. Ms-. Hopkins nsiMs Wicks conula se oaWnlaeinha l aing e Police luistraee; Ihene vas but listha mark of tiat sort la bé donc. Mn. Hammam faroredthti appoint. ment af a magistrats.t The MJayors pake ta show tise amonot af raaautes-ll onk doue. Ha fait cer- tain lie. fees monld caver lie seiary. f Mr. Herpes- home ontthlis talanients ofthle Mayar. On niotions afluis. Ring tise commit-î tee as-ose, repos-ted progroeaaetsekot FINANCE. Mr. Ilarper brougit in the report of the Finance Commuitte asciefoliows The stanuding committes on Finance beg leave ta repart That liaving in company with Mr. Shier visited the iocality Whsre the nuisanoccomPiained of by Ontario Ladies' Golge le sitneted, and haviug consuited w*ith him as ta the best meaus of abating seid nuisance, YTur coniltee are of opinion that the best wgsý ta drain ail the sasteru Part Of thse bown will b e aig a ditchi oamm116eing at the intersection of Blairs' sideline and the creek and ex- tending il north ta Coiborne atreet, whioh waufd cause ail thé stagnant water ta mrn Off in a very short timxe, and at a comiativeiy emal cost abat. said nuisance. Tour committse aiea beg. ta recoin. mond that .an opinion of slame legal gentleman be obtained as tu. 1h.8 right at the corporation ta carry on such works, as above mon tioned, on property belonginglo ,privats parties, t a void unneossssry litigation,aua au lhe reooipt of saisi opinion (se fat as wouid not in any way embanrass this corporation),be emnpowereil' te instruot Mr. 'Shier )ta proceed witli survey of said citch, go as 10 eneble theni ta ask for tenders et es, eeriy a day as possible. Tour aommulîee aiea beg ta report, that they have reoeived lMr. Bluers positive.aesurance that a large and suf. ficent snppiy ai weter for fire and allier p.!Urposes ea4 be abtaineul, at a pressure ta reacli aven any building at pr.esont ereteci in this corporation, at a cote- perativeiy siail cast, cansiderlng the vaine Of sid work, viz :-82o,00oo; the Oum, ho0wevýer, is st Prssenttoo large for tbis corporation to expend, but your omîittsee ara cf opinion that, as lhe &own grows, and if îaufaotu*ring warkg be eI-ected, the doubt heratofore ex.prsssed as ta lihe advisabiiy of ai. tasn gPncper works wonid lien b. Report a dopled. fJ TEE WBOT. lit. J16per, souded by Mr. Blowi moveêd h"$,is Woruhip $1u8IMayora- 4811d tO theit and9 Sth oni01%1 #04 hb Rïig Rpb lo, -Wnretr FrOmtheSeoetar oftheLacsr club, .uk for ses of market gnouss tl play a Iýacme muatà on Saîui'ds ai*srdoon, next. P roi iUeut. col. Wal, plt uo é tiO oloce Maqialmst..ly 8PElIl(40. Yong Smith foriudi thé tiyaiet finteu or pïlcipial 0 a lewn, d*lýentars of #Mo0, belti by Ju Cameiron, à .8ilvai hie, (Mr-. Suitli frcperty, ahoe ilti rCeived no vau te mside. MÙM Hasabs-osght in the repos cf the conwxltee on Ps-iutlug, races mendlng pay ment cf eccontefcfhui Sany I; J. B.,-R*eto #. 5tlaE3rs ANSI>msavsaszwgr. Ms.Baibrought uîlhe report cf Ih cmlteou - Strelw and Imptore menti silwing tleeaxpffeaditureonuthl differmensftaJobaà beau:-Br-ac 'mud9~u~fs8xgersJiWmrti 080 ContrsWà , 0177 ; 'Basé Linoe, 872 South Ward, #115.11 The comlitte. have on itand -1 carde of iroken utoue an4, 10 cordao nroken etone, e!ai visici is paii for. . . The. commke. ai s Wfurlhe- graul o: $400 ta keep 3rock sali Dundas streoli in rapsir, aunifat Lynde's orcek bitdge Thïe xppsiditans of #150 on Blair' sidelino ieslo recousmenaed. Re. port adcpUëd.. las iMAiRKET OOUNDS. Mr. Hmnnain, secaudei y Mn. Burusý maved fbit tise Lacrasse Club be gnantati lb. use cf lie -market grens Return of ail anme of maney. expPnd ed during the lest twelve months, fc the purpase of maintaining and Sul) porting, Insane destitute persou,;, re ceivefi into the gai, ofý the county o Ontario, for the year cnding 10tlh da] of June, 1878,1in accordeuce with chap ter 179, sec., 1, Revd. satutes Ontaic 1877. Amount paidl for examination o, Lunatice, $60 ; amount expended foi food snd repaire, for the support o, seven lunatics, for an aggragate period of 287 deyssuri. lunatios beiug coufin. in th onty Gai, 41.50 ; Amounl expendcdl for ciothiug, $25. J. E. FAREWELL, Clork of the Peace, Co. Ontario. Submitted to tho grand jury, of tite June Sessions, 1878 Acçounts of moneys neceseary ta be advauoed, during tie next, nun twelve monthe, for the purpose of main. taining and supportimg, insane destituto persans, either in the Comnion gaol, or sanie other place with.in tile Caunty of Ontario, fo r the yeer next ensuing the June sittinga Of the Court of General Seeseoue of the Peace, for the County of Ontario, pursuant to Revised Stat. utes of Ontario, Chapter 179, sec. 1. lor the support of James Thonipron, rsiding witls Mrs. 1-unait Stanks, and o to reside, 052 ; for the. support in 9801, of lunatice for au aggregate of 800 laye, 00; extra aulowance for above, 80O; for support of euy lunsitio, Whio nay retquiîre support, but whose case ca o en reported, 050 ; for exain- ýnation of unuatios, 1975 ; additiorsal lothing, 625. J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peaoe, Co. Ontario. For the. maintenance -aui support )f tise lumatios of the county of O)nt. nai, we, the. Grand Jury for tbe County )f Ontario, at the sittinge, of the Gen. !rai Sessions of the Peae, lcid June, 1878, do preseut the suni of tvo mn. Ied dollars, exclusive of examuinetion fises.ILIE Faramnan. LoanD DFFsaRs.-A apocial furthpr sys th. Landau cornespondent cf lhe Manchester Geardiao says lic. Col- onial Office wished Eanl Duffenin ta, re- main in canada as Governor-Oeneraî another terni, bot Lard Dufferin de. clinesi, andi retuns ta Engiand lu Sep. a oi Et F DuAaBraà SADà »DYSEiqTEEit arca"pot. lisps tho mnoat comman of Our. every day ileg. andi evcry persan nearly lia sanie epeciel cure of them aown. Ours le Pamny Davis' PDIN Re MLER, antil ier- « sdit for ma' years w.eao cou- The expenditure cf braiu power toc, earlyci 6ôoserly in ohildrein aften en OUI debility; 1h, ns. &un Saseloa of lise Pesoad Cc by - Cous-t. su- CIVIL BIDE.- ÀY~C. A. Jonoo oPtor ria rrveo n a leape. Il SPatenmoni tor plinilf, -Verdici O'Donoeaa ts. Lyil s i 1 .-wA, sue o9, reimry note. W. HR. Bu for lsintiff, Verdictfor i ti Meesor au. UssasuPbei-Àctibn' Is nIcurer bailpoe'due du lauber cons a-Defentiaul contendeul ail lise lai ued neifor vas ual delivrnd. HM RO p oIrfor plalulIfi ; J. z. Fao fer defendti.,'Yerdit for plai, ho ,Clarke:. eBe'an.-Withdravus ,a- Pelloco Vu. .Prmoli.-Wihlravs W -'ssé ta. N att.-A ction of ' ko WhlEq gii n.Motti, J or;sf. Port Perry, luW ecc*er pria h ors. saiS nuder distte. iwrrant, gally oiaeuèdby Sefenca 'oal .6 cgee. J. B.- MoDaugali gend D. Or ofton fan plaintiff; N. FP.' Palterson iddefentient. Ver-dict for. piainiff . $80. of Camnpbell vs. Stabback.-Actîi Spromlesory notla. C. C. Relier for pl 11f. Verdict for plaintiff for $191.1 7'i Mou-a-ais s. Brce.-Action la a-cover mages. J. B. Farewell for pl tiff ; N. F. Petteroon andi Jue. A. Glllivray for defendent. Pisintiff z suiteS. a, Irvine vs. Rutmbsll, et al.-Ac' M la recover damages for asanît wrvngfui taking cf gootis. N. F.1 torecu for pliutiff ; J. E. MoDou far defeutisut. -Vas-Sut far plalitif ,$15 anSdlise relurnofallié gcoda ciai Mar.slîall vs. Bell.-Actipn ta caver clamages for allaged vian )f saizuma cof gooda, sttetotahave beis ,det ta plaintiff, as har sapas-ste propc If J. E. Farewell for plaintiff; W. Biblings for Sefeà dant. Verdict for fendant. - Tu-oued-aie te. Colliss.-tsBemanc- e Joherelan vs. Collimi.-Remanct. - CRIMINAL BIDE. t Tihe Querir vs. Jas. Yorung ansd B a Meohewse.-Tiroving atones et. On Ts-onk Baibvay Train. Verdict gui tPnisonars fines 6$15 ecdi. J. E. Fa rwell, fat Crovu ; G. Y. Smiths, ;,prisones. r Tihe Qrtecs v8. Jcocb Staujey.-I cen oauf piaugh ant i sfliatrees. 'V Siet ual guilly. J. E. Fareell Crovo ; J. A. MaGiiivray 'for prison PILEeSiENTET. Tise foibowing ie thei preeutment tîse grand jury. Ta Hie Hostos- Zecheuis Buu-alear, e 1Chiuman of lise said seesion8, a L1tolise Juelicee cf lise Peace 8esnbled : Tise Grand Jury beg ici report, tl et thc requash ai youn Hautn, Il hava visiteS lise Lock-up for Ibis tai aud finS Iiu ncvery way unf Ited farn parepose fan vhich it le useS, halbI as: garde siza anti vcutiation; it conta. iug bat oee aisl roain, 12x10 leet, mhicis oriminabe andi trempe of bu sexes -'ars confineS togathes-. 'I Graund Jury voniti recousuSd, liaI t attention of lia proper sinîioritiee SirecledtilaerS lise malter viti a vit cf ailevialiug lise evil - Tise Grand Jury have aisea viaitc t Gai, anti louaS evcry departîs dlean sud lu proper as-Set, antiremat ing great cretiit upon tise gaier, lu Martin. Theeisao et ps-osent ouly ai pnisoues- conflueS tise-ia,anS Se i8 lnnatie or cfunusounti mint. Ticir atteution hes aiso bccn d5mev by tic Croîvu Attorney, Mn. Fameve. lavar nde sMs-s. Stark, wviasake t ciS las- thesupport ai an adopteS sei via, by lie avideuca psodncet, aliou bs aI once placeS in s Luuetic Asylun as if thia ha not doue, a grant oainn tesa tisananedoas-pear yack saula1 paiS Mrs. Stark, for hie maintenant as eppears by hie report iseretaanune: cd. BF direction cf yonr Houas-, ti Gs-anti Jury prcsenî mussestimaI. suas hug the aniaunt aoflira hundreti dallai icishiscy cousidor vili ho uiccessai for tise riaintenauce ai tic insane this econnty las- tis e nniog yem. . They aise isg ta congs-etulatû you flouason th isehiscsofitise C-ini 52eendâr. Ali of vîsicis is reepeetfully subisi EDWARD PILIÇIE, iliat Jua, 1878. Forenias ik vitio i toru cf W andhy iianta rpajioefo is$out]irnea 'sa anons o rssa an tsatJon goiag forardtiquihcthy but eariiestly. lmf -Tweedîe be camisioner la axpenc tisa Experiencoti Indien figisîcre anti fron- mi -sainie ; iliat tise auriai $15 bc expenti. tiensmen hetiove licro hsae gneral up- Nrt- eS lu greveiling appasite lots 34 anti 85 risissg of cr1liste Inibes anti soatîcred con., inl tise let con., andti ta Walter Me- isancilii-ongboul Southsru IdahsoaSd acres G regar -sud A. Os-vis he eotumisaiouers Eastsrn Os-gn, andti ta thcy viii hoc Sout] for lise sainie; tisaI tiSamii of $15 b. able taenineler a Ilionsansi varriore. TE expeutied hn graveiling an Oui cou., euS An amigrant train detaineti et Parues' 10 le tisat Alex, Wilson hae comnissoncir for Ferry arriveS la-day under thse escart more lhe sainie, aivountes. Tises-o las lbouno na On motion ai Ms-. Davideon, seceound- stages tiîrongh frai Winnemuca sinie lers ed by Mn. Bickic, Wisitlaw Hait sud lises-aid. Tic Rebtou -anti Baise cily seve: John Thomison veto appointi cai- s-astihas not been Ssturbeti since As missouns la grandl abouý 85 mode op. tises-aid an King Hhll Station ou lavis pcsita lot 26 iu GIs con. 8let h1ay. Thsss-ente le considared Town lur. John DaviSan ints-otuced e by. sale, anti stages ana anuing segulsnly. Cen., la la oropeal claunoss 5anti6 ocf by-iaw Itleisrumoometi e large, banS of hores geec No. 497, anti for cther pus-poses. TIsé bave beau discovencti on tie souhidte icrio by.iaw vasus-alt li ecoesary nurohs of Snake siver bolveen tha maouthaifs-cm nt limes euS passeS. Ils îassing ivas tisaBrusuandeuS Moutiay'ea les-ny. RaiN opposeS by Ms-. H. Ilickle. Tihis vsuld indicacutistaI tle Indians aliE On motion of Mr. McTsiggart, secondà . ares cndeevouring la gat beck vithr issue e5 by Mn. Devitison, Ms-. A. Ornes anti etolen stock taelise Lava hetis. mesci J. Tweedie ver. appoinîcci camisson- - 7-- par, ese laexamine lte approachos imadtie 15 TsODo'-IAN pM- on Rai TuE LDES MA in PSMr. ohnOs-llit Ivo bridges on the Srdl con., opposile Illackvoii, lias diai, utîvarte aI 106 18eh bot 85, anti repos-Ita lutis counicil ah ils erof'g.R wabrnith nisit meeting. iysn icg. H a benl ie For Counil adjour-unutil tise finist couut i f Limerick lu tise year 1772. nedy lulcday in July. He jssincilsliueYaamsinry Cavalry atI Fs-an tîso aga of 20, aud servyS hou ydaXs. FREs opas-a Ity-Acion uN er. Wlsen 24 ha marniedti le daugiherof Feane as-c enterteinctlin luPanis of a ncv Ms-. Nobla Lssevand merciient, afilise Jn itep y the Mouirhis-oi at city of Limerick. Me camue la Canada retionrpI sryitopwe, .i u1825, and otieS iu tise' townshsip cf Si, reactiensryHeiniatty loto ste ta thi lie oujectoh inflnenoing the S vso inhiy. Ha othlon istetiluvit1885ie clochocns, andti tias eaving te uetin Woeicya MtsadÉi e lu - 185h. oif aneviaion of lise ConstituthoOp.iosnis open155 Mru.a oe s~Blackveib Jiam ince realded mt TEl for thxaa ycsrs longer. UnlèsguIllaenu haesans. 0f bis'il cilttren, C eurvive J ho ans tie epulicns resus-e of aliii, anti ho elso baeves 57 granticiilti- ban 'majenity lu lie Sonate, tret ren, 75 great-g".iaehilde, ant iee - and chair anti reoeivei injur-ies liaI iihea ordiuamy plesaume hte, !leil "FaIhem" bnd ber i# $vo boute. - Moral :-Yoang BlagPtvell, asiehéposI'e.eeila-réuIan'lveon re giraolshcid sot ail in a rocking chair memcny, eud his ereulful Ile .fu'niseesl <li unlsa hor laa trôg Yungmaninreminlacaences vith wiicb lie o w d (L -t boa *$io -t, 11 'V126rf, >unty "ce. let ipeoson.-Apparotus,&c~a ir McRee, tu2;, Mrsé.Wood, fo'goodg voiX omrecUloir in à aaeparate roonu. enpplied boJohnbaCirns,.11 ; B. Orgeaaizaios. -Discipsline ea - ac'Wý ist, fir-goode supplloti te M. Looi, $22 ; D. Brovn,fom gootis supied ta flnwmes.-A ple grannd'-of ulecentl13'-B. Wigmore, 022; GsO'Goulie, for dimnsan lpeelry rqir & id te thé Allen fanly, 1022 ; aa. th Iis schooL Itlal impossible for file Butan, for aidto Henry Brovsn, 016.- a for pphtalep roparreration or ex- 60; B. Bnnting, for &id1 ta Mma. Beau- erclue vitisout goiisg lta tisretseof mont, $16.60 ; anti te Bol, Lancoaster, lit lo u, vitci Il lenoed les tc s ay le 0#» .50,; M . Glee on, aid to F 'm im[g. LoV neirabla." - hs > ani anti iifé; 822, Colin iipfor 3tr.<OLÀtN à É ahttoAsaWilson,, 018.20; E.'Tay I fo 5OEOL'ATENDNOE. for aid tb W. Woodmnff, #b 60; HeRa Lto HenrY Street., lot,for aid IoPhlip Hda 88 inaOu Bail. Averaoe K. Br-own, for relief ta J. H mans,15; ffsgs Boys-----------..187- îoti W. HHIgina, foi psinting'anti 1dver- irl ...............98 68 tising,4058;,.Brovn & Paîtaecuo, for s s-e- DanSas-sI.oad sereapr, 47 ; M. foraase- ii Ir a c , B y s - - - - - - - 8 - c ui tti u g d o w n h il t o n e t i c O n . t lo t 8 6 , nirt Girls---------708 8 68 21.50;W. E. Yerncd, fOr ers'e,I; mlle Gils ............ 7868'Dr. Fennies-, for professionaItaletin cej 1. M.1 john-sI. ou Stark fauiily, 88.50. aeuel BaYa---------.i ...62 46 Thé follcving gi-ente vse meade toa -Aif Girls---------......55 48 indigent persoa frai lot ue tiste 2 H. igi SýsboI I1&11l Forme. Sltef Dsoamiser, 1878 as foliova -4 s. Bys---------.....20 2 Witiaw Jehnolon, 75 cents par veek,- 9.Grs.....~ Geo. Par-ker.- caimisoner; jWitiow i.: P., i ..............81 28 Young, 1 par veek, J. & D. Macua, T., ., - Rig schi II & V Poms. comisioners ;- Whdaw MalBes, $1,1 cf a -BaYa---------27 23 pot week, Jas. Wlsileide, commisa-1 ili Grl-------17 14, Gais-u,,50 cents pear veek, SUSTEIBUTION OF PaLIZse. ~---iaîe;Mri ,for- Ms-. Ferry, secondeS hy Mr. Camp- Lomsi75cnee S-". igmor, $1Mer rfor 'bail, moyaS liaI $40, the sanie amounulcmisoa;St.Wgoa 1~ non la yesr, ie apprapniaec for psires week, D. Brwcm isinr le tain- Hemr-at Sehoal, $17 ; Dundas-et, $18; tOusunr tr ssy 1ps t. ad John-st 810. arie. e vek, Thos. Hamilton, cxmmiasionas- re- Mr. Roinson infrmasite oard HeumY Brown, 75 conte pet eek, Ge, li n- thl t, in lie upp r form e » of t ia Hig li B u rton, com unleelne ; M r . B ea - « Mo5ý Sohool, itlduhibeiipossible ta hld uMount, 75 cents pet veek, B. Bumtiug, sou axuxietinsfor prîzse, as meh pupa coOmusiOier; Bait anale,5 an ti te c e s w er a u al y ng ge et- cnts p r w e k, B . B unti ug, com uis- lien~~ ~~ liguoievr a i ntaedniete siaor; A. Miller, 75 cents pet week.,1 sd sd University. examinaions. H a Ths. luo kiouse, c amm îleajner ; N. p t- wouit, owvevr, sugget. a th é oarti W otimff, 50 cents p r w ek, E. T ay, agal le propriety of fferng p ies ta ahi tomm iesines; A. Etoner, 81 p r e eel, t ff fan whoauceedo in passing tie III. lass John Oddie, commissiÃ"e; Mr. Lappz oa. Tachers, tie Intermeiate sd Uni- 50 cents pr week, James Taylor, coi-t e- versity cx m ination . m is elnet', glul Mr. Pas-y, secoaded by Dr. Cesson, M.,Spnk, secondaS by M. Hoover, îg. m oved tia I 20 ho app tp iatet f r r e , that tie ale n m ade by D r. M e- nlty. pries lu le I. andi II. forme of the GtU], F. W. Gln anti J. H. MeCetin, Higi Soool, andti lai a pize f $1 bé to py off in atvance, tie Pikering de- given ta eacsci cholat vis apssese thetHerbntrCompdu y'onDthe enlures, anti III. Gises Teacisers examinalian, $2.50 ts nectSeo i opn' o S escis for the Inlermetiiete, anti 8 cadi' bantures ta luis corpoataion cn teIle îs -for lie University. of Juiy, ou condition 'tisaI his coupons- Mn. Post, secondaS by Mn. Powell, lion rebat. tise interest ta the saiS - moreS in amaentmeut tisaIIthe amounts oompsny, st the rate of 8 pet cent for mu-an 62.50 anti 8 ha changeS la $2. lelm1opi uatvne s cet ýsn On tise amendiaient bain- put, cd, aud lia t lersk lac, sud tieneby5 itY Messrs. Powell, Post, anti Ganipheil authorlzesi, to-henti ovot la 1h. maidi ira- valed in favor of it, sud Messrs, Pennyý Pickering -Herber Company tia Daien. for Garsnsaissd:King agaluat. The chair: taras anti cupane due on th. Blet cf1 Mass decîsadtheis amendnt carrneS July nei, ou raceiviug from. lie saiS 1a- Dr. McGibt, F. W. Glen anti J. H. Me-C Ver. ADEISIC5TE5HO. Clellan, or auy ana of tlicm, île faceA for Mn. Powell, secondeS by Dr. Carson, valua af the asi, lese 8 per cent lu-p neru. mavedti tisIlte chanman af lhe Psi-l- erést np ta tisa Siet day cf Jsily. Car-E ing Cômmitte hac hstmuchedti a stver- rieS. ' tise tise scisool 1inlih Globe anti ans of Mn. Hoover, secoustia by Mn. Monk- it of tha Lindsay papere. Camicd. hoase, mayas, that J. L. Spink be, anti DucAvINo MAsER. is eranby authos-isat, ta cati ou lteB sq., Dr. Carson, secondeS by Mr. King, feuce-viavere la dacitie sud destenmlue, S and moved thet lie board psy lur. Brownu viet is lieehet course ta punsue in lise H -' $1 a veek le 15e1 h.wriling and tisaw- hutereet of ihie corporation, la provide I i n g i n t i a i g î S h o t .f o r l ie r e rn i e a i af t h é s u r a c e w v e e n o u hat Mn. Campbllti trangiy objecteS ho the Kingston noati, fronting Iota Il anS 0 bey tisa empioyîanl of luis.oBravn, aay3ing 12, ou condition tise other parties in- Ti wu, tisat tîce ho vanteS ta teamu cinaw- Icresheti bear hall the expause, aud ne- CI teing shauld psy for il hheniselvea. ponýt, a luis council them decision, C n- Messre. King sud Penny poinleti ont OCa oieS r.Muho ,coi-D lu-. liaI the Govaromeul grant, du accaunt ila Onetionofluis.Mnsusa , 8o uny iu af tise erploymnt of tuis leacher, cl dounti1h1San-dy,1 Toinl ils wouid ha increase telacaver tise ex-nel ha pensea ocasionad. -___ lie On a dfi-ion being ciiiied lise yeas A Wifc Cuts off Hcr H'nsband's head i heansd netye'W-e svw Yeaa.-i.sr. Carson, Messrs. Kinsg anti A doniestio ts-agetiy of silmosl nopas-i Pers-y. aWaied atroeity lias laken place attsa lue Neye. - Messrs. Powell, Campbecl bsn of Burhkeville, Va. Jaunie Milser Fl saut anti Post. Thc chais-juan vota ith beheadoti lier lbustin, Anderson Mil-.Ba cet- tis auys anti ccaresi lie motion lost. ior, visila llsey vers aI breakfast. Il 1> fs-. Mr. Robineau cekedth ie isoardea per. asenis liaI ho was of a cool, quiet taen- os )e mispsen ta calIcot a fao fronitisé pupile per, but aise, hie betten-haîf, wes noter- Go 8 a of tiesé chool te pey Ms-. Bro. Per- houeliserecibouts as ci hanter. Tisa Ivo p, mission vas granteci. iati been ssaleti at tisatable but a fev Ap vuminutes vheu Mr. Millesrventurodtieta H eSNACE.renias-k:-"Wife, iiero'e a llylunlise P fr Ms-. Powell irouglit i0 tisa s-port of gs-avey." At lisis Mme. Milles- fineS np, B or, tise Fisrance Comuittas,rs-somnientiing anti ecreanictiont, "Tiîat'e hahevay Ha -id piryment af the accounts of J. 8. Rab. vils yau, yon as-sail tise lime hluding Bsi mu; ertson, 615.56; Jno. Blow. $6.49 ; Jas. fal." Tise husband saiS, -Oh, noa; I wo aot Johoalon, $250; Jaa. luurray, 8497 ; just happenedt ielise fly andS hought W- be A. J. Wighst, *s85 H. Tsonipson, $2. 1 vouidte lI you." Tis punky'ývoman L- cie Reprt adopted. repiied, l'Yesu are a lies-, hies navet got 1 Boardadjouned. n My ravy" IWomtie multiplieS, FI anSdin a litîla visite Mme. Millet as cf è ie Whitiy Township Council. wcltzing arouudtihie nooni smashiug up 'Pr r oo iil I l o o k l n , J n o u e tr S 1 8 7 8 . F i ua l ly , v i e n t i s e h u b a n t, v i s a l i d b r e. I ue il mtpueuattea djouma- by liselhie gaI hies ans up, ondes-oS be af m ent. A l l tis e m m bere present : tie ife la ]cave tiseliase, ee ran o t dSe Bev ntechais-. Minnute of last anti ecized an axe wisich vas ou tisa isj ir meotin g reati anti approveti. Tisa paroi, and rnehina baceto lise hnsband tar ,ai Reeve reati anti laisilapon lise laite tis etsaIt Irin a licavyhiow aunlise bacit of ti foloving petitioue :-A. T. Turner andtihie lieS wiite aist ah lise table." fHa us. f. îreo othars for s grant ta iniprovo trieS la gel np, but ais e neatodth iep" tise ride waike ou tis e s' aide aoflise blov visicis foeti dhini la lise grosini. D crcok, lu tise village of Brooklin : Wm. Thet in10lhar brutal ragee segvere thle - Smiths and 20 aIsoe for tisa building of issas fron tisa botiy.Pu laoid n viilslIs biarjAtoh ws goug1;ou 0 ail whe re suff«rîng freni lheerrra andi indliscretins of yul, ervus Pknes, early tecay, lsa cf1n=ho,&O., nil, senci s recite tisaI Ol pure y on, RER F CHARGE. Thsi great remedy ts discovered by saxsslsîonary iu Seuthi serica. Seuil a sall-addreased en 1eis lie RÈV. Joszr T. Iocewe, Sdiet&rP ible Buse, Newe 'eork Cuty. 'EW ADVERTISEMENTS. UCTION 'SALE 0F! LANDS A»D APROVED -FARMS, AT TE TOWN OF ORILLIA, 7Thw'&lay, l18th du/y, 1878. rha slriscuiber w'sol fer fr saleallihe LLLIA HOUSE, Orill, on Thursda, .of Jaly 1878, at 10 o'clci, a. m., ie wing dliice landesin ha Townships af ici e d M a r i : RAMA-Nrth hall là , 4 co., 100 acres. tii issl 15, 4 cou., 100 acres. Senti- 116, 4 con., 10 acres. &ÂR-Nrtlihhal 2,11l co., 100 acres. rh hall 4, 13 con., 100 acres. Lot 8, 18 te200 acres, Est hall 12,12 con., 100 es. West hla12i, '12 con., 100 acýre. it hall 1, 12.cn., 100 moes. ýERMS-Ten par cent ai pue mqney ) paid aI lthe ime aifsae, ad nenugl seî ake up twenly.fivo l>r cent. te b. ibeoe lo an Tuary, 1879.- The balance .fur annuel inatkalients, wtth lu. m1 on uupaid balance, at le rate at en per cent. - se0, cil thc sanielime mnd place, lie.foi.- îig vaIable mproved lr, li tieý vnahu, of Mâar- -W est hall Lot 14, inu 6h t100 acres ; about 60 acres 'cleared, ilseil, fair buildings, firat-.cies ne, h- cati, and aaient twa and s-hall miles nlBrchsi, s statiomioe' tse Midian lway. Po sessinulot Octber, 1878. iRMS-One-Iiftli cash, orscuediib". elcoynote, payabslaoJanuary, 1J7 i i g l aI 3anuar, îaci, w ithi nl ter est t cent. n unaiti balance anuualy., ,nssibr lthe plae, "lOilla Hous," lia Remember the day, THUBSDAT, JULY, t ten o'cieci, a.m. or Inter paniculamsa sPlr ta A. Heu- yOrituia; ,J. iB. 129.u llooln; à Eï Glibb, Oshawa, or te'0 0., DAWES, Antioner, Fort Ferry. 12th, 1878. t8l-26). hger Sewn Machine 'AGENCY. ýN -PEU ENT. OFF ALL SEWIN~G -K Â C HI N ES, lfor 80 Ses, iL P air. FueuusnauVU lagpiiing a gsrapnty - io n ,b ar ., a n d i h ad a lly oa fld ft r , u s us a frther suppy -Wi$luu deley.! By-wsAu 0rIensTTiors.-..Âsk fo Dr. Thomass' Eciectrie OI. Se.oltha the., sig n a t ur e cé f 8B . 2 ! a o s a o n w r as p w- pe, an& 1the nawos cf Noruth"c & Ly ian are blown in the boIle, Zanti eo nso ater. Soiti by -ainmeicine-ade- rs.ý Price 25 cl. NOýRTRÈÃ"'Oe LYM AN , Toronto, O t. r z , A i- the Dominion. NOTEm-9cZeic-Belected andi EL Te s e e m a y ' b e n t h R s al i t i l u h IL b U u i t tEe Notices of, Bis-lic, Mus-u-iage*, ansd Dealhs chiarqged 50 cents each. HARROWEB - MeLAEN. - 011 the 5h mt., -at ths residence f flic bride's mother, by tis Bev. B. Chaux. bers, R. W. Harrawer, ot Whilby, cf the finr of Hamilton & Harrower, merciants, ta Kate, second dangliter of. the lae Robert McLaren, Golden grve Pickering. D E Â T H . WILLIS-ÂI Whilby, on June 151h mest., Nlorman George, youngest son of Mr. Robert Willis, ged on. year and- four menthe. WHITB Y MARKET. OaoNuCxc.OMMez, JUine lGth, 1878 rileur,erbrI ........46 So .a ha ... 61010 #1 C2 Sprng Weat ........... 90@ 60 95 Barley,............... 0 50 ro $0 6o Pes.................. 00ow Peas, black-eyed ....$1 00 C4$040 Gem ..................Oc12 (0 ppeay ..................2 @10< Potatles........ ............0Pan. Eggs..................oe 1c1lu Butls'r ............._.150 @ 18c Wood .......... .......83 50, 4 4)0 Weol ................- 0 20 @ ou Beef,iind quartèr....5 50 @80. k' Bsci, fers quarter .- 50 5p 0 W Sheepsktins .............. 100@6X, 2 ides ...................5 00 @55se Pork, per cwt ........... 5 00,@ $&60& Lambs..........ý2 e60' 3,(l oalvns ......... .......... el » >01005.......... ..ltb .urnus ................0e ll. liarsse................. c @ lic. Chiccans, perpair. 235 @40c I-ses par lb ..............7c00 Turkeys, par b.... 8o 10' PORT PERRY MAEETS. Fort Ferry, Jane 1%1h, 1878. 'heal, spning ........... ,. So 88 -8 0 g fheat- feUl........... .....( 0 go l 60 Flur,.......... .......... 00 0 ariey ....................000 090 ?as........... ............ 055 060 )ats .......à ............... 080 0 85 'lver See ....... 800 a W5 ctatos..................0 45 0O()0 liJes.....................00o 600 îrk................... 450 500- eutter ............... ..... 008 012 7ggs .....................0 09 010 fa ............ 12 00 12 00 se! ..................... 550 600 Vooe .................... 200O-800' V_01o..................... 018 018 Eppa'. Ccaý-aTMLAN O sine-NG y a thorcagli inowledge af tiie atrai laws whihligvern h. apoations di(gestion sud nutrition, and by a crsn plcation cf thee de prperties af weli. aected coco, M. -Eppa las erovided ux. akiasl tables wth a deliat si davourea average wich rmay save us many eayy ocor' bis, Itlela thle judicous use el ach rticles cf diet tht s constittinma gmadluafYuly u p util strong enongh 1 esist ev ry enden ey te issas.. Hu i. scie of subte maladies arc flaing aeranut ready te allsck wlierever liera je a weak clut. We mer escape many a faal shslM ykeepiug oureves weil frtilisawitr ne bioce and a proporiy noupabedfrMsse." -Civil Service Gcrets-Soid niy r ù ecke s labellsd - "~ i as E o's & C .,. ANNIJA&L PIC-N Tise Animal ie-Nie lu aida oflie Bt FunS ai the oima Cathiso f l-Wh ant i Oha, vhll ehda t AININI1S' _'G RO0 NERBOSHIAWA, ON SDominion ]Da MONI)AY, JULY lut. 1878. 556111e on 8 l 1 1 " ý z rei 1 1 --, 1 1 Licensed Aum ceLd an Lrlli eriss. F'OR Si ACRES OP1* 910Oo eAEMI-NG Lâ thle Village ai WitelC me opc l ru- ofaI' thlie cousty, anti foi- et gra-in lar s-ml nmrae eti, matereS, anti nSe-tira lies-écu a- afflcieu union bnidag, lossclng antifuel., T. P-.WB Wliterale, Jane 17, 1878. -"HO!ofTOR E oHEAP RA~ Spýecli alatention je calel Mi"Ocean Steanssiu lins A B INBED STAI Wl viièlcarry lieTUileS $t Mil.Steerage rate, Wbit - setirnr is New York orPl tiraI clas s rü-alane l Philadelpi or Nem York s $76.00. Cablu anS, iinets Bi-6 E. STEPEENÉO Dom. Tsi. Ca. P tIBLIa NOTBinCe le c «J oaccouns 'siIlu fn ut the Corporaticn ci lia Ceua nsesu lie sane, crthe vos-k for,ihuve been prerisssaaly os-S bythe councsl.' 1 30H1 Coualy Cietk'a office, [ Gazette give oeieu a-ila -' ALEX. WILSON,.Asgiui MM00 À 'sicOas us-rausbuu thfmpnsee t=srsd=emos dcusltr etc.. bis k5io rmuteeybas s-eneta- Fat her8tafford', Mrs. Hutton's Grove, DEBTUEN TICEETS An SI] JLRLooRailways froinTarent -Petes-isct', Oshawa Wsliy, D lomvusuille, Port pies-sy Otil coisocon ,Eoeut, Bahcoyl termsediate stations. - Games anS cther Ause prises lunsconey flasaicceesini vil b. provitied. A afas-iai Lindisay, juuc 6,1l878. JAMES MANIè DEALER-IN ROOFINO MA TE OFFICE: Corner Front- snd Lomue TORIONTO. liay SIl,18, CHANCERy S 0F VAà LUABLEý MILL 'PROPE p URSUANT a an onrdesof lb - Chancery ilu tit, ' suit ci BRODME, ieating dithie Filles May, A., 1878 tes-&will be sel' lie -Acei ii isheappssoîalieo1 H. Das-ileli, Eaquie, Master ot Caot e t Wisi allihe QUEEN'E in tisa VILLA1G E of OÂAJNIN - ON TUESDAy, The 25th day of dune, Ad A CARD.