Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1878, p. 4

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NE~W p TQLi1m-rL At Liverpool Market, a Nov Iters- an& »waeWug, W-4 Iltted up .u4 'ith svery neouary accommoedation, Apply te-, MOIIL Mardi 28Lh, 1877. «1 MUSiO TEAOHING. MR. FREI)MUL)GE iupnecttully aenueuncou that, ou andi iter 1 rll 2luS, 187d, ho wItl gi vo Introction on ltupiano-forte, Urgan And Mlodeon, (at -Puipls' Itealdeuees. *TERMS ON À4PPbIOÂ ION. Corner Green and Jui)ln Streeo, tshy, 01lodemis ta ROQI at 91.00, #.25, or t1 .0 per Menth.1-t FIRST OLAS8 FARM FOR 8ALE 1o1f;rAINI2lO 108 acres, part of l66 Iii) aq nti M lu the Ilti cene. 01 e gwnililP O,10 .Tien are about 110 aurosuder tliordÃŽ'g tAlttvàtlon ansd nearly free tram atuupo. Thobrafis ùp. C du the promises a two stery dwelln ions. ISteo, wth kitcheu 24xa0, andwel heuso 14x86 Istaclietistable aidi. bouse U0Xt0, barn 8x5O4, hoai18xaznt uda goierchard bearlng Oirsi latss fruiL , The prfoprty Io eil fenced, sud lu sltuaied on a le J nu reafi miles frein te tiin va ii ade 'ont Pari-y, oee.of the bnt mark. eis for far»i preuluco lu the province. Tfitle Indfoeputable. lFon Ionien parnlmlr apply on lJe promises, or te, MUN11<P. 5UAW Port Pirry, e. o. ont. juce lOtit 1878. (25.41n M ANITOB A 1 LOW RAÂ'ES 1 TI1H13O1JGH TICKETS, by Oive different -.Lroutes,'vie -Tie CllIngwood, anti Siarnlia sicamboals Detzpt ant i Mlwaukee I1, R., andtr I Li. klines fno es oao TitreugitTicet# aise ferBuffaleoLon- don, Sarnia, Port Huron, Detroit, OLicago, sud ths Western anti South-westernuStates; ~aise for Rlochester, by steamer "Nonsemau,' Philadlphla lalimore, aud Wul}ýlugbiou, by tle ldgoiValley il. BI For tickets, and fuithon InformatIon, ap- ply te- 0110. B. YULE, Omuti Tnnunk Ticket Aaenoy, May 15, 1878. (Express office,) Whltby. Fresh- Garden Se e as I ALL KCINDSOPOl fLOWER ANO VEGEIA8LE SIEFS 1 Beet Variety, (Warrauted.) A large stock Of early'jilants. W. W. WOOD., Greohous, - Aeh.at., Whitby. yRI 014' !FEE118TO 13E TAKEN (7nder Ordîr lu Contci, dèe hi -Arnèst ai cari individual upon a warrant............... . . ..Il 50 Iisrelng'suntmous or tnbpoeua.... Ã" 25 SI Mllageso serve couinonos, sub- oecna or warrant .........»...0 10 4. lihagewien services anuot be upon pi-cal af duo.dillgene.... e 10 1.Muleago lskiitg ditouers ta gaol, exclusive a l lbursements ue. eklarly oxpuntlddiluhem con. voyance ............. ,... dl Atisrediug Justice$s-ail Unmmary trials, or on coxamltxatlon af pri. waiseagd'iti crime, for cach day necceanly cmpl*e'd iu ouf or ffiare llcasesg, Whounent * egagstu mure titan four houri OU0 7. Do.d(u. 'visueugageti mure $han four .eu.s................ 0 b. Attotudlng Assises or ,Bsssions, â f aege , ave Dg lu attend As. o1oq sies alohp, or brfure Justices o*hn pn4UOlôleonvoy n b taken', oly noasanaiýle dlsburse. memouia tea ow. i.......1e 10, Sîtumotlu Jury for Coroners, Iliqtelit, lnolitdlng attisnlg Ai lnqueit, and AU iecrvlceli es. ipect liaol, If liell ou saine day as Jury surnuonoul...........U0 x.Atteuding, sari adjeunmeut tiereof, il uet engagrd nmore tunhourel...........I...... 1 OU 12: De, do. If cugagoul more titan four houtre .......... ....... 0 -111. Servlug summottu, or othpa.na ta atua icteore Coroner (snh1ject * No. 10 ....................035 14. Mllctge scrvlzgsaine .......... 10 15.:]lxhumhig botdyunuder Coronrsa Warrant ........... ........2 d N, . Rs.lnrylngsain .a...........gOU M 17eSrvlng itros iwarranit, anti i-. - iibu saine ................ 50 18. Advertimltug under diat-eos war. nusul............ -1 ...50 19. Travelling to lnmue disireNs, or ta oearcli for goads te mnale dis. trosowlten ine gonds ansfou.. ô 10 20. App) aumnonts, whetier by oe or)orer 2 cents u i holar, o ' +ls)iuo a1gonds 21. Ca alogale sud commissIon *anCd olvery cfgoode, ôSets. lu ths II on c proCure ai goeds. 22. Excocttgsearci warranti.. i50 go:S Servlag notices on aausotables, whenpersnsu sereil.......00 W:lýild y rdori . B. PAIIWELL, Marleko01 Paco,C0.O 22 D TI - the' £elowlng .vAItabla pro- acres mnr or lage, lu -thé aa aounty Ontario belng of Ïot l LtheIsIltI don. NEW AND-IT RE SI llavinig «c eout of the Fire saflylI havo'e' en:zle t:; :-i vetthetoa mm of yF- insurance and a large anwçm% of other Capital in the purohase of an on- &PA& 1Vn. l"a enAL FRESH -STOCK P> SGh'OCEi7IES, LIQUOIL9, do, Whieh -having been secured z r,2 z rp.~ for Cash on rnost advantageous terms, I- arnenabied to offer at- fully 26 Per Cent Below Qrdinary Pr/ces To cash -and prompt Paying Buyers at Wholesale and ]Retail. I deem it uunecessary to en- u.merate the' items in detail of my large and a extensoive stock,; any attempt to do s0 wouid fil a dozen CJronicie8$s; td- fice to say that it is -complote in al linos and that customers will flnd on the premises every article that may be enquired for. Heads of Families making purchases Of, FRESH o. o o GROCERIE S, Will save Mouey and secure a good article by calling. EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Clioco- lates, &c., &c., My Liquors, as heretofore, are of the best brands and will be found unsurpassed in purity and. oheapness.. Agent for Cosgrove, & Labatt's Aies. ci m F-4 Ales, Best quality, 80 cents per gallon, E-i by the Reg. - Canned Fruits, Pickles, Bisouts, of best quality. Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters and fish of alkInuds, Herrings, Salmon Trout, &o., in Barrels and haif- Barrels. I ar making Suigars a specialty, and can afford to Beii 13 lbs. of Brown Sugar for, $1.00, 20 lbs. of.- Valenia Raisins, -for ý$1.0, 1 C,9fÇurrants for.. - $1800. T. LAWL 80ce, 400,1 sca â H t..nnÀn* vai.nsvs4' - urjj -~~ .. . ~Ucce .issumy ifIour, custonacras zp. ýpli6d-with A fnrtiele01ah lewest Priée. Juest reived, Field and Gore Be&d, warranted fresh ,and trutie their kinde , ieojiii be sod at email advanee con ceot. Apples, Potatoes, Butter, aaad Eggs, taken in -exohange, fer apode. Call, before purchasing lsewhere, anid secure goid bargains aM thé New Cashl Grocery Store.d 1 îeb. lt, 1878. NEW SI MON FRASER,, Culail ock, flneek.St., Whutb'y. G00Ds :PII «WGLE-,s Clothing ànd Gent's Frnshing flouse Is now supplied with ail the newest sMles of Englisb, Scotch, and Canadian « Cloths of alldEnds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. 4180 iis an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, al nets. A splendid stock of Beady-xnade Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. M*MILLAN'S BLOCK, BR9OCK STREET, - WITIY. R::ED M ANS FRIESH FRUTIT DEPOT! RING STREET* OSHIAWA. Everything in the lime Fruits, always kept in stock, of the freshest and best in the Market, and SOLD UNDEJI TORONTO PBICES. Priyate and publie parties supplied at Wholesale rates. Orders by Teegraph or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST RATES, witb puetuality. Ail goods delivered to Whitb)y and Bowinanville pur- Fab. 27th, 1878. (ma-11) -FASHJ ONABLE W. J. REDMAN, Ring-St., Oehawat. TAILORIN Go where yorI can get a Well-fltting Garment :-Te tho Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, SUPERIOR CUTTINU SHIAPES THE WOIdi A' Large Stock of Fine Clotha; best Engiish, Scotch and (Janadian Tweeds. 0* Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guarateed. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 King Street, Oshawa. NEW STATIONE RY -AND- B O- O -K S T O R E 1 AT THIEEXPRE SS AND MONTREAL TE L. 011 ,1(i i3CK ST. George Yule bogs to ainnnoiune that lie las ro-opened hie Stationeiy and Book Store in WViitby, wheve stationery of ail kinds, ,fthe hest quality, 'viii be kept on hand ; aiso Sehool Bookes of evcry description, -Copy Books, Siates, eîjiis, Inks, .&C., &c., at the iowcst prices. The Daiiy and Weely Papors alwatys on bauld. Siib- seriptions Solieited. Musical Instruments; includinig îafine assortriint' of Violins. Orders are taken for Periodicals, Magazines and Music. Whitby, Dec. 18th, 1876. 11- AIL Ri E? -y -75 &7 GEO YULE.1 51 '0 ] I :F lm z, I YONGE-ST., TORONTO. 50 LargeSiz"e Box- Stoves CLEA11ING OUT AT HRALF-PRICE. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots just reeeived. My Stoc k of -F 0 Rfi:?,rTi-IUW =1ýEJ: Is now Complète in. Every Line. E. J. JOHINSON. Very. nients to lu EPING(.' those KING. Full la uannied on. 'W. are thierefoe enabi partments of manufacture, a( ste the rap$dity of ils exact This principiela regarde wo enabloti le turnneut our n pi-e.se 0-iew asabseilely t1< :TtJONT ia Dow se 'veR known as a siugIs Beape, ltae a word cf commendation 'venit aimost eeem.superfiuous, but na tiera are MAnY claiiuing te manufactura tusa machiuoe'vIte have adiiered, te the. oit eriginal Johuston machine, wlthout kaep. ing up tuetho! im rovements ; tha justice -te oui-salves and~ patrons raquire ef us te atate-that we ha ve inedifled it lu aimost covory essentiai part, andi for. strangth atildnrbi1itý,qnali. fo enilnvery kindi aud condition of grain ; Iightness bf drafl and easeof ýmanageamnt--the "'IJehuston," as manufaltrati by une-stands Pre.erninantlyahead cf ail etierriespars. l Tiroof cf itiàgoitn 'vo whava cnly te peint te the many Furst Prizes awaidad na-at the laintProncei trial cf On. taie, andi many ceunty triais whloh have taken place al ever Canada, -within the lat few -yearu. OUR TRIUM PH 'O'MBI NED MACHINES, wilh laIe imprevemeobs, le ail thatl deau ho dasiretlin a Combinei Machins, and cannot faii te meef al lite requiirenas f purehesi. Our Im'proved Cayaga Ci/1If~ Jr., and our Young Canada A'.owera are bh lrst.classanens- cons ltied almoot 'vheiiy cf Iron ami Steel. The Cayuga Jr. lins a i-air eut, andi thi.euong Canada a front et; beuh stnong, dur- able machines, andi net excelleti by anymachiiie netmhemarket"for.qualitýy of cut, dnrability, ligituese et draft, a0aptabilityi,4 dessecf mapfgarnent. OUR. NEW "WHIT.BY HARVESTER.YX As the contry lbas bccome btter adapteti te inachinery, andl mauy cf our farma. ors have become ekilîpti in the use of machines, a gncwing demanti bas oprung up. for -a Ligit, Durable, First-Class Beaper.. 1 Alîve te the requirement~e!flte day, we have snccaeded inlu lu n ama chine with a Wrought Imon Frame, 'vii the lbast p. ve ga n-ilgea bnoad-faced drive 'vheel,-and so-couestrùcledthat tie fame anti table tilt at the âame time, thareby lceeping the. pilman aiways in lin. 'viti lha kuife. The rakes are driven directly tram. the-aai shaft-thare bein0n perceptible side dr f , a w e~ eigh t n p ù le h rse , n e k . W e are co f d n th a t e h v succeeded inm mventiug the most perfect Ileaper, taking il lu ail ils parts, ltaI ha. ever been preduceul. We have applieti for lattera patent, anti shall hoiti oui- invention, for oui- own exclusive maufacture, sud 'vo respectfuily suggekto in- tending purchasers, tuaI they chonld see this machine ha fera givmg their erders for lie ceming Jiarvest. The "Whitby Harvestar" weighi,,al teid, 600 pountis, but being made pnincipally etflita bost quality cf iron sud steel, sud ftom ita in" ceiiious tkltriornpact construction, il combinas teetsrength sud durability ef the Al et oui- machtines are fully warranted. With titis list et machines, w'vfafel confident that 'va eau, meat cvery re- quiremeut, sud w. respecfolly solicit a triai of ciii machines, balieiring liaI 'va cau furnilj a belter machine for tie monay tisu dan Iba oblaineti elsewhera. .Respectfully Yonrs, BIROWN & PATTEiRSON MF'G. 00. itretinea a roe arfect syslam into ail the. de-' , cl oËiy t eaperfection ce the work, but ai- -and a censequent reaintion of anal. assaiy InDa8'veil ragniatati establishmeant, and lias vith a higiier dagne f Parfetion, and at Oompetition. A 1 jNEW STATIONERY & BOOK STORE, .vîir ' s-~.Ulss .tb arîy .Rose iotato-es, 85c. per Bushel, . à i AIi kinds of Orockery and Glassware, at reduced -pxÏes, T1MOTHY AND CLOVER SýEED,- .ATPLASTER ANDI'WATER-LIME, Ail of which wil be soid eTeaper than, ever for one month, for Cash. Cai and Sec W. J. GIBSOIÇ, -WIIITBY 'CHINA TEK STORE. WANTED AT- ONCE,-A quantity of good Apples, Petatees, Beane, Butter and Egg, for which the highestnmarket price 'vi Mr4h p 87d: PHO TO ?A PH&, PHO TOGRA PI-S£ 000-- GOING TO TH E PARIS EXICBITION 1 Mr. Barrett is selling out~ his-entire Stock and bs now taking pictures at, liaif-piriee, previons to going to the Paris Exiition. Now is the time.to get a g..od p4cue chleap. [See Suppiement.] Cleer youn gmen who want to learn the business instructed in à few lessons in the newest methO'ds. A fine mare, Harnes and buggy for sale. A BARIRETT, *Plhotographer. CW- Opposite Ontari'o Bank, Whitby. - -ý Licised for the South iRiding of Ontario, North IRiding of Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. NAME. RESIDENCE. MUNIOIPÂLITY. EXPIRATION. D. Bishop, Oshawva, Beach, April Olli, 1878. Titos. Pencher, Bollard, Uxbridge, Jue lst, S. S. Leach, Sundcerland, Brdak, July 9Ih, D. Bisitop, Oshawa,- S. Riding, &' 201h, A. J. flarrin-toin, Port Pei-ry, Roai, Aug. 201h, T-ins. Tuokor, Leaskrlala, Scott, Sept. lat, I W. M. Wiilcox, Port Penny, N. Ridiug, .6 Ord, "4 J. M. Pattercon, Bloominglon, fi " 4th, " Frank Dean, Orillia, Mars, 6" 121h, Jas. Digby, jr., Clareoulon, N. & S. Ridiug. si l2ti, " Thas. Pilkcy, WexI'ord, Uxbnidge, di 201h, Albert Bpriug, Muskoka, Beach, di' 21st, L. Fairbanks, Whitby, 64 "622nd, " H. L. Vauzant, Stouifville, Uxbnidge, Oct. 111h, Saini. Bairnd, . Brook, * t 31, Wmt. Gordon, Sunderlandl, ilDc. rd,- J. C. Widdifield, Uxbridgo, Uxbnidge, -" 8ti, 0t.oest ?aws 'Port Penny, N. Bidiug, "21st; Donald Car-PuIbî, W1i-tbv. Brook, Jan. Cîli, 1879. E. 1I. Caai-on, Beuverton, Il îAaî"21e1, i LIST 0F PrDLEiS FOR THE Co. Non-Pitcoideut, Town Wiby, Titenai, Josopi Jackson, Uxbridge, 1. horse, Heoter MeKinnou, Thos. Cititersou, Johin Fiuchi, NO ONTARIO. Apnil 251h, 1878. Juna 2611i,'l Jau. 30th, 1879. COMBINATION lias mnucli Pleasure in annoùncing that ho bas now in Stock a Complete Assortment of al kinds of Family Groceries suitabie for the Eildays or any timeý includling the foilowving, viz.. New Vaicutia Raisins, A Cheice lot of Motto Cups and Saucera Layerfor Xmaa. B, sket Fancy Toya for Xnmas. London Fancy Candies for Xinas. Crown " 3.11es,Marmaiscle, ,Ï- Currants Pickles, Salmon, LobeBters, temon Pool, Sardines, White Pish, Orange Peel. Salmon Trout, Citron Pool, Finnnladdies and Oystae r reeeivod Ail Kinds of Spicca. daily. Nuts, ail Kinds. Pipes, Tobacces, Cômba, É itracts oe a.Il Kinds. Brusheo, Kuives, &o. 1A FULL ASSOMTMENT IN EVERY LNE. Have you seen the New Illuminator. No Chimney re- quircd. 1 Liglit equal te 8 of the oid kind, once tried aiways used.. Sole agent for Whitby. Crockcry and Giarsware in great varicty, cheap. Cash paid for Apples, Potatoos, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. PETER SMITH, Whitby, Dec. 111h, 1877. Oddfeilows' Building. Vick's Flower- and -Vegetable Seeds, La-wn Grass Seed, Tuberose Bulbs, Oxalis, Gladiolus,_&c., &c. NEW .CANNED' ýFRUITSý. Califoria wPlumbs, Apricots,' PeaclieS, Lima l3ea ns, Stri ng Bean, AT THB E WHT3y 501OOL IQ(OK7 AXD - JG. McDOJJGALL Begs to announce - to his customers and the publie- in gencrai that lie has epeneti aStatienery, Sol Buek snd Newvs depot lu conueetion with his Confeetiouei-y & Balciug business, lu hie o14 stand soubli Brook Strcet, wvhere everything iu the lUnoe au be hati ut very low rates. The Daily and Weeldy Papers alwayS On band, and-de-- livcred te subsenibers ln ail par4s of' the tewn. Orders prenxpt¶y fliled foi- Feriodicals, Magazines aud Music. Aise, a.'vdil-assorteti rot e! Mottees, Berlin Wools, and Faszcy Goodse, on haui, -at-low-pics.17 The public wil find it te their advantage to take a peep ut oui- stock itefore-purchaslng eiscwhere. S-DE O IV ESE- AW A Y with ail orders of ýPl1ot*QS, al J. G. MO)DOUGAL-L,' BEST'S A BEAUTIFUL- CABINET PORTRAI T! GALLERY' Choice of fthe following persons: SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, 11EV. MRi. LAIRD,: Decembor 24th, 1877. OUTTERS, BUGGIES, AND CARRIAGES. A Large-AssorÈtrent of Cutters and- HON.T. N. GIBBS$ or E DWARD CABSWE LL. - Buggies FOR SALE,'"' TO MSCarriage - Factor DUNDAS STREET, - - SADDLERY ANDI) J WILLIAM THOMF flegs te itirect attention to hie large and auperipr ut thing ii the, addlery and IBees, L Leather Va.lises a nd Saràtni -AT- &NEWPORT'S 1, ]Jtlelw. ý "Pctm;llrý 1 W. J. tirelv Ùw and rr AIL ;.& dý:L -RING OSHAWA. WuitPY, Marcli 4th, 1878. -:00: For One' ý BE STeýSi' F-1 EW- P E T E B S MIT H5 Montlly F R E S EE P S T 0 M'S

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