[uly 25, 187f loua Tactias, Ia]ars]cd vu tI itiiiog lthe follei 01, PLteuST'r Drll Slied, orai h ssI or fl ýpression te thi cnf oùtrliges i the igluls af t: bave bain tramel poSl PAIiAmpii 'f1> TO 41>0111 mWI b. pnxivIda TIrC, u a xaa . ixouet u irtsnd' of viat 11111e scanaIara ils utlarauueea »on tovu sifairs. As' the Mayor chars.. te fenled thema, thxêy ara ridieulôus, axui the. raukeat nonsexuse. ,b l h ia isin nuisance lias ikel>' remoir ca ie olutioi. Anellier drain, bbinua -- lie bapsi Il wilI net b. lepi soIong, sets P8. oo ofilinsively', heferethue public. -, Mr. Klngsford, tiie lisaiexilae harlng charge cf such mat ers, froui the. Deartuient cf Public Worke, lias, il lu msrtodi whls lu Whiîhy lasf veeli, -givea bhis opinion tiaI wlth the fil effiargement ofthue canais flue goerai. bà . meut wili- lbe obigai t6 coustruclt Wo Imsbers cf refuge on Lake Outario, wlêlu Ir à , dppth off Atteen feet o f aen, audi Sthai Whitby haï eclvantsges whichi nüxoghit terocdmfirnônd Ils slectionà as ont. This woûild moan ddeals sd wliarves, sud flua espendilure cf per- haips a quarter cf a million of publie legs mouoy bere. >00 1 % Respeacting lime Orailge pracolan lu. Moxîletrel, ireluei'a rosi>' spoikeuxlu tiese olliummnalu far of tillea nit I t W41kts ixe-cluien ujtiin u.- Io W ipik liow, mustri> if i han, f tiat lipro- Jibît the pr~oeeb~iui -seaciu unwigo Ltep.- W. Say lite;, spanî frqmdseo Inri(s et tlii.Oranige Onder ialtagethuer. Wae fil-ejîxtuirrOf îMlxs brylWo lk for aIl, ris %ow>iî ciii ixivon ci- r x'd moi fu ~î,c I IIr a I But)xeCatlkolioc aiÈ Muxitilital, ioulfirllax i u'eg xlils ou tiîn~, t îpcas- aaiOriaiaae hr ceeldon oit tlio Il-2M fJily, atol i-pilo miother Meolreil Prfi-ehixtne cl] a. CaIlxo- lie, ea i ati Oiatgo )înoscesian. It Ww5. JI laiwn murxi lllar uiriaim tiifair. Iîo illiarou i six uit mittalrlee)o Oi-i tuje Ix an hi, r 1 foiic srgal. ii.u ia.îlii(ag LîuI,îîîaIîalime iaaloîviqq ( le. "o filu'ot-t -t Iltx tttîi < i li tIy(le I" i 1miCt -II i. ;v 4 hiart ni-a iiitn Itly c itb i a l o t aana p.lt rit iesu (a101%imil'Is'Il ,LIaaa( jldlajxf ie -tîhil >' sre If ouai.u al-itil hto iiablie ileluarnesiï. " aitifs usolil tan, Ctac in, fIis liglif, IY ou arum afasuiýVit xîof ihttreal atiflaoti- ' m :rc0,l 1i Wfîxm xi amxy aie, ,voli mvoatittrtritx i nti awu are, liai lnumîîaî xa va: a-y Iltitgflitai CI .di îa ittlai lxirlauîlix aven our unîlîît- dal it--atriif Ilicir i6, Ien itil'i'l by i ir - thialallaiw 'lîeiac rait ' Cotcciîxit 111-0'pr leîfasxfi,~t ihhlli«ii l la. at 'the n Tlilaî tl ît iai ligi i it eiirrîaklil ho ti8 îî hr(iiiltuo sur-artt alat4r a tix daiaîaIaatiTie' iit, cilxa of1'wita i ILn il lifiatet li g ieîixîg islie- lo04t l i-a rîrbIiroflitie ii no eami nler- - ii4tîti t>ii' ats aas itratka cqnilae ecu Natlui- t'uî1 ttiî;o î'obxi ixan hn. ins. aIlIIîafatUaocaiiin t finîtesîînracd tueo ILiletaiîmi-i w htî i Ipil a crDtl ustlhir ait iauar mui itmuYItd ae -îtîîaoxi pId ilr l (ll (, atfonaîiîel,-ifthal - la bear 'iroi ltaTi-t oilire e o n e lîi ugr Iî li- t Alîlof Ixix lia lcit i'. Ii cf itoli NarI lît f i it latei ho bac tistaaul lcelar -ij3 - li i Wlllî haIof )n t'a-rir iJialratiag aeiixl fi'iia iel ailetho î'eliit ly lsiiclg."Ù luort clan aîuuli c-1I hela renti ra voe xnafaîg u aICI inail ' A)nbles ien (cIuq .ill l e tsaiter.a>htîlcco 1asoe>' were t îa îsui-eor i iy .eiéla-v thpedh caîicr.tulicf il cls 'raliioIluonesin htel pnpiim akuea l'ol. Isuitpieildce ao- -The Osuerci. Electlon. Thii.le cf Sî'pîenier us lime lime mnot gancral>' xpoesen f es lie aleent wiich fie aleotîcus ara likel> ta camne off. Wo arex Icclinud le differ.froua tics. io tavrr li at e. Seplember la tbe on oul f tie Prorincial Pair ans] of Agri-iulural faiensal ercv fixa Pro- vlaae ; il ia tic farmera monli, ans] mouli eanscqucuxlly lisan Ineonreniaul sesson ta bring an lie genenal elaions. Xuomimag Ibis, ealater perlas], se>'fi. beginuixxg of Octoben, le more likel>' lie Mtixaa il hbc011080x b>' the Gharm- ment fou- flue iane iofixhe wits. Vatal Efiects of thue ilct. Lest Saturîla>' tternooxa, about 4 o'choak, a mail naineil Wiîîieoi Hoiden teul sd rinatîxe aiflects ofet lie bet, et Pont Wlatby. The decesses], mie mas a fginer, me. wonkiug lu e bey licIxî icar lia G. T. R'>' bridge, on Centra sînsct. Just beiore fixa poan bcan 1.11lx.oSix laelis step-sou, 11:>' hcent tacha lilco ftwo ixenuta the us>'its tîrabbing ; 1 baiarav'a Vin ggte (lie." iiarilia ad ixoflicbei speliiug Mieon lixe leidsah r. lBogart mas et once oaliîîdlitthefixe uiwaseulat uxedical aseitaxîce. Thie ioceasai usaI beau aiiog iihdieppeis ion sauna timc past, wbici, couples i itlxthe intense huat, muoest înobeil>' cauties] ialli. Dnrng lte day ho lues]beau druinig, lai-i mialexcessireîy, o arter mih.gin. l3oï Dasoîvîccua ATrasuii llÀ.-Laat Welucsday, Chxarlea Taylor, a âine yanug lad of ciglît, son ai Mn. Dan. Taylor,oftaihis toîs, anmss droîrnos]aI tho whain. Thxe boy wac, mien last ici-n alivo, (hlou-h>' befone tie iîenvy staruxofai uluslanal nain carne up,) brlay. fîig alomii' tIe wharf, andi s] ieauîîîîscdl Itul, duiog lie starmîx mlxiao runniug fori-ausIxir, lie itîaer teil onriras blomu im ilti water. ilung tic gniat-r parit ai tue uia.'l lartiess iercouonth eb la>' ýcoohiug fox' f.9lu ibtlîntolas,, Iu thIe iioriixthle la> say aslnnggosanal Mixe botd>' tonaI b>'Mn. Thxos. Soù'aiwell cloe . ta itartu-Iof tIhe mhxarf lnown Agth- a ite aa'B]L'oiler." D'TL xiRnm -Ota tétNSTuauee. -John BP Simithx, oail'iot FParn>' iof-m bis îlcts ot amuxstrako trixilo oku a thxe itreet fiels] lasI meek. M.ANc FouicaDruA.-Au i ah i a, hua limo orcaad ai Mn. Drjan, Osaa, au Woilnsslaîy manming 1lîi mt. Decenslei, Who hiîi laoxi sibject te fit. le oapposeil tl axvesilex] simiing ouie. 1l'apraveiit tîxe evils flist may lne freuxan lilîitcols], use oua hattle cf Wlliitlg 0ebrRtpd 1i'nlmou1ic BynFup, prieca25 (uil *] o8tf ccmîseu- sale b>' al cherry TaI h lPasto, fa rant uns] stimuuliiing prepama tion tfon prosenviug thue tecti amnd iinlîsî'lig a lîcalthx>'1lait 4o.the luurts, pniaxe 25 cents. For sale Ã,by T. G. WILITFIELD. Vlife'sPulmaxiuh Synop le bîkaux ressiI>' b>' cîilnen. Ho10W VWY, t1AIS1afl OsR xiOi.".Afl lumpo ntrttniwrbock. Rosi "as]."-o! J, hi. Robetno, lu sxîolimncolummu. Wllxhtielti's Celbratrîl Prîlmonlo Syr- uji wiiiladc tîud la surpacia oecuying bsioxe'xued ionrlthe reliaf ai ail soute aluouie, or uuigci'ing couglixo, b-on- cliitis, laryngitits, and iucratei tixnxl. l>niaia 25 aud 50 cents. Admission ta the High Scbool. Lautîî'ek c iwpromirec tlu upply eoulxo f tic questions prcparad ,hylthe Central Couxmite for lie artrence ex- anations ta tiheIligih aoux11.. ve gîra icloir- the papOu set et lime lest e.xaninhtion ,lunerithmnetia. ARlTumME'10.-Trt TOiRO 5005. i. Daine prime numubir, multiple of s numben, iigiest commniactiorofa lira or wore nuiubens, ratio belmasu onihons. ,Fins]thie primo factor of 12610. 2. The quotient le, aqual ta six limes flua diviser ; lie dtimor la eqaal fa six imes ftheuemiaidcr, ans]tlie hre. ho- gothxo, plus 45 ameunat te bol, flni lie 8, I sel 12J tans of ceaI ion 880, wilx is one-serenti more fliaux fie cest, fins] the gainparOu-cL. i. A cisîcruis tira hirds full; eue pipninscit andsi lirmn b. The -siing étiv few oNlBSry words. -£40w * luv obr.canged ail tlist, our boys and girls ara sabjectexi by thn Edacation Offlce to a realiy ilifficait e xamlustlon, cexiduchex alunoét wliely ou papxer, and lie>' are *zpeteil to pbew as mach -proflclenc aeyas w out ta be exhibitexi lu flischou fiics b>' candidates for tiracise ccrlifleafos. The. marks for osci queellau are 12, wltli fie excep- lion of 2, for wich 16 are allowed-. anakimxg 100 ,for lb. paper. Thirly Ilirse per cent is the minimum, y.t il appeana o ha a rr>'ifficaltaek, for tbe arerage boy and girl to obtaixu lb. nzuniber. Tbay woufthbinli,,sud illa ver>' diffialt proosas le trainIlium -to > tik s0as zta' ceipasu arei'Imagiu. able obstacle. Min viWh ve <a matie- maliaxlt fur imind are $Pt ta suppose liaI whal is easfy la thiea la easy tg erarybody, and ara spt to b. coutewp. tnuocf aIl mental power that dosa not lie iu tiie region ofunuits, tenu, ani ýuUuarods, For oursoires we do nDot dttaci mcli importance tae'h.cahie ta pronouixa. fhe a shamaticsibboletb. JusI so fer as il feaclies le roason -cor. rectiy if is of utsa, bùtf till iu "1quirks and catches" is no ver>' loffy samp- liabuxent, and will ntmilnodify tea ay 41ýpreciabie citent tie morais and xxareeera ef anyhody. Tba questions gWeo re diffianît eues for boys sud girlsof hein or lwelve, aul tint so mauy of them have failedl 'on the aitimelie pulpar proves bis. Sinuixi tho- stand. nar then ho iowered ? lesthe-quesTion. Most cf car boys sud girls cannoI cf necese;il> speuxi more. tien tires y.ars et liahevery' outoide in lhe Higix Saixool if Uixa> are net admiltedl belare fie ae of 14, sud niany of tbin ntef veux se long. Wby aanual somslliiug ho doue toa show tioso wbo wish tbalieaotîci r chliren ednucated in t l luages te have theo opjiartnnity of doiug se? W. are diibelievers in fie xtilify sud lthe cnltivittiug.power cf lin"istia Studios, and wo heliera tîxat tbo hýy or girl thal kuiawa but anc langatage ýkuows nons. Ererytbiug ouglît uat la bc *sscIrificed la a fuiisil utility, and the. friande of elucatiou ougit taobe on 1110 sien ta seo flît malter. do Dntet mn sltogouber in on.0groore. At proeufil lookis as if noliîg but Matiematias would suit tlia limes. Tcecers caoplein thiet Pupils eau bu preparedinlual other fiubjýjt ato ta l es.wll, but fluet in Arillu. niptia tîxir eileorts oflan go for nolig. I8 IL o iualie liera Wýas anolixer change? Could w. not have s'change of exain- el ra WiLxchavep~o theoies btanîutivata ? 'towij C6nucit-. Manda>' eveung, im.q>' u2na. The conoi met an Mouds>' cVem'tlmg, pusattea njounnmeul. Pracent, 111e suwV erci1ip tixo Mayor, (u the chair) lissr. Blow, Campbell, Pîsunani, HIopkins, Harper, King, ODouoau, Rey suis Wiohe. Absent, iX csrs. linus andxiDiarili. Minti ap- TISAT DRAIN. bMn. ilarpi lbrougif Up lix. niuthx ns- ptnI afllie Canmitlc an finance, ans] ou moation thxa cunoil iront ittacaom. milIce lhiceou-Mr. Camapbellui- thc chair. The report aet torti that in vies rit tii large expeucillure naquires ton tîxe cui;nuchion ai V. curares] drain nerfee thxe lande ai Mn. 1ilcynouils atax chion, the coumitaa do ual couchder il ad- Tisabie fa ga ou 'aillu snob drain aI Jirai-ut. Tixi"rCOMMUxitt ila lange tauli or reeerroiu- b. dug ucar thi. norti-etast conner cf fie tanner>', iua 'alile-îlutlue nefuse ans] mater caeueig tixe nuisance noar thxe nailwey crossiug be' mrii, admiee.b>' sattling, lia taul sunel munis]be got id of et ae mucl ciaçaper ratea sub>' a caveras] drain. Thaey recommendai h e sanding comamtîce on streets ans improresaculs Laea the fauak-aanslracfed ai auxea, ans] ýdacutioned liaI lia raiimay umanagen liax agu-es] la put a fair carloatis ai graeai f ih up fia presaul drain iriera if cnosses lime reillia>. The>' neconmoeni fha tank te be O6eeî mis]., 21 fee'lolng ans]8 O tdJieep.-Mr. Han. 'ar slatiug ltaI bc estimabes] the coal .t L-etweu $50 andxi$60. lin. vicies aktes] miaI provision bei bau made foi leaniug aut lie Itank 9 Mn. Uauxaixa d Lëne o b Ibthatfiar- Moi-s aus] obhiiar oua]be glas] toate the shtuli' ire> ceasumînre. Mn. Harper said the coninittbos hax] cîmo le ataIconclusion. Tic rertovti, ai fia. refuse moulai of course le seau le, but theo conmuxitae dial net causiden il ucceasar>' ta taeke provision ton At iu the repaît. Mn. Ray a macsalmefiocîl lure 'arbuis he no ditrielo ite la lesnixxg ont parI ; farruere woants]be glaxi ta liny,it aI c'a nn-lcixxxlà oaix. Trhayivo oncagratulaleil tflacrn- Mâthes ou iaviuig coine ta a uvise. de- oi-ion lunlîxix liattlcu. Ilo mcli la ""Ir*, glex tiaaisout tLix.stuf sund psyi fou- iltaeput en Ilii. farta. If uns thme basf ai manure, aoxxlaimaah exceslleut li mud liaI w-as wmat mac maubes ta gnou' svheel in tfils ctîon. lRaparI Mn. hurler inlrodumced ltna iy-law la cônfirm li'> ppuinlxeutf ciVr, P. ShanIeý as arbitralo on obalafautIhe homu lu lhe barber motber, wlie ma reaci a finitfluxe ans] netorreaI le cen- mille.aif ae mole. Iu camnitteteieMayor axplainoîl lIaIwh ivan.uOttawa a chai- tlime ega lixeobtainsci tram lic Ministen ai Pub. WVcxke a Promise O! a cap> ai tbe cIment of WViîtby barbon,mnie].four yeau-s ega tanrtIie Depanîment. Heolias]just pet lb tint cia>. Tiare mas a large suxount af work ou iL, ias moulîl ho sean,,euxd it boak soeafiieas b ave Il puepared. (chantlaid beforo thaeauuneih) Thoe e t9marteds] oIaireuaxging, giri*iga depti ai cleven freot fmea,mas about $8,100 sud ionrapeaining piens $3,000, making, 811,0(. Th report ras miade, il rauld, b. bau-ne in mind, beatone-lia doseniug o!fiah canais inoni 12 fa 14 fèeet In order le ecconimodatethie largon size ai vesaesaîxsslngIuougi théecnauie a isphua et fiubon feel of mater moulaibu lie sssry. Bnt lhe alaen tact mouis] muet thie puescut ne. cassities-aftrIade. Wili a depti suiffi- Clie ýfor fie ]urger claes ait resols, ans ci Iricix rouIs] cau-> aà inilîlion foot cf luiban, Whilh> mon-dhiavar an lmi. monse as]vantago aveu- ofihxerlors, miora oui>' vassae ifi a capacit>' tram sixte luunircil te lir a huodansd 6itW~ thxnasnd feef ceuli bc loales]. W4hh snoci accommodationu Whiby rc1nld ci course gel fie -frai-e.. Pou-t Ht pe a arbon, miti ils rock hotem, Coul thict iamade tealiaI dapti b>' an7 mderae e sipeulilure af moue>' k il ,wci-Id faiete à iliois ta gir. lie requi. sil depîla cf mater. be1r. Causp4efl mores] tbs six zmentis Ur. Harpr berldgen. progrssdil hrougit 4I1I. ntewprise of, tlieir citizens. -where , tuy <ound -a town vithonl mon of enterprize.sud L wUth few w*iJlng texsknytbjpg for th k ofk.fu1tunre s mas or prper1t tbat, tol!o neyer amo=nned to mua Wliere tthe ratepayars put their footx on Pvory important movement, afraix of: the taxes, Iiow cenix th.y Oepot the placé tu grow coribeconme jxjosperouo. ThaI was not flie way tu go forward. Other towns rose i4 grew itito im2poýr tancé bi3cause lthe people niteed in put- ing forth eir energies ho Jilp ;t on, Hon ed alw vseroeimprorements ; hoe liedstan'd np for aà nmarket ; llier lowns 01 iess-lmportanée Ilion Whilby lied good mnarket buildigs sud were dolrzg weli, as wiltby Wonld lie.dong lied s market been. uil. But if every important'> Improvement ,wus going te lie put xiown by people who COUld only oses a presen fire cent- pieu., siil. ho bailDo rit s penoughlite ses the future dollar galned by spondlng il, it wu$ time eitber to aire np or malte snob people stand aside. [At thus estage lbe clerk hxxring beeli. calilcd npcuan rcad, the apy of the Hor. bar Act.] '. Mr. Hopkins eeid befora ftxe vote, was talion, lie sIw from the readià g cf thebill» fiel ilwas impossible for th, town te gel over appoiul[ng un arbi- trator, and tflit tberefore aifiiongli per- lisps opposed te purasing thé. barbor, lie sheu] fot oppose Ithe xppoitnaant.ý Mr. Wlaks thougix t he samnewxxy. At firathf lidxDontfhink il was cntupul. sory, but the worcls were -flint the. towu "4salll cqpoint .9" Mr. Campbell seul lie lieit ssked the. elicr nigit wliltbhprobable expense of tlic.arhîïtratýi6iu wou e by thie lima lb. arbitrators gaI iugb. Ris ra- ron for Yopaing waa ,Ibat lhe did net boliers tua ratepayers iof the fown woee in favor cf purchasiug,ý and liaI thera- fore if wua fot fbir te ýput fbem tu the ex p use of a tl4ng they diii ual désire. If lie beiered ixa to"' wantcd il, ho wauud nat opposa, aud denied Lbil any selfisli ,o ,fct iu oppoing; lie diii 80 parcly iipau publie grunis. The Mayor, sitar .réferring bta th musgrcpr,,eetetions cf fie proceedinge cf th. conai ne 1 ~éks"Gazette,"1 la the effect fiat ho ýlhe Mayor-) dix] flot Rir. fair play in 1net' takiug thie vote wbeu lb. yeass sud nays würo calied, siifixaIs, as alI knew, thc ycas andi nixys enudnly Ib. taken xlown wlxen demcndad lxy twc miierg. lHo recoxnmendil ur towtx contemparary te sttndy the rules ofîlie council before Making uuwarrantaiiio ciarges, In tlic- discussion of Ibis 4iatter, lhie wor. ship sai lie ailowed groater latitude than the robas permutted. For bia. self lie beiiered kailtheuiui-minera aI lie conunil lîoard desired týacal bonestly; lia believed ail woe o0esl iu intention. Hea regretled la sec the paper in ques. Lion charge mnembers of lhe counacil witb disbonesty sud forming a ring. The ratepayers were alap inforxaed tlxrough the sanie medium~ thal fihe cost of the. erbitration wilîiiîthe towxî would haie t la py would bc $8,000. Evcry well inforuiod persoulkuew tuaI the allocosuce te arbitratore, vre by statute $20 a day-$20 s dlay for pro- fes'sional mn udn1-10 -a day fur nonx- profesiensl aaa.-Tbis who]a maliter would ba settlad in tîro dayE, which for lire. arbitrators woullie 010. (if iîl the cxeaxttov cfoftire Drappr octiit w01ould hffvetu rý' One.hal1f. \VhGu therpfore $8,000 expene was talkc I of people would Seoa hat the tclateilentii whicb aâlpparedl thfit papar were po- liîing but the. rankexit uoîxsenix-. '-The thixig wae abio;rîl &nul rudiculous, and iudeed'so prepooleroux ou the face of il" fiant it was ual worfli referring la. Mfr. King aoutended tiiot thii was not lhe lime tu briug up thoe urtioxx of thie privilegm of fihelixarbor. They could muaI say la-day twbrlacr îlaey i,-auld accept or reel lie propoFition. The. quvstiau wase wauh ld iicy accîpt thme purchase wii it harbor act gave Ilien of appaintiug su arbitrator. le kuew tfe r e.people lryiog ta poi. son the publie miabout theliarbor. For fiflen yaars tho talk biail becu thaI the barbor t;iooIdt belomxg ta thec bih-n. Tliaf was lie lalk ta hie knowlocdgo al the flime, tlint the Ibareb ould bc ftxe properly cf the lowun, aud that lie town Èad beeri abisxxoed ont of -,its niglims lin Dt owuiug auJ controlliîag tixe iarbor. Shall lie lowiu uow per. mil il la go into privaI. hauds again- lu have flic ultermost ferlbiug exacte(l ns heretafore. Lot them look &rounid andi ste thie condition of other barbore wbero fihe charges wcrc lwenly.five per cent legs lieu et Wlilhy. XVby Tho c141-he eas] s comimunication tram CoL Wallace, requnsling permission lu be issu-s]beforc Il. concil. ta Correct s misappneiensiou ae hO Arnmîntroug,s nre- ceipte fan meuh, Lalirroax FEN5ES-TxIISTLrTi.' Mrn. Blam gara notice a! a by.I ay, ta bo introi-lucedhby lim; aI fienxt meet- ing oi 'tlie onnoil ta establisi thîsît cial he cousireesu lamftul femîce. Mn. Blw Oaieaed lia cleases oaithie ActiaIxviug referonce taeftbe autlhiig ai ai canadathbiethes. Tha Mayoar 'aren- queshird ta see.liaIftae chiai Constable enionoas] the laîr. ADDRE29 TO THEE aovgau-N aU GxEAt,. Tic Mayor i9tatenuxs]thc couxacil fuel lac iad reortredal nletter upan thile ni- jecl, notiyigihim faemeeting aifnon- nicipal daîegates la be bels] At Guelph ou thxo 15th Auguet ho arrange as ta sa mxunicipîhalras. ta lus Excailena>', îa lie precenles] betore hice xaellenry's depenlune in Saptembgr. Afier a fewrde mcm nMn. hay', rho mac appcaed ta ineumrng 1h.e xp)exîso, thxe mulfar mas -allaired tla renatin iu -aboyance until next umefting. îiOLI.E E UIis.lçm. Mu-. Kiug ciles]lieatenteuion cf lIme Mayor te nuu lieges] nuisance bobiud tie Ladies' Caihege. As fIxa beaiti in- spectar ves.puasauf, heasakex] permis- clônan fieai.asoulaibe lieand. .Mu-. Alex. Pningle gare dealaisof is !eu-eh foreu-fi auice bel s i -o V. Milicillfer codex tlmber, 62; 'Moues Linton, per-aitier of John Glcxtsum, o ver- seer, 05 ; T. Saifber & F, MaQueixi for work on 91;b cou., $80 ; David] Gilebrisl for services as Agesesr for 1878,4120 ;, Géorgze Palmer for goode s supiloit fi.he alns $10. and for sbee p killed b>' doga, 87 ; Oies. Lorug for sbscp kiliux by des, $17-838; James Palmer, for' shsep kiilex b>' dogi, $9.8L1 Thée petffon of S. ý J. Holdan eux] -othensasuig for laid f0 widow Engilu vas grà uteft b>' shiwing lier 7à cents pèr weektfromi laIJune le 81i1 Dec. neit, -81se1n-an sditionel grant te N. Wà odmuff of 25 cents par wîPek.' Mr, flpînk, sececib>':Mr.' Hoovir, mores fIxaI hy.Iew No. 486 3ta provide for closiug up soi d ispooiug of 'part et ftxe e xl loxgo efor veai ]aetwcen lots 10 and ud1, lu1h.2ud cou. &o., &o., be mxow readl a flair ftinie andi passes], filât fie reoote aigu lie saeand causle the seal of lhe corporation te io attaci- Gd therelo. Carnied. Mr. Hoover intradupe] -a bv-'law ici wes reai tir.. seraral fimnie aud passei,. te essesa the, township of Piakening for fIxe purposA of pravidinat funda for thixiproernermiof roadsand bfridges sud for fie Igûnoral crxpeuss ofa 0iue corporation for lie year 1878. 1 Mn. Monkiauise gives notice fiat ho will et 1heneit muotiug of illecancil moe .for leavo to introduxe n by-iaw te appoint e collectai' lor the vear 1878, wiosa dut>' it cmli h. fa cohlaxit muni. cipal taxes sud sahool tIiai. for enaîx sections as will mnake appliation te tb. cauucii net laler :tîxtn tîxenmeting ot Mnf. spin,ç mares, srcoucli -Mn. Iloover, tbat John Wrighxt, Rouient Mier aud J. L. Spintu, ba commisson, pros, wilxot tPay, fta lot sud eipenintend, tb. coauiîcon oaithia diteix for icerner- iug tlie surface watcr off lie Kingaton naa, fronting uots Il sud 12 in flico 2ud coin., as pnr xsward of Femireyieîvers of July 9Pib 1878. Mn. Moulixnso xovi-Lç,that tli.cane- cil do noir ai-joaan andl-'stanmd acijtiu eal bill Salunda>' tha 241h ay tof Pxugtirt Domninion Eicctiaura. NMIINoixaaol- ota viiP '. Uxorra ( orC0,t- MON S. The tcillowing are lii'Numxiimxationî mnade up teaudto ..... .. . ..... ..... . S. S. aaxabl ..... .... . .- .. 11011.1ai Ji- Ala'~ .... .........timv A . T1xntaaa. Bramit (R111.) pai-oira....A.'Waal i-e., Brackvi-att., iCol. maaxsxm W Fara-xaaa,ai. iaca i-a a.... . itat... .. . ;rcxi un . torsle.....a-Cola-elxtbxîtal. . . . ............ ...a-î-aia.cr (Ga.aa:,iaa. il».xiar' ....ami...'ata flsaa. r 'lxîr t. ixa A- . i -- ., , ..a.larrarn.... ........~ - i-it.nhaxaa,- i-a . .....a . . ....T .a aL.. a... x.. Ii-x ,lca-aat,.y) Ii-xV, W'A axix 't Font îa a...... ....... t r 1 aa rst 64aa,a-, lai a- amati iaxaaa.-raxDxaaa.aa...la-aîia Týltaxairaa . .....aaaa lt -x 'lia tt......lti.aî 'mai. lta.'a-a......a........... l!1ia i o a' ,a Il v xla..a.ai.Gaon au <lta-4t, r-a r laa .. a-a....'a .»lat r.aaa .(a ta .xliow. ...a ...uIi-a a I ai, r à t'n]a iaat ia...... aa...axt -.. . 11,11. Itiaiaax , iaa r. Jus axa i t.' lav..l il infrav, r. . ..-aIr Wat 1.. Iri( s-I Fxns: Ti-U .rcL ALiarti and] contetsl, tîxo pnopant'a oh Mr. S. lfeni- aid, lut 24, 5i-adi îx, of't xbi-ii;aa unie, last 1"iday, daeînroyed b ir-.. li-r- c in laeliiihaeas]itisk. AT FOeRTni>rurY tirant aucttuli dllates w ena ;UCîr>sitinutpaiaasng tuht Enînaxace E-instion bo ttihe ligîx UXtîntoas hai fivîul>"Iiî'c canuil. datas 'aîo liassed -thc iiaîtnsr - xuai- nation laeiathe gbScbool. Boryfltatruci AT I)Is.ý'ITrIN-.-A socuof vicu. Qiasemnel i Ia vr tra ôi yeans ai age, feu ia in alalurauîaaed mi11l andr 'aas xironed. 4.LANi'u Aun , rha i-T e n.au i-auxaasly fi.i coi lnte.13 î4tie aIlatti) .W.B. Saîu-mI &etCa. -oecr becu kxiomi t fatl]. - For aalè pml>' b>' - . B L. Enniu & Ce. AnCmnIC SanAI- WTER"dmxii nnenal mians oenmxlst. S . W. 1B. tITîrI &Co. DPATE OF na~a-W>trauIEN.-MjUnie -Wurren. fie weil !mawi danfx. sls] ysstardlay at Vall River, Mess., in olà ilîs. - b-th. Tauo 1HOLIDÂY EXCURIîON Y. Tai,(C. A. -Promaioent amoag lie attractionan- monoexifcr the Cirie Holiday ou lise Oti of Aukgt s th e ennual excufrsion, ofet liWitby Young Mens Christiann ..tx.aield, par steamier Noreeman an'1ý 'WhIfby, Port Ferry sud Lindsay Bail. 'ia>', from Cobeurg, Port Hope,, lew.- cealla, Bowmnanrillc, Oshawa, Wliilby nn,ýl 8hI points aleug the lin.ou theo ixbove aima>', ta Victoriapw x-cî' bora Hoigbba. This park, situates] as if as, 7 miec east Toronto, ansi prônileing a Bute riaw oethfe- lake, le nair fie po. pular summan resorl cf pleasure saek.ý ona from al evailsile peints. The. pro.'- aiietars, Mosurs. 1Bayle, Souielde & Ca., bave spanes] ne pains lu lsying cont aud tl tinu p licgronnis lin astyle alane mnegificont, ixais]poýssssed cf aer>' COuVenience for pIC.uicling,*5A12 extenaire parillit, beauVitul Woods, large ncfnesimxunl roims, bot sud ,cols] W-altne of ai <ieuse, croquet lama, trimîga, excellent boaina ffcilities, Mc. Thes, ares few- ofthle nian>'attrac- lions of tie panhe. PasI excursions of tuis Associatxon have, fmoithliacane as]d sîîomition miti miichi fIxe>' hâve beau nanagx'd, gircu auci general satisfac- lion, litaI mi> ted asenres] ixan>' ilu ixtail tîxong(is c'fixhe eoumiui ttnp, mîici will bis allia c4exap mas] pleasur- ail,. Pericuhans se eticui-x ai lear- iug, ui-lor, &o., ta La c'btaixîedta pont(-ru auJ idhans] bills. tA'>itifx(TOuaMNaO) 'a';. Wumx-niî. Tho mnatchx picyciatathelfaitingraxunde, hie, Wctaaexley 17t1x met., baturcen iae \Vndaýrerî ai Tarante, sud tho 'ilxitlaY cltiiituseton asil>' 1»' lx licacatramn, lîx ouinungs, aui 28 rang ta spire. Tiho ning nus] fielding pi tÉue Wliatiay club 'avas excllent, as tiacr tîrpnele. flie folloirîtrmiiIthe txixtc Al'ill, L dau ............... iaraL! 1) a Wright............... Lai-tugarmi Alxixuax, 1. d.............. hRx- Siai,cvleairAiîx la Wiit ........ il Lrxtmx. c îal la 'caTré. giit ............... 0 Jiixy lixn, r io o ....a....x........... 1 1 Ti-uxxaair, , r aiust, a.............O Srugrt itut .. .....exil ......17. lai>tli, 1) i. . 'îs.. ............. ..' Reaynoldse, la 'trigb -........- ..- -... t !B;es,l1- bxxrxatw- - - --... ..... Totalal-------------------------....1018 W iKt'eu 1, a ',tl1 xxix Laig ...I li xxlxxix aa suxxt;i ait a ing,.axu' .1 aiatli 'x)NlaLl HOI ........x hih ....... p. diiait,( a.a... Plut, Ibtal.itl[aià naa. i lia-il utout-...2 -I*xtri-.- r Preiia, 1IMat- r iiaxit .......... ceS iIay, iî !'fata- ta tlreut ......u .. , i rii-ut-.... c t. ut', 1)xal ,- c ...l xi.... i 0 wii aoa I*, iiun p.'i Ly J. 'T. Triowbrixtgle, vnsiriet'rnoxi a Ct' yb>' Miziai tlxaistixxni, aaxl cniathes]"king >iia-cac.' îtiloi.s th ii, cacrions in- - idriant aitihe Paris Ex.,lait-iiiou ai 186i7, irmil is illuidstrhci dwith ma ruy caimicil a ixtiieio-, ands] ncial sinallan pi.c- taurri-, b>' Hopîkinsa. l' iîcuîbler te Sommer>' imnover ho roser, anditxithiaPlersaItt ayon oi vaiat ion laottîiinltie anal stbjeats. tliîrlîWialarKaiio i'idcs s 9uni- tuer Fl'iii 'SLonv, "iaisfor tir,", evhaihaisar .fuott,epionna tofin leai>' inaitlsincamai ; a anaux owLue>' Larcux îlaare isib xp oin erailid "Hsppv i'taîout Siitten," svli a sitîle iat-rtin; 'avile lrauleiIL tootton tiarainres ru ftiry tale oi guiioxes, a bear unri-d a litho girl, ualar lthe titI., -Thea Laiegrucy Marei"Tiieneis a shor't illustrar-xl piper abut thItiDiPge %V.Iiaps" sus] Ca bnifbur taimnai>' rtiole, Csrr.t; littt-ci i le aail, Laro at i-iiian liraaa- of 0nuiaa i-aie Cl-xiafflethi, wiiirixtliey hala. la Te. realc toai cr-Il, la. \aiull--taax ifalltir"ooliaahac (ltta, pier- 25 cets. Sa'inll'y cli It ig whîhin lia bouinxiu afi oze3ibiliIy tixat a tarigade aifie n atinix Intian hroeps. mihi vinit Englauri baera retoru- ing borneafroua Malta, aunaln etatci- kc-ph wih,iutheobounds a[f lb, Unitedf Xiug-do. Tlie Paeii'r ici-an "tras doublthle ancaoilttic Miauihl- Ocamu. üd I) lic- îtai c-exiaiihîxe -Ordar out ti,, fara-n. NEuw BitEsD nu'e SmuEr.-Muayna Paris] lis snneup i-ug î.-ntans] ilxa breexi ai biasai heep, ant i'ite faces.axai mmix> trille tala. Txa>'-area te bcsiomu ab Ludion,, tliougxtie>' tare i-closes] as]. mirsion taelthe exhibitions ai the Royal ans] fleclousocielias. Gel yaun printiug donca miaoue yen piea-il is yaur rugit-but - pleaxe do ual, eflen spondfog yaur moue>' eloe- w]fiznc, cams]e tahc CsmaOtatcataoffice lceg nrcloralnohioces. Il six'tbus- ina-sq. Il lana decut. Au Undeuhabie Truti. Yous îarrv o xuxltr, auxd if 3ou 1usd a naleemaile, unshisisehan>' ylite ii Ibis besutiful mais, 111e entinýely ycur« om fiull andsI lie aouI>' ana excuse feu- You,-yaur uncasonaile prejudice xand alephiolois, mhicb isa ,kileul lousînde. Persoaî kà owledgo sud common ceusa' n.eaaoi X wili coon choir Yeuxfitb% Graan'e Angust Flairer wiît cure yau ci Linon Compluit, au.r-Dyspepsia, ir as-i 'aIl Ils rniteîùibloc ffacts, sueli as bici beadecie, papiaioi-o!fie 14at, gour, x.Crmi,,.I l.tal eativa..xxm.. di77...Aa..0 UJejsJuNEB.-LI accuranxexxawx-sxs a ,Pxes affVia oditor, fenmeti aey4ar ago, opene with. a, portrait cf - William Cisilon Bryanit, oengraved b>' Cole reuna tira>'. on drawiugb>' Wyatt Eaten, for wiali tbe paf gara repeetex sittttngs during th&. pà 8t sApnng, -TIhepaper on Mr. ]3ryant'a ite sudi'hmes, miil itwas abc, pleoxaed tehbaeamilth heportrait, 18 b>' 1k,-"..:N. Posters, and ias wmilIeu before flic fermer'u a nss. Tiie illustrations aà re about fveufy uin nM- ber sud Chiefi>' repriseuf pointe cf lu. mi-hesouiaey.of Mr. Bryaent, ,sad "Tho Old Cabinet"'- centaine auCasti- mate ci lais standngas a 'poî,-sud; a repnint af-lite cu'rions originel, verson cf "Tlienatap's.s" - ; TuE ENQxIumY INTazvI Lsor rF UE GIERMAN 1IsoiCUnD.Ti. oficiaI cu. quir>' b ix, te moad disaster on tic B3ritsh coasb bas rcsulled lu a verdict aaqnitling thxe offiener' fthle finosser Kunfunet, and K(euig Wihielm, sud et. tnibutiug fliicollision ho aan isaleoof fic'iolmomsan oet hie KSnig Wilielni. Txmx PÂIS'-Ktr.Lxls isau almoal Cen- tala cure fan CIIbLERA, auxtibas, iriieut doubt, been moea ncoeesaful in anniug thile terrible disease tîxan an>' ollier knowu renies]>, or oven tha Most Emineot sud Sliftilh Pysiaiaus. In India, Airicsansd duhiaý, wceeftis dreadtul diséase 1 ever mone or Isea prevaleul, lia PÂIS-KxLx ent la coneider- os] b>' the native., as wail as b>' fie En rapean resixieute in lias. olimates, A SUIRE IEMEDY. IL .anainankable liaI tbe actirc in- grealienle of Falloir,' Hypopiiospîuita are sikaloide tramm trecs wirbihxttsin ta Von>' great agea, faîkan in conoochian iriti tie tact thatAlils prepanetion will inarcase thie lougarily oa'lhe buxan fasuil>' is s amielwat singulmsr caixci- douce. -- ___ AI the «xCutiau of a Mundenr Iste- 1>' at Ilaau4ieldi, Ohxio, a crowd af tir-n- t>' liounox people aeaembled, over- caixe tixo guard lone xow thie fonce eroad the jail, sud witnesed tic langing,. wiilashed ouI>' ten iin- Il bs e.xdiacavened ha>'Minnesota larwuies tlialtîvwoanceai snuflair wihl cUPII al>'a imily wihxfuel flirougix a long wiuter. Tho. woaxî of flic atelks axia tic ohl of tic sec-as, it is sais], maka roarnug ans] cieenful fines. famix; CDMîrîINUaxSa on Cîîomr.ux. ,ra, Talia, Whtie r arryinig ait1he ftxainfants ais] cbhire the>'tia lousand ah Ibis ses- caln of tho ycar, eaux alwîys ecrely lic checuk- axi ecà xxiby lDr. Ferler', Extraci of îaixdi Straxwbrry. Itlifasixs-r- îiiexi .dto give re- lief inmthe mielst vene cases. Il la a bQo isiti th e rrh cf svery, metlxsr. Do ual relu ta giv- xcIr,à taifax;j ou mil bco cusrd wiih ils clx. -.ax1g ctietxi Fanr s a y elu deaerna. i-iBura entty &x le -ari-un, To. Al.etter Enoni a Clergyman. Vaaxri-i.,Sept. tii. 1876. triti iLaaiia-f. FaNIi-ur's extroof o! ld-i traxalenxy lixas cura]ed au-anal tcase irf S,.ataxxxix-r Ceaiplauirxt 1 crnkrnaw. Our lattita chusi'a.41a, fer 0eus auaxatlt it ea;iîar- ed lu neaxaven. 'wu'c'guI unrilixa. mx ur fxxriy pb>sican, burt, lilue cvenything ilie, l!ieuî,xxxlii Wr rleil Dr. l'ow ir reacit Cir-Eaxtract ai WfiaI Slraîa-iairry, wija aried likeILanchanta, andax urrfectl>' exreil lîe iî,ntfili-s tia tlimer thuya. i-i-aratiaitîi-aily, Dii.V. i-i'S EXTRCnOr Wreo SaIAW- x iiixxur la.tc u inot uccaax.jfrlk Medicine Inomu for a.h i arîaxmer ceupuaxnlc, dieu-n. liai-és, dister>', aboierimarIne, ae. Ils clteciare manîlsaet. It-ase ike sa cbarrux; reliafi taaluosi insaitincou. lu sca-etl- mares and] vaniltigit ie aL eptcilia 7tunitan siait] i3cst, iaatiycoooatr ticyoung, th l LdLit i ntddha-agaarl. For saileby ril lefili-a. Militnît, hisuiti>'ë. Pianout, Toro-nto. Fo~lycasî,Dizica, xnd ailseun- nier ùompliats', use the greafesl cf ail pure simple raîurdies-Dr. Foeiri Exîruef af ild at Slaimh-rry. le i ptraiaxul, apial mi- tiatîti, ai--d effective. Por sale -b>' as Usdeal- cri'. .'Nlitiari, liitl>'& 'anoIx-rie Pîvci--Ni, ?tIliCOtAla Juie jailli, 1878, Stilui. MILEt~IxURS ,I Vit & PEARxSONa. G k-xx.aFa,-W are entireiy out xafyoui- vsiatoriia-! ypcta iiilcî, and] unr ausîcn- elra trît.ithave xt. It isleiigbly sppu-eîluter 1>' thaetrialsamnnnity :tixey' iril lxxii-. nu orisarmelaitu, Sens]incumediatul>'tIare. doi-sixmore, as-d oblige. Yoaars very trnai, J. S. ScIlLLi Ttlsa CIIII.»D Domacyo.-A lttie deat sud dumni boy agas] tua ycaanud six maoulue, a son ai Mn. viognove, Lini- sB>', mas saldenîl>' i-oines] un s tub ai mater ou Tnesassastornnon 10h fuel. DxA.aTI; tIN ruts CAOL.-A insu nanas] Joseph Lerant, shiîmatie mcm Babas>'. gêro-n, lies] lu hie Lindsay' geol ou Wed- neaxia>'oung- et 7 a. su., ai mealnes ans] xanaeiua. ToRuto-o Tjiti-maI.Tiit'Ituc. - The Irai-la elumnof lb. pont of Tarante ton fllie yean ending June 8lihix re : Ex. ponts, $3,128,776 heiug more then double thceauui-f aithe prenions yean vihile lie imoporta %trne$12,610,418, for 1877-8, mita i x a reduotion ai 764,- 881. Tiie dut>' coliectl nt alle port also sihams a raduotian af $3,152.. BEaLEVILLoE A-;D NoRTUs lSrTMGS ItatbtrA.-If t ii nstoodtl tlMr. Puindailaas sols] ont hie auine intaneet lu lb. Bellevillie as oi-rothHastings Railirvay la Mdessre. E. O. Bickfons],ci Toronto, Thomas Ralso, Alexander Sutherland sud Alex. Brova, ai Belle. ville, andti f ief i lehe intention or liase gentlemen tea i once :pay o09 al iuilebhednasc oui procees] milli le momie ai coniplebiug tliarnes. YELLOW Fr, ;N Z.-Y1liow r terr s reg- ing nf Haransansd Matanzas, anisateir caces Ixave acula aKea>'West., TuacxevAt;n Gancx.-It i8 nom shaleel fiat iliere lan reasan te believe fief a paceifie settiaexet aililacaffect- as] boeween Tnrky sud Greta. Au-amas LEOA L OPtNiýoN 01N TIl OEUstia QuEsTioN. .- Anotber legal opinion la publi-siri in Mcnlneai ruti respect faetlmo Secret Soaleties Act. Il pointe cul liaI fief At, hie ah otiera passes] b>' thaCannait a! Lowau- Can- ada in 1887, moulci go &ut of force lu, Norembcu-, 1842, ullas; il lues] anise- qunuly beau reîxoeod, which'loesnt appear le lave beexafxehe ce. bI t s iutrher confondes] b>'Ibis aanril>' fiat ftie iusanytion0o1thlImaAct lulise- Consoildetaîl Statufea moulai hardi>' bxave fie effacl ol rovivlng it. --"Dm: sor Cniatv"j-the lias le ualiia ueaic sies fle'xxaa beeaixosn xi. - se mlfizualithe o as," e.id thix âeroeut. 151 osie hi ne mt bc able ta aliarm na; me bave nisen higli enongli sud 1we nanisî now descend." "lyes certalal>';il irouhs] ho dan- gercusa -a bo ig 0r." 1 $I1den't Caanot ths danger, sud I doni't cioose ta descend. I'm galop iigbor, I amn. I peu 1003fransix ý«AA'tùlqfie senemoions sud M. Godard bursf eut laugbiixg. Ha- tbeuglit bis man was joinlg. a -"Are yen geing up hîgher on uat 2" sai fie companian, et lie safin ine graspiog M.Goail b>' the tbroal ans] - bs s 1 2uag b vialnîl>'. 'I intond fa lia r e M y e m e t io n s ." -ln _t a h M.Godardaw et a gauetit" i isti ta do mith s medmen. Theo uat- od oes, fhe funions grasp,, heovan>' toue of bis vola. lait Dne dcuht- about ,-)3Btmiel iras lealbc doue 9" lie>' mare sanie 8,000 fecet bigli' aniong the aleuda ; a atrnggle mes ont cf the ques- tion, as oua violent mabion ofthc mies- maux meuh be onougi ta upset the car. AIl lioe. hiugits - pass] hbrongi M. Oodard'a mmd lin iosthinaesecond.' pis e-lverssry iras a pomertul man, suai,,r.'itixonf looa u bis gnaap", be celles] out : "Ali, nflua aloir, Yen uaeobeen playiug tlie1foa. wiJ'hm«. Yen lie. macla me psy 1,000 francs eux] nef giren me e single comofion.", "Weil, but miel wenIl Yen lava me do ?"akes] M. Godard, calmî>' and soothingly. 1-a 4I1 ux gain,&,ta lirair -yen over," nad the. nisi an miti e mld ilaugi; "but mert su ideastsîikea me; l'il go ta tic top cf fie baloon," sud sniting tie action la thxeWirns, ho jumpes] into fie rxaggng of tho car. 0iEtt, ni>'paon friend,'; sais] lie aronnui, "yau wmli kill y'où'ngl1 like bîat"- The niadman uttenes s Ihreat. Ã"At leset," sai luM. Godars], ,lot me put s ropo roundl youn maiet ta proenb au accislant." l'Weil, b. il sa," sais] fie nadmax, wia seemnes]ta sac fie nocessit>' cf coute precaulion, sud lha nope beving beea alees lue neconîmeaaed club. iog the. iggiag of the balcon witx tha sgillty o? a stîninrel, ans] in as 1cm mo- mnents mas aeated ou tie apex, clapping bic banda andis] lonting witb ja>'. Ali ai once lie lak-s out cf bis pot-kat a large cbxsp-ltnite, aud branaliabiug if ebor. hie ueas], yells out, "1Now, yen rascal I Yonu wanled ta deascend], ýdid yoent Sayon slixal,wmiha vengeane !' ans] icuone M. Godard cao uttan a word four ont of ithe six ropesatalaiug the ca-rtthea lalo.are eut, aud ýlie exir itseif sîringing lielplcsiy anhidaa.- Tic muaximan's kiie iras nom touai- inc thie ailer tira, wmu theio eranant calus te0liii, "Stop, 0a;a Word ,-N, n !dam yau go." "But 1.1 me tell yon s;oînetbing-,max> friand. \Ve are nom 3,000 feat lîiý-, it il; frue ;luItîtha isnual ili encugi for el tllonnmxgIly goes] falu." -xx I Wxldo 3you tuasuI'aia2" ml]tic unuuam anomfuselîy. 111motan thua, Ihaf a fal aif only- 3,000ÃŽ icrtmiglîl xîot leilIltue. axud I proe- for bciug klied th beng ouI>' enilpleai. Oblige mue, thereforo, b>' wailing 1111 me niso 13,000 or 4,000 fect bigîxan." "1Agnacd 1" sais]tIi. nadmnax, mie seomes] ta enjo>'-tle ides ai sa pro- sligions a faîl. ; Tii. aernut Ieep a bi s trou-s]; he Ilînama ont neeni>'tho miole of thxe bal- lsansd the balcon shoots uap rapill>. Bot l.ii thxe amaximan la inteiesl> watahiug tîxis operation, M . Godard obse-rves thaI amaug tIhe cordage as yet untonucdisi.the pull.>' ai tb. gas escape. Ha gonti>' drame ble cars] and] thxe as begine laocecapefinneà iateIy undr fie spot iriere fie luanahie is parcfies]. lu a few Mo ments thxeCoam- bines] affects af the gas and the noir intensaly mnailles] air are apparent, eus] tIhe matinan sinda uio a stafa et leti- mngy. Thxe neramînt cafationeli- briugs dama hie baloon aundltae terrible criai. lse cdes].11 Religions Monomanie. SituAtI NG HALLUCINATION OP A MAX AI Eu ',CaLLtINS- - E InONS icAtIZD, Til5000*AN'~tILLAGE AND NrcAnm. KiOLS THE JAILOIu. TýLîapeople lunbthe village ai. Rhaea Sprnge mere limomm inloa ils] ate ment ounStinia>'b>'the paculian nohias ofai sreligions Muaausonameal Col- lins. At fivô a. Mi. lic me'ut mb oa Mathadial tcunralians] lare up auIth fi. licols, as lcesii. te gef hi. devil ont o! them. He- lieu psaed througi ans] ent ai lie toîru, a distance offre uxiles. CoucIluing lthe deril wusiluiss Ã"bof i. ing andI tlîat JeBU ansild ceniines hlm te go m fi.helucii ai asnakeels lie lues] came m ix te morîs] lie pulles] off Lie aloI Iing, sud iastaate o! nature atartes] baci on a run, fohlomes] hy s coousantly iuneaig utitudîne ef pea- pla, mie failes] -la ave-faIte hlm. Pae- iag tinougu tho--tomu hoÉflu ae). proaiedtheliachurci,,:tieu occupiai b>' a Snuday seliool. A man alîcruples] te stop bu aands] is lneekes] ceuselees b>' a etoe ;anolumer ho folles] mihbis, Bst. By Ibis lima me cre'iyi lied gathieneti abonî-bim, bot oving fa a profuse pers. piration 'aniacimade lim a5sSlip- pur>' as anne]u, if mes 'diffianif 10 hls lum. Once secunaîl ans] beunfl he mas talion fa lhc gaoi ntWsington. AN ATTAIJIi ON TRE .ILEIO. Ou Mcuday mcruiug fie jailor imeuh inte lais oel faeRiroeui bic foos], sud ho soes]e perftel>'quiet ans] leise., Tho jailan pesse insmele .'cal]doan- and ux]n fu]te laci it. Collins aI fliat maoment plies]up ehear>' board, ans] shmuckt ljaller n tfie liâciOc! li bead, leuoeking limnierai eusan- tien beatiag il beond ifito fixe consiiors cf e jehI>'. Tie jaileu-'s rue sulicequntî>' came lu te se. irlit lad bacouxe o!bar busbauci'; but,, raisiog ber dresata g o up sitairs, aie dics net Seo %8usnll aie gaItaita li te top. Homes caye-es] mitux ilood frein. liessite foot. Colline et once efmucle ber a violent blowm cn lixar 1e084, kaolsiug ber dibm fie atain., mxc> sud Ilisu rusei- la Lisc cciiin muid hweeimia bleas]' ucii-i look. os] iimai la». - iRELIGION A 11 Ruhr. collins is anu -rishiYnu, ui as uttil mI. suxerp to-, , Andi Mr. Txuî Lacn.ote Bxsasx-Mre. Laxigln', fie lioýn'o!fie çmsakamng fie reigai. bp beuiies" ai Landau, le ' deecnibed b>' an undliemayexl colonial girl as a quiet-louukiug, somemiat pslis, demi- i re ,- l trgaixyem l, ,igi.à oul]ered, îvesp.meiatod lady, lu a wmitéeus, nice..loekiug, snd tu-yng a 11111. tee ehahamatel>' te disphe'utcucouns cf fie saene about 1-on. iToaac-rTAxu,-Tlie rate Ibis yoau is20 mille lu fie-dollar. Mmamrx.£ NaTito.- 841h "Onaurio" Bat talion et Iutantn>'-No. 7 Compan>', Canniugon.-Tc b. Lienteuaut,. pro- riionil>' Corporal John Vicas, vice Lumsdaxa, pu-ouxateih-, -FrVE Carrauuwc-&ATONE -BITarxa-TIi. mas pleced in the Enqx4irer office te anrqat irboaver cellex] for fia letter.. - It iraso muafclles] for, liowever. MAs4her latter came, iafonauing lier tliat tê mniter lied nom mnritlen lier for t4$ lest f inie, ans] unies. aca de asueliasp - peitifmonl io wonld>immediafei>'éipas bar. This mas' suppiemeaifei by flic fellemlng peÃà naul uiniday's'Eigxeir. Hem-Make aaiother spjaoixtment to.dsy. Addresa, bofono noon, 110.a W. K.," fis office. At appeinfment vas made., and tli- officer xustructcd boa stili. kee mwatai, bottl .e to a-net 00lid lfor, De. tealire Rama.>' *li6'.aibeau. eivislxig aMz. ans]ikfn.s., Là xis]esggeia ansu- ir flrougfi flue sme colunn. and] fie folleming eccoandingly appere 1 in Tues- 0O.,W. .-Meet me -et Pricn' HM ,t8 P. uM. to-day -Deteative Raxmsey, rrafer a.lUu. guider' gaing te- Pli"ae's Hil sns,, k.a ta precede ber sometim aend- accu»y'ia convaeofnt point cf observation lu frît-a eft liceladies',perler-;.Wliezctheiinter- viom mas tta ke place. If l th ,fellowr cieuls]d éemaus] moue>' ie WnM2te- pive' him a ring as secunityala' eiwul xt l. liedt cufficieuxîl>'cemmitfed himiialD siW- mould draw a heud.kerchils!aroumub ler ueek as m'signal for the -outrance olhliex detectire. - Mu-a.Souder resciedth ie ill prompt, - 1' afthie timne appeinta, -and, gcing te, tie*ladies'-psuIon, cndsr.d a disli cf ico.- crea. Siebldhardi>' ftouacled i if mhen a suxall, siakiy-lee]eing ycuug man, mbom oie rccoguized, as a falloir- passauger n u flue Elgilstîeef car sud inclines] plane, famiiearly teok e settt et the saie table eus] crierai e -gl.s cf aie., Thon bé intneduced hiniself as '1O. W. K. ;" btols] ber ho coula injure, ben, ans] demandes] $10 demn as au ina- miet. inuement ho keep quiet. He mugit mant mare, but fiat irouls] do ton lie proent., Wili remenkeble self- possession the lady disauà sexitho mat- fer coalu>' mithi uni ;regrettes] lIat aie iad naoeymov ifiiber, but if lie iu- sislesi upon i e, ons] letl hlm baveaa fino lange Cînsfter diaMnias]ring WhiCI! ah. ware, arihen esr.rnugs, as . sbnrity until sic citaines] fhe moe'. Thc feiloma ai-as enappes] aI sigîtof -the biliant jomolc.- It mas a vasly>'bâter hiuLtian 11Qanticipsutes]. Eo preferr- odtteoring, aeus] mie i.lady mibli- d]nee itt ram ban finger eus] la liai tmat5cfernes] ilta bis veel pooket, île- lady careleesl>' iipas] ber neai i.vithb1er indkencbiet., Defoctiro Raiso>', mie hai witucaaad fiasantIre preccedings f lrongli a wiudow, quiell>steppex] in as Iliis signal mas giro n d fie lady, mie bai laxes]lixer nerea f e nIut niant tlareatrain - berseit up ta tis mo- Ment, no0W jumnpeil frem ber seat, Cintob les lealla>y'thfiar... p, sud f orniog fa lie debeatire, ssfv >*]Ree'à i yeur pnisener."o The starties] fellair, nom Ilirugay alarmas] ans] conscoocf the ta- imb'1 urhici xli as] tallen, quiclydroppail the ring ans] acknomledgad huiself.l hostau. Heoies s aeu dom lte Nlfati Street Police statiou,, whora, ha gare' the nanue cf C, W. Inglls, ea prinfer b>' cupation, and] cugagod t thcl offiec tic ASfi-r fa ini-. West. ,Ho liré es mith is muféand ahudronnat fie corner of Feurti ans] Smithi sfroala. In convrsation lest xigbl bea alnow-; ledges] liat bis viole parpse li fie transaction mas taex erf mono>' rmm Mra. Solder on 1 a suspicion cf famulieri- fy mithollien emen, ans] iaI lie bail' Ilapes] bis 5 spieonma seOmail toumxd- - as] thiaflie moulti lave nu difficuit>' iu obtaining miafever moue>' liedemand- ex. Buthei. reakoneel xnwisel.,_ The. dlseoaablisbment agitation raspeof:ý ing fia. Clurai o! Scotland leas beau opanes] in tiaeHae c f Commona. Baverai motions have hbeen unade for oquin>' olixîricno thfe Openelieus of tie Patronaget, or imb lie condi- fion, numÃœbera, ondewmouls, etc., of-flua E setiblishe¶ Churcli o! Seotlans] Tleae- motions more eccempaiei b>', speeches more or lesa violent and njual as fie temper- o!fi.heindividualenaiig tient, sud fie parties tfa mib tfley-balong, teemias] ladicta. Tîme>' ail, bomerer, feli tdthelbgrons, aussi nsfor fhe. proent fie met fer le lcft an open quea- flou. The thin cdoi ffiaeigo is becu humantes], aud tlii agitelie linus bagua miii prababi>' haconztinues] unhil fIxe ca.ufry shalh pranounce upon it. empiaticail>'et thie bellof-ioxaa. Iî la, penapa. trul>' sais]faI fi't te Olicraot Sootîula baiug.plaead upan lts7lx'i1. Tie speeîxeaai-ofMr. Gladstone and] fia barnnns]u f Mn. ,no e ni.iaLoi rom zize, On .Mannar-, âo 1 2n tue sam -a year aflermeni. Alîrsys, efler e mire.e if thie room le Prorogation oeth I gilîs -The prorogÉtiou a! the Lt Qmebec f oolc plea, ouSalue The Mentreal Eieeiisg P The session of Quebeo ha lu a beceming mR ner, lx>'1 tira Council hfnsing to e ilasîf. Thec Boemers ga laining office-the Cauisai liae.s after pu-esenhing t] witi aadadress and assui le vili yet Iaalin teux -t On sa. i xppy in havixig otixesis lhappy in thle lapa o it Anisoendeon0îe fi anaalkable-sessions ovon ffld fttlueu, or ixidee], unyfleni - mn>'o!fha bcoh c6 onfis, bhoiding'aon le pofce cb 'a maj -or morse stf11,holding onby vota -of - taeSpashea iz h eurd of. We suppose, bovel Coaserrtvas monld do tho iUms public opinion freaf aý - lighll>. -Fou- fie creshil <ai rvince, liameven, me cioniti i, docicles]naant'on sane) fins reliere ns fram the 1 fie tentiemn in utfe aii- Province a! Quelicoila mare rince undor a dictan l bi - A Vermout Romn Thefiref romance of theasx loroiir'Veruaont, Villagesbis a1 flic aiges asds] beau berü - îke au lil ciraus-bill an fonce. A formeeksagoa yi mail eclucetaci, beaubiful, ali le said lie user-eux] fia son glis Libron, efnirei in - tfli - - h cacli o!aquiet reBont 'mien. -ents1a s]tiu-nu2manous migltipencthe sumnmer. plêases]bliands]bleengage xnuiber cf reonsfor is faf? 1>'. Nov hhere obonosi tefa1 loige ut fliat bil-f idoue cbsmming dangiten ot aimei mers, algsebeenfitonl, g-q f adent cf ftha Tro>' Puesu haells i -20pnes]. -Thcemeteaf g i-vi 'ptes] lhe :youug meu'sinÇ liide aud wabk, hoy viheililI guove,jo linigerb>' flec mach afe wavear came fresi ana cc .amolag tie lestes eus] niasse lia mould--stiulate bar inr with tic beanfies oai isls ia Theyenng lest' breauxa fia eulh.ean's 'sou. Tise, y ment ta the pester oatone aifit es axid sais] lhe baron mctid on s certain Sabiah, ans] war gauti preacing. The son o band of music f0 emoat the iE - h lie pot fo fiai hôtl, honxr sicaerabia moue> 'cf ltie ianiý mihîte livrr>'ans] bcard luI a.-pratty penny. RHe reaeired 'a stating fiat is'falian mwonîx i a certaindsly. Onu1 bxe ila>' b greal erenl lie du-arc b a ne tontem o lebsant fan tire au-don fa Icare Lwo ga'lsi maIe jereilar'1s8la obe repairai. Tii piq5hP5: belongeil te is p1 mcothei-xa.law and fie h whmieuxh id kissas] vifi terycu- vhsxiha aisterteel on Hecld net roburu. Tiheu-r arive. Who-wiIl psy-lbhe HUI billls-bills?2 Socuxootlrx-m 1