Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1878, p. 3

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,&otiko fea )'.U'Iirt ma7ia ondjDatgÉ harged 50 uM14 e<acha DUÂTES. BLAI.-&* DBrookila, on a Àcgu& 8:4, 1878# John Blair# Ma Yo ,scud 10,monthe. A À t1 Fe 01 dnss loui, u ut 7V,041878. .-vvrbro ... . o *~5 Op.sy....t.........,... 05g 00 oue.8 Eg............... 00 10tlg acd, ibina qiartr....... 50080-00 B»«Ii for@ quarter ....... #4 600 #0oo Shspakns.,..,,,.,,,. -00 00 00 prkprowtl............ po0oo 00 p 0 a 500 Calvea......i...........4O1 Tonlpc............ ,100 Cra..,,..,.., 150 a000. Clàiokn perpal.,..... w a 4 Duks pu p. ,,,, .Oc0 Gees@ par Ib....,,,. e Turkaper Ip: b,,i,,,o:. o o aw 10 - PORT FERRY MARKETSJ. Port Ferry, Auguit 7th, 1878. Wheat, i0 ,.,.,,.,.,O15 00r lor. .............. 500 011 DUrle................1-0 60 070 Pea......... ............ 055 0 60 at.........,.. ......... 0 85 1087 Corn.............060 Clavr ee...........S 00 8 80 Potatoes .... ...... .....O050 0 60 -À 1.......040o 060 d.6 50 0 00 Porc............4,60 5 00 Iuf..............O 010 G012 ................o.. 012 0 00 ay, aId....,............. 12 00. 12 00 "a0 noe.....v. ..,..10 O0 10 00 lIe?.... .......... 550 600 Wad.............200 800o Wool. .......... 018 0 20 Eppa's Coa.-GuR&]UL AND Co rawrcso--"ýBy thorough knawledge of M naturel lawlu Which vern thse operatio 0 dieltion and nutr¶>n,jsnd by a caret Aisliat1naithe fiuo proptlies 01 we] solec.tecocos, Mfr. Eppu has provlded oc bresldea* tables 'wth a delicately flavourt bevaffe whlch mai- cave us many heai doctorsl bills, lb in by tIse j udicous urne snob articles ai diet tisai a constitution ni bo gmdufUy bouit up unti strang enas toresilt evrytendenoy te disease. Hi deuc utemaladies are-foatig axos, us roady ta attaek iherevr thore la a wer pôlut. W. MAY escape many a fatal eha by Ieeplng ourselveo-weil fortified wl pure bload sud à prprynourishodirame Packets labelled - "JàiuusREprs & Cc Eommoopalhlo!Chenilat, London, Eng.11 A C I RD. T O AU wlso are sufferluq froua the erre imil Id cirtlnsJyonth, nervot weaksseos, early declaiongcimauhoad,&c .1 wl mend: a recelte tisai wlll"are yo FBE0OF CHARGE. TItis great reied wu doovsred by a nissolory lu Bout Amorel ond a self.addresoed envoa ta tiseRzv. Josu T. Isixàx, Stationi Bilble RouteNew Yorke City. -NEW AVRIEET LAIDO ANO PLIASUIIE SEEKERS EXCURSION1 -TO- D E L W AR E -P. S. A., TEE1- Gardon 8tate of the union, Arrsangnents have been made for an Ex. cursion tram PORT HOPE TO'DOVE] tise capital of the Riais oi Del aware, TÙE&)DAY, AUGE. 20e '78.1 "H Every young Dia.. TàoRETON, of-Toronto, Beys: CC]f je full of praoticaa, sound 1nformiïtjona." DR4ýFàLpIn; of Toronto, mites: "Elvery inother should -rea.d *lii book, andsery father, t 0 1 Every p'ros9pÉ3civeé mother should read it. D 0 9.H. Bmms, of-Toronto,, wrteB: "I have rÉead 6ow w rais'ed our Baby' ýwithý mul atcation. It Contains important iaète witli whioh ,evo parent.should oaqane. Every motherof a family shôùld read ite Du. ÏC., B. HALL, ôf 1!orouto, writes-; l"Étls the znosli useful and 'concise -boak I ever ilc for instruoting parents' in the dreus, foeding, and mai#~gement of babies."1 WIVES, ASK YOTJR. HUSBANDS TO-B'UY THIIS BOOK -FOR ýYQU. D'a. J, AUas, of "rno wrtp!IwU4d g#pne-YrCcommnd evei'y yon ubhat:rïta copy of this bo6k toll Y. 1f te 4et0 hiils ughca~dt rsn PRIOM PORTY OENT8.-Copiec aee# frea bi-post te am>, addreas in Cndo rcit publicholrs prios. aaa 01 e-ito mi Bookoeeller ând Stationerl NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. VOTEF$' LIST, 1878. MtJICIPAýLTY 'OF TUEý TOWbý Of WHITBY,l COUNTY OF' ONTARIO. N OTICE IS! HEREBY GIVEN, tisai I b~iave trai;amtted -or diellvered ta the 'ersous imenuted ln thse tisird and foui-il sc-ions nif"déhe Voterae' LÙcf Act," tise aoplea require& b ysaliasections ta Se se troniutted or delversi ofithe loti, maie rsruant te ag liAct,oci al persans appear. sg by tise lael tevlsai Asssomeni Rall ni te ssii Munleýpality la ho ontitlei ta vols s tho cad Mufnlcipaliîy at Electiocîs for lombesafainheLegielaivo Assrnbiy sud, It Municipal Eleollans ; sud tisiGaaili was firet pasici up et rny office, ai Wisitby, 1- . ou tise ýnd-DàY'of A UaUST,'78. nid romainesdi-àe tori- nspection. Alectos i-s calîci upon te examiestisesaialiât, aid, if Auy ninissiona or any allier si-i-rr ie iaund tisorelu, te take immediste ps- îocdings te have tise said cri-ors corrected ;cordsng te 1ev. THOMAS HUSTON, ati, of tise said 1Municipalîty, )ated, hitby, ug.ils, 1878. -8 B R0 w if 1 NDIAN LINIM-ENT! For sale by dealeso generally. Yhat vie cake the Iead là I N1ioeted partea, Scalde. - FOR IIOISES ANI? CATTLE.-From j a ns Satle lu verni atte-, wiU cure mmci iternal dorangenientos ýausci Sy over Seat. ig, &o. VHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, ASK THEM ? Wc tise unsieigd have usai ]3rown's dian Liniment fer anme rne sud e:u àeerinily recommondithifoi- pabLieue. SpiseainiMay, Pisi OrcluiLrd, Oui. Csas. Hemptisoru, Wisitby, d simd-ev Orvis, d " e J. Davs, Brookisi, J. K. Matisovson, d lotis Hubble, 'Asisburu, A. H.'-Heuiereon, Urbrldge, S. C. BROWN, Proprietor, -) Wisby, Ont, Mare, Strayed1 TRAYED imtomy promises, DuMnua I Crook, on Suniay, July 28th, a bi-igs: yrc iai- vlSviite star ou inreiseai, h soen and a a lbanda higis sud &bout se ni-ton veara clid. Tise avusi isroquesisi on prnviug pro- )ty ta tako il aweav and Pa eU~enses. Lfins' Crsok, A49g. uis, '78 ~IHITU, Pli PEHIU( &LINOSAY R'Y, 4HEAP EXCURSION -TO-: - ;TURGEON ] g a m- t Om.9 )fui lin oIl- lu ur ai red w un al IIal eak al Lait ar ai iu JO., Di re ou, ta ehf içt ai tise tollavlng vendes-ina aow rates Port Hope, Onlt.,, b Da.: and Rotas-n. - - - a ,5 Port Hope, ont., ta Dover,- qnJ0 WS3, -- - 810 cl 9W Tise Round Trip Ticket wilI Se Goci ta Retur_ u-- any egular Train vltisl Tilty day.. BRs)OIusOTaLs.Fa. - Arrsagements havo beau mcdo vwihstise s-a rietes- ai the Capital Hatel locaisi on thse Publie Square, thasbSut Hatol lu tise City, for tise loy rate ai61.M5#a day. Baissa ries LAnsx.-Don'h fail te bs-lui tise Ladies, Everi-attention vil Se pals tu this:rmanudconiIori-eni#itop nd, com.cs fortable i-maisd cas-ig es fu ninsheorf aIlthse excureionuatevisle boe, a lai-gi nuaber of ladies have slready ar-augei te Ceoes-sses.is. Easscavoe. - Tihs Excus- 14oniota vili alo ave an n pprtunlty ci 8881% tise International lillsation aI phil. adolpisla on their va y bacis. Admissimn ouli 95 conta, Twsnty-rlx Act-e oi Ex. iibîtu, iealdes tise Zoogal Gardons. Maaxîvlczu csarBctaa.-Tissttip OVOe tise 2ortisem Central Rallvay, la lu tsolf smply vas-listlisenstire cast. This BRa viloass'y you thi-ougis e counusy vas-led sud * lsautitlla. lueludigt ho Most celebs-ated Lake, MaunW tal sdRiver Scsuery lu lise -Country., Tise fa:-fauped "'Walklua, Glen'l gdMtlnnequa, Spri-lue(tisebaratoga ni Peius uylvanla) ise V MtYre C MIne.. itI lnUdlnod Uaiîvay rtnnuîng t0 top ai tise Mounitain visible froua cars Ai Ralsion, Ps. tise Su, nueisanu River vilS ils Tisonsani dlminut<ve Islande, sud tisé Seantilul Val- leycaifLancaster sud Ciscervillo bc pro. can3tei o tis. vle ai tise Pacagersansd hy lsavug tise rente aI Harrilsburg, a. coup la ai Saurs ride vil bringyo tthe GRAND NATIONAL CEM7TýR AND »B&TTLE.FIELD 0F GETTYSBURG, at a &aPes lay, Long Bs-suhanssd Oceas OuamerRessarta. -OAPHe 5AY, OCEAN (QYJI, ATLANTICOICTI or LONG BROh eau bseasily reacheel fion Pila- * ophs NewYork cfty ln about 001 miles PecntvfFnusylvania, IR. R', sud tise raund t-ip fa:. framnPilalphie te tissas oints sud reln-a 1,roua #2 ta ea. Walî. lnugtan eau ieroaoised eta sslght additianal oxpanga fram Willrngtan. Belayas-s Pamphlet lecriptive mi Cape ?4Yan sd Oceaei Grave eau b. pracurei ai ths under. sindAgent. JIP S ,An PÂsuu'nsar.-Wil Se sent fs-se on application taitise ucîcorsiguci. - Ths Pamphlet ti-esîs on avor 60 iilrent Seade, Mch es soil, cîmato peOoploduots,nia:. ictidescriptions adprisc as-m.. rassises- lisuevera everY question tisat a land seois. o:rcould tick1uk iking. ý Qusex Tse-lt tais.but 26 hans-s fi-mm Pcrt Hope te Baver, noe-tiseofatie Excur-, sionliissa hoa:. p s-asi for time canhisvo noarlY 8 daYc lu Delawaro and Piladelpie udi!rturu tise sane week. Tisisvis *have tMe eau returu tise came ticket any tlmevl6lsin 80 dar. IREsCrîosea-Take tise Steamner NOBSE- MAN vih iesl Icsve Part Hope an the -morni-n fTUESDAV,.&UGUST20, about 10 A. Y*_ ailer tise arrivaIai theo Grand Trunk and MldiandItRalrosi mas-ulug trains. Theiss lansxoi lway wvîliIssue round Id]p rickets froni PORiT HOPE ait a tare sudsa thi-i fmi- tise rns-lod5ic. Dou't - ai! te corne, "Tiseina:. tise merrier."1 Firas Glascars il bd p:avldedaud oxperi- oCodl rmail-bimon vil go vih thtie Excur. Filan te liéetethscomfmi:I, saiety sud piese urs ai tise Party. .- Cars WvIiii-un tisi-ugis -fs-an Charlotte, N, V., tise Isudlug point ai theaSteaer, te Bava: avolding t-aie.. Tcessait pamphliets c ean Se abats auj time, up le Anges h Oi, ai E. STEPH. ENSON, DOMomininTélogs-ph Office, Whi-. by. .- 5M' ISV Ot Westée %Psssen gergeut,- NrthsztOenilRlivs 00 Fairm FérISaleé 1 NOBTEÃŽWIT Qàteb 1 ntiosa Sil Adjtvllae Gaunwc &d. c a POINT ANDSRTIN SA TURDA Y,, -AUOUST lOth, ToitsîIcl dI hnner ai Sturgeasi Pont etl oI~ ne dollar tweuty-five conta. Train viii ýoave Wiitby at 8.45, a, ni., allowinhu fans- at thePont I-Mariagflng Directes-. Whitby Aug. othIti 7B. 11 A UCTION SALE 0F CHURCE vlROERTY. Tise unierel aiîTruatei' ni tise Melba- disI Boico sûàeh itualeil ou Lot No. Elghtin luise 8e th ConcssIn ai tise Towu5Iso ispfPcise il yl 5cr lisebuilli- Ing auslland blmtIgng taoi l for caieona Tuesy, Septeniber Si-i. Ternis maie isuavu on day nf sale. Baie aI Ivo o'cloci p.m ROBERT-LITTLE, ýTrusces. 4in.118) B. Y. CAMPBLL,) TOBONTO1I&ISSING R AILWAY Tise Annuel Getuoral Meting ai tise Sisaroisoldors nieth$aConipsa'willl taise place at h tisu- fcesjImpersal Bank Buili. nga, as-ente, ouTiesia>', tise 101h day ni Beptember, A. .B 1878 aI nacu.! DUy ai-cir. - OS. GRAY, i Secly-Treas. Toronto, Stis Avg., 1t78. (- h. TURE MISER!.CAUSE 0r HUMAN Juoft r uulisOd, lu s seglci A m Evela le. Psico 9lx coula., WmwAlectut ulise Nature Treal- sud Radical cure ci 'amialleakneas, or opeorniaoi--ises, ed mb>' Seli.Aisuee, lu. valuntas> lshnnj Qa Impatoeo>',Norvons Deilily, sud Insp , moçt's toaiaIgo Tio- oriensv~ ugtio, n itIs i#d mrbl' Lecture lôsrly prôves froua iss ovu experlenoo holsaiesal otqâe o' Self-Abus, 4WI Ol cU ouaequ ,c vithaut mediline, a sdvltisautdane-ou eui-gheal porstlans,î bogies, instrmente rlig,,corsdials; p tgau ù oi' cunr, Ai once cort b à n oSeuta =bO"vsl7sà oves'>' uffrars-noms visaI bléacodition me>' be, ma&y oýuie isaeli iepy.pîae 1>, sud radieslly. L1 - O Tiis Lecture a baSeu te1 t rs loue.i ta ~0B~I~Tsoisr, Brook-et., Wlsitby, NE' ADVLVE i'1S EM E.N"l'I.@ H A R V E'S-TTOO L -VERY CH9EBP AT- HATCH &R BR TO IPAINTEIRS. Blimidells raw and boiled Oil, Genuine English Les Glass, (oui own importation), Colors, Brushes &.,oheap HATCg & BROS. flOUJSE BIJILDEIRS. A large stock of Nails, linges, Butts, Scoews, Loc, gond quality, Only 68.500Per dozen, complote with whitee kuobs, up top value HATOH BIOS Eartc-trougbs put up on lâtest approved pattern. Ei peiring nsetly and proniptly done in Tin Shop, lllachine OUIs of 4 super quality et NEWADVERTISEMENTS, FARM FOR SALE!1 S QUTH PARTS of lots 25 sud 261, Broken Front, Pickering, cotaining one isun- iae acres, mos-eas- lues, the ipropsrty ni tise lato RoSbi-t lrenusu. Tissa ps-perty le boautiiully situatedionutiseniarie',iftise L&ke, usai- Liverpool Market,su about temmiesls--tisseoenoty lewis erhi6by.ý For ternis &o., apply ta REV.,PATRICK CONWÂY, Or t a S t. Paul's, Toronto. W. H. BILLINGE, Solicitor, Witby. PROCLAMATIO N CIVIC HOLIDAY!1 2! 03 tb oc re or ou ýd, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cousea as OPserTUscO } hSliy giveon i-o vaIr, tisai the Nus Piin, Oye: sud Terminer, sud Gos al Gaal Delivsry wvill Se heldi u, sd for i County ai Ontaroin tise:COURT HOUE lu the' TOWN of WHIT' Thursdfay, September. l9th, '71 At tise sout nf 12 o'clock, noan, ni visicisa Cos-oier-s, Juatites ni the Peece, suda ausesecancerued, vil taie notice sud go, Siseriffe office, Whit, ShBin, Ca. Ontas-, by, Auguftet tti, 178. 7~ 68 AUCTION SALES ler. he SE ail ail iv- lao. -8 T 1EG ta rotutuniy clucéere iliçika ho tise public for tise very lihersl î aronage Sestowei upon nie luntisa ,cinaudi intimate tiat I vill Se on hisi rssdy to canduct an y sales tisai I May Se entrs-ued vitS. Tefflac liSerai. 8atisfactian palr- suteei.1î o ynale Sà0on wili lie touudaittise tnoi el~ WhitSy. Arrangènients as; to .ý,s o SI &-.,may.Se s4ade vish Mr. >Iaccn, tise Jropn-etor ni tise Hmiel. Os-dors by mail or telgrah .attasdei te. -Anchianeeii, Ï '(Vtby. N. 13. - Sala Bouks sud blano notes furislbcitoo L. E.' C1 ONTAINIIOG 511 ACRES 0F LARD, '. ieing tise S. W. j ai loi numbenl14 lu tise 7tis concession of the Towunsip et Beachs, 17 acrescOai vhicis ara cleared sud unier culltivatian; ai tisebalance eau Se clearai very chsaply. Tise es-utpon tise ps-omises a nov 1 j siary frameý: dwellng hIoUSe, 24x80, vits addition, 12x48 suad aic a neyer iaîlllng slream o!fs'ater., -ho lani le lmw aud psritlelaily sispisi forisy crop sud gi-asing purposes, suda-, ! prndue mucis mare grass ami pacluro t Ln' Sigis priced up-land. It la locaîci a à a good rosi, sud abont tva mines fi-mm tise vissage ai Port Ferry. Tise propesty yu Sec oLd ai a Sas-gain.Pas- fustiser pstieulars apply taO W. q.Eawe onuise emiseo»,ri o Peort pesrOui. Port Ferry, Blet Jtsly, 1878.i 821 WHITBY, PORT PERRY LINDSAY RAILWýAY, TLHE SHOiITEST &O1ýLY DIRIICT TORONTO AND THE WEST, L'o PORT PlitRy, LINDSAY, FENELOýý FALLS, ]3OBC4YGEON, AXD ALL ijoi « Mo ic V1CTORIA ýRAIL W1y 'leas.ure n d ÉTURGEON 1POINT HOTEL, TmesPOPIILài tsaaz ica guat. an -sinrgeLaiteàmUques tram Taat, .iaVIcoriaR&Ia, temerd"victorIa,friLnay hie Lino maiesa 'onecIes ltpG4n Tr=knit uvlc oriasI~aa SHARP CCdNbuicVrxoN. M rnfrchargés. Bafflge cWkod STILL GOING 'ON We bave just received a 114ARGE STOCK 0-F 0-ENERAL. GROCERIES, and Fruit- Jars. Il&Hi. ONTA R/O LADIES':COL.L M w 1874. Tise ùew cutl wiug the College witls the recent additions, nat beiug ready, wo are obligcd for the preoeSt ta Use thsenid onue. lui. A very complote sud efficient staff ni instructors. Provision io mado for a tisorougis graunding ilu!English, as tise irse foundatioci for e fiuished edlucation. Tise simpeset elemeutary subjeets are nit oserlooked, sas hat popila: may enter witis aivaniage et an oarly age, and luns.ny stage oi advauooncent. Special fâciliies arc affurded for acquiring a thorougis sud practical knowledgc oi science. The music departmeut, nuder the manage- ment oi F. H. Torringion, Eoq., Conduotor of thse Philharmonie Society ni Toronuto, je in tho highest ciaeson efflcieuey. Frecnch and Gec-man are taught by an accomplishod lady, wha spoake bath languagos, and who elso possessos a gond knowledge ni English. Litera- inre, Mathematics, Drewiug, Peiuting, &c., are taught in tise mosi efiective manuer. 8rd. Well regulatod cercise iu welkiug, calistisenico, sud riiing; wholesoxne sud nutritions diel ; comiortable and weil ventilated morne, &o. 41is. A large numbor ai honore ta ho compote for. Two medale frn i Hic Excellency Lord Dudferiu; gold modal froin Jas. Paiterson, Esq., of Tor-onte; e seisolarsisip fi-sm Albert Teekey, Esq., ni Appleton, sud more tIssu $1501.00 wortis of Prizes. Sth. Fsfeccss per cent. s-eu ctin o tf0fhasoso Jo pa in advanesfor'onease ycor'e le and fuif ion. To those who pay by tie toirn -For second tom nio atiendance, five per cent. off aU buis ; for third terre, ton por cent. off ; and for fourths terniIliteen par cent. - ---. F0 UNDED EQE, o w M p 1874. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADYANTAGE 8 lot. Tisa fineot Suiltiu îinga-nisuda in Canada. dovoisi ta tise iigiser edlucaUin of Wi viil bc dodcutai. Prepai-atory Departmesit, per tersa-c.... e40 Acadermie - 6t10 Caileglats - .8 00 o6hotal callasudincidenta Ui)expcîses pîar terni.............................j 0 UBOXc DN Liiry............. Board, wltis furnished room, per wccls ...A$1 73 Fuel, ighs, and washing, pur weok... 50 Singla bei, or room lu mnd etorey, extrat, perwes..... ............. 2 TO THOSE WHO PAT IN ADvANCrE PER YEAIt.-BOARD & TUITION. - InuPieparatory Dpsuet $1860 Iu Acdenij Dspertmont ...........Ieea lui Coleogiate Deîîartment----------.....«144 003 Aduliional eharges vIl depeni u1pen tisa numnbor-of extras teken, eueS as mueic, tIiav- in g,îlitiug, &c,, iran ail Oai scis16 per cent wilb e takan, if paemeut bc maelinlu avance- s-si-a ubsie ysar. CALENDAR, Tise Cailegiate year la divided Jute Jeur torna, of ton vseissscS; oae tes-ni end e-Self bc- fors Chistismas, sud tvoansd e-Sali af or. FiRs-r 'Jass, le ptomber Suis te Navenibai- its. SiocoNDen asseovembes- l4tiste Febs-nesy 7tis. VArT'ivna, fmosu Decembes-lotis te Jeu. 2ud.; Tsunn TFas, Fabruery luis la April iStis. For fui-tier paiticulars, sec Cnloudar, furniched ou application ta R1Ev. J. E. SANDERSON, M. A., or, 11Ev. J. J. ÉARE, B. A. Governor. Principal. Wisitby, July Brd, 1878. 28-tf. JUST R EO0E1V E D WHITBY CHINA TEk STÃ"-RE, A Large Assortmuent of Croekery, and Glassware of ahl kinds. Also a Large Consignment of1 GLASS PRESEIRVE JARS! OZ-' Ail of which wvill be sold Oheaper liliucveri'for (Jail and examine for yoursolvcs, beforo puu'chasing elsomhsjrsi. FRESH RIPE FRUITS- LEMONS, W. J, GIBSON, - WilITBY CHINA TEA STORLE. uac <itan l'ho na- Mra aic, ne IMSo ald egivo onti0 1catisfai Tha ailMac 'ebacbeon tho STAND ARD TH RES H'ING'MACH I luth. United States and Canada ove: .'lnco iutroduoed by tise laie jO)S HALL in 1828. The Hall Champion Threimg MacLine kas 'beeu graduai)j carefully improved eccl year -as ozvorienaoe proved vise sud deairablo'. changes have beeu ltastl7 made. and elli UeprOIVCMenh. Tise greatest 01 Cre bas c s èeim la inthse construohiots cf sùI th'éworig prl'of tis chine Po at as l avýè t1h cceity.cf i-opel: and prevesat anang lay'wil eaused by breakagos. Notlîing but the vory bout materialbac boon usedtblii Ont tse machina, andl thlsworkmauhil launsurpasoed, Oui- abinsa- PATENT- DIAMOND POINTED CYLINDER TEETH woriàtbreo limes as mach as tise-oiuary teeti. We can cupply PITT8,. PLANET,, PEL TON, OR HALL HOR8E POWER8, (elgist or ton i-sre), eithor DOWN or MOU!NTED on TRUCKS asuecharner May bocire. Also T11UCKS huit peniaîly for SEPABATOIS, wlth fi-at Tires, las We are building aspcl machine for STEAM THBESHIING-wlîih 88 moihsume cylinder sund 42 is grain boit, and vo alo upply a Stesa Englue, whichh.vo nos erue ta drive our Threslser in a firet-claea mannea' as i'apiily as il can.poible boa h fe, Oui- Engiue in m ade. frouatie m ort iuproed mode) ued tlrougb on the c U nitedi $tt se,and giv s universal eatisfa ton. lu la sim ple l ou t'u l ou e ei eaelly sud poi'fectly gavei-ued, and not hiable loaeccidents or ta get ont of. order, Der and ail danger froua eparice entirely rempeoi. CUL 104,1 ssii aoi tusl des niau oro ait,: timc thc ed L doseph Hall- Manu/'acturing Co,'. OSHA&WA, ONT/dUO. Ob, yes! CASH -GROCEIRY STORE, Wheî'o U get the bât and cheapest groceries in the- Couniy, Ta-y it-! A flne 75c Orecîs Test iia 10 lb. lots at Soc par lb. A good Family Test, 80c ere lb. Ail grüdes of Stîgar, ut prices that defy Cauîîod Masti, Spices, Flavcring Extracte, &a.- A new stock of Crockery arriviug, whiclî wiIl bo oold aI a litt1e more t-han liti!f -tisa ucual prie, to suit thesarum limes. A full stock of Glasswere, Gem Jars, Jelluy Cens, very cheep. -l'ails, ]3rusiies, Brooins, Fina Flour, Corimal. Qistuaat, flacon and Hanis, constantly oansd, et low ljitos. WANTED.-Any quantity 0f prime da-iry Butter, Eggcs, and Fruits of ail kinda, A caîl respectfully solicited. O yes! a-o -R-rS O,' yes!1 SIMON FRASER, "Another Great, Move I' LAING & STEWART. We arc offering our immense Stock of Dry Goocle, ClothinG,(ents' Fornishings5 Hats, Caps, Shirts,-Drawerà) Collars, Cuffs, Tics, Dress Shirts, Oxford Shurto, &o., &c. -LOTH INGi. Gentlemen, doyu want a gond Sommer Suit, in thse best stylo, et the lawest figures?2 If so, LAING s T WAItT'S is the lace b g et it. We have an immense asanrtiment of material, and guarane a fit. Speo0l-Wo ~reachonie Tweed suit for $1200, mcdo ta order, -DRESS GQODS,- 'We are giving speelal entato cleer eut, from 10e up. Linon Costumes frein. 1.60 up. Black Lustres fi-rn t10c up. Prints very chcap, of aIl the beot Englimh and American makes. -MILLINERY.-- This Dapariment is very conple» in everytlaing Nev and Stylibh. Very large i-dco tiens, lu mzny cases leos than hafpnose. HIOUSEKEEPJOILS ie want ef Sheetissgq, Toweuiînga, Table Linen, Napkluis, Dozles, Connierpanes, Pillow Cottons, Lacs Curtalus, Laxobricans, &c., et vcry Special Dargalus. Wa are ehowing a Special Line ni Tapestry CaLrpeto et 65c. In fect*everythitig in aur establishment we intend ta offer et prîces thet will ensure e clearance, before moving ta aur Now Storo. ALL ARE WELCOME. NONE ARE FOIICED TO BUY. LAING & STEWART. DOMINION WA REROOMS, We beg (o advîse having received our Spriing .s-ock - We are weZl assorted witlî the mo8t season- able and rnost durable goods in tte rmarket and at thte L 0OWEST JSRICES. We invite ýpecial at- tention. to our stock »of DIE1SS GOODS, wlîic& is attractive bu it8 great extent, Variety and Glîeapnes Our CLOTE DER4RTMENT exclla any former season in Style and Variety. Our Millin- ery Stockc is conp1ete and attractive, We have a ,irsi-elass Oulter, qlyligl- Millilter, Dress andl Mantie MakerN ready Io execute I orders entrusted te (tem. Thanking you for pastjavor8, we solicit a con- tinuance of vour patronage. Yozurs respectfully, LOWES d- POWELL. Ca/. %htby, April Sthl, 1878. &.,l BIG BARGAIN's WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Ripe Cherries and Harvcsý Apples, for wlaleh tise iigisest market priee viU bo pald lu oasis, Wisusay, 9, 7, '78. Farm fo Fient! -FARM TO. fiENT I 128ACRESF-art ai lot 4 sud a, Laie TA~'Oa O o ,Sdcna ik 18Sisore Pickerigig. Dveiliig -andiPRT PLTlo ,8dcuo ik gooi fa= bufldings. Fosesanloi No- Si-taf, cauiainhig100 'acrs alan. vouaber, vitis privilege ta plaw vissu crap e adinsIlugacaBute aifcnuivatlan. Weil toison cf.votai-ci;. good out-bnlhdings. Possession Apvagiven on frslý-NaveenbW.Ur ave ta plougis fO8~UA EOHARDSON on li pt e nlior - ii. Fer t ,erme »te, -Or ta *Whly P 0 THIOS.,MAIIILL, on tise Premomi, FARM TO BENT. WVitl', JuIy"M18oh178. ;epONT.AMRNG Y& ACRES- ert af Iot* BIGi BARGAINS JLJST- RE'CEJVED-A JOB LOT -Grey Lus",tes, at 12ic, Blak d'o. at 12c. Fibl àored Prints at Go. akid Gloves at 25c. White Cotton Hose at 5. 2 Begqtta Sirts for $1.50 Worth ci 25e. 20e. 10e. 10e. - - 75e, Compound . yrup of Hypo- sdecpluphosphites., adecpincases nf actusiai-ogaule be,1, tisati olaeurestos-e patientessuffuring rm hnse maladiles. 1 Amon&at tise discases overcamo hy tise ae of cftisareiy are-tise followlug Chranie Cousaipation, Chreuse Dyaipepsia,, Chrorie ]3sonchsLtls, Cisionse Dia-rlioea1 Chronie Larysigitie,- Melsncolyi 'Nevous DeSilit-y FELLOWS' compound Syrup of, H5po- phoephit-es. Tise paver of aer-etlug ilssesilpise ky thsepreparatian la hauarably sclcow- ledged by-tile anedlcal faculty Iu oves-y sec- tion visere hIssbu been luti-oducci ; and lise large saIleatise best guarntee ai tise estima- tioninuwhiis i he Issby the pnbié. TiseSyrup wil'cure Pulmïonary Cou- sumptian in tise Ilret sud second stages, vl1 g'en i-e relief sd p-olog lIe lutie thi-i h il cure Atima, B-onehit, Larntan sd' Coogi. Il il cie al daias Z ignating tram vwaut of Museflsa' Action land ervous Force. Do snot be ioceivod Sy romeies Searing s cimier nmamen aubes- pre7si-ation ila asuis- stitute for this unies- aîy csznmstsce. .Lookt ntir tie name and Zaurons J. L. FEL-LOWS' St. John, N. B;., an tise yelavw vi-pper lu waternas* visici s la senay isoldisi, tise apsi- baai-e tise ligist. prise*LO~r Bqttle, sir for 87.50. "HO ! FOR EUROPE,"J OHEAP RA-TES! S seial atention la calîci ta hlic -Royal RIE D STAR,> sud WRITE STAR, which carry the Unied States sud Bolghi mails. Steorage rate, Wisi*tby te P*arind returui, viq Nw ov o r sPhila'delpiWivtis firest css mailway lare fram tWhlisLy ta Philadulpior er1w York sud returu, anly brvous paver. Tis la olliweti by MUa- du relaxation, vealcuess, sud emaciatisa 911 tise oranesvisieh depend for Isealts funvolaut amuscular action, tse veskcr Tfering ilrai. Now, s tse muscles sud nerves depend Lmucs npauol ach aise: for esflcent regils and action, sud as tise organe thoy Strol djpendn bath, h becomes an se- i uecessily ta trait tise nerves anadmis- es irccily, in ader te speedily sud per- ueOntlY cure disoaces ai the above.asamed ans. Thle invents- acting upon theseli jces, ter mOnPh oai experienco, durinig viics ne ho isad ample -oppol'tnnity for t-yiug io oSeot ai hie dlscavcryi becanie couvino- Atisin t pro ii-ll n on ucon- 576.00 CbnsdiTe oiAgetai ly EANDTEPOENSALE I-u D N. THE a gnt hty TowffBhi Of 8omervifle, COTJNTY 0F VICTORIA. The following lands lu the tawnehip of Samerville, County ai Victoria, are ofierea for sale- SThse West j of Lot 5, lu thse lîti conces- sian, consisting af 1001 acres. Pitteesa acres clearcd and fenced, A never-failing streamx crasses tise lot, on which la a mil site, near tise aide et a- good, resd. The property se auly j ni a Mile from a railway station on tisa Victoria Eailway, anid 8 miles fron tise village ni Kinniaunt. Mecsr. John Goodman sud Daniel Silver, near imosiWMll hoiw thseproperty. Por en s ale, appl7 to- JAS. WALXEn, -MarayF P O. Outario, or te Messrs. HÂTCH & f110., Whiiby. Aug 22uti,'1877, -35 VÈXTY LOWEBT EATT8. ors t ral, ALiLL PISI U IT EAJ1 STATES] Alos,;L"Mon, Ramnis, G ill,Pari,1 t-nlia, St. Cathsarines, f rantiord, an TIiomas, - - - Foi- Tickets sud uniuer intormnatie _ l t- E. 8TEPHEN'SON, Ocean SteamoMsp TlcketcOfflce, LUABLE1 FOR--SAME the fa or ALI m 1 , - Rîqufflion Io JAMES HOLýDEN, .Ea., Mayors of the Townî of W E, TUE UNDERSIGNED Itatepay- eVY ocf tise Town of Whîtby, request usai you nsay Sa ploaesci bproclain tise Annuel Civic Holiday, lu accordance vilS tithe ueual oustnrn5 on lsiday, Auguet litS, a1878. 1 N. W. Brovi, Haicis & Bro., Wn. Bui-ns, J. R;. Pringle, W. J. Biclcle, H.Fi-uer L. Houcis, S. W. B. Smith E. Firost Y'.8S Robertson. J. Stenion J. . Pwell, franili ion & lIar-ovor, G. â*in'a,. Saundore, V. Gibonu, P. Smith eT.Lawvlsr, aing & Stewart, Wsn. Tili, Llevi Stone J R Plip, Z.Buruhaîn, E. J. Johson, WJ 'GiSson, Grass &- Granges-, Taylor & flBarnard, W. Tisampsan, Charles Xs B, . E. Jameson, E.- Stephenson, John Ferguonu, W. F. Wil- cock, sud otisers. Iu issupliance vitis tiseabavo requelîlon, I, Jailes liolden, Mayor oniltie Town ni Wiitby, do hes-eby isolai-e FR/DAY, AUGUST 9th, fR678, A PublHoliday1 vithin tise limita of tise iCorporationofntse TowasnifWiitby. And I roquesi tisaI ail plates ni businesa vitisin thia Corporatioun may 5ýe cioes on sai day, for tisa Stter observance aftie samne. JAMES iTOLDEN', Mayas-. GRAND PIREMEN'8 CORIBETT'S POINT. Tise Firemen efthtie Tewn of Wiitby, thissu friends Riud the publie gouor2lly, futonil isolding sa Grand Pie-Nile, ai Casbetti- Point, on tise day proolsinicib ytise Mayoas cthse ucual annual Chyle Holiday, FR/DAY, AUOU8T Gth, 1878. Tise Pire Conipany lu i-de o tnaio tise PIe-Nie a succons, ana give oves-7 persan an opportuulty et onjoylng a day a pleasuro, hav secursi tise services ai tise Wiitb Port Ferry and Lindssy B. Il. te couvey D persans vlshlng 10 take p art in the Pie-N la, te tise Harbour, sud isses eby Steamer Niaga'ra ta tise Point. Train.svil leave T ýWblthy station il 9-20 Sa . n, sud ila'alaek s. n. ;sud Steamer wl bave for tise Point on airivaai Tirains. Returng, tisestesn- ervill leave thisPnt ai Sp.naud780 g .Ib., Ari-vlng ai the Harbor- aIdp . n T '.8 p. ni., vison tise train ilSbe lu vslitiisg la convey paodsugere ta Whltby station. FAR.-Bouud trip, 80 cents ; froua Iar- Son:, 20 cents. BOAT RACES, GAMIIS, &c. Yacht Race - - 025 010 00 foot Race-ba)ublc tsculi, 5 8 1 foa caBace-SinglO seul- -5 2 1 uuing Race loi- len, - .- 8- 2 lluuuing Race for Boys iuder 12, 1 iSoo Race oi:Grls under 10yeara, -1 soc p A Glass BaIl Taurnanentvlll hte islac durlug lise afernon,. - 182 For otiser gaMOS sec canall buils. Ru.- trsuce fes ta Se 10 per cent., - witis tiseex- ceptioù ai tise foys' and Girls' Race--en- us-suce frae. lu ail cases tisere muâtai SiS tsi-eS or more ta enter, Admission ta lise Grounis-Single Horse, 20 centsa Tes=i, 20 conta. No stand allaved on tisa pontisd, eoo e Th tise a;a lun canecilan vilS tis.Cocmpany, visore 11orslnàents vill b.e rnlsed ai loy rates te tise- n=t gnohen Pc-Kla style,.fi-as sud Quaos1rflsnda viii le lun *ttendane durlng tise day sud svong Thésaiâ ii ylili ae du ing . r» -~ ti, 1 son ih ont. s at e t 1.o 1 1 yo uhif i 1 ýl 1 iw 1 1 1 1 1 this 1 July 17tb, 1878. 13in-1.)o 178. FARM FOR SAÉE. Whitby, juiy.8ra, 1878. 28-tf. Aloo, Recoiving Dailyt all Iiinds of For Sale, Wholesale and Retaü. SIMON W. J. GIBSON 1

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