Whitby Chronicle, 22 Aug 1878, p. 1

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Bueine88 Dii'ee tory,. ONTABlO BANK, WHRITBT 3EÂÀ!H, TROUAS DOW, O0". irit dao oýof, ntthe' lboyal Xaot.I, *hltby. 3AM1~S EUTLED ,A dflocn aoe, tse Witby, Ont CH Agobfh .KEL , ton, Brooek,'0. 1 LIMAN lgNOLIIR,*L L. Bit' B~AT L4r, SOLICITOR IN B ARRIBTBR, ATTORNET, SOLIO. 11cr, NataryàPublc, oenveyanoer. 0f- lioBrnratn*oth1 font Offics,~ Whitby, Olro ROBINSON & ýKENIT, B RITERS.AÀT-LAW, AT TO RN. ÃŽ.Veyî,oielaayanciri ac. O RIe-Prev&n.,slApnran BuLdina Cortra ae lcss Orîr;e-O verDominion Bank, Whltby. ban. 22, 1878. * , (11.5 GSP S. JURILALLER, ori lghtcaun'a Store, Ring Bnt CAHERON &APPELBE, B-B~IISER Attorneyn-at.Law, andI atroot.Torânto, HECTOR CAMERON, Q.C, ly'4B) i8.1APPELSE. E. JNhtb. OGUIUÇ, nHl. ., S ¶URGEON TO TEE COUNTY GAOL,4 53Byran Street, Whitby. Dr. IV.- J. BUll tiT. Oza'cx-Neaet Soar taoteawNcaLEOffce. OW Ilosldono, saltbiRoyal IHate], Whitby. BYRON FIELD, Ia. B. paIYSIOIAN, b'JRGEOST, &co. Dufdi.' Wm. MODRIEN, M.D., X.R.Cls., G-4UY!S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., thoesysWX. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. ÀÇAlD.- ,DIR. DOGART, Phygoin, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., La. Whitby, Sept. 80th, 1Q74. 40 W. ADAMS, OMSE1R . .TISP.S Lao0 te8, P. M. Roldenc-Car. of Byrron asudGlbert itrcets. C, go VARR, L. 'D. 8, ierted on a lthe Of the art, the~pa la chapeit, and as gaad. as thé bao.i Th ilh 111.5 *th GaIdsudnSSir. Teeth estractoS wltlaaut pain, by produncng local anmsetheaai. Dentar " cmi- in av- ana snew black), aver Alklnsan'sDrug Stare, Ring Street, Oshwa. 8 JOUX RODINUONYu H AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING Balcon-, Brook St., Whitby. Joux WOLFEN(DEN, À ET-FO TEOBLEBRATED GEORGE COIUIACKE, L UMBER MERCHANT, CAIPENTER sud Joiner, Grain Street, Whitby. A large qnantity ai aU hindi af lumber con. stantly on hand. WILLIAN sCOOPERI BLAOXBMITH, - - DBROGHAM, (Succosar ta Thoma" Mlddangh,) Herse shoelng ana Il kînde ai general C. Ç.S$CALES, IRGINIÂ TOBACOO AGENOT V Taranto-streeti Trnto. <iyi A TIH B R-L Y, CI.rk Division Court, Tp. Cierk, Commissiazaer la B. R., Land Agent, &o., &o., Atherly, COanty Ontarioa. Atherly 8ip4. fuS, 1872. ii OiffpKI1N 8 Nt W-lWMUSIC HXLL9 MUSIC PURNISID WIIEN DESIRED. Soating1 Capaclty, One Thousand. Whitby,'Oct . 22, 1877. ly. OPIN. LNO S6ALT AND- PLABTE!? FOR SALE, 0M1ART. J. H. McCLELLAN. Liverpool Marbot, April, 178. 1641r FA UCHER8, RE3TA<JRANT, ADA?ÀS' BLOCK, KENT STREET, Opposite 3Maaîreaturolograpja Offce. WHITBY, ONTARIO, imipoaes, Doal9s ndmanulaclnriofau i LEATHER AND FINDINB8, DUJNDÂ818.,: WHITB. JOSEPH À. BLNDBL, PE0PSBTOs. Thtis bouseb4 b"Mweuaty bunitfi i I, eiadCqaS 0 sait Luget Beet aim. n u olo4dyar; ttalve a lierMs. 46 WM. ONIL -.PEOPRIETOB. mgoo cadmtbIeadybsramsMui an OMUERWiAiJ HOTEL anS STABLES, uaMddo 8Jarvls'atreet, Tarauo. - JOHNMcBB, ..P1OPRIBTO11. iîVVuacas o oJousx z.av,> The boit eî.c a *ay Hous. lu theCity ouiy iso bicosirnth liNaranuDepg*alecl tla thea Mariait. Thee ouie bu abai n nvîr 201*0,1 out, fsud overy.tAnlg 1'rat.elaes. <ty47< mas. WALKE' TEMPER.ANC.E HO USE, DUNDÂS.S-TRBUT, WHITBY. Goal accammadation aI reasonblu isans.. Bourdera 02.50 parveek. 45 T m gQUEEN'à JIOTEL, (LIT£ CaHMEaUatÀL,) B-Sa.TýRXET, vaaTr, T>&TLOR La MeCAIN, PROPRIETORS. The uudermignod Saire ta lufarntheir Irlends sud th. public lhaîlthsy have talon lias above on owlhva oisl, viil o y havs uovly filttd aip sud nenovaied, anut inta theobaist.1or&rdor Ltrhias ccamamala tien ai isats. The Bar, wviciale th. hanS. momentiiluth. Caoudt>, i vl suppfleSvit ,Ibm Ouestl brandi ai vines liqnora, and ci. gaus. Ans 1. ncldseS .itedroband aSgaod stahling, ,x rital",Lac. Ditached roama for commercial ira*allora. J. P. TAYLORt, PHILIF MCANE. lateocf Taranto. HOA OTEIL, WR'I T B Y, JAS. FRINGL.9, PROPBIETOR. Tite largeat asdMail commodiaun hotel ta te tovu:; ha. 1lgsamplo rooma ior commercial travolléri. Table veli supplieS vitia thaietinsoemn. Besibrandi tiquais anS igrs. Enclased yard andsihedréoon; attentive taillera. Charges te suit the tins.. E. B.-Lhveiy atiacheS. 27 R OBIN HOUSE.TOEONTOi ONT. The Palace Iolaof a Canada Rofitted, Roflurished, and BurivaHed. Nov Faisan. un %nWkýd Tl Ml e ainlbssd ctons, Ssalrlng rcomi, vithoni hoard, 8 S I rladf ina. MARK N. IRI H, Pela. 27t, 1878. Proprietor. AY E R SHOTEL, 82 & 84 MILL-ST, ROCMgTu, K. Y. Price roduced ta 5.50 à Day, This Hotel tas roduced Ils itice- ta the Travelling Public to - $1.60 pst day. Il la -bandy te N. Y.1 Central Deoa I(ani>'a 1ev Szoons South), and tas recin y>' czn ne- litad anS ne.liurnlsed. Open niight and day. The baug s la fstnlauailu sony re- spect, and Canada people vil asv. maney by gaoig ba tho Ayers HatlI WILSON:j SPUAGUE, Propriatar. Raocheaier, N. Y. July 8, 1&78, (Om-28 B RITIS11 AMERICAN 1HOTEL, ("TE ]alaoae oa oaae.l WHITI3Y, ONTARIO. -Rouie nowvi>- r4acnted anS itrnished lhraagtaout, sud put ln fmslclaasa orSon fan ho neceptian ai gnus. Au canuibua ta as nom ail trains. Pirat-cls. îample rooma. S¶HAKESPEARE HOTEL, k>Con. Ring & York.sts., Toronto, Ont. J. A; 0'GRADY, . PROPRIE2'OR. T 0tîs 1.60 nma Dày. ly.-i7) Withty, lune i, GO.YL 2àAa MAJ OýRMILLS 1. P. WHFITE au renmed control of the Major MUii n la prepared ta, pay~ THE HIGHEST PRIOE 1 TOR AYQAXT dall'verod At thésMWllk¶Viteyau Ira Wini anale eivtrvèdort to vWsahsairfoe ta <hase wliamay pagrmw.j,,bs Miii vitha 'iFOIILYýP EED ai 4 lieRs àtltaSa noMbe -l*4e, viii as. le kpconitantly an hman ud for nu". VhtveOct. 1w,18lm. do Notice to the* Pub/ici1 NEW 0GOAL YARD ATZPOBT WHITIY. laie C. ]Drapai, WtIby Huban. Seurs the abao-namel Ceai. Ycn il thon 1e iy sil2allier. vWhobave useS il, that 11h "The Beegt Coal ever soid In - -Whltby." ARNOLD) & FARtEWELL, ban. 22,1078. Part Wtltby. MONBY TO LEND. @y taLandnupanpFumor Town Pnoporty, ai uusuamly I06W Rates ci Inierst. Loans can be resad iaauznas tasuit bot. Sevrâl mprovod ansra ana wnS Lanas ion sais choap. Inrosianonisa =e ia Municpal Deben. taras, Bank, asudothe msuksla4ble Stocka. For furtiter pariloular apply 14, MES HOLDEN, OffciaiAssgose, Braler, Lac. Bpnll Oti, 1@72. là -MABTIN &WABÂM, flOUSE, SION AND 0RNAMENT4~ PAINTERS. FRESOOIVG A SPBOL4LTY. A fine asiariment ai wasvor lateat styloai HALL AND ROÃ"M PAPER 1 Fresco desigus executefi an titi ahortest notioe. MAliTIN L& WAILAM, Tva 5mars north ai Rings Tannery, Brook trait, Whitby. <ýly.1S FRASER & CLARK,. D OTTLERS OP> ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BRRR, &C. MILLICI{AMPS BUILDINGS, 29), 319 & 33 Adeilsde Street Casi, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Nov. 121h, 1877. <ly-47 LIEPOL MARKET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, To b. delivened nt PLAST ER, BALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN On Reoal Estate, aI Loy Rates af Intereit. J. Il. MOCLELLAN. banuar> ot, 177. ti.S $75,«0,00. ON FIItST-CLASS P OST OFFICE' SALOON, ToBNaTro.'F A RM L.A N DS McCONNLL,.. ~ Inusuma ai $200 anS uparsds,,ai 7 par M.M1 ONL, ORTB. cent. Payable Ilsilyearly. rs THE E ET ACCOMMODATION .et far ouest,, (1Y47) O0S HA W A, Veterinary, Surgeon, WiUl ho at Armtroang's hôtel, Whltby, every Tueiday, fram 1 te 4 'clook, p. ma. April 25, 1877, 18 New Stage Line B ETWEEN W BTB*LaOSHAWA- 1> htavepubtaun etooute belveen Osh-. ava sud Whltby ~comiortabls cavonSd Stag, sud solicat th~ patronage ai travelors sud ohens. Enery±btentia il ho pPea Sta the comiani anS ca enience of paisngonis sud ta ltaesucurity'uSpomf pannais camsitbî a s> rgo 8. Theno vali be tva stages p r dy o0sWb vsyniz. a Leavlng Osava eaca=Onis la a10 Mate c laie connecilnavit he Wbllby Lindsa layyWmiws, aiS aI S o'cloel osci atarnoon ; asd eavaun WlyahîIl A, an and atS m6ais<ira. ie stage il cali at i?»haois lu41oach tevn, and oendos loft at an>' aiftaebatela vil ho attendeS ta. Fane anS chargéa modeatao. b. R. ADAIR, Fropnbebor. March f7tla 1878. i-(1 "HO10 FOÉ ÈUI?OPE," OHEAPtRATES Y1 Speclilattentioni ll sed ho lt.e"Royal Mai Ocosu Sbeasnahp linea, ris: BD - XIDsut, anS whic-Camthe WITE STAR, vitci-carytit in tcd'Stabos sud Belgian Mails. orase ra at, Whbte oFanlsand returunvia Nov Tank or phifedl hia mita miri *eusaiasllvay lare irons WtiLy te PhtlpiiaOr Ni*aYorTansd atuuonly #75-00- Cabîn anS intanmeditste lIoy Ei-2 . STEP ENSON, 81n.25 Dom . 00 C. Agent, Wltby. LAN DS FR SLE IlilTUE Township Of 8omerviIIe, COUNTY 0p' VICTOIRIA -The follavlng lau g lb thevonship ai Semorville, Ceuni>' af Victoria,'rofed for salé-. The Wsit i o ti, lanlia. lthcoes Sion, concsetugai100 srs lle acres aloared asfneS pr,-sÀr croisés thlo,aon a e 5t, near taeÈdeof aleia a a Paatto Musas. John Go nan aDinlel lve, uer ~ ~ ~ ~~PO Xlaop4lI wtbpo ty . Apply ta-- GEO. S. HALLEN, April 17th, 1877. 17hwa e% ~ ,known renasdr. is(cund a ihple self cura NOVELTY WORKS, WHITBY ONT Yarvood manufactnring lCompany, la nov prepared. te, furnih Daori, Sbihs Bainds Floorlng Sheeting, and evarythlng n. qniredby the trade, at 1he loweît -living Woed tnrng Neela ad Buters ta orSon. Lumber for sale, boit quity, laveit prioeî. We hope fram long ixparlenceand by square deaing tmÀit a shire af public patronage. GEO. GILCEIST, Proprietor. I LIZA MARIA CAMPBELL aoflths Tovn of Witby, Cotant>' ai utia, alProvince of Oniarlo, vile ai ROBEET CAMPBELLofaitliaisame plcameuciasul tsoygir. nate. tait Iinted ta apl-tô te Daminion Parssent next imalon iLa -Bol ai Divorcea e maiat.1thore, Iransn aald huzband, similan ta thte Bil ai l sy halalli t>'ta. Sonate in 1877, fan doe. tioax. ornelt>, sud the alter causas, uat farta lnu aad Boil. ELIZA ?4. OAMPBELL. Wtilby, July Stit, 1878. (6m-29 SALE. AIT THE GLEN MAJOR MILLS i1 60,000 footPluea* Ziumten, vl sasoed. ioch Bourda. ' Maàple or on s, iltqaallty, -- iSll00t. BqumTmbi Hatel anmBaiGIl i ,FLOUR AND, FEED fomakably CMA FOR CASH. C FOR SALEý CHiAP, LE A -Goal Hrugephoton ana haro.,, Whitby, àMay t, 1878. T APPLE TREES _ HOME NUR1$EýPYy Fmapio te four yaara ai âg, emring al 1h. eat Venlebias. - OBE C. WILSON, Lai Na, 8, 2fnl Con.Ploklong, au Kingoton Roal, ait Omeeoa.Witiby. LIST 0F TEE DIVISION COURTS eOUNTY 0OF ONTÂRIO, FOR lT!IEm EuA1878 GEO. Hg. DART1IELL, - bJuuiofr udge WhtbY, banY-7t, 1878. second Ssason--Summer 1478. STURGEON PINT HÃ"TEL Titis sct et comable summor haIeiol kuateil an Sturgeon Lakte, wltlign ton miles;ofiuusay, Oni., la nov epen fer lte neceptian sofguale The Rouleis i. nt.clasauinu> t iulr boes alstuateilaunaa teautiuinln ae.Tt greundi are inoly W Ossdlaidutdive-s *ma I UmL ,iatioul 1 ..tees.vt. Ec,àaa comu&as&safluewof aideligittfol land sud vatan ocapes, teinuiblid lu stponor style and vitMteven>' nov ta comierb . 'l4lliard tables, croquet, lacats. &c., on tl ia.aemlisai. GooS8Ilai ng ad actingin the niilit3>.. The TUBGON PINT.OTEL.ma>' b. reacied b>'lte abesanera tVanderbilt' and "Mallis Laf," fran: LinSsa1, douecting vitit pa«eger rain on idim andWl(cy, Port Fera & iTAdaay Railw&ys. Thte LI",amer ~'lOona'anect hrea limes act-a itit il". gaaâr trains on Victoria Bailvay Il Fae. gâq' Seuil ior tiMetable, alaavlng arràand departure ai boat% and trains. J. E.DUNSAY.roto GEORGE BRITTION, P5ACTtCAL MÂNUFACTU".R of a new inipravcd Root Seed and Corn Dr/l, Double & Single Turnip Drils, CLÂYTON'S PÂTENTED CHÙRINS, (1mpraved.) ua~n,. Buggies, Sleighi, cangtaatly on RIIPAIMING doue naîy and weUî on the shorteatnotoo. GEO. DRITTON, KeTwo Soars saulliithe Queen'i Hotel, Brook Sîreet,............by. Âpril 101h, 1878. by-44 GOOD NEWS FPOR THE LADIES. à NEW REVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESSMAKIN( CORNWALLIS SELF-kITTDý(1 WAIST & SHOULIDER CHAR.T. Dresses ItteS tram meseurement alan. miiteont change ai a otite-l. For sale, mith free ineiructians,' Rt MISS -MeINTYR)4'8 Agents vanteS. Liberai inducmesate te iraS.. Wiitby, Aug. 18, 1874 r 8 LUMBER!_LUMBER I ce JOHxN SON, LUMBER MERCHA1-NT, W H I T B Y , ERas, au hanSa arge lupply>ofai nlki of a Bam Lumben Boardsansd ailnedessa Baing LumIae. .Pouding, S&vu Tiniber, manS ~soinblng, alage qusntit>'onhand. Large ondes for Long BDIISuDfile iransIMllaishart notice. 'Doco, ISauhea anS Blindsavayîon tanS. Wtltby, May 7t. 1877. ly.20 LEVI STONE,, Wilkinson Blocke, -dineoly 'Naiýa'o = e t unouce ta titi inhailsénln a WttyanS vicint', htlmt e iii. panolà FLOUR & FEED STOR.E,. Iu cannecthlan vih Idai uteher !Stop, vhers h. viii sivaya have ounhanS A LARGE STOCK 0FOp chaoice Flour, CrachaS Wheat, Oatan'eal, Ceomeal, Os, Petsa, ORDERS DE§LIVEE Ãœr N Y PART or"A Cal l Solicited. ,~ -LEvi STOTEP, MiES pmTl aw&, anS condnct. Adcrea eC.DAWES, Psiemýt vlcJOHN MLL - - . ~Port Perry. C. O.M~R ~PT5T -- WalthyAprll Glits1878, -~ .16 ~.jT~i~IIîHclxNR MEINSURAËCE Co. LombardS 'dýChalCrin Lamdan» I)MMBNC3NGON MONDÂT. M.y,,s7tt -m8 andulforthar nic,aln.vi- ïVE, OT OP ion=ltepintéy;atr boa' LdsaS, t. roan lutraellalai oint2a., i.0. a, sa., anS .0. ~ M.a faonias oorgan Bay, Wan- u.t. ansd ltrmeite Points, ab 8, a. mt., d 00, . m. amite parrie a sefo a- tTim t.20hat a0S.t,atin.20. ihnsud inteaiat einta Now >'mgan d practllm tceaIimatble trutixa coi: NO aineS taittebeala nedUla bocet averiu anintled ttraifxlnitud Vltsli -. Fecasture Declite, Naeas0aI layitcal'DO fftt>'aSthoe alas emlmtmnt timuSnduntotd omierlesthast rasait tbslàLrom, and coutgu mor titasn scortglaaapre- $«M acne a, sol one cf vlalchIn tts the pac ef th This bomtbook wulitresby thte meiex. te n d auIprobabty thenaois M fapracltitiec ta A renc, iteom=wswarded lodsmdjew. 0 Ue W imdby<laNaional MedlalA ioclatto. A Faxnhle&, illatiuid villa the.ver>' fuemi taeaIXe ta ud HEAL for ntoc. Urs rOD EIA SLEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAS PARKER B 'S WEST MERIDENMT FARMS TO RENT. T HDOSE tino chaire larme on theo Due X !Line, hall mile weel af the Oehawa Corporalian* Limait, conaasling ai 120 acres eact4 id ent for s terafnoiuaaata ten yearo. Prinilege ai plaughiug an creoai af presont amap, and possession on 18t Oec. ber. Noue but good men need ajely. 20.11>ý Oshava Ont. A COmplote Slf-Instruetor in Plain and Ornamental PtlNMANSHIIP. YOUNG PEOPLE aiain toascquire a LrapiS, easy anS beantifult tand vmiting, miitenut a teacher, viU linS lte Grus a perfect instruchan. Hundreds are hecoan. mng leautiiail writems ttronghoub lite Do- mian aud the UniteS States b>' nling il. Il cansista ai a seies ai Coa'rr SLIPS af canveriient aiza for praccieiaag, vticb con- tain copies beginning viitbte final prin. ciples anS graduail>' progmssaingta ltse Mail elegant plain and aruanental writing; an OBaciaTzactaSurET, canlainhng GerMaln TexI 015 Englisla anS Ornainental Leiter- îng, 4sfh&nd 1laurislain ofai Brds, &. ;A Baaac ou 50 PAGEa vith fuît analygia sud in- itruclioansd a beautifull>' engraveS cases ta canlain the vhnle. Fnco.01.00, Posb Paid. Addmeea S. G. BEATTY La CO Ontario Business Caiâoge. - - Belertibe, Ont. t"Agents vanteS. Novi 14. LADIES, ATTENTION. Tht celciamated American Hair Warker, MAX JACOB, 230 Qucen St, West Tartnto, (Tîtîce Deans froan Si. Patridl' Markeet) B GS te informe the Ladies lIait ho ia B h oi N RUINE HAIE W01RKERI in the City agaantees al kinds ai tii voil o odoat perfection, neat aud supead Selivemed aIlthe ise rcqueeled. e Ploas senS your ordera and I viii attend tatem. - Comisluge Snup te- order la SWITCHES,-CUELS, FRIZES, PUFYS AND FRONT PLAITS. Catrls out ai straigtt Haie maIe equal ta nalural Curls. Poil tain evitches always an baud iras $1.0c0 np. CAUTION. Please Sen'l ho misîead b>' canriasara e- prescm'ing My name, as I emplo>' nue x- cept zuief snd carS. MAX JACOB, 280 Qneen St. West. P. B.-Country' arderapromptl>' naburued at m>' ovu xponse. Ordars loetalMrs. D. Ragers, dreasmaker, oppoie Royal H1otel, Whlitb', vIl be prmptIy attendeS ba. MVSIC TEACHIN- MR. FRED MUDG-E reipocýfnUy annaunce. that, on anS sitar April 22nd, 1878, t. vili gin. instruction au lb. Piao-farta, Organ anS Melodean, (aI; Pop1sW Residentea. TEý?MS ON APPLICATION. Côrul or Green sud John Streeta, Whitby, -Mladéons ta Bcnt ai 11.00, $1.25, on 1.0 par anpî. . -17.11 1878. QPllNING OP NAVIGATION. 1878 Teant., Niagara, & Bufl sa cae bout Line o mpniig the Oité Of Torfohto~, Md-Rothéày, in eoàneticn wM thelNew overk Cgtrâi Baywys R W;TYRE, ALGDA n:1804. Unnfml dllabuhtofý .a thoýtkhoklag, anA aresRoesae' Agoni, Whiiby, Whitby, ÂprE Oit, 878.,1 B RITISE AMERICA A 88uranoe Company. INC0RPORATIC» 833 * .A. BALL, Insuranea affecteS at lte loyesi c reat ra"e an Buildinga, Marchandise, anS otitAr praperty, aginit laie r anmange by. One. * C. NOURSE, Agent, Wb4tby. Whtthy, Apnfil DIa 1878. 16 T m HARITFO1ID Fire Insurance Co'y,' HARTF OR-D, CONN. j .HARTERED aic G'ASII CAPITIAL, $1,25,00.00. Cash Asse.t8, dan. 1, 1878, ISIXTY.EIGIITH ANNUAL EXHIBIT?) $8,2 92,91-3,34 9. Mansmaeby skilltiUndeivnitera, sud fan 8 1!y Eght YToeeoaithe lead. ingaancisi Institutions of the Country. Cash Indeainit>' Diabursedti 1 Patrons. Ovor 21,OO;Oo.G0o LeK AU business Transacted on Principles of Comm=enctat liancs. C.NURE Aget, iVtby Whtby, Aprfl-Pth, 1878. WÇE S T E iLN ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1861. t CAPITAL, - - - SSao,eoa. (Wibh paver ta increas o ta1b,000,00W.) FIRE ÂND MARINE. Head Office - Toronto, Ont. Presideut. ffON. JOHN McMURRICH.. BERNARD H4ALDAN, Maa<aing Directcr J. b. K7NNY, - - - Socretary. JAMESPBINGLE, - - Gentral Agent. 9ýr Inauraules effected atte loweel cor- nent atai on Buildings, Merchandise, anS otcr propcnty, againat lbas on damage by Ore.. Witibhy, AarE O1h. 1878. 18 - ' C. NOURSE. Agent, WhitIby. Deposit viit Dominion Gavorameul I#50: 000. Experieucad Agents thnoughoul dhe Dominion. Fire Rirke u'rUtfen-ai Adequate Ratcà. Whlitby, ÂprE 9tl, 1878. Agent, Wtitb?.é IRA VELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insuranvo Company, 0F ]HA&RTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets, - $4,316,000 Cash Surplus, - - 11214,000? Best of Sccurlty. Low Cash Rates. Libra Dalig .Strict Management. A n Untarnished Record. BaUid as a Rock. Lifé and. ndilwin.111 PoIoie, 0f ail sais aniS Sesirable forma, ou. the Loy. Rats Cash Plisa. Contract plain asdS eS. nite, and vtlid, ccispronjtl aid Agent, Whltby. Wbitay, AItil Olli, 1978. MPERIAL LOAN *AND INV-ZST- METCOMPAN4Y. CAPITAL, 8600,000. Hlead Office, lmperial Buildings, Tarante. HON. -ALEX. OAMPSELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. soLzczTaiý :-G. D'Arcy -Bauton. MONEYT TO LOAN on improved Farma, ab Law Rateofaintereit. Applyto-ý ONOURSE,, A rlsaro E. H. KERTU2ND, Manager, Toroto.ý GOOD -mORTGAGES BOUGHT. Aprfl tt18(4 -BININAND 8IN6ING CLBASE TAUGHAT- Pue.ysar aldanl ....... 8 2 8p'Lnttlra oolt.......... 82 Tea Inlinte., .R. Mo. - : ......st. ............ singl..e l"'n 8 1sa S saddle hos ................. 8 2 OMiNERAL pUeposE. Broamrsmdodtos aslabove).;..... . fil2 1 y ~ .o d U ..... ..... S8 2 ..........y..............82 00 ...un .a.ca ......... 2 -T. Ný.'Gibba vil!g>ron aigh lydihbed sidaboud valued.80 Seco nd,, Danici Porsli Value, ee ............ ....20 Brood mare, (8swe conditions as abave)".. ..............#8 2 Two-yearold fi11Y............. 8 2 Oue*YO#r 014df411Y ............ 8 2 Spring Slly,. ... ..... .1 ..... 2 Tvo-yeLr cl anime colt .... 8,21 .n.eao c»nstire .elt ...... a2 s'3niug en otire olt ........'. 3 2 atcha toan harnesd....a 2 P. W. Giien, Esq., viii gise a hIghl7 A fnisadchampion Mower, valnad ai- 89k-0 or. te boit fiveloala of 1878 ga by Ons bxor suiabreel, the. falu obcb.frocn Cana?. dian.bre4 Imares,nons cf 'Whicit ihali 'b. pure-brqt1 Clydend&les or BlcpSs, One dollar pex -foal cf .an on. trance fe vili bcoiaargcdon- lte tals for Mr. Glen'a prizo. Thomas Chinn. Eeq., .wiU givs the followiai prizes for foals cf 1878, by hie importa Black Corna...............10 6 o - CANADIAN DRAUGHT. BrocS marc, (r;ame conditions as abe ................... 18 21 Two.year old.filly ............. 3 21 One.yoasr oldflly .......... -8 21 SPring filly- .................. 82 Two-year aIS entiro colt.......8 21 One»'year olti entre colt......8 2. Spring etatire colt ...6.......... 8 2'1 Matchd eS bain lu Laes...8 21 TyIoI1OUO1:-I ED DUR.HAM CATTLE. (aazan BOOK PEDIGREES EIaQUaRED.) Ccv giving milk or in cal! ..8 21 Titnec.yenr old bieifer giving, milk or ini caîf,............s 21 Two.year cîlîshifer........... 8 21 One-yean olti bolier ...........il21 Heffer calf ..................... l8'21 Bull caîf...................... 8 21 GRADE CATTLE. Ccv giviog milk or in cal ...18 21 Three.yean old hoifar giving mlkcor in alf .............3 21 Tvo-yaar aid haer........8 2 1 Oncyear d olife.....8 21 Heifer catî.................... 8 21 Fat Ccv or stear ............. 8 21 ÂgeS ram ................... 83 Shesaig ram...............-8 Ram lamb ................... . 8 Tva ageR ewes................ 8 2 Tvo ohearling oves...........8 2 Two eea mbp..............3a SOUTHDOWN SHEEP. AgeS ras ....................&a Shoariang ram .............8..a t Ram lamb ................... .8a t Tvc aged oves ................8a Tvo obearlingoee...........8 3 t Twoewae aubs .............8 2 Pair fat eiteep. an>' breot..... 8 2 SWflXE, LARGE BREED. Agol ho-ar. ..................8 2 AgeS nov .................... 8 2 Sov et 1878 ................... 8 2 Boar of 1878-.................. 8 2 SWINE, SNALL BRBED. ÂgeS ban................... 5588 f AgeS Sov ....................8 2 Sov of 18M....................a 2 Boam of 1878..................8 a f - POULTUT. Pair ai gaine foa...s .... i 75 Pair cf Spaniala fovba......i1 7, Pair cf Dorkings . ...........1 76 Psridge CoLins.............1 75 BuifCoochiie .................. 1 75 Brabmas, ligat ............ ... i 7bi Brahanas, dauk............ À...1 75 Pair cf Houdans, boardul.i .. 1 75 Pair cf Legiaanns.............1 75 Pair cf Bant.ams ............. 1 7e Turkeys, bronze ..............*i 75 Trkys, common.............1 75 Geese, large breed ........-b.. a 75 Geese, omail breed ...........1 75 China- ge'a... ..............1 75 Dncks, Ayleabury.............1 75 Docks, oommcn...... .......1 - 76 Bot seleotion cf fovls ..... 2 Canary bird .................... 50 BOOTS AND VEGZTABLES. Tvolivi turnips..;............ i 75 50 Twoîve msn3goldaý...........1 75 50 Tvslve oarrota ...............1 75 50 Tiare. hondi cf caler>'...75 50 25 Tiares boaS. oabbage. wita.. 75 50 25 Tiares bonda csbhage, raoS...75 50 25 Paek af onliani..............75 50 25 Thtra pumpkins............... 75 60 25ý Tvo bondi cf oesuUlcys...., 75 60 25 Peck of bean........75 50 f5ô Twsîvo heet........... .75250 25 Thnee cilno3s ............ 1....75 50 25 Tiares pounda c61itepi......75 50 25 Tiare s quishies............. 75 50 25 Tvcbvo oins c, f cono........75 50 25 Peck lomatoea.. .............. 75 50 25 Tiares vîter melonsa..... 7ô 50 25. 'Throo mosk melons........75 50 25 Bail bag esil>' patatoesMr. vi Tg vap e cf 18 0 8 5 0 2 5 Obag balep otatoos 75 5M 25 Cleton cfgannr agta Cbleu............. .8 2 #1 - FRUITS. 12 ommer cooiaing ape.,$ 75 50 12 aommer table spplos. 1 75 50 12 fait table appioes. i - ..... ,75 50 12 f&ail cooling apple -1.i l7550 iý violer table a ppis .i 1 75 50 12 wintax'colng 1p.n i 7050 Vmalei -ofapplao, Mx liýdn- si- o ai aecia............i1 75 à6 "8 - $2 1.50 iPair mei's fine bool ..~.... 755 iAnsortuoni aof.shoeiakerlo g eai hraslgo....... 82 -0<> gACHINES, 'PARUX IMPLE- MENT8, ' &c. B' s Ba cburàen.î.............. 150 1.00 PloZUgi faay h1ind..... 00 l»o Gan&,~aluSlî......... ...0.0 Grain , .. ........ f.....0020 Bràadonaàt eder, or coanhin. oS c der an d dr il .. ... .00 2.00 Iran harrovi ...............200 100 Boat finnig mi....... ....2.00 1.00 Boaet double tnrn[p *dr-...2.00 Loo Boat twÃ"-hore roUer .... 20 1.00Lo 8Boat turnspeuior........2. 00 1.00 Boit horase rake.s.......... 2.00 LOO flasl; ntraw cutier.. .......:2.00 1.00 1 Bcst Ilqmtber vaggcn, (maker, 1 only to b.c hibato ......8.00 2.00 1. lait spring vaggon, (tuakon 1 only ta bu oziaibiton) ....8002.00 1 Besti buggy, (..e.). 300 2.00- .1 Boat: buggy, (tep) ...... ... 8.00 2.00, 1 Boit roaper .................. 2.00 1,00 1 licst.mowiug machine .... 2.00 1,00' Beat enter.................::200 1.00 Boit pair bob-sleighs...... 200 1.00, Boit asoving faïahino.'......2.00 1.00, Beat turnip.esucr ........ 1.50 1.00' Boit cabint organ..... Dploma. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. et 10 yds Union flannol, - Lme maadeo..................... $1 75 10 ydî Union flannel, faotorya made...o................... 1 765< 10 yds fou clatit, factory made. 1- 75 10 ydsTnll clota, homo mads. 1 75- 10 ydo sa.tinette, factcry maSo. 1 75 1 10 yds satinette, home maSs. 1 76 v 1<> ydî tweed, hame maSs..1 75 4 10 ydî vhito flannel, factory l made........... ...1 50 Il 10 yds vitit flunne,*home t 1 maSo.... . ..............il 50 c î Iard coicred anuel, home E 1 maSe....................... 1- 50r 1 5l yds coloreS plaid flannel, . 1 factory mad....«..........1 50 l 1 lyds vonlen carpet, hitesl 1 made.,........ ...2 1 il 1 101 ys ag carpet, notton t4 wýarp1 homo matie.....2 1 r 'y da rmg carpet, voolen y1 wamp, home madie...... 2 1 J Pair of blankeis.............. 2 1 la 1 Pair of horse blankets .... 2 1 1 Cavret, ligt ............... 2 1 li 1 Caverlet. itenvy ............. 2 1 Li 1Quiltot Qilt ...............2 1i iPileso vork quiltt............. 2 1 q 1Crochet bcdl cover ..........2 1i ci 1 whaite sproad ................ 75 50 i Log caban qult ............. 2 1i i iSleigh robe.................. 1 h Mcn'osuad-hoy'a clothing...2 il SShephcrd'a plaid .............1 50 iPair ofvooeustckingo ... 50 25 au i L Parof voolen scoka ..5. 0 25 Pair cf cottansacks ......... 50 25 il woolon mats .................. 50 25 hi 2 sk4ua of yarn facory made. 50 25 2 o-keini cf yarn, home made. 50 25 IL 2 Tircee baves bread ....... 2 i ai 2 Dried fruit .............7. 0E 2 Cannet fruit.................. 75 50B 2 Jelly....................... 75 50 je 2 Preserves..................... 75 50 sE 2 Pickles .....................75 50 e' IVineocf any ind ........... 1 75 50 né 2Pickled peans................. 50 25 ti 2Catsnp ....................... 50 20 a: 2Confectonery ................. 2 1 in 2Redi pepper..................50 ' 25 Si 2Beeswax .................... 50 25 tic 2FINE ARTS. I 2 Waten colon painting .1...1.50 1 75 ~ OU painting............. ...1.50 i 75 O0' 2Crystal pitig ..........501i75 at 2Velvet painting ............. 150 1 75 el 2Crayon Sravang............. 1.50 1i5 " 2Pond ldravang ............. 1.50 i 76 '01 Collection cf -photograpIUs, phtographes b havebeaull 2 taken bytha exhibitor ..2.00 1 mc 2 LADMES DEPABTMENT. cm 2Faon>' kuittig .....-......... il 75 50 ni Fanoy knitting in vool ...... 75 50 at Crochet . o..... . 1 75-50 Iii Embnoidery on aile.i.... 75 50 cc Embroidory on net ...w...1 75 50 fn E mbroidery on muilin ....... 1 75-50 " 1Embnoidoryon Cotton........175 50. Fý ana>' notting...............1 75 50 Fi ermnau raised work........175 60 oe BaiseS Berlin vprk...... 1 75 5Ã" dc Mlat Berlin wvan....... ......1 76O0 il] 5ornemental neodle vork ..i 75 50 Se Silvor vire floyer ........ ...1 75 50 te: Piper foyers............... : 1 75 50 ai Berlin Saoes................1 75 50 Zophyr floyers .............. 1 75 50- an Feaîhcr faori............ 1 75 50 a" Fancy basket .. .............. 75 50 00 >M Fairy basket.................. 75 50 0<) ut D ..r..at ............... 50 Boa j-7-rk ................. . ..-6 - àa ..en ..vor ....... 025 00d~ Gen'srffa....ý.......502500 a B...e..r....... ...... 50 2600'ga Oon:br oa.....50 25 00a ....maia.. 75 500tor Lay.li.......... ..75 50 00Mc Tolet t..................50 25 00 th Jacke .eumeny tovir greaitesl.ý-or, Minl -as régardel-her rery nlght il shol or l1 ii bîs. > icluIar,"sam b taou as ltaei, cari taoovard, "doia ahis-man,', mnviti "Wiy ali " motre boldly fra treaknus. S"You n ov ya lcmùuroly, "IlWho proposeS coming Jacia Ls no psrry ready for ibis tbrust. lu, bis confusion,ie stsid the anly allier vmaug thhng lhaît retuained 'c hi saiS. "I1 sltonid Lare thasbught, at liait, yeu woatlti knovÃŽbetr tn te ta aon sueit torma vith a aforeiga noblemian. Ton nouit kboy tiay are ail cititsr-adven- turers or seun-"l «"Pbesase toIrcmstnhcr,'! interruptel lsra, qietly,-"ihbat you yonnself told ne lb.>' vire 'a joilly set cf fellows,1 anti juit bte linS for me te be acquain. ied výith.' Ive c cl>' felloed yona- ad- Paor Jack h ho hadp'b a leg la stand on. .' I'vo beau à seldâilafocl," saiS bie; 'I see it'nov; tnt tiry tafongive me, ~lar"-Ll raiw beomoa litllg husky -"for-I caàr. more for your safety anS uappinosa ithan'an>' hing aiels iasth wrrd." Nov, viaso ho had saiS this, L li aS înlwittingly strucilit.e itrongeat posagi. i.e -blov i0 bis oawn behalf. Clara. thogh elhe taSmâdeoutui li a good case, vas fanrf-rom, feeling blamnias. lb. knev voillenougit Ihat hon oonduck reqiaired forgironees> quit as munit as la.k'î. Indeea, ho,r suspicins about him baS ontirelylackodl confirmatian; oer-imagined ival Iturned'ont iagnr an ftait. So,,vien Jackolbckistoueý tward iter, eh.e centS net Lelp feeling rathea' mean andSemal., anS longang te ! ml into itis arme anShie hlm. But aa lthe dt,- vas for 100 otupid to se ilà adranlage, muei lese profit by i,ý nstead of ltat, t. spoileà ti ilRib>' ,lundcring cut, IlI în'toftcu 1 aile argivencss, Ciarg.", S"Really, Jack,"' replioýl Clora, brus. lulyj "yen needn't troubale ycurself te Io il no*. Ttore"ue ue boiug e ~ioal. 0f courso I slwan't do any aopapa voaiS disapprove -of. Wa lave ialways been' gocd friands ; vhy tolulS vi axai remniànse ?" *-, "And Ibis -is all you have tb sa; 2" wked Jack, in a ver>' fonlora toua-. "Wfiot more'Sa yen ivont?" returneti ha, voay mucit pravoked ai having acuù alloved te gebthtie botter cf hia.- "Noting" ho replieS,>gloomil>'; ixoti bey' Lmroeltae r4st cf lthe tvay in lounce,'boltfortlthe veala ores o!f n On ontea-iug bteimltetel, bte finit, ch- Bat thaI met ltheir'viàw vas Mn. Bial,, à stately, Imposiug and serine as, ver. Upon vitic t liera vers grat ýjiningo, anS munit ganemal couvernaL' u upoar rail sujects, pi, presan id e- coMaé. D-tBteho Mm. Hall- aquired tov Ihey haSt enjoyed Drus- le n, t e r a v a s a u n p r a i v i s oo. [l part of theyouug peopla. So MUn. [ tiproccedod te 1111 up the igap, 'Gay- ug ttaey haît onjoyod titemielv-es thm- ugltly, and had made saine viry. pleas. tacquaintancea. "n n fie, he 'continuat, -vith 'a ekmxSe mile ual Clans, IgnAdvbo us th change tr rosidene, anS-" "'A Il vaîl." interposeS Mr. Hall, Ihave siroai>'attendeS te ihat. -To. aorrov ve bave, liisplace-I Sou't ousiden bte aituation heslthy-and ro. aove toe .'5h51t Mosýkaa.' That, I idonstand, is lth e st hotel lu ltovax xd te proprioton underatande Eng-- a, sud paye giaat attention ta sthe omiori cf Lis, guats.iSL nbhn ater. va avanad oncamuiàg lthe prtnealy" offerthah nigat. Nexi mcning ai breakfast inu huma riS Wilmnore,ýgriuni!ng frènm-ear te ar.- Ati sight af, Mr. Hall las sobered oyn oomevbi, d being sea alen ngageS ln conversation of lthe soUiesi. seà.ription b>' ltaigentleman, ho vas inporaxily pre.servol frana lb. effent. Jaoks vrata. "'AnS nov," said Mr. Hall, 'Ivavill amn tho lianrdn, iettle lias bilt Sdtake, a canveyance belihe 'Stadi [oan.' A ven fine aliabinnt,I odaratand, Mr. il'W l.' Mr.. Wflnw. bid e a , O,.n àa J,'. le- lit il v ap aS 6 planait] ln't 'se àalan. Plie bill ice vait ES Y. ..a~i Cationis ,pot iu stand 'l loy- ýLL, k Strest, LOT ES, and Frenchman's BaIy.ICA RRIA GE WA G GON1 L-ý 1 Whitby, A

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