i3ookoeUler and Stationor WZJ T.8YK4 Fqr L.L, l- i'78 30aoxaLIOnrc, Aupest 2 188, Vlo~ur erbrl .........5085 Bprlug Wheelc.... 0 6 si 1oo l .rley ........ #g 0O 096 'fi" tou.e-yad ......8 B #,0 fa ýo o xhibit 30 Different Styles- in Fai M1té Cor ...n........o..sMeFabriés, eaebon e:a Lùasterpeein altsi ............ . tlj1 1 *L Wood . ....-. 5O0 0d00ta l g tiyh .38.or.0Qý0400 ddgiesaii lr1.1~ »eefhssd qarter.tcritcal afor' whichWhitbylacli e, a 0! ........ i.N04@ObADVIERTISEKENTSr e AUCTION SALE Mare: strayed! S81 ______.....__-_fi_00__1_-_-_-__ Oeosa#0....1 . ta 000. Fetu it No. 4j sahnceuto t ,o SE ~~sWier- r .cts os. 1te 0, bot iclusie, fin the .FRVLIJBLEPtheRY Westii .86 oc in th. ixth and venth oonce4sleno, "d .. 1 sh eesAhl, ie a ds yueptors . ciOU oth1e wholseofth61e aighth land nJnth'con. lbri edWM be p r i nb =ukyper l...Se 10 cessions, Politng place, iFoster's stop, TWSI FREO. llflBtlcna vioii 'osato lie Z'R iEuî AJtfJ1~ Raglan. 01u a.' . e.tcLor - TOWN OF WHITY. nder and by vrî t a ove&oSal ,- .À. . - - __________ PORTPsiyimlHE-S.U o a owerci ais .......... 0wa. Pellilng District No. 1, shahl consttci ail contai d n a certan Motffl, whtei A1â M 'be ggdFFda tot h Mue cif ýanpd P L5.LZFO R SA LE!1 Whieat, aprtng ..........0 b60 Po' ,au à rI f1)da Sret01i Whes.t~~~ M L C10 00p RYA W Fal .. ........ .. ...M . 10 éwéoS 613à îe 0 o ic e Wh by Et TELoin th Town o E TB ,o OU T H PARTS ot lots a nd 0, B o FS i ...... .. .9ý0 ps Front, Pickcerng, cçntatnlng0126ena L 3ae...............OO u~eÇ'cdnrhcfDundas Street, a]&t ts oreat a o l. e Resoeor Bas ho pa Peu.O0OU000 oPoing place, OddfllowsH#. ébr evl .?,188 euiflyut ate n 13e marmn cf 1À cote. .. .. . .. . ..O 85 O0 85 PoU le District Ne. 8, .@hall consta of al e , . . 8 8 ý b a tf llygiua eron h slo h cr .....- 0 »t pieofthe Town oet ,yhtby, knownMaiict -, & bout .-O 80 *09. * *6 ' , rAtc2-ocloek naon tefollewing valuable foul iiles froni the centy t, 01Whlby. #eaes.. .....-.... 8l00 80 teCnr odotSre. Lands an2Promise», vi... For termae ap yt PuaC8...........-0 0W Polling place Vacant S ire, Wll nos e lY PtRIXCOW Mo- ..... 040 05W BlccBock Fek9reet. LotNember dv., Inte 613. zwg 0 , ABIKCOW 2 111 ...... O...O. 0 O 000 Pomung District No, 4 silailiconstat t l&Il sloof t h. Township c o fro, in 6h. te St.Paul's, Tcronto. Por ..........4 6 tat t iby knwn u County of Ontario, cont#ainugTwo Uu W. *H. BILLINaS, Pek... ........ .... 1 5 10 80Uthet 8arote 1eTown or redyJne as~ Acrsmre0 a.,_.butWXn 1....e............ .... 010 0182 theo eerplae , eniM et lrock Street. '5 ororlg. A ut 0are Itgg.Ol.................. 100 t100e0 .jr.. Tw Hl.cleersd. Bn thts valueble ter=i in ereeteda e UTO L 1UC polyn Di........sOU1 UP tritNo. 8, shall couelat t ,the geod FraenBere, a Fprame Stable, and A UTINSAEo lynew ......... ..... 70OU 70U Soulli ard. Pelon pae, Rowe's Stoe, smSllFraexrt1Hoinlu fair state etrepae .£A. ROPUETY . Wed ........... ....... U 8 00 M 6o.,Rihmd St te. 1 enper cent. o t6he perchase ne Boas.................. " 0 ilÊLAGtre o ramuet Le petd te cash et tlie of sal. 2,000 The undersignea Truateas et the Metho. 0 18 20MILLAG ON 4HAWAd. For vartleulers annîy; tO digt-E8080oousl (hn,.eh . taM .4. . MA Eppela Coeea.-GÂ!zmcL ANDe cel£- rssiriss-"By fa thoreugli knowlcdge oeth61e caturai laws wschovern the çperatieus et dgsilon ced ntrftoe, sd by s careficl application eýthîe Ifieepropartles 0 e i.. Ùleited coco&, MrEpias »providcd cur breakfast tables vith e delleately fiavaured bevsrege which uiay save us nieny Leavy .dcctrs' bills, 3Is Ly6the >udloous use et subit articles c 1.6ta conatltutte ia y bdi gca1ally but up until sirdng enough te reeli OV01teudene3' te dlaease. Hun. dred oft amaladies are fesgtin g reund us creay toateiack wlierever icthe e vee ck Inel.We sy escape niany a fatal shaft ksaping util well tortlfed wth pure MiceSandd a properlynourtshsdframer." -Civit ilarvie- tGsrett.,-Sold enly iu Packete lahelledsi Jaccas Erre & Co.,, licincepathtc Cheislt, Leedon, Ecig.", A C A RD. T0miwhio ere sutcoriug frein ths ercre T's"nisereilona e1 youth, nervons weaknesu, early decaylois et à mhoed,&oc., I ll sed erece e Ihat vilI cure yen, FiER OF CHARGE. Thts great rensdy vas dseeverQdga y iustonary iu South America. Bond 9a selt.addremied Mlape ta the lizv. 30JruTpl i. INisAN, ffea, Bibla Hous, Nae yeik Ci. NEW ADVEITISEMENTa PROC'LAMA TIOfN BEiCTRAÂL Diemnier T D BLIC 6 U H I î O F O N T A R I O , f .I e r e b g i r -- Tu WT I )i Eeetrs oS listrlDistrt ieteremaid, ta nosl once te Hec MisJety's Writ, te Me direcîcd, ans beeieg date the 17613 day ctiAÀgusA. D. 18Z8, 1I alire 6the precencaet i duliec - tores, t lho TOWN HALL, lte TOWN-0FWRIITBY, la the seil Etecteral. District cithîe souti ltlclng eft Orl, On 6the 10613 day of 6the nibto s er ýA-D. 88î fnn~oou IstitltvWO O M<s nt he a csc erl 613e , for Qupeoo-,f Nemnnt1iQa repreansti herne e ou e aions ei Canada, snd. tha in caue c ol Le de. Ilhndel ansi ellewesl, ln thé nlanner-by law prsiribed, snch poil wililLe epened on - 'fA l7thd% mio tiselonth fiS ep 8jt., A. D., 1878, F1reinthe ien.iosî et n eth iertng tilt r ive 0ct 113r siiecluln 61e aftteecon, inesech "f 13e Poelling Districtu, that la te scy: T0WYNSI?(p orpICREIINO:. 1'ellicg DistrctcîNu. 1.-Al 6the lots treni Nu- 1 tu 10 nelnajye, tronclalca te 4th cn ceesIn lino. Pclllg lace tiocgers' iall, lu the Sud cocoueois l'sling District Nu. 2.-Al the laitobr, lie. Ilita 18 litssusivoc frein aIse te 4613 con- cessonufine. ll'eliîcg picce, Leaven'al Dufilsne' Crsck village Hl, PoUiluS District No,.0.-Ail th, lots tron O<ccIV 26 lelus1ve, tronc lais. te 4tLcon- cesesîçe Itino Polung place, leiilelcn's toreLîerpooi Markset, - lcllng D)trint No. 4.-Al the lots trocu 0i. 27telelinsive, tron latte te th 3con. cssion Ilue. PsIluDVPl&cO, Scheel lieuse, tliercyvcod. .11 tIce'lite fcsi 41- couaassios I'elling placu, Usuga D)itr1it N O.-Ail tLe lot, frein Ilt7Iclusive, frein- 4113 enîelssln t t oceesalgn lin..' ollilig Place, bîn iiitNo. 7.-AlI tîce lois Sconi t15 20R Inclusive, fremi 41conecession e 7tIî ccoosetn lIna. Polling hplace, cUltsicelIlall, Breuhai IliIg Distilal1Ne. 8-Al0Llots troni W te 45 Inclusive, 8fr±Oei46thl cuaa ýo 7113 cencoceson lino.. Plln5 place, 0 Hall Wiicvcle. hsg District No. thAl$l.lista b- ta 14 lelusîvâ, frein th61concessiou le Northeru tmme.w lc lollhîg place, e tulonehConcession. 'lgfls.âtret noI. .,AR1the loi rin SÃ" te 22 inclusive, tro-i 711 concesson te Sorthep, towutve. -PIlà g5place, le ýwa, Olareont. *, p Uagoa- 8 o5 U thl61e loto treni 01us15inluive,frona th13concession - "0WSHIP OP WHITBY, shhceaslst e! thi. eu rot coueLutsud Concession î, 8Pohln paeOLd Blacksmlth's trcat ý ofIttlniciconcesion. -, isIl ceasiat ot Pelling District No. 1, aabc e huný ou, the norili by Ring Street, on the eest 0dmn Street, on th3e south by Maplea Royal Sireeta, and on the e st ly Cen 1Strset PolUng pille, iahop's Aucij PRlingS ltet o. 92, ~a1 Le Loue on the euti b y Centre S set freinK Street te Royal Street, aad byISfmcee St, trcmn Royal Street toe 1e s Lino ; on1 South by the Base Lino; on 6the West by1 westerly liratftlt theVii cge, ced on, iietth by Ring Street te Centre Stc>et, s by Roeyal Street troin Centre Street. Pc ing place, Stepheueasls eP, user i bridge NID Street.I Pe)lling DIStrict No. 8, sheiil L bc eend On the West by CeRina Street tron iX StreeltetgMaple Steetind Ly Smine Street tram Maple Street th1e Buae Lin e1n the South by 6h. Base Lle on th3eoe bLythe eester1Lyltit oethé1,Villageandi the nerthhby RinStreet te ce na Streg a Ly Meplc -Street treni Qelins, Street Sinieae Street. Pelllng place DrinI Shed, Polling District No. 4, a4Zclt e boued On th3e north by William Street, ou the en by Mary Street, en 6t3e seutc by MI Street, AndI ez613the t bY Maehaule Streq Polln 'place, ToWn Rail. Pelllng District No. 5, s13dl Le Loundi on th. eat Ly Mechanle ýSfrect freinJr Street te Williga Street ci y m Siret tam Wllim Sreette 613e secea concession liec; on the norý th 1e Secel cencession linejon the w.st lyi the veste JIjîitef the Vill agencd 0onthelie sth 1 aiLgStreei to Msîhanic Ptrcsi, sud I wlliStreet froinMecllanie Sireett Sinicce Street. Pelllngplc1oWallo 0Cee or Shoop.le Pollcng District Ne, 6, s]1411 le beendie on tho west j,>, Mary Street freinKin Street te William, and by, Simnioc Sirec frein William Street te thc second ceecel sIen lice ; on t13e noriliLy 6the second cor cession le*on 613eo, st by 613e caster, lidit 6h *leinlage ; ced on 6he South bi Rinig Street frein 613e easterly linait otilý ViUage 0 t Mary Street, and by Willli Street front, Mary Street te, Simcee Streel îOelltng Place,#Vrdtern's CÃ"opcsr Shop. And further, that on the.9713 day et Sey teober, A. D., 1878, ai the Town Hell, Tewi et whltby, et 1.80, P. in. I Shan1 open th Ballot Boxe susin OP tise votes given ttc the. several denslidatesi ced ketuin as elect ed th3e one having th3e Majorlly cf votes. 0f whlch anl perlons crs heey reqeirei oý taIse notice ced te gevdrn thcfnselvsi Given ender My hand, Atithe Town c Wlcittsy, thia 2iat day eft Ae'at, A. D. 1878. J. IIAM PEBRY, 80) Ilettcrnleg 'Officr .Farmns for Èa1e. '41UGHTY-ONE ACRES 61 good land XU well ,ncsed, geod young orchard,i eover-femiug srlng and in a geod state ol tiltivation, wcth Iramc dwcllgh ouse ceod barn Rsud Oitbuildispeo,--:benoin 24 rdl cocession oet 613eTownshipetf Whitby; (hree ilies troni the towncli Whithy). AIse lty Acre-Loi 24,tliConcession ofhLywm I ramdwelng hous, go ws, md rcharI , ced e oreel.runeiug Th fbv arins will e ldseparctely, o togeiher te suit purchiaser, For terni &D turthzer particulars, apply te JOHN FITZPATICÇ,. i-tf) on 613e promiss. E NGLISH iCHOP HOUSE scCITVY .ý RESTAUR6ANT, fcyrscEUROPEir.sPLAN). M. A. THOMAS, uncheon, and D/Ining f'oRnm, - eýr Lailies anci Gentlemen. ýNTS' READING AND sMOKING ROOMà . o. col, KING-ST. WLeSTj; TORONTO, MITCIIELL&14R ýAN'S ARK SAMPLE IROOMS, 108 Wy.sKXO l irn v,TOBýÈTO.ý - IOICE INES N- CGÂ1 SOLIoA Ae NDÃŽ - - cTIoN.F -TO- 'RT PERflY AND_ RETLIRNI O1MD PIC-NeC, i if eR. C. (Ut ChreWll.bc held in port Ferry; Y,) Tu 3a1 rd SeJ'te'mh ,187à 8. . Mr. Roger'sautuGrvnaDc rilersReeldence. Tho~.ja sted near 61ethereetLakeS n ,arc 'oeo aicugcg.ý LhlaiioOmen,, ansudther am>a Z» cueio trili ile4 e in UI~DY, vol. & T Icartvi Toronto, Ve n des seiciqt ors Augesi 15, 1878., (ta-Bs ONTARIO, LADIES' COLLEGE XTOTICB, la hereby gsven that th e PFt6h .Â~ Annuel Mestiug efth61e Shareholdere eft6he Ontario Ladies' Colleçe viii. Le hli ite eaid. Colege building, on TUESDAY, -an SEPTEMBER, 1878. aI 6the heur ef Tweo oîlock, pin., For 6h. purpse.ot electlng Direciere ana for seih o0hor blisincss a mcy Le brtsnght befere the, ,aid sbarcholderse t said meet- Wkitby, E STRAT.-Caminute the premises et th3e uedereigned, Lot No. 91, Qna Con. of Whitey, on or about 8113 inst.. calied end Whte gweitg niilk. The evuir la requcardie prove Preperîy, pay charges, ced tase 13cr Avay. JOHN GR. Whitby, Aug. 17, 1878. lSie-85 WXTANTED-By 76h Sept. next, e geod YGenerel Servant, ced aise a à lcore Boy. Apply t-- MRS. J. B. FAREIWELL. Whitby, Accg. 17, 1878. - (8 -iOOD CIFMNRAL SERVANT WANT. B D. Apply te MilS. Z. BURNHrA. IALUABLE FARM F!OR. SALE. A&CRES, 1194 cered.- doGolden 00 Pr"-lot 5, in th3e 411 con, et Pickering-5 iniles £rom the couiy iown et VVb.tty, aed hait e mile troni pont office hlage et Anti.y. Godframie dwellteg, Ind Ir, wlth Sioefeue detion. Living tream. ou eaeh 100 aces. Six acres of silar ced sotvood. Possession given in I4cr ternis and partirelars, cpply te W. H. BILLINOS,, )r ALEX. MiLAREBN, SoIr. WhitLy. on th1e promcises. (tJ-2 FAIIM TO RENT. "ONTAIIiINQ 145 ACRES-part et lots LJ 19 cnd 20, trent efth61e Sth cou. ot Vhiiby, ane mile from Myrie 1P. O., jind laito cf 13e . . .L IL, . G0od Sildlnp; living streeni;' prcvilege eto douqhceg on removal et proet crep. For irticularo, apply, osn premiet, te evner Major T. HODGSON. JOHN RICE, SeotcrLy. -AllanRELine ; - WHTBY POR PERY OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSAIPS., Evry aturday 1frm Quebcce -- CAý LINDSAY RAILWAY, o'. i ý L È:;er0~ i,'. gI inil ere;U ge - ~~~~Rotauetickets, 115,lO.0ccrii a' - omefonPef te position et state reon.i. ntcrincslinte, *s. ur-'-fi - - .,.go aceler», u the2. . 'Cacned bMeats, Spices, Stecage s 1v asthe ovet. - -srtiving,:which vil lx Sardinlan, tronc Queblec, Ang. ii 88 ut63 amtms TH E SU ORTEST ir O 1LY DIRECT olyne ian, 'D Set , suit thH F ] L ~ I G I A N A Fc ery " u tim e R O U T E P R O U e n a i n , ' 4 1 , " 7r~5 '~e p TORONTO -AND THE WESTe lot. TIhe finet buildjings ndl grouedas in Canaca. levotd te t3e lgher ducion et _n iais,ýn TOROTO A!.) HE E8TMoreien " "256h" Oung ladies. ,- To PO1T pRBYSteerape-aneglera are forwardesito Lon. - Te FOUT FERRY, ~~~~dondermy, îBitasi, Glesgov, Queenstovni,- Sei. A opaeandniestfofitleor.P )!;,t3MaleorW NE LINDSAY, Bristel, CerdiEf, ed London et sanie mteo vcry cnfnopl te t efinotu t etircis.P. 1- .aofrehrog VNEX rpoo , as t13cu te Lrerpool.ndatioc fecr ci ;ýl' ,Ilc-c .catînn- The ainiplcst Eggs, cnd Freitsof ani BOCYbOPrties wtahlng tea ensl for their friends mornn s.q' sabcWare i ' overloed; se tl 1 t6pîpi1B au-c> sut-r %witl tclv&ntago et an A ilr - eau ebtain ticketa et 1ev rates. a ary age, and in any"stage et ailvancemnent. Speiai tccihitie. zze a.ciî,rdcci fer acquiringea A al epe ICINMOUNT, - Thse passages malle durieg 613e Suninerhougan rc a nwek fs; msc eatet ue h a - ~MINDEN# Of 1877, fin llansd teland,, averaged ab oregiptatelkoid' tscec.The cûi aaii9 iie is aae - H A L I B U R T O N , - as p, tw o cfw h tl% are p en t , i e th e # n e t cf F . H . T e.rrin gto n , E sq , C e d e céto r O t th C P h il la ii o n ie S oîi y et T o o e i HAIBBTIsnooth vetere efth61e St. Levrence. thie highest gt&te et cfficiency. French, ced Gec-cacn ct-e taught by ce accoinplshod lay, July7tIi, 1878. aAD aLLr. rTNONccra ieForteicead furher information apply h pak,]eie,sand vIce pIapbaaesqcc 1 sgi4c)knowdgetZlth 4ia - -- VICTRIA AILAY. RO.R ýRre, Maiheecaties, Drewixsg, Pitng care iaugcci btnste civ cne. - V IxT OeM R Ate*v elkin g, B . T ut 0 etd,- end r di t ossma e ans ýxp. ced Tel. Office 1 St-O. Wall regulatè1 îes i sei I ---cli a ' Pleasure rSeekers & Invalide WIitby, July 2n, 18i. - - utritious dieti; conctertable ced vel ventilated rcoins, &ca. U J TAIM TElS I.D51 To 4th. A large nrMber et honore te Le conipetlei tor.,Twoneel frein ie R xcellency STIJEGEON POINT lT o~nei;g a.P1e~n ~. - --- Tske, Es., f Apletn, nnoz o Ihan 81W.00 vortia oSfPites. itu te opn a» semi s47cea seer, Siut oSnocaLJ. 5bfen Tho Mcnual ,... Meng tiet ioy ca>jij naszcuspn oue .1-TB Steamer "Victoria," Çkeua Lludsey. lueetthi ofces, - #sueirerrii c1H TBu - - - I lugs, Toroto,,on Tueudy,e- 161tke li ileofr hteneles aren. ff 4u fted.thte i ifteenpae nt. T Thils Irne jisÀles is connections *ith Grand Septeuiber, A. DM. i e nan.bcsecei.-en: i argAsrt - iee taiosibs. GRAY . i ÃŽ- 'y-y]RÈ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Tu4teeeilyet I - --Y-Trosa. i UTION FEZ$. -O HSESgô >,yj i. A S B- iZARp>CONECTIONS,-- c. ïANEPRR GLAS nte_ _tAfg., M TZAR-BOARDI&VTO Np rastr chasrgés. 'Baffge clcel& Tkâ tÀv.,68, c . - fî 1 cn - Departnient, per terni-......c$&G Te1pceicra D.-- - ' IeN %ersigi;Saiey, lp PtrmiandI Couplcrýý O.-c RPWFO c O cs.P "'S f hlb Fit-lgo gr n Soincar.8 DAddIitoumcg e : Sh -eauans eizùieiY. Flrt-casseatugeenlSmoing ~ 1éicoî ieoi cd icidnta ~nuiber et extreatake.j. -h a Tý RO GTIKETSat G. T.ETi4t STT 2 pet-ROIn d slrcilfrni et whlec l5peresu J.~~6 FOS S èk.O R c iTn e. T' WhEAU - F FlÉrIo% . cc t uWil - EGÂiuDIUN?,ofthe Siles -Tottce "ý(uim ve1HicffiP liwbod&Sdbe- 4wh friiie roOi2.- va.,Stsfrnbite ýnèk 8273 eca-haisglsr.- - a*g s"Ic VI I.rwl % =dtIwro nad ded trs don tea - teet th3e th3e th3e ted oul- the ceg oee 26e; ýast on e6t, te ut !ng et.- lad me nd id r- byI te tg 'y La e t. . . or W t!l bu iPa I9 P XIght OU , $e evnhCne e TeesaySepeiner ,Srd. Ternis medo kuveonda o sale. Sale et ivo oleQck PAUL LAWRENCIE. R OBERT LITTLE, ) Trusteca. in8)B. F. CAMPBELL, NOT-WkTQuare. ot 10i te 1e ti e:tOadnve*od La 1 n Solicitor, ced Admielsiretor et * Vers Ward MoCene, Whitby. CeirNirv-rOF aNTe IO S8hereby givcn TO Wacr. -I J. - i1t the COtRT 0F'ASSIZE, NiiPreyran Terminer, ced Genor. lai lDlvr1vi Le heli in ced tocr6the Ccn.otOino the COURT EHOU8I in the T-NON-HI~Y Thrala, ep-O e 1th '8 theurfay, 6eptember 19of(h '78. Ai ihergheusti1 co nof ne et whtand al ohrsoner Justices ta61e nPie aned ail orthoes e cc, il as oiecdgv , NELSON G. BRYNOLDS, Sherifi'e offce, Whit- Sheiff, Ce. Ontario. by, Augusi 613, '78. -88 AUCTION SA-LES 1: TBRG te reteru my sineare ihauka te the> *..publiectocr6the very liberel patronage Lestowcd upon mie in thie past, sud te intimais ihai I vili Leý on haed ready te. cenduet any sales ihat I iay e eu iesI. witL. Ternis liLerel. Satistate er auteed. My sale bok vill Le teued ai the Ontario Hotel Whitby. Arrangements as %0 das of 0515, &c., =&ay Le made with Mr aoterpr ietoc ot the Hotel.- Ordera hy mail Or tele a h citendesi te. P. AIBANKS Auctioneer, <VhIiLy., N. B. - Sale IleccIcaandi llanjk notes temleisifree. LIVERPOOL,- LONDONDE)?RfY, -~ r-5 r i l1H1E, MIGHININ IOG1H RCS --IS NOW USE]) BY- RETT ARRJVE -Co Men's Youths, and Boys, -" New Fet Rats -for the Full Trade. Also a Splendid lot ot Job -Prints, fast Colored whioh wil be sold at 5 and* 10 ets. per yard. W J. HICÂIJE& Co. Aîîgnt Mt2li, M78., TO-DA Y! LAING & STEWAR Axe offering very decided Bargains in Dry G-oods. DXRESS GOODS. A fine Stock te clie froni-1Or a yard lje-ards. Smze chuice Lineon Costumes offer. ing at fully hait prire. Trtmmed Hais, Beona, &c, &C , ai au immense rodurtion. lu tact wc are eClingour Miulieeryi any prise olftlred.Cai andlyou v il lbe coerinc OLOTHREfG Made te order i îear a n tylcd a perfect fit gearaittcq. 0ur cuiter (Mr. Freaer) liegvnpret satisfaction. -U e are atil ahcad w ith the chdiccst stock et Tweeds and etWrlsManshp. We xil fa lothing, aeddnian te eop up the god relctation Iv. have earucd. Stuit bn band s faw more of those o weeailcil hoap $12.030 Sutte, madc te erder. .We muvaiand mill adelofth61e balance et our Stock befero liemeval, as our Mr. Laing hec macle large perchaes in Scotlaed ai very low prices. LAING & STEWART. ONTAIRIO LADIES' COIL-[GF - lE-IF ~W~3w~eji B/ackJJJreen Tea6, GENKRAL »Ùd Fruit Jars. il. &H. STOCK .LARGEST AND CHEAPEST --LOT; 0FL- EVER BROUGHT INTO TuEE OO1JNTýY, -AT BEST'S, SIMCOE-STREET, 0.SHAWA;- PIIOTO GlAPHJNG!- DONE EQUIXL TO CITY WO.RK, CILIl and Seo specimens. Views of residences taken to0 'ES3r0T .,UOH - 1 rde1r.178 HARVEST TOOLS- HýA -VER OEEAT TO0 P AJNýT E RS. Blmdells raw -and boiled- Oil, ýenuine Englisili Lead, Glass, (our own importation), Culors, Brushes &o., cheap at HIATCE &BROS. HOIJSE BIJILDERS. A large stock of Nails, inges, Butts, Screws, Locks good gnality, only 93.50 per~ dozèn, complete.with wshite knobs, tip top value at UATCH DUROS. Eave-trougLs put up on latest -approved pattern. Be-,, pctrn cctly and prompfly donc. lu Ti.n Sbop. Machine Oila of a uperior 0yes! ) FRA-SEB's etý the beà t and ceapest-grocerios in the-' fine 75e Green Tea in 10 Mlot s at 50o per lb. A c c l.-lW gr-ades aof Sngà tar pct tlït defy fccli, good Coffces, vory cheap). Cocoas, CiooJatesi 5, Flavorig Extracts, &e., Anew stock of <Jroer x sold-af a- litt i more than Mi h e uouual price , - - A feullctock of Gilaoswace, Gem Jars, Jelliy Cane, c BmUshes5 Broonîs, Fine Flour, (onna. aro AMyý quautitY oôf 'Prime -dairy Butter; - ýfully solicited. SIM ON 'FRASER, nlraBok rckS. hty CHIENAl, TrE A STORE,ý ofen 0 uiery, and.Glassware of ail PIRE SERVE ýJARS! wlll be sold Cheaper tIqn eyer for Cagi,. -ilcçeivino' TBcUv eh icindoletf- sud except in 0 thîstit sirnulsin thowe maladies Atnionsthti use cf thie ren Chrout cConati Chroui D Compound Syrû piospi ien in whick, suapton c ,gv gst r third. 36 vg à no oherpnepAtlas asub stituteé fer ibis under aey sdreumeaeccs., Loeok;oi for 6the maaesud eddrs 'J. I FELýLOWSI, St. John, N. B. on-lice yellow owrapper te vt ;r;ark hila scen by holing tha a e fore .liglit. Prie 8150 er otie,?ix for 87.50. 1OLICOAL Il COAL ii I -Ravteg freaali n ecened seert asoe o -Loe darofe perchaaing their nertwsin. lac', stock, et tlie- loveaLiremnretive price. Ternis strictly cash, JOHN BJ.OW. WbttLy, July 81, 1878. <(4n-32) ]BRO WN'8 What we take the Ieadiin I Frosiecl paIrt, FOR H30RSlÉS AND CATTLE-Frem i toi cueottie ini wamm wcÃtter, -wMolurc niost internai dcrangciae.ts aseci iy avec hcat- ing, c. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY,~ ASK THEM? We the undersigned -haveiccesi Bron' Indien Liniment for-sonie tume'cna can cheerfelly reconinend itefr publie us.. Ephrain Me, Fine Orchad, Ont. chas. Hencpher, Vhtby, - Rira=efBrown "- Andrese Orne, J. Dawa, Breoklin, J. K. Mathewsoe , , Seth HblIe, 'Ashburn, A. H. Henderon, Ubridge, S. C. BROWN, Pf.yAeu, VE±uY LOWEST RATE$. HROgUGI AND RETURLN TICKETS, rLvie Great Western w'y, SarniaE teeni o,etroitaudmtweukee, ced Michigan Cetrcr Itailwaya. Alec, throngh- ced reinu tickets for- Buuf. aIo, Detroit, Chicago, PhiladeihiaNew Yok Ss on Brid MilWeuke aed Aise, Londlon, Semu is, nep, Paris, Pc- irolia, St.,Caticaines, Bautlorsi, cendSt. Thomai . ,Fer Tickets ced furticer information, apply te- 1 *E., STEPHENSON, Oceen Sttaniship Ticket Office, Gicat Western cand Str. Norseman Tickset Agent, Domiion Telegreph Ce., '22) -WITBt a sced mento. re Treai- knesi, or ,buse, Le- Nervour autL9r oeti 'lraible Le cynM expr cf SeIf-Abtu aithaut me m"y Le, =e ly sud radt thouands, TH S otusd POtOfc Box 4580 JONDAY ti '1w ff. ti t] 01 jÉ L p ci 2tr dit at W, . U.- ARRIVEIIS A-T .0-..ye