Whitby Chronicle, 29 Aug 1878, p. 4

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P'ublie UOOUo0 li w ig t the '. meof th1r bth. ,A - tatrativae f-te posullar trait, Boa Clotvaila knewn t. havé faken 1.1& h~ane fromn th fact ha te Wetr sky w.. ovsrspread vitlt ted elouds as the momeof its i.brlh ; wh[thelb bd*2gig ng 0 1 a aptlve hotu1 vititàa tebtted tonIRAVe to another ehif lise Uiglâ ogncmen-o!f Spottè Til. -Sitting Bull receivôd i nanse beczaue a baffalo bail W40, by a laoky miti threwn upon ils hanbes ii sigitl of hi& niotheras routing plaoe nt the natal heur ; white 1the .lrugglol of fi fracti. en& pony funnshed a iti. for the te. Goibtabls <razy Horse.. . Waoulatstiearly sasmucamaubreati la Srt Franeioiso,. Qaliforia i. poorly àApplied wth W8Ib edsslîy, iant h. people sre aluking artemian wella to chIalillu i abandante and of good à aelity. Oneonk nearTipten, inithe iiJoaquin ValIny, Iately,. drew.. the fermera frt a y miles arcund teoses the flood il pourêd upon th3e paroheti plainse.-At lameda a well, aunk 250 11 09, yfeldod plenty ofth1e pureil *&ter. t1 la sUNitueti thal by boring deep totigh vator stllsietiî for 1he Iiga. tiono f the.whole Otte eau Le reached uder th3e bisys,'and that Oakland and Slan PYrnoleoo eau 51iminmense raset. volts, ample for the wanta of millions, tno great esptiair. ]ÉaMluer iintod a ÉpisuddtiNew. loubdhuid dog witli tie titis, *~A dis. 1io"illhéd membor of te Huniane So. ciety, wlich la Dotic musuer, as fer as watsr la concsrnod, but we nover heard cf one cof Ibosasdoge satàiglife ilu r.. Titis, hewevr, bias beei' den6 'y a re. triever nt tha rosidenco of ir* YranciU, u E'ugliah tlograplh angineer, whose doq, lhcaring thoe obldren soceaming, whcn tbir recto was on lirs, rushoti in aud brotiglt down tho youngost, aged three. Thorc la a rrimour in Vionna hat tho c]ip EnoBgoule je to bo again mar- rlod, but lte favortred individual id net iantçttu. Who lady lias lbcou.rossding iiiu that city l'or a few- weeki cf-late un- der thq titia <f Ceantes di Pierrefonds. 81(Io hacolpaad by the Duseesa do Mouohy sund -by tht e nt du Pionnes 1roisart relates that it 1857 the Lard May or otLondon enlèrtainedthelb rul ing Kiaîtoz6 Cyprui. After the feast th11e Lard Mayor boat the innarch bol1. icw ut dice aud lhazard, theo aii ni ag- *pran ruor hznoieny. The Mayor's wnrno wau Honri Picard(l. n. e a des- cri boa as a viatuer. A Landau paper cf 1701 cantainethe falilwing üCoilco -lVise ladies cf dis. tifction ut the west snd cf the tewn hâve detôrrunued te bestow on tis. poer ait thair carnings at carda during te O1ÂlP 1'leVEUS TO DE TAREN (Uîrder Ort'r-lî, Cannt; riaîeasr4tli day July, 1874.) Arreat of eaah idalviduol opon a Warrant.....................el 50 iiervtig euîanin or aubpoea.... 0 25 Il, Mîleage Vo serveeoe noîte, sub- îiti.ltiaor warrant............. 0 te 4.Miaoge wlîeuservie eîuîîot Le ô ofofnIdue, îillsgenco. .. . 0 10 d.Ml rg i im liourâ te gail, exelelea~if iehîeem onc- eïaoily nxîîoeui ini their cou- vNroe....................... 10 .tteiliig Juotin 01tiisuintnary tr-iior un t acination ut pri- 14ti tra charged wit rmfor fioeh dry t1100 eeily en od lit une 0. or aicirwlîeu net etigaguîtim4re than fouirlieote. : ce Doigio. wlîeetgtgeîi more thtu tour liiiunî..................... 00 H. Attîînîiug AIre or Sessions,, tarît <ly ................ 0 -9. Mileag1e traveling tîatn t Ili>' , Seeloli,, or before justicets (leîpublie eouveyaicie eau bt- triret,,011iiy reîîtoîio ediaburac- mjeute Ct bc îwe...........10 10I, lttiiîînoiig Jury for Corooe' Ililqiîet, 11lualiîing atttîilg et Inîtîemt, «<id-ci services lu res- iect tbtreo, ltlid an sanie day osM Jury eilnnoutd ............00 ilMttroliig. ocu aîiJoîrîîtîeiit tltereof, Il trot engirged iitre four ltourtf,......-...........i. ce0 12. Dt. (in. if crigaged morethi four litote....................60 liiiwinlg eîtmoot or eîtbpceoa ta atato<i befon,,Coroner (objeet02 M l &ieg Ir elîî 'aite ..........0 10 il i: trbgumoîy onîer Coroutrsi Wariîrat ....'....... ......... 2 00 14. e.liorylng scue..............2t0 -17. Sorvlog destreie warrant, ad ru- 10 t.rnlîig saine................ 1 go 112AtvtrtlHiug iiiier <itreme wtr. rant........................... 0 19I, Tr4tvîîlitlîg te Smaire iltrese, fjort iaeeh for goodm e Ct akis<l- troe, wlîtu vo poids are fuifl.. (l1il 2.Aîîpralieiîeuto, whetlîer b tii,11 oxor en, ' conte liitChie -ilan, oniithe vailof utgomînl 2l.,(Cataoiguîe silte îuI iîiîleeli<î101 ali auJ delveiy rî(ifode, i e. ili Cte rqI <i tic il<r«init e «Io grîcîde '22. lîueîîliviîl yorroiCi, S L. I'AiiWELL, 22 w IT BY, PtORT ERRY ý& LINDSAY CONDEPNSED -TIME TABLE@. Taklalag ofst ou mondaa>, July lutd 1878. b RaiS ( 10.M0 ORS Ltavo ut 7.W. 511a. n, 0.5&W .u anle......l. ts7M . CU Arrive Mty .....9.9 &1 porsa-t bedtsie. Pcrteýlt at other tstati01n. e Cetnpauv's Agents. CONNECTIONS, ,WirarJaeeros~Wî,i OrgTrtmiknMalt W&Y for alilPoints sautSi nWest. puo reay,..4yîth stage ferlisUte 5uu.lsavms-Pee 5a1,tild Wck KMui, 1-For 8utlaud " ail tti UA L-zrtO.&Woott, L tue lijawtn a louia a"d port amen., 1 1-rVa N EW'- EM E, NEW AND- ERESH llfaving corne safely I havi bee. vest the ~tU] insurance and out -of the Fire m. eilabled to re-in- 1 amount cf My a la-rge amotint I- of otiter Capital in thse purohase cf, an en- tirelyrtew and . SFRESH -STOCK 0,60Eli8j-0F- CIdo Which having z be-en secured ýU for Cash on mýst advantageons ternis, 1 arn enýabled to offer- at fully 25 Per Cent 6rIow Ordinary Priées *To cash and prompt Paying ZBuyers at Whoiesale and Retail. I de m itulnecessary to en- I1 uxuerate the itenis in detail cf my lar-ge and extensive stock auy atternpt te do 80 C Owould 1111 a lezon Gitronicles, suf- f&e tb say that it is complete in ail linos and tha4 customere will findý onune prem~LLJises vvury atuile that may be enquired for. Rfeads etf Farnilies making .5 purchases of, F-RJSH UROCERIES, SWil Save 1VMoney and secure 0 a good a4ticîe by callig. Z - EVERiYTHIING IN - o o Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Choco- 1atesý &o., &C., MyIy iquors, as heretofore, are of tise best brands and will be feund unsurpassed in'purity ,and cheapness. Agent for Coagrove& Labatt's Aies. Aies, -Beàt quality, 30 cents per gallen by tise Keg. *Canned Fruits,- iickles, Biscuts, cf best *quality. Oy'sters, Haddtes, Bloaters and fisk cof al. kinde,, Her infge, Salmon Treut,_ &c., In. Barrels and hall- oe w ci m 1 amn making Stgars a - specialty, and >can affora te seil 18 lbs. of 'B.rown"Sugar for $1.0%, 20 lbs. of Valentia Raisins for 100. 20 lbs. of Currauts for -» . $.00. Te IýÀWLER. New Ge RNew ±'io ~e .Llgs, Newet ettB, New Baby-Carriages: very chéap. CosSiiectao1ei, Outlery, :'1etro-plated Gooda iW greatvariety, Niokelite Pork ica SpoodnE; Dueeku, nk- OWingo the prevailingbuairteREs depression, the Io* Wri]4 oýfNew Gmoa ml b. found a grMl iudueen=t tk Oacipuzoliame, CABINET F "M, YAD JAr RÉWARERQOMS 1 TUE' MLII8T4 TtIE-à 'SBROOK 16TREET, WHITB6Y. Go W»Oite ou afinot. fail, .to be Rom ana' Bedroom Sets, New esina jïiï Y-Winspecton, ati autonishing low prises. Dim. ing.room Extension Ttble&-a very superiok "arIl. Gilt Comices, Picture Framning iù ever~ style. orne fine Chromos ana Engravingo for sale. In ail ita branohes ; funerals fauly supplied . A stock ef siegant caskets' Coins always on hand, trimmed to suit Cidtomers, sud a weil appointed Hearse constantly in readinesa. WM. TILL. Whltby, November 24th, 1875. CARRIAO SSAND_ 1B JJGGIES! THE LABST AND MOÜST COMMUl~E, STOCK 0OP Capriages, Sleighs iand, Cutters, M. O'DONOVAN.'S CARRIAGE FÂCTORY BROPK- ST., WHITBY. VERY CHEÂP.* CALL S EE THEM. NEWIGIOODS Clothing and Gent's Fulrnishing -House Is 110W supplied with aIl thse newést styles cf English, Scotch, and Canadian Clothsý of ail kinda, the * Largest and Beet Stock i4iey ever had. <ruAise an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishings, al reew. à splendid stock of Ready-made Overcoats, Citeap for Cash. McMILLÂN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, - WHITBY.. FYRESH FRUJIT, DEPOT! KING STREET, OÈIHAWA. Everything in the Une Fruits, always kept ini stock, of thc ýreshest and best linte Markt, and SOLD UNDER TORONTO PRICES. Privato and public parties supplilt Wholcsale rates. Orders by Telegrapli or Letter, suàilied at the LOWE ST RATES, with punctualit>'. Ail goods delivered te Whitby ànd Bowmanville pur- W. J. REDMAN, Feb. 211h, 1878. (8m.11) Ring-St., Oshaae. F-PA$H1ONABLE TAILORING I Go where you can get a 'Well1-fitting Garment :.-To the Tailoring Establiaiment cf GEO RGE GUJRLEY, , OSHAWA.or SUPE.RIOR CUTTING SHAPýS THIE WORKÇ A Large Stock o! Flue Clotha ; best Englisitscotch anti Canadien Tweedst. 0- Es.'cellent Overcoatinga, anti Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guaranteei.- GEORGE GURLEY, 51 Ring Street, Oahawa. My ýStock of ~' o**Ir2TO1RXE Is 110W Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special STARTING Inducements to those HOUSEKEEPING. UN IYE RTA $11 NQG. Fuil Stock of caskets, uofis and al thco necessaries in this line. Aie, A WELL-APPOINTED H1EABSE. Whitby, October lOth, 18717. 42 WM. L~ STUIIflT *the BU~HWB EITBY, lanufacturers. , ag mWen'sMansrd * I - Corn, We emloy Oly te i» u mocanal al and uor uaolnes Pmaunader the .uMr detaf bei oubj.Ohtie te sevar. redi eariniEupii@ tlnyergy dteatod bdrleavizig ont workw, 10 pro e . omplàee4« of evoq> part, and there ino difflenlt>' in.pnlllng itm e perallon by any *eran of moeratetnechunloul ability. OOU âMIdbueiy hh jli oe"tAindi eonstraeied with aiâpecîal efeons.e tihe nmàma f u u hieu..mny toe uhawine en made for ia pa«rlitltputpOuean4 4i~ç dàpled. for other vont, adn vor6men areeda. eald ap 101th. vaut# au ' reqolreent f 1Ourmnfa r-btliga Cher- engit knowledge of ah.eozatution of eur mahines,ad arm Chus enabled te ob- luDà %é ared @g f Ù d profeleucy than vhere gêneraI ,mnufatunlng W.aIeontforeibeenaijiet ta intredace' a mon perfect syatern mbil 1&H h. de- parlmeno!ntn f ctte adding net only ljeefelnof 1h. vomit but ai. no ta lte rapidity cf il. Oldutin-ant a euequeul reduction of ceat. Titis prinsiple lu regaýdd e wllh a llrne d ,etabliahmsnt, and ve enabled te tain uont our mac'hinea nfhtàhghclgreio! perfection, ahcl at prises se lew au abulutely to dsfy cempet ion. THE JOHNS1r N EL-R KI GREAP~ER la 6 n w eli known as Bingle LaBeper, 1that a werd 1o oï mndation weuld almnosaccusee isperfinun, >ut as there are ma> s lumming te manufacture titis machiné Who have aditerefi 1 te e ld original Joiton machins, vithout keep-. ing Vp te the imprevemen J; Chat justice te ourselves and patrons requit. cf us te atate Chat vo6haTe mod dil in aImait every -essentiel part, and fer strenglt] anrd dnrebility, qualioftyc qI luevet>' bind anud cendition, of gpain; ligbtnesa of~ draft md eMee 0, m a e àlit-C-thoe'3ehnstou," as niannfacluted by ns-stands ptu-eminently aeja o f alither reapers. In preef of titis positien vs have euly te point, tote men>' Firot Prizes avardsd us-et the asat Provincial trial cf-Onw tarte, anti mi>' sounty wt~lstich have laiton place aU eover Canada, vithin the lest fev yen"s. i OUR.TRIUMFH COMBINED MACHINES, wilh late improvements, i4 aIl ltaIt eau bu desired in a eCembineti Machine, andi saunot fail to-meet all te tequitemants ef purchassrs. Our Improved Cayuga Ch/el rdr., 'and our Young Canada Mowers are btt firtlaus meshints-sensîiînted elmest vhoily cf fron and Steel. 'The Cavagà Jr. hae a zest oat, Àith ie Yealng Cjanada a front Cul ; bath strong, dur- abe acies, aud net exceiled by an>' machines ln -the marktet for quality cf out, dnrabiltty, lightnessu etdraft, adaplsbtlity, sud ease of management. *OUR -NEW ""WHITBY HARVESTER." As lte countryhas becomejbetter adapled te mechinery, end many of aur fats. ern have become skilllsd in, the nu. of machines, s growiug demend baus pruug ap fer a Ligit, Durable, Fi otClasa Beeper. Ahve .te u equireme 2tà of the day, we have susseededin einveuting e ma- chine with a Wrong13t Iroti Fret itb.l possible gsaring-with large, broati-faced cdrive-wheel,-iud se coustrusted thet t he freme sud table tilt ettChu same ime, tbereb7 keepi4iglte pitman always iu lins viit the kuife. Thte reites are clriven dtteslly fîcm h. main shaft-there beiug ne perceptible aide draft, sud ne weigbt upeI the herses necka. We are confident Chat vo have uucceeded le inventing thl mst perluot Beaper, Cakiug it le aIl ils perla, Chat ha. ever been pteduced. W.r have eppied fer letters patent, and sitail hold eut invention, fer ont own exaltisive manufacture, and we respestfully suggest te in- tunding purchaseru, Chat tbèy-sheuld ode Chis machine bu fore giving Choir erdetis fer 1the Gomin harest. The "Whitby Harvester" weigbs, -ali tldr600 poundo, but beingmse pribncipallyi of the beat quality cf itou snd steel, and frons its in- gentous bud compact consttiuction, il combines te strengt and durability ofet1he heavier machines. Ail cf ont machines ar4fully warranted. With Chus lHoC of machines, we fesi cenfidsnt Chat ve 05fl meet ever>' re. quiremeut, and we respect!Il1 soliait a trial et eut macitins, believing that vo eau furnisb a botter maohir fer lte mcney Ihan cen Le obtained sîsevitete. eapealfull>' Tours, BelOWN & PA.TTEiRSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontarie, Februeryý 1877. LIST 0,F AIJCTIONEERS Licensed for the. Soà~tli Riding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and sejiarate Municipalities in the latter. NAME. RSfEC MUNICIPALITY. EXPIRATION. D. Biahop, ositaika, Beach, April Otb, 1878. Thos. Pencher, Belfo d'a Uxbrtdge, Jane lut, S. S. Leecb, * Sand rand\ Broak, Jol>'tIt, D. Bushop, Osheba S' S. Ridiug, di28tt, 4 A. J. ruriugtcn, Port -1'sry Beach, ug. 2tit, Thea. Tueker, Leua"le, Scott. Sept..1st, W. M. Wflloi, Port 1erry,- N. Biding, [rd " J. M. Pae.ron, loquý!ngten, '<t141h, Frank Dean, Orilli 1 Mars, "-12113, Jes. Digby, jr..- ClareLuont, N. & S. Biding. di 12tî, Id Thos. Pilke>', - Wezitrd, Uxbridge, 6 20thj, Albert Spriug, Mtukoka, Beach," 218t, L. Fairbanks, WVliibyt 22nd, H.L. Vanziut, stonfilille, Uxbridge, Oct. 111h, ' SamI. Baird,1 Break; 18b Wm. Gordon, Sunderland, Dec. litS, J. C. Widdidld, Uxbri4ge, Uxbridgs, 1811, Clemeut Dawes, Pcrt Ferry, N. Biding, 218t, Donald Camipbell, Whib' Breok, -Jeu. 513, 1679. E. H. Camerea, Beavtln Thorat, I 210t, I Gso. McWilliam, TorouoBrook, FIbL 28th, I LIST 0F PEDILERS FOR THE Co. ONTARIO. Hector McKinnon, Non.Rtsldent, -1 horst, April 251h, 1878.. Thos. Obattorsen, Town Whitby, 4Jue 26lh; Il - John Fincit, Thorait, 9 ani.-80t, 1879. Joseph Jackson, Umbridge M * iar. 111h, NO COMBINATION P ETER -:Do:- S MIT He Has much 1leasure in announcing that he lias now M*1.l'Stock a Complete Assortment cf al kinds of Family Groýeries suitable for the Holidays or any ime, rn-Cluding the following, viz.: New Valentin Raisins, A Choice lot cf Motte Cupes ani Saucera Layer fer Xmait. "Basket < Faney Toys for Xmas. ULodn Fana>' Candies for Xmas. - CoevuJellies, Marmelade, Currants ' Pickles,ý Salmonu, Loesters, Lemen Peel, Sardines, Wite Fiait, Orange Peel. Salmon Trout, Citron Peel, eFinus Haddies aud Oyaters rceived AIU Kinds cf Spices. Sal>. Nuts, ail Rinda. Pipes, Tobaccos, Combe, %xtracts of a&U Kinda. Bruaites, Kuives, &o. A PLLF SSOTMET IN EVERY UINE. Have you seen thel New Illuminator. No Ohimney re- quired. 1 Liglg equal te of te olti kind, once tried always useti. Sole agent for Wititby. CrocIem>' anai Glasswate in great variaI>', cheap. cash paid for Applès, Potfttoos, Butter, Eggs anai Poultr>'. PETER SMITH19 Whitby, Dec. Iltit, 1877. Oddfeilovs Buildings. Vick's FIoWe and:-,.Vegetable--,Seeds, Lawn-Gras' Seed, Tuberose B5ulbs,- Oxalis, l-adio1us,_&. c NEW&j NED FItIITh.0 Califor nia Pt ib. Li.m'aBe ans, - Ap#eicots* Strng Beans, Pei4ehes, Tomatoes,' Pe~rs~, Co'M eas TurishPriüues, French 'Peas, &ç. PASHIOI! HUGH FRASER, (LTELY CUTTEI Beo Wnfors bis friend and tC 40"OnanoBloek," epethé Hai had Ereadalothi , rutud (oatin mate p, CEEAI' F0ORVASH, Gentlemen funiuiing Chir own4 notice. Cutting dons prompîl>'. -Whitby, Jane 71h, 1878. BOOT AND 5110E -STORE Has -been reme-ve dfrem, BrooèkS treet te Dumdg& Street, firel door West o! Ârmstongs Hotel, vitere ho has a s plendid stock cf -the BIGHT FIT, ANI) MAKE, and of the best styl es ef Boots and Sloes. ARl orders prompti>' attende t l. Repaires neati>' dans. g Dundas Street, first store west cf Armstrogs HoCel. Remember te place. la"og' t itn Me0 jsr oJ miT TaL. o a have it l oitand. Inn C. >-elAW Whitby, Jane 12Ch, 1878. SOinu-25 t~ ii i.' i±r ~reet, - MATHEWCOLIN&. W.. J...HWCKIEd& GO., MaMILLIANS BLOCR, - - . - BROOK BTBEET. OUTa ARE NOW 8SHOWING TUIE LAIRGE ST STOCK OFFPUIRS- EVEIR SHOWN IN CANADA. -0-- 1-FI NE FUR TIIIMMINGS GUT <TO "ORDER. BRAR ROBES. ATAHl AQE WOLF ROBES, RuSSIAiç- m~aaBOIe, RÂCOON ROBES, S. ,R8. -fSmA11SAC UR. YAK ROBES, PERSIAR AME ACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOON BxI 7lER ACAUES, MINE CAPS, MfIZX SETTS,. S. S. SEÂL CAPS, S. S. SEA5 ,ETTS, OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, ERMINESETTS; PERSIAN LÂMP CAPS, PERSUNÀ1 LAwM ETS BALTIO SEAL CAPS, A5TMâIOHAX <i*SE TSý CONEY CAPS, BLÂCR-SABLE 8ET'S, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETTS, GERMAIt MINK CAPS, GREY LAMESETTS, CBILDRENIS SETTS., Particular attention given to ail orders.. Aiterations - - specially attended te. NEW STATIONERY & BOOK. STORE, AT THE WMTfY SCHOOLBOOKÂAND J., G. McDOIJGALL B!egs,, to announce to bis customers and thse publie ini geoeal Chat ho has openeti a Stationory, Sehool Buok and Newsdaepot in connection with hie Confcctiouety & Bakln uinless, là his olti standi soutit Brook Street, where everything in the lins cm bu Lad at-"ver>' loy rates. The Daily and Weekly Papers always on baud, sud- de- liveredtob sbcribers in ail parteetflite; tewn. Orders prompti>' iilea for Periodicala, Magazines sud Musie. Aise, a veil-asserteti lot o! Molesc, Berlin Woole, sud Fnc>' Gooa, ou heur!, et Xcv prices. The publie will find it te their advantage te take a peep et ont stock Leoe purchasing eleewhere. J. G. Wliitby, Match 4(b, 1878. MoDOUGALL, 1.'Gut-BBreakAS1reel. BIG BARQA-INS JUST 1IECEIVED-A JOB LOT Grey Lustres at l2ic. Black do., at 12c. Fast Colored Prints at 5e. White Cottons at 5c. Kid Gleves at 250. White Cotton Hoso at bc, 2 Regatta Shirts for $1.50 Merne Shirts at 800. Hats, Caps, Ties, Collars, at. Cost. worth - 25c. c i 2 0 c . - $2.0 6J- 00. - y. TE-RSý BUGGIES, AND CARIAGz S A Large Assortment of Cutters and Buggies FOR SAILE, CHAP TC SADDLERY AND ýWILLIA-M THOI Bega to direct attention-te hie large sud spa * hing in tae SaSiez>' anaHi= Leather Valises..an-d, Sar -AT- )IS &7NWOR Carntag«e Factory BSTIRET, ;WJTY NA CourtStret, L0rou09. G. YOPiNG SMITI OPIqEz-Over Dotinioni 501d.L gentieor sentral La ovet Wightmttnu sStore, * Oalawa. - IAXERON & AT BARRSTEZ, -Attorus -B Solicitors in hne utreet Toron'ý HECTOS CANERON, Q.O. T001KAÂS 114 rPOWN CRK AND. JLWhy. -Ofle-Tao ftam 9 te lélock R J.GUNN, SURGEON TO THE C( KByran Streci, WhiCby. Dr. W, J. BU] Omrcz-Net joýor te Ci te»Riete=, aC r hesoyai --BYRON -FIELD p HYSICL&&, SU1tGEOI .L(reeka 1-1 VY'S OSPITAL, LO % T t e I le . . H . L < , c A ILO.- DR. BOGÂR -Phyuliau, surgeon, Accot WhîtbY, Sept. 8Oth, 1871. jr>OOMS OVEII R. H. ,JUGor>'Store, -fond 0 lc eus tm O n.m. Co 1 1.80 ta 5, p. mt. Reiddeuce- - na ibert streetis, C,_ N. VARS, L acbea asthe cheapes'lt, anid boa. Tet il tlo Go Teatlreitractedlwithout pait local anasthssias. Dental M a's uew blockr, aven Aikinsot RigStreet, Oshawa. JMHN ROBINS - II aloonBrok S., Wha JOEHN WOLFEN A GENT FOR T13M CI £.Septtish Granite. At et Jonathan Wolinde,Dund GEORGJE' ORX TUMBER MERCILAJIT, Landsuri aer, Green-Stren largequautity et kil kinde a sltntly en ba. *WILLIflz cool BLAGKBMITH, - ---BI (Sucesasor tCc Tiimas ml Heorse shoeng and ail kinê -work. -i c. , st;A Lme - -TiRiGIIA TOBACCO VTorotost.,ozmnt l i eÉ. O'DELL, Clerk Division Court, Comminsioutr in B. R., Lent Lie., Atherly, Coumty Ontario. Atherly Sa5pC. Sud, 1872. -MPsrGn URNISIIED WI Seaiing Capacity, Ona 7 -GRil. DANfSALT ANDJ * FOR SALE,' CHEA LIVERPOOL . lMcC i * Liverpool Marktet, Apli, T8. FAUCHERS RESTAU ADAMS'BLO'CK, KENT I MCRO $ýSON*cC. Cbl 1 .!NOW LT COTII 1 «ýVhitby, June 12th,1878. l'Pl SPECIALTY.ý-m 1 Toronto, Dec. 8, 1877. 1 r iy.ào ýl STURT. 1 UIÈME FURS A EWS D EP 0 T

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