Whitby Chronicle, 5 Sep 1878, p. 4

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veege melyl.,-f Tour vcUuibu oatil 1 u aidîwît toue, or sye Vie olti lcve'eligie. Thffieat yi gae I ooli And yen ver.e eveteen, Soins Wooderful Sories. 'iihe Liar's Club lias beeu n upion la the msuuntains Near- Fol! Cil7, Ps., sud lIsTe are mOmo fooe plaaet) on me.o crel by ItA Membere. ýSard Dr. Frank -Cowau, of Grcenshurg : "On ou. os- casion I killIs t ul f our hcudroti pig- eons vii exactly eole lîoeered #hot, ai à aligle ire Anti tien get aI l te miel back spin. $hall I telilie storyP 1Ijya611smeans," vas lis ooapimeoms reaposo. '511 oetite bo," omalth le deeter lhat pigeo>ns ver.vaeryplonti. Wo ve.e est oisti AZIoumanti loen ho the acre was cooSîi(ereI àa ilgt c rep. Tiersued to be a g'ood deal et rivalry bnlvetu Lieutenant Govemuor Lattea ni myseli as ta vilci voolti -kil thti ost pigeons et, s slugte mut uutllfinally v et goconsldereg il s vaste of alunoilion vien vo brougit deve les@ thau 9ene'iunclned. ,On. day Latta kileti2810 aI a single abet, ind -vent anounti crowing over ac nta greal, rate. 1-roade' op uiy Mindt) tiat I wooltl bavehoebest -hest or lbave Qraeobug ; couse quontly eue day I LO-îglta lot cf burkey ositt, cunuted cul juit nlovon ltînndof £hoem, anti put l uîsw dcown'on top) of, two ounces of îîuwder. Mohn I got hileits h fields th eonswcre pretty thielt, coinug lu freihie big nooet up f cwards oenes- tn, At lest I t5w a treiîeidpdo -flocle rowing. la tho aggregsle tic7e vero sgo 1îeavy liaI tiwy couhdn'Itfy moro tlien four or iv, foui froru tic grolindi. I1iltopoil dovn and lot tîein peu. mover ne, aitti Idioun I benged eway. "About twotiuuten. eftenvard lI plalied )inysteif cutof tlitsolesce rner ctd saw the wiîoli fieldi covareti viii sieti pigeolise, 1 pi4eked Ilîîi Up anai *cournted Shot Itionni lteora werejuet four litiisidrad outhia»,Inoaticed liat tiîê sI at ia fot pasoeed.tîltrougi ta laéI i huntlrod liaI 1 picked op, and w]iîou- llîoy werd pjluekeil anti ent open thi'no vas a 'ehttilucccli ef thues. Elioli liot lîl îî I)S1ejj.Ithîncugît lirse IiinIs sud te o rce heoiing peuta a 11('loil lu ite fcîîrtiî. If 1 iitl putt it hwo outunciiiera of I)poeri I îl wotî Ibroulglt lown ut lecel iglit itu. ttTllsro i ssohiîiug iuîttin signa c1 tlie îuocuî'!, put lu Tii lanu, of lie Eý,xcursiion Uouse. "iOne day, e saiti ho wwiu I as about te kili muy hoge, sa - llilor tne lu sud tli me tiat thc meonu vas ou Vie ilacrse, unttithet tic moet voulti AU shtiveIliii)if I1iilledth ie pigài thail. iut I ouiy leogleîl et hlmn an attweut an .witht die bbuloiering. Wliu1 sultei svay the pork, I thonglît il boo1cht ad. rl,.ight, sud üevetny 1limei I %veut te loche et tite plece sievioil miiîitlen 'But whetî il came ho cooling tllîio mcl toe lîrnuceaboame absiiliitely ttlîpchhiug, ., A big silos ehinuînli up loto a îuouthfui, antis viole hanut or a ide vould't malle iorc titan anu fflinary, meuh foc four pensons. TihenU c yes1I sblutledlte butahler illy perle viran ticotoon vas ou Ilinl- cresoe, anti dit) 50. Gentleman, I don'l know wîxotlien yeou wili belieoe me or -nul, buiý t I b rue, oeverieless, but I dîdu't lhave tietonet caltei l own threÏ weeýks U tnil l ieedeiouit Bo liaI I lai] te olange te sonolco bonseote double ite former sire o tcoep À notioncover. Wharu il wàisput iittea etnig Pan the oed vt as vomiderful. A pooce two illolbes square wouid spîcil coutilil . vas bigger titanaenepiin. Fet, antiI cuti jiovo- i. No,'- genhçon, don't Y.- u 1boCUl yolcf about te igus cf the mon. Atter hie etory the club sol- Nursùsa ieing stance in Texas, a nom- c)f Intilîsi vie tteudict a bell necotiy wene compeilc(l te carry them irlthha chenuabg witi iîîn. lBut vhen tha welziixg hgen titoy md lte dispose of tii,, ables omehow, anti e ote i gilant younug mon volunteenati b sel its niuses. 'Picir services vere gladly aocoptetiud thoiotohe Vite 1e nes ie oanother rocs» ud immodielely eItauged-all tîtoir clethies, Il took the icothors ' sevoral heurs le gel thomn sunLei utl cuiau,sud lteroa rb, evgn y0l, soine double. "1V]iîatk ops-Mr. N.- frei hirk, damcas "oul a, wortlxy tinieter. I llcit il le et lotilt V"- '"No," nos- î,onadtu le beutlo ; " it'eseursntiiug welir tiSen Metîtacisot.." "Whet, tbenl?, le il Ceivinient ?" ttVuun, ai, muekie v.iur." lStîntly, Jnoos, il is oct 1)lIa PI. C»il oAhesz.Iin are geoti -Pattsrns for young sheo an exehange, We reply, Lot lieegyunig men bc square, anti grand, 't talk b me cf Swtrorland 1P 3a 31cong ady.v Who isti ju ue froinlie foreigu tour. '.'Its I placetI Ai, moonlaint, snd d glaciers, sud hardly a Young se soein 1" la boy0 seaishlmoîber il fs ýt lies. S4e loisi hm mle flot, and waiilod b kuow wlty lis qe4Lion, to wviiîho is.e 011,Wall. 1 Y55.,a.,igh e . * d, bocns à* e0m co6mmen ho b ook V"I il lu beotaY thlé profossor- Woe ia tat vilch neyer bmo. 1 caî' tibiiofi îlenain etm Lrê<îeisir (illa i asbgleti look 8e anti eurclty)-64î'SMur. I 12v, Àre- youn oct itaken, es P' Jcoe-d'ob,Ii '0 'beqçls vire lalklug abcut ýPaçtie oeldeat sons, Whoe ver. ??ad$ ue Ga.ld ; "I vielivi idasoenbt wiî vwilci ve oniti ra pmher." "'qnape 1, reg.s IUtle 0Uielthat therae a nU n Beiqln Who 0e" ae4.nd.twenty langwu but naet er ay anythlng worth liItnlw tinanyof tbeiu. ffWhore wlll Yiu put me When I caine 10 "à 7018 At your 541e ln thé air?' aiked a gentleman of' a wltty girl. *ïn a brown eludy,ele repiffld. Geera Grnt'.brothermaYs the. General osau bs perteaded t oe"Pt 1a IIIII'tIterni of office. Maetkerel are pleiititul on the coast 01 Nova Bcot1a, bativeen Halifax anud Th. proÉibitflon of the exporte of torpedoç@end w ar material fromt Eneg Îsnda i Lbe* reeleded. Trampse aegt ting very troubseomo ln Quiebea, sud reports .of thefr doinge are of daily occurreae. A.mm an ed Roodl.y wa.-kiUle t Ârnprlor n'ilte ,101h, lest..by iIgItn. ing, whule at vorl in lu ielde. A. bit oi-Amou boand on a. com J'a oaid to givê lemon si&dte ths Leedlmn. medistély. J3ogus Dominicn eue dollar notes are Tie flower of Young, 1ather-The P9ppy.- * F'arrn to Rent'! i QAO.BS.-Part of lot 4 andU5, Lakte 12. S<Ohorea Pickering. Dwelling and gobd Layon buildings. Possession let No- venber. with privilogatb plow when crop APPSI0 A RlfCHAIDBON, (514f)Whitby. DAILY LINE TO ROCIIEBTER, Coonoeniug on or about MONDAY theo 8tli APIL. THE STEAMER (W. Shorwooil, Tileter.) W ILLimalte lier regular trips on thie routo, leavhlig Cobourg every ioe». iîget 7.30, anil Port Ilie et 9 'eLock, u arrivai of G. T. B. Traître iroma East and Wet connectlng ut iRocester with the New Wrk Central Northeru Central and Brie Iliilway'e, andi Lake Ontario Shore Division of the Renie Watertowîî & Qg. îieneburgb fleilway, ior ail pointe Baet, West and South. ]RETURNXNG. Xill leeva Charlotte (port ofl iotoetet') daily at Il p M., except liaturdays wlieîi ee wih bIave* ab a p. on. for.Port Hope direct. Dealiere ln stock &o., will ind tVislethe, elieapeet and Miot expeditioue route ta l3oton, Albany, New York, &c. For fuîtier ifomation epply Vo W. SIRWOOD,' C. F. GTIDERSLLVB, Poart Hope. Kiligoton. Tf AlICF0F FERS TO ETARER 13Y lVCONSTABILES. )tmnter Ortior in Conueil, dtaet 24t1e day Juiy. 1874.) %rrestet of acboindividuel opon e warrant ..................... 81 50 Servlotg summons or sunia.... 0 21 8.-Mileagc te serve eummouu, euh- poeua or warrant.............O* 10 4.Iileaga viten cervice cannai ho plu prool cf due tiuligonce. ... Oô10 Il ieage takiug tiisoners ta gaol, exnjuoivJ aci tisieuràiumetts nec- * eseeily erpenontit u eir cou- voyance .................... 1 6. Atciing Juetice$ on eaxMary trialst, or an exanlzan of ai p- sonrirschurgoîl vith crime, for eeeh day neceearly - omployeti lu one or more castes, vian not angugen more than four hours.. 0 7. Do. d o,. wheu engegeti more tien four heurs..........50 8. Attoudiug Asoeo aeoo eeoh dcy.....................260 9. Mileage tri&veling ta attend As- eintoc, Seelone, or belon. Justices =wanpublic, gonvoeahbe au id tîeonly reasoua ela iiourso-' meute ta o e lloweti.) ..........10 10. Summoning Jury for Coroune' Iaqueeti nclatiig attendin1g et lnqtieel, anti ail services lun ea- pool thluaoof, If hoiti on cama îey' au Jury cunuooneti..... 00 il. Attendiiug enehi 'durmn thoreof, Il ual (,,gage(, mono leur bourg e.................. 100 12. Do. do. il engoget is t'ethen four hours.....................60 la. Serviug cummotue or cubpetne te aletuti hafore Coroner <ujeet No. 10)......................ô 25 14. Mileegae erving camne........... 0 10, M6 Exhumlng hatiy untier Coroner', warrant............ ......... 2 00 16. Re.bnnyiug se............... 2 0 17. Sorvlug dîcîrese warrant, anti ne- timning came................1 80 18. Adverlsîug unden diutres war- rani .........................e0 10. Travelling to malte tiltrees, or ta searai -for goode te malts dis- lrssuc1wheuneogoode are fond.. O 10 20. Appraîesements, viether bh-oe or noe, 2 conte in tho dollar, on thete valueoaigoodfo 21. catulogue cale eco rmmxission anil elivery ai gootie. I5etc. li- thic $,on oet prouluce el goatie. 22. Exocutiingusaurclî warrant,.I...150 23: herviug nottices ou couiuieblo, - ixhenpereanîally serveet......050 Ptbisieti y ortier, E. IfAREMELL, Clenkaof i'eace, C. 0. 22 INITBr, PORT ER Y& LINDSAY CONDENSE13 TIllE TABLil. Talig effect on Mcutiey, juIy 1lst, 1878. Leeve WI1y r' .8sn,648 p.. Arrive Llndiay......, 111.15 URI Lodey 7.0 e. om.,5.80>pt P Iai.,.....,.788i 51 PortPenny,.is@,25 7.00 Artewhiiby.... -' dO8. Forrlime et othmr station%, Seco ochot un. Table, te lbc lied ou aplication ta sny ci lie ('empanve Agonie. CONNUCT1ONS. Wumorsy JorCrieî..Wîtb a<(nm lTnimit Rail- ftna-Wi-ih tge nï2cp,n l MeioL-o akv fflutant i Caulglt. bstaanti Port ]Rcavr iit niee a Forsa"eby eler mey. W/rat wo take the 16ad in I Chilblsluer "a 088IES AN0D QATTLS 'Frcm i to eue beltie lu warnu vater, viii cure mont fnternai dermgaenauts canseti by over boa" WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, ASIC THEM ? We Îhe nndcraigued bave nctsewu'a Indien Liniment for zmonie anud cm . ob.erftU roommod t for publie use Nirant Brewn, .C Aed1rcýw<Yvi», J. Da WB, Preebliu, J. K. mgahevac, Il Seth Hubble, Asbumn, A.~ ~~Mty H.Mn.en txrde Lioenged Auctioneer. ALES premptlattended, and conduct. Sed ou Libeni Terme. Addreee, C. DAWESI 28. Port Perry. M 0%-K&OF C.54 A OA9 V OqMME NOING ON MONDÂT. May 27tli 78, and util further notice, trains viii LEAVII PORT HOPE for Lindsay, Peter. boe, Lakedeld, andt- Intermetilate, pots, ai 5.M a. in., 10 a. o., andi 4.00 pm., and fer the Geôrgian Day Wau- baushene, anai lntermedlato& pointe, at 6, a on., and 10, a. in. Trains arrivYe as follows FIOOM ýLiudeay, Ireterboro', andi Lakefield, at 8.20 e. on., 8.80 p. m., aud ..2 p. mn., aud front the Georgin Bay, Waubau. ebaene, and i nternieciate pointe, ai 80, P. M), andi .20, P. M. For further perticulars sec PockaI Tione Carde, to be-had ai aU Statione. I. 0. TAYLOR, - A. HUGEL Superiutandeut. 'reiAnt, rwiy eed lng aidtpratcllcng thied ctlala trohe e e.a Vervous sud Pbys1a Debi l. t h de endiàse tanconoltant SU..oeil netoltiolels htrsi lherefro.umanoilneonethan Z5eelgeapre. thetook. 91Tabook weawrttn by theie tez. tindve andI probably the mosteklifl pracfttloer ln Aielca owbom wawardedageoldanodjew. elîrd meda<by the Nation-1 Me-'kmAs socilatlm A Paze4hlet, Illustrateil wltb the veey fiesut Steel Engravluea Mar.- EA vel et art antfauity- sent TEEE ta ael. Send HEA for t et once. Aildrees PEABODY MEDICAL~.,~m INSTITUTE, Ne. 4 nu.Be I L îlech Si., Boston, Mass. H EL THE PAR KE RCUH SFCND STAMP Foi% lOqULASI PARKER B 0. WEST MERIDEN,CT New Baby Carrnages:. Cloohs, Spectacles, ci grax aietyq Nioke1te,' stands, &C., &o. Owing to the prevaIh pm f oseNeGécdsWinhueom WLIby# ApriLlo0h, 1I yn business depression, the' Iow graMinduceziieul leCash ipurchair.. CABINET FAO.TOY AN FURNIrURE WAREROOMS 1 THE OLD STAND, 'BROOK -8TREET WHITBY. Go where you oannet-fail to be pleasedl in making selections of good Ifuxniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing Boom and Bedroom -Sets, New esius efl ortiy f ispectin, at astonishinig loy prices. Dmn- ing-room Extno n Tabesavei sutperior ace. Gilt (Jormocs, , Picture Framing ini every style. Bore fine Chromos ana Engravings for sale. In ail its branches; funerals fully supplied, A. stock of elegant caskets. (Jofflus aiways oni hand, trimrnod b suitO(ustomers, and a weil appointed Hearse cons1antly in readiness. Whitby, November 241h, 1875. WM. TILL. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES!1 THE LÂEGEST AND MOST COM PLÈTE STOCK 0P Carriageo, 5(eig/16 and Outtera, M. O'DONOVA-N'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY OHEAF. CNILL & SE E THEM. NEW GOODS :L IJI IT G-LnE'-1s Clothing and Gent's Furnishing flouse Is now supplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Caiiadian Cloths of aIl kinds, the Largeet and Best Stock they ever had. Orn.Also an excellent stock cf Gents' Furnishings, al new. A splendid stock of Beady-made Overcoats, Cheap ton Cash. MeMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROCK STREET, - WHITBY. I? ED 4~r 1----iFRESH FRUTT)D1-POT? A Complote Soif-Instructor in Plain and Ornamen tal PENMANSHIP. y OUNG PEOPLE vielting te acquireaa hrid, eaey anti heentiful utanti vrttlng, withaut a teueher, viii Sundthe Gvroz a perfect inetructor. Euntirade are becoon. unf gbeautif n itihrs thoghoot the De- ntinion andtitti Uniteti Statas hy using il. t aoniets aofacaries ai Cane Store-et convtient ire fer prectieiug, vich con- tutu ropieto beginning vitihi c iret pnin- ciplec anti gradually progreeeiug ta tic niait eiegant plain anti ornementl l niing; an ORNu.-îFt;Têa SureT, tontainiug German Taxt, Olti lngliih anti Ornemental Latter- ing. Offuanti Flouriehingoa i ide, &uc. ; A B. KOF 5r0t >PAoES viti fuil analycie anti in- cinuctian, antie beatifnliy engrava encac ta cantain tie whale. Pnlce, $1.00, Post Paiti. Atidrose 5. IG. I3EATTY & CO. Ontario Bustiness CaUc1ge, Dtlevxlle, Oui. Nîtv, 14. LAD T)IES, ATTENTION. Tic celebruteti American HeIn Worlaer, -MAX JACOB, 230 Queeu St. West TocIno, (Tinoe Doora f rom St. Palnick'c Market) B u EG informe he Ladies liaI uta in ie Ggouly GERUINE HIR WORKER in thc City.- He guanantecsalal kiuds of hie work to bc doue to perfection, naît anti pTover aud dliv iatithti brequetat. pLWr Plucee seul yoitr enters anti I vill attend ta tient. SIComhiags douees p tVoenter in $WTcHES, CURLS, FRIZES, PUFFS AND FRONT PLAITS. Curie ont oi traigit Hair matie equal te -naturel Cuirie. Reai bain evithe alwuym on baud front #1.00up. CAUTION. llPiuse dou'I De mieleati by caus-asears ne- preeeniieg y naine, as 1 einploy natte ex- cepî myseli anti carti. MAX JACOD, no 0Quecil et, West. P. Sr-Country ocre poromptly retumuet ni ony ovu expense. Ofrla lit at bMrm. . Roge, dresemaker, opposite Rol Motel, WVhltby, wiii bis promptiy aihendeata t. 1878. OPENING OF NAVIGATION. 1878 dIoronto, Niagara, ê&Defflrdeticein. bont Lt ne, cemrpcsung tise SWIV'; EGNITCIINT STEAMERoS City of Toro nto and Rothay, lu ceeecetien vili tie Nov Tercoeurai anti Canada Sonuho aruEalayu, SPRINO ABRANGEMKNT. Tic site tCITy oir'TORONTO, cettem a~veiuMMconmunce on Thuxmday. 1= 1 lu 6-Touge-dett lori1. RING STREET, OSHAWA. Everything ln the lime Fruits, always kept in stock, of the fretheat anti best in bbc Market, anti 9OLD UNDER TORONTO PRICES. Pnivate sud public parties cupplieti et Wholosaic rates. Ordlers by Telegrapli or Letter, supplied at the LOWEST RATES, vith puncbuality. Ail goods delivered to Whitby and Bowmanville pur- chasers. ýFeb. 27t1J, 1878. (8m.1l) W, J. REDMANl Ring-St., Oshava. FASH10NABLE TAILORINU Go where you can get a Well-itting Garmnent :.-To the Tailoring Establishmnent of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR CUTTJNG SHAPES THE t.Vbv annfaebtisrà bua vo gurnc pàar ffpirp "e., -suet al dapieti o tlervork, and our wo*wsu oneau. citéd UP te thé *vanta and requiremento cf car xnnutistr-obtÉings' ler. ,"gh knowode f the construction of our machines, andi are tins enabledtibob.l tainuà higher dop»e.of ailandi proficiency than vhei;e general manufsctorlng Iwo arm 1terfore.enabloti to introtince a moesparfect ayutem tato aiU the.de- pertinent oft mufacture, sddlng not cnly ho tii. perfectio f the work, but al- mc to the. rspldlty ef lis exectlon--anti s conséquent réduction fc ost.' 'Tue ýPece-l.lem- adei ,csar nav reàïdàted establishment, anti vo onabledt iÏ hM out Our m-insvthai lghr lgrie.cf perfection, ani av prieeso 1ev sea tbaolutely to dety compotition. THE JOHNSTON -SELF-RAKING REAPER le nlow go veil known as a Single Reapere that a word cf commendation woniti alest eem supuefun, but au uter. are many clainiing tle manufacture hie machin, vho have atihereite t0h.,olti criginal Johuston machine,'.vithout keep- ing ,up 101th. impro vements ; tint justice 10onrselves andi patrons requlre cf us te atate tint vs have modifiedit lu alincet evcry esacutiai, part, ana, for strenguh andi durahility, quality cf out, i18 aver kind andi condition cf grain ; lightnesm cf draft and saue cf manasgeet-the ttJohmton," as ma n fatureti by-us-etsnde to point tithe many F=rat Prizes avarded u-aft thé lutI rovincial trial of On- tabrie, sud. many connty trials whieb have taken place ail over Crseada, vithin the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, with lato improvomenu, ilesail that eau ha desired inlua combineti machine, -anai cannot fail to meet aIl the requirements cf porchasere. Our' Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and Our YoUng Canada MowerB are botlifiret-clas maehiees-constitotedl almost vhclly of Iron and Steel The Cayng Jr. bas a rear ont, sanas Ycnng QCanada a front Cut; both etrong, dm8x- able machines, andi not excelli by any machines in'tii, maritlfer quality cf ont, dnrabflity, liglituesa cf draft, adaptabillty, aud eae cf management. OUR NEW. "WHITBY HARVESTER.11 As the country hua become better adaptedti t machinery, anti many cf our farin- ers have bcoome killetinl the use of machines, a growing damauti hec spruug up for a Light, Durable, First.Clais Reaper. Âhvo te the requiremen2te cf thc day, vo have succeeded inluiuveuting a ma- chine viti a Wrought Iron Frame, viti tie laet possible gcaring-vith lirnge brosa-fàeeddrive vheel,-and seo onatructeti that the trame sud table titaiti same time, tiereby keeping Vhe pilman alwaya li Ia v ith the Icuifa. Tic rakes are driven direetly frein ths main ohaft-there heing ne perceptible Bide draft, andi ne veight upon the.horses neoks . -We are tfoufideut that we have succeedet inl inventing the meet perfect Beaper, taking it lu ail ite parts, tiat has ever been predoceti. We have applieti for letters patent, andi sial holti or invention, fer our ovu exclusive manufacture, sud ve respectfully supgest te lu. tending purciasere, liaI they shoulti ses tuis machine before givifig their orders for ths coming iarvest. The "lWhitby Harvester" vweiglis, ah btld, 600 poonde, but being made principally cf the, beet <juality cf iron anti steel, anti frein its in. geniea us bu compact ceustruction, it combines the strsugth anti durability of the beavior machine. Ail cf ory macines are folly varrauteti. With h t0iaicfmachinas, va feel cenfident thel vs cao mcci every ne- quairement, andi ve rsectfnlly selicit a trial cf 'or machines, belicving tuat vs cen furuleh a botter machina for the moey tien co be obtaiued.elocvhare. Baspsctfully Tours, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'Gx. CO. Whitby, Ontario, Fabruary, 1877. LIST 0F AIJCTJONEEIRS- tiensed for the South Riding of Ontario, North Ridling of Ontario, and Éeparateý Municipalities in the latter. NAME RESIDENCE. MUNICIPALITY, EXPIRATION. D. Bishep, Oshave, Beach, April 6th, 1878. Thos..Peucher, Delferd, Uibridge, Jue lot, S. S. Laecc, Sunderlandi, Brook, July 9th, D. Bishop, Oshava, S. Riding, 28th, A.. J. Harringten, Port Perny, Beachyug 20th, " Thos. Tucken, tekaa, Sot op ;.,lot, W, M. Willcox, Port Perry, N. BRidiog, Il [Brd, J. M. Pattereon, Bloomington, "lu 4tb, Frank Dean, Orillia, Mars, fi121h, Jas. Digby, jr., Cleremonut, N. & -0. Riuiug. *o121h, Thee. Pilkey, Wexford, Uxbridge, '20th, Albert Spring, Muskoka, Beach, "218t, L. Fairbanks, Whilby, " - 22nd, H. L. Vauzant, Stouffviile, Uxbiitge, Oct. lltli, Sami. Baird, Brook, 66 131h, Wm. Gordon, Sunderlandi, 46 Dec. Snd, J. 0. Wiiddifield, Umbnidga, Uxbiitge, fit Sti, I Clement Daves, Port Perry, N. Riding, c i 28,I, l Donald Camopbell, Wiby, Brook, Jeu. ti, 1879. Ei. H. Camenon, Beaventon, Thorah, 66 Llst, I Geo. McWilliam, Toronto, Brochk, Feh. LSth, -:*000: ----.- LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THEE Co. ONTAIO. Racter McKinnctn, Non-Residaut, .1 herse, April 251h, 1878. Thos. Chatterson, Tovuwn hitby, "Juo. Lti, I John Fluch, Thorai, "Jan. 8oii, 1879. Joseph Jackson, Uxbridga, Mar. 111h, NO A Largc Stock of Ans Clotis ; best English, scotch sud Osuadian Tweeds. 0- E:ilent Ovorccatiigs sud Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guaranteed. GEOBGE GURLEY, 51 Ring Street, Oshava. z My Stock 01 1:; w E +*TI rruR-1"4 hsnow Gomplete ini Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Inducements to those STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. --000- UNDER-TAKING. Fuil Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the neoessairies ini this une. Aise, A WELL-APPOINTED HEEAIRSE. Whitby, October lgth, 1877. 42 WM.BUNMRS, BROOK STBEET, Ha8u juit, reevedro mthie WamTY,' god COMBINATION PE TE R SMITH, Rias mucli. P easure in annourneng that he bas now in Stock a* Complete Assortment of ail kinds of Family Groceries.suitable for the Holidays or any time, including the following, viz.: New Velentia Raleins, A Choica, lot of Motto Cupe and Saucore Layer o for Xmee. "Basket Faiicy Teya for Xmas. Londion Fancy Caudies for Xmee. Orevu 'Jallias, Manmalhda, " urrants Pickles, Salmon, Lobsters, Leoen Peel, Sardines , Wiite Fish, Orange Peel. SaimienTrout, Citron Peel, Finnan Hatidiesud Qystens naceiveti Ahi Kiuds cf Spicas. daihy. Note, ail Kinde. Pipas, Tohacces, Gombo, Extracds of ail Kintis. Jinuese, Kuivas, &oc. A FULL ASSOMTMENT IN EVE RY LNE. Have you seen the New Illuminator. No Chimney re- quireti. 1 Light equal Wo f the olti kind , once triet alvays uceti. sole agen1t for Whitby. Crockery, sud Glassevare in great variety, eheap. cash piiorpples, Potsqtoes, Butter, Eggs sud Poultry. PETER SMITH,. WhiVby, Dsc. 111h, 1877. oddfeilcvs' Buildings. FRESIH SEEDS. Viks Flo-wer an d- Vegetable Seeds, Lawn Grass-Seed, Tuberose Bulbs, Oxalis, Gladiolùs,_&c., &c. NEW , CA NNED FRUITS., California Plumbs, 991-Apricots, Peachies, Turkish Prunies,]1 Lima Beans, String Beans, Tomatoes, rmca'h 1n Whllby2 ,0 FA-SHIONABLE TAh MR. JOHýN- FERGUSON HÂÀS NOW ON -HAND A LARGE -ASSOBTMENT OF SPRI NG 0OMPRISING'. Enlgish, Scotch: andCanadain Tweeds,. 1Hfats "& Caps ini great vaity. Clothing made:to, order'in the latest styles on Short Notice. An inspection invited mefre purchaa geswhe.En courage Homo Triade. JOHN FERGUSON, Dumdas-street, Wilby. FASHIONABLE, TAILORIIGC. HUGH FRASER, - MERCHANT TAILOR,~ (LÂTELY CUYTTER FOR. B. & J. CÀMPBEIJ, ]Bege to inforinhis friende anilthie publietalhma put hpl b sfontarlo Block,," opposite the Hardware Store c a* l Bro,wbere ho bau on lxan& Broadelothe, Woreteil Coatinge. Tweeds, & t-'tc., , hioh ha leprat t make UP, CHEAP FOR CASH, and ln tli'e LATEST STYLE.- Gentlemen furnlehing thcir owvu 01db, cen have it eut andi madc up -on short notice. Cutting doue promptly. 1i 1Wiby, Jue 7ili, 1878. JS~L~TTI~EW HUGE P~A~ER. BOOT AND 5110E - STOIRE lias been removed from Brook Street- to Dundas Street, first doorwyod cf Anmstrong's Hotel, viiere lilias s" splendid stock of the RIGTHT FIT AND MAKE, andi cf lhe best styles cf Boots anad Shoos. Ail endors promptly attcnded tc. Bepaîrs neatly. donc. D ~.rundas Streeti, firstk store west of Annstrong's Hotel. Bemember Vie place. " - [Whiiby, Jue 121h, 1878. MATTHEW OLIS McCROSSON &C. ARE NOW 8110WING THE LAIRGEST STOCK 0F. FVRS EuVER SHOWN IN CANADA. ~FIN E F U R A SPEOIALTY..-M FUR TRIMMINGS OUT TO ORDER. DBEAR RODES. ASTRACHA1N SACQUES, WOLF RODES, -RussiAN LA B ACQUJES, RACOON ROBES, S. S. EEAL SACQUES, YAK RODEfS, PERSIAN LAMB SACQÏUES, DUFFALO ROBES; MOCK ERMINE; SACAURS, MiRE CAPS, MINE SBTTS, S. S. SEAL CAPS, S. S. SEAL SETT8, OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, ERMNE 8ETT5, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN L-AMB SETT5, BÂLTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS COREY CAPS, *BLACE SABLE SftS,, GREY LAMD CAPS, CONET 5ETTS, GERMAN MINX CAPS, GREY LAME TTS, Particular attention given to aIl orders., Torùt, ec.8,187.specially attended to.1 AlteratioiRs NEW STATIONERY & BOOK STORE, AT THE WmITBY SCHOOL BOOK, AND NEWS DEPO over wigtgnisens CAMERON dr AI SoiiosiAhaoce street, Terce HECTOR CAVElION Q.0,- - (17-4 TOOAS RU r OWW CLERE AND roW.,,,y. 1Off!ce--To from 1)tel1 o'clock- - 'E .GUNN, S¶URGEON TO THE Ci B fyron Street, Whtby Dr. W. J. DU1 Ourcz-Next deor Vo C te- eiience, aIlhle Boys - BYRON FIBE HYIINSURGEO Win. IeBRIEN, aa.U G _ýUY'5HOSPITAL, Li the eys R. O. H. L., AB~D. - OR. BOGAI Physician, Surgeon, Acco Whulby, Sept. 3M11, 1874. W. ADA JI OMS OVE Rli. IH LU> GrocO, Store, Dunè Office boom o 9 a.m- Vo J 1.80 os, P. n. Reeldence- sud Clbert strecte. are*eap au the ceepeet, ani bet et.flle& vith -Teeth extracteti vitxonut local anelsiheela en &n'a nev block, aenAt King Street, Oshava. JOUXr ROBI[Nt -[:AIR DREiBSSING Ul -- JOHN WOLPEb ofJethan WolfeieuDuzu -GEORGE CORIl J. G. McDOIJGALL Bega to announce to bis customers and the public in goeneal Vint ie lias openeti a'Statiouery, sSiool Bok anti News depet in connection with hic Coufectionery & iarting business, in iishi ci stand-- souli Brock Street, viere evcrylhing in tic lino ecau lie liaa aut very 1ev- rates. Tho Daily and Weekly Papers always on band, and de- livereti te suiscribers in ail parts cf tic love. Orders promptly fiiled feoi. Periedicals, Magazines aud Musc. Aise, a vdil-tassortoti lot et MottIsie, Blerlin Weols, anti Fancy Gootis, on bandi, ut low prices. Tho public will Ifnd it to their advantagç to take'a- peep aI our stock betore purchasing eliewherô. Wihitby, Mardli 4th, 1878. CUTTERS,- J. G. MoDOUGALL' Bouta Brook Strest. B-,UGGIES, WILLIAJI COU -KSJfITH, - a- .B iucceeson ho Thoonte J ~lioeing and-' aI kit -C. C. SCALI GINIA -TOBAC-CC Tornoi-treet, Toron Er O'DELL, - A ATH ER L Division Court, 'at., Oudn172 GE( M2, 187.. rT AND -AND CARIRIAGFES. A Large. Assortmeùàt of Cutters, and Buge FOR SALE, CHEAP, -AT-- TO0M'S &à NsiW P 0-ET s Carriage Factory PUINDAS STREET, I HITBY, ONTARIO. SADDLEIÈY AND HARNESS. WILLIAM THOMPSON Begs -to direct attention to hie large and superior stock,' comprising eveY- thing iiý 1h. addlery an-HamUneLn, alao Leather , Valises and Saratoçia rrunks 1 *r ir, 1 Goo DS 191. King Street- Toronto- 1 JL JLV JL.4 " JL-JL JL. JLO %.Ii JL AL JLp JU JL XF -IL ; 1 1 -;00: WOPLK i

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