Whitby Chronicle, 19 Sep 1878, p. 1

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W. H IQOGINS Aàthiiplnl*I8I Eut.babYIa, BaoCK STBBRT, mBY A À-~U M.rs Bankofmombaw y Op Wtu omte vera, euonrothëudrwioe. vetIn a etbn rtiflg. une a artiuemea ONTARIO BANK, WHITBY Eý1RÂNOHI, THIOMA&S DQWe FAREWELL. & RFUTLEzDGIC, T)ARITElSATTORNETS, SOL! pDcltoru,N otuta Pblic, aêtI Canvoy- office firt door aonth ai the Royal Hotul, *ltby. , UT > E 3.A J. E. FARIIWELL,,L. L. Bq, oaunty rown Attorney. 48 JAMES RESTE! GORDON, ]ARRIBTEbIM &.ATTOMMiY.-AT-LAW, 'beou'i tore,ifeao Street, Whtby, Ont. ~3TOU<E.AT-ÂWSOLICITOR IN cbuncerycoanvayIfcer, &o., Canning- IL, Te DARCLAYq A TTORNEqY -AT-.LAW, SOLICITÃ"R .t. ain cancary andI IuaolvencyG ouvoy. ucor, d&o., dc. Onicu-ALtihe Court Houss, Whltby. LYMIAN, ENGLISUI, L L. De, )B IBCÈ='TEBrnAT LAW, SOLICITOR XI 1 Obcoy, Canvoyander, &., &o.' Sin cee Street, Oohuwq., A. G. MleMi-LLAN, (Lute Ckreenwdod & MeMillan.) IBARISTH,, TTORNEY, SOLIC- 1toea Not&7- Public, Couvoancer. Ci Wbltbyo, Otanla. IINSOif KENT, (Làre DocaxÂzo -& Roex.) BAIRISTERS-AT-LAW, A TTO BN: Court Street, Toccta. J G aeuaoaoc.A aaRTA. R. Hue. - G. YOUNG SISTH, L L. IL, B ABRISTER, &o., &.-Maoney ta Loa J- lsser af Mrriaga Licanaaa. Oyrics-Over DomillonBunk, Whltby. Jas. 22,1878. - (ti-8 UEÉO. 89. JOHN HALLEN, TTORNRYc SoUetor and OGoya3vneer. A ooa afnd. Martgsgambauglit snd ooltI. Age4I for sovral Losn Go'.. Offce, over Wightnian'aý Store, Kng Street Oahawa. ly-l1ï CAIHERON & APPELBE, >AR1IRIETE119. Attornoy.atLaw, andI BJ Soicitara in GhusQeoN. 4 Toronto treet, Toron o. HECTOR CAMBON, QI. (Y.48) R.8SAPPELBEE TI14M HUSTON, CO N LERK AN<D TREASURER, * .LWltby. OMeec-Town Hall. Houra, (rom 9 toi1 o'clock. R. J. GUNN, M. D., V~RGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, s Blyron Straet,Whitby. Ur. W. J. BJURNS. Op,'sc-Nett door ta CsssNCscLsc Offie. 99 Realdasce, t the Rtoyal Hôtel, Whitby. BYRON FIELD, M. B. PHYSICIAN, SUIGË,PN, &c., DuMfna' p Creek. i-1 GUY'lHOSPITAL LONDONEG. Ç hoaRD'. 0 . IL., Oehawa, Ontario. Du. BOG.ART, Wiltby, Sept, lOti, 1874. - 40 W. ADA.MS, R OOMS OVEIZî R. 1h. JAMBiSON'S X)Gnocery Store, 7Indas-t.e Whistby. 09.4lobe >uts fnacm 0.1m. la12 n., and! froc, 1.0 t26, P. c. Rootulne-Cor. of lyres sud 0btlloi troats. C,- N. VAU$s, L. D. . I EETH lasotresion l liseo ~latent pinipiesoai hie art, ss 0i$me, ashtisocbaapent, sud as gead as tise lent. OTh ls illedulis GoltI and i liver.- Tûeîh oxtracted wltisout pals, hy producisg local snmoliîsj. - Dental Rooms.o-Inu-w sse s nom block, avec AIbusonls Bang Store, Ring Stroet, Oassaa i JOHN htOBlNSON's H AIRt DRESSING AND SEAVINO saloBuon, Brook Ut, Wlby. 301N %VOiLî'ENDEN, A GENT FOR THE1 CELEBRATED «M lcuttlii Granite. At Mitnhie Workn ci Jonathans Wolenone,Dundes St., Witisy. GEORGE CORMACK,- IrUNDL1I111MEIlGIANT, GARPENTER ( large qintY Of ail kiuds of lumben ceon- Ktu,, n d.e,(re tet hty VIRGJNIA TOBACCO AGENGY Tocante sîroel, Toronto. (y.ii5 [J E 'DELL, CierIk Division Court, Tp. Clork, <iecsslstauerlR., Landl AgonI, d&0., - - dc., tiseriy, Caunty Otario. Athisy Sp, ,1872. 86 NEWMUSic HALL, MUSIC FURNISHÃŽiD WHEN DESIRED. Scattng Gepucity' One Tisausand. GRO. HOPKINS. Whislby, Oct. 22, 187" . y-44 LAND SLTANDPLASTER FOR SALE, CIJEAP AT LIVERPOOL MARKET. -J. H..McCLELLAN. -- Liverpsool Mart, Apil, '78. 1-tf -FA UCHERS- RESTA URANT, ADAMkB' BLOCK, KENT SIrRET, LINDSAY, Ofposite DMonlreal Telograî1Ii Qicp REFUBBSHM N t U ho slers vitli promptitudeanidsatention, p kING IIROTERS, WHIPEY, ONTARIO, Importea, Dealeri andI MauufacLurcuof au indi ai *LEATHER- AND - -FINDIN0S,, Ou asi alIfor Milos, Brt. audIseplisar, Leathar tretohed. =3T G ~AITO Offle POX VOL XI (ulERI o, Pour OMMIO) iJOSBpH A. BAlfDBL, P.BOPBIBT-OB. 'This houa.bail bee 1 meeatWbshtis large antI roo Myd fittteauP j;' irt style. DentWllaLn ieud cigare; fresh Luger Beer Gooi tablsg antI on- cloued ardÙ4; utctv ali. a RA" - TRUýIR ALWA&y HOTEL, (Opposite 0. T. R. Statlon,) WhiLby. wu. O'NEILL - - PROPBIEiTOB. Every scco màddutiofl for gueule, luclutI- lng conciortublo, a)ry bedrooma, Molàabutail bourg. i sITise Bac fll su lied witi best crandi of Liqnora, WLoa radies, Ciguae &o. Rvocy saess I'y tn given ta travelloci. Gooa t iblag, encianêd yard, anid atten- tive outlioc. -48. CÇOMMERIA4L&L OTEL, OÂ&RTWIoKT, 0ONT. JAMES DEWS.T - PROPRIETOR. GootI accommoedation ti.12 Ç 0MMERG1ALHIOTEL and STABLES, OSiàad i Jarvlasato, Toronto. JOHN McBAB, .--PIIOPBIBTOB. leUCtESOOSTg OUX055 SEL,) Tiese cl$1.010 a DayvHen5tisa City, oncy twa bloalco frein the Nortisucn Dfpolssciese ta the MarktL. Tise Messebasu heon swly FittetI out, and evrythisg i'rat-elaaa. (ly-47( hIRS. WALKEY'$d TEMPEA.NCE HO USE, DUNDA.STREET, WHIT1iY. GoatI accommodatton ut ceesenabla larme. Bourdera 82.50 pur weak. 45 TE gE1'B ,. HOTEL, (LATF, COiME14eCUL,) 1J1COK.O-TUBET-, wmrnv, TAYLOR d& MaqANN, PROPRIETORS. Tise uutIarslgnéù douceo ta iniorm tisir ionde sud the ptiblilctbat tbey bave lakon thep aboya weli -kuawn liatol, wiicbIisoy h ava newly ttod uap antI enoated, antI put Wto tb. boit aofdor for ithe uccoancsols ticsi guosta. The Bar, wiih lutise asd. -gainet lu tise Gou' n uWOUlsuppliad vus th is otbrande?"a!. wisas, lquore, antI cj. gara. 4nle asolceed sed raom antI god 1tabllng,ebostlule, d&. Dtached coomu for commrccl travoilers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. late ai Toronto. ROYAL IIOTEL, W U 1TilY, JAS- PRINGLE, PROPRIB TOR. Tis a lrget anid! mail camusodlaus hotai in tisa tawn : ha large nmple recoso r comcmerciasl cuvliors. Tabla wal supplied wiltisebhat in sassas. Boisr=naisquora id igen'. Enciose&ýyartIanad shedroom; attentiva hotiera. M arges ta sai tise limes. N. B.-Llvory tlached. 27 R ,OBSIN HOt7S.-TORONTO, ONT. Tise Palace eltaIaGnada BefittetI, Reforniahied, audX.nrjvelled. New Passes- gar Elvator, rUnnlsng u g hi antay.s, Tis culy frct.claas oHal inlCanada vitgratIn. Mtedpicea, vz :-82, 82.50, and 88 par.day. Mom oheaoaiCluba and, atheca, dealing racina, wlithout hourd, $1 te $2 p r duy MARK N. IRILH, Feli, 27tis, 1878. Proprlator. THIECENTIAL HOU8E, (LaIe Lookisari Hanse.) C. GIFFORD - - Praprictar. Tissboua. is the lico lu is e Gooty. Cal anaI sec il. AYERS HOTEL, 82 &- 64 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Pnlce roduced ta 8.50 s Day. ThiiRatai has reduced ia pice ta lise 1Travelling Public ta 801.50 par day. IL je liasdy te lise N. Y, enîrai DoaI(aly a loir doora Sontis), and bas rccouly bacs ce- ftteti sud re-iucnlabhed. Open sigisl andI dsy. Tisa boua i t-clai n. u vecy ce- specl, andI canada, peopie mil save oUony by going bctise Aycres oal. WILso$ SPUAGVIEPraprietor. Rochstelr, N. Y. Jnuly 3, 1878, (OM.28' B RITISII AMflRIGAN HOTEL, (LAI. SON'Seas ue.) WMEIT B 0N T A B 1. H!oua. sewiy rbuovlted 'asdtI inised trout,'isut, and pou nfirit-clasus aterfac hoé recertion ofai uta. An omnibus ta andI w NORTE RT8> 7RO1TX FIRE INSURAN0,E COMPANYI1 QEO. TUY,=£ ai Whltbny, lue 5875. 2 MAJO'R MLL S- T. P. WHITE'*. tas reumed coutrai of th. Major Miiuad ia peparod topy THE HIalHEBT PRCPi FOR AIiT QUÂNITY deor te MU b.>Iin Whiteval. He wil tut evrv effort ta give entire utlefuoton la thase Who m=y pj lb, etheMl ith af the lieut quauty, and mit Beuaonbie Prices, wil sa b. kept -contantly on huad as1t ' ndfor sale. Notice to the- Public!1 NEW 00QAL YARD AT POR~T WHInTBY. W. are aeilg the WILKEBBABRMandI WYOMIN0 GOAL, the boutt he Americau maerket affordo. Loes yaracInwlM.J. H. Long, o ihEW.Acnald, aet the office ai the loto 0. Draper, Whitby Harbocar. - Soecurs the above-nainecl oal. Ton wlf thon testiiy, as ail allera who have ued it, that it la "The Best Coal ëver soId In Whitbyl" ARNOLDI & FAREWELL, Jan. 22, 1878. Part Whtby. m ONBY-TO LEND. The undocalguod bas any amiount af Mon- ey ta Lond upon Farmn or Town Property, ut unauaaly Low Raton of Intereat. Loane can bo ropad in auma, ta auit bar- cowora. Baverai, ImprovedFerme andI W11tILundi mnetensratIe inMunicipl Debea- tarea, Bankc,anid ailer markotatablo, Stocke. For turtber purticulara appiy ta JAMES HOLDEN, Official i agnes, licolr, d&o. April 9th, 1872. 15 MARTIN & WÂRAM, HOUSE, SION ANÃ" ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. A fine asaatmont ai tho very lateat tyleofa HALL AND ROOM PAPER 1 Froeo edoigna oxcutcd os telbaaot notice. MARTIN&k WARÂM, Two doors nortli af Rings' Taunery, ]3rack Street, Whitby. iY.18 FRASER & CLARK, 13OTTLEIRS 0F ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BRRR, &cc. MILLICHAMPS BUILDINGS, 29, 31, & 33 Adlalde Street Eastv- TORONTO, ONTARIO. Nov. 121h, 1877. (ly-47 L IVERPOOL MARKET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, To bc dllvored at Frenchman's Bay.I1CA RRIA GE WA GGON1 PLASTER, SALT, AND GOAL FOR SALE. MONE:Y TO LOAN On ItcuI Estute, ai LoW Ratas of Inloreut.1 J. Il. McGLELLAN. Jenuan>' tti, 1877. if-Il $7 5,OOOu TO C)Oii C ON FIiIST-CLASS FARM LANDS,- Iu auma ai 8200 andI iprards, aI 7 par cent. Payable Half-yeaniy, Apply la- GEO. S. ALLEN, Solicito.A'? P OSP OFFICE SALOON, - T Apil171s,187.Oshawa. Mf. MnCONNLL,.- - - PIÃŽOPIiIETO1I. L I-5 D11ESliTiACCOMMODATION je foc G(ach. lby-47) W . . H INgAN, O S Il A W A, VeteLinary Surgeon, WinI ho t Ammatnctng'so hal, Whihby, ovary Tooaday, franc i ta 4 o'olaak, p. c. Apil 25, 1877.i 18 New Stage Li-ne T) ETWEEN WHITBY &c OSHAWA.- L>) have put oniblie route boeesh- eus antI Wiih a caclartablo covared -Staeo, antI sourcit lise patronage ai traveloca antI othere. Evcryr attention vill, ha palate tha comonsrt antI cosveuiouce ai pasongeci, andI t tti suscriîY antI - prrspti delvery a1 paroli committed ta my charge. Tisera wiU ie I-va stages ýpar day euhis a>', viz. : Leaving Oshawra euesconninn tu ice tI' cake claie connectios uîtbbthe Wily dc Lindsay Rias, and tI a8So'clock each aitennoon ; sud lotvlp Wblhy 1 ia.5 ý andI t 6 p.m., aitquais day. Ti e stage vifi oel ath Ulotala in euestouasu andae left t aI n>' aitisa Ilteis vil be altended te. Fane sud chargea moderato, J. R. ADAIR, Propniebor. Mercis 271is1878. - (1 LANDS,ý FOR SALE 1 114INTUE Town8h1pý of Somervllle, COUNTy 0F VICTORIA. Tise feilov-lag lîa âIci lie tounship ai Socenvilie, GOofîra Victoria, are offirad foc sale- i -Tise West I i r ait6ô,luntise liScoucas. sieau, canshltng af 100 sera. Fiteon sers cleared aatIfanee9. A nove-flisg alorepm arassaethe lot, onculis ha sseil site, noar tho Bide ai a goad road. Tise property la OnlY èof a mle fro aaiay tatouasn tise Victoria Raiiway, astI9SMlle$s1froc the village ai Kinssount. Mesars. Jobs Goodmcan asnd Daniel Silven, near Kinmsunt, viii shsowr th.propent>'. For Tras ai Sale, appi>' ta- JAS. WALHER, Mars> P. 0. Otarlo,, acta Messs. HATCH &c BRO., WSlthy. Ang 22sd, 1877. -85 FARMSýTG RENT. THROSEBlira cýica farci an Lise Bae Lino;lislf slii West ai tise Osiav Co râsrt1as Lissit, conalain of1 Wacres , to. r1,11r of ls eu - 011gid , zom Ifi4f lum e vicmo as"EN 'ai K E». whdlie willI.end FResu te o rlesieou . . 1.REICVES. d48 Ohatbia Si, 1. «r. NOVELTY WORKS, Wl-ITS Y ONT, T 11E SUBSORIBER having purchased tb. Maahinory nid ostiro stock ai seasoued, Limher Irb hilse MutIga andI Yarwood Manuiactnrisg Company, lu nov prprdtae nunis Doore, Sambes Blinda, Presses,= Mouilge, Basa, Accillraves, Fioocing, Sisecling, antI everytising ru- quireisy the trade, uîtlise laveat living prices. Wood lucniag Newel anid Baussers ta ordcr. Lumher for sale, bail qnlily, owest lces: Lope rmalog .xperleace antI hy square doaling ta mcent a sure ai public patranage. GRO. GILCHRIST, Proprietor. J LIZA MARIA CAMPBELL, of tise Tays ai Wbtby, Ooint$- aiOntario, .1 Province ai Ontario, vife, af ROBRRT GÂMPBHLL, of lise suce pâce, marchant, isecehy give sotico tisat I intecid ta appiy ta lis. Dominion Pucliamout nazi seusion for a Bill1 ai Divorce, a meneo et t tra rm =y uad ul sbuaud, ulmilar ta tise 13111 edia' mybebal by tisa Senate in 18772,fordessr- te.ccneity, andth ie other causesu, set foa-s lu uald 1311. ELIZA M. CAMPBELL. Wbufby, Joly 8tis, 1878. (Om-29 F OR SALE, AT TUE GLEN- MAJOR MILLS 1 000000 feal Pin. Lucher, oU llseasoead. Incis Bourde,. Fiootizsg, M 4 Seaatlins, 9-lacis Pla4i, Fencing Bourdao, 100,000m fe iOsk, Maple for &slieatqwahty, 1600it. U quereTImber, AilQ owbic ll iii haidcbe"p for cash. HO. vauullmobch tgay stythtieGrim MANUFACTURER ofa a oirimproved foot Soed and Corn Drill, Double & S6ingle Turn/p Drill8, CLAYTONS ]ATENTED CHUENS, Wagons, Boggies, Sligisa, constanlly an REPAIRING donc noatly andI mail os the saorltestîce. GEO. BRITTON, LEzgTwo doors senisithoeQueea'a Hotel, Brook Street,- - Whltby. Apnril lOtIs, 1878. ly-44 CGOOD NEWS FOR TEIE LADIES. A NEW REVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MÂKING. GORNWALL'S SELF-ISITTI7iG WAIST &c SHOULDER CHART. Dresses fitteildo measuaaenat ahana mIthant chsange of astiteis. For sala, wuts ires instructions, ut MISS .MaINTYRIE'S DREBS-XÀiNAtcG BOOM, WEIIlY. Agents vantcd. Liberal iluducementa ta tise Icado. Withy,_Aug. 18, 1874 84 THE PARKER ;RUH. SENO STAMP FOR CIRCULAFI -PARKER BR'S7 WEST MERIDEt4,CT. LEVI STONE3 Wilkinsaon Blook, direeîIy Nbrlh a Johson'e Furulinre, Stori, SOUTH BROOK-ST., - WHITOY, Beg e ta unnounca ta lise inliahltanta o; FLOU-R & FEEDSTORE, In cannectios vihs bis ]Butaber Sbop, visera ha will aiwaye bava n an ad A LARGE STOCK OF Cisoice Flanc, Cracitod Wiseat, Cormeal, Oats, Peau,ý Shorts, dCc. ORDERS DELIVEERD XI ABY PART 0F THE TOWN 1 A A Gl îis oliited) ,ý LEVI STONE Wilicnsons Blok, - ýVtby. MuraIs bt, 187. (tU V olaeai Ahurnâ.F 1er lou nu rthor ra cuapply tq EEAD (OFFICEB, BROCL-5!., WIlI'EBY. Les Remm Ïmeoiyvii4Ïo& a mes toay Iii C. 1qauBsE, Szco*zâay. lit 's PIREINSVRANOC, O, W.i LombadststI Obaring 4Crom, London. WaI E5ABINEDI1782. GILLESPIE, MOFM!&TT &(30., I 'l Pny Brealfitm àii&ôa hlm." 8ilver~~t âka Mit, SpeaS. Blve laeSCue"a' B utter oleu T51vrPiaéd mb. agies <WbIo S &o.,vi, &ciy . Hatl an&astI ards. DOMINION -.' FLOUR c8fFEÈD STORE. 1EOtPRNYLEGION la seilg tise haut y oai FLOUR '1AND FEED EOR SA],aE CHEAP, A GootI Hors., PismIesanaIis/ass, (neriy nov). CHAS PENNYLEGION. Wliiiby, MAY 11h, 1878. C H O I-C E A 00U T 75,000, -AT. TR- HOME NU-RSERY, Prom tua ta tour yearm ai &go, ecnraclngali lihe bout Varlatias. SETH 0. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2n Coan. Plckecln, on Klsgntos ROa tatOffice, Witby. L IST OF TEE DIVSION COVIRTS COUNTY 0F ONTARID, FOR TEE YEA»I 1878. Wiitby.. 2IlI1i1I 1 s2î2i1 Bogm j 2 12j a86 2 PotFrr 66121j24111 4121427 Ils de 68 2221 5U 1590 1an's 7J14 28120 8S10, I19 18 eilu il 19 1 i-. 9)18 Atoi.- 12 1 1l81 I 811,117 030. H. DARTNELL, Junior JutIge Wbitby, Jany. 7tb, 1878. Second Scason--Summer 1878. STURGEON POINT HROTEL. Thsis mail deslrable suiscor htel, altuatad ou Sturgoon Lakte, witisin tesn MilesofiLladay, ont., la soir open for tisa recepllon 61gus. Tise Houas s la rselis inluevry pstia. balug silualeti an a beautlllIlnI sW .Ts grounds are Oineiy vaoded, and laid in drivai astI wolks ta pointe of inieceat. Tisa Haiel Commandea afins Viae" o1 deligitfni lusd and vater acapes, la Its inlusupero~ l sud vils evMervlvta comfat. BZud tablas, croquet, boatu, &o., on tisa primimas. GooI flaibngand shisetng in tise vlelnity. "MafleLea," romLindsay, consectnns vilS Rasanger trains an MidIan ansd Mtl, ;, Part Conaasa.r trains on Vitottu ltaiiiral!t Fenc- &3M Seunlfor llssa.tebie, shoisauusarrivai and depactuoeoaibout6ansd tratus. J. B. DUNEAM, Proprletar. 9A-> Lludsuy, Ont. GEORGE BRITT-ON, PRACTICAL Fire Insurance Co'y, HÂRTFOILD, CONN. CHARTERED mOlo CÀI'I CAPITAL, $1,2 0,00.00. Cash Assets, dan. 1, 1878, (SIXTY-EiOHTH ANNUAL EiHIBITI) $ 3,292,91 .3,49. Managoeahyslillizi Underunitens,anid ion SÈxiy-EiîgitYears ose ai tisa eatI- Lug Finasclal Insitutions ai the country'. % Cash Indemnity Disbnracd 10 Patrons. Over 21,000,000.00 1 AU Albusiness TrAnsacted as Friseipies SWitlby, Apil tIs, 1878.' C. NOURSE, Agent, Whtby loi WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. IlECORPORATED 1851. CAPITAL, - - - $Soo,oa. iw.ieL power 10 increase lu ,aa,ooo.) FIRE AND MARINE. Head Office - Toronto, Ont, President. HON. JOHN McMURRICH. BIERNARD HALDAN, Mauîaging Director .J.KNNY, - - - Secret aru. JAMES PRINGLE, - - Geseral Agent. te Insurances effected attise loircat ac-r rent cales an Buildings, Mercciandia., sud other property. agalns loBas or damage by a. G.NOURSE, * Agent, Whilby. -Wiitby, April 9tu, 1878. i gov Depoall wvihsDominion Gavorment 8&W,- 000. Hîperienced Agents tiscougisout tise Dominion, Fire Riaka ui-Ufei ai Adeqouaie Raies. C. NOURSE, Agent,Islthy. WbllisyApniGuis, 1878. 10 IRA VELERS' LIPE ANDI ACCIDENT Insurance Compaqy, 0OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets,- - $4,316,000 Cash Surplua, 1 ,114,000 Buat ai Secuitiy. - Loir Cash Rates. Libeal ealng.Strict Manageoccut. An Untannisicd Record. SolitI ae a Rock. Life and Endowment Poicie.s 0f aIl sefe andI deairabie forma, on-thse Lou- Rate Cashs Fias, Costreot plain antI defl- site, anid valitI aas promplypval . - C. XNOURSE. Wbith>', Apsitti, 1878,. Agent, Wbltby. J MPBRIAL LOAN AND INVEtT- MENT COMPANY. CAPITAL,08600,000. Hecat Office, Impenlal Buildins, Torante. PREOIDENT 5 fANNEE5 5 HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. iaîzciroa:-G. D'Amc>'Boultan. MO1NEY TO LOAN oci Impraved Farin, at Lau Rates ai intercîl. AppI>' to- c. NOURSE, A~amr R. Hà. HERTLAND, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGUT. April Glbî1878. le LUMBER!_ LUVfER1 c j JO-HNN139x, . LUýMBER tME RCHANTe WH T Y, Hes os hastI a large sxqppy ai ail luofsaa Bar Lmbr, dkdLaq& &U a en Téc 1 - = tiasy ourf' nmcrasheMbe weIknev -«hui w wi , tise vor cMt out aU evff; PooR, opntacal Maaeaes e no more mautae ta maorn'lienI- Wllb auý Pherlaule prîdo,ý ý rp.làoid ar robeWosue Pamngqs tise otiser aide, we hou itýhe friands »oaranu Closel>' proe ta say "Oaod-'bya," leSh moug tisalips shah klisun lira beneatis tioflovenu siscultI lie, W. irnî ripri leir care. Agents for Cs=iLIa *B . 'TYRE, A FNC X ETAB]cTSMED IN cVAANA- ZLDA inla 804. .UmILetbUabili *1a au thse St«oilsleramatI elrve'l Funde. Moderato rates oA prem Lio G.IOURSB, Agent, Wlitby. Wlsjlby, April I1i, 1878. le BXTISU AMERICA A88urano7e -Company. INCORPORATED z8s. ASSE BTS8, 81,101,876 G91. F. A. BÂLL, Mfanager. Insurascesaeffected ut tise lowest encrent rites ou Buidings, Mercisasdta., andsthler proparty, againat loue or damago hy lre. G. NOURSE, Agent, Whitby. Wbltby, 4pril tis, 1678. 18 TEHE HARTFORD Most ay wpmas Beomedtaor nter seat- ly enougis asiM tha general Étiieaa ai "higo; but thât ho abould" place us unmupec i~wifeicndr thoe tjýyrn ofa ids chcngsi.ýd4es eelfialcnes.-tbat ha oholfangerâo; k,.epeah, upons 1 wu1 11 nwyboicgbti 4ii. , 1or de- poit lier oun bis ch"fniesa couaLir saeriie~e vii hnbli , ~4a *hwayu ioýnelÈ dilàasem ie à engogoèêtt.1 wifth an anremeirvod diffuses ,' d , $1 dou't doubt you 1wave mot hert" -ho ýod Trifford. «Sybiü is tise gàay_ on,, yau ImaýW, but Elesoor-le huit. i antI vacy gontda. - Fuaiiasle places.' noe# te borehecaninli-ç t vlS ls pleaso e r -iter. 4,FWé!ÈýiiiA neaohs, athine s'iaca ai ret cAeuse utbi l- noverreally-.,ot., ta kaow lier tidii.vc,] moi uit a kinl p' ihterary p arty Dot long 4go, IL seïmed, sw od o aftid lbar ther, ; absha sulaUy confroutet! me-lu uit th.esW~ellejtýtalnmonts, Yon kno'wi dressedi i.the i cistooary . liïllrcon .'b tisai Traffoidl remet lits friands. NliaI koow.ing af Iheir relnuai tqtous, le. b, w urnsed ose dayeu »cv au .7 vrillas ii )éLra,-1MLyne'a iwDa. Tis a the'hour csatiousd vwas au early ana. ' Ho reached tha . bouse ou the evemntn lunqestion ut aàbout aigit a'choek. 'He'à Ild caroeI enternd the scautly-.fI1elb roous bafore Sybil Lalisrop mot ilu, -» lookiug bealtbue itan ovèr but ex.-m tremeiy voolsegose. 1f "lYou're asisod solaly on mùy aaconnli."a ebo began,înas a ddaned whiepec, a- i- fering Traffard a litIle fat 1,usd. "àThia Y lu oe afi *tleir ,intollual partie& p They met a isumherorfai Lsaapeople abi Saratoga this ismaner, but many ai Lisea are lIa tok. Iss'i it draadful2? I sot a famliar face, you knou. , And $ snoh dresîisg 1 Do you sea tisaI creat. t are ln blue spectucles?2 Lionel aya Itât: ase le tcying ta roenerate ber si, i visataerdIbat May' mean; but au if se cauld do syting xcept dagrade.t IL lu Ibat frigistluni bad-dcegs I onP wavnt ta sec Eleanor, ai course, do't o Shis s't very vel l huî,vasisg ;U ît'soni.1y ane af ber headacises, I b.- U 11ée.. Ai Pli Tera se lasDow, talkiugd ta 'liat boardad abject, uho iront-tla soma aoustry wireanobody ese hac ever beaun, andt isn urola a book about i il tlisaithey say la hall liumbng." 1I A litl latar Trafford bah Mca.E Mayne's attention away froan Ibie la- 1 reventiy.deeonibed explorer. 8h. vasn paîlé, and herusual piacidity appearod el tauched iritis a kind oa if iuiervous- noe, that rominded Traflord af a statue baibed la rame flckering liglisI. .&I supplosa you hsave sacu Lionael?" se eajd, as they stood togather. c "No," Truffoan suaned. A mo- -d mon hlaler IL seemed ta hic tisaI Mrc. M ayaa's brows ayea iookodaI thlm uith a sort ai wistiul . stars iu thesa doplis ai oach. Thoen she saitI, wtis a I carelese voiec, baïf svertisiglier look *: "Ho is, no doubt, doing tise agriea. able soinairco. Tan unmeet bilam "Ha is vory mail 2' auked Traffurd. "Ob, yeî.", "AndI îritng diligeutly nocýadays 2"à Mrs. Maynes eyes resanglit Trai- fonde iface. Phare iras no mistakiugv tise sadnssofaitheir vanm, braira glian- mer. She shoohi ber bad. 'Ille neyer wnitos any langer." "'Neyer iites ?' "No ; lia taike insioad," A acrentg ai satirical yet baif-uncanscions mneisu.a colay seemed la flow beneetis lier -g wordes ou. "Ho hua taken e grilaitb liking ion Brovuig'a poetry ; lii bas f beau decipacisg "Sordallo" lino by Une,b andI geîhing delightod uts iL,' Trafford sanileI. f "'You ouglil ta ho giad that lieliisa given up novei-uniting." ho mid.a "'Now the lime îe more your own,g daubîbes; and tises, tac sIas nihie f sentiment mumi go ista tise baoks." 9 A anddon emioe, very bitter and sîrauge, lit Elesuor Mayne'e lips. But L Bhe gava no respanse ta tisa udroit1 sosndàing proceeoiT affrt , onsa1 irosisiy-arnived goî js Isncaimed 8 hier notice. Trafford movd auay.P Vecy soon sitsrusrds ha came seroosL Lionel. e Tisebost's grletiag us liight anddi asti cordial as avec. On seeelag Traf- u fard ha oma sfroc- s certain soasi irea lie bud beau aeatod bemjdo s lady. IL mo chaseed, unile Ti-afford andI Lionali stood speakisg togatiser, tisaI tisaloak ai Lise former iras ableo ciceoy to acru- tînizo tisalady leha hd su abosea. ButT ultisout auytbing iike close ocrutiny,W Trefford could observe tisai sie iras a b, pacson, ai iarge-moulded figure, black i ayas, and a profusion ai blak hair Liaiy, seemad Lo dafy ail restrictions ai tise 'toilet la curly moelion. Hiec lips verew fu of asterikingced ness. Hecouipiex- ion iras brîllisut, aissat dazzling. XIt i aI once acournad ta Traffard tissaie. irsB vuigar la tha lips aiflier bandeome pink fluger-nails ; a very fou moments ai observation made hic, conoolve againat lbar a pronanaed prejudice. "ionmust irait ili thie le avec, aid i iellow, astI ue'Il have a aigar tagather," ti sid Lionel, his, baud au Prafford's i abouider. «They viii al ha gos. by a A p A Wbip of Scorpions. Nearly thri firet thiug whiah Mark Trufford disi, on rotnrsing frois Europe la 1M2., iVas ta looki up the whero- abouts a'i ue ripaid Lioiei Mye Trafford had boon quito,,intisnigte ivîlli hlm Ilireea enaebefore, onioaviing Ameriça,.,bih their correepondance, ut fret nmtially fréquent, had dwisdiod iuta icieguiaritioq forwhoteonl bail boas .lono biamable. Aftor a yeac of separaiion, mattera hled eo errungod.l thomeélveos that they ne' longer wrote te, one -anothar. Traffrd regrated tbis tara of affaira, for Lional!s lettera were uiwayu pleusant reuding, asnd fragrunt with a mont agreoubie porsosality. Trafford found hie frlênd ln bis aid quartere, a, pair aofrooinsthat addres etI yau la a mute dialoot ai bachelarhooid lte marnent you made their acquaint- ance. But it waa baoholonlsaod that koape welI within the limite ai caroical redunemeut. In '- ',-(,T-«ionel wasalai Waynea mas af thsa dtintcst peceonal etas. WLi!o Trafford graapod lits icienda iglit hand, an the dayai thoir meeting, ha observed that Lione'a lait bled a luxnriousiy.carved meerechaum; n emoke-bronzed bacchanal boad, very characteriallo, la a gonersi sonnse, ai th. owner. Scattered about the rooni were a lcundrod praafe af artistie culture, froin the famod armIess Vanus in plat. or toas phatographed segment ai Vonico. Liusol w-unggbia friend'e bande witb a look ai roui dliglit. Ho waa a rang- nificont crealure, phyeialy epalcing, and Traffard, whoee generaieffeet aiglit lie deecribed as ose oai nunatic.' able branzed. leaneas, no doulit faIt, sitar Ibis long absence, a eudden humb- ing sonne of pireonaeicastrast. Lionel wae heavy irained, andI yet a liglitsome grc.aynd geiby o ta poak, vec ha 1uclrgrh e thing after the feahan aif a cloae-fitinglk'es germent. Hie hoad, witb ils blond, Greok loak, was iuperbly sot an a pair ai, massive shouldors. Hbe cbina oye full ai a eunny irssknoss, andI ehadowcd by dark lahea ai uswastealength. IHic yoliow boardisud mustache graw iightly enougli ta, ehow the fiac chieoling ai Ibroat antI lips bobina Ihair cnriy parsenees. "lThat Il aBauld ba you Mark, oi al peoaple l" ho exolaimod, with hie large, naît baund stili graspicsg Tcafford's. 'I lsonestly beliaved, aid iollow, that you wcce nover camnibg back." "AndI acted asif yeu dceply caced," Traffard ce plied, in, a dry wny peculiar ta hirnaeii It waes ot Bschoice, howavec, le fèproaol Lionel for auy neglected apiEtolacy dutios;." "Yau'ce looking adcnirably well," lie ut once proceoad- "lThunke for teiling nma so," îRaid Lionel, pnlting focwacd a chair. Hie tanas wara sa genially grateacl tisat lhoy eornehow quito oxcusod lde omis- sion ta touai ut ail cpon thea question af bow Traffard wae iaokiug. Tharo le proisubilty, Ibat ha did not apeially observe, or that Mfark'a mention af hlm- self bad wholiIy drives any ascIi thonglit uway. Lidmel'a egatis ais u n tease tisought rareiy asu gly-iact. Not ngiy, it sbould ha oxplulned, becauseahoinl- cessanly wrappod IL cap la the flowcry grace oa bid aws easy pleusantry and warm p1otýrssquenesâ. A.bnosét ny gardsor kntiws the affect ai a iew vins. sprays nb9ut nosoiaJaggad ucncati etcamp. j 'II novok wae botter lan my lue," Lionel naw, wost an, asethé lwo inieutta soated tbeslelsa. Iltlsn't aniy phy. sical heaitbh Mark. it's mental. I write an mucli botter than I did 1 Yau muet noa the laiaw ohaptara ai my IIéw book, sud t'm aure you will eay no." Trafford xercated hie iciend'a books. He saw tlb extrome ciovorns aifIheir occusionaipýsaugee, but s naves they wece, ta bis thînkmng, merely grotesque libais upon humus nature, Lionol plumod himeseli upan his deep '«isght1 ia ohacacter," aselise phrse gos ; sud il muet bc aliowad certain citice snppacled ibis apbilas; yot Tcaffaîd lied long ega tld ltiseeitWlth décision tuai iL wassin hie iiend'e power ta use wocde withus certain huif-artistia show- iness wheà hle deaccibed any ai the louder phenamesa, sncb se a thunder. stacm, or a irsotiaus hors., or a flsshy. handeomeo was, but Ihat Lionel, an Lb. whoie 1kaew au much about 1he mystie wayà ai humunsioula ne ha knew about the eianats ai tomate sy4tcmso. Ttafford, however, wae huisoîf grossly uniiterary.i jejust ta add ; heaen wroîo ordisury notes quite iii, andI with a fuir urnou ùt ai trouble. "Lot ne tclk afiyour doingesand not ai your writinge, Lianel It Je tho privi- logeofa your friande, remçmber, thut wjth aklud of utEUMIDlew tiilerth* imyitable. ,Ionol ,ana I 1518 fae Ibis éans oughts8 -stl onloa tuabeue i * irooke, ind TzAffOrcd, ;âltout belng sp ocllt.sp tiseni ut tise cad- daily nmauiiù. A, plueltI eeuse's s'. t@h Young 1-01 in a nuivalc ,e*. iKajw,ra raailiptply, *ba mue aa dlag mou btis biie-stack. Laiga. Vér .ýn'1u simcovared lisat eh.- w;cs a6 bliti'stOCke, behr8alf, but oai a 'Lilereat, tort from uap £ Laevor mal Ikao" Aiter a hr14 amaLao ireal an sl"About a Upioth laterir e weWougaged. I suppose '1iranu ber faîisor'es udden- death that biaglit il about.", 'Lional. nov lookesi dowosa a zortnscamea-nog ou bis linger, whla inlanly ocsinizmngIbh *oi pric.adod "Mair.ugo a, iond smcaenely ont aithe question vrtime, Elounar's iather, us I BaiaI, diedden. ly. Shis no w au orpisud anIfai&go. l'yen vii Isa oope Bay every*hare, lis i I anmaryigfor mauey. But, of aoua.ee, you must nat behiove thie non- Trefforïl did sot believe il, eltiser then or efteruard, uhes Lionel'm pro- pheay came, actually t a u.But bis pîonregarding bis iniend's cbiei uistnnioai niatiiveut aonce -boo a isami cean-ouI poalliveses. Lionel, ha deaidod, vus gracefail>' permitting- Mini Latisrop ta carry hlm, viii Ihat iii- situa look af oonierriag. a ruhher goner- sus favor that paseed, 11k.l masy <ai lis actions,* a rav.raeidie pure uaifiusnees. n. iras a 11111e pieed (p cane y cui- tera, sitar lise fatejoijmany litarary msen. Mie Lalbrop -repceseted psa nuniary umeiaratlan du a samoirsa epaciana plan. If tisa- apecallan aifmaen- iug ano's elfoif vuean -Ignoble one, IL couid atili ho made a fuel ueon, ulioso uncauay busis-vas built np soma 'con-. sealing etructac7o ai rua>'seaiantalit>' -durable enaugh ut leamîta odecoiveaa fuobsarvera. "Bi," Prafford groceetaetetaredaci, sitar leaviag lsis friand bluat day.,"hou iloas any -suaisarnate sub4terfuge deceivo Miss Lalhrop ? le is ufficentiy jas lova la b ble ceed wvus lb. provorabie blindsoss, or la aise slunply a ratiser stnpid young persan -2" - A dsylatar Pi-afford bildop portusilea of disaoverng tisaI she us y so ceus a atupid persan. Like Llonai, ýh. liad navor madf ose ai Misa Lalhrap'e de- votes aIIlie fashionabie belle ; ion Trafford bail a style, judaed, ai dropp>- ing in very lats uben ha vent ta tisa sort a o eiartainents, and o ainlading lu daacuays unIle tise Germas- pro. gressed, hie bard, isronze.oolored face eeeming almost anomalous in Ihatodon- loadod aI mosplîcco. Repoated>' ho lied secs dehanair ecealîcrea pin pret>' favoce an Lianel's.coul,- aud aitervari bc wirnid round b>' hic tu the moasur- s ai ializ-musia. Xitococred te Praf- isird, vison ha nou 05v MiessLatisrop and Lionel tagether, Ihat se.bail an air ai prepeinal>' daing soaeBach gracians aet asa-tisis, andI that Lionel had a ceciprocul air ai receivlug 'the gi wiihbhandeame gall 'anîr>' "uti ae helievea tliàt sise wiil gaI score lisan a mere vulîz in relurn," Tcaffordtoillîimseli, wilte ciaeeioy scansed Biesucor Lathrop'o face, - IL socmed the ifac e ra wmn n rliiuld prefar walking ta weitcing Liscoughise. Lionel isad brocigli hlm fisre Ihal evouing antI Mies Latisrop bl Ireceiv- id hlm viii see graciausseas. Shie iras a îlender gin, villowinlufigure, a'iîi candid, broum oyes B tsl lookea it you Ironi undon strongiy-ancsad oye. Drous, atums.seieoififaxen unir -van in silky, shining'banda about a emaIl lcasd ai manicedly htgb-bred carnage. rraffocd taikad ih bac for rk litti. wnile lu lau bom, uhile Lional -sut beside lise eider aistor, Sybil Latbsrop, an applo-aliesked antI s waceisl uxon yonng lady, Lise ubralute oppaiteofa E4ieuor, Trafford foancilitaeaillanoed wile 6f lis ieud vory agreouhia com. any, and ai a muci more serions tura thausltie gnot ler. 8h. putioruardl no0 abîcusive lave-signa vison- raierrisg to Lioal, andi montianeil ber camiag nani'onc or tuaice S hagete nade icet ubjoot egec nlikeavyld maeu h'inu bofora uhial ana have maman- lenli>' uitisout uuy cenomoalona kneel- ing. But a 11111e Jater, ulien Lionel and lis apple-cheeked companion jais- etLem, Prafford, alveays quiakly per- ceptive, uuw lu Eieanor's. masser, ta- vend ber hotrolhed ovidoaca ai bau tliat uhiciasa atmoes eau a grand Fàinc affect a sature füoU ai ordar- Y"'qitdsantI aplatuiaeif-reslraiata. EL usadoration as Mise Latbrop's, parI, ho Laid bimasif. "Abus i1visaI ile it1 bue Mental>' addod, .'on ibthepart ot Liionel V' A iew tIsys later tise carrnage taak, place. It vas a ver>' quiet Iperformx. ace, becasea ai Mr. Lalisrop's recesut deats7 - Icafford sud lise buxoni Mie Sybil vero lise- principal persoaagea ai tise accasion, oeilta tisahebrideanau groom. Miss Syhil, vis a luaysaahori liketI Preilord, made!. certain ccîones. tial diecosurme ta him aiter Lb, care- Mon' iras aver, and 'tisa neir-vedde! C. 0. 22 1876 flan- -ý sasse timla ntise remote PuatisIs connected, rallier loseiy, tie soy > witb the Barl of llsîgtt. I aulppcse tisai la thie way màho gaI recognumsd.b everybody bre-r, perisap eu i bher southera bIrtI. oe eape Ie tisaLCardigan la a mytls, aLlersa tIy se le rely ltse .arl'o Anl-coausin, but 0 ignorod andI daspised s-'a dtoadiul te' Z prahbâte. Oane evar ltnO*sw*bat toile- ]leve,' doci Ose ? Mué' Cardigan là siceo)iougis. Sise affects literpry peo.-. pIe and adores rame pot-vbo liLt Eleanor couid tel you-oh, Browning, thal le tise lavaurod bard. 1 like her i quile vel; I really think ber goat! isIaod telle; but thon, - i-au knau, Mr. Traffard, il la actual crime for one ta rya a' htisIfuffy ira>'." - "Aaa.adMrs. Muyne ut ail su- tisute el" -"Oh, dear, no 1 Eleanor la polilt, antI ahithat. Lionel ile-ver>' attentive t ta lier. They, met et Saratoga tisis -lestP sommer.. I coaslder ,ýit I'rfeotjy ho-. rit! the va>' hoaAtt"ces hisnef 4 4 buit Elonq'o'r, t i lthe,-ý 0 Poad, steréof-éOOuwe' 41Oj so qaeerabOut 1, à. ~5Ola sa milsh morrb - ,> Irhav Jf~4aoted praot inundib>'- adjacent roumu açnovwatrIbda fraîn viar., qullè a littLe ime olapset!. Ins silent iiroay -Trffcrà wusa relecting limat iLbobbis fiend .àilong irbile ta - put Mno. Ã"rdlgun lob)-thé ourriago, in on e bard tise ontuido doair sharp. ly clasadl, acid, îoiW -aflènuard Iionei'a eiastio stop sotindod ici one ai tis adu. Butethe stoep inddeni>' stapped. Ro lieard.Lionél nov aay, "Ahi, Eleasor 1" antI tises thora came a litho sbilence. Fro-niwmat aftorward foiloved, Traf- fard uàsled 4a tise explanutar>' con- clusion tisaI Ifra. MayDa. hstddcliet! hec elistar's 1erviôé,e., s.dou airs I-o cool shoniubana, antI, kaovisg no- tiig* about any sabsoqasea't engage- * menîbOtucca Liosella biulimaf, had ouppomod Ithe visaI. lover floa'r ta ha noir vacant.>, 1 Mca., MAitn'. voice nov soundcd cboar tloiough Inmulous. ' "Ij acs dnvon," aoh. naidI, te apeala ai yaur attentions lovand e certain per- son, uwhoni IL-la e nedlles:a eaiy. You- custuderataul thst itl hum mym pride ver>' depy,, if ià hurleme l no otier wir,t helileeyowj-ha oljeel ai scadaicus commente.andtI yseli, per- lisps, ai ridicucle.:« -I have- sufferasi, for saome fIie, Lionel,- but I bave sot apokea, s yaci kasoW ir, ou. 1I-" (Toglie Cossfsssed.) -A Chais aifiividence-. -"Tii man yonr lionor," said a law- yen visa ias proseauting -a Taxas gen- tlemen for steaiina ebhrse "Lissmani nat oui>' stale the lionreut va pro- pose ta prove tisaI> ha dit!. Ho blea prodloction, for, tisaikiad ai business, andI before I have, doue 1I iUbava wvyouabout bic a ehais ai fevidonce' fracs uhisisthere eu cuhona0escape. Listes :-Ici the firuipiace g-i-i-lis urit- lan ucpau- bis brou. In , esecond place, hoe vus bora st Horsahead!, Musa; noi Marbiebeat!, IVyour banon plouc,. but Hare-acd. AI tbeagof ai ive yac5 ho *goa hlocea-ohetaut famt lu hae moutis, andthetsaphysicianuSa vwa calotil a sd-il wee ont oaisiebusiness ant recommendeda aidenlial uSa knoak-- ed ont savco aiIl oy's teeth hefora tise chesinut aocihd h reevered. I 1 irouitI lika ta -cuill tisaattention ai thia ver>' intelgent jury te Lie fuot tisat tisawvaspot saulardinar>' cisestn ut, but a isarss.abostit ;'Sanie, harse, isarseoistnut.' AndI, rermher, toc, if you pIeuse wuts misaItetoua- ait>' ho ainug te il. Whou a more boy, suaS iras bie lu'ordinsaedosiro fur hanses, lisat bis mollien conîd sol keop as' isorsa-radish àbonL tis, hans. Wby?2 Beceaie ovauld ateai -il. ýIf hie molliern cnaecLok ta rats. ila tnlie gardon h. vonid stealIlit siaro il Wus Suif gravi-uiil ir as a cure colt or flii>, ns to epeuk. At th.eaga ai tes hoe siaba a eaw-horao, but afiaruardi re- tucuad it çihen lihe discovered,s ha suid, tisaIIl kickeosinl single haerane, antI bacaiked unden tise estItIl. Il vu - luis aaaeoienee bat kicean bannulkesi, At lise ageaif ourées ho vas appren- tiand toa enurse ln a- hoapital. Sa. lb. awmui fatalily. Haspital, Hospital, lwaspital. Phe vouder la h&u aIh didn'I ien!. À iesvyeace leter ho IrietI ta lest! off e hors. pistai b>' tho marrie sd vas sisaLlu tise baud. You sea theihorse "Pinta],iledseaune eaough takiak. When ho vuarant-' ed for the cnime for mmicl li asou ]i-ïg Icid, visaI do yau suppose iras fuuns on bis person ? Wisy, gentlemen ai the jury, e baIlle ai Hoatetter.bit- lors. H3-a-" - "shât np,yeUled lbe juago ; IbIs le -sol a speiling boa."; B.g pardon. I aais lhobourse, sud ani>' iantad ta cake mysabf suider. ataod. AndI, lastly," raid the-attorney, "irisaI slabth -pruianer's nasse 2 Hie saiea laHommor, Houemer, H-o."h.eg- giag youn isasar's. pardan-5'.1H.a-r-s-a Horeomer ; John B. -Horseer 1i-Ansi nov, gontlomen ai tise jury, - iter- yon have veis'hod veil thîir ducsing evi- douce ai guilt, I'm sure you uli fint the pnisonen las-a tse ducombat, sud ce- tunn a verdict acacdisg ta thesa dcte set, forth.", Tic uz so Bzz-Beaurur relates the iolavnwing anecdote of vniais lt. vas a viineaas ;AÀqueen bae, - and rame - ber attendansa, vere appanenbi>' drama- ad inaà brook. He tcàk thona ont ai lise vater, "cd founi! tisaI nelthar bisae queu boa noz, bar attendants vwer. quite dead. Beaumee epast!them te a gestie hsu, b y hicli ise' yvoe Ter- vivao.i TisaplebiLnbemreoveredilrst. Tse -moment, theyo> saisga i aniation lu îtho.lr . oe1, - Ibof p ai .5 cue air pavern, ;IlckFing a ý6 i j

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