Thofg L&id, but el hr>Pei cent, (noir î-Oà nà i a.epital) and wu SOundeglà llaitui otwold week before the Alti. -pound ghares se a. tred pondai. A Il John . edhr-otOF4 n a. muwa appeau aiared js apo.,onee flurdsr for over t: u rdiog tote ie r onl maae. aa Qestign. SVrioh. A Maldnu p lar-madam Brown. ikyadaues, l ne tiey helped Ilium, an ;admincr 7-of Mir. OsCga Auit "le iobeavy drangbtbites, =04tdoic fundds 1ibi(uSIS vbsA. u S'Peakens JMr. Cosugan. vw Id,& gWe ,cattie, *.-Peter McDer. Ouer the7 vantadeS lIc-offera - w ld eull plnadid, labo. Aueae aillly Jofephhe!are. stà uu6b, aithougli net a sligh Oeadl a~ gs rnaoins- PbhoMdersw0ais uanltod, t0tii0 ll nà Ibh rls tMot statce Conslar Aeo-e.514bv eaa deaelse of son Indepeaident letoi vswtb bis pârtyjugo B.kYnle. tvunty millieus. 1Thebsu171iu4 sîgit ~ ~ at cal schtsol bôeka, statlenery -Ueo. B. millions et deposits, scores, o1 ageda, it HAs is ___nctll hiï, Yale.. pht lw arliamailary jCî_j Bal incaS llelete-Geo. B. ytiseS ala &miloà sliousiall over tie coantny. free froa sti n, and bis âp'osln Fal! gods-Lowos & Powell.oaral Indian hliesesare iu.volvod voldbe accpteS asua graoN h1<onee Tawingsdclllluery - Lowes & afr(s5ty'sevonal fallures, lhe recuIt 0 m b is ortb f heIris voulio Powell. t he cellapse, beve hein announce. e-i oiinc i raxChh Auu* ei - A12 Sew r.The AustraIie Cncy 0 ,ac r h 1lar Dlsehlg-loss ren.- toz. 2-lieci i' lt luack no à for. Sott théJe i va~t. - gre t ist d SMn. -Auglu lun the ke Aiunaltmeetiug jSt, Aadrev'e Socity- Tueaslay,, thie ret day cf thegi4 Car' tl o frSrJh Rulau o, Se'y. match, between lhe neteooîi>yAns donald te do botter. But va Wouli AlleuLîne.- Innurge gr. Cestigan's appeintment Upc Alln sue -tn»Iian d0ou, nud lthe pioked Canedian lie broadest grouudueftis belngi Frêoimilry udmnte- elg& vntvo, gave fine -Cricket weafluer the flon. Mn. Tilly, tie mosl experiecc. Clothilg adnt furisings-Laiog for Octobor. The asln aiinteCD1rt1 ptyn .&gcwnt -firul -t bat, and put up a score jSNv iunsick tladercotblog-Laîng & Stevart. Australiens followed, aud et dv. '. 'lhe, Hanlan-Courtney Recel - Eglii, Scotch and Canadien tweeds elook, visu lime wao caUled, baha. uceod- xC&AU - -Baarooghty.oe mus fok Ofve vioke 1ts. Our TE OR«DA I'IXOM WINS Bi TWO ]LENaTES. leoval..-T. G, Wbitfill. Whitby representatives, Moeuss,. Bai ypeeIai Noetios.- and Laing, shoved up inufine 'fonan. Tat great boat r;ces betveen Hrîniaî Monigagen Weuted.-T. Pax ton. Bay scoreS 16 et the bst, tic second and Qourtney came off last ThunsSey Lamnps sud Shades.-S. W.1.BSmt.bge soe dý8 fe idr teWosLahn.Tr W u Toront, ieedug wii 17.!Bey.imense crowd of speotators. Aý tie Metallo lHaïr Buni.,- Do. orens nt, basignah1. Ry l te tart boti men took tie vals- alo distingulsied himeeli on th léicdiS ogether, aud Ivo minutes after Han- AUCTION SALUIS. by siarp play. Laing vas unfortupale lau vas sliiktIy sixead. At tihé rvs - 1 nallie bat, bing given ont "leg before mile buoy it vas relit g lbard,1an f3aG O Druglt éro@# rad Ca.vioket," betore, obeilascoreS ý ua.Hanlen vas about oeebot le'ngli Sle cf DrailHees0, Gradeval. aied. Allihe vo sud s quartier mile îleCotvol Siep, cellei propeaiy On the field, by aitentive -euSdét.v buoy Courtuey aud Hanlan vero Dock Of Pster MaDeriieid, on Lot Ne. 8,10n playiug, lie sheved is thoroug 1nov.sdnc.Attosdshafzils t6à '.JsCoPcelgonFia Ot ledge cf lieegalne, and diS good ivork. tie turnng-buoy, Hanlen turneS irst. h51,17.L Fairbanks, A nneer. i.gteAI tie tird mile Courtney bcusied Sfle cf irnî.cilus Herses, Grade An nuploeaut occsurrence duringle uen anS dthey wveeeven. -Ai tie CaIlle, t aveolsi l eep, împîeenns, match, vasthie slqaling et Ove gaiS 8. mile Hanlan forgeS ehead anS et 40 ie nh erî of Mn. Aiex. Lais, vatoies from thle Australinu Cricket. lis - mile wans till lea1iný by on l-otllorj i,2,nthie Oilco].Wily ers, iy a manu.uamesl Wright, wio hid about e boat lerugli. Iu lie next 4xaf. on :Wsdnos, y, Oct, lareOtieelohig oo.Lhemile flaulan gttrelpteaaa Fairbanks, Aubîliaoeer.cirecli chtigron.Tcgttreeuisaad Sala cf vaÃluable Herses, Grade Cat. Police are siter hlm. andi came in tie wiuter byi two leugis Con amiS prolongeS Cieering.1 The ýime dls, Cctswoil Slieep, Implements, &o,, Theammtalli 1 ehabconunedt .dey (officiai) is,86 minutes, 22 séoonds. An 01) proPerty oet Mn. Thos. Lea cr, on (Waduesdey); particulars have! ual quormous sum cof mouay changeS LoI No. 1l, lu tie StIx Con. Piôoeeng. been reccived aIt te uie we go te baude lu boe. The Torontonians are ou 'Vnepday OôtI. 201l, 187.-L. Fair" greatly claIeS, aud Canadiens'- are Icaike ÂnÛ oroud cf their chamin. alé eistr.oss IIlme nts Hanlanu Reception. Iu lovu eowds galberaS arqunui &q., tics properh>' o! Masera. Gao. &J. t e gare v iutestc a nese)leie Ginihial, ou Lot Ne. 7, Broeken Front, Th e ecaptien given Hanlan, un ron- eeyf.' iuts hepore oith Pickeýing, on Tiuratey, Ocbober,17ti, enta, Toasta>' nighl, wass verwI ýIn. race. Whcn lie final reuit vae maa 187.-L. FPairbanks, Asictioncen. lng. Immiense cowts galhdiens itlishe novn, liaI Hanlan vau lie violr Sale uf farnn tock,- implements, &o., streat s, cieaning attdselluting volter. the annouincement vas greetet viii thie propert>' of Mn. John Ueo, ou bot ucsi', s bis procession paseed, on.enltisistia cheers. Nu- i81, lit cou. Whilîl», arTuesaHnscsadn nbscnae O T ono 0îIsc.-rIs (Oct. Istia, .1878 - L. 1I"ainbsnke,e Aim a- h sadngi ecri g,, mon - . ESnmmOFer'm pp ."Pre tine.k-Ot newhetged th dfallernt tanondîma- so W.G. um s aen an O"SeciL.. tien. About a tlxousatnl -peoplsencarele," i) RBE"MONTîîcY for lie.- ar InSalaeliT publicotcicu st rhiii v Faphn' Hall, on u Teaa>',ot.29t 1, tLli l, wihws Secorated *'iti Lober, le allnacting vmde attention. li "0phns 1gaan1bal Nov York "Evcuing PoaI," nevieving L., r Pf eryofM. a, oki hie article et groatliengli, unierilias - . anke, Auctioneer. viichI Hanlan carniet off lis chimni. itie "Tic Bosch et Social*n, a' - pieusiip of Amnerlos, ivas suseod "Professer Summer'a article la udf ovaln hie pistfort'n, viareau an sdi-caslongj anc, but 8o cernpacf ie if, anid so vaspneantt Hnln, ut ien ~ directly doe et or go tle ueluarf Waf p1sonUb ianLjpand-uoe c eptofiesc fuecrt, h anS i latou -Z grslslatory speecohes vare radfe. of hlm aathecmtnab le, wdi lou5l te lic theniait effective exposit ion of ONLY Si 5o PER ANNLIM. l)aAmtH OFMR. D. G. Foitnsc.-Dln.tise real iiatitre cf tihe puevalent polit. castGeorge Fomias, vîo yl la ýýne-- tical Sicsaces wiiciîlicas beers prinied Wiîhlby, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1878, niembereci b>' ny ofet oaresis a in-aasy offtha magazines or revieme 4 isîci toixaait- fis-et serioualy titreaten. f-- - - onner prenincnut rme outofMn'ed thea il/e of eacicfp lanti14s cotntry." Feu Geede. WVitv iLic ita hie neidenca, Miib imn AnS agalu lu an etitorial basaS upon leuse, Inventes,,, Seachant, on tics Prof. SUIuntos payer : "Ha tellesflhe Attentlion ln spsoialY. shIIMaed te lic 7tlî ullo. The Invernes(Courier ocan- h undres o f ihoueande of personsaîelso ,n rCad SCILs>mrsl'x MerimcmLi certain smîîusuuluaa1cments cf oîmr Whi~Lth>Mer. lainle tohe lwiug uhiluan>' : tuiewili hy~s i iei Cacnts, lis Ibis wcek'e issue o et t sa Wamgret tb announc e ufl ofath o te uascowledge of lise grcaf body of Ciiitit,.i. IPull lustocka )lave beau'n orea etMilii um, whicli lochplace th Anccr-icaas people will epeedil1y ro cuivasi1, iitri Iinhe, a iis goot vaine,9 on Satnntay orniicg lust ea i îriake an endi of tisecareer of eecialîe. sur n a icwa fgue s it' ioues ouense. Mir. 'orlies val ediutetat tià rlioez4c l ituis-y."A rui at a lw afiur asoiy busopthe Ivre Acatein>', sut w1me¶i a îcapr m y Prof. Sumner, ou "Green- catic le obiainatl. Tiiose wiio psy a Y'oung inu ent te Canada, viens hé bacha" viii oppoar in su cari>' issue cf VIA iito h>iestores, viii finui tuaI il wiii msitet until tics daai,iî et cisiluiîle, lie SCaîNELa. pisîy to tracle Sallins. lmIs Mr. Veisi ronc wiosi ai r-lTezTiAnepsTAmoN UlisTIera» - ~itat tic Mlihurt prapent>'. Mn. F4)r- STEPiHEN D. DILLAYE'5 PAPER in lice Pelitucal Notes, bas vaa si hidi, gaîxial mat, a Ic(sn Septamibar SCicitIBI!ER On "TuiE TRAN- k -sponîsuman, mut pesslae coueitera le 55'ORTATION QuEsTIoN" lias atîraclet p TiUE* 11ENIGNî~AION OFHE U5 iINISTimv. assitiremeube an a naturaliat. Ifes hi0 muai attention. i -an extensive kuavilge, pichel up )>' Tic third etition, 701h Ilieusand of c Il vAn thlintention o!flte Goeanu observation, et butds anad animas, Itg sa the nuniar cciutauumug tiis payer, le anS plaule. In Canada lieavas kuo*ün nov ready>, 'sud ns>' be baS et the tl ment t la hvaenisignc uon 'Tulseta> as an ardent hunIer, mat>' Saur. boire news-eîanils. An asle papen on the tL arhsntioon. Actionuns bean poeîponet ansi uolvas iaving talile h Iij rifle. othic sida ofthlie gange question je seau iiiitil, tli sud etflias ý.eech. fils memony vas atoneS cth iîi teret ta appexir in Lic Magazine, ci 'T ol arriva Sir P latrick Mactomi. ing talen cf aport, sud,- ci! ithe liselho o ralalaibui ove cot dogei'horses, a4d -Noti Ontario Electiom- h gali it-Monîs-sal, -ansil tiaI lheGoveinor al iinis o! animais. allbrougît uev. - th Ganýrai sut Sir Jouit Macdonad bava "a apoiansofetCanadian peulîn>' o 4gE.COUNT ex TRE iBALLOTS FAVORABLE TO C blof Ottawa for thaI Citl, evsthie Ian. biliburull, sud £s vabuabie Incedt f D IB. vHELEs. ,el proeson thha upon thie a ival et ils honute. Ic aIse pilaSei an crchiaS- urofthle Most Suitaila fruit trocs oetCaai- The ra-cosînt cf tic babileti te llclse>,Sir Patrick Mactongaht illii an oigin, vicicli are enîy now aoii-North Ontario election haut place ha-o en lie avani lic asAtmliatraton, and liat iug imb iaing. M»r. I"onies' lits e le foeajusige 'Burtiaul un FriSa>',bM. c uwmtedità teiy ipoi lice officiai an- vas unassumming suS reliraS." Hector Cacuemon, Q. C., -vas ceuusql Il Ilo>lilcemeul t lice reelgusllonoet lIon. T! fon Mn. W. H. Gibe, lie Safetet osq. in TrTitiiBuNEis a uev venture Il didata, and Mr. Hoilgine, Q. C., for à l.Mackeurie, Sir John Maconld oraiitaite tOwnSn4 i- VeeM - beto a vi liera bu ewoènulu as Firel bîlister. juule, uisa a wnSn akenMr.WhesMp.o jet the u cvss W -In in a ver>' neal>'ptinted igit-paRe vils isviug bean taken befars Cemmxis-tIl -paper, sut professas te le a naoteraieec stntkngaftvt nleCc Elcesoral Puiiy. stivecate oe Raon m inciphas. so- cfo OOrsafidvis i- h Tiis< outrage tIson eeactorsl punit',, Qsueeu'a Bonci~, sut eue o et COi si allaeuta l hcvubae aommitteîl by the NOUTH Buocms AGR5ULTURAL EBruI i mîasos Mr Gib s.vasThegcS se-Ba clnlitnty ratuîning oailen, lis e-Jaques ITO.-Tha exiibition liea alie- Jucige, bowevan, declintatoalev hiefa Cîsrttor tecuioîî, siulil net leojpun- ninglon on Tucata>', leI Octolen, 1>' objeaction,anuS lie ecoul vas precesilà .h ý,opariwitou sric oqurytisaNemI-rok hieluaI Social , aS ili. The resuli matis Mr. Whajre asîltlail pais vliant sln. Tneuiy h Brook Agnen' anil swft puniheîasnî. Ir, asesaiieg. -vas ver>' succeaatn-enrpaeing aiý 1em'nej orît02 Ts o sînt>' Jmmtrs lg tE C.thue tc'f stîclllsîg teblltbx uedt. TAESintli asailHastings case as te tic bah-ba 1 lobts on vieiaivere manhedthte nun-th tinouglh tîî uctinni et lia tale-atton OsitAWA lAmtii year year ciii be bais of the vter@ ou lia volons' lics. PI' cpandl, las boosaîni>oprena-svauteen milse on tics tolear. Tht IIsd thcosaballets bhast ejeoledtile vit cilsndose e -preveti agalus I thc sesesement, hoveven, iba;boeaunearly injorit>' et Mr. XVieer weuit have ocllnec, hoeshouli tl ie b e vd etnblet,.seaI elltltotgli the rate in beau ilicneased by l20-mahing bis doi acap. W sa' liis uci insepesi.meisima>' u tî lais lsuaonit>' ocer Mn. Gibbs 172. Tics te- I escap. W6 uAY silerauh inon T e nivly sal, teces vilnetcmen et tue jucige beiug SgietMn.t0 6s;4 0f al parI>' sdeaioo Tetiîmnby ho reiluceti. Gibbs, ho a as enred ta psy lia caste rnaî cuill>'f uthie ballot box muet lha vini. of th-----. - e ie -coul. nt ca at h'iazantsu, whover mn>' lic TnE TovNiacu'OF SCUîeOGOnoui>'a«c- ts1b Ite effoucier. qînmes 0420, ta muet il municipal ou-' Hostililîlce Betveen Eluglandiandt he -penditure lii. >'can, - Afghanisan. bi Cinaauislluane.-he Cneeretivs MDABI S. Bnisocyxa i IMme. Goeti A taspaîci tre Silaconfirmethiemu ave cahlisia Csonenionmfor FriSa>', ltme a,-icm sc inasen rSe .port SiaI lic Araser la -cuticavouriug "a ei bîid eh Saafscrhctlebing ont aeau ac8en- o ll il ak p aie ainîimidathe lc iylarcea b>' rein- piS Iite lu opposition te Mn. Cartwrighst. vaste hait unIoe eilciesl, - urla, pnffs, forcing bis Ireope lnxthie Rhiler Paso. - lb - -s's.A canvasser jae obltiug ordans. AÀIBombay' spatial says tour of thic!a -- Amoor's ....,..tré rgiments and ,sixit 1 Ttik JsuiCATaaLEro -Tic SIR PATRICK MACDOuGAxn....Sir Pit.- ginsare steleS ba have arrivsd lu Iront raç, aunatnt gicres tic sent tmoà t Mn. ick MaDaugall, vh i vibcho eornu lncf Alinuejiti, a short distance up lie wvil rusleaucete m imonant by. s rua. as Adninlslraloi, as mon u seils EX.- liyberpasa, sut have advanced vils- oril>'o et to. cec oLrd Duffenin leaves the, in tinso niles cf Jamut, at vich l melrin lfitsî'cocuty, il;exjso:tcd ho reassiOttawa flace aea l:cimen:nflrtishlliahx ± a b 0e umaîsoî o lic a amicrat. Muali langer bodies cf thie _ýoinmbrsofthereirngMlisry %bueth -9* -- Afghan rosaenthiwydo .tei 'ilI ho appolîintdhoapositions by Mn. Tmy -lic great Cangb Remet>'.!'These Iircne aatou taîethle Kiy!ms. [acituid. - iitfoht' cellratd Puoiene oup, es for having allvedthelic tihs Wlitfllda clobatd PlmaicSyrVmission ta penolmate lie paso. This -useS sdeot i eninaed bhy insreds. vonît range thicilil triles lu our laver, lie Contractera baye been'infomuidliaI Pries 25 andi 50 cents. Ih inexpacled vo viii 55h51 tihen if thie PaY sthiacts for vîlci tenders are nov lun Ainsar sionid altach lien. Problei'yena, riII net la1.le y thico rling Goveru. Use Whiflsld'a intallible loothaciee i r atiysuace viii be mb ticK. ari eut. Guni. Puice 25 Ceutenuit vall:e.Afghan treepesud guns "Y wiib aon fron AlimuejiS fort, le !Y ca Mn. T. G. WhllflehS le movuug te bis occlipy seueofet i miner passea.- Hos- luge, Tuc îsr 1U'MNTou Iol Ounov store, Wataaure Blok. hlha ne'bg n s>'moment. la oui Snowdon, o'vorthie- Witby, Poril A Simla depstch confirma Lia mche-1u en>' aud Lindsay>' aiivay, arriveS lu A largeaeasorînent et lampa, elsasîsa, port c! tic urrivai e! leur cf lie Ancer'. dop sotanîr>' regimenis, vîhixsu nÀ ihitb1,i ' utyak. Many' of ~Cadil. humnera ansi Chisuncys, juel recived. front ef AIl Mnsjali, and says iis jegan- on i i à tuatahie arg taletséi mens; S. W. D. Sm*iLh & Ce. trahi>'isîent heSlaï lie B ritish terce le m u Cars'iatishave nov lacis unîcasisi n..-- nvancing Pesiavar ilu tieidirecîtio! POUala the harbor; ton nons, lice ramainci. oubten hrecas, a large stock, ladies Janimoot, villi s viev fai" olnA sTa e! tWoIe ilmdred tons, are la bie andi gente. S. W.,)>. Smitih & Ce. 0"uejliCa', Ancar sw e tuassu troope 'Ougit ovin ti roud liis yack. IHoaas pateonaîî hin auitireaanug Qcl. Sru athl'ci Tem CA.tA Ws~ ~ÂM SOCK~. ant Sanaila W 13 Sult & aial b>To n li c dhg andi ani a1 -- neale bic Amths hrati. dO the igi sudco-mi bn esoubeelqI -' itb "e ,W>r I.1 toLuDd&fen ileu naà r.asA létbe¶0o1l g tIit*wI iceL madmul 'suselbd ic dalraicnsetoficeLyrc La opposecl hicoure lreg. b - - - freux avaesUicildnu î;h O t & e n u l; o r l o if t ib e auar t id îsoeo fv eer e i h r t > 'm i l e s f rm ule r v g s > i a n m a l , e s p e c i a h i > ' D u e n i L v c x i s u d a tio f q u a l if i c a t i o n , I e k i m e s e n t a a h o e t . F r o n i l i c o r e 'd* e c i s i o n il v i i i v i ll a g e f J u i e t î , Q u e . ig r s , a s d o n a k e s , l u I n d i a , b u t w a G e e i BY-LW T LEY RTE he oar. b posibe t esimaý te eten ofarba sdiy pnepared te learu ho tic Tuil B E Z . R i n g I t r d u c e t t dp s e i o a t .- h e s b e 1 c h m t i u n t C O M P L I M E N T aT M IL. H z aEC T R a o u n t O ! a a g e b >' o v e s in , R u - y. e hnrai c o al as se tg M inutes of l st am etin g rne a n d E n glan d ' f uture influence in. T r he .c AM E O M .P . - T lm c p li ical an S par. si s. Il app a re t at ur n 1 75 i a T ha a > i m L ec p r v a ~ e ! A d e e h s t t ief ' r 8 ie flmat- na Victds o r i neur C am eron si uZle province 5880 ho se sa n s d horne S >lovu as required b>' lie report et Jackson anS Joseph Grsgg, for lie ce Eulgla1t'Jtia_ inaionta . . tn Nnicter- caIlla, 56,0003 sniaitcattie, 22000-tic- - suve>'et LI No 26,lu Le 8hCon dem iL peunuiany aseel an. Sir A. H.> taiuing hlm aI a complimcentary Popper mstc ewsani ioseanim0atoe Wl RELIF. Tc stndin Cemnitb. oneîiîcnsLayart expeabe An oueut dtavouralleon tic cvening of Thursila>', bbc241hwnateto tt leer animais. Wbar <r. aveihiInogit u le rpor ctanS acoaiL reemmndadtica>' relyas lie i alaeY 3'repivet lheis a., allihe McArtiun lousa, etelot Thirragevaaengaert17.Br cenaiteeosanidfrsometiu omut cf he olIovug acoute pa lupromise ta" eÉeet. T12e Faise.Ticlhascf poperty turing lice tva Peas -omté f . clif ohm ngp ugoc o cpimgnaeaeSultan as aise mihbe la -thie Queen 1BAR KiLLD.-OD tisa igit et ycars is estinated at uearly as quarter ote i 8.0 I velo e rusat8; . .Sn,-fer rainingd crpeSooharng iug einleubio te Inaugurale F lite 271i nl., a fine les, vas et a million dllars. - Cari iln lo he u Olia h Hop-rlur *4 ; .55;Sopia Wfor eringrde, ugliahiurttntmons. Fh ni tefr fU.E.Eis rRTedymigaotiafour-- Cot . igit.60. t nnheuncso r od e n. 2 m. s ; S han eb, for nS -' It i s reporteS liai he T urks bave eiol e tic P oint r. E . B le x u .- n eaAn r i g b n e r P t rntatf, sd keIliineo'rdcmn- iS ast n- oeaet provisions 4t i'srencl forn trgenPml . e isocok, a cowa e teS vl Iner asA- tab-brngt efneti mgi.pcinted coanniesionen ho let eud super- letPr.Eius Brigt hd anid effeutomacve enfinelu-ticriv ri aoto son tisaI Danial lieemagie40u000 et. TixdoofM leognrinza ies tSson ftcnear M r. BoyS s linestsbreicuse, wvisa Bh e.Th ieas enfrulsea tnd lice reairiug oet sroace te uo i locz.' men foîke vatlisp for hum viii fine- vsaBsutgti'tmaa.Ti n. eg teTh12 inaepe > t Lie fiiljunlà aests te.Wsao lgitydmgd h u-Bgs sude of 124gcentsspTibrodgeciai mjournalassabce liaIbliesarma, andi vîcen ho anme îsek, pro-hmvBoSTilreH> bridge, pRemobt National Assemblyi>'tCraIe, teening brws avaed b>' Mn. B .Telr a pIed.e I ~ ea ots No. 14 sud 1à , in lathe8hbbyfrmr o, feclhmsclaspsdteavbauheWkofBL pte. l.,i to cncssinsoféreîwrthes, a truceprle, effaraS uninsuai 1 Cou.Alec liatthie Beeve lebclo. iacncusos ffnt vrilsa0av litslc,îennî,teTeat iaromainettehvebenli vn eaBs APPINTNGCOLECO AOFTAXs.instructod thein rerons tllives ai C le uonuà imnpossible te cioclîne. Our andaiar>'. The greaher part oc!theWco izat4 toletIheiuildiing o abridge indemgedOe I, Blov inîrodmiced a b%-lav ep. fronto! IcI No 4. lu tie5co5.ancession siantlople Io disoonti 'us negalisilons, ]unformant sait tîntn tic animaionWeel tiug Aisa, Piria, colecheýat thLe Report adopteS. -atsn rte clt eigi ofetthe largeet kilicil in Ibis art" of tteu.Luey ad 0, -Lr ny o $19. -Tiefoîîvin s ana enaerteet sui aICae eilning leprecesdwt tiils nea i'lie ]liadI* 1Dia FuIz AT I'AREiILL.-A aeelrUo. SE LUof TE 0109. ThNO. e pmfor wismo kiie by Soga sie a neehiallosvtiMk*hnPai.cunIr romaithnep u theDegtitios wtheuhita,,Paba.forgoîlcu ils 'vciglit.-F-uslon Falls liva fine cctifred at Pankiill, about tve Elý .Hsraz staUGted luiaI Wmzp h. Pai,r Wmn. Van>', $dog5;-J 88 41 anlhasinpeaodMn.îbj dy ,. Soîl 8; SlonenBnnioder 6.88 L~ ~ ~ Gmcs ~ Gizelle. - 'ciock8unsay menming, viclcilide 1TI Scot,86; oloonBukhldr, 0.8, Iüu.-Hia A iargc pO TU nor tn hiebusiness pari o e 1b unte nýce r toueapohaugli. Jolhn Meure, #1450 : Tios. Jcbnolon, non-Gaucrai ioucura tic Premier shonti à bc vithiut Penny Davis' Vegat- town lu11 cs.-1- in i upoed o couse,~~~lav lii onuneI in vt>'eoode88.8;ofinhe Paner, 6; Tenn togItIfo c d liasut iin vies HunI8.8 Car Pler,,86.6; ; W. oas -all Mir. Mackenizie >' eing ther guest ala Pxis-KILLEa. It eau le given toe hive stre. Intcn ent MN at iner onay Eve iu. me x. lie infant for lIce Celle, - ansi te li tht 0'sor. I so prnl t he breeld conditionuvas ntl6segOeS. Tueu. GeorgeCaivert, 826.66 ; Issa Palmer, -lnya reta ÃŽ,o yal 1aa'I " lic let ns., Mr. Stêne vas f87 ;Alexauder Peelles, #10. c blerysvsofte at iet cm b>'ail the lysi ton niemaici h Lisay i c hea- bou-olingaficaocis, slunfafumies slave, gît ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~apid batt ieMaer thaRev, n. Havr uboduetsoy-avriotem e tiCprendwo aa u iciy Ssesetetahcl i ia>dsct o cabuidig aaa aseetline. c *mplaiu, and wvaslnod. eyidencs vwich vas rend tirs.ovol l imes and cîîy. sud by Col. tice "0. E.G. yppbt Il cnaise sorhebenions Mnepratnait>'cyand sd eslitakiugto gm given by )r. Gou that A as in- pised, ta Btrug.otbut ne>'ndb20.miseStfortolice î anote Mao nnas'kig.ocar>'e anSmi Sveer ling, Mna s. . t adrei pu t teâeor 'o Pclà inth he8r.ane .F. concession, bot e- -ï mxAL iLD a nFec' ofd iner an- - .us 6 auiui bsmsT res ako otHpp a iidPr to acisqu il ont accordi g te Ils 26th c a>' et Oieosul. gilatsbovesieSolitybahcPoIHpaskuitiyetssorantelngJ.B- girls and a boysN were kn Lihletaion thA 1)cvs Jlsileiry sto n .del:,ýîl J o h n s n F o k , ' n p e R i v e r , v i l e n t u r n iu f r e i on v , v i e r e . r. O'Don van thliugbt thimalter Ta Pwc a-Sevsnai pasnsastle Ir dianearancstaaling stock, mrter- iring bce a ssi aVcaSctra -Ei sbther spans icntbreaick t Id b. lo'ft inthe hantaet fi éti vers nobleS cof mena>'_And vataisein ing selraxnd e geanésita ra i c ar- seené lie id 'beanu idiinging. ratier IfeTic ifBnsk Hm saler. thle Montreal skating inkaI lie ne. ed. - rsel>', and vas muni'ng bis teazu vian buidinonped >' Mathe gsrl'no BAnkr r cnurs. B Cambail, aîqd Han. cepliosi ta Conrtna>' anS- Henlan on' Gon. Sionidanro or etisIGs xu. i moueut. vs of>'tneyeSrb>'ntisaThbinosuner. exQ 51t LRG li oneuligs re. iinsu Arth enas pllo btoi l bS.iberd ;lg tei. u o ~ vmaai...Indiana have loft h.e heuds, helr & Ce., of Montreal have falled * Lia?. merchangboha- tbir stockas ucred 11 il plat e S l4e. radbeWe i b. FrSa>'Nogvi. . GvRXrT-t e gny nd h Tlu=athil's ities eFtatela aa =e on lihic buiettldIngs vereti. At ek --à aiot h al a t o o45 -M a i - - . - - el ot c s bd a tlnaa 1-- e à 4 r s s i r l - t ec avt os u s a s s r a l a s e s b i a c f h e u l i ' . U ' 5 Y ? M & Uë7k u l y 1 & d M 1 e v e r s a s u u e u p e c n g p u& i A ü 4ýq t u e L o n - a ifoen mnoaitiùf b - -- - ikrunsw.ereiierglà City 5 dai 0.s ,175doStc a~~ ditstitue,.,,' Omo.d caes here ismuch gloom .uhrGuew a beavy lfa)! lue'o ry book, QuébanSec tlsendsM onet lie city. Many faifies are lu dis- lies, i l oequeuoeofîh rasn- tl Fs~ Mpos.WJII 1, arveiAddress of the Roman CatheaHier- uMieeva 'ME yant, theIlatterre-' trqo.o ou. aleseL I. fuillira as sà , Arnoid, Draper and othmrs, somplain my~~ u~* P&M Mi yDev r sal od or tLbnn 7ae o coiv. egnorally &tilbued4 tothe rescurces zeoo lug ef,>-Bl'.s gaugbtorboue ibthevla:-MesM,. O'emior, BergilsRue- ad 6putid; 4newce ; no>d8gt, b oins lockea n b ,hafl, -ana sde- la sýorti end of Centre saeâk Ths e ti- UPLY OP lusxa m xLNoy. * boa ainS CÃ"UgbIL .lu manwtea- Sr Re nu rIshaow the contluueda ard.; bentures cf výro*à hisSe fthltweson la l ien LitaloI sTh a ugiter The folli lea. cop o hsa-oh aiSOald tsc. seat vacat. inlu e ssver, lu New Oleans. u sthsreadily convoitible. 'The , Besaya i n I o ~d > i s g , p o u a v e b e a o m o u s d a r a s , p r o l e t e a n i D u ff e i n b y 0 4 i l u b l a v e or ' à n 2 0iS d a S l D a n i l v n e b r f l i e Ç l u r e n t l e a h m a s l o a g. an24 0agti hatoffnajn mdSupgo! tise Aà reislop and biehopi of thie iOiumbis and dce REÃiwrS Island soimefamilles 1s prostrated', sKiS liese disaster, Jbt . ushnan sus, Il- o,1 beast 1basmoneauulowiS . eeumille eeelaIstlcprovince of On"aro;_- bavê e ot ehango lise.obaraoter of lu affiuou cirossnstances fnd a ffcuty baid boa foroshadoved by issumneabla es inu na)&boutgaIlS; buildng nSd ba ro. 2VoBlie HeAî Boofi. trl of :0p1 s il scnlcoinjila, use. ewsn curenceo, aud it f. bardly hikIy le 9-. main 0berednig lteie umen,no.r. K d d ..,- cours., tie Il.Jobn O'Cqounonthie OGeolSine plantation sud Armne r do-more lias bring dovn lie -come i~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~wl bnieare nblemeadar Bio lssts 5. 1, -~ h taln in a seev Caiot re. Placo, a distance of about' five miles, cial firme iyolved in billylransaaoiono, O tëu5 bbe o dagonmu OtsebIull agg e aontga jie ency in-SheProv. thens vire fitteen-isases anS ets vlihsnoverwvled he4 bbank . 's o! y O<titioers res4dlnglu ogu Bethe*ncjtheanîgubanhrsd The fover,. la prlncipa lyconfludtTeS Tilegapis esah mGs o. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a u'glebodadofnlyrt iapr e i BornsCatiolie Arcbblsiop influence of bis>ipMt scimtho *i n.-gow state tecauseofdiealare of Glas la sens g 8- &lng tie t n i btand bishopaof theIcs oclealtlcal Prov. 88£61Y eVoeïl iShensafler, by-bis At Port. HudsonIlion.ansrc 14 ocassCt fGaovBn r eotSl n part of tie, tev. - lne fe Toonto, an nt perm itb you n iadors a! a y plity liaI M ay contre O f o!fever. -- - i ofaise o m B ak ar c e rliii t on Yonk Petlhloereor thy on. muai regretteS Soparturo froa ns viti. lb. Gevornot.Oi y Ilîrea out of Tid'evor ls aballug ab Canton, -but amon fsx ilinpnd efUr 0. abls b(dy, blaIttIe;unand occp tien ont aux glvimag, expression t th le ilgi thi ton gutleman v s aine S r padn iog leaulyiMeuntcfEa mlulion pmencsuluve nu of lie aid buildings, lu tie way thé Lppeit'onlu vbieh w- vo haiS our uev - tePalaâme4leârY lite,'tisee Tiers vere, 26 deatis xn,-Mempiaaebien unible to eetst hei n have bean liseitbas- boas casSemned>, zcellenoy, set ouI>' asthe representa.Meur Dl anessd -Ceughil.- sud 22 outaide. Tiare ara 97 uev gaemots, Muai oympatby lafait for by fieb!ealti inspector, iaaS Ilati of!lber gr>louu majesîy 1the Quant- N Fyn Jiid -eat l inte Neva css i nfruaesaehleso9h ecao t bas bu fiieS !forinchliai. but aimas a dilingnishod nobleman, Scolie, Govirumejt, wvici hocresigned A aieoe e asiv eli. Bn u ch of lin e stock la f helSb 'sauce, U'uîlie saie sBol remains un. vbo bas reSacheS boueur on Ise native te rus for lie- oo-aMons lu 1872, sînce Ah Tiuoenle leve l p eang adssugntmnvi lvorlra O eited ouit- à on tii Irish race. v!11011lime bhoih sut for hie présent rsp-alîy;27 o ae;n ele uamdnt ciaa n o ~.î Yer~xeleuq,' spenidadmni. oùsltunc. ~ Agln, e ver.0t ackson 57 cases te data; tie Eud theanselves neduced frein ci'rc'uan your iaerbebody viii o e sood t-rative abilill,o, yurndn ge g lýbc eko u oces a foremost plac5e lever luareeaing slowly. - tacsc omfort tua absoînte povet enter lie rmeai of Lhe gsa SbedSlgabienlng fovards ail ber Majesty's sub- eogatnSaj saesobvsug Ah Bey St. Louis, 12 uev cases,"S-8» yte a ppar anS aouvsslant distance .eo90141 urmunificent anS tmue mIihbaen a mOeahe0 '!the Goveromceutotdats.even indreslansd fxfty pnoscm- ifrona y Svllig bougeiaand t tek caiop teitz. 'yôUr ie oe fIarNvBunwc one ta ConteSera. -poaS >le Esnk h anils brnche a ciSnob aunes s vl!loIS tte-cabat.. guege, w ich, bouches th. haut cborda lion, and Speak o f lie Houge cf A Sasphomer Punished. À ea c âblte failur'e. -bliy - It -s 1run .raan otthca <>le slarebolders of lie iankrupt City mun1 obs usnc0£ooeeii Inedo! usaiSis kand sveyad oat Cmac&u n.Mentian s a n exp te Thens - -- A Hcald's oilethe'e: 'ie ilaility o0." - Pananamenlarisu, suS euescfale Tbeat preresuttlievhuIrishs of,_cfGlasgow Bank -iW unlianited, sud spokNOaUpoleamd lolies stbetrpsnaivIleuC tioeslat bas tic foiloviag extraondinsry story: îssvy aile area sonlly expected. Au' tte promoe.tii veitane o e Ir ish evereset lu inte Dominion Législature. -Allicugi ve 6snnos vouai for tué8ess eet cf £150 le £200 for tIvany .i Fis cIcmîîea olv. poie aevnfryn xels Mesens. McGroov9 asdBy&u arcO.hli uli cftuis -rémankable visitation of seec'£0 elrbbe Ll si a "t ie tomtal aoun lel11 asa.univorsal admiration anS esteem. lu gentlemuen of-esIa4labed raputation in Divine diapleasure, yet ve have lie mateS Liai over 60 per ocent. o! tii mel r st e tl urstb'li fte ases- fi nynhave adSeS lustre tlotie ilg ubi ie. Col. - ergcn enteraS Par. autiorit>' o! a number eft hase via echoiters ean raspn nt. Severel lias b e T as' t rn e ?yth am o ffr ic n h y u h ave a .orn ed l e b o tin 1872 tr h e pres at se t, ab ou la k o v w h at lic 7 tell, an S v ie bu l dr s a c pai S coeffnenteu visie on uCedb býou rty uof by 18 '12 able exoise et tise duties w h tébt vas deteehed ià 1874. Hoenejoyes asecm te ho fully satisficd vithIilt iatilder, a sianehoider, hainxg tismies- itie td outl Inud -ie b of#r8, ai1 GovernorGeneral cf se important a réputation for ability - sud enengy, anS liey hava aateS te us. A farmer me- etaal is emîfloyee on learniug liaI Thate otl ctst-ýlu or ralcoicu>' asCanada la celleS un ute fui a s eue8 cf Olic md#t popular membene siting lu tic Tcwusiip fPael, vas îu bath hli eu esunder. At Ivr as poýà onal propent>' fer 878, acoord. fil. ,Wlfflb hst - xce letc li te Hougs lu thÃsotifilaet.v - ' yi h gptng i fhslis h gtofh'Bak aIneôt - n eli sseuisment rmcli,sfinally tfim tribule o0pras iha ise teun to o nt a1eiaetheveyIulucy0l ti gtong lu hetestcsntcficBkia nt resvîm9eS> s flleva: pre s r pdmrats iion h oae rendltogal iar s Inl en atismyh ri uigtsbret uacutreceived rent1stop payanent xUntil expas au amirtin e le omaîypred ! hm ~prsetaives, vieotoftue tumarous rain-fale; sud -ic e£15,000 bia, beou withdravn by Sa- North Ward ................. 875,130virtue;sudanSgracaful Siguity euS lie aertainly muet ta k eleaSigpositions maetten preyed se muai upen bis mmnd positons. - At nuotier place tie peel. iCentre !WerS .............. 848,650 kinS, good bhart of bis Counlasu et lu tié managementl cf publia affaire, liaI ho vas ready te ourse syhing master vitiheit a lalegram, ortcriug SentiWarS.........147106 Duffezil, wv i asse muci sstSyaSvmay ere sÉ8sfleStiat tha in- att averytiing ln is trouble. Y'tving tic cl is f liedlocat brand cwti Non.reidnt ..............i.... 80900 lu - the sucesful prfrance of thi.tsae t Ihir ee il! he vWal ousat all bis grain bol oue S, abt,'utlistins a ihrv --- Suties o! s good Governom.Gaueral. -guanded by thom ituring lie exiatlice only wailed fcr a short spcll o! sut.n mpst. It is statet tibat certain $874,756 Yenr Exaeilsnoy vii ssure Her of tie nevi>' c1eotêa Panliimenl. - hino ha finish altogaîher. Tice ppon. ex-directors, ex-officiais, viti ticir ne- Tiatt hpý exemuptions as folqevs Most Gracions Msjesty the Queen of M.PATNs .IuDit>' duly arriveS, as halie ougit, aud latives aud tieuts, arc indebted te tic, Ladies'pÇolioe..... 20J00 our Clisian ieyait, suMtahet.u C lAXT.-Mr. YT e THE TowN iî I eplih atndlehebnn d £.0.3 tmi Clergy.f.. ....150 22500Catioliapeople, tovards ber pensetunS LR--r hmas Paxton, lie fielS, viti a ray cf sunoieî teaitbe hp rulin e ret r eti .........Tinoneand su LiI voshiie resta arcM. ceP.rD.lraison tethogh uyihend ertlt h feî ret l 1 . P . SM.Hutniiliouu i iiendiata i seriausi>' affecteS, but thons is no rosi l~eaingliesuz o! 15,256 piesure lu gi igamos enliant>' vol, o1kouTv Cak fWib thougil o! is hanvesting triais heing p allie yet. For- several years li Lot. ou vhilcite ivy lie taxes ce ie on t ornoble sicasr u heveeamoaget the excursionisîs trom at ah st euding. But, sad te relate, lie SufntllcrleleGagvBt bic ecicol taxes fon lie prasent year. Prinooss Ceusent. Yeur Exceileuay, Wiby ho Midian 1, dscribet lu lait immédiate dovutal ef s heavy shover bas lest cousidenad unsound. Tic That thlisesîintel expendilura, ve are sure, yl hear viliyou s kitS. vaek's CBEoNicLS4 Mr. Paxtot, *as ef nain Siejielledis nieing hopes anS se securities upen viicic lia institution oilerlitai for scîcol purpes, ta ha 17 remembrance cf your sojounuiluthose ie mev uI lmn ueS net be 112- anragea lîîm lat haswomc Ibis terrible leuntnioney wera inaredibîy nlsky. provitet for la : - anada, anS vion occasion msy re. format, le a génie&, convvesable coin. osîL- l:D"y God, if I baS you Sevu Thcy incluSe some u euSnin tiaer CeunI>' rate .............. ...8 1147.50 iuimaycu viii use yonr povorful su. paillon, aud a grasletry-ler.Il.Hais liens I vouid cul yen lxxpiece ith tlis veal o! Aincicaaundi utaaïo Notesunoter discounutO. B ... 000o.00 ilucce ou behaîf of a mcdeofetgeveru. fnau o! auecScteq adventurcus inl. sythha1" Suai a terrible malédiction caIlle lu South America, raixig lis Deblenînres euS mt ... $7750-00 meut wviol bas succeeded inlusscuriug ig excursions asd fe sceuntere vitli for mat te nîter recaivet a check, Pampas, on pig iron sud shee t alle Legs palS ou accounh 6672-00 1084.00 te ne ail lie bieseingu cf liberty' vithîu assdvl u4as ia enr iiiistsou hsaniga fui value et tour years age. Tic siane- Balance of salaries...........00.00 liceuse, of authint>' vîhout despoliezu rates pleasantly, aind viti au iincIt>' cf ampe hoah ho hav eaill.ît 1. Upon holdene, viti lic exception o! tic ,Cal.t Street lampe balance ......... 80,00 eud it wnung fie devotes! loyalI>ty do uo ur - th iee~uili e r>'spot on wvicailie vas standing, edonian Bath sudthie Duka of Suthier- Interest sud discountsa......80000 a pedpla composeS cf varions races anS O! lie aloi>'lurus hile laugli upon bsn. lia le ime hoe cemmiltac ed 0irretnîcv. baud, are net wsaîthy. Tiere laii e Fire sud vater .............. 200.00 profeeing SifferenL forasof religions self.-While recouliting an ativenture able au-ermor, ha bas site emainleci usual proportion et clergymen, widovs Prntnlg &e ...................00lo.00 bale!.Suai icysit>' becomes s pîsas- vili a bcar lu ienl e ts tsar Bobeay- viti a finîneals vici lhe migit sud ant epineters. Tic Caledonian Batk Relief......................... -250.ou uns ai veil neas sama& ldut>', anS le geon turing liseplovions veck, vti main cf a Sozen spaus cof herses aul hbcama prepriolome oi four shares ho. Unexpontot on mreets. ..40000 saured vithi aeiîiîy vian tise religious is inuSMn. J. Ut Campbell, ho vas lIelp. Il is nov proposeS te bmilS a canse il atvanced te e cushoer on Balance Sueé on lmner..... 50.00 eut civil rigîls cf 3a1 are eqnaîîy ne-- surrounded b>' a "ett ef adiig lie- bouge oven hlm, sud make bi as- them. Amenican Inade viii iamtiy la Incidentais.................... 200.00 spOceltasd protechet. Isuers. The Tevaj lae, wbo la cf contunhable as possible nuder is severe affacleci muai. Wiliin a tsv yeans lia We pray liaI eux goet God ma7a ralian a reliriùg disosition, vae cnovt- punisimant, but ve deuil if ho eau ha sutirs liaI ef siamebeidens liave aîseng-ý 820)281.50 hless sud proloug Youn Excsîlene ilcdoutlf et in thle mors forvard centauted if bus ceverng vas of seliS cil vicreas formamy i>' niamrchants a -lita, Ihat balie i i cloixyer n~ exaursiotiets, hovie reig ouasfieto- golS, andt is victuals cf lisheastthls e sno ieppters Tae Caei.$ ... .70 0Couniese anti family viiibis cicest vanS te heur al lih partieulars cf lie vomiS couit produca. Wc rmembcr Sd osenov aw ppean a single great fin. DoCa psshy........18000 giftîs,sud liai He aya' nahîs enDif figlit vit theienlss. He couit ashah rsadiug o! a somewat simmtar mark et ancial tame upoxitlia liat. Tic Siffi- lIai taxe Eosa es....6.00-aieu0 egoeuelab l tcsingls worsls, suc-ai- , Ireed," "axe,"Ithe Aimigity's power ever a yeuug onîhias ofthle bath appear le bave been Bafies o sc).......000 se viii snob benefiieul anS ha'ppy ne- "lgrovliitg.""u, "u, fixeS, girl, wlîo baS revuleS Hlm viti a lione iero.'hiteycrmiiîee Fis t(Bayo) ...........000o suit e as hve cianactemisesi ycnr en- "huoci" "truggie,~' vhich iedatouI>' rible cati, lu punisimnut 'cf viici lier vitieut a crash, tins relieving tha greatli 2d e u oo 852568104.8 0ligliton uleinlutuis countr>', lie efeot et cxciliný is imagination as arm vas plaoed lu tic shape et a iler.prOpniçà ors frenubing caliet ou asp 20 on85225.81705.12We bave tic houer le reniait, viîî ho thie droadful cli countar, anS lie 8 1 thug te reinlu ui c li er Scali. îctiimi . ti singeicîdens. Legs losses &c..548.62 k rofound respect, Yenr Exeeleucy's usrcow escepe eft hle legisîstor. Thé Tisse assurances et lis unwilliugnoesfi 1650li50 evote e lva-vis crs anS sincre cenclusion of thc- tory Ircugit tic of our Lord ho le jesea tiih proves te M --820281.50 fin, train te lie sDoxt atation, wvien lice'lis ilîw circunispecîl>' ve îlioubd gev- AOTIIER PLOT AOAIN5T tuL E n Tial licé amont requiredtehomeet JH OEP YC, crowd ruelied le Ith8cpiatferin t e Bcaecruour wa3 scanSactionswvile trnaS-OF TUE GERMAN EMPEcSoUt.-Grman axpne o he HgisutPuHNo - JAOS bEHopoY Tarn, e se e esigihes. TileTown Clerk Iuuk îng thesîouussômc pahix oS lita. As nawapapeare ,r tiiz.rsasinLy a vospihie exctiools ftcpathé yehandi P507.2l JHN ALSHliso Troto teoppertnii>ty faying, "Mn. Pax. yeUni, se shah yen suifer; atd if waak ncw plot againet tliclite of William.'- Schee l u h péetadiin ta8l.2 J BNiASH, e Lnu ton, I diS net hear"sthat l teny ;*dia udening insu conudla uI cheol hi- l i nl ate etme el choya, requins au aquai ratea cf 7 mille ON .JAOyen hili the bear 14"Y, self te centre! alh hie passions, iow sciraerS at vielle r te E tt sh tn tic dollar, ou al lisheateabie pro-. JON F isiO e Snsps Yss, saisi Mn. P., 1"vs kille hllmn. muai happier would hbelhe.senaprtsvehr iEm rr lent>' ~ ~ ~ ~ Biho luoefv iu e eain .A aneS - He gel jute a brei*, Campbel l ireS ~usuali>' teck exercise on fot on lu a t ad ttpart o! tue Township et Whiilt- TE -tNChRNN cbear vas lumhllug tovu att gel FATAL RACsINo ACCIDENT AL MON.acsnin ganS dietoum lie velynt. , i byUniedte he ow fo zshol pr- P7rTE RFRACISCRNNO, acglsh in tiecarocte %y tic tai!" TIxIALA sad t cident. n imn via direton e sai'vet. t te le lvu fr -chee pu. -Bîshop e! Hamilton. f"B>' Lie Lail t I di 1 know liaI bears aS on Ilîn Bine Bonnet course, on Sat- iebtIavofreliIspceb t poe.JOHIN O'BIIIEN, isc taia," tnanee& icsflorilark uin>biset, esuling u tuteaioc Con oilvnt imb ,commitîcaeefthlicBishop cf Kingston' nsnesurpris. iegaea aa u wbîle, Mt. Hannain u inte echsir. tt50Mn. H. Muncoîl, cf Otawa, tic gentle- onHegeame, 200 svsrtnuS.ade- Mn. Hà mper oxpleinad lis reason REPLY. s"Thîey don'l gomarIlyt" -saia Mn. man rider et "Squire." Mm. Murcot rebis visitter O bing cre si te réduction oethle Assessem's ela y Y rGac ,drpLr.P. ;the>' bilee t Iff awienbey are vas iding "Squire" l in th ne e-mile rpeeneiaete.Onbb urir j Io CeunI' o! Bevision sud lie County ycung, anti bury the tehopraveul acci- race, andSlah about 8:80 p. n.vas aqdesinet ichgava slanirom, ane nilga, liaS lest se great vas ou sa- I eau asuersyen il leviti feelings dents et this kitS w b su ainbing trees. nanS eaithtint ha vas fronu Htnover. oun o te Spromîlc l vlue cf cf lis ver>' teepesl satisfaction liatI IThim ons vas a scni1 et wanderer biho; jumpn vrle es uiIevs IeAmng ochier pamphlets in il bging, eln ofrtpenîyéprnéuiin asn !aheieieleacrs vl iaisdlchh i cd hins!. Hions. sînihieti and folu, thrinig lie sevemal on socialien werc toun. There iste Dunkin Ad tHog h aissmrof tey e ae thoueadrone. i an vil asd tkven te os in lee esîas unfortunate«gentlemntelatlisgroutd, vasteoproof liat lie medilhet inijur>'un 1eDnknAc.Heas'dore e e ava ue e.Ia el a rvnou rm hers sabncaking is arn, il le supposeS. te thei prr n i a eesd )nIer is protesi against lie systezu et ia hitrougieul Canadaahier. rogue elephiîslaonaetines Ariven "Galatesa" vas alose behlinti, oming cEpeoudh varlas. -tapia c cn uclaseu ofrcp doesnet criaIstancore paîniohie bcd>', freinthe bsrdiaS s e t h is bail ýomi taxas. Tihv.snt>'.hvo thousand euleancre Saveted tlte i mlreets cf lie gnev. 1I batle cinmý np tihal Inca sud siong ii ui! ethe p sant L asuant uRuoRTCs.- rae Ive hundred oSlarsMwasCet AU the ex-Ticnet ara muinS olas eeto illi e-country, on mors attaccied o hoie uni- amputase lic extrc4iis>' iti a ainiaffect beiu8 g liaIbis beand vas falh i>'sns tins cases avamitng juinent b>'Se' ýmplioum; te lhis ahoula, chasdSed lie pire et Great Brilsin, tian tiat gresaîaxa- I cariet, sud so!Jeth le caressa tail arissîs. fRe receivet cîher anS se. thc Suprene Ceunt. Txepe- cases vili! Iuches, wviiaiare inover iente on eclegaelicamnunit>' oven vhioli te cgrenS. IL véigiad wien rose. vers injuries, lut lie tone mentioed probsil> le Se disposeS cf a h Le Doxt W, lie asaecismaut rail ah ail, vilci voUdtyen preside as its spiritual pastors, sud cd, neariy five liuudi adpeunde." vas fatal enongi. Ho v as aI once sessifon liahéStinGm al. von cases Fa nash thie totlamount of exemptions I rajeica te think 'tiat nier your saS- AnS inng b>'th 1i4lu' excainst retmoved ho tis boîsi, anS lie services biava becu eîeret for is'ang, linocfC csnrly on'ualnudred thoniand dollars. vice att guidance 1h shouit be se read', thic Town Cienh, ag in, astenishiment et Dr. Hingaton procureS ; but innan tien otan>' public lulors, excspting lc consitered LiaI nov, clergymen on, elloocasians I have tonS ut salae ae.depictet on bis colinhline. aiS vas cfto avail, and lie expireS n lu tb3 case of O'Brmien vs. IlieQueep. era vel paiS aud quite able te pa>' hncvlotga lia justice anS benignit>' o! "Hung b he iclu nitil I perfermed iutIle over hait-au-boum. Mn. Muircoîl Guhet Justice Richards viii nt e reuru hoir mliii. cf lis taxtes. Thi Ladmes' Han Maiasly's nuls lu Csnada. Tiat lie operahion,"' replild Mr. P., viti vas but thinl>'-foun yeas et age, anti te Ottawa until Ms>' nexl. - n obeglie counteS sd hould bean is persenageo lu youn exaltaS position gréât Conplaisace. AnSthbat'a lia hleaves a wifs ansi once chulate ho on ----- -Ci Loismée et taxes, ton tionghitil as au ebonit addras me paîsenailly lu suai xienofth tic ory. osASUY. OM-MeinAa oui .................0 10-02 dl................'. 0 w 8[00m ... ................... 010 012 'My Voco-G4ryuL AND Cco- TING-3'i toogsknowledge of the, IsllIesbwich poveru tbe operetions igestion and nutrition, ana by a careful cetion cf Ihe fine propérties cif weU.ý eted cocos, 1r. Epps -bas previdei aur &faut tables '4th sdelicetey SlavoureS rage which may laye us many bev Ira' bis, Il lebythe jediciaus use cf articles of dieftiaîa constitution may radually buftup until s4rang enoughl Uist avey teudenay 1 d*Bease. Hum- cfo sutemaladies sareflosting arauil BaSy te attact wherever ters la a wesk ýtWC-May escpe, many -e fatal aef t keeping ourselves Weil fortifieS viti ,blood and a prapenlyniininhedirame.» il Service- Gazette.-SlS ouly lin sts labeilea - "3A1nzs Br"a &Co., ëd 81 in otls$ ; PWUa, 25 conts bx od by all nmpdIoine derniers. Dr. Fowleas Extracf of. WIid straw- SThis rep atian stands pserlesM aa ree = r umer 0ominpa1nts. Have t M ojIt1lipaiù y. *Meacht - Wa cur0 o te StrU. re, oin ona sam voyage? berrY linyour haversck for useilie.gfck. neos, Vomlà tlng, asnd Otberi ='«tatilns of ^tie stonmsch airS bovels; Sit Wifl vuitiely cure YU." Eivery one speaka hlguly off 1$. "I haenu hesltanoy 1n, scommen&xu, Dr. .Fcwles Exirc$f 0 iaftrawher, '-G. W. EAP.L, t shrns,"wu4av any one isuffeinig-from sutumer complainu to give Dr.'PowIWrs Ezt*cg cf W17d Sf rata. berry a fair trlsL,-C,&axAz M, Gout,-n,M.< 1) Cestieton. 4«Dr .lloelera -B & ' - W~Zc Stcwbervgvesprfesatisfaction. -Tioxà s Doue.a, Csmbxaky. î"Oanrecom- mend Dr. Fouler 2EoeraeCt 0f WiM s&acie be r with cc; denOe."ý-jo«oa S. S. Prax, Kidn 'fcustomers bear igh ts! mcony to the virtues of Dr.Powlsr's Btrct ef Wild Sirawvbkrrmy."-T. Biravzasox, Orangeville Milburn, ]3entley & Pearson, Proprietors, Toronto. The People Watt Proof. There is no medicine, prescrbedl by pliysioians, or sold by Druggist, thet- carries such evidence of its-suocess'and superior virtue es. Eosaom's GiuN- - SYRTIP for. severa Cooghs, Colde, uettled on the brest, Conaumnption, or any discase of the Tbront and Lungs.A proof of that facirjes liat any person afflioted -, eau get a Semple Bottle for 10 conte aud try its superior effeot lie. fore buy'mg lhe regular size at 75 conte. It hasnIately isen introduced in this country froro Gefmany,-and ita won- derful cures are, âstonixng everyone tIial use il. -Tires doses will relleve any case. Try it. Seld by S. W. B. Smith & o., Whitby. This in. ta Ccrtify tiat my wifc, havln been trouble fora e Ingthof-time talIl asthme anS genersi nerycous debiilty, anS heving been treated by medicel men and useS Maxnypreparationna~naflltieS a e t tis cfÃŽ Vicora apophospbltes, and reallred- the most itunediete andS permnanent benefit she ever qct fromn anY Previces méedicine.- 15he feit bite a e cwperscu. î Acaci, Niorfolk Co. yours truly. As caloric, electricity and phosphor. Ous are ioduced sud supplied by Fel. lows- Compound Syrup of Hypopios. plûtes, it only requires lhe adinistre, tion of Ibis succesufal invention to fortify the feeble, give uprightbess aud motion to Ihe torpid, sund brini about a condlition whili not only seonres tena- diousness Of hife iiUT KA"os LIF REALY A StubbornFact. Dr. Fowler'i Extract of Wild Streïwberry n, without e doubt, the selét ansd mniot re- able remcdy in existence, for diarrboe, ysentlry, choiera morbus, saur stomech, casikues, euS ai summer complilts. t-acta ikeae harra. It4e facte erem=erÂc. Dus-relief iustauteneous, cure sopeedy. PhYsiciaus anS ail who use it recommend I.It should be kept inx every home et tbis esut, fer use iu cases cf emergeucy. For We by ail dealiers. Milbnrn, Bantley & Pearson, Proprieters, Torento. Kik Noftices o! Birf ha, Marriages, rad Deat7s cl&atrged 50 cents ea7eý 'M AR RI E D. BEID-HOKINS...A- Whitbyon ceypt. 28ti,- at the reià Ience Of lie .a.e's fathar, by the Bey. A. T.--Fidier, faltar F. Med, of A"i~n, Ont., We enny J. Hopkins, eldest daugbter of.- A. Hopkinxs, agent (1. T. B. D FE A TH S. CRONIN.-At Whitby, on the Brd s8t., Marysune, daughter cf M. Dan. )rnin, aged 28 years. - WHITBY MARKRiS. UICxxxLE 0PxCZ, Oct. 9h. 1878. 'ur, per brl........ e00 6 00 lWheat ...........805@809 Vaxi atWh .......... 070 6085 xe..............0 73 @Sel300 asB................. 28@S8 t5n................. 6@00 @0 ey................. #7 @ - piles................. 0 @ 050 otetoes, new..........45e @ f0C 'ge ............... c10 10 ter ................. 0ý 5 eese, ................0a L412J' soSa............8880 @4 00 >01l............... 0 28 @ 8 cf, hind quarter....1 5 80 @ §0300 Be, fere quarter.... 4 50 00 rkpercw ...... ... 80 45800 ip s ..............850e eb 'i 'e p fi l bri obi 'i Tr- w, app :1 on+-the Hon. Mr. Tel &M 3b 008tié,n. Sir- johR A. 76j04- 2 4 Sharp. Lunch et TERMI AUl sumo ste8 liaI amnoucl 12 m b>' furulsingp] est chargeS frex whein ue. ie Octeber 7111, 187 -immense aixiunt sale nmuni pouii ochock; a. m- Sb .T ANDA Thc Membes Whitby sut Pial attend It4exinni October 181h 187& 42) h[IN -To Renew Lo,, to, Pay De, Imipr -JL to amkc dva -Of reaeste afor P Baatsel -finterest, Par cent. accordxig Whet tille la ssa ho camphetet andS m Dape., tW' WANTED Ti - onvayances car Office Bigslow's] 42) A UCTION SALI 50 I{Igk.-bred Gotswolds, 'k 3 CANADA WEST F BOW PARK, NI THURSDAY, 31 Taiuaas-Nst Cas Ivolve moulis, vIiti rate cf Bseeprcen plicstion te M. <ec the lic ssciatoxi, To Bow Park, Branion Whitby, Oct. 91 '78. Notice isa hereugivE -VOTERS' B>' Ris Renom, lie Coýurt cf lie Ceunty, 118Halu rsvIlef fBi Il D'aloek a. ma. .h,b noeeraicomplaite Of lu ths Votera' List a thec.Tewnship ef pi 1878. AS persans h Court anrc rquiid- liMeed5lace. -IBCTC DateS tls 4lb Cleni - NOT -ASLL NOTES DJ J.OHN DA , mst signedxmmc5j5te>' G placet lu lia sOlicîlo lion. Misj *Brookif, Oct. 81à , '78 CA N4D1AN- Tic Canadien Ga, m au .m &J& pp 1