Whitby Chronicle, 17 Oct 1878, p. 2

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1 ana e reist ocara crroe.- 'oiefnoiS.-c. B. Cerse ldrbneatK olji.- larper for Novembri- Fiuabie farcie for sale-A. AÀ. Post 4UCTION SÂLES. ÂuioxSo ALW cf Carilagea, Biggj lmus(oa, Cuttera, Belbol0;," a.a ý'Donoyan'#C <Jariage Factory, li t-set Whilby, on batlriay, Oct. 2e M7-at oua - o'alock p. sn,-L. i bki, &uokioïeer. , .<- pod J. a o tac. ,rock latb, Far. sle of ferma stoak, impleseocte, 40., (lie ProPert> Of Mr. Joliq Prenais, on loi No. 26, Brokue front, pickdrng, od Tieuroaey, Oct. 24th, 1878.-L. Faillanhîs, AntIlonsen. Sale 0cf Througliw4erd mqiHgh Crad ilp îtlpeasecto, A&0.', tlb.pro- pet-t>'o .1it.Daniel IHoilia>', pe lot N% 0. 20, l(ine jth -con. Whitby, on WVdeieiaY, Oct, LBnd, 187.-L. Fain- - liske, Anotioneer. Sale cf Town Lots, st lHejikinsi Mueic Hall; on Tuesda>', Oct. L9ti, 18, ntt (o O'cocok p. m.-L. Puir. baîaAtolneer. Saoaif urt re, tova, &o,,oppouite (he ost îOthici, WIilby, on Saterda>', Oct- II. 187e.--L. Faitisnle, Auc- (le, Co(ewoail Slîeu pc' ' . *i oi4rty cf Peter MODOm4d&',0o11Lo-N2. B, la (las, lin Con, lPlukerlcg, on Frida>', Oct. 250jz, 1878.-L. Fainhenke, Anc tianeer. 8m610 cf Valu ableu Hanses, -Grade Cat. (, Côtewolil Sicep, Iinplouiot, Ac,, tI, proper(y cf Mr. Thîom. Lesper,, ce Lot No. 11 9 i ( h tCon. Iîtkermeg. on Tuesîla>' cet, Lth, 187à.-Thomume l7cnchtci ce toneer.- Solo cf Fîret-cmîsa l loreos, Grmade Clittle, heiicoater Sltop, ImpIe-monts, &oe,, (le protîu-sty cf Mesers. Oe. & J, dîniblet, on 1401 No. 7, B3roken Front, fiecortng, aumc Tianr;do>', Octobor 17tis, 187M1.--. a arbemile, Aucticceer. * FPiates-f)r mamIe by pnhllc anetien at I-Iîîîhano' ll u Tnasd(ay, Oct. 2Lth, 187b, lte Iîruperty cf.Mn4 e. . opkines. -I, oroueAumuioneur. ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM. Wlii(by, Thîîrsday, Oct. 17, 1878 Thte Nov MInlu(ry. o olatue cf nur roderu at a distance th, glow inistr ill viihave beun nenacun cud, Thom forcoste alrndy maie b>'s rizu>' cf uvisecoue.muorariea as-eth, iecruet guiieuastaeIiue uormposit(io ofcuthlecimow Cabirmet. TIse folloving i (tho luteet aitliectio Si' JohnîcuMadunald, Hopu. J. Il - utsu ie. Dr. Tulupar, Iloi. MIr Tllîy, floeu. Jamsîs ies cdonauld(Picet»c fuit. Jultu Oceunon, Mon. iode tcuiigovic, oeil Douiviliecof New limen 4WiClî, 1ic-o nt t(ho WVinilsor, Montroeal witli Mfr. Iiinewortli, Clos-kof tIi - lrivy Counili, wliose iialon viiîho ti swirin u the nov Miniate>'. -tir Jolii e i t8os-îly ( il no ailvance lu forci 1icgtlae calicot volillie etado unel Élie arrivail of Mn. Masson, vIsa lîmu (lthonroehïjewoverk b>' (ho Frencli liao, mcd La exp eceod prosent (o-dis>- Tho Austs-allans t Cricket. Thle mattchs et Tarocta, litwec (bui Aes(uêirieîîiiianamd Canitdiens, rocultedin i e avcr of (hum Australiens by (se vickete. Tîte Cisuadians ouI>' ecoreil .54 rcii thsa aoctouud inuiiugs'. S. Riky;9<ýVi itb>; top poil (bu sciai- on (hum (anadidu (sain, get(ieg g i ibotb inuings. ty-two tige Ausýtraliens sgoureil 810 villu mtino violets deve, ageit 01 for the -Motiltoî (e. Bannertmes score wam 12,ifioh',45, n il îesans 1-2. llUlteo ANI) CATL.-Attontitîn is coul. ed te tlie grent sale of lherses,. cettle »., lriedto iii (ho cîhe)cl,r tE o talie jacont e tolartn of Mr,. Pter lie vîîblot No. 1, 3rd concess0ion q<l Picikerinîg, 1ridea' *i5tîh iet. "l3old V3tcuoî"(int justly colebratod CIldole ftallilue and Imany of hId Ptullonym~ill (lien ho put iup, togotber %vitlà ofther gCoid herses and tuere, thorougiMred aed l Ligli graeocaouic, improyed Outswold slîeep, farîieg ira. Ikuis,&.lrties atteding (his salo inay ruly on gotting bargalue as Mr,. McDormahl îuust sei: SlAL wCIuwCE.-Partioa in waut of carriages, buîggies, cutterp, 'leiglio, &o., * would do0 woll to boni, in mmid (ho date of M. ODnovan'a great' annal sale "Y onction, Ou Salurday, Oct. 26th, 1878,, et hisýe 'tOrY, htby. Thi. stock ie 0h0 large.Si and Lebst over offer.- 4 ', and uvery article will bu warranted. Evane, sheeoukor, of t>uffiee' Cicek, SAs earrosted by Chief Jry,,an ad brOught before Major Ilarj>er, Town lteqve, on Prlda', for tJiroatenlug Mr,. Wm. Burne, Town councillor. Thie ovîldouce wentto s81o01V(bal Evans, baid iliroatencuatuo.$put a 'Lulle&t (lrougli Mr-,- Burns' l1104V' The charge wgLs I ov relyj'rsed by couiplaînant, ad vesaelot off with aàOn cf PURONA:-Y. lbetVan C,'oe,, MO sOnf Dr. Citreon, collecter of Cmîtoms at lliln l'art, lias blet passcd '(ho Mat. r'onlatlon r-lxmn&tnaî Trinity Uelvoi,. sOy olloge, TroroDnto. Mr,. Caison tkuthe. lrat place su&n a e &ascobol. arsblp Do(the Valne Of two iuodrod dol. la"e, Hoi y#th etnUt lmpil cf (li, lVldtby Higli iohlol tliat lias pasqad (nluIsIto o uvrlyMetriculatîon Ealntosthli or yuuSALs-MFORlîlfartu otTerofl for sale 'ie otlier eotimus, 1,s worthy the attention of PlrobaLçi,,,. o iao la th.e xcelleit welîîiwboed faim offsrsd £,r41.by M. Inc,.j Rohman's Liv.5. Pade d Pmut,rs. -Ful dirctlois fer us eIelon ., S - Sl.mith à Co ýe, bd 'i SOUcimimeuu'S MoNT1nîr, frhascjloi la sanies cof illustralcil 'peun on "lTI Oroat set" i.' Vibchorèmembere 30 cupeuts ta pint lefore long sarne e el ilîlstroteil articles on "The NovW Scutli in hy a Sethern wri(sr. The iagaziz le wihl pnblisb mosoover durieg tIse cou (ng yeer, a aerios cIi lubtrecd as-iel, J.hy a Coufoidos-te seldien, ce! life in ti r. eelami>. Tho Seti, tir ehli ),claimns Mrs. BURNET7, case cf tisa pnini ir aI veritene for thie magazine, as alI MNi. IIltumuw,'of thes*1 Southarn Ri vici,," WvoeJleao mumber of SonilIiuesa editou-iacorps nJordacnm Norweii O iol Liver 0: I- <sce frotu ail uisegnacabie emneil au ilteste, le original batties, as ipvrte( S. W. B. Smithi ArCe. BAIRAi line Dsucr Fit<OM ElIOp.- Masera. Hatch Ar Bro. os-e nu u bc>'ru ceivieg (thi, stock cf ana lijuded iton bar iran, direct froma Europe The: 0 suppl>' mliarticlc esi andirote oeilcul c (es-y et lovesi living prica. 1- 'Thiin fls-ps-ize "Ctctenànitl' Ani "Týtaiimcb" stavûs are ci oth -ieepoctieu. - wtyvrh> AucTION eSALE ulu'VAmua4îBý.FBuuut Mca Los.-At(cntioe ia dirce dte eth, [motcion sale -cf valuable bulding lots Non>' cigibi>' sitnotud ii tubtu ove - whitb>', tta tko l'lace 2914 i-st,, a Hlopkeins' Hail. - CENTRIt Ilrumo.-Tie vni~ for a neov oleelion in Contre Huron, te il t( vaoancy causeed -.b>' (lisreiguiotion oc -Mn.iH. Hortcen lic e en issuneic. Nomni nation takeon place an tho '2ftb magt. Ilon, IB. J. Cortvnight lia ben nemni teateil y the lofor Ci(unvutien, an, wiiI content thse seat len(the Ltberai *inter. est. Mn. Samunel Pllaît, cf Goechci, liai hee choosencthle Gonscurvatiî-e canji. date. - 1IPmritS MouuAZauIN; -FOI' Rmuun 1878.-11arpor'a Magazine Y~ Nov ote ber lieautifully ceoltiu3ea e hîtifi 'rhe Numbes- cpensi(h( it a breili litiSo pepen deaui-ihlng "r e SimIen- garten" injew ov Vo-k it>', vlh exquis- itu, piétuiesi by'ý Mis renTI, of reol chlldron 1 I#ôol-d Us thstm nc tAutmnte cf Pt'ocel'a o0onderful cylitec~ As iLto eootnaaî the chiilr n cf bar. hariame uVitîh (hase of îlvir- tion, (lie Ramn ùmbet- doctainis à Yer tJteront- ieg and: miratively ilis-raed pasem by 11ENIRY W. ELLIOT. Oc "éWili 3 iaB" frcm '-Alaste (t(ohel IIANLAN'o Wîmemmmoîo-Tli IHanlan Clb leputAtive Ltliur cf the' tateciet (bat Hacîme lime von 011,965 tram luehi ysmr's rsciag, ucqeiruilas fol va .frema tho Plaîsteut -ace, 01,25o ; roc» (lis -Mors-les-maes,01,8(.5 ; Froc» BrockvilIe regatis, 1000; -froms (le 1Caso rmc, 650 ; freinBar-me negaita, £1, 0;: freci tlie Constue>' race, 06,1500. iTho club reete are adto le 41000i,1 ed cet cf thia trainieg expeases, xprnt ts-avling, Aro., liave liee pNd. Thé club tides (bel Htucln onght tc gel a hometei nev <rnmthe coUîtîr>. iRs Fisc ICàom.-Tli, bas-istables, mmnd COctumIs cf Mri. Tîxce. Potkins, lot 5, la (lie lOtis Oonocaion of IRtAchi saere d1estrcycil, on Tîlesila>'evsnin e (lis 15h iml. Aieoeg (tie coniecte venu (tlie vlîeot rap of 110 ocres nÙtn bset, 14 tofie cflia>', A qeanti>' cf vstet, harle>' And cate, 8 Pigs, vagons, machoines, tmpleMecis, 119=0s. Fartly iunrcil. Otigin cf the ire unktàown. P. t(mlotoa a Youneg lmac20 yeere cf Ageo vas irovecainle Scegq I4sk.ls Wedclady Ililiinst, ' I n ommpmny vitis Chaules- Lobar. hov4 w ek sliôeting vinho u alostuel hilck upslcig (hem; oar ierg( boat mcd drlfteoil sîcre. -~~~ BOcyEm ln lssai yV Ai at. -;A peBtiln cgidb'f2,>-io soc SIW" ff on Tusdsuad contin'pe ovt <Wedoosday.Y Therà la vey, dAsplay lu; th. difforant clauaô7 d. waathor la 40ll#btfol and (the Mis. Wazc>eN$Daucs ~'-Mr- Wbltdelg lias bvdi l44î4ao i4 wtore le WtAWOD's i le in oneecf thé cmont taoteluillLtti co~ ae 'hp winadws ci ths ara of pldio gwo la"ssizu etb '<set. lMry of 1heappao1nsîà vr ulelInet bOiyly o con (c stcle wn ce-1eaumne 'tci playlng (hem. 1AAi o the.al and iLte li ndows areadse a4k. one toke, witbouî lb eiU42 a" Ui he meàOîne- oe oes them. The, dlspeaclngi botles aà thé.firct quahlty, and uýèwe ýml Torle (bey arecoffinoe -porcelaiào label in gold letters wllh ase odgi4 blaek. Halt wssy down ( hoesstore selue theosbelvigg hi la(hoeperfUi~ euse, uize a& est ,y 5 lest. OnI ocentereLre (lirce beantifgl cliver m cases, 8 eet by 0 féét and .4 lest Ui cne' walntit teilet soap case 24 by 5 Rleueieg along tho north aidea 1ehop are two glas& cupboarla fui, display iDt patent aed propiiel ciodieines acd articles. Anot intewoitthy -feetureo f (lie atti tion» ie a large Biishe plate miq 41x7j fest, ltuisted et the lowcri cf thie ebcp. -DjirectS>' loeido the fi on the uorth aside te a jîerfiuos stanî walcut andl Oak, very beatful. MJhing tlhe dispensicg departniont spaclone laboratory, flled up Y! evor>' roqokito manl couvseience. cloeilaficiolieilwitb wlnit oend gi1igand ôc the looi, je a haie. cloth 0 tlie Ébeat qtzlity in Oak patte Takon 'altogether, WitÉlel's sorf amonget tie modeS dr'g ýt'5ieR -cf country>. ISCIIUOL BouuI.-The reguhîr Imu ing of thoe8oliool Èbard w Ian ld Wi eeeduy- eveung, 8th lest. The me bore prsentwere, Mr,. Ordiieten (<le chi)D.Oece, Messrs. Powell, Kiî Camipbell, Ferry and MeGiîlli%,rây. ' report cf to lbHiglih el lIeopci, wae reaui, wliiclî compliced cf t(lic adequate pis grouende for Il1gb Schý soholars. The work, organizatlon î cquipcmont cf theocseool, lie founilse iefaclory. Theohairznan nformedi board thAt lieb ad ord oreci the aidi, precented Lord Diufforîn, b>' (he boa ce Ihe-occasion cf bis viil bore, te illeirelîàted nt a cet cf $15. The a ceente cfOe. Cormaclk, t7.18-; Thc Bleigli, $1005 ; W. Waterbcuse, $4.1 Lindsay Post, $8, fGlobe, 418, werec dered ta bu paid. The càm'mitteo Se.hool Proporty wero instreetcd te a taIe tenders f"' th" ooming conccu sppîly cf wood and ceaI. Board a jonreed. itù, am contras iifondherts je ccc - mcd le'me tllail Yeu, yen are daisee, yen are darliege ; 21 no mott6r, I bpcak cf (lie laio-aed tireety.five cets f okes the package- 21 Anil-('h iie1gagé, yen umen ) Thsat ill-iovored, nemaneerly Young mac 2y (bat icterrupteil me, lime no gai;,lie bias Rot no twenty.five Cdet, J Saw hlm JE elimbieg over tbe -feucae, sud did not pay for bis ee(raece teothb. grcneud'g.nB Bunt (lens le P niep, pleasing Young mac besido hlm, (bot însees ;-dce't hbo wiekingit me, cir, for J ceine boeo te lîenectly ocre me>'dimes mai my dollars ; and t(le mac (bat puBlies in myi> crowd, mnd mich.hmveesencnogen- tleman. No matter. And let me tsn j. you once agpin, acd (lie>'are imisies, (bey are darhiege, andl voro b>' tle 2D foirest cf (lie fair. And once agaïn, (the bnci oeilbelteil ring-"Fi Anil go wsnt on et (lie Iighîeet pitoli cfa i rslvotce.snosscan(ly, tepeating 7, (b. gamne steg Song about lierwvese, and "tho honni andl bolteil ring (t w did (lie business," (c anm adnlrlngM orovil, scarcely pauîieg wvli passieg a jolie, te baedieg deve a package, or MI ie givicg back a sinart retori (ce(lie W young felloeaic (lie crowd, whc inter. ,jel ei iu reniarles as cie breathîcca. V hy ratthld wy-all thelielme teling le (ho laimes and the 3chare" y Awarding (ho prizes, wliere all h aniusuale and articles wero no good, mndH (ho cosnpetitioc l e iavarions classes Bo Iseen, imposoî, l ifnlu duty epon Or (ho jeir. ThefJoilowing is te luet:. HOBBSES,.1PI - Sti iILOO IO BsS.1 I3rood mars-lct 0. Lynute,- 2ci T. U2 G. Reamin, Bril J. B.'Forsytls.1 Two yoar old fily"lst T. G. Rée.'Ni ;'In 2mdO. Lycia, &i T., G. Eaaxic. 1 J. É,Fiy1 _ -,ý tb. day preylous. Tb.nýI4s&;ici ~o~ show of boises, cattle, mlsep and P!àct- j- bjs many being vex>' vlcable animis. hkThora« va wegM so1oebf p#otli .d~Thse Floral' hall, and Lîdes' dé~part. e o vistors ôowiadered aïtioes' 'lu cev*ena of, of Ptlbe classes, unpe ror - Tbedisi$ay Os f offrait aed vogtabioc vwas, oÉoy ,t for YeIy 7fine,, and cnuld cely -bc sur ý lts. paasdin an>' Icocalit>' lat hie roiee, rive Agicettial Ispimens, arr alla calenter a a d me £aire0siit trt Â,rlslafrom thé Ooeity>Tow te doo daep eorac ge and red, .ioboth e of plemaanl audfi xilahg.-b od assid 1are a rcgel rir.AU mong tIse w ayelde tbdRanug faim housseue iA the grain sudhaey, and large mricks awàtrw,, og f whsre (b. grainbus b9en»4r»eid, 4nd and the ccrnflefdsc_ steddeLl vithsatiocks,, sud th rudloadad ,vitIs largu ýy4eIýOw th (lmie rove isnoe of oomaforland 1 iow cf wblch (han naa! liabeau sowa- gh; Ioodle s ct promisin ;the dolAs aà» rel. ft~'coveri with as gaetiteîa gren ad, wi(h a favorable wla(ar, ( u ho crop is capsoted t0 o csuocogotul. b.The. bird. appear le busy floke---here ry and lbre-aed espeoitilly Ible crove ýalîer are seon collecte& la lorge nmbers, ta.witlilliir el:rna caw" 16 aw' prepar. ,or, conkeniaI l eicss. nd Broughasm presenleil a stirring ap. beor pearanco.; (licetreets vero llirceged, O f andl mine h li3eecett, sud lhe Com.' d.merciali -ait heïu lardera and (heur A bars lesledtathé(ie tinoat capacity to Wahu snply tewante of (beir nemerous Z'he On (the fair grocede (bore voie meet. bak legs cf magny odl friendi, an4 kiedly iltaîka, oeil friendly comparisons mails mciof the varions animale acd articles cf re. exhbitors, wbile (ho ycung formere Sis and thé yoneg lasses bail an oppor. (h ueityof ecjovicg a good lime gener. ally..lThe mcers cf tb. Scieety wsre jley s bés, and Mr. Arthur Jpbenstoe, the worthy and bard.workieg soretar>', qe.wasunremuitîieg ie attention ta hie du- bid. ticse, acdin anewericg thoe, many iç. 4and eaIl on h ié le mRiai itelligecet. thie Mauy lidenqeiries wete made týr tg, Mr. Gie,the mesaber for (lie Biihiig, liho who it wias kcowe, badIlébos for a. etr week prostratel by sevcre illacose and In hue preventoilfroc» beinig présent Lt 0oi 'tho fair as lie l iitenilsi. li ckerieg people always make !a l. goqd turc nt to heur township fait', tie and,' on Ibis occasion, lb. altendanos 'i'se was large, as nouai. Tliere werc, tac, air tihe crowded boothe, thie venicre cf ha gingerbread and poanutesudanlthe vep. io- dore of coatrume, warracted (oacre *la qe. cougb or ua colil, or a pain intehIs eotom ýI, acl," co' mny other ailment cf mac or or. herse. Tiiere were thie proprietore q àc "'Aunt Salles," and of thie ring boarcl$ b. and other coutrivance for wiceink n'a or loeing amalI fortunes. Acd percei il. bigli ou a wmggon, an ogling lady, *deokeil ont le the hieiglit cf fashioq, "witb rings on-'lier lingera, and geldi l 0sg bier bai,," lied oollected a largc crowcl about bier, as che held forth aifter the thc followtng fashin-tbe werds heieg takeon duwe verlaffirn: in. I'Agale oend once again, I coe rsr to (ehl yen, os andoeivery ouwitliil ie (buaoicf My voice, bere's wbmt 1V1I do for yen : A long gcld ela, mc ad a M-pair cf sarringe wore by (ho fairecl cf (e ho fair ; a gold ring, a c f purest ray, a set cf etnde oeil eleovoobto *indispensable ta a gentloman's irese lcse d -c a broocli and diaoeci pie- ter- ythefare tfi mi-tlisyare doals (eyar iarlIe-acz (ho hoccil mcd ehelteil rleg-tlîe ring thal dose tlie business, audf combines two fend hearte in cee, mcd only (wscty. L five cents (ho package. As 1 tell yen, id once agaie-(Tback yen, Sur, oe ýd package ; yen are a nice lookie' gen, (fimun ; give My love toa(lie lady.) As I toIl y ou oece agase, sacli mnd overy onecocf you, I came bore tc treat al alute to-day. Novcr a lady bere te- ~'day, acd ever>' oee withie tIse sound o5 f cîy voice, l'ru making over>' cee a Dy présentl; Ihe>'are oweed b>' thesfaireet cI f 'ho fair ; acd I' e tOtelI yod11-.9ntle. I ue, dont <rgott be ladies, ail sde. jpccially-ac li Maid-à bIg ohain, a 'pair ofcf asrings, golaT ring cf pereet of ray, set of stadle, lircoch, diaosne pic-. ttîey are daisies-(bhey are daringe- cul eow coules thse rsg-aedlthe L.Loued ccd helleil rieg-tbe ring (bal ladoese (le business, and joies two fend -COTSWOLD. Agout ramn-lut W. M. Millet-, La W. Ccvi. Shearîing ram-cILet2a sut ruIA. Joltcston. i Ramiazh-lst A. Johecton, Lcal W. M. Miller. Pain ugoeiza-lut W. M.. Miller, Led Que. Hlcleingbcthcm. Pair yearling oeves-isI W. M. Mil. ler, Lad Ocarge Hieleleglottote. Pair eve lamli-ls W. Mýocr and soc, 42ad eo. Hilgieltom.- Ageil ram-J. C. FeSSer. Slieorllcg rate-let H. H. Spencer, Lad J. WiIabn. Ram laml-s-lt H. H. Spenceer, 2ni J. Wilson. Pair agealiewe-lst H. là. Spence-, Lad J. Wilson. Pair ehcas-icg evea--let, H. H. Spen. ces-, Led J, Wlîscn. Pain ove lambls-let J. Wilson, Led H. H. Specer. Fat aie ucnyha'ed"-ict W. M. SWI!Ng*- -Ageil lea*t-let IH. ILSpeisces', Led F'.- bfuttliewa. Agel sotrL-liit Tic#. Chine. Liii W, MfajorAà sec". 5ev of '78-l@4 anà 'Led T. Wilson. Bour, cf '78-leI D. BPlateWLui0. Ridley- Pf1ULTAIY. Pai- gaecfowld-bsSJ.LBa-e>' ted J. D. Stoltei.- Pair Spscýeh Lols-lsl Niglievander Bros., Lnîl W. O. Gercv. Pair Donlig-lst a, Ld A. >'mddell. Pair partrldge cechils--lat anal Led Nighswaeder, Bras. Pair linff cochs-het sud Led Nighe. vanden Bro~ Brsalimas, higlit - lst Niglievanie- Bres. Bs-almao, Oarkl.,ll t ed dNiglis- wimundes-raul. Pain lieudmea, leandsi-let W. O. Ges-cv, Lad hto. h. Parka>'.. Pair légli*s-lset W. G. Gerov, Liii Nigisvandeý Bics. Pair Bactéma-lat J. D. Ëtotts, Led o. O. Been4lt. Terleys, poene-het Niglievandeî Ireas. i Terkeye, c4mmoe-lsI Niglîuvaader us-os. Polir geesé, large bresi-lat J. D. ltotIs, Led ls-a. J. Strmcian, Gosse, srnsll reed-lst C. Lynde, Zni W. C. Plke>'. i chicoagkeem-lt Niglievanier Bs-os., ail Jno. Wilson. Duclas, Aylesury-let Jno. Wilson, in Niglievecier, Broc, Docks,' corcuon-isi J. Sfln' Lmid rai. Scott. Selection cýffole - Nighavander Cuuary btr4i-W. Ablet. Pain PI>mqatli rocks, oztrer -W. O. BOO0TS AND VEGETAPXOES. Tveive ttrbts-lot U. Ycaeg, Loi Tvelve matgolis-lest U.ý Young, id J. Lietoi, Bs-a W. Taylor. 1 1L Carrote"-let e. »Valsuti, Lad J. li1ke>' Bsi C. Pilke' B sas ceot-l-et A. Eila mal G. ralentina, Bt-i E.J. Bus-cIa>. 1 - -B Haïsch ombbage, wIi -at']»iss- rander Bras., LediU. Yon iag, if t1.B. O beau cihubge, real-lul J. B. foegomnyf Lad E. J. IBarclay',Oral Peck oaibielit A. Billes, 1LiiiG, elihe, Bn4 W, IH. F - B J'amplicé-le3t A. 'EIîis, Led, U. .ng, Ils- 0I. CicokoanL -, Peck Sauneý-luI J. D. Stotte,( ai W. r. Pry' , A.1..E..Montgomer-y 121 l3sato-ýst, L. Youneg, Lai - Bllu, rd O. VaSpat'n. B citronso-ht G, M. Fuier. Lai J, illiy, s-et uei,. unqe se-lot D. blogie, Lad J. 123Bn ftcr-u W. E. orvta nso. Bl. J,;Pcolay, BraiS. WebLu '. â ânSd J. Lêcllsa- Fm. Taylofr, OhegrywSid1 a'JPi ýy, a-.'as j. t t7ks T. I?.- ai ;"8- J. Tvo baabsla éà 1 lack aaw-1t ,W. Dale, 2hi T~.Msiro; Tobasbelpa#whlo1t T. &J "Ten beshels oc ficas, eS e -i IEW. i W.Brwn q,i- M. pr.1> cvg case! Plongli valued 4 at- . J MaircuaD . 0F8oT.' 2&~ potnaisc&,epot uni -Pearlba> IBnuel smas.."Brs Two yearehm1#o 1sW.eelaW .2ndlJ, Dflphln, or lW Iton. I~~~~~~ J. 9ctS~Z.L s. J . s po t rl a ày l . B il a , h W s Button, jOrd F. Qeanc înitieoecît-1k8 J. Thom, Lui T. &d E, Grgham. Broodmre-lst Jal. Dvôcou, ui J. Millà,ir, Bti Jfey Brou.' E. yaar oldt fily-l# X~. Miller, Lui B.B. Viiou. yearlb glly-J. -I. Daviiuon. spflag Ifllly-J. Mjouer, - Twc yaar élit enlir. olt-j. <legg. ps aIr olt-lot J.ffery Brou., flrooi-mar-let Jsffer$'Bras.,, Lai G. Davidacun, Brai J. XA.~.l 1Two y#ar aId lily-leti 0. Garbutt, 2e4ý T. ML McAvoy, Ord W. Pilie. 'yoarltag ily-lat G. Davldisoa, hi W, P1ile, $ira Nigbawmnulei Broc. BSmlgfiUly-lst J. Giegg, Led E. Hcb vd-W. lipli. rý,ý- - _ Tw o ioSa ctira colt-J. Milae. yeaîllnstire colt--,co W. M. Miller, 2ed J,. M. Bell, 8B . BEsa.. Spriegientire colt-lut 0. Davison, Led Jefferv Broc., ' xatchui toma-lut <. Davison, 2ed -W. Major k Bam. Sp j~rime, Shailandi poles-lot W. or, Lai- B. Grahiamz. Beul fi'ýe <cala hy cublueW -prize cf Mreimm', v.foahe hagicfllatl lo"Jo. (lie Banker." CITTLE. (low, giring mille or l in tf-1sIsui hd"Jno. M. BelL Tires yomr cli heifr-Thoc. 0. me. Âvoy. Two yagrs cli leifer-lst aid Jno. M. eell, BOn Thes. McAvoy. i -Yemrlieg Heifer-let Lo2d nad, J. -.DavidBc U. Hebifor ',SI-lot 2ed ai nda J. J Davidoop. Bell os IL-J-. 1: Dmvlsca. " GAv% VAT=L., Cov, Ridlng arilleor ina caf-lat C.' Wilson, 21d Hegis Greig, 8ii J.- Miles. Three y4mr.cldhi sffr-lut H. Gnigg, 2ed J. Mille, 8Bn T. 0.- 19cAey. Two e s-old hefer-146 2di anffBn - John Harris. Ycarllag islfer-lst W.-VCowie, Laid Jas. Milles, Bid J. Hart-ta HeiLer cilf-lsd J. Mile, 2né Chas.- Lynie, 8r4 J. MUan.. Fat catle-lst ai ndi J. nesl, 8i.iE. A. Bradisaw. MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS, Arc. Peasp-Geo. Gerow. (lin--F. M. Haie>. PIov, mn>' ei-Ist E. bidon, Led Vas-an. Gacg plaw-lst D. Forayil, Led IL Vernon. tOrale drill -BR. Harve>'. Combiceil eeder cr illand Ireal. eist csier-R. S. Wilson. Iron hanros-c-W. O. Genow. jFmneing mill-D. Fossylli. I Double tureip dril-lot Joise Rus- sell, LaI R. Harve>'. ,Tereip Souffler-lat W. G. Gsrov, LoI J. D. helva>'. MHorse rake-lat R. S. Wilsan, 2ed JJ! W. Wanoh. Utebes- aggcn- lai SpoiglilArSon Led Jce. Calrer(. Spving wape-lot S. Webb, La 2jBm-gro gen-Ist 1. Ar S. Prisgle, p-Rtop-lut IB. Aà S. Pningle, Leil seps-lat P). PFoyti, Lai J. W. lover-iat mnd Lmsd D. ForsylI. Suten-S. Webb. svI"ieg lisobine-lat W. Fleming, 2us Jas. Analesoc. 4eauiitos-gai-W. FleMing Pes a luecr, extra-R. Haire>. Panel doci, etra-SLipeigli( Arson. Widw sliu-SpeigitstASon. CioIl'a màies--A. C. Brava. 23OMFîSTIC MANUFA&CTURES. -ft C. hynile, Led Nlgliaevilr T e yarda fuît clatIs, heme-made- lit Mrs. I. Palmer, Lai C. hynde. 'jl'en ymina dannel, white, bline-mmiê -0 Lynde. Pive yards llmecel, bcme-made-C. 'tee yards voolea caupot, home- mode -st C. Ly-mie, LuI lira. R. DevcrelI. Tee yardcs-mag cas-pet, cethon val-p. bot~e-mde-lot Ms-s. J. C. Pelles-, Led I.,cnton. Tee yards s-mg cas-pet, veolemi vanp, boule-nae-0. laynde. P'air blmmiet-lst C. Lynde, Laid lins. W. Cochrane. Pair harpe blanlet-IsIMs-s. C. 'Yoýng, etr., Led Mus. J. Deiphie. CÇoveulet. liglI-hsot Nigliawander Bsris., Lii Ms-s. Juvin. d(lerlet, beavy-C. hynde. 40ited quilt-lst lins. C Wilson, 2mai Mie. Pisillipe.' Picce worsult at-lat lins W. DaIs,ý Led Miss 8. V'Wllacn1. Whsite spxed-laI liss. J. Wilson, La in lsJ. St., Log cabta qalt-lot MizesE. Turnuer, Lai lins. J. Dicisson. Éee's aidlicy's eloîhicg-P. Hoyle. Shepbes-d's plaid-rs. . Doîphin. Pair voolen tckip-lst Mus. A. Miorgan, Lci W. Fleming. Pair voolon socls-lsh igre. A. Mion. gan, Lad W. Fleming. l'mir otea soca-isI lins. A, Mon- gan, Led lMr&. Plilhlipe.j Wooieb mittc-ls( lins. A lMnge. Tvo o liineyare, bomo-made--lct Mus. H. Johnason, Lai Mue J. Wilsom. Tht-es baves beai-let Mis. A. Morgan, Loi A. J. Blondin. Diil ruiP-it--C. -Lynde. Cacceil fiit-let Mis. H. Johinson, Liii- lits. R. DevenUl. Jaliy-la( lire. J. Fuller, Led lire. E. Elle. Proserve-lal ira. D. -12. Docers, Led Ms-s A. Mes-gin. Picllopeurs-lis-sr. O. Valentino, Le2d Ms-m. A gl Calep-ls( Ms. A. Ellis. Led Ms. X. Wilson. Coctew*tlcnety-lut lire. J. C. Fuller, Lad lins. R. Deverill. Bed pepper--llinsr. E. J. Bamrcla>', Lai lis .Webib. Bsesvuî-lct lins. J. Palmerîn Miss M. A. Wilson. * o Meple sagar, commeei-C. Lynie. Cpee of staffed blune, comamniel- LADIES' DEPABTMENT. » Fana>' kei(ting la vool-lut lis. - G EB. VoeFanl, 2a lilas J. ScoI. Croalpt wok-lct Mgss E. Wallacs. i0 LedlMisa B.- Tliusi Bra i MisM., t BMmrefdr>'o1aieu-lit Mase C. J. Fué,2à1 .- o- Q uabs. 1 1 e>saOam a u -FRUITS. 12 Sommer ooktag mpi.sa- l. Nlgb.vanicr Brou.,Lud i ia. Valen. tip. 12 E(tnser table applac-lst NI ghlu uvwandea Bra., Lad ,C. Nigliavauder, Bri 4i. C40. lckiqgbotton. 12 Table pple-lst Mis. D. L. Banchay', Ladp- ns. tIse. kiagbottoin By! PhIsllip Part. 12fFli co-inlg apples-lot D-. Dockeer, Lui Colfite Phiiips, gBnlD. ~ 12 Wt(a- table apples-lat Collin Phillips, 2Lotin . Linton, ad I.o. 12 wter coo mp à letm(Ms-s. Gao. Hickizgbttomtadeol-. (nov. banal, B8,d D. M Docke. Vas-ct>' cf upples, cix kinda, six cf enab-lut J. D. Sftti, 2La us.eéo. Hlckiagbcttom, BrI W. Dale. Variel>y, oflapplss, (volvo kindosuix fet à- lîV 4 C. PlIke>', Lai D. M. Diocker, 8ni Aloi. Wadielî. Larges$tsdmaiet lispa>' of apples- lut D. M. Docker, La i Ngbsaaden Brou. 6 Fali pems-let J. D. 810(1, Lad T. Haten,,Brd Gao. Valentiae. Six vicIer pears-A. J. Bîmni. Tht-se banclies grupes, hlack lstJ3. D. Stoîtg, Led D. L. Barcla>', gBilIaac Lieton. ]Peck caol appîes-Jne. Wilson. Rei barries, eîîs-a-EB. O. Barclay, higl>'rscommenee. VAJIRY FEODUCE. B8Peu tee Poundal-l of butter, lot psix 9, given b>' P. B. Hoover, Mns. J.' Strachan, Led Ms-. E. J. Barclay,, Bni Msa .Johaston.- Peat 20 poaaisbette-, let prise 85, given lcy C. W. Mmt(isews, ofPBroughiam Lurs. H. Phîke>', Led Mi,.. H. Jchnaton, Pt-i Mrs. A. Morgan. P oat (veul>' pourda <acter>' cieee, lut prtse given b y W. Caocs-ane, #15, H. Broya, Lai B. WeatIsenai. CT i etise EO .Tre Te onds bons7 la combclelt prime dvsn b>3. L. Spinle, $0, G. SmiilI, én TJ.Dougmîl, Brai C. Niglievan- ,Teu paunis efraind out soip, lit prizo ifoes, by LJ. liahonse, cf Altona, 015, M»n. A. Waiiel, Led lits. J. Palme, ýnd T. J. Deuasgll. Toaw heru, îîevy-let Jas. Dig. uy, tnLa Jàs- Nigsvmeder. Se sngi.le banec-lst an d 2dD. HABITS 0P ENGtLIBEN.-The Lon- bie toe Qîeeaas: "-Enkîigbmen are me kraie toc, iat-inaalar tz hougit, habit, id manner of life. TIse vact majo-it>' (lhin coan speoa;co lýccgebut (beir la, iwe, ail '<sel 1111e sycpatby vi(b hlieîa iopus and fears wvicliacimats (bieir dY Setlire on tieonimrnocf Enràpo. le ti teime (lie>' lsareq mers of (hieou i igibons,-llieir lai1y lire, (heur oamuse. pli ents, (leik tetereéta, and thes- poli. ch.' me. bel A FMscciEnvÂmo ISLAND BAN<K Pt Moaaom.-TI e Mccà(e u ceBan, cf si ,rice Edward, closui its bons yes. ral>' Iharlettova, and vilS tnaml tail -obblit> b wocn u. - roaseliabil- chu ss0 bWthepublie $860,)0ecp(l o to00: (tc. al etS $54 N50. fret mas Duncan & C o., th e hobacuk ua 140,P00, cf vbici lher Le securit>' for Ba] me00 Tise estata fDuncan vii -Nel ay ccl' 50 or 60 cenî i neh dollar te hou scril creditore, - caf (liabaue vil! mdcl mss b>' (lis irex 050,100 or $60,000 A hmadition te oflien r rnsinvolvedl, irongîs Dencan ' o.0'Aà las-goe setcnote f ta isank are in cirie~tr lation l ite lowes- P4>'inc. and M.me'a OD ilî 'Is aso As8on.-TIie but de" loi> f .a mn, 1 videcîSy fnot a are umlaor fr OIn appearacceý, vith lies loal A reret, vu asvabed aikieon (lie111h îse:. Mt., at the mon(h 0* -Silver Creee ' mnr Fort Put-val, OntL l'lie body>'ein ÃŽppouad 10 lîc.'e besa ite ieaatar s )Oais ments. -iseba of he ute i5atnai secret Offl vwinilar. ne haîtue t ont a great ia ambon eo cificalarea4I'e9 me nd ls lste-ecom Amn1 -k te(ea T s iuse sfls, l> rc Rusel ldd 1 L~oee trome <lre. J. asseu,2n Mr$. Vankuit. Wax iAower-j4t MrIis. ant, Led Boquttt-sýuufoverws-1semai ed Mis. E. J.Ba -ulra. S. Webb. *Gent.shie h " mcIne a lut and, 2nd W. 1 sLn." GantasvIsite aItIl ni mais--laI Misa J. Scoo, L2DflIBE. Turnar. F -nDel cisirt hs uimad-let Mise E.8ai1 LiMI- A Wilson, -Fmer'a vral elt mra.,W. Sf ep. Rer, Lad Mis ,. ijto. -Haï r t i- tMiissa H. Linton ruoa-M.~. Mongrave. Fano>'v or ebc i-st Mn.. Vanzant, 'Fan>' tble ns4-lsl ansi2id isei N. Camipbell. - Laiy'a -dress-lkt Miss E. Smithi, W i-mlssooley tady'a morela gsa-îsî Mise E. Sithl, Lad Mis ý Linten. Clmild'a dreas-lêt Mise E. Smnith, Led MrÉ. C. Wifleo eemmeciuil Mise E. Turner-. Lmdy's bonnet-lut Mns. Vondon, Loi MisCookale>'.- Speelemen cf bhn4itg-let Mrs. A.. Morgan, Led W. Fýing. PoicIIac-a ias M. Caciol. seLa pilîcw-let .ro. Vanzmel, Lai Ms-s. B. Verepe.M Xnt casioic-i Mise E.1 Terner, Led Miss M. Campbmell.' Laily's nnderclatlitng-let MissC. J. Fer-li,Led Mrs. Q. Wilson. - Wax:oblla-l1stIMrs. Vannant, Led r iil (ily-lai ttMica M. Campbll, Le M],ies E.- Terper. . Be?à vos-k-laI ;Mra. Veezant Led Mies M. Campbell.' Fere vorle-Misi J. Scott. Gect's scmrf-let Misa P. A. Vahi, Led Mrs. Vazmnt. Restic work-lsqMns.,W.'Stuoper, Led Mb.e E. J. ParIla' (Coebaskcl' T. -j' ini. Laily'a moele-lut Miss Leiget, Led Mise E. Smithi. a Lady'a bat-lot lMnfr. Vardon, Led Mn. Crovlinsst.; Tollet vcrk-ltiie E. Wae, Led - Misa J. Scott. Pair shippei,-lsî Mre. H. Wooiliuff, Led Mrs.Vazant. Crochet (ily-Mipsa E. *allace. Speoicseu if Maellicc sevteg, plaie -,cI W. Fleming, Led Miss J. Scctt. WVax Lillies-let Ms.Vanzant, Led j M, Ws J. Sott. Appliqcewcik-1st MisaM Cmp bell,Led 'm'iss C. J. ýForrer' . Cm Diepla>' cf millin . , lut prize given b>' Jnc. Wilson, MicaCecle>, Led Mrs. Vardoe, SniMn. reveret. Mottces workes iiti sill-let Mrs. Varice, Led Mise ]EL Voezan(, Bn lire. N. Young, Jr. 1 Mottees vorkcd vuith wool - lot mcd Led lire. Vardon, Oid Mrs. C. Wilson. Wall basket, extri-UXisa E. Smith. Dressel dcli,' extil--MieH. Linton. Mess vo-l, extrac-lrs. J. Russel. Buffo eas Telegmuphs Opermions.c Prom the Saskatche.Vu-Hmld, Spt. 9. Telegroplie mdvicpa <rom IlBeffaoe Cr.nhie,"' &bout mld 1 my leten Batthe. Lordm Ha>' ayLa l informe us (bat Buffalo in liera sr te-e mcd ms- ing Iliemelves b y iîureieg oerotors peceiar ta liemelvée. For cerne ilys past thie lin e stveat sil bsecsauron, and ou a mc e , le suas-ci cf (lie trouble, reachscg 3uffalo Codelie h fond seeral large 'bande bnlily eam- picyed le ia ligblyl amnsieg postimne if inbblcg clown pcîep mccl dragging (lie wirc over (bu ps-mirieon (hein berce. Thbe repairer on s-epMrieg (ho montter ta UmtIetord, aaked, have yen let me>' C nov contracte, lotely ~Oc bing tolil l'no," lie iu'plLci: Ielli tcstrauge. when I arriveailihen. ,(his eftenoon I îavanclu!bull s-eh uove a pole, pet the vlieaoceis horlarn d i tant setît.1 yard (ovaris Fort licLeci; se I lu liceglit perbapa the 1 Goveremetitbai lue cuclcîdel (c s-en a iepp le (bore, mcd imi employed (lisse beffalo to do (lie wok, to ee if tliy culd make a bet. ~ ten job (ban tlie other Goveremeel, a, contractore." 1 il Thie lse onl>' pmrt of tIse Telegraplih Une (bat te Ovex hropobleul by- heffalo, aP excepting atbs-are inte.rvals wiec the>' îi make a raid on tlie lins betveee Bol- t blefard aid thiecrosaikg cf the'Sonti et Saskatchevan. a The beffalo atilS-reelia naron iz o a 91y BeAr andI ButTale Coulibt îa or vas atangga O6UUitcpg vbsia cir a dtsei ud a' generalsutam- pede tcck -pluce for tbe bo.officc en-, trance, Élicagi thoraeeau t havi pe beau five other dç,crs open. 'Tiha Police, leanai iutievailye anveesrea to.;-iontroIlisehe rewi. Thesa sicire cf the. thsalre vbeee,Â,rah cocun-ma iiaîiericate. Théseieits converge fie a, eiarxcw vWOU, undiLt vas la (Ms vinutha -dz orsev eeup. Âsfaprtist partae lu tise ceetre plthlIe doorway aopd th e p asag e n fl e-t &W ' sl i n u r e iiablfag gse i.teescape., 1Tisé raea excitement prevaileil cttie theles. Ire. ýFit-c engines ai fixe esoapes ai. iiv'i, ai edteniamn, jctang lb pc lioe, octèe-ci 10 reassre 1h. eep, The, manage r afoe ýtise fimclalarma rue inth> Pt pufromthébeoutranceé aud dlionleil(o ilie audionce t10-rïann quiet, bat vithbceffeot ectil thé - bea- (ru liai been noarl>' clearei. The demi and injueci vere canieteil thle inform- at-y. Twc cf thse leai' vare womeu, (brebeys and thirty.(wc 'able-bedii tact,tt hotlira vas a- ýspirit cf celfah. nase mantetcd-b>' 5db <armet-s and milanr, vhis entilre résseraibotl meetings freitau. At (lice meetingý J b.d %Miapia cf -visat, liew luthi locmitty, callea"Armu2la," ,bait .pprl "A-ath, Istlwuva mamietise sali jeat-fet iatole b Im siers»O, aS the second maeeotln, 4 iiidto ha notblij moesor, les@ t4sivthe cld-"IWild gcose" vissI,aid o ver>' nunpcpnlar visent foi mMling pexpose ; andin, faot, coeco (hem vont go fàasmc1-, @&Y tIs i t wu simpl>' theoloh "Wii gose" v itI a new camc tnvented (o nsakc il ssiI. At tlie drat cf (liea meetigs J1liac sateples of tise vIssaI, ficax, 'aid irs maie from the said vheat, andiI ael cal>' cal! ( te t 1es a.yperne pressai st (lie meeting, (bat mii vho aramined lte mpreececu.olon r emeelemit and bisai beantifel. jenclose a lfett froci (tisProfeon ciof. agriculture, at thse Experimetal farma, Gusspli, an an- thority wviin Donoce wll dieputo, andJ wbichl iigo for te prove tbu cor'rect- nias cf ci>' îpresentatiocs aI (lie me- lne roferreil te, yen wiilgieatly oblige by glvicg it, wlis h iii, a pince se yeux Yoere (rnly,, OHIN BURNS. Guelph 8id Sept., 1878. DzEït Sin: Wtlireference te thc déArnantka" acd ,"Goose"Il wliea. J bsg to inforra yen (liatwv oie grave belli ier& le car experimental plots, and bave cect samplea b>' mail fer yonm inspection. Tliey vero hotli crigleatodin te i Unitedl Statues adci b"Arnmntka" lias nov taken an important place le sever al istricts oet (at contry as me excul- lent erepper mai meule,. There le a great resemblance botb le heail, and grain; but (lie "As-nanika" la liolder beavier beaded, and more chaffyt(lon vIaI ie calleil tlic "Gcoeo" or 6"Rie' wbeat ; mcd ale bas strceger straw, tlie "Goose" lu larger lun(lie iciidea berry, but eqnally flic(y tenoliaracter, have no expenienco ase yel l eirell- ing prepertieu, Ilcegh I Jtrust t(o bc able to ay sonsetng abent (hie ie ces nuit acceai report$, meactime be jas- surel (lie varieties are distinct oconigl. Youre fmi(hfclly. W. BROWN. The Ploguc le the SoucIh. The cocticueil apraofath le disease Le alarmteg. At Pote Coertvihîe, La., total cases to date 140 ; domnla, 1il; nov cases yeeterday, 18. At Psmrlingtoc 115 cases cf Lever, and at Log Town S deathe bave ocsred. At Thibadeaux 451 now cases tbu pist two Jaya. At Baton Rogne 46 new cases and 6 deatbs. At Helena, Arle, 4 new cades : 8 lemîhis duripg tbe lest 24 heurs. Yellcv lover lecrenmcing rapidhy at hoetus, and abaticg at Tangtpohoa for vont cf tuaterial. At PaoaChiristiaon lie Lever hoasaseumema-moro malignont typo. , t Vioîeburq 13 dstlàc te-dlay. At Cairo 2 'toâtlls ;83ne ces. At Hlelena, Ark,, pliysiciaes diemugreo as teo lic nature cf the epidemie ; citizens are flyieg ite evory direction. At Mleiephis 66 nov cases ; 81 deatho. At Tnsccmbio and Florencu (bu lever mas increaseil rapidi>' the pamt few days; nearl>' ail wlîo b ve talken sdci have lied. A doily (rain vil!lieo rue <rote Memiphis on (bu Momphs & Charleston litroad (o lealieve lie greal deeti(n(icn prsvailing at nearly ovor>' point. AI Coleisville Lever îe rapidl>' epreoil- ing. Tax CAsE0p CAMPIIELI, CASSELS & Go.-Thie Police Magistrale to-day gave les deciaice ce the chargea macde b>' ex.Ald. MoQuee gaical Cýmpbell, Cas- ails & Cob., bmekrupt brokers, dismias. lug (ho charge on actes (ecbinieality, but vemy candidl>' cxprcssing lis opte- in cf defendoe('a cenduct. Mn. McGee mot being sattatied wi(h (ho reunltcf fis trial, statua hhat hie is doterteinel i p robe (lie maltate (litebottote, mnd '111 evear ont acother incformation igaleet defeedants. The charge la, îat defeniants velu entrustoil by cern. ýlainant vits serip certificatea cf 800 ihares cf Merchacts' Bock stock for 1e purpose cf rciaing o Sean epon îcm, and (liaI defeedmets, te violation )fgood failli, sol said ecrip certificates 6d convonted t(le proceeds (e (hair ven use. 11ydropbobia. Otiftva, c.1.TeOfca sot-t aums *1 Cvenlr Vdlnpro, p agin, t le , 4 te t; A d l i de A u n IP ro . tor. rofescos'1 napper; Wba(tely'. ne- pisw . J. O 'Pn'an-popeM . A. Cam- htige;- the Bàl -Pii i sa cc("Ariser Sketeey')- jf '. pe-Scott, sr Water's an. k&"tmgiser; Elizbe'j5 Tho mpon, #o £ 'f "Tie ol! Crn,", aid Wbe Ëii'OeIaa l'chBou, anM.p Tise Arnerican Agrimcs-aî ÃŽ4egravel> proposes lthe question. s$0 - WIs>' sled cot pisiicimca treat -animah ,aswe M r1mou ? iWbile oine îtbý ..4ïbamil (bey ea attecdtin a iaicg 'W hoh v d î ss o f tlicin k tuil5 lieri an t O tbei, , reasÃ"na (boit jermdai,* vtb dufiut>' aucceed tanmiag apcorl- Jivlng and i I f i. ccl>' pridè vhich, prevelste (hem .em l'nesting animale. TIse>'coula -do' "0 vils ccceas, if tIse>'chose. Compens tivo meatemy io suein etise sueilcs - aclocls, aeciccmparative paihology couaibho mdded t'à, itîl. 1facl, liseq kncvledge of lise disemus of aniaa vachi hbc of great scirvice (o (ho physti tcime, as mon and anahave caverag iases ite commnon. Tise Isasficiali rosas lesth enu alev (lw hio enlorge.- rmccl cf (b. spherc cf inedical -laoer, - acccriing (c (he Agrielturiaf, woeld' be, dirsbt liphysLcianavwocia molea; ,bettes-living ; besies, tise>' oàldc.i- ceme more important to (hait- coasti- tuecies. Seceni, lis contny woali have a corps cf efficçéit 'observera, cn tlie vmiéli for infections on cotagon isqusimu moisg animaIes uqalek t istoot aid reportpon amua!animaio isemséc ci mn>' kini, visenover (ho>' rmigit lbrak out, lises pncviingu cf. )dotcent safeguara aoeilot ei apreail, and agaiaet, fillieg car cil>' mars-cI viths-iseasci meut, ci thie, iiliag aucls5for conIs->'onsumpticu. Tltri, (lie Wbeoiti cf the cuntry' Wpnld h. in- 1creuaaet once b>' (ho uavtng oetIhe lives cf mac>' animale, and aimaIcI>' b>' lie botter uniura(andicg 'acd pro. venlion of varlene merrainsanouimala- dies. Fuurlh, tmprove'mpect la lihe saitar>' unrroucilg cf licîlianimais nd mec, and à mnchbhi ghler ogne cf Ioaitliaa i ucecieu. t he Unit- ed States vetesinar>' caileges are -corn- pas-ativel>' few and lie>' are but Ihili attenesi-to.Jen(Caada, cf lots,l a s(rong ,impulse -lias licen - given te velerncar>'asrgeons tIbrenglct (he cuntry>' vhe viiisacn maire(lie prepos. eil plan unducsr>'. TIse Wan with Afghanistan. TROSFOR IDA Ie adldition te tbu trocpc ulruedy sent te tlie front lunIsda, (lie folloviag haea been'Isapatolisi -P battes-y, A W.- gode, loth bottes-y, 9tli brigade, Colonel Alfredl Lindlsay' commmcndieg'; it Iseot ter>' 415 brigade aid BraiPesiover mentoa botter>'. Col. h. E. Mesurer commalicg ; 51h cempan>' of sappera; and 82nd pionuere ;. A boîter>', Stibs-. gaie; G botter>', 4tls brigade; Sh,, 9ti aid111h batters-tea rexMadras,, and one from Bomba>',- vi(h a siege -- traie cf vhsicli Oeeral 8fr Fredenick. Pan! Haines vil le in snps-ern coe- mmm!d. Osneral' Crawford Tretter- Chameberlain, who distingulabed lilc- self lnuh -lb. 1mavr wiIhl Afgliaia, vill have charge of (lie comume (iati l te pecutiate thoe Ji>'Ies pes. Gen. Roberts la le command cf thoe- Kelseti coluienaa e Ose fcilp te tise Quetta coiurn. Oea. Stewartla pia-_ cin lecommand cf (lie reenves. A 'FoiuexaComscsxm ueO Tiuxà- Boyle, cliargei aI Ottava as cecf lise prncipals lan(the Dominion Note ceeu- lorfei(îng case lia heen comutitdfor trial allihe nazI Asimes, andi Offerts anc beiag mode t(o.- tecura tise extradition cf hie allugel accamplice Jcohn Choisis le>', vhoi8elanew leMilau~ekee. CATHOLIC AMD FOR THE SouTr.-The 5t.-VineenI de Paul Socitl>',of Lindsay', has collectei (lie sete of $210 fer (lie yelav lever suiffre n thlieSauth, and viti moal praiscwor(hy lileralit>'tihe docora have lirectel (bat tho moce>' is-to e ed for lhe relief of ail classes, vithoat rcspece ociceil. HHeTaNs.-A London, Eeg., tailan bas sent te ml(buheiMaycre cf Canada a cineelar statîag (tat"1as (lie Marquis af Lorne la about coming Ic.ycar (tiB) country, tic Mayone of thoeitifoirent haves vilI, no donlit, wish toi btale o complote onifit, willi inelgcia of ciice, sword,1" oe., and goos on to utato (liat for so mecilhe amo vii l bu ppliel. Fany e> seth(le maycns of (ho differ- onI (oves of Canada wearinig a avord. caclaul bat, lImeel coau, lee-Ireechies,- Huumz Tooiuuc-'-The Héraf8' tis Sesrble tortue mindslenh cf a- nego ho vas IstectedlLu i tprope?' inticme>' vith a promincel youiiguVirie lady, t u ile cf Jesae Roges, (les-k .ci Master of(ho Cliancer>' Ceurt of Oiaibore Coud>'. les-relalivos seisout (lue negs-c, lied Lum (e a mule, uragged h oves- (ho mouetaina, cccadatcli> ie((ing Ibeir horaussatop upen Isim, (lien burneulbis hanils off, seivered i hie mus- clam, hbgeut meut aid hm. A coalton cf lie Montrosi and Do- minion Telegrapi Cemasis apropoa- cdl. The reamit voulu! prolaîl>'bclie i etar(ieg cf a t(un cespan>'. A lineata lic stort coueectlag ecly -tis e ciot ctties, mcd ceeliolled b>' stock lasl b>' tho ebiaf nevsappra, ceudhab aplon. cidl>'aulverliis, ameut n donlillesa grcvv into te "goci Iliing.", Tho Novfonndlaad eloclions coee cff ccxi mocîli, Tic>' vilturc entro- 1>' en persoeml issues, uni there la vos- MLon'se'aBsoeir-Tlio report cf MOI- sons Blanla for Ilieyeas- showis diridenda of 6, peu cent. ana a balance carsicifan- irs-iof Op,100, aLtos- vs-itheg off mi0, 699. Tho ame lioaud cf lirectors ba bom re-eleoteil. SUOouause ATTEMJPT AT FU.evaCsou.- - Aooking ocaxiencee (ook. pluecin(lie toveshtp cf Ksppei oe yeitenlsy mos- iog, buicg (lieottcmapted me=lrder-afa- Soung mau naseci J amos Arnald, b> la buctlien Jeaac Anacli. The voulut- 4c fratricide l'le vofo hebrother on.' a rai tisaI la. vas le pau- adi siat hlm'i te hlacla. The voucisal mau liue lu-m ver>' iagerons conmiition,and is mol expec.ted.t brecoiver. lImsu Arnold vus thla macnctng sein- mari>1 s eols oitatea aI Oxendeamicmmle eOwen. Boili aatilyii a*s4-Veoaiec WHITI Spig Wheat. - Banc>',.... Poas, biack.u>'el Crn ........ Pôlateyn.w.. Cleese....-. An Honeut Medicine Free cf Charge. 0f mil medicines aivortisci(o cre ran>' sffuation cf lhe Tlirom(, Chos( or Lnngs, vo 1mev of noue vwe n e. commenil 50 bighiy as Dut. XNc's Nnw Diecovxaty for Cccsumpttoc, (caglie, Astima, Bronohitis,'HayFever, Hoarse- cccc, lickîing ile u tliioat, lesa cf voie, etc. This Medicine doue >os- itivelfl cuire, andi (stoticru eves-ything eIlim a Laleil. Ne meiine ome show - ce-halL so mac>' posiluve mand perma. n ent aunes me have m-al>' dybecu effeet- i ci b>' (hie (ici>'veaderfel remei>'. r For Asthme aid Prechilla it ila aper. <eut Spuciie, curicg Ilh. vus->'wcs-st 5cases lithse eherleel tirne possible. We B say' b>' ahimoasa give Il e (riul. Trial 60,,2 fiee. R u lan sze $1.00. e r soie 1>' S. W. B. Smiths ArCo,, Whitby. THOMAS'ý EXCELSIOR ECLEC. TRIO OIL 1 Worthc Tee TiLmes ils Wsighimt-mnGola -Fain cani ef et ay wiire il i. uesa. It le (lie cheepoat Medlicineo aver r mails. Oas dos cures comexce acre liroal. Oai bettîsliasucas-ci Puce- cuitis. Fifty cents vos-tIf lias cueelan cli standing ocugli. J(pocilivel>'cue-e catarrhinastbma and croup. Fifty cents vartb bas cueaic ina lthle back, and tho samne quant il> lame bacle cf etgbl yoorsa tanding. It cures svelleil ecl tumrnss, ri'benoîism, ceuiolgia, .con- traction cf (the muscles, stiff joints, spinal difficelties, mcd paie and sane- ceas in an>' part, ne malles rliwene it cia>' h, nor froci wbat cause il me>' anise, il alvmys dace yen gopil. Tvee. ty-five cents vostilias enui baileuse cf ahranie and bloci>d.yayehtery. One tea-specefel cures calso sin15 minutes It viii cure ny case of piles (bal it la possible te cure. Six or eight appplt. îcotions s ta ranteil (o cure an>'ce excria(ed nippSes or -icdarned bromat. For liruisea, if 'applicil cften mnd honni np, (lies-e is neyes- thee liglitest diacoien- alian cf (lie skte. Il stopas(lie pain of lins- as soon as appliol. Cures rotel feet, boila, wàrte. and ceres, oeil wironeof evor>' doseription ta tman or b iout. BEWARE 0F IMOTATIONS.-AOk fer Dr. Tiiemas' Ecleetrie 011. Se (bat thse signature of S'. N. Thomas is con(tie taenohrapper,, acd lic came cf - Northrop Ar Lym an are)blove n -hîse lottlo, a nd taen ter: Seli 1>' climedîcine dealors. Ps-tee 25 cents. NORTHROP' Ar LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Proprietors fer the Dominion.- NOTE.- EICCtriC. Selecîci oeil El- ctrized. Thit e(ecertif>' tIai ci>'wife, liavlng lae troublaI for o lsngtli of (hue iti asthma mcd gecenal ces-vous iebiiity, and hov(ng been treohel b>' meal en oand usa meypsepations, SeaU (s-lsd a lot- (le of Victoria Rhlpopliosphi(us, mani ruulizeil (lie meet immelsate acnd permanent benefit sliu evar qot front mn>'lirevious mesdlcine. She fel(hlke a new persou. Acal, Norfolk Ce. Ycura (nul>', R. G. ScIDnso. ELECTRÉCITY va SîrPEREEE As.- The alarm aomong lIhe Engliali boudess of gai stock coccerning Eiisoe'a elso-_ (rie iglil ie vel groundeil. lir. Edisoe bas psfeted hie invention ins secr-et', se (li iill supensedle gus at one- thirîl of (ho lmttsr'a coat. A cornpaey of vcaltby emîi(aisebas liee foreri, and tho neir ligbt ai*Il abertiliebclots- dneed t hoeo ubic. Paeteain (lie Unitedl States have bee gimeteil, and- pmpens viii bu despetelid (o secre patentsaobromil. The Holy Fatlier and (lie Chtncse Envo>'. Oc the 25th cf Aug7uat lia Hotin ess Pope Leo XIII. gave audience teaa ili afi bc p. Bc bc or in ri garots... ChiMra .pepl Cmrrat, prm. peurk.....pe..lb. Coe=t..a....... Wlovseeaa .. Parle' ..... . Bute ........... Om(s ........... Roai. -,o Perla........ Oeegs........ Lar>'......... Bas..... -OTG,,B a Weed a ppcatio cath bÃŽaottea aaleM beverage vhicis nc sacS articles of liE be-gnaduali>'befil toxresisi even>' test 4 is-osauebue mes. us.rosi>' o te lack k- g Oum --Civil «Se pacat - libellai - 0REE 0 Chel rr 0 ileore à> Bibl Hus, alye 1 - m od E ~ teo (es sc-l talb Souti.- ena â:1 - NDEW AJ qate of the-Tav',ii 'Of Ontario, Paumer -Or about thc Tient D. 1878, are hereis> - Pre- paid, oor a e -comber, 1878, to Go -efthlie Town of Os-t 8imen Ohi eibu1 -Sromes, sollresse lu,parula of il 01 their uccounts an - - - ux hie(if an>') 1551 Dude"jOf5s- viii e partis emsitled th( 0 t# o (lie claies Is evoleue furntase mIoe'. equis-l, and ce 0i1cf hem, cha se08orme>' put( th b>' (nh- ti o r Ith Datel, at Orilsa, t A. D., 1878. G8ce~ OBDO AUCTIQ OF BI Phtonsi SIuE IGHES ê ~, ON STIIfY CARlIIGE PAO Caveeila1 Sc,-l ]lave the lionurs- ( transmit The y 'Falhor, profiting b> 'ho oc- Syan, for publication in the Colon>' cîsion, exprosseil with clîaracte-istia ides- yourGouves-ement, t(lacelosed feankeesa the grief ho feu et (btheait- ultice s-espeotieg a prise cf £100 fer an -nation of Chinese Catbolics, and lia 50>' on Hydropheblo, its nature, ps-a- desire-to sec (beir tribulationsenee. enîjon and Inoattecci, offm-ned b>' Mr. HoecrveuIdecliliht o( hcenl<ul fo r F. Benoît Stades-il, MI. '., andl ta bappy te baveau unIes-standing rcach- eawardcd b>' (ha Royal Collage cf cd upon the base of a iplomnatie eoe- uysicioa, London. vention. The Chineso envo>' celis 1 have tlie bonouir (o le, Sir, yens-'pas-t pnemiscd (o repart tlsu desires cof ioa( ohedent servrnt, thc Sorereige Pontiff (o bis soer-igs M. E. Humais BEACH. sud te do aIll tn hlspower te affect le Office- Auiicistes-ing shah' realizetice. (lieGoverecieut cf Canada. TlIsu-followe the conditions, ainoeg , TnuuEiouscvMAocxî iucinc. uicli are (ual (ho e8saa> e>'he oChaeîît193lOof (ho Conaeliletcl Statutes et prodnctioe of (wo or mère auibors, of Octante ps-ovile (hat avera cf hresb- lus( bu lne oEnglials language, sud ieg, woeî-awieg or an>' othur me: st le divrrsiteot(buCeilugu on on chinas, cannuctcd te a lhorae-power, l> Bière let Joneory 1880. ' imes ca f a, temblieg s-ciloe linsoOf Ahaftieg, uchalamus sncbs-ad or sbaft- A Stubbom Fact. -ing 10 lie caves-si viti Woed, leab.r, Eu. ewes~sihlsmo o Wld - or mental coecri g, so s eprvu Dr.Fowers Etrat f WldStrawbr->'accidents aecuring. Tiesacmol urtier -i tisa aunt, tIse safesanse rosl s-e- ibla remeS>'Ineexistence, tonrlions-lma, provides, (bat pensons vIsa ewn sncb aeet->, ciolera cuorbae, sou- etomaslch acines,ami vin <ail ho campl>' viti a-siokunes, anlsU somamas- cmpimints. (tia conditions of tIse Act, ehaîllieO lia- sets like o oIesm. Its effecis as-a narâel ieoles fn andl impntuoemect. i-relief iusaaueoes, ces-e specl>. Jyeîimnm e ndi&Il irlieuse (t recouicaîme dtJa oume'aSoAT.-Sin John lMa-. ,It alieulI le kept le evas->' liee Mat (iadonald lias olecel l e clitfan Victoria, sec, fan use in cases oet rsgene>'. For B. 0. There viii Ibeneforo bu a aew sa b>' ail dealers. Milles-a, Bflea>&A us-sec, Proprietona, Toonto. electin lenlia-quotte. EXcRBTcumnSu' -PitIZmuWREA's.-Aie. (HumEuT INmnameTiON.-A (aletcn-'laide, Anetralia, cars-led off lbe prise sing a short legendinlePlimnicimefrve tiefiltWorli'e fai- in tractais bac bsec obtaleel <rete Baby. 1851, amidlimevan the -prisa gr Pas ibing lie fluet hithe-to liacovei'ei mio' ai nm Babylonia. It is dateil tle suvectli -NýoOURGE YINU . ar cf King Cyrus. A collection of Sio scounsmds oth 2 dIncumrs tbylonian inscritption'; cf (bu lime cf hTve o ompneLea lenwLSx i eau> luucbmadmezzar aild(liclater 13mb>'.haeetiourol p ( ofavthe Cheye<rous. iin and Porsati Kimiga ]lave bee ucauccesuu ua fleCeens Led e (o Brllat Tiuseci. Oves- soveety-tlvc wites lave bsen îledto he ritih Mt1sum- killel 1>'tise Indiena, iuciuding (vent>'- Aenriona ancieut hils-ar> lie leau fi r n hurt> white wamcc outs-agel cd Le (le rites etopalaceein Sotb iand i reei. ico. Tise vnilings araecr£li e nThe Cil>' Ceenoil c oîLdonmand (lie' .-ro cotta tellte, halL un incb h tis, h oa Sc hool Taustees mu-e et vas- iare p p ceci (o ho suc-culrecorde aceas (oe(lieammccl into chnol rate me yî uui-scgagec ihichlite>' (o lie leviui. a vriten is etcl kmîaen. M- lvn hclur su f(i AWome Boom.-A vovusbook hbas LiontsuantGousereor cf New Bs-uns- en mannfoclured aI hycce (France). viole, vas killeil yeeterday b>' fahlieg enîtuebletr prose lieiug. exçlutel and brumkicg bis ncul. slken (huem<. Thc astate cf (lie lite William* Sthl pENitLvANUIe1 TOvWe DÉsTnaczeO'Brien. of San Franoo, te valueil at F>îma.-7Particelara have oISOn' se- $9,6W000, oxclusiveocf mieùmg atocls. vci cf the destruection cf Edlanîug, 'Il je sail(lie 'Most Rer. D r. -Croke, ,b i, on (ha ëlOtiTvo ban. Aroiihobcf Oaliel, yUl succ ec Iý mcd i. t Wenatyv -bilings ve. late Biai o (oa'es Pspal Delugate 4royel. Tta10s03 40(1,000. to tis-Unitedl States saidCamda LADY DuwFFR i TO RYO oCANii BilPUS nsgIlie ithe héc f elgis mat- .-1 re rt- à n cireslaltmg Lein r,w vas ha n aTeionsyesteuda>r. mat tIsaI Ldy )nf«oo ill uW l in o Imc. it.vnatAma ..fitasav b2 'y

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