Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1878, p. 1

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er Annum, j XXIL t" 5~ - 's c or a>bout Sth APRIL. ,0R S EM ÀAN" IW, Surneél MMuter.) &eC', yl Send hie lb cis expeditlotue routa t'ô rew Tank, hao. mon Aapply tge - C. P. GILDERSLRVE, UIT PEIRRY h LINDSAY 'D TIME TABLE. Moada>', 3(11>'lIt, 1078, amaIG OtOi u ttr & 10 A"m. .45 .U 9.16e 7.Ra.uni., 5.W p.ned 7.48 ": - C.14 stallons scec Foet Times. eptpltiaîlc a > s0 cfhep .iFlCTIONFÇ, -Wlth Gnati Tounal ll mund ntmvet. h ttige for Esoomit. Uoa dntiiolti sud Wlcle. dalant i aniCantin1ton. kwcotiLle Britta , Vý- 'AfER OLDIN. MannigDiotr D LAN DS M~, DY UCTION. eeivet inIstrutnions lIS, Emq, t10 ceil b>' alleon,i ,S' HIALL, 00ME, 1878, tiftcniiaen, thp e. nI cf LoI 28, in the b.' Aileereti anti iLtvation. taIof Lot 22 tu tbe ýb. About k Acres itîllivataon. ou hie Ilg, larg. e anti rt of Lotl121, lunlise blearoi, Rat under a a. ?SALE. e lu lots-as abave, or euîe PMreel Id a de. L.FN AlBÂU, ANDI ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. It recelveti a new stok 0f L, PAPERS est dloigas anti patweno. JOING A SPECIALTY. giei oxcenteti on ho citortl MARTIN de WAB.AM, rii of Rings Tanuir>', ILOck uit>'. .i HE TORONTO Bu uiesoui o t toya là. T Office irthe Court soue 0f teRyal LYEAN ENGqLigii, LI#.DB" B'2'c&,'Tnvs, ovyasmr,c",8&o. ýS= A. G. IWoMILL4N, (Lste'Greenwood BrMpMlAu.)ý B AlRISBRATTOBIRHT, SOLIC- Biîtor, No bly c, tCou»veO*sueer. Cf. floc--Byron et, 8"oout4 0 ostelCOffice, Wkltby, Ont4tro. -RlOBlINSON Ë dcÉEIqT,'- (L.cv Dooxih onuscos.) CeunI Street, Toronto. G.YOUNG OMigTU, L L. J1., TBAR5TEIhah-ao> te Loua On'rcaOrr DminonBanko, Wbltby. Jau. 22,1870.(1. GEO. Si- JORN IIALLE?<, A TTOBNEY, Saililor anti Ccuvoyanocr. iane>' 10lenti. mogpe ibugbt anti colti. Agent for severAl Loan C's. office, aven Wlghtmun'aStore, REing Street CAR ERtON & APPELBE, B IITEIIS, Attenoiye e-Law, anti BSollitars lu Chance:>', No. 4 Toronta otcreet, Toron ta. HECTOR CAMEilIN, Q. IlySs R: t-APPELBE, TIIONAÉ HUSTON,- TOWN CLERK AND TREASUBER, TWhlthy. OMeie-Tav HaIl.Houri, from i le 1 Dolock. a. J. GIJN, D. Dit SURiGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, Byron Street, Wlnthy. Dr. W. J. IJURNOE. ovrie-Neal dean ta ccx'osscLrOllire, WRoi tence, at 1h. Rayai Halel, WhlIby. BJYRON FIELD, M1. IB. pUYSICIAN, SURGEON, &o., Duilius' Wns, MoRIlES, .ioD. ieC t. C YS HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG.,I GY e eyeo.. ., Oohava, Ontario. c Al D. - - Du. IBOGARKT, Wlxilby, Sept. MU11, 1874. 40 W.ADAMS, 1.80 t10, P. .';liogidence-Car. of IByran anti <tbent streets. c, N. V7ARtS, L. 1). Mi. oefTNETIinerIcd ou allto ttL-g latoalprinCipies of the art, ae cbeap u the cheapesl, antiAae gooti us the b tel Tetin blleath îliGolti andti Slver. Tecti ezracteti vithoulta, b>'prodnitg loal Autethtsist. Dental Icorn-lu Cew. itn'p new bloek, aven AtkimînenaDnag Store, King Street, Ouiteve. 5 JUIIN ROiIINSON91g IIAIR; DRESSING AND sHlAvING - Saloon, Brook SIt. Wblby. JOHN WOLFENDEN, ~GENT FO11 TIUE CELEBRATED h.Scottinh Geauto. At Mitrisi Works OJU&t aaWolifodoi,DBudas St.,Whlltby. C. C. SCA1LES, IRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCy ota.tstroct, Toronto. i.î WVILLIAM c(oopEn, IiLACKs3Mn'ir, - - BROUUIL4M, iiuccessor tu Thous Mitttulab,î lHersiioehstèig andi al kinde ai goîsiea&l ~voek. y.52 - j 1.O'D1ILL, AT Il i9 R L Y Clark D/vis/on Court, Tp. C/erk, 0ltnelssour lu B. 1n., LinI gende ho., 9t slCoîsîb> Ontario, /tlerlv -nl. tui, 1872. Il ois'Ji I N te9 NIVY MUSIC HALL, lIFliT'pED WiTsz ci..e y IMUSIC I'URN81EýÎWxmtiN DHESIRED. Seting Capaçity, One Thousanti. 1H10. IOPI'NS. Wiittty, lOI, 22, 1877. - ly-44 LAND SALT AND PLASTER F011 SALE, CHEAP AT LIVEIiPOOL MARKET. Lvpil -J. H. McCLELLAN. Liepo Algilit, Ainril, '78. -111-tf FA UCIERS /iESTAIRANT, ADAMS,' aLOCK, KENT STREET, LI N DSA Y, OPNti5tiltLMlomîstmm 'ii Tec'gtapme 011-.. fiaSwaye fresh. tluots *stu sreo wiii proinptittiti anaatti itoul p K ING BRITHÈS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Iupoatere, Dealere-Anti Mauflacturra0ai ai llie a i LEA THER AND FINDING8,ý Cadi pati for Hitice, BanLik. andi Leather. Leather elîsîcheti. I~'I1LT3,N MDETO 0OKDý4x On mwe biPOon u.) cllei7a4 ttntive ou"ton. WM Ã"N~JL -.PROPEIETOIL REv.ry accommodation- for uua neS ug comiortebl, &ai>be4,oomnW .aad i hko. Evr ecaa> ircin-ven te Gooti 8ta4ulng, eueicctad ,atale. tiv ocîler. . t diÂaIWRIGOUT, ONT.- P, - ýT PBoPRIBTO1L ood momMRRC1aLHTIon -t1S2BES C ô4 antid JrlareTrao I (eoceaon'o zmu xilu.î,> Theast S ia y Ronce lu lb. City, ouly tw blooke f rom the liorthern Depot, auticlose te the Market The, Rouie hac been newly Vitteti aut, andi every-thlng rrt-elaae, iyi7î XatS. WALKEY'g3 TEMPERANOE HOÙSE, DUNDAS.8TRRý3T, WHITBY. Good accommodation at reaeonable terme. Boarer 2 a 1.8 e ek TE QuRRB IIOTBL, BROP9-BT=3cT, WHITBY, TAYLOR WI McCANNq, PROPBIBTOBB, 1The undeliignetideaoire to lnform their f, eds sd th pubihat tlzey hav an tteabve bU'Jhë* hoelwhiob ,they 1àve newiy ittcd'uùp ind renotd, matput tuto the be Sâir~o h ýoiooa. lion a ueste. T,40Bc, wIhig bt . Sment bthCo%,lewe sfl ulieti with e fineet brandeif w 3 iliquori, antici. mncL-7 e Il c *-hed ooianiod otatieg %oz, ? &4 &a. Detaoiiet zooms for comm-oeual travellers.h 1 P. TAYLOR, PHUAP MOCANN. liWte fToronto. JIB. PRINGLE., PROPRIRTOR?. ,,he lisîgest sud most cemmoilious boteS lthe towvu: bas lange @ample roame for commerctal traveliers. Tabla vell nupplieti vili lie bout lu emasan. ieetbraliquore cutI' c Mar. 4ulosed y aidantieliedroona; aeutlve-oslolers. Chargeeta cuit the tes. N..-Lie.>'attachit. 27 iOBSIN E1OUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. ,the palace" Hotel ef Canada Retitteti, Refarnlsheti, lut Unrlvauleit. New Pausen. gei Elevalor, I-anlugugt antiday. Tire oui>' fb-st.claceHof cilu auad vIb grada. stetpriceu, vit .-02, 12.80, and #8 prd=. b , ncru ai Clubs andi athers, da 9in rsi ,ltbou.± board, $1 '~rta. Fcb. 271k, 1878. Propretor. THE CENTRAL HO USE, C. GIFFORD - - Propniecor. This bouse Ite boeutu Inhe Caunty. Veil anti sec IL »AERS HOTEL, 82 t 84 MrILL.ST., BOCILIISTER, N. Y. P dle reduce4teo$1.50 a Day. T fi IHolel bus redacoti ils prie telin. Traveclling Public ta $1.60 per day. Il le hanti>' te the N. Y. Central Deoa (oni>' a ew IdouosSantis),anti basrecentl>' been ce. f Ibid anti re-fumnlcbed. Open ulghl anti spelpti Cana uda peo~ple wil aave moue>' b>' gigtutleAycrs Hëtal. WILSON SX'BAGUE, Proprietor. Rechuester, N. Y. Jniy I, 187e, - (Om-28 ýBRI'TISH ÀXRI0A2i HOTEL, - (LAim B1BSO0 10083) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Ilouse newly renovatetianisu utasheti throughout, anud put tuu drat-clae ortier for he rgoeptlan ofgesto. An omnibut bnît romfail traîne. !Firet.olans campla rooms. J,.A.O',9RADY, . PROPBIRTO.R. T $te 1.50 rex' Dày. ly.47) POST OFFICE SALQON, ToRONTo. U.s'TUE lDEST ACCOMMODATION for ouest@. ily-47) QUEE~ 41OTL.-VICTORIA JAS. MIAC4Y,- PROPRIE TOR.j Gc odTatble,IIiquore, alla Cigare. Fine eabi, ng anl evkry ncceary accommoda. W f~MAN, HA W A , Vdterinary Surgeon, WiU bc aI Armat*oig'c hotel, Whibly, every Tnesday, from 1 ~ 4 o'clacc, P. M. April 25, 187r' 1 New 5tage Line B EEN VHITBY & OSHAWA&.- aa 4nndl4it a comicclable oavereti 11,211.1anti solic>ithe pto ai oftiavelece andË erg. Eve>ty aJteu*in'illbe pai te the etimfort anti lncnvenlsuce of paceengars, andbtiIIhoe unlî tid. prompt tiellvary ef pamreha commillet te 'a>' charge. Tine well he two stages perday eacb va>', vît.: LvpgOcluva bachr moruL" g in lime to mao o oe eonctonevwiîti te Whllby Lin Y ay Raive, anti aI 8 o'clocl e ci afeezoan, anti iesvlug W'kitby at il a. m. anti at «2. m-ôfýeachtiay. Tho.stcg. vil1 ce il aI ai botels - ln eaci tewn, anti ortiers It ttan>' of tle holele vil hea ttentistitb. Fane anti chargea modatio- Ma4 71 178 1, ADAIR, Proprieter. LANDS FOR SALE tOWflBh/p of Somervîlle, COUNTy 'OF VICTOIRIA. Tie ballowlg 1u-da 11s tle township ci Sosueivile, o iVIclerna, are oflorati Thel.Westet ci i ol5In the 11h conces. icao, 4onsisllng a 110 acîe. Piflteen acres cleareti anti fenceél. A ever.failing stretina arossee lire lot, o ihch le a, miicite, near lins aida of a go i roati. Tire propert' l on iofa mleb In a railwa>'station on viantii mof RIona li Memstrs. Johin C#bodman audiDaniel Sîver,, uer Kinmoul, *11 show th. proper>'. FanriTenmacfl S1oe, ppi>' 10- leIUi B=4kAd oth«,r keta4gtaoke Forturtbeptibaàlyte -, ,» -ÂMS prrw Fan BOII.&'T 75,OPO, e. A licei Vaiet i. - -andSpo Raiv ct OffCae, Balb. Kneo Ba c re4faat anti Te- rte Flocwer ant fr i Desiét e.>d. Gacugo p e5&asiti Taoe. WeSilr Pated Knve r e ntiSpo Ilver l airuete lant utr ate Tea Traa antioerter. FRASER &HOAlIBO, BOTTBLER 0F ALES AND PORTER, WALT-Z LAGEýR BRRR, &ec. MILLICHAMPS BUILDINGS, 20, 319 &c.33 Aticlalde Street iEast, TONTO, ONTARIO. Nov. 12h, 1877. ly4 L IVBBPOOL MAUKET 1 CASHFÈOR G1RAIN, To ho tielivereti at Frenchman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL F0OR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN On Boual Estate, ut Loy Bales ai Intoreal. -J. H. MoCLELLAN. Januar>' ((ls, 1877. if3 $7 5,0 00.. ON FIR$T-CLASS FARM LANDS, Iu cause af 02M 1antidp=raI 7 per. AppI>' ta- GEO. S. IIALLEN, salicitor, d&C', Osiava. April 17t1h, 1877. 17 t.uredscaynsme44edebittC=at ;feateetetivat he ya l ,,Suas o rauei ofeT NOVELTY WORKS, WHI ITBY ONT the Muhim and tige ok0 Ynrweod Mmuuluurng Compan>',.in nov pepared.ti ta fnrnlDoon, Sshea Blinde, Fames, moultingm, Base, ArcfltraresP Fîeerlugr, Shoetlug, Mantveiyti re. quin1ed th ie fra 0, at tl. lovest liing pnlee. uan Nwl n B2sest WadernlgNl niBlseat orti er frslbs ultlws Luber o ue he alt>,lva pnies.efo ogexeineadb We h e e longeporle sae oanti b> patonae.teitgtemn hr ipbi - GEO. GILCHI1IST, Proprietor. IELIZA MARIA CAMPBELL, cf the aeTawnuof Whelîhy, Caunl> of Ontario, aniProvince cf Onlgriop vile ai BOBERT CAMPBELL, of the same place, menchant, bereby give notice lIaI I inuti dta, apply te the Dosxqlnion Parleament next sesion for a Bill of Divorce, a mensa et thora, froue my Raidt huihanti, sinilar la tire Bill passet.inl. my behaif b>' the Senate lu 1877, fan doser. Mion. cnnelt>', andthîe aller causes, set forth lu Raidti Bel. ELIZA M. CAMPBELL. Whifhy, July 8thS, 1878. lOm-29 GLEN MAJOR MILLS I* Inchi Boarde. j Fioorlng, 2x 4 Scsntisg, 2.lnch Plaidi, Fendu8 Boarise, 100AW 0fel Çi Oak, Maple far sais, lot quAlil>', 159000 11. Square Timber, AU Ailai hichî vIl he solil chcap for cash. He e olti also bz oA Baey>thel the Griot MM~ laruuing,auctle diug ilrst-clasvont. Oblop ï] donc 6 dtithe l. eek, fan oves'> E3. MAJOR, Dae.61, 1878 2 - Proprietor. MI8EArYrCAUSII 0r Hum Juet Pabliahoti, lu a oalet Envolope. pnuco icents. 0 -eAe l À alare enlihe Nature Treal- sud adicaS cure 6f Seminal Weàacon, or Spermatgrrboea, luduceti b>'Selt4bnse, Iu- volunlaiy Emleetons, ImpoIeucet, Nor'qu DebjHil sud antiIpcdtmsut'n t# marriage genrai>';Couusatio, piiepsy, anti Fls; Mental anti P'l 1 clcI eik >,hos -B R11OBIRT J; !LERWLM . antgor of lhe "<toton Bock," ho. The varîti renevixeti aution, lun ibis adi. minable Locture,i dean>' provoi, rona hic ovu expenlence Ihat tle avini cancequance oi Sali-Abuse I' haefseotnuIl>rennovi vithonil metiele, andti iiont dangereus urgfical o &rtic*u, bogies, Instrumsuts rngs, ror rdee;pltlugexiont odie et onre st a ou rlaes cuti ftAuuIb>' whieh even>'uforer, no malter vbathlacondition me&y b., e>' cure lilmacif cieaply, privae.. ]y antir4ediai>. 1 1MTldo Lecture vil provs.be= ta -lirotunàAdu t tuceate. fftluder in *api n ievcipe ta s> Aeaa m 01Ieel" 1 ?ffIfPrr 6 postédr g .PL' - 1 A NEW I1EVgLATION IN THE SCIENCE OF. IES.A IG Ç0RNWALL'- SELF1-ltIT.VING WAIST & SI-bULDER CHART. Dresseis iltti fr m motienreuxeut aloe vîtinaut change 0of milîc. For sale, wlth reo intructions, et MISS Mu-INTYRE'S Dfl555-AKIict UOef5, vnrrny. Agents vantet.i.Lbontil taducemenîs te 1h. tratie, Wlitby, Ang. 18,1 S4 8 THE 1A! KE RCUN a LEVI STONE, Wilkinson DIockildirctl>' Nortli a -Johaslan's Furaituro Store, SOUTH GROOK-ST., WHITBY, Doge te annoancel tI-ohlb nitiantn o; Wbltby ant i vcluity,tthat h i-apenetija FLOUR & FEED STORE, Iu connection witin hie Batelier Sbap, viero e v il lwayq have on baud A LAI1GEýi STOCK 0F, Choice Flour, i Cnncked Wltat, Cdrnnieal, Outs, Peas, J Shorts, &c. 4- ORDERS DE LIVEIIRD IN ANY PART 01? TIIII TOWN S ~'A Cail islSolieited. ,à1 LEVI UTONE, Wilitnon Block, Wlb' Mardi 121h. 1878, (fh -TH~E JIT -LM. K ;ý -,Pm. Funi.Moeaoratasof prnUe - C. NqURSE. Whi by.'Agentý. , tI WtbAspSil D lh, 1878.8 C . iit; rate o BuldigeMerhaiâ~, Anti Whitby, April M.h,1878. Vhl FOR, $&Le îGiEÀP~ A, G"loH4 Pbtu n a1p (ery net% EiYEII S~T OFTHE. P4vlIIÃ"lTCJUBT5S * Jnnl!rllntig Second Seaonm..Éummer 1878. PElqMa. '1hs8Most deon la eumnl )to4 î, atuateti on StargeonILake, Itn .Ileeoflindsay. L)ý-,1 n É)1fr h. oeat 117 of h groude are fiuejy Wobded, andilaid lnrlvei andi -wakwtIo;points Of intereat. -The Rotai coma4a a-flue view af daUightfl landauMd vatér, ecapue, la furniehet Ina pporlor stle andtieth every vm* ýte comfort. PBlulr tae«e. coquet, b cta.*0 thonlb.pmtaee. Gootia,und sieootlnthe VlClv.. ThçSTCBQEO POINT BOTElimay be ; reachatiby tise etmemr" "adaxis asd "mallaea6,"Irom Lindsma, counectiug with "Viltra onet h eTme Ah da wl iden«for Isto.tmblt howlUg anralaund dearur oaaUNI tas. icor 24.1 Lin&ay, Ont. GEORGE BRITTON,- CARRIAudE £': WAGGON MAIMER. MANUFACTUBR of ai anew improve IM Root Seed ýnd Corn Drii, Double & 8/qg/i' e Tam/ip Dri/B, CLAYTON'S PA"EXTED CIIURNS, (Il 3provcd.)% Wago, Buggies;j Slelghs, couetantly ou Iý REPAIRING dan. neally andi weil on the shartestuotice. .GEO. JBRITTON, ZW'Two doore solftî of the Qneen'e Hotel, Brock Street, II - .-.-Whlîby. April lth, 1878.! ly.44 HIABTFORD, ,CONN. CHARTRRED iSco CASII CPTL '8,0. Ca8h Ast'Jn ,17 (8iXT-EialiTH ANNUAL EXHIBITIl $85292-e91 8,49 Mfanaged by ok11lft Underwriter, dnd 8ixtLEighlýeare one of 4h.l'eaftd. ngin CW Ins ~titutions ptho Cqultry. Over ' 'g;OO,QOO.CO!Q t-e AU l bnesË-u>Paneaeeour Princl of . ETJSE $Atgent#, whiUk witby, Aprl oeh488. WBESTE fi N ASSURANCE COMPANY INCORFOBATEJ i 85. CAPITAL, - - Boo ('With power ta Iacrcae 0100,0. EIRE AND MARINE Head Office-- Toronto. Oni HON. JOIHN MeM URRICH. BERNARD HALDAN, Managiig Directo J. J. KENNY, .-. -Be-,Socoan JAMES PIIINGLE. .- -Casserai Ageni ta' Inurenees efetdntda the loweal cm reul rates on Batilung, Menebaudise, ssi other propent>', agaiane l se anrddamage i, I Agent,Wib Wlsitby, April 11hl, 1878, Dosiwth Dominion Goverument #W, À000.1i ExentenedtiAgente throaghcaî lb Fine Ria7c t'lfren at Adequaté ýRaf e C. NOURSE Agent, «lth, Whllby, Apnil tt, 1878. iý IRA VELERS LIFE AkND ACCIDENT Inwuance Company, 0F HA11TFORD, CONN. Cash Assete, i-$4#316,006 Cash Surplus,-- 1,214,006 Beat of Security. Low Cash ~ts il Dcaling. An Untarniaheti Record. Soid as a Rock. fé and EndoWment Pol ci, faie ant ierable Io=$e, on the Low2 lahl Plan. ConnttPlain anti deti. *d valiti claime promp ilypi yApnl OtM, 1878. Agent, Whitby. BRIÂL LOAN AND INVEST- MENT COMPANY. CAP'ITAL, 0600,000(. 0Mcc, ImPerWa Buildings, TorInW IIDENT: nANKRS; -. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. LIIO -.D'AXOy oultan. MY TO LOIN on Improveti Ferme,' 'Bateu of intereet. Apply to- CNOUIISE, A sier, On To KIIRTLAND, Manager, Taranto. JD MORTGAGES BOUGBT. bb, 1878. 1 IBER ILUMBER 1 W H 1 T 1 Y, hant a large anpply. of a&U Ilada o ntling, .a ,large 4P -o ! dý Blis -y, Libero CANADIA 'MAIl? GA8! 1aus aIle, ti TieCuaia as aoMachino le an atnt. uaiocgasemaking SPIaratua. Il la deelg-Whitby, Ca asa ineans b>' iilchi factorle. mei- beotels, churches, tve llungs, ar buildinugsa 0IW an>' kinti, siluatlneth uîe cutry or jid heyanti the reacl cf calges matiai of ties, ma e sppied wth oe sudanicliesp gas bâi ahie J simple of construc- tio hable ta gel [=oaiorder, reqaire Hati0C no nitlte Mmnge, &*mate i u sa nbea. lia anti durable mui er.T .'ocoap hlle FrEu se i n a ilexpense, sud are equal -ad pI l or iuigt eIe langeaI HON. îLEM mil. ïat>, pbieblliug r Iea . SeL est wltg. areno Big or aulrict b but býve beW uon in otant anti sucesfni MOIt lu aiU parts aiftthe cou*lry, hoth viater anti atLowM summer far ycars. Thé r,« made hydi Ilese niaclues le usxeneli>' inauascar tcctiair gac, heing commen air Imprageti vitgasolinte I haine Yilh a rlch brilafme, bull>' equàl B 1 la, thât producei b>' caIgae, ha couducteti GOU tbraagii pipes ant Bi nqxetaltlixtaree, wlinh île ea»o nveulence ani calot>'. No tireArl 1 isu onIe os limanufacture, si bltu tfelbedbylt re insured ti atle - saine r:àlee an thougi algus vas neti. JMI The Post of tiega * for lighl, equasite SIA cue théuatactiet o0 cai gaui Taries Iroxu one doll"rmat i ¶ tta to dollars, j boin abut nohz 0pn'le i coul gu. c Tbotatoenirom. a,iouîeý.ie our mc inelekown - cicail>Sa stpa. LUMI Ea inaegvanfor in.u udhatn bi~1dig ma Hea on 1 ain Lï moaï u E b r melGs oq!knBuili Bronze a C1aal lt.- ni Soc - JOSE IILoF it ~în~mr, sole Maxnbm= ouier j-- braillaitna S »e.ti.. .-51 t , o o e u e u k l h t 1 , L native aU nouta d isShordain bIda tiol opo! 1 J ; 11 agokËd~ia~, m boen . 11The man who can graceoualg brai af4 Pt'J~>b$pi 4s - «Te 1 C uc rta4uUock y ever mI"iY yo i ae Théesp fy.hawc id WhÙhE-,ex -X~iet M 't I' -f< "p seOa've tanue.* 1tiy amos strlked: .An, answer- l2t a Rué dbaj en te blar.fo iae W j autUac ut>' anti hanter-- Wauel Auabave * ~ ~ ~ m#) .4udlmou ipgd 't Ï cC uldégradation? Yet cerioebuasineas bà fduÉdynou-to fu. - "I ihknoçv what you 'mean'1" ah. aer fitiabeti alhlm lmostbeuide-q roe!: P>u'sdr I 2htgr 1eitiitwn4 "c,;dn WOUl, nûw,ý -thal'a sblrs arange. -Wty, olt Mr.. Clover Uxidor. Bqýwho waU1c4 ho sucl an ,inveterate gruxu. stands it ail; anti-lie qgreed te Ml you Ve -MJébidW agôod!wôrk'nau Who aing P-à1-r:-tho offer 1 matie you-tlieoffer I me utei maerta and ie you Ibrougl i hm;" -J - loeng. orros aI Mr. Brawndé matter.ot.factuoss ai- chii ho at rie ntino- bwge oMost, Overcame Kitt>'. HRatwordi of b b.Wh or gOtndifAtio, - sltuk iuber tiroat ;a 18 ho ' frà~n or plîng, ih one baud gen.-and y~et this 'odionîfellow cit thero; fuing. 9placid, eaI case, as lie went on: t The TIi. ldoa afMouk with- the. - iancyof ail Iwill say I amn disappoiutet inl Mor.yaar-Yonr- appearance, Mice Clover; Whist ptnclibeck Imperlaliam lu posîg agreeabiy tiuiappointei, for I expectea a P,--As England'a new Ido4, 'tic plcasqt nta1 ses quile a-a diffrent-quite an el. deeti deriy lady 1" Ta finti one who contrives, wilhàut gAmmon "lIndeeti 1" elle flacheti ont tarti>'.9 - 'or-eaozing, * "Then il seeme we were bath surprisetià Iobin brnb ci Oteal1a I-thongn I arn eorry .1 cannaI be sa latiti Irceltui. frnthe anly slcaf entbyta yoursuit, aoeiug that tethier.. Ihbaao imaginod a verY io one W If we asud aur atout Wcstern selon agIee, 1 màn."Ynul unr Ina-fair or foul weather, ta foot it loge. Her language, ber mauner, diti not Pt Largeththanýke w 11b. due ta snck bricks as jsooena aune>' himlun b.eloast. * Lord D.t "Oh, weil, agze anti lookaslou'e coeunI for muai, If there'a lbe bard cash la Puitclisw.lla the mil eborua.that 8sondilback 'ena.CoeMeCivrixll 1. from'OntoÇdo. i -1 Hell welaame in, home, lrom aur eolony Il ta be-yos or noa2 1 won't don> ' l'y a for fe. aome iquit. a way te bave your aner, i Wba,iteadfast saDouglas, Wldile gny au and, ilaw Pi mliere,'I'd like il eled àc Lothario, once. You'tibotter agree ta it, hore Gooti jeet wiflnat muIl andt ldgh task will antinaw ; for if I sey il wbo ehouldu't, it net mat. I dan't bolievc you'Il evrgtaoh & ne. Let ils hope yonr successor la brain's uat snob chance." -vegtanhr beltinti yo.- Hie'il linti it no tille te stgad ndl your shoca. Then Rit>' .umpeïi up frosu ber seat ls But John Bull a fresh berlh muet riglit raging aI lii cool, caisu impudence. de cpeedily fanti yu, owtiar ea paak soloa me, air ?2 Forlu aih, y danLord, you are te As if any man in possession of even by gaod ta lace 1 half lii. eunses would huow Ibere caulti0 16 ------- ----- ba butèâne answer i No-a thoand - - Mr. Browu'a Offer. limes No i", - She fairly oslriekcd il - at bim achle ,,I do'tbiuk it'a lac bati for anything 1 stoad tisaning at ber. STihe idea cf a man J'va nover ceeu bar. Thon, as lie hurrodil>' ruslieti frasu the ingte insolence la writo ta Uncle roona, he frowncd inquiringi>' at ber Jiabtalh' cmu alIm a trangecoouductanti then elowly galli. frainaont West t0a saitme ta Marry eretibisliat, giave8suantiwelking-stjc o. hlm V' together, anti weut ont, astoniabeil ani Kity Clover's bine. yes flacheti, andi nonjtlussed. somelhiug ver>' suspieloual>' 11k. angry WsX Kt>'tore up-âatira ta Ler Icaru were glimmering ou bier longrmain, whicb so latel> ' huaileft iluhi Curling Lrawn iambes. Her cheeles miscbievons, lsaif-inulignant triumph- i were linaieti, anti lier love>' mauth ber cheeka crinasan witb fur', lier eyea tdimplei with a look of soora anti rage, soafliatior a* toitleurssah. coa it thât titi fot at aR suit Aunal Snsn' secarceiy50whtri.wsdanas ah c view of the case, as shbe iaaked over lier aimat franticailly tare off lier laces, lierOU spectacle rime, and laok Kit>' qulle ribbous, ber lovely tirons, leasing thons 10 s harply ta task. angril>' on thb.c.ù M. ",Jant Seo what Ibero" 15 go terrible d"To lbink I really Ibangzbt oftIrying ac ni. about il. Brother Jasiali anti I have ta fascinaI. hlm, ah, oIe1i A nasty, bc i kuown Arche Brown ever inice lie wu@ estumpy, grous>', impudent, intoierant id knoee.hgh la a greeshoper anti a aId man i To tbink ho dte corne Ir>. y~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~pt -ie o nia le a o'l nover ing ta make love ta me 1 l'Il jlasîer fiud than ho wae ant isle ow. -He's my biairtiaown ta my face, an wear th gooti laoking tand niglianti wanl'a the moat borriti calica. wnappers I1oa ou wife ; antiho',@ seen yonr picture anti inti, to do penance for tbe insnit I de Sfailen lu love with Yeu, anti lxe' writ. bave permittid myself ta receive. Oh, Bi to tea1 know if brother Jasiali lasa n>' Mr. 'A.L Brown,' lxaw I hale yon 1 " ab objection ta lus coming ta ask yon ta Andtioi nanghty, wilftxl soroine cf i Marry hlm. W. taire it ae a prettof mine sut clown lu bier favorite rock. in- 0cm lmnt nt treak of Iuck you ing chair,anti- erieti until lber bine eyec tý nt îcaule acrosa îwlce lu yonr ile, were ail rail anti swolien, ant iber noce be ani oreynmUdstn otrr't lalsnoet se bai; gsa tIwen Aunt anti considyours etf amait nsuitti. Suan callet iber ta corne cown a mo- aint , c 'n s ham y ue f a u." i sute . m e t, she wtie- as so ry a ight tc eee as MilesSasan Clover jetked ber neetile ever girl* wae before.on sa ernpbatically Ihal lie *01ong Ibreati But che wcut down, too angi>' anti l suappoti viciansi>'. Kit>', porcheilu miierable ta care for Aun Sassa'. ro. the wide, shati> wintiow-sas, pouteti merka, or Uncle Josaal's qulîzicel loaka ber reti lips. -went tiown la ber wrnppcr, wilh ber a ",Weil, 1 ton't cre-_it jla 5bamne i swelleti eyes anti nase, andioccasianai t anti Mr. Arabie Brown neetinb't tink aobe welling tiefianl> up from ber wl I'm ta be bouglit antigamoiti k. a cow or chest-went tiowa mb ,tlie parler, t el a pijL bcueb.hpect abae elal, eiegant gentleman, dressei 1w t te culu Ani Iwont hve nylingjixe as a liandeomne, raceful fellaw Cet te do with il, uaw i I know I .i.st te saiides etea hs là' ~ es, I le hm areati>; anti plndid gra>' eyem looketi juil a riS lo h t. be e ams a oa lilhlmmyaatonisbed eft fliher ;a gentleman JO opini s on c bina J Mywlxo came assi>' forward tW responta ~. Ant i en, afler ah. bai fiauneti ont Unclo Josialis inroductin, whle Aunt b cf b. lecsulsitingrce, br w.vySus"x gave a litIle acreain of horrifleti ~.brownbeir ail a lumbie over her iaw surprsse at lie girlsa appearance. bi 18 white brow, jber pretl>' bine *yes ail "Wb reKit>' 1', 8Arbie E - sgie .am with genuine girliih indigna. "is l>' bre l r. r n r op. .ý> lion,0lierwhite dimpieti ingeit piaylng Mis Clver4Mn Brwu. furionebavoc wbls berruffiet apron Poor KTif.OltCiveriSewuteeii aie.sn,1o9 - chackir, ulsltivedI l;>' d-or. rnbr -For'Ut h Imaiti.eevanl.of-all.work caratoiset aIe or In bbe Clover ioniteholti wae hauding My ho»lt nt>'own , crne tm -a bu mi Kilt>' s carti, anti an Il &he reatid m nuu.o oab> b abr.ac u nam e ha 1 e nt w er;m i les tg hber I tld bis folks ta sen ti hlm, t a cloa s e cheek, tespie ber dteerminaion. b'toffer for i. Hi,ther, 1r. Erow i' wirg Tli M. 'A. Brown' Ial iss Clo. Andthobn w1le Unle josiah anti Wil 4-ersenis br cmplment, ati iAnal Sassa wero amnagini for lie nide * s olndpe aberu ml im W ert , an "l offer' poar mielaken Kit>' isti sup - 0w i ae h . ur n tyIss fo.s seiw a n au lffe" of marriage for ove paThoturnlue>', ti arw a fr a>' Lrseîîi, aie ante gexine 1Mr. Brown, did eîiata rt sr>' e a d enti aery somehow, baia remarkabîy conitien. dot graceffai girl, witb s freab, nweel fmlialinlterview, anti aller tbe old peeplo *aiM anti ixîe eyes thal were half.onii: hbai eine haek, anti were exjoying aaleo balfixniiatf ntia- aure'- aanf t eharty lausb with Archie ovorIhobrun. lte l nignantsadbeexpresion ,tst &rl, Kit>' Mole back up-stairs te don - olci conte najt an ti Ixag it>' iffe n e < ber toile l ag el, an ti cam e dow a t a - - s o r e > ', o r a l e ir .- u a d a r b i e h o w M fr . B r o w n w ba l a r e A l y p r e t l > ' o f silk cstume, wbomfU--vu 11111. won. SU, . wc. - ne( dec Archie Brown, aswe>out; lu Ka a , Anti h . ucoeedoa e aperfe otion- ilu ib5d;como ai lbhewayback t wn f uaetl a>in convixning bina cf iat gant toonii.lie- T,.1-act, but alec Ibat, witb .ail bli ut sele -; Antih w a e tow a Ëa i r-com e te mb mnsa ful s of te na er an t i stlposilon, geom bargain wilh lir, came to'buy beras nie was juil lie girilho waate ot io ita 4 0WC CIiàaloa o f liy 1 The- Ib ugitth on W ; ctvand h n luerelruedt e b ie ip Stn ts p roles:hom e, -te liai eyu,vPe msi U eut am e rcne, aule ejl ts n au t-hlhie happy wife. to J4ti* i.parler,, , train euIu1 Thc'fleh watat'siii.in iopn s fi foes efArNýJa Oort qf.eeqen.pro1-tçât+ f or gold llsh les ,*p'pauti«n "QC ' 9,' e Stâüi6ialuia bs .Wli'tl, eniiiÛ- auanti7lve9112, builsmare ma>' o be trs lyexaofïlg a 4Tu$1Rýqspot oftýmnllai, Itings W"'-e',ulxlltyleao. cim i 'bu . e6, rg U04efwl4ei 11 *amxi vans genareliybotter opit l- l .l ecim, 4swee,..a brie,,sýrt1q Lina le> lielngnaot ixe6 px'ayer hoôk,1 leloiss. nsand :...l -aveé anti l* 'titi frena Ibis day forlni I for hotteret l'orse, for nicherai e pw laneiggess lepalli, ta love cherries andti a>'."1 Wh Mnen*g Ilils ezlraortiuay OW boIsaiti il baMfe4 hisuta. coaJectuio.- Soies SCUîovURAL MISTAKIS. The stories talti of IhebIaýntirmatie b>' Oxford ani Cambnltie-u,àirgranal4. es intae Sb orptnre examnaione,, are alinasî incrodible. One oftbmpe.,Whoeu f reatwiova l k inig cf Iarael,l wae geoorlunate as tb slnxnble Upon the name of SuI. Hoe saw tiraI lie Mit~- bit lbe- mark, anti, wiebtng ta show lu-te examinera bow inlimale lue knowloetg- nete oipuéwas, aditicticonfidoal. osii- cEtiPaul." ,&notLr or vas se ti Adte give lhep arabletif"lhe' t gond Samaritan. He titisuo vilb taler.t ahi. accuro>' 0111 lie camne ta lbe place wbere lie Samarita mgays- tte.in, 4eeer:-"Wbeýn'I corne agala I will reps>' lie.." Herx lhe unlucky- e%*-, aiinee atiteti :--Tie le saiel, knew. j îug, ltaI lie.- sionîi soec io,4!ace neý more VI' - .1 - iCI KNEW M5LTOiI* It1ie bld cf a certain Glasàew baile tbal wlien rieiîlag Paris aaneue ffa1 lieputalion frein Glasgow toaLUnis- phillippe, lbe Ring naiti, Wbehow g Rixe part>' blraugli bis librar>' whler. lie hail sxxaoy-cf 1h. Engiainclesesa t 'Yoei wiii know Milton rery,,wvell 2" '(0, bIens yau, yes; biossa yon, y..," saithe Ileailie cheerfail', tieliglitetithst a soaetbing liati been-mentioned tliaIlhe e dsd kaow. "iYes, your Majesl>', 1 c ttuaw Milton ver>' vol (Milton les aI -f111e place l i te nolgbb 'orhooti of, t Galsgow) ; were jusl building siamiglter s houses tlee." SONE itULLeM Au amnsiug styleocf bînter i b ti, for wvite .Inslig et most credit. It vue an Irishs edilcr ta texolaimei,a sinon speaking ofthe wrongs cf his conutny ;-Her cnp of 'miser>'bas >oen overdlowiug,a sudetalye ful." Ib vue an Irali newapapen Ilial saiti of a Rlobespierre ita lolft no cldren o teiindims, exeepb a brother, who vas C sille t aIhIe-saines lime." Inie bc lo wrc tine cornet wbo wlîen wriling home It fromt mIla praieiug tbe mucn abnae igl climaIs as real>'lin.the bsl undth ie b -un atideti- -"Butl a lolt ofyonxigtel. Iowa come ont bers, ant le> drive anti boy cal, ant ley est andti Ie>' drink, il autiIe>' die; andtihbin lie>'mille V tome te Ibeir frienti aying il vas the:p, limaI. thalt ditl." c TvO GRiEAT uLlUNDER. k Thongi t al monmeronas ulios. of th Emeruiti IsIeScotland il etal ibli out itssoptimene cf tli kinti cf blun. ai der. -. -aoperetv in -uouae tlbE Barder towas vore beard dispntiug si %bout o nov cemeter>', beside the oie. tunt ralling cf viieli Vie>' ere clauti. ig. On. cf them, évideuîtly notlIikiug ce te continental fasiion lu' which il wàs c eing laid ouI suiti in dieguet :-. . Ie "I'd rallier dticeIu b. hnie i n nc i làe." .b i I"WeeJ, it's the verra reverse wî me, osithe ollier for lVIl be bnet use- riere els, ilfl'inspareti." t AN AMPlICÂN INSTANCE. l The tiret Lord Lytîletan vas ver>' bslent. Il le doeaireiof bin ata 'lien lie feu iota lihe rivcr b>' the up. in selting of a boat a1 Hage>', "lie sank aI, vice belon. b é recoliecti final ho th =nit swim." A New York paper gir. un e tho falloviag stor> lun ilustration cf W, 1e absienlmindeinees of -thie At bc Toalisu Etivants. Whea cal rltiiagLe ine day,as 1111e boy v.ry remeettui>' , jowetianti openedthelb.gate for inim. na 'Whose ha>' are yen, su>'litllaman ?2" EU je aslced. l'Noah Clark's boy, sin," vas thie anaver. Ounbthe reluna of Eiverds, tb. same boy appeared saud )penethelb gale for hlm. HoP thaneut neo 11111e fellow anti again asket :- su ,Wboe by are yen 2" !fNoâh.Clark's !e ir ; thensmarie, ma's. boy I was a'quas'. ic1 ;r afIo s u rag , ir."ou Same binters arise frena luleappre. lal ieueo. A bihop -of Oxford aut a undt eb theo hur e w d eui u ba I d cin- M tae a circl4ar, laclnting the question .: h -"Doca your- officlallug clergyman Cof Scach line gospel, anti la b. cou versant dr ith tise carniage- consistent there. th, riîh ?" -Thé ebnrebard.n et %VaI. 10 ngfod teI.u"e Hýprecbe th., Wo sapel, but dee" nôl lep aàcarrige.1 bi' , xN OHAO, bis The Ber, 1U. MeDoumaL ,of PFeul>' a Thie laIe George Biite', st* 1h.eâge go 1s siglut, ooulti answer aIMMilinelant. lic touel>' mev MMn>'artiagaetere ýoba £808,424,121.' Zora Coibora vas ter Dthler lgningctileulator of lie! caeetecire neratiqn. Oncoe hb.-vas.,aukadti W q nq lb. sqners cf 999,99,wicaheho i'a ted ta ho 99,99,000,001,. emu ai.14l ledà 'haiy49, and ialt b>' hitovl] Boberi vitl lie le*-lib ousented--e tae k epo. sition i in nth ifrectere.ip. H . lea a debior Io tie baxin lathse.umcf £100,. John lunes Wrigt beceme a directot [n 1876à,HeoIâ senior parlner cf tb. ficm of John Inuee Wfrighl & C., Est Iniauue»hlant& iH. e àa Iýothr.ili- law of MFliag, cf Ibm recentlydefunal Baut latis Firna cf Smaith, Fleming h lI. rgnt tk funcl.initnu churalimaberesud eobaritehie associa- tions, le carieti bis genrouly ta tûcin au exton at letho nov oves lie ank bialla million or ponade 1, 0 WILLUAM TÀYLûR. William Tuylorlutn beau a director sié,1872, ant is a weil. kfown publie uan in Glasgow. He vas a manbeir of the Town tieunil,,M gistae of Burg, Preceptor oa intHubeb iospi. ta, m2enahr of lieýSobol Bonde, Pe. idant -o0 Lb. Glasgow YoungMen's E lr l a li a n A Ï m o u i tio n , a n ti a s f re q u an t . ly sent t101he Gênerai, AmmLihi>'as rap. rentaive Eder - frein-lit.Encai churcix. ,He vas a member eoflin. ira. ofleur>' Taylor- -à;Sos. vho aroeun- gagetin lahe geantrade. John Stewart, of Ediubul.fh, hoe kdirectes' iii8. O. Revwiad the b ld vaablisioti ira of Stewart, Po#l d Co., vine Meciento -eofthliaI il. -Ho llikewioo sàdirectes' of the Nov Zea. lad Australian Lail -CoansU>.e- lb.th oui>' dreclar not'in eleblta ltho Wank. Hem ur> glie became ia director lu 1870. ]le in ea thelnsfirm of H. &d* . I n l , o f E d j u b u n g i nh . I f e i x v e s ' > r a i n t a M o n i o i l e a . Bn e su c - iedeti Lrd Relyn asa8obstlttne.Grancf gaâter. -.3. COLLAN. j. Colînt la a ýver>' effective. oratar, id bas -eame reptation a a poal. le vas Dpt>' Ltèxtenanl lan Moay. sire, 1 . S. S r en a c i n, b le m a n a g e s, su c. tetddis ebrother i l 'I8. H1.le - ;spartiey a yuug Dan,unI bas ung bionan ollceat te bemsk.lie saiti te have been manager of tie CE3AUIS AMUEL, LEiC5E. Cales S. Leresaeebas beau secr. r>' mince 1871. Since tineir fdura rreel lb.dmurectors, muagre anti seaetay -bave been losel>' coufl in e i u er'loàk >l eati l ul oir morne i l e. Tina>' re mol put acells e 1.poieaenpiozero. Polen, vho i ltibeau II i enb n âweete t a IiS su se, va s ; a ble tWO l arv e I b e-da y . T hne mod stivocae'0, fl njnç4ln itb oe Procarater Feclaklng arrange- iitas to bave Ieprisneru red -aa peedily àaspealiblo. Thre. Ettions of'a Dreua., Troe diins of le same dream lite watchee of a single 'nigh in vllà equel eri>' la lie trenoon, les aphy- i pioaomeuoa v orth tutiybig. A orrepondtieof atho Beating EerM(ere- tes tiat Abhony Rmig,a a 7U.Wo mes' living sbout four miles ram orýg n 4 o , vo e u p luis vif. an ti tolti n'a àdresil Wmadte ever>'strings b er nighteap, Banel on end. He iat esamet Lb$omie 4bles hmat tppei sir mo n , ' b e b d nst a it ad o n his W cY m a rk el >i a u r nfei l i g h t i l arm ioni n. s aMog: mn" e W là& br spoli ef lied bac &1o4 m W cliep, Wiîo s.ani!,. -i. In Ithe ferec ktl le lie houesC itsktçi on ie ne>, ainvere tug deedcribetii lfoy , fào -Taiko ois v~. At Terme Td ,ABTFOIlI eloge tuent 1 1 FOR SAL.B, -- - - - ---- 1

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