Whitby Chronicle, 14 Nov 1878, p. 2

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Y.- randi other iansp-S. W. il. t!i sq&e-0SiW. 'B. Smltk&hCo. e0hup ~ob oueut e1 renoviig- e4..AsnoxtPerkiu. fetr ba ailnal. 10ld'a resueies-T. Gi Wiitll. V's Living Age. » ONLY Set50 AN UM. Whitby, Thurs4ay, »ov. 14, 1878. -Muuicial m a4erc. Mr. Mn otilea- auwsotlnnceiîsIntention af unI belugsà caùisdte fQr ne election as Mayor. w-eis f icuolv, linsswuci à malt off Our h4omupeople looked te -Mr. Holden1' - cclupamscy oethlie tie ODIxc for- a qcOAeand ias, sud to hincis ho moud do ubtiecsuleelated by 1selsmatiori, f ho,- cotntedlt &tec. ' V;esif)%,mine nsd opprtuulty off. eredtoitseitepayssrs for.minlg anotlier. - - boie. -Mr. Holden 1111.4 lise oafce andesmth t u o ie sstisfivutiotn of t1h. - cutcelisud offtlmp ralapayeriskah large. Tlipero are lisrsvy doienauda upon lia lluoe-as haaging -Ualway Dirent«s, Ilasik Direclor, snd etotisel front biig - ominuetiôu mIlS isveral niôuelîtt-y liishi ttlutln, nooeûsllaetieis row)aemt ab- seuse tfrous ihomo, andi Ihilu mu deuit vlseiwMllsbl*u lu deliulig tino #iuuer off-tino, Mfayerailjy toe anutilet- yulal, Dm'l lhé. um"u eau iii rf. ford le loe lIse piilia services of le alutble ma ctizen, sud me do meus hist MJr. Holden muiay bis luducusi te tak-e a poltion in ils o waageinulof' Our il~itl oilitrirs, mIera lise dutisa ut lii 'flcse wol eîîid ni Isuouon. ?'I-t. liapsr-, wlio las, asl seve, doue i idi il fîs10 liuinsi f tisa tisief nlag itrato'î courtt dring ti year, is me ultnLwtto bo a,scaludulsste for May- or. Siler't-tliir nainus are mention- sam ssll cnulacilicîading hîsose (f Nfr. W. Il. liillissgs, udi]Nr. R. J. LI>iilp-botli eM *mmm h ave boeen eliîi- es1lo permit tiseir naines Le be piacei ILIi nminaustiou. Ittinînur I liuîy iS tisemirisie ofi îeerasl gotleistu ufor lhc rmioealtdili aind deputy reoovîlip-lise ssl ssuvaet d lîiug tMeqser. John BoN. Rasy, G. Y. Sinitli, Y. Gibeon, anud Clititlîs, ing,Anti tise retiriusg -- sttyom, M. flolleun. lu the mard re- Ii.mî'ouation tise wil Se liksly sever- f î¶Jialime, lit auy annoineeîuut at - îî-'uî~suuui ies-ahisrpr.sismture. Tise Arhitnsslor wel today (WeVonc- 1Layj, ît hie smfilesoff m l Y. Smsitls, iss WVisity. 'l'sy sre-Mm. Sbailisy, r f r tli sshmwmî ;Mr. luisi, M. P., for tise etipi.,itssts, sud Mr. Seliibpr, off tIse Pîilije wuuss iiepamsttot, Otimia, tfor tlissu Ctveusrit. lin, OsIer sud br. Siluuits aPapieresi ai;s ulicitons for thIe l)suîîîsc stutu, sud lir. A. G. MoMiiian for tl ss.Mi. TDavisdFieser insu- Onta u isuilîmrio IBatike, [sudactinsg ssýxe-uutuli' off Le laie Cieseler Draper, hiîded is dseeulrj, uiansI gava evisi- w . is ss stssics,ý f tIlts immisr, receipte Miu isxî,s'usitimssbissic uiotse oses-n. 'I',sriu:is Asrcîvnoi.- meeting fus. thie ftirVosso forgaltiimg a 'rescisie -- Anssscisîîiols sud tutitsttor thlie euuty -fOmtartîs, veu-1 hisi ii tise ligix "mmoWiliiY, IrselSaturday-Mr, el-iiths Cu uty Ingposlor, lu lis Puir. 1h tsc mcidi te lsiliathiret stiog lu theistiIt, 8011091ovitllilduïsge, W\litby, eiIniglusy sud bltuumay, lie issth1u ceiern umxt. A pro- flitumuilis as eketl.em, mic ieli bhcL gism u miî urly istin. A circulas. comtaissng prograrmme will on oub flusit em vény âusl1er it'elleoîîiuty off Ouhrlo ; mand, lu affoemsl il inîorosloml s u[î)sotiiIy off bsiuîg preset, lise isljmvetur his imeimsd IlsaI Friuiay, tIse Cîii Dceîmbem smxl, si!le awlolidusy su tuIllePublie sélioois. lt(is.ie< IAsIsoumu MiisioN IN ýVIsnr. -loy. "mlen Pins, I1iom off the i-sien of <aîslesstmblgl leu r ýNi-sLIrs ue'Im hldinsg a mission i \Vls4biy. Tise'h Missioin censsnenced ou $smulmsy l'ai Nt, ant i sulconclumie at lime emli o'oiocklia,. ontHuisday -let. T i'u ilroli le Ihronged ueéry nigit, (ilmany lrileeante aise alieniing> miih attentive audiences, wvlso cannel faîito - . pusefnlbY tise eissqient aud fer-ici ser- tiu u Iereverend I'niom. Faslern se it lltiseelegiau et vaut eudition, aud ah- - -llotifflsthe CGermaii e native longuie, .1i0 l'as as svrprlsiumg cornuseni cf lise "hsgisls liuguIage, miicis lie epoalse 110i oct ately, mcil if ils a foneigu iser ut. The Mission le tIsa finit off lis k k-lisi withî mhsirhu luis leeaity bas be lfvsied, inisteaieady productive off Iîssc-goel sîmmougt lise Catholie peo. plit. Two Milsas. - iare sai'i, sud two 13011110J8,preacieî1 diy, sud lu tise en hleu-e lluienDeneiltien cf lise Ilesesî Saertmeuh, mille otlsen des- lios eandi pions lîreiaraliomne for coules. ei - sud Iloly Ceinîut n-.F atier Iiesbekipg c off ésudeaseistetl by ileird. 1,shtiosr Mdl utûe, nue le nnliing luni. ah LIfdr liegondt f theo dock eutmused lAitss A.5NLOrS IN HxLIssUsRTN.- Alleuien le îreteil 10 tise sînotnuce. multlanalliercommue of ftarins audvil. lage lots for sale ou reasenabie ternis, by lie Causis Lusimiasd rnigrahion "j-s eON TI iiYU"-Sea ,Mn. Sinon Frisses-s snunuerntu. IBelisa -' spiendlil nem stock off gracenies uhiais 10i vl scllîn dndpuprevcus ho reulies- ta- bisîle uw ulre, Almeal ücsry day Mr. E. pFred TO- f evs b y ex#ress Nair- Qoodd. Tiare u itaie about it, tîiat a lieuse, stre tledo te i tsinese. FPeuple iii go wlurethioy bel cetinlof- geling lise s-hailes thie7 mnt. 'Cur readers mil 41demal lu opatrouize 1Mr. ÉI' es esab- ANT814 Cisia R ciNU MACHi.- IaIniaidn, te bisinpiou o e t s yne, ha% br6Iréli stsed ei hrem HIaulen, tisa next > É' or, 1 0 sside. Tihe artice. v1h é pu4 ibélow froux the Lindsay Pose la motlir in. dicalion #)f the, deulro of* the, Paêrty for botter oigànization sud s acceptable leadleruship.- 't Isau! tf the lUics.1' But sometbnq Score than muerejzn aliv[varItliclom wîllbc neýejary ilut4rder têgiva 4h# Liberal Party, thlt ¶ospUu la the.counitry itproperiy hoIdâý it wîli require not siniply»lihe aurad ci o houent sud thorough a4lmiuhstratiob as *stabll.hed by the record of tihe!liste Governusent but s Libers! prograýuuso ti wili **wiýîp wide popular internat sud support, sud attrsot the, hêsity Co. operslion of thuasandge Id $11 parusof th qnry Who are net otOW Ipsnt. ~rIy~têeissl t elise pary, ut P' o prdltlousasre of a Liberal ehar*ter. §70tq,UQÙIonl is scout but te et u. ge-w7oscourasge sud renowe sea. tivity the. sturdy Liberas .Who bave fouglil uuder thse, bsuuer- all tbelr! 11f. aud Who are detersulned mtli to carry du the coutest. 1 Unèter ths.. oouerstlous the . iI partance of Mr. Blake's promenas Il tii. new Rouge l greatly lacres.d. iMr. B3lake raturus b 1th!. country iu a i reek et twoo w. uuder6tand, lungely 10. provad iiealtl4 ansu hould hie ph»ltest condition enablo hlm te go lto a#ve politli 11f I tonce and' with ali thlb vigol' off litsgreat powernl it wouid aeof the. grsestest advsntage 16th theLit ers[ party aud to the country -,te have im do go. Âlthough Mr., Blake ou i de. p arture proposed te retire for s lime roim Poiltesud ouiy conseuted te bia nomination for Souths Bruce wlth great; raluiclance we are -confident ho wonid walke Ibm sacrifice of devotlug big upien. did tlient.simost wholly to publidasf- faire aud of assuusing under proper gou- ditions lthe roepoueibilitleis ci aunative and all-prevading Intèrest. Sbodid :fr. Di3ake's heaitis permit hitn ta lake tio! course the LiberàI liakLy olad be aieat. ly streeugten,1 Ionice ti rougisout!tii. âuntry7. Though Mr. lllke han heen abseut for noumeatuie, lho mtliioccupis a large pisce lu the. poputar imagiina. lien,su au vsry few seechies from lýim as oue -lu the sdvsuce.guard of tie Army -of Beforin would attrat wide sudl genArai support. M r. flshe lsý8st pre@wut without àa oostituency, i1 14 Itrue, but we are confident a dioi.u *11 bie placed ut bis disposail ninedla*ly on bis Ietilrn, asud thatina will beo î nad t4 take bis pisate lu tih. coinIJug -Parliameutary andi public slrug le. Witb Mr. Blaske sud Mr. Laurieir, Mr. Mdackenzie aud Mr. Cartwright, Mr.' Mille sud Mr. Auglin, with others, $he zsew Opposition would be 'inout foruai- daisie, snd woliisilbe able b cexpose tise fraud Iliat lias won teruporary sitcésa and- to formulate a policy Ihisi woàdd comwnud iîarty sud gnra oppdrt. Th imre hae uudoubtly coine wlien more Progrossive Uceform sud, Ad- valleedIl iberalism shaillhetp te the. front. Mauy old issgues are forgotten or posses only a iutorica interest, !of value for iustruatiou lu gouerai priuki. pies, but nat lie andi pressiug questiolie cf the. day. Tier. is oesi for an on- wsrsl movameut, sud in this oouuoctiou Mr. i3lake'e -preseuce iu the.uew Roge would have a xquickentug atis a f4r- recachîiug influence. WVe belleve Ilbe Refortu party geuerally wili col-dially andi leartily support the. views we bave me5 Lossul) UsFEIIIN.-WVe hava receivai frein tise B3elterd-Rose publisisiug Cern- pany iy acopy off Ibis ok.-Il le a miel ceuditalule volumne ilu vcry way. T4 typmgssîily, paper snd lidirg are ùeh go, sud a iuisouse steel portrait of Lord flufferin forme tlise tontlspele. Mr. Stewart, Vieo msuhon, hIsdoue faim Justiehlo ebis suhjeet sud)lias made tlýe iait aiflime abundaut rnatvial i ie eousîmsaud. Ho elîews Iisuseif a cama- ful ansi obsemrant writer ; lus tyle le frecansd flowing, ani tise writing nu- excepmiosally good. Tise ook, col: taiuing ase il date the mnsy brilliapî - spseechies off Lord Dufferin, tts ua e- eoîsnh of hisereceptiats ah tise csriomls loca[itiius vIitesiby !hlm tisougsosit lie licughi sud lreadiiof lise Dominion, se eule offr rsa intert iocally ansi gouer- aIiy, ssud lsa atrnrlwortlsy' iiitory e tIse polilies sud 1rogrcee cof Canadla frein 1872 Uni ote isedejisu-lro off iar Vise succese of Wliitby Iiioye in tise memîsi sre ainougel lie items off uem4l wmici we ahmsys bel lieantelphcaenie in Cliroiling, Mr. Peter'-Perry, son cf Ounr Icîvesesn, Mr. John flainu Perrx, lisns Seen osiployesi for se0111 tisas pafe ai toelinlutise Ri-Iî sooi, Porti, sud lise folewiug, mîiclisme find pubi. iseod lu tIse Cousrier-, in tIse psocced. luge off die Board of tEducatien oft hh4 taie, letifle hse iigli estimation lu wlîiclîounr yeung tomnsuan leaisld, sud t-le goosi opinion lie ha. ,eRrncd for Iimsohi amongsh traugemei. Mm. Shaw rmovesi, eecomieil by Me. McLaren, .Shlah lu vie' f fMm, Perry isaving resiguesil is o t lslunthse Perths Higi Schsool, lii, fsdjowiug tes.' tiweonial leis eroby grtnled. Tlîst M. Peter Pery, b. A.,lisas tisugît (gas sintant Oiseler - u theIigi selsool hers for thie pasl yjear snd s. haIt.*TVie sîsljects ciieky hsauglît by lsjrn weme Latin, Ore, suil Frenohs tViat we aire vos-y eorry liese he siguosi bils position, as lie hsiglît mitis mueSl stisfastion tae seBoardi, Who moulsi gladly hav'e relaiurd hine svices, but hoe seeks a higfiser positionoff Ileal ManIai in a Higîs Se soo. MmPesry W a s sliolar sud a gentlemanî ; bis s0aishrlis le accual smthirongîs. He aIse pomseee mueis a t itude for eacfsng ; sud wiilst lier., lis moral casaacter Sas beemi hayonl reproach. Il mould afferd Ibis Board mîucis pies- sure lu hear sisat tîis testimbisi cenisi lu auy wsy aosist Mr. Penny' lu attain- ing tlis ojelle e."e Secre- tamy offthe Boara inlierhIfyIustnnctéd- le sens a côpofuthlie foregfng eoine tion tb M. Perry.--Caried.- Useo WVitfield's ceierated pulmonic syrup, eue dose 'sil! raieve yoi, prie, 25 sud dN cents. Departume of tlhnoMarquis off Lame sund Princess. TIse Marquis et ternie sud 1 Pinoces Louis. leave te-day(Ttsunsday> Liver- psool for Halifax. 'Tise aremeil crme- suonios ut Liverpoel mere v~r impes iug. Thec araugamaota tise weî cerne cf lis. VICO.Uegah pîinon ti side off tIse Atlantic are emteiviie. Mes aftisecalies suddSiamenous salonal suJ allier mcieties linbis Doinu iii presceit addresses o ef more. Tise -Dukaoff Edsuburgis unîl net lise Mar. quis sud thé Prnonese st Halfax. liludy, Sali, sud panior laspi, lun greal vaiely sud cary cieap. S. W B. Smith 4 Co. i Tise Awiind teaiicPaisi uudFn'Pruîesm.s It s e bicieved al Lord Sslisbury, iùl hie reply le Secreîany Ecsrl>î, les es rý neti is position tisaI hlý s, nadiaut fiasbery amard mas madce-in hccendaue lu rnilaiuiug tise oppositersiew. Tise cerreupoudauce le ual likly to bis coul cluiesihy tho 28rdd lad., iciî the smW. -ansi is due, sud wissuiil miJ probabl4 n)e psitt unier pruleet. 1 The Timea et yeslerdaysy s. Loi-s Balisbury'e nepi y te Evar 1le'lttas- -concerning lie k'isiieny mad mss r4~ ciced yeterdsy. Itlae be ieved tiaâ lie portion retorrng le i>tefrençý mii AmÉieriesu tisisermea e isfabey luI tu»a i 1nu i Revenue Departmemslare centenpited. 1fr. W. F. Po"~t, sup.nlntendent, of 'tise mo"y-oier brmucis of tise Postai Depsntmeul, It 'u, sawd, is to b. removed bo anotsen posi., 1tion. On dU ijisi Mfr. 1Haggart, Mt.P,?o South Leuszk, le to receive au appoit Meut, sud resigu lu faveur oft tise Ox. >Lientenant;>Governor of Manitoba, W11o le vie#ed, masaprospective Osblýet Minoser. Mfr. Martin J. GrIi f thtie -Hautls: HéraW bas been &ppoinlted privatO 8ec rotary te lise Miuister of Justice. BIs ALsaàwnaa GÀr-Ts5z TÂIwv. -sir A.-T. *aiin le uudsrsto1be lu the' capital not oniy for th. ptnnpeui e sdvisiug tise Governlt regandlng the preparation of tle. OsuadisaseCMO- r the. information of thse British Foefg office, but le give tis noe innc Miuleten tii.benefit eofb!.seàietasice lu formuistlng tise Dew Tarif-a p4o. cees whicis, Il le undersklod, le falnly sin . der weigh. It iii said tiâtSam Umizax. AminE laver.a aretunu 1 thse Tard of 1850,whici s 5known ae au "IlMlàte" tarif sund wiih placed s duty ranglng tram 20 to 80 per cent, ou Mos t oftine maniufacturesil i.nDow tisougit deair. able 10 stimuist4. LrEimox,-41 meeting of the tlbsnal Conuervatives was hld at 'Napane. on Batut-day te siolect s candidate for the Lccoil ousn. On the. first ballot Mesers. A. H,. Uc., J. T. Orange, L. C. Spocfoid, W. N. Dollar, tnafIlaim, AleX. Henery, snd È. Stonre wers nemlnsted but ne eue received s maIority-. A secotnd ballot *as talion *1111 thb sarnb resuit, sud tise liird ballot *a$ :-A. H. Bos, 70 votes; J. T. Grange, M.PP., 89 votes. The. Dominatiou of lhe lit. ter mas made unusirneus. Mr. Tooley ha. receîved tise nomii- nation of thse Cohserative -convention for Est Misdlesex. À. Victoria despatchsys Mr. - Buu- ster wss ro-electesi for Vancouver by ta large rnsjorily, sud lise wlsila Proviuco eleats supporters ef Sir. John Maç- douaid's Gomerntu. Hon. AîelexnrMuekeuiele le t lais. up bie reeldoece permanantîy lu Mr. J, W. Jtlinpon, Belleville, le usientionai ns ma probable candidate lu tise Cousencatis'. intereit for' lie rap- eentation- off West Hastinsgs iu tise Ontario Legisistune. Heu Dr. Tupper arrivesi ah Ottawa yeslandsy meruing. Mesrs. A. Code, M.P.P., H. Mes-ini, M.P.P., J. P. Wiser, M.P., John, Costigan, M.P., J. Baggsrl, MP., sud Hon. Johin Builiui teln mre aIse lu lie City. lin. 14DougalSas rasigusi tisa seat for Tisnee Rlvens. A ms-t has heen isinei, nomination 21s., vting 2Stis mest. Hon. bMn. Lungevin dees ual on- pecî.to hie cpposedl. DOMININE L%155SIiO 'ETITIeNB. Tise folîomlug eleetion pelitiens bave Seen tlid np le date:- Hastingse. E 1.-W. R. Aylesmomtis V. John White. City off Kingston-John Stewart v. Alexander Gunu. Townsud Towusisip et Corumsui-D. D1. MueLelian v. Darby Bergin.. Bruce, S. R.-James Susuwrnevillo v. Alexnuder Shsaw. Couuty Lisseoin-Bobent Fowlie v. J. C. Ilykert. Counhy Kent-laines 1I. Simmons v. R. Stepiseuson. Town und Townshsip off Ningan.- J. B. PlurnisY. Patrick Huglies. Hlastings, W. I.-Hou. Lewvis Wall- bridge V. James Brown. Ontarnie, S. U.-D. MclCay v. F. W. Glen. Huron, S. llI.-D. H. Ritalsievt. M. C. Cameras. Xingsîon.-L. T. Dronnatn V. Alex- muser Gunu. Preliinnry .dsjeclions have been filesi loe apethions of Ayieewertis v. Whiite, Plnmby, Hughes, WVallbnidge v. Brown, and McKuy v. Ghu ; lihse. il rombmably all ecIseard, sud dîspomei ef etore tisa fusil Ceourt during tIhe ensu- iug les-su. Fine astishe Central Prison. About eue u'oloek: Wemlueeday moim- -iug a lime breke cn u thlIe yard off tise Central Prison aud fdestroe.Jtise paint slep, lise drying kitu, tie engine-necin, sud lise store reoin, logeliser miit hti contente, aousisting off mscnery auJ mooden matenil. Tise Ires lias uct baen defuiitely aseertsined, but is cati- mated at belmeen 175,000 sud $100,000 wiii is covenesi iy insus-sac. Thîe main building mas nninjured su& ceîsscquntly ne removal off tise pris- onene mwiss neceesary. Tise origin off the f me is aI present -nkuemu. Tisa lues le fully covered by lusurauce. TuE CAMPas-LLS AND FsZAssclls#- A lange party et Campiselîs sud Frasers une goiug trous Quebea te IHalifax to weicome the Marquis off Lus-ne. A Geen Cîoàit CHzi. con be hai ai tise store off S. W. B. Smith & Ca, We Lava tried them. Tas Vzrîtv Rv. MoNeaNoni MeOABE, Viesn-Geues-sile lisee ite Cardinal Cul. leu, hasSays a Rame deepatci, beea appoluled tla tis.vacant Ârchislaopria. For -Tuethace, use WhImtflild'e In. fallible Teotatîeie guin, prie@é1-5 cents. QGucOcsîs BAY & WEIAJNSS!NRIIL- wî&v.-Au influentiaVlhlaputation wailad uponisle premier oet uaioete solieil Gocermusnt miii for the Geoi-gisn Bay sud Weiiingleu Railway. Mr. MoisI pnornised tistishe usahter ebonld rs- ceivo canaful eonsidenatiou Lsy liseGov. erunent. For Tuetisaise, ue Wbilfeld'e lu-. falsiible Tootisagie gain, prie 25 cent. MISSnONAnsv - JiLLED.-jDteljigence bis been recehire4t, aIWinnipeg of tise demIat UfIthey. Mn. BSinner, a mis- ianary oft lt.e-*bletiodlet Obus-ai af Canada 1se aî itcidentaily kiled by tisa dlshargp of hieis m ntl4e ouney, belmeu CoridIitan"d'orl Plît, Clces4pmis, j .m olepie ffrom 94, ent&S. BW. B. snil 4 15,l tie omig @y. 1 I ~ni uanesy mi tlat~asinereta. fe ItsUbetima-ufonfl e,-- n a~nÉavo~t~ansp #O f lb town of i nal MY but lise adiansomenlm dpihnta tt P t -," o trt7fl 0MY' fnien d a faoir towmasses thlbe nymake I reomin, Mr. Editor, Yonsr obt. Sonvnts JAMES BOLDEN. Wà Èr ~ov. liti, 1878. To l dii. dof osecureMis. Sir :-Will yen mloir me s short upace iijeur valuabi. papar 10 pesk o a matter wichilun MIopion, lu deserning et me allentos i The Higis Sehool Bemniýpsuaed a r.- solution tome lime mgo te offer s pri. et tan dollma' mor-lisof booku le avuri fp othé i scSel pioolpgIthm Çunermadlate Zùmuatosn. À shunt lim0 afler, lbry -sel mdd hàum vul. tien; buts&teir menths e Orelttei 11, lesueulsng the amouat of the pimo, homever, 10tiraw dollars. By that ar- ragaent, ti eueho m islned tise ami in " obissldi.ltmas, bat Worm pittei. ed, sud passed tise exsmlaatimn mi:h mas isele slx mouns s ftor, are tere.- ceve arise,whilte thaïeWhomise n sucéeataIChrlàsaSu ortelu get noue. la hilufair.l t ssaeeut 5»oglne thons persona ý prize whirie rsplueloed, sud net thieSM;wo passefi? Agalu, tiser. are semaI *ib tnled tise exsmlnstloa à ar. e wi mr plited; sud min mers aise plnsckod at dnldsiumer, mise are iutoàdiug 10 try the. comlug examination ~Chistatsu; .cf they pisse,thiey aise iJU ir.celvé a prisansd tins have more lioor thu th",s. mise paesed a wmi.year before thism. -Nom if tish ie holBoard milI do lia i4ecent lng. tis4y wmiii ard lise well.arued isonour 16ti hsee mi pa8sed lai Christmnas, mmii le ton dollarmêais.ereselution lu leseen Il lu twi re ma bt pasmad tilI long aftef tisaI examinaticu. I arn, yours &.b FAIR PLAY. Tise Proteni. To the Editor cf the Wuj C/s-ortf.- CIO. DEÂns SIR 1 ramISs tlbtas-jir te lise funi l on protestlug Mr. bîei'1 eise- tien. I ipheeribeil upou lise ébpresa nindertaudiug tiat a prolest moul ouiy l4aeutered ilacsp thse mac enfl-. aient evidene, uet buhy Id hases!, but te disquslify Mr. Glen. 'I iras mi oliere assured liaI there mas suais cvi- deuce aud liatIt1h ouli . torthorn- iug, sud tisai Heu. T. N. Gibbs mouli nudouistedhy dais tise beat. Judg, nom cffrny surprise ho fii pàutesi entesi by a Mn. Maoismy, misu simpiy moestisaI lhe ehection mmy Le veidei. I suppose thal cf course tiat wili net preveni lise evîdeuce, if ýisere lu avy, b aiug put lu te disquaisfy Mgr. Glea. Bîut thoneu ile a baak-bsimd m ay et dcing lise thiag. Itlela olparrying ont tisa unudemteudlng tisat Hou. T. N. Gibs siioid antan the proeee, mand claii tise sesh. Il le n thlIe bcld, elrmiglnforird may mit me mer. tolsi, tîhe evideieie iroih *aii'"ut Mn. Gibhbs lu tsking. TIse eilditietué ipon ihitlie suheaiptieus more obtaiued liave uet been carried out, or compliod ils. We ail kueir that thiere irasne us. in going le tise courts smply ta gat a usw eleaia)n. Net a membar off tise Couserialive party that I Sueir of, mauted te have lise electiou proeted uspon liaI grouud. I can'týýieip aying tt t el dieappolntbd t thlb step tisat bas been takiel, sud bf itlais une, as yen eay, desigued te isarase Mri Glen, ils- ont auy otiser reuil lu view tissu htia aud Putling cuits mb oh pecisels cf tise îsmyors, thiey mil get ueitiser tise rnoney uer lise eympatisy off Yours, &c., A LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE. Nov. l2ti, 1878. Sentence ou tise Ballot-box Stufferu. AItishe Court off Queen'se feucl, Mou- Ieai, ou Fridsy, Bis Hconor Mn. Jus. lice Rsussay gave judgmbl, 1l2tie Jacques Cartier bllot-box situffing case, on tho motion etf1Mr. Carter fer arreet et jusigmeul, Iiramisg ont 1h. firet ceunI of tise indicîrneut. Itisten de- liveri senteuces on the chier tire caunul. Adelard P. Forget mas fluei $200 or. eue year's imprisuneut * Alphoense Chrietin, $100 or toty.fire sisys' impisoumeul ; AdOlvIÉ>e Lamas-- aise, $10olo brty-f t'a days> impnicen- ment. The honorable judgt impressed upon 11he defeuianle hs. enrmity of their offeuee. He sii tis$ if Forget bai taken tise omIs off office 1 as depuîy neturniug officer ise moldIhava fined bisa $1.000 sud lirce years' imprison- ment. Tise Nemi Promu Euippe. Tusa nemi ffrorn Europe Ct"tinueo lu bc reassnniug. BeacousflIis menet speech Sas cçreated -a favrnlIe impresef- ian isn Englansi, tsougis by corneoethlie IUnssisun prose it is reganded ns express- ive et eniity tomande Bussis. TisePorte is sai ta hamve subralîtai a enuewisal stsfaetory, constitution tonr Roumnehia, sud ta Le desinous sud likel , tofind su acceptable solution eft he Gs-ieis roulier difieuolty ; sud tise Czar, ais bie part, bs declare hisienletion ui adiaring ta the Treaty off Berin. Lord Justice 0Citiai, of lise Court et à ppeals iu Irelani, bas s-sigued ou oceout off iucneasimig dullueso, cf isear- lug. Papes- and porcelalu sasdes, prices trous 15 cents. S. W. B. Smiih &Ce. Paoi'ossn Associa-srua ops- TasNS. -It le' propeeed ho fus-m au Associa- haon off Cntario tannera, wmd mil ais se lise prospectus slaIe"te islg àabeul, a more haéltiy etahe off tise traie, sud te suggest needed alteraitiope lu lis Act conaeriug lise inspection ut bides aud skius." Sntir ce CRÂms-oi.-Tise.Bullbs been Jisrnisseedilu lus imponllnl Chan- cery case.- Tue Jaws' Faim Bcusoe..-Tie Jems free séSool, lu Bell lapse, Bjitalfiehis, Landau, ibelieved t e h ie largesi, selsoal lu Englani. Tise averse e aily allelhunee lisu y.ar iras1ý248 boys sud 554) irls.The Goverdment lu- sVeeter apeako vos-y iigily t ilseffi. ceerey, sud advisesAUailintereteilun.ed. mcotion ta vieiti . Tua . Tsuors EueAo iNe .;r a Ts Was.-Tse Busisu lnmalies'I p this nunrber ef troupe engage m acntual fighitiuung tue laimas et 282,000 lusautry, V7,000 cavslry, ornîtS,Oeorunn ils l',2% fieu guis. Theé mnIilery usesi e049:in harges, ma i w natr aund cavais-y 1,5774 -atrges. Tise Tus-re aore report@i tea a àaL a- tegehes-uniry M M 0killami u Tise Lusua sT"anns.-lr. John Bus-stehi, lise lamber saorcasu f Que- be, isas left Ottawa.,for Tcr$sito. ne stales stahes-ihal ahulia lult orma.en pointe tisai thonere r uiény 20,000 Wfe. of square limbes- M, toiien the OttawaansuitIt. lstinàIii ear.ý lisis mas-set almeIzsdmisy a F', ýý : .., -- 1 f ti nlsssdScottislisBenedic.- tiue cougregalien, feel iuaersly dvot- ed te s Throue, for the. Beuedictioe O0der la Englsnd sud Scotlaud omas s grat deal le tise Thnone. (Applause.> It mas tise saislly Quesu Margaret mise re slored sud s'evived ths Order, sud1 betowed many boneficticus upon tise Beuediatine monki. History isas ne- pest.d ilseif, sud, se l ishie dn daya Qýeen Margaret ofslnhly memnory blipugist with lier Euglisis Beuedictiue mbuku from Durham te Scoflaud, so iu these days s colouy et Euglish Ben,. dicine mouka have croused tise Tweed, ef4ablisiig theinselves lu tise Fort. Ainutus Monutery ef Bt. Benadiat. 0oe off the first cf lthe Stuarte, who mas au aucestor of one off our meet illustrions beýnefactore-tise noble marquis of But. spplanse)-lies lu a Benediatine ais. bîy et PaigleY. King Chsarles 1.ILsasi aipo great love for the Order. sud lie o*ed bis lie te aiBenedictine usonk, mine gave hlm siielter aller the batile of, Worcetr ; sud il ma hs iiame moisltwiso, mien tise monarcis was dhug, meutte husise eide, made liii pCaewitis Qed, sud offered up ail tise nilstraticus oer hlm liai mas in is cdrn. Later in hutory. James IL oacd uais: venerationi fer tisse, menks thiat ie kept a commuuilycf tise Order 'le Londen, sud hi. ismef mssburied injan Englimis Benadiatiue monsstery *4 Pars.; and wlheu troubles came upen t4. Houme cf Stuart, that Banse receiv- ad shelter sud hespit&slty frorntise 1lmèottis Benediatine monks ; sud at l4sîlbon tisere are kept etlll 1,nrtiaý otise old, Scettisis kiugs wmmcihbac! bien, presenlied te lb. sbbey by tise' kinge themselves. Tise kinge ot Scot- loina loved ta i. isurriea la tise greal Abhey off Dunfermline, mnlis iras tua Westiuait, ÂbeyoSeeta ud-idi tl4eir ies tey Ioàvr th a lte ik - tisai ulsen tue irorli hbai fcrgtteu bom tise» B~saedctIne oin oud h. aven tuair pr ygfer the,:repose, oethIoie tha ii- doise hme Th pemtll Vilageof Fort- Isuotie try sLnthe oioof a *é thé famsons éli forLiL 4*i frà7i ulmee.hsabu in - - -àmmneie oIathe 8hetmeP~ TlI lin. sti lion lu ontirslyM uni ar lyoo tise saUnoIIOuuln, Mdnitbe oei@ is ito provide mu effoual bghb.efl éd uc -, Th" -àmn.two bloe s lmo.t oosplèted5 0"e bteln lise oll 1 e ion àâd i m iii1 Othe* tise mueuutie or âLI'ltY portline thse tire, hov.uer being soý e eosew. that thy ïër* '&; eu@ gremi boud. adoniaCanal,smiii a0etuMWuaion. 1teirer, 110 ït..tlumgheigstis, the top ef ; whléhcleoinmandsanuextenuiro sud ebeaultnl vlew. Whsn oumpleted, tise buildings wiliioccupy le ores, Ma ini c0olut ofthle eollies, tue mn mtery ethe tler, -the . p l, nua), tueheu,'tise hosPltlns a guet ou., 4.Tii.buings mn. es. tlrnated -10 cout net muais lmuutiss £500,000, miè>nco um my Le d!vided >up as folow :-Thse college, opeaed yeslendsy, isu ces, exlusive cf lulenior j turnnlbilgot about 41AI00O, lie part of th monittet) fleafiyl completed, £12,. 1000; mu siditionsl mmsg oftheiimens. toyis .stimâna.ite ol £600, thse Jcimpel m&bout £10,oo, sud tlilbrary I*8000 Emly Englis Gothsie la tise ~style.of arebleeture; Tisa Ipart cf the ibuildlngu mmich consistau q tise, collage ý was opeued bresterday. Ibon college le 1te b. condtissbd by thea Bugub Bon. 1iq!. e hugregt1alin sd lu der ilhe aipr aon of F r onYus h5D~ o l At is'l 1o «e tiste Sathelicu of Seatland au educational es- 4tablishmemnt of tiseir cm n m àpar mii ftiie Catuella collegçs et Engiand." Tise proceding of lise day dbmrnuc- oïd with tlise clebration cf higi masu nb tieay 4Busop M'Donsld, Aber ,leen, u e m pcrary chapel. Tise pro- besalon of tise clergy from the. sacnsty was headed by tise iloinke cf St. Bon. ~dicl, sud following tues. more Dr. ;.ireillj tihe presideut of tise order; ~r. S*eehoe', Bath; other dignitaries 1 the orde cf St. Bnedi et, ud sec- f lic lergy f tse diofte. Tise sermon mal prescised b y Dr. weeuyi mie teferred a ai con egl tohie labors cf St. Benediat sud St; polumba, tise lstter cf mmom; le-stated, inmd eîtsbillied lu Sfltialid lid mou. toteries. Ile srgtlsd lu tâtcdf lise os- Iablishieut cf monastia institutions,s ,hoe inihtes cf mniais, altuongis exclud. 4dJ from lie world, were lthe muet poir- érful lu tue mork ol conversion. Our Lord duiriug hie thirty.turee years en éis eartii spent aIl but tht-et of tise ~usasseclusion. The. situation cf eis monsalenybofdtring où Isochnus, but remiuded them of lis. good merise iud miracles of thse Savior, which were ~ rformed by tise aide of auolher ke, tbe Bs off Glle.. This tMuas. Elry cf St. Beuedicailsd eets Legunuiu tas naine of Ged. God was with tiîeum iud tise mork se auaptciously begnu *as suré te prosper. A luuaheod took place iu tise study i# tise afternoou. Tii. Very 11ev. Prier Taugissu prosldedi sudise wass support. id ou tise tlgln by Lady Levat, Dr. Igiraisell, Mime Wald Blundett, Mr. Cor. Jiatîle, Montsck, sud Mrs. Ulufford, Iu- éinaardocis ; sud on tise lofftlis. Rigisl R qv. Bis hep Macdouald, Lady Herbert ftthe les. Lord Lovat, sud . Mr. .sud Pkre. Stewart cf Balleohen. tise Very l4ev. Fathie Hall, Laucasiir., mas coupîer, supportei ou tiie igist by the MeryRov. Dr. Sweuey, cf Bath, sud Ans the.lefI by the. IigisI 1ev. Dr. ýmith, of Glastonury. Tise aompauy Ûlu-bered about 70. 1Tise firet toast wal "The. Pope sud lin. Qusen," proposedl by tiseVery Bac. Prior Vaugisan. He said-I ris. ta Sopos. a toast tisaI wlll strike a cisord .every Jathilia ieart-tise healtis of (jieHolines tise Pope Leo XIII. sud oaUe Gracious Majesty thie Quen- edplans.) -in eue word, prosperity te Qhurcis sud State ; sud wisen I couple t#eoe tire teuta togetiser 1 du co net eJunply for brevity'u sake, but witi tise ilbsire te empliasîze a deep-uated Caths. ?lic priuciple, wilh wil ever domineer nitiia coutry-(spplause) -love fer t 0 Pope sud loyalty 10 tise Queen. (Aenewed applause.) Tise. wu featur- 4t lu Catholia 1f. are intimslely bens 119 tegehher. Tisey canuot be separat. a8. Tisey canuot sud neyer shahl be dleuited-(applanse)-aiid h.cwio le s f4rvent Catiiolia su proportion as he is TIhe Graî Rbbd luaias, tos5itr.rcsioitta'ls1 canniez> eFFr1 naxaras - 'Timai réparteil at Police headquai4 ters -eonlisemornfag et tue 71s, thai the body cfA. T. Stewart isai beon stolon, fresa lie tamily vault ai Bt. Mani's Churais early thlu moruiug. The -oas- kel mac brukon opeb, sud tise body ne- 000; Halamili, ceixte etof b. Marks Ç iurais, mus-$te vant'uundertaker. Barhy thinlemorniïs francie Parker, assistant uexteouC, tuiecversi bal lise van!. isai béb" Uipýsied mth. Thse store slab ea h«h. of lise vausltisad besa ramnved a foot ay freasiUlispo- ilieu sud theearts., Jug meveral faot un- don tise uab. ,,Ae lise iab mas net, ovor th. opeuing efthtie wauit, homever, tise thieves hiai beau dluappeinted. Hams- miil repenled lise oicurrenua ta Judge Hilton, sud a couciition u sheu a te lhe boLesoens ut gnsndiag tus vault. At BammuWe euggémLicu lie ulab mars- lug tue vaulmas rensoved ttom ewfoot menti effile mrue position, in crier te decei* tuenctue who migisl miii 10 stei is boy.A ataisman mas aise engaged,, aud lie parlroliJ lie grouni every ulgh isti ll sfe il aysago. HammilI mas in the aiurcis aetvepm yeelerday, ssii uehied btijilug. Wien tise asistantl settob came t101h. churcis- yard tuis mornlug, he sair lut the vaulh hadiseen JlshurbeJi, 'the. hievas isi usot been ideivad bý' 1he position off lb, clai, but oa hogumi diretly ovar tise Mieng 1tueh vault. Bie «dut afler Harnmill, wir ise dvetedlihat Stewar'm body had hteefi àtolefl. Tisé thiéves bia Vniad UPen tise cstteug Ousten ber, mnd laid lise top to àne side. Tiey bad lienu&utopen tue bi box mis a Suife wreuabed ofef hi sér pilte o et isen- uer casiet, sud taises off uSe top. Tis bsody mmd baaun emovÃŽd mith ail ils aloliig. Tise belduesu of 1h. rubbery le surpneiung. Tise £iiotee mmuet save maWleathle rnuvern9te et tise police ciosely 0 vid Leiug sien. They must bave kouahie Ihlat lb. malâimeuà bail been discissrgedÏ' sud tis surmime furulisesa aine by ivicîstise Ibieves Msay yet b. discovi~red. Tise farnuly mayatý lis ieves evîdeutly expected. a remand for lise returu afthle body. Jrsige Hilton doe uot lsinisbrotese- louai hhieves or burgians badlauything ta do mitis tise Jed. jBe le numihling ho implicals the.Sexton sudîle s suis- tant, but says liai tiéy are tise uuly lue, besidee bimmeif, mise couli accura- teiy locale tise position Off tise valt, aud dig direahly oven il. A newand et $26,000 isu been offet- ai for lh. recovery ¶,of tise body sud -detectien cf lthe grave robbars. BOCecIcNu SCENE &Ar A F'tINEEAL.-AI Ruekterd, TIL, a sheei'sing sceeccurr- ed aI the tiseral. off Lemîs Gromman, mho cornuiîled suicida by takiug laud- anum a tamr daya maine. Wisile the. processin rs beiug tormad in front off lise remidence, une ofthéecarrfages struek aneliser flled mih éeople, sud uver- turuediti. Th. e baus.altacised le lie uverlurned veiile rau mis 'full force lule lise rear cf tiseisearse, break- iusg lie ieavy plate glass sud aise tise end off lhe caket, and tureiring off tise lid. This suddeu ýhock Ilnr. the driver frein bis seat, ind ise teli belmeen his iormes. Tise scirses started 11k. svild isorses demiltse streel. The feelings of lism se h e meeiil, as lhe hoearodassaed demi ljestreet, canuot ha Jeecribei. Ou re4ing Main slreèt ou. off tbe hurues tunnami, sud tiey ame mils fulh force againdt au iron lamp. peel. Witis a ieud trasilise bisee overhunneml, tisrwiug Ithe Coffin up ou tise sidemalk. As.il struakis i broke, sud lise body matit rlling upon lis. dii-ty streel. 'Tise b4dy ms peedily piaked up sud rePhaýsed lu tise coffin, sud csrnied, by tise pailbearerm luthe cisurci. Ainother iseÙ~se sud team, mas previdod. sud liehe kcasion euded thiein msy te lia graveyard. Home Rnls iý Irelandc. ADates or MR. IEuTT.-Dr. Bull, M.P. for Limrneick., iii issned au Rd- drestethe elealorS CqfttI ity-vir- Iuaily, iomevar, lu lime Borna 1u0er througiuut tise couutry--deelnring liaI tise peiicy cf obstruction iuvoives lise ttl disruption ut tfse existing Irish panlisrntary part>'l Be asks tise Irish people ta discol'rege 1h. peliey prociaiused lu the retolntioues dopted I tue Rolunda, mealing lin Dublin on tisa 22adoet Cetohor. Be says liaI ne beavier Slow conid, beïifiote eus tise cause off Irehaud ISsu [giving tise pro- pose agitatien evan tise sumisisuca off pa3pujr approvai. 1Mr. Bull deulea tiat iipoiicy basÇ beau a lailure. Neye r, heosys, in lb, spaca of four ycsn blas se muais been doue te saSe the ýonce Pt Irelsud feepeceaisud la- ecaurrence wmas recentiy mitnessred on - liepublie ruail near Ijonnal BullCci etresin. Jiulne a iMan rs paeslug miaug lhe rosi s meOW camüe eut off rosi. hessu ais tl«s-o tcf romgsenieTho tga ilm ie ýn i e' - meuo.d tlocny lia à eeullar manuer, aud lis s feir Momeulsne oirer-$bm namue.a".à I uelà wol lkLod smt then '0'r ost giouorm esmutd llin h manse pof sm~e, ni the'r , bsmmorateh O'dr ae mrs-othun lise teast h. e 'pOUM",*utaIem tise DuketfNerÙl, uemarquis et Bute, sud tleMu4 os f Rpn. iardint,à»,ulM'd ' 000M Churei Ssud 10 liha servie ofthhe Order ai Dsedli#tobt -lb. but buaah Oai i ,is là LisIlile. -Atte %Spekssngt omo meyngthe b.aivan- togmmhbicistbohuusti utiosj mciii gve te Sctiani, lard Lvmt eoucladed by reposhug suectes e College lof Bt. Benediat. KiNsseuN-.-Our correspondent lu Klincountsasys :--Our eld trieud 1fr. J. B. Csrnpbeg isle ere %gain, And isu eugagea eome>ren te open su h-on Mine ou Lot No. 17 lu tise let Cou. efthtie Townshsip of Snowdon, sud it lu te lhe hoatise trial rMy p rove sucos- fà. àsdaccident happeued an Tuesdlay, tise 5t isut., luthe abeve uaiised'tuiasisip to a Mre. Tripp, mise mas golng ta vieil a ueighbor, sud' tiengst cie meusld taise tue Run aloal sud tny aud gel smrnevan. Bse isa4 gous but a set, distsacefreai isenm ie hopac ars ideer, and' fa isr hurry 16geltitosa goil posittinto., ire< ahI it abd i tise mSuzleofé s.gun lune letu-,anud uth e APa biug Ly seme, saeeSus dischargod ifs contant. tare a large isole throngh tâte centre or ber kÀUn.-Fouol" ~'FtluiGazette,. CanIns s-MQxsWw.-- Germn a s Per publios a tustiosmiis sisa vaut augmuentatiounf crime iloi iermàny ulula tis mIeilycans. l prusaiý 6,«08Ils 1871 te -I1.%87 lun 1878.:-u fi 'W aeml pli ur.e4 Ti0ua me t.& tu theise moe epau mxoisetfl1itsadtlie diaulpatin mnisi -Gl" ikionsy. Weea Ma. lra q.- AMitte m5h5" "uon 0e 1 UlV uAmu ment.' Th"oy iell"vai lb. imv6âiuMs mosnld buoapà psibe.-Jq Asi* Miaor mai-lb. Iuphàatuvallir byevery, atreonw re mnk peru, a b boadk Ieuf Ptmbss-"on'le utmu mah ma rehlthe Aiglo.Tiiki*, Con-« venitions, wmn m e l-u auuie1sof the»aelilies to M ni 10ye laet, te, remove caffuet ot mppflnilsloi Censcernung Our i outiers, mva alI itiÃ" I e.,ogoiteew u iti oudw misr,-b.«ultn eonlmuI tsaI f ua danger prêv.atudlm .trous ont reforma h. mliu t mak0 e scuxl sok "";toi the Ualtae.otb. aiy do t là'ts treatier. Tiseaxule cf*Tat ot Berinaidltse rectf ao b north.mosteun mùontiezt f huis meuhd inexemue Euglaui's paver ansi praser 117. Turalag tram,,ezoluuvly An g1le Indian ftqreétu, Èsrl B.aooual peoint.dou2t hç4isýI5mas aOtlses-spc.t et tise Bas t question,' mMgis lxlhvd1v.- uadhindepmusefeeotdllEurope mand .upeciaily atiséMdl&qrrneau poirers; the O3overimèn's peliey wmeuh preveut s fatal supremaoy cof sny individusl State.. nglatd dtildethel' l'amers nt Cougres ceagit te do lit by estsb- lleiig tise Sultau as satUly iid.peui.. eut prince. Bef.z!nq$sib te ise mse- ment. tuai tise trealy et Berilamefl never b. cariei eout, h.opointe& tô tise number of it. provisions *hsiis Wa beau already fulifhih, lthohih OIs n cue-tisird o etiUre, fer 11. exectitiosi had elspsed. Be emphatiansd r,- pest.diy decased tisaitishe Gavsrnmnut received ne intimation miatever frcm any ofet tiseeguatries tuml liey desin.d or intended te evsdo tise complets finI- filment of tise tresty. ltougist it quit. impeesible ton &Dy eîgumbory te stt.rnpt te mithdrsm trous is engage- meule, but wmeuh; say, 'on 115e.part of ber Mjestys Goverumeut, tisaItisey mouid net boctise siguatury muisý mould relire frontliseir poliay, aud tueir delerminstion i# tisaItie Treaty of Berlin shah .b. dsrried outinu spirit, beiisving ual lth. Berlin ettlesueut 18 eune tis.t mliiavance tise progresu sud civiliaticu sund omesuretise mainten- suce ut poes. 't!he Gevernmeut iouipi, if neaeseary, appeal mi couifideute te tise peopie 10 support tiem in lusn- taiusug the lrealy mi ail their euergy sud reecurces. (Cheons,) Earl.,Bea- cousfield deni.d tisaI tis sate cf aiTairo point. te danger, slihongis frorn lie important nature cf tise Berlin settie- meut mnichis asproaeediug It mas ue- aeeearily serieus. H. marued bis hearere nul le p lace suy trust lu ru- mors. Eugland mac nul pomerles te assert tise slicy irbici sch. eli.ved 1te be oeeof justice and trntb. He mas confideut sise monld ucl becorne'as Genoea, Veuoe. or Holiand. An Extraurdluary Stor. The Vctoria, B. C.0 Colonist off the 24n1t. reports tise murder of Dennis Haigit sud iâs mife aI Scoir Bay, near Port Tomneensi, Hsigis mas sisal lu thie stable, sudhIs mîfe between tise stable sud lie housse. Atermards ber threat iras cnt frornesr toeaer. The tire ciilsiren of tise murdered couple,. roee s boy tire. years old and lise et er ou iufant only a feir moulus cf age, mers in tise bouse somne tlirty beure aîne iritishisir dead parente before tiie crime mal discovered. It mis eta firet believed tisaI tise udiase iad doue tise doed, sudlthe Bsheriff ef Port Tomn- Sena visited s nslghbering trlbe snd msade euquiriee amoug tiem, blutisey pretesled hbeir inocence. Tise tact liaI lie isonsebidnot beeti ,,rabbed 101,1 lu luair faver alec. It was tien propased tisaitise eyes-ofthtis victims aboulad b, tahen oni sud eubnsilted for microscopie exanirnation to Dr. Vin- cent, suold sarmy surgeon. Thismwu doue, sud "au tise retins off tue eye of the, wmrnuas fond imprinted tise face auJ bu.t etfa min ilu hisrt- sleeveesud wmesnug a full beard. Be mas recegnized s a u.igibor." Tise sherif, the. Colonîgt eaye, pursued lis mn, wmi a ied, sud ran hum domu sud iseld hum for examinstien. Xtisl uol necesssry for lise neader tu believe tiie wsole off tuis slory. AN 15515K OAPT4ixCcszsuINîseTUE AmigEa'is CÀvLRir-Among lb, Arneer of Afgisauletsn'e favosite captains lsas certain Hussein, a Kisyber Khan, cern- mauduîsg tise cavalry off tise nilit.ry district cf Caudahar. Thsis Mural cf Afgisaislan cavalry les anenegade Britishs Soldier. Bis naine mac O'Dou-. uil. Be served tfor many years iu tise sud kiduspped i lon=Williamn, whmis tuey tuk.to Winiester, misere iss mas convicted off orava lîsreny, sud seuleu- cdt esr lu tise ,peul* t>a.ne, :2t2=ads ecured 1anew tra.  tue, spmte lime Eider Whie réoceived a notice hy tise regulatera tW have'tise ooulity. Nol doing se, ho ma shabt degai l h~i ons. iny meus nt er. Tise Grand Jury touisd Inn, billsaagss -Jebn Areile, "Jaebi BunJi.. Wm. Bshumat., Albert Diakie, Sulemon Fer- gusou, Oliver Morgan sud Uebl. Hart, o0rý kidnapping White., Yeterday 'Marsissi Bisier pracured assae'ii arrcsled lise entîre party. %Vm. Sisu- maste ir orth 850,000. - are oLhlseAllan -ina-tise Mors,Iý a ; Pisoeuiciau-collhded bis monising -;inu the St. Lawrnce, belmeen Quebecansd, monlr.l. Ts iouca a nue ,to sucamu extant tuai tsisi mas rua un tise ruoke.-te prevaut iser frem in inug erisi byzthe Emperor mi ttie-grand c- aofe thé-, Oner oethte Rd-s besrnÉgtlb.aëeiisan-sd cromu encly - Cen& mnsbm lime tôjtim -mae mois mss-i rofi vol lu th CanTan - bien he int essisa ,seun 0 eTcr#800 1 - ¶ etDor. tMaUMasuaÀ;, U. S. Mue-GxcuâL.A teryipubliuhéd lba -.MAjo4uulon -.$t len11y*" qeai tuing Iithe risth la ng7Xb ismsmbera f Col in r tai~Byes'regimànl,-the u:ri=us thsw&j by Raiene fer dutrcling a81 MYm.n«s MAs.-Joisu Indu, aBrob- lys mercismut, àla mimiu. - *Bfe "loft ,"atseou Octeber 101h, iakig $5,00 mwils im. YoUiplay 6 susaneteL Gazar Courrà..nTONarsosCAr i Ma. -.44. hio u t ise Odean Houéùe on tise BhIh fat., muis dut ayedlism builing, Marchsants ete -oCu e ,Hml suds large 'ameiat oe. pry. lcs eslimated ai $400,N00. 1 - DoWxub. - William Thomas mas dromaed on Suuday, sean Gravenisnt. Be mas ont basting v*Itisa an usm.d David Terry, misen tise eefiher irn" in fipat ATrEMs'rai BtlssaYt.-&An nunuc- esfuhattempI mas mmde te break opeuý tise sale cf tise Nonllinn.alay aI Nemanrket, oun Monday nigit. s Masuarnedt John Crogan mas accs. deulsiUl siol dead by Deni Domuey,- lan G. X. Hall &h Co'esiianly, near tii. Esgîe tarri Tise Brit(ais Columobia gleffotlfr. Tise Brillis Columbia eloahlotie for the Dominiou Parliameut are over, sad ail tii. members mess that Province, mne e slî tc b. supporters ef tise - Gevern- meut. A milty seter iuvt.d s party cf gen- tîsmea te diue miii isim. Tii.-isour. arnived, sud, isue exception, "sn badl tis.guses. "We May as melie- gin sai tise bita; "X. lnesure 10 came, ansu he mouli rather me dii not mat for isim ;", upan mci tise oempasy est dem sund mare jusi f uleisiuq tis eousp mieu ltse eard cf th. mssaug iras banded the hoat. A sudden la- spinalien of tun ledt hlm te propose tisat before thé gentleman camaila h.7 sieuli sîl gel under tue table. With. ont mn objection, sud trusting to tise mit for some comical deuousement, tise nuuectiug mon burriedly eopiunuder, ti e t ab sud aited résulta, lutsly ignorant tftise tact liaI thein iaked huaI bail nult ollomai tisein example, but hai quietly continuei aht hie soup. The belsted guest came in ful et au spulegy fer his tirdinese. "Don't men- non il," caid lie etiser, 'lit isn't off any consequence. Ws are ouly at tis op; ait demu sud b. selpedl"Tise gonle- min did me, but mil a puzzîed leokaet the smpty chaire about the table. "~Oh "fsid lhe hast, "lyon mies tue other geulleuisu? Tlsey are al isere, bat fer sorne extraordinary remus, thsy aIl gel under Ils, table. Wiss t hy are dosng le mare tissu I kucu. LIrrsLL's Livin«sAO.-The lest tmo numbers of L UUf.fl'a Living A4e (hein- ing date Nov. 2ud sud tu reepeetively) have cerne noe.ortby articles, among mmicii are lise foilowiug :-"Tlàe Six- teautis Century arraigued befere lise Nineteenlis; a- stndy en tise Reforma- lieu," by Blgut Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Contemporary Review . "Hallacia- tieUsa of tue Beugea," Festnigly i: "Tisrougii lie Dark CauitneuItolui 1720," Macmillan : "Bin Walter Scott sud tue Bomautia Rotation," by Juifs Wedgemecd. Oontemcardry : "Celer in Painting," Ooinhifl: "Hdoida"yuil Basteru France," Part II, Fr'aser: "lTistroubles of s Scte Traveiler," Blaclcwood : "Tise Buzziug ut Insecto," Publk-C Opheion, &a., &0. lus addition to lie above are luehalments cf "Sin Gibii" by George MacDonald: "A Dnubtiug Heart," by Miss Keary," sud "lWithin lise Precina," by Mre. Cli- pissut, tegêtisar ii "Fred," a Tale frorn Japsu, sud select poetry sud mis- For fifty-lmo -nunubers, of .lxty-four large pages eseis (or more tuhon 8000 pages s year), tise subeaription pride (08) le low :oerfor #10.50 any oeeof tise Arnericasu 4 mouthiîsor mekliee le sent miti The Litrissg A g e for'a year, botu poslpald. Lilteli & Gay, Bedton,' are lie publiesers. Cunions CA.Ez.-Acunlia l icident occurred lu tise Toruto Police Court. iprapqtice. The termiusa mous mic i i Le preparolis bL b- alns e b tise press hve-compilmsuit lsu tise moit'glomlug terme. Go te yonr drng- -gief sud gel s'triai buttlifres a/ceaêoi an a rognâktsjseefanr $1. ,For sale hy B. W.,B. Suiti &Ce., Wbitby. For-impairediudigestlcn,-ai&iu tIact for adIeb ' im lièast iiowmoff netlisigus ieFeI6ýlu-UylotIpIse- J>ites. îLe direct ý felloo sraglsten- WxS owa, M. D. PillRell. Ma. unontunsta as ho injure yourselt in.atii mWay, me eau suoggest s remedy tisat*wil (me speais freiexperlence) see'n ehieve - yciiof 1al'pïa inquîekly heàSthé muud; t poesebut 25 cents nMd is sold Ly ain ggits-as t on ?crry Dsvlu'PmwKLE age id4Wer inu Baniil ibgw'beesI lop trqk f.A gil -et idxtçf'u. 1 ivho>n blai issu paying mol r ,*t ilb tele-toei, - i va wb.rsver Il in founi, sud #are *>uéli miflinge àae Il boueur, Wi.tierlst belà eu'Cnulor in aDffén. fNo, mes hava e nno, rsiýl wllb Our, IrleProtes.- tât teiiom.etis.s i âlWBe -pieh 4dar milicoa m e.Inlismua nof~ MnearalM b blise ta fcllow lb.' excellent exampis of theak*ullw.,sw. trymn l Hmi.i-n uiet. - Tba-Brocno f Lorno. -By reaon of l ut 1maI tisaI lb.eam soân ef t h,I ecf ýAwIgUboiratise tge e1thtie marulet ciLané acpmler.- ahl'i. ancexhoIs,t 1w ilànuIOe' si- ý ssn s te s amihistery of lthe Tis -bpmrs cjeyj .apWred by CLras from lthIM ýàe atisepeaM ai lrit, Ar mon trpye the MaDouanlssi ette bapellm. -Jeissi utlerne. Whu har8gassd rcdra iag M tisaIretreat, mas ehiaf of tise' DugIldtue brouis lea ifila pomseulani ti6fâhh aI tiseîir eoisunt st cf-Dunolli, e mu CLan. Tism tie mas cu isqnired hy the$ A Zllaiy dinng'thmlut cen. tur su.asno, cen"ehlein mthtisaI -Tise Argyli tamlyr mareovor, de net umu sypropenty la ,tse 1aid t Lurie, sîtuoligI a gentleman mise -i"lest yeaà,aen et et layalti, loft hy hi iasmallbenue inOban ta lb. PnlcoeLu misa iii. jecae a Prprpiet la t rs.Tise- eisly couea*ati thlie bonus MofArgyR (Cspbela 'slt lie ous c as Of Lorue (Mol>supi) lsd arn îid>oe of li.he ncses eani faa tBruce (BIuert isvligmsnei nohher, wmince déeceihds tue WOItep E ocf Stunart), ani- te tenrepesetatvéoffthe~ Buse Woff Aig ylinnwiàd cieet tute f bell, hi. repreaeutmlvrt t lh oua.et Bre'adslbans,xnar2iedî anoîher - .Tise laiton scquired bY Isba usseage saine preIrnty àel"&. ti ai ffut theAry, amlydii 1104,a &e quenly lus net ýeven asaehcie' lion miii Lerue se thesadu55 farùniy. _____ BrCOGITIN OF orLors> DuprrassC. dreues o 10. ord Duferbu -lu officlallyi publiei : - - Dumniug SI.*, l61 Oct., 1878. MrýLoR.-Iu my despalci, No. 2d8,- of lis. 201is Auguat, I lafrmed-ycuoet the date ai mibicis lie Marquise"cf Lonne munliproeaita Canadl a 0mcoi lu- ths admnuistration of lise Govaxnut- off the Domnion, se th, lime for your - neliuquisiig thne Goeramaunt lu nom at band. I have raeived- Ber Majesty'u asa-m msuds tesiguify ta ycu lieN Isiiap. preclatien eutertais.d by liher Majesty eftý egreal abillty aud judgment wmu mbicii yonr Lordisip hbu discharged tLe dinties ut Gov.rpor-Gen.eraL Ber Majesty's Qoversseul isave, nult ailed let notico e -esigis -estinuahion- and re- gard lin i your-Lurdship, has been bssu by ail classes un -Csaa, sudaisey feel confiden"t tIhe, Zadiabli àsan- uer la mbicis yen have, flfd liste, duties -etftise Queu'e nepreseathve, bs' ions muai ta strengzthe ansudJeep. en linshe earle cf li. Canadlsu pecple liâa spint offloysily sud devotbon lu lia BnitiliCroir anmd Empire, cf mniais there bave ée.n msuy graifying evideucea. I have, etc., etic., M. E. HicsttBzàas. -Tuns Ism-x O;saix Casa STàairàÂnze.-on.PiP,.9!yiflrPt,, Ssys the Cheyeuho eibekvact- eJ b7 starvaticu. HBe -commeuls njpss liý eat tisaI; nudr a biaisa. in -tue lt army bill tise Inçope mi sgist have preve:t g r suppressed the Nom Mfex- 10e distebanees miser. -pomerlesa, sud- tus mauy lives mené leitst ad iuch property deutroyad. -,o -maya issleie arn pe land sisve ail negulan' suqpplise c,-f feican Le guarauteei tu tise Isia»s, I Wrn c ompell.dinjustice JO hie Gouv- erumeut and tise fronlir ettleUp, teasais for more troupe. COmVaaRT T TE CA'nxOuzcCausr.R -Mgr. Capol reeftl'ro teeRoman Catiole cisurcis mo .Weekls~go tise 13ev. Crby Sisipley, ahhhon -out a 'ell kuowu'volume ofet ssya un "Tise Cisurcisud tisa Worid," sud mite ;'aise lwo Oxford. - uuder-grsdust.s. -Tise Marcisioueswcoff Bipen uaud our graua- tes off Oxford."m eut over " ou suatier daya cinosaunemeki. Ih alirsys a esus pleasuro ta dram atontian ta articles mnk are desenv- sud mînatalicis 1 pbuy, tise -priestâ tiseirhandsupen Who ueernutttrs ha isuelecuted as menht of Lis destin enfa tstesane varions ehadss cf classes- ef vieciez isig,41y pnized la Ils s colonred mon lato tiseisande of bsal enëtan t« speol ihoüMnis. niioay sani taudei lime hi luelbesa of1nsiconsnios tg cause in fe hey j nseaineliser liqua. are nul eseesaç thein feshislu li arnoise, mhlskey, s cssuifiale have tli m mell,ui Ibis respi stsuily -metier 1 been'in thee habit any Slnd. Yo' ng am .seldaus estei, tocf0M1orf meRl-g slsw.Mx. Cia WteImrsen ofleni tise osuilal )app tant. Am ssiena r mien ase isuommi 1 Ùomlulquo Ilancu g avage of tise grc vialisu, Lut lie7 s dolu mif tisa opp amin*ale tWtrust âàgle.Saxeu Iamh osltp'f iumarsihy ,halu of a first pris 'Theu i eiug p 41oi ulud hêofes square -muaI eutgel - -fbits suies for l -Canet gehip an a] le(*Yur Llfe'y %vrbody ceMPlîs 4ninlg tbein lite. jeat le'a gel me; liatsno jerson in suffernug uts DjE puà aina udils'effeal tloiq, lostiveness, EE Slcmâékhs, earl i le HearI' Depresi nasse, etc., ces ta -FLOWER Wmt cure. -If you'-deut D)ruglstpBS. W1. B -gel a-Sampi. Bohîl try Il. Begalan si doss m iii eieve 7, --Aay, ratuer luci men are iike a ccla. -V veryisardto g el ri'm lialin lie yonid hi ung. For ateba Jung 'Wàng, sa< W" peuverIci IW shsow>theroality of iblibe meulta at puma ddem lb. Jes IY ishiied with pietol If b. aIsenieofadvk lise tire misitlra may leel anindisposition I su an ntise baik tly ftectlon cf - prov«es lise fsmt4w., orge-$ .tcy ?iothingee00 i la1 draug)slt phayen ofýh Trsaient, sud attlie dleplV 7- sis wRwe 0 board.-t Out fsons -fi an udwois aly the BION. -MR. BLAE.-TIIlHon. E. Blake arrived lu Toronte, ou SturJaý' migist, frein lis Enrepesu trip..Be wma met attse station by a large numbar off fnieude, aud ro'ýsslg ciseers %meti givon. 1h is snpposedl a terât mil.bà socuresi for, Mr. Jilalse belote se1uuse mielts. Tîhe petiticu ingainit tiýs -tumu ,f Mn. Tiiley bas been pubhimlsei is exteto- se. One of tise sîhegations lias refereuce te lise iunproper eountiug cf bâllols sud lie retusial off lhe Coutsty Jusige ho go on ilh tise recoisut ; lise otherecharge botis liseresponuient aud is agents milS bribery sud otiier corrupt praetiee, sud mIls lutimidallon. Mr. DeVeber claimb tise scat., A petilion againet ltne retusu off Mi. MctQouaig, of Prince Edwamd, lias iseen eve t

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