Whitby Chronicle, 21 Nov 1878, p. 2

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c-c-c ~lj~ ~ ?sL .New. Ie-TGWlà . "'w h .1-c ~1' 1, - 13. îilip Uce, Ou iot 88, B8e--duension Plekenlng, Thor4a3crevc.~tI, ûen steak, f n-. r4moe-sL 0, o uggloa, De-y. Lmlty o 8treuaYuNOV. e-,1878., ONILY S, fR ANeUM. Whltby, 'Thursday,- NoV. 21; 1878. - Tifumîtcce' È. L4cxieonm- Mr. J. H. Long i8 aloi? spekeemcf ss. a probable bandidate foi-municipal boose, se are tise uanes c me-. qDobnu nud soea et Ilce olS -o eoî>orO. - Unhil cni datew moka- tisais omu antîeuucesul fIlsindilllotilt t a yi wîi accy dogeeoe certtaiut, ly, muaý take tleiseliaiSfor tLmuc uilur(smî poiioo.* One jceaing cirtcuu.swca, wmifle wo ara giod te tidoe ât, il us i eiceae -unlikely te enter tise ceastest ini Wliîhy, for muni- dicîl lionoe-u.- Tue iÂseccse ~iciitaeei.-Tee r- iite-trnccors - lieuarcr i natter con- icletailiiie- tbsCurcc cfler twcî cîya' dics- liisorcsiots sud uciueitien et wituasacs. t Tise Mayor, Me. bIuldeý, wag in cou- stanut tlsîce uiuissg tIle meetings- givlIug lieuTown solicitorthie lsauefi et ii -trîvioca iil aRfeistonce. The dBoo8of of t-lue ac-c, ccili lic. utticeci by the c of-eed g tt1ue Towu Cqeil, coeu lui llluJ-jel,3-tis figue-aab wiich lisec Maiyor licsdplaceci Ihees, Il- viii bure- ollecteci, wlien uru- own contenpe-aey tg eanc ileese oposcaiid; Icitleu bar-ber puer--s clîeuu, inululgad ii suais xaggerotiensM aboclitlise -colite befpg uia muais as tisee or fur liiuuani uînllcse. 1Tise anàiieof the cswae-ci fa82,000) -uectrly lICicUUU buéestison tishe sm paiS C tlec ilovce-usnuei tfue- li aibor by Mr-. l)rapor. cc Tt uif;soîcal tliaI lieu ceuneil i te purucgu sfa b9 .Lo tecocupel hie pue- sueLilar i cicueac>credSeia-aSe ou ce-cey grocitccî et secuirit>' againi3t acci- lulrtts Si- lie. - Iailhwiy Conmmunication la Halisurton. 'risc- fie-t Construon eand freigiet tecuicu oe-tlise-Victoria Ilsilmay te IlIai- lýlccn rI'cri-l 1'l et ict ilaco ou Mou- darisOThe-ticu la id tii thco station andcl lie ratilwai-wilSe tueinsu- aopen- cl ou Tadai-, 24ILII lual. Tisere mutl bu ac grandecigatlicriug nethlie opeuing, -tcc cwlicis incitations have beau lamueui, A' A )cupuil will le-ove WiiLby oem tua e-ueeoiugfet tiseoponiug ille geesta tiens this peint-sud tram tise cf t>. 1%idicial Appoîntmeute. I& The Local LegislatpIroe 0 Outario, f «la sald, will uneolaboutheb.7 th t.pretest wasfilleel oe 8atnre1ay Woerthi York. Mr. D. Cathin lim bea ern *ùnat.e iy the Conser vatives ef Frontenac aU th ýtan boarer for the local logis .la odrsn4ia resoegal ~x.MP. fr Tlrae-ùver,has c nly r.. QOUFO 'elý,petitTcper obtainoti setorder striking out liera.eeftheb fouar prelimi. mary ' objections te tie patitions. Tggs>~~zc RVEas.-IIoe. Mr. Lange. viie ozuioin papev jes igned by ovée~ve undrd' eqôtrs; an'an"y moresigutI~ces ae' et tl~ ffi:.ed. Parliatnent will, ha sldi tgd#her. bctwen he Sth isud lMà cf Fseîuary. Mi: iIo' .~U 'e rei in<o ng. qnpoaselle rIb i= e l -ropare bis Seuau. mial statementliv1el oetiulie, aince inl evidon0 t theé "XUatienàal Policy" ro. calvefi no serions ccns4dexAtion te-cmn the 1 Conservativ, leaders ibefore. lb.e Hon. Wm. McDougcai, C.B., la in OtÃŽawÏa. Ho bias claia tu tho Speak. ee-ship that cannaI bo ignorad. Coneervatives loudly pe-oclain tÉat ncarly ail et Speaker Apglin's recent appointees will be dismnieîvcl by tihe uew Speaker. --rumeur withlitlte faundcation fa iu circulation te thse effeet f liaI lfr. Code, M.I'.P. for South bouse-k, will eelfin l faveur <cf.1on. Me-. Morris, who is te land thse Eppeîitioc in îLe Local- Logis. A lika rumeur is lu circulation ie- referenea lu lion. T. N. Gib.in luSenlb Outaii nd u meicecewiti s usa1111e focendation. A Icatition -iseai beau hIleS îy Me-. Gunu, M.P. Rfugaten, pi-aiinga tiSir John A Macdonald te Secloreai guiti- ot persenal Sfhbery at hlsaute Kingston shectien,' anS ilset lie Suc isqualified le tuckt a seul in tise use et Cennons. NORi-H ONAIciÀsi.-At, a imutfng ai Conservativcra, iS tusn 'tise tomu issl, Snerlaund, Tomnmsip cf Brock, yaa- toi-day, il mas romoicS te take mine- iate stoups te content the electian et MJr, George Wieoier on tise pie-a et c or-eupl pe-actics. Me-. Alexandler Morris fm nue me-n. tioueS as a candidaletee-ortise vacant coat un Eastiroracle iu place et Me-. il .CuVe-on. CÂOrmsUa-WtIE- ýNiANti Âsec;oNuvcCoisustu .IN.-The Ceennittue appointed by tise Coisely Ceuncil, ta contar i- lStise Reaves of Donlinglon and Care-twrightl, coucoruiug thissu application for union wils Ibis Couuity, tee- municipal anS Isddical, pue-poes, mat in tlhe Town bail, cee-t Parry. ou Tuestai- Isi, anSdieav. rcg tiiecussed tise malter lu ail fias e-r. cge, rocolunund the unuon au candi- fion tisaItisey psy thi- pe-seni indebi- Sueossand mus puy ons--wa nesorviug cie- refued te-en tise Regfale-y office for ccit pue-pose, and mIe-n Iheso are mat tht tliay theon jainlly u-accivc au equai se-re of tise retueda ae-icieg trousilîsI eue-de mille tise-melteft iieCounty. Ou ccoir application for union au tisese ernius be-îug naSe tise Coisiste recoin- senuleultise conueciltetusenorial tisa Govumuerseut ta rallfyc tieni by legai enestineut. WVu hauveuxauuiuit1P. Tesylers stock tf Xcuaa, New Yer' anS bie-lisay se-Sa, aud cinreceineneocesiil-n. Tise esigna are nam sud tise peettiesl me avoeove- seoe.- Wbitfielel'a caiebe-ateS puimoee i-eup aau excellent remody for cougisa, sud 3oida amng chilien. Pe-ica 25 aid 50 c ti ti si t: G el Il c f hi 'l'ise ttilbwing aIctuiittets have cents. icn a dcuse :-Clsiet Justice ilagae-i>, Dr 'lIa aacor ii)lte etrlieu Court orCorsn nplae' t, te t iîle keowu lu Anerica but tese-iiar te position ef Cîiet JusticeoethUeo Cortcf REtrepeases sstise peunanie OetHELEN Qcsusaun's lunule, anS et Justice Adam GHIKA, tise PrinCeesSaSaleky Oet IJon- Wilsion as Chiurt Justice Oethleu Court ot mania, wmOisernka ce-us George bEliot -Ajîcoala.anS George SanS, ancnng 1thee-ost Unie Il.C. acesruri, -intelioctual wmnen of Ecseopp. A *sketch Hall.Ill. . et Q. C., 0lias boeusofliser ile and eveitinga miii appeer in ceîch)iucitetî te> Mr. jcusticee Viims seul atSc-as.tes afor- Duceuistar, vili a poile-oit (lu thie Jjimel. utar Schiavoni. TIl licalcluîcictuenutse e-,Iii gooci aud uucut lii leu ppeovei t li, ar nS For peascuger retes anti tickets le lice ipuble gene-eIîy. SroaPatHu-esDetroit sud lise T1'ueeduecthue CiietJusticees wure ,cvo-n NWestern sud Seuls Western Stutes, in uic e-rcivo tu cogrtuialiu t pcli- te Guco. B3. Yue, Ticket Aget- ihuc 1iai-. Soesdcisappieiisetul as- - m - [tit aIhie uon.reiearipe oet lon. Me-. Use Wit" led's liclliblu Toeiisocie CaI3sîoîe.iî, whloe uuutiaiu hecu nt t ,11 Guisi ovcî--tciiing reisodi-foteeoolhi- becnre.uie .ache. I'iicsciAL.-Mr. bus B. Dam, (Bjots Me-1. Richard Grant WVliite's article in 'otet tils>Jolsîs )OW, Eau., uit Clan. lIce Det-mbar Ai-LANIC 11oIel"Trho Ns- dliiii, andsic îpisc'w ot'l'aiseu Dow, Esq., tue-e ai Mesie " milI prebabli- attraot Naaguce0et the Ontarioe IBank, %VI itS>y), as tiîcis attentios aneS coniuenet as i134 p;tmsasoci elilcble aeamlnin eprvieneos papers ou tise sanie subjeel. theLa Soieyan( ws aitiefoe-e 1 istai-li- eepudialem tliseidea tlisal; tîceLcwSocet>, amI mc ainiued t aste for iuuic inca>' Sacolivatot in pe-cctico cea Bnlictr and-eAttoneyi, an nearel>y very 3yeuug îsersan. andti ta Ticumda>'. -Mr. Dow intnis opeing se, kihlin usicel axeention ina>'ha - cii cIlce u Wuity, uirlis prelie â aiîed by alnomb einy eue mise milI bo- lui ofgiewuse-hi- eneugor anS prectice long hsproteaeu .frc. We ccîoeh lcarlily i-mien al nul n rcieln essougis. HIe alad bolilvea itisaI ti neDt tIse youcsg géntIauan cehindaul aneceas. gone-aliy unertood .hast' commion - nsical incap. acyi, and hem troquent- Tititîc Cieus:?to Asurueostlu by i'ev'ii b>'pee-sonss et eare intelleutual asdmer- ItieîserPins lis eleeantCarn alit ei îcalities ai-e afffieleS miîtS ISis de- Pitlor e-s u lîelotqaOsen au Sun- .et an organizauln, wosisBuffer tise bs Prio, ws.bongit e acloe o Su. o anincomparable pbeseccre. lsy luat ut Witby. RocS Fictisai-'ýt , Dcausaug, 'Pickering, sud Itcv'd Failsor P. Taylor lias on issuS hua weak a MeCauli, Uxbeidge, wilh lev'd Fatisar beescîitul lot ef tuas anS Nem Year's MOU citee, lise respecteS l'aifoilelet, Cardd. Ail nom dsigpsa.1 assisteS tise-ugleoul tisa mach. Semej tis-h 4uSe-eSCaîlsoica ceani le CU- Jutreccivod..a lai-ge stock oftachîcôld toasioe-, sud coinnmunion. Man) pi-o.- bage sud schoe tai tp-aseol Sage testant$ attendeS tise clsercliSueiog tiese atinp da e.13 ue ovouintga, anti speak' ntise igbeî manuce-efthue ioquejt sermnss Slie. Gea. B. Yale lias n large anmd mel oe-o by Pallier Plus. A lecture mas assorled cf statfonary mhichisfipeiceS ciao given pun Meuday eveiîîng by bmw-Ha aise keope a fu stock et Fatîser ~l~ on "Tise Polilical a scisool supplies. incboding lise books useS Social elations Oethtie Middle Ageos,' uts îi n esnuaho mlleS ahI-acteS s goad ohedance.. WhitfieiS's celebraîed pulmnonie si-eup tise proeeds lelpiug lise aisurcle tonds, fa a sast, sud sure mediciue. DS--sOr DU, Htvi'y,, .P, raOR PlevINciM. LAND SUaVaveas.-Tle MeNose.-De-, Harvey, M.P.P., ton toliewing naineS candidates for con- Mloucis died t a israsideuco, Fenmick, Dmeiianas Doninion bantd Scrvsyorm pasaS befere tise Boae-Soe Examinusra on Sund% a >IlIe mas 43 i-eara etat tisemee$lug misicli closeS on Salue-- agc. 11e fioe-stue-eS the Local Logis- day last c G. I. Beasbey, P. b. S., et Jaîscre la 187'2o-- Hamilton ; J. J. Bnrrema,ý P. b. S., et - Ottama : Thsomas 11 Hewson, P. b. S., Wliiîield's coebraetadpîiwnumesyi-op ot Peteroouîgis; Tis. H. Joues, et la a pbuaut, tisougle poevi-uý, ansudee- Br-antor-, J. G. Clsooliey. et Ottawa. J. M. O'liauly, et Ottama. TIse p libe remody. -Price -25 sul 130 cents. Ifminai-y oaiafnms paseSbj Cl ~Joheiseyln.Jr,. et Adimer, sud J. G. Gise. DAviesars, tfchenrymnau, liasoIlind, of Wincdsor, N.S- selS 1sb4 brood meusse,11101 tci eet fie-t--- prise at Wlaltby Feuil Fair, ln tise Ag. Tup- CENTRAÂL PuIsesa. - Inapect4i riculural cluo, le Mi-. C. Jelinalen, of Langmuir bas proparec p lana otes Iow, 'rle 00 ola-s lneediale robuiling o e b ksop Toa.Pro 210dllre t tise Central Prison. emoksep A 25 cou en otîlé etWile's cese- Taopiei-.-A Me-s. Robert i-clans>, lieaied Pulmoulc Syruj,lt taken lu tins living lu tise Townsheip et West Zoer4, ýVlI rleave yen etfi-oui- coigis,tir celai, gave hiis tetueipletu t aiwealc, tv- 1 - girls u a ise,. Tise methsr aid tihil- -- Si-en ae-e tisfivmg. eIlPPomived-1uy. esios noo atien. to 'r e r pvy 4 to, bpukuoller g 5be;Pod oiaueoti5I: n aI l. ~~PZ~UAG5 u e qagua d ÏdoclaragJm of office and ualiflaà ani to9k bis seat as conneillor, le SouthbWard lu th. place ef Me-. jEl OOMuzi4l94TIO55 ANDPETlON Fromttb C _r oie Làgss sver respecting exemeptions. FuxMrs. Lpngwot.th, tlad-- 3 Froin John Cee llfrffd agées tàinedý by h o ite, Üéfor f6111 Frômt N.' W. Brown sud 29 othei pttVing thé ceuneil tà- pasqs a, byAi making il cecupulsory opon ail baii belders te baVe their cbimneys , at kest once a yesr' as secu againsi lire. Fient Boss Yehuston, on b.hsilf lte <bugregational churcl i a il axsof 1878-on thé parsonage ast ed te, thse eurcis be' remlttted.- ilesed.- Proum J. -0. Gross, complsining of à manner ini which île. sdéalk oppes Deverfll's block bad heeed conutracleà Beferred te speclal. cemmittoe, ec sitng "f tise Mayor, 30eev, sud Do te cliairmanuo2 streosand te-y te Md an a micable aragmet 5Y,-LAtWo-FOLLIN I<OoVISIouaAN» à&- Introdnced by Mr-. Blow and pas le unîte, under ileastatut., polling sut divisilons Nos, 1 s"d 2, knewu as th Northe Ward suad polling sub-divf.fi Nos. 8 sud 4, knewu s the Centr Wo:rd, sud polling enb.divisioNo.1 koown as the Seulh Ward, for moi cipel purpeses. Iutredueed by Mr. Blow, aud passed places for holding municipal, election as folows : Norths Wae-d, Oddfellow's Hall- Hugis Fraser. Centre Wae-, Town Hall-Jas. Campbel. Souîth Ward' Mns. Bowea aetone aIer APPRIOPRI5ATI-ONON 5i-OEEi5. Ou motion et Me-. Ray, the sun 0 $100 mas appe-opeiatcd tb complote ie pravemonle on tIse main streeta. ReELIEFe. Me-. Waoe repuorel frein tise reie- consnittae anSdirepor-t adopteS, recen nieeidiug paymenl cf $25.25 te Jobu Bell for cotiug mcod tee- indigentes $11 ta W. J. Gibsee, suppliia ee-ormdî -enta i 61.00 te J. H. Long sud 61.1( -te WVu. Bue-ns, tee- neceasaries te luSi gents. ÀCCOUNTa. ReporltS Sy Me-. Hae-per, clesie-ns ef cemmitae on finance, sud recan mnded for paymeneu: 8 10 R. Sues e-tue-ulug officue- for laie cecetion it in Southla Wrd ; 640 te John Sîien, i b. S., for aueveyiug and takinga iovelg tee- main auwerfi. HIARBlORi AUBTuRiATeN. Tiesec al committes on tise Hliec Arbite-tion reportedtb iat lise arbitraloe, isid net, laken evidonce, sud maSE amorti under seal, aubjeet toa abilratoe-î tiées esmounting ta $300, eneisabtJIo be paiS hy tise Temu, sud theso aler miouty hy tueo Draeestsate. Tics Mayor reenekel tisai îhe amoni mas abcout mimaI 5e SadS tatad il wonid bu, wiean Borne milS stalamnnl lied gene foi-th te tise retepayera tis tise ceet cvoulS Setrea ce- four tisou- sessd dollars. Rteport adopteS, anS tise Tome Tres- -tiere directea te recuit anonl payable S- tise Tomn te Me-. F.0e-loi-, Darrster Toronto, anS procure tise eward thi-ou-i tise Mayor. Conneil odjouned. Test'. STsrsi- GRAîVEtRoBEaet.-Tsr Wvorld sayaslise Setectivos have te-acet tise reSSers until ovee-y set is kuomo. Tise rohisers enteraS tise gravoyard eon Tliureday moe-ning ai 8.17 ; breaking ie liseevault sud aecuring lisere-anl eccupiod an heur. Tisamounmica did lice moi-k aiSe tisa gravoyard and vacîht turneui ever tise rernains a tera men oie mre miting ouleide. Thec reStera thon iwent inoanc direction sud ticome hesviuig possessioin ofthtie tedy ment du-etly tate euNorthe River and iheuca ace-aic into Nom Jersey. The body wmes tise-eo Sepomitud nean Wee- liamken, but ainc lisas bSeau ioved. One efthtie men engageS in tisae-eSSai-y -tse eue whio enteraS the vaull, wbcae nanae is kuowu-Sas for saine tie-n Sean emploi-oS lestise Weuhamken coenteey. He mas peescut at Slewart'a tiuBer.ni AndSeaI7 thse body Sepuitet. lie liseliaS faiu keecledgeofettise locution. Theo Timeu raya tisaI five mnn mC mare biled t-o siesi Stemari's body mare te huava e e-n rreBteti on Satue-day ntgist. ilieueoft tieimore asesieS, or ai-e le ho arre6calo. Tise cilie- mo beibel t-le peivate -Selaclivea tisaI mure uuhudowiog tiso, nsd escaped. As seonu s tley ara appreaended tise body wil ha prcduced. Tisa Tissiccalo givek; ecurecci-te a esrportl ihat Stev- ari'a bodyi f buried oniside tise limita ai Weeleomkeu cecceteri-. lu the eaoîinationet Vre-eland Riud B3urke to-day cu lise charge of slualfag iituwarts body, Capi- Byi-uas, mbo inciSa tise ai-usaI was cios-oxamineS, setee-w-ileStu e prisonors mure commit- 1<5 i l atuli et #5,010 bail emehe. Tihe Eastern Question. 05WE RIIiSli.N ARMY lIN ASIA i-O s13EiLACED5 <UNiÀ AI FOiOING. A Vfauua despaicli gai-s :-Atsaugu Sceoue-aioffa s asuranec-s lisee procuireS s gooti itupession, sud tise Czae-s orde-a ta thse Rusesu civil anS milita-y tuncli- auceriea in Turkey -rcally leok lilco tisa bcginnieig et a fuiilinentetftisa Bei-lie Teatyi-, aibii is diffecult te roconcile Snell an intention, mils Rureiau îlc- neanla on Ronelia, nokicig the vac-. nation et Roumanis cendtionai upon the recognition et iluss3ia's riglil te oc- cep>' anS toi-tii- Keemoenjo aneS oher ate-atenicaliinnlutise Dubrudaclis, anS la mafutoin a millIon- e-enS tleroogis htoutuuis. Tise mald ensie ibounania tise more vassel cf tise iIzàf. A deapates frein Bi-cisareel iys hi la sese-celi- probable tisai tishe-insu die- mandae-i-itii regard ta tise Dobrudseisa, or oven usii rejeetion, miil have oun> important couac quencea. Tisey ai-o pe-ehabli- a mari-e5ud foron tier te-au- cactiena. Tise Roumaniana are prepse- iug le enter tIse Dbe-udacisa on WeS- eîesda>'. A Seapalcte- ouiEr-zeroum Ioca-os tisaItise Rossian arn>' un tisenom Agi- aie Pe-ovinces ef Russa i miii egain Se on e mae- footing. Tin Hai. Mit. ANI) Mis. MAcEENZIE. -On Salue-day evniug Issutishe laite Premier aud Minister cf Publice VorkS, legelisai- ils Me-s. Mackenzie, loft Ottawa ta take up residouce in Toronto. Tiseir departure ifa heeked opon milS unteigned rage-et b> tise inisabilants of tisis cil-, misa, miatever mai- ha the opinions et s najo-iI a te Mr-.'Mac- konzie's peiecab coursc, bave lecirnot during the icast fiva years-te Selievo in his tiereugleishouesti- et Purpoe-e anti te admire the uuli-lng suduatri- miii wviicli ho lias applied iieitf te tise conduct cf public businea.-Frec Pi-eu.4 $.AND.-llan- S. b. Tiliey and Si- A. T. GaltsaileS tfe- Engisoti y hitse steansisip Penviesu on Saturda- mcm- iug. Tise vessel mas gaily cdecorated milS hunîing. A number et M.P.'a calleS upon thse, inance Miiieer onk bcae-SanS urged jho importanceetofe. romeval cf lice reitHqtlen impoca hi Franco npes C OsadiiÏ boilt sips.Tise hou.gestlemua romieidIjll t isa mal- ter siouici have the - m-âÉî lul o n 01- siScri-ogni tsGovgsrwiucel l roe- ~ge tisi 'j$ý.id f1, irqI j 3Me8potes v'e't~ H.t--lc.S ek alnqeo entiasLon 4um- X aneo~nl~l ~ù el when tà àie-_44i lAg ushû àra ëe by' thée Blàeh Prinec s ieailt êw u wa nmodfstely oiYs1dHI X.S. s,0. Blrphen o,To et dlburgb rT ei brlyé tra landêd'aud de-ove t6 tr; Vie wbervo90asleng- t hé bai-bou;e-wrro iwdýed wf ii apecla ot tors su thefren-elèbd pàs*e!u thae Geo. acoqal Ad. rat6r of Re.' gail, I b yel Al nlà fwi. on, Mr Msorton, optroiler -Ofo ieGeo r hofii Generalshueed c ~ Ul IIeo gtlb SiDcretary à d. overuor lGmnersI. d. 'have ise io * od.,14:-),: )- A drawfngroem wil ii e îeMatGv 7u oramoitoîau,,by iue Uarquiis el 11, Loi-ne aud Princess Leniss. 89.20 prm. die. enlise,- diy oet>lbheofficiai 1lainding; Ladies are to e wor low 'uecked dromse wiih short' sleeveu, n sstt a,u gentlemen are te be nLIUcrese. cd, Thé St. Ânulrewla SocietofetMon- ib ireal are, pushfng mottera connecld ho witis tiié all te hlé given aI the Wind- Mesor Hoiel., The efforts iow lu progresuf Ie - ive one t1ile impesinc1that i fr gi-an. faie -sot tisekIl.Tisa *ce ot gentie. Smen'a tickets ia fixed st 88 sud -tise ladies' aetour. The l)uLke of 13dm- cd burgli sud maly offcet-s of H. M. S. Black Prince are expected te bo pi-- sent. Tuseday ihe vice-regal dining car 1l.eft, togetber wftis oller 1PMlman palace A. cars, for Halifax, and well couvey Sfr John Macdonald, tbe Hoa. Dr. Tupper, l Che f Justice Richards, Mr. Brydgqs, Sfr I. Selby Sinythe, K.O.M.G., Bir Hugli Allen,, snd sud la number cfi membora efthtie Gevèrnmaul. Thej of party will icîmpria about fitygentie. a- men. Thé viceregal pariy will ha met by this deputation ou hleir arrivai ai. Haifax, aod il fa underaîood tisat Chiet [fjustice Richards wiil awiar in the Mai-.1 Squis on bis arrivai.It il expected tisaI lu- tisevicerogal party will'arrive ai Hali.4 fax about baIne-day. wil eamion u Sn-, Sday, wfll leave on Tuesdhy eveuiog or 80 Wedneaday moe-nieg, anti reseis Mont- real on Thursda eveniug, travelling isy speceal train. The viceregal car will hconouthé aecoud apeef ai train wisicis basves Halifax, the aervants and hog. gage prooecdiug.tem in tise fiest. in~ CHNG98 IN Tes ruesDîi'ÂaThlsssttraAr P.OrrTtW.,-Sie- John Macdonald bas lataken possession of hia olti office;'tisai coecupiod by the M~iniiter cf Justice. lion. James Macdonald will taice tise room formerly occupied by Hon. Mr.t De- Laurier, sud Hon. Mr. Baby wili-e. re move tte e.firsi Sloor e the Easternu le Block, wise-eis departmbnt la lccated.a ,13 Prier to he dopai-toi-e eom Ottawa,.p ea Speaker Auglin mcade lise ollowing ap-1 Dr pointimeuta J. F. Gfngs'ss Assistante Fe-enchi Transistor, te bc ttransiatoir ofet le Votes sud Peocsedinga, vfro Davie, re- ' ci igl ; salary $1,7»0. Thomas fi-os. t ta soit, advocste, of Beaubarbois, te te au t Assistant Fronch Teansia t a saiary o- e8 1,700. J. A. Genand, le promoted f te thse position foremriy occupieci by Me-.t] Tasse, M. P., witb s salai-y et $1,450.n le Me-. Pfland, extra clee-k, tattes Mr. Geun- raud's old position, mille: a salary oetý h $1,400. . Tslbot'. extlia-clerk, basa Seeanappoinîed Fi-eneh onge-ossiog cierk -t (for tis. season oniy), vice Edouard *C Denechauci, seceased ; salai-y, $000, c leîles former occupant bavýng reoived 'J d $1,200. Fr-ank McDonelli son of tho ý ). Seegeanî.staa, te ho junior clark.u i vice Nolan, doceased, aI a eala-y oetgl 96800 par annein. 1 5 Coi. Denfa bas btaonapýsiniedDe- I Ibuty Miniister of teo Interior, and Me-. ci IBuckinghsam bas; boon rotaiued &as iraI iý rclee-k i-n tise Departments et Public Z e Woe-ks. i a Col. Danois, îles oew Deputy Minis- 13 Ytee-ofethtie Interior, is an olci member oet I 1 tise civil service, iangbeau commis- th 8 ioued as Sue-veyor of Lande U. C., in di 1842. ju -Tise position- et Assistant- Surveyoe- tl F Generai, vaeated by tise promotion eftht cMe-. Lindsay Russell, lias net yet beau I flileli. * A TcoNe-e Ex.ALDEumtAe saCOacus. M -Mr. Geariug. contracter aùd1 ex-alder- th inuoettise ity bas abscouded freinw Toronto, lesviug large lial te.At hi tise tie ofot is fliget le. wos under con- t tract toe 0ect tise 1onli-atroet, Congre- il gational cisurcis, tise Eraki ne Presby. ta teeian chue-ch, Messrs. Rie. Lewis & 01 Co.'s uew building in rosiroethtie eld fý post office, impe-ovementst on Littecc statue oethtie Prince Consort, ceai #10,-à 00.Ts taîksgiviug toi-tise recovery ef tise Prince et Wales, 8$05,000. Thal, fi; tee, was tise a neunt spent in tise reoap- £4 lien efthtie Czar in Rassia. ise Shah ti et Persia'a recoption ceet 475'00. uhn:e Soltan's Ceai 6150,000. Ts oeaa aloné aI thé i-adoption efthue Prince of nài Nalos, ou bis roturu te-cm gnda, cesta,10 010,000. Tise banquet inhure i Czar, #18,880. Tisa upbolslqry bill waa A' nearly was noorly 88,000more. Theo Cx coso ethle menu carda ai lise dinner b4 was 0465 ; 6850 was expeuded on te- bauds' 6125 for wsnds, 6110 for glovas, 61,410 in gi-atitities sud 685 upon corkacrews. Tise flowee- aitishe Stale'e receplion cost $2,635, sud tihe gloves et L tisa Czar'a 8285. Tisera fa »ow a big Pt' bbiil te pay fer tise installations ot Lords WP ]3eacousfleld and Salisbury as tre-emen tbe of thé ily. lt; Noaxu-WsrrMen-ux EDP0cna.~- vZ Normcan, Colonel Mcbaod'; aocretsry, la iu Ottawa frein Fort Walis. He e-e- tii porta tise Monuteli Police as biougin (di good spirite. Hae-meuy existe beîwcau hit Sitting Bull sud the Police. Col. Me- ci- Lecd wiil ai-rive ai Ottawao hi-ty anti j0.' romain tlii ariy in lise sprIng, wsnh will reLue-n to tise North-West witisoee listndi-otireci-ite. A boitTreC KiLLzD.-TËe Depoty 94 meisonScf Gi-écu Boy, Wîs.,! taieing a m lunatie te the aaylum ai Oshicosi,.1ai- loweil bien te gel ont et théetrain. Th. piâ lunatie i-an tg tise bouse etf s Germen ri sud ailochedthétsa amily. Que of thé sem sous, soeing the siateofe affira, *truck tise insane Man ever thebond tiwilb ai fonce i-ail sud killed hlm inslautiy, Ax Boier SxAie-cisnc.-Samuél Johnson, thc a negro, sud Frank Brown,, bon et Dr. p Be-ewof etail.-bavé eait llarreated. te sud havéecÃ"nssed that th ybrought wh teo ibis City the body cf a Maus wlobaSi h commltled suicide, anéd whîlb itey b.d stlonufrein his gravé at El in. I»own sys h.b.d arr&uged wftli 'rp. yrtl iii. he g ç mpah 1. 9 p1tg a 90 «u- r*e I> lieth git4ôi1b .p r4 tcees et wiat lb. UdieStar-ovrn moent boeàes 1-lo eih rtolfue tse prohîsu sillted 4 -;bytlie treaty th~oméfateswbilst1t&4 t7lw, noi:rcoguisoa mua et wSsa in~ u i opinion, Ievè bïu improdi -ente,'the calenlatie'n . zfr vit'YiiDýeeO ste give l Sisidtelisthe iisitieatfous, hy, Wilfu bis judgement;' lhe- resait se-. riveS na uae c real#d, HéRies bLis-aauerbiivuthsl Ma la lb. cnly fiab(lo Whoso capein ftl waters- oponed- b Gral e-Isu ai5 valne sho;uld becasagued, sud> -tisino acoenuuis to botaken-,oft bri-rngî hla ne computes thise nbofetmaciserel wbich tise Uuftedý States fishlermen caught fitisin the tisee-mile lin, frein tise shore duriug-tiseyeassof tisa treaty -pèrioti which havé - expireS5 sud inféra roe-en utisenumber which they si-e likaly ta catch withfn tisé saine ares due-fng lhis ntervai tisi remaina, sud thoen cencludes iihi-s ncb ot bis- ai-go- mont by estimaiing' ou'varnons bypo- theses tise profil which lbe United, Sftalea fieherman ikely te have madeia freintisé mackerel whicis li bas pro-, cstsghl, '-O tise olier b, i as ses e , a. hi vl h p. wih h Br8t >saomeu have derivedre-m tiseopnsugofet lisema-k- o cf lise Unit-ed Slýaom, sand cncludes ihat tise suin fixeS by tiese wae- s a muai lai-gsi- îian-Àess censideratimie woid bave justifieS usaI Lise Unitedi Staos Goverumeut dan euly explain ils magnitude on tise assumpiion that the Commission lis mistaksn the question tisai was ratai-i-d tefit. TisatMi-. Evae-ts' roseau is powee-tul fit lanot nec- essa-y toi-mnoteagay. Nor, on tisa oISon baud, will b. ha surpriseS te hear tist isai Majesty'a Goverumnul tili rohain tb. Selliefthal il fa c~aable etfe-efnta- lien, bt, iu ibeir opinion, thsey wculd net ho justified in tollowinà Sm fiet tise details cf bis argument. Tisose vee-y nattera wee-e examined ai gi-est lengîli sud with euscieuticus nieute-9 noas by tise Commissienens wise award fa onderdiscussion. île docision et uha najcrity'-was given afler a ful hearing cf ail cousiderations ceir aide wap abIe teastivanco, anti that decisicu wihin tiselimita cflise ensiler muismit- lad te tisona is, under thse Irealy, wilis- - ouI apposi. Theo arguensclaiMe-.2 Eviertsamount ta a eef thoe- -1 awa-d upan lise qesmtion of tact anti1 pecuniory computaion e-efei-ied ho thein Ea conteuda tisi uhs sun awarded is r excessive, aud tisitisereore tise awa-d c musi have itriivetilai Sy seme illegiti-a .mate pi-cesa. But te argue againat c tise validity of tis wa-d aolaly on theu ge-enai tItisa conclusion se-riveS est i b y lisese-bile-aoi-s on tise vory peint e-- ferreS tte inaerroneous, fe in affecti lise &ane Iiig as te dispute tise jodg-V mnut wiihiey bave tormeSl upon the evidenc-. Her Majesty's Gaverument 1 .do ualt eel it tisci- duy ta pue foe-waed 1 mny opinion adverse or favourable to i: .he deciaiccu whicehlise najo-ihy oethlie Comnîaaloue-s have passeSl upon lisetI affidavits sud Se?oaiiioum wihiehi tley bave lead te cotisider. Har Majesty's ixivarument coulcd net do se wi&isont c udee-baking lie saine laborfous investi- e- .atien as; tisaI wlicis was perforuied by F tise Commission, a taak toi- wlici tise in- E tei-;al loft between Octeiser lOtis, tise day ci ou wiieMe-. Eva-t's dospatlcswam o: loliverodtialcme, and Neveebe- tiseas lord, tise day on wiibtise payasi et e ilie awaàrd ls te ho naSe, would cee-tain- ci ly not.auffice, Sut tbey ara precluded hi e-oin pasaiug lune-eview tise judgmnt oet t hal comnnittea hy s ai-armore soifous fc liaqulalificaien. Tbey dBno0î be tl jutgeet appeal in ibis couse bacause Il liey bave tan litiganla. As litigauts e bhey bave expressed sa view on theo fac-te o wiic ihey have fait bou nuSfutisaIhi capacity te mainlain. Thisai computa- eè tions have been toîsily Sifai-ont in eé nihcdanS reaulI fi-en thoso whielicc, th Anoerfeau ceuncil enstained, sud o aiici in port Me-. Evarts reileratos lu as cim Seapalcis. Tise interpretaticu wisicie fo isey have given ltatise data laid before ih lie tribunal lias taon in complote an- b tagenian bt bis. Tisey hava been of nt g-pinion, sud havae isted witis ail tise of ri-e etfsargument, tisai their'-agents Lb coulS commnd ibsi615,000,000 was tl tela igtinate compensatien wlele, Ci uSner tie treaty, -wos. thon Sue. Tise ar riajority efthlie Cammissioners decided ai ta neduce tisaI dla nesrly Sy iwc- be Lhie-de. Haviug toe-eally engageS te cibmît lise natter leatisis arbitratien Ley de net tisink itlfa opeon te thernta P uquire hew it was tise Commission it -ainle te afrin n penson upen thiserT [aima se widoly différenttin ol e- ir >wu. StiIl legs cao tisey amit tisati fuIer isis ainurtitiod la test ibis dit- Lpaenioau, as well as in the Englisishi, curts, ihaltishe soin. re- las always cel çen judicially appiied in case cofse-bi- giN r ;tiens cf a public natue. Theo lan- de cage anS stipulations ofthtie Ttaaty th belt, as fai- se tisy are explicit onlise th, hbjecl, point te a sinilor conclusion."î cee-S Salisbur-y argues lu supportcf ilaylac casilien anS cancindes "-"If a jury J'l Be-e coustituted on tise principle tist at 4e plaintif aleculd choose eue-tie-of ete 4 sud lise defondani jisollior tsi-S, cel ce-y few pue-sous would h&e ouasdt ex- hoi >8se tiesamelves te tise ceai otan actieu. th L"S it beau, kuown five years ago tsai ne fe awa-S would be prevented by tise tic as8eni etfeuee oftise menters of en ai-- lin ýtration ceustitulad cou thesamie prin- sel ipe, tiscug I do not vonuluee te co.ee-, etune tisaI uhe course ofthlie United sw ;4ta. Geverument woeld have beau, I au, el confident England would bave de- ad, luneS te enter upon se untruittul s liii- irt 4tien. Her M ajeaty's Goverunoni Th day a peol te tise cageot prooftt iI ubs lis se-hile-aten they Si Snet coun- iii-h 4ate tisithliseward was ltkci te bs kn, weveuted by tue iequieent o noue- caj mity.1 Bellevfng bis aigreement wilb ce majoe-ily- et uha Ceneismionera list cey woee-e l be seavy losera by thec De icisagec conagns centaineS in u ruches 15, 19 sud 21 cf lte-est>',bl ey nevortiselaeuhavsetee- live years inS oedtse.cessaions te' camefate 911 ies trusig to tise - coinpeiteatioii - ihicS uhé Commission wculd givé lee ai, hem. TisaIt tey have doue se is suf.-'Hic ntieul o pict tisithéy diS net antiel- Pp téa construcion et tbe treoty wbieis th reudid mcsakthe s Slivai-y etftisé ward Tai1 '6 scrs nail lJfépO-son be-e owns 17O411 :tSnc '744 .eu nachalfiethe eièn&la, StlanS thé ;oàse la811 ýre-One man isasl828 befd soie09 Ws more in Egotor a tetiMî-' 1,68,48 ic-os. À second oener bus 481,000 acnés- lu Scolppr-ah tbf-424,00Q so-es-, ,a- feu-lb 85,00 ;ind a lifuli, 806,000 Lone. Soîlnd has 18,946,694 sces Twmcý.ur ewcel-f470 1oo; abooneo.islf ef 9cciiand.- Cemsai*iesln1 ticslan&- cf tiséwhale kiigdiM, lice )nke sund Duehese of Suiêras~ -loaterown 1,858,548 açr0o ; -.tise Duké cf Bucclengs sud Queènshuiy, 459,260; Si- James Mat- impct, 44,60~-3n1eof Beadaibsno, qqlZS2;' EAn1o- Saiet,805,891; Dukt lie Robeneist, 299,407;- Bart et Fi.,27,652; àloxanden Miatison, 220,483; Duke' et Alîmol,194,640; Doit. pfDay«pnsire,-- 198,821 ; Duke et Northumpberlandi, 185,515 ; aieStise Doke et Argyll, 17,5,114 acres. MUTiNa.-Ts ch.-.iJesBie De-un- 'ndd"( lefb Wylas-Whsdrt'pn Tisufastay. nigist aot eleven 15sFceorécliiun'a Bay. Whsn juaf oetsiie tise isiani, Robert CoulIs, lise fie-ml mate, Iceing lu changetonS le baS Siffieulty in-gel- tiug iwa etftisa sailoea edo t iinwoe-k propenly. Ho son saIlleS ouae oflise mnen,,iand wiseno etisouglt everytising wosi quiet, snd was silticeg on a box noir tise cabin, canversing mis tise caphain, R. Maw. Who liaS juat coma on dock, tise otisor Sissatisfiad Baller, nain- eSd Newman, et - Tarante, dans up te CoulIs sud shi-uck t Ihumwilis s kuife. Coulis lhncw np lis ai-m taledSien- self, wisen Sa reccived a vue-y lgly wauud iu the foi-eae-, cutting i te tise boue. He atterwards re-su C kuife int CoulIs' ltnee, anS tisen cane bock, lisrealoning ta kilt Caulta, when tise captain. haS teaSeaw hie i-evolver-.fanS erdored Sien loto tise trecoatbe, wisare wftl tise assistance cf tise otssi saf bers, lie waa kep ilisieschooeenr was be-ougisi sately fie oFrencin's Bay Harbor. Wben tise scioonor was Se-st seen aise hliaber fiag aitisîf-inst, union dame-. A tug hunreS out ta ber, aud lmnediateiy tise captain eooeted is trouble, wheu De-. Adule-, oetDuen- barten, ivas senltee-r ta des Ceulta' wcus, sud a constable tgar-iest New- rnsu. Jnat tefora lise constable arriv- sd, Newman breke eut et thé forecostie aud was makiug off, misen tisa captain oreeaS i ntealsand, drew lis erevolver- sud fie. fintotiseoi- behind him, wbics bail tle effeci of sîoppieg hum misan he was pe-empily arestoS by tise cousIs- île. Tise Soctor ireportsB Caulta lu s very baS cendition, tut likely te i- coc-ee. Nowmn'st trial teck place en Frildsy betore John Pai-ker, J. P., anS Bl. Banting, J.P.. wluen Captain MaW, Dr. Adair, anSdlisree, atts ailee-s gave ovidenco. Tise pe-isoner wsa cemmitei ca WVhtby gaci. Naw Tesoop or CAVALY-TSe Officiai Gazette more conlaina tise appcint- uent et Capi. John Stewart anS Lieut. P. F. E. Gourdeau as efflce-m of. tis )e-agooxi Guarda 0ho trmeS lu place oi tise cavai-y te-cep whicli tee-erlyt xisîed at Ottawa. Tis principal Suty1 ft ii cee-ps wiillSe. tle fori- an escortj nu ail itate occasions, sud au ibisace-- cont Capiain Stewart in nskiug up bia i-aIl, ws very caiotul te salect noue ut fi-at-doase men. luI doiug tis lie- ouSd ne difficulty, as tise sle-engtisofet- te cee-ps is -te te thsree effifera anS efirty treapars, mlle ne lems tison Digbty mou applieti, ixly owning lSd- e mun orsea. Oftthe e elected, many c ave serveS in tise 1Ëortis-West Mount- id Poiiewie others have Siatingoiss- cd tisensalvas te-eqlseuîy in steeple-1 hase racfng. Sergant Magnire, lai )f be 151h Hussars,'- las beau ecngageS is dril instructor sud wili arrive in a ow tisys. The corps will te put te seir sonnuai drill naît iwak, sea sate t )e pe-epeeStt oi- u nescori ou tise erfvai ot His Exceliency tis arsequis bf orne auS H. R.EIL tisa Peinceas aeuiBe, The unitennm iii hoctisat et ee Olis Drageon Guards. A. O. F. I: ,olenan lias been appointeS Vatai-in ty Surgeen anS inepeetedthtie herossfet kpplicaula for admission leatise trccp 1 aere lhey wore acopted..C DEATII OrFsesTaLAST-SuRivvea OrNA- P ILEON'S EITIorec Tae-oEevi'e--Tse a aIt sorviver cm Naoleon'a oxpedition c Egypl Sas joal SieS aI lise Invalides. C is vel -eran, Dai-ey by naine, mIs had ci meat altaineS hie onoeisnndredlh year 'w vas touS at relating isom haewaa onc îly iu Egypl ounlise day lise merder d lechai- as exeenteci. Ileiser was C uasE IN LINDIOAY.-A lie-e broke ont 2the Osborne HeesoLeSdsai-, on Sue- t>' morn-ing. Tise foiioming are lise cildinge daste-n-d :-Osbor-ne Hanse Lablas, ; loods & Ce., tin@aiithsa, mee ose; Mebenuan & Ce., heardwmare e-chants, mareisonse ; anSdlBank of auntreal atables.Lbas aebeut 64,000; isurancé net kuamnu, £28 roa A Lirz.-A Sauth bondon se-ual repoe-ts a very' improbable 510e-y: -A dremuuinsu te-eron tise tise Pi-in- s Alice effareS a otsan £5 te savo nm. Tis atbouer calletileut usaI lie Duid net doia Ilfor tisaiprice' "l'Il ie i-au £10 1" acteamedth ie halt- rouotimon. "hI'm morth more ti'a as, ouvnar," cempesedly returnel se mater mon. "M5i, Iben,', panting. replieS tise S-omner, almeel mille hie wîfreath. *"No ; but l'Il tell i-ou mol i save i-eu for £-20. Tisieemas ne teruativo theaboeîman evideutiy saut mbst hse Said,r aSdIlie -viCtin usontet. IHo mas ibauled inhe lise oa anS romed asisaie, sud directi- ai- gntl 10 tisélacS lis. Soalman de. lanSeS tise mnnc. SaiS the laie vie- c,: 11h wculd isave, given i-ou £5 mi- gui-, but mince yau have ibw omucr if sncob a black haeted f countirel i-eu ial beave uolising.';' Tisaboaten 'aore anS etennod, bùt witsoub avail, Sd ail lic coulS gel mas Itie usina anS Seos cf tis an, miso-saiti bcemight 'hs ied "Lake lie law eut of hlm." se.beatinan nuana te 'go te bmw, and S as commeucid ai action aga1iugt ae man for hi-aciioetcoulre-e. A mel1 emun Seulh Lcudonu cor e-bas lise se in banS. Tues DEATH PEsÂL-e-. - Tsonus cemd sud Riea Word mure, senteuced tSI. John, N.B., yaaterdSsi-to Se anged on the 14th dti Janusry for tise crder ofthlblttan's husaad on tb. th et September lastIià À CAseriAs- TUaeec4 up.-Wm. BuS- r, a sti-ivor o et is aval sîeasaip, sron, mi-eked sai-oas age, bas turneS - ai Wasifcen. é as eked np s day atter tisa craclkby a Normeglan imel, haviug Ss'ftéd 1misi- m filles out mnou as ar! Hé9zpl0ln 14long wcaLUmr eau SM, - eaeuzbýtu«gCas lrorn~,~ing thépassen- L, , J. heA thes Of Most as arties rusisod from ouï part cf-t'I car teanother thé scene was terrible. A litîls boy, who had mauaged-to0keep ecof et l fmes lon g afLer tise oh i14>0oýzauY ohrs-la4caugisifiee si- eiss, min a s aibty to- the s eose of bis trieùàdýzuhed ite -4h. The car hoti-,been hbeéadetly, - wrack. ed hetor fit caugisîlre, sd naïfits des- cent Cnanypa>sepgers werehue-t. Thie narno ie 'hlef nknown. fOua womnn tï ar-,Whe lest ber lite baS bison bàdly bulier u ar - caugsi- fie-e, aud was unable tc baIle ilis ith ii Saines. Her body was se buesaita euiy bei- boues could - te seau. .:When abs oscapeti feom tise-cas' sôme leersec gave ber naine as Me-a. Cunninghami, but ibis repen ort aball-ere-ws: cra-' dicteS. Me-t HaIker, tise third pie-eeù uvt{o lest, bis lite, belonged ic Fort Fair- fieldi. - - - 1 . 1 - Amoug iliase huyneS and injured.are:- -M-. Hake-, Fort Faf-field, kilieS oute-igisi;anu nu*n woman, icnrnedl to eautS; a cild, une - nknown, borneS te deatis;,Mr e-.Vrot, couSue-. tee-, injured, net Iataily ; Jas. Tue-uer, W. A. Venney, Chas. Phiblips, John Levely, Jas. Montgomtery, RB. luL Dow, be-akeeman ; R. Clark, express agent; B. Raymond, uews agent; John Ham- ilton. MostIo et . injured will recev- eds,,teek, NAB, Nov. là.-The se- cident ounlIse New Brunswick Railway lat-igst wos caused hy o balsetofhags gettiog on tise irack, and causiug tise cors te be--upset over thie embaukint. The bale was te teloft at Peel station, anS il was tiseown eut cf tise baggage- car iii the uppi- aide,- Wleeu tise train saee ibale e-elied on lise'truck, unîler tlie wbeeis oethie possauger ar, sud tis a r was tiseown off tise trock juat ai tisaend oethlie bridge. . Il wau dragged ocrosa, boweve-. Whou it e-escheS lIe otiser aide anS struck tise ground, il upset sud tumhlad dcwu tise embaukinent, de-swing tise haggago-eesr with it. Tise cars e-elleSl down about 50. feet. Tise passeuger car took fie sud was coinjcletely deatroyed. Tise ieaggaga-car diS net take lie but was bodly wvrecked. Tisaie waa only oe pue-sou in tise car, wlho left buera it upsat, Mr-. W. T. Whsitehsead, and lie was net ueat ail. There weoe iflasu persan ne utiseailier car aItisée lime, sud a.1- et tiose wee-e mesre or leas inj ur- éS. Four perseus weraenoS dte Suais. Tisese wee-e Me-. Isaac Hacher, of Fort Foie-fielS; Nasesioils Pue-e-y, nf Presque Ile ; a newshey, Beatty, et Fe-edricten, aud a wonas wiseu foue. la as yai unknowu. The people ai lise railwoy station innediately rueSe te tise rescue, sud helpal tise untortunate possangurs who wee-e attenpîiug te ea- cspe te-ontiste fiants by einmbiug tseoug tise windows of tisa bue-uing car, wisichl ly on its aide. Tise car tue-ued se fiee-cely tisat tise eeuiug party bl icretire ai limes. Ici-. Har- min, etf1Peel, lies- hilcetofMe-. Hacker, sud otisere wee-e asaiatiug tisa wemeu te gel eut, wheu tise lianes ceuepelied tisein te lly, anS they wee-e oliligud te beave, bctis te pue-feh. Me-. Cha-les Piiipa, et Bath, is amng tisose hadiy bue-t; a boy, wleaae nana is nkuown, cras aise serioualy injrad. Coudueler Yaraxa, tee, waa badly hue-t and se was Dow, tise Seakarnan. Five doctors are nu allandauce. Tis aeck lias beau e-- îaieed se tisaitisae trains can e-n. Coroner Tempkin Cas bolS an inqueat sud tisa follewfng verdict was e-enlier- cd :-"Tsat Isaac Hocker, N. Pe-ey,j W. Beatt ,and oue unkuowu pue-son, cana te t8fi deats on Nov. l4ts, near 4 Peel station, ou account efthe care-a being tlirowu fron the te-ack as u to-.1 cd np, sud tisait te probable couse ws a Sentie of Saga ou tise te-eck, tiseowu cut et tisa haggane-cur near tisa Scor by- lie baggage master. l'o lice Edlitsr of hi- Whitby Ccron-c icle: )n.cn Seet-- Tise editor et Me-. Gibba' Osisawa ergan, lact meak, goos ont et i ceai-te isnve cuotiser lap aItisae 7otisolica et SauthiOnstaio. Tisoy are cresanteS us a vile hierS, anSdi-ou, Sir, as "tsa meaebest Gft u he-I." WeViI suppose i-eu eau stand it. Catisolici are useS te abuse anS perse- cution. Il i8 ver>' donisteul, hace-vai, viselisr sucli cauduet will sacura Cats- 'lic voles otesaide taken b hitse -'ind-icttor in future olîctien ceuicais. Jeetaiuiv net tiai ot yoie-r, A CATHOLIC. Noy. lits, 1878. A înasa cof rock, severai tisousaul toue; in weight, toli tice ther day aitishe up- -or talaofethtie Genesce, Rochoster, lice-at> Seslroying thise-bcesuty. Tisa Be ct tise talion pariers mas eonetiieg ke Imeruli-bv a huuSetb t, sud as ias liise Iietba ftise sîrea iilricea betwoen liieli-and forI>' feel aisave tise se-face. ie-neri- tle a mahr fe i-i e-cil- train tiehe -luk et tise tais lathe rater iseiow le onu unobatrucled loesp, eut uov il strikes an thisenassleal went over unS Semas domu tise rock îmewiset like tise Amarican tallsata Niagara. Anohsr large quesutit- et oh fa expecled le laU Se-fore long anS soi- carry ever tha Jmliling-a on tse ?at aide attse edge at tsa peecepece. r- w Bc N i-c m eo A mutuisage il mas,"IlLinger ai the poal, daelin2g, and matoh ismti Me tisa sitear- giesat fmoonliglil as they gilde amcng tise branice." Nom il ia, IFor geeduasa' aake, pal, let'a haste mbt tise Sraming noinanS liet unIe tha ce-sekie cf tise ceala upon ilie gi-aie," madamesasys the shortarîlee-, Whiehi is a serapil i eing lu tavor muit he ladies, miii aliem cf Iieeir carring a muif once moi-e tee-usa as maIl as shsow. Fer sauce intors patIho nigisl haul, milili- graspieg a long train, isas beesi permuttaS ltreezo, wmile ils mata mas wml-nb ouscoissad lu tise uff-s case mCere tise eiglît hanS wss net ailoweb te know wmisaitise ieft issulwas Seing. AaaaRTO2r.-Feceterick Sh11, wmisi cîsurgeu le Tee-auto mitli lavieg aiduS Mai-y Collinîs te produce aSertion, hi- giving Soi- Clai-ke's uisnalo pilla, Icas licou romandeS. Tise preimoer, mise talonge lýo Prescott, wliero lie fa rue- peclabli- cenuectod, unrenulurci isuu- self and bats ean ruleaaed on bail on lia omu receguiesesca. Il bu alIt-girl tise girl offered te accu'pt feue- hendeo dol- lars, but mIen Sîflli consstecdthue gie-l increasoSis er idetans a le igietlun- ded dollars. ThiasII il refuseS btase- code le sud lice girl Se-onglet tise chearge. The new bullion voulu undci-t1e meS. Tesumry ah Wau.liughee mas put fnoe use on Saiortiayffaetise fie-at lime. Tisé vanit fa the issegeat etfltse iind in tise world, osnS ceai 6250,000. As a tigbtoned iSsrkey, cised S>' an. intueistad hul, nseS ilcohe oauSarias ofet fie SlS, ho entbusiasticaily xcia- cd,"I Millions foi-dé, fonce, butet eue oult ior Se be-nIe 1 ~ Fieuce OAIQELoGEo.-A tonale o loSq1409ePa bfil ~î sOMe4 1P 96qe, Ï:ti i;gul e- ilg4e ôto'à Wilin~ bcmb was ibronu- amng a corps et Sfiv-s tent onls Imlnlebdeeivs h9,.lis lette&inimaieàvqha- it oubd mtae. bjd,~eLJsr~cir atfassnatio s how censeque Rngy-:- li tieaunto islite, cfaoue iettaced. ntmig - tiaIfàie'cud h Fi-ier prittela- ihe sidtensped-a asaanti on siew tisaiT ise Ring auéekl Tise ùgbný asasinola thé head- mlhie atiited. SignaiCod. ho-srpitiaes poraeiy wis tie mas, miS rêcèlvte Alen gr.tntap womo arj lich 5ret causele crskle b a et plo,-eista or canindia eli. csewr'ldt Thé e-èn -eolae -tho al -trale torgnS atualoth -eu wlb se bdie ti tm ona mre tluliýe. Té-lla SebassyhenMaris of 'wgrne d H--ie proTh iity et a -,rciss of ethou uSe Kwiugso. --Th iltHu Ai teogen trland fIcm ia.a.e-Miireort a Siet ofte qT tista d plot xialefo Cros ofie tie'saitise Rusafangfldges, heu ofxt.MiugcaeliogcncSt orge' lad t beiv alexitc théM aqiso cera Litcs ari-ealertag on. nes Suitoe aqi c on n i Pe-incesaH. . H h - ics Loise.vc-ea'prycuil-o h tollowlug erens : theMRn.gharHon. et St.d McsFsdlSt. Geaai-ge- 0c- cmp.yche ies aqi tbre .aVeraednrae tisDominint Lou.e anrelina Aibuea atens- Lsadsise fepisin M ofNaisr , adn wmiledH.nB.8H. tiseir.ieNasa Louis;er. ne iteLd -- Moi ao F-auk Deof the ue Roya i' stie Sucseyte heu.éCprines Hhard, ola uiinGds-a.i-e fcapI.veron Chaa rlsegreul, ain.e tAD. Cek, odirl allonS- ad oleADY SOPH yAriiago andlcA eue s miteret tise E ae fbiese, o e-s, e isevoea cud Caldiog e Hal Hloseyatac liereyungeespoite Ldyia- tarhnis adsi o .tie Quen),masa mae in 15Wilumste iseraltarbosr-h ogis, who aie lu 187;. he Sasobeen atCsanetinoalas teilie y-attaches; licte Gearnof Gane-lse raer, Was- ter e etnt.leC.a oi sir Wlliu Meswlliamsnetandais,18h2n tisi olter commandtisegare- fonlu an- ada soue fitea n y1as40, anS mas 85 leeo isre mctlheule- Maiee-a tisat uvser ofsie IMomutlsie Se mafo olosuayachtofa ileer, esaiy tox.suntiug llaSeacîug.lHormas mas- CWundtise major accmpaid govdserc-ade-camp;rd tien hondma attachreS e m-ausad ati. CLayai-Sa-f aiveo Cenaltincpeandmila-yattache;. D.t0 tisetale ia QoStnetartpin ie- 1erd Sin ctn ets ail.saea iTENARQUIC' Puni-A-iE SELRTEiAiiY anS compte-ellar oetL11e heusehuldi fala- reaS>' in Canada-tise Hou Richsard C. Morelen, brother etftiso RarI cf Ducie and a gentleman of greut maaltlc. Hie appoietnent nmanes aI tseei o fbcS a regulse court kej't up. 1 Hla os ccam- paîsieti hyI-ili[,ce-ite. LYEUT.-COL.-i-eE etOi. E. G. e-. LeTi-LEi-Os, s isopiew etflte Deke et Nerthuember- land, al-eaSy si-cil keomu iu Canada as tnilitari- secretary tie bai-S lufferiu, le aise le Canada aI Peesent. IHo cviii icold tisaisne position undar the nom vice-e>'. COL. cc5 NEIL. Tise Marqusis mili aise ho accompesu. ied by Col. MoNeil, ense ttise Queuu's equarria, wmise mas in Canada about tan i-oea age as Mililari- Secrets-y te berd-i bigar. Ha mil romain liie about the-ee inontha. Disastrane Floeds lu Europe. Part ofttise di- ofNarmichis faitun- dateS b>' a trealiet un tise riereWoVn- aurn. The toMosnetIdenaal>' populat. cd diastricts ai-e aevee-al foot undai- mat- or.. Tise bascurCts efftortaela, mare- beouses, ge-auaries, anS dlelinga are fleodedansd eue or Ime persans have taon de-omiseS.Four- or fiva miles et mireuta are submergeS, and teon ilirea te tour tisousanli dweiliugs are renîci- oS uninhissiable. Great -pecuniari- damsge lias Seeus doue. Tise authir. tics are mscutaeuzng lise hcneleea peer. Tise flood fa in consequeuôe cf a foi-t. nighi's continueus rin. Serions Slooaia have occunnedaon tise e-iver Save, caesiog ceneidee-eble loss cf flt anSdlimmense deatruction of milf- lai-> atoi-os. Tisilk crep Ilumis e- mwill-Se oui aboul savonanS a haIt Million Kilo- geanner. lu 1807il ma abfucltiiti- Mill ions, but sineonculie yieal is felbcu sotilbi-off, aai pe-icus havedSe- crossaI. Iie-aletiona avomiug belief lu tise patriarchialorcbe-fetmare-nage, as e-- veaele aGOti's pal eges sud claiming- ths rigist et ils pe-aclice, have been p ass- aS Si- a meeting cf momenbunlSaIt balk. City. Tise revenue te tise euS et October was$7228,020 62 . expondilure 6$5,U8, Tise Royal stanard-i miilflealt ram Govarumout Hoee menever H. R. H. la thora, Hennyi- ad Beocher fa Cliaplaus'et s Ye oi-k rouet 1 Au ufaîsîy ~Of ?cbfc:paon&ge. obab*y article, yere-rea epubrw fi» met :A i 0sm uédsa ei ,lût ~ o Ir f - lIt ' iîkget bèefit. The o~h i2 vr VITIU if they ahould un- hrtely oiiacet 'ëefier ccugha or l'hoe ar- SiLva -in, the. wcld for enuta, Braises, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Bheup4:Tetter,. Chapped ý IHae, Chl- bMains, CernIf, and ail kinds of aldu gruptjaiq.. - hi# ýSalyq in, guarànteed te giveo perfect satisfaction fi1 every caue or money*réflîiýd. ' ýPee 26 cents per box.' Foi- sale"hy S. W. BI. Smith & Co., Whitby. Do not live a single heur of yeur life with- out doing exaëtly what onglet t 'b. done. i1yvon have a cl9ne;if you are hoaxse aipply-the proper, pid.HLrxnsFc- TOilLL AL5AIE. Thfs pleasant and power- ful remedy ifa-the-,fluait curativeagn known for all Iqdaand ibosobroçhaan pulmouary ,Co=4Iinti àrlafzg tra eld For.sale Whitai, <Ihemiat, Naioz ides, r 'Ëlcbeeente ln- tants, as well asadults. What a Wonderful iaeqvery is Perry Davis'*PmN-u<.Knr.a 1 It net oly cures- the ilaftbehuman family, but fs -aise the-sure remedy for horses. with colle. It lias ney'er been-linown-to fSail ini a cure cf the worst cases'; and for sprains, gallo, &0., it never (als-0- at once. Directions accompauy oaci btt1e- Selc by druggists generally.-Kenion qen.. bj (Ky.) Deoietj4t., V.Icroa.& HxeeraormrzS.-Tbe tainens vif aizmg medfaino acte like ýmagie,ý rapidly liestoring the- streugth and a pette, pro- parting toue, vigor aud energy te the whole syctehe.. For consumption weak luxfgs snd ceat, aud ilioat disease, iÏ is ýthe'best -and surent Remedy kmowu, snd- it is ieuparal- elled in its e1fcacy as a General Nervous Tonic and Bllooi dgeni. For saehb T.G. .Whitfleld, Chemist, Whitby, and ai ealers. The stomach, liver-and bowels are puri. fied hy National Pilla. I str l recommend the use of Fel- loià Cmpund Syrup cf Hippophos- phites te ail who suifer ini any way fromn diseae or weakneas of the Longs, liPronehial Tubes., or genieral debiity. J. H. W. SCOTT-, M. D.,Gagetown, N. B. LIF.E a Iamh, disease advsueca upen the citadel ef lite but aoon becomes a raveniug- lioni, deetroying the very vitals. Very ofteu et attackq !he kidneys, aud works safi havoe in the ne-mary systein, ie which dansthere la uothing superior te Vecronu Beucuu nmD Uv.& Uni. T"t sovereigu remedy isaIaso -good for Bright's disease, diahetes, derange. ment of the kidneys, etc. For sale by T. G. Whitfield, Chemnisti Wkttby, and al dealers. National Pilla puýrge and cdense- the sys. tem . -,., ' Frceof >Cost. Du. XeNG's NEw iDxscOvEety for Con- somption, Couglis and Colds, Asîlima, Bronchitis, HEay Fevrer, etc.,isl given awayinu trial betles fi-c of coaito the affiicted. If you have asevere cough, cold, difficnlty of breathing, hoarsenes or any affection cf the tliroat or longs, by ail means kive this wouiderfrtl reme. dy a trial. 'Âs yen value yoor exist- ance Vou. caunot aiffrd te let Ibis op- portunfty pas. We coula, n6t afferd and would net give Ibis remedy away- nuless- we knew it wouid accempliali whot we dlaim fer it. Thousands of hopeles cases have already been cern. - pletely curefi by*it. There faneo !nedi- vine iu the world that. wil cure eue-hait the cases that DR;. KNc's Nzw Diacov- iERY wifl cure. For sale by B. W. B. Smith & Co., Whitby. Wbenever the Priocessa-Louis. ar. rives ai or depurts from any place where tuere is a fort or artillery, a sa- lute et 21 guns muet lie fired, nlea they ho dlapensedl with l>y authority.' The coutraet han been given eut for the replacement ofthîe poplar peles witli cedar on the Canadien Pacifie tel-- egrap line, betwecn Selkirk and Shoal Lake, the peplar having &ene rotten. The house of a fariner namefi Gusack, in Westminster, lias becu ontee-ed by burghee-s. Two years ago masked bur- glars entoredl the hons&sund frighteuedl eue of theo fomates se badly that abe - iý' Notices of )3irtlii, Mlric-age8. aned Deaths chargcdI 50 cents cack. WHITBY MARKETS. CeusoNCLE OrneCs, NOV. Qtis, 1818. Fleur, aebrI---........ i c00 (â05 ... ,V.r.,a............. 00 @ 0 90 Spnince Wheat----------O. 070@ e 82 Baie>, Nul,-----------6 0 75 @ $0, 85 2--------....605 @ 0055 R-e---------------45 @00 pes----------5@- 60 Puas, black-a>'ed.6:. 0 70 @ 60 85 OutCe---------------..iip à80 Cern- - - --............ u a 5 Appîe-----------O40 s& t)1;0 Potatoeno-----50e 0eWC- Eggs--------------iSo 150to00 Buttir-------------....14e @ 00 Ciseese-------------.....10. s@121 Weol--------------6... 0 20 @ 20 Beut, hinS quarter....-6550 càS 60 M Beef, foi-a quarter-....84 r 5 0 0 0 Sheepsius-------.. - .. 60 @ s$0 '75 Pei-k, per cmt.......... 88 50 a e 00 Las .................. 2 50 6300cO Cale-es---------4 @ 85 Onons--------------..... 090@l 100 Turnipe-------------. ..000 Cheese-------------....12f o @ 00c. Canrots----------------...150 @00 Cisiciena, per pair-....46 '@50.c Turkeyr, par M..b..-..e 10 PORT PERRY MARKETS. -Port Pan>', Nov. 20t5, mt78. Wilsest, apriig-----------40au60 0 Wiseal, lau-------------*"..*.0-w09 0 Floue----------......-----500 00, Dana .....----------o 0 W O075 ..e ......-..-.-.- ..- ....045 0 fs Oais-----------------o..........L)25 00 Coi-n-----------------......0 0 Claver SecS------------.....O8003 a50 Petatees ...;.;... 0...o4( "0 do ~sper bus------------....025 0860 PL. ... .-.......620 6sce Butter,ý................e.-0' 0- Egge ................. 014 0 Ha>'-----------------.....800 10 00 Beef---------------.5 G 00. Woci---------------2 00 S 00 Ch""es ...................0 10 0 10 O .13 ic0 T 0 auWoa sud iudise wealmeas, earhy c I mil send I- FREE 0F CHA mas Siscevered i Bib5le Houetaol Nè -NEW -AD' St,. Andi rHE ANNWv - T St. mrw Piickering, miii Dec. lst, 1878, b, burnin stAnd] On MondayE AS S WILi Tise autee-iune Sangs, sud a Supj micisDsucmgi HaIl.Gsut'sT sud Sauce, 61.00 50C, baies, 25é. Tickets cas. e ] H.Jamneson, Rasa S.WA. Smiths & whitby. A.. MeN Bok Store, Qaha, P. Whitby, Nov. 151hi ybu cao gel IN GJM -O0N E.AC jSOLVENT A BANKRU --FOR - î ile satter of lË1oKIE, Of t te eCoueti -Ont aio, au feu busiess ise mec 2 'Wh WE DNESDA:.V at11 'eleek ini th, te-iaofetthe saiS 1 gener 1 ryGeedaû Ma ts, Cape, Forax - hp *eininie, 13'e sse ieabout 69,e, aiasper i.vetaiy TER S 0FsA oun ishg secue-il thispecters. TIsa staock i. mal oer ï tise Pma purchere-if raquil veueoi-v eau b. seer - olis Pe-ieghue, Merci tte 5e se es or t WisltebY, i9th Nov.,'] THE- WYIJIIï Tuesdyfthe17 clitt-Y, elue itl Ti iheen1> Ony 3.as e ci -I 'J 4 Il gi ri ti D Ir

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