Whitby Chronicle, 21 Nov 1878, p. 4

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sathe naine af rot axi "ý. m - ., : ,&du am .Aeaked h.&>p briglit si iierlut so4dïn "t~to èail a l. Mder beaah4rak soir a iiblusthanime'a ,11 p4'rè t c te nSb anku. Net s'year, ladeed hardiy a Meut t, aate btalîsfüit ipisàaBritishi ahip ofou t1Wû-' l ï bei audo%.' Wljs- *the -vW0Msliiin élu iaLrbow', or rldingýo lie pogb as inu inanhes cvjrbo r shiau ithin elglst cf hc1p'ila djliaild ai ipsmofti0, IIJs'l ale ,f Mloine t as ,JC otr % 4xitpltise i a u W -lîah.'1"og ' lmUiy re. cardIia stalvible aatautophe aofttis ilsi. 8110 was neor' oa mail river ltnown as lise Praicliinge, on tisa ouait'of Java, au il' 'oîfff cf lier cxcv, a' Wehshnsgn, oethlie pinre cf Owen, ywelt WlItou blers tle b/tbe . 7Uey wece ail gccd;ewlwumers,' soti..Owenl, visa vos tihe' most skilful,i'b'ad venlured leokan î lutta laotando' Ironstisa veeal, wheî 1 wnse 0~tffebIY lisýrd té utter a Piercluisnie s ango 4ark r nue5 stsaihlenly trüm thse botiols, 'iaï itten Ilim 1uurn.diteIy boiow tisefIhtis nb sud 'ierlytam ;ýhic te piecos. A nopa wa. lIýrown tâ hlm, but tboe in- julps WiAan00 otetriblo tisatIlue kime. Jiately souk. Iliti oompausiosîs capeti nuuijune'- but tof Jwiu's body ne trace wnarc rerd. Tis a'lîrk v st a. indiecd hilîja as, wa tare toItS, judgoii ta liai soldes ittîeen tact in letîgîli.lSneob diranionas, ltltistghlargeî~, are yetsot Thisé1esk il utt obtisuai tisa 'tlgoasça lite üviLtîneOf te s o. Likoteiavu!. tssuo, ia ioîitatea toa ottck auytlslug 'Wilhlinit u l; butif i tnigrY, heoomeR for an. liss ssedeitl ài ocourage net lus owîs. , Ve saHoligiavor oxtcnmiuote uad., lîls pressure In troluidal vaora muueqt alwaya romain n coostant souce f dsug~.Meaotimebhoahua t IaL itisat, tisaI visereven hae may ho ossîst ho aflorda a certain rougis spsci en cf sport. Tisane lena better lai, tison fllîlng faix- a slîark wti a book tise site of a pitchsfirk, anti a lisuge . ('Ceo f par k by way ofblait-. Ilrpoan. fliîg lihe etaura us alec anl exciting huîssîsoassst, plîlsoiîs solîlomn niseisedl. <Il'lite yesrn,' tae, the elîrk ha s beenJ luîuted ini novol sud aciehtiileways. 4ile i Do llteor uusoftrifle Proctica tltou taeisoaf ut lilS froin cvsr tise tti-si twilhî axIloive bisîets. If yen Jtstmm' 1huislie lii fullowit oct. If ilie le Lit, a grouît loiseruait in Min. H1ec rMINla lwly aver 01là iiibock, dispiaying Ilits crtuel, gupig jâwoa at t aonia ofi' ttîsîuilr.aaurfaoo, ant iebisbrcîiseg iltoarîciquluiusg îîp rous anotii, (Inari-el8 antd diitîstIe t'i'teruolly vii tise ccaneos. Bot îsaorcf ailtrnoade of sisoui ôitta, '.bccoa iait ecientific, antd cou- mont amslysiuatsnîg, ie tl)at recent- ly îlsialeii ii lien Majetys ayc cotiusutig turpouto drilli witls Fi ank *Iilg(iry. A minisiature tarpedo li enclos- okl ins ait ull.tik or park, tutti icwer. 10l witlîiîp 'r carc. Titsbatony in tlUsyainsa riti at tise usoment liiot >eli blige iit seizOe, Alîti, RRai spike. liliter woult gay, "pisueltoa" tise lospt. Ini inreec, taecircuit la corcpleted. T1t191oitel is iîtuînet. Thoô heat andi .twsnorftitis monitor tare biova juta rrfn 1sta nduatt, aII ibibbiug irclo ini the w1toi' marilititisspot -vîtere, a ev suctneia Isfore, lits dorsal lit s how a. higattvclt wtves, l't.itiuHsnr lluxlus, -ustisaheictair of telu t)uîaorltttîntit o uthtitisr1tlgy, et Dublin, tlluiHoe ess4ui ut l Ite ,vudezioe relating ta c flta tly Ilîlelery of iasn,tandaieisorga. . iiizîu .sti Wu fhlive aait t atouudlng of î~islîla tovitionce cf te Acrt. iictisout san ein ogos stubecatisuta th iis.7 WVI-fit 111e exact dtia ie' I iont liink i iuytîsseeau euy, Il ienioyenti al 1 <fnetlsian thaIt isn atrieletiaiKt a lime whti't the whlalt ulysiicol conforusation of te utnîtry wt différent te wlîot il i3 uov. Bat, wilîeniteoica tea u question anCtraciuîg ison boick 'îrtltvn tison Ilin tisaI, 1I uus&tnisturs$ tisaI thse videece iu te îuy uiîîd of a very duis char. atttr. W.c Iliva nlot aI prosont any fpeeilivu o itiowod iou lieseubjauct. l'it camores tise vony iutoresting q nos- tilisî wilselber, vitilSsncb ovitituesofethle axioteof uttisn betonooeil is. Possible e trauce iLu ho llsury auty aviS suce cf a ttn ya umwYoCRseceitiatlivly atito t Iti wliiii exîisteut titis ltrcecet dy. I amn Irou taem iit tu îsy opinîinan tise C uIltater rvs.ssîine exoctly wlscre il vas l SOft î ght.'son >,ars ago, wlsen I pub.t 11,lliaîl tIle bock,1ta w hie!,, ta muy t surp)rise, 1 board Professer Flower ! roter, fan 11usdil heugli es. questions j bilt liou forgotten in tl isegatbor acaîial outolin te. 1 titi venture te put turti thliaopintioni that viol iin Mr. Baillai, s dinactor ef'tisa Hongj Kong andi Shaugliai Bonis, is said teL hlava givan .£1,010 te Qavarnar Ppa Henuesay for tisa amotion cf a statue la Rani D acansfeflt aHong ltong. Thuo lato Mr. Peon, baud of ths great engnoering fins 'ai Orocwielis doce nist Btelalio hve feunfi eugRiue.moklu ngu uîsprolhlahie ttde 1 , ÏHie iibas. ut beau lraved inlutheaProauto Court, und ths pîulaualty, vas ivaru ai cee Mill. it ion 4terIlig. W Tlisalait. uu wPrt~ .,.i Dviffet, and se viii etili ba Le: sonin wh.us the nov goveruar arriva eera~ s oen neo.dclys'1 litshond finhiepokets bls lot profqm.r Erastinus Wilson, F. P has bandeS la oMn, John Dijan, e. i chque or £0,00 inredonptlle &un 'ounlise ereelon cf Cleopr Nei.41on t pba bo q p i e Thamieo -Aunuuten a, body of thie eleetox, the Pouctmo f W'ofoubgthve 'detord Br ion of-tui, tata ljim 0 13r1n ,te bpp9,aHu e dtdai4 forhoblsy ' i Tvey saturay-from Qub SI oriafa the. train, leasing WhltbJ. 4 At 810OA-Z. sery FrMday. I ESOIIETE piax wm Et. Vabilo fanas redaed tma t dlg Position Wc L for rixnticketw.4 iforavlaa, tram Québec, Nov. oth, 1878m WMfeera olpasen afr owardedto Lon. daderyllabýg, Glaggow. Qneena*awn, Bec , band Landaoni atu ls &B te i4verpooL .n fxtor raS esan ics ie rndafztas.r l'h puagsmde drlig tho B~su== '011 1=9e fruld ta a4'a 1gdd4 ;owu utht4ge, two acf whlch ane apnt lin*the uz*ath waters af the St. L&Wrenoe, ,%ar tickets tuaI inrther information apply to- EO, B. TULEM. Exp. sud Tel. Olnie, TNITED 8TAÂtEG oONBULAD- UEO. 1B. YULE AGEBÉi, Brook t,.êt. IO Al. IN NIEEO0F MONEI To Ronew Loana 4Ireadyqxi t- ing, to Pay Debtýî~~it Improvemont6'. af resi astate for poriado te suit borrovora aud repaya.bie in any zmanner lapplWdante lusrt itrest Six, $Cvcit, sud FBigit per cent. accaraing ta repoyaseete. 'Wisen titSe ia sotisaocorythels aon rau lue complated andi suoniay polî aver n u s t4rWANTED TO YULICHASE OOOD MORTOAGES. Ooîtveyuncei carefuliy prepuncil. Office igeowa IBlock, Port Ferry. Respctflliy Toure, 42) THOMAS P'AXTON. E3 87. AUCTION SALES 1 I BEG ta netitru s inî'ers thastki ta the - publie for tIse vèenylitbertîl patronage hesed n spou u sueuin te Itîst, anS ta lotimote liai 1 itili ho on Itontiready ta ronuit ony ?as at iasoy bc entrualed wit),. Terme iberal, Batimfoctlan guar. Il solokaitvii lnbctoun t Ithe Out.Yani ul Wlitby. Arraiigousuis aa ta d1,o a ai,&0;, 'may-ha mode vitis Mn. M aseau, lte lroprietor ai tise Hôtel. OrSeo by mail or lelegrapusl attendeS ta. L,. FAIIIBANKS Auctioneer, «ilbsY N. n. -Sais Bo.ks snd hiank notes funise r ie Valuablo Boa! Estato IN THt TOWNSHIP 0F, mIAca. F 011 SALE 11V PR'IVATE CONTRACT No< Lot Na. 2tand thse Sauths bilf ot Lot Ne fli lthe ,d conceiselnft h t ie Town- sli Rfeiach -,w'nll.eituxated, goci ut cai .d o ulellusg bouse un sauthisifal flai No. 7. Tioe til ovin 11J0Oacres of tinulen on lot No. 2. Thase prapenties illiiiniie gaud forma. A sînl oîl tuaptymnt viii horeqîtirethlie balance ta romnain cenM'bmtgage ton a- terza af ycara ta suit tise ssarchaser. Apply ta T. H. MeMillon, Erq., Oshawao, ont., on te thse usudensigned, LYMAN ENGLISH, lii If OîsavaOnt, A Complete Solf-lnstructor in Flin and Ornainentitl PENMANSIJI. Y rOUNGO PILis lbing ta avaçloire o A rapid, easoy asua beanltiul lînnti wniing, without oat.eier, wihill nclti tiuu.sa pateùt istructar. lisusulredo ors lI)eoua. is boontiftilwriicra liruhioiut lthe Do. ns Iuloil aistd tian Uttitid siates b it1 l git. Il cosisa o f a nenies c asi Sucr aiýSo couven.ient sizo fot practetus g, w5scls cau- tanapitesiieg[ uugtiIt iue Iiret pris. cîiales milsl grnîdualli' Pr gressingl tise î-ias'elegssst plain adrtasIS nuerIwisg; uts l.UasAuutlslT41 SiEtun, rorantîntiing Germnan rext 015 Engliais ad rstisamesîtal Leiter. lasg, ôlfiisoulo~lunising et Iirdo, At. ; A tiookg un 5(j FuirawiihfulliiS ssslyuisanod lu- siniii, aixl a lroutifnslîy euîgravnil case te contalu lte vicie. Pricn. 81.00, Foot 1Paiti. l Addrene S. U..13E ATTY M COI. OsioaBusinessCossleu Belevtlie, ont. I*" Agonie MaanteS. Nov, 14.- ILM In O IIdtg ond praetýelng cueIlute lbît nssla bokif or lîsural, enltixed 55LFi'5ESEW'À :ON Frtceo y $1.Bc-ut by nail T HYSELFO. roc Ipt cf pnice. h arcauaofExhaunted '5 taiityremauns De(I)Ine, Nervous andal lhyiculol cîy, andtht enls@ concomiant llita un tlil nimnios tiS sutl tberefri, anidenutane ore hancisfargini pro. &criptiens, unyoceof iwhicla 5e ortl tle prile. teVbok, îleboek wasw nsby thinsoiex. tcasivu antI îribibly'ibon is% ktstsilpracitlner la Aucrco, iawhem vas av rdaoldan Jew. esI eisld.bte Natlo 1 edicSca5AssaliiMn A 1Iam.hlot, tliiîiratetlwltis tbe verySuest steel Eîugravi aari. r vcI of art aaffsbeaizy- ioe sent ra»uta al. Bond HF fon It ai once. Acidros i'EABODY ISEDICAL .u p INTTTNo. 4 Bl.fltL glacb at.. Poison, mas. H S L ÀADIES, ATTENTION. Tise cSabraied Amenecaýs lair Worker, M4AX JACQÃŽ3 230 Qnccn Si. Wc t Torntu,l 4Tirea Dutano froc St. lystniîk's Manitb ta1nurnehe~aliei tat ail wank lao 0douen eri î,oaan anS dellveneliaaI sre ndeieyred ornaitej -- M.U ýi -i à1 -- -L FAIRPOBT IN 4'IclSI1IG. ~Daeim*N.1 101 168 184 Wseroie, 04 1 85 389 Brocks., VL lot si Pt19 6 1W m ~ ,-09 loot., VIL Lot 2591 .8S 'lim7u OLAREMONT ýN PICKERixG. 18 iw ailO os "#ô~ 4 7 5 617 198 710 18 0 08 188 496. THORAII. , FORT PURRY. 17 350 190 0J5 s patsom 206 196 89,P~~i 247 .200 185 885 Pbne ut 248 848 20921050 Paeto EsS.0tWestl Bllock fB, No. 5, part R. Knlgbt, Pt Souths j Sbanly.st,Boroei&lma Oaiueron'sp scugog.at, par Part Sauth I 18 'Broken 2 Broken 4 Sosth 4 12 19 ,Northf 19 Part af South j 19 North j 4 Nortisî 0 Nots 1 6 Soutis f 6 Part Sauth 4 21 Part North 2 1 S4ýù issest Pt ci S I 29 7 Faits t ai Sentis t la Nantis J ai Nantis 14 Nortish Northî South-Westamgi. 19 East j 29 Nont àcf Eout I 82 85 Centre PI <.Brtbionrs)355 Treamuner'a office, Oct. 7th, 1878. 40 1278 912 1490 soc Il98 - I 4 ne1185 195 7408 -808 7801 100 2484 241 9615 200 22-14: 98 S4 0 100 22~ 08 9 100 297i9 255 8 100 891 2901 10 100 829:7 9 02 5809 100 85 8 2 W 87 96 10 3 26 188 5 h4 e 197 151M '8 &ÃŽ 100 1558 219 17729 20 15 69 290 17869 100 199 99 2108 2m s 809 270 8s8w 50 911il 288 98d4 60 698 198 891 RAM*L. 100 sous5 258 s8881 100 2801 2947 299 100 1889 2919 178 113 1489 219 1758 65 u 28 941 980 50 686 198De *8 100 1804 2925 20.9 99 2295 2 2598 100 2430 2941 2871 W01 28-67 291 25 96 1Ot 40 15 281 4996 10 898as 279 42 14 100 92919 2986 Si5 lut> 1894 918 1587 SCOTT.f 7 80 1 9 8 75 909 16 da 221 44 45 2939 869 2971 Wu.1 Patene Unpatente Patuw Uaatente Paiatoa Unatenteli nPatueta Patentea UPatented Unpabtel rupatenteS Unpatented nPatente4 *àRet Patente4d 47 87 Patenwe 89 aie PatenteS LAINO, Co.1Tr5AL, Ontisia WILLIAM TILLi'f CABINET FACTORY AND - 'w'~ ' ithîsate improvensents, is allhthat oan badesired in a CombineS Machine, sud FRESH RIPE FRUITS, LEMONS. THE LO TAN , BOOK TIETWHIBY.cannet tai te meet aIl tisa requiromauls cf puncisasers. y i.. 4WLi-PPOINT-ED HEARSE.,1 ffbftby, OotoberlOth, 1877. 4 T 0 CT 0 TH ordinary degre. frd à c*etetqnkee~ ~ng cofer pn usud the. È l.ay dinoreaalug demand frosu year b year ef W. @hall continue as heretafore, as manufacturera, -te make a Ipeciaity of Forth. laiTwen*y-two -yn eav have given clii meet careful and undivid. .4 attention te the manufacture and operation Of the varions machines in use, slftien e basausst ed NWemuliponiy the béit mehaulcal slI, sud or mach~inega:unde th mcmi eareful supervision and scrutiny-eveiy detail beil ubetat i85Yî est erltldosm-and euch machine In thorôùghiy tested bfr evn oiwrs to prove, the compeeecfveprt î4ieqan Ictyuptin thesu in operatio yaypra fmdraoàehnolsihî Our machiney ha.been slce n cÂr4o iF jca eeec cated up W iies vantanud equmnefn a~atr.-basgahr uh n ledge cf l.ut uto f àcu r assdaretnsebed ob la arie on. .rîng W e are th re ore e s le __ n io u e a o e i nf c t h e2esu in o ai e partm nwen t h c nfa tr a o0in &cl t heies rfe ftheg0 I v orbuta. w.inenabled W min eutoaurkmachinespwith a hig ierndegere cfnperfectioncsud at pscrice e1v abon. eyWdf cmein THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER le nev se vell knavu as a Single Beaper, -Lhai a Word cf' commeudation wouid aimait seemsu uperidueus, but as there are many ciaiming te manufacture i"i machine who have âdbered te the old ernlaiJolmeton machine, vitiiont keep- ing up to tbe i paeete; ihat justice te oureelves sud -patrons require cf us Wo atate that va hava modufed 1* in almot every essential part, and for strenagth snd 4qrabil»y, j~uality ci out, in every kiud sud couditioni of grain; llgbtzieus cf, draft and ée m are e mg ent-the "Johnoten," a* manufa"turea bynatad pre.emiuently ahesd cf ail ther reapere. lupreef ef'thinpc'iicn vohave cnly te peint Wo the niany Pliai Prizes awardd us,-at'the sat Prvavincriasl cf On- tarie, sud many oounty trials which have taken place ai aver Cana», within lhe last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, tJust reoelved, 1laÃ" stock of <'é w B1ack Tea, qreSSIy .N ' market. î's i ,u i -J-OH-N-F ER -U -S-O-N - tu? * n ~ Ineludxng a large stock of 0OVERCdATSý ]XCELLENT- GE NT S' ruade up in the Latcst Styles. SUI1TT, Buffalo Robes, a great nuniber. - Al .selling at, an immense acrffic'e. JOHN FEIRG'USON, Oct. laI, 1878. Dundao-Street, -Whitbyi WM. ]BURNSY BIROK STREET, - WHITBYv, eHas jus &eéi~d, -.iréot ftom the Manufaéturersy a goodl assortment of Ladies and Gentlamen's Marsard, Em press, and American Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap for Cash. Fou, more. cases of 5Oc,' 5ôe, 76e and $1.00 Prunella Boots, JýUST R ECEI1VEÈD WHITBY' CHINA TEA STORE, A Large Assortruent of Crockery, and Glassware0 of ail kinds. Also a Large Consignment of GýLASS iPRESEIRVEeJAIRS! lgs Ail of which wiil be sold Cheaper than ever -for Ca8l. Csil sudi examino -for yeursoivcs, hefoie pnrciasiug elsewiere. Go' where you cannot fail to be pleased in making'seleçtions of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Dra.wing Room and Bedlroom Sets, New Designu well wathy of inspections, aI aulouishing 1ev priceu. Diii. issg.reom Extension Tables-a very superior article. GuitComnices, Picturo Framninl every style. Some fine Chromos sud Eugrae'lngs for sale. lu ail its brauce;- funersî fsuspplied, A stock cf elegant caske ta. Coffins always ounie2d, tnlcnsned lte suit Customors, sud a vell appoinledl H-eante consttintly in roainsses. WM. TILL.. Wiitby, Novemibar 241h, 1875. CARRIAGES AND BUJGGIES!. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP Carriage89, Sleighs and Cutters, M.O'DONO0V AN'S Our ImprovedCi ayuga Chief Jr, end our Young Canada Mowers are bath fintoclass -machines- conatituted almeat vihly cf Iran and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. has a rear eut, and tise Yeung Canada a front Ct ; bath atrong, dur- able machines, and net exceiled by any machines lu tiheasarket for quality cf eut, dnrability, ligistuezscf draft, adaptability, and ese cf managenment. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVE-STER." As the coauntry has isaorna better adapted te maohinery, sud mauy cf aur farta- ers have become alulled lu' lb. use of machines, a grgpvmg demapd bas aprnng up fer a Light, Durable, First.Clsss Reaper. Aliva ta tise raquirementa cf tisa day, va bave aucceaded in inventing a ma- chine viii a Wreughl Iran Frame, viiià tbe leasi possible geariug-with large, breba.faced drive vhêee,-and sa ceunscted biset the frame sud table tilt at the same turne, tierai7 koç;ping tise pitruan aivays lu lina vitls the knifa. Tise rakes are rvndrcl frcm the main ohaft-there ieiag ne perceptible aide draft, and ne vaight upen the harems neoka. We ara confident tisat va have aucoeeded lu inventing the mast patet Reapar, takiug if lu Il ils pfarta, tisat ha. ever been produced. We have applied for lettera patent, suaaî1 hoid our invention, for aur avu exclusive manufacture, and we raspectfully suggest te lu- tending purebasera, that lbay shouid see ibis machine bafore givîng thair ordere fer tise ooming Jiarveast. Tis 'Whitby Harvester" weighis, al laiod, 60OOpaunds, but being mode priucipaliy of tii. heu quality cf imon sud steel, and frei is in. genions aud compact construction, il combine.slise -trength sud durability af the beavior machines.. AUl cf cur machines ara fully warranted. With tki. list cf machines, va feel confident tbal we. cau meet every ne- quirement, and we respectfall olicit a trial ef aur macisines, believing tisat we eau furuish a hatter machina foretisa money than can bcoebtained elsavisere. Raespeotfuily Youre, BROWN & PATTERSYN- MF'G. CO. Wbitby, Ontario, February, 1877. CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY.j NEW STATIONERY & BOOK STORE, VERY 0HEAP.i CALL & SEE THEM. NEW GOODS tI Clothing and Ge pt's Furnishing Iffousl Io now supjilied with s4 the newest styles of -Bnglish, Scotch, and Canadian.Clothe of ail kinds; the Largest and*Bêst Stock thley ever had.i Ce-J= Aloo an excellent stock~ of 'Gents' Fnrnishiings, l new. A splendid stock cf Rcady.uiadeoQveros, Cieap fer Cash. MeMILLkN'S BLOCK, BROýlK STRiEET, WHITBY, FALL BOOTS AND SUQES!1 The undersigned begs ýo eaU the attention of customers: aud tie public to'bis prsout large stock of Boots sud Sioea ýwhich lie is selling at astonisiingly 1ev pnîces, for cash.,'Ladies', Gants' and Misses' in greot vaicty, maunfacturcd in tic bosi rnanncr, cf lic bout maleria, aud in the nevest style. Give a caU sund gel fitted fer! tic damp weather. Ail orderi; pronsptly, exuited. andt i rs atI ao4 l n autignal Nlitby, Sept. 8h, 1878. 0 as usual, JOHN SAUNDFRS. IAgent I I AT THE WHITBY SCHOOL BOOK AND N-EWS DEPO ----- a0 J. G. McDOUGALL Begas to announce to 1118 customers and the publie ini generailiat he bas opeued s Stalionery, Scioci Bock and Noesdeoainl ceonnectieu 'with i Confectienery & Bsking b'Enlusd, in hie oid stand soti Break Street, w~here everybhing lu tise linoe au bhsad ah veny low rates. The Daily and Weekly Papers always on. hand, and de-' livered te suiscribere lu al parts cf tie levu. :Ordersipronxptiy fileti for Periodicais, Magazines Sud Musie. Alun, a woil.asse# -ed lut ef Mottoes, Berlin Weeis, and Fancy Geods, on baud, at 1ev priced, The publie wiil flnd it to their advantage ItO take a peep aI our stock before purchâulug elsewliere. 1Whitiy, Marci 41b, 1878. J. G. McDOUGALL, SentisBrook 8Stroef. BEST received Fir8t Pr e in the County Show, just held, fo4r Artistic Photographv over ail other coillDetitors. £W. 'IRST-CLASS WOýK! e~primiti~gou;'>.huxngbugpro- cesses, at SIMCOE-STREETOSWWA lie #4478rj , 2'utO tite, iv st>itsus and < I taîl, W. J. 1.*BSON, -WBIITBY CHINA TEA STORE. WANTED.-Any quantity of Goodl Ripe Cherries and lIara'sl Apples, for wiich tise highcst market pnie viii bc psid iu cash:' W. J. GIBBON Wiilby, 9, 7, '78. BOOT AND) 511E STORE -Has ten removed froirs Brook Street to Du.udas Street., first door voît cf Armstreîsg'a I'otel, where lie lias s splendid stock et tie MRT FIT AND MAKE, and ut tise hast styles cf Boots and shees., Ail onders promply stteuded te. Repaire noatiy doue. W- Dundas Street, first store west of Armstrong's Hotel. Rousember thie place. KE"' Whilby, Jane 121h, 1878. (SOlns.25 BIATTHEW COLLINS. MoCROSSON &Co., 91 King Street, ARE NOW SHO0WING THE LARGEST STOCK 0F FUIRS EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. --0--- -0:0 FUR TRIMMINGS 0 CUT TO OIUYER. BBAR OBBS.ASTRACHAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBES, IUSSIAN LAMB SACQUES,, RAC0019 ROBES, S. 8. liHAL SACQUES YAK ROBES, PEIlSIAN LAMB SÂCQbES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCE E'RMINE SACADES, S. Uý ALPCAPSMINK SETTS,, B. . isAL CS. S. S EAL SETTS, OTTER AND 8EAIL SETTS, EDMINE SETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAME SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN RETTS CONEY' CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETfVS, GRRY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SEYTS, GERMAN' MINE CAPS, GREY LAMB 'SETTS, A SPECIALTY. M P&rtieular - attention gi-von ho ail1 orders. Tornt. , ec.8,187.speeiaily attenlded to. Toronto, Dec. 8, 1877. Iy.50 OUTTEIRS, Alterations1 AND CARIRIAGES. A Large Assortment of -Cutters and Buggies FOR SALE, CHEAP, -AT- TOMS &NEWPORt'ýCS DUNDÂS STREEONÂRO SADDLERY AND HRAINE SS. WILLIAM THOM P SO-N Begs toedirect attention to lus largo and superior stock , comprising every- thing lu lie Saddlery #ud Harnesa iUne, aite Leather valises and Saratoga n runks i1 A LOT 0P, Yeryhaundsone anaCbetgp. At lie aid.establlshràent. W4LLIM THMP80 ,Icensed , Auctianeer Seon 1i !LtenznLddi Afidras, C. DAWES, PortPerry. 0 OW N' INDIAN LINIMENT!1 For ai by desiers generafly, What we ,take .the Iead -la I Chilioted partt, Scalds. - Burnu, praina &. FOR US AND CÂTTL.-Fromj ta anc batelnluwarm 'attr;,viiicure mail iternal darangemants; canseS by over heat, lug, &c. WHAT THE PEOPLEz SAY, ASI THÉM ? W. tisa uderal 'h.iavea eiBzo'a oniuLnmnt for soma lime>auS eau echeerlullyrecauunend itlorpublic use., B y, m A Pine Orchard Ont. (1ff&Rermoro, W0tby H r a m B r a v , ri Asidrev Orvio, J. Dawa, Brokml J. K. Maibeveon, Bath IHubbla,. Ashirau, A.H. Hfenderson, Uxbridga, S. 0. BROWN, Proprietor, 88-) W h t y , O n t, W 7HTBT, PORT PERY & LINDSAY RAILWAY. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Taking affect on Monday, Jnly. lit, 1878. Leave lty 8M8a. su., 6A5 ~m di ulil .10.85 8.&5 Arrive Liodsay .11 9.15 Lave Lua .7.00 a. su., 5»- pu .. lag 7. 8 i 0 .14 diPort Perry ...9R5 l 7» di Arrie Whltby .9 8.()8.i5 For tira ai ther stations, sec Pocket Time.-- Table, ta ha had an application ta anyaof*the Vompauve Agents. CONNECTIOS. . Wmxur JUiiCTION.-Witii Grand Tronk Raon. way for ail pointe amat and veat. Poar Pxnnr.-With stage for r!pSosu, Utica sud Uxbrldge. 5xÂoU.tvE.-For SaintIield and. Wlolr, 5fyXLÀ-For 15nnderlaud and Canington. M~AB oeL-For.0Oakwood, Litla nritai, V. Lus5Ây.WiisVietoria Ballway for Minden, Haliburtan, thse Free Grant !7erritary, and thse EnsIeah Land Coampany's Proty, wlth MiS. tanullAiiWay orOseini3e, filflrook Peter- borough WCovlleavart= an ls Wue aa nsen, P enetan bslen e a d W anbs Bradbbridge, aSthse Prae Grant Lande of Muzkoka. Through Tickets aria IssueS by ait Agent. ai thse W.PP. & L. lt'y lor Toronto and by G. T. . Ticket A get, +orntoXforl station s on W. P. P. &L. 11.__Notanfr charges.- Itaggae ehoked JAMES HOLDE!q, Whlty, p. Oti ~7. .Managiog Direbtabr, Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, LUMBERMERCHANTý& BUILDER.: inge, s u esfl fBidr'Fri Dogo, Sash anSd ilnSs. LU1YBEU wholeaole'and relai], or'by by the car baS. Planing, Motldin&s of cvcry descrip- tien, Flooring, Shctixsg, Shelving, Re- aawing, S3haping, Turuing.,Scroll-work, etc., etc. Whitby, Oct. lOili, 1878. -43 Chimne~ySweeping R~OBER~T KING- r) HS TO I1NFORM TEE -PIEOPLII 13 ai Oshawa, Whitby and tise surrouud- inneelghborho,tsat-he ba raturued ta Whitby and aain taken up his residence thero vhere aUordegs addressed ta -humut tise Past Office viii a prosuptly attendeS Ordera prompte aidi careiolly SUleS. No Sint, ne duet. Perfect satisfaction goaran- teed. Cisimucys repaireS and re-built; 'white- ýwaahing and colonug doue; cliagoloy; prompt attention and completo satisfaction guaranteed. MARTIN &WRM HOUSE, -8SIONAND) ORNAMENTAI PAINTERS. Hava e t reOivëd a nev stock oai WALL PAPERS ai bie loteal Sesigus anS patterns. FRESCOIN A SPECIALTY. Freacodesigua execuited ou the sisontesi, notice. BTNàW RY Tva Sacra norlis of Kings-Tannery, B rock Street, Wisily. iy.41 THE TO 'ROiTO' Turkish &- Vapor Bà.ths, Theso isalisare utieful in Eheumatiesu, Neuraigia, Cougs, Colda, congestion, BIrnii, Sco t ,u, km isiSes, ii Io- anil= o. Billo;nsses, Favero, aud for Sanalsry purpee. Tise'vaoraths are particlalyapics hie ta ai2=k diseuses, especially syple*ýissi, it la nzov unlvaraafl conceded tsat< both tis&Torkloh sud Vapor ]3sliss axe bisabesi preservutives ai heallis vitisin the reas ci medical exporte -anS lun -cosuunctiosi wl medlcaltnesbsenb 1the patient imone rap. ldly andsuoafneelSuy reated. tboughoint tise v'orid rons rayAlty dovuta11epooresi sman. Tisee Turkluh hauSs ara the ooiy once in tisa City ai Toronto. quotatlons snilxecomsueudationu Axe gven mcm ,thebiet sedicil andSeanltsr-y authoni. lies lu ail ceuntnies, HIOURS-Cientlemsn, 7 to'8.80 s.m., 8 te 9 p su.- * Siat ud ay u stil Il p .. - L ad] 0, 10 a.ni' , .lm0p. ni. Il PRIOES0-Turklsla Bais, one irkel 91il 12 tunets, lie. Vapar Bathi, 50SOc abý; 12 over gt llEC~AMHulN,Q. BE. J. -t BrnStreet Dr. W. Osvccz-Nect CS PHSIýCIAN. Wm. MaRRIE DR. 1 Physlelan, Surgeoi 0 .GiorSet it bSTeeth fillcaa-ed loca.l 9noallia. Ic au'gliew block, over Risgsrset, Oshawva Saloon, Brock AGENT pou 1 ai Jenatism WoiienS. I1TIRGI TUB WILLIÂÎI (Succeaar lo Th Rave helg t vork. A e-ifRla Oferk DiLIJion î W hlîbyk O t. Ù.2, iev .. FALICIER8 -il A DAIWSBLOCK, L I':!l s eu0tos an SWITOHES, AD FSHUNBLRAL RN wiîîsS Cobl5, Fine ANoDen -aa------ -0 . FRIZE, R~T riIT8, Go where yo) u nget aWi-tùgGret-o i E., naturel (Suris. "UMil bain evite s aw tsia'GEORGE - È 0 i.Plae dn'=b sleb avas1ir&.SUEIO CUTTIN(à ' 8 itÂpE~TE 'B c f pes sue, mesploy non ex. s r -R nie. MAX JAilon, 4ageStook of Fine lolùm; blut glscohsn 0laiu O'.~~ m 80Qen st. W t. Twees . x oflu verc na u poui os tm eu 1s.î-cauntry ord <J sptyntmeqste WNtoZÊu' rseit At . -D.' BEST'S Ppresp G Si iJuaB _____________ s i d toi I Il fffAxA.,ý' « Wb 1 Oct. Ist, 1878. W. J. GIBSON 1 Whitby, 0, 7,-'78. M.A.r.rr.rTzýEMI-W Whitby, June 12th, 1878. Toronto ! 1 Ke- F 1 N-E F U R S ly-50 ý !&ces WnA. 1 BUGGIESj

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