Whitby Chronicle, 28 Nov 1878, p. 2

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bringing a fer, guëstar "d I)riu, r r 1991M m'O gow, in 3(o 'L'je bvj3llnyo Fort pé au", ma, Ag 1 ma 4ffl te sud thé -vie r2y wiagi not, expiai tkat th 00 r op ris xa Ir t enter the barber belore the t morn. rammu - 1.1 1 - -Oc=. &Monggttb .211neht, g, deme qk Wer Party- à Timaï L4 elqe 12 -on Jug, ter-Laing vm u ýr0M TE«MU7- 'A board H 'Mr, Woo &W, Chgoqq#,i- for in t ýKî P' Provincial opord, sww - 1 , 'w 'w -, Do Thu» earinat 4 it ef& f , f ný, dehïïi Wore 22L; ý ýý_ ý - bfr. Hardy, Ilrovinèjal Ukh vàýagû. 8 »to le 1 1 ro The pflucà k 8 n i thilft -Front "a er- _Z' -upto-4âe-d", au befonr-*o trfviù-swj- - bick 9 0 MQ1 Of notug, RaýIway 'ur. Win. most of rlY.&Vre' 4.cý - 'ý Se , À a the. #Uil" *ère tâ n do Pâirbý ý r é , WIL Desta iwa g af mu9la a tier Ibo P'ag As omet tu os a W. Z' J. Thé following je the veueI1g,,ý Ici ifin 001 0.1 n nt Gambetta pabstaendacur2m The rinaîlýft the intoiý MIE 0 ýbfri'c.' dbtidg, If. willafiew th weàthëi abc hagil bc followed ýyeîrà Porw U 0 à. ýÈuIe. a didiriy 'ta 0 fe "Ibo, iwh4a4IJt,ýIaýJM, P., Mr. RdIgel" 4 i-Pregildi tý'MIdIûDd UrE, 9- igimants fa Fa;w. 10 il ta enobunter - xcètiewy a a Iler official &Mmco'nýt f tue hi Do 4 Vq"%ýq1L <- With 1 mite says, Dëý -msrdiýt0 Wg la hâù; Prýa1àe L bUdlend Frid» with -_1 , +ý" 190 tjp lo au ex urw 4î Ion ýfAïorecoms-foruilà 0 subjects 0 FO ti'toq "a igiLo ta drivé ectifiè mer" Th oweil. BOVIV0 ý bliý,Blom. ni Dberýlesvinà movule, ixpérune. n tIqiiý 'Ci "tt* thé! filisb mai] ùtuo ,,Catýd And 4binet Pl t A klio,,ýEng14 L bd Com 1 beavy weather from the ýorth-èut, 17,26 ndoý- 0, ', pany, whole n q site mogi t6iýktui that the Cho* 38à. '76 -ýny ho New.?ieiba which.continued during the Thon WaL - _fýO 0&ýtàinDr ààuri",t 1 Z, "211 lio.0' 0 t liper, Mr. f buoëmor té the noble Earý-whq Sleigh ....... lo 0Q un the 0 or 00-opem ut Ofý,tlS, next'day. ý Che-, ! ont U W xi, ii * 1 , ............ *a ne, sud i2ain'èa'piitolo., Va;uabl- 1'Àrm flot u ýVl(î Preside t W tbYsi x 0 s'os en < ovemed De for, file past àIxý cri >8 75 o Win oeieÏ I»ayfly, and, tock in,1"4-; bodies àuin D'POU a "Wïiuan Who lai- Irtàoiücm, kivOI&T rdiocroËsl3.« B' th fired'ât the* rd ana misai ailbe;tl 71 êtroi, the 1 of of Gen.abboris taville, ure, 'OU &,Idgb place Ï6 iauiiiiLà IL Éo'yi. Girls.' Averg. Id M Y XiLýZîD 'A soi 1W. e te *4 »geournd re,4sý Wall 'r lui 'tbe"alàbo 1 th sovenigu, and Que whez, il i - la explosion mi sois il 8tXýý, $20 -228 kt, il an -Ted, uAn idne-Geo. 4hé àùd bfïrii (ýatlàp.ýell 169, . '. _. 1pe Up Orýepd,.o1 AOô ÃŽ- finer weather sud thé mai @ratio Oluwvaw mina, ?a 79 ièaohes.'- Thi d Si zDin mi ý_m ý a, miner càdààd"» th'the ý;î4 1 - '4t J. -J. score the ship made a geai si .9 ai. 8" 00 50 à Ãœtly -62 84 k 'Mbere.were ai 'ÃŽ!Ëbe ley prose" %ood JfellýWo' -üîgý abe iýç' wiiib P. M ori liortii-W 2101 eaat ta n te ýpruma,«àr r. age of powd r -in the spécial oim t uni -ofý' the à men were thé, , l' 18hoq StrayOd-Mie),ýoi Fitzpâtrick V fiai HiWýý Ho or Juage Royal Highn»8»ý si hoi àu&iýèd 01 sé a -i Thiriedf, mue At 'thé tim'e. portant obus fi owell, unty At- ibis Dartnelj'#,J. IY*om th effecta of thé lut two anearu», thé BraALMa TB£ Couimous ýàr tilt ;*lit or lors, gadeo, Who' Severo tlt4 t, Fortmi , b t librasi c"fle,1112 lementf, ti au deys. or alty Lors, go to bar ýqqeph, ouffered sa do fr loir 14 of the 94 ý"" an Ur- ipro ortyý14t4 Geoloi Monday, 18.-Bùbý 811, àI4;ý ha 81wokii 00, ta lives bang M uder bai ait stukas auctionisi uxpg4cý boiý,pý4r-&,y-. At Port morning, broke with - a Êtrong brièze gth in sud S despateh < an of addi 01 thé'- )XetfiOdlot 1» ýibread. Tom y Perry, M 40= *0 0012411 thait bind mg$ber Co the, = Ove, i e.ew î r. westi "30M a b &et à Cf ong trigu au'OTIO?;- SALES, hoav7> squatta. Thdou M Zai sud, a 04r ftous the; togéodea boi I B. b Ut'M Troucce and Ur. ul. terré stealitu ut t IY ý ý»r0È4Qwd n th '4"Su'ý't - ' - tranomjodce-.-to 'M'un Of t eý81a d£!W ommed untilnoon, *lien the 'galgé hé rmport Il a «rryiUg Ai l' 1. eýil -soi #omi th od'Stallfon,,'drau'à « Ait tion came a it appeàrè,'.ý îÎtre; t. Ait Et a the or iral lt!,gbtesoi wÈo11ý suspicions thit, Xié Pl W;, ait whoevër sk 49f Ju Deani maintjopoaù and ýfbretopeâU) 'atd eau., lie. Il -_ -Û, î 400 foireti a' Iii 'herffeu ana colt8ý t4bronflâ- mon#$ 1 CoLôkz sud dàl. Deacon, Mr. 14acdopald, r. Boip, iug.àUo &--very beavy ýcroâq ma, which a il there boa Veen sla en ý'U8 à k f Ai froin the eol-'-ý ' ' - ý _ý C im- bc Thé pyëRqrtîýf Cours, ougincer Vicýoriâ esilway, r. Barr broke !6ver the vassal fore sud art. uctioilo.' !ýý*àtjèh *aà hapt, and lut. Frank Cânelo'(aolored) bu 1 One ses stôve in the smoking-room. ledge, va offer the tkibûti of ouï Çivéit and storey, At their promises, lot of the Pott, Mr. Flô od of the à a- ù1Qrnw,ý: spoèk: wu,àmown 4aý ted al Quetfài àîiiýed ýfù1, and 1 il affection" ha 'taiti4 t , ey-gener in- Nn. 15, in the réer a rge. nýrnbeJ of gueule The ahip, roi and fi . a ]lot, va oome 0', thi sl"Il eilvoi4tý) Ãœth êoù,ý Éloker. and A la a hosvilv. Poe 'tnd4mbi aistaüt; Tho col illg, On Weduogd th;-1878, L? sois 011, and ait on board suffering te couse. - edm j, her.mê m Oý 100 mon dire Big White et J eneiIon 1pýIls a Mo go àbd ber grap in a wai-laddebi.e2 10*irbtit2km,,A et, onëïi. ta intnoeut quence. Tho gale begau tb break Mo > tous beai enclos Offeringsi 0 wau 'ail 0 i a et ai, igirther. làeg war a', classeur oôtïotitute a roi tected 4u bis Ci practices ai th àdditi ne were, sas, in- about 8 p-.ml 0. 'et witi Aui iw-léltýiël rai bouge, high.grade Tuoidsy, lgiè_jjsb J84 miles. AU tien hich bu long beau known ta Ci service. Information iru Wd A proclamation çattle,ýim cluaing Mr. Banal r the FergelIOU Palla biglât ithéi, next, morning the ses rail P' > which has YI@Wetàteo 40-jAlie propoi ib a of Canada, 'W TUE MURMEUR beïen-T'es4toýhe, 1 tbe illite Col Ilopkint, un lot sa i J301Y. very ved tu Lýî#1 ti -before the mai[àMtoi; by thé 0 ýC4ý - r-»ol ti Dowp Gazette, and gr.,: Sewart - il ýhû ý:hèaviIy- Towards evèning the the ringieu> , tui gi"nal New River murder. that wae lÏilý 0613 Robson, sud - V4ý lie Wbl&bY,,DOU ýR4fIWsy bridge, asygeon 1*dýpend!ig4. Thé gaverai gsIgî!hadýdiëd sway. atdýalienie thetth tiueçt d IMM on Ai -by ai bas mhao thê followin advi Confessýan,: Ameerý end 'riduudAro Ë)eo. Otiâî"lti78.,L. Fait. -etationig-from Lituidu y north, V Weanesday, '20.-Itan 885; miles. of t4ose ta 0 ê Aâ, na Chief Constable liryan. Thé -Il klUed Wardý 1. the val ey wheyë 'Ida mgiw'st, Biowing à, ýmodûrstô gala, iýoM the OrOUXIY nobeenW Widéntit hotte romains wers li I killed him opated,%viih evergre3ne Nuil flage aud p before B., P. enatil with 'Coýlùtün numbiiis fjlàlo of bornées eàtýâin; -S :uth 6a8t. mer Royal Ilighýe4o bat- 'y, t k 4 ay ý neýr'-sae. 'Ward -OU commanded by waubing tnsj At Haliturtois, fi' où an eq le wl ere the 8ho 11, or bines, 't. d. 9. #116ois s'.0 P., 'à . - -'d'il . 1 *,08, àh1il, "eh 'r, ciMed,&11"11% Extellenby WAY tu Mi, Axe sud Pltèh- Donald Stowart,'j eârtlagoe, c4ùfllsoýhôjjaoliolâ nid tra in ýsrrived on tim o>, nt on Bay 1 6, sud x8j -or lurper, pAq. 9 '11141évé Of k w Io clocký ThiVodiy, -21. 822 miloo. '. ghneus His éboicest ýblïiii thé for we met, We bâd saine bas liftmbdItan es 'l t lto.*.Jtly koceivod Frooli breezé and elondy thrai home In canada may b a Town on Moniby. The charge having words. a m nid ' r é ât me with the fork, On the 22nd, gi 08bÊt âtiYO, -1hindsa St' thé viiit0riwcte a Whithy, ci, fiatqiday ý.XGy. sdtb.,4$7Ï: hom of hài and oontentmiht bytbe ý lnhabitahts, who liad orce'ted Wind oouth ta north-west. beau read over, prisoner pleadêd gui,14, sId I clinCilleil ho axe and killed him thatofAu Musjid; Qn- P-w- Il. rafibiàk Fridoy, 22.-Ran 810 miles. îÎtrong and thât you mai b 1 ý;ý 1 thon tookhii by the loge and dra tikon by th 0, Auotidàoer. haudaome arches au 1 ther a '"W0rýo"d' ànd'wag oommitted for trial. Mr. 9- --&Wu - 1, dis rations en Oý the privilege otateto brecze, and clondy throughout. gai him ta W. arc bis re i $ale et Patuble faim, at ilsyoq bothl, in houor ni t'lie aven ý. An diliose Waà Saturday, 28. - Ban 810 miles. wh, yon have beau éfillea. Farewell', Conuty, Attorney for the M mains wore a brief endout'voi lown ta. ',Ward Devoir saw bina la stated thu 800 bt'Wllitl'Y, on Saturday, Dec. 7th, premntea the meinli'rd or Strong breéze train nori sud ertér ho ille âbvern Bis ExeyLL-Ucto âBlit, loft thOibbusà tilt elle oaw him the occasion of- t filent by Mr. Niv4p Warilon or tlie hazy, A ood deal of fog about. Hier Tho Uarqilis top'lle'd 'raut Aub siolt'tzt(Cxi fwthâ Wood net any o» aise but Karion. '.Theproc concemnion P' lckericg, Provisions] colýi'tY nf 1-laiiburi on, ai. Royal Iligli,ýines-0 appeared on dock for jug a élear voicie, a apparen ly The pti»tiist, apeck; *as tried Coule MY881fil, Oro of In" diroi 28til, tarin stock, itu- proiloiva or gratefuloums et trio P£ cuulary 0 P.M. rrived at sanibritil nt W41 aub foellun madly bolore Ma Ilonor Judge Blirn. 6BODJtlb Ct$.NýEoaloir,-In a second of lewar on the eùifintî, 4»e,, proper Her Royal Highnefiq bas Dur" il ' syger, &Bd gentieineh cil thé otatement ho sats that abotit futir a'. mistook thé féibeï (y or Ilobt. agir. asi rendereil the rond a il very fored somewilat teveraly t gait. le4irl'aiýk,, algationfiar. lirolighout Cor the City of IlslifuI.Ll am on Wadnooday. Ho plesded aloi in tho a1p GoIrerûment for i compliwentarytoth Victortitlýailway the voyage bui elle fi now dod eraig jnoprred ltd ingi, sud y eue. th& yon, u the représentai 01 ker ty tô àtouling, $2.95. Mr. Farewell September last ho wâe retuming from È 1 me Company at the mailler tri It te conflèlently 0 al Maji t the Queen sud, In héi, 0806, oondùâtbd - the býooebhtibb envi ces , îoât wigeh the pecteil fok ee berrving and m6t a drove of cows, and minsion. wili fil)eodîly reco, et or accu tomed for t wotde équtained In y0hr foarfig work hud boeu fixectioil sud t 0 Rood v h it 1 al Crown. prisoner sentenced ta abc - t si 1WU1ýéwn s ball, Wise with The advanced hoalth. The test of the party arc «cri. Ai eh exprogme well the senti. them, ho made ý datodt ter avola him, fibitil that bail beau kept, to h Hall. ANI,'VglqTF"tj Vo'tAilg. ou Third Bogi4e'iùov mentý 0 devotion ta ber throue aàd month wfth bord labor lu the 0 D'y &0 be wae a dankerous animal ; th"'h' létifid tàemèèIvýz,1sýg Mr. fiardy replied iý ellitable tortue, Thé VoYage of no-distingiliehed a porto wbich bave over chahwurizid Pol. oame ont on ti low rosa, fit- the ONI-Y Si 50 ANN 1 UM an etiti aloo Mr. Cam hall, on b hfdf z)j Party scri the Atlantic coula 'net bc the pe, sive line6ý di entre ople of the Ërdvinab of, Brit4h, rf()Ilozlly,-j&moo Efortop, Miller, of rieing ground beýoDd thé gully ; thaï; when, retiring in the Victoria RaiIwayý Din- without incidents of interest, ftýg1 thie North Amerlbâ; dîna wbich am P' here lie mee Ward with a pitch-fork one wos rendered particularly eýentfuI au4dÏ Baot Whitbys lise been Rrreetea for ne asked Ward dors, thay ý wer, ki aée nowbelb fi teit â4d sud aie with hllm tved fil the handsonlo new by trio extraordiattry chari or the more 'junivers&lly shared th forging wareboue reôei'P*to. 'go 'Was il, Major Birch, wh W111(bY, 'rhtIMday, Nov. 28, 1878 net çv's au in Qs 'W Le Wâs ttÏug aloug haying. town finit at two Oiclock, at whieh woathel% Lieùt. Fitzgerald ity, ýhe capital of the ainoient ca- brOught belore the above bench of W leplied aven't beeh livings lieutenant sud Over therc wore somp one hUnarL.a no,, flftý The Sarmatiait end wil, ne 01 ard r ke any more 1 bey. f Ur la a $tout phiËe spec. ony nt Nova Scotis, Your eommuniýy ul attillerymen, 90*0upfjlotueht. ially selacte4 for this voyage by ras on bas, beau, I may mi s1ready long aï- Magistrates on Monday. The case was Dowd esta &VO b0eD berryiûgl 0 gueets seated. the etair t,ýus o(cupied of lier reputatiqn se a sorb bon remanded for a week fit the instance of Ward thep l'Yeu will never go À despatch dated by Hou, Mr. Wood, a" the ýt. She tg goëlatod with the history of the feint 'y said Baya the garrison -vie.E-chairs commonded by Capt. A. D. Aird of onz, gracici Soi n 1 for it was, -prisover's èonneel. Mr. Farewell, bomi 'ýàgainl Akainl Wili kill you,'ý and a precipitatoly! UrC"11co"ýN next wli will by ààlessrs. Bunti*g, Eilio and Who provea tilat bis reputatigu as bore thst Ris Royal Iligglieus the Dallé cotinty Attorneys for thé Ciown # Mr. bc Ç2 o W paso à Dowil with the Pitéh- balte be publialied on 111110 t fork. Dowd. con oued, 111 laid bord of twent -one cannon 5(14Y, in conse- Thatnpsn. speeche4 waro m4de by R bold and skilful commander le ofXent pueed many iyears ai â8ol. bfeMillau for prisoner. doi WO tus.11ed wo ded. -Conside: quii of the Tliatikogiving 1101l'lày Mes'r,,. Wood and Hardy, Mesës. Et. r saine timIllef à finally Ward Proie- well fi car. dier'o lite. It la in your elbY thst t*ýD a , et Il prisonors bai fallifig on trio rogular day of publication. liot, Bunti ried fier usual cargo and the mails, but of bis grauddhildrah boule to-dai yolt Goldi Silver and Cortil Jewelry. Dow !0gea to moite t1p énda. We walked portail the Afghan ci Adveti will pleiiii take notico sud ng, Tbompsou, no 1128011s no peugengere eXCept the Vic8ýFQqal bave ý*ith yén-I regret for ouly fi- sud beaittifill ÉLt 1"ý Tà#Io149ý tilemi ., Considerabl Dickey, Paxton 3 B, Campbe . (des. Party. very short üme-the Jrintb *bb alongthe ti ta 040ri, filla wilén we up the pose on ÈrU bavo.their a.nnoul2celmer)tn in hy Mon- ignatea Cicero '&MpýùIl ý0iî hie pic. l'ho flrst dity fil &ès thô Princése te- made thf mon6gtêd eÏdelàlon of a soi àtationM sud Solgool Books Geo. roached the gun round direction of Tytler's mained bêlow, bat Lord Lorne was on man tbât in whieh in every quartier e B. Yole. aguilî-witb the pi bfork. I ran le believed ý the Afg] qttf,,noo.) Déaeon, Bertýain, inagýelbeaut il li durîng the most of the afternnou, the globe lie bas alroady bid au opp«. Chesp, sale, and reliable, Whitfieldo the basheo and o. foiloweaffl. I condition tg Malte i rhc Great Evcgit. Campbell, Viee-Pmoident or th road, taticking frooly ta lits iiuitj ahil the offi- tunity.,of serving Her Mojesty. lie hem then seized the tir. Blou2field, and others, ail piý4ising cers af the EMP, and provin himself already visitait North Amerioa, sud let 0elobraied Palmonie Syrup. down. I rau aw à short distiiince. I 'l'bc grelit cven of the thla tnanuer in which tbc'work bn the Mel affable iTe expresseil Iiimielf m us hopè that whon ho again comes thi omcE STATIONERY.-Stock well turned and cùm back and finidhed paot wcok fi à ore ans 1 as- him. I was craz at the time. I dis- the Afghan army il tige urrivai fif (lie Mar(liiio ofisi and Une had _bCon executed au e >sed of the body jas otated lu m a týri th much ploase With thé phip. Ai'O:QO octeanidn may bc made then ra i sortait sud priced low. Geo. B. Tula y grut T4e native Hill tîibe on Friday the malle were en boafil piëionibythe présengie of Ber Boy-, . PC titis l'là-jacotis Louisi Copiouil do'tailgi Governmont to aid tho road -t its " ' from. Moville, but elle digit net leav,'e un. Highnise thé Dtiehosa bf Ëdifiblitglý,ý Ërock st. confession. 1 buimed the bât In the 13ritish and shaking tiloIr voyagni acroms the Atlantic, and plotion by à money oubsidy ai by a til 11.4o, whel, the gala wag liouÀht ta Id fid liart of the British New Stock of Poney goode et T. 0. Owa.1n,,P, betwe0n. Itnssian embai nt tti(ýirtoceptioii are -givoti la othersoi- grant of land, as a grisai colôniption have abated. Lenving bfdV!Ilo the eu. the périls and honours of the naval pro4 ro e Whitileld'o. Herat. illillig. riet un Ilopu tliat the advient of highway ta the Ottawa. Mr. Ro A, the re ptit at full speed, and the fèîsioný botter undentood thon on thi si - RO gine'q Nve ___ >.*- SF,.BELFORD'ý,CýiliADIAN MONTELY. w'.nd was moaerate; but wheu' the shores loi Nova, Scotis, for bers, ai, À GBEAT Pàpsu.--On most publie -The December 14o. of "Rose-BelfOyd's tilo Viuoregat Party te Canada alfgurs chîof engineer got unetintnd t& "for ta paid ta the 1 bly Will contain Terrible Accident 0 ghip got cicar of Liie land, the nortb. tbough!mueh attention matters now-a-days there are great dit- Canadien Mont the terri Ra botter titur)tq for trio colintry. Ilin p * art in the worki pi 1ýDa 0 ý Véry caý!tward developeil into a gale Whiob succèserni cultivation of' the lands and ferences of opinions, but the people of Chapters If 8nOdesLrcpIý t-ibeillering the c(niffli. old eailors eliaracterized as Irearfuli' sud ta the minera' arts Ibo anger Of the 0" ali algues seemIto be quite united on l'Under one roofs masterly and par- TUE KILLED L e the is bravçd, as on the coïste of the Other a tinen ah, the ship laboured haavily. On , 0110 nestion. Every p iâoil *bc bas t aper y Goldwin Sm I)frITII,-Ai-thur Wind. lllt!nts-atid Il ell de erved-héaped follôwiDg day (Sat-,irélay) ther *a a aritin ' ae Provinces of this great colin- 1 0 p f ' g anista question, a deliglit- On Stin(lay--lnorni riort a youlig-inau employed as brahs- upDn llitri, and the grée confidence ex. hcavy sens and the Priucesa esuffercil tMry, by thbunande of intrepid màmc13-ý ànd Weekly Siar, of Montreal, is the fui study of bell by Walter Town- lision teck place et inan-on the WhiLby Port Perry 1, Lititl- presceil in hini hy hie couipan nd, au able rev of Mr. Stewart's Great Western Rail Y. droadftilly froin cea-sickncos, àuýwas Its pablileits fields are niadO tllehigk- very bout wookly newopaper in the send, au able rev 18aY ltailwaY, was; neddontally killed on The uiràutic.n of Xr. George tsid. unable ta leave lier bail. Towards way of bommerce by yotir hardy sait- countrý. It fa really a publicatlon IlCanséla lieder t.le administration of New York and Chicai the tracli: nt WhAby Tuestlay uiorning. law,É; name wag tlle signal for hýurty night tho gale began te abste, but ait ors; its wGalth ig éat]2ýi-ed by yotirl 11u,,,,ýnTom,,,n can well afferd to do with- thé Bari of Duffe 11 by Wm- . Bat- It appeau that the He was ougaged in coupliug the cire elictiring and appftlllo. Much 1ýegret the pasfiengers roniained b 1 t id lié, &c. incoming train keeps elo.w, as the gallant ilshermen ý and the arts ot Dai sk i all in &Il, i tray, s it bas no equal. bëàtitirai etil by H. L' Spon, takes tbc siding at th sea was etill beau. On st1ndaYý the igation iare familiar ta ýmany âmOngý The price la ouly #1.00 a year, and cer, an idyl by Fp 'i flic rai worlielinps when lie wns uxpressod ut bis absence. A 1 the wcather was bright, ftnd gave promise Your population. Althcukh gens Of thO ý Cauvassers get oplondid commissions' DzATa SEÙTEN COMXUTZI).-Tlie In order te allow fc Ii (iriltilleil I)Qtwoeu tilfini. Ho cipir. speakers mentioned lji'M narne-igi the ofapleatiantglay. Divine servicewas Sovereign have before thfg d&YVigit8d, Itispublielleduythe FAXILT HERALD cý 1 ;jtl*l)ei'c)rutlieurrivitlottlio(loctor: An higlicst terme of prWigo, and hal 110 lialdin the forenoon, and latciqthe the Shores, this la the firit occasion 61, Publiobing Co., Montreal. Whitby, the Wellié,nil mnraerer, J'a, station, and is the du lit(itiont wagi lielil by Dr. Carson, car. been presont bc wotild 4ave jusi r(aeon 1 sfternaon the P . iincess ibppeare4 on which aî daughter -of the reigning lianes ' ' been cominutea là imprisoument for lust arriving train ta 1 Id k b seemed very mucla shaken. bas mon the New World, I rejoice Steamboat Collision, - lire. la on the crossing b Olier, end the following verdict retitrn- te réel prend sud gratiried ut the trMte Darly. Lord Lorne wai on thatthellirinceso lands on thio conti- -Col. Jas. .10il : 'lThat Artlitir Windsor, kilied Pella hlm as the succepeful promoikr of dée With the other ladies of tho suite Dent Stiong the people ýso loyal and FIFTY LIVES LOST. DEATIÙ OF COL. &AWFORD. morning took place lit the Whitby, Port Perry'& Lindsay the Victoria Railway. in the After part of the day, and seem- thoroughly worthy of the Britifil, Dame counted for in view ai, ed te have suffèred little from the ef- as ore t4e inhabitante of this remous The Hamburg-Ameriesu line eteani. late Lieut-Governoi of Ontario, died at tiens. As both the di istation at Whitby, on trio morning of The rond was pronc,àvuoil as ib fects of ilie wêAther. colony !sud I apeak but Iii for lier et Pomera Schwanzon, Broekville on the Utud inst. of the eastern train, the 260g, Ntivoml)(jr,, 1878, tilet biq respects adrnirably finishod aud1ý111o5t A TE11RIBLE WOI.I]C- à when 1 ëay that abc is mugh moved by deatil auci(jeutally tlirougit carclessuess croditablo te all concersied in tivD n. MOifflay t1awned darkly, the weatlier the kini of your wèloome. For 'Ath of November for Hamburg, and been established in Mapanee. which Sailed from New York on the Poon HOu8E.-ý Poor House liai; main line,*are disable, ou his owil part." Tho duconsed wae a pletion of trio work, being overcast with a breeze froin the my partil thankyon for the fiattering tic information upon arriveil ait Plymouth on the 24th inst., 13ATTLE WITU À JIUROLAR;-A daring btined. lio. 12 trai Alliart, active yourig man of exemplary - The train lefl fer the south ad six w'i which gradually incroaced asthe monner In which you hàýe spoken f i came îat'o Collision last nig4t &bout en time at Q fi W t,'hst'uti-,' lie lAd beau caly &short O'elork, arriviug in WhiLby shortl3t'.be -1-y-- d-la, --a or as a V ne il t a terrific gale, _;ýhe My acceptance of this hiýý-of£Lce. and"I finie nit Éli. -A -mima , ; ýeMp ýIF-0 Worth hliiâlý - S ana -Difflr to CUl ix or é4ht L -iâ W 'Man to CM' frp lor- stops the pain of sa &p cSu bol ana ýinvÀlig ce M 1 lEcIl 011- sale tbàf ïfie Nor",p un îïe )bldwn é;ii am 1 no otheàýj - Sbld-by.",Ëlýte- e dm-ý"P" 25'étuti.'(LNORTMM YiL&Ni Toronto,-Ont., Propzietm Ve lr1ý_ ýl ý % Wected and El. = si 'Mel sait YÏ s, Corna, and alulý à of skia Udns, - Th =Sjieig guaranteed Fe i6a 16 eym mu er W. B. Smiei?& Whi by. _t :33 are thoumd gl in the %wreugi one, et *Pela in as, ýMuch fa 011, le ellow on fi *Itbtmt"à rfv4L por ilt in wondl miàtivè,ie S&NI hall - = eté., and lx the bout -&ka Uât, i For Me b wbitby, Md z mubuin, iiontly Torl Mal. p tke borweds in gSd 1 Yeux Life *ol xcl cents ? kaem pmails everywheve, &mil Wy complains of Boule- diffesse e, hoir lig. ýWhejj da, thl qj>_ tô get won ;4- no* ta gay plainly 0 person ý in ý thio ý lètria , "t la ngwith Dýsmsî&. Uver Col audit-ueffecto, eue as, Indige& - ven relief and If you, doubt thio, go to yblir B. Palu &Co., ana, ;ààkiplO oitlo'fér*lo 'CýeUt1i and cents. 41 lt bc dàe;- a axe logne 7où arc trlith à cough le proper remed ýE4CY£»z),S pjýç- Uul ýThisprfuoàt aui,ïower- lady la-the,-âneat cural agent or an Colds and those bronchùûý&nd iry com;luints ar ang 1 « - Coid. a by- '. &. IW.hjtteldf ojwmiot, , mil, ail déïl . lai, Plus M 1 Applicable «in, to in- won as adulte. ral gîvl pleill te azaw 12 tO AlPtioles WhiCh are desel Public Patronage, Probably _iýo, îler ol to ýjhe pUblicr-'bai à the samé al as Gral t Red Il ce GUM. Peroomally 3Èeak cmruy ., fig value *sà, ,aongh rl bal used it , t bene:ât. The sale of thié asSgrUMed, enorajous . propor- Jùê advice tb the publie, il large vÃŽitneo if theý ehoula au- ÃœY Contract either conghe or CA 'HYPOPROMMU.ý-The, ,medicirte.acto like, magie -upial, tbe "trez4#h and* tite, pro- und and refrasl; and =_ ,ne, vigor and energy to le wholë For «msn= n 'l hmse ana ý throit, dwe il in 'the béat and My knolm'. and it in da le Cuy 1 Blood Âgenill' For sale T. 0. Chenlist, whiflily, "a A1ý1.Al 2l"b, liver and bowela are ti- 'tional pins. -j"qà Foin, OU opportuufty of ptocuring gtýàndard goolds mie rning the win(j ba'y shift. eau terrifi a V. -art m-ë-a--su--rè 'laveU rab ho Exeautive Conneil of t ther colum'n. The remarkable succous ;vetr,ý beýi; 'defrauâe« by eh tl rad JO.0 L fox, 2 owls, 21 partridgn, 1 , low ý),rjce8 Tll,,,tr,-",Itaiy,,, south-east, ana wae quite cellency doliv ta SU of which Hie E z. i f The Living Age la well attested by b ;ýý A like cýmpIaint of short- ashed frOL;mIoptehosoii net ho neglect ern one over a a Se lies. 1 [ào filet thât on the lot of January next age comeo from Ot lect a ered happy te 0 t tý ria mpoi -t- y te a alla the other jumping go R eting faut the diyltj i ý b (Itlck,'l Hoa and oyer 100 swall Ad the gouda baving ait licen ii b1rial, The Princeits made a brave of. Au inteà nre inition te hie i olume, It affards the Only satiofàot0r* Simcoe the question à? choese factories tele coped into the ad t Êti dircet frein Englend, thie Rango Of proose In various parti; 01athe Conuty of rails, The baggage-ci birds. nit leave ber roorn, but ber dino was the presonti egins its one hundred and forlieth a cars, the western cellency after the addremês, of a de. i y complote compendium of a ourrent is being agitated. ýt la stated that clas groat weaknegs etill continuoël, auci.abg ppuztation of ?41cmac Indiana jwbo wero 1 t9raturs wbieh je now richer than ever Orillia je ta ry in the spring werc the pour emigranti Mr. Lira Ilrosident of the and net on)y fregh and seilsonable, bit scon retired. The Other ladies or the Mr uý bought in &il If .,Uu&rkot, will euite rose, and with big %cellency, bail introduced!by have a Brown & Pattergau Manufacturing CO., hei Pri . J. L. Bul or with a iýfbre in the work of the ablest writers and 00 la Stayner, a Bradford will tseotpfiierceetoo, athned atlhileinetteorveed cccuPied the chair, Fuil justice boing bc offèred at and D'uder-rfgular wijole. a plensant time during the day. fewremarke ta the followin, effae- Il topies of interegt. It merits likely follow suit. . day commenced with a light-west wind MAY IT PïLXASE TOUR Exc LYNCY.- etraenfual attention in making a sélection HoN Mr. Langovin,'PostmOstOr Gen- wood' among wl"ch wel donc the 9009 thinge provided by sale prices. and the weather bocame pleasant. resding matter for the new year. «SI, bas been e1écted by acclamation Inn';ZlOd And aying q "Mine houb" Mason-who bail every- Princess grew mueh botter, but did net deptitation'of Micmac IndianF, in cou- a more numercus the poriodicale in- baggage and second el tiiitig of tue best-tlle usual loyal uni HON. Un. CAMEROW.4 EýýLFVATTO-q Io go on déck during th6 satire day. 84 veying ta you theïr Io SI an fraternel a ad, the more valuatile becora;fs a other train wore broug patriotie Loftlito Word proposej au TilE B"CII.-The press of ilie couifry Rte, however, with a tolerabl y Mr. Patterson bas re-nominat- station, and are both ce a ap- 9 a appetiti, gme«ngs- The,- belong ta nd repre- rk like this whieb, in convenient ý1ýia tiropriatoly responded t?. Speeches, w4h extremoly relv èýxc6pîjOns, 6peak and was in good spirite, the 0 ose of the sont a Very 10 tribe and at emali expense, gives the ad as the Reform Car @ te for West the former being'teles voyage being go near, and the prospect oàlng ill t e fine qualit es of the bëot of &R. Ita importance to Ameri- York in tile Ontario Pegislator. whiob were roceived with -doservea ap. lu complimentary terme of Mr. M 0 carriabgi a gforittn oe:oemtph1senteIýý pi muie.wore made by the cýairman, Mr. Cameron, on hie elevation ta Alizonquin iace. One at ledst of them dit, readers eau hardly be over-estimat- owing te the discobtinuance of the of reaching Halifax liait dey good!. passe train eugine-driver Joi olleètion da, n'a no other single periodical enables works on the Thunded, Bay branch et Francis Clarke, Mr. James Shaw, Mr. Bouch. It le only bis dun. from thec 6onth, The Princees was of your much thie Saturday broke hazy, witil the wind stili retainé a very vivid roc te. cri , &B dose this, ta keep well inform- the Pacifie Railway 411 the workmen London, of London, had guise of the graqdfatber much recoveredi and in good spirite, apected and admired consort *the Prin- eâ n the bout thonght and literature have left, the majority. and lait arm broken, au IL Garrett, Mr. George Hoyle, Mr. IL How i8 it that Taylor selle Silvà partook of a olight breakast and lunch. case Louise and they are affi delightea a b il face, Suit body. The d the time, and fairly abreast wit t a and the south 8bOt8 09 Lake Superior. Collison le badly scalded Harvey, Mr. Josiph Muflýgau, Major ware sa allés, ' BO[), andin the afternoon, it being sa. ýýudànts la inent liv» p 2 We cânnot Boive tLe ta know thât one of bis des wèrk of the muet em mg Operations at Süvert jalet will bu ac- and conductor of No. 12 Ilarpor, neuve et the town, and Others, riddle and can advîoe tile public tà takp 101108d Ïhat land might bc descried again among them. They sr a aîmp wîitero, tively prosecuteil dullug the winter- before nightfal, appAared on dock for a lel Sud @OMO goud sougo were oung by adv artless, tinaiffected race, pos*oeing all Fou At Mi0hipieofon jalana a gang of min- 'Out 'njury- At the tir Alesord. Yenali, Mardlug, lcol, and the good quialitiés popularly iattributed !Nzw UNE oF OczAN STEAMERS antage of big prices. 1 short time, but retired before dark. iTTLE.-A new Une of freigh a asleep, and werc thus foi lision most of the pour The rest of the Party were aise on dock ta the savage, and tbey have àsked me t steainers, ers will work during- ýhe winter, an oLliero, Altogather, a very pleuaub ThE DuEr air EmzilluBoH, n ta a unse of coq8cousneo la uow ana in gooa spirite-. aüù guesses as ta ta bc theïr èpokesman in coniloying te is ý,to bc established between Philadel. ozkect ta malle ghipineta of car i the uvening was spent, and the deoire ex. reporteil, will likoly visit New York the hour the land would be-mada wore your Excellénoy au soeurancé of thoir h* and Liverpool, ta bc called the opring. 1 prooaed for the greater ftequenoy of Ilarbor Ïfter leaving Halifax, and will indulged in. Sonnainga having been lyalty for and dévotion te a Star Lino. Savon steamers of a Considerable excitement existed in cruabed tu death by tlit allah re-unionis âmong8t the workmen aloo visit Washington, se the r,,prese4'- taken at 5:15, the problém wka solved eign you represent. ad, owing ta tho smulic tfie Sover-, la go élus have alre dy bout engag Prince Arthur LàndiÙ -a cars buddled ni: of the ý*;Ijitby foundry.. tativiD -of the Royal fa mou, who made out the Hia Exoellen, 0 . 1 discovery of a Weil déveloped vela of cok-out 9 le depu. a#.d wgl bogin running the first week mity. jamthr'o light- The harbour waa onter- iniDecomber. They will bc e8pecially in Honest y addressed q Medicine Fr tation in thé fa wmg terme silver in one of the pallic streets Parentand guardians wgl do wei ed, and the voyage endied, 1- fitted up for carrying cattle on the licol IST AXDUW*B DAY.-Tlie celebration The offleial landîng took place on CHIEF AND MZ»FU OF THE MrCU,&o 9G OF TÉS tRIT189 PARLIA* will tako -place by an entertainnient st ta romember the outrance eyaminatioà b londay Tamz.-I assure you that I have te. &ST LiTz Bo mz= will 01 11 medicines advoi AT OF TUE SEABON AD- MENT.-The British Êarlisment any affection of the Thr ITOI)hillà, Hall, on Monasy everdago ta the Righ -School which takee' placi the squadron, Thera îvas a geueral have given me greater ploapru than 1 Lunge, we know of none Royal salutes w'ere flired f rom ceived no wôrds of congratulaïon which DE 988 Te CAPTAM KEN»DY. &0--COII' meet Vècember 5th, ta receive pailerS 1)uéomýer 2nd. Tho annîversary sur- 0 Tuesday 17th and Woducoday leth turn out or the people, sud. the wel- have :nJoyed in listening te es senti- or 3ity of Winuipeg mend sa highly ai; Du. il lui wood, November 22ud. The eteam- relating te Afgbanistan. tuon WIU ho pre&cbed on jýundV dame waB Of the most authefflic char. ment arrivea lut night TuÉNmiviNo.-T av- DiscovERY for CoiarlitnE December, Sec Adv. 1 thw have been exp Md on bals of wheat and 000 Il Dominion noter. A grandi procession over a mile y wi Il 22-000 bus Bruinent ]lave appoin ýed Wednoi;day, Aothms, Brotichitië, Huy in ýt Audrevii - - 1 long took plaen throtigh tbA prit our beboif to-day. I eau assure yeu - geo of, flah from Lake Superior. 'i clauroli,, *hi#bY. Boor's XNJO SHOES.-See adve abka the 4th of December, ta be observed as conoas, tickling in the th _w__ rt'sei atreeta which were gaily decorcipal that your interesta lie at heurt of L ment of Mr. John ?aundero. Ho lia aWd. lier Mjasty !the Queen, Dur commun b6 reporte fille weather on the dowir a day of national thanksgiving through- volée, etc. Tbis ruefficin Bbbere Zodge woll Hia Excellency was sworc in at the tri Captait Kennedy was prosented ivell cure, Sind thet Whf-' very large stock of overshoea bieli ho Government lianes, mother. It kno*na'u -a form4r pupil and teacher was with vory at pl wi an addreu by the Thunder BRy out;tho Dominion. aud tbere W&B sure that I siw one of yen es p Ûi f--Wâ hàý- ngregation IfIt élue bat; failed. .ý No Medi of the Whitby ErIgis echeýOl and roïcolv. solling- At remarkably low r7ileeg. a grand diuner arty at the residence sent yestoidày at the oeremr À Briàgiiort- 1 one-lialf do many po3i(ive 1 of Lieutenant. ovp;nor * Archibalil in on Ode '0" a B Other day"w in' 'W jri sir John Mat Gr, flili, commanded the lut steamers queer thi en they fauni atudent at La DEATI, air -4 SENATÃ"R.-Senstor La! th which was attended by the was sworn iÙ as Governor'-G 1 of a - by r 'a nent aurai; ai; have alread 1817 an 1878 lesving Ontario for Lake that miatake b 1 ndy fiad bègen donsld'alollea Toronto luwJust beau caste died on Tue@dSy niglit. a eveum this Domini lia others of r 1 ad by this truly wondý ar * a] Ou )crier. seîved At communion 1 etend of wine. lis tgé Princou and the Duke of in the line, efthé procesXio eau For Asthma $rd Bronchil .......... .... .. calldd'to the Bar. Mr. Rads - de numer- Edi IUrkll' Presoutations were made assure YOU tlist I chali &r., Geo. Byvel, of the ý Globe, and Scientffic men say that a persan la feet specifie, enring th( frierado and- la Thé tuent e cal Cough UP ta midnight. The city was ýb«uti- over yeur welf&r lllunilÃŽsted, The f6llovvlng',is the ,p with sep nterest,, U hall un inch faller in tlie Whftby rpmoay wu - tüoruilojg tbýtn cases in',tlic éliort*ot iime will bc rojgiccd ta hep pl tl&io tormin have ever used, 10 Whitfloldy 7' (10rmau, Of "th# ýL tioxî to au qaugually *qgêmçul cas r ad Palm si celobrât ana 1, tbank-ebùfor thé a N"*biob ]LM 11dIn lie je in 'thé, evening. In Oulu tlyrup-twô dose 080 from thé Mayor and 0 A erH4or, have purchroodi the Sarnia el boy by ali'meànï give a ill ire. Orpore- bu beau doliveià»d on r- halft to. ý ý - il thie we;kâowthst m gût, ÃŽiiti et, lieve you., tien and Me Excellenoys ieply i Ob errer. 13 th 0 ý and ex., Me froc." Rf 0 Sre ècewti ý bïe gulsrsizi 1 in the evenicà sOmeLimýÉ;. sale Adcirma of vis mayor -and Co raý pe eùcadjoum&Hdà îndý Ilý,màkotbéý by S. W. Smith & Co lu Lino CE Stobla #ici& of Zatifa. a Obierver ana of thï muet -a DOXýq1OX WARICROOMB pl com- Nd duce ntý«pii#4 - Thire !#ere4'107 Muýderî làt for'$ Wbî&fiildlo mewhô,bâd lyleli Mences 8041149 this %leu tnoti Rottorabi ýho an popular ioSnak of W«te;m ý ore, in switzèrianal p latiou qf zorn'. de gli'm, in guïmnioïd t0ý dure, , au it hm long beau one of thé jhan aoogîm, c j bMent la: ýI1at his *M ha'd,>fylo.d it týÀet the b;iý W!ý & art Mty choap. Thie pofer" For full part ni or mon iblâst. , We join Many, Othm In ion. b"n A&Zbed in t wî T for your Mogé * , 'ý "-!, ' ', .. 1ý Ment$ Tidi je de 0 17 PLE-4es 'Quit UuturNdy, ý , 1 MWI&ting Our geniel friands on theïr wore 597 suicid6o, a 0 'the mg tporatfbn' loi illi -New A tpie tioiý,1" exc da ter hui 4411 lits 91>1 And Co y XPOO u ýý,Q ý 'ar 4 ý ý Albuc» nie 4se u-tun ina î1w thày wgbivm, tium obtairis 11 417 -urOPeAn justlikolier. 'Shë eôvu $0w Zé i fi tfwly fâm Albaeu, (4,6 'X fpié Wgad tbbg lu ber Ilff'li trebgtb,ýthe stomach lo made digesting the food,- the food bloetbebeart, hommes topumptbe loodt elungs ind oli î à the blood, beaithy acas lunhealthy mugale and i maiter, thé patient becomes Cid thon by Uâmig hie coi 1 mi. 4; ntended byabeneficient maylive up to, the ripe àla âke,'tbe com ready for har- ps froný the Éusk 14 Of a man to., compel hilk-: or taï =ým=y him while etin hie legal wýirél the * il ho lateat,,'novdity of a v"- He- aetn&Uy îïade , pres fU'QI* the' - once ofher y thàatêïàecl a kill unleà the girl coniented. p'retencie of co'plyïnèý and i throwiq .,the scoundrel off ,ey -went -to à îustice and nplaint. Ho in now in jaü be hoped t'bat ho, will stay 5min Inhlature-ha& refus- lilignity'a-ciüiê foi divorce. 6t if sver à man, wants à ýen ho is c'r'azy, >o r -words to taking1their depar- ô port of Montreal for the ho Sàrdiniâzi and PhSni- saited'on Baturday. rivxD.-A.' làrge' etock of ,and School Strapý--Schùol iY ânid uÉ*àrdt;, Gao. B. ces'of Dirthèr, Mai-riages, charged 50 mils each, î B'i R T H S RT.-At Toronto, ou dits a wife of jamÉs Lockhart? ughier, DE4TU§. ,-At her remidence, Pick- lith in$L,.Fan", ipe bar- f_ DanW Iloýifr, âgé d' 65 tili à1l 8ý a ë. Detplj à )",je oirele Fleur. .......... Feu. .......... Corn ............ potàtooi." Pork.. Bùttàý ....... Ray ....... Bed., . ........... Wood. ............ Chme ... ; ....... Wool.. à .......... Lard ............. NEW ADV CASF OF ýIURBT-OLÇS The subocriber ha tell byPiibHe.Auiýd 1 1 mopeit GEORGE On Lot No. 26, in on the eut aide 01 of Whitbenej Thur8day, A the fouoWing vm Uare, Les, .1Y te Gl=cer dr&ft, 4 years old, General Purpose.1 bý Wonderfùl Lad et , by Netherby driver): s superic Glory; 1 Thoroue 1 CRIf, 2 Etearo 2 pige 4 months Jdl MiW",;l SÃŽlky Bý 1 Liet Waggor, 1 ter, 'Pitet4i, l torý 1; Séumir. Boa 210 b l 1 Box, 1 Set LB*Utlýoà-fgfngle Rame ness. 1-Saaffle lana Tarmps, Sm bu-h ftres c« Peu in St =tity of o. P es, &o., a] merons te =ention, The sbove Stock 1 Plýýenta a" nearly withont rewrv& 1 590 At om opelSi ýz: ý i U'px WhitbY, N-v. 26th. 1 STRAT SEMEP.- Of the- oubaczib wfùte V take themm» AWJY, sold à due wm» of -Nov. 27,1878. -------------- P. id. OTE Im B. c GM»ztý- A-r ïOr Order ar t"e STRA CAME into the P,- 1 Ut 1,ýp. 26, in ý 101" lheeP. Tbe üw DMVO t- pay thora aMýy- P. 0.

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