Whitby Chronicle, 28 Nov 1878, p. 3

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iloqm.t v t I ~.ttr' I JIJIl I j *¶ iJ d j 2~'l, 0,1 reà it Ir; al &a rom.d w UaSIsandy lo-e #ôusécle loum . ýMwmf le ia Ew uuu IKsr f.ùuYD WKKfI MA85 à *0 APas.......... s a u wOmis........... Beef, .ore00U 00 Oheea.~ .* 45 M 0 719 moi ....,.co..'.... oa!,os qu.. E.. , ,,,#0 9 0 Tulniss....... ......... ;,,l cele.i...............'P <9a M C arrela. ...ý .............ic500 Ohickens, perpair ....... 4 SOcM DucksaperC 8w......0 600 eosa per i '. . A0..v TeG TurkmypqI. O 10> PORT PRZIRY MARKETS. Port Pery, Nov. 97tia, 1878. Whaat, aing..............070 0go Flouc.........,..i.....800 O() Bariey............ ......040 O070 Pes7.................... 045 055 corn.. .........0 0 ' (Jio*er Boa&ed............. 800 880 Pe 0 ars.... ...... 0 '001,> cIý .................80 0 l'oL,..,.,,.,,,., ON., 8 76 ButtW.iý ............ ..o. 05 01i Eggs ...................18s 017 Hay.....................00w 1000 Boat ........ ........... 580" SoC Wad...........200 800 Chee"...eý............... 010 012 Wool .... w................ 090 029 Lard..................... 010. 012 NEW ADVEITISI~EN OASH; ,SALE OP PmXRST.CASS HOBSES, CATTI The subecriber bau received Instructions oeil by Pgblic Auction, wlthout raservt Iproperty ci lthe late rv, GEORGE HOPKINE On Lot No. 20, lu the lai cou. o! Whltl on h utla %uid1e of Brook-et., lu the Toc of Whtby, usar raiway bridge, ou Thursiday, Dec'r. . Oth, 1871 to flie y, ru te following valuable propaniy, 'iz: y a rcfx, lîesvy dmtirg 7 iears olti, lut4t Glaucer - 1 ay V5are, heavy îlrAft 4'Jearsoi lu' MAl 10 Glancer -1 (leaaal Purpace .-ay"Mars, S yeari ciii, b y Wondorfui Lad; 1 Bay Honce, a ysars- oui, by Nelberby; 1 Day Horse (good diriver) - 9 Superlor Fillias, by seotlaudg lry; 1 Tharougia.breti cuw Syens ald'- 1iTThoraugi.bred Ieier. 1 6aperor Bull Coalt, 2 Sleor,9 i'ogacod, 7 Fat Hogs, a Pigof fmontas id, 1 JTolinibn Ramper, 1 MOWPX 1- Sulky Ima, 1 Lmaner Waggon 1 Li i Waagop, Set Bob.sialglis, N ui- trt1 Ai,I fflotU r o a.gP i IL Osule Faeiagu7i, iSe -Plaloru Seules, i Cultug oz, S. cfDouble Haussa, 1 Bat et lugis arnas, 1 Sel of Flow Har- usas, 1'-Saule iand Brile, 5W1 buohelu of Toraipo, 8Me bushela cf of Carrola, loi acres aiPPesa lu Stir, à4gacres ai Omis lu otr5W,'aquauityaof cern lu stca', Bakas. Fork5,oas1et., surad other articles to nu. ateous ta mention, The abovre stock la&Ili first-class, the ia. piemeulsars unearly uew, anti muet be malS vwithout coserve; URMS CASH. Bidset 9. P'a.oc . .Sharp, 1 L , . PIRMANKS, Anoctioneer. Whitby, Nov. 901h, 1878. STRIAT SHEEP.-Csiuc on the premises ci o the submriber, lot Nô. 20, ith con. Pickerng, S Whiate Mwes sud 4 Iamibe. Tho owuaclserequesia4 tt pay eipeiss sud tskelthessaauaaway olheslaa lb b eold lu due course ok 1w. ywilh MICHIAEL FITZPATICE. Nov. 27, 1878. in*49 't101515WANTED b o hange Town .LoLts laWhtay for cone ai tavo goti îolld tan horsts, not over taon year olti, Must bc geeti workeri, aud li fair candi. dien. Applyta J. H. Géeeuwood, lu Town, or ta 6, FULLER, aoutlî hall ai Lot 27 Mrd cou, cf Whlîby .4 AUCTIN SALE OF IORSE5 CUT. Mahns hiMirens Carniages, Wmhlng. Machines, (Jiaur u aseiaîdFurnlturs, suddanuny uliior articles tata nuanerona ta ineutioetaICresby'm 018 Stand, Bondas 188Stre !hlb1 onBA.TURDÂy, Nr. 801, 187r, arteue clackp .m. Ternis of Sale.-. Hese datiCutterm il montas cradil 0ou a provet actas ; fer otiter articles cash wili a cequlrad. F.M.HRVB Y, L.FIB KS (Jua. Agent. Auclioneor. TELOST.-Lost a note oi bandiftram Ilbra or Capenter lu laver of Win. Gibet orrder.béarlug date 97tb cf Apral 1878, forer b.aam of'$98 bssczig luteceît st tbs rate et 8 per cocul, r aununi, aud psy ahabliastheOntario ~w"lb7.Al Partiesaarte îiîêty cauioueA 1iusogo. Ciatlug saltinote, saspaynn boau bien otoppesi. WU- GILBERT, 'lltlinlYockvllle P.O., ont. STBAYED. ()V lnthe 2 lu aioes of the ubriber Lo o 6î ha oll eau. piuberinjg, tour eheep. T a'wner in requested lu prove" Pruperty, psy expeuseasud tala thini swsy. -Brougham P.O0 . BLL d) VAUBEFARM FOR 'SALE Dy PUBLIC AUCTION. The uudersîgued bau been Instructed by ]Un. GEO1I UJiPHIPPteoffer for sale, b> ublic Âuctiou, aetPRÂY's OTEL, ln teTown ot Whitby, on SATURDAY, the Sevînth Vay of De- cember, 1878, et One C'cloclc p.M., the foliowius Taluabla ivida -Tba O Iuth i4"btytwo acres of the Easthall of Lot Ntimber 81, in the ThirdConcesion of the To 0 ~ ofWbtb , si mile. frorothé vil b7. TZara la on sailad aii excellent orohar a good tisae hous 0 bv 0O test ih aone celar elotrame barn ud_"Ilabla._Thora la, ûf4le trar 't J..' ,'1 amy' i ,~i 3 U ~d3'W î4-iG Fj 7' C, a' LEARliNG 1Lx * ' 'k V 9. . J a: :' ,'.C&.JJ~ i'<';IIH. r. THE LONDON HOUSE >revious to taking Stock, and in ,ord< to make room for further Import-, If E ~n4 ations, we have made 7Very -Important THROUGHoUT OUR ~~NTIR CONSISTING 0F UPWARDS 0F -D255, -0F- l' Sale to commence UU Ànd, amlyGroceiies.' 'a ,,.> ir I1J..tJo r j I .. 'a as r uill on -MONDAY, .d Deé'r., and'be continued till the end of t6hemonth. DR ci pho l afi"aaed pan nIda 1ck,1t ror War Colour, att' Moderate Wilki4son's Bloek.Broec.,, 4654y) Whtby. St, Andrw's SQoiety. Piekftingt12'b lmraso 8 onnd-ay, Bac. laà 1M7, b ..Mr. B"rq Ai but, lu 8M. Andces hrca~P. là. On MondaYYeri, Dec, 2ud, 187B, A MY L ROPKINB' fSJIC A which Dauclngak e lace Hall veos ýTi*stoceuem 1 a. W. ]B. iant ho..,adJ. q. ibeJr" WbiR..ea b lrmu.Wf 'Jnlu LA tcile'j 1 ils er. Ck Co gcx h]p o 'g 1878. NATIONALPOIY 1879. STOVES 1STOVES! !-OSHAWA RANGE. If you want a first-class range, we have it. Customer ays - "Besd stove woevar bat[." Satisfaction guarauteod. Prices low. fyou naed the best dirdng-room stove, withi oven and and warming loset or without, dont Lai ho cull on SOMETHING NEW-STONE-IRON- WAIRE. Very deurable; Sa~uce Pans, Bake Pans, Nobby T Pets CORD WOOD.-Fir st-class single Buggy, one 3-spring rarket Waggon, and a heavy pair of Bob.sleighe, new, aill exohanga for aod Wood. Our "National Policy" is to continue ho.give oui custom<1i' p-top value, not only ho hold our large trade, but to morease it." Eow P% S, -and faâ1 801 061 T-7- aÏf'il Lt I I -N nTIIAINo F 'la S ~OBERSTO~ »ook Seller sud Stationer, FARM FOR SALE::!ýli te sou11 thice Iacrea or iliereabetutus a. -~t out È fve acres et wood, kuown asithe# aid Taylor Faim gcod buildings sud' wsll waisred- uever.tfauling spiaig.situaled on'Ithe Kiaigstou ros.d, wllhlu 91 miles cf the o aa. tyTown ot Ontirl. Frtermes sud furilier pariculars apply to the proprietor, On ilie Premises. Ternms will bcamade easy 10 suit £,urcbaaer. 8t ,l . W . H. G ENDENNA . STRAYED 1 A ON-TEB )L STERclr red; haaa nck-n lft ar.Any persen returning lb.min.to th. unaerunud, or givlug aucia Information ausavilIlead *0 bIda recovery, wlilba auitably reavardeti;-sudaaau PersOuis arc cautioneif againsl retalniug peeceasion of animal ailer t h l notice. 'JL1111101E. COUGHS, COLDS, BROIÎCHIAL sud ait Thnoat Affections. Prepareti tram lte Ilest Red Sprucs Guan. (Deliniaus Flavor.) Baicamio, Soathing, Extpectorant and Tonie. SOLai Si ALL iRESPECTABLE ca<EacSTS. Sol@ Prapriciors sud Msnnfufetrers, KERR Y, WATSOrî & Co., Whalsssi Druggists, Mantreai. N.B.-The avords «<au f B egiateretl Mark, anti aur %wrapper sud label, are aso Nov. 18.,1878. IM-47 Parllamontary Notice. by, Port Ferry ant i Llua Rail'aay coin. p a n y fo r a u a o te x te n d in tl t e f o r c o n . 8truCtinuR1hefriUs tOUxbU4ge anti Beav- erton a 5d forother purpoesm WILLIAM MULOCK, Sdlicitor foc Whitby, Port Pecry & 6iu.44) Lindstay Railway'Coanpany. [ EXODAI NAION8 I o c, iv *i~ ~K ~ Begs tifom4.tome and -the public gcnçrally, thaflie has reànvoe&temnpb _arüIy lo th Store aty J occupied by MR. PETER SMITH) .A4id jsdetenruned to offor lis whole stock at groatly 20 lbs., Fine Currants for $1. New Val. Raisins, choap. 1ibs. Good'Famiy, Tee for $1.* Enest Young Hyýsôn and Japn Teas ai A fine line of Crockery and Glassware. Complote gran- ita Tea Setts at $8 per sett.* Ciloice Bacon and Hams, Fanxily Flour, Corn Meal and Oat ,Uealcoolitantly on hand. 1E'arly in December we will nove to ur Nw Store, Deverellýs Bloek, Brook Street. Buftei, Eggs; Poultry, ottos ud Apples'taken in 4' avem 1bgr, dthi, 1878. .SIMON FRASER, ODDFELLOWS' HALL, WHITBY ONT. GOtLDSMiTH'SHALL. NEWI OODSjNEW GODS ! ew 'Stock of Gold Watches, New Stock of 3w Colgure.,. Gold Jewellery, New Jet Setts, New !Baby :Carniages:_very cheap. OCloeoks, peotaclej'"Cutkèry;- Electro-plated Goods i gotvarioty, eiokelite Fonks and Spoons; Desks, Jnk- tandè,&o.i,"&. Owing to the provaili.ug business depression, the low Brgh Glvor Watcesy, I Importers Hardware, &o., Whitby. ýEE A, LARGE STOCK 0F OVERSHOES Look at the prices: Gents, from $1.25 to $1.65. Ladies' om $1.10 to $1.40. Qr Ladies' flouse Slippers 25 and, ) cents. Boots and Shoos of best niake and quality at an Lually low figure. Repairs promptly rn.ade us ùsual. hitby, Nov .27th, 1878. JOHN SAUNDERS, EW ADVERTISEMENVTB. W 11010G R APH Y! A calmou tobaca tIîEhifer You can 'gel: the MyIdie Maly? 8333, .N AGCLR LTERS County of flaliburton, FARM LOTS, VILLAGE 0F gHALIB.URRON, phu ToemInud of theiTVaoràia aiy, FOR SALE, ON BEASONÂBLE Apply to C. 3. fLmp1ELm,~ MsIgrCanada Lsn8 &àEîigzatl&., ort~.50 PronI.tst,wt Toronto. FARM TO R~ENT, Ni #tby,UÂpcal o10h, 1870 -rýactical W achuaker, -rock.al. -:00:- GBTR DUCTION IN PRICES UNTIL lst F JANUAIY.- Cad ý 1'el'dsrom $2paet ozen, upwrds. This i8 a chance to gt first-lasts work allitai! is value. Wh EST'SO 'SOTRAPT '. . N wSenery lately introduced at 19h,178IIMO-ST OFSHÂWA..ER B1MOEST',OSA. Nov Lioenaad1for the South Eiding of Ontario, North lliding of Onterio, sud separate MunWepalitleî lu the latter. NÂNms. RESIDNCE. MUNIIPALIT. EXPIRATIN. Wm. Gor4unU 8and -'19 Brook Dec. Srd, 17. J. ,W14Sl0 Ubcidp',1., rar e, Dec. l8tb, 1878. Ce entl &wu , Port Perry, Nrtli Bi& Ug, Dec. i, 2 18 78 . D 0n'a t Pei, W hby, Brock, Jan. th, 1879. E. ~. C Sm; BeavortonThoïh ..1,179 Ko ', T&n o roc ,Fe b2, 18m., y e o d South Ridig, April 8 .1189. Thos~~~~ Laakdale, orth.Ridng. Sep1. 101,189 h soulh Eldîng, sept. 10thi1879 £~p #~n~ D P0~Z ' o, North Bidig, sept. 2M Ih 1M g. ILG. ~~hOZa - #aBm,*,Oi311 879.. Tb".& LIST 0 AUCTONEER G30. H. DARTIEIJL, .Y.SMITII, 1Isq.,Mat. 'Ve4dur'a Soicjtr. iu.47 'JIaavastedluWl I YUSt Stocka, tu$ 10 an0kea fortunese'noy 4=a Bock sent tise xLuc HO! FOR MANITOBA, Eliroper-Great Western Rallway * and Connections, Very lowest Passage Rates! T EMOUGU TICKETS TO MANITOBA Lvia Great 'Western Eallway, and1 Sar. nia Steuntar, DehstltkhMlwukee, or icinCnrsliivays. .Aluothrough trolt, Chicgo w2phi Dr (l. Ne* Yock, )l;iwukee,' Q lpsca a* citles,Ù anioai ias thUaal-ted ýSiae AI Loudoni é Sarula OGüelpbhPara, Petrola, St. Caiharinea, Bravforý aiýlt0-4, -à" St. Thoania. AlecOcesat Tlkell lu or from auy lupesu t*ï cio port, via the. Royal Mail Ocean StcamshlpàLiusp'Wlie Star," "ÂAîeriau, "asud -"Bcd Star," whicb --mrythe United States sud Beian mails. Tickets. RAilway tirào-tablei, suafuriher information tram É. EPE O, TICKETS! -TICKETS! TICKETS FORtTHE MfEHANICS' -INSTITUITf[ IBRARYO FOB TH])E /tE 1878-79# are for &dale the LiL.rar andi Whitfield's Drug Store. - Two buudred ani tony dollars ($2410) 1 worth cf NEW BOOKS have beon sidded té, the Lihrary 'within the lit a eawhich makesiheco tickets more valnabla tiaa aven. 3210. G. KELLEY, Secreiany. WiyOCt. Dth,"1878. .45 O0NTARlO BANK. OthOR s irehy given ihat a divideaud N cf tiar . rc.Lupc. thc Capial Stocka!f luis Inatitution lhas titi day eu tisolareti foc tlie -carent half-ysar, ud ilthat the sainie avi be payable ai th acnausdý its Branches on sud aller ihloaudity, te 2aîd iday Decncbcbi, acex. Theo Tranater Bockis will h. cioseti troua thc 16th 10 the 501h Noveinber. bath deys inclusive. Dy order-ofthlie Board. OUlario BanIt, - Generul Manager. Torouto6, 2rd Oct., 1878. -45 The Eixainuaion ot Sacond-Claas Teieheri for ltae Coun$y of Outanlo, vill b. bela lu lths HIGH -SOHOOL, ilu-thé.,Town a! WHITBT,'caanmanclng toc Secoud-Cias Certideatea au Monday, Dec. 16, at 1.30 p.m.. Il la ludisp.nuble that*oauldatesaboulai uotilt lasCcunly Iapsabor, nteristhan lim Novembar c, et th*ialiIntention 10 prccl leinawTl~oeexaoeluafla. Oeuty Inspectai. Myrtie, Oct. filaI, 1878. (LUS4 Farms .for Sale. IGIIY-OÇZ C 8of gpoi l lad, noer faling "a' s à tati Of modbarn A«nd'outbamlld lms, ouas im IS ty Mies-Lot 9$ 41h Cottcelou of~~~ Illymihfm e uuboumegoad velI, s9i raiard, sud a ereek runulzag thraugh Fheb. aofacuau nb. sola i sepaey oriogelliar *0 suit pnnurcsr,. Fer terma sui.gurtaer parlloilr, apply te JOHN PITZPATUIOK,, S&t) ou the psme.. 111raeE I8T JGH SCoLI - Fie T be.bolCoopounaf Tutesdayv, t/w: lit/ and Wednes-j daythe 8thDec. at9 a.in. The power cl For semeai nionthasaiu I have usnd Pas. Lova' Com'ouxa raulr or iymPoaPOPTEs lu phîbai, chronié ' bronchtl sud ethar affecions o! ihe choit. ,I1hava no hsait&- lion lu itatingthaut it ranka forzsuti umnong remetiInu Iose diadumo. Z, A. EABL, M. D., I airougiy recomausuti YaaOWs' Cox. roxm BSeuror HvPORrrazt AUail-Who auSseri n y way tram diassa or wialnma ofteln", brochial 1aibes rfon~n «Mra liy . J. B.H. ÏGsgsron . B uzow'COMPrOUNDSiaR Por lHa'roc- Pm= a ted vill expeduition anti entire sat. 1af in*ucse ct aphanl, -whfalleti to y1eld ta rcgular tcealment, B. IACOBS, M. D., Lunnenburg, N. B. 'No hésitation lin recommaedlng FasacaviS' Caarouura Svaturor Hvroraospmyzs for -generaddbili y oraij diseaaotholnnsý. In. refft0rla.g pers,,o aieu* frocediai h- themuc it-raion anou g OU Is oULoln typhaiitever FELLOuws' CDoUxD auE uiw or HrrorircspmTz a ias hasbt asa.siy 1 everîuset. EDWIN <'l"Y, M.D., Amougai the discasca ;overcooe h t usme-ai tala iamedy arae te felowlng r- Ciaranle ConsetIpation, SChronic Dvineuosa Yalablle Farm for Sale. i llA5.8 OO Uhcc GEO. IF.,ROeBINSON, M.À., ~ dath 878De., t9a . b-bps <bmw ?erv- Iy meP r bob raye' ma iy -Redwution,8 STOC K a theasys- aof Hly- ne rein. la iacs ffa fooad becomes 000 WORTH' G-OO)DS eocf 2, 4, and 6, KIng.St. west, Toroto,) NEWi STUDiIO, PST REOEIVD a large ssuritaent of RTHDAY CA&RDS, 'HRISTMA" CARDS, NFRW YAR'S CAftns, IMOTTOE8, on *tf~rrov~*,r. ij NO W! SusCIBEN IWAO PLENDID 8UB6'QRIPTION OFFEJ? FORJ 18879, KLY'TOIQM, frýM Present date to Deccmbeiý3,4 1879. RLY'MAILdi di. WEEKLY LIBERAL ADVERoISEp, ....... 0 W4E KY WITNESS (M9ontrea), - per ainin .... .. . . . . . .i o W E X Y S A ý(M o# t r- al), ,- . . . . . ... ......... . . . . . 1 200 (JAN.AIIAN ILLUSTRATEDý'lEws,~ ......... 4 00': EnOuih, Âniericaav, and <Ian dian -EiriOdica1S, supplied at 1'ublishcrs, IoWet rates. catalogues aud Price Liatfre on applcaton. Adilres ail orâers- GALLERY51 CABIN T$2.00 t The iiork by the New Processe le snperior oatmgf he kid'et roue I t comp1etlýiy é àt~nizçs. h art of photography ' at Once adgéFpctrlUaè by theét4ew Process. ~Ulnety iNI:ihie ry ýGoods Trm ed ats and £B'onnets. Fashionable Milliery- House, Oddlfel.low s H-ll Havy, m i LAING &,,STE WAIRT, r ovoln% -e 5tretJ Deirils fllckBrok ~et 1h o 6'convey their sincere tjianks tp their ,customers aiid ftiçnçls for, *hqýr very liberal patrnage 'and'suppo rt adrini 'the pas t yèears they l'ave1>ý beoin .Wl4tby. Andi at the same time wish to aoquantthem thÀt- they ha've lots of odd linos that for sometimýe will be offered at decided bargains. For instance -Boy's Overcoats from $2,00 up ; Gentlemen's Overcoats rroni 37J80. These are linos wo bought 'deci4dldy cheap' n Egad 1 MANTLES AND MULXNER..-JUSt d, as the favour tô cali and see the Bargains wo are offerir in these linos1 and oblige, LAING & STE WART, iý> SIMON FRASER 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 .1, la V ol J3ook Seller and Stationer, BrOck Strect, Whieby. 1 -:000.- vours truly, -0:0 Silver Watches, i OP EVERY DESCRWTIONý BELLING CHEAP FOR CÀM.- New T'ne same price OSHAWA. IN GILT LETTERS Hamilton, Nov. 18, IM.

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