Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1878, p. 3

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w. are a oins us c Ti!he, tic 01 Me WU etNfIL V. .x]Uloeorme WCI $dy ln pjam, #1 The P.oplieWint Proo., Ther. iseuDo'Medicine proibiddk pbý'a1cIao,cr aold by Druggit, lti carnieï-snob evidence afitis succios ua on the brasat, Cosumptian, or an, Islae of th»Thrat and Lutin.1 proofaf that cii t à mra .494.-J gea a Bm ï a tlie foi 10 one tandtwy l4t be. fore buylo ier 1W ns cointry train G.rub y, 4*. wa derfalcures rer.astonhiulAg eeO suy üé. t . o8d ber S. W. B' Smith & Co., httbY. IL 81WOYsOg91s08 Pg leasurs ta draii attention to articls whch 'are deserv. Ing of publiepatronage. Probably no article. orer , êeàâd 'o *rOipnblic bai mtWlk th 6us *suffess~.G*' syrUp cf 1h4 ie $t. Uo y, wo caa peai ofg Rors.vau.a family cîmgli rome Y, bavlug oued Il with gr atbn ýTh@'sj.o J article bas assuimbedenor'u propor- tions. (Qur adylo, ta the publicat large ijt t r7 tivirtueg, if th.Y shbould un. fortunately eontraot .ither couglis or l'bo I3aa*st ALàvaic ltheworld for Cute, Bruts.., 8cr.., Ulobe, Salt acruptian.. Thus-Si'1i guaranteoul ta gîte perfect slsfotslI very casé or flooey rbtftrdé'a ýPa'1o' 5 centgeer box., j1orâslehy1o : Go,, W ltby. ' 129»Notices f -Bir(hlia, Mrricgoi, and ZDeatie..cleariled 60 cente. da,67&& ÀMBS ISD. LM&.rNG-FrRENOH .-At the rosi. deuco cf t el»'ide.'p mther, Whitby, On Wedne ay, N4 obr'27t b- b-tii.' 1e.B. Chamberg.M:JmsB Laina. cof WhIthbv. @ï .., j nfWm 1 bave th. bonor to b., Osutl.na T 0 TEE E1ET0 0P adT OrtN.ofe cf for Lhe comlng year, I take tuis opport WS publiclyaoeipdlngto tholr w1ohî lÃ"nverotsrvca.; hp Oon.lI Tourstuy JAMES iROWE PHI -w ;~y Nv 8h, iT. CIIR18 TA 8 G0OA oea aisd D uit;, i. 4 N e., IN GREAT VABIËTÈY,' TOYS 1 TOYOS Il TOYS 111 àA large assortmeut, &Il new-ohaspest Lu . DolUi-Wax sud Chine-La cl(olc, stock t&> c ooose irom. l A lino ci China sud funoy articles, suit. gable for presents. - FANCY aQpQsi 3 A large sud attractive llaIY, ipp Patterns Ottomans, Tidys, Lamu, at., Soreenis, ýcoastcool 3oyerk C, uliseo WOOLS 0P ÂLL KINDS. a Wsd Velvetxriuingo, new dealgus. Lads,. sud Mlisses' tfnderclothlg, af the flnest maire, very ciieap. toâfflep tt àtya a ways on banâ . North Brook Street, 2 doars sautii of 'tua -Royal Hotel. Whilby, D4c. Ond, 187W. 'lm-50 -INSOLVET ACT-.F 1875 AND AMENINè -AOýre, Ille thel ai o f J. B..B UR K, cf fluo villureýe-1rtuqlta", an Iwoivént. A WRIT OF ATTÂCEMENT BAS boee issued lu this 0 use, and the, U& vlààmjy ouclluBon01 i-sui .0ar ai-s ,,wI Mousbas m. .c LaiugIpue to4aÏWitiiauT Ï8DY, th I(iday aif Decemdbr,' 1878, st elevoai cf CLailata atils .,eldest daughter Cock, .mta Irecelve statemeotu oifibis ofiii. late Thas. Friuob, Lieutenant affaira sJ'u aappoint an assigne, fi they 6th New Toi-k QavAlry, U.8. A. seit. the JOHN 1UC, Pifioige, LACCUBE-.BALDWIN..On lWhit by, SO0th Nov. i87je - 2eth uit., t tlbe-Biohcp's obapel, by the 0 B1ey. Mi-. Berigl, Judge IMýQonrse, er. TJOHN TEE "ÎýAGLInT'S lin, to Fianny Baldwin, daugbtrof the S TIMPR.RANCE ;B0CIBTY.-A Fri. late Col. B3aldlwin, cf Toronta. Concert 'anud lectnelv%*Miii e hallu inthe DE'PI ' romae i tibc,,e odieti, Yuie's Blook, on LANÃ"5TAr-F."-OnTiiursday', 08 o'4look sharp. Âllarelinvited. No collection. uit., at King, CountyToi-k, Lewis LUng. Wftbyp; Dec. 2,1878. 60 staff,,bi.D., aged 5( y.aia. fUIIF-BBBD COTSWOLD SZHEp1 Eppuas Cocon.-GIUêrmrUL À" uCOU-- ,B EISHR I foiIITIN(-"fly a lhorough hnowledge a!.the. WM. M. MILLER, natuiral lawsl whlah noTIon the operattns ai uigetioan sd nutttaon, u y geu i obo4sukYvtm'îai-eunnt P.O., Ontario.- applicatioo! 01the fue pper ies of ws,!.riCavo8. îeleted eccola, Mr. Eppà has, 0o'adedaur rceemi a'" prter 1 psot he breakfast tableis wlth a delieately lV ord sud pIirebsec..uare, .Pigs. -Stace ergtWhioh tay esve,'us urauy besvy »ougiit sud soiS on commission. suaii articles of al hiet a conous us ai eay à~i bie graduait- builît ip ontil strong O)nougl~ D IISm everost ove enlu.ncy te dlesaau. un. VI WID K ,,Ilzf Cs read;r to pttacwoertoa awesk T h. PletorillMagazine ior'YtUng Folks. point, W. uafyescape many a fatal osit Ei iy depiuourslve, s!alfîrtifleed wîtii .9LA I'ARMAN, .tp'r. Pure bloadd a praperlyuourlgadframe.to 201ATA. azyPaix -Civil Sen,<ee GaeteIie-Siold ouly lu#.0AYEU RZ'rraàE Pueltts labelleul - "Lutte ira ipVo,> Ji fi cd4onaladsthtMu. Hammapatlel Chemiata, Landau, Eng.11 Lobuo & Co. have mnplendldily sccomplliih. A c A R D, .eliath4Y #et the1i- earto uponaàfew yeare àgà jfmak6e4'rplzid. Býaolut- r liC aIl rItaaraeuflr f-m thi.ena-aoreeipreinl.u 'I nfluence unrivalleul Iu Itu J.and tfloçretioz, cfyautb, nervouof literaiy mait, « beutifuf artisticaly, anS wreskeoseeirly de>r,9 bs et mnlooie',, thon ta u-uish ILis apriceno 1e ltaI Peo. I will se'a roai t at *111 -une you,' PWicoulretfo ~ta ake'i F1111B1OF ClIAiLGE. rTlis gi-et remedv The magazine i. 1,111 ai interestlng atories wae diseovered by a mimeoiourlyîuut U d profusely llIsfrted. AU iwthIi ots 01' Anîrrica, Send a foel-aulresoocî envelape plttfres b m og't artiste, making Wife' ta~~~~~~~~~~~ teBvJaa--.IsuBcica, wa' d87Li8esL and'cbeapest maga 11111. ~Eef5tNrwa,-kOi< - ine iu eisteuCe. - _ _ ildy'OOa 00yesr, frea is fpostage. Bend WITB Y MARrE pis. yonr namse sud mouey Lo - D. LOTHROP & CO., Publshae, Boston. CXX04ua EOu rà ibcz, Dec. Si-S,158 Plo4ur r rl........4 00(@ 65 60 LIV'ERPOOL, LOVON-DERRY Pau = t............... 0 9 aý0 go speas....... 0 5 138q eb LASGOW Pare, j. l .q, . .$0 7@$0911 O!RYAiA iA(8IS Rlate...... ........... 4 @00 Ilas .......... ...............W 11erSericevia anfae APse,î...............#0. 0 0 ' 10M"%i4a N' l>atstee...e.... .- @ 0iY gtaSvl *- .. .1 5 8. 0 h rc c S t P ss g , E o o y e Con................j (à, bc (hee.............0e@î> o.AeaePsagfirnad ,lasois D....... *....... @600 0taLtiE~h Dy Wafol......... .. .0o 50@ 0 Oeechîud qua o...... lkr50 @ 60 0 Evca-y ,Saturdai rm Hlfx Iletof fore quaritir .4 0 @ $0 010 on arrivai ai Lthe train leawîugWltby '9llepkins ............ . I0 50<@50 75 At 8 .10 s. m. evtryT ,-Y fes t.........10@pS iDOii ~ 'O'~rY. l'ai %,s............. 2 5001 8 O0 Cabin ae. reduced tu 088,> $51 sud $9!, Olout ............... 4 »6$5 aeccrdiug ta position e ttetomLoe Turîip..........80 90 @ 10 rate for returu tickets. Intertnediste, $46. Cheeee....000 Steerage at laresigais. .omtec........ .Sanoatlau .....7th Dec., 1878. ~ i ...o 5 0 icsiu ... 4u I Chck ,prpIlYMAR.........10d6iverpoa i Duc' part..........s ......-.-sn% li ie -fl, - eau obtaiu tickets et low ratesa. Part Ferry, Die. rd, 178. ' "*- eu. t-a Whiea,.a 70 0 85 <vade aIrttbig Ëno-,.cu Pose...............O 00 For tickets aud furtherliormation apily O.....................1 -40 0 70O to-E Cerns............... ...O1 11,2 %xpsud el..O*àce CerSeS............1145 055 i... . Y, bly Oeate ............ .. 40 5 00026 v Corn ......... ...........S0 60Y Exil.canduTel.O£N Waa d.............. 8-00 a1ouThe taudersigueîlsba enluîutué l3tat.. ......... ..... 0 d5 000'~lLir Ahles, p.............................iei acoi.i-ae eî............... 1 0 0120 0,1. i ...RAY te evetbDaoT. i le .......... 12 LIe Çtoule-,,4,, ". ..' N. 4. ir, amo Southi of-Lot n of the. AL fj'y>. - I ')"f1 ,4U> t,'; r~'~ r> ">~> :1' hi <3) t k 'N~ w ~~~GRErATi 4 ELA fRt4'iG /SALE .l , I. ý.,'. '4-' 1/ f." TH :E'iLONbON-HOUSE- b, '-'-7- -I ,"'> ' ' ~'> J, t, }.J rr~ "t 'I Previous toD takinig Stock, and in, coxder- to makeroom for iirtÊir i4rt ations, we have made J7èry Important. Re-ductions Tn4ROtGHOUT OUTR S TO0C'K PWABDS 0F Wô RT'N -o ~'- E amiI:oaI&'H.am>we ri CDYOD0 Sale to coýnme hèe ,on y vad 4nd4~1yIRoe ~V' ~*LAIG &STFWART Dpvqril1's Block Brock Streée -"sioli t u'0 Qfiv-0 y ei 's~no'M ii~~ tJLh~r c~storn ,4eùds l'or; tlieir vôry liberal patronage and support (trn'te:at yas tey laver been in Whitby. And h nè thmâwis o acquaint them that they have 0,~.o 4a, iie ha o sometixne wilI bc offéred at -decidýed bargains' ,F" iInstance -Boy's Overcoats from $2,00 Up;, GentIemnen$g O0verCoats froini %7.M0.- ThIese are,.lireu we boughit doc-idedly cheap tid De'r., and be eontïnu1e4, t1-'the na"é~'ft,bth LTth, 1878, "i J lu i 'T -"f. PTU1.OO-Rb iCAB!XNET,? " $2.00 - The worU1 -thé Né*Iê P±àes iseueni -to aything_ of ar' f'hoogap y. Cail at o01 'ana gezpi'thre by the NeviProes$. -> ' a~ MAN TLE $î ANI) MIÈLLNE ily.-JUStd us the favour to cail and -sec the Barguns wo are offeri. juwth éJTeIlinos,-an(ld Wige, '4 LING & SE1, R 1878.S! NATONAL P-ýtOLI RN. 187!, If you want' a first-class range,-w.avej ut'r says ., <"flcet atove 'wc cve; bird.' Satisfaction guarnteod. Pricelow. If you îuceed tho beit dining .room utdwe, with<bvcn n l anti wat»ing Dg 9. A fine fine of Crockery and- Glassware., Complete gran. ite Tea Sottea at p.pea-sett, -Jlioice Bace,and..Ilains,,]'ain ily Flour, Corn Meal anÉ Oat Meal coustantly on lîand. Eianly- ,in- Deember; we will move to our Nýew Store Devereil's Block, ]3rock Strcet. Buùtteeggs, iPoktrý,.ri-êtatoes and Apples taken à ÇcI4anp, 1oi5+oods. IMON FRASER, SOMETIIING NEW-ST'OWN'JROÃ" AIRE. Very aeurable; 'Sauce Panq, 'Ba1çý'-PanÉ,eN6bb4 QT 'PotsY CORD WOOD.-Fi rsticoss. Ïi4de BtgW Market Waggoui, and a, haavy pair of Bob-sleighei new, WIU' àha efor good-wood. Our A"National Policy' is to continigçtopyerourIFpUsttç~r? thp-top value', flot only te laol1d'our lurgoetràdc, b t ta' inca-càeeiU' J:- .' . t Srt no : & Brtrs I ?10re &.,wI "I CASH SALE dgCFMT-CLASS HIOBSES, CATTLE, Pickering, 8 whiite es and 4 lambe. IMPLiL?<S,,&., ~ ovuei f'liequlWt'o psy ex L' -- ~taire eeêaa thewtgwiey.vi Tii. suhecriber bas reoelt.ed'iinstrnctîonse aodlcu'oreo aw sel! by Publle>àton-o williont reserve, th. MICH4" FITZPATRIC: Property oï the haLe Nov. 27,-1878. m On§UNo2 in thelo fWutY, R2SEWANTED toexciange, Toi on tbe,,et adeainioo.the iiTown' ep dform horse, ny ovr onyxorlog o~~hty erranlway, uclgc ", ýpn à Mu not yearT ThurBsafiyDec',, th, i ti,LaÀ or LaSMPULL ontiih ai ofLoti the iallowing valuable property, 'vlz': rd con. of Wiiitby. i Bay Mare, heavy dranght, 7 yeam aid,'k_____________ in 1bSi ta<lnerj î37Mare, heavy~T" drE4,4 yegxa %oldip fan! to Clacr ;1 PDLlfTOG.R A.PHY-i' Generai oP ay' are, 5 years old,' .jjiU by~~ ~ ~ Bod.ùl a;iDy HorE; ear'a a'I, 'by'-NMTerby; "i, Bay Horea (gocul driver): 2 l,eror Nlleés, by Setande a ..~ T'.p Glory; 1 Thorough.bred Cow, 0 yerrg aid; ~L~ ~j- 1 Throzu>bra- Rifer 1 u!!ejjw uUlute a 2, 4, ad ., King-St. weet, Toroto ri,4 monho old 1Johston Beaper, i NEW STUDIO, M wr Bup~ijke, 1 Lumlber Wggn, q , , s e i ~ i i ~ s a 1 , u U S T R E C i f I V D .la r g e a so t m e n t -, vaLorb& GangiPlougi, .2 StnbbleV Pion jSadgi, IDou>Ie Moaia- ,BIRTHDAY CARDs boar P. 1 xDoubile 'Tirni ' Dril0 i CHRIST Kle. CARDS, C ua f g B ox,' '1set ai Do bl eH 1" M O T T O E S getaLbing alet" StaPlo - ar esui addle antl E- rle. o>buuiiels of,.HOWS Tuuis B lel'of 'Qf" eno J jý Pii FAlMEB,&c acres ai Pea ýsi Lm,4 "r afO, n xrat-cîasî Card and Cabinet Portraits s, r-atraw, a quantC'tonk" es,ý moderato prices. Ciildren a epecialty. merani ta mention, en , u' - di 8re ar e , hi, i. ' WliuonaBlcklrcÈ L. FAIRBANES, Auciaoneer. - NTOTE LOST.-Lot a note ai hanul irom Wl-Ia B Caileter ln1v~,o!,Wm, A comîmon tobacco WIJEN for parties are hereluy cautionr4 against nego- tiI?3J ,LAJ fmilbsrb en.~3'L E T R ' ¶~aoeiý V ~l~17t' ~~ ~isfo~~M1ta e Vlac uld ~~~~f l ~~'~,Z!5ifr rae . orb~d Ni M d I. r, 9 THùEÈ,BFs T 8'- T"' 0SELECT FYRô1'À,ND op ANY 'STORE Z IHE CoN Wet il for- CASH only; theretbre haveI to add tô our prioes., uI We, a smùall profit, anid mark tth oetpic-,cllyteyýa-besl, We have- well-maade goods. Good styles. Goa w P'I'ices, and fair dealing to kill and everybody, shaU be the constant Naveuuber 2Otii, 1878. - WA.TSON's BLOOX, BKOCK.ST., WBITI3Y. Miiinery, Millinery ýGoddès, Trirmèéd Hats and.Bonniets. aShionabl ellhineybue'Odtows' Hall. Hetvy" Stock of Staple Dry Goode, 'Wondrously Cheap. SIMON F11ASER. Begh to- unform bis ctistorner.8 anid the publie generahi1 thath li las rA-moved tempoiÉarily to the Store lately - occupied by MB. PETER SMITH, And is determined to offer his whole7 stock at greati, 'educed. prices. 20 lbs. Fine Currants for $1. New Val. Raisins, chea] Navepber 14tJ,, 1578. , "~ QflDI1ELLOW8' HALL, WHITBY ON~ ,,Ç> DSI1e NEWa .ODS'S HALL. GO NE G0008, NW GOOD Few Stock rO. Coioured Gold Jewellery, T ARM FOR SALE! The .outh. three-quariers of lot No. 1, lu the 2nd con.r af Plckeriug, coiltalulug lo aères orLtheeabous,ll e- butbount fiva acres 'ai Wood lnOWU Ithe cliiTaylor Farsnfood buildings snd >weonlb h ive ing upig*u. EitteS ute Ni po 'a dvthmniu 12milés of the Cou n.! tv Town of Ontario. - -i For terme ai lui-ter pirtienlare iep ply: ta the proprietar, an Lb. premies. Termo vwil! b. nde aS t utpa-bsr ' NOV.- Oh, 1878. W.- - 48 tfAN G1IAPS 0EDSpÇE- COUGHS; COLDS, BRONC-HIAL P. anïd aIlThragAffections. Prepared from ti.ue et B.d Spi-uce Gu M. <Deliciousavo. M( OL!) UT ALL EXOPXCTÂABLE CIUEXISTs. d o Sale Proprieoîs-5and uniacturere, XC.itc, W'ATISON Ct, BiWholesale-DrugiiMnau Guzn," catiute ourretrd t=i-~ a Mark, sud oui- wrspper sud labels -are aise rogisterel. ParlamenaryNotice,- of, Pnaor t fu.xt session b. t e WtL pauy-Por " d Ba&iiveay Com. panyor 'se exendiffrZo'imefor con- nt-otgt ei-li.ta Jxbige and Besv- ai-aunsd for- otiier nnu l otL Oober, rm' WIULAU MULOCE, New Jet, Setts, New Baby Carrnages: very êheap. Clocks; gpéèfees, Cutl'ery, Elbotro-p1ated Goods in great variety, Niekelite Forks and., Spoons; Desks, Ink- stands, &c,, &c. Owig to the 'pre'vailing business aepression, -the low prýicea «Ç ]qw Goods -,willbe found a greafr in.ducmit ta Cash purohaliere hibAril t 188 ýwhi t.> ~ iitby, April. 16tli, 1878. Practicai Watchmakn.Brock.st. J ~.)±±..N ~¶22OJ~W, {SE EUA LARE TOCK ELIG-CH F OBERSHOES -Look at the prices : Gents, froin$1.26 o , 1.65., Ladies' froni$1lO~o ý$i.O. 1 -Ladies' Ha'mie-> lipperà,5 and 50 cents. 1>Boots and Shoos of best make arid-quàlity'-ut an eýùàlly le~* flgùre.," pire roptly ad1ususal WhirbA, NovT7th,'1878 JOHN UN&, LiebeTr i atue Bidicàg of Ontario, N th1ii4Uog 9"OOtario, aâiù1ý County of/' Haliburtonf FARM LOTS, close tas àIlway, anzd Lots liV the VILLAGÊ&,'ý,0F UALIBURRrN~, the. Terminus of the. Victoria Ealway, FOR SALE, ON1 BEASONABLE TERMS. Apply tg C.'. BLOMIPILD, MagrUà«mncada Land & Emigpation Oc., 60 Front-St., Baut, Torouto. or ta ALEX. 14IVE!N, Agent, -EXAM I NATION EON -or--ýTECER The. Exmination ci Sécond-Clsa Teachwrs for the Oounty of Ontarlo, -in ilin l lb MIGR SOBOOL, iu the Town of WHITBY, oommenetng for Second-Clus Certificate, on XIonday, Dec. 16, at 1.30 p.m.. tLM ony 1ppor, no late n 1re mbter next, of their intention to JAMES KOBEIEN, Coutty Inapctor. Mytl, Oc. st, 187& (td-4e Farns. for Sale. Wm4hérdon,. J. O. Widdifield, Olement Dawes, !~ofatftCwpbeli, E. H. Cernerai', Uxbridgo, Part Perry, Brook,,l 'Tde, Deo.~ 8rd~38y8.I De.i~hh,,2B7&J ~De~ SIIIIAST5.f "-i '4<W Yç~»i:i ~fTJ"T I ' EýN TIR--E, blo T«Von go lW. CON SISTIN6 ' 2000 .1 Il of Süvor watghes, i p 1 lew ?jui iew uem mingsi ý T. SEEýl;;ALARGEý-,-STOCK OF.,-OVE-RSH-OESý i : lý "WITSON'S BLOCK, BUOCK-ST., WHITBY. THE 1878. NAMONAL P'OLICY.-' - 1 1 d'il e 4 1 1 a 1 1 wili 1- ý ;i. ýi, . 1- L.1t;mo - 1,ý U-T2lýý 1 November 20th, 1878. UN ANTICIPATION 1-l-&n IL ý. 1 -w- 1 P ý

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